2021-02-11 15:23:27 +01:00

398 lines
13 KiB

"3DFormat": "3D format",
"actor": "Actor",
"actors": "Actors",
"addNewPerson": "Add a new person",
"albums": "Albums",
"allLanguages": "All languages",
"alphabetically": "Alphabetically",
"architecture": "Architecture",
"artist": "Artist",
"artists": "Artists",
"audio": "Audio",
"badRequest": "Bad request. Try again",
"biography": "Biography",
"browserNotSupported": "Your browser is not supported for playing this file.",
"buttons": {
"ok": "Ok"
"byArtist": "By",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"castAndCrew": "Cast & Crew",
"collections": "Collections",
"communityRating": "Community rating",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"connect": "Connect",
"continueListening": "Continue listening",
"continueWatching": "Continue watching",
"criticRating": "Critic rating",
"customRating": "Custom rating",
"darkModeToggle": "Toggle dark mode",
"dateAdded": "Date added",
"details": "Details",
"directing": "Directing",
"director": "Director",
"discNumber": "Disc {discNumber}",
"dislikes": "Dislikes",
"edit": "Edit",
"editMetadata": "Edit metadata",
"editPerson": "Edit person",
"endDate": "End date",
"endsAt": "Ends at {time}",
"episodeNumber": "Episode {episodeNumber}",
"errors": {
"anErrorHappened": "An error happened",
"messages": {
"errorCode": "Error code: {errorCode}",
"videoPlayerError": "The video player encountered an unrecoverable error."
"failedRetrievingDisplayPreferences": "Unable to get display preferences. Using defaults.",
"failedSettingDisplayPreferences": "Unable to update display preferences.",
"failedToRefreshItems": "Failed to refresh items",
"favorite": "Favorite",
"features": "Features",
"filter": "Filter",
"filtersNotFound": "Unable to load filters",
"fullScreen": "Full screen",
"general": "General",
"genres": "Genres",
"guestStar": "Guest Star",
"headerExternalIds": "External IDs",
"headerPaths": "Path",
"home": "Home",
"homeHeader": {
"items": {
"recentlyAdded": "Recently added"
"welcome": {
"checkNewItems": "Check out what's new.",
"helloUser": "Hello {userName}!",
"noItems": "There are no recently added items to show."
"images": "Images",
"imageType": {
"art": "Art",
"backdrop": "Backdrop",
"banner": "Banner",
"box": "Box",
"boxRear": "Box (rear)",
"disc": "Disc",
"logo": "Logo",
"menu": "Menu",
"primary": "Primary",
"screenshot": "Screenshot",
"thumb": "Thumb"
"incorrectUsernameOrPassword": "Incorrect username or password",
"item": {
"artist": {
"discography": "Discography",
"information": "Information"
"cast": "Cast",
"composer": "Composer",
"crew": "Crew",
"person": {
"birth": "Birth",
"birthPlace": "Birth place",
"death": "Death",
"person": "Person"
"tracklist": {
"title": "Title"
"itemNotFound": "Item not found",
"jellyfinLogo": "Jellyfin logo",
"latestLibrary": "Latest {libraryName}",
"libraries": "Libraries",
"libraryEmpty": "This library is empty",
"libraryNotFound": "Library not found",
"libraryRefreshQueued": "Library refresh queued",
"liked": "Liked",
"likes": "Likes",
"links": {
"helpTranslate": "Help translate Jellyfin in your language",
"poweredByJellyfin": "This server is powered by Jellyfin",
"readTheDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
"reportAnIssue": "Report an issue with the Vue client"
"login": {
"addServer": "Add server",
"changeServer": "Change server",
"changeUser": "Change user",
"connect": "Connect",
"login": "Login",
"loginAs": "Login as {name}",
"manualLogin": "Manual login",
"rememberMe": "Remember me",
"selectServer": "Select server",
"selectUser": "Select a user",
"serverAddress": "Server address",
"serverAddressMustBeUrl": "Server address must be a valid URL",
"serverAddressRequired": "Server address is required",
"serverDashboard": "Server dashboard",
"serverNotFound": "Server not found",
"serverVersionTooLow": "Server version needs to be 10.7.0 or higher"
"logout": "Logout",
"logsAndActivity": {
"activity": "Activity",
