/* VitaShell Copyright (C) 2015-2016, TheFloW This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "main.h" #include "init.h" #include "theme.h" #include "language.h" #include "utils.h" #include "uncommon_dialog.h" typedef struct { int animation_mode; int status; int mode; int buttonType; int buttonId; char msg[512]; float x; float y; float width; float height; float scale; int progress; } UncommonDialog; static UncommonDialog uncommon_dialog; void calculateDialogBoxSize() { int len = strlen(uncommon_dialog.msg); char *string = uncommon_dialog.msg; // Get width and height uncommon_dialog.width = 0.0f; uncommon_dialog.height = 0.0f; int i; for (i = 0; i < len + 1; i++) { if (uncommon_dialog.msg[i] == '\n') { uncommon_dialog.msg[i] = '\0'; float width = vita2d_pgf_text_width(font, FONT_SIZE, string); if (width > uncommon_dialog.width) uncommon_dialog.width = width; uncommon_dialog.msg[i] = '\n'; string = uncommon_dialog.msg + i; uncommon_dialog.height += FONT_Y_SPACE; } if (uncommon_dialog.msg[i] == '\0') { float width = vita2d_pgf_text_width(font, FONT_SIZE, string); if (width > uncommon_dialog.width) uncommon_dialog.width = width; uncommon_dialog.height += FONT_Y_SPACE; } } // Margin uncommon_dialog.width += 2.0f * SHELL_MARGIN_X; uncommon_dialog.height += 2.0f * SHELL_MARGIN_Y; // Progress bar box width if (uncommon_dialog.mode == SCE_MSG_DIALOG_MODE_PROGRESS_BAR) { uncommon_dialog.width = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_PROGRESS_BAR_BOX_WIDTH; uncommon_dialog.height += 2.0f * FONT_Y_SPACE; } // More space for buttons if (uncommon_dialog.buttonType != SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_NONE) uncommon_dialog.height += 2.0f * FONT_Y_SPACE; // Position uncommon_dialog.x = CENTER(SCREEN_WIDTH, uncommon_dialog.width); uncommon_dialog.y = CENTER(SCREEN_HEIGHT, uncommon_dialog.height); // Align int y_n = (int)((float)(uncommon_dialog.y - 2.0f) / FONT_Y_SPACE); uncommon_dialog.y = (float)y_n * FONT_Y_SPACE + 2.0f; // Scale uncommon_dialog.scale = 0; } int sceMsgDialogInit(const SceMsgDialogParam *param) { if (!param) return -1; memset(&uncommon_dialog, 0, sizeof(UncommonDialog)); switch (param->mode) { case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_MODE_USER_MSG: { if (!param->userMsgParam || !param->userMsgParam->msg) return -1; strncpy(uncommon_dialog.msg, (char *)param->userMsgParam->msg, sizeof(uncommon_dialog.msg) - 1); uncommon_dialog.buttonType = param->userMsgParam->buttonType; break; } case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_MODE_PROGRESS_BAR: { if (!param->progBarParam || !param->progBarParam->msg) return -1; strncpy(uncommon_dialog.msg, (char *)param->progBarParam->msg, sizeof(uncommon_dialog.msg) - 1); uncommon_dialog.buttonType = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL; break; } default: return -1; } uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_OPENING; uncommon_dialog.mode = param->mode; uncommon_dialog.status = SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_RUNNING; calculateDialogBoxSize(); return 0; } SceCommonDialogStatus sceMsgDialogGetStatus(void) { if (uncommon_dialog.status == SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_RUNNING) { switch (uncommon_dialog.buttonType) { case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK: { if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_ENTER) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; uncommon_dialog.buttonId = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_ID_OK; } break; } case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_YESNO: { if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_ENTER) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; uncommon_dialog.buttonId = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_ID_YES; } if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_CANCEL) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; uncommon_dialog.buttonId = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_ID_NO; } break; } case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK_CANCEL: { if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_ENTER) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; uncommon_dialog.buttonId = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_ID_YES; } if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_CANCEL) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; uncommon_dialog.buttonId = SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_ID_NO; } break; } case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL: { if (pressed_buttons & SCE_CTRL_CANCEL) { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; } break; } } } return uncommon_dialog.status; } int sceMsgDialogClose(void) { if (uncommon_dialog.status != SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_RUNNING) return -1; uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING; return 0; } int sceMsgDialogTerm(void) { if (uncommon_dialog.status == SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_NONE) return -1; uncommon_dialog.status = SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_NONE; return 0; } int sceMsgDialogGetResult(SceMsgDialogResult *result) { if (!result) return -1; result->buttonId = uncommon_dialog.buttonId; return 0; } int sceMsgDialogProgressBarSetMsg(SceMsgDialogProgressBarTarget target, const SceChar8 *barMsg) { strncpy(uncommon_dialog.msg, (char *)barMsg, sizeof(uncommon_dialog.msg) - 1); return 0; } int sceMsgDialogProgressBarSetValue(SceMsgDialogProgressBarTarget target, SceUInt32 rate) { if (rate > 100) return -1; uncommon_dialog.progress = rate; return 0; } float easeOut2(float x0, float x1, float a) { float dx = (x1 - x0); return ((dx * a) > 0.01f) ? (dx * a) : dx; } int drawUncommonDialog() { if (uncommon_dialog.status == SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_NONE) return 0; // Dialog background vita2d_draw_texture_scale_rotate_hotspot(dialog_image, uncommon_dialog.x + uncommon_dialog.width / 2.0f, uncommon_dialog.y + uncommon_dialog.height / 2.0f, uncommon_dialog.scale * (uncommon_dialog.width / vita2d_texture_get_width(dialog_image)), uncommon_dialog.scale * (uncommon_dialog.height / vita2d_texture_get_height(dialog_image)), 0.0f, vita2d_texture_get_width(dialog_image) / 2.0f, vita2d_texture_get_height(dialog_image) / 2.0f); // Easing out if (uncommon_dialog.animation_mode == UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSING) { if (uncommon_dialog.scale > 0.0f) { uncommon_dialog.scale -= easeOut2(0.0f, uncommon_dialog.scale, 0.25f); } else { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_CLOSED; uncommon_dialog.status = SCE_COMMON_DIALOG_STATUS_FINISHED; } } if (uncommon_dialog.animation_mode == UNCOMMON_DIALOG_OPENING) { if (uncommon_dialog.scale < 1.0f) { uncommon_dialog.scale += easeOut2(uncommon_dialog.scale, 1.0f, 0.25f); } else { uncommon_dialog.animation_mode = UNCOMMON_DIALOG_OPENED; } } if (uncommon_dialog.animation_mode == UNCOMMON_DIALOG_OPENED) { // Draw message float string_y = uncommon_dialog.y + SHELL_MARGIN_Y - 2.0f; int len = strlen(uncommon_dialog.msg); char *string = uncommon_dialog.msg; int i; for (i = 0; i < len + 1; i++) { if (uncommon_dialog.msg[i] == '\n') { uncommon_dialog.msg[i] = '\0'; pgf_draw_text(uncommon_dialog.x + SHELL_MARGIN_X, string_y, DIALOG_COLOR, FONT_SIZE, string); uncommon_dialog.msg[i] = '\n'; string = uncommon_dialog.msg + i + 1; string_y += FONT_Y_SPACE; } if (uncommon_dialog.msg[i] == '\0') { pgf_draw_text(uncommon_dialog.x + SHELL_MARGIN_X, string_y, DIALOG_COLOR, FONT_SIZE, string); string_y += FONT_Y_SPACE; } } // Dialog type char button_string[32]; switch (uncommon_dialog.buttonType) { case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK: sprintf(button_string, "%s %s", enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CIRCLE : CROSS, language_container[OK]); break; case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_YESNO: sprintf(button_string, "%s %s %s %s", enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CIRCLE : CROSS, language_container[YES], enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CROSS : CIRCLE, language_container[NO]); break; case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK_CANCEL: sprintf(button_string, "%s %s %s %s", enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CIRCLE : CROSS, language_container[OK], enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CROSS : CIRCLE, language_container[CANCEL]); break; case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL: sprintf(button_string, "%s %s", enter_button == SCE_SYSTEM_PARAM_ENTER_BUTTON_CIRCLE ? CROSS : CIRCLE, language_container[CANCEL]); break; } // Progress bar if (uncommon_dialog.mode == SCE_MSG_DIALOG_MODE_PROGRESS_BAR) { float width = uncommon_dialog.width - 2.0f * SHELL_MARGIN_X; vita2d_draw_rectangle(uncommon_dialog.x + SHELL_MARGIN_X, string_y + 10.0f, width, UNCOMMON_DIALOG_PROGRESS_BAR_HEIGHT, PROGRESS_BAR_BG_COLOR); vita2d_draw_rectangle(uncommon_dialog.x + SHELL_MARGIN_X, string_y + 10.0f, uncommon_dialog.progress * width / 100.0f, UNCOMMON_DIALOG_PROGRESS_BAR_HEIGHT, PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR); char string[8]; sprintf(string, "%d%%", uncommon_dialog.progress); pgf_draw_text(CENTER(SCREEN_WIDTH, vita2d_pgf_text_width(font, FONT_SIZE, string)), string_y + FONT_Y_SPACE, DIALOG_COLOR, FONT_SIZE, string); string_y += 2.0f * FONT_Y_SPACE; } switch (uncommon_dialog.buttonType) { case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK: case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_YESNO: case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK_CANCEL: case SCE_MSG_DIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL: pgf_draw_text(CENTER(SCREEN_WIDTH, vita2d_pgf_text_width(font, FONT_SIZE, button_string)), string_y + FONT_Y_SPACE, DIALOG_COLOR, FONT_SIZE, button_string); break; } } return 0; }