#include #include #include #include #include "id3.h" struct genre { int code; char text[112]; }; struct genre genreList[] = { {0 , "Blues"}, {1 , "Classic Rock"}, {2 , "Country"}, {3 , "Dance"}, {4 , "Disco"}, {5 , "Funk"}, {6 , "Grunge"}, {7 , "Hip-Hop"}, {8 , "Jazz"}, {9 , "Metal"}, {10 , "New Age"}, {11 , "Oldies"}, {12 , "Other"}, {13 , "Pop"}, {14 , "R&B"}, {15 , "Rap"}, {16 , "Reggae"}, {17 , "Rock"}, {18 , "Techno"}, {19 , "Industrial"}, {20 , "Alternative"}, {21 , "Ska"}, {22 , "Death Metal"}, {23 , "Pranks"}, {24 , "Soundtrack"}, {25 , "Euro-Techno"}, {26 , "Ambient"}, {27 , "Trip-Hop"}, {28 , "Vocal"}, {29 , "Jazz+Funk"}, {30 , "Fusion"}, {31 , "Trance"}, {32 , "Classical"}, {33 , "Instrumental"}, {34 , "Acid"}, {35 , "House"}, {36 , "Game"}, {37 , "Sound Clip"}, {38 , "Gospel"}, {39 , "Noise"}, {40 , "Alternative Rock"}, {41 , "Bass"}, {42 , "Soul"}, {43 , "Punk"}, {44 , "Space"}, {45 , "Meditative"}, {46 , "Instrumental Pop"}, {47 , "Instrumental Rock"}, {48 , "Ethnic"}, {49 , "Gothic"}, {50 , "Darkwave"}, {51 , "Techno-Industrial"}, {52 , "Electronic"}, {53 , "Pop-Folk"}, {54 , "Eurodance"}, {55 , "Dream"}, {56 , "Southern Rock"}, {57 , "Comedy"}, {58 , "Cult"}, {59 , "Gangsta"}, {60 , "Top 40"}, {61 , "Christian Rap"}, {62 , "Pop/Funk"}, {63 , "Jungle"}, {64 , "Native US"}, {65 , "Cabaret"}, {66 , "New Wave"}, {67 , "Psychadelic"}, {68 , "Rave"}, {69 , "Showtunes"}, {70 , "Trailer"}, {71 , "Lo-Fi"}, {72 , "Tribal"}, {73 , "Acid Punk"}, {74 , "Acid Jazz"}, {75 , "Polka"}, {76 , "Retro"}, {77 , "Musical"}, {78 , "Rock & Roll"}, {79 , "Hard Rock"}, {80 , "Folk"}, {81 , "Folk-Rock"}, {82 , "National Folk"}, {83 , "Swing"}, {84 , "Fast Fusion"}, {85 , "Bebob"}, {86 , "Latin"}, {87 , "Revival"}, {88 , "Celtic"}, {89 , "Bluegrass"}, {90 , "Avantgarde"}, {91 , "Gothic Rock"}, {92 , "Progressive Rock"}, {93 , "Psychedelic Rock"}, {94 , "Symphonic Rock"}, {95 , "Slow Rock"}, {96 , "Big Band"}, {97 , "Chorus"}, {98 , "Easy Listening"}, {99 , "Acoustic"}, {100 , "Humour"}, {101 , "Speech"}, {102 , "Chanson"}, {103 , "Opera"}, {104 , "Chamber Music"}, {105 , "Sonata"}, {106 , "Symphony"}, {107 , "Booty Bass"}, {108 , "Primus"}, {109 , "Porn Groove"}, {110 , "Satire"}, {111 , "Slow Jam"}, {112 , "Club"}, {113 , "Tango"}, {114 , "Samba"}, {115 , "Folklore"}, {116 , "Ballad"}, {117 , "Power Ballad"}, {118 , "Rhytmic Soul"}, {119 , "Freestyle"}, {120 , "Duet"}, {121 , "Punk Rock"}, {122 , "Drum Solo"}, {123 , "A capella"}, {124 , "Euro-House"}, {125 , "Dance Hall"}, {126 , "Goa"}, {127 , "Drum & Bass"}, {128 , "Club-House"}, {129 , "Hardcore"}, {130 , "Terror"}, {131 , "Indie"}, {132 , "BritPop"}, {133 , "Negerpunk"}, {134 , "Polsk Punk"}, {135 , "Beat"}, {136 , "Christian Gangsta"}, {137 , "Heavy Metal"}, {138 , "Black Metal"}, {139 , "Crossover"}, {140 , "Contemporary C"}, {141 , "Christian Rock"}, {142 , "Merengue"}, {143 , "Salsa"}, {144 , "Thrash Metal"}, {145 , "Anime"}, {146 , "JPop"}, {147 , "SynthPop"} }; int genreNumber = sizeof (genreList) / sizeof (struct genre); //Search for FF+D8+FF bytes (first bytes of a jpeg image) //Returns file position: int searchJPGstart(int fp, int delta){ int retValue = -1; int i = 0; unsigned char *tBuffer = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (delta + 2)); if (tBuffer == NULL) return -1; int startPos = sceIoLseek(fp, 0, SCE_SEEK_CUR); sceIoRead(fp, tBuffer, delta + 2); sceIoLseek(fp, startPos, SCE_SEEK_SET); unsigned char *buff = tBuffer; for (i=0; i>8)|((i&0x00FF)<<8); } else { // PPC (big endian) i=arg; } return i; } int swapInt32BigToHost(int arg) { int i=0; int checkEndian = 1; if( 1 == *(char *)&checkEndian ) { // Intel (little endian) i=arg; i=((i&0xFF000000)>>24)|((i&0x00FF0000)>>8)|((i&0x0000FF00)<<8)|((i&0x000000FF)<<24); } else { // PPC (big endian) i=arg; } return i; } static void utf16_to_utf8(uint16_t *src, uint8_t *dst) { int i; for (i = 0; src[i]; i++) { if ((src[i] & 0xFF80) == 0) { *(dst++) = src[i] & 0xFF; } else if((src[i] & 0xF800) == 0) { *(dst++) = ((src[i] >> 6) & 0xFF) | 0xC0; *(dst++) = (src[i] & 0x3F) | 0x80; } else if((src[i] & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && (src[i+1] & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { *(dst++) = (((src[i] + 64) >> 8) & 0x3) | 0xF0; *(dst++) = (((src[i] >> 2) + 16) & 0x3F) | 0x80; *(dst++) = ((src[i] >> 4) & 0x30) | 0x80 | ((src[i+1] << 2) & 0xF); *(dst++) = (src[i+1] & 0x3F) | 0x80; i += 1; } else { *(dst++) = ((src[i] >> 12) & 0xF) | 0xE0; *(dst++) = ((src[i] >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80; *(dst++) = (src[i] & 0x3F) | 0x80; } } *dst = '\0'; } //Reads tag data purging invalid characters: void readTagData(int fp, int tagLength, int maxTagLength, char *tagValue){ // TheFloW: This check corrupts the seeking offset. // if (tagLength > maxTagLength) // tagLength = maxTagLength; int i; int count = 0; unsigned short carattere16[tagLength/2+2]; unsigned char carattere8[128]; unsigned char* carattere = (unsigned char*)carattere16; char* utf8Tag; strcpy(tagValue, ""); tagValue[0] = '\0'; sceIoRead(fp, carattere, tagLength); carattere[tagLength] = '\0'; carattere[tagLength+1] = '\0'; // unicode tag if ( carattere16[0] == 0xFEFF ) { // utf8Tag = miniConvUTF16LEConv( carattere16 + 1 ); utf16_to_utf8(carattere16 + 1, carattere8); utf8Tag = (char*)carattere8; } // encode to utf8 else { /* if ( miniConvHaveDefaultSubtitleConv() ) utf8Tag = miniConvDefaultSubtitleConv( carattere ); else */ utf8Tag = (char*)carattere; } if ( utf8Tag == NULL || !strlen(utf8Tag)) { for (i=0; i= 0x20 && carattere[i] <= 0xfd) //<= 0x7f tagValue[count++] = carattere[i]; } tagValue[count] = '\0'; } else { strcpy( tagValue, utf8Tag ); } } int ID3v2TagSize(const char *mp3path) { int fp = 0; int size; char sig[3]; fp = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (fp < 0) return 0; sceIoRead(fp, sig, sizeof(sig)); if (strncmp("ID3",sig,3) != 0) { sceIoClose(fp); return 0; } sceIoLseek(fp, 6, SCE_SEEK_SET); sceIoRead(fp, &size, sizeof(unsigned int)); /* * The ID3 tag size is encoded with four bytes where the first bit * (bit 7) is set to zero in every byte, making a total of 28 bits. The zeroed * bits are ignored, so a 257 bytes long tag is represented as $00 00 02 01. */ size = (unsigned int) swapInt32BigToHost((int)size); size = ( ( (size & 0x7f000000) >> 3 ) | ( (size & 0x7f0000) >> 2 ) | ( (size & 0x7f00) >> 1 ) | (size & 0x7f) ); sceIoClose(fp); return size; } int ID3v2(const char *mp3path) { char sig[3]; unsigned short int version; int fp = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (fp < 0) return 0; sceIoRead(fp, sig, sizeof(sig)); if (!strncmp("ID3",sig,3)) { sceIoRead(fp, &version, sizeof(unsigned short int)); version = (unsigned short int) swapInt16BigToHost((short int)version); version /= 256; } sceIoClose(fp); return (int)version; } void ParseID3v2_2(const char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *id3tag) { int fp = 0; int size; int tag_length; char tag[3]; char buffer[20]; //if(ID3v2(mp3path) == 2) { size = ID3v2TagSize(mp3path); fp = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (fp < 0) return; sceIoLseek(fp, 10, SCE_SEEK_SET); while (size != 0) { sceIoRead(fp, tag, 3); size -= 3; /* read 3 byte big endian tag length */ sceIoRead(fp, &tag_length, sizeof(unsigned