VolumeVerifier: Add datfile parsing

This commit is contained in:
JosJuice 2019-08-23 13:20:09 +02:00
parent 88522b7a26
commit 22933d8502
9 changed files with 353 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#define MAPS_DIR "Maps"
#define CACHE_DIR "Cache"
#define COVERCACHE_DIR "GameCovers"
#define REDUMPCACHE_DIR "Redump"
#define SHADERCACHE_DIR "Shaders"
#define STATESAVES_DIR "StateSaves"
#define SCREENSHOTS_DIR "ScreenShots"

View File

@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ static void RebuildUserDirectories(unsigned int dir_index)
s_user_paths[D_MAPS_IDX] = s_user_paths[D_USER_IDX] + MAPS_DIR DIR_SEP;
s_user_paths[D_CACHE_IDX] = s_user_paths[D_USER_IDX] + CACHE_DIR DIR_SEP;
s_user_paths[D_COVERCACHE_IDX] = s_user_paths[D_CACHE_IDX] + COVERCACHE_DIR DIR_SEP;
s_user_paths[D_SHADERS_IDX] = s_user_paths[D_USER_IDX] + SHADERS_DIR DIR_SEP;
s_user_paths[D_STATESAVES_IDX] = s_user_paths[D_USER_IDX] + STATESAVES_DIR DIR_SEP;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ enum

View File

@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ add_library(discio

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@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
<ProjectReference Include="$(CoreDir)Common\Common.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="$(ExternalsDir)pugixml\pugixml.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">

