2024-02-24 09:29:59 +01:00

20347 lines
7.9 MiB

This list contains all games supported by FinalBurn Neo.
20338 games supported in total; X = excluded from build; D = included in debug build only; NW = not working
| name | status | full name | parent | year | company | hardware | remarks |
| 88games | | '88 Games | | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| flagrall | | '96 Flag Rally | | 1996 | Promat? | Miscellaneous | |
| 99lstwarb | | '99: The Last War (bootleg) | repulse | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| 99lstwark | | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) | repulse | 1985 | Crux / Kyugo | Miscellaneous | |
| 99lstwar | | '99: The Last War (set 1) | repulse | 1985 | Crux / Proma | Miscellaneous | |
| 99lstwara | | '99: The Last War (set 2) | repulse | 1985 | Crux / Proma | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_licencetokill | | 007 - Licence to Kill (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_lic2kill | | 007 - Licence to Kill (Euro) | | 1989 | Domark | MSX | |
| spec_007liveandletdie | | 007 - Live and Let Die (128K) | | 1988 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_thelivingdaylights | | 007 - The Living Daylights (48K) | | 1987 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_007tld | | 007 - The Living Daylights (Euro) | | 1987 | Domark | MSX | |
| spec_007spywholovedme | | 007 - The Spy Who Loved Me (128K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_jb007a | | 007 James Bond (Japan, v2.6, OMV) | sg1k_jb007 | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_jb007 | | 007 James Bond (Japan, v2.7, OMV) | | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_jb007t | | 007 James Bond (Taiwan) | sg1k_jb007 | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| 10yard85 | | 10-Yard Fight '85 (US, Taito license) | 10yard | 1985 | Irem (Taito license) | M58 | |
| 10yardj | | 10-Yard Fight (Japan) | 10yard | 1983 | Irem | M58 | |
| msx_10yard | | 10-Yard Fight (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem | MSX | |
| msx_10yarda | | 10-Yard Fight (Japan, Alt) | msx_10yard | 1986 | Irem | MSX | |
| nes_10yardfight | | 10-Yard Fight (USA) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| 10yard | | 10-Yard Fight (World, set 1) | | 1983 | Irem | M58 | |
| spec_100stolnik | | 100 - Stolnik (128K) | | 1995 | Power Of Sound | ZX Spectrum | |
| gtmro | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmrb | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmra | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/06/13) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmr | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (Taiwan 94/07/18) | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| spec_10thframe | | 10th Frame (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_10thframe | | 10th Frame (Euro) | | 1986 | Access Software | MSX | |
| msx_10thframea | | 10th Frame (Euro, Alt) | msx_10thframe | 1986 | Access Software | MSX | |
| md_12in1 | | 12 in 1 (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_13mahjan | | 13 Ma Jiang - 98 Mei Shao Nu Pian (China) (Unl) | | 1998 | BBD | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_16tongnk | | 16 Ton (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_16ton | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_16ton | | 16 Ton (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_16zhan | | 16 Zhang Ma Jiang (China) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_16zhangmah | | 16 Zhang Mahjong II (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_16bitrhythmld | | 16-Bit Rhythm Land (HB) | | 2018 | Columbus Circle | Sega Megadrive | |
| cprogolf18 | | 18 Challenge Pro Golf (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cprogolf | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| progolf | | 18 Holes Pro Golf (set 1) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| progolfa | D NW | 18 Holes Pro Golf (set 2) | progolf | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_180 | | 180 (128K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_180 | | 180 Degrees (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| fds_19neunzehn | | 19 - Neunzehn (Hack, English) | | 2015 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_19neunzehnj | | 19 - Neunzehn (Japan) | fds_19neunzehn | 1988 | Soft Pro | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_19bootcamp | | 19 Part 1 - Boot Camp (128K) | | 1988 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_1937en | | 1937 (English) (HB) | | 2022 | joesg | MSX | Redefine keys to use controller |
| msx_1937es | | 1937 (Spanish) (HB) | msx_1937en | 2022 | joesg | MSX | Redefine keys to use controller |
| sgx_1941 | | 1941 - Counter Attack (Japan, SGX) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | SuperGrafx | |
| 1941j | | 1941: Counter Attack (Japan) | 1941 | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| 1941u | | 1941: Counter Attack (USA 900227) | 1941 | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| 1941 | | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| 1941r1 | | 1941: Counter Attack (World) | 1941 | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_1942 | | 1942 (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| 1942c64 | | 1942 (C64 Music) | 1942 | 2015 | hack by Minwah | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942b | | 1942 (First Version) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_1942c | | 1942 (Hack, Chinese) | nes_1942 | 2020 | 6502 | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_1942 | | 1942 (Japan) | | 1986 | Capcom | MSX | |
| msx_1942a | | 1942 (Japan, Alt) | msx_1942 | 1986 | Capcom | MSX | |
| nes_1942 | | 1942 (Japan, USA) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_1942k | | 1942 (Korea) (Unl) | msx_1942 | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| 1942a | | 1942 (Revision A) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942abl | | 1942 (Revision A, bootleg) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942 | | 1942 (Revision B) | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_1942sgm | | 1942 (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2020 | Capcom | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| 1942w | | 1942 (Williams Electronics license) | 1942 | 1985 | Capcom (Williams Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_1943 | | 1943 - The Battle of Midway (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_1943 | | 1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_1943kai | | 1943 Kai (Japan) | | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| 1943kai | | 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943b | | 1943: Battle of Midway (bootleg set 1, hack of Japan set) | 1943 | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943b2 | | 1943: Battle of Midway (bootleg set 2, hack of Japan set) | 1943 | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943bj | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) | 1943 | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943ja | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943jah | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943jaha | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack, alt) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943j | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943 | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943ua | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943u | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943mii | | 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1944 | | 1944 - the loop master (000620 Euro) | | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| 1944j | | 1944 - the loop master (000620 Japan) | 1944 | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| 1944d | | 1944 - the loop master (000620 USA Phoenix Edition) | 1944 | 2000 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| 1944ad | | 1944 - the loop master (000620 USA Phoenix Edition, alt) | 1944 | 2000 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| 1944u | | 1944 - the loop master (000620 USA) | 1944 | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| bgareggabl | | 1945 Er Dai / 1945 Part-2 (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) | bgaregga | 1998 | bootleg (Melody) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| 1945kiiin | | 1945k III (newer, OPCX1 PCB) | 1945kiii | 2000 | Oriental Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| 1945kiii | | 1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB) | | 2000 | Oriental Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| 1945kiiio | | 1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB) | 1945kiii | 1999 | Oriental Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_1985tda | | 1985 - The Day After (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_1991dumarac | | 1991 Du Ma Racing (Unl) | | 1991 | Idea-tek | Miscellaneous | |
| spikes91 | | 1991 Spikes (Italian bootleg, set 1) | pspikes | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spikes91b | | 1991 Spikes (Italian bootleg, set 2) | pspikes | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| 19xxar1 | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951207 Asia) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxjr2 | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951207 Japan) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxd | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951207 USA Phoenix Edition) | 19xx | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| 19xxu | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951207 USA) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxb | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951218 Brazil) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxh | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951218 Hispanic) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxjr1 | | 19XX - the war against destiny (951225 Japan) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxa | | 19XX - the war against destiny (960104 Asia) | 19xx | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xx | | 19XX - the war against destiny (960104 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19xxj | | 19XX - the war against destiny (960104 Japan, yellow case) | 19xx | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| 19yyo | | 19YY (Neo CD conversion, ADK World)(Original release) | 19yy | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 19yy | | 19YY (Neo CD conversion, ADK World) | | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_1stdivmanager | | 1st Division Manager (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_2psymmac | | 2 in 1 - Psycho Pinball & Micro Machines (Euro) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| openice | | 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21) | | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| openicea | | 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.2A) | openice | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| sms_20em1 | D | 20 em 1 (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| nes_2010 | | 2010 - Street Fighter (Japan) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_2010p1 | | 2010: The Graphic Action Game (Prototype v44) | cv_2010 | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_2010p | | 2010: The Graphic Action Game (Prototype v54) | cv_2010 | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_2010 | | 2010: The Graphic Action Game | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| md_2020bb | | 2020 Super Baseball (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| 2020bb | | 2020 Super Baseball (set 1) | | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 2020bba | | 2020 Super Baseball (set 2) | 2020bb | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 2020bbh | | 2020 Super Baseball (set 3) | 2020bb | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | Neo Geo AES | |
| md_2020bbj | | 2020 Toshi Super Baseball (Japan) | md_2020bb | 1994 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_2048 | | 2048 (HB) | | 2014 | Tsone | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_2088 | | 2088 (48K) | | 1988 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_21emon | | 21 Emon - Mezase Hotel ou!! (Japan) | | 1994 | NEC Home Electronics | PC Engine | |
| spec_21erotic | | 21 Erotic (Czech) (48K) | | 1995 | JardaSoft | ZX Spectrum | Adult game |
| spec_2112ad | | 2112 AD (48K) | | 1985 | Design Design | ZX Spectrum | Q: up - A: down - N: left - M: right - 0: action |
| md_testsuite240p | | 240p Test Suite (HB, v1.23) | | 2022 | Artemio | Sega Megadrive | |
| test240p | | 240p Test Suite (v1.0) | | 2023 | Artemio | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 3countb | | 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043) | | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 3countba | | 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043) | 3countb | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_3in1fwt | | 3 in 1 Flashback - World Championship Soccer - Tecmo World Cup 92 (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_3in1rmb | | 3 in 1 Road Rash - Ms. Pac-Man - Block Out (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_3ninjas | | 3 Ninjas Kick Back (Hack, Spanish) | md_3ninja | 2018 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_3ninja | | 3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| 3on3dunk | | 3 On 3 Dunk Madness (US, prototype? 1997/02/04) | | 1996 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_3dbatworru | | 3-D Battles of World Runner, The (USA) | | 1987 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| tceptor2 | | 3-D Thunder Ceptor II | tceptor | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_3dblock | | 3D Block (Unl) | | 1990 | RCM Group | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_3dknockout | | 3D Knockout (Euro) | | 1985 | Alligata | MSX | |
| spec_lunattack | | 3D Lunattack (48K) | | 1984 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dmazegold | | 3D Maze of Gold (16K) | | 1982 | Gilsoft International | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dseiatk | | 3D Seiddab Attack (16K) | | 1984 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dsnooker | | 3D Snooker (48K) | | 1990 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dstarfighter | | 3D Starfighter (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dstarstrike | | 3D Starstrike (48K) | | 1984 | Realtime Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_3dtennis | | 3D Tennis (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| spec_3dtanx | | 3D-Tanx (16K) | | 1982 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3dtetris | | 3D-Tetris (48K) | | 1989 | Antic | ZX Spectrum | |
| 3x3puzzl | | 3X3 Puzzle (Enterprise) | | 1998 | Ace Enterprise | Miscellaneous | |
| 3x3puzzla | | 3X3 Puzzle (Normal) | 3x3puzzl | 1998 | Ace Enterprise | Miscellaneous | |
| 4enraya | | 4 En Raya (set 1) | | 1990 | IDSA | Miscellaneous | |
| 4enrayaa | | 4 En Raya (set 2) | 4enraya | 1990 | IDSA | Miscellaneous | |
| 4in1 | | 4 Fun in 1 | | 1981 | Armenia / Food and Fun | Galaxian | |
| md_4in1pb | | 4 in 1 (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_4pak | | 4 PAK All Action (Australia) | | 1995 | HES | Sega Master System | |
| 4play | | 4 player input test | | ??? | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | 4 player input test cartridge |
| spec_4soccersims1 | | 4 Soccer Simulators - 11-a-Side Soccer (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_4soccersims2 | | 4 Soccer Simulators - Indoor Soccer (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_4soccersims3 | | 4 Soccer Simulators - Soccer Skills (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_4soccersims4 | | 4 Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| 4dwarrio | | 4-D Warriors (315-5162) | | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| cv_421 | | 421 (HB) | | 2002 | Mathieu Proulx | ColecoVision | |
| msx_4x4offroad | | 4x4 Off-Road Racing (Euro) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold - Epyx Inc. | MSX | Switch tape side at title screen |
| gg_5in1fun | | 5 in 1 Funpak (USA) | | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_5in1tetris | | 5 in 1 Tetris (128K) | | 1995 | Mortal Kombat | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_5star | | 5-star Restaurant (HB) | | 2023 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_50metres | | 50 Metres (HB) | | 2018 | Cobinee | MSX | |
| md_6pak | | 6-Pak (USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| 600 | | 600 | turtles | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| 64streetj | | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 1) | 64street | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| 64streetja | | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) | 64street | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| 64street | | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (World) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| md_688atsub | | 688 Attack Sub (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| 7ordi | | 7 Ordi (Korea) | | 2002 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_7777 | | (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Anhot studio | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_70908 | | 70908 (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2019 | Scopex | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_720deg | | 720 Degrees (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_720degrees | | 720 Degrees (USA) | | 1989 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_750cc | | 750cc Grand Prix (128K) | | 1991 | Code Masters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_8chs | | 8 Channels (48K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2011 | Mister Beep | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_8eyes | | 8 Eyes (USA) | | 1990 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitpics | | 8-bit Illustrations (HB) | | 2015 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitmusic | | 8-bit Music Power (HB) | | 2017 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitmusice | | 8-bit Music Power ENCORE (HB) | nes_8bitmusic | 2017 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitrhylan | | 8-Bit Rhythm Land (HB) | | 2018 | Columbus Circle | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_8bitwars | | 8-Bit Wars, The (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_8bitxmas17 | | 8-bit XMAS 2017 (HB) | | 2017 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | 8-bit XMAS 2008-2016 Compilation |
| nes_8bitxmas18 | | 8-bit XMAS 2018 (HB) | | 2018 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitxmas19 | | 8-bit XMAS 2019 (HB) | | 2019 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitxmas20 | | 8-bit XMAS 2020 (HB) | | 2020 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitxmas21 | | 8-bit XMAS 2021 (HB) | | 2021 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_8bitxmas22 | | 8-bit XMAS 2022 (HB) | | 2022 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| 800fatha | | 800 Fathoms (older) | mariner | 1981 | Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license) | Galaxian | |
| 800fath | | 800 Fathoms | mariner | 1981 | Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license) | Galaxian | |
| spec_911ts | | 911 TS - Tiger Shark (48K) | | 1985 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | Z, X, O, and P to play |
| sms_94swc | | 94 Super World Cup Soccer (Korea) | | 1994 | Daou Infosys | Sega Master System | |
| md_bugslife | | A Bug's Life (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bugslifea | | A Bug's Life (Taiwan, Alt?) (Unl) | md_bugslife | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_m36e | | A Life Planet - M36 - Mother Brain has been aliving (Hack, English) | msx_m36 | 2017 | Hubz | MSX | English translation + new font |
| msx_m36 | | A Life Planet - M36 - Mother Brain has been aliving (Japan) | | 1987 | Pixel | MSX | |
| msx_anaza | | A Na Za - Kaleidoscope Special (Japan) | | 1987 | Hot-B | MSX | |
| nes_atrain | | A Ressha de Ikou (Hack, English) | | 2021 | AgentOrange & Jink640 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_atrainj | | A Ressha de Ikou (Japan) | nes_atrain | 1991 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| md_aresshmd | | A Ressha de Ikou MD - Take the 'A' Train (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_verysheepyxmas | | A Very Sheepy Christmas (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ateamp1 | | A-Team, The - El Equipo A - Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1988 | Zafiro Software Division | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: smart bomb |
| spec_ateamp2 | | A-Team, The - El Equipo A - Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_ateamp1 | 1988 | Zafiro Software Division | ZX Spectrum | Password: WHJONDPEAQR |
| ad2083 | | A. D. 2083 | | 1983 | Midcoin | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| abcopjd | | A.B. Cop (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) | abcop | 1990 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| abcopj | | A.B. Cop (Japan) (FD1094 317-0169b) | abcop | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| abcopd | | A.B. Cop (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) | abcop | 1990 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| abcop | | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) | | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| msx_ae | | A.E. (Japan) | | 1982-83 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_ae | | A.E.:Anti-Environment Encounter (HB) | | 1984-2012 | Broderbund Software | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_a1spirit | | A1 Spirit - The Way to Formula-1 (Japan) | msx_f1spirit | 1987 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| gg_aaharima | | Aa Harimanada (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_aaharima | | Aa Harimanada (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aaahhrm | | AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (Euro) | | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aaahhrmu | | AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (USA) | md_aaahhrm | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_aaargh | | Aaargh! (48K) | | 1989 | Binary Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_aaargh | | Aaargh! (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| msx_abadcrim | | Abadia del Crimen, La (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_abadcrim | | Abadia del Crimen, La (Spanish) (128K) | | 1988 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | To use main character: A, K, L and SPACE |
| nes_abadox | | Abadox - The Deadly Inner War (USA) | | 1990 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| abscam | | Abscam | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiards license) | Pac-man | |
| spec_abusimpr | | Abu Simbel Profanation (English) (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_abusimbel | | Abu Simbel Profanation (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_abusimprd | | Abu Simbel Profanation (Spanish) (48K) | spec_abusimpr | 1985 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_abyssal | | Abyssal Infants (HB) | | 2021 | kakoeimon | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ace | | ACE - Air Combat Emulator (48K) | | 1986 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | LSHIFT-Z: throttle - U: undercarriage - M: map - J: eject |
| spec_ace2 | | ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict (128K) | | 1987 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | D-S/K-J: throttle - W/O: select weapon - C/B: map |
| spec_ace2088 | | ACE 2088 (128K) | | 1989 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | SHIFT+J/K: speed up/down - L, R, T: change weapons - W: set display |
| aceattac | | Ace Attacker (FD1094 317-0059) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aceattaca | | Ace Attacker (Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0060) | aceattac | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| msx_acegun | | Ace Gun (HB) | | 2020 | Cobinee | MSX | |
| spec_aceofaces | | Ace of Aces (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | Keys from 1 to 4 to change view - 'M' to display map |
| msx_aceofaces | | Ace of Aces (Euro) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | MSX | Keys from 1 to 4 to change view - 'M' to display map |
| sms_aceoface | | Ace of Aces (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_acreflux | | Acid Reflux (HB, v1.1) | | 2016 | furrtek & robotwo | Sega Master System | |
| spec_acolyte | | Acolyte (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | Video Images | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| spec_acolyte2 | | Acolyte 2 - The Quest for Celeste (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Deanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| acrobatm | | Acrobat Mission | | 1991 | UPL (Taito license) | NMK16 | |
| dogfgtu | | Acrobatic Dog-Fight (USA) | dogfgt | 1985 | Technos Japan (Data East USA, Inc. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| dogfgt | | Acrobatic Dog-Fight | | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| actfancrj | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan revision 1) | actfancr | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| actfancr1 | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 1) | actfancr | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| actfancr2 | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2) | actfancr | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| actfancr | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3) | | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_action52s | | Action 52 (Hack, Spanish) | md_action52 | 2018 | Active Enterprises | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_action52 | | Action 52 (USA) (Unl) | | 1993 | Active Enterprises | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_action52 | | Action 52 (USA) | | 1991 | Active Enterprises | Miscellaneous | |
| md_action52a | | Action 52 (USA, Alt) (Unl) | md_action52 | 1993 | Active Enterprises | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_actio53vol1stbu | | Action 53 vol 1 Streemerz Bundle (HB) | | 2013 | Damian Yerrick & Contributors | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_actio53vol2doac | | Action 53 vol 2 Double Action (HB) | | 2015 | Damian Yerrick & Contributors | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_actio53vol3retw | | Action 53 vol 3 Revenge of the Twins (HB) | | 2018 | Damian Yerrick & Contributors | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_actionbiker | | Action Biker (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_afighter | | Action Fighter (128K) | | 1989 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_actionfg1 | | Action Fighter (Euro, Japan, v1.1) | sms_actionfg | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_actionfg | | Action Fighter (Euro, USA, Brazil, v2) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| afighter | | Action Fighter (FD1089A 317-0018) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| afighterc | | Action Fighter (FD1089B 317-unknown) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| afighterd | | Action Fighter (FD1089B 317-unknown, analog controls) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| afighterh | | Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0018) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| afighterg | | Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089B 317-unknown) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| afighterf | | Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089B 317-unknown, analog controls) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| afightere | | Action Fighter (System 16B, unprotected, analog controls) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| afightera | | Action Fighter (unprotected) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| afighterb | | Action Fighter (unprotected, analog controls) | afighter | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| spec_actionforce | | Action Force (48K) | | 1987 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_actionforce2 | | Action Force II (128K) | | 1988 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | On black screen press SPACE to start |
