Add somewhat preliminary driver for Wyvern F-0.

This commit is contained in:
iq_132 2014-04-18 04:48:16 +00:00
parent bcdc980d4f
commit a93ac7759e
2 changed files with 758 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ drvobj = d_dodonpachi.o d_donpachi.o d_esprade.o d_feversos.o d_gaia.o d_guwang
d_arkanoid.o d_ashnojoe.o d_asuka.o d_bublbobl.o d_chaknpop.o d_darius2.o d_flstory.o d_lkage.o d_minivdr.o \
d_othunder.o d_retofinv.o d_slapshot.o d_superchs.o d_taitob.o d_taitof2.o d_taitomisc.o d_taitox.o d_taitoz.o \
d_tnzs.o \
d_tnzs.o d_wyvernf0.o \
d_batrider.o d_batsugun.o d_battleg.o d_bbakraid.o d_demonwld.o d_dogyuun.o d_fixeight.o d_ghox.o d_hellfire.o \
d_kbash.o d_kbash2.o d_mahoudai.o d_outzone.o d_pipibibs.o d_rallybik.o d_samesame.o d_shippumd.o d_snowbro2.o \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
// FB Alpha Wyvern F-0 driver module
// Based on MAME driver by Luca Elia
To do / known bugs
Sprites aren't quite right -- see planes on intro vs MAME
Sound is missing msm5232 core
I think YM2149 is not exactly an ay8910, may need work
Clean up sprite routine, pretty much stright code ripped from mame atm
test! test! test!
#include "tiles_generic.h"
#include "z80_intf.h"
#include "driver.h"
extern "C" {
#include "ay8910.h"
static UINT8 *AllMem;
static UINT8 *MemEnd;
static UINT8 *AllRam;
static UINT8 *RamEnd;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80ROM0;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80ROM1;
static UINT8 *DrvGfxROM0;
static UINT8 *DrvGfxROM1;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80RAM0;
static UINT8 *DrvFgRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvBgRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvSprRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvPalRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvObjRAM;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80RAM1;
static UINT8 *soundlatch;
static UINT8 *flipscreen;
static UINT8 *coin_lockout;
static UINT8 *scroll;
static UINT8 *pending_nmi;
static UINT8 *nmi_enable;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80ROMBank;
static UINT8 *DrvZ80RAMBank;
static UINT8 *mcu_value;
static UINT32 *DrvPalette;
static UINT8 DrvRecalc;
static INT16 *pAY8910Buffer[6];
static UINT8 DrvJoy1[8];
static UINT8 DrvJoy2[8];
static UINT8 DrvJoy3[8];
static UINT8 DrvJoy4[8];
static UINT8 DrvJoy5[8];
static UINT8 DrvDips[3];
static UINT8 DrvInputs[5];
static UINT8 DrvReset;
static struct BurnInputInfo Wyvernf0InputList[] = {
{"P1 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 4, "p1 coin" },
{"P1 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 0, "p1 start" },
{"P1 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 5, "p1 up" },
{"P1 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 4, "p1 down" },
{"P1 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 2, "p1 left" },
{"P1 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy2 + 3, "p1 right" },
{"P1 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 5, "p1 fire 1" },
{"P1 Button 2", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 4, "p1 fire 2" },
{"P1 Button 3", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy3 + 3, "p1 fire 3" },
{"P2 Coin", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 5, "p2 coin" },
{"P2 Start", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 1, "p2 start" },
{"P2 Up", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy4 + 5, "p2 up" },
{"P2 Down", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy4 + 4, "p2 down" },
{"P2 Left", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy4 + 2, "p2 left" },
{"P2 Right", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy4 + 3, "p2 right" },
{"P2 Button 1", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy5 + 5, "p2 fire 1" },
{"P2 Button 2", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy5 + 4, "p2 fire 2" },
{"P2 Button 3", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy5 + 3, "p2 fire 3" },
{"Reset", BIT_DIGITAL, &DrvReset, "reset" },
{"Service", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 2, "service" },
{"Tilt", BIT_DIGITAL, DrvJoy1 + 3, "tilt" },
{"Dip A", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDips + 0, "dip" },
{"Dip B", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDips + 1, "dip" },
{"Dip C", BIT_DIPSWITCH, DrvDips + 2, "dip" },
static struct BurnDIPInfo Wyvernf0DIPList[]=
{0x15, 0xff, 0xff, 0x6f, NULL },
{0x16, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, NULL },
{0x17, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdc, NULL },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Bonus Life" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, "?? 0" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, "?? 1" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, "?? 2" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, "?? 3" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Free Play" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, "Off" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Lives" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, "2" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x18, 0x08, "3" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x18, 0x10, "4" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x18, 0x18, "5" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Flip Screen" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, "Off" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Cabinet" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, "Upright" },