int)); sceIoLseek(fp, -1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); tag_length = (unsigned int) swapInt32BigToHost((int)tag_length); tag_length = (tag_length / 256); size -= 3; /* Perform checks for end of tags and tag length overflow or zero */ if(*tag == 0 || tag_length > size || tag_length == 0) break; if(!strncmp("TP1",tag,3)) /* Artist */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Artist); } else if(!strncmp("TT2",tag,3)) /* Title */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Title); } else if(!strncmp("TAL",tag,3)) /* Album */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Album); } else if(!strncmp("TRK",tag,3)) /* Track No. */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 8, id3tag->ID3TrackText); id3tag->ID3Track = atoi(id3tag->ID3TrackText); } else if(!strncmp("TYE",tag,3)) /* Year */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 12, id3tag->ID3Year); } else if(!strncmp("TLE",tag,3)) /* Length */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 264, buffer); id3tag->ID3Length = atoi(buffer); } else if(!strncmp("COM",tag,3)) /* Comment */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Comment); } else if(!strncmp("TCO",tag,3)) /* Genre */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3GenreText); if (id3tag->ID3GenreText[0] == '(' && id3tag->ID3GenreText[strlen(id3tag->ID3GenreText) - 1] == ')') { id3tag->ID3GenreText[0] = ' '; id3tag->ID3GenreText[strlen(id3tag->ID3GenreText) - 1] = '\0'; int index = atoi(id3tag->ID3GenreText); if (index >= 0 && index < genreNumber) strcpy(id3tag->ID3GenreText, genreList[index].text); } } else if(!strncmp("PIC",tag,3)) /* Picture */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); sceIoLseek(fp, 5, SCE_SEEK_CUR); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = JPEG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchJPGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = PNG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchPNGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); } tag_length = tag_length - (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset - sceIoLseek(fp, 0, SCE_SEEK_CUR)); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = tag_length-6; sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length-6, SCE_SEEK_CUR); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = 0; } } else { sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length, SCE_SEEK_CUR); } size -= tag_length; } strcpy(id3tag->versionfound, "2.2"); sceIoClose(fp); //} } void ParseID3v2_3(const char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *id3tag) { int fp = 0; int size; int tag_length; char tag[4]; char buffer[20]; //if(ID3v2(mp3path) == 3) { size = ID3v2TagSize(mp3path); fp = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (fp < 0) return; sceIoLseek(fp, 10, SCE_SEEK_SET); while (size != 0) { sceIoRead(fp, tag, 4); size -= 4; /* read 4 byte big endian tag length */ sceIoRead(fp, &tag_length, sizeof(unsigned int)); tag_length = (unsigned int) swapInt32BigToHost((int)tag_length); size -= 4; sceIoLseek(fp, 2, SCE_SEEK_CUR); size -= 2; /* Perform checks for end of tags and tag length overflow or zero */ if(*tag == 0 || tag_length > size || tag_length == 0) break; if(!strncmp("TPE1",tag,4)) /* Artist */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Artist); } else if(!strncmp("TIT2",tag,4)) /* Title */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Title); } else if(!strncmp("TALB",tag,4)) /* Album */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Album); } else if(!strncmp("TRCK",tag,4)) /* Track