"failedGetActivity": "Unable to get activity",
"failedGetLogs": "Unable to get logs",
"logs": "Logs",
"noActivityFound": "No activities found",
"noLogsFound": "No logs found"
"manualLogin": "Manual login",
"menu": "Menu",
"metadataEditor": "Metadata editor",
"metadataNoResultsMatching": "No results matching \"{search}\". Press enter to create a new one.",
"more": "More",
"moreLikeArtist": "More like {artist}",
"moreLikeThis": "More like this",
"movies": "Movies",
"name": "Name",
"networks": "Networks",
"nextUp": "Next up",
"noAudioTracksAvailable": "No audio tracks available",
"noAudioTrackSelected": "No audio track selected",
"noImagesFound": "No images found",
"NoMediaSourcesAvailable": "No media sources available",
"noNetworkConnection": "No network connection",
"noResultsFound": "There is nothing here",
"noSubtitlesAvailable": "No subtitles available",
"noSubtitleSelected": "No subtitle selected",
"noTracksAvailable": "No tracks available",
"noVideoTracksAvailable": "No video tracks available",
"noVideoTrackSelected": "No video track selected",
"numberTracks": "{number} tracks",
"operatingSystem": "Operating system",
"originalAspectRatio": "Original aspect ratio",
"originalTitle": "Original title",
"overview": "Overview",
"parentalRating": "Parental rating",
"parentalRatings": "Parental Ratings",
"password": "Password",
"people": "People",
"person": "Person",
"play": "Play",
"playback": {
"addToQueue": "Add to queue",
"clearQueue": "Clear queue and stop playback",
"playAll": "Play all",
"playbackSource": {
"item": "Playing from {item}",
"shuffle": "Playing in shuffle",
"shuffleItem": "Playing {item} in shuffle",
"unknown": "Playing from queue"
"playNext": "Play next",
"queueItems": "{items} tracks",
"saveAsPlaylist": "Save queue as a playlist",
"shuffle": "Shuffle",
"shuffleAll": "Shuffle all"
"played": "Played",
"playFromBeginning": "Play from the beginning",
"present": "Present",
"producer": "Producer",
"queue": "Queue",
"rating": "Rating",
"refreshLibrary": "Refresh library",
"releaseDate": "Release date",
"resumable": "Resumable",
"resume": "Resume",
"role": "Role",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved",
"search": "Search",
"series": "Series",
"server": "Server",
"serverVersion": "Server version",
"serverVersionTooLow": "Server version needs to be 10.7.0 or higher",
"settings": {
"apiKeys": {
"accessToken": "Access token",
"addApiKey": "Add an API key",
"addNewKey": "Add new API key",
"apiKeys": "API keys",
"appName": "App name",
"createKeyFailure": "Error creating a new API key",
"createKeySuccess": "Successfully created a new API key",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"description": "Add and revoke API keys for external access to your server",
"refreshKeysFailure": "Error refreshing API keys",
"revokeAll": "Revoke all API keys",
"revokeAllFailure": "Error revoking all API keys",
"revokeAllSuccess": "Successfully revoked all API keys",
"revokeFailure": "Error revoking API key",
"revokeSuccess": "Successfully revoked API key"
"devices": {
"appName": "App name",
"appVersion": "App version",
"delete": "Delete",
"deleteAll": "Delete all",
"deleteAllDevicesError": "Error deleting all devices",
"deleteAllDevicesSuccess": "All devices deleted successfully",
"deleteDeviceError": "Error deleting device",
"deleteDeviceSuccess": "Device deleted successfully",
"deviceName": "Device name",
"devices": "Devices",
"lastActive": "Last active",
"noDevicesFound": "No devices found",
"userName": "Username"
"help": "Help",
"logsAndActivity": {
"activity": "Activity",
"failedGetActivity": "Unable to get activity",
"failedGetLogs": "Unable to get logs",
"logs": "Logs",
"noActivityFound": "No activities found",
"noLogsFound": "No logs found"
"settings": "Settings"
"settingsSections": {
"account": {
"description": "Edit your user's information",
"name": "Account"
"devices": {
"description": "See and manage the devices connected to your server",