| actionhw | | Action Hollywood | | 1995 | TCH / Proyesel | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_actioinnewyor | | Action in New York (Europe) | nes_scat | 1992 | Infogrames | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_actionreflex | | Action Reflex (48K) | | 1986 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ar | | Action Replay (Euro) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_actman | | Actman (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_actmana | | Actman (Japan, Alt) | msx_actman | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| spec_adastra | | Ad Astra (48K) | | 1984 | Gargoyle Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_adlunamplus | | Ad Lunam Plus (English) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_adlunamplusit | | Ad Lunam Plus (Italian) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_adlunamplus | 2020 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_adlunampluses | | Ad Lunam Plus (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_adlunamplus | 2020 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_adameve | | Adam & Eve (Unl) | | 1991 | Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_addastra | | Add Astra 128K (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2023 | Joker, Arise Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_addfamv | | Addams Family Values (Euro) | | 1994 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_addfamvs | | Addams Family Values (Hack, Spanish) | md_addfamv | 2020 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_addfamth | | Addams Family, The (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_addfam | | Addams Family, The (Euro) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| md_addfam | | Addams Family, The (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_addfamc | | Addams Family, The (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_addfam | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_addfams | | Addams Family, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_addfam | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_addamfamc | | Addams Family, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_addamfam | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_addamfam | | Addams Family, The (USA) | | 1992 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| md_addfamp1 | | Addams Family, The (USA, Prototype) | md_addfam | 1994 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_addfam | | Addams Family, The (World) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_addamfampugsschuc | | Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_addamfampugsschu | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_addamfampugsschu | | Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA) | | 1993 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_addictbl | | Addictaball (Euro) | | 1988 | Alligata Software | MSX | |
| msx_adel | | Adel (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| fds_adiannotsue | | Adian no Tsue (Japan) | | 1986 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_adichafo | | Adidas Championship Football (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Set '2. Sinclair' to use controller |
| md_gleylancs | | Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer (Hack, Spanish) | md_gleylanc | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advdaisn | | Advanced Daisenryaku - Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen (Japan, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_advdddsc | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon Strike (Hack, Spanish) | nes_advddds | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advddds | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon Strike (USA) | | 1990 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advdddf | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of Flame (Hack, English v1.03) | | 2003 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advdddfs | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of Flame (Hack, Spanish) | nes_advdddf | 2023 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advdddfj | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of Flame (Japan) | nes_advdddf | 1992 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advddhlc | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (Hack, Spanish) | nes_advddhl | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advddhl | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (USA) | | 1990 | FCI Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advddhllfr | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (USA) | | 1992 | FCI Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advddpor | | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (USA) | | 1992 | FCI Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_herolanc | | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| sms_herolancc | | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_herolanc | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| spec_advlawn2 | | Advanced Lawnmower Simulator II (128K) | | 1990 | J. Aron Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_advancedpinballsim | | Advanced Pinball Simulator (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_advsocsim | | Advanced Soccer Simulator (48K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_adventureislandc | | Adventure Island (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_adventureisland | 2023 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_advislnd | | Adventure Island (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| cv_advisland | | Adventure Island (SGM) (HB) | | 20?? | <unknown> | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| nes_adventureisland | | Adventure Island (USA) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenisl3c | | Adventure Island 3 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_advenisl3 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenisl3 | | Adventure Island 3 (USA) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenisliic | | Adventure Island II (Hack, Spanish) | nes_advenislii | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenisliiu | | Adventure Island II (USA) (Beta) | nes_advenislii | 1991 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenislii | | Adventure Island II (USA) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenisliv | | Adventure Island IV (Hack, English) | | 2018 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenislivc | | Adventure Island IV (Hack, Spanish) | nes_advenisliv | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenislivj | | Adventure Island IV (Japan) | nes_advenisliv | 1994 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_advenkid | | Adventure Kid (Korea) | | 1993 | Open | MSX | |
| hatena | | Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken (Japan 900228) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cworld2j | | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cworld2ja | | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 90629B-3, no battery) | cworld2j | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cworld2jb | | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 91634B-2) | cworld2j | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_advconta | | ADVENTURES Continue - Side A (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_advcontb | | ADVENTURES Continue - Side B (128K) (HB) | spec_advconta | 2021 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_adveninmagkin | | Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| md_advbatr | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrs | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_advbatr | 2014 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp12 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950406) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp11 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950410) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp10 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950411) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp09 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950418) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp08 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950419) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp07 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950421) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp06 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950422) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp05 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950424) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp04 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950426) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp03 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950427) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp02 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950428) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatrp01 | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Prototype, 19950501) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_advbatru | | Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA) | md_advbatr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_advbatmr | | Adventures of Batman and Robin, The (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_advenbaybil | | Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (USA) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_buratino | | Adventures of Buratino, The (Russian) (128K) | | 1993 | Copper Feet | ZX Spectrum | Choose '4' to set Kempston controller |
| nes_advendinrik | | Adventures of Dino Riki (USA) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advengilsisl | | Adventures of Gilligan's Island, The (USA) | | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_advsjane2 | | Adventures of Jane Jelly 2, The: the Treasure of Hotmarmalade (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_advsjane3 | | Adventures of Jane Jelly 3, The: the Egg Diamond (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_advsjane | | Adventures of Jane Jelly, The: the Treasure of Zedin (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_advenlol | | Adventures of Lolo (USA) | | 1989 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenlol2 | | Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA) | | 1990 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenlol3 | | Adventures of Lolo 3 (USA) | | 1991 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mightmax | | Adventures of Mighty Max, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mightmaxu | | Adventures of Mighty Max, The (USA) | md_mightmax | 1994 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_advpanzer2 | | Adventures of Panzer 2, The (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | PixelCraft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advpanzer | | Adventures of Panzer, The (HB, v1.5) | | 2021-22 | PixelCraft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_advenradgra | | Adventures of Rad Gravity, The (USA) | | 1990 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rockybw | | Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA) | | 1993 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_advenrocandbulandfr | | Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_adventomsaw | | Adventures of Tom Sawyer (USA) | | 1989 | Seta | Miscellaneous | |
| md_adveboy | | Adventurous Boy - Mao Xian Xiao Zi (China) (Unl) | | 1998 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_aeon1 | | Aeon 1 - Arrival at the Planet (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | Game Part 1 |
| spec_aeon2 | | Aeon 2 - Surveying for Crystals (128K) (HB) | spec_aeon1 | 2018 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | Game Part 2 |
| spec_aeon3 | | Aeon 3 - Communications (128K) (HB) | spec_aeon1 | 2018 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | Game Part 3 |
| spec_aeon4 | | Aeon 4 - Escape from a Dead World (128K) (HB) | spec_aeon1 | 2018 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | Game Part 4 |
| spec_aeon5 | | Aeon 5 - The End (HB) | spec_aeon1 | 2018 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | Ending screen |
| spec_aerial | | Aerial (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_aerial | | Aerial (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_aerial | | Aerial (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sms_aerialas | | Aerial Assault (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_aerialasj | | Aerial Assault (Japan, v1.1) | gg_aerialas | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_aerialasu | | Aerial Assault (USA) | sms_aerialas | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_aerialas | | Aerial Assault (World, v0) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_aeroblst | | Aero Blasters (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_aeroblst | | Aero Blasters (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_aeroblst | | Aero Blasters: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan) | md_airbustr | 1991 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| aerfboot | NW | Aero Fighters (bootleg, set 1) | aerofgt | 1992 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| aerfboo2 | NW | Aero Fighters (bootleg, set 2) | aerofgt | 1992 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| aerofgtb | | Aero Fighters (Taiwan / Japan, set 1) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| aerofgtc | | Aero Fighters (Taiwan / Japan, set 2) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| aerofgt | | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) | | 1992 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| sonicwi2 | | Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 | | 1994 | Video System Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sonicwi3 | | Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 | | 1995 | Video System Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_aero | | Aero the Acro-Bat (Euro) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aerop | | Aero the Acro-Bat (Euro, Prototype) | md_aero | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aeros | | Aero The Acro-Bat (Hack, Spanish) | md_aero | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aerou | | Aero the Acro-Bat (USA) | md_aero | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aero2 | | Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (Euro) | | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aero2s | | Aero The Acro-Bat 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_aero2 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aero2u | | Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA) | md_aero2 | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aerobiz | | Aerobiz (USA) | | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aerobizs | | Aerobiz Supersonic (USA) | | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| aeroboto | | Aeroboto | formatz | 1984 | Jaleco (Williams license) | Miscellaneous | |
| aerolitos | | Aerolitos (Spanish bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1980 | bootleg (Rodmar Elec.) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_aburner | | After Burner (Euro) | | 1988 | Activision | MSX | |
| nes_afterburner | | After Burner (USA) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_aburner | | After Burner (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_aburner2 | | After Burner II (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| aburner2g | | After Burner II (German) | aburner2 | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| md_aburner2s | | After Burner II (Hack, Spanish) | md_aburner2 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aburner2j | | After Burner II (Japan) | md_aburner2 | 1990 | Denpa Shinbunsha | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_afterburnerii | | After Burner II (Japan) | | 1989 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_aburner2 | | After Burner II (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| aburner2 | | After Burner II | | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| aburner | | After Burner | aburner2 | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| msx_afterthewar1 | | After the War - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_afterthewar1 | | After the War - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_afterthewar2 | | After the War - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_afterthewar1 | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 11423 |
| spec_afterthewar2 | | After the War - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_afterthewar1 | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 94656981 |
| spec_afterburner | | Afterburner (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_afteroids | | Afteroids (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Press 'S' to skip intro screen |
| spec_afteroids | | Afteroids (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_agathadvh | | Agatha Adventure 'hard-mode' (128) (HB) | spec_agathadv | 2021 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_agathadv | | Agatha Adventure (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_agathadv48 | | Agatha Adventure (48K) (HB) | spec_agathadv | 2021 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| aoh | | Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (v0.63 - 2001/02/07) | | 2001 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_agtbluedm | | Agent Blue - Daytime Missions (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_agtbluenm | | Agent Blue - Night Missions (128K) (HB) | spec_agtbluedm | 2020 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_agentorange | | Agent Orange (48K) | | 1987 | Icon Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| superbon | | Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion, encrypted) | | 1985 | Signatron USA | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| spec_agentx | | Agent X (48K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| agentx1 | | Agent X (prototype, rev 1) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| agentx2 | | Agent X (prototype, rev 2) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| agentx3 | | Agent X (prototype, rev 3) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| agentx4 | | Agent X (prototype, rev 4) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_agentx2 | | Agent X II - The Mad Prof's Back! (128K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| aodk | | Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008) | | 1994 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sms_agidooly | | Agigongnyong Dooly (Korea) | sms_dinodool | 1991 | Daou Infosys | Sega Master System | |
| agressb | | Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (English bootleg) | agress | 2003 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| agress | | Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Japan) | | 1991 | Palco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ahdiddums | | Ah Diddums (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| koshien | | Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| fds_aisenshinicol | | Ai Senshi Nicol (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| airass | | Air Assault (World) | | 1993 | Irem | Irem M107 | |
| airattck | | Air Attack (set 1) | | 1996 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| airattcka | | Air Attack (set 2) | airattck | 1996 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| airbustrb | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (bootleg) | airbustr | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| airbustrj | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan) | airbustr | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_airbustr | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (USA) | | 1991 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| airbustr | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World) | | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_airdivers | | Air Diver (Hack, Spanish) | md_airdiver | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_airdiverj | | Air Diver (Japan) | md_airdiver | 1990 | Asmik Ace | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_airdiver | | Air Diver (USA) | | 1990 | Seismic | Sega Megadrive | |
| airdueljm72 | | Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware) | airduel | 1990 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| airduelu | | Air Duel (US location test, M82 hardware) | airduel | 1990 | Irem America | Irem M82 | |
| airduelm72 | | Air Duel (World, M72 hardware) | airduel | 1990 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| airduel | | Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) | | 1990 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| nes_airfortress | | Air Fortress (USA) | | 1989 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| agallet | | Air Gallet (Europe) | | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalleth | | Air Gallet (Hong Kong) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletk | | Air Gallet (Korea) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalleta | | Air Gallet (older, Europe) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletah | | Air Gallet (older, Hong Kong) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletak | | Air Gallet (older, Korea) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletat | | Air Gallet (older, Taiwan) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletau | | Air Gallet (older, USA) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agallett | | Air Gallet (Taiwan) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletu | | Air Gallet (USA) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| md_airmanag | | Air Management - Oozora ni Kakeru (Japan) | md_aerobiz | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_airmang2 | | Air Management II - Koukuuou o Mezase (Japan) | md_aerobizs | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_airresc | | Air Rescue (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| arescuej | | Air Rescue (Japan) | arescue | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| arescueu | | Air Rescue (US) | arescue | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| arescue | | Air Rescue (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| tg_airzonk | | Air Zonk (USA) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_airballp | | Airball (Prototype) | nes_airball | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_airball | | Airball | | 2007 | Retrozone - Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_abinvader | | Airbase Invader (48K) | | 1984 | CP Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_airborneranger | | Airborne Ranger (48K) | | 1988 | MicroProse Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_airwolf | | Airwolf (48K) | | 1984 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_airwolft | | Airwolf (Hack, English) | nes_airwolf | 2003 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_airwolfj | | Airwolf (Japan) | nes_airwolf | 1988 | Kyugo Boueki | Miscellaneous | |
| airwolfa | | Airwolf (US) | airwolf | 1987 | Kyugo (United Amusements license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_airwolf | | Airwolf (USA) | | 1989 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_airwolf2 | | Airwolf II (48K) | | 1987 | Hit-Pak | ZX Spectrum | |
| airwolf | | Airwolf | | 1987 | Kyugo | Miscellaneous | |
| ajaxj | | Ajax (Japan) | ajax | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| ajax | | Ajax | | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| akatana | | Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.) | | 2010 | Cave | CA021 | |
| nes_akairingo | | Akai Ringo to Midori no Inko (HB) | | 2023 | Okunyon | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_akane | | Akane (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_akenesp | | Akane (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_akane | 2021 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| akazukin | | Akazukin (Japan) | | 1983 | Sigma | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_akitsunofusnoka | | Aki to Tsukasa no Fushigi no Kabe (Japan) | | 1988 | Super Pig | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akira | | Akira (Hack, English) | | 2012 | Grimm Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akiraj | | Akira (Japan) | nes_akira | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_akirap | | Akira (Prototype) | | 1995 | Black Pearl Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| akkaarrh | | Akka Arrh (prototype) | | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | Video issue when zooming |
| akkanvdr | | Akkanbeder (Ver 2.5J 1995/06/14) | spcinv95 | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_aknadachcz | | Aknadach (Czech) (48K) | | 1990 | Proxima | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aknadachen | | Aknadach (English) (48K) (Hack) | spec_aknadachcz | 2011 | Softhouse | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_uninvitedj | | Akuma no Shoutaijou (Japan) | nes_uninvited | 1989 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| akumajoun | | Akuma-Jou Dracula (Japan version N) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | GX768 | |
| akumajou | | Akuma-Jou Dracula (Japan version P) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | GX768 | |
