work in progress - move home videos to plugin listing

This commit is contained in:
marcelveldt 2016-01-11 22:20:34 +01:00
parent b7f0f869eb
commit ee9f08080e
9 changed files with 172 additions and 398 deletions

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not itemtype and xbmc.getCondVisibility("Container.Content(artists)"): itemtype = "artist"
if not itemtype and xbmc.getCondVisibility("Container.Content(songs)"): itemtype = "song"
logMsg("Contextmenu opened for itemid: %s - itemtype: %s" %(itemid,itemtype),0)
logMsg("Contextmenu opened for itemid: %s - itemtype: %s" %(itemid,itemtype))
userid = utils.window('emby_currUser')
server = utils.window('emby_server%s' % userid)

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class Main:
'thememedia': entrypoint.getThemeMedia,
'channels': entrypoint.BrowseChannels,
'channelsfolder': entrypoint.BrowseChannels,
'browsecontent': entrypoint.BrowseContent,
'nextup': entrypoint.getNextUpEpisodes,
'inprogressepisodes': entrypoint.getInProgressEpisodes,
'recentepisodes': entrypoint.getRecentEpisodes,
@ -79,6 +80,9 @@ class Main:
elif mode == "channels":
elif mode == "browsecontent":
modes[mode]( itemid, params.get('type',[""])[0], params.get('folderid',[""])[0], params.get('filter',[""])[0] )
elif mode == "channelsfolder":
folderid = params['folderid'][0]

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ class API():
media_streams = item['MediaSources'][0]['MediaStreams']
except KeyError:
if not item.get("MediaStreams"): return None
media_streams = item['MediaStreams']
for media_stream in media_streams:
@ -134,11 +135,11 @@ class API():
# Height, Width, Codec, AspectRatio, AspectFloat, 3D
track = {
'videocodec': codec,
'codec': codec,
'height': media_stream.get('Height'),
'width': media_stream.get('Width'),
'video3DFormat': item.get('Video3DFormat'),
'aspectratio': 1.85
'aspect': 1.85
@ -148,47 +149,50 @@ class API():
# Sort codec vs container/profile
if "msmpeg4" in codec:
track['videocodec'] = "divx"
track['codec'] = "divx"
elif "mpeg4" in codec:
if "simple profile" in profile or not profile:
track['videocodec'] = "xvid"
track['codec'] = "xvid"
elif "h264" in codec:
if container in ("mp4", "mov", "m4v"):
track['videocodec'] = "avc1"
track['codec'] = "avc1"
# Aspect ratio
if item.get('AspectRatio'):
# Metadata AR
aspectratio = item['AspectRatio']
aspect = item['AspectRatio']
else: # File AR
aspectratio = media_stream.get('AspectRatio', "0")
aspect = media_stream.get('AspectRatio', "0")
aspectwidth, aspectheight = aspectratio.split(':')
track['aspectratio'] = round(float(aspectwidth) / float(aspectheight), 6)
aspectwidth, aspectheight = aspect.split(':')
track['aspect'] = round(float(aspectwidth) / float(aspectheight), 6)
except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
width = track.get('width')
height = track.get('height')
if width and height:
track['aspectratio'] = round(float(width / height), 6)
track['aspect'] = round(float(width / height), 6)
track['aspectratio'] = 1.85
track['aspect'] = 1.85
if item.get("RunTimeTicks"):
track['duration'] = item.get("RunTimeTicks") / 10000000.0
elif stream_type == "Audio":
# Codec, Channels, language
track = {
'audiocodec': codec,
'codec': codec,
'channels': media_stream.get('Channels'),
'audiolanguage': media_stream.get('Language')
'language': media_stream.get('Language')
if "dca" in codec and "dts-hd ma" in profile:
track['audiocodec'] = "dtshd_ma"
track['codec'] = "dtshd_ma"

