Stenzek 2f1a7cbee1 Implement "Skip" ubershader mode
Skip ubershader mode works the same as hybrid ubershaders in that the
shaders are compiled asynchronously. However, instead of using the
ubershader to draw the object, it skips it entirely until the
specialized shader is made available.

This mode will likely result in broken effects where a game creates an
EFB copy, and does not redraw it every frame. Therefore, it is not a
recommended option, however, it may result in better performance on
low-end systems.
2018-03-26 01:57:41 +10:00

614 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "VideoCommon/VertexManagerBase.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include "Common/BitSet.h"
#include "Common/ChunkFile.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include "Core/ConfigManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/DataReader.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Debugger.h"
#include "VideoCommon/GeometryShaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/IndexGenerator.h"
#include "VideoCommon/NativeVertexFormat.h"
#include "VideoCommon/OpcodeDecoding.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PerfQueryBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/SamplerCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/TextureCacheBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
#include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h"
std::unique_ptr<VertexManagerBase> g_vertex_manager;
// GX primitive -> RenderState primitive, no primitive restart
constexpr std::array<PrimitiveType, 8> primitive_from_gx{{
PrimitiveType::Triangles, // GX_DRAW_QUADS
PrimitiveType::Triangles, // GX_DRAW_QUADS_2
PrimitiveType::Triangles, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES
PrimitiveType::Triangles, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP
PrimitiveType::Triangles, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN
PrimitiveType::Lines, // GX_DRAW_LINES
PrimitiveType::Lines, // GX_DRAW_LINE_STRIP
PrimitiveType::Points, // GX_DRAW_POINTS
// GX primitive -> RenderState primitive, using primitive restart
constexpr std::array<PrimitiveType, 8> primitive_from_gx_pr{{
PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, // GX_DRAW_QUADS
PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, // GX_DRAW_QUADS_2
PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES
PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP
PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, // GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN
PrimitiveType::Lines, // GX_DRAW_LINES
PrimitiveType::Lines, // GX_DRAW_LINE_STRIP
PrimitiveType::Points, // GX_DRAW_POINTS
// Due to the BT.601 standard which the GameCube is based on being a compromise
// between PAL and NTSC, neither standard gets square pixels. They are each off
// by ~9% in opposite directions.
// Just in case any game decides to take this into account, we do both these
// tests with a large amount of slop.
static bool AspectIs4_3(float width, float height)
float aspect = fabsf(width / height);
return fabsf(aspect - 4.0f / 3.0f) < 4.0f / 3.0f * 0.11; // within 11% of 4:3
static bool AspectIs16_9(float width, float height)
float aspect = fabsf(width / height);
return fabsf(aspect - 16.0f / 9.0f) < 16.0f / 9.0f * 0.11; // within 11% of 16:9
u32 VertexManagerBase::GetRemainingSize() const
return static_cast<u32>(m_end_buffer_pointer - m_cur_buffer_pointer);
DataReader VertexManagerBase::PrepareForAdditionalData(int primitive, u32 count, u32 stride,
bool cullall)
// The SSE vertex loader can write up to 4 bytes past the end
u32 const needed_vertex_bytes = count * stride + 4;
// We can't merge different kinds of primitives, so we have to flush here
PrimitiveType new_primitive_type = g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPrimitiveRestart ?
primitive_from_gx_pr[primitive] :
if (m_current_primitive_type != new_primitive_type)
// Have to update the rasterization state for point/line cull modes.
