Jellyfin Android TV

Part of the Jellyfin Project


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Jellyfin Android TV is a Jellyfin client for Android TV, Nvidia Shield, and Amazon Fire TV devices. We welcome all contributions and pull requests! If you have a larger feature in mind please open an issue so we can discuss the implementation before you start. ## Translating Translations can be improved very easily from our [Weblate]( instance. Look through the following graphic to see if your native language could use some work! Detailed Translation Status ## Build Process ### Dependencies - Android Studio ### Build 1. Clone or download this repository ```sh git clone cd jellyfin-androidtv ``` 2. Open the project in Android Studio and run it from there or build an APK directly through Gradle: ```sh ./gradlew assembleDebug ``` Add the Android SDK to your PATH environment variable or create the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT variable for this to work. ### Deploy to device/emulator ```sh ./gradlew installDebug ``` *You can also replace the "Debug" with "Release" to get an optimized release binary.*