mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:11:45 +00:00
Merge branch 'unstable' into feature/jf-photo-slideshow
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
sub init()
m.itemPoster = m.top.findNode("itemPoster")
m.posterText = m.top.findNode("posterText")
m.posterText.font.size = 30
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
m.itemPoster.observeField("loadStatus", "onPosterLoadStatusChanged")
'Parent is MarkupGrid and it's parent is the ItemGrid
m.topParent = m.top.GetParent().GetParent()
'Get the imageDisplayMode for these grid items
if m.topParent.imageDisplayMode <> invalid
m.itemPoster.loadDisplayMode = m.topParent.imageDisplayMode
end if
end sub
sub itemContentChanged()
m.backdrop.blendColor = "#101010"
itemData = m.top.itemContent
if not isValid(itemData) then return
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.PosterUrl
m.posterText.text = itemData.title
'If Poster not loaded, ensure "blue box" is shown until loaded
if m.itemPoster.loadStatus <> "ready"
m.backdrop.visible = true
m.posterText.visible = true
end if
end sub
'Hide backdrop and text when poster loaded
sub onPosterLoadStatusChanged()
if m.itemPoster.loadStatus = "ready"
m.backdrop.visible = false
m.posterText.visible = false
end if
end sub
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="GridItemSmall" extends="Group">
<Poster id="backdrop" translation="[0,15]" width="230" height="320" loadDisplayMode="scaleToZoom" uri="pkg:/images/white.9.png" />
<Poster id="itemPoster" translation="[0,15]" width="230" height="320" loadDisplayMode="scaleToZoom" />
<Poster id="itemIcon" width="50" height="50" translation="[230,10]" />
<Label id="posterText" width="230" height="320" translation="[5,5]" horizAlign="center" vertAlign="center" ellipsizeOnBoundary="true" wrap="true" />
<field id="itemContent" type="node" onChange="itemContentChanged" />
<field id="itemHasFocus" type="boolean" onChange="focusChanged" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="GridItemSmall.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/config.brs" />
@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ sub loadItems()
sort_order = "Descending"
end if
if m.top.ItemType = "LogoImage"
logoImageExists = api_API().items.headimageurlbyname(m.top.itemId, "logo")
if logoImageExists
m.top.content = [api_API().items.getimageurl(m.top.itemId, "logo", 0, { "maxHeight": 500, "maxWidth": 500, "quality": "90" })]
m.top.content = []
end if
end if
params = {
limit: m.top.limit,
@ -117,7 +127,49 @@ sub loadItems()
else if item.type = "Episode"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "TVEpisode")
else if item.Type = "Genre"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "FolderData")
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
tmp.title = item.name
genreData = api_API().users.getitemsbyquery(get_setting("active_user"), {
SortBy: "Random",
SortOrder: "Ascending",
IncludeItemTypes: "Movie",
Recursive: true,
Fields: "PrimaryImageAspectRatio,MediaSourceCount,BasicSyncInfo",
ImageTypeLimit: 1,
EnableImageTypes: "Primary",
Limit: 6,
GenreIds: item.id,
EnableTotalRecordCount: false,
ParentId: m.top.itemId
if genreData.Items.Count() > 5
' Add View All item to the start of the row
row = tmp.createChild("FolderData")
row.parentFolder = m.top.itemId
genreMovieImage = api_API().items.getimageurl(item.id)
row.title = item.name
row.json = item
row.FHDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.HDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.SDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.type = "Folder"
end if
for each genreMovie in genreData.Items
row = tmp.createChild("MovieData")
genreMovieImage = api_API().items.getimageurl(genreMovie.id)
row.title = genreMovie.name
row.FHDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.HDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.SDPOSTERURL = genreMovieImage
row.json = genreMovie
row.id = genreMovie.id
row.type = genreMovie.type
end for
else if item.Type = "Studio"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "FolderData")
else if item.Type = "MusicAlbum"
@ -135,12 +187,16 @@ sub loadItems()
print "[LoadItems] Unknown Type: " item.Type
end if
if tmp <> invalid
tmp.parentFolder = m.top.itemId
tmp.json = item
if item.UserData <> invalid and item.UserData.isFavorite <> invalid
tmp.favorite = item.UserData.isFavorite
if item.Type <> "Genre"
tmp.parentFolder = m.top.itemId
tmp.json = item
if item.UserData <> invalid and item.UserData.isFavorite <> invalid
tmp.favorite = item.UserData.isFavorite
end if
end if
end if
end for
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
sub setupNodes()
m.options = m.top.findNode("options")
m.itemGrid = m.top.findNode("itemGrid")
m.voiceBox = m.top.findNode("voiceBox")
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
m.newBackdrop = m.top.findNode("backdropTransition")
m.emptyText = m.top.findNode("emptyText")
m.selectedMovieName = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieName")
m.selectedMovieOverview = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieOverview")
m.selectedMovieProductionYear = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieProductionYear")
m.selectedMovieOfficialRating = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieOfficialRating")
m.movieLogo = m.top.findNode("movieLogo")
m.swapAnimation = m.top.findNode("backroundSwapAnimation")
m.spinner = m.top.findNode("spinner")
m.Alpha = m.top.findNode("AlphaMenu")
m.AlphaSelected = m.top.findNode("AlphaSelected")
m.micButton = m.top.findNode("micButton")
m.micButtonText = m.top.findNode("micButtonText")
m.communityRatingGroup = m.top.findNode("communityRatingGroup")
m.criticRatingIcon = m.top.findNode("criticRatingIcon")
m.criticRatingGroup = m.top.findNode("criticRatingGroup")
m.overhang = m.top.getScene().findNode("overhang")
m.genreList = m.top.findNode("genrelist")
m.infoGroup = m.top.findNode("infoGroup")
end sub
sub init()
m.overhang.isVisible = false
m.showItemCount = get_user_setting("itemgrid.showItemCount") = "true"
m.swapAnimation.observeField("state", "swapDone")
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.genreData = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.genreList.observeField("itemSelected", "onGenreItemSelected")
m.genreList.content = m.genreData
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemFocused", "onItemFocused")
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemSelected", "onItemSelected")
m.itemGrid.observeField("alphaSelected", "onItemalphaSelected")
'Voice filter setup
m.voiceBox.voiceEnabled = true
m.voiceBox.active = true
m.voiceBox.observeField("text", "onvoiceFilter")
'set voice help text
m.voiceBox.hintText = tr("Use voice remote to search")
m.newBackdrop.observeField("loadStatus", "newBGLoaded")
'Background Image Queued for loading
m.queuedBGUri = ""
'Item sort - maybe load defaults from user prefs?