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ def doMainListing():
path = utils.window('Emby.nodes.%s.content' % i)
label = utils.window('Emby.nodes.%s.title' % i)
if path:
print path
addDirectoryItem(label, path)
# some extra entries for settings and stuff. TODO --> localize the labels
@ -400,6 +401,99 @@ def refreshPlaylist():
def BrowseContent(viewname, type="", folderid=None, filter=None):
_addon_id = int(sys.argv[1])
_addon_url = sys.argv[0]
doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils()
emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer()
art = artwork.Artwork()
utils.logMsg("BrowseHomeVideos","viewname: %s - type: %s - folderid: %s - filter: %s" %(viewname, type, folderid, filter),0)
if type.lower() == "homevideos":
xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
itemtype = "Video"
elif type.lower() == "photos":
xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'pictures')
itemtype = "Photo"
itemtype = ""
if not folderid:
views = emby.getViews(type)
for view in views:
if view.get("name") == viewname:
folderid = view.get("id")
print view
if folderid:
listing = emby.getSection(folderid).get("Items",[])
for item in listing:
if item.get("Type") == itemtype or item.get("IsFolder") == True:
API = api.API(item)
itemid = item['Id']
title = item.get('Name')
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(title)
premieredate = API.getPremiereDate()
genre = API.getGenres()
overlay = 0
userdata = API.getUserData()
seektime = userdata['Resume']
if seektime:
li.setProperty("resumetime", seektime)
li.setProperty("totaltime", item.get("RunTimeTicks")/ 10000000.0)
played = userdata['Played']
if played: overlay = 7
else: overlay = 6
favorite = userdata['Favorite']
if favorite: overlay = 5
playcount = userdata['PlayCount']
if playcount is None:
playcount = 0
rating = item.get('CommunityRating')
if not rating: rating = userdata['UserRating']
# Populate the extradata list and artwork
extradata = {
'id': itemid,
'rating': rating,
'year': item.get('ProductionYear'),
'premieredate': premieredate,
'genre': genre,
'playcount': str(playcount),
'title': title,
'plot': API.getOverview(),
'Overlay': str(overlay),
li.setInfo('video', infoLabels=extradata)
if item.get("IsFolder") == True:
path = "%s?id=%s&mode=browsecontent&type=%s&folderid=%s" % (_addon_url, viewname, type, itemid)
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=_addon_id, url=path, listitem=li, isFolder=True)
path = "%s?id=%s&mode=play" % (_addon_url, itemid)
li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
mediastreams = API.getMediaStreams()
if mediastreams:
for key, value in mediastreams.iteritems():
if value: li.addStreamInfo(key, value[0])
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=_addon_id, url=path, listitem=li)
def BrowseChannels(itemid, folderid=None):