"name": "Devices"
"dlna": {
"description": "Configure DLNA settings and profile",
"name": "DLNA"
"home": {
"description": "Configure your home sections and home screen layout",
"name": "Home screen"
"libraries": {
"description": "Manage libraries and their metadata",
"name": "Libraries"
"liveTvAndDvr": {
"description": "Manage TV tuners, guide data providers and DVR settings",
"name": "Live TV & DVR"
"logs": {
"description": "Read and search server logs and user activity",
"name": "Logs & activity"
"mediaPlayers": {
"description": "Configure how the media players behave for this device",
"name": "Media players"
"networking": {
"description": "Manage the network settings of this server",
"name": "Networking"
"notifications": {
"description": "Manage and configure notification sent by this server",
"name": "Notifications"
"playback": {
"description": "Edit your playback preferences for this device",
"name": "Playback"
"plugins": {
"description": "Add and configure new features for this server",
"name": "Plugins"
"scheduledTasks": {
"description": "Manage scheduled tasks running on this server",
"name": "Scheduled tasks"
"server": {
"description": "Configure this server's language and branding",
"name": "Server"
"subtitles": {
"description": "Control how subtitles are displayed on this device",
"name": "Subtitles"
"transcodingAndStreaming": {
"description": "Manage how this server handles transcoding and streaming to clients",
"name": "Transcoding & streaming"
"users": {
"description": "Manage users and their permissions",
"name": "Users"
"shows": "Shows",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"sortByType": "By {type}",
"sortTitle": "Sort title",
"specialFeatures": "Special Features",
"status": "Status",
"studios": "Studios",
"subtitles": "Subtitles",
"tagline": "Tagline",
"tags": "Tags",
"themeSong": "Theme Song",
"themeVideo": "Theme Video",
"tooltips": {
"changeLanguage": "Language",
"switchToDarkMode": "Switch to dark mode",
"switchToLightMode": "Switch to light mode"
"trailer": "Trailer",
"tvShowAbbrev": "S{seasonNumber} E{episodeNumber}",
"type": "Type",
"unableGetPublicUsers": "Unable to get users",
"unableGetRelated": "Unable to get related items",
"unableGetServerConfiguration": "Unable to get server configuration",
"unableToRefreshLibrary": "Unable to refresh library",
"unableToToggleLike": "Unable to change the liked status of the element",
"undefined": "Undefined",
"unexpectedError": "Unexpected error",
"unhandledException": "Unhandled exception",
"unliked": "Unliked",
"unplayed": "Unplayed",
"upNext": "Up next",
"upNextName": "Up next: {upNextItemName}",
"username": "Username",
"validation": {
"bothPasswordsSame": "Both passwords must be the same",
"mustBeUrl": "This field must be a valid URL",
"required": "This field is required"
"version": "Version",
"video": "Video",
"videoTypes": "Video Types",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"vueClientVersion": "Vue client version",
"wizard": {
"administratorAccount": "Administrator account",
"allowRemoteAccess": "Allow remote access to the server",
"completeError": "Unable to complete startup wizard.",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"languageLocale": "Language and locale",
"languageSuccessfullySet": "Language successfully set.",
"metadataLanguagesSet": "Metadata languages set.",
"preferedLanguage": "Prefered language",
"preferredMetadataLanguage": "Preferred metadata language",
"remoteAccess": "Remote Access",
"remoteAccessSet": "Remote access set.",
"setAdminError": "Unable to create an admin account.",
"setLanguageError": "Unable to set client language.",
"setMetadataError": "Unable to set metadata languages.",
"setRemoteError": "Unable to set remote access settings.",
"setupWizard": "Setup wizard",
"userSuccessfullySet": "User successfully set."
"writer": "Writer",
"writing": "Writing",
"year": "Year",
"years": "Years",
"youMayAlsoLike": "You may also like"