m.sortField = "SortName"
m.sortAscending = true
m.filter = "All"
m.favorite = "Favorite"
m.loadItemsTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask2")
m.loadLogoTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask2")
'set inital counts for overhang before content is loaded.
m.loadItemsTask.totalRecordCount = 0
m.spinner.visible = true
'Get reset folder setting
m.resetGrid = get_user_setting("itemgrid.reset") = "true"
'Check if device has voice remote
devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
'Hide voice search if device does not have voice remote
if devinfo.HasFeature("voice_remote") = false
m.micButton.visible = false
m.micButtonText.visible = false
end if
end sub
sub OnScreenHidden()
if not m.overhang.isVisible
m.overhang.disableMoveAnimation = true
m.overhang.isVisible = true
m.overhang.disableMoveAnimation = false
end if
end sub
sub OnScreenShown()
m.overhang.isVisible = false
if m.top.lastFocus <> invalid
end if
end sub
'Load initial set of Data
sub loadInitialItems()
m.loadItemsTask.control = "stop"
m.spinner.visible = true
if m.top.parentItem.json.Type = "CollectionFolder"
m.top.HomeLibraryItem = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
if m.top.parentItem.backdropUrl <> invalid
end if
m.sortField = get_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField")
sortAscendingStr = get_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending")
m.filter = get_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter")
m.view = get_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing")
if not isValid(m.sortField) then m.sortField = "SortName"
if not isValid(m.filter) then m.filter = "All"
if not isValid(m.view) then m.view = "Movies"
if sortAscendingStr = invalid or sortAscendingStr = "true"
m.sortAscending = true
m.sortAscending = false
end if
if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Studio"
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = m.top.parentItem.id
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.parentFolder
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = ""
else if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Genre"
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = m.top.parentItem.id
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.parentFolder
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
else if m.view = "Movies" or m.options.view = "Movies"
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = m.top.alphaSelected
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = m.voiceBox.text
m.emptyText.visible = false
m.loadItemsTask.sortField = m.sortField
m.loadItemsTask.sortAscending = m.sortAscending
m.loadItemsTask.filter = m.filter
m.loadItemsTask.startIndex = 0
' Load Item Types
if getCollectionType() = "movies"
m.loadItemsTask.itemType = "Movie"
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
' By default we load movies
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Movies"
m.itemGrid.translation = "[96, 650]"
m.itemGrid.numRows = "2"
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = true
m.infoGroup.visible = true
if m.options.view = "Studios" or m.view = "Studios"
m.itemGrid.translation = "[96, 60]"
m.itemGrid.numRows = "3"
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Networks"
m.top.imageDisplayMode = "scaleToFit"
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
else if m.options.view = "Genres" or m.view = "Genres"
m.loadItemsTask.StudioIds = m.top.parentItem.Id
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Genres"
m.movieLogo.visible = false
m.selectedMovieName.visible = false
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
end if
m.loadItemsTask.observeField("content", "ItemDataLoaded")
m.spinner.visible = true
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' Set Movies view, sort, and filter options
sub setMoviesOptions(options)
options.views = [
{ "Title": tr("Movies"), "Name": "Movies" },
{ "Title": tr("Studios"), "Name": "Studios" },
{ "Title": tr("Genres"), "Name": "Genres" }
if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Genre"
options.views = [
{ "Title": tr("Movies"), "Name": "Movies" }
end if
options.sort = [
{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" },
{ "Title": tr("IMDB_RATING"), "Name": "CommunityRating" },
{ "Title": tr("CRITIC_RATING"), "Name": "CriticRating" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_ADDED"), "Name": "DateCreated" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_PLAYED"), "Name": "DatePlayed" },
{ "Title": tr("OFFICIAL_RATING"), "Name": "OfficialRating" },
{ "Title": tr("PLAY_COUNT"), "Name": "PlayCount" },
{ "Title": tr("RELEASE_DATE"), "Name": "PremiereDate" },
{ "Title": tr("RUNTIME"), "Name": "Runtime" }
options.filter = [
{ "Title": tr("All"), "Name": "All" },
{ "Title": tr("Favorites"), "Name": "Favorites" }
if m.options.view = "Genres" or m.view = "Genres"
options.sort = []
options.filter = []
end if
if m.options.view = "Studios" or m.view = "Studios"
options.sort = [
{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_ADDED"), "Name": "DateCreated" },
end if
end sub
' Return parent collection type
function getCollectionType() as string
if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = invalid
return m.top.parentItem.Type
return m.top.parentItem.CollectionType
end if
end function
' Search string array for search value. Return if it's found
