mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 16:31:16 +00:00
change quality, chapter in video player
This commit is contained in:
@ -814,19 +814,28 @@ progress {
margin-right: 20px;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
width: 270px;
.mediaButton img {
height: 28px;
.itemVideo {
.itemVideo, .itemVideo.video-js {
position: absolute;
z-index: 99998;
height: auto;
width: 180px;
/*width: 180px;*/
bottom: -5px;
.vjs-quality-button {
padding: 0 0.6em !important;
width: auto !important;
.vjs-quality-button div {
width: auto !important;
background: none !important;
@media all and (min-width: 650px) {
@ -328,4 +328,355 @@ function parseISO8601Date(s, toLocal) {
})(jQuery, window);
})(jQuery, window);
JS for the quality selector in video.js player
Define the base class for the quality selector button.
Most of this code is copied from the _V_.TextTrackButton
_V_.ResolutionSelector = _V_.Button.extend({
kind: "quality",
className: "vjs-quality-button",
init: function(player, options) {
this._super(player, options);
// Save the starting resolution as a property of the player object
player.options.currentResolution = this.buttonText;
this.menu = this.createMenu();
if (this.items.length === 0) {
createMenu: function() {
var menu = new _V_.Menu(this.player);
// Add a title list item to the top
menu.el.appendChild(_V_.createElement("li", {
className: "vjs-menu-title",
innerHTML: _V_.uc(this.kind)
this.items = this.createItems();
// Add menu items to the menu
this.each(this.items, function(item){
// Add list to element
return menu;
// Override the default _V_.Button createElement so the button text isn't hidden
createElement: function(type, attrs) {
// Add standard Aria and Tabindex info
attrs = _V_.merge({
className: this.buildCSSClass(),
innerHTML: '<div><span class="vjs-quality-text">' + this.buttonText + '</span></div>',
role: "button",
tabIndex: 0
}, attrs);
return this._super(type, attrs);
// Create a menu item for each text track
createItems: function() {
var items = [];
this.each( this.availableRes, function( res ) {
items.push( new _V_.ResolutionMenuItem( this.player, {
label: res[0].res,
src: res
return items;
buildCSSClass: function() {
return this.className + " vjs-menu-button " + this._super();
// Focus - Add keyboard functionality to element
onFocus: function() {
// Show the menu, and keep showing when the menu items are in focus
this.menu.el.style.display = "block";
// When tabbing through, the menu should hide when focus goes from the last menu item to the next tabbed element.
_V_.one(this.menu.el.childNodes[this.menu.el.childNodes.length - 1], "blur", this.proxy(function() {
// Can't turn off list display that we turned on with focus, because list would go away.
onBlur: function(){},
onClick: function() {
When you click the button it adds focus, which will show the menu indefinitely.
So we'll remove focus when the mouse leaves the button.
Focus is needed for tab navigation.
this.one( 'mouseout', this.proxy(function() {
Define the base class for the quality menu items
_V_.ResolutionMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({
init: function(player, options){
// Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init.
options.selected = ( options.label === player.options.currentResolution );
this._super( player, options );
this.player.addEvent( 'changeRes', _V_.proxy( this, this.update ) );
onClick: function() {
// Check that we are changing to a new quality (not the one we are already on)
if ( this.options.label === this.player.options.currentResolution )
var resolutions = new Array();
resolutions['high'] = 500000;
resolutions['medium'] = 250000;
resolutions['low'] = 50000;
var current_time = this.player.currentTime();
// Set the button text to the newly chosen quality
jQuery( this.player.controlBar.el ).find( '.vjs-quality-text' ).html( this.options.label );
// Change the source and make sure we don't start the video over
var currentSrc = $("#"+this.options.src[0].vid_id).find('video').attr("src");
var newSrc = currentSrc.replace("videoBitrate="+resolutions[this.player.options.currentResolution],"videoBitrate="+resolutions[this.options.src[0].res]);
if (this.player.duration() == "Infinity") {
if (currentSrc.indexOf("StartTimeTicks") >= 0) {
var startTimeTicks = newSrc.match(new RegExp("StartTimeTicks=[0-9]+","g"));
var start_time = startTimeTicks[0].replace("StartTimeTicks=","");
newSrc = newSrc.replace(new RegExp("StartTimeTicks=[0-9]+","g"),"StartTimeTicks="+(parseInt(start_time)+(10000000*current_time)));
}else {
newSrc += "&StartTimeTicks="+10000000*current_time;
this.player.src( newSrc ).one( 'loadedmetadata', function() {
}else {
this.player.src( newSrc ).one( 'loadedmetadata', function() {
this.currentTime( current_time );
// Save the newly selected resolution in our player options property
this.player.options.currentResolution = this.options.label;
// Update the classes to reflect the currently selected resolution
this.player.triggerEvent( 'changeRes' );
update: function() {
if ( this.options.label === this.player.options.currentResolution ) {
this.selected( true );
} else {
this.selected( false );
JS for the chapter selector in video.js player
Define the base class for the chapter selector button.
