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#include "objc/runtime.h"
#include "objc/hooks.h"
#include "objc/developer.h"
#include "alias.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "method_list.h"
#include "selector.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "ivar.h"
#include "dtable.h"
#include "visibility.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
void objc_register_selectors_from_class(Class class);
void objc_init_protocols(struct objc_protocol_list *protos);
void objc_compute_ivar_offsets(Class class);
// +load method hash table
static int imp_compare(const void *i1, void *i2)
return i1 == i2;
static int32_t imp_hash(const void *imp)
return (int32_t)(((uintptr_t)imp) >> 4);
#define MAP_TABLE_NAME load_messages
#define MAP_TABLE_COMPARE_FUNCTION imp_compare
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_KEY imp_hash
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_VALUE imp_hash
#include "hash_table.h"
static load_messages_table *load_table;
SEL loadSel;
PRIVATE void objc_init_load_messages_table(void)
load_messages_initialize(&load_table, 4096);
loadSel = sel_registerName("load");
PRIVATE void objc_send_load_message(Class class)
Class meta = class->isa;
for (struct objc_method_list *l=meta->methods ; NULL!=l ; l=l->next)
for (int i=0 ; i<l->count ; i++)
Method m = &l->methods[i];
if (sel_isEqual(m->selector, loadSel))
if (load_messages_table_get(load_table, m->imp) == 0)
m->imp((id)class, loadSel);
load_messages_insert(load_table, m->imp);
// Get the functions for string hashing
#include "string_hash.h"
static int class_compare(const char *name, const Class class)
return string_compare(name, class->name);
static int class_hash(const Class class)
return string_hash(class->name);
#define MAP_TABLE_NAME class_table_internal
#define MAP_TABLE_COMPARE_FUNCTION class_compare
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_KEY string_hash
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_VALUE class_hash
// This defines the maximum number of classes that the runtime supports.
#define MAP_TABLE_STATIC_NAME class_table
#include "hash_table.h"
static class_table_internal_table *class_table;
#define unresolved_class_next subclass_list
#define unresolved_class_prev sibling_class
* Linked list using the subclass_list pointer in unresolved classes.
static Class unresolved_class_list;
static enum objc_developer_mode_np mode;
void objc_setDeveloperMode_np(enum objc_developer_mode_np newMode)
mode = newMode;
// Class table manipulation
PRIVATE Class zombie_class;
PRIVATE void class_table_insert(Class class)
if (!objc_test_class_flag(class, objc_class_flag_resolved))
if (Nil != unresolved_class_list)
unresolved_class_list->unresolved_class_prev = class;
class->unresolved_class_next = unresolved_class_list;
unresolved_class_list = class;
if ((0 == zombie_class) && (strcmp("NSZombie", class->name) == 0))
zombie_class = class;
class_table_internal_insert(class_table, class);
PRIVATE Class class_table_get_safe(const char *class_name)
if (NULL == class_name) { return Nil; }
return class_table_internal_table_get(class_table, class_name);
PRIVATE Class class_table_next(void **e)
return class_table_internal_next(class_table,
(struct class_table_internal_table_enumerator**)e);
PRIVATE void init_class_tables(void)
class_table_internal_initialize(&class_table, 4096);
// Loader functions
PRIVATE BOOL objc_resolve_class(Class cls)
// Skip this if the class is already resolved.
if (objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved)) { return YES; }
// We can only resolve the class if its superclass is resolved.
if (cls->super_class)
Class super = (Class)objc_getClass((char*)cls->super_class);
if (Nil == super) { return NO; }
if (!objc_test_class_flag(super, objc_class_flag_resolved))
if (!objc_resolve_class(super))
return NO;
// Remove the class from the unresolved class list
if (Nil == cls->unresolved_class_prev)
unresolved_class_list = cls->unresolved_class_next;
cls->unresolved_class_prev->unresolved_class_next =
if (Nil != cls->unresolved_class_next)
cls->unresolved_class_next->unresolved_class_prev =
cls->unresolved_class_prev = Nil;
cls->unresolved_class_next = Nil;
// The superclass for the metaclass. This is the metaclass for the
// superclass if one exists, otherwise it is the root class itself
Class superMeta = Nil;
// The metaclass for the metaclass. This is always the root class's
// metaclass.
