perennial 4d3cff6a16
Add Docker support and update README (#13)
* add compose.yaml

* add Dockerfile

* update README

* Dockerfile: uncomment CMD instruction

* add .dockerignore

* Dockerfile: use scratch image for second stage

* Dockerfile: use newer OpenSSL version (3.0.9)

* Dockerfile: use Alpine-based Rust image to skip building OpenSSL

* Dockerfile: expose to localhost only by default

* Dockerfile: allow building for different architectures (AMD64 and ARM64)

Dockerfile now detects the architecture being used during the build process and templates in the correct Rust target architecture

* compose.yaml: include command line

* compose.yaml: listen on only

* compose.yaml: remove healthcheck due to using scratch image

* restore old table format

* rename compose.yaml to docker-compose.yml

* docker-compose.yml: include version line

* update .dockerignore

* update Docker instructions to expose only on localhost

* add workflow to build and push container images to

* docker-compose.yml: harden configuration

* docker workflow: add paths-ignore section

* Dockerfile: let Rustup handle architecture detection

More flexible as the build process will now automatically adapt to whatever architecture the container is being built on, without needing to explicitly list out each supported architecture

* Docker: further security hardening

- Run as a non-privileged user within the scratch container
- Add security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true to docker-compose.yml

* Dockerfile: Switch to Debian-based images and simplify build command

- rust:1.80-alpine replaced with rust:1.80 for the builder stage
- alpine:3.20 replaced with debian:12.6-slim for the user-stage
- Build command simplified to use default target architecture

* Cargo.toml: correct note on optimisations

* docker-compose.yml: use image by default

* rename docker-compose.yml to docker-compose.yaml

* compose: build image from local repo by default

* Revert "Dockerfile: Switch to Debian-based images and simplify build command"

This reverts commit ff9a378564.

Reasons for reverting:
1. Compiling via musl is necessary to statically link dependencies and create a truly standalone Rust binary. [1]
2. Alpine-based Rust images are required for the build stage because such systems support dynamic linking, which is also needed for statically-linked binaries. [2]
3. Determining the target architecture and templating the correct value for the --target flag is necessary for the statically-linked binary to be built correctly. [2]

2024-08-14 12:58:44 +02:00

56 lines
1.5 KiB

# Use the official Alpine-based Rust image as a parent image
FROM rust:1.80-alpine AS builder
# Set the working directory in the container
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install build dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache \
musl-dev \
openssl-dev \
openssl-libs-static \
pkgconfig \
# Set environment variables for static linking
# Copy the current directory contents into the container
COPY . .
# Determine the target architecture and build the application
RUN RUST_TARGET=$(rustc -vV | sed -n 's/host: //p') && \
rustup target add $RUST_TARGET && \
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cargo build --release --target $RUST_TARGET
# Stage for creating the non-privileged user
FROM alpine:3.20 AS user-stage
RUN adduser -u 10001 -S appuser
# Stage for a smaller final image
FROM scratch
# Copy necessary files from the builder stage, using the correct architecture path
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/target/*/release/inv_sig_helper_rust /app/inv_sig_helper_rust
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
# Copy passwd file for the non-privileged user from the user-stage
COPY --from=user-stage /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
# Set the working directory
# Expose port 12999
EXPOSE 12999
# Switch to non-privileged user
USER appuser
# Set the entrypoint to the binary name
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/inv_sig_helper_rust"]
# Set default arguments in CMD
CMD ["--tcp", ""]