mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 08:59:39 +00:00
Added Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2) [ShouTime]
sync d_bbusters.cpp with current MAME Version
This commit is contained in:
@ -211,6 +211,56 @@ static struct BurnDIPInfo MechattDIPList[]=
static struct BurnDIPInfo MechattuDIPList[]=
{0x0e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, NULL },
{0x0f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, NULL },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Coin Slots" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, "Common" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, "Individual" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Allow Continue" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, "No" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, "Yes" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Magazine / Grenade" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x08, "5 / 2" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x0c, "6 / 3" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x04, "7 / 4" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x00, "8 / 5" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Coin A" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x30, 0x00, "Free_Play" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x30, 0x10, "1 Coin/2 Credits first, then 1 Coin/1 Credit" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x30, 0x20, "2 Coins/1 Credit first, then 1 Coin/1 Credit" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0x30, 0x30, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Coin B" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0xc0, 0xc0, "1 Coin 1 Credits" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, "1 Coin 2 Credits" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x40, "1 Coin 3 Credits" },
{0x0e, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, "1 Coin 4 Credits" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Difficulty" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, "Easy" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, "Normal" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, "Hard" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, "Hardest" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 4, "Game Mode" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x08, "Demo Sounds Off" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x0c, "Demo Sounds On" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x04, "Infinite Energy (Cheat)" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x00, "Freeze" },
{0 , 0xfe, 0 , 2, "Service Mode" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x80, 0x80, "Off" },
{0x0f, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, "On" },
static UINT16 control_3_r()
static UINT16 control_3_r()
UINT16 retdata = 0;
UINT16 retdata = 0;
@ -771,6 +821,107 @@ static INT32 MechattInit()
return 0;
return 0;
static INT32 MechattjInit()
game_select = 1;
AllMem = NULL;
INT32 nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(AllMem, 0, nLen);
if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000001, 0, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 1, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040001, 2, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040000, 3, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM + 0x000000, 4, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM0 + 0x000000, 5, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x000000, 6, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x000001, 7, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x040000, 8, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x040001, 9, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x080000, 10, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x080001, 11, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x0c0000, 12, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x0c0001, 13, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x100000, 14, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x100001, 15, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x140000, 16, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x140001, 17, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x180000, 18, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x180001, 19, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x1c0000, 20, 2)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM1 + 0x1c0001, 21, 2)) return 1;
memset (DrvGfxROM2, 0xff, 0x200000);
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM3 + 0x000000, 22, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM3 + 0x020000, 23, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM3 + 0x040000, 24, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM3 + 0x060000, 25, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM4 + 0x000000, 26, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM4 + 0x020000, 27, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM4 + 0x040000, 28, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM4 + 0x060000, 29, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvSndROM0 + 0x000000, 30, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZoomTab + 0x000000, 31, 1)) return 1;
