#include "objc/runtime.h" #include "selector.h" #include "class.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "ivar.h" #include "method_list.h" #include "lock.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "gc_ops.h" /* Make glibc export strdup() */ #if defined __GLIBC__ #define __USE_BSD 1 #endif #include #include #include #include struct objc_slot *objc_get_slot(Class cls, SEL selector); #define CHECK_ARG(arg) if (0 == arg) { return 0; } /** * Calls C++ destructors in the correct order. */ PRIVATE void call_cxx_destruct(id obj) { static SEL cxx_destruct; if (NULL == cxx_destruct) { cxx_destruct = sel_registerName(".cxx_destruct"); } // Don't call object_getClass(), because we want to get hidden classes too Class cls = obj->isa; while (cls) { struct objc_slot *slot = objc_get_slot(cls, cxx_destruct); cls = Nil; if (NULL != slot) { slot->method(obj, cxx_destruct); cls = slot->owner->super_class; } } } static void call_cxx_construct_for_class(Class cls, id obj) { static SEL cxx_construct; if (NULL == cxx_construct) { cxx_construct = sel_registerName(".cxx_contruct"); } struct objc_slot *slot = objc_get_slot(cls, cxx_construct); if (NULL != slot) { cls = slot->owner->super_class; if (Nil != cls) { call_cxx_construct_for_class(cls, obj); } slot->method(obj, cxx_construct); } } PRIVATE void call_cxx_construct(id obj) { call_cxx_construct_for_class(obj->isa, obj); } /** * Looks up the instance method in a specific class, without recursing into * superclasses. */ static Method class_getInstanceMethodNonrecursive(Class aClass, SEL aSelector) { for (struct objc_method_list *methods = aClass->methods; methods != NULL ; methods = methods->next) { for (int i=0 ; icount ; i++) { Method method = &methods->methods[i]; if (method->selector->name == aSelector->name) { return method; } } } return NULL; } static void objc_updateDtableForClassContainingMethod(Method m) { Class nextClass = Nil; void *state = NULL; SEL sel = method_getName(m); while (Nil != (nextClass = objc_next_class(&state))) { if (class_getInstanceMethodNonrecursive(nextClass, sel) == m) { objc_update_dtable_for_class(nextClass); return; } } } BOOL class_addIvar(Class cls, const char *name, size_t size, uint8_t alignment, const char *types) { CHECK_ARG(cls); CHECK_ARG(name); CHECK_ARG(types); // You can't add ivars to initialized classes. Note: We can't use the // resolved flag here because class_getInstanceVariable() sets it. if (objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_initialized)) { return NO; } if (class_getInstanceVariable(cls, name) != NULL) { return NO; } struct objc_ivar_list *ivarlist = cls->ivars; if (NULL == ivarlist) { cls->ivars = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_ivar_list)); cls->ivars->count = 1; } else { ivarlist->count++; // objc_ivar_list contains one ivar. Others follow it. cls->ivars = realloc(ivarlist, sizeof(struct objc_ivar_list) + (ivarlist->count - 1) * sizeof(struct objc_ivar)); } Ivar ivar = &cls->ivars->ivar_list[cls->ivars->count - 1]; ivar->name = strdup(name); ivar->type = strdup(types); // Round up the offset of the ivar so it is correctly aligned. long offset = cls->instance_size >> alignment; if (offset << alignment != cls->instance_size) { offset++; } offset <<= alignment; ivar->offset = offset; // Increase the instance size to make space for this. cls->instance_size = ivar->offset + size; return YES; } BOOL class_addMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types) { CHECK_ARG(cls); CHECK_ARG(name); CHECK_ARG(imp); CHECK_ARG(types); const char *methodName = sel_getName(name); struct objc_method_list *methods; for (methods=cls->methods; methods!