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synced 2025-02-17 08:09:10 +00:00
![Ariel Abreu](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Since darlingserver doesn't need a kernel module, we no longer need a DKMS package. Note: I have not tested whether building the `.deb` actually works after this change. I guess the CI will let me know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
170 lines
4.2 KiB
170 lines
4.2 KiB
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
environment {
DEB_DISTRO = sh(script: 'lsb_release -cs', returnStdout: true).trim()
ESCAPED_JOB_NAME = sh(script: 'echo "${JOB_NAME}" | sed \'s/\\//-/g\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
REAL_WORKSPACE = "/home/jenkins/workspace/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/${JOB_NAME}"
options {
stages {
stage('Start Job') {
steps {
dir("${REAL_WORKSPACE}") {
scmSkip(deleteBuild: true, skipPattern:'.*\\[ci skip\\].*')
dir('source') {
checkout scm
script {
def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int
if (buildNumber > 1) milestone(buildNumber - 1)
while (fileExists('.job-running')) {
sleep 1
touch '.job-running'
stage('Workspace Setup') {
when {
not {
expression {
return fileExists("${REAL_WORKSPACE}/.workspace-setup")
steps {
dir("${REAL_WORKSPACE}") {
sh 'virt-clone --connect qemu:///system --original dtest-base --name dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME} --auto-clone --mac RANDOM'
touch '.vm-cloned'
sh 'virsh --connect qemu:///system snapshot-create-as --domain dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME} --name before-darling'
touch '.vm-snapshotted'
touch '.workspace-setup'
stage('Build') {
steps {
dir("${REAL_WORKSPACE}") {
dir('source') {
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
sh 'cd src/external/swift && git lfs install && git lfs pull'
touch '../.submodules-cloned'
//sh 'tools/debian/make-deb --dsc'
sh 'tools/debian/make-deb'
sh 'rm -rf out'
sh 'mkdir out'
dir('out') {
sh 'mv ../*.deb ./'
sh 'rm ../*.*'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'out/**/*', fingerprint: true
stage('Test') {
steps {
dir("${REAL_WORKSPACE}") {
sh 'virsh --connect qemu:///system start dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME}'
touch '.vm-running'
script {
def vmIP = ""
waitUntil {
vmIP = sh(script: 'virtip dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME}', returnStdout: true)
return vmIP != ""
vmIP = vmIP.trim()
def remote = [:]
remote.name = 'dtest-box'
remote.host = vmIP
remote.user = 'dtest'
remote.password = 'dtest'
remote.allowAnyHosts = true
remote.retryCount = 5
remote.retryWaitSec = 2
sshPut remote: remote, from: 'out', into: '.'
sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'echo dtest | sudo -S apt install -y ./out/darling_*.deb'
// the initial shell must be in a screen because the pty is handed to launchd and ssh will stay connected
// even after the shell exits because launchd is still using the pty.
// if the command fails, we'll know when we run our next command (if it did fail, that means Darling is failing to run
// so launchd won't be holding on to the pty)
sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'screen -d -m darling shell'
sleep 5 // give Darling some time to initialize
// if this doesn't report back within 3 minutes, something's definitely broken in Darling, so stop the testing early
timeout(time: 180, unit: 'SECONDS') {
sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'darling shell echo hi'
post {
cleanup {
dir("${REAL_WORKSPACE}") {
script {
if (fileExists('.vm-running')) {
// try to shut it down normally
sh 'virsh --connect qemu:///system shutdown dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME}'
try {
retry(5) {
sleep 1
def isRunning = sh(script: 'virsh --connect qemu:///system list --all | grep " dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME} " | awk \'{ print $3}\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
if (isRunning != "" && isRunning == "running") {
throw new Exception("VM not shutdown yet")
} catch (Exception e) {
// force shut it down
sh 'virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME}'
sh 'virsh --connect qemu:///system snapshot-revert --domain dtest-${ESCAPED_JOB_NAME} --snapshotname before-darling'
sh 'rm .vm-running'
if (!fileExists('.submodules-cloned')) {
sh 'rm -rf source'
sh 'rm .job-running'