// if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZoomTab + 0x000000, 32, 1)) return 1;
if (BurnLoadRom(DrvSndROM1, 0x80, 1)) return 1; // ym2608 rom
SekInit(0, 0x68000);
SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x06ffff, MAP_ROM);
SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x070000, 0x07ffff, MAP_RAM);
SekMapMemory(DrvVidRAM, 0x090000, 0x090fff, MAP_RAM);
SekMapMemory(DrvSprRAM, 0x0a0000, 0x0a0fff, MAP_RAM);
SekMapMemory(DrvPfRAM0, 0x0b0000, 0x0b3fff, MAP_RAM);
SekMapMemory(DrvPfRAM1, 0x0c0000, 0x0c3fff, MAP_RAM);
SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x0d0000, 0x0d07ff, MAP_RAM);
SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, mechatt_main_write_word);
SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, mechatt_main_write_byte);
SekSetReadWordHandler(0, mechatt_main_read_word);
SekSetReadByteHandler(0, mechatt_main_read_byte);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80ROM, 0x0000, 0xefff, MAP_ROM);
ZetMapMemory(DrvZ80RAM, 0xf000, 0xf7ff, MAP_RAM);
INT32 nSndROMLen = 0x20000;
BurnYM2608Init(8000000, DrvSndROM0, &nSndROMLen, DrvSndROM1, &DrvFMIRQHandler, DrvSynchroniseStream, DrvGetTime, 0);
BurnYM2608SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM2608_YM2608_ROUTE_1, 0.45, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH);
BurnYM2608SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM2608_YM2608_ROUTE_2, 0.45, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH);
BurnYM2608SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM2608_AY8910_ROUTE, 0.15, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH);
BurnGunInit(3, true);
return 0;
static INT32 DrvExit()
static INT32 DrvExit()
@ -1149,37 +1300,37 @@ static INT32 DrvScan(INT32 nAction, INT32 *pnMin)
// Beast Busters (World)
// Beast Busters (World)
static struct BurnRomInfo bbustersRomDesc[] = {
static struct BurnRomInfo bbustersRomDesc[] = {
{ "bb-3.k10", 0x20000, 0x04da1820, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "bb-3.k10", 0x20000, 0x04da1820, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "bb-5.k12", 0x20000, 0x777e0611, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "bb-5.k12", 0x20000, 0x777e0611, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "bb-2.k8", 0x20000, 0x20141805, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "bb-2.k8", 0x20000, 0x20141805, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "bb-4.k11", 0x20000, 0xd482e0e9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "bb-4.k11", 0x20000, 0xd482e0e9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "bb-1.e6", 0x10000, 0x4360f2ee, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 code
{ "bb-1.e6", 0x10000, 0x4360f2ee, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 code
{ "bb-10.l9", 0x20000, 0x490c0d9b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "bb-10.l9", 0x20000, 0x490c0d9b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "bb-f11.m16", 0x80000, 0x39fdf9c0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprite Chip 0
{ "bb-f12.m13", 0x80000, 0x69ee046b, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "bb-f13.m12", 0x80000, 0xf5ef840e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "bb-f14.m11", 0x80000, 0x1a7df3bb, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "bb-f11.m16", 0x80000, 0x39fdf9c0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprite Chip 0
{ "bb-f21.l10", 0x80000, 0x530f595b, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Sprite Chip 1
{ "bb-f12.m13", 0x80000, 0x69ee046b, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "bb-f22.l12", 0x80000, 0x889c562e, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "bb-f13.m12", 0x80000, 0xf5ef840e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "bb-f23.l13", 0x80000, 0xc89fe0da, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "bb-f14.m11", 0x80000, 0x1a7df3bb, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "bb-f24.l15", 0x80000, 0xe0d81359, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "bb-f21.l10", 0x80000, 0x530f595b, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Sprite Chip 1
{ "bb-back1.m4", 0x80000, 0xb5445313, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 14 Background Tiles
{ "bb-f22.l12", 0x80000, 0x889c562e, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "bb-f23.l13", 0x80000, 0xc89fe0da, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "bb-f24.l15", 0x80000, 0xe0d81359, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "bb-back1.m4", 0x80000, 0xb5445313, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 14 Background Tiles
{ "bb-back2.m6", 0x80000, 0x8be996f6, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 15 Foreground Tiles
{ "bb-back2.m6", 0x80000, 0x8be996f6, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 15 Foreground Tiles
{ "bb-6.e7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 16 Zoom Tables
{ "bb-7.h7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "bb-8.a14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "bb-9.c14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "bb-6.e7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 16 Zoom Tables
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 9 | BRF_GRA }, // 20 YM2610 Samples