| nes_akumadenc | | Akumajou Densetsu (Hack, Chinese v2.3) | nes_castliii | 2018 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akumaden | | Akumajou Densetsu (Hack, English) | nes_castliii | 2003 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akumadenjc | | Akumajou Densetsu (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_castliii | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akumadenj | | Akumajou Densetsu (Japan) | nes_castliii | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akumajoudraculac | | Akumajou Dracula (Hack, Chinese) | nes_castlevania | 199? | Fo Yi Team | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_akumajoudracula | | Akumajou Dracula (Hack, English) | | 2020 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_akumajoudraculaj | | Akumajou Dracula (Japan) | fds_akumajoudracula | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_akumajoudracula | | Akumajou Dracula (Japan) | nes_castlevania | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_akumajo | | Akumajou Dracula - Vampire Killer (Japan) | md_cvania | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_akumaspe | | Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (Japan) | nes_kiddracula | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| agalletj | | Akuu Gallet (Japan) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| agalletaj | | Akuu Gallet (older, Japan) | agallet | 1996 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| fds_akuusenrai | | Akuu Senki Raijin (Japan) | | 1988 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_alunsjrturra | | Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_aladdin | | Aladdin (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_aladdin4 | | Aladdin 4 (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_aladdin2 | | Aladdin II (Unl) | | 1998 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_albatros | | Albatross (Japan) | | 1986 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| msx_albatrosa | | Albatross (Japan, Alt) | msx_albatros | 1986 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| spec_albertwolf | | Albert The Wolf (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_alcazar | | Alcazar - the Forgetten Fortress (USA) | | 1985 | Activision | MSX | |
| cv_alcazar | | Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress | | 1985 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| spec_alchemist | | Alchemist (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| alcon | | Alcon (US) | | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito America Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| sgx_aldynes | | Aldynes (Japan, SGX) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | SuperGrafx | |
| msx_alehop | | Ale Hop! (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| sms_aleste | | Aleste (Japan) | sms_pstrike | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alesteiigg2sms | | Aleste II (Hack, GG2SMS Conversion) | | 2014 | ccovell, Vingazole | Sega Master System | |
| md_alexkiddk | | Alex Kidd - Cheongong Maseong (Korea) | md_alexkidd | 1990 | Samsung | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_alexhitw | | Alex Kidd - High-Tech World (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexhitwc | | Alex Kidd - High-Tech World (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_alexhitw | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexlostc | | Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_alexlost | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexlost | | Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars (World) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkidd3 | | Alex Kidd 3 - Curse in Miracle World (GlobalHack, Demo v.4) | sms_alexkidd3f | 2016 | Yeti | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkidd3f | | Alex Kidd 3 - Curse in Miracle World (GlobalHack, v3.0) | | 2021 | Yeti | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexbmxc | | Alex Kidd BMX Trial (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | sms_alexbmx | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexbmx | | Alex Kidd BMX Trial (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkiddb | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Brazil, v1, Pirate) | sms_alexkidd | 1986 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkidd1 | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Euro, USA, v0) | sms_alexkidd | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkidd | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkiddc | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_alexkidd | 2016 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_alexkidd | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Taiwan, SMS Mode) (Unl) | | 198? | Hung Tao Hsin | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_alexkidd2 | | Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 (GlobalHack) | | 2016 | Ian Wall | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexkiddrr | | Alex Kidd in Radaxian Rumble (Hack, v1.5) | sms_alexkidd | 2015 | Alianger | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexshin | | Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexshinc | | Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | sms_alexshin | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_alexkidd1 | | Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Euro) | md_alexkidd | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alexkidd | | Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Euro, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alexkidds | | Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle (Hack, Spanish) | md_alexkidd | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alexkiddj | | Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Japan) | md_alexkidd | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alexkiddu | | Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA) | md_alexkidd | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_alexkiddj | | Alex Kidd no Miracle World (Japan) | sms_alexkidd | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_alexlostse | | Alex Kidd, The Lost Stars - Stella Edition (Hack) | sms_alexlost | 2023 | poody | Sega Master System | |
| alexkidd1 | | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 1, FD1089A 317-0021) | alexkidd | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| alexkidd | | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| sms_alf | | Alf (USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_alfommagla | | Alfombra Magica, La (Euro) (Rev 1) | | 1991-92 | Mega Soft - Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_alfonsarcadv | | Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (HB) | | 2018 | Spoony Bard Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_alfredchicken | | Alfred Chicken (USA) | | 1994 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| alibaba | | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves | | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| msx_alibaba | | Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_alibabab | | Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_alibaba | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_alibabaa | | Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Japan, Alt) | msx_alibaba | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| sms_alibaba | | Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Korea) | | 1989 | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| md_alicesisters | | Alice Sisters (HB) | | 2022 | PixelHeart | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_alien3 | | Alien 3 (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Master System | |
| gg_alien3 | | Alien 3 (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_alien3c | | Alien 3 (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_alien3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_alien3c | | Alien 3 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_alien3 | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_alien3s | | Alien 3 (Hack, Spanish) | md_alien3 | 2020 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_alien3j | | Alien 3 (Japan) | gg_alien3 | 1992 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_alien3sc | | Alien 3 (T-Chi, v1.1) | nes_alien3 | 2020 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_alien3 | | Alien 3 (USA) | | 1993 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_alien8 | | Alien 8 (48K) | | 1985 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_alien8 | | Alien 8 (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| msx_alien8h | | Alien 8 (Japan, Alt) | msx_alien8 | 1987 | A.C.G. | MSX | |
| alienaru | | Alien Arena (Stargate upgrade) | alienar | 1985 | Duncan Brown | 6809 System | |
| alienar | | Alien Arena | | 1985 | Duncan Brown | 6809 System | Game has no sound |
| aa | | Alien Armada | | 2003 | David Widel | Pac-man | |
| spec_aaf | | Alien Astro Frenzy (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Vintage Software Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_alienattack | | Alien Attack (HB, v1.06) | msx_alienattackv35 | 2020 | Marcos Daniel | MSX | |
| msx_alienattackv35 | | Alien Attack (HB, v3.5) | | 2021 | Marcos Daniel | MSX | |
| md_aliencat2 | | Alien Cat 2 (HB) | | 2020 | PSCD Games, Repa Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| alienchac | | Alien Challenge (China) | aliencha | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| aliencha | | Alien Challenge (World) | | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_alienconfs | | Alien Confination (Spanish) (HB) | | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| pce_acrush | | Alien Crush (Japan) | | 1988 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_acrush | | Alien Crush (USA) | | 1989 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_alienevolution | | Alien Evolution (128K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aliengirl128 | | Alien Girl (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aliengirl48en | | Alien Girl (English) (48K) (HB) | spec_aliengirl128 | 2020 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aliengirl48es | | Alien Girl (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_aliengirl128 | 2020 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_alienhw | | Alien Highway (48K) | | 1986 | Vortex Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| alinvade | | Alien Invaders | | 198? | Forbes? | Miscellaneous | preliminary sound |
| chf_alieninv | | Alien Invasion | | 1981 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| alienres | | Alien Rescue (Homebrew, Test Build July 2019) | | 2019 | MonstersGoBoom | Pac-man | monstersgoboom.itch.io |
| aliensec | | Alien Sector | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_aliensh | | Alien Slaphead (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2022 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_aliensol | | Alien Soldier (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aliensoli | | Alien Soldier (Hack, Italian) | md_aliensol | 200? | Unknown | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aliensols | | Alien Soldier (Hack, Spanish) | md_aliensol | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aliensolj | | Alien Soldier (Japan) | md_aliensol | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_alienstorm | | Alien Storm (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_astorm | | Alien Storm (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_astorms | | Alien Storm (Hack, Spanish) | md_astorm | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| astormjd | | Alien Storm (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0146 set) | astorm | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| astormj | | Alien Storm (Japan, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0146) | astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| astormud | | Alien Storm (US, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0147 set) | astorm | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| astormu | | Alien Storm (US, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0147) | astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| md_astorm | | Alien Storm (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| astorm | | Alien Storm (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0154) | | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| astorm3d | | Alien Storm (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0148 set) | astorm | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| astorm3 | | Alien Storm (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0148) | astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| spec_aliensyn | | Alien Syndrome (48K) | | 1987-88 | ACE Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_aliensynd | | Alien Syndrome (Euro) | | 1989 | Xortrapa Soft | MSX | |
| gg_aliensyn | | Alien Syndrome (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | SIMS Co. - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_aliensyn | | Alien Syndrome (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_aliensynj | | Alien Syndrome (Japan) | gg_aliensyn | 1992 | SIMS Co. - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_aliensynj | | Alien Syndrome (Japan) | sms_aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_aliensynp | | Alien Syndrome (Prototype) | sms_aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| aliensynjo | | Alien Syndrome (set 1, Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensyn2 | | Alien Syndrome (set 2, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensyn3 | | Alien Syndrome (set 3, System 16B, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn | | Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn5 | | Alien Syndrome (set 5, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0037) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensynj | | Alien Syndrome (set 6, Japan, new, System 16B, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn7 | | Alien Syndrome (set 7, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-00xx) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| nes_aliensyndrome | | Alien Syndrome (USA) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| avspa | | Alien vs Predator (940520 Asia) | avsp | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| avspd | | Alien vs Predator (940520 Euro Phoenix Edition) | avsp | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| avsp | | Alien vs Predator (940520 Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| avsph | | Alien vs Predator (940520 Hispanic) | avsp | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| avspj | | Alien vs Predator (940520 Japan) | avsp | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| avspu | | Alien vs Predator (940520 USA) | avsp | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_alien3a | | Alien3 (Euro, USA) | md_alien3 | 1993 | Arena Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alien3 | | Alien3 (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1993 | Arena Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| alien3j | | Alien3: The Gun (Japan) | alien3 | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| alien3u | | Alien3: The Gun (US, Rev A) | alien3 | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| alien3 | | Alien3: The Gun (World) | | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| msx_aliescapes | | Alien: Escape (Spanish) (HB) | | 2022 | Physical Dreams | MSX | Remaster of 'Alien Confination' |
| aliensa | | Aliens (Asia) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| msx_alienseu | | Aliens (Euro) | | 1987 | Mr. Micro - Electric Dreams | MSX | Press Enter to move through the doors |
| aliensj | | Aliens (Japan set 1) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliensj2 | | Aliens (Japan set 2) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| spec_aliensuk | | Aliens (UK Version) (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to walk through doors |
| spec_aliensus | | Aliens (US Version) (48K) | | 1987 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| aliensu | | Aliens (US, set 1) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliensu2 | | Aliens (US, set 2) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens | | Aliens (World set 1) | | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens2 | | Aliens (World set 2) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens3 | | Aliens (World set 3) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens4 | | Aliens (World set 4) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| fds_aliensfix | | Aliens - Alien 2 (Fix Hack) | | 2017 | lancuster | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_aliens | | Aliens - Alien 2 (Japan) (Prototype) | fds_aliensfix | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_aliens | | Aliens - Alien 2 (Japan) | | 1987 | Square | MSX | |
| msx_aliensb | | Aliens - Alien 2 (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_aliens | 1987 | Square | MSX | |
| msx_aliensa | | Aliens - Alien 2 (Japan, Alt) | msx_aliens | 1987 | Square | MSX | |
| spec_aliensneo | | Aliens Neoplasma (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | SaNchez | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aliensneoru | | Aliens Neoplasma (Russian) (128K) (HB) | spec_aliensneo | 2019 | SaNchez | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aliensneoes | | Aliens Neoplasma (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_aliensneo | 2019 | SaNchez | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_alisiad | | Alisia Dragoon (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alisiads | | Alisia Dragoon (Hack, Spanish) | md_alisiad | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alisiadj | | Alisia Dragoon (Japan) | md_alisiad | 1992 | Game Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_alisiadu | | Alisia Dragoon (USA) | md_alisiad | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_hlwpumpkin | | All Hallows Rise of Pumpkin (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Rucksack Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_allnignipsupmabr | | All Night Nippon Super Mario Brothers (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_allpresent | | All Present and Correct (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aabasket | | All-American Basketball (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| aligators | | Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) | aligator | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| aligatorun | | Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 1) | aligator | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| aligatoruna | | Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) | aligator | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| aligator | | Alligator Hunt (World, protected) | | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_almika | | Almika The Star Rider Densetsu Gaiden (HB) | | 2021 | Mouse Spirit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_almosthero | | Almost Hero (HB) | | 2016 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_alphablaster | | Alpha Blaster (Euro) | | 1984 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| alphaho | D | Alpha Fighter / Head On | | 19?? | Data East Corporation | Vic Dual | No sound |
| nes_alphamission | | Alpha Mission (USA) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| alpham2 | | Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| alpham2p | | Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (prototype) | alpham2 | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| alphamis | | Alpha Mission | aso | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| alphaone | | Alpha One (prototype, 3 lives) | mhavoc | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| alphaonea | | Alpha One (prototype, 5 lives) | mhavoc | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| alpha1v | | Alpha One (Vision Electronics) | | 1988 | Vision Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_aroid | | Alpha Roid (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_aroida | | Alpha Roid (Japan, Alt) | msx_aroid | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_asquadron | | Alpha Squadron (Japan) | | 1984 | AG Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_alphazoo | | Alphabet Zoo | | 1984 | Spinnaker Software | ColecoVision | |
| cv_alpharoid | | Alpharoid (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2018 | Opcode Games - Pony Canyon | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| msx_alpineski | | Alpine Ski (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| alpine | | Alpine Ski (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| alpinea | | Alpine Ski (set 2) | alpine | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| spec_alterego | | Alter Ego (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_alterego | | Alter Ego (HB) | | 2011 | The New Image | MSX | |
| nes_alterego | | Alter Ego (HB) | | 2011 | Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_altercation | | Altercation (HB, v0.1) | | 2021 | Scottlowe | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_altbeast | | Altered Beast (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| altbeastbl | D NW | Altered Beast (Datsu bootleg) | altbeast | 1988 | bootleg (Datsu) | System 16B | no Sound |
| msx_alteredbeast | | Altered Beast (Euro) | | 1988 | Activision / Amusement Factory | MSX | Set 'B' Cursor to use controller |
| md_altbeast | | Altered Beast (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_altbeast | | Altered Beast (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_altbeasts | | Altered Beast (Hack, Spanish) | md_altbeast | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| altbeast2 | | Altered Beast (set 2) (MC-8123B 317-0066) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast4 | | Altered Beast (set 4) (MC-8123B 317-0066) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast5d | | Altered Beast (set 5) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0069 set) | altbeast | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| altbeast5 | | Altered Beast (set 5) (FD1094 317-0069) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast6 | | Altered Beast (set 6) (8751 317-0076) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast | | Altered Beast (set 8) (8751 317-0078) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| md_alterego | | AlterEgo Remastered (HB) | | 2020 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_awakening | | Alwa's Awakening (HB) | | 2021 | Elden Pixels | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_awakeningp | | Alwa's Awakening (HB, Prototype) | nes_awakening | 2021 | Elden Pixels | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_amadeuscb | | Amadeus Classical Beats (HB) | | 2021 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| nes_amagon | | Amagon (USA) | | 1989 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_amaurote128 | | Amaurote (128K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | Q/P/A/L: move - Space: fire - Shift: radio menu |
| spec_amaurote48 | | Amaurote (48K) | spec_amaurote128 | 1987 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | Q/P/A/L: move - Space: fire - Shift: radio menu |
| msx_amaurote | | Amaurote (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| cv_amazing | | Amazing Bumpman | | 1986 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| nes_amazorundiej | | Amazons Running Diet (HB, Japan) | nes_amazorundie | 2017 | Ancient | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_amazorundie | | Amazons Running Diet (HB, USA) | | 2017 | Ancient | Miscellaneous | |
| ambushh | | Ambush (hack?) | ambush | 1983 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| ambushj | | Ambush (Japan) | ambush | 1983 | Tecfri (Nippon Amuse license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ambushv | | Ambush (Volt Electronics) | ambush | 1983 | Tecfri (Volt Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ambush | | Ambush | | 1983 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| anteaterg | | Ameisenbaer (German) | anteater | 1982 | Tago Electronics (TV-Tuning license from Free Enterprise Games) | Galaxian | |
| spec_am3dpool | | American 3D Pool (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_ameribb | | American Baseball (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_americandream | | American Dream (Hack, English) | | 2007 | Pale Dim | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_americandreamj | | American Dream (Japan) | nes_americandream | 1989 | Coconuts | Miscellaneous | |
| md_amerglad | | American Gladiators (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_amerigla | | American Gladiators (USA) | | 1991 | GameTek | Miscellaneous | |
| horshoes | | American Horseshoes (US) | | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito L System | |
| sms_ameripf | | American Pro Football (Euro) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| amspdwy | | American Speedway (set 1) | | 1987 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| amspdwya | | American Speedway (set 2) | amspdwy | 1987 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_attwrest | | American Tag-Team Wrestling (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_amtrucka | | American Truck (Japan) | | 1985 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| msx_amida | | Amida (Japan) | | 1983 | Victor JVC | MSX | |
| amidarb | | Amidar (bootleg, set 1) | amidar | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| amidar1 | | Amidar (older) | amidar | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| amidaro | | Amidar (Olympia) | amidar | 1982 | Konami (Olympia license) | Galaxian | |
| amidars | | Amidar (Scramble hardware) | amidar | 1982 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| spec_amidar | | Amidar (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Salvador Camacho | ZX Spectrum | |
| amidaru | | Amidar (Stern Electronics) | amidar | 1982 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| amidar | | Amidar | | 1982 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| amigo | | Amigo (bootleg of Amidar, set 1) | amidar | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_ammytris | | Ammytris (128K) | | 1995 | Navigator | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_amomundo | | Amo del Mundo (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Positive | MSX | |
| msx_amotopuf | | Amoto's Puf (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | SPE | MSX | |
| md_amshay | | Amshay (HB) | | 2022 | BankBank | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_amurisus | | Amurisus (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2013 | Lieves!Tuore | MSX | |
| spec_anarchy | | Anarchy (48K) | | 1987 | Rack-It - Hewson | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_anchors | | Anchors Aweigh (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Manuel Martinez | MSX | |
| md_agassi | | Andre Agassi Tennis (Euro) | | 1992 | TecMagik | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_agassi | | Andre Agassi Tennis (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | TecMagik | Sega Master System | |
| gg_agassi | | Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) | | 1993 | TecMagik | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_agassiu | | Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) | md_agassi | 1992 | TecMagik | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_agassiup | | Andre Agassi Tennis (USA, Prototype) | md_agassi | 1992 | TecMagik | Sega Megadrive | |
| androdun | | Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049) | | 1992 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| androidpo | | Android (prototype, early build) | androidp | 198? | Nasco | Miscellaneous | |
| androidp | | Android (prototype, later build) | | 1987 | Nasco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_androide | | Androide (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | PixelSoftware | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_andycapp | | Andy Capp (128K) | | 1988 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_anexoes | | Anexo 1, El Algoritmo (Spanish) (HB) | msx_anexoen | 2018 | Jose Soto Gandara | MSX | |
| angelkds | | Angel Kids (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega / Nasco? | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_anpole128 | | Angel Nieto Pole 500cc (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press '6', '7' and ENTER to choose and set options |
