2019-05-03 10:01:46 -04:00

2086 lines
68 KiB

<?rokuml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--********** Copyright 2019 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. **********-->
<component name="TrackerTask" extends="Task">
<field id="event" type="assocarray"/>
<field id="isExternallyExposed" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<function name="UIThread_init"/>
<function name="UIThread_showSelectorView"/>
<function name="UIThread_hideSelectorView"/>
<function name="UIThread_selectNode"/>
<function name="UIThread_updateNode"/>
<function name="UIThread_getNodeData"/>
<function name="UIThread_getItemList"/>
<function name="UIThread_getNodeTree"/>
<function name="UIThread_getNodeById"/>
<function name="UIThread_getNodeByName"/>
<function name="UIThread_addChild"/>
<function name="UIThread_removeChild"/>
<function name="UIThread_moveChild"/>
<function name="UIThread_setField"/>
<function name="UIThread_removeField"/>
<function name="UIThread_setFocus"/>
<function name="UIThread_selectFocusedNode"/>
<function name="UIThread_setBoundingRect"/>
<script type = "text/brightscript" >
' RALE_Config - RALE config singleton class
' @return {object} - RALE config properties
Function RALE_Config() as Object
if m.appConfig = Invalid then m.appConfig = RALE_InitConfig()
return m.appConfig
End Function
' RALE_InitConfig - RALE config init function. Defines all config properties
' @return {object} - RALE config properties
Function RALE_InitConfig() as Object
this = {
bufferSize: 1024,
minSocketPort: 49152,
maxSocketPort: 65535,
screensaverResetTimeout: 30000,
commandTimeout: 10000
return this
End Function
' CreateSelectorView - Selector (live) view class constructor
' @return {object} - selector (live) view
Function CreateSelectorView() as Object
view = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Group")
m.resolution ="currentDesignResolution")
m.resWidth = m.resolution.width
m.resHeight = m.resolution.height
children = [
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "l"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "r"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "b"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "t"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "horiz"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "vert"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "leftLine"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "topLine"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "rightLine"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "bottomLine"}}
{subtype : "Label", fields : {id : "leftCords"}}
{subtype : "Label", fields : {id : "topCords"}}
{subtype : "Label", fields : {id : "rightCords"}}
{subtype : "Label", fields : {id : "bottomCords"}}
{subtype : "Rectangle", fields : {id : "fill", color : "#ffffff44"}}
{subtype : "Timer", fields : {id : "timer", duration : 1 / 60, repeat : true}}
viewObject = NodeUtils_AddChildrenToNode(view, children)
childrenMap = {}
for each child in viewObject.children
node = child.node
childrenMap[] = node
end for
interface = [
{id:"width", type:"float", value : "1280", onChange : "SelectorView_UpdateView"}
{id:"height", type:"float", value : "40", onChange : "SelectorView_UpdateView"}
{id:"border", type:"float", value : "2", onChange : "SelectorView_UpdateView"}
{id:"oldBoundingRect", type:"assocarray" }
{id:"boundingRect", type:"assocarray", onChange : "SelectorView_UpdateViewFromBRect"}
{id:"color", type:"color", value : "#FFFFFF", onChange : "SelectorView_UpdateColors"}
{id:"attachedView", type:"node", onChange : "SelectorView_AttachToView"}
{id:"isExternallyExposed", type:"boolean", value : "true"}
{id:"childrenMap", type:"assocarray", value : childrenMap}
NodeUtils_AddInterfaceToNode(view, interface)
timer = view.childrenMap.timer
timer.control = "start"
return view
End Function
' NodeUtils_AddInterfaceToNode - Adds interface to node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} interface - interface
' @return {boolean} - is interface was added
Function NodeUtils_AddInterfaceToNode(node, interface as Object) as Boolean
if node = invalid OR interface = invalid then return false
for each field in interface
NodeUtils_AddNodeInterfaceField(node, field)
end for
return true
End Function
' NodeUtils_AddNodeInterfaceField - Adds interface field to node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} fieldConfig - field config
' @return {boolean} - is interface was added
Function NodeUtils_AddNodeInterfaceField(node, fieldConfig as Object) as Boolean
if node = invalid OR fieldConfig = invalid then return false
if = invalid then return false
if fieldConfig.type = invalid then return false
if fieldConfig.alwaysNotify = invalid then fieldConfig.alwaysNotify = true
if node.hasField( then return false
node.addField(, fieldConfig.type, fieldConfig.alwaysNotify)
if not node.hasField( then return false
if fieldConfig.value <> invalid then
node[] = fieldConfig.value
end if
if fieldConfig.onChange <> invalid then
node.observeField(, fieldConfig.onChange)
end if
return true
End Function
' NodeUtils_AddChildrenToNode - Adds children to node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} childrenConfig - children config
' @return {object} - view object
Function NodeUtils_AddChildrenToNode(node, childrenConfig as Object) as Object
if node = invalid then return invalid
viewObject = {node : node, children : []}
if childrenConfig <> invalid then
for each childConfig in childrenConfig
childObject = NodeUtils_AddChildToNode(node, childConfig)
end for
end if
return viewObject
End Function
' NodeUtils_AddChildToNode - Adds child to node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} childConfig - child config
' @return {object} - view object
Function NodeUtils_AddChildToNode(node, childConfig) as Object
if node = invalid or childConfig = invalid then return invalid
if childConfig.subtype = invalid then return invalid
view = node.CreateChild(childConfig.subtype)
if view = invalid then return invalid
if childConfig.fields <> invalid then view.setFields(childConfig.fields)
return NodeUtils_AddChildrenToNode(view, childConfig.children)
End Function
' NumberToFixed - formats a number using fixed-point notation
' @param {float, double} number - formated number
' @param {integer} digits - the number of digits to appear after the decimal point
' @return {string} - a string representing the given number using fixed-point notation
Function NumberToFixed(number, digits) as String
str = number.toStr()
arr = str.split(".")