m_current_primitive_type = new_primitive_type;
// Check for size in buffer, if the buffer gets full, call Flush()
if (!m_is_flushed &&
(count > IndexGenerator::GetRemainingIndices() || count > GetRemainingIndices(primitive) ||
needed_vertex_bytes > GetRemainingSize()))
if (count > IndexGenerator::GetRemainingIndices())
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Too little remaining index values. Use 32-bit or reset them on flush.");
if (count > GetRemainingIndices(primitive))
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "VertexManager: Buffer not large enough for all indices! "
"Increase MAXIBUFFERSIZE or we need primitive breaking after all.");
if (needed_vertex_bytes > GetRemainingSize())
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "VertexManager: Buffer not large enough for all vertices! "
"Increase MAXVBUFFERSIZE or we need primitive breaking after all.");
m_cull_all = cullall;
// need to alloc new buffer
if (m_is_flushed)
m_is_flushed = false;
return DataReader(m_cur_buffer_pointer, m_end_buffer_pointer);
void VertexManagerBase::FlushData(u32 count, u32 stride)
m_cur_buffer_pointer += count * stride;
u32 VertexManagerBase::GetRemainingIndices(int primitive)
u32 index_len = MAXIBUFFERSIZE - IndexGenerator::GetIndexLen();
if (g_Config.backend_info.bSupportsPrimitiveRestart)
switch (primitive)
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_QUADS:
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_QUADS_2:
return index_len / 5 * 4;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES:
return index_len / 4 * 3;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP:
return index_len / 1 - 1;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN:
return index_len / 6 * 4 + 1;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_LINES:
return index_len;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_LINE_STRIP:
return index_len / 2 + 1;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_POINTS:
return index_len;
return 0;
switch (primitive)
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_QUADS:
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_QUADS_2:
return index_len / 6 * 4;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES:
return index_len;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP:
return index_len / 3 + 2;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN:
return index_len / 3 + 2;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_LINES:
return index_len;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_LINE_STRIP:
return index_len / 2 + 1;
case OpcodeDecoder::GX_DRAW_POINTS:
return index_len;
return 0;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> VertexManagerBase::ResetFlushAspectRatioCount()
std::pair<size_t, size_t> val = std::make_pair(m_flush_count_4_3, m_flush_count_anamorphic);
m_flush_count_4_3 = 0;
m_flush_count_anamorphic = 0;
return val;
static void SetSamplerState(u32 index, float custom_tex_scale, bool custom_tex,
bool has_arbitrary_mips)
const FourTexUnits& tex = bpmem.tex[index / 4];
const TexMode0& tm0 = tex.texMode0[index % 4];
SamplerState state = {};
state.Generate(bpmem, index);
// Force texture filtering config option.
if (g_ActiveConfig.bForceFiltering)
state.min_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.mag_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.mipmap_filter = SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0) ?
SamplerState::Filter::Linear :
// Custom textures may have a greater number of mips
if (custom_tex)
state.max_lod = 255;
// Anisotropic filtering option.
if (g_ActiveConfig.iMaxAnisotropy != 0 && !SamplerCommon::IsBpTexMode0PointFiltering(tm0))
// For predictable results on all hardware/drivers, only use one of:
// GL_LINEAR + GL_LINEAR (No Mipmaps [Bilinear])
// GL_LINEAR + GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (w/ Mipmaps [Trilinear])
// Letting the game set other combinations will have varying arbitrary results;
// possibly being interpreted as equal to bilinear/trilinear, implicitly
// disabling anisotropy, or changing the anisotropic algorithm employed.
state.min_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.mag_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
if (SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0))
state.mipmap_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.anisotropic_filtering = 1;
state.anisotropic_filtering = 0;
if (has_arbitrary_mips && SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0))
// Apply a secondary bias calculated from the IR scale to pull inwards mipmaps
// that have arbitrary contents, eg. are used for fog effects where the
// distance they kick in at is important to preserve at any resolution.
// Correct this with the upscaling factor of custom textures.
s64 lod_offset = std::log2(g_renderer->GetEFBScale() / custom_tex_scale) * 256.f;
state.lod_bias = MathUtil::Clamp<s64>(state.lod_bias + lod_offset, -32768, 32767);
// Anisotropic also pushes mips farther away so it cannot be used either
state.anisotropic_filtering = 0;
g_renderer->SetSamplerState(index, state);
void VertexManagerBase::Flush()
if (m_is_flushed)
// loading a state will invalidate BP, so check for it
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST)
PRIM_LOG("frame%d:\n texgen=%u, numchan=%u, dualtex=%u, ztex=%u, cole=%u, alpe=%u, ze=%u",