function inStringArray(array, searchValue) as boolean
for each item in array
if lcase(item) = lcase(searchValue) then return true
end for
return false
end function
' Data to display when options button selected
sub SetUpOptions()
options = {}
options.filter = []
options.favorite = []
' Set selected view option
for each o in options.views
if o.Name = m.view
o.Selected = true
o.Ascending = m.sortAscending
m.options.view = o.Name
end if
end for
' Set selected sort option
for each o in options.sort
if o.Name = m.sortField
o.Selected = true
o.Ascending = m.sortAscending
m.options.sortField = o.Name
end if
end for
' Set selected filter option
for each o in options.filter
if o.Name = m.filter
o.Selected = true
m.options.filter = o.Name
end if
end for
m.options.options = options
end sub
' Logo Image Loaded Event Handler
sub LogoImageLoaded(msg)
data = msg.GetData()
m.loadLogoTask.content = []
if data.Count() > 0
m.movieLogo.uri = data[0]
m.movieLogo.visible = true
m.selectedMovieName.visible = true
end if
end sub
'Handle loaded data, and add to Grid
sub ItemDataLoaded(msg)
m.top.alphaActive = false
itemData = msg.GetData()
m.loadItemsTask.content = []
if itemData = invalid
m.Loading = false
end if
if m.loadItemsTask.view = "Genres"
' Reset genre list data
m.genreData.removeChildren(m.genreData.getChildren(-1, 0))
for each item in itemData
end for
m.itemGrid.opacity = "0"
m.genreList.opacity = "1"
m.loading = false
m.spinner.visible = false
end if
m.itemGrid.opacity = "1"
m.genreList.opacity = "0"
for each item in itemData
end for
'Update the stored counts
m.loadedItems = m.itemGrid.content.getChildCount()
m.loadedRows = m.loadedItems / m.itemGrid.numColumns
m.Loading = false
'If there are no items to display, show message
if m.loadedItems = 0
m.emptyText.text = tr("NO_ITEMS").Replace("%1", m.top.parentItem.Type)
m.emptyText.visible = true
end if
m.spinner.visible = false
end sub
'Set Selected Movie Name
sub SetName(movieName as string)
m.selectedMovieName.text = movieName
end sub
'Set Selected Movie Overview
sub SetOverview(movieOverview as string)
m.selectedMovieOverview.text = movieOverview
end sub
'Set Selected Movie OfficialRating
sub SetOfficialRating(movieOfficialRating as string)
m.selectedMovieOfficialRating.text = movieOfficialRating
end sub
'Set Selected Movie ProductionYear
sub SetProductionYear(movieProductionYear)
m.selectedMovieProductionYear.text = movieProductionYear
end sub
'Set Background Image
sub SetBackground(backgroundUri as string)
if backgroundUri = ""
m.backdrop.opacity = 0
end if
'If a new image is being loaded, or transitioned to, store URL to load next
if m.swapAnimation.state <> "stopped" or m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "loading"
m.queuedBGUri = backgroundUri
end if
m.newBackdrop.uri = backgroundUri
end sub
'Handle new item being focused
sub onItemFocused()
focusedRow = m.itemGrid.currFocusRow
itemInt = m.itemGrid.itemFocused
' If no selected item, set background to parent backdrop
if itemInt = -1
end if
m.movieLogo.visible = false
m.selectedMovieName.visible = false
' Load more data if focus is within last 5 rows, and there are more items to load
if focusedRow >= m.loadedRows - 5 and m.loadeditems < m.loadItemsTask.totalRecordCount
end if
m.selectedFavoriteItem = getItemFocused()
m.communityRatingGroup.visible = false
m.criticRatingGroup.visible = false
if m.options.view = "Studios" or m.view = "Studios"
end if
itemData = m.selectedFavoriteItem.json
if isValid(itemData.communityRating)
setFieldText("communityRating", int(itemData.communityRating * 10) / 10)
m.communityRatingGroup.visible = true
end if
if isValid(itemData.CriticRating)
setFieldText("criticRatingLabel", itemData.criticRating)
tomato = "pkg:/images/rotten.png"
if itemData.CriticRating > 60
tomato = "pkg:/images/fresh.png"
end if
m.criticRatingIcon.uri = tomato
m.criticRatingGroup.visible = true
end if
if isValid(itemData.Name)
end if
if isValid(itemData.Overview)
end if
if isValid(itemData.ProductionYear)
end if
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
setFieldText("runtime", stri(getRuntime(itemData.RunTimeTicks)) + " mins")
setFieldText("runtime", "")
end if
if isValid(itemData.OfficialRating)
end if
m.loadLogoTask.itemId = itemData.id
m.loadLogoTask.itemType = "LogoImage"
m.loadLogoTask.observeField("content", "LogoImageLoaded")
m.loadLogoTask.control = "RUN"
' Set Background to item backdrop
end sub
function getRuntime(runTimeTicks) as integer
return round(runTimeTicks / 600000000.0)
end function
function round(f as float) as integer
' BrightScript only has a "floor" round
' This compares floor to floor + 1 to find which is closer
m = int(f)
n = m + 1
x = abs(f - m)
y = abs(f - n)
if y > x
return m
return n
end if
end function
sub setFieldText(field, value)
node = m.top.findNode(field)
if node = invalid or value = invalid then return
' Handle non strings... Which _shouldn't_ happen, but hey
if type(value) = "roInt" or type(value) = "Integer"
value = str(value)
else if type(value) = "roFloat" or type(value) = "Float"
value = str(value)
else if type(value) <> "roString" and type(value) <> "String"
value = ""
end if
node.text = value
end sub
'When Image Loading Status changes
sub newBGLoaded()
'If image load was sucessful, start the fade swap
if m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "ready"
m.swapAnimation.control = "start"
end if
end sub
'Swap Complete
sub swapDone()
if m.swapAnimation.state = "stopped"