if arr.count() > 1 and digits > 0 then
return arr[0] + "." + Left(arr[1], digits)
end if
return arr[0]
End Function
' SelectorView_UpdateView - width, height and border change event handler. Updates Selector (live) view
' @param {object} event - event data
Sub SelectorView_UpdateView(event)
node = event.getRoSGNode()
border = node.border
width = node.width
height = node.height
x = node.boundingRect.x
y = node.boundingRect.y
rightPos = x + width + border*2
bottomPos = y + height + border*2
l = node.childrenMap.l
l.width = border
l.height = height + border*2
l.translation = [-border, -border]
r = node.childrenMap.r
r.width = border
r.height = height + border*2
r.translation = [width, -border]
t = node.childrenMap.t
t.width = width + border*2
t.height = border
t.translation = [-border, -border]
b = node.childrenMap.b
b.width = width + border*2
b.height = border
b.translation = [-border, height]
horiz = node.childrenMap.horiz
horiz.width = width
horiz.height = border
horiz.translation = [0, (height - border) / 2]
vert = node.childrenMap.vert
vert.width = border
vert.height = height
vert.translation = [(width - border) / 2, 0]
leftLine = node.childrenMap.leftLine
leftLine.width = x
leftLine.height = border
leftLine.translation = [-x, (height - border) / 2]
topLine = node.childrenMap.topLine
topLine.width = border
topLine.height = y
topLine.translation = [(width - border) / 2, -y]
rightLine = node.childrenMap.rightLine
rightLine.width = m.resWidth - x + 10
rightLine.height = border
rightLine.translation = [width + border, (height - border) / 2]
bottomLine = node.childrenMap.bottomLine
bottomLine.width = border
bottomLine.height = m.resHeight - y + 10
bottomLine.translation = [(width - border) / 2, height + border]
leftCords = node.childrenMap.leftCords
leftCords.font.size = 20
leftCords.color = "#FF0000"
leftCords.text = NumberToFixed(x, 0)
leftCords.translation = [-x/2 - 10, (height - border) / 2 - 20]
topCords = node.childrenMap.topCords
topCords.font.size = 20
topCords.color = "#FF0000"
topCords.text = NumberToFixed(y, 0)
topCords.translation = [(width - border) / 2 + 10, -y/2 - 10]
rightCords = node.childrenMap.rightCords
rightCords.font.size = 20
rightCords.color = "#FF0000"
rightCords.text = NumberToFixed(m.resWidth - x - width, 0)
rightCords.translation = [width + (m.resWidth - rightPos)/2 - 5, (height - border) / 2 - 20]
bottomCords = node.childrenMap.bottomCords
bottomCords.font.size = 20
bottomCords.color = "#FF0000"
bottomCords.text = NumberToFixed(m.resHeight - y - height, 0)
bottomCords.translation = [(width - border) / 2 + 10, height + (m.resHeight - bottomPos)/2 - 5]
fill = node.childrenMap.fill
fill.width = width
fill.height = height
End Sub
' SelectorView_UpdateColors - color change event handler. Updates Selector (live) view color
' @param {object} event - event data
Sub SelectorView_UpdateColors(event)
node = event.getRoSGNode()
for each view in node.getchildren(-1,0)
if view.isSubtype("Rectangle") and <> "fill" then view.color = node.color
end for
End Sub
' SelectorView_UpdateViewFromBRect - boundingRect change event handler.
' Updates Selector (live) view translation, width and height
' @param {object} event - event data
Sub SelectorView_UpdateViewFromBRect(event)
node = event.getRoSGNode()
boundingRect = node.boundingRect
if boundingRect <> Invalid then
translation : [boundingRect.x, boundingRect.y]
width : boundingRect.width
height : boundingRect.height
end if
End Sub
' isBoundingRectChanged - checks is bounding rect was changed
' @param {object} br - node bounding rect
' @param {object} node - node
' @return {boolean} - true if node bounding rect was changed
Sub isBoundingRectChanged(br, node) as Boolean
o = node.oldBoundingRect
if o = Invalid then
node.oldBoundingRect = br
return true
end if
if o.x = br.x and o.y = br.y and o.width = br.width and o.height = br.height then
return false
node.oldBoundingRect = br
return true
end if
End Sub
' SelectorView_UpdateViewPosition - interval event handler. Updates selector (live) view position
' @param {object} event - node bounding rect
Sub SelectorView_UpdateViewPosition(event)
timer = event.getRoSGNode()
node = timer.getparent()
if node.attachedView <> Invalid then
boundingRect = node.attachedView.sceneboundingRect()
boundingRect = {x: -100, y: -100, width: 0, height: 0}
end if
if isBoundingRectChanged(boundingRect, node) then
node.boundingRect = boundingRect
end if
End Sub
' getCommandMap - Defines map that contains all RALE commands handlers
' @return {object} - handlers map
Sub getCommandMap() as Object
return {
"init" : "UIThread_init",
' Config commands
"showSelectorView" : "UIThread_showSelectorView",
"hideSelectorView" : "UIThread_hideSelectorView",
' Node commands
"selectNode" : "UIThread_selectNode",
"updateNode" : "UIThread_updateNode",
"getNodeData" : "UIThread_getNodeData",
' Tree View commands
"getItemList" : "UIThread_getItemList",
"getNodeTree" : "UIThread_getNodeTree",
"getNodeById" : "UIThread_getNodeById",
"getNodeByName" : "UIThread_getNodeByName",
' Children commands
"addChild" : "UIThread_addChild",
"removeChild" : "UIThread_removeChild",
"moveChild" : "UIThread_moveChild",
' Field commands
"setField" : "UIThread_setField",
"removeField" : "UIThread_removeField",
' Focus commands
"setFocus" : "UIThread_setFocus",
"selectFocusedNode" : "UIThread_selectFocusedNode",
' Bounding Rect commands
"setBoundingRect" : "UIThread_setBoundingRect"
End Sub
' callCommand - Call RALE command functuin from UI thread
' @param {string} command - command name
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of RALE command
Sub callCommand(command, args) as Object
return, args)
End Sub
' UIThread_init - RALE "init" command
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Contains RALE version
Sub UIThread_init(args) as Object
root =
m.currentNode = root
m.currentPath = []
if m.selectorView = Invalid then
m.selectorView = CreateSelectorView()
m.selectorView.color = "#ff0000"
m.selectorView.opacity = 0.6
m.showSelectorView = true
end if
return { raleVersion: m.raleVersion }
End Sub
' Config commands
' UIThread_showSelectorView - RALE "showSelectorView" command handler. Shows Selector (Live) View
' @param {object} args - command arguments
Sub UIThread_showSelectorView(args) as Object
m.showSelectorView = true
setSelectorView(m.currentNode, type(m.currentNode), m.currentPath)
End Sub
' UIThread_hideSelectorView - RALE "hideSelectorView" command handler. Hides Selector (Live) View
' @param {object} args - command arguments
Sub UIThread_hideSelectorView(args) as Object
m.showSelectorView = false
setSelectorView(m.currentNode, type(m.currentNode), m.currentPath)
End Sub
' Node commands
' UIThread_selectNode - RALE "selectNode" command handler. Selects node by path
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Contains node path and node data (id, type, fields, layout etc.)
