2023-05-16 21:41:14 -07:00

566 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <kern/kalloc.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <libkern/libkern.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <mach/semaphore.h>
#include <mach/task.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <tests/ktest.h>
kern_return_t copyio_test(void);
#define copyio_test_buf_size (PAGE_SIZE * 16)
static const char copyio_test_string[] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', ' ', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', '!', '\0', 'A', 'B', 'C'};
struct copyio_test_data {
/* VM map of the current userspace process. */
vm_map_t user_map;
/* The start of a `copyio_test_buf_size'-sized region mapped into userspace. */
user_addr_t user_addr;
/* The start of a page-sized region that guaranteed to be unmapped in userspace. */
user_addr_t unmapped_addr;
/* The start of a page-sized region mapped at the largest possible userspace address. */
user_addr_t user_lastpage_addr;
/* Kernel mapping of the physical pages mapped at `user_addr'. */
void *kern_addr;
/* Scratch buffers of size `copyio_test_buf_size'. */
char *buf1, *buf2;
/* Scratch data to pass to helper threads */
union {
void *thread_ptr;
uint64_t thread_data;
typedef int (*copyio_thread_fn_t)(struct copyio_test_data *);
struct copyio_test_thread_data {
copyio_thread_fn_t fn;
struct copyio_test_data *data;
int ret;
semaphore_t done;
static void
copyio_thread_call_fn(void *arg, wait_result_t __unused res)
struct copyio_test_thread_data *tdata = arg;
tdata->ret = tdata->fn(tdata->data);
static int
copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyio_thread_fn_t fn, struct copyio_test_data *data)
struct copyio_test_thread_data tdata = {
.fn = fn,
.data = data,
thread_t thread;
semaphore_create(current_task(), &tdata.done, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, 0);
kernel_thread_start(copyio_thread_call_fn, &tdata, &thread);
semaphore_destroy(current_task(), tdata.done);
return tdata.ret;
static void
copyio_test_protect(struct copyio_test_data *data, vm_prot_t prot)
kern_return_t ret = mach_vm_protect(data->user_map, data->user_addr, copyio_test_buf_size, false, prot);
assert(ret == KERN_SUCCESS);
static int
copyin_from_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *in_buf = data->buf2;
return copyin((uintptr_t)data->kern_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
static void
copyin_test(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *out_buf = data->buf1;
char *in_buf = data->buf2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < copyio_test_buf_size; i++) {
out_buf[i] = (char)i;
memcpy(data->kern_addr, out_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
int err = copyin(data->user_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyin() with valid parameters should succeed");
int cmp = memcmp(out_buf, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyin() should correctly copy in data");
err = copyin(data->unmapped_addr, NULL, 0);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyin() with 0 size should always succeed");
err = copyin(data->unmapped_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin() from unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT");
err = copyin(data->unmapped_addr - PAGE_SIZE, in_buf, PAGE_SIZE * 2);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin() from partially valid userspace range should return EFAULT");
err = copyin(data->user_lastpage_addr, in_buf, PAGE_SIZE * 2);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin() past end of userspace address space should return EFAULT");
bzero(in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyin_from_kernel, data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyin() from kernel address in kernel_task thread should succeed");
cmp = memcmp(data->kern_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyin() from kernel address should correctly copy in data");
err = copyin_from_kernel(data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin() from kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_WRITE);
err = copyin(data->user_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin() from write-only address should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
static int
copyout_to_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *out_buf = data->buf1;
return copyout(out_buf, (uintptr_t)data->kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
static void
copyout_test(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *out_buf = data->buf1;
bzero(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < copyio_test_buf_size; i++) {
out_buf[i] = ~(char)i;
int err = copyout(out_buf, data->user_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyout() with valid parameters should succeed");
int cmp = memcmp(data->kern_addr, out_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyout() should correctly copy out data");
err = copyout(NULL, data->unmapped_addr, 0);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyout() with 0 size should always succeed");
err = copyout(out_buf, data->unmapped_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyout() to unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT");
err = copyout(out_buf, data->unmapped_addr - PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE * 2);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyout() to partially valid userspace range should return EFAULT");
err = copyout(out_buf, data->user_lastpage_addr, PAGE_SIZE * 2);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyout() past end of userspace address space should return EFAULT");