| spec_anpole48 | | Angel Nieto Pole 500cc (Spanish) (48K) | spec_anpole128 | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press '6', '7' and ENTER to choose and set options |
| msx_angelo | | Angelo (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_angeloa | | Angelo (Japan, Alt) | msx_angelo | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| spec_angels | | Angels (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_angleball | | Angle Ball (48K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_angleball | | Angleball (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| cadanglr | | Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_angrybirdsvs | | Angry Birds - Opposition (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_anguna | | Anguna - Scourge of the Goblin King (HB) | | 2021 | The 6502 Collective | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_animalblk | | Animal Blockes (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_animclip | | Animal Clipper (HB) | | 2021 | Okunyon | Miscellaneous | If the board completely empties the music crashes |
| msx_animland | | Animal Land Satsujin Jiken (Japan) | | 1987 | Enix | MSX | Japanese-language only |
| md_animania | | Animaniacs (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_animanias | | Animaniacs (Hack, Spanish) | md_animania | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_animaniau | | Animaniacs (USA) | md_animania | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_ankoku | | Ankoku Densetsu (Japan) | | 1990 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| sms_anmitsu | | Anmitsu Hime (Japan) | sms_alexhitw | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_anexoen | | Annex 1, The Algorithm (English) (HB) | | 2018 | Jose Soto Gandara | MSX | |
| md_anotherw | | Another World (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_antattack | | Ant Attack (48K) | | 1983 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_antarct | | Antarctic Adventure (Euro) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_antarcta | | Antarctic Adventure (Euro, Alt) | msx_antarct | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_antarctj | | Antarctic Adventure (Japan) | msx_antarct | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_antaradv | | Antarctic Adventure (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_antarctk | | Antarctic Adventure (Korea) (Unl) | msx_antarct | 1984 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| cv_antarct | | Antarctic Adventure | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_anteater | | AntEater (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | DEFB Studio | ZX Spectrum | |
| anteater | | Anteater | | 1982 | Tago Electronics | Galaxian | |
| nes_antenna | | Antenna Antics (HB) | | 2021 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_anticipation | | Anticipation (USA) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_antyjones | | Antiquity Jones (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_anty | | Anty (Japan) | | 1984 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| msx_antya | | Anty (Japan, Alt) | msx_anty | 1984 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| nes_ao | | AO (HB) | | 2016 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_aod | | AO (HB, Digital Edition) | nes_ao | 2016 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_aoiblink | | Aoi Blink (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_genchohic | | Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (Hack, Chinese) | md_genghis2 | 199? | SKOB | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_genchohi | | Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (Japan) | md_genghis2 | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_apb | | APB - All Points Bulletin (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_apeman | | Apeman Strikes Again, The (Euro) | | 1985 | Bytebusters | MSX | |
| aponow | | Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue) | rescue | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pce_appgateb | | Appare! Gateball (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| fds_appletowmon | | Apple Town Monogatari - Little Computer People (Japan) | | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| appoooh | | Appoooh | | 1984 | Sanritsu / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_apulija13 | | Apulija-13 (128K) (HB, v2.01) | | 2018 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mojontwiapuche | | Apuntalo, Cheril (HB) | nes_mojontwichewri | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| md_aqrenk | | Aq Renkan Awa (China) (Unl) | | 1995 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| aquajackj | | Aqua Jack (Japan) | aquajack | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| aquajacku | | Aqua Jack (US) | aquajack | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| aquajack | | Aqua Jack (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| spec_aquaplane | | Aqua Plane (48K) | | 1983 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | Press ENTER to skip 'loading screen' |
| msx_aquasos | | Aqua Polis SOS (Japan) | | 1983 | Paxon | MSX | |
| spec_aquanoids | | Aquanoids (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Neil Parsons | ZX Spectrum | |
| aquariumj | | Aquarium (Japan) | aquarium | 1996 | Excellent System | Miscellaneous | |
| aquarium | | Aquarium (US) | | 1996 | Excellent System | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_aquasquad | | Aquasquad (48K) | | 1988 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_aquagame | | Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats, The (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aquagames | | Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_aquagame | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_aquatacka | | Aquattack (Alt) | cv_aquatack | 1984 | Interphase | ColecoVision | |
| msx_aquatack | | Aquattack (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_aquatack | | Aquattack | | 1984 | Interphase | ColecoVision | |
| arabiana | | Arabian (Atari) | arabian | 1983 | Sun Electronics (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_arabian | | Arabian (HB) | | 1983-2022 | Sun Electronics Corp. | ColecoVision | Published by Pixelboy |
| arabfgtj | | Arabian Fight (Japan) | arabfgt | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| arabfgtu | | Arabian Fight (US) | arabfgt | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| arabfgt | | Arabian Fight (World) | | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| arabianmu | | Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0A 1992/07/06) | arabianm | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| arabianmj | | Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0J 1992/07/06) | arabianm | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| arabianm | | Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| arabian | | Arabian | | 1983 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| aracnis | | Aracnis (bootleg of Scorpion on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) | scorpion | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| msx_aramo | | Aramo (Japan) | | 1986 | Sein Soft | MSX | |
| md_arapuca | | Arapuca (HB) | | 2020 | Manganga Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| arbalest | | Arbalester | | 1989 | Jordan I.S. / Seta | Seta | |
| spec_arcofyesod | | Arc of Yesod, The (128K) | | 1985 | Thor Computer Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_arcadecl | | Arcade Classics (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| arcadecl | | Arcade Classics (prototype) | | 1992 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_arcadecl | | Arcade Classics (USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_arcadeflightsim | | Arcade Flight Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_arcadesh | | Arcade Smash Hits (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_arcadegh | | Arcade's Greatest Hits (Euro) | | 1996 | Midway | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_arcadia | | Arcadia (16K) | | 1982 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| arcadian | | Arcadia (NMK) | | 1994 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| md_archrivl | | Arch Rivals (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| archrivla | | Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89) | archrivl | 1989 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| archrivlb | | Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89, 8-way joystick bootleg) | archrivl | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| archrivl | | Arch Rivals (rev 4.0 6/29/89) | | 1989 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_archrivl | | Arch Rivals (USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_archriv | | Arch Rivals - A Basketbrawl! (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_archeomania | | Archeomania (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_archer | | Archer, The (Unl) | | 200? | Power Joy | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_archon | | Archon (USA) | | 1989 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_archon | | Archon - The Light and the Dark (48K) | | 1985 | Ariolasoft UK | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_arcomage | | Arcomage (HB) | | 2015 | bitVISION | MSX | |
| md_arcusj | | Arcus Odyssey (Japan) | md_arcus | 1991 | Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_arcus | | Arcus Odyssey (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_area51rie | | Area 51 - Roswell Incident (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_area51ris | | Area 51 - Roswell Incident (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_area51rie | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| area88r | | Area 88 (Japan Resale ver.) | unsquad | 1989 | Daipro / Capcom | CPS1 | |
| area88 | | Area 88 (Japan) | unsquad | 1989 | Daipro / Capcom | CPS1 | |
| gg_arena | | Arena (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| lwingsja | | Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A) | lwings | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lwingsj | | Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. B) | lwings | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_argosnj | | Argos no Juujiken (Japan) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Sega Master System | |
| sms_argosnj1 | | Argos no Juujiken (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_argosnj | 1988 | Tecmo | Sega Master System | |
| nes_argosnosenshic | | Argos no Senshi (Hack, Chinese v1.11) | nes_rygar | 2016 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| argusg | | Argus (Gottlieb, prototype) | | 1984 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_argus | | Argus (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| rygarj | | Argus no Senshi (Japan set 1) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygarj2 | | Argus no Senshi (Japan set 2) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| argus | | Argus | | 1986 | NMK (Jaleco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| arian | | Arian Mission | aso | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| arkarea | | Ark Area | | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_arkaderush | | Arkade Rush (HB) | | 2021 | Nathan Tolbert | Miscellaneous | |
| md_arkagisr | | Arkagis Revolution (HB) | | 2019 | Sik | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_arkanoid | | Arkanoid (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| arkgcbl | | Arkanoid (bootleg on Block hardware, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkgcbla | | Arkanoid (bootleg on Block hardware, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjbla | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, alt) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| ark1ball | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, harder) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| ark1balla | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, harder, alt) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjbl | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjbl2 | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Beta) | Arkanoid | |
| msx_arkanoid | | Arkanoid (Euro) | | 1986 | Taito ~ Imagine | MSX | |
| msx_arkanoida | | Arkanoid (Euro, Alt) | msx_arkanoid | 1986 | Taito ~ Imagine | MSX | |
| arkangc | | Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Game Corporation) | Arkanoid | |
| arkangc2 | | Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Game Corporation) | Arkanoid | |
| msx_arkanoidj | | Arkanoid (Japan) | msx_arkanoid | 1986 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_arkanoidja | | Arkanoid (Japan, Alt) | msx_arkanoid | 1986 | Taito | MSX | |
| arkanoidja | | Arkanoid (Japan, newer w/level select) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidj | | Arkanoid (Japan, newer) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjb | | Arkanoid (Japan, older) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Arkanoid | |
| msx_arkanoidk | | Arkanoid (Korea) (Unl) | msx_arkanoid | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| arkanoidpe | | Arkanoid (Phoenix Electronics Co. license) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito Corporation (Phoenix Electronics Co. license) | Arkanoid | |
| cv_arkanoid | | Arkanoid (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2020 | Taito | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| arkatayt | | Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Tayto) | Arkanoid | |
| arktayt2 | | Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, harder) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Tayto) | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidu | | Arkanoid (US, newer) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoiduo | | Arkanoid (US, older) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Arkanoid | |
| nes_arkanoid | | Arkanoid (USA) | | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| arkanoid | | Arkanoid (World, older) | | 1986 | Taito Corporation Japan | Arkanoid | |
| arknoid2b | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan bootleg) | arknoid2 | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2j | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan) | arknoid2 | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2u | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (US) | arknoid2 | 1987 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2 | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_arkanoidad | | Arkanoid After Dark (Hack) | nes_arkanoid | 2014 | Super Justin Bros | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_arkanoidii | | Arkanoid II (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_arkanoid2 | | Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | Z: left - M: right - ENTER: fire and start |
| spec_arkanoid2_48 | | Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (48K) | spec_arkanoid2 | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | Z: left - M: right - ENTER: fire and start |
| arkretrnu | | Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02A 1997/02/10) | arkretrn | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| arkretrnj | | Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10) | arkretrn | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| arkretrn | | Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10) | | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_arkistasring | | Arkista's Ring (USA) | | 1990 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_arkos1 | | Arkos - Part I (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| msx_arkos2 | | Arkos - Part II (Euro, Spanish) | msx_arkos1 | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| msx_arkos3 | | Arkos - Part III (Euro, Spanish) | msx_arkos1 | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Password: 35098 |
| gg_arliel | | Arliel - Crystal Densetsu (Japan) | gg_crystalw | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| armchmp2o | NW | Arm Champs II (ver 1.7) | armchmp2 | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| armchmp2o2 | NW | Arm Champs II (ver 2.6) | armchmp2 | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| armchmp2 | NW | Arm Champs II (ver 2.7) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armwrestl | | Arm Wrestling Classic, The (HB) | | 2022 | Fista Games | Miscellaneous | |
| armwrest | | Arm Wrestling | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armadillo | | Armadillo (Hack, English) | | 2007 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armadilloj | | Armadillo (Japan) | nes_armadillo | 1991 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_armageddon | | Armageddon (16K) | | 1983 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_armagedn | | Armageddon (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| fds_armananokiseki | | Armana no Kiseki (Hack, English) | | 2012 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_armananokisekij | | Armana no Kiseki (Japan) | fds_armananokiseki | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armeddrafanvil | | Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust (Hack, English) | | 2018 | LIPEMCO! Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armeddrafanvilj | | Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust (Japan) | nes_armeddrafanvil | 1993 | Angel Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| armedff | | Armed F (Fillmore license) | armedf | 1988 | Nichibutsu (Fillmore license) | Miscellaneous | |
| armedf | | Armed F (Japan) | | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armedbat | | Armed for Battle (HB) | nes_armedbatle | 2014 | 1010 Howe | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_armedbatle | | Armed for Battle - Limited Edition (HB) | | 2014 | 1010 Howe | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_armedf | | Armed Formation F (Japan) | | 1990 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| batriderc | | Armed Police Batrider (China) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batrider | | Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batriderhk | | Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batriderj | | Armed Police Batrider (Japan, B version) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batriderja | | Armed Police Batrider (Japan, older version) (Mon Dec 22 1997) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batriderk | | Armed Police Batrider (Korea) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batridert | | Armed Police Batrider (Taiwan) (Mon Dec 22 1997) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batrideru | | Armed Police Batrider (USA) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| armorcar | | Armored Car (set 1) | | 1981 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| armorcar2 | | Armored Car (set 2) | armorcar | 1981 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| armwarar1 | | Armored Warriors (940920 Asia) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwaru1 | | Armored Warriors (940920 USA) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwar1d | | Armored Warriors (941011 Europe Phoenix Edition) | armwar | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| armwarr1 | | Armored Warriors (941011 Europe) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwara | | Armored Warriors (941024 Asia) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwarb | | Armored Warriors (941024 Brazil) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwar | | Armored Warriors (941024 Europe) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| armwaru | | Armored Warriors (941024 USA) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spec_armymvs128 | | Army Moves (128K) | | 1986-87 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password Part 2: 27351 |
| spec_armymvs48 | | Army Moves (48K) | spec_armymvs128 | 1986-87 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password Part 2: 27351 |
| msx_armymoves1 | | Army Moves - Part 1 (Euro) | | 1987 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| msx_armymoves2 | | Army Moves - Part 2 (Euro) | msx_armymoves1 | 1987 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 37215 |
| cv_arnodash | | Arno Dash (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_arnodash | | Arno Dash (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sg1k_arnodash | | Arno Dash (HB) | | 2020 | Under4MHz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_arnodash | | Arno Dash (HB, v1.03) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| sg1k_arnodash2 | | Arno Dash 2 (HB, v1.03) | | 2020 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_arnodash2 | | Arno Dash 2 (HB, v1.03) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| md_arnoldp | | Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_arquimedes | | Arquimedes XXI (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| md_arrows | | Arrow Flash (Hack, Spanish) | md_arrow | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_arrowp | | Arrow Flash (USA, Prototype) | md_arrow | 1990 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_arrow | | Arrow Flash (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_artalive | | Art Alive (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aof | | Art of Fighting (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aofec | | Art of Fighting (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_aof | 2015 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aofs | | Art Of Fighting (Hack, Spanish) | md_aof | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aofp | | Art of Fighting (Prototype, 19940711) | md_aof | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aofu | | Art of Fighting (USA) | md_aof | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| aof | | Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof2bh | | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Enable hidden characters V2) | aof2 | 1994 | Yumeji | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof2a | | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGH-056) | aof2 | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof2 | | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056) | | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof3k | | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release) | aof3 | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof3bh | | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden (Enable Hidden Characters V2) | aof3 | 1996 | Yumeji | Neo Geo MVS | |
| aof3 | | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_aofupg | | Art of Fighting Upgrade (Hack) | md_aof | 2023 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_arthc0 | | Art of HelpComputer0, The (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2023 | Ate Bit | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_arttool | | Art Tool | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_artduel | | Artillery Duel | | 1983 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| pce_arttool | | Artist Tool (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Home Electronics | PC Engine | |
| spec_artura | | Artura (48K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_arya | | Arya (HB) | | 2021 | Andre Baptista | MSX | |
| sms_tvcolos | | As Aventuras da TV Colosso (Brazil) | sms_asterix | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| as1 | X NW | AS-1 Controller | | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| md_asapplz | | ASAP Plz (HB) | | 2020 | YRS Truly | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ascend | | Ascend (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_ascend | | Ascend (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_ascend | | Ascend (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| ashnojoe | | Ashita no Joe (Japan) | scessjoe | 1990 | Taito Corporation / Wave | Miscellaneous | Incomplete sound |
| sms_ashura | | Ashura (Japan) | sms_secret | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| ashuraj | | Ashura Blaster (Japan) | ashura | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| ashurau | | Ashura Blaster (US) | ashura | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| ashura | | Ashura Blaster (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | |
| nes_asmikkunland | | Asmik-kun Land (Japan) | | 1991 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| aso | | ASO - Armored Scrum Object | | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_aspargp | | Aspar GP Master (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_aspargpmas | | Aspar GP Master (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Set '3. Teclado' to use controller |
| nes_aspectstarn | | Aspect Star N (HB) | | 2019 | Nicole Express | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_aspic | | Aspic - Curse of the Snakelord (Hack, English) | | 2023 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_aspicj | | Aspic - Majaou no Noroi (Japan) | fds_aspic | 1988 | Bothtec | Miscellaneous | |
| md_asscreed | | Assassins Creed (Russia) (Unl) | md_dlair | 20?? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| assaultj | | Assault (Japan) | assault | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| assault | | Assault (Rev B) | | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sms_assaultc1 | | Assault City (Euro) | sms_assaultc | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_assaultc | | Assault City (Euro, Brazil, Light Phaser version) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| assaultp | | Assault Plus (Japan) | assault | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_leynos | | Assault Suit Leynos (Japan) | md_trgearth | 1990 | Masaya | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_assimilate | | Assimilate (HB) | | 2012 | Nessylum | Miscellaneous | |
| md_astebros | | Astebros (HB) | | 2023 | NeoFID Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_asterix1 | | Asterix (Euro, Brazil, v0) | sms_asterix | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_asterix | | Asterix (Euro, v1.1) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_asterix | | Asterix (Europe) | | 1993 | Infogrames | Miscellaneous | |
| asterixaad | | Asterix (ver AAD) | asterix | 1992 | Konami | GX068 | |
| asterixeaa | | Asterix (ver EAA) | asterix | 1992 | Konami | GX068 | |
| asterixeac | | Asterix (ver EAC) | asterix | 1992 | Konami | GX068 | |
| asterix | | Asterix (ver EAD) | | 1992 | Konami | GX068 | |
| asterixj | | Asterix (ver JAD) | asterix | 1992 | Konami | GX068 | |
