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562 lines
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "objc/runtime.h"
#include "method_list.h"
size_t objc_alignof_type (const char *type);
// It would be so nice if this works, but in fact it returns nonsense:
//#define alignof(x) __alignof__(x)
#define alignof(type) __builtin_offsetof(struct { const char c; type member; }, member)
const char *objc_skip_type_qualifiers (const char *type)
static const char *type_qualifiers = "rnNoORV";
while('\0' != *type && strchr(type_qualifiers, *type))
return type;
static const char *sizeof_type(const char *type, size_t *size);
const char *objc_skip_typespec(const char *type)
size_t ignored = 0;
return sizeof_type(type, &ignored);
const char *objc_skip_argspec(const char *type)
type = objc_skip_typespec(type);
while(isdigit(*type)) { type++; }
return type;
static size_t lengthOfTypeEncoding(const char *types)
const char *end = objc_skip_typespec(types);
size_t length = end - types + 1;
return length;
static char *copyTypeEncoding(const char *types)
size_t length = lengthOfTypeEncoding(types);
char *copy = malloc(length + 1);
memcpy(copy, types, length);
copy[length] = '\0';
return copy;
static const char * findParameterStart(const char *types, unsigned int index)
for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<index ; i++)
types = objc_skip_argspec(types);
if ('\0' == *types)
return NULL;
return types;
typedef const char *(*type_parser)(const char*, void*);
static int parse_array(const char **type, type_parser callback, void *context)
// skip [
int element_count = (int)strtol(*type, (char**)type, 10);
*type = callback(*type, context);
// skip ]
return element_count;
static void parse_struct_or_union(const char **type, type_parser callback, void *context, char endchar)
// Skip the ( and structure name
// Opaque type has no =definition
if (endchar == **type) { (*type)++; return; }
} while('=' != **type);
// Skip =
while (**type != endchar)
*type = callback(*type, context);
// skip }
static void parse_union(const char **type, type_parser callback, void *context)
parse_struct_or_union(type, callback, context, ')');
static void parse_struct(const char **type, type_parser callback, void *context)
parse_struct_or_union(type, callback, context, '}');
inline static void round_up(size_t *v, size_t b)
if (0 == b)
if (*v % b)
*v += b - (*v % b);
inline static size_t max(size_t v, size_t v2)
return v>v2 ? v : v2;
static const char *sizeof_union_field(const char *type, size_t *size);
static const char *sizeof_type(const char *type, size_t *size)
type = objc_skip_type_qualifiers(type);
switch (*type)
// For all primitive types, we round up the current size to the
// required alignment of the type, then add the size
#define APPLY_TYPE(typeName, name, capitalizedName, encodingChar) \
case encodingChar:\
round_up(size, (alignof(typeName) * 8));\
*size += (sizeof(typeName) * 8);\
return type + 1;\
#include "type_encoding_cases.h"
case '?':
case 'v': return type+1;
case 'j':
switch (*type)
#define APPLY_TYPE(typeName, name, capitalizedName, encodingChar) \
case encodingChar:\
round_up(size, (alignof(_Complex typeName) * 8));\
*size += (sizeof(_Complex typeName) * 8);\
return type + 1;\
#include "type_encoding_cases.h"
case '{':
const char *t = type;
parse_struct(&t, (type_parser)sizeof_type, size);
size_t align = objc_alignof_type(type);
round_up(size, align * 8);
return t;
case '[':
const char *t = type;
int element_size = 0;
// FIXME: aligned size
int element_count = parse_array(&t, (type_parser)sizeof_type, &element_size);
(*size) += element_size * element_count;
return t;
case '(':
const char *t = type;
size_t union_size = 0;
parse_union(&t, (type_parser)sizeof_union_field, &union_size);
*size += union_size;
return t;
//FIXME: union
case 'b':
// Consume the b
// Ignore the offset
strtol(type, (char**)&type, 10);
// Consume the element type
// Read the number of bits
*size += strtol(type, (char**)&type, 10);
return type;
case '^':
// All pointers look the same to me.
*size += sizeof(void*) * 8;
size_t ignored;
// Skip the definition of the pointeee type.
return sizeof_type(type+1, &ignored);
return NULL;
static const char *sizeof_union_field(const char *type, size_t *size)
size_t field_size = 0;
const char *end = sizeof_type(type, &field_size);
*size = max(*size, field_size);
return end;
static const char *alignof_type(const char *type, size_t *align)
type = objc_skip_type_qualifiers(type);
switch (*type)
// For all primitive types, we return the maximum of the new alignment
// and the old one
#define APPLY_TYPE(typeName, name, capitalizedName, encodingChar) \
case encodingChar:\
*align = max((alignof(typeName) * 8), *align);\
return type + 1;\
#include "type_encoding_cases.h"
case '?':
case 'v': return type+1;
case 'j':
switch (*type)
#define APPLY_TYPE(typeName, name, capitalizedName, encodingChar) \
case encodingChar:\
*align = max((alignof(_Complex typeName) * 8), *align);\
return type + 1;\
#include "type_encoding_cases.h"
case '{':
const char *t = type;
parse_struct(&t, (type_parser)alignof_type, align);
return t;
case '(':
const char *t = type;
parse_union(&t, (type_parser)alignof_type, align);
return t;
case '[':
const char *t = type;
// FIXME: aligned size
parse_array(&t, (type_parser)alignof_type, &align);
return t;
//FIXME: union
case 'b':
// Consume the b
// Ignore the offset
strtol(type, (char**)&type, 10);
// Alignment of a bitfield is the alignment of the type that
// contains it
type = alignof_type(type, align);
// Ignore the number of bits
strtol(type, (char**)&type, 10);
return type;
case '^':
*align = max((alignof(void*) * 8), *align);
// All pointers look the same to me.
