nstable theme + removed unused code

This commit is contained in:
Riccardo Canalicchio 2013-12-28 17:58:37 +01:00
parent dc5d73eaa6
commit 209dfbee24

View File

@ -21,254 +21,101 @@ typedef enum {
} GSTabPart;
- (void) frameTabRectTopAndBottom: (NSRect)aRect
topColor: (NSColor *)topColor
bottomColor: (NSColor *)bottomColor
- (NSRect) tableHeaderCellDrawingRectForBounds: (NSRect)theRect
NSRect bottom = aRect;
NSRect top = aRect;
NSSize borderSize;
top.size.height = 1;
bottom.origin.y = NSMaxY(aRect) - 1;
bottom.size.height = 1;
// This adjustment must match the drawn border
borderSize = NSMakeSize(0, 0);
[topColor set];
[bottomColor set];
return NSInsetRect(theRect, borderSize.width, borderSize.height);
- (void) drawTabFillInRect: (NSRect)aRect forPart: (GSTabPart)part type: (NSTabViewType)type
- (NSColor *) tableHeaderTextColorForState: (GSThemeControlState)state
NSColor *color;
if (state == GSThemeHighlightedState)
color = [NSColor controlTextColor];
color = [NSColor controlTextColor];
return color;
- (void) drawTableCornerView: (NSView*)cornerView
withClip: (NSRect)aRect
NSRect divide;
NSRect rect;
if ([cornerView isFlipped])
if (type == NSBottomTabsBezelBorder)
switch (part)
case GSTabSelectedFill:
[self frameTabRectTopAndBottom: aRect
topColor: [NSColor clearColor]
bottomColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
case GSTabUnSelectedFill:
[self frameTabRectTopAndBottom: aRect
topColor: [NSColor darkGrayColor]
bottomColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
case GSTabBackgroundFill:
const NSRect clip = aRect;
aRect.origin.x -= 2;
aRect.origin.y = NSMinY(aRect) - 2;
aRect.size.width += 2;
aRect.size.height = 4;
//[self drawButton: aRect withClip: clip];
else if (type == NSTopTabsBezelBorder)
switch (part)
case GSTabSelectedFill:
[self frameTabRectTopAndBottom: aRect
topColor: [NSColor whiteColor]
bottomColor: [NSColor clearColor]];
case GSTabUnSelectedFill:
[self frameTabRectTopAndBottom: aRect
topColor: [NSColor whiteColor]
bottomColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
case GSTabBackgroundFill:
const NSRect clip = aRect;
aRect.origin.x -= 2;
aRect.origin.y = NSMaxY(aRect) - 1;
aRect.size.width += 2;
aRect.size.height = 4;
//[self drawButton: aRect withClip: clip];
- (CGFloat) tabHeightForType: (NSTabViewType)type
return 5;
- (NSRect) tabViewBackgroundRectForBounds: (NSRect)aRect
tabViewType: (NSTabViewType)type
const CGFloat tabHeight = [self tabHeightForType: type];
switch (type)
case NSTopTabsBezelBorder:
aRect.size.height -= tabHeight;
aRect.origin.y += tabHeight;
case NSBottomTabsBezelBorder:
aRect.size.height -= tabHeight;
case NSLeftTabsBezelBorder:
aRect.size.width -= tabHeight;
aRect.origin.x += tabHeight;
case NSRightTabsBezelBorder:
aRect.size.width -= tabHeight;
case NSNoTabsBezelBorder:
case NSNoTabsLineBorder:
case NSNoTabsNoBorder:
return aRect;
- (NSRect) tabViewContentRectForBounds: (NSRect)aRect
tabViewType: (NSTabViewType)type
tabView: (NSTabView *)view
NSRect cRect = [self tabViewBackgroundRectForBounds: aRect
tabViewType: type];
NSString *name = GSStringFromTabViewType(type);
GSDrawTiles *tiles = [self tilesNamed: name state: GSThemeNormalState];
if (tiles == nil)
switch (type)
case NSBottomTabsBezelBorder:
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 3;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSNoTabsBezelBorder:
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 3;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSNoTabsLineBorder:
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 2;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSTopTabsBezelBorder:
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 3;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSLeftTabsBezelBorder:
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 3;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSRightTabsBezelBorder:
cRect.origin.x += 1;
cRect.origin.y += 1;
cRect.size.width -= 3;
cRect.size.height -= 2;
case NSNoTabsNoBorder:
NSDivideRect(aRect, &divide, &rect, 1.0, NSMaxYEdge);
cRect = [tiles contentRectForRect: cRect
isFlipped: [view isFlipped]];
NSDivideRect(aRect, &divide, &rect, 1.0, NSMinYEdge);
return cRect;
NSColor * basecolor = [[NSColor controlBackgroundColor] shadowWithLevel: 0.1];
NSGradient* buttonBackgroundGradient = [self _bezelGradientWithColor: basecolor];
[buttonBackgroundGradient drawInRect: rect angle: -90];
NSBezierPath* linesPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[linesPath setLineWidth: 1];
[linesPath moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x, NSMinY(rect))];
[linesPath lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, NSMinY(rect))];
