add driver for Popeye

This commit is contained in:
dinkc64 2015-08-21 01:09:44 +00:00
parent 77fad79a01
commit 7f9528f79d
2 changed files with 940 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ drvobj = d_dodonpachi.o d_donpachi.o d_esprade.o d_feversos.o d_gaia.o d_guwang
d_dynduke.o d_epos.o d_exedexes.o d_funkybee.o d_galaga.o d_gauntlet.o d_ginganin.o d_gng.o d_gunsmoke.o d_higemaru.o \
d_ikki.o d_invaders.o d_jack.o d_kangaroo.o d_kncljoe.o d_kyugo.o d_ladybug.o d_lwings.o d_lastduel.o d_mario.o d_markham.o \
d_marineb.o d_megasys1.o d_meijinsn.o d_mitchell.o d_mole.o d_momoko.o d_mouser.o d_mrdo.o d_mrflea.o d_mustache.o d_mystston.o d_namcos86.o \
d_ninjakd2.o d_pacland.o d_pacman.o d_pac2650.o d_pkunwar.o d_prehisle.o d_punchout.o d_psychic5.o d_quizo.o d_rallyx.o d_renegade.o \
d_ninjakd2.o d_pacland.o d_pacman.o d_pac2650.o d_pkunwar.o d_popeye.o d_prehisle.o d_punchout.o d_psychic5.o d_quizo.o d_rallyx.o d_renegade.o \
d_rpunch.o d_route16.o d_scregg.o d_sf.o d_sidearms.o d_skyarmy.o d_skyfox.o d_skykid.o d_snk68.o d_solomon.o d_sonson.o d_srumbler.o \
d_suna8.o d_tail2nose.o d_tbowl.o d_tecmo.o d_terracre.o d_tigeroad.o d_timelimt.o d_toki.o d_tsamurai.o d_vastar.o d_vulgus.o d_wallc.o \
d_wc90.o d_wc90b.o d_wiz.o d_wwfsstar.o d_xain.o \

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@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
// Popeye & SkySkipper emu-layer for FB Alpha by dink, based on xyz's MAME driver.
// Todo:
// sprite clipping in popeye on the thru-way is normal (see pcb vid)
// skyskipr background scrolling is broken
// skyskipr some sprites are flipped wrongly?(!)
#include "tiles_generic.h"
#include "driver.h"
#include "z80_intf.h"
#include "bitswap.h"
extern "C" {
#include "ay8910.h"
static INT16 *pAY8910Buffer[6];
static UINT8 *AllMem;
static UINT8 *MemEnd;
static UINT8 *AllRam;
static UINT8 *RamEnd;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80ROM;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80RAM;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80RAM2;
static UINT8 *DrvVidRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvColorRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvPalRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvSpriteRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvBGRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvColorPROM;
static UINT8 *DrvCharGFX;
static UINT8 *DrvSpriteGFX;
static UINT8 *background_pos;
static UINT8 *palette_bank;
static UINT32 *DrvPalette;
static UINT8 DrvRecalc;
static UINT8 m_dswbit;
static UINT16 m_field;
static UINT8 m_prot0;
static UINT8 m_prot1;
static UINT8 m_prot_shift;
static UINT8 m_invertmask = 0xff;
static UINT8 skyskiprmode;
static UINT8 DrvJoy1[8+3];
static UINT8 DrvJoy2[8+3];
static UINT8 DrvJoy3[8+3];
static UINT8 DrvDip[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static UINT8 DrvInput[5+3];
static UINT8 DrvReset;
static struct BurnInputInfo SkyskiprInputList[] = {
{"P1 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 7, "p1 coin"},
{"P1 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 2, "p1 start"},
{"P1 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 2, "p1 up"},
{"P1 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 3, "p1 down"},
{"P1 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 1, "p1 left"},
{"P1 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 0, "p1 right"},
{"P1 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 4, "p1 fire 1"},
{"P1 Button 2", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 7, "p1 fire 2"},
{"P2 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 5, "p2 coin"},
{"P2 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 3, "p2 start"},
{"P2 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 2, "p2 up"},
{"P2 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 3, "p2 down"},
{"P2 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 1, "p2 left"},
{"P2 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 0, "p2 right"},
{"P2 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 4, "p2 fire 1"},
{"P2 Button 2", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 7, "p2 fire 2"},
{"Reset", BIT_DIGITAL, &DrvReset, "reset"},
{"Service", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 6, "service"},
{"Dip A", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDip + 0, "dip"},
{"Dip B", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDip + 1, "dip"},
static struct BurnDIPInfo SkyskiprDIPList[]=
{0x12, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, NULL },