@ -61,15 +61,13 @@ class Items(object):
'Movie': Movies,
'BoxSet': Movies,
'MusicVideo': MusicVideos,
'Series': TVShows,
'Season': TVShows,
'Episode': TVShows,
'MusicAlbum': Music,
'MusicArtist': Music,
'AlbumArtist': Music,
'Audio': Music,
'Video': HomeVideos
'Audio': Music
total = 0
@ -169,13 +167,6 @@ class Items(object):
'userdata': items_process.updateUserdata,
'remove': items_process.remove
elif itemtype == "Video":
actions = {
'added': items_process.added,
'update': items_process.add_update,
'userdata': items_process.updateUserdata,
'remove': items_process.remove
self.logMsg("Unsupported itemtype: %s." % itemtype, 1)
actions = {}
@ -624,257 +615,6 @@ class Movies(Items):
self.logMsg("Deleted %s %s from kodi database" % (mediatype, itemid), 1)
class HomeVideos(Items):
def __init__(self, embycursor, kodicursor):
Items.__init__(self, embycursor, kodicursor)
def added(self, items, pdialog):
total = len(items)
count = 0
for hvideo in items:
title = hvideo['Name']
if pdialog:
percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100)
pdialog.update(percentage, message=title)
count += 1
if not pdialog and self.contentmsg:
def add_update(self, item, viewtag=None, viewid=None):
# Process single movie
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
emby_db = self.emby_db
kodi_db = self.kodi_db
artwork = self.artwork
API = api.API(item)
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
update_item = True
itemid = item['Id']
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
hmovieid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
pathid = emby_dbitem[2]
self.logMsg("hmovieid: %s fileid: %s pathid: %s" % (hmovieid, fileid, pathid), 1)
except TypeError:
update_item = False
self.logMsg("hmovieid: %s not found." % itemid, 2)
# movieid
kodicursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idMovie),0) from movie")
hmovieid = kodicursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
if not viewtag or not viewid:
# Get view tag from emby
viewtag, viewid, mediatype = self.emby.getView_embyId(itemid)
self.logMsg("View tag found: %s" % viewtag, 2)
# fileId information
checksum = API.getChecksum()
dateadded = API.getDateCreated()
userdata = API.getUserData()
playcount = userdata['PlayCount']
dateplayed = userdata['LastPlayedDate']
# item details
people = API.getPeople()
title = item['Name']
year = item.get('ProductionYear')
sorttitle = item['SortName']
runtime = API.getRuntime()
genre = "HomeVideos"
playurl = API.getFilePath()
if "\\" in playurl:
# Local path
filename = playurl.rsplit("\\", 1)[1]
else: # Network share
filename = playurl.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
if self.directpath:
# Direct paths is set the Kodi way
if utils.window('emby_pathverified') != "true" and not xbmcvfs.exists(playurl):
# Validate the path is correct with user intervention
utils.window('emby_directPath', clear=True)
resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
heading="Can't validate path",
"Kodi can't locate file: %s. Verify the path. "
"You may to verify your network credentials in the "
"add-on settings or use the emby path substitution "
"to format your path correctly. Stop syncing?"
% playurl))
if resp:
utils.window('emby_shouldStop', value="true")
return False
path = playurl.replace(filename, "")
utils.window('emby_pathverified', value="true")
# Set plugin path and media flags using real filename
path = "plugin://"
params = {
'filename': filename.encode('utf-8'),
'id': itemid,
'dbid': hmovieid,
'mode': "play"
filename = "%s?%s" % (path, urllib.urlencode(params))
##### UPDATE THE MOVIE #####
if update_item:
self.logMsg("UPDATE homemovie itemid: %s - Title: %s" % (itemid, title), 1)
# Update the movie entry
query = ' '.join((
"UPDATE movie",
"SET c00 = ?, c07 = ?, c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c14 = ?, c16 = ?",
"WHERE idMovie = ?"
kodicursor.execute(query, (title, year, sorttitle, runtime, genre, title, hmovieid))
# Update the checksum in emby table
emby_db.updateReference(itemid, checksum)
##### OR ADD THE MOVIE #####
self.logMsg("ADD homemovie itemid: %s - Title: %s" % (itemid, title), 1)
# Add path
pathid = kodi_db.addPath(path)
# Add the file
fileid = kodi_db.addFile(filename, pathid)
# Create the movie entry
query = (
idMovie, idFile, c00, c07, c10, c11, c14, c16)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
kodicursor.execute(query, (hmovieid, fileid, title, year, sorttitle, runtime,
genre, title))
# Create the reference in emby table
emby_db.addReference(itemid, hmovieid, "Video", "movie", fileid, pathid,
None, checksum, viewid)
# Update the path
query = ' '.join((
"UPDATE path",
"SET strPath = ?, strContent = ?, strScraper = ?, noUpdate = ?",
"WHERE idPath = ?"
kodicursor.execute(query, (path, "movies", "metadata.local", 1, pathid))
# Update the file
query = ' '.join((
"UPDATE files",
"SET idPath = ?, strFilename = ?, dateAdded = ?",
"WHERE idFile = ?"
kodicursor.execute(query, (pathid, filename, dateadded, fileid))
# Process artwork
artwork.addArtwork(artwork.getAllArtwork(item), hmovieid, "movie", kodicursor)
# Process stream details
streams = API.getMediaStreams()
kodi_db.addStreams(fileid, streams, runtime)
# Process tags: view, emby tags
tags = [viewtag]
if userdata['Favorite']:
tags.append("Favorite homemovies")
kodi_db.addTags(hmovieid, tags, "movie")
# Process playstates
resume = API.adjustResume(userdata['Resume'])
total = round(float(runtime), 6)
kodi_db.addPlaystate(fileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
def updateUserdata(self, item):
# This updates: Favorite, LastPlayedDate, Playcount, PlaybackPositionTicks
# Poster with progress bar
emby_db = self.emby_db
kodi_db = self.kodi_db
API = api.API(item)
# Get emby information
itemid = item['Id']
checksum = API.getChecksum()
userdata = API.getUserData()
runtime = API.getRuntime()
# Get Kodi information
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
movieid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
"Update playstate for homemovie: %s fileid: %s"
% (item['Name'], fileid), 1)
except TypeError:
# Process favorite tags
if userdata['Favorite']:
kodi_db.addTag(movieid, "Favorite homemovies", "movie")
kodi_db.removeTag(movieid, "Favorite homemovies", "movie")
# Process playstates
playcount = userdata['PlayCount']
dateplayed = userdata['LastPlayedDate']
resume = API.adjustResume(userdata['Resume'])
total = round(float(runtime), 6)
kodi_db.addPlaystate(fileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
emby_db.updateReference(itemid, checksum)
def remove(self, itemid):
# Remove movieid, fileid, emby reference
emby_db = self.emby_db
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
artwork = self.artwork
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
hmovieid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
self.logMsg("Removing hmovieid: %s fileid: %s" % (hmovieid, fileid), 1)
except TypeError:
# Remove artwork
artwork.deleteArtwork(hmovieid, "movie", kodicursor)
# Delete kodi movie and file
kodicursor.execute("DELETE FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?", (hmovieid,))
kodicursor.execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE idFile = ?", (fileid,))
# Remove the emby reference
self.logMsg("Deleted homemovie %s from kodi database" % itemid, 1)
class MusicVideos(Items):