No. */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 8, id3tag->ID3TrackText); id3tag->ID3Track = atoi(id3tag->ID3TrackText); } else if(!strncmp("TYER",tag,4)) /* Year */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 12, id3tag->ID3Year); } else if(!strncmp("TLEN",tag,4)) /* Length in milliseconds */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 264, buffer); id3tag->ID3Length = atol(buffer) / 1000; } else if(!strncmp("TCON",tag,4)) /* Genre */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3GenreText); if (id3tag->ID3GenreText[0] == '(' && id3tag->ID3GenreText[strlen(id3tag->ID3GenreText) - 1] == ')') { id3tag->ID3GenreText[0] = ' '; id3tag->ID3GenreText[strlen(id3tag->ID3GenreText) - 1] = '\0'; int index = atoi(id3tag->ID3GenreText); if (index >= 0 && index < genreNumber) strcpy(id3tag->ID3GenreText, genreList[index].text); } } else if(!strncmp("COMM",tag,4)) /* Comment */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Comment); } else if(!strncmp("APIC",tag,4)) /* Picture */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); sceIoLseek(fp, 12, SCE_SEEK_CUR); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = JPEG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchJPGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = PNG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchPNGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); } tag_length = tag_length - (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset - sceIoLseek(fp, 0, SCE_SEEK_CUR)); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = tag_length-13; sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length-13, SCE_SEEK_CUR); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = 0; } } else { sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length, SCE_SEEK_CUR); } size -= tag_length; } strcpy(id3tag->versionfound, "2.3"); sceIoClose(fp); //} } void ParseID3v2_4(const char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *id3tag) { int fp = 0; int size; int tag_length; char tag[4]; char buffer[20]; //if(ID3v2(mp3path) == 4) { size = ID3v2TagSize(mp3path); fp = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (fp < 0) return; sceIoLseek(fp, 10, SCE_SEEK_SET); while (size != 0) { sceIoRead(fp, tag, 4); size -= 4; /* read 4 byte big endian tag length */ sceIoRead(fp, &tag_length, sizeof(unsigned int)); tag_length = (unsigned int) swapInt32BigToHost((int)tag_length); size -= 4; sceIoLseek(fp, 2, SCE_SEEK_CUR); size -= 2; /* Perform checks for end of tags and tag length overflow or zero */ if(*tag == 0 || tag_length > size || tag_length == 0) break; if(!strncmp("TPE1",tag,4)) /* Artist */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Artist); } else if(!strncmp("TIT2",tag,4)) /* Title */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Title); } else if(!strncmp("TALB",tag,4)) /* Album */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Album); } else if(!strncmp("TRCK",tag,4)) /* Track No. */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 8, id3tag->ID3TrackText); id3tag->ID3Track = atoi(id3tag->ID3TrackText); } else if(!strncmp("TYER",tag,4)) /* Year */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 12, id3tag->ID3Year); } else if(!strncmp("TLEN",tag,4)) /* Length in milliseconds */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 264, buffer); id3tag->ID3Length = atol(buffer) / 1000; } else if(!strncmp("TCON",tag,4)) /* Genre */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3GenreText); } else if(!strncmp("COMM",tag,4)) /* Comment */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); readTagData(fp, tag_length - 1, 