'Set main BG node image and hide transitioning node
m.backdrop.uri = m.newBackdrop.uri
m.backdrop.opacity = 1
m.newBackdrop.opacity = 0
'If there is another one to load
if m.newBackdrop.uri <> m.queuedBGUri and m.queuedBGUri <> ""
m.queuedBGUri = ""
end if
end if
end sub
'Load next set of items
sub loadMoreData()
m.spinner.visible = true
if m.Loading = true then return
m.Loading = true
m.loadItemsTask.startIndex = m.loadedItems
m.loadItemsTask.observeField("content", "ItemDataLoaded")
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
'Item Selected
sub onItemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.itemGrid.content.getChild(m.itemGrid.itemSelected)
end sub
'Returns Focused Item
function getItemFocused()
return m.itemGrid.content.getChild(m.itemGrid.itemFocused)
end function
'Genre Item Selected
sub onGenreItemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.genreList.content.getChild(m.genreList.rowItemSelected[0]).getChild(m.genreList.rowItemSelected[1])
end sub
sub onItemalphaSelected()
if m.top.alphaSelected <> ""
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.genreData = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.genreList.content = m.genreData
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.VoiceBox.text = ""
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = m.alpha.itemAlphaSelected
m.spinner.visible = true
end if
end sub
sub onvoiceFilter()
if m.VoiceBox.text <> ""
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.NameStartsWith = " "
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = m.voiceBox.text
m.loadItemsTask.recursive = true
m.spinner.visible = true
end if
end sub
'Check if options updated and any reloading required
sub optionsClosed()
reload = false
if m.options.sortField <> m.sortField or m.options.sortAscending <> m.sortAscending
m.sortField = m.options.sortField
m.sortAscending = m.options.sortAscending
reload = true
sortAscendingStr = "true"
'Store sort settings
if not m.sortAscending
sortAscendingStr = "false"
end if
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField", m.sortField)
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending", sortAscendingStr)
end if
if m.options.filter <> m.filter
m.filter = m.options.filter
reload = true
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter", m.options.filter)
end if
m.view = get_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing")
if m.options.view <> m.view
m.view = m.options.view
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing", m.view)
' Reset any filtering or search terms
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.NameStartsWith = " "
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.filter = "All"
m.sortField = "SortName"
m.sortAscending = true
' Reset view to defaults
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField", m.sortField)
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending", "true")
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter", m.filter)
reload = true
end if
if reload
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
end if
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
end sub
sub onChannelSelected(msg)
node = msg.getRoSGNode()
m.top.lastFocus = lastFocusedChild(node)
if node.watchChannel <> invalid
' Clone the node when it's reused/update in the TimeGrid it doesn't automatically start playing
m.top.selectedItem = node.watchChannel.clone(false)
end if
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if key = "left" and m.voiceBox.isinFocusChain()
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
end if
if key = "options"
if m.options.visible = true
m.options.visible = false
itemSelected = m.selectedFavoriteItem
if itemSelected <> invalid
m.options.selectedFavoriteItem = itemSelected
end if
m.options.visible = true
end if
return true
else if key = "back"
if m.options.visible = true
m.options.visible = false
return true
m.loadItemsTask.control = "stop"
return true
end if
else if key = "play" or key = "OK"
itemToPlay = getItemFocused()
if itemToPlay <> invalid and (itemToPlay.type = "Movie" or itemToPlay.type = "Episode")
m.top.quickPlayNode = itemToPlay
return true
end if
else if key = "left"
if m.itemGrid.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = true
alpha = m.alpha.getChild(0).findNode("Alphamenu")
return true
else if m.genreList.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = true
alpha = m.alpha.getChild(0).findNode("Alphamenu")
return true
end if
else if key = "right" and m.Alpha.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = false
m.Alpha.visible = true
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
return true
else if key = "replay" and m.itemGrid.isinFocusChain()
if m.resetGrid = true
m.itemGrid.animateToItem = 0
m.itemGrid.jumpToItem = 0
end if
else if key = "replay" and m.genreList.isinFocusChain()
if m.resetGrid = true
m.genreList.animateToItem = 0
m.genreList.jumpToItem = 0
end if
return true
end if
if key = "replay"
m.spinner.visible = true
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = ""
m.voiceBox.text = ""
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.filter = "All"
m.filter = "All"
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
return true
end if
return false
end function
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="MovieLibraryView" extends="JFScreen">