{0x13, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7d, NULL },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 16, "Coinage" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x03, "A 3/1 B 1/2" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0e, "2 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x01, "A 2/1 B 2/5" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x04, "A 2/1 B 1/3" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x07, "A 1/1 B 2/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0f, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0c, "A 1/1 B 1/2" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0d, "1 Coin 2 Credits" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x06, "A 1/2 B 1/4" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0b, "A 1/2 B 1/5" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x02, "A 2/5 B 1/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0a, "A 1/3 B 1/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x09, "A 1/4 B 1/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x05, "A 1/5 B 1/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x08, "A 1/6 B 1/1" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x00, "Free Play" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x10, 0x10, "Off" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x20, 0x20, "Off" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, "Off" },
{0x12, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Lives" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, "1" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, "2" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, "3" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, "4" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, "Off" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x08, 0x08, "Off" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x10, 0x10, "Off" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Bonus Life" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x20, 0x20, "15000" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, "30000" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Service Mode" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x20, 0x40, "Off" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Cabinet" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, "Upright" },
{0x13, 0x01, 0x80, 0x80, "Cocktail" },
static struct BurnInputInfo PopeyeInputList[] = {
{"P1 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 7, "p1 coin"},
{"P1 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 2, "p1 start"},
{"P1 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 2, "p1 up"},
{"P1 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 3, "p1 down"},
{"P1 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 1, "p1 left"},
{"P1 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 0, "p1 right"},
{"P1 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 4, "p1 fire 1"},
{"P2 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 5, "p2 coin"},
{"P2 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 3, "p2 start"},
{"P2 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 2, "p2 up"},
{"P2 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 3, "p2 down"},
{"P2 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 1, "p2 left"},
{"P2 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 0, "p2 right"},
{"P2 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 4, "p2 fire 1"},
{"Reset", BIT_DIGITAL, &DrvReset, "reset"},
{"Service", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 6, "service"},
{"Dip A", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDip + 0, "dip"},
{"Dip B", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDip + 1, "dip"},
static struct BurnDIPInfo PopeyeDIPList[]=
{0x10, 0xff, 0xff, 0x5f, NULL },
{0x11, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3d, NULL },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 9, "Coinage" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x08, "6 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x05, "5 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x09, "4 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0a, "3 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0d, "2 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0f, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0e, "1 Coin 2 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x03, "1 Coin 3 Credits" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x00, "Free Play" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Unknown" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x10, 0x10, "Off" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 3, "Copyright" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x60, 0x40, "Nintendo" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, "Nintendo Co.,Ltd" },