g_ActiveConfig.iSaveTargetId, xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens, xfmem.numChan.numColorChans,
xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled, bpmem.ztex2.op.Value(), bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate.Value(),
bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate.Value(), bpmem.zmode.updateenable.Value());
for (u32 i = 0; i < xfmem.numChan.numColorChans; ++i)
LitChannel* ch = &xfmem.color[i];
PRIM_LOG("colchan%u: matsrc=%u, light=0x%x, ambsrc=%u, diffunc=%u, attfunc=%u", i,
ch->matsource.Value(), ch->GetFullLightMask(), ch->ambsource.Value(),
ch->diffusefunc.Value(), ch->attnfunc.Value());
ch = &xfmem.alpha[i];
PRIM_LOG("alpchan%u: matsrc=%u, light=0x%x, ambsrc=%u, diffunc=%u, attfunc=%u", i,
ch->matsource.Value(), ch->GetFullLightMask(), ch->ambsource.Value(),
ch->diffusefunc.Value(), ch->attnfunc.Value());
for (u32 i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
TexMtxInfo tinfo = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i];
if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP)
tinfo.hex &= 0x7ff;
if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR)
tinfo.projection = 0;
PRIM_LOG("txgen%u: proj=%u, input=%u, gentype=%u, srcrow=%u, embsrc=%u, emblght=%u, "
"postmtx=%u, postnorm=%u",
i, tinfo.projection.Value(), tinfo.inputform.Value(), tinfo.texgentype.Value(),
tinfo.sourcerow.Value(), tinfo.embosssourceshift.Value(),
tinfo.embosslightshift.Value(), xfmem.postMtxInfo[i].index.Value(),
PRIM_LOG("pixel: tev=%u, ind=%u, texgen=%u, dstalpha=%u, alphatest=0x%x",
bpmem.genMode.numtevstages.Value() + 1, bpmem.genMode.numindstages.Value(),
bpmem.genMode.numtexgens.Value(), bpmem.dstalpha.enable.Value(),
(bpmem.alpha_test.hex >> 16) & 0xff);
// If the primitave is marked CullAll. All we need to do is update the vertex constants and
// calculate the zfreeze refrence slope
if (!m_cull_all)
BitSet32 usedtextures;
for (u32 i = 0; i < bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1u; ++i)
if (bpmem.tevorders[i / 2].getEnable(i & 1))
usedtextures[bpmem.tevorders[i / 2].getTexMap(i & 1)] = true;
if (bpmem.genMode.numindstages > 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1u; ++i)
if (bpmem.tevind[i].IsActive() && bpmem.tevind[i].bt < bpmem.genMode.numindstages)
usedtextures[bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(bpmem.tevind[i].bt)] = true;
for (unsigned int i : usedtextures)
const auto* tentry = g_texture_cache->Load(i);
if (tentry)
float custom_tex_scale = tentry->GetWidth() / float(tentry->native_width);
SetSamplerState(i, custom_tex_scale, tentry->is_custom_tex, tentry->has_arbitrary_mips);
PixelShaderManager::SetTexDims(i, tentry->native_width, tentry->native_height);
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "error loading texture");
// set global vertex constants
// Track some stats used elsewhere by the anamorphic widescreen heuristic.
if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bWii)
float* rawProjection = xfmem.projection.rawProjection;
bool viewport_is_4_3 = AspectIs4_3(xfmem.viewport.wd,;
if (AspectIs16_9(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
// Projection is 16:9 and viewport is 4:3, we are rendering an anamorphic
// widescreen picture.
else if (AspectIs4_3(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
// Projection and viewports are both 4:3, we are rendering a normal image.
// Calculate ZSlope for zfreeze
if (!bpmem.genMode.zfreeze)
// Must be done after VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
else if (m_zslope.dirty && !m_cull_all) // or apply any dirty ZSlopes
PixelShaderManager::SetZSlope(m_zslope.dfdx, m_zslope.dfdy, m_zslope.f0);
m_zslope.dirty = false;
if (!m_cull_all)
// Update the pipeline, or compile one if needed.
// set the rest of the global constants
if (PerfQueryBase::ShouldEmulate())
g_perf_query->EnableQuery(bpmem.zcontrol.early_ztest ? PQG_ZCOMP_ZCOMPLOC : PQG_ZCOMP);
if (PerfQueryBase::ShouldEmulate())
g_perf_query->DisableQuery(bpmem.zcontrol.early_ztest ? PQG_ZCOMP_ZCOMPLOC : PQG_ZCOMP);
if (xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens != bpmem.genMode.numtexgens)
"xf.numtexgens (%d) does not match bp.numtexgens (%d). Error in command stream.",
xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens, bpmem.genMode.numtexgens.Value());
m_is_flushed = true;
m_cull_all = false;
void VertexManagerBase::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
void VertexManagerBase::CalculateZSlope(NativeVertexFormat* format)
float out[12];
float viewOffset[2] = {xfmem.viewport.xOrig - bpmem.scissorOffset.x * 2,
xfmem.viewport.yOrig - bpmem.scissorOffset.y * 2};
if (m_current_primitive_type != PrimitiveType::Triangles &&
m_current_primitive_type != PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip)
// Global matrix ID.
u32 mtxIdx = g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx;
const PortableVertexDeclaration vert_decl = format->GetVertexDeclaration();
// Make sure the buffer contains at least 3 vertices.
if ((m_cur_buffer_pointer - m_base_buffer_pointer) < (vert_decl.stride * 3))
// Lookup vertices of the last rendered triangle and software-transform them
// This allows us to determine the depth slope, which will be used if z-freeze
// is enabled in the following flush.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
// If this vertex format has per-vertex position matrix IDs, look it up.