<Rectangle id="screenSaverBackground" width="1920" height="1080" color="#000000" />
<VoiceTextEditBox id="VoiceBox" visible="true" width = "40" translation = "[52, 120]" />
<Rectangle id="VoiceBoxCover" height="240" width="100" color="0x000000ff" translation = "[25, 75]" />
<maskGroup translation="[820, 0]" id="backgroundMask" maskUri="pkg:/images/backgroundmask.png" maskSize="[1220,700]">
<poster id="backdrop" loadDisplayMode="scaleToFill" width="1100" height="700" opacity="1" />
<poster id="backdropTransition" loadDisplayMode="scaleToFill" width="1100" height="700" opacity="1" />
<Label id="selectedMovieName" visible="false" translation="[120, 40]" wrap="true" font="font:LargeBoldSystemFont" width="850" height="196" horizAlign="left" vertAlign="center" />
<Poster id="movieLogo" visible="false" translation="[120, 40]" loadDisplayMode="scaleToFit" width="384" height="196" />
<LayoutGroup layoutDirection="horiz" translation="[120, 270]" itemSpacings="[30]" id="infoGroup">
<Label id="selectedMovieProductionYear" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" />
<Label id="runtime" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" />
<Label id="selectedMovieOfficialRating" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" />
<LayoutGroup id="communityRatingGroup" visible="false" layoutDirection="horiz" itemSpacings="[-5]">
<Poster id="star" uri="pkg:/images/sharp_star_white_18dp.png" height="28" width="28" blendColor="#00a4dcFF" />
<Label id="communityRating" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" />
<LayoutGroup layoutDirection="horiz" id="criticRatingGroup">
<Poster id="criticRatingIcon" height="28" width="28" />
<Label id="criticRatingLabel" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" />
<Label id="selectedMovieOverview" font="font:SmallestSystemFont" translation="[120, 360]" wrap="true" lineSpacing="20" maxLines="5" width="850" ellipsisText="..." />
<MarkupGrid id="itemGrid" itemComponentName="GridItemSmall" numColumns="7" numRows="2" vertFocusAnimationStyle="fixed" itemSize="[230, 310]" itemSpacing="[20, 20]" />
<RowList opacity="0" id="genrelist" translation="[120, 60]" showRowLabel="true" itemComponentName="GridItemSmall" numColumns="1" numRows="3" vertFocusAnimationStyle="fixed" itemSize = "[1900, 360]" rowItemSize="[ [230, 320] ]" rowItemSpacing="[ [20, 0] ]" itemSpacing="[0, 60]" />
<Label id="micButtonText" font="font:SmallSystemFont" visible="false" />
<Button id = "micButton" maxWidth = "20" translation = "[20, 120]" iconUri = "pkg:/images/icons/mic_icon.png"/>
<Label translation="[0,540]" id="emptyText" font="font:LargeSystemFont" width="1910" horizAlign="center" vertAlign="center" height="64" visible="false" />
<ItemGridOptions id="options" visible="false" />
<Spinner id="spinner" translation="[900, 450]" />
<Animation id="backroundSwapAnimation" duration="1" repeat="false" easeFunction="linear">
<FloatFieldInterpolator id = "fadeinLoading" key="[0.0, 1.0]" keyValue="[ 0.00, 1.00 ]" fieldToInterp="backdropTransition.opacity" />
<FloatFieldInterpolator id = "fadeoutLoaded" key="[0.0, 1.0]" keyValue="[ 1.00, 0.00 ]" fieldToInterp="backdrop.opacity" />
<Alpha id="AlphaMenu" />
<field id="HomeLibraryItem" type="string"/>
<field id="parentItem" type="node" onChange="loadInitialItems" />
<field id="selectedItem" type="node" alwaysNotify="true" />
<field id="quickPlayNode" type="node" alwaysNotify="true" />
<field id="imageDisplayMode" type="string" value="scaleToZoom" />
<field id="AlphaSelected" type="string" alias="AlphaMenu.itemAlphaSelected" alwaysNotify="true" onChange="onItemAlphaSelected" />
<field id="alphaActive" type="boolean" value="false" />
<field id="jumpToItem" type="integer" value="" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/config.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/api/baserequest.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/api/Image.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/deviceCapabilities.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="MovieLibraryView.brs" />
@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ sub setFields()
m.top.watched = json.UserData.played
m.top.Type = "Movie"
if json.MediaSourceCount <> invalid and json.MediaSourceCount > 1
m.top.mediaSources = []
for each source in json.MediaSources
end for
if isValid(json.MediaSourceCount) and json.MediaSourceCount > 1
if isValid(json.MediaSources)
m.top.mediaSources = []
for each source in json.MediaSources
end for
end if
end if
if json.ProductionYear <> invalid
@ -49,9 +51,11 @@ sub setPoster()
end if
' Add Backdrop Image
if m.top.json.BackdropImageTags[0] <> invalid
imgParams = { "maxHeight": 720, "maxWidth": 1280 }
m.top.backdropURL = ImageURL(m.top.json.id, "Backdrop", imgParams)
if m.top.json.BackdropImageTags <> invalid
if m.top.json.BackdropImageTags[0] <> invalid
imgParams = { "maxHeight": 720, "maxWidth": 1280 }
m.top.backdropURL = ImageURL(m.top.json.id, "Backdrop", imgParams)
end if
end if
end if
@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/api/Image.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/api/baserequest.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/config.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs" />
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ sub onMetaDataLoaded()
if data <> invalid and data.count() > 0
' Use metadata to load backdrop image
if isvalid(data.json)
if isValid(data.json)