{0x15, 0x01, 0x80, 0x80, "Cocktail" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 16, "Coin A" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0f, "9 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0e, "8 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0d, "7 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0c, "6 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0b, "5 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0a, "4 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x09, "3 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x08, "2 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x00, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x01, "1 Coin 2 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x02, "1 Coin 3 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x03, "1 Coin 4 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x04, "1 Coin 5 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x05, "1 Coin 6 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x06, "1 Coin 7 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x07, "1 Coin 8 Credits" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 16, "Coin B" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xf0, "9 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xe0, "8 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xd0, "7 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xc0, "6 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xb0, "5 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xa0, "4 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x90, "3 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x80, "2 Coins 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x00, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x10, "1 Coin 2 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x20, "1 Coin 3 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x30, "1 Coin 4 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x40, "1 Coin 5 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x50, "1 Coin 6 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x60, "1 Coin 7 Credits" },
{0x16, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x70, "1 Coin 8 Credits" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Coinage Display" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, "No" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x10, 0x10, "Yes" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Copyright" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, "Taito Corporation" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x20, 0x20, "Taito Corp. 1985" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Invulnerability" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, "Off" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, "On" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Coin Slots" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, "1" },
{0x17, 0x01, 0x80, 0x80, "2" },
static inline void palette_update(INT32 i)
INT32 r = DrvPalRAM[i+0] & 0x0f;
INT32 g = DrvPalRAM[i+1] >> 4;
INT32 b = DrvPalRAM[i+1] & 0x0f;
DrvPalette[i/2] = BurnHighCol(r | (r << 4), g | (g << 4) ,b | (b << 4), 0);
static void rambankswitch(INT32 data)
INT32 bank = (data & 0x80) ? 0x1000 : 0;
*DrvZ80RAMBank = data;
*coin_lockout = (~data & 0x40) ? 0xcf : 0xff;
*flipscreen = data & 0x03;
ZetMapMemory(DrvObjRAM + bank, 0x9000, 0x9fff, ZET_RAM);
static void rombankswitch(INT32 data)
INT32 bank = 0x10000 + (data & 0x07) * 0x2000;
*DrvZ80ROMBank = data;
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM0 + bank, 0xa000, 0xbfff, ZET_ROM);
static void __fastcall wyvernf0_main_write(UINT16 address, UINT8 data)
if ((address & 0xfc00) == 0xd800) {
DrvPalRAM[address & 0x3ff] = data;
palette_update(address & 0x3fe);
switch (address)
case 0xd000:
return; // nop
case 0xd100:
case 0xd200:
case 0xd300:
case 0xd301:
case 0xd302:
case 0xd303:
scroll[address & 0x03] = data;
case 0xd400:
*mcu_value = data;
case 0xd610:
*soundlatch = data;
if (*nmi_enable) {
} else {
*pending_nmi = 1;
case 0xdc00:
return; // nop
static UINT8 __fastcall wyvernf0_main_read(UINT16 address)
switch (address)
case 0xd400:
return ((*mcu_value & 0x73) == 0x73) ? 0x42: 0;
case 0xd401:
return 0x03; // mcu status
case 0xd600:
case 0xd601:
case 0xd602:
return DrvDips[address - 0xd600];
case 0xd603:
case 0xd604:
case 0xd605:
case 0xd606:
case 0xd607:
return DrvInputs[address - 0xd603];
case 0xd610:
return *soundlatch;
return 0;
static void __fastcall wyvernf0_sound_write(UINT16 address, UINT8 data)
if ((address & 0xfff0) == 0xc900) {
// MSM5232Write(address & 0x0f, data);
switch (address)
case 0xc800:
case 0xc801:
case 0xc802:
case 0xc803:
AY8910Write((address/2) & 1, address & 1, data);
case 0xd000:
*soundlatch = data;
case 0xd200:
*nmi_enable = 1;
if (*pending_nmi)
*pending_nmi = 0;
case 0xd400:
*nmi_enable = 0;
case 0xd600:
return; // ??