Sub UIThread_selectNode(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
root =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType <> "roSGNode" and nodeType = "roArray" and nodeType = "roAssociativeArray" then
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
if nodeType = "roSGNode" and node.isExternallyExposed <> Invalid then
return getError("Node Is Externally Exposed")
end if
if nodeType <> "roSGNode" or not node.IsSameNode(m.currentNode) then
m.currentPath = path
m.currentNode = node
end if
setSelectorView(node, nodeType, path)
return {
path: m.currentPath,
node: getNodeData(m.currentNode, m.currentPath, root)
End Sub
' UIThread_updateNode - RALE "updateNode" command handler. Updates selected node
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Contains node path and data (id, type, fields, layout etc.)
Sub UIThread_updateNode(args) as Object
return {
path: m.currentPath,
node: getNodeData(m.currentNode, m.currentPath, Invalid)
End Sub
' UIThread_getNodeData - RALE "getNodeData" command handler. Returns selected node data
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Node data (id, type, fields, layout etc.)
Sub UIThread_getNodeData(args) as Object
return getNodeData(m.currentNode, m.currentPath, Invalid)
End Sub
' Tree View commands
' UIThread_getItemList - RALE "getItemList" command handler. Returns node children and fields, by node path
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. List of node children and fields
Sub UIThread_getItemList(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
root =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
return getItemList(node, path)
End Sub
' UIThread_getNodeTree - RALE "getNodeTree" command handler. Returns children hierarchy by node path
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Node children hierarchy
Sub UIThread_getNodeTree(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
maxLevel = args["maxLevel"]
root =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
index = RALE_getNodeIndexByPath(path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
return getNodeTree(node, index, maxLevel)
End Sub
' UIThread_getNodeById - RALE "getNodeById" command handler. Returns node with requested id
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Found node data
Sub UIThread_getNodeById(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
id = args["id"]
if id = Invalid then return getError("id is required")
root =
rootNode = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if rootNode = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
foundNode = getNodeById(rootNode, id)
foundPath = RALE_getNodePath(foundNode, root)
return getNodeData(foundNode, foundPath, root)
End Sub
' UIThread_getNodeByName - RALE "getNodeByName" command handler. Returns node with requested name
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Found node path
Sub UIThread_getNodeByName(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
name = args["name"]
if name = Invalid then return getError("name is required")
root =
rootNode = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if rootNode = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
foundNode = getNodeByName(rootNode, name)
foundPath = RALE_getNodePath(foundNode, root)
return getNodeData(foundNode, foundPath, root)
End Sub
' Children commands
' UIThread_addChild - RALE "addChild" command handler. Adds new child to node by path (if no path adds to selected node)
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Contains node children hierarchy and index
Sub UIThread_addChild(args) as Object
childType = args["type"]
path = args["path"]
if not FW_IsString(childType) then return getError("childType is required")
index = FW_AsInteger(args["index"])
if index = 0 AND FW_AsString(args["index"]) <> "0" then index = Invalid
if path <> Invalid then
root =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
node = m.currentNode
path = m.currentPath
end if
result = addChild(node, childType, index)
if result.success = true then
index = RALE_getNodeIndexByPath(path)
return {
tree: getNodeTree(result.child, index, 50),
childindex: result.index
return result
end if
End Sub
' UIThread_removeChild - RALE "removeChild" command handler. Removes child from node by path (if no path removes from selected node)
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command
Sub UIThread_removeChild(args) as Object
index = FW_AsInteger(args["index"])
path = args["path"]
if index = 0 AND FW_AsString(args["index"]) <> "0" then return getError("index is required")
if path <> Invalid then
root =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
node = m.currentNode
path = m.currentPath
end if
return removeChild(node, index)
End Sub
' UIThread_moveChild - RALE "moveChild" command handler. Moves selected node child
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command
Sub UIThread_moveChild(args) as Object
fromIndex = FW_AsString(args["fromIndex"])
fromIndexInt = FW_AsInteger(fromIndex)
if fromIndexInt = 0 AND fromIndex <> "0" then return getError("fromIndex is required")
toIndex = FW_AsString(args["toIndex"])
toIndexInt = FW_AsInteger(toIndex)
if toIndexInt = 0 AND toIndex <> "0" then return getError("toIndex is required")
return moveChild(m.currentNode, fromIndexInt, toIndexInt)
End Sub
' Fields commands
' UIThread_setField - RALE "setField" command handler. Sets new value into node field (if the field doesn't exist creates it)
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {array} - response of command. Node field list
Sub UIThread_setField(args) as Object
field = FW_AsString(args["field"])
fieldType = args["type"]
fieldValue = args["value"]
if field = "" then return getError("Field ID is required")
if RALE_convertToType(fieldValue, FW_AsString(fieldType)) = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Field Type or Value")
path = m.currentPath
nodeType = type(m.currentNode)
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
setNodeField(m.currentNode, field, fieldValue, fieldType)
m.currentNode = setObjField(path, field, fieldValue, fieldType)
end if
return getFieldList(m.currentNode)
End Sub
' UIThread_removeField - RALE "removeField" command handler. Remove field from node by id
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {array} - response of command. Node field list
Sub UIThread_removeField(args) as Object
field = args["field"]
if field = Invalid then return getError("Field ID is required")
node = m.currentNode
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
if node.hasField(field) then return getError("Field cannot be removed")
else if nodeType = "roAssociativeArray" or nodeType = "roArray" then
if nodeType = "roArray" then field = FW_AsInteger(field)
inOwnerField = RALE_getNodeIndexByPath(m.currentPath)
if inOwnerField = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
ownerPath = []
owner = setInParentNode(ownerPath, inOwnerField, node)
end if
return getFieldList(node)
End Sub
' Focus commands
' UIThread_setFocus - RALE "setFocus" command handler. Sets focus in node by path
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Status
Sub UIThread_setFocus(args) as Object
path = args["path"]
node =
node = RALE_getNodeByPath(node, path)
if node = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
return { success: true }
End Sub
' UIThread_selectFocusedNode - RALE "selectFocusedNode" command handler. Select focused node
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Contains node path and data (id, type, fields, layout etc.)