=NULL ; methods=methods->next) { for (int i=0 ; icount ; i++) { Method method = &methods->methods[i]; if (strcmp(sel_getName(method->selector), methodName) == 0) { return NO; } } } methods = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_method_list)); methods->next = cls->methods; cls->methods = methods; methods->count = 1; methods->methods[0].selector = sel_registerTypedName_np(methodName, types); methods->methods[0].types = strdup(types); methods->methods[0].imp = imp; if (objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved)) { add_method_list_to_class(cls, methods); } return YES; } BOOL class_addProtocol(Class cls, Protocol *protocol) { CHECK_ARG(cls); CHECK_ARG(protocol); if (class_conformsToProtocol(cls, protocol)) { return NO; } struct objc_protocol_list *protocols = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_protocol_list)); if (protocols == NULL) { return NO; } protocols->next = cls->protocols; protocols->count = 1; protocols->list[0] = (Protocol2*)protocol; cls->protocols = protocols; return YES; } Ivar * class_copyIvarList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount) { CHECK_ARG(cls); struct objc_ivar_list *ivarlist = NULL; unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int index; Ivar *list; if (Nil != cls) { ivarlist = cls->ivars; } if (ivarlist != NULL) { count = ivarlist->count; } if (outCount != NULL) { *outCount = count; } if (count == 0) { return NULL; } list = malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(struct objc_ivar *)); list[count] = NULL; count = 0; for (index = 0; index < ivarlist->count; index++) { list[count++] = &ivarlist->ivar_list[index]; } return list; } Method * class_copyMethodList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount) { CHECK_ARG(cls); unsigned int count = 0; Method *list; struct objc_method_list *methods; if (cls != NULL) { for (methods = cls->methods; methods != NULL; methods = methods->next) { count += methods->count; } } if (outCount != NULL) { *outCount = count; } if (count == 0) { return NULL; } list = malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(struct objc_method *)); list[count] = NULL; count = 0; for (methods = cls->methods; methods != NULL; methods = methods->next) { unsigned int index; for (index = 0; index < methods->count; index++) { list[count++] = &methods->methods[index]; } } return list; } Protocol*__unsafe_unretained* class_copyProtocolList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount) { CHECK_ARG(cls); struct objc_protocol_list *protocolList = NULL; struct objc_protocol_list *list; unsigned int count = 0; Protocol **protocols; if (Nil != cls) { protocolList = cls->protocols; } for (list = protocolList; list != NULL; list = list->next) { count += list->count; } if (outCount != NULL) { *outCount = count; } if (count == 0) { return NULL; } protocols = malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(Protocol *)); protocols[count] = NULL; count = 0; for (list = protocolList; list != NULL; list = list->next) { memcpy(&protocols[count], list->list, list->count * sizeof(Protocol *)); count += list->count; } return protocols; } id class_createInstance(Class cls, size_t extraBytes) { CHECK_ARG(cls); if (Nil == cls) { return nil; } id obj = gc->allocate_class(cls, extraBytes); obj->isa = cls; call_cxx_construct(obj); return obj; } id object_copy(id obj, size_t size) { Class cls = object_getClass(obj); id cpy = class_createInstance(cls, size - class_getInstanceSize(cls)); memcpy(((char*)cpy + sizeof(id)), ((char*)obj + sizeof(id)), size - sizeof(id)); return cpy; } id object_dispose(id obj) { call_cxx_destruct(obj); gc->free(obj); return nil; } Method class_getInstanceMethod(Class aClass, SEL aSelector) { CHECK_ARG(aClass); CHECK_ARG(aSelector); // Do a dtable lookup to find out which class the method comes from. struct objc_slot *slot = objc_get_slot(aClass, aSelector); if (NULL == slot) { return NULL; } // Now find the typed variant of the selector, with the correct types. aSelector = slot->selector; // Then do the slow lookup to find the method. return class_getInstanceMethodNonrecursive(slot->owner, aSelector); } Method