if isValid(data.json.ArtistItems)
if data.json.ArtistItems.count() > 0
if isValid(data.json.ArtistItems[0].id)
@ -30,8 +30,14 @@ sub itemContentChanged()
m.poster.uri = imageUrl
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
m.top.findNode("runtime").text = stri(getRuntime()).trim() + " mins"
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "roInt" or type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
runTime = getRuntime()
if runTime < 2
m.top.findNode("runtime").text = "1 min"
m.top.findNode("runtime").text = stri(runTime).trim() + " mins"
end if
if get_user_setting("ui.design.hideclock") <> "true"
m.top.findNode("endtime").text = tr("Ends at %1").Replace("%1", getEndTime())
end if
@ -1614,5 +1614,104 @@
<source>Save Credentials?</source>
<translation>Guardar credenciales?</translation>
<source>Save Credentials?</source>
<translation>Guardar Credenciales?</translation>
<source>Error Retrieving Content</source>
<translation>Error al recuperar contenido</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog title when unable to load Content from Server</extracomment>
<source>An error was encountered while playing this item.</source>
<translation>Se ha encontrado un error mientras se reproducía este ítem.</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog detail when error occurs during playback</extracomment>
<source>Error loading Channel Data</source>
<translation>Error al cargar datos del canal</translation>
<source>TV Shows</source>
<translation>Programa de TV</translation>
<extracomment>Current day</extracomment>
<extracomment>Previous day</extracomment>
<source>Error During Playback</source>
<translation>Error durante la reproducción</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog title when error occurs during playback</extracomment>
<comment>Name or Title field of media item</comment>
<translation>Calificación de los Críticos</translation>
<extracomment>Day of Week</extracomment>
<source>Loading Channel Data</source>
<translation>Cargando información del canal</translation>
<source>Delete Saved</source>
<translation>Borrado confirmado</translation>
<source>There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server.</source>
<translation>Ocurrió un error al recuperar los datos para este ítem desde el servidor.</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog detail when unable to load Content from Server</extracomment>
<source>Unable to load Channel Data from the server</source>
<translation>No se pudo cargar los datos del canal desde el servidor</translation>
<comment>Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)</comment>
<translation>Este %1 no contiene ítems</translation>
<translation>Calificación IMDb</translation>
<source>Special Features</source>
<translation>Funciones especiales</translation>
<source>Press 'OK' to Close</source>
<translation>Press 'OK' to Close</translation>
<extracomment>Next day</extracomment>
<extracomment>Day of Week</extracomment>
@ -3811,5 +3811,235 @@
<extracomment>Title for Playback section in user setting screen.</extracomment>
<source>An error was encountered while playing this item. Server did not provide required transcoding data.</source>
<translation>Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la lecture de ce fichier. Le serveur n'a pas communiqué les données nécessaires pour le transcodage.</translation>
<extracomment>Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url</extracomment>
<source>Always show the titles below the poster images. (If disabled, the title will be shown under the highlighted item only).</source>
<translation>Toujours afficher les titres sous les images des affiches. (Si désactivé, les titres s'afficherons uniquement sous les éléments en surbrillance).</translation>
<extracomment>Description for option in Setting Screen</extracomment>
<source>Show item count in the library and index of selected item.</source>
<translation>Afficher le nombre d'éléments dans la bibliotèque et l'index de l'élément sélectionné.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for option in Setting Screen</extracomment>
<source>Use voice remote to search</source>
<translation>Utiliser la télécomande vocale pour rechercher</translation>
<extracomment>Help text in search voice text box</extracomment>
<source>(Dialog will close automatically)</source>
<translation>(La boîte de dialogue se fermera automatiquement)</translation>
<source>Use the replay button to slowly animate to the first item in the folder. (If disabled, the folder will reset to the first item immediately).</source>
<translation>Utiliser la touche Replay pour lentement animer la sélection du première élément du dossier. (Si désactivé, le premier élément du dossier sera immédiatement sélectionné).</translation>
<extracomment>Description for option in Setting Screen</extracomment>
<source>Options for Details pages.</source>
<translation>Options des Pages de Détails.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for Details page user settings.</extracomment>
<source>Options for TV Shows.</source>
<translation>Options pour les Séries Télévisée.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for TV Shows user settings.</extracomment>
<source>View Channel</source>
<translation>Voir la Chaîne</translation>
<source>Use Splashscreen as Screensaver Background</source>
<translation>Utiliser le Splash Screen comme fond d'écran de veille</translation>
