From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: SDL updates for the QNX6
1. Updated the README.QNX
2. Updated libtool scripts, which are shipped with SDL for QNX6 support.
3. Added some code to support the new QNX 6.3.0, which is in beta now.
4. Added code to detect the hw features, which driver supports.
5. Added hw alpha blits code.
6. Fixed bug when application switches to fullscreen more the 2 times. (afte\
r that window becames always stay on top).
7. Updated a bit README for the tests.
8. Added information about acceleration show in the testalpha.c test.
9. Added small fixes to the testoverlay2.c test.
10. Added alpha and cc+alpha blits benchmarks to the testvidinfo.c test.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40887
From: Max Horn
Subject: Small libtool patch (framework related)
here is a small patch for It corrects a problems with the file, which prevented applications using a version of libtool
w/o framework support (read: all currently released libtool version) to
not being able to link with SDL anymore. I also notified the libtool
maintainers, as the same problem exists in libtool CVS.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40790
From: Max Horn
Subject: SDL building "the unix way" on OS X
I just noticed that building current SDL CVS "the unix way" (using
configure/make) is (and has been for some time, it seems) broken.
That's because Sam updated to a newer libtool version, which removed my
"-framework" patches.
Attached is a patch which once again makes aware of
"-framework". Note that this is simply a backport of the corresponding
changes in libtool CVS (i.e. the next libtool release will contain
those same changes).
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40742