class_getClassMethod(Class aClass, SEL aSelector) { return class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass((id)aClass), aSelector); } Ivar class_getClassVariable(Class cls, const char* name) { // Note: We don't have compiler support for cvars in ObjC return class_getInstanceVariable(object_getClass((id)cls), name); } size_t class_getInstanceSize(Class cls) { if (Nil == cls) { return 0; } return cls->instance_size; } Ivar class_getInstanceVariable(Class cls, const char *name) { if (name != NULL) { while (cls != Nil) { struct objc_ivar_list *ivarlist = cls->ivars; if (ivarlist != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < ivarlist->count; i++) { Ivar ivar = &ivarlist->ivar_list[i]; if (strcmp(ivar->name, name) == 0) { return ivar; } } } cls = class_getSuperclass(cls); } } return NULL; } // The format of the char* is undocumented. This function is only ever used in // conjunction with class_setIvarLayout(). const char *class_getIvarLayout(Class cls) { CHECK_ARG(cls); return (char*)cls->ivars; } const char * class_getName(Class cls) { if (Nil == cls) { return "nil"; } return cls->name; } int class_getVersion(Class theClass) { CHECK_ARG(theClass); return theClass->version; } const char *class_getWeakIvarLayout(Class cls) { assert(0 && "Weak ivars not supported"); return NULL; } BOOL class_isMetaClass(Class cls) { CHECK_ARG(cls); return objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_meta); } IMP class_replaceMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types) { if (Nil == cls) { return (IMP)0; } SEL sel = sel_registerTypedName_np(sel_getName(name), types); Method method = class_getInstanceMethodNonrecursive(cls, sel); if (method == NULL) { class_addMethod(cls, sel, imp, types); return NULL; } IMP old = (IMP)method->imp; method->imp = imp; if (objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved)) { objc_update_dtable_for_class(cls); } return old; } void class_setIvarLayout(Class cls, const char *layout) { if ((Nil == cls) || (NULL == layout)) { return; } struct objc_ivar_list *list = (struct objc_ivar_list*)layout; size_t listsize = sizeof(struct objc_ivar_list) + sizeof(struct objc_ivar) * (list->count - 1); cls->ivars = malloc(listsize); memcpy(cls->ivars, list, listsize); } __attribute__((deprecated)) Class class_setSuperclass(Class cls, Class newSuper) { CHECK_ARG(cls); CHECK_ARG(newSuper); if (Nil == cls) { return Nil; } Class oldSuper = cls->super_class; cls->super_class = newSuper; return oldSuper; } void class_setVersion(Class theClass, int version) { if (Nil == theClass) { return; } theClass->version = version; } void class_setWeakIvarLayout(Class cls, const char *layout) { assert(0 && "Not implemented"); } const char * ivar_getName(Ivar ivar) { CHECK_ARG(ivar); return ivar->name; } ptrdiff_t ivar_getOffset(Ivar ivar) { CHECK_ARG(ivar); return ivar->offset; } const char * ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar ivar) { CHECK_ARG(ivar); return ivar->type; } void method_exchangeImplementations(Method m1, Method m2) { if (NULL == m1 || NULL == m2) { return; } IMP tmp = (IMP)m1->imp; m1->imp = m2->imp; m2->imp = tmp; objc_updateDtableForClassContainingMethod(m1); objc_updateDtableForClassContainingMethod(m2); } IMP method_getImplementation(Method method) { if (NULL == method) { return (IMP)NULL; } return (IMP)method->imp; } SEL method_getName(Method method) { if (NULL == method) { return (SEL)NULL; } return (SEL)method->selector; } IMP method_setImplementation(Method method, IMP imp) { if (NULL == method) { return (IMP)NULL; } IMP old = (IMP)method->imp; method->imp = old; objc_updateDtableForClassContainingMethod(method); return old; } id objc_getRequiredClass(const char *name) { CHECK_ARG(name); id cls = objc_getClass(name); if (nil == cls) { abort(); } return cls; } static void freeMethodLists(Class aClass) { struct