{0x10, 0x01, 0x60, 0x60, "Nintendo of America" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Lives" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, "1" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, "2" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, "3" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, "4" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Difficulty" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x0c, "Easy" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x08, "Medium" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x04, "Hard" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x00, "Hardest" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Bonus Life" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x30, 0x30, "40000" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x30, 0x20, "60000" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x30, 0x10, "80000" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x30, 0x00, "None" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Demo Sounds" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, "Off" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Cabinet" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, "Upright" },
{0x11, 0x01, 0x80, 0x80, "Cocktail" },
static void popeye_do_palette()
UINT8 *color_prom = DrvColorPROM + 32;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 16;i++)
int prom_offs = i | ((i & 8) << 1); /* address bits 3 and 4 are tied together */
int bit0,bit1,bit2,r,g,b;
/* red component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 0) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 1) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 2) & 0x01;
r = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
/* green component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 3) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 4) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 5) & 0x01;
g = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
/* blue component */
bit0 = 0;
bit1 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 6) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[prom_offs] ^ m_invertmask) >> 7) & 0x01;
b = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
DrvPalette[0x100 + (2 * i) + 1] = BurnHighCol(r, g, b, 0);
color_prom += 32;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 256;i++)
int bit0,bit1,bit2,r,g,b;
/* red component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 0) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 1) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 2) & 0x01;
r = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
/* green component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 3) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[256] ^ m_invertmask) >> 0) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[256] ^ m_invertmask) >> 1) & 0x01;
g = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
/* blue component */
bit0 = 0;
bit1 = ((color_prom[256] ^ m_invertmask) >> 2) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[256] ^ m_invertmask) >> 3) & 0x01;
b = 0x21 * bit0 + 0x47 * bit1 + 0x97 * bit2;
DrvPalette[0x200 + i] = BurnHighCol(r, g, b, 0);
static void popeye_do_background_palette(UINT32 bank)
UINT8 *color_prom = DrvColorPROM + 16 * bank;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 16;i++)
int bit0,bit1,bit2;
int r,g,b;
/* red component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 0) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 1) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 2) & 0x01;
r = 0x1c * bit0 + 0x31 * bit1 + 0x47 * bit2;
/* green component */
bit0 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 3) & 0x01;
bit1 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 4) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 5) & 0x01;
g = 0x1c * bit0 + 0x31 * bit1 + 0x47 * bit2;
/* blue component */
bit0 = 0;
bit1 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 6) & 0x01;
bit2 = ((color_prom[0] ^ m_invertmask) >> 7) & 0x01;
if (skyskiprmode)
bit0 = bit1;
bit1 = 0;
b = 0x1c * bit0 + 0x31 * bit1 + 0x47 * bit2;
DrvPalette[i] = BurnHighCol(r, g, b, 0);
static void popeye_recalcpalette()