| gg_astergre | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_astergre | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_astergre | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_astergrep3 | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Prototype, 19940125) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_astergrep5 | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Prototype, 19940216) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_astergrep4 | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Prototype, 19940222) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_astergrep2 | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Prototype, 19940313) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_astergrep1 | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (Prototype, 19940315) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_astergreu | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (USA) | gg_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_astergreu | | Asterix and the Great Rescue (USA) | md_astergre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_asterix | | Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (48K) | | 1986 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_asterpg | | Asterix and the Power of the Gods (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_asterpgp | | Asterix and the Power of the Gods (Euro, Prototype) | md_asterpg | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_astermis | | Asterix and the Secret Mission (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_astermis | | Asterix and the Secret Mission (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| asterock | | Asterock (Sidam bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (Sidam) | Miscellaneous | |
| asterockv | | Asterock (Videotron bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (Videotron) | Miscellaneous | |
| asteroidb1 | | Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware, set 1) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| asteroidb2 | | Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware, set 2) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| asteroid1 | | Asteroids (rev 1) | asteroid | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| asteroid2 | | Asteroids (rev 2) | asteroid | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| asteroid | | Asteroids (rev 4) | | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_asteroids | | Asteroids (SGM) (HB) | | 2021 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| astdelux1 | | Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1) | astdelux | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| astdelux2 | | Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2) | astdelux | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| astdelux | | Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_asteroidsrx | | Asteroids RX (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_astralworld | | Astral World (GlobalHack) | nes_smb | 2023 | Xasteria Group | Miscellaneous | |
| astrians | | Astrians (clone of Swarm) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (BGV Ltd.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_astroblast | | Astro Blaster (16K) | | 1983 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_astrobls | | Astro Blaster (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| nes_astroboy | | Astro Boy (Hack, English) | | 2022 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_astrododge | | Astro Dodge (HB) | | 2012 | Revival Studios | ColecoVision | |
| nes_astrofan | | Astro Fang - Super Machine (Hack, English) | | 2001 | Caution | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_astrofanj | | Astro Fang - Super Machine (Japan) | nes_astrofan | 1990 | A Wave Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| castfant | | Astro Fantasia (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| astrofl | | Astro Flash (Japan) | transfrm | 1986 | Sega | System E | |
| sms_astrofl | | Astro Flash (Japan, MyCard) | sms_transbot | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_astrofl1 | | Astro Flash (Japan, Pirate) | sms_transbot | 1985 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| sms_astforce | | Astro Force (HB, v1.03) | | 2017 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| cv_astroinv | | Astro Invader (HB) | | 1980-2005 | Scott Huggins / Stern | ColecoVision | |
| msx_amc | | Astro Marine Corps (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Press 'M' for Grenades |
| spec_astmarcs | | Astro Marine Corps - Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_astmarcs2 | | Astro Marine Corps - Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_astmarcs | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_astronm | | Astro Ninja Man (HB) | nes_astronmdx | 2020 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_astronmdx | | Astro Ninja Man DX (HB) | | 2022 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_astrophobos | | Astro Phobos (128K) (HB, v1.3) | | 2021 | Goliat | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_astroplm | | Astro Plumber (Euro) | | 1986 | Blue Ribbon Software | MSX | |
| nes_astrorobosasa | | Astro Robo Sasa (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_astrow | | Astro Warrior (Japan, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_astropit | | Astro Warrior and Pit Pot (Euro) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_astroclone | | Astroclone (48K) | | 1985 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_astrocop | | AstroCop (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_astrolaby | | Astronaut Labyrinth (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_astrosmash | | Astrosmash! ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | AMCgames | ZX Spectrum | Converted from Intellivision version |
| cv_astorm | | Astrostorm (HB) | | 2021 | AlalogKid | ColecoVision | |
| nes_astyanaxc | | Astyanax (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_astyanax | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_astyanax | | Astyanax (USA) | | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| asukaja | | Asuka & Asuka (Japan) | asuka | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| asukaj | | Asuka & Asuka (Japan, version 1) | asuka | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| asuka | | Asuka & Asuka (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| asurabld | | Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan) | | 1998 | Fuuki | FG-3 | |
| asurabusjr | | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) (ARCADIA review build) | asurabus | 2000 | Fuuki | FG-3 | |
| asurabusj | | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 1) | asurabus | 2000 | Fuuki | FG-3 | |
| asurabusja | | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 2) | asurabus | 2000 | Fuuki | FG-3 | |
| asurabus | | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (USA) | | 2000 | Fuuki | FG-3 | |
| ataqandr | | Ataque Androide - Moon Cresta (FAR S.A. Spanish bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (FAR S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| asideral | | Ataque Sideral (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_atf128k | | ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter (128K) | | 1988 | Digital Integration | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_athena | | Athena (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| athenab | | Athena (bootleg) | athena | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_athena | | Athena (USA) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| atehate | | Athena no Hatena? | | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| athena | | Athena | | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_athlball | | Athletic Ball (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_athland | | Athletic Land (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_athlanda | | Athletic Land (Japan, Alt) | msx_athland | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_athlandp | | Athletic Land (Japan, Prototype) | msx_athland | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| spec_aticatac | | Atic Atac (48K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| atlantol | NW | Atlant Olimpic (Italian bootleg) | trackfld | 1996 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_atlantean | | Atlantean (HB) | | 2014 | Aetherbyte | PC Engine | |
| acitya | | Atlantic City Action | bwcasino | 1983 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| spec_atlantis | | Atlantis (48K) | | 1985 | Anirog | ZX Spectrum | Press 'B' to use controller and 'S' to start game |
| nes_atlantisnonazo | | Atlantis no Nazo (Hack, English) | | 2015 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_atlantisnonazoj | | Atlantis no Nazo (Japan) | nes_atlantisnonazo | 1986 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_atlantiszx | | Atlantis ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | |
| atombjt | | Atom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin) | bjtwin | 1993 | bootleg (Kyon K.) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_atomant | | Atom Ant (128K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| atomboya | | Atomic Boy (revision A) | wilytowr | 1985 | Irem (Memetron license) | Irem M63 | |
| atomboy | | Atomic Boy (revision B) | wilytowr | 1985 | Irem (Memetron license) | Irem M63 | |
| atomicp | | Atomic Point (Korea) | | 1990 | Philko | System 16B | |
| atompunk | | Atomic Punk (US) | dynablst | 1991 | Irem America (licensed from Hudson Soft) | Irem M90 | |
| spec_atomrobokid | | Atomic Robo-Kid (Demo) (48K) | | 1991 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | Unfinished - no sound |
| md_atomrobos | | Atomic Robo-Kid (Hack, Spanish) | md_atomrobo | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atomroboj | | Atomic Robo-Kid (Japan) | md_atomrobo | 1990 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| robokidj3 | | Atomic Robo-kid (Japan) | robokid | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| robokidj | | Atomic Robo-kid (Japan, Type-2, set 1) | robokid | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| robokidj2 | | Atomic Robo-kid (Japan, Type-2, set 2) | robokid | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| md_atomrobo | | Atomic Robo-Kid (USA) | | 1990 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| robokid | | Atomic Robo-kid (World, Type-2) | | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_atomrobo | | Atomic Robo-kid Special (Japan) | | 1990 | UPL | PC Engine | |
| md_atomrun | | Atomic Runner (Euro) | | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atomruns | | Atomic Runner (Hack, Spanish) | md_atomrun | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atomrunu | | Atomic Runner (USA) | md_atomrun | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_atomicat | | AtomiCat (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Poe Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_atptour | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp7 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940509) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp6 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940719) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp5 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940723) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp4 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940802) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp3 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940805) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp2 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940808) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptourp1 | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Prototype, 19940908) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_atptouru | | ATP Tour Championship Tennis (USA) | md_atptour | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_atsarias | | Atsarias (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2013 | Lieves!Tuore | MSX | |
| attackf | NW | Attack (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Famaresa) | 6809 System | |
| msx_attack4 | | Attack 4 Women Volleyball (Japan) | | 1986 | Pax Softonica | MSX | |
| nes_attacanigak | | Attack Animal Gakuen (Hack, English) | | 2003 | PentarouZero | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_attacanigakj | | Attack Animal Gakuen (Japan) | nes_attacanigak | 1987 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mosquiton | | Attack Mosquiton (Japan) | | 1986 | Shouji Ogawa | MSX | |
| spec_aktomatoes | | Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (48K) | | 1986 | Global Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_aktomatoes | | Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Euro) | | 1986 | Global Software | MSX | |
| nes_attackiltom | | Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_atkpetscii | | Attack of the Petscii Robots (HB) | | 2022 | The 8-bit Guy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_attacked | | Attacked (Euro) | | 19?? | Tynesoft | MSX | |
| spec_atvsim | | ATV Simulator - All Terrain Vehicle (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_aufwiemo | | Auf Wiedersehen Monty (128K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_awmonty | | Auf Wiedersehen Monty (v1.7 special s/l rom) (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| aurailjd | | Aurail (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1089A 317-0167 set) | aurail | 1990 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| aurailj | | Aurail (set 1, Japan) (FD1089A 317-0167) | aurail | 1990 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| aurail1d | | Aurail (set 2, World) (bootleg of FD1089B 317-0168 set) | aurail | 1990 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| aurail1 | | Aurail (set 2, World) (FD1089B 317-0168) | aurail | 1990 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| aurail | | Aurail (set 3, US) (unprotected) | | 1990 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| md_austrarl | | Australian Rugby League (Euro) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_austrarlp | | Australian Rugby League (Prototype) | md_austrarl | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_autocrash | | AutoCrash (Spanish) (128K) | | 1991 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_automania | | Automania (48K) | | 1984 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_automania | | Automania Remake (HB) | | 2022 | Fregarni | MSX | |
| spec_autocavexpl | | Automated Cave Explorer (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Alexei Borisov | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_avmahjongclubc | | AV Mahjong Club (Hack, Chinese) (Unl) | | 2018 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_avpoker | | AV Poker (Japan) | | 1992 | Games Express | PC Engine | |
| nes_avpregirfig | | AV Pretty Girl Fight (Unl) | | 1994 | Someri Team | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_avalon | | Avalon (48K) | | 1984 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_avatar | | Avatar (Russia) (Unl) | md_jimpowerpiko | 201? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| avefenix | | Ave Fenix (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game) | Miscellaneous | |
| avefenixl | | Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Laguna) | Miscellaneous | |
| avefenixrf | | Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_avenger | | Avenger (128K) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_avenger | | Avenger (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| avengersb | | Avengers (US) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| avengersa | | Avengers (US, revision A) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| avengers | | Avengers (US, revision C) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| avengersc | | Avengers (US, unknown revision) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| avengrgsj | | Avengers In Galactic Storm (Japan 1.2) | avengrgs | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| avengrgsbh | | Avengers In Galactic Storm (Playable Boss, Hack) | avengrgs | 2022 | hack | DECO MLC | |
| avengrgs | | Avengers In Galactic Storm (US/Europe 1.0) | | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| avspirit | | Avenging Spirit | | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| spec_avespacial2 | | Aventura Espacial, La - En los Dominios del Cerebelo (Spanish) (48K) | spec_avespacial1 | 1990 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | PASSWORD: CANES VENATICI |
| spec_avespacial1 | | Aventura Espacial, La - Explorando Mundos (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_avoriginal1 | | Aventura Original - Parte 1 - La Busqueda (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_avoriginal2 | | Aventura Original - Parte 2 - El Encuentro (Spanish) (48K) | spec_avoriginal1 | 1989 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | PASSWORD: TIMACUS |
| msx_averno | | Averno (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Proein Soft Line | MSX | |
| spec_averno | | Averno (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | P.J. Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_awepossm | | Awesome Possum (USA) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_awepossmp | | Awesome Possum (USA, Prototype) | md_awepossm | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_awol | | AWOL (HB) | | 2023 | Rodnade | Miscellaneous | |
| md_aworg | | Aworg (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_awspro | | AWS Pro Moves Soccer (USA) | | 1993 | ASCII Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_axbattlrp | | Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (Euro, USA, Prototype v2.0) | gg_axbattlr | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_axbattlr | | Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (Euro, USA, v2.4) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_axbattlrj | | Ax Battler - Golden Axe Densetsu (Japan, v1.5) | gg_axbattlr | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_smgp2 | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_smgp2 | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Euro, Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_smgp2 | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_smgp2p | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Euro, USA, Prototype) | gg_smgp2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_smgp2j | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Japan) | gg_smgp2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_smgp2u | | Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (USA) | md_smgp2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| aztarac | | Aztarac | | 1983 | Centuri | Miscellaneous | Vector graphics |
| spec_aztec | | Aztec (48K) (HB, pre-release) | | 2021 | Rui Martins | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_aztecadv | | Aztec Adventure - The Golden Road to Paradise (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| azurian | | Azurian Attack | | 1982 | Rait Electronics Ltd | Galaxian | |
| spec_a8bitjam | | Azzurro 8bit Jam (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2011 | RELEVO | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_a8bitjam | | Azzurro 8bit Jam (HB, v1.1) | | 2011 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| spec_bsquared | | B-Squared (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| bwingsa | | B-Wings (Alt Ver.?) | bwings | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| bwings | | B-Wings (Japan new Ver.) | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| bwingso | | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) | bwings | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bwings | | B-Wings (Japan) | | 1986 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bcbill | | B.C. Bill (48K) | | 1984 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bonkadv | | B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| bcstry | | B.C. Story (set 1) | | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Miscellaneous | |
| bcstrya | | B.C. Story (set 2) | bcstry | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_bcquest | | B.C.'s Quest for Tires (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_bcquesta | | B.C.'s Quest for Tires (Japan, Alt) | msx_bcquest | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_grogrev | | B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| msx_grogreva | | B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (Japan, Alt) | msx_grogrev | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| md_bob | | B.O.B. (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bobp | | B.O.B. (USA, Prototype) | md_bob | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| brapboys | | B.Rap Boys (World) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| brapboyspj | | B.Rap Boys Special (Japan) | brapboys | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| brapboyspu | | B.Rap Boys Special (US) | brapboys | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| brapboysp | | B.Rap Boys Special (World, newer) | brapboys | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| brapboysp2 | | B.Rap Boys Special (World, older) | brapboys | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| spec_babaliba | | Babaliba (48K) | | 1984 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_babelnotou | | Babel no Tou (Japan) | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_babyboom1 | | Baby Boom (Prototype, 19940603) | md_babyboom | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_babyboom2 | | Baby Boom (Prototype, 19940606) | md_babyboom | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_babyboom | | Baby Boom (Prototype, 19940811) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_babyboomer | | Baby Boomer (USA) | | 1989 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dooly | | Baby Dinosaur Dooly (Korea) | | 1991 | Daou | MSX | |
| spec_babymonkeyalba | | Baby Monkey Alba (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Javier Quero | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_babyd | | Baby's Day Out (USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_babydo | | Baby's Day Out (USA, Prototype, Earlier) | md_babyd | 1994 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_babyman | | Baby-man Vs Man-baby (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_babyman2 | | Baby-man Vs Nappy Bird (48K) (HB, v1.01) | | 2023 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| backfirt | | Back Fire (Tecmo, bootleg) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_backgamj | | Back Gammon (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_backgamja | | Back Gammon (Japan, Alt) | msx_backgamj | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| bssoccer | | Back Street Soccer (KRB-0031 PCB) | | 1996 | SunA (Unico license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bssoccera | | Back Street Soccer (KRB-0032A PCB) | bssoccer | 1996 | SunA (Unico license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_backskoo | | Back to Skool (48K) | | 1985 | Microsphere | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_backfutu | | Back to the Future (48K) | | 1985 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_backtof | | Back to the Future (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_backtofa | | Back to the Future (Japan, Alt) | msx_backtof | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| nes_backfut | | Back to the Future (USA) | | 1989 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_backfutenh | | Back to the Future Enhanced (Hack, v1.1) | nes_backfut | 2020 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_backfut2 | | Back to the Future II (128K) | | 1990 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | Set '2 Sinclair' to use controller |
| spec_backfut3 | | Back to the Future III (128K) | | 1991 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_backfutpariiiii | | Back to the Future Part II & III (USA) | | 1990 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_backtof2 | | Back to the Future Part II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Image Works | Sega Master System | |
| sms_backtof2c | | Back to the Future Part II (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_backtof2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_backtof3 | | Back to the Future Part III (Euro) | | 1991 | Imageworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_backtof3 | | Back to the Future Part III (Euro) | | 1992 | Image Works | Sega Master System | |
| md_backtof3cf | | Back to the Future Part III (Hack, Color Fix) | md_backtof3 | 2019 | Greg Kennedy | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_backtof3c | | Back to the Future Part III (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_backtof3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_backtof3s | | Back to the Future Part III (Hack, Spanish) | md_backtof3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_backtof3u | | Back to the Future Part III (USA) | md_backtof3 | 1991 | Arena Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_gantan | | Back to the Gantan - Year of the Rat (HB) | | 2020 | Nao | MSX | |
| backfire | | Backfire! (Japan, set 1) | | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| backfirea | D NW | Backfire! (Japan, set 2) | backfire | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | Set inputs to \"Joystick\" in test mode |
| spec_backgammon | | Backgammon (48K) | | 1988 | CDS Microsystems | ZX Spectrum | |
| chf_backgamm | | Backgammon / Acey-Deucey | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| md_badapple | | Bad Apple (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2012 | Stef_D | Sega Megadrive | 64 Mbit (8MB) cartridge |
| nes_badapple | | Bad Apple (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2015 | Little Limit | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_badapple | | Bad Apple (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2017 | SMS Power! | Sega Master System | |
| badapple | | Bad Apple (Tech-Demo) | | 2017 | Hpman | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_baddudes | | Bad Dudes (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| baddudes | | Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US, revision 1) | | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| badlands | | Bad Lands | | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_badnewbas | | Bad News Baseball (USA) | | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_badomen | | Bad Omen (Japan, Korea) | md_devilish | 1992 | Hot-B | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_badstrbra | | Bad Street Brawler (USA) | | 1989 | Mattel | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_badlands | | Badlands (128K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_baduk | | Baduk Gyosil (Korea) | | 1985 | Zemmix | MSX | |
| spec_baffojones | | Baffo Jones (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bagman | | Bag Man (HB) | | 2007 | AG Software | MSX | |
| bagmanmc | D NW | Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) | bagman | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| bagmanm2 | NW | Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) | bagman | 1984 | bootleg (GIB) | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| cv_bagman | | Bagman (HB) | | 1982-2015 | Stern | ColecoVision | Remake by Alekmaul |
| bagmans3 | NW | Bagman (Stern Electronics, revision A3) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagmans4 | | Bagman (Stern Electronics, revision A4) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagmans | | Bagman (Stern Electronics, revision A5) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagmanj | | Bagman (Taito) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagman | | Bagman | | 1982 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bahamutse | | Bahamut Senki (Hack, English) | md_bahamuts | 2020 | Supper | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bahamuts | | Bahamut Senki (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| bakatono | | Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002) | | 1991 | Monolith Corp. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_bakerman | | Bakerman (HB) | | 2008 | AG Software | MSX | |