size_t ignored;
// Skip the definition of the pointeee type.
return alignof_type(type+1, &ignored);
return NULL;
size_t objc_sizeof_type(const char *type)
size_t size = 0;
sizeof_type(type, &size);
return size / 8;
size_t objc_alignof_type (const char *type)
size_t align = 0;
alignof_type(type, &align);
return align / 8;
size_t objc_aligned_size(const char *type)
size_t size = objc_sizeof_type(type);
size_t align = objc_alignof_type(type);
return size + (size % align);
size_t objc_promoted_size(const char *type)
size_t size = objc_sizeof_type(type);
return size + (size % sizeof(void*));
void method_getReturnType(Method method, char *dst, size_t dst_len)
//TODO: Coped and pasted code. Factor it out.
const char *types = method->types;
size_t length = lengthOfTypeEncoding(types);
if (length < dst_len)
memcpy(dst, types, length);
dst[length] = '\0';
memcpy(dst, types, dst_len);
const char *method_getTypeEncoding(Method method)
return method->types;
void method_getArgumentType(Method method,
unsigned int index,
char *dst,
size_t dst_len)
const char *types = findParameterStart(method->types, index);
if (NULL == types)
strncpy(dst, "", dst_len);
size_t length = lengthOfTypeEncoding(types);
if (length < dst_len)
memcpy(dst, types, length);
dst[length] = '\0';
memcpy(dst, types, dst_len);
unsigned method_getNumberOfArguments(Method method)
const char *types = method->types;
unsigned int count = 0;
while('\0' != *types)
types = objc_skip_argspec(types);
return count - 1;
unsigned method_get_number_of_arguments(struct objc_method *method)
return method_getNumberOfArguments(method);
char * method_copyArgumentType(Method method, unsigned int index)
const char *types = findParameterStart(method->types, index);
if (NULL == types)
return NULL;
return copyTypeEncoding(types);
char * method_copyReturnType(Method method)
return copyTypeEncoding(method->types);
unsigned objc_get_type_qualifiers (const char *type)
unsigned flags = 0;
#define MAP(chr, bit) case chr: flags |= (1<<bit); break;
switch (*(type++))
default: return flags;
MAP('r', 1)
MAP('n', 1)
MAP('o', 2)
MAP('N', 3)
MAP('O', 4)
MAP('V', 10)
MAP('R', 8)
} while (1);
struct objc_struct_layout
const char *original_type;
const char *type;
const char *prev_type;
unsigned int record_size;
unsigned int record_align;
// Note: The implementations of these functions is horrible.
void objc_layout_structure (const char *type,
struct objc_struct_layout *layout)
layout->original_type = type;
layout->type = 0;
static const char *layout_structure_callback(const char *type, struct objc_struct_layout *layout)
size_t align = 0;
size_t size = 0;
const char *end = sizeof_type(type, &size);
alignof_type(type, &align);
//printf("Callback called with %s\n", type);
if (layout->prev_type < type)
if (layout->record_align == 0)
layout->record_align = align;
layout->type = type;
round_up((size_t*)&layout->record_size, align);
layout->record_size += size;
return end;
BOOL objc_layout_structure_next_member(struct objc_struct_layout *layout)
const char *end = layout->type;
layout->record_size = 0;
layout->record_align = 0;
layout->prev_type = layout->type;
const char *type = layout->original_type;
parse_struct(&type, (type_parser)layout_structure_callback, layout);
//printf("Calculated: (%s) %s %d %d\n", layout->original_type, layout->type, layout->record_size, layout->record_align);
//printf("old start %s, new start %s\n", end, layout->type);
return layout->type != end;
void objc_layout_structure_get_info (struct objc_struct_layout *layout,
unsigned int *offset,
unsigned int *align,
const char **type)
//printf("%p\n", layout);
*type = layout->type;
*offset = layout->record_size / 8;
*align= layout->record_align / 8;
round_up((size_t*)offset, (size_t)*align);
#define TEST(type) do {\
if (alignof(type) != objc_alignof_type(@encode(type)))\
printf("Incorrect alignment for %s: %d != %d\n", @encode(type), objc_alignof_type(@encode(type)), alignof(type));\
if (sizeof(type) != objc_sizeof_type(@encode(type)))\
printf("Incorrect size for %s: %d != %d\n", @encode(type), objc_sizeof_type(@encode(type)), sizeof(type));\
} while(0)
struct foo
int a[2];
int b:5;
double d;
const char *str;
float e;
long long **g;
union { const char c; long long b; } h;
long long f;
_Complex int z;
_Complex double y;
char v;
typedef struct
float x,y;
} Point;
typedef struct
Point a, b;
} Rect;
int main(void)
TEST(const char);
TEST(unsigned long long);
TEST(_Complex int);
TEST(struct foo);
struct objc_struct_layout layout;
objc_layout_structure(@encode(Rect), &layout);
while (objc_layout_structure_next_member (&layout))
unsigned offset;
unsigned align;
const char *ftype;
struct objc_struct_layout layout2;
objc_layout_structure_get_info (&layout, &offset, &align, &ftype);
printf("%s: offset: %d, alignment: %d\n", ftype, offset, align);
objc_layout_structure(ftype, &layout2);
while (objc_layout_structure_next_member (&layout2))
objc_layout_structure_get_info (&layout2, &offset, &align, &ftype);
printf("%s: offset: %d, alignment: %d\n", ftype, offset, align);
printf("%d\n", offsetof(Rect, a.x));
printf("%d\n", offsetof(Rect, a.y));
printf("%d\n", offsetof(Rect, b.x));
printf("%d\n", offsetof(Rect, b.y));