{ "bb-7.h7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "bb-8.a14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "bb-9.c14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 9 | BRF_GRA }, // 20 YM2610 Samples
{ "bb-pcmb.l3", 0x80000, 0xc8d5dd53, 10 | BRF_GRA }, // 21 YM2610 Deltat Samples
{ "bb-pcmb.l3", 0x80000, 0xc8d5dd53, 10 | BRF_GRA }, // 21 YM2610 Deltat Samples
{ "bbusters-eeprom.bin",0x00100, 0xa52ebd66, 11 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 EEPROM
{ "bbusters-eeprom.bin",0x00100, 0xa52ebd66, 11 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 EEPROM
@ -1197,6 +1348,159 @@ struct BurnDriver BurnDrvBbusters = {
256, 224, 4, 3
256, 224, 4, 3
// Beast Busters (US, Version 3)
static struct BurnRomInfo bbustersuRomDesc[] = {
{ "bb-ver3-u3.k10", 0x20000, 0xc80ec3bc, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "bb-ver3-u5.k12", 0x20000, 0x5ded86d1, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "bb-2.k8", 0x20000, 0x20141805, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "bb-4.k11", 0x20000, 0xd482e0e9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "bb-1.e6", 0x10000, 0x4360f2ee, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 code
{ "bb-10.l9", 0x20000, 0x490c0d9b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "bb-f11.m16", 0x80000, 0x39fdf9c0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprite Chip 0
{ "bb-f12.m13", 0x80000, 0x69ee046b, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "bb-f13.m12", 0x80000, 0xf5ef840e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "bb-f14.m11", 0x80000, 0x1a7df3bb, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "bb-f21.l10", 0x80000, 0x530f595b, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Sprite Chip 1
{ "bb-f22.l12", 0x80000, 0x889c562e, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "bb-f23.l13", 0x80000, 0xc89fe0da, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "bb-f24.l15", 0x80000, 0xe0d81359, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "bb-back1.m4", 0x80000, 0xb5445313, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 14 Background Tiles
{ "bb-back2.m6", 0x80000, 0x8be996f6, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 15 Foreground Tiles
{ "bb-6.e7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 16 Zoom Tables
{ "bb-7.h7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "bb-8.a14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "bb-9.c14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 9 | BRF_GRA }, // 20 YM2610 Samples
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 10 | BRF_GRA }, // 21 YM2610 Deltat Samples
{ "bbusters-eeprom.bin",0x00100, 0xa52ebd66, 11 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 EEPROM
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvBbustersu = {
"bbustersu", "bbusters", NULL, NULL, "1989",
"Beast Busters (US, Version 3)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, bbustersuRomInfo, bbustersuRomName, NULL, NULL, BbustersInputInfo, BbustersDIPInfo,
DrvInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, BbustersDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x600,
256, 224, 4, 3
// Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2)
static struct BurnRomInfo bbustersjRomDesc[] = {
{ "bb3-ver2-j2.k10", 0x20000, 0x605eb62f, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "bb5-ver2-j2.k12", 0x20000, 0x9deea26f, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "bb-2.k8", 0x20000, 0x20141805, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "bb-4.k11", 0x20000, 0xd482e0e9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "bb-1.e6", 0x10000, 0x4360f2ee, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 code
{ "bb-10.l9", 0x20000, 0x490c0d9b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "bb-f11.m16", 0x80000, 0x39fdf9c0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprite Chip 0
{ "bb-f12.m13", 0x80000, 0x69ee046b, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "bb-f13.m12", 0x80000, 0xf5ef840e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "bb-f14.m11", 0x80000, 0x1a7df3bb, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "bb-f21.l10", 0x80000, 0x530f595b, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Sprite Chip 1
{ "bb-f22.l12", 0x80000, 0x889c562e, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "bb-f23.l13", 0x80000, 0xc89fe0da, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "bb-f24.l15", 0x80000, 0xe0d81359, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "bb-back1.m4", 0x80000, 0xb5445313, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 14 Background Tiles
{ "bb-back2.m6", 0x80000, 0x8be996f6, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 15 Foreground Tiles
{ "bb-6.e7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 16 Zoom Tables
{ "bb-7.h7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "bb-8.a14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "bb-9.c14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 9 | BRF_GRA }, // 20 YM2610 Samples
{ "bb-pcmb.l3", 0x80000, 0xc8d5dd53, 10 | BRF_GRA }, // 21 YM2610 Deltat Samples
{ "bbusters-eeprom.bin",0x00100, 0xa52ebd66, 11 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 EEPROM
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvBbustersj = {
"bbustersj", "bbusters", NULL, NULL, "1989",
"Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, bbustersjRomInfo, bbustersjRomName, NULL, NULL, BbustersInputInfo, BbustersDIPInfo,
DrvInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, BbustersDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x600,
256, 224, 4, 3
// Beast Busters (US, Version 2)
static struct BurnRomInfo bbustersuaRomDesc[] = {
{ "bb-ver2-u3.k10", 0x20000, 0x6930088b, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "bb-ver2-u5.k12", 0x20000, 0xcfdb2c6c, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "bb-2.k8", 0x20000, 0x20141805, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "bb-4.k11", 0x20000, 0xd482e0e9, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "bb-1.e6", 0x10000, 0x4360f2ee, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 code
{ "bb-10.l9", 0x20000, 0x490c0d9b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "bb-f11.m16", 0x80000, 0x39fdf9c0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprite Chip 0
{ "bb-f12.m13", 0x80000, 0x69ee046b, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "bb-f13.m12", 0x80000, 0xf5ef840e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "bb-f14.m11", 0x80000, 0x1a7df3bb, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "bb-f21.l10", 0x80000, 0x530f595b, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Sprite Chip 1
{ "bb-f22.l12", 0x80000, 0x889c562e, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "bb-f23.l13", 0x80000, 0xc89fe0da, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "bb-f24.l15", 0x80000, 0xe0d81359, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "bb-back1.m4", 0x80000, 0xb5445313, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 14 Background Tiles
{ "bb-back2.m6", 0x80000, 0x8be996f6, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 15 Foreground Tiles
{ "bb-6.e7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 16 Zoom Tables
{ "bb-7.h7", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "bb-8.a14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "bb-9.c14", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 9 | BRF_GRA }, // 20 YM2610 Samples
{ "bb-pcma.l5", 0x80000, 0x44cd5bfe, 10 | BRF_GRA }, // 21 YM2610 Deltat Samples
{ "bbusters-eeprom.bin",0x00100, 0xa52ebd66, 11 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 EEPROM
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvBbustersua = {
"bbustersua", "bbusters", NULL, NULL, "1989",
"Beast Busters (US, Version 2)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, bbustersuaRomInfo, bbustersuaRomName, NULL, NULL, BbustersInputInfo, BbustersDIPInfo,
DrvInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, BbustersDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x600,
256, 224, 4, 3
// YM2608 ROM for Mechanized Attack
// YM2608 ROM for Mechanized Attack
static struct BurnRomInfo emptyRomDesc[] = {
static struct BurnRomInfo emptyRomDesc[] = {
{ "", 0, 0, 0 },
{ "", 0, 0, 0 },
@ -1213,28 +1517,28 @@ static struct BurnRomInfo Ym2608RomDesc[] = {
// Mechanized Attack (World)
// Mechanized Attack (World)
static struct BurnRomInfo mechattRomDesc[] = {
static struct BurnRomInfo mechattRomDesc[] = {
{ "ma5-e.n12", 0x20000, 0x9bbb852a, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "ma5-e.n12", 0x20000, 0x9bbb852a, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "ma4.l12", 0x20000, 0x0d414918, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "ma4.l12", 0x20000, 0x0d414918, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "ma7.n13", 0x20000, 0x61d85e1b, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "ma7.n13", 0x20000, 0x61d85e1b, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "ma6-f.l13", 0x20000, 0x4055fe8d, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "ma6-f.l13", 0x20000, 0x4055fe8d, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "ma_3.e13", 0x10000, 0xc06cc8e1, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 Code
{ "ma_3.e13", 0x10000, 0xc06cc8e1, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 Code
{ "ma_1.l2", 0x10000, 0x24766917, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "ma_1.l2", 0x10000, 0x24766917, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "mao89p13.bin", 0x80000, 0x8bcb16cf, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprites
{ "mao89p13.bin", 0x80000, 0x8bcb16cf, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprites
{ "ma189p15.bin", 0x80000, 0xb84d9658, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "ma189p15.bin", 0x80000, 0xb84d9658, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "ma289p17.bin", 0x80000, 0x6cbe08ac, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "ma289p17.bin", 0x80000, 0x6cbe08ac, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "ma389m15.bin", 0x80000, 0x34d4585e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "ma389m15.bin", 0x80000, 0x34d4585e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "mab189a2.bin", 0x80000, 0xe1c8b4d0, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Background Tiles
{ "mab189a2.bin", 0x80000, 0xe1c8b4d0, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Background Tiles
{ "mab289c2.bin", 0x80000, 0x14f97ceb, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 11 Foreground Tiles