| sms_bakubaku | | Baku Baku Animal (Brazil) | | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_bakubaku | | Baku Baku Animal (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_bakubakuc | | Baku Baku Animal (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_bakubaku | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_bakubakuu | | Baku Baku Animal (USA) | gg_bakubaku | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bakubakuj | | Baku Baku Animal - Sekai Shiikugakari Senshu-ken (Japan) | gg_bakubaku | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_bakumats | | Bakumatsu Rouman Tokubetsu Hen - Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana (Jpn) | ngp_lastblad | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| bakubrkr | | Bakuretsu Breaker (Japan) | explbrkr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| bkrtmaq | | Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-Q Dai Bouken (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| bakutotu | | Bakutotsu Kijuutei | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| fds_bakutpatkun | | Bakutoushi Patton-kun (Japan) | | 1988 | Soft Pro | Miscellaneous | |
| balcube | | Bal Cube | | 1996 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_balance | | Balance (Japan) | | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_balance2 | | Balance (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_balance | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_balance1 | | Balance (Japan, Alt) | msx_balance | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| spec_baldyzx | | Baldy ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| ballboy | | Ball Boy (2 players) | snowbro3 | 2003 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| md_balljack | | Ball Jacks (Euro, Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ballsto | | Ball Story - Jong Yuk Chuen Suet Fa Jong II (China) | | 1993 | Sun Team Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ballblzr | | Ballblazer (Japan) | | 1988 | Lucasfilm Games - Pony Canyon | MSX | P1 keys: Q-A-Z-X P2 keys: P-L-N-M |
| nes_ballblazer | | Ballblazer (Japan) | | 1988 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ballbreak128 | | Ballbreaker (128K) | | 1988 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | A, Z and SPACE to select options |
| spec_ballbreak48 | | Ballbreaker (48K) | spec_ballbreak128 | 1988 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | A, Z and SPACE to select options |
| pce_ballistx | | Ballistix (Japan) | | 1991 | Coconuts Japan - Psygnosis | PC Engine | |
| tg_ballistx | | Ballistix (USA) | | 1991 | NEC - Psygnosis | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| bace | | Balloon Ace | | 2003 | David Widel | Pac-man | |
| ballbros | | Balloon Brothers | | 1992 | East Technology | Taito X | |
| msx_ballbuster | | Balloon Buster (HB) | | 2022 | Hakogame | MSX | |
| nes_balloonfight | | Balloon Fight (USA) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_balloonmonster | | Balloon Monster (Unl) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_balloonpunch | | Balloon Punch (Japan) | | 1989 | Satico | MSX | |
| nes_ballstand | | Balloon Stand (HB) | | 2022 | Spazzylemons | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ballz3d | | Ballz 3D (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ballz3dp1 | | Ballz 3D (Prototype 199409xx) | md_ballz3d | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ballz3dp2 | | Ballz 3D (USA, Prototype 199406xx) | md_ballz3d | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_baltron | | Baltron (Japan) | | 1986 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_balbalok | | Baluba Balok (HB) | | 2017 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| baluba | | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) | | 1986 | Able Corp, Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_banana | | Banana (Japan) | | 198? | Studio GEN | MSX | |
| nes_banana | | Banana (Japan) | | 1986 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bananaprinceg | | Banana Prince (Germany) | nes_bananaprince | 1992 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bananaprince | | Banana Prince (Hack, English) | | 2003 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bananaprincej | | Banana Prince (Japan) | nes_bananaprince | 1992 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| banbam | | BanBam | | 1984 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bandana | | Bandana (HB) | | 2021 | Rodnade | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bandikinancchi | | Bandit Kings of Ancient China (USA) | | 1990 | Koei | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bandito | | Bandito (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Andy McDermott | ZX Spectrum | |
| bangball | | Bang Bang Ball (v1.05) | | 1996 | Banpresto / Kunihiko Tashiro+Goodhouse | Miscellaneous | |
| b2b | | Bang Bang Busters (2010 NCI release) | | 2000 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| bangbedp | | Bang Bead (Prototype?) | bangbead | 2000 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| bangbead | | Bang Bead | | 2000 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| bang | | Bang! | | 1998 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bangerman | | Banger Management (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bangmash | | Bangers and Mash (128K) | | 1990 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | Z, X, L and ENTER to move main character |
| sms_bankp | | Bank Panic (Euro) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_bankpc | | Bank Panic (Euro, Sega Card) | sms_bankp | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_bankpanic | | Bank Panic (HB) | | 2011 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_bankp | | Bank Panic (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_bankp | | Bank Panic (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_bankpa | | Bank Panic (Japan, Alt) | msx_bankp | 1986 | Sega | MSX | |
| msx_bankpk | | Bank Panic (Korea) (Unl) | msx_bankp | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| bankpt | | Bank Panic (Tecfri bootleg) | bankp | 1984 | bootleg (Tecfri) | Miscellaneous | |
| bankp | | Bank Panic | | 1984 | Sanritsu / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_bankbuild | | Bankruptcy Builder (HB) | | 2013 | Good Deal Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_baoxiao | | Bao Xiao San Guo (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | C&E Inc. | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_baraburu10 | | Bara Buruu (HB, v1.0) | | 2016 | Kagesan | Sega Master System | |
| baraduke | | Baraduke | aliensec | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_barben | | Barbarian (Euro, English) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| msx_barbpt | | Barbarian (Euro, Portuguese) | msx_barben | 1988 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| msx_barbes | | Barbarian (Euro, Spanish) | msx_barben | 1988 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| pce_barbarian | | Barbarian (HB) | | 2017 | F.L | PC Engine | |
| spec_barbarian | | Barbarian (Psygnosis) (48K) | | 1988 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_barbarn2 | | Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (128K) | | 1988 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'N' to through doors |
| msx_barb2 | | Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (Euro) | | 1988 | Palace Software | MSX | |
| md_barbarianrk | | Barbarian Remake (HB) | | 2019 | Z-Team | Sega Megadrive | Remake from Amiga-Atari ST game |
| md_barbarianami | | Barbarian the Ultimate Warrior - Amiga (HB) | | 2017 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| md_barbariancpc | | Barbarian the Ultimate Warrior - Amstrad CPC (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2014 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| md_barbarianst | | Barbarian the Ultimate Warrior - Atari ST (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2014 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| md_barbarianc64 | | Barbarian the Ultimate Warrior - C64 (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2014 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| md_barbarianzxs | | Barbarian the Ultimate Warrior - ZX Spectrum (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2015 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| spec_barbpt1 | | Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior - Part 1 (48K) | | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | one and two player mode |
| spec_barbpt2 | | Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior - Part 2 (48K) | spec_barbpt1 | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | only one player mode |
| gg_barbie | | Barbie Super Model (Prototype) | | 199? | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_barbiesm | | Barbie Super Model (USA) | | 1992 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_barbvac | | Barbie Vacation Adventure (USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3bk3p | | Bare Knuckle 3 Project (World) (Hack) | md_sor3 | 2019 | Gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk2p | | Bare Knuckle II (Japan, Prototype) | md_sor2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk3e | | Bare Knuckle III (Hack, English) | md_sor3 | 2009 | Twilight Transaltions | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk3s | | Bare Knuckle III (Hack, Spanish) (Uncensored) (All Unlocked) | md_sor3 | 2012 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk3 | | Bare Knuckle III (Japan) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk3p | | Bare Knuckle III (Japan, Prototype) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bk3pro | | Bare Knuckle III Project (Japan) (Hack, v0.3) | md_sor3 | 2018 | Gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_bmetal2 | | Bare Metal 2.0 (HB) | | 2021 | ScarduaDev | Miscellaneous | NesDev Competition build |
| pce_baribari | | Bari Bari Densetsu (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| spec_bark | | Bark, The (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_barkebilstrish | | Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_barkley | | Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_barkley2 | | Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 (USA) | | 1995 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_barkley2p | | Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 (USA, Prototype) | md_barkley2 | 1995 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_barmyburg | | Barmy Burgers (48K) | | 1983 | Blaby Computer Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_barnstrm | | Barn Stormer (Euro) | | 1985 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| md_barney | | Barney's Hide & Seek Game (USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| baracuda | | Barracuda | puckman | 1981 | hack (Coinex) | Pac-man | |
| pce_barunba | | Barunba (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| md_barverbs | | Barver Battle Saga (Chinese) | | 2023 | Chuan Pu Ke Ji / Ken_Tse | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_barver | | Barver Battle Saga - Tai Kong Zhan Shi (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | Chuanpu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_barvere | | Barver Battle Saga - Tai Kong Zhan Shi (Hack, English) | md_barver | 2010 | Djinn | Sega Megadrive | |
| baryon | | Baryon - Future Assault (set 1) | | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Miscellaneous | |
| baryona | | Baryon - Future Assault (set 2) | baryon | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_basewars | | Base Wars (USA) | | 1991 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_basebsim1000 | | Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA) | | 1990 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_baseballstars | | Baseball Stars (USA) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bstars2 | | Baseball Stars 2 | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_basebstaii | | Baseball Stars II (USA) | | 1992 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| bstarsh | | Baseball Stars Professional (NGH-002) | bstars | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| bstars | | Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| chf_baseball | | Baseball | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| nes_basesloaded | | Bases Loaded (USA) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_basesloaded3 | | Bases Loaded 3 (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_basesloaded4 | | Bases Loaded 4 (USA) | | 1993 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_basesloaii | | Bases Loaded II - Second Season (USA) | | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bashibaz | | Bashi Bazook - Morphoid Masher (USA) (Prototype) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_basilmouse | | Basil the Great Mouse Detective (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| basketbal | | Basket Ball (8-way joystick bootleg of Arch Rivals) | archrivl | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_basketn | | Basket Ball Nightmare (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_bassmc | | BASS Masters Classic (USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bassmpro | | BASS Masters Classic - Pro Edition (USA) | | 1996 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_bassedefadv | | Basse Def Adventures (HB) | | 2019 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_batboy | | Bat Boy (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_batlizard | | Bat Lizard Bonanza (HB) | | 2020 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_batman | | Batman (128K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_batman_48 | | Batman (48K) | spec_batman | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_batman | | Batman (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_batmaneu | | Batman (Euro) | msx_batman | 1986 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| md_batmans | | Batman (Hack, Spanish) | md_batman | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_batmanj | | Batman (Japan) | md_batman | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_batman | | Batman (Japan) | | 1987 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| pce_batman | | Batman (Japan) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| md_batmanu | | Batman (USA) | md_batman | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_batman10 | | Batman (v1.0 special s/l rom) (Euro) | msx_batman | 1987 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| nes_batmaretjok | | Batman - Return of the Joker (USA) | | 1991 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_batmanrj | | Batman - Revenge of the Joker (USA) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_batmancc | | Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the Hand (48K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_batmancc2 | | Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than Death (48K) | spec_batmancc | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_batmanmv | | Batman - The Movie (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_batmanmv | | Batman - The Movie (Euro) | | 1989 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| spec_batmanpe | | Batman - The Puaj Edition (48K) | | 1989 | Micro House | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_batmavidgamc | | Batman - The Video Game (Hack, Chinese) | nes_batmavidgam | 2020 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_batmavidgamj | | Batman - The Video Game (Japan) | nes_batmavidgam | 1989 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_batmavidgam | | Batman - The Video Game (USA) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_batmanf | | Batman Forever (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_batmanf | | Batman Forever (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| batman2 | | Batman Part 2 | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| sms_batmanrn | | Batman Returns (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_batmanrns | | Batman Returns (Hack, Spanish) | md_batmanrn | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_batmanreturns | | Batman Returns (USA) | | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_batmanrn | | Batman Returns (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_batmanrn | | Batman Returns (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| batman | | Batman | | 1991 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_batmanoloe | | BatManolo (English) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Nahell Tresal | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_batmanolos | | BatManolo (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_batmanoloe | 2023 | Nahell Tresal | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_batsuterii | | Batsu & Terii (Japan) | | 1987 | Use | Miscellaneous | |
| batsugunb | | Batsugun (Korean PCB) | batsugun | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batsuguna | | Batsugun (older, set 1) | batsugun | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batsugunc | | Batsugun (older, set 2) | batsugun | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batsugunsp | | Batsugun - Special Version | batsugun | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batsugun | | Batsugun | | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| msx_btanukia | | Batten Tanuki no Daibouken (Japan) | msx_btanuki | 1986 | Tecno Soft | MSX | |
| msx_btanukib | | Batten Tanuki no Daibouken (Japan, Alt) | msx_btanuki | 1986 | Tecno Soft | MSX | |
| msx_btanuki | | Batten Tanuki no Daibouken (Japan, v1.03) | | 1986 | Tecno Soft | MSX | |
| gg_batterup | | Batter Up (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_batterychad | | Battery Chad - Shock the World (HB) | | 2019 | Formula Fanboy | Miscellaneous | |
| battlntsj | | Battlantis (Japan, program code E) | battlnts | 1987 | Konami | GX777 | |
| battlntsa | | Battlantis (program code F) | battlnts | 1987 | Konami | GX777 | |
| battlnts | | Battlantis (program code G) | | 1987 | Konami | GX777 | |
| sgx_battlace | | Battle Ace (Japan, SGX) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | SuperGrafx | |
| bbakraidja | | Battle Bakraid (Japan) (Wed Apr 7 1999) | bbakraid | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bbakraidc | | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (China) (Tue Jun 8 1999) | bbakraid | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bbakraidj | | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (Japan) (Tue Jun 8 1999) | bbakraid | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bbakraid | | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999) | | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| batlballo | | Battle Balls (Germany, earlier) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| batlball | | Battle Balls (Germany, newer) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| batlballa | | Battle Balls (Hong Kong) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | SPI | |
| batlballe | | Battle Balls (Hong Kong, earlier) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | SPI | |
| batlballpt | | Battle Balls (Portugal) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| batlballu | | Battle Balls (US) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| nes_battlebaseball | | Battle Baseball (Japan) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| batlbubl | | Battle Bubble (v2.00) | bangball | 1999 | Banpresto (Limenko license?) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_battlechess | | Battle Chess (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_battlechopper | | Battle Chopper (Euro) | | 1985 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| bchopper | | Battle Chopper (World) | | 1987 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| batcira | | Battle Circuit (970319 Asia) | batcir | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| batcird | | Battle Circuit (970319 Euro Phoenix Edition) | batcir | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| batcir | | Battle Circuit (970319 Euro) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| batcirj | | Battle Circuit (970319 Japan) | batcir | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spec_battlecity | | Battle City (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Menyiques Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_battlecityv2 | | Battle City (HB, v2) | | 2023 | old pirate | Sega Master System | |
| nes_battlecity | | Battle City (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_battlex | | Battle Cross (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| battlex | | Battle Cross | | 1982 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| bcruzm12 | | Battle Cruiser M-12 | | 1983 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| btlfieldb | | Battle Field (bootleg) | timesold | 1987 | bootleg | Alpha 68k | no-rotation joystick ver |
| btlfield | | Battle Field (Japan) | timesold | 1987 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK license) | Alpha 68k | |
| flipshot | | Battle Flip Shot | | 1998 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_battleformula | | Battle Formula (Japan) | | 1991 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| bgareggahk | | Battle Garegga (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Feb 3 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgaregga | | Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996) | | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggablj | | Battle Garegga (Japan, bootleg) (Sat Feb 3 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | bootleg | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggak | | Battle Garegga (Korea / Greece) (Wed Feb 7 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggat | | Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggatw | | Battle Garegga (Taiwan / Germany) (Thu Feb 1 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgaregganv | | Battle Garegga - New Version (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Mar 2 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggacn | | Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Denmark / China) (Tue Apr 2 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggat2 | | Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Mar 2 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| bgareggaz | | Battle Garegga Zakk version (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996) | bgaregga | 2019 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| md_battlyuie | | Battle Golfer Yui (Hack, English) | md_battlyui | 2017 | filler | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_battlyuis | | Battle Golfer Yui (Hack, Spanish) | md_battlyui | 2020 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_battlyui | | Battle Golfer Yui (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_battlegrid | | Battle Grid (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | El Dr. Gusman | ZX Spectrum | Press 'I' to show the instructions |
| btlkroadk | | Battle K-Road (Korea) | btlkroad | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| btlkroad | | Battle K-Road | | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| nes_battlkid | | Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril (HB, Japan) | | 2010 | Sivak Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_battlkid2 | | Battle Kid 2 - Mountain of Torment (HB, USA) | | 2012 | Sivak Games | Miscellaneous | |
| battlane | | Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 1) | | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| battlane2 | | Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 2) | battlane | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| battlane3 | | Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 3) | battlane | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_batloder | | Battle Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_btlmania | | Battle Mania (Japan) | md_troubsht | 1992 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btlmanide | | Battle Mania Daiginjou (Hack, English) | md_btlmanid | 2006 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btlmanids | | Battle Mania Daiginjou (Hack, Spanish) | md_btlmanid | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btlmanid | | Battle Mania Daiginjou (Japan, Korea) | | 1993 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| atlantisb | | Battle of Atlantis (bootleg) | atlantis | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| atlantis | | Battle of Atlantis (set 1) | | 1981 | Comsoft | Galaxian | |
| atlantis2 | | Battle of Atlantis (set 2) | atlantis | 1981 | Comsoft | Galaxian | |
| cv_bofhoth | | Battle of Hoth (HB) | | 2013 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| nes_battlolyc | | Battle of Olympus, The (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_battloly | 2018 | dmlan2000 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_battloly | | Battle of Olympus, The (USA) | | 1989 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| md_redcliffa | | Battle of Red Cliffs, The - Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Taiwan) (Unl) (Hacked out Protection) | md_redcliff | 1997 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_redcliff | | Battle of Red Cliffs, The - Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1997 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_battleor | | Battle Out Run (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_battleorfm | | Battle Out Run (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_battleor | 2018 | Sega - SMS Power! | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| tg_batlroyl | | Battle Royale (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| bsharkj | | Battle Shark (Japan) | bshark | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| bsharkjjs | | Battle Shark (Japan, Joystick) | bshark | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| bsharku | | Battle Shark (US) | bshark | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| bshark | | Battle Shark (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| spec_battleships | | Battle Ships (48K) | | 1987 | Hit-Pak | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_battlesq | | Battle Squadron (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_battlesqs | | Battle Squadron (Hack, Spanish) | md_battlesq | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_battlesqp | | Battle Squadron (Prototype, 19910118) | md_battlesq | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_battletank | | Battle Tank (USA) | | 1990 | Absolute | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_btltank3d | | Battle Tank 3D and some Crazy Aliens (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_btlvalley | | Battle Valley (128K) | | 1988 | Rack-It - Hewson | ZX Spectrum | Double click on fire button to stop/reverse |
| batlzone | | Battle Zone (bootleg of Mayday) | mayday | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game) | 6809 System | |
| bzonec | | Battle Zone (cocktail) | bzone | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | GFX/Sound Issues |
| bzonea | | Battle Zone (rev 1) | bzone | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | GFX/Sound Issues |
| bzone | | Battle Zone (rev 2) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | GFX/Sound Issues |
