Shawn Hoffman 7ad7acd248 move wiiuse to Source/Core and add to the main dolphin solution
make wiiuse link dynamically with hid.dll, removing the need for WDK
compile wiiuse as c++

git-svn-id: 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
2010-11-13 19:15:43 +00:00

390 lines
15 KiB

# -*- python -*-
import os
import sys
import platform
# Home made tests
from SconsTests import utils
from SconsTests import wxconfig
# Some features need at least SCons 1.2
EnsureSConsVersion(1, 2)
# Construction presets for platform
env = Environment(ENV = os.environ)
# Handle command line options
vars = Variables('args.cache')
BoolVariable('verbose', 'Set to show compilation lines', False),
BoolVariable('bundle', 'Set to create distribution bundle', False),
BoolVariable('lint', 'Set for lint build (fail on warnings)', False),
BoolVariable('nowx', 'Set for building without wxWidgets', False),
PathVariable('wxconfig', 'Path to wxconfig', None),
EnumVariable('flavor', 'Choose a build flavor', 'release', allowed_values =
('release','devel','debug','fastlog','prof'), ignorecase = 2),
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix': vars.AddVariables(
PathVariable('destdir', 'Temporary install location (for package building)',
None, PathVariable.PathAccept),
EnumVariable('install', 'Choose a local or global installation', 'local',
allowed_values = ('local', 'global'), ignorecase = 2),
PathVariable('prefix', 'Installation prefix (only used for a global build)',
'/usr', PathVariable.PathAccept),
PathVariable('userdir', 'Set the name of the user data directory in home',
'.dolphin-emu', PathVariable.PathAccept),
EnumVariable('pgo', 'Profile-Guided Optimization (generate or use)', 'none',
allowed_values = ('none', 'generate', 'use'), ignorecase = 2),
BoolVariable('shared_glew', 'Use system shared libGLEW', True),
BoolVariable('shared_lzo', 'Use system shared liblzo2', True),
BoolVariable('shared_sdl', 'Use system shared libSDL', True),
BoolVariable('shared_sfml', 'Use system shared libsfml-network', True),
BoolVariable('shared_soil', 'Use system shared libSOIL', True),
BoolVariable('shared_zlib', 'Use system shared libz', True),
PathVariable('CC', 'The C compiler', 'gcc', PathVariable.PathAccept),
PathVariable('CXX', 'The C++ compiler', 'g++', PathVariable.PathAccept),
# Save the given command line options
vars.Save('args.cache', env)
# Die on unknown variables
unknown = vars.UnknownVariables()
if unknown:
print "Unknown variables:", unknown.keys()
# Verbose compile
if not env['verbose']:
env['ARCOMSTR'] = "Archiving $TARGET"
env['ASCOMSTR'] = "Assembling $TARGET"
env['ASPPCOMSTR'] = "Assembling $TARGET"
env['CCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
env['CXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
env['LINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET"
env['RANLIBCOMSTR'] = "Indexing $TARGET"
env['SHCCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
env['SHCXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
env['SHLINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET"
env['TARCOMSTR'] = "Creating $TARGET"
if not env['flavor'] == 'debug':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-O3']
if env['flavor'] == 'release':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fomit-frame-pointer']
elif not env['flavor'] == 'fastlog':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-ggdb']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fno-exceptions', '-fno-strict-aliasing']
if env['CCVERSION'] >= '4.2.0':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fvisibility=hidden']
env['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-fvisibility-inlines-hidden']
if env['lint']:
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Werror']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wall', '-Wextra']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-unused-parameter']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wpacked', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wshadow', '-Wwrite-strings']
if env['CCVERSION'] < '4.2.0':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-pragmas']
if env['CCVERSION'] >= '4.3.0':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-array-bounds', '-Wno-unused-result']
env['CPPDEFINES'] = []
if env['flavor'] == 'debug':
env['CPPDEFINES'] += ['_DEBUG']
