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// jellyfin-sdk-swift is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Jellyfin & Jellyfin Contributors
import Foundation
import Get
/// Basic wrapper of `Get.APIClient` with helper methods for interfacing with the `JellyfinAPI` package,
/// like injecting required headers for API calls with the current access token.
public final class JellyfinClient {
/// Current user access token
public private(set) var accessToken: String?
/// Configuration for this instance of `JellyfinClient`
public let configuration: Configuration
private var _apiClient: APIClient!
private let sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration
private let delegate: APIClientDelegate?
/// Create a `JellyfinClient` instance given a configuration and optional access token
public init(
configuration: Configuration,
sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration = .default,
sessionDelegate: URLSessionDelegate? = nil,
delegate: APIClientDelegate? = nil,
accessToken: String? = nil
) {
self.configuration = configuration
self.sessionConfiguration = sessionConfiguration
self.delegate = delegate
self.accessToken = accessToken
self._apiClient = APIClient(baseURL: configuration.url) { configuration in
configuration.sessionConfiguration = sessionConfiguration
configuration.delegate = self
configuration.sessionDelegate = sessionDelegate
let isoDateFormatter: DateFormatter = OpenISO8601DateFormatter()
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .formatted(isoDateFormatter)
configuration.decoder = decoder
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .formatted(isoDateFormatter)
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
configuration.encoder = encoder
public struct Configuration {
/// Server URL
public let url: URL
/// Client name
/// - Example: `Jellyfin iOS`
public let client: String
/// Device name
/// - Example: `iPhone 13 Pro`
public let deviceName: String
/// Unique device ID
/// - Note: This ID should be consistent for proper device management
public let deviceID: String
/// Version of your application
/// - Example: `1.2.3`
public let version: String
public init(
url: URL,
client: String,
deviceName: String,
deviceID: String,
version: String
) {
self.url = url
self.client = client
self.deviceName = deviceName
self.deviceID = deviceID
self.version = version
public func send<T>(
_ request: Request<T>,
delegate: URLSessionDataDelegate? = nil,
configure: ((inout URLRequest) throws -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> Response<T> where T: Decodable {
try await _apiClient.send(request, delegate: delegate, configure: configure)
public func send(
_ request: Request<Void>,
delegate: URLSessionDataDelegate? = nil,
configure: ((inout URLRequest) throws -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> Response<Void> {
try await _apiClient.send(request, delegate: delegate, configure: configure)
public func data(
for request: Request<some Any>,
delegate: URLSessionDataDelegate? = nil,
configure: ((inout URLRequest) throws -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> Response<Data> {
try await _apiClient.data(for: request, delegate: delegate, configure: configure)
public func download(
for request: Request<some Any>,
delegate: URLSessionDownloadDelegate? = nil,
configure: ((inout URLRequest) throws -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> Response<URL> {
try await _apiClient.download(for: request, delegate: delegate, configure: configure)
public func download(
resumeFrom resumeData: Data,
delegate: URLSessionDownloadDelegate? = nil
) async throws -> Response<URL> {
try await _apiClient.download(resumeFrom: resumeData, delegate: delegate)
private func authHeaders() -> String {
let fields = [
"DeviceId": configuration.deviceID,
"Device": configuration.deviceName,
"Client": configuration.client,
"Version": configuration.version,
"Token": accessToken ?? "",
.map { "\($0.key)=\($0.value)" }
.joined(separator: ", ")
return "MediaBrowser \(fields)"
// MARK: APIClientDelegate
extension JellyfinClient: APIClientDelegate {
public func client(_ client: APIClient, willSendRequest request: inout URLRequest) async throws {
// Inject required headers
request.addValue(authHeaders(), forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
try await delegate?.client(_apiClient, willSendRequest: &request)
public func client(_ client: APIClient, validateResponse response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data, task: URLSessionTask) throws {
if let delegate {
try delegate.client(_apiClient, validateResponse: response, data: data, task: task)
} else {
guard (200 ..< 300).contains(response.statusCode) else {
throw APIError.unacceptableStatusCode(response.statusCode)
public func client(_ client: APIClient, shouldRetry task: URLSessionTask, error: Error, attempts: Int) async throws -> Bool {
try await delegate?.client(_apiClient, shouldRetry: task, error: error, attempts: attempts) ?? false
public func client(_ client: APIClient, makeURLForRequest request: Request<some Any>) throws -> URL? {
try delegate?.client(_apiClient, makeURLForRequest: request)
// MARK: Helpers
public extension JellyfinClient {
/// Signs in a user given a username and password. On a successful response `accessToken` is set to the given access token.
/// - Note: Overrides the current access token if one was previously set. Save this token locally or revoke it with `signOut` for proper
/// access token management.
/// - Parameters:
/// - username: username of the user
/// - password: password of the user
/// - Throws: `ClientError.noAccessTokenInResponse` if no access token was supplied in a successful authentication response
func signIn(username: String, password: String) async throws -> AuthenticationResult {
let request = Paths.authenticateUserByName(.init(pw: password, username: username))
let response = try await send(request).value
if let accessToken = response.accessToken {
self.accessToken = accessToken
} else {
throw ClientError.noAccessTokenInResponse
return response
/// Signs in a user given a Quick Connect secret.
/// - Note: Overrides the current access token if one was previously set. Save this token locally or revoke it with `signOut` for proper
/// access token management.
/// - Parameters:
/// - quickConnectSecret: current Quick Connect secret
/// - Throws: `ClientError.noAccessTokenInResponse` if no access token was supplied in a successful authentication response
func signIn(quickConnectSecret: String) async throws -> AuthenticationResult {
let request = Paths.authenticateWithQuickConnect(.init(secret: quickConnectSecret))
let response = try await send(request).value
if let accessToken = response.accessToken {
self.accessToken = accessToken
} else {
throw ClientError.noAccessTokenInResponse
return response
/// Signs out the current user with the server by revoking the current access token if one is set.
/// Overrides the current access token if the revoke was successful.
func signOut() async throws {
if let accessToken {
let revokeKeyRequest = Paths.revokeKey(key: accessToken)
try await send(revokeKeyRequest)
self.accessToken = nil
// MARK: ClientError
extension JellyfinClient {
enum ClientError: Error {
case noAccessTokenInResponse
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .noAccessTokenInResponse:
"No access token in authenticated response"