// Copyright 2018 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DolphinQt/FIFO/FIFOAnalyzer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/Swap.h" #include "Core/FifoPlayer/FifoPlayer.h" #include "DolphinQt/Settings.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/OpcodeDecoding.h" constexpr int FRAME_ROLE = Qt::UserRole; constexpr int OBJECT_ROLE = Qt::UserRole + 1; FIFOAnalyzer::FIFOAnalyzer() { CreateWidgets(); ConnectWidgets(); UpdateTree(); auto& settings = Settings::GetQSettings(); m_object_splitter->restoreState( settings.value(QStringLiteral("fifoanalyzer/objectsplitter")).toByteArray()); m_search_splitter->restoreState( settings.value(QStringLiteral("fifoanalyzer/searchsplitter")).toByteArray()); m_detail_list->setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); m_entry_detail_browser->setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::DebugFontChanged, [this] { m_detail_list->setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); m_entry_detail_browser->setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); }); } FIFOAnalyzer::~FIFOAnalyzer() { auto& settings = Settings::GetQSettings(); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("fifoanalyzer/objectsplitter"), m_object_splitter->saveState()); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("fifoanalyzer/searchsplitter"), m_search_splitter->saveState()); } void FIFOAnalyzer::CreateWidgets() { m_tree_widget = new QTreeWidget; m_detail_list = new QListWidget; m_entry_detail_browser = new QTextBrowser; m_object_splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal); m_object_splitter->addWidget(m_tree_widget); m_object_splitter->addWidget(m_detail_list); m_tree_widget->header()->hide(); m_search_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Search Current Object")); m_search_edit = new QLineEdit; m_search_new = new QPushButton(tr("Search")); m_search_next = new QPushButton(tr("Next Match")); m_search_previous = new QPushButton(tr("Previous Match")); m_search_label = new QLabel; auto* box_layout = new QHBoxLayout; box_layout->addWidget(m_search_edit); box_layout->addWidget(m_search_new); box_layout->addWidget(m_search_next); box_layout->addWidget(m_search_previous); box_layout->addWidget(m_search_label); m_search_box->setLayout(box_layout); m_search_box->setMaximumHeight(m_search_box->minimumSizeHint().height()); m_search_splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); m_search_splitter->addWidget(m_object_splitter); m_search_splitter->addWidget(m_entry_detail_browser); m_search_splitter->addWidget(m_search_box); auto* layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(m_search_splitter); setLayout(layout); } void FIFOAnalyzer::ConnectWidgets() { connect(m_tree_widget, &QTreeWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &FIFOAnalyzer::UpdateDetails); connect(m_detail_list, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &FIFOAnalyzer::UpdateDescription); connect(m_search_new, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &FIFOAnalyzer::BeginSearch); connect(m_search_next, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &FIFOAnalyzer::FindNext); connect(m_search_previous, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &FIFOAnalyzer::FindPrevious); } void FIFOAnalyzer::Update() { UpdateTree(); UpdateDetails(); UpdateDescription(); } void FIFOAnalyzer::UpdateTree() { m_tree_widget->clear(); if (!FifoPlayer::GetInstance().IsPlaying()) { m_tree_widget->addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem({tr("No recording loaded.")})); return; } auto* recording_item = new QTreeWidgetItem({tr("Recording")}); m_tree_widget->addTopLevelItem(recording_item); auto* file = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetFile(); int object_count = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetFrameObjectCount(); int frame_count = file->GetFrameCount(); for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { auto* frame_item = new QTreeWidgetItem({tr("Frame %1").arg(i)}); recording_item->addChild(frame_item); for (int j = 0; j < object_count; j++) { auto* object_item = new QTreeWidgetItem({tr("Object %1").arg(j)}); frame_item->addChild(object_item); object_item->setData(0, FRAME_ROLE, i); object_item->setData(0, OBJECT_ROLE, j); } } } void FIFOAnalyzer::UpdateDetails() { m_detail_list->clear(); m_object_data_offsets.clear(); auto items = m_tree_widget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty() || items[0]->data(0, OBJECT_ROLE).isNull()) return; int frame_nr = items[0]->data(0, FRAME_ROLE).toInt(); int object_nr = items[0]->data(0, OBJECT_ROLE).toInt(); const