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<svg xmlns="" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>Samsung icon</title><path d="M19.8166 10.2808l.0459 2.6934h-.023l-.7793-2.6934h-1.2837v3.3925h.8481l-.0458-2.785h.023l.8366 2.785h1.2264v-3.3925zm-16.149 0l-.6418 3.427h.9284l.4699-3.1175h.0229l.4585 3.1174h.9169l-.6304-3.4269zm5.1805 0l-.424 2.6132h-.023l-.424-2.6132H6.5788l-.0688 3.427h.8596l.023-3.0832h.0114l.573 3.0831h.8711l.5731-3.083h.023l.0228 3.083h.8596l-.0802-3.4269zm-7.2664 2.4527c.0343.0802.0229.1949.0114.2522-.0229.1146-.1031.2292-.3324.2292-.2177 0-.3438-.126-.3438-.3095v-.3323H0v.2636c0 .7679.6074.9971 1.2493.9971.6189 0 1.1346-.2178 1.2149-.7794.0458-.298.0114-.4928 0-.5616-.1605-.722-1.467-.9283-1.5588-1.3295-.0114-.0688-.0114-.1375 0-.1834.023-.1146.1032-.2292.3095-.2292.2063 0 .321.126.321.3095v.2063h.8595v-.2407c0-.745-.6762-.8596-1.1576-.8596-.6074 0-1.1117.2063-1.2034.7564-.023.149-.0344.2866.0114.4585.1376.7106 1.364.9169 1.5358 1.3524m11.152 0c.0343.0803.0228.1834.0114.2522-.023.1146-.1032.2292-.3324.2292-.2178 0-.3438-.126-.3438-.3095v-.3323h-.917v.2636c0 .7564.596.9857 1.2379.9857.6189 0 1.1232-.2063 1.2034-.7794.0459-.298.0115-.4814 0-.5616-.1375-.7106-1.4327-.9284-1.5243-1.318-.0115-.0688-.0115-.1376 0-.1835.0229-.1146.1031-.2292.3094-.2292.1948 0 .321.126.321.3095v.2063h.848v-.2407c0-.745-.6647-.8596-1.146-.8596-.6075 0-1.1004.1948-1.192.7564-.023.149-.023.2866.0114.4585.1376.7106 1.341.9054 1.513 1.3524m2.8882.4585c.2407 0 .3094-.1605.3323-.2522.0115-.0343.0115-.0917.0115-.126v-2.533h.871v2.4642c0 .0688 0 .1948-.0114.2292-.0573.6419-.5616.8482-1.192.8482-.6303 0-1.1346-.2063-1.192-.8482 0-.0344-.0114-.1604-.0114-.2292v-2.4642h.871v2.533c0 .0458 0 .0916.0115.126 0 .0917.0688.2522.3095.2522m7.1518-.0344c.2522 0 .3324-.1605.3553-.2522.0115-.0343.0115-.0917.0115-.126v-.4929h-.3553v-.5043H24v.917c0 .0687 0 .1145-.0115.2292-.0573.6303-.596.8481-1.2034.8481-.6075 0-1.1461-.2178-1.2034-.8481-.0115-.1147-.0115-.1605-.0115-.2293v-1.444c0-.0574.0115-.172.0115-.2293.0802-.6419.596-.8482 1.2034-.8482s1.1347.2063 1.2034.8482c.0115.1031.0115.2292.0115.2292v.1146h-.8596v-.1948s0-.0803-.0115-.1261c-.0114-.0802-.0802-.2521-.3438-.2521-.2521 0-.321.1604-.3438.2521-.0115.0458-.0115.1032-.0115.1605v1.5702c0 .0458 0 .0916.0115.126 0 .0917.0917.2522.3323.2522" fill="#fff"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Windows icon</title><path d="M0 3.449L9.75 2.1v9.451H0m10.949-9.602L24 0v11.4H10.949M0 12.6h9.75v9.451L0 20.699M10.949 12.6H24V24l-12.9-1.801" fill="#fff"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 241 B |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Xbox icon</title><path d="M4.102 21.033C6.211 22.881 8.977 24 12 24c3.026 0 5.789-1.119 7.902-2.967 1.877-1.912-4.316-8.709-7.902-11.417-3.582 2.708-9.779 9.505-7.898 11.417zm11.16-14.406c2.5 2.961 7.484 10.313 6.076 12.912C23.002 17.48 24 14.861 24 12.004c0-3.34-1.365-6.362-3.57-8.536 0 0-.027-.022-.082-.042-.063-.022-.152-.045-.281-.045-.592 0-1.985.434-4.805 3.246zM3.654 3.426c-.057.02-.082.041-.086.042C1.365 5.642 0 8.664 0 12.004c0 2.854.998 5.473 2.661 7.533-1.401-2.605 3.579-9.951 6.08-12.91-2.82-2.813-4.216-3.245-4.806-3.245-.131 0-.223.021-.281.046v-.002zM12 3.551S9.055 1.828 6.755 1.746c-.903-.033-1.454.295-1.521.339C7.379.646 9.659 0 11.984 0H12c2.334 0 4.605.646 6.766 2.085-.068-.046-.615-.372-1.52-.339C14.946 1.828 12 3.545 12 3.545v.006z" fill="#fff"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 861 B |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
v-for="linkItem in linkItems"
ref="noreferrer noopener"
<v-icon v-text="linkItem.icon" />
<v-list-item-title v-text="" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
export default Vue.extend({
data() {
return {
linkItems: [
icon: 'mdi-rocket-launch',
name: this.$t('links.poweredByJellyfin'),
link: ''
icon: 'mdi-book',
name: this.$t('links.readTheDocumentation'),
link: ''
icon: 'mdi-translate',
name: this.$t('links.helpTranslate'),
link: ''
icon: 'mdi-bug',
name: this.$t('links.reportAnIssue'),
link: ''
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<v-list dense>
v-for="(item, index) in menuItems"