popeye_do_background_palette((*palette_bank & 0x08) >> 3);
static void __fastcall main_write(UINT16 address, UINT8 data)
if (address >= 0x8c04 && address <= 0x8e7f) {
DrvSpriteRAM[address - 0x8c04] = data;
if (address >= 0x8e80 && address <= 0x8fff) {
DrvZ80RAM2[address - 0x8e80] = data;
switch (address)
case 0xE000: m_prot_shift = data & 0x07; return;
case 0xE001: m_prot0 = m_prot1; m_prot1 = data; return;
case 0x8c00:
case 0x8c01:
case 0x8c02: background_pos[address & 3] = data; return;
case 0x8c03: *palette_bank = data; return;
//bprintf(0, _T("mw %X,"), address);
static UINT8 __fastcall main_read(UINT16 address)
if (address >= 0x8c04 && address <= 0x8e7f)
return DrvSpriteRAM[address - 0x8c04];
if (address >= 0x8e80 && address <= 0x8fff)
return DrvZ80RAM2[address - 0x8e80];
switch (address)
case 0xE000: return ((m_prot1 << m_prot_shift) | (m_prot0 >> (8-m_prot_shift))) & 0xff;
case 0xE001: return 0;
case 0x8c00:
case 0x8c01:
case 0x8c02: return background_pos[address & 3];
case 0x8c03: return *palette_bank;
//bprintf(0, _T("mr %X,"), address);
return 0;
static INT32 DrvDoReset()
memset (AllRam, 0, RamEnd - AllRam);
m_field = 0;
m_dswbit = 0;
m_field = 0;
m_prot0 = 0;
m_prot1 = 0;
m_prot_shift = 0;
return 0;
static INT32 MemIndex()
UINT8 *Next; Next = AllMem;
DrvZ80ROM = Next; Next += 0x012000;
DrvPalette = (UINT32*)Next; Next += 0x0600 * sizeof(UINT32);
DrvCharGFX = Next; Next += 0x80000;
DrvSpriteGFX = Next; Next += 0x80000;
DrvColorPROM = Next; Next += 0x00400;
AllRam = Next;
DrvZ80RAM = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvZ80RAM2 = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvVidRAM = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvColorRAM = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvSpriteRAM = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvPalRAM = Next; Next += 0x11000;
DrvBGRAM = Next; Next += 0x12000;
background_pos = Next; Next += 0x01000;
palette_bank = Next; Next += 0x01002;
RamEnd = Next;
pAY8910Buffer[0] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[1] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[2] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[3] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[4] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[5] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
// bgr = Next; Next += 1024*1024; // background bitmap
MemEnd = Next;
return 0;
UINT8 __fastcall port_read(UINT16 port)
switch (port & 0xff) {
case 0x00: return DrvInput[0];
case 0x01: return DrvInput[1];
case 0x02: return (skyskiprmode) ? DrvInput[2] : DrvInput[2] | (m_field ^ 1) << 4;
case 0x03: return AY8910Read(0);
return 0xff;
void __fastcall port_write(UINT16 port, UINT8 data)
switch (port & 0xff) {
case 0x00:
AY8910Write(0, 0, data);
case 0x01:
AY8910Write(0, 1, data);
static void popeye_ayportB_write(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data)
/* bit 0 flips screen */
//flip_screen_set(data & 1);
/* bits 1-3 select DSW1 bit to read */
m_dswbit = (data & 0x0e) >> 1;
static UINT8 popeye_ayportA_read(UINT32 addr)
return (DrvDip[0] & 0x7f) | ((DrvDip[1] << (7-m_dswbit)) & 0x80);
static INT32 CharPlaneOffsets[2] = { 0, 0 };
static INT32 CharXOffsets[16] = { 7,7, 6,6, 5,5, 4,4, 3,3, 2,2, 1,1, 0,0 };
static INT32 CharYOffsets[16] = { 0*8,0*8, 1*8,1*8, 2*8,2*8, 3*8,3*8, 4*8,4*8, 5*8,5*8, 6*8,6*8, 7*8,7*8 };
static INT32 SpritePlaneOffsets[2] = { 0, 0x4000*8 };
static INT32 SpriteXOffsets[16] = { 7+(0x2000*8),6+(0x2000*8),5+(0x2000*8),4+(0x2000*8),3+(0x2000*8),2+(0x2000*8),1+(0x2000*8),0+(0x2000*8),7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 };
static INT32 SSpritePlaneOffsets[2] = { 0, 0x2000*8 };
static INT32 SSpriteXOffsets[16] = { 7+(0x1000*8),6+(0x1000*8),5+(0x1000*8),4+(0x1000*8),3+(0x1000*8),2+(0x1000*8),1+(0x1000*8),0+(0x1000*8),7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 };
//static INT32 SpritePlaneOffsets[2] = { 0, RGN_FRAC(1,2) };
//static INT32 SpriteXOffsets[16] = { RGN_FRAC(1,4)+7,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+6,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+5,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+4,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+3,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+2,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+1,RGN_FRAC(1,4)+0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
static INT32 SpriteYOffsets[16] = { 15*8, 14*8, 13*8, 12*8, 11*8, 10*8, 9*8, 8*8, 7*8, 6*8, 5*8, 4*8, 3*8, 2*8, 1*8, 0*8 };
static INT32 DrvInit()