{ "mab289c2.bin", 0x80000, 0x14f97ceb, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 11 Foreground Tiles
{ "ma_2.d10", 0x20000, 0xea4cc30d, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 12 YM2608 Samples
{ "ma_2.d10", 0x20000, 0xea4cc30d, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 12 YM2608 Samples
{ "ma_8.f10", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 13 Zoom Tables
{ "ma_8.f10", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 13 Zoom Tables
{ "ma_9.f12", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
{ "ma_9.f12", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
STDROMPICKEXT(mechatt, mechatt, Ym2608)
STDROMPICKEXT(mechatt, mechatt, Ym2608)
@ -1249,3 +1553,159 @@ struct BurnDriver BurnDrvMechatt = {
MechattInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, MechattDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x400,
MechattInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, MechattDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x400,
256, 224, 4, 3
256, 224, 4, 3
// Mechanized Attack (Japan)
static struct BurnRomInfo mechattjRomDesc[] = {
{ "ma5j.n12", 0x20000, 0xe6bb5952, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "ma4j.l12", 0x20000, 0xc78baa62, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "ma7j.n13", 0x20000, 0x12a68fc2, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "ma6j.l13", 0x20000, 0x332b2f54, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "ma_3.e13", 0x10000, 0xc06cc8e1, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 Code
{ "ma_1.l2", 0x10000, 0x24766917, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "s_9.a1", 0x20000, 0x6e8e194c, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprites
{ "s_1.b1", 0x20000, 0xfd9161ed, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "s_10.a2", 0x20000, 0xfad6a1ab, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "s_2.b2", 0x20000, 0x549056f0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "s_11.a3", 0x20000, 0x3887a382, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 10
{ "s_3.b3", 0x20000, 0xcb99f565, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "s_12.a4", 0x20000, 0x63417b49, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "s_4.b4", 0x20000, 0xd739d48a, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "s_13.a5", 0x20000, 0xeccd47b6, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
{ "s_5.b5", 0x20000, 0xe15244da, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 15
{ "s_14.a6", 0x20000, 0xbbbf0461, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 16
{ "s_6.b6", 0x20000, 0x4ee89f75, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "s_15.a7", 0x20000, 0xcde29bad, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "s_7.b7", 0x20000, 0x065ed221, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "s_16.a8", 0x20000, 0x70f28040, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 20
{ "s_8.b8", 0x20000, 0xa6f8574f, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 21
{ "s_21.b3", 0x20000, 0x701a0072, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 Background Tiles
{ "s_22.b4", 0x20000, 0x34e6225c, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 23
{ "s_23.b5", 0x20000, 0x9a7399d3, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 24
{ "s_24.b6", 0x20000, 0xf097459d, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 25
{ "s_17.a3", 0x20000, 0xcc47c4a3, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 26 Foreground Tiles
{ "s_18.a4", 0x20000, 0xa04377e8, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 27
{ "s_19.a5", 0x20000, 0xb07f5289, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 28
{ "s_20.a6", 0x20000, 0xa9bb4fa9, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 29
{ "ma_2.d10", 0x20000, 0xea4cc30d, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 30 YM2608 Samples
{ "ma_8.f10", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 31 Zoom Tables
{ "ma_9.f12", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 32
STDROMPICKEXT(mechattj, mechattj, Ym2608)
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvMechattj = {
"mechattj", "mechatt", "ym2608", NULL, "1989",
"Mechanized Attack (Japan)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, mechattjRomInfo, mechattjRomName, NULL, NULL, MechattInputInfo, MechattDIPInfo,
MechattjInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, MechattDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x400,
256, 224, 4, 3
// Mechanized Attack (US)
static struct BurnRomInfo mechattuRomDesc[] = {
{ "ma5u.n12", 0x20000, 0x485ea606, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "ma4u.l12", 0x20000, 0x09fa31ec, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "ma7u.n13", 0x20000, 0xf45b2c70, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "ma6u.l13", 0x20000, 0xd5d68ce6, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "ma_3.e13", 0x10000, 0xc06cc8e1, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 Code
{ "ma_1.l2", 0x10000, 0x24766917, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "mao89p13.bin", 0x80000, 0x8bcb16cf, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprites
{ "ma189p15.bin", 0x80000, 0xb84d9658, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "ma289p17.bin", 0x80000, 0x6cbe08ac, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "ma389m15.bin", 0x80000, 0x34d4585e, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "mab189a2.bin", 0x80000, 0xe1c8b4d0, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 10 Background Tiles
{ "mab289c2.bin", 0x80000, 0x14f97ceb, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 11 Foreground Tiles
{ "ma_2.d10", 0x20000, 0xea4cc30d, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 12 YM2608 Samples
{ "ma_8.f10", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 13 Zoom Tables
{ "ma_9.f12", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
STDROMPICKEXT(mechattu, mechattu, Ym2608)
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvMechattu = {
"mechattu", "mechatt", "ym2608", NULL, "1989",
"Mechanized Attack (US)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, mechattuRomInfo, mechattuRomName, NULL, NULL, MechattInputInfo, MechattuDIPInfo,
MechattInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, MechattDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x400,
256, 224, 4, 3
// Mechanized Attack (US, Version 1, Single Player)
static struct BurnRomInfo mechattu1RomDesc[] = {
{ "ma_ver1_5u.n12", 0x20000, 0xdcd2e971, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 0 68k Code
{ "ma_ver1_4u.l12", 0x20000, 0x69c8a85b, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 1
{ "ma7u.n13", 0x20000, 0xf45b2c70, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 2
{ "ma6u.l13", 0x20000, 0xd5d68ce6, 1 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 3
{ "ma_3.e13", 0x10000, 0xc06cc8e1, 2 | BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS }, // 4 Z80 Code
{ "ma_1.l2", 0x10000, 0x24766917, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 5 Characters
{ "s_9.a1", 0x20000, 0x6e8e194c, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 6 Sprites
{ "s_1.b1", 0x20000, 0xfd9161ed, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 7
{ "s_10.a2", 0x20000, 0xfad6a1ab, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 8
{ "s_2.b2", 0x20000, 0x549056f0, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 9
{ "s_11.a3", 0x20000, 0x3887a382, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 10
{ "s_3.b3", 0x20000, 0xcb99f565, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 11
{ "s_12.a4", 0x20000, 0x63417b49, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 12
{ "s_4.b4", 0x20000, 0xd739d48a, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 13
{ "s_13.a5", 0x20000, 0xeccd47b6, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 14
{ "s_5.b5", 0x20000, 0xe15244da, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 15
{ "s_14.a6", 0x20000, 0xbbbf0461, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 16
{ "s_6.b6", 0x20000, 0x4ee89f75, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 17
{ "s_15.a7", 0x20000, 0xcde29bad, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 18
{ "s_7.b7", 0x20000, 0x065ed221, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 19
{ "s_16.a8", 0x20000, 0x70f28040, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 20
{ "s_8.b8", 0x20000, 0xa6f8574f, 4 | BRF_GRA }, // 21
{ "s_21.b3", 0x20000, 0x701a0072, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 22 Background Tiles
{ "s_22.b4", 0x20000, 0x34e6225c, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 23
{ "s_23.b5", 0x20000, 0x9a7399d3, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 24
{ "s_24.b6", 0x20000, 0xf097459d, 5 | BRF_GRA }, // 25
{ "s_17.a3", 0x20000, 0xcc47c4a3, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 26 Foreground Tiles
{ "s_18.a4", 0x20000, 0xa04377e8, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 27
{ "s_19.a5", 0x20000, 0xb07f5289, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 28
{ "s_20.a6", 0x20000, 0xa9bb4fa9, 6 | BRF_GRA }, // 29
{ "ma_2.d10", 0x20000, 0xea4cc30d, 7 | BRF_GRA }, // 30 YM2608 Samples
{ "ma_8.f10", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 31 Zoom Tables
{ "ma_9.f12", 0x10000, 0x61f3de03, 8 | BRF_GRA }, // 32
STDROMPICKEXT(mechattu1, mechattu1, Ym2608)
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvMechattu1 = {
"mechattu1", "mechatt", "ym2608", NULL, "1989",
"Mechanized Attack (US, Version 1, Single Player)\0", NULL, "SNK", "Miscellaneous",
NULL, mechattu1RomInfo, mechattu1RomName, NULL, NULL, MechattInputInfo, MechattuDIPInfo,
MechattjInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, MechattDraw, DrvScan, &DrvRecalc, 0x400,
256, 224, 4, 3
@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
<li>Added clone of Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Major Title 2 (World, set 2) [Porchy, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Major Title 2 (World, set 2) [Porchy, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Atomic Robo-kid (Japan) [Alex Cmaylo, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Atomic Robo-kid (Japan) [Alex Cmaylo, JacKc]</li>
<li>Added clone of Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2) [ShouTime, JacKc]</li>
<li>Updated the NeoGeo driver with the latest Unibios [JacKc]</li>
<li>Updated the NeoGeo driver with the latest Unibios [JacKc]</li>
<!-- new game additions to existing drivers -->
<!-- new game additions to existing drivers -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user