<v-list-item-title>{{ item.title }}</v-list-item-title>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<v-subheader>{{ $t('libraries') }}</v-subheader>
v-for="library in libraries"
v-for="library in getNavigationDrawerItems"
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import { mapActions, mapState } from 'vuex';
import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex';
export default Vue.extend({
data() {
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
computed: {
...mapState('page', ['opaqueAppBar']),
...mapGetters('userViews', ['getNavigationDrawerItems']),
items() {
return [
@ -130,9 +131,6 @@ export default Vue.extend({
libraries() {
return this.$store.getters['userViews/getNavigationDrawerItems'];
configItems() {
return [
@ -104,5 +104,8 @@
"buttons": {
"ok": "Ok"
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Načtení konfigurace serveru se nezdařilo",
"unableGetPublicUsers": "Načtení uživatelů se nezdařilo",
"rememberMe": "Zapamatovat"
@ -104,5 +104,8 @@
"buttons": {
"ok": "Ok"
"unableGetPublicUsers": "Benutzer können nicht abgerufen werden",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Serverkonfiguration kann nicht abgerufen werden",
"rememberMe": "Angemeldet bleiben"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"actors": "Actors",
"albums": "Albums",
"alphabetically": "Alphabetically",
"architecture": "Architecture",
"artist": "Artist",
"artists": "Artists",
"badRequest": "Bad request. Try again",
@ -42,12 +43,19 @@
"home": "Home",
"incorrectUsernameOrPassword": "Incorrect username or password",
"itemNotFound": "Item not found",
"jellyfinLogo": "Jellyfin logo",
"latestLibrary": "Latest {libraryName}",
"libraries": "Libraries",
"libraryEmpty": "This library is empty",
"libraryNotFound": "Library not found",
"liked": "Liked",
"likes": "Likes",
"links": {
"helpTranslate": "Help translate Jellyfin in your language",
"poweredByJellyfin": "This server is powered by Jellyfin",
"readTheDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
"reportAnIssue": "Report an issue with the Vue client"
"login": "Login",
"loginAs": "Login as {name}",
"logout": "Logout",
@ -62,6 +70,7 @@
"noNetworkConnection": "No network connection",
"noResultsFound": "There is nothing here",
"numberTracks": "{number} tracks",
"operatingSystem": "Operating system",
"parentalRatings": "Parental Ratings",
"password": "Password",
"play": "Play",
@ -74,12 +83,88 @@
"selectServer": "Select server",
"selectUser": "Select a user",
"series": "Series",
"server": "Server",
"serverAddress": "Server address",
"serverAddressMustBeUrl": "Server address must be a valid address",
"serverAddressRequired": "Server address is required",
"serverDashboard": "Server dashboard",
"serverNotFound": "Server not found",
"serverVersionTooLow": "Server version needs to be 10.7.0 or higher",
"settings": "Settings",
"settingsSections": {
"account": {
"description": "Edit your user's information",
"name": "Account"
"apiKeys": {
"description": "Add and revoke API keys for external access to your server",
"name": "API keys"
"devices": {
"description": "See and manage the devices connected to your server",
"name": "Devices"
"dlna": {
"description": "Configure DLNA settings and profile",
"name": "DLNA"
"home": {
"description": "Configure your home sections and home screen layout",
"name": "Home screen"
"libraries": {
"description": "Manage libraries and their metadata",
"name": "Libraries"
"liveTvAndDvr": {
"description": "Manage TV tuners, guide data providers and DVR settings",
"name": "Live TV & DVR"
"logs": {
"description": "Read and search server logs and user activity",
"name": "Logs & activity"
"mediaPlayers": {
"description": "Configure how the media players behave for this device",
"name": "Media players"
"networking": {
"description": "Manage the network settings of this server",
"name": "Networking"
"notifications": {
"description": "Manage and configure notification sent by this server",
"name": "Notifications"
"playback": {
"description": "Edit your playback preferences for this device",
"name": "Playback"
"plugins": {
"description": "Add and configure new features for this server",
"name": "Plugins"
"scheduledTasks": {
"description": "Manage scheduled tasks running on this server",
