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#include "objc/runtime.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "properties.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BUFFER_TYPE struct objc_protocol_list
#include "buffer.h"
// Get the functions for string hashing
#include "string_hash.h"
static int protocol_compare(const char *name,
const struct objc_protocol2 *protocol)
return string_compare(name, protocol->name);
static int protocol_hash(const struct objc_protocol2 *protocol)
return string_hash(protocol->name);
#define MAP_TABLE_NAME protocol
#define MAP_TABLE_COMPARE_FUNCTION protocol_compare
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_KEY string_hash
#define MAP_TABLE_HASH_VALUE protocol_hash
#include "hash_table.h"
static protocol_table *known_protocol_table;
void init_protocol_table(void)
protocol_initialize(&known_protocol_table, 128);
static void protocol_table_insert(const struct objc_protocol2 *protocol)
protocol_insert(known_protocol_table, (void*)protocol);
struct objc_protocol2 *protocol_for_name(const char *name)
return protocol_table_get(known_protocol_table, name);
static id ObjC2ProtocolClass = 0;
static int isEmptyProtocol(struct objc_protocol2 *aProto)
int isEmpty =
((aProto->instance_methods == NULL) ||
(aProto->instance_methods->count == 0)) &&
((aProto->class_methods == NULL) ||
(aProto->class_methods->count == 0)) &&
((aProto->protocol_list == NULL) ||
(aProto->protocol_list->count == 0));
if (aProto->isa == ObjC2ProtocolClass)
struct objc_protocol2 *p2 = (struct objc_protocol2*)aProto;
isEmpty &= (p2->optional_instance_methods->count == 0);
isEmpty &= (p2->optional_class_methods->count == 0);
isEmpty &= (p2->properties == 0) || (p2->properties->count == 0);
isEmpty &= (p2->optional_properties == 0) || (p2->optional_properties->count == 0);
return isEmpty;
// FIXME: Make p1 adopt all of the stuff in p2
static void makeProtocolEqualToProtocol(struct objc_protocol2 *p1,
struct objc_protocol2 *p2)
#define COPY(x) p1->x = p2->x
if (p1->isa == ObjC2ProtocolClass &&
p2->isa == ObjC2ProtocolClass)
#undef COPY
static struct objc_protocol2 *unique_protocol(struct objc_protocol2 *aProto)
if (ObjC2ProtocolClass == 0)
ObjC2ProtocolClass = objc_getClass("Protocol2");
struct objc_protocol2 *oldProtocol =
if (NULL == oldProtocol)
// This is the first time we've seen this protocol, so add it to the
// hash table and ignore it.
return aProto;
if (isEmptyProtocol(oldProtocol))
if (isEmptyProtocol(aProto))
return aProto;
// Add protocol to a list somehow.
// This protocol is not empty, so we use its definitions
makeProtocolEqualToProtocol(oldProtocol, aProto);
return aProto;
if (isEmptyProtocol(aProto))
makeProtocolEqualToProtocol(aProto, oldProtocol);
return oldProtocol;
return oldProtocol;
//FIXME: We should really perform a check here to make sure the
//protocols are actually the same.
static id protocol_class;
static id protocol_class2;
enum protocol_version
* Legacy (GCC-compatible) protocol version.
protocol_version_legacy = 2,
* New (Objective-C 2-compatible) protocol version.
protocol_version_objc2 = 3
static BOOL init_protocols(struct objc_protocol_list *protocols)
// Protocol2 is a subclass of Protocol, so if we have loaded Protocol2 we
// must have also loaded Protocol.
if (nil == protocol_class2)
protocol_class = objc_getClass("Protocol");
protocol_class2 = objc_getClass("Protocol2");
if (nil == protocol_class2 || nil == protocol_class)
return NO;
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<protocols->count ; i++)
struct objc_protocol2 *aProto = protocols->list[i];
// Don't initialise a protocol twice
if (aProto->isa == protocol_class ||
aProto->isa == protocol_class2) { continue ;}
// Protocols in the protocol list have their class pointers set to the
// version of the protocol class that they expect.
enum protocol_version version =
(enum protocol_version)(uintptr_t)aProto->isa;
switch (version)
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown protocol version");
case protocol_version_legacy:
aProto->isa = protocol_class;
case protocol_version_objc2:
aProto->isa = protocol_class2;
// Initialize all of the protocols that this protocol refers to
if (NULL != aProto->protocol_list)
// Replace this protocol with a unique version of it.
protocols->list[i] = unique_protocol(aProto);
return YES;
PRIVATE void objc_init_protocols(struct objc_protocol_list *protocols)
if (!init_protocols(protocols))
set_buffered_object_at_index(protocols, buffered_objects++);
if (buffered_objects > 0) { return; }
// If we can load one protocol, then we can load all of them.