static UINT8 __fastcall wyvernf0_sound_read(UINT16 address)
switch (address)
case 0xd000:
return *soundlatch;
return 0;
static INT32 DrvDoReset()
memset (AllRam, 0, RamEnd - AllRam);
// MSM5232Reset();
return 0;
static INT32 MemIndex()
UINT8 *Next; Next = AllMem;
DrvZ80ROM0 = Next; Next += 0x020000;
DrvZ80ROM1 = Next; Next += 0x010000;
DrvGfxROM0 = Next; Next += 0x020000;
DrvGfxROM1 = Next; Next += 0x010000;
DrvPalette = (UINT32*)Next; Next += 0x0200 * sizeof(UINT32);
AllRam = Next;
DrvZ80RAM0 = Next; Next += 0x001000;
DrvFgRAM = Next; Next += 0x000800;
DrvBgRAM = Next; Next += 0x000800;
DrvSprRAM = Next; Next += 0x000100;
DrvPalRAM = Next; Next += 0x000400;
DrvObjRAM = Next; Next += 0x002000;
DrvZ80RAM1 = Next; Next += 0x000800;
soundlatch = Next; Next += 0x000001;
flipscreen = Next; Next += 0x000001;
coin_lockout = Next; Next += 0x000001;
pending_nmi = Next; Next += 0x000001;
nmi_enable = Next; Next += 0x000001;
scroll = Next; Next += 0x000004;
DrvZ80ROMBank = Next; Next += 0x000001;
DrvZ80RAMBank = Next; Next += 0x000001;
mcu_value = Next; Next += 0x000001;
RamEnd = Next;
pAY8910Buffer[0] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[1] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[2] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[3] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[4] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
pAY8910Buffer[5] = (INT16*)Next; Next += nBurnSoundLen * sizeof(INT16);
MemEnd = Next;
return 0;
static void DrvGfxDecode(UINT8 *rom, INT32 len)
INT32 Planes[4] = { RGN_FRAC(len,0,4), RGN_FRAC(len,1,4), RGN_FRAC(len,2,4), RGN_FRAC(len,3,4) };
INT32 XOffs[8] = { STEP8(7,-1) };
INT32 YOffs[8] = { STEP8(0,8) };
UINT8 *tmp = (UINT8*)BurnMalloc(len);
if (tmp == NULL) {
memcpy (tmp, rom, len);
GfxDecode(((len/4)*8)/(8*8), 4, 8, 8, Planes, XOffs, YOffs, 0x040, tmp, rom);
static INT32 DrvInit()
AllMem = NULL;
INT32 nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(AllMem, 0, nLen);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x00000, 0, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x04000, 1, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x10000, 2, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x14000, 3, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x18000, 4, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM0 + 0x1c000, 5, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM1 + 0x00000, 6, 1)) return 1;
memset (DrvZ80ROM1 + 0xe000, 0xff, 0x2000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM0 + 0x00000, 7, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM0 + 0x04000, 8, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM0 + 0x08000, 9, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM0 + 0x0c000, 10, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x00000, 11, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x02000, 12, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x04000, 13, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x06000, 14, 1)) return 1;
DrvGfxDecode(DrvGfxROM0, 0x10000);