"name": "Scheduled tasks"
"server": {
"description": "Configure this server's language and branding",
"name": "Server"
"subtitles": {
"description": "Control how subtitles are displayed on this device",
"name": "Subtitles"
"transcodingAndStreaming": {
"description": "Manage how this server handles transcoding and streaming to clients",
"name": "Transcoding & streaming"
"users": {
"description": "Manage users and their permissions",
"name": "Users"
"shows": "Shows",
"shuffleAll": "Shuffle all",
"signIn": "Sign in",
@ -103,8 +188,10 @@
"mustBeUrl": "This field must be a valid URL",
"required": "This field is required"
"serverVersion": "Server version",
"videoTypes": "Video Types",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"vueClientVersion": "Vue client version",
"years": "Years",
"youMayAlsoLike": "You may also like",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Unable to get server configuration",
@ -94,5 +94,7 @@
"darkModeToggle": "Cambiar a modo oscuro",
"buttons": {
"ok": "Vale"
"liked": "Te gusta",
"latestLibrary": "Lo último en {libraryName}"
@ -53,5 +53,57 @@
"serverVersionTooLow": "La versión del servidor debe ser 10.7.0 o superior",
"noNetworkConnection": "Sin conexión",
"movies": "Películas",
"browserNotSupported": "Tu navegador no soporta la reproducción de este archivo."
"browserNotSupported": "Tu navegador no soporta la reproducción de este archivo.",
"unableGetPublicUsers": "No se han podido obtener los usuarios",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "No se ha podido obtener la configuración del servidor",
"youMayAlsoLike": "Tambien te puede gustar",
"viewDetails": "Ver detalles",
"validation": {
"required": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"mustBeUrl": "Este campo requiere una URL válida"
"unliked": "No te gusta",
"unableGetRelated": "No se han podido obtener elementos relacionados",
"studios": "Estudios",
"sortByType": "Por {type}",
"shuffleAll": "Mezclar todo",
"series": "Series",
"selectUser": "Seleccionar usuario",
"selectServer": "Seleccionar servidor",
"rememberMe": "Recordar",
"numberTracks": "{number} pistas",
"noResultsFound": "No hay nada aquí",
"nextUp": "Siguiente",
"networks": "Redes",
"name": "Nombre",
"moreLikeArtist": "Mas como {artist}",
"manualLogin": "Iniciar sesión manualmente",
"loginAs": "Iniciar sesión como {name}",
"liked": "Te Gusta",
"libraries": "Bibliotecas",
"latestLibrary": "Lo úlitmo en {libraryName}",
"filter": "Filtro",
"failedToRefreshItems": "No se han podido refrescar los elementos",
"errors": {
"messages": {
"videoPlayerError": "El reproductor de video ha encontrado un error irrecuperable.",
"errorCode": "Código de error: {errorCode}"
"anErrorHappened": "Ha ocurrido un error"
"disc": "Disco {discNumber}",
"darkModeToggle": "Activar modo oscuro",
"connect": "Conectar",
"collections": "Colecciones",
"changeUser": "Cambiar de usuario",
"changeServer": "Cambiar de servidor",
"byArtist": "Por",
"buttons": {
"ok": "Aceptar"
"biography": "Biografia",
"artists": "Artistas",
"artist": "Artista",
"albums": "Álbumes",
"actors": "Actores"
@ -103,5 +103,8 @@
"darkModeToggle": "Schakel donkere modus",
"buttons": {
"ok": "Ok"
"rememberMe": "Onthoud mij",
"unableGetPublicUsers": "Gebruikers laden is mislukt",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Serverconfiguratie laden is mislukt"
@ -104,5 +104,8 @@
"buttons": {
"ok": "Đồng ý"
"unableGetPublicUsers": "Không thể lấy được thông tin người dùng",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Không thể tải cấu hình máy chủ",
"rememberMe": "Ghi nhớ tôi"
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
async created() {
this.setPageTitle({ title: this.$t('home') });
this.setAppBarOpacity({ opaqueAppBar: false });
const validSections = ['resume', 'resumeaudio', 'upnext', 'latestmedia'];
@ -142,8 +143,11 @@ export default Vue.extend({
this.homeSections = homeSections;
destroyed() {
this.setAppBarOpacity({ opaqueAppBar: true });
methods: {
...mapActions('page', ['setPageTitle'])
...mapActions('page', ['setPageTitle', 'setAppBarOpacity'])
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
<v-col cols="12" offset-lg="1" md="5" lg="4" class="pt-0 pb-4">
v-if="!isEmpty(systemInfo) && $auth.user.Policy.IsAdministrator"