Class metaMeta = Nil;
// Resolve the superclass pointer
if (NULL == cls->super_class)
superMeta = cls;
metaMeta = cls->isa;
// Resolve the superclass if it isn't already resolved
Class super = (Class)objc_getClass((char*)cls->super_class);
if (!objc_test_class_flag(super, objc_class_flag_resolved))
superMeta = super->isa;
// Set the superclass pointer for the class and the superclass
cls->super_class = super;
metaMeta = super->isa;
super = super->super_class;
} while (Nil != super);
Class meta = cls->isa;
// Make the root class the superclass of the metaclass (e.g. NSObject is
// the superclass of all metaclasses in classes that inherit from NSObject)
meta->super_class = superMeta;
meta->isa = metaMeta;
// Don't register root classes as children of anything
if (Nil != cls->super_class)
// Set up the class links
cls->sibling_class = cls->super_class->subclass_list;
cls->super_class->subclass_list = cls;
// Set up the metaclass links
meta->sibling_class = superMeta->subclass_list;
superMeta->subclass_list = meta;
// Mark this class (and its metaclass) as resolved
objc_set_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved);
objc_set_class_flag(cls->isa, objc_class_flag_resolved);
// Fix up the ivar offsets
// Send the +load message, if required
if (_objc_load_callback)
_objc_load_callback(cls, 0);
return YES;
PRIVATE void objc_resolve_class_links(void)
Class class = unresolved_class_list;
BOOL resolvedClass;
resolvedClass = NO;
while ((Nil != class))
Class next = class->unresolved_class_next;
if (resolvedClass ||
objc_test_class_flag(class, objc_class_flag_resolved))
resolvedClass = YES;
class = next;
} while (resolvedClass);
void __objc_resolve_class_links(void)
static BOOL warned = NO;
if (!warned)
"Warning: Calling deprecated private ObjC runtime function %s\n", __func__);
warned = YES;
static void reload_class(struct objc_class *class, struct objc_class *old)
const char *superclassName = (char*)class->super_class;
class->super_class = class_table_get_safe(superclassName);
// Checking the instance sizes are equal here is a quick-and-dirty test.
// It's not actually needed, because we're testing the ivars are at the
// same locations next, but it lets us skip those tests if the total size
// is different.
BOOL equalLayouts = (class->super_class == old->super_class) &&
(class->instance_size == old->instance_size);
// If either of the classes has an empty ivar list, then the other one must too.
if ((NULL == class->ivars) || (NULL == old->ivars))
equalLayouts &= (class->ivars == old->ivars);
// If the class sizes are the same, ensure that the ivars have the same
// types, names, and offsets. Note: Renaming an ivar is treated as a
// conflict because name changes are often accompanied by semantic
// changes. For example, an object ivar at offset 16 goes from being
// called 'delegate' to being called 'view' - we almost certainly don't
// want methods that expect to be working with the delegate ivar to
// work with the view ivar now!
for (int i=0 ; equalLayouts && (i<old->ivars->count) ; i++)
struct objc_ivar *oldIvar = &old->ivars->ivar_list[i];
struct objc_ivar *newIvar = &class->ivars->ivar_list[i];
equalLayouts &= strcmp(oldIvar->name, newIvar->name) == 0;
equalLayouts &= strcmp(oldIvar->type, newIvar->type) == 0;
equalLayouts &= (oldIvar->offset == newIvar->offset);
// If the layouts are equal, then we can simply tack the class's method
// list on to the front of the old class and update the dtable.
if (equalLayouts)
class->methods->next = old->methods;
old->methods = class->methods;
// If we get to here, then we are adding a new class. This is where things
// start to get a bit tricky...
// Ideally, we'd want to capture the subclass list here. Unfortunately,
// this is not possible because the subclass will contain methods that
// refer to ivars in the superclass.