DrvGfxDecode(DrvGfxROM1, 0x08000);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM0, 0x0000, 0x7fff, ZET_ROM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80RAM0, 0x8000, 0x8fff, ZET_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvFgRAM, 0xc000, 0xc7ff, ZET_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvBgRAM, 0xc800, 0xcfff, ZET_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvSprRAM, 0xd500, 0xd5ff, ZET_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0xd800, 0xdbff, ZET_ROM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM1, 0x0000, 0x3fff, ZET_ROM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80RAM1, 0xc000, 0xc7ff, ZET_RAM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM1 + 0xe000, 0xe000, 0xefff, ZET_ROM);
AY8910Init(0, 3000000, nBurnSoundRate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
AY8910SetAllRoutes(0, 0.50, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH);
AY8910Init(1, 3000000, nBurnSoundRate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
AY8910SetAllRoutes(1, 0.50, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH);
// MSM5232Init();
return 0;
static INT32 DrvExit()
// MSM5232Exit();
return 0;
static void draw_layer(UINT8 *ram, INT32 color_offset, UINT8 scrollx, UINT8 scrolly)
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs < 32 * 32; offs++)
INT32 sx = (offs & 0x1f) * 8;
INT32 sy = (offs / 0x20) * 8;
sx -= scrollx;
if (sx < -7) sx += 256;
sy -= scrolly;
if (sy < -7) sy += 256;
if (sy >= 224) continue;
INT32 code = ram[offs * 2] + (ram[offs * 2 + 1] * 256);
INT32 color = (code >> 12) & 0x07;
INT32 flipx = (code >> 15) & 0x01;
INT32 flipy = (code >> 14) & 0x01;
if (flipy) {
if (flipx) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipXY_Clip(pTransDraw, code & 0x3ff, sx, sy, color, 4, 0, color_offset, DrvGfxROM1);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, code & 0x3ff, sx, sy, color, 4, 0, color_offset, DrvGfxROM1);
} else {
if (flipx) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, code & 0x3ff, sx, sy, color, 4, 0, color_offset, DrvGfxROM1);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, code & 0x3ff, sx, sy, color, 4, 0, color_offset, DrvGfxROM1);
static void draw_sprites(INT32 is_foreground)
UINT8 *RAM = DrvSprRAM + (is_foreground ? 0x80 : 0);
for (INT32 offs = 0; offs < 0x80; offs += 4)
int sx, sy, code, color;
sx = RAM[offs + 3] - (RAM[offs + 2] << 1);
sy = 256 - 8 - RAM[offs + 0] - 23; // center player sprite: 256 - 8 - 0x71 + dy = 256/2-32/2 -> dy = -23
int flipx = RAM[offs + 2] & 0x40; // maybe
int flipy = RAM[offs + 1] & 0x80;
if (*flipscreen & 0x01)
flipx = !flipx;
sx = 256 - 8 - sx - 3*8;
if (*flipscreen & 0x02)
flipy = !flipy;
sy = 256 - 8 - sy - 3*8;
code = RAM[offs + 1] & 0x7f;
color = (RAM[offs + 2] & 0x0f);
if (is_foreground)
code += 0x80;
color += 0x10;
for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
int objoffs = code * 0x20 + (x + y * 4) * 2;
INT32 code1 = ((DrvObjRAM[objoffs + 1] & 0x07) << 8) + DrvObjRAM[objoffs];
INT32 sxx = sx + (flipx ? 3-x : x) * 8 + 10; // + 10???
