8219060: -linksource broken with modules

Reviewed-by: jjg
This commit is contained in:
Hannes Wallnöfer 2019-05-13 16:43:47 +02:00
parent f891192100
commit 4a59b995da
4 changed files with 97 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.io.*;
import java.util.List;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.tools.FileObject;
@ -121,6 +122,12 @@ public class SourceToHTMLConverter {
if (docEnv == null || outputdir == null) {
for (ModuleElement mdl : configuration.getSpecifiedModuleElements()) {
// If -nodeprecated option is set and the module is marked as deprecated,
// do not convert the module files to HTML.
if (!(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(mdl)))
convertModule(mdl, outputdir);
for (PackageElement pkg : configuration.getSpecifiedPackageElements()) {
// If -nodeprecated option is set and the package is marked as deprecated,
// do not convert the package files to HTML.
@ -160,6 +167,27 @@ public class SourceToHTMLConverter {
* Convert the documented packages contained in the given module to an HTML representation.
* @param mdl the module to convert.
* @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
* @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
* @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
public void convertModule(ModuleElement mdl, DocPath outputdir)
throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
if (mdl == null) {
for (Element elem : mdl.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (elem instanceof PackageElement && configuration.docEnv.isIncluded(elem)
&& !(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(elem))) {
convertPackage((PackageElement) elem, outputdir);
* Convert the given Class to an HTML.

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 8218998 8219946
* @bug 8218998 8219946 8219060
* @summary Add metadata to generated API documentation files
* @library /tools/lib ../../lib
* @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ public class TestMetadata extends JavadocTester {
args.add(String.format("out-%s-%s", s, i));
if (s != Source.MODULES) {
args.add("-linksource"); // broken, with modules: JDK-8219060
if (i == Index.SPLIT) {

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
* 8168766 8168688 8162674 8160196 8175799 8174974 8176778 8177562 8175218
* 8175823 8166306 8178043 8181622 8183511 8169819 8074407 8183037 8191464
8164407 8192007 8182765 8196200 8196201 8196202 8196202 8205593 8202462
8184205 8219060
* @summary Test modules support in javadoc.
* @author bpatel
* @library ../../lib
@ -423,6 +423,39 @@ public class TestModules extends JavadocTester {
* Test -linksource option.
public void testLinkSource() {
javadoc("-d", "out-linksource",
"--module-source-path", testSrc,
"--module", "moduleA,moduleB");
* Test -linksource option combined with -private.
public void testLinkSourcePrivate() {
javadoc("-d", "out-linksource-private",
"--module-source-path", testSrc,
"--module", "moduleA,moduleB");
void checkDescription(boolean found) {
checkOutput("moduleA/module-summary.html", found,
"<!-- ============ MODULE DESCRIPTION =========== -->\n"
@ -1239,7 +1272,38 @@ public class TestModules extends JavadocTester {
checkOutput("moduleB/testpkg3mdlB/package-summary.html", true,
"<a href=\"https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java.base/module-summary.html?is-external=true\" "
+ "class=\"externalLink\"><code>Link to java.base module</code></a>");
void checkLinkSource(boolean includePrivate) {
checkOutput("moduleA/module-summary.html", !includePrivate,
"<table>\n<caption><span>Exports</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+ "<thead>\n<tr>\n<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+ "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n"
+ "<tbody>\n<tr class=\"altColor\" id=\"i0\">\n"
+ "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlA/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlA</a></th>\n"
+ "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>");
checkOutput("moduleA/testpkgmdlA/TestClassInModuleA.html", true,
"<section class=\"description\">\n<hr>\n"
+ "<pre>public class <a href=\"../../src-html/moduleA/testpkgmdlA/TestClassInModuleA.html#line.25\">"
+ "TestClassInModuleA</a>\nextends java.lang.Object</pre>\n</section>");
checkOutput("src-html/moduleA/testpkgmdlA/TestClassInModuleA.html", true,
"<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">019</span><a id=\"line.19\"> * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">020</span><a id=\"line.20\"> * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">021</span><a id=\"line.21\"> * questions.</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">022</span><a id=\"line.22\"> */</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">023</span><a id=\"line.23\">package testpkgmdlA;</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">024</span><a id=\"line.24\"></a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">025</span><a id=\"line.25\">public class TestClassInModuleA {</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">026</span><a id=\"line.26\">}</a>");
if (includePrivate) {
checkOutput("src-html/moduleA/concealedpkgmdlA/ConcealedClassInModuleA.html", true,
"<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">024</span><a id=\"line.24\">package concealedpkgmdlA;</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">025</span><a id=\"line.25\"></a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">026</span><a id=\"line.26\">public class ConcealedClassInModuleA {</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">027</span><a id=\"line.27\"> public void testMethodConcealedClass() { }</a>\n"
+ "<span class=\"sourceLineNo\">028</span><a id=\"line.28\">}</a>");
void checkAllPkgsAllClasses(boolean found) {
checkOutput("allclasses-index.html", true,

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public class TestOptions extends JavadocTester {
checkOutput("linksource/AnnotationTypeField.html", true,
"<pre>@Documented\npublic @interface <a href="
+ "\"../src-html/linksource/AnnotationTypeField.html#line.31\">"