elif env['flavor'] == 'fastlog':
env['CPPPATH'] = ['#Source/PluginSpecs']
env['LIBPATH'] = []
env['LIBS'] = []
# Object files
env['build_dir'] = 'Build' + os.sep + platform.system() + \
'-' + platform.machine() + '-' + env['flavor']
# Static libs go here
env['local_libs'] = '#' + env['build_dir'] + os.sep + 'libs' + os.sep
# Default install path
if not env.has_key('install') or env['install'] == 'local':
env['prefix'] = 'Binary' + os.sep + platform.system() + \
'-' + platform.machine()
if env['flavor'] == 'debug' or env['flavor'] == 'prof':
env['prefix'] += '-' + env['flavor']
rev = utils.GenerateRevFile(env['flavor'], '.', None)
# OS X specifics
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
ccld = ['-arch', 'x86_64', '-arch', 'i386', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.5']
ccld += ['--sysroot=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ccld
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-msse3']
env['CC'] = "gcc-4.2 -ObjC"
env['CXX'] = "g++-4.2 -ObjC++"
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['AppKit', 'CoreFoundation', 'CoreServices']
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['AudioUnit', 'CoreAudio']
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['IOBluetooth', 'IOKit', 'OpenGL']
env['LIBPATH'] += ['/usr/lib']
env['LIBS'] = ['iconv', 'SDL']
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ccld
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-Wl,-search_paths_first', '-Wl,-Z']
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-F/System/Library/Frameworks']
if platform.mac_ver()[0] < '10.6.0':
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = 0
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-Wextra-tokens', '-Wnewline-eof']
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-iframework' +
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-iframework' +
env['CPPDEFINES'] += [('HAVE_OPENCL', 1)]
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = 1
env['FRAMEWORKSFLAGS'] = ['-weak_framework', 'OpenCL']
if env['nowx']:
env['HAVE_WX'] = 0
wxenv = env.Clone(LIBPATH = '')
conf = wxenv.Configure(conf_dir = None, log_file = None,
custom_tests = {'CheckWXConfig' : wxconfig.CheckWXConfig})
env['HAVE_WX'] = \
conf.CheckWXConfig(2.9, 'aui adv core base gl'.split(),
env['flavor'] == 'debug')
if not env['HAVE_WX']:
print "wxWidgets 2.9 not found using " + env['wxconfig']
env['CPPDEFINES'] += ['__WXOSX_COCOA__']
env['CPPPATH'] = wxenv['CPPPATH']
if not wxenv['CPPDEFINES'].count('WXUSINGDLL'):
env['LIBPATH'] += wxenv['LIBPATH']
env['LIBS'] = wxenv['LIBS']
env['CPPPATH'] += ['#Externals']
env['FRAMEWORKPATH'] += ['Externals/Cg']
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['Cg']
env['shared_zlib'] = True
env['data_dir'] = '#' + env['prefix'] + '/'
env['plugin_dir'] = '#' + env['prefix'] + '/'
if env['bundle']:
app = env['prefix'] + '/'
dmg = env['prefix'] + '/Dolphin-r' + rev + '.dmg'
env.Command(dmg, app, 'rm -f ' + dmg +
' && hdiutil create -srcfolder ' + app + ' -format UDBZ ' + dmg +
' && hdiutil internet-enable -yes ' + dmg)
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fPIC', '-msse2']
env['CPPPATH'].insert(0, '#') # Make sure we pick up our own config.h
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
env['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-deprecated'] # XXX <hash_map>
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-pthread', '-ldl']
env['RPATH'] = []
conf = env.Configure(config_h = "#config.h", custom_tests = {
'CheckPKG' : utils.CheckPKG,
'CheckPKGConfig' : utils.CheckPKGConfig,
'CheckPortaudio' : utils.CheckPortaudio,
'CheckSDL' : utils.CheckSDL,
'CheckWXConfig' : wxconfig.CheckWXConfig,
if not conf.CheckPKGConfig('0.15.0'):
print "Can't find pkg-config, some tests will fail"
if env['shared_glew']:
env['shared_glew'] = conf.CheckPKG('GLEW')
if env['shared_sdl']:
env['shared_sdl'] = conf.CheckPKG('SDL')
if env['shared_zlib']:
env['shared_zlib'] = conf.CheckPKG('z')
if env['shared_lzo']:
env['shared_lzo'] = conf.CheckPKG('lzo2')
# TODO: Check the version of sfml. It should be at least version 1.5
if env['shared_sfml']:
env['shared_sfml'] = conf.CheckPKG('sfml-network') and \
if env['shared_soil']:
env['shared_soil'] = conf.CheckPKG('SOIL')
for var in env.items():
if var[0].startswith('shared_') and var[1] == False:
