# version: 0.47.5 --swiftversion 5.5 --indent tab --tabwidth 4 --xcodeindentation enabled --semicolons never --stripunusedargs closure-only --maxwidth 140 --assetliterals visual-width --wraparguments after-first --wrapparameters after-first --wrapcollections before-first --wrapconditions after-first --funcattributes prev-line --typeattributes prev-line --varattributes prev-line --trailingclosures --shortoptionals "always" --enable isEmpty, \ leadingDelimiters, \ wrapEnumCases, \ typeSugar, \ void, \ trailingSpace, \ spaceInsideParens, \ spaceInsideGenerics, \ spaceInsideComments, \ spaceInsideBrackets, \ spaceInsideBraces, \ blankLinesAroundMark, \ redundantLet, \ redundantInit, \ blankLinesAroundMark --disable strongOutlets, \ yodaConditions, \ blankLinesAtStartOfScope,\ andOperator, \ redundantFileprivate, \ redundantSelf, \ redundantClosure, \ redundantType --exclude Pods --exclude Shared/Generated/Strings.swift --header "\nSwiftfin is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\nLicense, v2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\nfile, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n\nCopyright (c) {year} Jellyfin & Jellyfin Contributors\n"