//static INT32 SpritePlaneOffsets[2] = { 0, RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,2) };
//static INT32 SpriteXOffsets[16] = { RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+7,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+6,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+5,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+4,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+3,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+2,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+1,RGN_FRAC(((skyskiprmode) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000), 1,4)+0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
AllMem = NULL;
INT32 nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(AllMem, 0, nLen);
{ // Load ROMS parse GFX
UINT8 *DrvTempRom = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(0x80000);
memset(DrvTempRom, 0, 0x80000);
if (skyskiprmode) { // SkySkipper
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x0000, 0, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x1000, 1, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x2000, 2, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x3000, 3, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x4000, 4, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x5000, 5, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x6000, 6, 1)) return 1;
/* decrypt the program ROMs */
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 0x7000; i++)
DrvZ80ROM[i] = BITSWAP08(DrvTempRom[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13,12,11,10,8,7,0,1,2,4,5,9,3,6) ^ 0xfc],3,4,2,5,1,6,0,7);
memset(DrvTempRom, 0, 0x80000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom , 7, 1)) return 1;
GfxDecode(0x100, 1, 16, 16, CharPlaneOffsets, CharXOffsets, CharYOffsets, 0x40, DrvTempRom, DrvCharGFX);
memset(DrvTempRom, 0, 0x80000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x0000, 8, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x1000, 9, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x2000,10, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x3000,11, 1)) return 1;
GfxDecode(0x200, 2, 16, 16, SSpritePlaneOffsets, SSpriteXOffsets, SpriteYOffsets, 0x80, DrvTempRom, DrvSpriteGFX);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0000, 12, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0020, 13, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0040, 14, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0140, 15, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0240, 16, 1)) return 1;
} else { // Popeye
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x0000, 0, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x2000, 1, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x4000, 2, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x6000, 3, 1)) return 1;
/* decrypt the program ROMs */
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
DrvZ80ROM[i] = BITSWAP08(DrvTempRom[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13,12,11,10,8,7,6,3,9,5,4,2,1,0) ^ 0x3f],3,4,2,5,1,6,0,7);
memset(DrvTempRom, 0, 0x80000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom , 4, 1)) return 1;
GfxDecode(0x100, 1, 16, 16, CharPlaneOffsets, CharXOffsets, CharYOffsets, 0x40, DrvTempRom+0x800, DrvCharGFX);
memset(DrvTempRom, 0, 0x80000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x0000, 5, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x2000, 6, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x4000, 7, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvTempRom + 0x6000, 8, 1)) return 1;
GfxDecode(0x200, 2, 16, 16, SpritePlaneOffsets, SpriteXOffsets, SpriteYOffsets, 0x80, DrvTempRom, DrvSpriteGFX);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0000, 9, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0020, 10, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0040, 11, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0140, 12, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvColorPROM + 0x0240, 13, 1)) return 1;
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM, 0x0000, 0x7fff, MAP_ROM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80RAM, 0x8000, 0x8bff, MAP_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvVidRAM, 0xa000, 0xa3ff, MAP_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvColorRAM, 0xa400, 0xa7ff, MAP_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvBGRAM, 0xc000, ((skyskiprmode) ? 0xcfff : 0xdfff), MAP_RAM);
AY8910Init(0, 2000000, nBurnSoundRate, popeye_ayportA_read, NULL, NULL, popeye_ayportB_write);
return 0;
static INT32 DrvExit()