print "Shared library " + var[0][7:] + " not detected, " \
"falling back to the static library"
if env['nowx']:
env['HAVE_WX'] = 0
env['HAVE_WX'] = conf.CheckWXConfig(2.8, 'aui adv core base'.split(),
env['flavor'] == 'debug')
conf.Define('HAVE_WX', env['HAVE_WX'])
if not env['HAVE_WX']:
print "wxWidgets not found - see config.log"
env['HAVE_BLUEZ'] = conf.CheckPKG('bluez')
conf.Define('HAVE_BLUEZ', env['HAVE_BLUEZ'])
env['HAVE_ALSA'] = conf.CheckPKG('alsa')
conf.Define('HAVE_ALSA', env['HAVE_ALSA'])
env['HAVE_AO'] = conf.CheckPKG('ao')
conf.Define('HAVE_AO', env['HAVE_AO'])
env['HAVE_OPENAL'] = conf.CheckPKG('openal')
conf.Define('HAVE_OPENAL', env['HAVE_OPENAL'])
env['HAVE_PORTAUDIO'] = conf.CheckPortaudio(1890)
env['HAVE_PULSEAUDIO'] = conf.CheckPKG('libpulse')
env['HAVE_X11'] = conf.CheckPKG('x11')
env['HAVE_XRANDR'] = env['HAVE_X11'] and conf.CheckPKG('xrandr')
conf.Define('HAVE_XRANDR', env['HAVE_XRANDR'])
conf.Define('HAVE_X11', env['HAVE_X11'])
if env['HAVE_WX'] and not conf.CheckPKG('gtk+-2.0'):
print "gtk+-2.0 developement headers not detected"
print "gtk+-2.0 is required to build the WX GUI"
if not conf.CheckPKG('GL'):
print "Must have OpenGL to build"
if not conf.CheckPKG('GLU'):
print "Must have GLU to build"
if not conf.CheckPKG('Cg') and sys.platform == 'linux2':
print "Must have Cg toolkit from NVidia to build"
if not conf.CheckPKG('CgGL') and sys.platform == 'linux2':
print "Must have CgGL to build"
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = int(conf.CheckPKG('OpenCL') and \
conf.Define('HAVE_OPENCL', env['HAVE_OPENCL'])
# PGO - Profile Guided Optimization
if env['pgo'] == 'generate':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fprofile-generate']
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-fprofile-generate']
if env['pgo'] == 'use':
env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-fprofile-use']
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-fprofile-use']
# Profiling
if env['flavor'] == 'prof':
proflibs = ['/usr/lib/oprofile', '/usr/local/lib/oprofile']
env['LIBPATH'] += ['proflibs']
env['RPATH'] += ['proflibs']
if conf.CheckPKG('opagent'):
conf.Define('USE_OPROFILE', 1)
print "Can't build prof without oprofile, disabling"
tarname = 'dolphin-' + rev
env['TARFLAGS'] = '-cj'
env['TARSUFFIX'] = '.tar.bz2'
if env['install'] == 'local':
env['binary_dir'] = '#' + env['prefix']
env['data_dir'] = '#' + env['prefix']
env['plugin_dir'] = '#' + env['prefix'] + '/plugins'
if env['bundle']:
env.Tar(tarname, env['prefix'])
env['prefix'] = Dir(env['prefix']).abspath
env['binary_dir'] = env['prefix'] + '/bin'
env['data_dir'] = env['prefix'] + "/share/dolphin-emu"
env['plugin_dir'] = env['prefix'] + '/lib/dolphin-emu'
conf.Define('DATA_DIR', "\"" + env['data_dir'] + "/\"")
conf.Define('LIBS_DIR', "\"" + env['prefix'] + '/lib/dolphin-emu/' + "\"")
# Setup destdir for package building
# Warning: The program will not run from this location.
# It is assumed the package will later install it to the prefix.
if env.has_key('destdir'):
env['destdir'] = Dir(env['destdir']).abspath
env['binary_dir'] = env['destdir'] + env['binary_dir']
env['data_dir'] = env['destdir'] + env['data_dir']
env['plugin_dir'] = env['destdir'] + env['plugin_dir']
env['prefix'] = env['destdir'] + env['prefix']
if env['bundle']:
env.Command(tarname + env['TARSUFFIX'], env['prefix'],
'tar ' + env['TARFLAGS'] + 'C ' + env['destdir'] + \
' -f ' + tarname + env['TARSUFFIX'] + ' ' + \
env['prefix'].split(env['destdir'], 1)[1][1:])
conf.Define('USER_DIR', "\"" + env['userdir'] + "\"")
# After all configuration tests are done
env.Alias('install', env['prefix'])
# Local (static) libraries must be first in the search path for the build in
# order that they can override system libraries, but they must not be found
# during autoconfiguration as they will then be detected as system libraries.
env['LIBPATH'].insert(0, env['local_libs'])
dirs = [
# Now that platform configuration is done, propagate it to modules
for subdir in dirs:
SConscript(dirs = subdir, duplicate = 0, exports = 'env',
variant_dir = env['build_dir'] + os.sep + subdir)
if subdir.startswith('Source/Core'):
env['CPPPATH'] += ['#' + subdir]
# Print a nice progress indication when not compiling
Progress(['-\r', '\\\r', '|\r', '/\r'], interval = 5)
# Generate help, printing current status of options