bzero(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyout_to_kernel, data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyout() to kernel address in kernel_task thread should succeed");
cmp = memcmp(out_buf, data->kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyout() to kernel address should correctly copy out data");
err = copyout_to_kernel(data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyout() to kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ);
err = copyout(out_buf, data->user_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyout() to read-only address should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
static int
copyinstr_from_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *in_buf = data->buf1;
size_t *lencopied = data->thread_ptr;
return copyinstr((user_addr_t)data->kern_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size, lencopied);
static void
copyinstr_test(struct copyio_test_data *data)
char *in_buf = data->buf1;
memcpy(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
bzero(in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
size_t lencopied;
int err = copyinstr(data->user_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyinstr() with valid parameters should succeed");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, strlen(copyio_test_string) + 1, "copyinstr() with a large enough buffer should read entire string");
int cmp = strncmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() should correctly copy string up to NULL terminator");
cmp = memcmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_NE_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() should not read past NULL terminator");
bzero(in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
const vm_size_t trunc_size = strlen(copyio_test_string) - 4;
err = copyinstr(data->user_addr, in_buf, trunc_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, ENAMETOOLONG, "truncated copyinstr() should return ENAMETOOLONG");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, trunc_size, "truncated copyinstr() should copy exactly `maxlen' bytes");
cmp = memcmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, trunc_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() should correctly copy in truncated string");
cmp = memcmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, strlen(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_NE_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() should stop copying at `maxlen' bytes");
err = copyinstr(data->unmapped_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() from unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT");
err = copyinstr(data->user_lastpage_addr, in_buf, PAGE_SIZE * 2, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() past end of userspace address space should return EFAULT");
bzero(in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size);
data->thread_ptr = &lencopied;
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyinstr_from_kernel, data);
#if defined(__arm__) || defined (__arm64__)
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() from kernel address in kernel_task thread should return EFAULT");
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyinstr() from kernel address in kernel_task thread should succeed");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, strlen(copyio_test_string) + 1, "copyinstr() from kernel address should read entire string");
cmp = strncmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() from kernel address should correctly copy string up to NULL terminator");
cmp = memcmp(in_buf, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_NE_INT(cmp, 0, "copyinstr() from kernel address should not read past NULL terminator");
err = copyinstr_from_kernel(data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() from kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_WRITE);
err = copyinstr(data->user_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() from write-only address should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
/* Place an unterminated string at the end of the mapped region */
const size_t unterminated_size = 16;
char *kern_unterminated_addr = (char *)data->kern_addr + copyio_test_buf_size - unterminated_size;
memset(kern_unterminated_addr, 'A', unterminated_size);
user_addr_t user_unterminated_addr = data->user_addr + copyio_test_buf_size - unterminated_size;
err = copyinstr(user_unterminated_addr, in_buf, copyio_test_buf_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyinstr() from userspace region without NULL terminator should return EFAULT");
static int
copyoutstr_to_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
size_t *lencopied = data->thread_ptr;
return copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, (user_addr_t)data->kern_addr, sizeof(copyio_test_string), lencopied);
static void
copyoutstr_test(struct copyio_test_data *data)
bzero(data->kern_addr, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
size_t lencopied;
int err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->user_addr, sizeof(copyio_test_string), &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyoutstr() with valid parameters should succeed");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, strlen(copyio_test_string) + 1, "copyoutstr() should copy string up to NULL terminator");
int cmp = strncmp(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyoutstr() should correctly copy out string");
cmp = memcmp(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_NE_INT(cmp, 0, "copyoutstr() should stop copying at NULL terminator");
bzero(data->kern_addr, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