if (vert_decl.posmtx.enable)
mtxIdx = VertexLoaderManager::position_matrix_index[3 - i];
if (vert_decl.position.components == 2)
VertexLoaderManager::position_cache[2 - i][2] = 0;
VertexShaderManager::TransformToClipSpace(&VertexLoaderManager::position_cache[2 - i][0],
&out[i * 4], mtxIdx);
// Transform to Screenspace
float inv_w = 1.0f / out[3 + i * 4];
out[0 + i * 4] = out[0 + i * 4] * inv_w * xfmem.viewport.wd + viewOffset[0];
out[1 + i * 4] = out[1 + i * 4] * inv_w * + viewOffset[1];
out[2 + i * 4] = out[2 + i * 4] * inv_w * xfmem.viewport.zRange + xfmem.viewport.farZ;
float dx31 = out[8] - out[0];
float dx12 = out[0] - out[4];
float dy12 = out[1] - out[5];
float dy31 = out[9] - out[1];
float DF31 = out[10] - out[2];
float DF21 = out[6] - out[2];
float a = DF31 * -dy12 - DF21 * dy31;
float b = dx31 * DF21 + dx12 * DF31;
float c = -dx12 * dy31 - dx31 * -dy12;
// Sometimes we process de-generate triangles. Stop any divide by zeros
if (c == 0)
m_zslope.dfdx = -a / c;
m_zslope.dfdy = -b / c;
m_zslope.f0 = out[2] - (out[0] * m_zslope.dfdx + out[1] * m_zslope.dfdy);
m_zslope.dirty = true;
void VertexManagerBase::UpdatePipelineConfig()
NativeVertexFormat* vertex_format = VertexLoaderManager::GetCurrentVertexFormat();
if (vertex_format != m_current_pipeline_config.vertex_format)
m_current_pipeline_config.vertex_format = vertex_format;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.vertex_format =
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
VertexShaderUid vs_uid = GetVertexShaderUid();
if (vs_uid != m_current_pipeline_config.vs_uid)
m_current_pipeline_config.vs_uid = vs_uid;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.vs_uid = UberShader::GetVertexShaderUid();
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
PixelShaderUid ps_uid = GetPixelShaderUid();
if (ps_uid != m_current_pipeline_config.ps_uid)
m_current_pipeline_config.ps_uid = ps_uid;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.ps_uid = UberShader::GetPixelShaderUid();
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
GeometryShaderUid gs_uid = GetGeometryShaderUid(GetCurrentPrimitiveType());
if (gs_uid != m_current_pipeline_config.gs_uid)
m_current_pipeline_config.gs_uid = gs_uid;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.gs_uid = gs_uid;
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
if (m_rasterization_state_changed)
m_rasterization_state_changed = false;
RasterizationState new_rs = {};
new_rs.Generate(bpmem, m_current_primitive_type);
if (new_rs != m_current_pipeline_config.rasterization_state)
m_current_pipeline_config.rasterization_state = new_rs;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.rasterization_state = new_rs;
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
if (m_depth_state_changed)
m_depth_state_changed = false;
DepthState new_ds = {};
if (new_ds != m_current_pipeline_config.depth_state)
m_current_pipeline_config.depth_state = new_ds;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.depth_state = new_ds;
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
if (m_blending_state_changed)
m_blending_state_changed = false;
BlendingState new_bs = {};
if (new_bs != m_current_pipeline_config.blending_state)
m_current_pipeline_config.blending_state = new_bs;
m_current_uber_pipeline_config.blending_state = new_bs;
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;
void VertexManagerBase::UpdatePipelineObject()
if (!m_pipeline_config_changed)
m_current_pipeline_object = nullptr;
m_pipeline_config_changed = false;
switch (g_ActiveConfig.iShaderCompilationMode)
case ShaderCompilationMode::Synchronous:
// Ubershaders disabled? Block and compile the specialized shader.
m_current_pipeline_object = g_shader_cache->GetPipelineForUid(m_current_pipeline_config);
case ShaderCompilationMode::SynchronousUberShaders:
// Exclusive ubershader mode, always use ubershaders.
m_current_pipeline_object =
case ShaderCompilationMode::AsynchronousUberShaders:
case ShaderCompilationMode::AsynchronousSkipRendering:
// Can we background compile shaders? If so, get the pipeline asynchronously.
auto res = g_shader_cache->GetPipelineForUidAsync(m_current_pipeline_config);
if (res)
// Specialized shaders are ready, prefer these.
m_current_pipeline_object = *res;
if (g_ActiveConfig.iShaderCompilationMode == ShaderCompilationMode::AsynchronousUberShaders)
// Specialized shaders not ready, use the ubershaders.
m_current_pipeline_object =
// Ensure we try again next draw. Otherwise, if no registers change between frames, the
// object will never be drawn, even when the shader is ready.
m_pipeline_config_changed = true;