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<buffered_objects ; i++)
struct objc_protocol_list *c = buffered_object_at_index(i);
if (NULL != c)
set_buffered_object_at_index(NULL, i);
// Public functions:
Protocol *objc_getProtocol(const char *name)
if (NULL == name) { return NULL; }
return (Protocol*)protocol_for_name(name);
BOOL protocol_conformsToProtocol(Protocol *p1, Protocol *p2)
if (NULL == p1 || NULL == p2) { return NO; }
// A protocol trivially conforms to itself
if (strcmp(p1->name, p2->name) == 0) { return YES; }
for (struct objc_protocol_list *list = p1->protocol_list ;
list != NULL ; list = list->next)
for (int i=0 ; i<list->count ; i++)
if (strcmp(list->list[i]->name, p2->name) == 0)
return YES;
if (protocol_conformsToProtocol((Protocol*)list->list[i], p2))
return YES;
return NO;
BOOL class_conformsToProtocol(Class cls, Protocol *protocol)
if (Nil == cls || NULL == protocol) { return NO; }
for ( ; Nil != cls ; cls = class_getSuperclass(cls))
for (struct objc_protocol_list *protocols = cls->protocols;
protocols != NULL ; protocols = protocols->next)
for (int i=0 ; i<protocols->count ; i++)
Protocol *p1 = (Protocol*)protocols->list[i];
if (protocol_conformsToProtocol(p1, protocol))
return YES;
return NO;
static struct objc_method_description_list *
get_method_list(Protocol *p,
BOOL isRequiredMethod,
BOOL isInstanceMethod)
static id protocol2 = NULL;
if (NULL == protocol2)
protocol2 = objc_getClass("Protocol2");
struct objc_method_description_list *list;
if (isRequiredMethod)
if (isInstanceMethod)
list = p->instance_methods;
list = p->class_methods;
if (p->isa != protocol2) { return NULL; }
if (isInstanceMethod)
list = ((Protocol2*)p)->optional_instance_methods;
list = ((Protocol2*)p)->optional_class_methods;
return list;
struct objc_method_description *protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(Protocol *p,
BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod, unsigned int *count)
if ((NULL == p) || (NULL == count)){ return NULL; }
struct objc_method_description_list *list =
get_method_list(p, isRequiredMethod, isInstanceMethod);
*count = 0;
if (NULL == list || list->count == 0) { return NULL; }
*count = list->count;
struct objc_method_description *out =
calloc(sizeof(struct objc_method_description), list->count);
for (int i=0 ; i < (list->count) ; i++)
out[i].name = sel_registerTypedName_np(list->methods[i].name,
out[i].types = list->methods[i].types;
return out;
Protocol*__unsafe_unretained* protocol_copyProtocolList(Protocol *p, unsigned int *count)
if (NULL == p) { return NULL; }
*count = 0;
if (p->protocol_list == NULL || p->protocol_list->count ==0)
return NULL;
Protocol **out = calloc(sizeof(Protocol*), p->protocol_list->count);
for (int i=0 ; i<p->protocol_list->count ; i++)
out[i] = (Protocol*)p->protocol_list->list[i];
return NULL;
objc_property_t *protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol *protocol,
unsigned int *outCount)
if (NULL == protocol) { return NULL; }
if (protocol->isa != ObjC2ProtocolClass)
return NULL;
Protocol2 *p = (Protocol2*)protocol;
struct objc_property_list *properties = p->properties;
unsigned int count = 0;
if (NULL != properties)
count = properties->count;
if (NULL != p->optional_properties)
count = p->optional_properties->count;
if (0 == count)
return NULL;
objc_property_t *list = calloc(sizeof(objc_property_t), count);
unsigned int out = 0;
if (properties)
for (int i=0 ; i<properties->count ; i++)
list[out] = &properties->properties[i];
properties = p->optional_properties;
if (properties)
for (int i=0 ; i<properties->count ; i++)
list[out] = &properties->properties[i];
*outCount = count;
return list;
objc_property_t protocol_getProperty(Protocol *protocol,
const char *name,
BOOL isRequiredProperty,
BOOL isInstanceProperty)
if (NULL == protocol) { return NULL; }
// Class properties are not supported yet (there is no language syntax for
// defining them!)