<extracomment>Option Title in user setting screen</extracomment>
<extracomment>Video width x height</extracomment>
<source>Use generated splashscreen image as Jellyfin's screensaver background. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.</source>
<translation>Utiliser le Splash Screen généré comme fond d'écran de veille de Jellyfin. Jellyfin devra être fermé et rouvert pour que le changement prenne effet.</translation>
<source>Use generated splashscreen image as Jellyfin's home background. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.</source>
<translation>Utiliser le Splash Screen généré comme arrière plan principal de Jellyfin. Jellyfin devra être fermé et rouvert pour que le changement prenne effet.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for option in Setting Screen</extracomment>
<source>Hide Clock</source>
<translation>Masquer l'Horloge</translation>
<extracomment>Option Title in user setting screen</extracomment>
<source>Hides all clocks in Jellyfin. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.</source>
<translation>Masquer toutes les horloges dans Jellyfin. Jellyfin devra être fermé et rouvert pour que le changement prenne effet.</translation>
<extracomment>Settings Menu - Description for option</extracomment>
<source>Settings relating to how the application looks.</source>
<translation>Réglages relatifs à l'apparence de l'application.</translation>
<source>Pixel format</source>
<translation>Format des pixels</translation>
<extracomment>Video pixel format</extracomment>
<source>Unable to find any albums or songs belonging to this artist</source>
<translation>Aucuns n'albums ni chansons ont été trouvés pour cet artiste</translation>
<extracomment>Popup message when we find no audio data for an artist</extracomment>
<extracomment>(Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) </extracomment>
<source>Record Series</source>
<translation>Enregistrer la Série</translation>
<source>Hide Taglines</source>
<translation>Masquer les étiquettes</translation>
<extracomment>Option Title in user setting screen</extracomment>
<source>Media Grid options.</source>
<translation>Options de la Grille Média.</translation>
<source>Set Favorite</source>
<translation>Mettre en Favori</translation>
<extracomment>Button Text - When pressed, sets item as Favorite</extracomment>
<source>Details Page</source>
<translation>Page de Détails</translation>
<source>Options for Home Page.</source>
<translation>Options pour la Page d'Accueil.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for Home Page user settings.</extracomment>
<source>Max Days Next Up</source>
<translation>Nombre Max de jours dans Suivant</translation>
<extracomment>Option Title in user setting screen</extracomment>
<source>Set the maximum amount of days a show should stay in the 'Next Up' list without watching it.</source>
<translation>Définir le nombre maximum de jours une émission doit rester dans la liste "Suivant" sans la regarder.</translation>
<extracomment>Settings Menu - Description for option</extracomment>
<source>Playback Information</source>
<translation>Informations de Lecture</translation>
<source>Design Elements</source>
<translation>Élements de Désign</translation>
<source>Home Page</source>
<translation>Page d'Accueil</translation>
<source>Transcoding Information</source>
<translation>Informations de Transcodage</translation>
<source>Options that alter the design of Jellyfin.</source>
<translation>Options qui modifient le design de Jellyfin.</translation>
<extracomment>Description for Design Elements user settings.</extracomment>
<source>Use Splashscreen as Home Background</source>
<translation>Utiliser le Splash Screen comme arrière-plan principal</translation>
<extracomment>Option Title in user setting screen</extracomment>
<source>Media Grid</source>
<translation>Grille Média</translation>
<extracomment>UI -> Media Grid section in user setting screen.</extracomment>
<source>MPEG-2 Support</source>
<translation>Support MPEG-2</translation>
<extracomment>Settings Menu - Title for option</extracomment>
<source>Cancel Series Recording</source>
<translation>Annuler l'enregistrement de la Série</translation>
<source>...or enter server URL manually:</source>
<translation>Si aucun serveur n'est affiché ci-dessus vous pouvez également saisir l'adresse IP du serveur manuellement :</translation>
<extracomment>Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL</extracomment>
<source>Support Direct Play of MPEG-2 content (e.g., Live TV). This will prevent transcoding of MPEG-2 content, but uses significantly more bandwidth.</source>
<translation>Prise en charge de la lecture directe du codec MPEG-2 (ex., Live TV). Cela empêchera le transcodage du contenu MPEG-2 mais utilisera sensiblement plus de bande passante.</translation>
<extracomment>Settings Menu - Description for option</extracomment>
<source>Item Titles</source>
<translation>Titres des éléments</translation>
<extracomment>UI -> Media Grid -> Item Title in user setting screen.</extracomment>
<source>Set Watched</source>
<translation>Mettre en Visionné</translation>
<extracomment>Button Text - When pressed, marks item as Warched</extracomment>
<source>There was an error authenticating via Quick Connect.</source>
<translation>Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'autentification via Quick Connect.</translation>
<source>Hides tagline text on details pages.</source>