View File

@ -11,15 +11,19 @@
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <mbedtls/md5.h>
#include <mbedtls/sha1.h>
#include <pugixml.hpp>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "Common/Align.h"
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
@ -39,6 +43,184 @@
namespace DiscIO
void RedumpVerifier::Start(const Volume& volume)
if (volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc)
m_dat_filename = "gamecube.dat";
else if (volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc)
m_dat_filename = "wii.dat";
m_result.status = Status::Error;
// We use GetGameTDBID instead of GetGameID so that Datel discs will be represented by an empty
// string, which matches Redump not having any serials for Datel discs.
m_game_id = volume.GetGameTDBID();
if (m_game_id.size() > 4)
m_game_id = m_game_id.substr(0, 4);
m_revision = volume.GetRevision().value_or(0);
m_disc_number = volume.GetDiscNumber().value_or(0);
m_size = volume.GetSize();
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this] { return ScanXML(); });
static u8 ParseHexDigit(char c)
if (c < '0')
return 0; // Error
if (c >= 'a')
c -= 'a' - 'A';
if (c >= 'A')
c -= 'A' - ('9' + 1);
c -= '0';
if (c >= 0x10)
return 0; // Error
return c;
static std::vector<u8> ParseHash(const char* str)
std::vector<u8> hash;
while (str[0] && str[1])
hash.push_back(static_cast<u8>(ParseHexDigit(str[0]) * 0x10 + ParseHexDigit(str[1])));
str += 2;
return hash;
std::vector<RedumpVerifier::PotentialMatch> RedumpVerifier::ScanXML()
const std::string path = File::GetUserPath(D_REDUMPCACHE_IDX) + DIR_SEP + m_dat_filename;
pugi::xml_document doc;
std::string data;
if (!File::ReadFileToString(path, data) || !doc.load_buffer(data.data(), data.size()))
m_result = {Status::Error, Common::GetStringT("Failed to parse Redump.org data")};
return {};
std::vector<PotentialMatch> potential_matches;
const pugi::xml_node datafile = doc.child("datafile");
for (const pugi::xml_node game : datafile.children("game"))
std::string version_string = game.child("version").text().as_string();
// Strip out prefix (e.g. "v1.02" -> "02", "Rev 2" -> "2")
const size_t last_non_numeric = version_string.find_last_not_of("0123456789");
if (last_non_numeric != std::string::npos)
version_string = version_string.substr(last_non_numeric + 1);
const int version = version_string.empty() ? 0 : std::stoi(version_string);
// The revisions for Korean GameCube games whose four-char game IDs end in E are numbered from
// 0x30 in ring codes and in disc headers, but Redump switched to numbering them from 0 in 2019.
if (version % 0x30 != m_revision % 0x30)
const std::string serials = game.child("serial").text().as_string();
if (serials.empty())
// This case is reached for Datel discs
if (!m_game_id.empty())
continue; // Non-empty m_game_id means we're verifying a non-Datel disc
bool serial_match_found = false;
// If a disc has multiple possible serials, they are delimited with ", ". We want to loop
// through all the serials until we find a match, because even though they normally only
// differ in the region code at the end (which we don't care about), there is an edge case
// disc with the game ID "G96P" and the serial "DL-DOL-D96P-EUR, DL-DOL-G96P-EUR".
for (const std::string& serial_str : SplitString(serials, ','))
const std::string_view serial = StripSpaces(serial_str);
// Skip the prefix, normally either "DL-DOL-" or "RVL-" (depending on the console),
// but there are some exceptions like the "RVLE-SBSE-USA-B0" serial.
const size_t first_dash = serial.find_first_of('-', 3);
const size_t game_id_start =
first_dash == std::string::npos ? std::string::npos : first_dash + 1;
if (serial.size() < game_id_start + 4)
ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Invalid serial in redump datfile: %s", serial_str.c_str());
const std::string_view game_id = serial.substr(game_id_start, 4);
if (game_id != m_game_id)
u8 disc_number = 0;
if (serial.size() > game_id_start + 5 && serial[game_id_start + 5] >= '0' &&
serial[game_id_start + 5] <= '9')
disc_number = serial[game_id_start + 5] - '0';
if (disc_number != m_disc_number)
serial_match_found = true;
if (!serial_match_found)
PotentialMatch& potential_match = potential_matches.emplace_back();
const pugi::xml_node rom = game.child("rom");
potential_match.size = rom.attribute("size").as_ullong();
potential_match.hashes.crc32 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("crc").value());
potential_match.hashes.md5 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("md5").value());
potential_match.hashes.sha1 = ParseHash(rom.attribute("sha1").value());
return potential_matches;
static bool HashesMatch(const std::vector<u8>& calculated, const std::vector<u8>& expected)
return calculated.empty() || calculated == expected;
RedumpVerifier::Result RedumpVerifier::Finish(const Hashes<std::vector<u8>>& hashes)
if (m_result.status == Status::Error)
return m_result;
if (hashes.crc32.empty() && hashes.md5.empty() && hashes.sha1.empty())
return m_result;
const std::vector<PotentialMatch> potential_matches = m_future.get();
for (PotentialMatch p : potential_matches)
if (HashesMatch(hashes.crc32, p.hashes.crc32) && HashesMatch(hashes.md5, p.hashes.md5) &&
HashesMatch(hashes.sha1, p.hashes.sha1) && m_size == p.size)
return {Status::GoodDump, Common::GetStringT("Good dump")};
// We only return bad dump if there's a disc that we know this dump should match but that doesn't
// match. For disc without IDs (i.e. Datel discs), we don't have a good way of knowing whether we
// have a bad dump or just a dump that isn't in Redump, so we always pick unknown instead of bad
// dump for those to be on the safe side. (Besides, it's possible to dump a Datel disc correctly
// and have it not match Redump if you don't use the same replacement value for bad sectors.)
if (!potential_matches.empty() && !m_game_id.empty())
return {Status::BadDump, Common::GetStringT("Bad dump")};