Sub UIThread_selectFocusedNode(args) as Object
root =
node = getFocusedNodeObj(root)
if m.currentNode.IsSameNode(node) then
return {
path: m.currentPath,
node: getNodeData(node, m.currentPath, root)
path = RALE_getNodePath(node, root)
m.currentNode = node
m.currentPath = path
setSelectorView(node, type(node), path)
return {
path: path,
node: getNodeData(node, path, root)
end if
End Sub
' Bounding Rect commands
' UIThread_setBoundingRect - RALE "setBoundingRect" command handler. Sets properties into selected node layout
' @param {object} args - command arguments
' @return {object} - response of command. Node sceneBoundingRect
Sub UIThread_setBoundingRect(args) as Object
boundingRect = args["boundingrect"]
if boundingRect = Invalid then return getError("boundingrect is required")
node = m.currentNode
if type(node) <> "roSGNode" then return getError("Invalid Node Type")
currentBoundingRect = node.sceneBoundingRect()
if currentBoundingRect <> Invalid then
deltaX = 0
deltaY = 0
deltaWidth = 0
deltaHeight = 0
if boundingRect.x <> Invalid and boundingRect.y <> Invalid then
deltaX = currentBoundingRect.x - boundingRect.x
deltaY = currentBoundingRect.y - boundingRect.y
end if
if boundingRect.width <> Invalid and boundingRect.height <> Invalid then
deltaWidth = currentBoundingRect.width - boundingRect.width
deltaHeight = currentBoundingRect.height - boundingRect.height
end if
fields = {}
if node.hasField("translation") AND (deltaY <> 0 or deltaX <> 0) then
fields.translation = [node.translation[0] - deltaX, node.translation[1] - deltaY]
end if
if node.hasField("width") AND deltaWidth <> 0 then
if node.width = 0 AND deltaWidth > 0 then
fields.width = boundingRect.width
fields.width = node.width - deltaWidth
end if
end if
if node.hasField("height") AND deltaHeight <> 0 then
if node.height = 0 AND deltaHeight > 0 then
fields.height = boundingRect.height
fields.height = node.height - deltaHeight
end if
end if
end if
return node.sceneBoundingRect()
End Sub
' Helpers functions
' getLayout - Returns node layout fields (boundingRect, resolution, isMovable, isHeightResizable, isWidthResizable)
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} root - root of nodes (main scene)
' @return {object} - node layout
Sub getLayout(node, root) as Object
if not FW_IsSGNode(node) then return getError("Invalid Node Type")
if root = Invalid then root =
parent = node.getParent()
isWidthResizable = node.hasField("width")
isHeightResizable = node.hasField("height")
isMovable = false
if parent <> Invalid and not m.sceneBG.isSameNode(node) then
isMovable = node.hasField("translation") and parent.ParentSubtype("LayoutGroup") <> ""
end if
return {
isMovable : isMovable,
isHeightResizable : isHeightResizable,
isWidthResizable : isWidthResizable,
boundingRect : node.sceneBoundingRect(),
resolution : root.getField("currentDesignResolution")
End Sub
' getItemObj - Returns node object
' @param {object} item - node or filed
' @param {string} index - field id or child index
' @return {object} - node data object
Sub getItemObj(item, index) as Dynamic
itemType = type(item)
if itemType = "roSGNode" then
return {
index: index,
childrenCount: item.getChildCount(),
subtype: item.subtype(),
type: itemType,
value: "{object}"
isExposed: FW_AsBoolean(item.isExternallyExposed)
else if itemType = "roArray" or itemType = "roAssociativeArray" then
return {
id: index,
type: itemType,
value: "{object}"
return {
id: index,
type: itemType,
value: FW_AsString(item)
end if
End Sub
' getFieldList - Returns node field list
' @param {object} node - node
' @return {array} - list of fields
Sub getFieldList(node) as Object
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
fields = node.getFields()
else if nodeType = "roArray" or nodeType = "roAssociativeArray" then
fields = node
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
fieldList = {}
result = 0
if type(fields) = "roArray" then
count = fields.count() - 1
for i = 0 to count
id = i.ToStr()
fieldList[id] = { item: getItemObj(fields[i], i) }
end for
keys = fields.keys()
for each fieldId in keys
fieldList[fieldId] = { item: getItemObj(fields[fieldId], fieldId) }
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then fieldList[fieldId].item.fieldType = node.getFieldType(fieldId)
end for
end if
return fieldList
End Sub
' getChildList - Returns node children list
' @param {object} node - node
' @return {array} - list of children
Sub getChildList(node) as Object
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
childList = []
children = node.getChildren(-1, 0)
count = children.count()
if count > 0 then
for i = 0 to count
if children[i] <> Invalid then
childList[i] = { item: getItemObj(children[i], i) }
end if
end for
end if
return childList
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
End Sub
' getItemList - Returns node children list and node data
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} index - node index
' @return {object} - node data object and list of node children
Sub getItemList(node, index) as Object
item = { item: getItemObj(node, index) }
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
item.childList = getChildList(node)
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
return item
End Sub
' getNodeTree - Goes through node children and returns node children hierarchy
' @param {object} node - node or filed
' @param {string} id - node index or filed id
' @return {array} - node children hierarchy
Sub getNodeTree(node, id, maxLevel) as Object
item = {
item: getItemObj(node, id),
childList: []
result = RALE_forEachChild(node, { maxLevel: maxLevel }, getNodeTreeCallback, { item: item })
if not result then
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
return item
End Sub
Sub getNodeTreeCallback(node, index, parentObj, childObj, storage) as Boolean
if parentObj.item = Invalid then
parentObj.item = storage.item
end if
childItem = {
item : getItemObj(node, index),
childList : []
parentObj.item.childlist[index] = childItem
if childObj <> Invalid then
childObj.item = childItem
end if
return true
End Sub
' getNodeById - Search for node by id
' @param {object} node - root node
' @param {string} id - node id
' @return {object} - found node
Sub getNodeById(rootNode, id) as Object
if = id then
return rootNode
end if
storage = {
node: Invalid,
id: id
result = RALE_forEachChild(rootNode, {}, getNodeByIdCallback, storage)
if not result then
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
return storage.node
End Sub
Sub getNodeByIdCallback(node, index, parentObj, childObj, storage) as Boolean
if = then
storage.node = node
return false
end if
return true
End Sub
' getNodeByName - Search for node by name (subtype)
' @param {object} node - root node
' @param {string} name - node name (subtype)
' @return {object} - found node
Sub getNodeByName(rootNode, name) as Object