@ -640,8 +640,8 @@ class Kodidb_Functions():
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 0, videotrack['videocodec'],
videotrack['aspectratio'], videotrack['width'], videotrack['height'],
cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 0, videotrack['codec'],
videotrack['aspect'], videotrack['width'], videotrack['height'],
runtime ,videotrack['video3DFormat']))
# Audio details
@ -654,8 +654,8 @@ class Kodidb_Functions():
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 1, audiotrack['audiocodec'],
audiotrack['channels'], audiotrack['audiolanguage']))
cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 1, audiotrack['codec'],
audiotrack['channels'], audiotrack['language']))
# Subtitles details
for subtitletrack in streamdetails['subtitle']:

@ -230,8 +230,7 @@ class LibrarySync(threading.Thread):
'movies': self.movies,
'musicvideos': self.musicvideos,
'tvshows': self.tvshows,
'homevideos': self.homevideos
'tvshows': self.tvshows
for itemtype in process:
startTime =
@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ class LibrarySync(threading.Thread):
totalnodes = 0
# Set views for supported media type
mediatypes = ['movies', 'tvshows', 'musicvideos', 'homevideos', 'music']
mediatypes = ['movies', 'tvshows', 'musicvideos', 'homevideos', 'music', 'photos']
for mediatype in mediatypes:
# Get media folders from server
@ -447,7 +446,6 @@ class LibrarySync(threading.Thread):
# Save total
utils.window('', str(totalnodes))
def movies(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False):
# Get movies from emby
emby = self.emby
@ -709,99 +707,6 @@ class LibrarySync(threading.Thread):
return True
def homevideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False):
# Get homevideos from emby
emby = self.emby
emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor)
hvideos = itemtypes.HomeVideos(embycursor, kodicursor)
views = emby_db.getView_byType('homevideos')
self.logMsg("Media folders: %s" % views, 1)
if compare:
# Pull the list of homevideos in Kodi
all_kodihvideos = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Video'))
except ValueError:
all_kodihvideos = {}
all_embyhvideosIds = set()
updatelist = []
for view in views:
if self.shouldStop():
return False
# Get items per view
viewId = view['id']
viewName = view['name']
if pdialog:
heading="Emby for Kodi",
message="Gathering homevideos from view: %s..." % viewName)
all_embyhvideos = emby.getHomeVideos(viewId)
if compare:
# Manual sync
if pdialog:
heading="Emby for Kodi",
message="Comparing homevideos from view: %s..." % viewName)
for embyhvideo in all_embyhvideos['Items']:
if self.shouldStop():
return False
API = api.API(embyhvideo)
itemid = embyhvideo['Id']
if all_kodihvideos.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum():
# Only update if homemovie is not in Kodi or checksum is different
self.logMsg("HomeVideos to update for %s: %s" % (viewName, updatelist), 1)
embyhvideos = emby.getFullItems(updatelist)
total = len(updatelist)
del updatelist[:]
total = all_embyhvideos['TotalRecordCount']
embyhvideos = all_embyhvideos['Items']
if pdialog:
pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, total))
count = 0
for embyhvideo in embyhvideos:
# Process individual homemovies
if self.shouldStop():
return False
title = embyhvideo['Name']
if pdialog:
percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100)
pdialog.update(percentage, message=title)
count += 1
hvideos.add_update(embyhvideo, viewName, viewId)
self.logMsg("HomeVideos finished.", 2)
if compare:
# Manual sync, process deletes
for kodihvideo in all_kodihvideos:
if kodihvideo not in all_embyhvideosIds:
self.logMsg("HomeVideos compare finished.", 1)
return True
def tvshows(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False):
# Get shows from emby
emby = self.emby