skyskiprmode = 0;
return 0;
extern int counter;
static void draw_chars()
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs <= 0x400; offs++)
int sx = offs % 32;
int sy = offs / 32;
int code = DrvVidRAM[offs];
int color = DrvColorRAM[offs] & 0x0f;
sx = 16 * sx;
sy = (16 * sy) - 32;
if (sx >= nScreenWidth || sy >= nScreenHeight || sx < 0 || sy < 0) continue;
Render16x16Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, code, sx, sy, color, 1, 0, 0x100, DrvCharGFX);
static void draw_background_popeye()
if (background_pos[1] == 0) return; // background disabled
popeye_do_background_palette((*palette_bank & 0x08) >> 3);
INT32 scrollx = 200 - background_pos[0] - 256*(background_pos[2]&1); /* ??? */
INT32 scrolly = 2 * (256 - background_pos[1]);
//if (skyskiprmode)
// scrollx = 2 * scrollx - 512;
//bprintf(0, _T("sx %X sy %X.."), scrollx, scrolly);
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs < ((skyskiprmode) ? 0x1000 : 0x1fff); offs++) {
INT32 color = DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x0f;
INT32 sx = 8 * (offs % 64);
INT32 sy = (4 * (offs / 64)) - 32;
if (skyskiprmode) {
INT32 offset = ((offs & 0xfc0) << 1) | (offs & 0x03f);
if (DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x80)
offset |= 0x40;
color = DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x0f;
sx = 8 * (offset % 128);
sy = (8 * (offset / 128)) - 32;
sx += scrollx;
sy += scrolly;
if (sy < 0 || sx < 0 || sx > nScreenWidth || sy > nScreenHeight) continue;
for (INT32 y = 0; y < ((skyskiprmode) ? 8 : 4); y++) {
for (INT32 x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
UINT16* pPixel = pTransDraw + ((sy+y) * nScreenWidth) + sx+x;
if (sx+x < nScreenWidth && sy+y < nScreenHeight)
*pPixel = color;
static void draw_background_skyskipr()
if (background_pos[1] == 0) return; // background disabled
popeye_do_background_palette((*palette_bank & 0x08) >> 3);
INT32 scrollx = 200 - background_pos[0] - 256*(background_pos[2]&1); /* ??? */
INT32 scrolly = 2 * (256 - background_pos[1]);
if (skyskiprmode)
scrollx = 2 * scrollx - 512;
bprintf(0, _T("sx %d sy %d.."), scrollx, scrolly);
INT32 startx, starty, endx, endy;
starty = 0 + scrolly;
endy = nScreenHeight + scrolly;
startx = 1024 + scrollx;
endx = 1024; //nScreenWidth + scrollx;
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs < ((skyskiprmode) ? 0x1000 : 0x1fff); offs++) {
INT32 color = DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x0f;
INT32 sx = 8 * (offs % 64);
INT32 sy = (4 * (offs / 64)) - 32;
if (skyskiprmode) {
INT32 offset = ((offs & 0xfc0) << 1) | (offs & 0x03f);
if (DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x80)
offset |= 0x40;
color = DrvBGRAM[offs] & 0x0f;
sx = 8 * (offset % 128);
sy = (8 * (offset / 128)) - 32;
//sx += scrollx;
//sy += scrolly;
//if (sy < 0 || sx < 0 || sx > nScreenWidth || sy > nScreenHeight) continue;
if (!(sy >= starty && sy <= endy)) continue;
if (!(sx >= startx && sx <= endx)) continue;
sy = sy - starty; //+= scrolly;
sx = startx - sx; //+= scrollx;
for (INT32 y = 0; y < ((skyskiprmode) ? 8 : 4); y++) {
for (INT32 x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
UINT16* pPixel = pTransDraw + ((sy+y) * nScreenWidth) + sx+x;
if (sx+x < nScreenWidth && sy+y < nScreenHeight)
*pPixel = color;
static void draw_sprites()
UINT8 *spriteram = DrvSpriteRAM;
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs < 0x27b; offs += 4)
INT32 code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy;
color = (spriteram[offs + 3] & 0x07);
if (color == 0) continue;
if (!spriteram[offs]) continue;
code = (spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x7f)
+ ((spriteram[offs + 3] & 0x10) << 3)
+ ((spriteram[offs + 3] & 0x04) << 6);
color += (*palette_bank & 0x07) << 3;
if (skyskiprmode) {
color = (color & 0x0f) | ((color & 0x08) << 1);
flipx = spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x80;
flipy = spriteram[offs + 3] & 0x08;
sx = 2*(spriteram[offs])-8;
sy = (2*(256-spriteram[offs + 1])) - 32;
if (sx <= -6) sx += 512;
if (flipx) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx-512, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
} else if (flipy) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx-512, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
Render16x16Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, code ^ 0x1ff, sx-512, sy, color, 2, 0, 0x200, DrvSpriteGFX);
static INT32 DrvDraw()
if (DrvRecalc) {
DrvRecalc = 0;
if (skyskiprmode) draw_background_skyskipr(); else draw_background_popeye();
return 0;
static void DrvMakeInputs()
// Reset Inputs (all active HIGH)