if (!isInstanceProperty) { return NULL; }
if (protocol->isa != ObjC2ProtocolClass)
return NULL;
Protocol2 *p = (Protocol2*)protocol;
struct objc_property_list *properties =
isRequiredProperty ? p->properties : p->optional_properties;
while (NULL != properties)
for (int i=0 ; i<properties->count ; i++)
objc_property_t prop = &properties->properties[i];
if (strcmp(prop->name, name) == 0)
return prop;
properties = properties->next;
return NULL;
struct objc_method_description
protocol_getMethodDescription(Protocol *p,
SEL aSel,
BOOL isRequiredMethod,
BOOL isInstanceMethod)
struct objc_method_description d = {0,0};
struct objc_method_description_list *list =
get_method_list(p, isRequiredMethod, isInstanceMethod);
if (NULL == list)
return d;
// TODO: We could make this much more efficient if
for (int i=0 ; i<list->count ; i++)
SEL s = sel_registerTypedName_np(list->methods[i].name, 0);
if (sel_isEqual(s, aSel))
d.name = s;
d.types = list->methods[i].types;
return d;
const char *protocol_getName(Protocol *p)
if (NULL != p)
return p->name;
return NULL;
BOOL protocol_isEqual(Protocol *p, Protocol *other)
if (NULL == p || NULL == other)
return NO;
if (p == other ||
p->name == other->name ||
0 == strcmp(p->name, other->name))
return YES;
return NO;
Protocol*__unsafe_unretained* objc_copyProtocolList(unsigned int *outCount)
unsigned int total = known_protocol_table->table_used;
Protocol **p = calloc(sizeof(Protocol*), known_protocol_table->table_used);
struct protocol_table_enumerator *e = NULL;
Protocol *next;
unsigned int count = 0;
while ((count < total) && (next = protocol_next(known_protocol_table, &e)))
p[count++] = next;
if (NULL != outCount)
*outCount = total;
return p;
Protocol *objc_allocateProtocol(const char *name)
if (objc_getProtocol(name) != NULL) { return NULL; }
Protocol *p = calloc(1, sizeof(Protocol2));
p->name = strdup(name);
return p;
void objc_registerProtocol(Protocol *proto)
if (NULL == proto) { return; }
if (objc_getProtocol(proto->name) != NULL) { return; }
if (nil != proto->isa) { return; }
proto->isa = ObjC2ProtocolClass;
protocol_table_insert((struct objc_protocol2*)proto);
void protocol_addMethodDescription(Protocol *aProtocol,
SEL name,
const char *types,
BOOL isRequiredMethod,
BOOL isInstanceMethod)
if ((NULL == aProtocol) || (NULL == name) || (NULL == types)) { return; }
if (nil != aProtocol->isa) { return; }
Protocol2 *proto = (Protocol2*)aProtocol;
struct objc_method_description_list **listPtr;
if (isInstanceMethod)
if (isRequiredMethod)
listPtr = &proto->instance_methods;
listPtr = &proto->optional_instance_methods;
if (isRequiredMethod)
listPtr = &proto->class_methods;
listPtr = &proto->optional_class_methods;
if (NULL == *listPtr)
*listPtr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_method_description_list) + sizeof(struct objc_method_description));
(*listPtr)->count = 1;
*listPtr = realloc(*listPtr, sizeof(struct objc_method_description_list) +
sizeof(struct objc_method_description) * (*listPtr)->count);
struct objc_method_description_list *list = *listPtr;
int index = list->count-1;
list->methods[index].name = sel_getName(name);
list->methods[index].types= types;
void protocol_addProtocol(Protocol *aProtocol, Protocol *addition)
if ((NULL == aProtocol) || (NULL == addition)) { return; }
Protocol2 *proto = (Protocol2*)aProtocol;
if (NULL == proto->protocol_list)
proto->protocol_list = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_property_list) + sizeof(Protocol2*));
proto->protocol_list->count = 1;
proto->protocol_list = realloc(proto->protocol_list, sizeof(struct objc_property_list) +
proto->protocol_list->count * sizeof(Protocol2*));
proto->protocol_list->count = 1;
proto->protocol_list->list[proto->protocol_list->count-1] = (Protocol2*)addition;
void protocol_addProperty(Protocol *aProtocol,
const char *name,
const objc_property_attribute_t *attributes,
unsigned int attributeCount,
BOOL isRequiredProperty,
BOOL isInstanceProperty)
if ((NULL == aProtocol) || (NULL == name)) { return; }
if (nil != aProtocol->isa) { return; }
if (!isInstanceProperty) { return; }
Protocol2 *proto = (Protocol2*)aProtocol;
struct objc_property_list **listPtr;
if (isRequiredProperty)
listPtr = &proto->properties;
listPtr = &proto->optional_properties;
if (NULL == *listPtr)
*listPtr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_property_list) + sizeof(struct objc_property));
(*listPtr)->count = 1;
*listPtr = realloc(*listPtr, sizeof(struct objc_property_list) +
sizeof(struct objc_property) * (*listPtr)->count);
struct objc_property_list *list = *listPtr;
int index = list->count-1;
struct objc_property p = propertyFromAttrs(attributes, attributeCount);
p.name = strdup(name);
memcpy(&(list->properties[index]), &p, sizeof(p));