set PREVIEW_MODE "Finalizing Setup Helper Script\n> Copying SD files... :("
echo "Error #24: SD is write-protected\n \nYour SD card is set to read-only.\nEnsure that the lock switch is flipped\nin the upright position.\nOtherwise, your SD card may be failing.\n \nIf this error persists, ask for help\non Discord:"
if find -f "0:/luma/payloads/finalize (*).romfs" ROMFS
cp -w -o -s $[ROMFS] 0:/finalize.romfs
rm -o -s $[ROMFS]
if find -f "0:/luma/finalize (*).romfs" ROMFS
cp -w -o -s $[ROMFS] 0:/finalize.romfs
rm -o -s $[ROMFS]
if find -f "0:/DCIM/finalize (*).romfs" ROMFS
cp -w -o -s $[ROMFS] 0:/finalize.romfs
rm -o -s $[ROMFS]
if find -f "0:/Nintendo 3DS/finalize (*).romfs" ROMFS
echo "Information #23: finalize.romfs in wrong location\n \nfinalize.romfs is in the wrong location.\nThis script will attempt to move it.\nPlease hit <A> on the next few prompts."
echo "Information #23: finalize.romfs in wrong location\n \nfinalize.romfs is in the wrong location.\nThis script will attempt to move it.\nPlease hit <A> on the next few prompts."
echo "Error #22: finalize.romfs is invalid\n \nThe file finalize.romfs is corrupt or unreadable.\nRe-download it, copy it to root of SD, and try again.\n \nExpected: FINALIZE_SHA256SUM"