From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: New test for overlays
While writting QNX Photon Overlay code I've found that the existent overlay test application is not enough, it performs too artificial tests - it always moves/resizes the overlay's viewport, but in the real life that happens very rare. So I decided to write new test (commonly base on testoverlay.c code) and called it testoverlay2 :)
moose.dat - raw 8 bit paletted data of the small movie. (It was a moose.gif, also included in the attachment as reference, but not needed for this test, it is just for information). I cannot find, who created this .gif, so no credits this time :) But over inet I saw this gif zillion times, so I think we do not infringing somebody rights :)
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40673
From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: New patches for QNX6
Here my patches for the SDL/QNX:
QNXSDL.diff - diff to non-QNX related sources:
- updated BUGS file, I think QNX6 is now will be officially supported
- - added shared library support for QNX, and removed dependency between the ALSA and QNX6.
- SDL_audio.c - added QNX NTO sound bootstrap insted of ALSA's.
- SDL_sysaudio.h - the same.
- SDL_nto_audio.c - the same.
- SDL_video.c - right now, QNX doesn't offer any method to obtain pointers to the OpenGL functions by function name, so they must be hardcoded in library, otherwise OpenGL will not be supported.
- testsprite.c - fixed: do not draw vertical red line if we are in non-double-buffered mode.
sdlqnxph.tar.gz - archive of the ./src/video/photon/* . Too many changes in code to make diffs :) :
+ Added stub for support hide/unhide window event
+ Added full YUV overlays support.
+ Added window maximize support.
+ Added mouse wheel events.
+ Added support for some specific key codes in Unicode mode (like ESC).
+ Added more checks to the all memory allocation code.
+ Added SDL_DOUBLEBUF support in all fullscreen modes.
+ Added fallback to window mode, if desired fullscreen mode is not supported.
+ Added stub support for the GL_LoadLibrary and GL_GetProcAddress functions.
+ Added resizable window support without caption.
! Fixed bug in the Ph_EV_EXPOSE event handler, when rectangles to update is 0 and when width or height of the rectangle is 0.
! Fixed bug in the event handler code. Events has not been passed to the window widget handler.
! Fixed codes for Win keys (Super/Hyper/Menu).
! Fixed memory leak, when deallocation palette.
! Fixed palette emulation code bugs.
! Fixed fullscreen and hwsurface handling.
! Fixed CLOSE button bug. First event was passed to the handler, but second terminated the application. Now all events passed to the application correctly.
- Removed all printfs in code, now SDL_SetError used instead of them.
- Disabled ToggleFullScreen function.
README.QNX - updated README.QNX file. Added much more issues.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40664
From: Shawn Kirst
Subject: SDL-1.2.5 patch to add ARB_multisample support
Attached is a patch I have written for SDL-1.2.5 that adds ARB_multisample
support. I only have the X11 and Win32 video patched. The Win32 patch also
adds support for WGL_ARB_pixel_format, as it was required for getting a
multisample capable pixel format. No additional GL header files are required
to compile on either platform (though you need an up-to-date glx.h for X11).
Requesting a multisample pixel format is made possible using
SDL_GL_SetAttribute with the two new SDL_GLattr's I've added
(SDL_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and SDL_GL_SAMPLES). I've been using SDL in my
projects for quite a while now, so I am happy to contribute back to the
project. Now you can have and control FSAA in your SDL/GL apps at the
application level!
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40656
Subject: testoverlay...
here's a fun one:
./testoverlay -scale -h
it seems to print argv[optind-1] as the program name...
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40604
From: "Mike Gorchak"
added help and options -mono to force monochrome RGB2YUB conversion and
-lum <percent> - luminance of image during conversion. Also rewritten code
which moves overlay into window. Now it depends on window size.
Also fully rewritten -scale option, image now scaling from 50% from center
of screen until border of window is reached - it really tests scaler, old
-scale test doesn't test downscale.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40570
From: "Mike Gorchak"
added showing of type of the track, when adding -list arg
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40569
From: "Mike Gorchak" <>
Subject: One more QNX patch
Hi !
- Fixed graywin test application. Added properly support for
window size not equal to 640x480.
- Added support for not aligned pitch of image in SDL_SWSURFACE
and SDL_HWSURFACE. Using Photon builtin alignes.
- Added memory clear after each malloc to avoid problems in the
future :)
- Removed unused variables and static variables, fixed some warnings.
- Updated readme.QNX file.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40381
From: Joseph Carter <>
Subject: [SDL] A critical bugfix!
I discovered a problem with testgl.c which absolutely MUST be fixed! Not
fixing this bug immediately will be a great blow to budding OpenGL coders
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From: "Mike Gorchak" <>
Subject: New QNX patch.
Hi !
1. Removed warning (possible bug) with invalid type, passing to the function
in ph_WarpedMotion.
2. Rewritten handler of Ph_WM_RESIZE message, now works, but buggy (old
handler doesn't work at all).
3. Added stub handler for Ph_WM_MAX (maximize) message.
4. Added more #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL to disable OpenGL stuff when it not needed.
5. Added support for SDL_NOFRAME and SDL_RESIZABLE flags (in OpenGL windows
6. Added cosmetic changes, if no SDL_RESIZABLE flag defined, disable resize
handlers in window border and maximize button at caption.
7. Fixed my bug with invalid arguments count passed to PtCreateWidget call.
8. Fixed some palette problems.
9. Updated README.QNX file.
And I changed testgl.c test application:
10. Added in testgl.c application support for SDL_NOFRAME flag and
option -noframe.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40321
From: Max Horn <>
Subject: SDL/OSX: Joystick; Better key handling
I just finished implementing improved keyhandling for OS X (in fact
the code should be easily ported to the "normal" MacOS part of SDL, I
just had no chance yet). Works like this:
First init the mapping table statically like before. Them, it queries
the OS for the "official" key table, then iterates over all 127
scancode and gets the associates ascii code. It ignores everythng
below 32 (has to, as it would lead to many problems if we did not...
e.g. both ESC and NUM LOCk produce an ascii code 27 on my keyboard),
and all stuff above 127 is mapped to SDLK_WORLD_* simply in the order
it is encountered.
In addition, caps lock is now working, too.
The code work flawless for me, but since I only have one keyboard, I
may have not encountered some serious problem... but I am pretty
confident that it is better than the old code in most cases.
The joystick driver works fine for me, too. I think it can be added
to CVS already. It would simply be helpful if more people would test
it. Hm, I wonder if Maelstrom or GLTron has Joystick support? That
would be a wonderful test application :)
I also took the liberty of modifying some text files like BUGS,
README.CVS, README.MacOSX (which now contains the OS X docs I long
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