260, id3tag->ID3Comment); } else if(!strncmp("APIC",tag,4)) /* Picture */ { sceIoLseek(fp, 1, SCE_SEEK_CUR); sceIoLseek(fp, 12, SCE_SEEK_CUR); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = JPEG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchJPGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = PNG_IMAGE; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = searchPNGstart(fp, tag_length - 1); } tag_length = tag_length - (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset - sceIoLseek(fp, 0, SCE_SEEK_CUR)); id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = tag_length-13; sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length-13, SCE_SEEK_CUR); if (id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset < 0){ id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureType = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureOffset = 0; id3tag->ID3EncapsulatedPictureLength = 0; } } else { sceIoLseek(fp, tag_length, SCE_SEEK_CUR); } size -= tag_length; } strcpy(id3tag->versionfound, "2.4"); sceIoClose(fp); //} } int ParseID3v2(const char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *id3tag) { switch (ID3v2(mp3path)) { case 2: ParseID3v2_2(mp3path, id3tag); break; case 3: ParseID3v2_3(mp3path, id3tag); break; case 4: ParseID3v2_4(mp3path, id3tag); break; default: return -1; } /* If no Title is found, uses filename - extension for Title. */ /*if(*id3tag->ID3Title == 0) { strcpy(id3tag->ID3Title,strrchr(mp3path,'/') + 1); if (*strrchr(id3tag->ID3Title,'.') != 0) *strrchr(id3tag->ID3Title,'.') = 0; }*/ return 0; } int ParseID3v1(const char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *id3tag){ int id3fd; //our local file descriptor char id3buffer[512]; id3fd = sceIoOpen(mp3path, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (id3fd < 0) return -1; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -128, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3buffer,128); if (strstr(id3buffer,"TAG") != NULL){ sceIoLseek(id3fd, -125, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3Title,30); id3tag->ID3Title[30] = '\0'; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -95, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3Artist,30); id3tag->ID3Artist[30] = '\0'; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -65, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3Album,30); id3tag->ID3Album[30] = '\0'; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -35, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3Year,4); id3tag->ID3Year[4] = '\0'; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -31, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3Comment,30); id3tag->ID3Comment[30] = '\0'; sceIoLseek(id3fd, -1, SEEK_END); sceIoRead(id3fd,id3tag->ID3GenreCode,1); id3tag->ID3GenreCode[1] = '\0'; /* Track */ if (*(id3tag->ID3Comment + 28) == 0 && *(id3tag->ID3Comment + 29) > 0) { id3tag->ID3Track = (int)*(id3tag->ID3Comment + 29); strcpy(id3tag->versionfound, "1.1"); } else { id3tag->ID3Track = 1; strcpy(id3tag->versionfound, "1.0"); } if (((int)id3tag->ID3GenreCode[0] >= 0) & ((int)id3tag->ID3GenreCode[0] < genreNumber)){ strcpy(id3tag->ID3GenreText, genreList[(int)id3tag->ID3GenreCode[0]].text); } else{ strcpy(id3tag->ID3GenreText, ""); } id3tag->ID3GenreText[30] = '\0'; }else{ sceIoClose(id3fd); return -1; } sceIoClose(id3fd); return 0; } // Main function: int ParseID3(char *mp3path, struct ID3Tag *target) { memset(target, 0, sizeof(struct ID3Tag)); ParseID3v1(mp3path, target); ParseID3v2(mp3path, target); // if (!strlen(target->ID3Title)) // getFileName(mp3path, target->ID3Title); return 0; }