# Current report - The estimated value of the cryptocurrencies / the cryptocurrencies price will be changed when it will be published "officially" at the end of the month # Finances for November 2021: ## Donations: Bitcoin (BTC): None Monero (XMR): None Ethereum (ETH): None Litecoin (LTC): 0.06312528 LTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Litecoin price ~X) ## Expenses: Bounty ( https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/pull/2629 ): 0.0001725 BTC worth ~8.86€ (~10$) at the time of payment ### The VPSs have been upgraded on October 2nd. #### Main VPS upgrade: Old VPS upgraded from 4€ to 5.88€ - Difference of 1.88€/month (this VPS will be removed when everything will be moved to the new one) New VPS created: 5.88€/month #### Test VPS upgrade: Old VPS upgraded from 4€ to 4.79€ - Difference of 0.79€/month #### Paid until December 2021 (included): ``` New Main VPS: 5.88€ x 3 months = 17.64€ Old Main VPS: 1.88€ x 3 months = 5.64€ Test VPS: 0.79€ x 3 months = 2.37€ Transaction fees handling (agreed with Perflyst to be 1€/month for all our VPS): 1€ x 3 months = 3€ Total: 28.65€ ``` 0.1314 XMR worth ~28.65€ at the time of payment ## Current funds: Bitcoin (BTC): X BTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Bitcoin price ~X€) Monero (XMR): 5.486143612311 XMR worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Monero price ~X€) Ethereum (ETH): None Litecoin (LTC): 0.14120008 LTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Litecoin price ~X)