if rootNode.subtype() = name then
return rootNode
end if
storage = {
node: Invalid,
name: name
result = RALE_forEachChild(rootNode, {}, getNodeByNameCallback, storage)
if not result then
return getError("Invalid Node Type")
end if
return storage.node
End Sub
Sub getNodeByNameCallback(node, index, parentObj, childObj, storage) as Boolean
if node.subtype() = then
storage.node = node
return false
end if
return true
End Sub
' getNodeData - Returns node children hierarchy
' @param {object} node - node or filed
' @param {array} path - path to node
' @param {object} root - root of nodes (main scene)
' @return {object} - node data (item, fieldlist, layout)
Sub getNodeData(node, path, root) as Object
index = RALE_getNodeIndexByPath(path)
if index = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
result = {
item: getItemObj(node, index),
fieldlist: getFieldList(node),
layout: getLayout(node, root)
if type(node) = "roSGNode" then result.childlist = getChildList(node)
return result
End Sub
' addChild - Adds child to node by type and index
' @param {object} node - parent node
' @param {string} childType - path to node
' @param {string} index - child index
' @return {object} - status
Sub addChild(node, childType, index) as Object
if not FW_IsSGNode(node) then return getError("Cannot Add Child. Invalid Node Type")
child = CreateObject("roSGNode", childType)
if not FW_IsSGNode(child) then return getError("Cannot Add Child. Invalid Component Type")
childCount = node.getChildCount()
if FW_IsInteger(index) and index < childCount then
node.insertChild(child, index)
index = childCount
end if
addedChild = node.getChild(index)
if type(addedChild) = "roSGNode" and addedChild.isSameNode(child) then
return { success: true, child: addedChild, index: index }
return getError("Cannot Add Child")
end if
End Sub
' removeChild - Removes child from node by index
' @param {object} node - parent node
' @param {string} index - child index
' @return {object} - status
Sub removeChild(node, index as Integer) as Object
if not FW_IsSGNode(node) then return getError("Invalid Node Type")
count = node.getChildCount()
if FW_IsSGNode(node.getChild(index)) then
if node.getChildCount() < count then return { success: true }
return getError("Node cannot be removed")
return getError("No child with this index")
end if
End Sub
' moveChild - Moves node child by index to another position
' @param {object} node - parent node
' @param {string} fromIndex - current child index
' @param {string} toIndex - index where you want to move
' @return {object} - status
Sub moveChild(node, fromIndex, toIndex) as Object
if not FW_IsSGNode(node) then return getError("Invalid Node Type")
if fromIndex >= 0 AND toIndex >= 0
child = node.getChild(fromIndex)
if child <> Invalid then
if toIndex > fromIndex then toIndex--
node.insertChild(child, toIndex)
return { success: true }
return getError("No child with this index")
end if
return getError("fromIndex and toIndex must be positive integer")
end if
End Sub
' setSelectorView - Shows selector (live) view for node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {string} nodeType - type of node
' @param {array} nodePath - path to node
' @return {object} - status
Function setSelectorView(node, nodeType, nodePath) as Object
if m.selectorView <> Invalid then
if m.showSelectorView and nodeType = "roSGNode" and nodePath.count() > 0 then
m.selectorView.attachedView = node
m.selectorView.attachedView = Invalid
end if
end if
End Function
' setNodeField - Sets field into node
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {string} field - field id
' @param {dynamic} value - field value
' @param {string} fieldType - field type
Sub setNodeField(node, field, value, fieldType) as Object
fields = {}
if fieldType = Invalid then
fields[field] = value
if node.hasField(field) then
end if
fields[field] = RALE_convertToType(value, fieldType)
if node.hasField(field) and node.getFieldType(field) <> fieldType then
end if
if not node.hasField(field) then
node.addField(field, RALE_parseType(fieldType), false)
end if
end if
End Sub
' setObjField - Sets field into AssociativeArray
' @param {array} parentPath - node
' @param {string} field - field id
' @param {dynamic} value - field value
' @param {string} fieldType - field type
' @return {object} - status
Sub setObjField(parentPath, field, value, fieldType) as Object
if fieldType <> Invalid then
value = RALE_convertToType(value, fieldType)
end if
return setInParentNode(parentPath, field, value)
End Sub
' setInParentNode - Sets field into parent node
' @param {array} path - path to field
' @param {string} field - field id
' @param {dynamic} value - field value
' @return {object} - parent node
Function setInParentNode(path, field, value)
root =
parentPath = []
nodeList = RALE_getNodeListByPath(root, path)
if nodeList = Invalid then return getError("Invalid Path")
index = nodeList.count() - 1
parent = nodeList[index]
if type(parent) = "roSGNode" then
setNodeField(parent, field, value, Invalid)
return parent
end if
while type(parent) <> "roSGNode"
if type(parent) = "roArray" then
field = FW_AsInteger(field)
if field > parent.count() then
field = parent.count()
end if
parent[field] = value
parent[field] = value
end if
value = parent
field = path[index].field
parent = nodeList[index]
end while
parent = RALE_getNodeByPath(root, parentPath)
setNodeField(parent, field, value, Invalid)
return RALE_getNodeByPath(root, path)
End Function
' setFocus - Focus node
' @param {object} node - node
Sub setFocus(node) as Object
if not FW_IsSGNode(node) then return getError("Invalid Node Type")
End Sub
' getFocusedNodeObj - Returns focused node
' @param {object} root - root
' @param {object} maxDeep - search depth
' @return {object} - focused node
Function getFocusedNodeObj(root, maxDeep = 25) as Object
node = root
focusedChild = node.focusedChild
while maxDeep > 0 AND focusedChild <> Invalid AND not node.isSameNode(focusedChild)
node = focusedChild
focusedChild = node.focusedChild
end while
return node
End Function
' getError - Returns error object
' @param {string} message - error message
Function getError(message as String) as Object
return { error: { message: message } }
End Function
' @desc TrackerTask init function
Sub init() = "tracker" = "RUN"
m.config = RALE_Config()
m.sceneBG =
m.raleVersion = "1.7.11"
End Sub
' tracker - TrackerTask run function
Sub tracker()
appInfo = CreateObject("roAppInfo")
if not appInfo.IsDev() then return
?"tracker Run"
handlersMap = getCommandMap()
buffer = CreateObject("roByteArray")
buffer[m.config.bufferSize] = 0
messagePort = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
addr = CreateObject("roSocketAddress")
inputPort = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
inputObj = CreateObject("roInput")
while True
port = 0