const vm_size_t trunc_size = strlen(copyio_test_string) - 4;
err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->user_addr, trunc_size, &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, ENAMETOOLONG, "truncated copyoutstr() should return ENAMETOOLONG");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, trunc_size, "truncated copyoutstr() should copy exactly `maxlen' bytes");
cmp = strncmp(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, trunc_size);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyoutstr() should correctly copy out truncated string");
cmp = memcmp(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_NE_INT(cmp, 0, "copyoutstr() should stop copying at `maxlen' bytes");
err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->unmapped_addr, strlen(copyio_test_string), &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() to unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT");
err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->unmapped_addr - 1, strlen(copyio_test_string), &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() to partially valid userspace range should return EFAULT");
err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->user_lastpage_addr + PAGE_SIZE - 1, strlen(copyio_test_string), &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() past end of userspace address space should return EFAULT");
bzero(data->kern_addr, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
data->thread_ptr = &lencopied;
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyoutstr_to_kernel, data);
#if defined(__arm__) || defined (__arm64__)
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() to kernel address in kernel_task thread should return EFAULT");
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyoutstr() to kernel address in kernel_task thread should succeed");
T_EXPECT_EQ_ULONG(lencopied, strlen(copyio_test_string) + 1, "copyoutstr() to kernel address should copy string up to NULL terminator");
cmp = strncmp(data->kern_addr, copyio_test_string, sizeof(copyio_test_string));
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, "copyoutstr() to kernel address should correctly copy out data");
err = copyoutstr_to_kernel(data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() to kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ);
err = copyoutstr(copyio_test_string, data->user_addr, strlen(copyio_test_string), &lencopied);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyoutstr() to read-only address should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
static int
copyin_atomic32_from_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
return copyin_atomic32((uintptr_t)data->kern_addr, data->thread_ptr);
static int
copyin_atomic64_from_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
return copyin_atomic64((uintptr_t)data->kern_addr, data->thread_ptr);
static int
copyout_atomic32_to_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
return copyout_atomic32((uint32_t)data->thread_data, (user_addr_t)data->kern_addr);
static int
copyout_atomic64_to_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
return copyout_atomic64(data->thread_data, (user_addr_t)data->kern_addr);
* Note: we can't test atomic copyio calls which go past the end of the
* userspace address space, since there's no way to provide a range
* that straddles the userspace address boundary while being suitably
* aligned for the copy.
#define copyin_atomic_test(data, word_t, copyin_fn, copyin_from_kernel_fn) \
do { \
const word_t word_out = (word_t)0x123456789ABCDEF0UL; \
word_t word_in = 0; \
memcpy(data->kern_addr, &word_out, sizeof(word_out)); \
int err = copyin_fn(data->user_addr, &word_in); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, #copyin_fn "() with valid parameters should succeed"); \
int cmp = memcmp(&word_in, &word_out, sizeof(word_t)); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, #copyin_fn "() should correctly copy word"); \
for (unsigned int offset = 1; offset < sizeof(word_t); offset++) { \
err = copyin_fn(data->user_addr + offset, &word_in); \
#copyin_fn "() from unaligned userspace address should return EINVAL (offset = %u)", \
offset); \
}; \
err = copyin_fn(data->unmapped_addr, &word_in); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyin_fn "() from unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT"); \
data->thread_ptr = &word_in; \
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyin_from_kernel_fn, data); \
#copyin_fn "() from kernel address in kernel_task threads should return EFAULT"); \
err = copyin_from_kernel_fn(data); \
#copyin_fn "() from kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT"); \
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_WRITE); \
err = copyin_fn(data->user_addr, &word_in); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyin_fn "() from write-only address should return EFAULT"); \
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); \
} while (0)
#define copyout_atomic_test(data, word_t, copyout_fn, copyout_to_kernel_fn) \
do { \
const word_t word_out = (word_t)0x123456789ABCDEF0UL; \
bzero(data->kern_addr, sizeof(word_t)); \
int err = copyout_fn(word_out, data->user_addr); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, #copyout_fn "() with valid parameters should succeed"); \
int cmp = memcmp(data->kern_addr, &word_out, sizeof(word_t)); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(cmp, 0, #copyout_fn "() should correctly copy word"); \
for (unsigned int offset = 1; offset < sizeof(word_t); offset++) { \
err = copyout_fn(word_out, data->user_addr + offset); \
#copyout_fn "() to unaligned userspace address should return EINVAL (offset = %u)", \