// We can't use the non-fragile ABI's offset facility easily, because we'd
// have to have two (or more) offsets for the same ivar. This gets messy
// very quickly. Ideally, we'd want every class to include ivar offsets
// for every single (public) ivar in its superclasses. These could then be
// updated by copies of the class. Defining a development ABI is something
// to consider for a future release.
class->subclass_list = NULL;
// Replace the old class with this one in the class table. New lookups for
// this class will now return this class.
class_table_internal_table_set(class_table, (void*)class->name, class);
// Register all of the selectors used by this class and its metaclass
// Set the uninstalled dtable. The compiler could do this as well.
class->dtable = uninstalled_dtable;
class->isa->dtable = uninstalled_dtable;
// If this is a root class, make the class into the metaclass's superclass.
// This means that all instance methods will be available to the class.
if (NULL == superclassName)
class->isa->super_class = class;
if (class->protocols)
* Loads a class. This function assumes that the runtime mutex is locked.
PRIVATE void objc_load_class(struct objc_class *class)
struct objc_class *existingClass = class_table_get_safe(class->name);
if (Nil != existingClass)
if (objc_developer_mode_developer != mode)
"Loading two versions of %s. The class that will be used is undefined\n",
reload_class(class, existingClass);
// The compiler initialises the super class pointer to the name of the
// superclass, not the superclass pointer.
// Note: With the new ABI, the class pointer is public. We could,
// therefore, directly reference the superclass from the compiler and make
// the linker resolve it. This should be done in the GCC-incompatible ABI.
const char *superclassName = (char*)class->super_class;
// Work around a bug in some versions of GCC that don't initialize the
// class structure correctly.
class->subclass_list = NULL;
// Insert the class into the class table
// Register all of the selectors used by this class and its metaclass
// Set the uninstalled dtable. The compiler could do this as well.
class->dtable = uninstalled_dtable;
class->isa->dtable = uninstalled_dtable;
// If this is a root class, make the class into the metaclass's superclass.
// This means that all instance methods will be available to the class.
if (NULL == superclassName)
class->isa->super_class = class;
if (class->protocols)
PRIVATE Class SmallObjectClasses[7];
BOOL objc_registerSmallObjectClass_np(Class class, uintptr_t mask)
if ((mask & OBJC_SMALL_OBJECT_MASK) != mask)
return NO;
if (sizeof(void*) == 4)
if (Nil == SmallObjectClasses[0])
SmallObjectClasses[0] = class;
return YES;
return NO;
if (Nil != SmallObjectClasses[mask])
return NO;
SmallObjectClasses[mask] = class;
return YES;
// Public API
int objc_getClassList(Class *buffer, int bufferLen)
if (buffer == NULL || bufferLen == 0)
return class_table->table_used;
int count = 0;
struct class_table_internal_table_enumerator *e = NULL;
Class next;
while (count < bufferLen &&
(next = class_table_internal_next(class_table, &e)))
buffer[count++] = next;
return count;
Class *objc_copyClassList(unsigned int *outCount)
int count = class_table->table_used;
Class *buffer = calloc(sizeof(Class), count);
if (NULL != outCount)
*outCount = count;
objc_getClassList(buffer, count);
return buffer;
Class class_getSuperclass(Class cls)
if (Nil == cls) { return Nil; }
if (!objc_test_class_flag(cls, objc_class_flag_resolved))
return cls->super_class;
id objc_getClass(const char *name)
id class = (id)class_table_get_safe(name);
if (nil != class) { return class; }
// Second chance lookup via @compatibilty_alias:
class = (id)alias_getClass(name);
if (nil != class) { return class; }
// Third chance lookup via the hook:
if (0 != _objc_lookup_class)
class = (id)_objc_lookup_class(name);
return class;
id objc_lookUpClass(const char *name)
return (id)class_table_get_safe(name);
id objc_getMetaClass(const char *name)
Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass(name);
return cls == Nil ? nil : (id)cls->isa;
// Legacy interface compatibility
id objc_get_class(const char *name)
return objc_getClass(name);
id objc_lookup_class(const char *name)
return objc_getClass(name);
id objc_get_meta_class(const char *name)
return objc_getMetaClass(name);
Class objc_next_class(void **enum_state)
return class_table_next ( enum_state);
Class class_pose_as(Class impostor, Class super_class)
fprintf(stderr, "Class posing is no longer supported.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Please use class_replaceMethod() instead.\n");