auto& frame_info = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetAnalyzedFrameInfo(frame_nr); const auto& fifo_frame = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetFile()->GetFrame(frame_nr); const u8* objectdata_start = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[object_nr]]; const u8* objectdata_end = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectEnds[object_nr]]; const u8* objectdata = objectdata_start; const std::ptrdiff_t obj_offset = objectdata_start - &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[0]]; int cmd = *objectdata++; int stream_size = Common::swap16(objectdata); objectdata += 2; QString new_label = QStringLiteral("%1: %2 %3 ") .arg(obj_offset, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(cmd, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(stream_size, 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); if (stream_size && ((objectdata_end - objectdata) % stream_size)) new_label += tr("NOTE: Stream size doesn't match actual data length\n"); while (objectdata < objectdata_end) new_label += QStringLiteral("%1").arg(*objectdata++, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); m_detail_list->addItem(new_label); m_object_data_offsets.push_back(0); // Between objectdata_end and next_objdata_start, there are register setting commands if (object_nr + 1 < static_cast(frame_info.objectStarts.size())) { const u8* next_objdata_start = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[object_nr + 1]]; while (objectdata < next_objdata_start) { m_object_data_offsets.push_back(objectdata - objectdata_start); int new_offset = objectdata - &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[0]]; int command = *objectdata++; switch (command) { case OpcodeDecoder::GX_NOP: new_label = QStringLiteral("NOP"); break; case 0x44: new_label = QStringLiteral("0x44"); break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_CMD_INVL_VC: new_label = QStringLiteral("GX_CMD_INVL_VC"); break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_CP_REG: { u32 cmd2 = *objectdata++; u32 value = Common::swap32(objectdata); objectdata += 4; new_label = QStringLiteral("CP %1 %2") .arg(cmd2, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(value, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); } break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_XF_REG: { u32 cmd2 = Common::swap32(objectdata); objectdata += 4; u8 streamSize = ((cmd2 >> 16) & 15) + 1; const u8* stream_start = objectdata; const u8* stream_end = stream_start + streamSize * 4; new_label = QStringLiteral("XF %1 ").arg(cmd2, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); while (objectdata < stream_end) { new_label += QStringLiteral("%1").arg(*objectdata++, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); if (((objectdata - stream_start) % 4) == 0) new_label += QLatin1Char(' '); } } break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_A: case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_B: case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_C: case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_D: { objectdata += 4; new_label = (command == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_A) ? QStringLiteral("LOAD INDX A") : (command == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_B) ? QStringLiteral("LOAD INDX B") : (command == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_INDX_C) ? QStringLiteral("LOAD INDX C") : QStringLiteral("LOAD INDX D"); } break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_CMD_CALL_DL: // The recorder should have expanded display lists into the fifo stream and skipped the // call to start them // That is done to make it easier to track where memory is updated ASSERT(false); objectdata += 8; new_label = QStringLiteral("CALL DL"); break; case OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_BP_REG: { u32 cmd2 = Common::swap32(objectdata); objectdata += 4; new_label = QStringLiteral("BP %1 %2") .arg(cmd2 >> 24, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(cmd2 & 0xFFFFFF, 6, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); } break; default: new_label = tr("Unexpected 0x80 call? Aborting..."); objectdata = static_cast(next_objdata_start); break; } new_label = QStringLiteral("%1: ").arg(new_offset, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) + new_label; m_detail_list->addItem(new_label); } } } void FIFOAnalyzer::BeginSearch() { QString search_str = m_search_edit->text(); auto items = m_tree_widget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty() || items[0]->data(0, FRAME_ROLE).isNull()) return; if (items[0]->data(0, OBJECT_ROLE).isNull()) { m_search_label->setText(tr("Invalid search parameters (no object selected)")); return; } // TODO: Remove even string length limit if (search_str.length() % 2) { m_search_label->setText(tr("Invalid search string (only even string lengths supported)")); return; } const size_t length = search_str.length() / 2; std::vector search_val; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { const QString byte_str = search_str.mid(static_cast(i * 2), 2); bool good; u8 value = byte_str.toUInt(&good, 16); if (!good) { m_search_label->setText(tr("Invalid search string (couldn't convert to number)")); return; } search_val.push_back(value); } m_search_results.clear(); int frame_nr = items[0]->data(0, FRAME_ROLE).toInt(); int object_nr = items[0]->data(0, OBJECT_ROLE).toInt(); const AnalyzedFrameInfo& frame_info = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetAnalyzedFrameInfo(frame_nr); const FifoFrameInfo& fifo_frame = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetFile()->GetFrame(frame_nr); // TODO: Support searching through the last object...how do we know where the cmd data ends? // TODO: Support searching for bit patterns const auto* start_ptr = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[object_nr]]; const auto* end_ptr = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame_info.objectStarts[object_nr + 1]]; for (const u8* ptr = start_ptr; ptr < end_ptr - length + 1; ++ptr) { if (std::equal(search_val.begin(), search_val.end(), ptr)) { SearchResult result; result.frame = frame_nr; result.object = object_nr; result.cmd = 0; for (unsigned int cmd_nr = 1; cmd_nr < m_object_data_offsets.size(); ++cmd_nr) { if (ptr < start_ptr + m_object_data_offsets[cmd_nr]) { result.cmd = cmd_nr - 1; break; } } m_search_results.push_back(result); } } ShowSearchResult(0); m_search_label->setText( tr("Found %1 results for \"%2\"").arg(m_search_results.size()).arg(search_str)); } void FIFOAnalyzer::FindNext() { int index = m_detail_list->currentRow(); if (index == -1) { ShowSearchResult(0); return; } for (auto it = m_search_results.begin(); it != m_search_results.end(); ++it) { if (it->cmd > index) { ShowSearchResult(it - m_search_results.begin()); return; } } } void FIFOAnalyzer::FindPrevious() { int index = m_detail_list->currentRow(); if (index == -1) { ShowSearchResult(m_search_results.size() - 1); return; } for (auto it = m_search_results.rbegin(); it != m_search_results.rend(); ++it) { if (it->cmd < index) { ShowSearchResult(m_search_results.size() - 1 - (it - m_search_results.rbegin())); return; } } } void FIFOAnalyzer::ShowSearchResult(size_t index) { if (m_search_results.empty()) return; if (index > m_search_results.size()) { ShowSearchResult(m_search_results.size() - 1); return; } const auto& result = m_search_results[index]; QTreeWidgetItem* object_item = m_tree_widget->topLevelItem(0)->child(result.frame)->child(result.object); m_tree_widget->setCurrentItem(object_item); m_detail_list->setCurrentRow(result.cmd); m_search_next->setEnabled(index + 1 < m_search_results.size()); m_search_previous->setEnabled(index > 0); } void FIFOAnalyzer::UpdateDescription() { m_entry_detail_browser->clear(); auto items = m_tree_widget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty()) return; int frame_nr = items[0]->data(0, FRAME_ROLE).toInt(); int object_nr = items[0]->data(0, OBJECT_ROLE).toInt(); int entry_nr = m_detail_list->currentRow(); const AnalyzedFrameInfo& frame = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetAnalyzedFrameInfo(frame_nr); const FifoFrameInfo& fifo_frame = FifoPlayer::GetInstance().GetFile()->GetFrame(frame_nr); const u8* cmddata = &fifo_frame.fifoData[frame.objectStarts[object_nr]] + m_object_data_offsets[entry_nr]; // TODO: Not sure whether we should bother translating the descriptions QString text; if (*cmddata == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_BP_REG) { std::string name; std::string desc; GetBPRegInfo(cmddata + 1, &name, &desc); text = tr("BP register "); text += name.empty() ? QStringLiteral("UNKNOWN_%1").arg(*(cmddata + 1), 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) : QString::fromStdString(name); text += QStringLiteral("\n"); if (desc.empty()) text += tr("No description available"); else text += QString::fromStdString(desc); } else if (*cmddata == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_CP_REG) { text = tr("CP register "); } else if (*cmddata == OpcodeDecoder::GX_LOAD_XF_REG) { text = tr("XF register "); } else { text = tr("No description available"); } m_entry_detail_browser->setText(text); }