offset); \
}; \
err = copyout_fn(word_out, data->unmapped_addr); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyout_fn "() to unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT"); \
err = copyout_fn(word_out, (uintptr_t)data->kern_addr); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyout_fn "() to kernel address should return EFAULT"); \
data->thread_data = word_out; \
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyout_to_kernel_fn, data); \
#copyout_fn "() to kernel address in kernel_task thread should return EFAULT"); \
err = copyout_to_kernel_fn(data); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyout_fn "() to kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT"); \
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ); \
err = copyout_fn(word_out, data->user_addr); \
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, #copyout_fn "() to read-only address should return EFAULT"); \
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); \
} while (0)
#define copyio_atomic_test(data, size) \
do { \
copyin_atomic_test((data), uint ## size ## _t, copyin_atomic ## size, \
copyin_atomic ## size ## _from_kernel); \
copyout_atomic_test((data), uint ## size ## _t, copyout_atomic ## size, \
copyout_atomic ## size ## _to_kernel); \
} while (0)
static int
copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals_from_kernel(struct copyio_test_data *data)
return copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals((uintptr_t)data->kern_addr, (uint32_t)data->thread_data);
static void
copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals_test(struct copyio_test_data *data)
bzero(data->kern_addr, sizeof(uint32_t));
int err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(data->user_addr, 0);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, 0, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() should return 0 when equals");
err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(data->user_addr, ~0U);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, ESTALE, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() should return ESTALE when not equals");
for (unsigned int offset = 1; offset < sizeof(uint32_t); offset++) {
err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(data->user_addr + offset, 0);
"copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() on unaligned userspace address should return EINVAL (offset = %u)",
err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(data->unmapped_addr, 0);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() on unmapped userspace address should return EFAULT");
data->thread_data = 0;
err = copyio_test_run_in_thread(copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals_from_kernel, data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() from kernel address in kernel_task thread should return EFAULT");
err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals_from_kernel(data);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() from kernel address in other threads should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_WRITE);
err = copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(data->user_addr, 0);
T_EXPECT_EQ_INT(err, EFAULT, "copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals() on write-only address should return EFAULT");
copyio_test_protect(data, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
struct copyio_test_data data = {};
mach_vm_offset_t user_addr = 0;
kern_return_t ret = KERN_SUCCESS;
data.buf1 = kalloc(copyio_test_buf_size);
data.buf2 = kalloc(copyio_test_buf_size);
if (!data.buf1 || !data.buf2) {
T_FAIL("failed to allocate scratch buffers");
goto err_kalloc;
* This test needs to manipulate the current userspace process's
* address space. This is okay to do at the specific point in time
* when bsd_do_post() runs: current_proc() points to the init process,
* which has been set up to the point of having a valid vm_map, but
* not to the point of actually execing yet.
proc_t proc = current_proc();
assert(proc->p_pid == 1);
data.user_map = get_task_map_reference(proc->task);
user_addr = data.user_addr;
ret = mach_vm_allocate_kernel(data.user_map, &user_addr, copyio_test_buf_size + PAGE_SIZE, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE);
if (ret) {
T_FAIL("mach_vm_allocate_kernel(user_addr) failed: %d", ret);
goto err_user_alloc;
data.user_addr = (user_addr_t)user_addr;
user_addr = get_map_max(data.user_map) - PAGE_SIZE;
ret = mach_vm_allocate_kernel(data.user_map, &user_addr, PAGE_SIZE, VM_FLAGS_FIXED, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE);
if (ret) {
T_FAIL("mach_vm_allocate_kernel(user_lastpage_addr) failed: %d", ret);
goto err_user_lastpage_alloc;
data.user_lastpage_addr = (user_addr_t)user_addr;
data.unmapped_addr = data.user_addr + copyio_test_buf_size;
mach_vm_deallocate(data.user_map, data.unmapped_addr, PAGE_SIZE);
vm_prot_t cur_protection, max_protection;
mach_vm_offset_t kern_addr = 0;
ret = mach_vm_remap_kernel(kernel_map, &kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE,
data.user_map, data.user_addr, false, &cur_protection, &max_protection, VM_INHERIT_NONE);
if (ret) {
T_FAIL("mach_vm_remap_kernel() failed: %d", ret);
goto err_kern_remap;
data.kern_addr = (void *)kern_addr;
copyio_atomic_test(&data, 32);
copyio_atomic_test(&data, 64);
mach_vm_deallocate(kernel_map, kern_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
mach_vm_deallocate(data.user_map, data.user_lastpage_addr, PAGE_SIZE);
mach_vm_deallocate(data.user_map, data.user_addr, copyio_test_buf_size);
kfree(data.buf2, copyio_test_buf_size);
kfree(data.buf1, copyio_test_buf_size);
return ret;