_V_.ChapterSelector = _V_.Button.extend({
kind: "chapter",
className: "vjs-chapter-button",
init: function(player, options) {
this._super(player, options);
this.menu = this.createMenu();
if (this.items.length === 0) {
createMenu: function() {
var menu = new _V_.Menu(this.player);
// Add a title list item to the top
menu.el.appendChild(_V_.createElement("li", {
className: "vjs-menu-title",
innerHTML: _V_.uc(this.kind)
this.items = this.createItems();
// Add menu items to the menu
this.each(this.items, function(item){
// Add list to element
return menu;
// Override the default _V_.Button createElement so the button text isn't hidden
createElement: function(type, attrs) {
// Add standard Aria and Tabindex info
attrs = _V_.merge({
className: this.buildCSSClass(),
innerHTML: '<div><span class="vjs-chapter-text">' + this.buttonText + '</span></div>',
role: "button",
tabIndex: 0
}, attrs);
return this._super(type, attrs);
// Create a menu item for each chapter
createItems: function() {
var items = [];
this.each( this.Chapters, function( chapter ) {
items.push( new _V_.ChapterMenuItem( this.player, {
label: chapter[0].Name,
src: chapter
return items;
buildCSSClass: function() {
return this.className + " vjs-menu-button " + this._super();
// Focus - Add keyboard functionality to element
onFocus: function() {
// Show the menu, and keep showing when the menu items are in focus
this.menu.el.style.display = "block";
// When tabbing through, the menu should hide when focus goes from the last menu item to the next tabbed element.
_V_.one(this.menu.el.childNodes[this.menu.el.childNodes.length - 1], "blur", this.proxy(function() {
// Can't turn off list display that we turned on with focus, because list would go away.
onBlur: function(){},
onClick: function() {
When you click the button it adds focus, which will show the menu indefinitely.
So we'll remove focus when the mouse leaves the button.
Focus is needed for tab navigation.
this.one( 'mouseout', this.proxy(function() {
Define the base class for the chapter menu items
_V_.ChapterMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({
init: function(player, options){
// Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init.
//options.selected = ( options.label === player.options.currentResolution );
this._super( player, options );
this.player.addEvent( 'changeChapter', _V_.proxy( this, this.update ) );
onClick: function() {
// Set the button text to the newly chosen chapter
//jQuery( this.player.controlBar.el ).find( '.vjs-chapter-text' ).html( this.options.label );
if (this.player.duration() == "Infinity") {
var currentSrc = $("#"+this.options.src[0].vid_id).find('video').attr("src");
if (currentSrc.indexOf("StartTimeTicks") >= 0) {
var newSrc = currentSrc.replace(new RegExp("StartTimeTicks=[0-9]+","g"),"StartTimeTicks="+this.options.src[0].StartPositionTicks);
}else {
var newSrc = currentSrc += "&StartTimeTicks="+this.options.src[0].StartPositionTicks;
this.player.src( newSrc ).one( 'loadedmetadata', function() {
}else {
//figure out the time from ticks
var current_time = parseFloat(this.options.src[0].StartPositionTicks)/10000000;
this.player.currentTime( current_time );
update: function() {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
playAudio: function (items) {
playAudio: function (items, params) {
var item = items[0];
var baseParams = {
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
audioBitrate: 128000
$.extend(baseParams, params);
var mp3Url = ApiClient.getUrl('Audio/' + item.Id + '/stream.mp3', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
audioCodec: 'mp3'
@ -123,44 +125,51 @@
maxHeight: screenHeight
var mp4VideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.mp4', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
//TODO if you press "stop" button on the nowPlayingBar and restart the same video without refreshing the page
//there is an issue since VideoJS is still loaded.
var tsVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.ts', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
var html = '<video id="videoWindow" class="itemVideo video-js vjs-default-skin"></video>';
var webmVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.webm', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'vpx',
audioCodec: 'Vorbis'
var nowPlayingBar = $('#nowPlayingBar');
var hlsVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.m3u8', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
$('#mediaElement', nowPlayingBar).html(html).show();
var ogvVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.ogv', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'theora',
audioCodec: 'Vorbis'
_V_("videoWindow", {'controls': true, 'autoplay': true, 'preload': 'auto'}, function(){
var html = '';
html += '<video class="itemVideo" preload="none" controls autoplay>';
html += '<source type="video/webm" src="' + webmVideoUrl + '" />';
html += '<source type="video/mp4" src="' + mp4VideoUrl + '" />';
html += '<source type=\'video/mp2t; codecs="h264, aac"\' src="' + tsVideoUrl + '" />';
html += '<source type="application/x-mpegURL" src="' + hlsVideoUrl + '" />';
html += '<source type="video/ogg" src="' + ogvVideoUrl + '" />';
html += '</video';
var mp4VideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.mp4', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
var nowPlayingBar = $('#nowPlayingBar').show();
var tsVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.ts', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
$('#mediaElement', nowPlayingBar).html(html);
var webmVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.webm', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'vpx',
audioCodec: 'Vorbis'
var hlsVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.m3u8', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'h264',
audioCodec: 'aac'
var ogvVideoUrl = ApiClient.getUrl('Videos/' + item.Id + '/stream.ogv', $.extend({}, baseParams, {
videoCodec: 'theora',
audioCodec: 'Vorbis'
(this).src([{ type: "video/webm", src: webmVideoUrl },
{ type: "video/mp4", src: mp4VideoUrl },
{ type: "video/mp2t; codecs='h264, aac'", src: tsVideoUrl },
{ type: "application/x-mpegURL", src: hlsVideoUrl },
{ type: "video/ogg", src: ogvVideoUrl }]);
videoJSextension.setup_video( $( '#videoWindow' ), item );
return $('video', nowPlayingBar)[0];
@ -182,4 +191,74 @@
isPlaying: function () {
return MediaPlayer.mediaElement;
var videoJSextension = {
Add our video quality selector button to the videojs controls. This takes
a mandatory jQuery object of the <video> element we are setting up the
videojs video for.
setup_video : function( $video, item ) {
var vid_id = $video.attr( 'id' ),
available_res = ['high','medium','low'],
vjs_sources = [], // This will be an array of arrays of objects, see the video.js api documentation for myPlayer.src()
vjs_source = {},
vjs_chapters = [], // This will be an array of arrays of objects, see the video.js api documentation for myPlayer.src()
vjs_chapter = {};
// Determine this video's default res (it might not have the globally determined default available)
default_res = available_res[0];
// Put together the videojs source arrays for each available resolution
$.each( available_res, function( i, res ) {
vjs_sources[i] = [];
vjs_source = {};
vjs_source.res = res;
vjs_source.vid_id = vid_id;
vjs_sources[i].push( vjs_source );
_V_.ResolutionSelectorButton = _V_.ResolutionSelector.extend({
buttonText: default_res,
availableRes: vjs_sources
// Add the resolution selector button.
_V_.merge( _V_.ControlBar.prototype.options.components, { ResolutionSelectorButton : {} } );
//chceck if chapters exist and add chapter selector
if (item.Chapters.length > 0) {
// Put together the videojs source arrays for each available chapter
$.each( item.Chapters, function( i, chapter ) {
vjs_chapters[i] = [];
vjs_chapter = {};
vjs_chapter.Name = chapter.Name;
vjs_chapter.StartPositionTicks = chapter.StartPositionTicks;
vjs_chapter.vid_id = vid_id;
vjs_chapters[i].push( vjs_chapter );
_V_.ChapterSelectorButton = _V_.ChapterSelector.extend({
buttonText: '',
Chapters: vjs_chapters
// Add the chapter selector button.
_V_.merge( _V_.ControlBar.prototype.options.components, { ChapterSelectorButton : {} } );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user