objc_method_list *methods = aClass->methods; while(methods != NULL) { for (int i=0 ; icount ; i++) { free((void*)methods->methods[i].types); } struct objc_method_list *current = methods; methods = methods->next; free(current); } } static void freeIvarLists(Class aClass) { struct objc_ivar_list *ivarlist = aClass->ivars; if (NULL == ivarlist) { return; } for (int i=0 ; icount ; i++) { Ivar ivar = &ivarlist->ivar_list[i]; free((void*)ivar->type); free((void*)ivar->name); } free(ivarlist); } /* * Removes a class from the subclass list found on its super class. * Must be called with the objc runtime mutex locked. */ static inline void safe_remove_from_subclass_list(Class cls) { // If this class hasn't been added to the class hierarchy, then this is easy if (!objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved)) { return; } Class sub = cls->super_class->subclass_list; if (sub == cls) { cls->super_class->subclass_list = cls->sibling_class; } else { while (sub != NULL) { if (sub->sibling_class == cls) { sub->sibling_class = cls->sibling_class; break; } sub = sub->sibling_class; } } } void objc_disposeClassPair(Class cls) { if (0 == cls) { return; } Class meta = ((id)cls)->isa; // Remove from the runtime system so nothing tries updating the dtable // while we are freeing the class. { LOCK_RUNTIME_FOR_SCOPE(); safe_remove_from_subclass_list(meta); safe_remove_from_subclass_list(cls); } // Free the method and ivar lists. freeMethodLists(cls); freeMethodLists(meta); freeIvarLists(cls); if (cls->dtable != uninstalled_dtable) { free_dtable(cls->dtable); } if (meta->dtable != uninstalled_dtable) { free_dtable(meta->dtable); } // Free the class and metaclass free(meta); free(cls); } Class objc_allocateClassPair(Class superclass, const char *name, size_t extraBytes) { // Check the class doesn't already exist. if (nil != objc_lookUpClass(name)) { return Nil; } Class newClass = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_class) + extraBytes); if (Nil == newClass) { return Nil; } // Create the metaclass Class metaClass = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_class)); // Initialize the metaclass // Set the meta-metaclass pointer to the name. The runtime will fix this // in objc_resolve_class(). metaClass->isa = (Class)superclass->isa->isa->name; metaClass->super_class = superclass->isa; metaClass->name = strdup(name); metaClass->info = objc_class_flag_meta | objc_class_flag_user_created | objc_class_flag_new_abi; metaClass->dtable = uninstalled_dtable; metaClass->instance_size = sizeof(struct objc_class); // Set up the new class newClass->isa = metaClass; // Set the superclass pointer to the name. The runtime will fix this when // the class links are resolved. newClass->super_class = (Class)(superclass->name); newClass->name = strdup(name); newClass->info = objc_class_flag_class | objc_class_flag_user_created | objc_class_flag_new_abi; newClass->dtable = uninstalled_dtable; newClass->instance_size = superclass->instance_size; return newClass; } void *object_getIndexedIvars(id obj) { CHECK_ARG(obj); size_t size = obj->isa->instance_size; if ((0 == size) && class_isMetaClass(obj->isa)) { Class cls = (Class)obj; if (objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_new_abi)) { size = sizeof(struct objc_class); } else { size = sizeof(struct legacy_abi_objc_class); } } return ((char*)obj) + size; } Class object_getClass(id obj) { CHECK_ARG(obj); Class isa = obj->isa; while ((Nil != isa) && objc_test_class_flag(isa, objc_class_flag_hidden_class)) { isa = isa->super_class; } return isa; } Class object_setClass(id obj, Class cls) { CHECK_ARG(obj); Class oldClass = obj->isa; obj->isa = cls; return oldClass; } const char *object_getClassName(id obj) { CHECK_ARG(obj); return class_getName(object_getClass(obj)); } void objc_registerClassPair(Class cls) { LOCK_RUNTIME_FOR_SCOPE(); class_table_insert(cls); }