Minimal Mistakes is a flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for hosting your personal site, blog, or portfolio on GitHub or self-hosting on your own server. As the name implies --- styling is purposely minimalistic to be enhanced and customized by you :smile:.
- Optional [header images](, [custom sidebars](, [table of contents](, [galleries](, related posts, [breadcrumb links](, [navigation lists](, and more.
- Commenting support (powered by [Disqus](, [Facebook](, Google+, [Discourse](, static-based via [Staticman v1](, and custom).
- UI localized text in English (default), Brazilian Portuguese (Português brasileiro), Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French (Français), German (Deutsch), Greek, Indonesian, Italian (Italiano), Korean, Nepali (Nepalese), Polish, Russian, Spanish (Español), Swedish, Turkish (Türkçe), and Vietnamese.
Additional sample posts are available under [posts archive][year-archive] on the demo site. Source files for these (and the entire demo site) can be found in [`/docs`](docs).
For detailed instructions on how to configure, customize, add content, and more read the [theme's documentation](
**Note:** Gem version of the theme requires Jekyll v3.3+ and is not currently supported on [GitHub Pages]( You can still use the theme with GitHub Pages, you'll just need to install using the old "[repo fork method](".
Having trouble working with the theme? Found a typo in the documentation? Interested in adding a feature or [fixing a bug]( Then by all means [submit an issue]( or [pull request]( If this is your first pull request, it may be helpful to read up on the [GitHub Flow]( first.
Minimal Mistakes has been designed as a base for you to customize and fit your site's unique needs. Please keep this in mind when requesting features and/or submitting pull requests. If it's not something that most people will use, I probably won't consider it. When in doubt ask.
This goes for author sidebar links and "share button" additions -- I have no intention of merging in every possibly option, the essentials are there to get you started :smile:.
To test the theme, run `bundle exec rake preview` and open your browser at `http://localhost:4000/test/`. This starts a Jekyll server using content in the `test/` directory. As modifications are made to the theme and test site, it will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh.