
166 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"Connect to Server" = "PYipojit k Serveru";
"Connect to Jellyfin" = "PYipojit k Jellyfinu";
"Connect Manually" = "PYipojit Manu<00>ln";
"Connect" = "PYipojit";
"All Media" = "Vaechna M<00>dia";
"All Genres" = "Vaechny }<01>nry";
"Change Server" = "Zmnit Server";
"Back" = "Zpt";
"Audio & Captions" = "Zvuk & Titulky";
"Accessibility" = "ZpY<01>stupnn<00>";
"%@ <00> S%@:E%@" = "%1$@ <00> X%2$@:D%3$@";
"Episodes" = "D<00>ly";
"No Cast devices found.." = "Nenalezena ~<01>dn<00> zaY<01>zen<00> pro pYenos.";
"Next Up" = "N<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
"%@x" = "%@x";
"%@ " %@" = "%1$@ " %2$@";
"%@" = "%@";
/* Represents the light theme setting */
"Light" = "Svtl<00>";
/* Represents the dark theme setting */
"Dark" = "Tmav<00>";
/* Represents the system theme setting */
"System" = "Syst<00>m";
/* Represents the Appearance setting label */
"Appearance" = "Vzhled";
"" %@ - %@" = "" %1$@ - %2$@";
"" %@" = "" %@";
"Your Favorites" = "Tv<00> Obl<00>ben<00>";
"WIP" = "Prob<00>haj<00> pr<00>ce";
"Who's watching?" = "Kdo se d<00>v<00>?";
"Username" = "U~ivatelsk<00> jm<00>no";
"Type: %@ not implemented yet :(" = "Typ: %@ jeat nen<00> implementov<00>n :(";
"Try again" = "Zkusit znovu";
"Tags" = "Tagy";
"Switch user" = "PYepnout u~ivatele";
"Suggestions" = "N<00>vrhy";
"Studios:" = "Studia:";
"Sort by" = "Xadit dle";
"Signed in as %@" = "PYihl<00>aen jako %@";
"Server URL" = "URL Serveru";
"Server Information" = "Informace o Serveru";
"Select Cast Destination" = "Vyberte C<00>l PYenosu";
"See All" = "Zobrazit Vae";
"S%@:E%@" = "X%1$@:E%2$@";
"Seasons" = "Xady";
"Search..." = "Hledat& ";
"Reset" = "Reset";
"Playback Speed" = "Rychlost PYehr<00>v<00>n<00>";
"Playback settings" = "Nastaven<00> pYehr<00>v<00>n<00>";
"Play " %@" = "PYehr<00>t " %@";
"Play Next" = "PYehr<00>t N<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
"Password" = "Heslo";
"Page %@ of %@" = "Strana %1$@ z %2$@";
"Other User" = "Jin<00> U~ivatel";
"Ok" = "Ok";
"No results." = "}<01>dn<00> v<00>sledky.";
"More Like This" = "Podobn<00>";
"Login to %@" = "PYihl<00>sit se k %@";
"Login" = "PYihl<00>sit se";
"Local Servers" = "M<00>stn<00> Servery";
"Loading" = "Na <01>t<00>n<00>";
"Library" = "Knihovna";
"Latest %@" = "Nejnovja<01> %@";
"Home" = "Domo";
"Genres:" = "}<01>nry:";
"Genres" = "}<01>nry";
"Filters" = "Filtry";
"Filter Results" = "Filtrovat V<00>sledky";
"Error" = "Chyba";
"CAST" = "OBSAZEN<00>";
"Display order" = "PoYad<00> zobrazen<00>";
"Discovered Servers" = "Nalezen<00> Servery";
"DIRECTOR" = "RE}IS<00>R";
"Continue Watching" = "Pokra ovat ve sledov<00>n<00>";
"Closed Captions" = "Skryt<00> Titulky";
"Audio Track" = "Zvukov<00> Stopa";
"Apply" = "Pou~<01>t";
"Empty Next Up" = "Vypr<00>zdnit n<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
/* Represents the light theme setting */
"light" = "Svtl<00>";
/* Represents the dark theme setting */
"dark" = "Tmav<00>";
/* Represents the system theme setting */
"system" = "Syst<00>m";
/* Represents the Appearance setting label */
"appearance" = "Vzhled";
"yourFavorites" = "Tv<00> Obl<00>ben<00>";
"wip" = "Prob<00>haj<00> pr<00>ce";
"WhosWatching" = "Kdo se d<00>v<00>?";
"username" = "U~ivatelsk<00> jm<00>no";
"notImplementedYetWithType" = "Typ: %@ jeat nen<00> implementov<00>n :(";
"tryAgain" = "Zkusit znovu";
"tags" = "Tagy";
"switchUser" = "PYepnout u~ivatele";
"suggestions" = "N<00>vrhy";
"studios" = "Studia";
"studio" = "STUDIO";
"sortBy" = "Xadit dle";
"signedInAsWithString" = "PYihl<00>aen jako %@";
"serverURL" = "URL Serveru";
"serverInformation" = "Informace o Serveru";
"selectCastDestination" = "Vyberte C<00>l PYenosu";
"seeAll" = "Zobrazit Vae";
"seasons" = "Xady";
"search" = "Hledat& ";
"seasonAndEpisode" = "X%1$@:E%2$@";
"reset" = "Reset";
"playbackSpeed" = "Rychlost PYehr<00>v<00>n<00>";
"playbackSettings" = "Nastaven<00> pYehr<00>v<00>n<00>";
"play" = "PYehr<00>t";
"playNext" = "PYehr<00>t N<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
"password" = "Heslo";
"pageOfWithNumbers" = "Strana %1$@ z %2$@";
"otherUser" = "Jin<00> U~ivatel";
"ok" = "Ok";
"noResults" = "}<01>dn<00> v<00>sledky.";
"noCastdevicesfound" = "Nenalezena ~<01>dn<00> zaY<01>zen<00> pro pYenos.";
"nextUp" = "N<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
"moreLikeThis" = "Podobn<00>";
"loginToWithString" = "PYihl<00>sit se k %@";
"login" = "PYihl<00>sit se";
"localServers" = "M<00>stn<00> Servery";
"loading" = "Na <01>t<00>n<00>";
"library" = "Knihovna";
"latestWithString" = "Nejnovja<01> %@";
"home" = "Domo";
"genres" = "}<01>nry";
"filters" = "Filtry";
"filterResults" = "Filtrovat V<00>sledky";
"error" = "Chyba";
"episodes" = "D<00>ly";
"emptyNextUp" = "Vypr<00>zdnit n<00>sleduj<00>c<00>";
"displayOrder" = "PoYad<00> zobrazen<00>";
"discoveredServers" = "Nalezen<00> Servery";
"director" = "RE}IS<00>R";
"continueWatching" = "Pokra ovat ve sledov<00>n<00>";
"connectToServer" = "PYipojit k Serveru";
"connectToJellyfin" = "PYipojit k Jellyfinu";
"connectManually" = "PYipojit Manu<00>ln";
"connect" = "PYipojit";
"closedCaptions" = "Skryt<00> Titulky";
"changeServer" = "Zmnit Server";
"cast" = "OBSAZEN<00>";
"back" = "Zpt";
"audioAndCaptions" = "Zvuk & Titulky";
"audioTrack" = "Zvukov<00> Stopa";
"apply" = "Pou~<01>t";
"allMedia" = "Vaechna M<00>dia";
"allGenres" = "Vaechny }<01>nry";
"accessibility" = "ZpY<01>stupnn<00>";
"addURL" = "PYidat URL";
"serverAlreadyExistsPrompt" = "Server %s ji~ existuje. Chcete pYidat tuto novou URL?";
"unknownError" = "Nezn<00>m<00> chyba";
"existingServer" = "Existuj<00>c<00> server";