[linesPath moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x, NSMaxY(rect))];
[linesPath lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, NSMaxY(rect))];
NSColor * strokeColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.70
green: 0.70
blue: 0.70
alpha: 1.0];
[strokeColor setStroke];
[linesPath stroke];
- (void) drawTabViewRect: (NSRect)rect
inView: (NSView *)view
withItems: (NSArray *)items
selectedItem: (NSTabViewItem *)selected
- (void) drawTableHeaderCell: (NSTableHeaderCell *)cell
withFrame: (NSRect)cellFrame
inView: (NSView *)controlView
state: (GSThemeControlState)state
//// Color Declarations
NSColor* white = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 1 green: 1 blue: 1 alpha: 1];
NSColor* buttonStroke = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.557 green: 0.557 blue: 0.557 alpha: 1];
NSColor* black = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0 green: 0 blue: 0 alpha: 1];
NSColor* clear = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0 green: 0 blue: 0 alpha: 1];
NSColor* buttonNormal1 = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.953 green: 0.953 blue: 0.953 alpha: 1];
NSRect rect;
//// Gradient Declarations
NSGradient* normalButtongradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:
white, 0.52,
buttonNormal1, 0.53, nil];
const NSUInteger howMany = [items count];
int i;
int previousState = 0;
const NSTabViewType type = [(NSTabView *)view tabViewType];
const NSRect bounds = [view bounds];
NSRect aRect = [self tabViewBackgroundRectForBounds: bounds tabViewType: type];
const BOOL truncate = [(NSTabView *)view allowsTruncatedLabels];
const CGFloat tabHeight = [self tabHeightForType: type];
[self drawTabViewBezelRect: aRect
tabViewType: type
inView: view];
if (type == NSBottomTabsBezelBorder
|| type == NSTopTabsBezelBorder)
NSPoint iP;
if (type == NSTopTabsBezelBorder)
iP = bounds.origin;
NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ([defs objectForKey: @"GSBrowserColumnSeparation"] != nil)
return [defs floatForKey: @"GSBrowserColumnSeparation"];
// Leave a 1pt thick horizontal line underneath the header
if (![controlView isFlipped])
NSColor * basecolor;
if (state == GSThemeHighlightedState)
basecolor = [NSColor selectedControlColor];
iP = NSMakePoint(aRect.origin.x, NSMaxY(aRect));
basecolor = [[NSColor controlBackgroundColor] shadowWithLevel: 0.1];
NSGradient* buttonBackgroundGradient = [self _bezelGradientWithColor: basecolor];
[buttonBackgroundGradient drawInRect: cellFrame angle: -90];
for (i = 0; i < howMany; i++)
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(iP.x, iP.y, 100, 30);
//// button2 Drawing
CGFloat button2CornerRadius = 4;
NSRect button2Rect = NSMakeRect(NSMinX(frame) + 50.5, NSMinY(frame) + NSHeight(frame) - 20.5, 45, 17);
NSRect button2InnerRect = NSInsetRect(button2Rect, button2CornerRadius, button2CornerRadius);
NSBezierPath* button2Path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[button2Path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMinX(button2Rect), NSMinY(button2Rect))];
[button2Path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter: NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(button2InnerRect), NSMinY(button2InnerRect)) radius: button2CornerRadius startAngle: 270 endAngle: 360];
[button2Path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter: NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(button2InnerRect), NSMaxY(button2InnerRect)) radius: button2CornerRadius startAngle: 0 endAngle: 90];
[button2Path lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMinX(button2Rect), NSMaxY(button2Rect))];
[button2Path closePath];
[normalButtongradient drawInBezierPath: button2Path angle: -90];
iP.x += frame.size.width;
NSBezierPath* linesPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[linesPath setLineWidth: 1];
[linesPath moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x-0.5, NSMinY(cellFrame) + 5)];
[linesPath lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x-0.5, NSMaxY(cellFrame) - 5)];
[linesPath moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x, NSMinY(cellFrame))];
[linesPath lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x + cellFrame.size.width, NSMinY(cellFrame))];
[linesPath moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x, NSMaxY(cellFrame))];
[linesPath lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(cellFrame.origin.x + cellFrame.size.width, NSMaxY(cellFrame))];
NSColor * strokeColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.70
green: 0.70
blue: 0.70
alpha: 1.0];
[strokeColor setStroke];
[linesPath stroke];