| sms_bmaniacs | | Battlemaniacs (Brazil) | | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_battlems | | Battlemaster (USA) | | 1991 | Arena Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_battler | | Battler (HB) | | 2015 | Karu Gamo | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_bship | | Battleship (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Mindscape | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_battleshipc | | Battleship (Hack, Spanish) | nes_battleship | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_battleship | | Battleship (USA) | | 1993 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_clapton2 | | Battleship Clapton II (Japan) | | 1984 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| msx_clapton2a | | Battleship Clapton II (Japan, Alt) | msx_clapton2 | 1984 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| md_btech | | BattleTech (USA) | | 1994 | Extreme Entertainment Group | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btoadsdds | | Battletoads & Double Dragon (Hack, Spanish) | md_btoadsdd | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btoadsdd | | Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (USA) | | 1993 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_btoads | | Battletoads (Euro, Japan) | | 1993 | Tradewest - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_btoadss | | Battletoads (Hack, Spanish) | md_btoads | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_btoadsu | | Battletoads (USA) | gg_btoads | 1993 | Tradewest - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_battletoads | | Battletoads (USA) | | 1991 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| md_btoads | | Battletoads (World) | | 1991 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_battldoudra | | Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA) | | 1993 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| btoads | | Battletoads | | 1994 | Rare / Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_btlzone | | Battlezone (48K) | | 1984 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_battlot | | Battlot (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| spec_batty | | Batty (48K) | | 1987 | Hit-Pak | ZX Spectrum | Press 'A' for 1P options and 'B' for 2P options |
| bayroute1 | | Bay Route (set 1, US) (unprotected) | bayroute | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega | System 16B | |
| bayroutejd | | Bay Route (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0115 set) | bayroute | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| bayroutej | | Bay Route (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0115) | bayroute | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega | System 16B | |
| bayrouted | | Bay Route (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0116 set) | bayroute | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| bayroute | | Bay Route (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0116) | | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_bcquesttires | | BC's Quest for Tires (48K) | | 1985 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | Press 'P' for control options |
| cv_bcquest2ca | | BC's Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge (Alt) | cv_bcquest2 | 1984 | Coleco Canada | ColecoVision | |
| cv_bcquest2 | | BC's Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_bcquest | | BC's Quest for Tires | | 1983 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| md_bcdverifier | | BCD Verifier (HB, Test) | | 2016 | Flamewing | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_beball | | Be Ball (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| sms_benosqr | | Be No Sqr (HB, Tech-Demo v1.01) | | 2016 | psidum, sim, slimeball | Sega Master System | |
| spec_beabugsi | | Beach Buggy Simulator (48K) | | 1988 | Silverbird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| wbbc97 | NW | Beach Festival World Championship 1997 | | 1997 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bvolley | | Beach Volley (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | 'Redefine Keys' to use controller |
| spec_bhead | | Beach-Head (48K) | | 1984 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_beachead | | Beach-Head (Euro) | | 1985 | Access Software | MSX | |
| spec_bhead2 | | Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back! (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| beaminv | D | Beam Invader | | 1979 | Teknon Kogyo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| spec_beamrider | | Beamrider (48K) | | 1984 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_beamridr | | Beamrider (Japan) | | 1984 | Activision - Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_beamridr | | Beamrider | | 1983 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| spec_beamslight | | Beams of Light (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Shiny | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| spec_beanbros | | Bean Brothers (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | Press 'down' to change character |
| bbustersja | | Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, 2 Player) | bbusters | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bbustersj | | Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, 3 Player) | bbusters | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bbustersua | | Beast Busters (US, Version 2) | bbusters | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bbustersu | | Beast Busters (US, Version 3) | bbusters | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bbusters | | Beast Busters (World) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_beastwj | | Beast Warriors (Japan) | md_beastw | 1991 | Riot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beastw | | Beast Wrestler (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beastbal | | Beastball (Prototype) | | 1993 | Spectrum Holobyte | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bfeastie | | Beastie Feastie (128K) (HB) | | 2005 | Beyker Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| beastfp | | Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion) | suprglob | 1984 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| nes_beee | | Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em (HB) | | 2014 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | Adult game |
| nes_beatlesadv | | Beatles Adventures in Pepperland, The (GlobalHack) | nes_smb2 | 2021 | NesDraug | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_beautandbea | | Beauty and the Beast (Europe) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_beavis | | Beavis and Butt-Head (Euro) | | 1994 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_beavis | | Beavis and Butt-head (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Viacom New Media | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_beaviss | | Beavis And Butt-Head (Hack, Spanish) | md_beavis | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_beavisp | | Beavis and Butt-head (Prototype) | gg_beavis | 1994 | Viacom New Media | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_beavisu | | Beavis and Butt-Head (USA) | md_beavis | 1994 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beavisup | NW | Beavis and Butt-Head (USA, Prototype) | md_beavis | 1994 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_becky | | Becky (Japan) | | 1983 | MIA | MSX | |
| msx_beckyb | | Becky (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_becky | 1983 | MIA | MSX | |
| msx_beckya | | Becky (Japan, Alt) | msx_becky | 1983 | MIA | MSX | |
| spec_bedlam | | Bedlam (128K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_beeflowr | | Bee & Flower (Japan) | | 1983 | Reizon | MSX | |
| msx_beeflowrb | | Bee & Flower (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_beeflowr | 1983 | Reizon | MSX | |
| msx_beeflowra | | Bee & Flower (Japan, Alt) | msx_beeflowr | 1983 | Reizon | MSX | |
| msx_bee | | Bee (HB) | | 2016 | N.I | MSX | |
| nes_bee52 | | Bee 52 (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| ddp2100c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2100hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2100j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2100k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2100t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2100 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, World) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2101 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, World) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp2 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, World) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| nes_beerslinger | | BeerSlinger (HB) | | 2018 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_beethrev128 | | Beethoven's Revenge (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_beethrev48 | | Beethoven's Revenge (48K) (HB) | spec_beethrev128 | 2022 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_beetlejuice | | Beetlejuice (USA) | | 1991 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_beez | | BeeZ (HB) | | 2006 | Darkstone | MSX | |
| md_begprince | | Beggar Prince - English Version (World, rev1) (Unl) | | 2005 | Super Fighter Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_bejeweled | | Bejeweled (HB) | | 2002 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| blswhstla | | Bells & Whistles (Asia, version M) | blswhstl | 1991 | Konami | GX060 | |
| blswhstl | | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) | | 1991 | Konami | GX060 | |
| md_ben10 | | Ben 10 (Russia) (Unl) | | 20?? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| benberob | | Ben Bero Beh (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_benkei1 | | Benkei Gaiden (Japan) (Alt) | pce_benkei | 1989 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| pce_benkei | | Benkei Gaiden (Japan) | | 1989 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| spec_bennyhil128 | | Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! (128K) (Hack) | spec_bennyhil | 2017 | AGDLabs | ZX Spectrum | AY-PSG music |
| spec_bennyhil | | Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! (48K) | | 1985 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_bombjackk2 | | Beom Jjaek (Korea) | sg1k_bombjack | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_berenss | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_berens | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp20 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940323) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp19 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940428) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp18 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940429) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp17 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940506) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp16 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940511) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp15 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940517) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp14 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940519) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp13 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940523) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp12 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940526) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp11 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940530) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp10 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940602) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp09 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940610) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_berensp17 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940628) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_berensp08 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940709) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_berensp16 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940715-B) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_berensp07 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940716) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp06 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940720) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_berensp15 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940721) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp14 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940722) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp13 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940727) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp12 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940801) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_berensp05 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940801) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp04 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940802) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp03 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940803) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp02 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940805) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_berensp01 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940808) | md_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_berensp10 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940811) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp11 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940811-A) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp09 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940812) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp08 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940813) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp07 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940814) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp06 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940819) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp05 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940820) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp04 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940824) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp03 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940825-B) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp01 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940826) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berensp02 | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Prototype, 19940826-B) | gg_berens | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_berens | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_berens | | Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_bbears | | Berenstain Bears, The (Prototype) | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| gg_berlin | | Berlin no Kabe - The Berlin Wall (Japan) | | 1991 | Kaneko | Sega Game Gear | |
| bermudatj | | Bermuda Triangle (Japan) | bermudat | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bermudata | | Bermuda Triangle (World Wars) (US) | worldwar | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| bermudat | | Bermuda Triangle (World?) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_berserk | | Berserk (HB) | | 2019 | Parisoft | Miscellaneous | |
| berzerkf | | Berzerk (French Speech, revision RC31) | berzerk | 1980 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| berzerkg | | Berzerk (German Speech, revision RC32) | berzerk | 1980 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_berzerk | | Berzerk (HB) | | 2022 | Electric Adventures | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| berzerkb | | Berzerk (revision RC28) | berzerk | 1980 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| berzerka | | Berzerk (revision RC31) | berzerk | 1980 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| berzerk | | Berzerk (revision RC31A) | | 1980 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| berzerks | | Berzerk (Spanish Speech, revision RC32) | berzerk | 1980 | Stern Electronics (Sonic License) | Miscellaneous | |
| bbbxing | | Best Bout Boxing (ver 1.3) | | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| bestleag | | Best League (bootleg of Big Striker, Italian Serie A) | bigstrik | 1993 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bestleaw | | Best League (bootleg of Big Striker, World Cup) | bigstrik | 1993 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bestbest | | Best Of Best | | 1994 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bestofp | | Best of the Best - Championship Karate (Euro, Prototype) | md_bestof | 1993 | Electro Brain | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bestof | | Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA) | | 1993 | Electro Brain | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_bestwarr | | Bestial Warrior (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Zeus Soft - Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_bestialwrr | | Bestial Warrior (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bestri | | Bestri (Korea, set 1) | | 1998 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| bestria | | Bestri (Korea, set 2) | bestri | 1998 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_betiled | | Betiled! (HB) | | 2007 | CEZ GS | MSX | |
| spec_bhcop | | Beverly Hills Cop (128K) | | 1990 | Tynesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_beyoasis | | Beyond Oasis (USA) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beyoasisp | | Beyond Oasis (USA, Prototype, 19941101) | md_thor | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_beyicepa | | Beyond the Ice Palace (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_beyopins | | Beyond the Pins (HB) | | 2021 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_beyondzt | | Beyond Zero Tolerance (USA, Prototype) | | 1995 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_bilidada | | Bi Li Da Dao (Taiwan) | sg1k_bankp | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| punisherbz | | Biaofeng Zhanjing (Chinese bootleg of The Punisher) | punisher | 2002 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| nes_bibleadventures | | Bible Adventures (Unl) | | 1991 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bibleadv | | Bible Adventures (USA, v5.0) (Unl) | | 1995 | Wisdom Tree | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_biblebuffet | | Bible Buffet (Unl) | | 1993 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| bigbang | | Big Bang (9th Nov. 1993, set 1) | tdragon2 | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bigbanga | | Big Bang (9th Nov. 1993, set 2) | tdragon2 | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| ngp_bigbang | | Big Bang Pro Wrestling (Jpn) | ngp_wrestmad | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| bigbucks | | Big Bucks | | 1986 | Dynasoft Inc. | Pac-man | |
| fds_bigchadogspi | | Big Challenge! Dogfight Spirit (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_bigchagogobo | | Big Challenge! Go! Go! Bowling (Japan) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_bigchagunfig | | Big Challenge! Gun Fighter (Japan) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_bigchajuusen | | Big Challenge! Juudou Senshuken (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| bigkarnk | | Big Karnak (ver. 1.0, checksum 1e38c94) | | 1991 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bignosfreout | | Big Nose Freaks Out (USA) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bignoscav | | Big Nose the Caveman (USA) | | 1991 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bignoseamericanadv | | Big Nose's American Adventure (48K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| bigrun | | Big Run (11th Rallye version, Europe?) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| bigrunu | | Big Run (11th Rallye version, US?) | bigrun | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| bigstrkba | | Big Striker (bootleg w/Italian teams) | bigstrik | 1992 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bigstrkb | | Big Striker (bootleg) | bigstrik | 1992 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bigstrik | | Big Striker | | 1992 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| spec_bigtroubleinlittlechina | | Big Trouble in Little China (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| bigtwinb | | Big Twin (No Girls Conversion) | bigtwin | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| bigtwin | | Big Twin | | 1995 | Playmark | Misc | |
| md_bigfd | | Big's Fishing Derby (HB) | | 2014 | Flamewing | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bigfoot | | Bigfoot (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bigfoot | | Bigfoot (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| bikkuric | | Bikkuri Card (Japan) | | 1987 | Peni | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_bikkuri | | Bikkuriman 2000 - Viva! Pocket Festiva! (Jpn) | | 2000 | Sega Toys | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| pce_bikkuri1 | | Bikkuriman World (Japan) (Alt) | pce_bikkuri | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_bikkuri | | Bikkuriman World (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_billtedsexcvigaad | | Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (USA) | | 1991 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| md_billwlsh | | Bill Walsh College Football (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_billwl95 | | Bill Walsh College Football 95 (USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_btomatog | | Bill's Tomato Game (Prototype) (Unl) | | 1994-2017 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | originally planned for 1994 |
| bilyard | | Billiard | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| spec_bilnighten | | Billie Night (English) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Sequentia Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bilnightes | | Billie Night (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_bilnighten | 2023 | Sequentia Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_billythekid | | Billy the Kid (48K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | Press Space and Enter to select options |
| md_bimini | | Bimini Run (USA) | | 1990 | Nuvision Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_binarycity | | Binary City (GlobalHack) | nes_battlecity | 2009 | AnS | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_binland | | Binary Land (128K) (HB, v1.7) | | 2020 | Joflof | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_binland16 | | Binary Land (16K) (HB, v1.7) | | 2020 | Joflof | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_binarylnd | | Binary Land (Euro) | | 1984 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| nes_binaryland | | Binary Land (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_biniax | | Biniax 2.0 (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| bioatack | | Bio Attack | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| nes_bioforceape | | Bio Force Ape (Japan) (English) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Seta | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_biohazardc | | Bio Hazard (China) (Unl) | nes_biohazard | 2003 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_biohazard | | Bio Hazard (Hack, English) | | 2018 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_biohazrb | | Bio Hazard Battle (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_biohazrbs | | Bio Hazard Battle (Hack, Spanish) | md_biohazrb | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_biohazrbp1 | | Bio Hazard Battle (Prototype) | md_biohazrb | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_biohazrbp | | Bio Hazard Battle (USA, Prototype) | md_biohazrb | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_biomirbokupa | | Bio Miracle Baby Upa!! (Hack, English) | | 2013 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_biomirbokupa | | Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_biomirbokupaj | | Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Japan) | nes_biomirbokupa | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_biosendan | | Bio Senshi Dan - Increaser Tono Tatakai (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| bioship | | Bio-ship Paladin | | 1990 | UPL (American Sammy license) | NMK16 | |
| nes_biocats | | Biocats (HB) | | 2022 | PB Games | Miscellaneous | |
| biomtoyc | | Biomechanical Toy (ver. 1.0.1870, checksum ba682195) | biomtoy | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| biomtoyb | | Biomechanical Toy (ver. 1.0.1878, checksum d84b28ff) | biomtoy | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| biomtoya | | Biomechanical Toy (ver. 1.0.1884, checksum 3f316c70) | biomtoy | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| biomtoy | | Biomechanical Toy (ver. 1.0.1885, checksum 69f5e032) | | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_biomotor | | BioMotor Unitron (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_biomotorj | | BioMotor Unitron (Jpn) | ngp_biomotor | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_bionicc | | Bionic Commando (128K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bionicc_48 | | Bionic Commando (48K) | spec_bionicc | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| bionicc | | Bionic Commando (Euro) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bioniccommandoc | | Bionic Commando (Hack, Spanish v1.03) | nes_bioniccommando | 2013 | TheFireRed | Miscellaneous | |
| bionicc1 | | Bionic Commando (US set 1) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| bionicc2 | | Bionic Commando (US set 2) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bioniccommando | | Bionic Commando (USA) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bionicom | | Bionic Commando - Return of Hitler (Hack) | nes_bioniccommando | 2006 | Chris M. Covell | Miscellaneous | |
| bioniccbl | | Bionic Commandos (bootleg, set 1) | bionicc | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bioniccbl2 | | Bionic Commandos (bootleg, set 2) | bionicc | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| bioplayc | | Bioplaything Cop (ver. 1.0.1823, checksum cd960fc9, prototype) | biomtoy | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_birdchairs | | Bird & Chairs (HB) | | 2017 | N.I | MSX | |
| nes_birdweek | | Bird Week (Japan) | | 1986 | Toemiland | Miscellaneous | |
| birdtrya | | Birdie Try (Japan, revision 2) | birdtry | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| birdtry | | Birdie Try (Japan, revision 2, revision 1 MCU) | | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| birdtryb | | Birdie Try (Japan, sample version) | birdtry | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| birdiy | | Birdiy | | 1983 | Mama Top | Pac-man | |
| spec_birdycant | | Birdy Cantabile (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | iadvd | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_biscuitsih | | Biscuits In Hell (48K-128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Monument Microgames | ZX Spectrum | |
| bishi | | Bishi Bashi Champ Mini Game Senshuken (ver JAA, 3 Players) | | 1996 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Imperfect gfx (one gfx rom bad, bad priorities) |