msg = wait(0, inputPort)
if type(msg) = "roInputEvent"
if msg.IsInput()
info = msg.GetInfo()
if type(info) = "roAssociativeArray" and info.rale <> Invalid then
port = FW_AsInteger(info.port)
end if
end if
end if
if port > m.config.minSocketPort and port < m.config.maxSocketPort then
socketConnection(addr, messagePort, port, buffer, handlersMap, m.config)
end if
end while
End Sub
' socketConnection - Starts socket connection. Keep alive while connection won't be closed
' @param {object} addr - roSocketAddress
' @param {object} messagePort - roMessagePort
' @param {number} port - socket connection port
' @param {array} buffer - buffer for socket packets
' @param {object} handlersMap - map that contains all RALE commands handlers
' @param {object} config - configuration constants
' @return {string} - connection status
Sub socketConnection(addr, messagePort, port, buffer, handlersMap, config) as String
connections = {}
appManager = createObject("roAppManager")
screensaverTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
tcpListen = CreateObject("roStreamSocket")
wasConnected = false
while True
if not wasConnected then
event = wait(3000, messagePort)
if event = Invalid then
return "connection timeout"
end if
event = wait(config.commandTimeout, messagePort)
end if
' Resets the screensaver timer
if screensaverTimer.TotalMilliseconds() > config.screensaverResetTimeout then
end if
' ? type(event)
if type(event) = "roSocketEvent"
wasConnected = true
changedID = event.getSocketID()
if changedID = tcpListen.getID() and tcpListen.isReadable()
' New
newConnection = tcpListen.accept()
if newConnection = Invalid
print "accept failed"
print "accepted new connection " newConnection.getID()
connections[Stri(newConnection.getID())] = newConnection
end if
' Activity on an open connection
connection = connections[Stri(changedID)]
closed = False
if connection.isReadable()
received = connection.receive(buffer, 0, 1024)
if received > 0
timer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
str = buffer.ToAsciiString().Left(received)
request = ParseJson(str)
buffer = CreateObject("roByteArray")
buffer[1024] = 0
if request <> Invalid then
response = {}
if request["command"] <> Invalid then
? "handling : " request["command"]
handler = handlersMap[request["command"]]
if handler <> Invalid then
response = callCommand(handler, request["args"])
response = getError("No such command")
end if
end if
id = request.uuid
idLen = FW_AsString(Len(id))
json = FormatJson(response)
res = "[start][uuid:" + idLen + "]" + id + json + "[end]"
resList = RALE_splitStringByLength(res, 3000)
count = resList.count() - 1
for i = 0 to count
end for
? "command handled in : " timer.TotalMilliseconds()
end if
else if received=0 ' client closed
closed = True
end if
end if
if closed or not connection.eOK()
exit while
end if
end if
end if
end while
for each id in connections
end for
return "connection closed"
End Sub
' Types
' FW_IsXmlElement - check if value contains XMLElement interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains XMLElement interface, else return false
Function FW_IsXmlElement(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifXMLElement") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsFunction - check if value contains Function interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Function interface, else return false
Function FW_IsFunction(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsBoolean - check if value contains Boolean interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Boolean interface, else return false
Function FW_IsBoolean(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifBoolean") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsInteger - check if value type equals Integer
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value type equals Integer, else return false
Function FW_IsInteger(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifInt") <> invalid And (Type(value) = "roInt" Or Type(value) = "roInteger" Or Type(value) = "Integer")
End Function
' FW_IsFloat - check if value contains Float interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Float interface, else return false
Function FW_IsFloat(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifFloat") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsDouble - check if value contains Double interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Double interface, else return false
Function FW_IsDouble(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifDouble") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsLongInteger - check if value contains LongInteger interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains LongInteger interface, else return false
Function FW_IsLongInteger(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifLongInt") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsNumber - check if value contains LongInteger or Integer or Double or Float interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value is number, else return false
Function FW_IsNumber(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsLongInteger(value) or FW_IsDouble(value) or FW_IsInteger(value) or FW_IsFloat(value)
End Function
' FW_IsList - check if value contains List interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains List interface, else return false
Function FW_IsList(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifList") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsArray - check if value contains Array interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Array interface, else return false
Function FW_IsArray(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifArray") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsAssociativeArray - check if value contains AssociativeArray interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains AssociativeArray interface, else return false
Function FW_IsAssociativeArray(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsSGNode - check if value contains SGNodeChildren interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains SGNodeChildren interface, else return false
Function FW_IsSGNode(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifSGNodeChildren") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsString - check if value contains String interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains String interface, else return false
Function FW_IsString(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And GetInterface(value, "ifString") <> invalid
End Function
' FW_IsNotEmptyString - check if value contains String interface and length more 0
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains String interface and length more 0, else return false