return {Status::Unknown, Common::GetStringT("Unknown disc")};
constexpr u64 MINI_DVD_SIZE = 1459978240; // GameCube
constexpr u64 SL_DVD_SIZE = 4699979776; // Wii retail
constexpr u64 SL_DVD_R_SIZE = 4707319808; // Wii RVT-R
@ -47,12 +229,16 @@ constexpr u64 DL_DVD_R_SIZE = 8543666176; // Wii RVT-R
constexpr u64 BLOCK_SIZE = 0x20000;
VolumeVerifier::VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, Hashes<bool> hashes_to_calculate)
: m_volume(volume), m_hashes_to_calculate(hashes_to_calculate),
VolumeVerifier::VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, bool redump_verification,
Hashes<bool> hashes_to_calculate)
: m_volume(volume), m_redump_verification(redump_verification),
m_calculating_any_hash(hashes_to_calculate.crc32 || hashes_to_calculate.md5 ||
if (!m_calculating_any_hash)
m_redump_verification = false;
VolumeVerifier::~VolumeVerifier() = default;
@ -62,6 +248,9 @@ void VolumeVerifier::Start()
m_started = true;
if (m_redump_verification)
m_is_tgc = m_volume.GetBlobType() == BlobType::TGC;
m_is_datel = IsDisc(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) &&
!GetBootDOLOffset(m_volume, m_volume.GetGamePartition()).has_value();
@ -934,6 +1123,26 @@ void VolumeVerifier::Finish()
const Severity highest_severity =
m_result.problems.empty() ? Severity::None : m_result.problems[0].severity;
if (m_redump_verification)
m_result.redump = m_redump_verifier.Finish(m_result.hashes);
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::GoodDump ||
(m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiWAD && !m_is_not_retail &&
if (m_result.problems.empty())
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump.");
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("This is a good dump according to Redump.org, but Dolphin has found "
"problems. This might be a bug in Dolphin.");
if (m_is_datel)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("Dolphin is unable to verify unlicensed discs.");
@ -948,35 +1157,49 @@ void VolumeVerifier::Finish()
switch (highest_severity)
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump &&
highest_severity <= Severity::Low)
case Severity::None:
if (IsWii(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && !m_is_not_retail)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT(
"No problems were found. This does not guarantee that this is a good dump, "
"but since Wii titles contain a lot of verification data, it does mean that "
"there most likely are no problems that will affect emulation.");
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("No problems were found.");
case Severity::Low:
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("Problems with low severity were found. They will most "
"likely not prevent the game from running.");
case Severity::Medium:
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("Problems with medium severity were found. The whole game "
"or certain parts of the game might not work correctly.");
case Severity::High:
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT(
"Problems with high severity were found. The game will most likely not work at all.");
"This is a bad dump. This doesn't necessarily mean that the game won't run correctly.");
if (m_result.redump.status == RedumpVerifier::Status::BadDump)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("This is a bad dump.") + "\n\n";
switch (highest_severity)
case Severity::None:
if (IsWii(m_volume.GetVolumeType()) && !m_is_not_retail)
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT(
"No problems were found. This does not guarantee that this is a good dump, "
"but since Wii titles contain a lot of verification data, it does mean that "
"there most likely are no problems that will affect emulation.");
m_result.summary_text = Common::GetStringT("No problems were found.");
case Severity::Low:
m_result.summary_text =
Common::GetStringT("Problems with low severity were found. They will most "
"likely not prevent the game from running.");
case Severity::Medium:
m_result.summary_text +=
Common::GetStringT("Problems with medium severity were found. The whole game "
"or certain parts of the game might not work correctly.");
case Severity::High:
m_result.summary_text += Common::GetStringT(
"Problems with high severity were found. The game will most likely not work at all.");
if (m_volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
// To be used as follows:
// VolumeVerifier verifier(volume);
// VolumeVerifier verifier(volume, redump_verification, hashes_to_calculate);
// verifier.Start();
// while (verifier.GetBytesProcessed() != verifier.GetTotalBytes())
// verifier.Process();
@ -36,6 +36,53 @@ namespace DiscIO
class FileInfo;
template <typename T>
struct Hashes
T crc32;
T md5;
T sha1;
class RedumpVerifier final
enum class Status
struct Result
Status status = Status::Unknown;
std::string message;
void Start(const Volume& volume);
Result Finish(const Hashes<std::vector<u8>>& hashes);
struct PotentialMatch
u64 size;
Hashes<std::vector<u8>> hashes;
std::vector<PotentialMatch> ScanXML();
std::string m_dat_filename;
std::string m_game_id;
u16 m_revision;
u8 m_disc_number;
u64 m_size;
std::future<std::vector<PotentialMatch>> m_future;
Result m_result;
class VolumeVerifier final
@ -53,22 +100,15 @@ public:
std::string text;
template <typename T>
struct Hashes
T crc32;
T md5;
T sha1;
struct Result
Hashes<std::vector<u8>> hashes;
std::string summary_text;
std::vector<Problem> problems;
RedumpVerifier::Result redump;
VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, Hashes<bool> hashes_to_calculate);
VolumeVerifier(const Volume& volume, bool redump_verification, Hashes<bool> hashes_to_calculate);
void Start();
@ -111,6 +151,9 @@ private:
bool m_is_datel = false;
bool m_is_not_retail = false;
bool m_redump_verification;
RedumpVerifier m_redump_verifier;
Hashes<bool> m_hashes_to_calculate{};
bool m_calculating_any_hash = false;
unsigned long m_crc32_context = 0;

