
175 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TMDbLib.Client;
using TMDbLib.Objects.General;
using TMDbLib.Objects.Movies;
using TMDbLib.Objects.Search;
using TMDbLib.Utilities.Serializer;
namespace TestApplication
public class Program
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Instantiate a new client, all that's needed is an API key, but it's possible to
// also specify if SSL should be used, and if another server address should be used.
using TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("c6b31d1cdad6a56a23f0c913e2482a31");
// We need the config from TMDb in case we want to get stuff like images
// The config needs to be fetched for each new client we create, but we can cache it to a file (as in this example).
await FetchConfig(client);
// Try fetching a movie
await FetchMovieExample(client);
// Once we've got a movie, or person, or so on, we can display images.
// TMDb follow the pattern shown in the following example
// This example also shows an important feature of most of the Get-methods.
await FetchImagesExample(client);
private static async Task FetchConfig(TMDbClient client)
FileInfo configJson = new FileInfo("config.json");
Console.WriteLine("Config file: " + configJson.FullName + ", Exists: " + configJson.Exists);
if (configJson.Exists && configJson.LastWriteTimeUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1))
Console.WriteLine("Using stored config");
string json = File.ReadAllText(configJson.FullName, Encoding.UTF8);
Console.WriteLine("Getting new config");
TMDbConfig config = await client.GetConfigAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Storing config");
string json = TMDbJsonSerializer.Instance.SerializeToString(config);
File.WriteAllText(configJson.FullName, json, Encoding.UTF8);
private static async Task FetchImagesExample(TMDbClient client)
const int movieId = 76338; // Thor: The Dark World (2013)
// In the call below, we're fetching the wanted movie from TMDb, but we're also doing something else.
// We're requesting additional data, in this case: Images. This means that the Movie property "Images" will be populated (else it will be null).
// We could combine these properties, requesting even more information in one go:
// client.GetMovieAsync(movieId, MovieMethods.Images);
// client.GetMovieAsync(movieId, MovieMethods.Images | MovieMethods.Releases);
// client.GetMovieAsync(movieId, MovieMethods.Images | MovieMethods.Trailers | MovieMethods.Translations);
// .. and so on..
// Note: Each method normally corresponds to a property on the resulting object. If you haven't requested the information, the property will most likely be null.
// Also note, that while we could have used 'client.GetMovieImagesAsync()' - it was better to do it like this because we also wanted the Title of the movie.
Movie movie = await client.GetMovieAsync(movieId, MovieMethods.Images);
Console.WriteLine("Fetching images for '" + movie.Title + "'");
// Images come in three forms, each dispayed below
Console.WriteLine("Displaying Backdrops");
await ProcessImages(client, movie.Images.Backdrops.Take(3), client.Config.Images.BackdropSizes);
Console.WriteLine("Displaying Posters");
await ProcessImages(client, movie.Images.Posters.Take(3), client.Config.Images.PosterSizes);
Console.WriteLine("Displaying Logos");
await ProcessImages(client, movie.Images.Logos.Take(3), client.Config.Images.LogoSizes);
private static async Task ProcessImages(TMDbClient client, IEnumerable<ImageData> images, IEnumerable<string> sizes)
// Displays basic information about each image, as well as all the possible adresses for it.
// All images should be available in all the sizes provided by the configuration.
List<ImageData> imagesLst = images.ToList();
List<string> sizesLst = sizes.ToList();
foreach (ImageData imageData in imagesLst)
Console.WriteLine("\t " + imageData.Width + "x" + imageData.Height);
// Calculate the images path
// There are multiple resizing available for each image, directly from TMDb.
// There's always the "original" size if you're in doubt which to choose.
foreach (string size in sizesLst)
Uri imageUri = client.GetImageUrl(size, imageData.FilePath);
Console.WriteLine("\t -> " + imageUri);
// Download an image for testing, uses the internal HttpClient in the API.
Console.WriteLine("Downloading image for the first url, as a test");
Uri testUrl = client.GetImageUrl(sizesLst.First(), imagesLst.First().FilePath);
byte[] bts = await client.GetImageBytesAsync(sizesLst.First(), imagesLst.First().FilePath);
Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded {testUrl}: {bts.Length} bytes");
private static async Task FetchMovieExample(TMDbClient client)
string query = "Thor";
// This example shows the fetching of a movie.
// Say the user searches for "Thor" in order to find "Thor: The Dark World" or "Thor"
SearchContainer<SearchMovie> results = await client.SearchMovieAsync(query);
// The results is a list, currently on page 1 because we didn't specify any page.
Console.WriteLine("Searched for movies: '" + query + "', found " + results.TotalResults + " results in " +
results.TotalPages + " pages");
// Let's iterate the first few hits
foreach (SearchMovie result in results.Results.Take(3))
// Print out each hit
Console.WriteLine(result.Id + ": " + result.Title);
Console.WriteLine("\t Original Title: " + result.OriginalTitle);
Console.WriteLine("\t Release date : " + result.ReleaseDate);
Console.WriteLine("\t Popularity : " + result.Popularity);
Console.WriteLine("\t Vote Average : " + result.VoteAverage);
Console.WriteLine("\t Vote Count : " + result.VoteCount);
Console.WriteLine("\t Backdrop Path : " + result.BackdropPath);
Console.WriteLine("\t Poster Path : " + result.PosterPath);
private static void Spacer()
Console.WriteLine(" ----- ");