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synced 2024-12-11 15:55:58 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Fernando Fernández <ferferga@hotmail.com>
340 lines
9.7 KiB
340 lines
9.7 KiB
import jsdoc from 'eslint-plugin-jsdoc';
import unicorn from 'eslint-plugin-unicorn';
import eslintImport from 'eslint-plugin-import';
import fileProgress from 'eslint-plugin-file-progress';
import js from '@eslint/js';
import globals from 'globals';
import vueScopedCSS from 'eslint-plugin-vue-scoped-css';
import vue from 'eslint-plugin-vue';
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc';
import { globifyGitIgnoreFile } from 'globify-gitignore';
import stylistic from '@stylistic/eslint-plugin';
import tseslint from 'typescript-eslint';
import jsonc from 'eslint-plugin-jsonc';
const vueAndTsFiles = ['*.vue', '**/*.vue', '*.ts', '**/*.ts'];
const vueFiles = ['*.vue', '**/*.vue'];
const CI_environment = process.env.CI ? 0 : 1;
* TODO: Can be removed once all ESLint plugins are updated to support Flat config
const compat = new FlatCompat({
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname
const gitignore = (await globifyGitIgnoreFile(`${import.meta.dirname}/..`)).map(l => l.glob);
const flatArrayOfObjects = obj => Object.assign({}, ...obj);
export default tseslint.config(
/** Global settings */
quotes: 'single',
semi: true,
commaDangle: 'never',
braceStyle: '1tbs',
arrowParens: false,
blockSpacing: true
/** File progress plugin */
name: 'Progress reporting',
settings: {
progress: {
successMessage: 'Linting done!'
plugins: {
'file-progress': fileProgress
rules: {
'file-progress/activate': CI_environment
name: 'Common settings',
linterOptions: {
reportUnusedDisableDirectives: 'error'
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2022,
sourceType: 'module',
globals: {
rules: {
'no-empty': ['error', { allowEmptyCatch: true }],
'no-extend-native': 'error',
'curly': ['error', 'all'],
'prefer-arrow-callback': 'error',
'multiline-comment-style': 'error',
'unicode-bom': ['error', 'never'],
'@stylistic/quotes': ['error', 'single', { avoidEscape: true }],
'@stylistic/linebreak-style': ['error', 'unix'],
'unicorn/import-style': 'off',
'unicorn/filename-case': 'off',
'unicorn/consistent-function-scoping': 'off',
'unicorn/prevent-abbreviations': 'off',
'unicorn/no-await-expression-member': 'off'
/** Common TypeScript rules */
name: 'Parser config for TypeScript & Vue SFC files',
files: vueAndTsFiles,
languageOptions: {
parserOptions: {
project: true,
tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname,
extraFileExtensions: ['.vue']
name: '(typescript-eslint) Extended strict type checking rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles
name: '(typescript-eslint) Extended stylistic type checked rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles
files: vueAndTsFiles,
name: '(typescript-eslint) Extended ESLint recommended rules for typechecking'
name: '(optimize-regex) Extended rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles
name: '(you-dont-need-lodash) Extended rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles
* {
* ...flatArrayOfObjects(compat.extends('plugin:promise/recommended')),
* name: '(promise) Extended rules',
* files: vueAndTsFiles
* },
* {
* name: '(promise) Custom rule configs',
* files: vueAndTsFiles,
* rules: {
* 'promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks': 'error',
* 'promise/prefer-await-to-then': 'error',
* }
* },
* {
* ...flatArrayOfObjects(compat.extends('plugin:import/typescript')),
* name: '(import) Extended rules (TypeScript)',
* files: vueAndTsFiles
* },
name: '(import) Custom rule configs',
files: vueAndTsFiles,
plugins: {
import: eslintImport
rules: {
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
devDependencies: ['*.config.ts', 'scripts/**/*.ts'],
optionalDependencies: false,
peerDependencies: false,
bundledDependencies: false
'import/order': 'error',
'import/no-cycle': 'error',
'import/no-nodejs-modules': 'error',
'import/no-duplicates': ['error', { 'prefer-inline': true, 'considerQueryString': true }],
// From the recommended preset
'import/named': 'error',
'import/export': 'error'
name: '(@intlify/vue-i18n) Extended rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles,
settings: {
'vue-i18n': {
localeDir: 'locales/en.json',
messageSyntaxVersion: '^9.0.0'
name: '(@intlify/vue-i18n) Custom rule configs',
files: vueAndTsFiles,
rules: {
'@intlify/vue-i18n/no-unused-keys': ['error', {
extensions: ['.ts', '.vue'],
enableFix: true
'@intlify/vue-i18n/no-raw-text': ['error', {
ignorePattern: '^[-#:()&.]+$'
'@intlify/vue-i18n/no-duplicate-keys-in-locale': 'error',
'@intlify/vue-i18n/no-dynamic-keys': 'error',
'@intlify/vue-i18n/key-format-style': 'error'
files: vueAndTsFiles,
name: '(JSDoc) Custom rule configs',
plugins: {
rules: {
'jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description': 'error',
'jsdoc/require-description': 'error',
'jsdoc/no-types': 'error',
'jsdoc/require-jsdoc': 'error',
'jsdoc/informative-docs': 'error'
name: 'Custom config for TypeScript and Vue SFC settings',
files: vueAndTsFiles,
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-import-type-side-effects': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports': ['error', {
prefer: 'type-imports',
fixStyle: 'inline-type-imports'
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface': ['error', { allowSingleExtends: true }]
name: 'SonarCloud recommended rules',
files: vueAndTsFiles
/** SFC rules */
name: 'Base config for Vue SFC files',
files: vueFiles
name: 'Base config for Vue SFC files (Scoped CSS)',
files: vueFiles
name: 'Base config for Vue SFC files (Scoped CSS - eslint-plugin-css)',
files: vueFiles
name: 'Custom config for Vue SFC files',
files: vueFiles,
languageOptions: {
parserOptions: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
rules: {
'vue/component-name-in-template-casing': [
registeredComponentsOnly: false
'vue/html-self-closing': 'error',
'vue/define-macros-order': ['error', {
order: ['defineOptions', 'defineProps', 'defineEmits', 'defineSlots']
'vue/html-closing-bracket-newline': ['error', { multiline: 'never' }],
'vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline': 'error',
'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'off'
name: 'Base config for JSON files',
files: ['*.json', '**/*.json']
name: 'Custom config for JSON files',
files: ['*.json', '**/*.json'],
rules: {
'jsonc/auto': 'error',
'@stylistic/quotes': ['error', 'double'],
'@stylistic/semi': 'off',
'@stylistic/quote-props': 'off'
/** Settings for all the files that run in development */
name: 'Development-related files',
files: ['*.config.*', 'scripts/**/*.ts'],
languageOptions: {
globals: {
rules: {
'import/no-nodejs-modules': 'off'
/** Settings for WebWorkers (the pattern matches any file that includes the word 'worker', regardless it's capitalization) */
name: 'Environment config for WebWorker files',
files: ['**/*[Ww][Oo][Rr][Kk][Ee][Rr]*.ts'],
languageOptions: {
globals: {
* See the following:
* - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sentence_spacing#French_and_English_spacing
* - https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-4.14.1/user/checks.html#check-punctuation-spacing
name: '(i18n - French) Punctuation spacing rules exceptions',
files: ['locales/fr.json'],
rules: {
'no-irregular-whitespace': 'off'
name: 'Disable legacy rules'
* Extra files to include and ignores that should override all the others
name: 'Extra files to lint',
files: ['index.html']
name: 'Ignored files',
ignores: [