Function FW_IsNotEmptyString(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsString(value) and len(value) > 0
End Function
' FW_IsDateTime - check if value contains DateTime interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains DateTime interface, else return false
Function FW_IsDateTime(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return FW_IsValid(value) And (GetInterface(value, "ifDateTime") <> invalid Or Type(value) = "roDateTime")
End Function
' FW_IsValid - check if value initialized and not equal invalid
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value initialized and not equal invalid, else return false
Function FW_IsValid(value As Dynamic) As Boolean
Return Type(value) <> "<uninitialized>" And value <> invalid
End Function
' FW_ValidStr - return value if his contains String interface else return empty string
' @param value As Object
' @return As String - value if his contains String interface else return empty string
Function FW_ValidStr(obj As Object) As String
if obj <> invalid and GetInterface(obj, "ifString") <> invalid
return obj
return ""
End Function
' FW_AsString - convert input to String if this possible, else return empty string
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As String - return converted string
Function FW_AsString(input As Dynamic) As String
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return ""
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return input
Else If FW_IsInteger(input) or FW_IsLongInteger(input) or FW_IsBoolean(input)Then
Return input.ToStr()
Else If FW_IsFloat(input) or FW_IsDouble(input) Then
Return Str(input).Trim()
Return ""
End If
End Function
' FW_AsInteger - convert input to Integer if this possible, else return 0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Integer - return converted Integer
Function FW_AsInteger(input As Dynamic) As Integer
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return 0
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return input.ToInt()
Else If FW_IsInteger(input) Then
Return input
Else If FW_IsFloat(input) or FW_IsDouble(input) or FW_IsLongInteger(input) Then
Return Int(input)
Return 0
End If
End Function
' FW_AsLongInteger - convert input to LongInteger if this possible, else return 0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Integer - return converted LongInteger
Function FW_AsLongInteger(input As Dynamic) As LongInteger
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return 0
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return FW_AsInteger(input)
Else If FW_IsLongInteger(input) or FW_IsFloat(input) or FW_IsDouble(input) or FW_IsInteger(input) Then
Return input
Return 0
End If
End Function
' FW_AsFloat - convert input to Float if this possible, else return 0.0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Float - return converted Float
Function FW_AsFloat(input As Dynamic) As Float
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return 0.0
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return input.ToFloat()
Else If FW_IsInteger(input) Then
Return (input / 1)
Else If FW_IsFloat(input) or FW_IsDouble(input) or FW_IsLongInteger(input) Then
Return input
Return 0.0
End If
End Function
' FW_AsDouble - convert input to Double if this possible, else return 0.0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Float - return converted Double
Function FW_AsDouble(input As Dynamic) As Double
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return 0.0
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return FW_AsFloat(input)
Else If FW_IsInteger(input) or FW_IsLongInteger(input) or FW_IsFloat(input) or FW_IsDouble(input) Then
Return input
Return 0.0
End If
End Function
' FW_AsBoolean - convert input to Boolean if this possible, else return False
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean
Function FW_AsBoolean(input As Dynamic) As Boolean
If FW_IsValid(input) = False Then
Return False
Else If FW_IsString(input) Then
Return LCase(input) = "true"
Else If FW_IsInteger(input) Or FW_IsFloat(input) Then
Return input <> 0
Else If FW_IsBoolean(input) Then
Return input
Return False
End If
End Function
' FW_AsArray - if type of value equals array return value, else return array with one element [value]
' @param value As Object
' @return As Object - roArray
Function FW_AsArray(value As Object) As Object
If FW_IsValid(value)
If Not FW_IsArray(value) Then
Return [value]
Return value
End If
End If
Return []
End Function
' FW_ValidAA - check if obj contains all keys
' @param obj As Object - roAssociativeArray
' @param keys as Object - roArray of keys(string) to check
' @param delim as String - key delimiter (default = ".")
' @return As Boolean - return true if type of obj equals AssociativeArray and obj contains all keys, else return false
Function FW_ValidAA(obj As Object, keys as Object, delim = "." as String) as Boolean
'All keys on level 0
if not FW_IsAssociativeArray(obj) or not FW_IsNotEmptyString(delim) or not FW_isArray(keys) then
return false
end if
for each key in Keys
subKeys = FW_Split(key, delim)
aa_check = obj
'go down the hierarchy key.subkey.subsubkey...
for each subkey in subKeys
if FW_IsAssociativeArray(aa_check) and aa_check[subkey] <> invalid then
aa_check = aa_check[subkey]
print "Key::"; key
print "subkey::"; subkey
return false
end if
end for
end for
return true
end Function
' FW_GetSubElement - check if obj contains subElementTree element and return him
' @param element as Dynamic - roAssociativeArray
' @param subElementTree as Dynamic - String keys tree
' @param delim as String - key delimiter (default = ".")
' @return As Dynamic - if exist obj[subElementTree] value else invalid
function FW_GetSubElement(element as Dynamic, subElementTree as Dynamic, delim = "." as String) as Dynamic
if FW_IsValid(element) = false or FW_IsValid(subElementTree) = false then
return invalid
end if
subElementTreeArray = []
result = element
if FW_IsNotEmptyString(subElementTree) and FW_IsNotEmptyString(delim) then
subElementTreeArray = FW_Split(subElementTree, delim)
else if FW_IsArray(subElementTree) then
subElementTreeArray = subElementTree
result = invalid
end if
for each field in subElementTreeArray
if FW_IsSGNode(result) then
key = FW_AsString(field)
if result.HasField(key) then
result = result.GetField(key)
index = FW_AsInteger(field)
if (index = 0 and key <> "0") or index < 0 or index >= result.GetChildCount() then
result = invalid
exit for
end if
result = result.GetChild(index)
end if
else if FW_IsAssociativeArray(result) then
result = result.LookupCI(FW_AsString(field)) 'use case-insensitive lookup for AAs
else if FW_IsArray(result) then
index = FW_AsInteger(field)
if (index = 0 and FW_AsString(field) <> "0") or index < 0 or index >= result.Count() then 'index is not an integer or out of range?