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def getSongTags(file):
comment = ""
isTemp,filename = getRealFileName(file)
logMsg( "getting song ID3 tags for " + filename, 0)
logMsg( "getting song ID3 tags for " + filename)
if filename.lower().endswith(".flac"):
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def getSongTags(file):
#POPM rating is 0-255 and needs to be converted to 0-5 range
if rating > 5: rating = (rating / 255) * 5
logMsg( "Not supported fileformat or unable to access file: %s" %(filename), 0)
logMsg( "Not supported fileformat or unable to access file: %s" %(filename))
rating = int(round(rating,0))
except Exception as e:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def updateRatingToFile(rating, file):
#update the rating from Emby to the file
isTemp,filename = getRealFileName(file)
logMsg( "setting song rating: %s for filename: %s" %(rating,filename), 0)
logMsg( "setting song rating: %s for filename: %s" %(rating,filename))
if not filename:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def updateRatingToFile(rating, file):
audio.add(id3.POPM(email="Windows Media Player 9 Series", rating=calcrating, count=1))
logMsg( "Not supported fileformat: %s" %(filename), 0)
logMsg( "Not supported fileformat: %s" %(filename))
#remove tempfile if needed....
if isTemp:

@ -56,10 +56,6 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
kodiversion = self.kodiversion
if mediatype == "homevideos":
# Treat homevideos as movies
mediatype = "movies"
cleantagname = utils.normalize_nodes(tagname.encode('utf-8'))
if viewtype == "mixed":
dirname = "%s - %s" % (cleantagname, mediatype)
@ -78,7 +74,7 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
# Create the node directory
if not xbmcvfs.exists(nodepath):
if not xbmcvfs.exists(nodepath) and not mediatype=="photos":
# We need to copy over the default items
@ -99,14 +95,18 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
if utils.window('Emby.nodes.%s.index' % i) == path:
if mediatype=="photos":
path = "plugin://" % tagname
utils.window('Emby.nodes.%s.index' % indexnumber, value=path)
# Root
root = self.commonRoot(order=0, label=tagname, tagname=tagname, roottype=0)
except: pass
if not mediatype=="photos":
root = self.commonRoot(order=0, label=tagname, tagname=tagname, roottype=0)
except: pass
nodetypes = {
@ -144,6 +144,14 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
'9': 135,
'10': 30229,
'11': 30230},
'homevideos': {
'1': tagname,
'2': 30170},
'photos': {
'1': tagname,
'2': 30170},
nodes = mediatypes[mediatype]
@ -161,7 +169,19 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
label = stringid
# Set window properties
if nodetype == "nextepisodes":
if mediatype == "homevideos" and nodetype == "all":
# Custom query
path = "plugin://" % tagname
elif mediatype == "homevideos" and nodetype == "recent":
# Custom query
path = "plugin://" % tagname
elif mediatype == "photos" and nodetype == "all":
# Custom query
path = "plugin://" % tagname
elif mediatype == "photos" and nodetype == "recent":
# Custom query
path = "plugin://" % tagname
elif nodetype == "nextepisodes":
# Custom query
path = "plugin://" % tagname
elif kodiversion == 14 and nodetype == "recentepisodes":
@ -172,7 +192,11 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
path = "plugin://"% tagname
path = "library://video/Emby - %s/%s_%s.xml" % (dirname, cleantagname, nodetype)
windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Video,%s,return)" % path
if mediatype == "photos":
windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Pictures,%s,return)" % path
windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Video,%s,return)" % path
if nodetype == "all":
@ -192,14 +216,17 @@ class VideoNodes(object):
utils.window('%s.path' % embynode, value=windowpath)
utils.window('%s.content' % embynode, value=path)
if mediatype=="photos":
#for photos we do not create a node in videos but we do want the window props to be created
#todo: add our photos nodes to kodi picture sources somehow
if xbmcvfs.exists(nodeXML):
# Don't recreate xml if already exists
# Create the root
if nodetype == "nextepisodes" or (kodiversion == 14 and
nodetype in ('recentepisodes', 'inprogressepisodes')):
if nodetype == "nextepisodes" or (kodiversion == 14 and nodetype in ('recentepisodes', 'inprogressepisodes')) or mediatype=="homevideos":
# Folder type with plugin path
root = self.commonRoot(order=node, label=label, tagname=tagname, roottype=2)
etree.SubElement(root, 'path').text = path