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* Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <CFOpenDirectory/CFOpenDirectory.h>
@header CFODQuery
@abstract ODQuery functions
@discussion This header describes functions for working with ODQueryRefs.
@typedef ODQueryCallback
@abstract Is called as results are returned from a query. The incoming result must be retained or copied.
@discussion Is called as results are returned from an CFRunLoop-based query. These results are only partial
and the callback is called repeatedly as results are available. The incoming result must be retained or copied. The
array will be released by the CFRunLoop upon return. Incoming results do not include previous results,
only the most recent results are returned. inResults can be NULL if an error occurs or the query is complete. If
inError and inResults are NULL then the query has completed.
typedef void (*ODQueryCallback)(ODQueryRef query, CFArrayRef results, CFErrorRef error, void *context);
@function ODQueryGetTypeID
@abstract Standard GetTypeID function support for CF-based objects
@discussion Returns the typeID for the ODQuery object
@result a valid CFTypeID for the ODQuery object
@function ODQueryCreateWithNode
@abstract Creates a query with the node using the parameters provided
@discussion Creates a query with the node using the supplied query parameters. Some parameters can either be CFString or
CFData or a CFArray of either CFString or CFData.
@param allocator a memory allocator to use for this object
@param node an ODNodeRef to use
@param recordTypeOrList a CFString of a type or CFArray with a list of record types
@param attribute a CFStringRef of the attribute name to query
@param matchType an ODMatchType value that signifies the type of query
@param queryValueOrList a CFStringRef, CFDataRef or CFArrayRef of either type for values to query in attribute
@param returnAttributeOrList a CFStringRef or CFArrayRef of CFStrings with the list of attributes to be returned
from the query. Passing NULL is equivalent to passing kODAttributeTypeStandardOnly.
@param maxResults a CFIndex of the total number of values the caller wants to be returned
@param error an optional CFErrorRef reference for error details
@result an ODQueryRef which should be passed into ODQueryCopyResults for immediate results or
ODQueryScheduleWithRunLoop for background behavior
ODQueryRef ODQueryCreateWithNode(CFAllocatorRef allocator, ODNodeRef node, CFTypeRef recordTypeOrList, ODAttributeType attribute, ODMatchType matchType, CFTypeRef queryValueOrList, CFTypeRef returnAttributeOrList, CFIndex maxResults, CFErrorRef *error) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQueryCreateWithNodeType
@abstract Creates a query object that is initialized to a particular node type.
@discussion Creates a query object that is initialized to a particular node type using the supplied
query options.
@param allocator a memory allocator to use for this object
@param nodeType an ODNodeType to use when doing a query
@param recordTypeOrList a ODRecordType of a type or CFArray with a list of record types
@param attribute a ODAttributeType or CFStringRef of the attribute name to query
@param matchType an ODMatchType value that signifies the type of query
@param queryValueOrList a CFStringRef, CFDataRef or CFArrayRef of either type for values to query in attribute
@param returnAttributeOrList a CFStringRef or CFArrayRef of CFStrings with the list of attributes to be returned
from the query. Passing NULL is equivalent to passing kODAttributeTypeStandardOnly.
@param maxResults a CFIndex of the total number of values the caller wants to be returned
@param error an optional CFErrorRef reference for error details
@result an ODQueryRef which should be passed into ODQueryCopyResults for immediate results or
ODQueryScheduleWithRunLoop for background behavior, see ODQueryCallback for details on RunLoop
ODQueryRef ODQueryCreateWithNodeType(CFAllocatorRef allocator, ODNodeType nodeType, CFTypeRef recordTypeOrList, ODAttributeType attribute, ODMatchType matchType, CFTypeRef queryValueOrList, CFTypeRef returnAttributeOrList, CFIndex maxResults, CFErrorRef *error) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQueryCopyResults
@abstract Returns results from a provided ODQueryRef synchronously
@discussion Returns results from a provided ODQueryRef synchronously. Passing false to inAllowPartialResults
will block the call until all results are returned or an error occurs. true can be passed at any time
even if previous calls were made with false.
@param query an ODQueryRef to use
@param allowPartialResults a bool, passing true to retrieve any currently available results, or false to
wait for all results
@param error an optional CFErrorRef reference for error details
@result a CFArrayRef comprised of ODRecord objects. If partial results were requested but are complete, then
NULL will be returned with outError set to NULL. If an error occurs, NULL will be returned and
outError should be checked accordingly.
CFArrayRef ODQueryCopyResults(ODQueryRef query, bool allowPartialResults, CFErrorRef *error) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQuerySynchronize
@abstract Will dispose of any results and restart the query.
@discussion Will dispose of any results and restart the query for subsequent ODQueryCopyResults. If the query
is currently scheduled on a RunLoop, then the callback function will be called with inResults == NULL and
inError.error == kODErrorQuerySynchronize and inError.domain == kODErrorDomainFramework, signifying that
all existing results should be thrown away in preparation for new results.
@param query an ODQueryRef to use
void ODQuerySynchronize(ODQueryRef query) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQuerySetCallback
@abstract This call is used to set the callback function for an asynchronous query
@discussion This call is used to set the callback function for an asynchronous query, using a
CFRunLoop or a dispatch queue.
@param query an ODQueryRef to use
@param callback a function to call when a query has results to return
@param userInfo a user-defined pointer to be passed back to the Query callback function
void ODQuerySetCallback(ODQueryRef query, ODQueryCallback callback, void *userInfo) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQueryScheduleWithRunLoop
@abstract Allows a query to run off of a runloop, though it will spawn a thread to handle the work
@discussion Allows a query to run off of a runloop, though it will spawn a thread to handle the work.
When query is complete or stopped the callback function will be called with NULL results
and inError set to NULL. ODQueryUnscheduleFromRunLoop() must be called to remove this query
from Runloops if necessary.
@param query an ODQueryRef to put on the runloop
@param runLoop a CFRunLoopRef to put the ODQueryRef source onto
@param runLoopMode a CFStringRef with the runloop mode to add the ODQueryRef to
void ODQueryScheduleWithRunLoop(ODQueryRef query, CFRunLoopRef runLoop, CFStringRef runLoopMode) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQueryUnscheduleFromRunLoop
@abstract Removes the ODQueryRef from the provided runloop
@discussion Removes the ODQueryRef from the provided runloop
@param query an ODQueryRef to remove from the runloop
@param runLoop a CFRunLoopRef to remove the ODQuery source from
@param runLoopMode a CFStringRef of the mode to remove the ODQuery from
void ODQueryUnscheduleFromRunLoop(ODQueryRef query, CFRunLoopRef runLoop, CFStringRef runLoopMode) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);
@function ODQuerySetDispatchQueue
@abstract Performs the query and sends the results using the specified dispatch queue
@discussion Schedule the query to run and deliver its results using the specified dispatch queue.
The previously set callback will be called using the same semantics as
@param query an ODQueryRef to perform
@param queue a dispatch queue to receive the query results
void ODQuerySetDispatchQueue(ODQueryRef query, dispatch_queue_t queue) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_NA);