result = invalid
exit for
end if
result = result[index]
result = invalid
exit for
end if
end for
return result
end function
' RALE_parseType - Parse type name to brs type
' @param {string} _type - type
' @return {string} - brs type
Function RALE_parseType(_type as String) as String
_type = LCase(_type)
convertMap = {
"rointeger" : "integer",
"roint" : "integer",
"int" : "integer",
"num" : "integer",
"number" : "integer",
"rofloat" : "float",
"rostring" : "string",
"text" : "string",
"str" : "string",
"roboolean" : "bool",
"boolean" : "bool",
"rosgnode" : "node",
"roarray" : "array",
"array" : "array",
"arr" : "array",
"object" : "assocarray",
"associativearray" : "assocarray",
"roassociativearray" : "assocarray"
if convertMap[_type] <> Invalid then return convertMap[_type]
return _type
End function
' RALE_convertToType - Convert variable to type
' @param {dynamic} value - variable value
' @param {string} _type - type to which you want to convert
' @return {dynamic} - new variable value
Function RALE_convertToType(value as Dynamic, _type as String) as Dynamic
_type = RALE_parseType(_type)
convertMap = {
"integer" : FW_AsInteger,
"float" : FW_AsFloat,
"bool" : FW_AsBoolean,
"string" : FW_AsString,
"array" : FW_AsArray,
if _type = "assocarray" and type(value) <> "roAssociativeArray" then
value = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
end if
if _type = "array" and type(value) <> "roArray" then
value = FW_AsString(value).split(",")
end if
if _type = "node" then
value = CreateObject("roSGNode", FW_AsString(value))
end if
if convertMap[_type] <> Invalid then
return convertMap[_type](value)
end if
return value
End function
' RALE_getNodeByItem - Returns node field or child by item data
' @param {dynamic} item - item data
' @param {dynamic} node - type to which you want to convert
' @return {dynamic} - node field or child
Function RALE_getNodeByItem(item as Dynamic, node as Dynamic) as Dynamic
itemType = type(item)
if itemType <> "roAssociativeArray" then return Invalid
nodeType = type(node)
if nodeType <> "roSGNode" and nodeType <> "roArray" and nodeType <> "roAssociativeArray" then
return Invalid
end if
if nodeType = "roSGNode" and item.child <> Invalid then
index = FW_AsInteger(item.child)
if index = 0 and FW_AsString(item.child) <> "0" then return Invalid
return node.getChild(index)
else if item.field <> Invalid then
key = item.field
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
if node.hasField(key) then
return node.getField(key)
return Invalid
end if
key = item.field
if nodeType = "roArray" then
key = FW_AsInteger(key)
if key = 0 and FW_AsString(item.field) <> "0" then return Invalid
end if
return node[key]
end if
return Invalid
end if
End function
' RALE_getNodeByPath - Returns node by path
' @param {object} root - root of nodes (main scene)
' @param {array} path - path to node (for example [{ child: 1 }, { field: "fieldId" }])
' @return {dynamic} - node or Invalid (if no node by this path)
Function RALE_getNodeByPath(root as Dynamic, path as Object) as Dynamic
node = root
if type(path) <> "roArray" then return Invalid
for each item in path
node = RALE_getNodeByItem(item, node)
if node = Invalid then return Invalid
end for
return node
End function
' RALE_getNodeIndex - Returns node index
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} parent - node parent
' @return {integer} - node index
Function RALE_getNodeIndex(node, parent) as Integer
for i = 0 to parent.getchildCount() - 1
if parent.getChild(i).isSameNode(node) then return i
end for
return -1
End Function
' RALE_getNodePath - Returns node path
' @param {object} node - node
' @param {object} root - root
' @return {array} - node path
Function RALE_getNodePath(node, root) as Object
path = []
if node <> Invalid and root <> Invalid then
parent = node.getParent()
while parent <> Invalid
index = RALE_getNodeIndex(node, parent)
if index = -1 then exit while
node = parent
parent = node.getParent()
path.unshift({ child: index })
if root.isSameNode(node) then exit while
end while
end if
return path
End Function
' RALE_getNodeListByPath - Returns node by path
' @param {object} root - root of nodes (main scene)
' @param {array} path - path to node (for example [{ child: 1 }, { field: "fieldId" }])
' @return {dynamic} - list of nodes (parent nodes and selected one) or Invalid (if no node by this path)
Function RALE_getNodeListByPath(root as Dynamic, path as Object) as Dynamic
node = root
nodeList = [node]
if type(path) <> "roArray" then return Invalid
for each item in path
node = RALE_getNodeByItem(item, node)
if node = Invalid then return Invalid
end for
return nodeList
End function
' RALE_getNodeIndexByPath - Returns node index or id by path
' @param {array} path - path to node (for example [{ child: 1 }, { field: "fieldId" }])
' @return {dynamic} - node index or id or Invalid (if no node by this path)
Function RALE_getNodeIndexByPath(path) as Dynamic
if type(path) <> "roArray" then return Invalid
length = path.count()
if length = 0 then return ""
index = path[length - 1]
if type(index) <> "roAssociativeArray" then return Invalid
if index.child <> Invalid then
index = index.child
else if index.field <> Invalid then
index = index.field
return Invalid
end if
return index
End function
' RALE_splitStringByLength - Splits string on parts and store in array
' @param {string} str - string which will be splitted
' @param {integer} length - max part langth
' @return {array} - splitted string
Function RALE_splitStringByLength(str, length) as Dynamic
list = []
strLength = str.len()
currentPosition = 0
while currentPosition < strLength
list.push(str.mid(currentPosition, length))
currentPosition = currentPosition + length
end while
return list
End function
' RALE_forEachNode - Goes through all the children and call the callback function
' @param {object} node - root node
' @param {object} options - options
' @param {function} callback - callback function that will be called for each node
Function RALE_forEachChild(node, options, callback, storage) as Dynamic
nodeType = type(node)
maxLevel = 50
if FW_IsInteger(options.maxLevel) then
maxLevel = options.maxLevel
end if
if nodeType = "roSGNode" then
level = 0
stateStack = []
stateObj = {
index : 0
node : node
childCount = node.getchildcount()
while true
if childCount > stateObj.index then
childIndex = stateObj.index
childNode = node.getchild(childIndex)
if childNode <> invalid then
childCountTmp = childNode.getchildcount()
parentObj = stateObj
childObj = Invalid
if childCountTmp > 0 and level < maxLevel then
childCount = childCountTmp
stateObj = {
index : 0
node : childNode
childObj = stateObj
node = childNode
end if
result = callback(childNode, childIndex, parentObj, childObj, storage)
if not result then
exit while
end if
end if
else if level > 0 then
stateObj = stateStack.pop()
node = stateObj.node
childCount = stateObj.node.getchildcount()
exit while
end if
end while
return false
end if
return true
End function