/* VitaShell Copyright (C) 2015-2017, TheFloW This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __PLAYER_H__ #define __PLAYER_H__ #include "id3.h" #include "info.h" #include "vita_audio.h" #define OPENING_OK 0 #define ERROR_OPENING -1 #define ERROR_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE -2 #define ERROR_MEMORY -3 #define ERROR_CREATE_THREAD -4 #define MP3_TYPE 0 #define OGG_TYPE 1 #define UNK_TYPE -1 #define FASTFORWARD_VOLUME 0 // 0x2200 extern int MAX_VOLUME_BOOST; extern int MIN_VOLUME_BOOST; extern int MIN_PLAYING_SPEED; extern int MAX_PLAYING_SPEED; int SeekNextFrameMP3(SceUID fd); short volume_boost(short *Sample, unsigned int *boost); int setVolume(int channel, int volume); int setMute(int channel, int onOff); void fadeOut(int channel, float seconds); int initAudioLib(); int endAudioLib(); void initFileInfo(struct fileInfo *info); extern void (* initFunct)(int); extern int (* loadFunct)(char *); extern int (* isPlayingFunct)(); extern int (* playFunct)(); extern void (* pauseFunct)(); extern void (* endFunct)(); extern void (* setVolumeBoostTypeFunct)(char*); extern void (* setVolumeBoostFunct)(int); extern struct fileInfo *(* getInfoFunct)(); extern struct fileInfo (* getTagInfoFunct)(); extern void (* getTimeStringFunct)(); extern float (* getPercentageFunct)(); extern int (* getPlayingSpeedFunct)(); extern int (* setPlayingSpeedFunct)(int); extern int (* endOfStreamFunct)(); extern int (* setMuteFunct)(int); extern int (* setFilterFunct)(double[32], int copyFilter); extern void (* enableFilterFunct)(); extern void (* disableFilterFunct)(); extern int (* isFilterEnabledFunct)(); extern int (* isFilterSupportedFunct)(); extern int (* suspendFunct)(); extern int (* resumeFunct)(); extern void (* fadeOutFunct)(float seconds); extern double (* getFilePositionFunct)(); //Gets current file position in bytes extern void (* setFilePositionFunct)(double position); //Set current file position in butes extern int setAudioFunctions(int type); extern void unsetAudioFunctions(); #endif