:class="{ 'mb-4': !$ }"
<v-card-text class="py-0">
<v-col cols="5" class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ $t('server') }}</span>
<v-col class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ systemInfo.ServerName }}</span>
<v-col cols="5" class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ $t('serverVersion') }}</span>
<v-col class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ systemInfo.Version }}</span>
<v-col cols="5" class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ $t('operatingSystem') }}</span>
<v-col class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ systemInfo.OperatingSystemDisplayName }}</span>
<v-col cols="5" class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ $t('architecture') }}</span>
<v-col class="pt-0 pb-0">
<span>{{ systemInfo.SystemArchitecture }}</span>
<v-col cols="5" class="py-0">
<span>{{ $t('vueClientVersion') }}</span>
<v-col class="py-0">
<span>{{ vueVersion }}</span>
<v-col cols="3" class="d-flex justify-end">
<about-links v-if="!$" />
<v-col cols="12" md="6" lg="5" class="pt-0 pb-4">
<!-- User settings -->
<v-list two-line class="mb-4">
v-for="userItem in userItems"
<v-icon v-text="userItem.icon" />
<v-list-item-title v-text="" />
<v-list-item-subtitle v-text="userItem.description" />
<!-- Administrator settings -->
<v-list-item v-for="adminItem in adminItems" :key="">
<v-icon v-text="adminItem.icon" />
<v-list-item-title v-text="" />
<v-list-item-subtitle v-text="adminItem.description" />
<about-links v-if="$" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { SystemInfo } from '@jellyfin/client-axios';
import { version } from '~/package.json';
import htmlHelper from '~/mixins/htmlHelper';
export default Vue.extend({
mixins: [htmlHelper],
data() {
return {
systemInfo: {} as SystemInfo,
vueVersion: version,
userItems: [
icon: 'mdi-account',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.account.description')
icon: 'mdi-home',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.home.description')
icon: 'mdi-play-pause',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.playback.description')
icon: 'mdi-disc-player',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.mediaPlayers.description')
icon: 'mdi-subtitles',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.subtitles.description')
adminItems: [
icon: 'mdi-server',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.server.description')
icon: 'mdi-devices',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.devices.description')
icon: 'mdi-account-multiple',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.users.description')
icon: 'mdi-library-shelves',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.libraries.description')
icon: 'mdi-play-network',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t(
icon: 'mdi-dlna',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.dlna.description')
icon: 'mdi-television-classic',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.liveTvAndDvr.description')
icon: 'mdi-network',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.networking.description')
icon: 'mdi-puzzle',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.plugins.description')
icon: 'mdi-key-chain',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.apiKeys.description')
icon: 'mdi-calendar-clock',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.scheduledTasks.description')
icon: 'mdi-bell',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.notifications.description')
icon: 'mdi-text-box',
name: this.$t(''),
description: this.$t('settingsSections.logs.description')
async beforeMount() {
this.setAppBarOpacity({ opaqueAppBar: true });
this.setPageTitle({ title: this.$t('settings') });
if (this.$auth.user.Policy.IsAdministrator) {
this.systemInfo = (await this.$api.system.getSystemInfo()).data;
methods: {
...mapActions('page', ['setPageTitle', 'setAppBarOpacity']),
isEmpty(object: any): boolean {
return isEmpty(object);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface PageState {
export const state = (): PageState => ({
title: 'Jellyfin',
opaqueAppBar: false
opaqueAppBar: true
interface TitleMutationPayload {