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ VerifyWidget::VerifyWidget(std::shared_ptr<DiscIO::Volume> volume) : m_volume(st
layout->setStretchFactor(m_problems, 5);
@ -55,8 +56,21 @@ void VerifyWidget::CreateWidgets()
std::tie(m_md5_checkbox, m_md5_line_edit) = AddHashLine(m_hash_layout, tr("MD5:"));
std::tie(m_sha1_checkbox, m_sha1_line_edit) = AddHashLine(m_hash_layout, tr("SHA-1:"));
m_redump_layout = new QFormLayout;
if (DiscIO::IsDisc(m_volume->GetVolumeType()))
std::tie(m_redump_checkbox, m_redump_line_edit) =
AddHashLine(m_redump_layout, tr("Redump.org Status:"));
m_redump_checkbox = nullptr;
m_redump_line_edit = nullptr;
// Extend line edits to their maximum possible widths (needed on macOS)
m_verify_button = new QPushButton(tr("Verify Integrity"), this);
@ -80,6 +94,9 @@ std::pair<QCheckBox*, QLineEdit*> VerifyWidget::AddHashLine(QFormLayout* layout,
void VerifyWidget::ConnectWidgets()
connect(m_verify_button, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &VerifyWidget::Verify);
connect(m_md5_checkbox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &VerifyWidget::UpdateRedumpEnabled);
connect(m_sha1_checkbox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &VerifyWidget::UpdateRedumpEnabled);
static void SetHash(QLineEdit* line_edit, const std::vector<u8>& hash)
@ -89,10 +106,25 @@ static void SetHash(QLineEdit* line_edit, const std::vector<u8>& hash)
bool VerifyWidget::CanVerifyRedump() const
// We don't allow Redump verification with CRC32 only since generating a collision is too easy
return m_md5_checkbox->isChecked() || m_sha1_checkbox->isChecked();
void VerifyWidget::UpdateRedumpEnabled()
if (m_redump_checkbox)
void VerifyWidget::Verify()
const bool redump_verification =
CanVerifyRedump() && m_redump_checkbox && m_redump_checkbox->isChecked();
DiscIO::VolumeVerifier verifier(
*m_volume, redump_verification,
{m_crc32_checkbox->isChecked(), m_md5_checkbox->isChecked(), m_sha1_checkbox->isChecked()});
// We have to divide the number of processed bytes with something so it won't make ints overflow
@ -147,6 +179,9 @@ void VerifyWidget::Verify()
SetHash(m_crc32_line_edit, result.hashes.crc32);
SetHash(m_md5_line_edit, result.hashes.md5);
SetHash(m_sha1_line_edit, result.hashes.sha1);
if (m_redump_line_edit)
void VerifyWidget::SetProblemCellText(int row, int column, QString text)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ private:
std::pair<QCheckBox*, QLineEdit*> AddHashLine(QFormLayout* layout, QString text);
void ConnectWidgets();
bool CanVerifyRedump() const;
void UpdateRedumpEnabled();
void Verify();
void SetProblemCellText(int row, int column, QString text);
@ -39,11 +41,14 @@ private:
QTableWidget* m_problems;
QTextEdit* m_summary_text;
QFormLayout* m_hash_layout;
QFormLayout* m_redump_layout;
QCheckBox* m_crc32_checkbox;
QCheckBox* m_md5_checkbox;
QCheckBox* m_sha1_checkbox;
QCheckBox* m_redump_checkbox;
QLineEdit* m_crc32_line_edit;
QLineEdit* m_md5_line_edit;
QLineEdit* m_sha1_line_edit;
QLineEdit* m_redump_line_edit;
QPushButton* m_verify_button;