INT32 syy = sy + (flipy ? 3-y : y) * 8 - 16;
if (flipy) {
if (flipx) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipXY_Clip(pTransDraw, code1, sxx, syy, color, 4, 0, 0, DrvGfxROM0);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, code1, sxx, syy, color, 4, 0, 0, DrvGfxROM0);
} else {
if (flipx) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, code1, sxx, syy, color, 4, 0, 0, DrvGfxROM0);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, code1, sxx, syy, color, 4, 0, 0, DrvGfxROM0);
static INT32 DrvDraw()
if (DrvRecalc) {
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 0x400; i+=2) {
DrvRecalc = 0;
draw_layer(DrvBgRAM, 0x00, scroll[2] - 0x12, scroll[3] + 0x10);
draw_layer(DrvFgRAM, 0x80, scroll[0] - 0x10, scroll[1] + 0x10);
return 0;
static INT32 DrvFrame()
if (DrvReset) {
memset (DrvInputs, 0, 5);
for (INT32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
DrvInputs[0] ^= (DrvJoy1[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInputs[1] ^= (DrvJoy2[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInputs[2] ^= (DrvJoy3[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInputs[3] ^= (DrvJoy4[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInputs[4] ^= (DrvJoy5[i] & 1) << i;
DrvInputs[0] = (DrvInputs[0] & *coin_lockout);// | 0xc0;
INT32 nInterleave = 10;
INT32 nCyclesTotal[2] = { 6000000 / 60, 4000000 / 60 };
INT32 nCyclesDone[2] = { 0 , 0 };
for (INT32 i = 0; i < nInterleave; i++)
INT32 nSegment = nCyclesTotal[0] / nInterleave;
nCyclesDone[0] += ZetRun(nSegment);
if (i == (nInterleave - 1)) ZetSetIRQLine(0, ZET_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
nSegment = nCyclesTotal[1] / nInterleave;
nCyclesDone[1] += ZetRun(nSegment);
if (i == (nInterleave - 1) || i == (nInterleave / 2) - 1) ZetSetIRQLine(0, ZET_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
if (pBurnSoundOut) {
AY8910Render(&pAY8910Buffer[0], pBurnSoundOut, nBurnSoundLen, 0);
if (pBurnDraw) {
return 0;
static INT32 DrvScan(INT32 nAction,INT32 *pnMin)
struct BurnArea ba;
if (pnMin) {
*pnMin = 0x029702;
if (nAction & ACB_VOLATILE) {
memset(&ba, 0, sizeof(ba));
ba.Data = AllRam;
ba.nLen = RamEnd - AllRam;
ba.szName = "All Ram";
AY8910Scan(nAction, pnMin);
if (nAction & ACB_WRITE) {
DrvRecalc = 1;
return 0;
// Wyvern F-0
static struct BurnRomInfo wyvernf0RomDesc[] = {
{ "a39_01-1.ic37", 0x4000, 0xa94887ec, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 Z80 #0 Code
{ "a39_02-1.ic36", 0x4000, 0x171cfdbe, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "a39_03.ic35", 0x4000, 0x50314281, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "a39_04.ic34", 0x4000, 0x7a225bf9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "a39_05.ic33", 0x4000, 0x41f21a67, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4
{ "a39_06.ic32", 0x4000, 0xdeb2d850, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 5
{ "a39_16.ic26", 0x4000, 0x5a681fb4, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 6 Z80 #0 Code
{ "a39_11.ic99", 0x4000, 0xaf70e1dc, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 7 Sprites
{ "a39_10.ic78", 0x4000, 0xa84380fb, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "a39_09.ic96", 0x4000, 0xc0cee243, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "a39_08.ic75", 0x4000, 0x0ad69501, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 10
{ "a39_14.ic99", 0x2000, 0x90a66147, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 11 Tiles
{ "a39_14.ic73", 0x2000, 0xa31f3507, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "a39_13.ic100", 0x2000, 0xbe708238, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "a39_12.ic74", 0x2000, 0x1cc389de, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
{ "a39_mcu.icxx", 0x0800, 0x00000000, 4 | BRF_OPT | BRF_PRG | BRF_NODUMP }, // 15 MCU Code (not dumped)
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvWyvernf0 = {
"wyvernf0", NULL, NULL, NULL, "1985",
"Wyvern F-0\0", NULL, "Taito", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, wyvernf0RomInfo, wyvernf0RomName, NULL, NULL, Wyvernf0InputInfo, Wyvernf0DIPInfo,
DrvInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, DrvDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x200,
224, 256, 3, 4