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#include "../objc/runtime.h"
#import "object.h"
#import "malloc.h"
#import "thread.h"
#import "visit.h"
#include <stdio.h>
id GCRetain(id anObject)
GCSetFlag(anObject, GCFlagEscaped);
return anObject;
* Collect garbage cycles. Inspects every object in the loopBuffer and frees
* any that are part of garbage cycles. This is an implementation of the
* algorithm described in:
* http://www.research.ibm.com/people/d/dfb/papers/Bacon01Concurrent.pdf
void GCRelease(id anObject)
// If decrementing the strong retain count is 0, the object is probably
// garbage. Add it to the list to trace and throw it away if it is.
if (GCDecrementRetainCount(anObject) <= 0)
// FIXME: Discard it immediately if it is using CF semantics
// Mark this object as in-use or free
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourBlack);
// Clear its buffered flag (we won't look at it again)
GCClearFlag(anObject, GCFlagBuffered);
// Add it for freeing if tracing doesn't find any references to it
// If this object is not marked as acyclic
if (GCColourOfObject(anObject) == GCColourGreen)
// Mark it as the possible root of a cycle. The object was
// released, but there are still strong references to it. That
// means that it has
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourPurple);
GCSetFlag(anObject, GCFlagBuffered);
void GCAddObjectForTracing(id object);
* Scan children turning them black and incrementing the reference count. Used
* for objects which have been determined to be acyclic.
static void GCScanBlackChild(id anObject, void *unused, BOOL isWeak)
if (GCColourOfObject(anObject) != GCColourBlack)
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourBlack);
GCVisitChildren(anObject, GCScanBlackChild, NULL, NO);
* Scan objects turning them black if they are not part of a cycle and white if
* they are.
static void GCScan(id anObject, void* unused, BOOL isWeak)
GCColour colour = GCColourOfObject(anObject);
// If the object is not grey, then we've visited it already.
if (colour == GCColourGrey)
//fprintf(stderr, "%x has retain count of %d\n", (int)anObject, (int)GCGetRetainCount(anObject));
// If the retain count is still > 0, we didn't account for all of the
// references with cycle detection, so mark it as black and reset the
// retain count of every object that it references.
// If it did reach 0, then this is part of a garbage cycle so colour it
// accordingly. Any objects reachable from this object do not get
// their reference counts restored.
// FIXME: We need to be able to resurrect objects if they are
// GCRetain()'d when they are white
if (GCGetRetainCount(anObject) > 0)
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourBlack);
GCVisitChildren(anObject, GCScanBlackChild, NULL, NO);
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourWhite);
GCVisitChildren(anObject, GCScan, NULL, NO);
* Collect objects which are coloured white.
* In the original algorithm, white objects were collected immediately. In
* this version, it's possible that they have traced pointers referencing them,
* so we defer collection. We can only collect a garbage cycle when there are
* no traced pointers to any of the nodes.
static void GCCollectWhite(id anObject, void *ignored, BOOL isWeak)
//fprintf(stderr, "Looking at object %x with colour %s\n", (unsigned) anObject, [GCStringFromColour(GCColourOfObject(anObject)) UTF8String]);
if ((GCColourOfObject(anObject) == GCColourWhite))
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourRed);
//fprintf(stderr, "%x marked red. Red's dead, baby!\n", (int)anObject);
//fprintf(stderr, " has refcount %d!\n", (int)GCGetRetainCount(anObject));
GCVisitChildren(anObject, GCCollectWhite, NULL, NO);
* Mark objects grey if are not already grey.
* Grey indicates that an object is possibly a member of a cycle. We check
* that by traversing all reachable objects from the potential root of a cycle,
* decrementing their reference count, and marking them grey. If the reference
* count drops to 0, it indicates that all of the strong references to this
* object come from cycles.
void GCMarkGreyChildren(id anObject, void *ignored, BOOL isWeak)
//fprintf(stderr, "Marking %x as grey\n", (int)anObject);
// FIXME: This should probably check if the colour is green. Green objects
// can't be parts of cycles, and we need to restore the green colour after
// scanning anyway.
if (GCColourOfObject(anObject) != GCColourGrey)
GCSetColourOfObject(anObject, GCColourGrey);
GCVisitChildren(anObject, GCMarkGreyChildren, NULL, NO);
void GCScanForCycles(id *loopBuffer, unsigned count)
//fprintf(stderr, "Starting to detect cycles...\n");
// Mark Roots
id next;
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
next = loopBuffer[i];
//fprintf(stderr, "Looking at %x\n", (int)next);
// Check that this object is still eligible for cycle detection
if (nil == next) continue;
if (GCTestFlag(next, GCFlagNotObject)) continue;
if (!GCTestFlag(next, GCFlagBuffered))
loopBuffer[i] = nil;
GCColour colour = GCColourOfObject(next);
// If this is the potential root of a cycle (which it might not be
// anymore, if something else has changed its colour)
if (colour == GCColourPurple)
// Mark it, and all of its children, as grey.
//fprintf(stderr, "Marking grey: %d...\n", colour);
GCSetColourOfObject(next, GCColourGrey);
GCVisitChildren(next, GCMarkGreyChildren, nil, NO);
GCClearFlag(next, GCFlagBuffered);
// If the object's refcount is 0, add it to the list to free if the
// tracer can't find them.
if ((colour == GCColourBlack) && (GCGetRetainCount(next) <= 0))
loopBuffer[i] = nil;
// Scan roots
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
next = loopBuffer[i];
if (nil == next) continue;
//fprintf(stderr, "scanning object...\n");
GCScan(next, NULL, NO);
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
next = loopBuffer[i];
if (nil == next) continue;
GCCollectWhite(next, NULL, NO);
void GCRunTracerIfNeeded(BOOL);
#if 0
// Code from the old GCKit for drawing pretty pictures.
// FIXME: Make it draw pretty pictures with the new GCKit too.
* Table of objects that have already been visualised.
NSHashTable __thread drawnObjects;
* Recursively output connections from this object in GraphViz .dot format.
void vizGraph(id self, SEL _cmd, NSString *parent)
NSString *me = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"object%d", (unsigned)self];
if (NULL != NSHashGet(drawnObjects, self))
if (nil != parent)
printf("\t%s -> %s\n", [parent UTF8String], [me UTF8String]);
// Add the node:
if (GCColourOfObject(self) == black)
printf("\t%s [style=filled, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, label=\"%s\"]\n", [me UTF8String], self->class_pointer->name);
printf("\t%s [style=filled, fillcolor=%s, label=\"%s\"]\n", [me UTF8String], [GCStringFromColour(GCColourOfObject(self)) UTF8String], self->class_pointer->name);
// Add the connection to the parent
if (nil != parent)
printf("\t%s -> %s\n", [parent UTF8String], [me UTF8String]);
NSHashInsert(drawnObjects, self);
for_all_children(self, (IMP)vizGraph, _cmd, me);
* Print a GraphViz-compatible graph of all objects reachable from this one and
* their colours.
void visObject(id object, NSString *graphName)
drawnObjects = NSCreateHashTable(NSNonOwnedPointerHashCallBacks, 100);
printf("digraph %s {\n", [graphName UTF8String]);
vizGraph(object, @selector(vizGraph:), nil);