DrvInput[0] = 0;
DrvInput[1] = 0;
DrvInput[2] = 0;
// Compile Digital Inputs
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
DrvInput[0] |= (DrvJoy1[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInput[1] |= (DrvJoy2[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInput[2] |= (DrvJoy3[i] & 1) << i;
static INT32 DrvFrame()
if (DrvReset) {
INT32 nInterleave = 256;
INT32 nCyclesTotal = 4000000 / 60;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < nInterleave; i++) {
ZetRun(nCyclesTotal / nInterleave);
if (i == nInterleave - 1 && (ZetI(-1) & 1))
if (pBurnSoundOut) {
AY8910Render(&pAY8910Buffer[0], pBurnSoundOut, nBurnSoundLen, 0);
if (pBurnDraw) {
return 0;
static INT32 DrvScan(INT32 nAction, INT32 *pnMin)
struct BurnArea ba;
if (pnMin) {
*pnMin = 0x029735;
if (nAction & ACB_VOLATILE) {
memset(&ba, 0, sizeof(ba));
ba.Data = AllRam;
ba.nLen = RamEnd - AllRam;
ba.szName = "All Ram";
AY8910Scan(nAction, pnMin);
return 0;
// Sky Skipper
static struct BurnRomInfo skyskiprRomDesc[] = {
{ "tnx1-c.2a", 0x1000, 0xbdc7f218, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 maincpu
{ "tnx1-c.2b", 0x1000, 0xcbe601a8, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "tnx1-c.2c", 0x1000, 0x5ca79abf, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "tnx1-c.2d", 0x1000, 0x6b7a7071, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "tnx1-c.2e", 0x1000, 0x6b0c0525, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4
{ "tnx1-c.2f", 0x1000, 0xd1712424, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 5
{ "tnx1-c.2g", 0x1000, 0x8b33c4cf, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 6
{ "tnx1-v.3h", 0x0800, 0xecb6a046, 2 | BRF_GRA }, // 7 gfx1
{ "tnx1-t.1e", 0x1000, 0x01c1120e, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 8 gfx2
{ "tnx1-t.2e", 0x1000, 0x70292a71, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "tnx1-t.3e", 0x1000, 0x92b6a0e8, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 10
{ "tnx1-t.5e", 0x1000, 0xcc5f0ac3, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "tnx1-t.4a", 0x0020, 0x98846924, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 12 proms
{ "tnx1-t.1a", 0x0020, 0xc2bca435, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "tnx1-t.3a", 0x0100, 0x8abf9de4, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
{ "tnx1-t.2a", 0x0100, 0xaa7ff322, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 15
{ "tnx1-t.3j", 0x0100, 0x1c5c8dea, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 16
static INT32 DrvInitskyskipr()
skyskiprmode = 1;
return DrvInit();
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvSkyskipr = {
"skyskipr", NULL, NULL, NULL, "1981",
"Sky Skipper\0", NULL, "Nintendo", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, skyskiprRomInfo, skyskiprRomName, NULL, NULL, SkyskiprInputInfo, SkyskiprDIPInfo,
DrvInitskyskipr, DrvExit, DrvFrame, DrvDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x600,
512, 448, 4, 3
// Popeye (revision D)
static struct BurnRomInfo popeyeRomDesc[] = {
{ "tpp2-c.7a", 0x2000, 0x9af7c821, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 maincpu
{ "tpp2-c.7b", 0x2000, 0xc3704958, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "tpp2-c.7c", 0x2000, 0x5882ebf9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "tpp2-c.7e", 0x2000, 0xef8649ca, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "tpp2-v.5n", 0x1000, 0xcca61ddd, 2 | BRF_GRA }, // 4 gfx1
{ "tpp2-v.1e", 0x2000, 0x0f2cd853, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 gfx2
{ "tpp2-v.1f", 0x2000, 0x888f3474, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 6
{ "tpp2-v.1j", 0x2000, 0x7e864668, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "tpp2-v.1k", 0x2000, 0x49e1d170, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "tpp2-c.4a", 0x0020, 0x375e1602, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9 proms
{ "tpp2-c.3a", 0x0020, 0xe950bea1, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 10
{ "tpp2-c.5b", 0x0100, 0xc5826883, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "tpp2-c.5a", 0x0100, 0xc576afba, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "tpp2-v.7j", 0x0100, 0xa4655e2e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvPopeye = {
"popeye", NULL, NULL, NULL, "1982",
"Popeye (revision D)\0", NULL, "Nintendo", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, popeyeRomInfo, popeyeRomName, NULL, NULL, PopeyeInputInfo, PopeyeDIPInfo,
DrvInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, DrvDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x600,
518, 448, 4, 3