<translation>Masquer les étiquettes sur la page des détails.</translation>
<source>Settings relating to playback and supported codec and media types.</source>
<translation>Réglages relatifs à la lecture, aux codecs pris en charges et aux types de médias.</translation>
<source>Total Bitrate</source>
<translation>Débit Total</translation>
<source>Stream Information</source>
<translation>Informations du Flux</translation>
<extracomment>Video profile level</extracomment>
<source>Bit Rate</source>
<extracomment>Video streaming bit rate</extracomment>
<source>Video range type</source>
<translation>Différents types de vidéo</translation>
@ -2583,5 +2583,65 @@ não contém itens</translation>
<translation>Erro Durante Reprodução</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog title when error occurs during playback</extracomment>
<source>There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server.</source>
<translation>Houve um erro ao coletar dados do servidor para este item.</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog detail when unable to load Content from Server</extracomment>
<source>Loading Channel Data</source>
<translation>Carregando dados do canal</translation>
<comment>Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)</comment>
<translation>Este %1 não possui itens</translation>
<comment>Name or Title field of media item</comment>
<translation>Data de Reprodução</translation>
<translation>Avaliação IMDb</translation>
<translation>Data de Lançamento</translation>
<source>An error was encountered while playing this item.</source>
<translation>Um erro foi encontrado enquanto reproduzindo este item.</translation>
<extracomment>Dialog detail when error occurs during playback</extracomment>
<source>Error loading Channel Data</source>
<translation>Erro ao carregar os dados do canal</translation>
<source>Unable to load Channel Data from the server</source>
<translation>Não foi possível carregar do servidor os dados do canal</translation>
<translation>Avaliação de críticos</translation>
<translation>Data de Adição</translation>
<translation>Número de Reproduções</translation>
<translation>Classificação Etária</translation>
@ -671,5 +671,9 @@
<source>Save Credentials?</source>
<translation>Uložiť poverenia?</translation>
<source>Save Credentials?</source>
<translation>Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje?</translation>
@ -103,8 +103,20 @@ sub Main (args as dynamic) as void
else if isNodeEvent(msg, "selectedItem")
' If you select a library from ANYWHERE, follow this flow
selectedItem = msg.getData()
m.selectedItemType = selectedItem.type
if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder" or selectedItem.type = "UserView" or selectedItem.type = "Folder" or selectedItem.type = "Channel" or selectedItem.type = "Boxset"
if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder"
if selectedItem.collectionType = "movies"
group = CreateMovieLibraryView(selectedItem)
group = CreateItemGrid(selectedItem)
end if
sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", group)
else if selectedItem.type = "Folder" and selectedItem.json.type = "Genre"
group = CreateMovieLibraryView(selectedItem)
sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", group)
else if selectedItem.type = "UserView" or selectedItem.type = "Folder" or selectedItem.type = "Channel" or selectedItem.type = "Boxset"
group = CreateItemGrid(selectedItem)
sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", group)
else if selectedItem.type = "Episode"
@ -475,6 +475,14 @@ function CreateItemGrid(libraryItem)
return group
end function
function CreateMovieLibraryView(libraryItem)
group = CreateObject("roSGNode", "MovieLibraryView")
group.parentItem = libraryItem
group.optionsAvailable = true
group.observeField("selectedItem", m.port)
return group
end function
function CreateSearchPage()
' Search + Results Page
group = CreateObject("roSGNode", "searchResults")
@ -329,26 +329,32 @@ function AudioStream(id as string)
songData = AudioItem(id)
content = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
params = {}
"Static": "true",
"Container": songData.mediaSources[0].container
params.MediaSourceId = songData.mediaSources[0].id
content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream", songData.id), params)
content.title = songData.title
content.streamformat = songData.mediaSources[0].container
playbackInfo = ItemPostPlaybackInfo(songData.id, params.MediaSourceId)
playbackInfo = ItemPostPlaybackInfo(songData.id, songData.mediaSources[0].id)
content.id = playbackInfo.PlaySessionId
if useTranscodeAudioStream(playbackInfo)
' Transcode the audio
content.url = buildURL(playbackInfo.mediaSources[0].TranscodingURL)
' Direct Stream the audio
params = {
"Static": "true",
"Container": songData.mediaSources[0].container,
"MediaSourceId": songData.mediaSources[0].id
content.streamformat = songData.mediaSources[0].container
content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream", songData.id), params)
end if
return content
end function
function useTranscodeAudioStream(playbackInfo)
return playbackInfo.mediaSources[0] <> invalid and playbackInfo.mediaSources[0].TranscodingURL <> invalid
end function
function BackdropImage(id as string)
imgParams = { "maxHeight": "720", "maxWidth": "1280" }
return ImageURL(id, "Backdrop", imgParams)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user