| gg_bmpuzzle | | Bishoujo Mahjong Puzzle (HB) | | 2022 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| sailmnsl | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (10-Lo, Hack) | sailormn | 2023 | hack | Cave | |
| sailmnhy | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Black Moon, Hack) | sailormn | 2024 | hack | Cave | |
| sailmnee | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Enhanced Edition v5 Final, Hack) | sailormn | 2019 | hack | Cave | Hack only enable in Extra Hard |
| md_sailormne | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Hack, English) | md_sailormn | 2018 | Supper | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sailormn | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan) | | 1994 | Ma-Ba | Sega Megadrive | |
| sailmnkf | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Korea-France, Hack) | sailormn | 2023 | hack | Cave | |
| sailmnxy | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (New Moon, Hack) | sailormn | 2024 | hack | Cave | |
| sailmnyh | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Optimised, Hack) | sailormn | 2018 | hack | Cave | |
| sailmnyy | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Serena Tsukino, Hack) | sailormn | 2021 | hack | Cave | |
| sailormnoh | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Hong Kong) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnoj | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Japan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnot | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Taiwan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnnh | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Hong Kong) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnnj | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Japan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnnt | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Taiwan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnh | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Hong Kong) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnj | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Japan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnt | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Taiwan) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| gg_sailormse | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S (Hack, English v1.1) | gg_sailorms | 2019 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sailorms | | Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S (Japan) | | 1995 | Bandai | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_bitlogic | | BitLogic a Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure (HB) | | 2022-2023 | OXiAB Studio | Sega Master System | |
| msx_bitlogicfv | | BitLogic a Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure (HB, final version) | | 2022 | OxiAB Studio | MSX | |
| msx_bitlogic | | BitLogic a Cyberpunk Arcade Adventure (HB, MSXdev'15 ed.) | msx_bitlogicfv | 2015 | OxiAB Studio | MSX | |
| spec_bnw | | Black & White (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | Use SPACE and ENTER to set options |
| nes_blackbas2j | | Black Bass 2, The (Japan) | nes_blackbas2 | 1988 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blackbas2 | | Black Bass 2, The (USA) | | 1989 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blackbassthe | | Black Bass, The (Japan) | | 1987 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_blackblt | | Black Belt (Euro, USA) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_blackboxcha | | Black Box Challenge (HB) | | 2017 | Sly Dog Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| blkdrgonb | | Black Dragon (bootleg) | blktiger | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blkdrgon | | Black Dragon (Japan) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blkheartj | | Black Heart (Japan) | blkheart | 1991 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| blkheart | | Black Heart | | 1991 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| nes_blackhol | | Black Hole - Czarna Dziura (HB, v0.20) | | 2021 | Siudym | Miscellaneous | |
| blkhole | | Black Hole | | 1981 | TDS & MINTS | Galaxian | |
| spec_blackhorse | | Black Horse (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | Digital Brains | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_blacklamp | | Black Lamp (128K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_blckonyxee | | Black Onyx Enhanced, The (Hack, T-Eng) | sg1k_blckonyx | 2010 | SSTranslations | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_blckony2 | | Black Onyx II, The - Search For The Fire Crystal (Japan) | | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_blckonyxen | | Black Onyx, The (Hack, English v1.2) | msx_blckonyx | 2011 | Polaris | MSX | |
| sg1k_blckonyxe | | Black Onyx, The (Hack, T-Eng) | sg1k_blckonyx | 2010 | SSTranslations | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_blackonyx | | Black Onyx, The (HB) | | 1987-2013 | Mystery Man - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_blckonyx | | Black Onyx, The (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| sg1k_blckonyx | | Black Onyx, The (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| blkpnthr | | Black Panther | | 1987 | Konami | GX604 | |
| spec_blacksea | | Black Sea - Treasure Hunters (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_blacksea | | Black Sea - Treasure Hunters (HB) | | 2022 | Mananuk | MSX | |
| spec_blackstar | | Black Star (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_blktiger | | Black Tiger (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| blktigerb1 | | Black Tiger (bootleg set 1) | blktiger | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigerb2 | | Black Tiger (bootleg set 2) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigera | | Black Tiger (older) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigerb3 | | Black Tiger / Black Dragon (mixed bootleg?) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blktiger | | Black Tiger | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blackt96 | | Black Touch '96 | | 1996 | D.G.R.M. | Miscellaneous | Game is glitchy (very poor quality)! This is normal! |
| bwidowp | D NW | Black Widow (prototype) | bwidow | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| bwidow | | Black Widow | | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_blackbeard | | Blackbeard (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| nes_blackjack | | Blackjack (USA) | | 1992 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_blacula | | Blacula (Prototype) (48K) | | 19?? | unknown | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bladebuster | | Blade Buster (HB) | | 2011 | HLC! Project (tm) | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_bladeag1 | | Blade Eagle (USA, Prototype) | sms_bladeag | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_bladeag | | Blade Eagle (World) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| bmaster | | Blade Master (World) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| spec_bladewarrior | | Blade Warrior (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Select 'Sinclair Stick' to use controller |
| nes_bladesofsteel | | Blades of Steel (USA) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| bladestle | | Blades of Steel (version E, Trackball) | bladestl | 1987 | Konami | GX797 | |
| bladestll | | Blades of Steel (version L, Trackball) | bladestl | 1987 | Konami | GX797 | |
| bladestl | | Blades of Steel (version T, Joystick) | | 1987 | Konami | GX797 | |
| md_bladeven | | Blades of Vengeance (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bladevens | | Blades Of Vengeance (Hack, Spanish) | md_bladeven | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_blaggerenh | | Blagger Enhanced (Hack) | msx_blagger | 2013 | JLTurSan | MSX | |
| msx_blagger | | Blagger MSX (Japan) | | 1984 | MicroCabin | MSX | |
| spec_blam | | BLAM (128K) | | 1992-2023 | Scattergood Studios | ZX Spectrum | |
| blandiap | | Blandia (prototype) | blandia | 1992 | Allumer | Seta | |
| blandia | | Blandia | | 1992 | Allumer | Seta | |
| sms_blastarena | | Blast Arena (HB) | | 2023 | HelpComputer0 | Sega Master System | |
| blastoff | | Blast Off (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 1 | |
| blasted | | Blasted | | 1988 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| blastero | | Blaster (location test) | blaster | 1983 | Williams / Vid Kidz | 6809 System | |
| nes_blastermasterc | | Blaster Master (Hack, Spanish) | nes_blastermaster | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blastermaster | | Blaster Master (USA) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bmaster2 | | Blaster Master 2 (USA) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bmaster2p | | Blaster Master 2 (USA, Prototype) | md_bmaster2 | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| blaster | | Blaster | | 1983 | Williams / Vid Kidz | 6809 System | |
| msx_blasteroids | | Blasteroids (Euro) | | 1987 | Image Works | MSX | |
| blstroidg | | Blasteroids (German, rev 2) | blstroid | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| blstroid2 | | Blasteroids (rev 2) | blstroid | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| blstroid3 | | Blasteroids (rev 3) | blstroid | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| blstroid | | Blasteroids (rev 4) | | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| blstroidh | | Blasteroids (with heads) | blstroid | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| blasto | | Blasto | | 1978 | Gremlin | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_blastoid | | Blastoid (HB) | | 2022 | Ludogix ltd | MSX | |
| blazeonj | | Blaze On (Japan) | blazeon | 1992 | A.I (Atlus license) | Kaneko16 | |
| blazeon | | Blaze On (World) | | 1992 | A.I (Atlus license) | Kaneko16 | |
| blazer | | Blazer (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| nes_blazblocks | | Blazing Blocks (HB) | | 2023 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_blazlazr | | Blazing Lazers (USA) | | 1989 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_blazrang | | Blazing Rangers (HB) | | 2021 | Karu Gamo | Miscellaneous | |
| blazstarcm | | Blazing Star (Stage Select Hack) | blazstar | 2020 | Clear Paper, NeoCverA, JustinG | Neo Geo MVS | |
| blazstar | | Blazing Star | | 1998 | Yumekobo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_blazthund | | Blazing Thunder (48K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| blzntrnd | | Blazing Tornado | | 1994 | Human Amusement | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_blimpgeddon | | Blimpgeddon (48K) (HB, v1.03) | | 2017-19 | Narwhal | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_blinkys | | Blinky's Scary School (128K) | | 1990 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_blizzardsrift | | Blizzard's Rift (128K) (HB) | | 2007 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_blobland | | Blob Land (HB) | | 2020 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blobman | | Blob Man (Unl) | | 2007 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blobquest | | Blob Quest (HB) | | 2021 | Tom Livak | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_blobthecop | | Blob the Cop (48K) | | 1989 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | ALT + SPACE for control options |
| arkblock | | Block (Game Corporation bootleg, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Game Corporation) | Arkanoid | |
| arkbloc2 | | Block (Game Corporation bootleg, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Game Corporation) | Arkanoid | |
| blockbl | | Block Block (bootleg) | block | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blockj | | Block Block (Japan 910910) | block | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blockr2 | | Block Block (World 910910) | block | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blockr1 | | Block Block (World 911106 Joystick) | block | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| block | | Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blockcar | | Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 | | 1992 | Visco | Seta | |
| blockgal | | Block Gal (MC-8123B, 317-0029) | | 1987 | Sega / Vic Tokai | System 1 | |
| msx_blockhol | | Block Hole (Korea) (Unl) | | 1990 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_blockhol | | Block Hole (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| blockhl | | Block Hole | | 1989 | Konami | GX973 | |
| blockout3 | | Block Out (Europe and Oceania) | blockout | 1989 | Technos Japan / California Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| blockoutj | | Block Out (Japan) | blockout | 1989 | Technos Japan / California Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| blockout | | Block Out (set 1) | | 1989 | Technos Japan / California Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| blockout2 | | Block Out (set 2) | blockout | 1989 | Technos Japan / California Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blockout | | Block Out (USA) | | 1990 | California Dreams / Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_blpuzzle | | Block Puzzle (HB, v1.2) | | 2020 | David Heremans | MSX | |
| spec_blkdizzy | | Block-Dizzy (48K) | | 1992 | Your Sinclair | ZX Spectrum | Set Controls>>Sinclair to use controller |
| msx_blockrun | | Blockade Runner (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_blockrun | | Blockade Runner | | 1984 | Interphase | ColecoVision | |
| blockade | | Blockade | | 1976 | Gremlin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blockage | | Blockage (HB, v0.3.2) | | 2019 | Scott Lowe | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_bbuster | | Blockbuster (HB) | | 2021 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| md_blockb | | Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II (USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| blkbustr | | BlockBuster | mrjong | 1983 | Kiwako (ECI license) | Miscellaneous | |
| blocken | | Blocken (Japan) | | 1994 | Visco / KID | Miscellaneous | |
| md_blockout | | Blockout (World) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_blockz | | BlockZ (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Raymond Russell | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_blodia | | Blodia (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_blodilan | | Blodia Land - Puzzle Quest (Japan) | | 1990 | Tonkin House | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bloktris128 | | Bloktris (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bloktris48 | | Bloktris (48K) (HB) | spec_bloktris128 | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bloktris | | Bloktris (HB) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sg1k_bloktris | | Bloktris (HB) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_bloktris | | Bloktris (HB) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| blmbycaru | | Blomby Car (not encrypted) | blmbycar | 1994 | ABM & Gecas | Miscellaneous | |
| blmbycar | | Blomby Car | | 1994 | ABM & Gecas | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbroja | | Blood Bros. (Japan) | bloodbro | 1990 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbroj | | Blood Bros. (Japan, rev A) | bloodbro | 1990 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbrok | | Blood Bros. (Korea) | bloodbro | 1990 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbrom | | Blood Bros. (Modular System) | bloodbro | 199? | bootleg (Gaelco / Ervisa) | Modular System | |
| bloodbrou | | Blood Bros. (US) | bloodbro | 1990 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbro | | Blood Bros. (World?) | | 1990 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bloodbrothers1 | | Blood Brothers (Module 1) (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bloodbrothers2 | | Blood Brothers (Module 2) (128K) | spec_bloodbrothers1 | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bloodbrothers3 | | Blood Brothers (Module 3) (128K) | spec_bloodbrothers1 | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bloodjur | | Blood of Jurassic (Unl) | | 1997 | Shanghai PS&T | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm104 | | Blood Storm (v1.04) | bloodstm | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm110 | | Blood Storm (v1.10) | bloodstm | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm210 | | Blood Storm (v2.10) | bloodstm | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm220 | | Blood Storm (v2.20) | bloodstm | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm221 | | Blood Storm (v2.21) | bloodstm | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodstm | | Blood Storm (v2.22) | | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodwar | | Blood Warrior | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| nes_bloodfall | | Bloodfall (HB) | | 2019 | Dr. Ludos | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bloodsht | | Bloodshot ~ Battle Frenzy (Euro) | | 1994 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bloodshtfix | | Bloodshot ~ Battle Frenzy (Hack, Texture Fix) | md_bloodsht | 1994-2021 | Domark - Diogo Ribeiro | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_bloody | | Bloody (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | P.J. Software | MSX | |
| spec_bloody | | Bloody (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Genesis Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bloodpaws1 | | Bloody Paws - Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | G.LL. Software | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Sinclair' to use controller |
| spec_bloodpaws2 | | Bloody Paws - Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_bloodpaws1 | 1990 | G.LL. Software | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Sinclair' to use controller |
| nes_bloodwar | | Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (Hack, English) | | 2021 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bloodwarj | | Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (Japan) | nes_bloodwar | 1990 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_blodwolf | | Bloody Wolf (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Data East | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_blowup | | Blow Up (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| md_blowemout | | Blow'em Out (HB) | | 2017 | 2nd Dimension | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_blowemout | | Blow'Em Out! (HB) | | 2018 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| bloxeedd | | Bloxeed (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0139 set) | bloxeed | 1989 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| bloxeed | | Bloxeed (Japan) (FD1094 317-0139) | | 1989 | Sega / Elorg | System 18 | |
| bloxeeda | | Bloxeed (Japan, earlier) (FD1094 317-0139) | bloxeed | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| blox16b | | Bloxeed (System 16B, PS2 data file) | bloxeed | 2008 | Sega | System 16B | |
| bloxeedu | | Bloxeed (US, C System, Rev A) | bloxeed | 1989 | Sega / Elorg | C | |
| bloxeedc | | Bloxeed (World, C System) | bloxeed | 1989 | Sega / Elorg | C | |
| md_bluealma | | Blue Almanac (Japan) | | 1991 | Kodansha | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_aoiblinke | | Blue Blink (Hack, English v0.99b) | pce_aoiblink | 2022 | Gaijin Productions | PC Engine | |
| bluehawkn | | Blue Hawk (NTC) | bluehawk | 1993 | Dooyong (NTC license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bluehawk | | Blue Hawk | | 1993 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bluemarlinthe | | Blue Marlin, The (USA) | | 1992 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bluemax | | Blue Max (48K) | | 1984 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| blueprntj | | Blue Print (Jaleco) | blueprnt | 1982 | Zilec Electronics / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| blueprnt | | Blue Print (Midway) | | 1982 | Zilec Electronics / Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_blueshadow | | Blue Shadow (Euro) | nes_shadonin | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| bjourneyh | | Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001) | bjourney | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| bjourney | | Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001 ~ ALH-001) | | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_bluesbro | | Blues Brothers, The (USA) | | 1992 | Titus | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bmxfrees | | BMX Freestyle Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bmxfrees48 | | BMX Freestyle Simulator (48K) | spec_bmxfrees | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bmxninja | | BMX Ninja (48K) | | 1988 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bmxrace | | BMX Racers (48K) | | 1984 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bmxsim | | BMX Simulator (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bmxsim | | BMX Simulator (Euro) | | 1987 | Codemasters | MSX | |
| spec_bmxsim21 | | BMX Simulator 2 - Dirt Biking (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bmxsim22 | | BMX Simulator 2 - Quarry Racing (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_boardello | | Boardello (Euro) | | 1985 | Bubble Bus Software | MSX | |
| bwcasino | | Boardwalk Casino | | 1983 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| boblbobl | | Bobble Bobble (bootleg of Bubble Bobble) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| spec_bobbybearing | | Bobby Bearing (48K) | | 1986 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | 6, 7 and 0 to select control type |
| spec_bobbycarrot | | Bobby Carrot (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Diver, Quiet, Kyv, Zorba | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bobsixseven | | Bobby Six Seven: Time Travelling Detective (HB) | | 2022-23 | CalGames | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bobl | | BoBL (HB, v1.1) | nes_boblv2 | 2020 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_boblv2 | | BoBL - Frog Update (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_bodycon2 | | Body Conquest II (Japan) | | 1993 | Games Express | PC Engine | |
| md_bodycob | | Body Count (Brazil) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodyco | | Body Count (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodycop | | Body Count (Euro, Prototype) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodycop5 | | Body Count (USA, Prototype, 19940127) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodycop4 | | Body Count (USA, Prototype, 19940208) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodycop3 | | Body Count (USA, Prototype, 19940303) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bodycop2 | | Body Count (USA, Prototype, 19940308) | md_bodyco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| bodyslam | | Body Slam (8751 317-0015) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| bogeyman | | Bogey Manor | | 1985 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| boggy84b | | Boggy '84 (bootleg, set 1) | boggy84 | 1983 | bootleg (Eddie's Games) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_boggy84 | | Boggy '84 (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| msx_boggy84b | | Boggy '84 (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_boggy84 | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| msx_boggy84a | | Boggy '84 (Japan, Alt) | msx_boggy84 | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| cv_boggy84 | | Boggy '84 (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2017 | Opcode Games - Colpax | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| boggy84 | | Boggy '84 | | 1983 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_boing2 | | Boing Boing (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Idealogic | MSX | |
| msx_bokosuka | | Bokosuka Wars (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_bokosukawars | | Bokosuka Wars (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_bokosukaa | | Bokosuka Wars (Japan, Alt) | msx_bokosuka | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_bold | | Bold (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2009 | dvik & joyrex | MSX | |
| bombbee | | Bomb Bee | | 1979 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bbbuster | | Bomb Bomb Buster (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Packobilly | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bombjack_48 | | Bomb Jack (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| bombjackbl | | Bomb Jack (bootleg) | bombjack | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_bombjack | | Bomb Jack (HB) | | 2015 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_bombjack | | Bomb Jack (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Fregarni | MSX | |
| sg1k_bombjack | | Bomb Jack (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_bombjackk1 | | Bomb Jack (Korea) | sg1k_bombjack | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| bombjack | | Bomb Jack (set 1) | | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| bombjack2 | | Bomb Jack (set 2) | bombjack | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_bombjackt1 | | Bomb Jack (Taiwan) | sg1k_bombjack | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| bombjackt | | Bomb Jack (Tecfri, Spain) | bombjack | 1984 | Tehkan (Tecfri licence) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bmbjack2 | | Bomb Jack II (48K) | | 1987 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| bombkick | | Bomb Kick (set 1) | | 1998 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| bombkicka | | Bomb Kick (set 2) | bombkick | 1998 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| md_bobc206 | | Bomb on Basic City (HB, v2.06) | | 2016 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bobcse | | Bomb on Basic City Special Edition (HB) | | 2018 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | Included a demo of Papi Commando Tennis |
| spec_bombsweep | | Bomb Sweeper (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bombsweeper | | Bomb Sweeper (HB) | | 2002 | SNOWBRO | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_bomblast | | Bomb'n Blast (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| cv_bomblast2 | | Bomb'n Blast 2 (HB) | | 2020 | Cote Gamers | ColecoVision | |
| spec_bomber | | Bomber (16K) | | 1983 | Spectrum Computing | ZX Spectrum | |
| bomber | | Bomber (bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 198? | bootleg (Alca) | Galaxian | |
| md_bomber | | Bomber (Brazil) | | 2005 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_bombbattle | | Bomber Battle (HB) | | 2021 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| spec_bombbot | | Bomber Bot (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bombking | | Bomber King (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| bombrman | | Bomber Man (Japan) | dynablst | 1991 | Irem (licensed from Hudson Soft) | Irem M90 | |
| fds_bomberman | | Bomber Man (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_bombman | | Bomber Man (Japan) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_bombmank1 | | Bomber Man (Korea) | msx_bombman | 1986 | Korea Soft Bank | MSX | |
| msx_bombmank2 | | Bomber Man (Korea, Alt) | msx_bombman | 1986 | Korea Soft Bank | MSX | |
| msx_bombmnsp | | Bomber Man Special (Japan) | | 1986 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| sg1k_bombmnsp | | Bomber Man Special (Taiwan) | | 1986? | DahJee | Sega SG-1000 | |
| bbmanwj | | Bomber Man World (Japan) | bbmanw | 1992 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| bbmanwja | | Bomber Man World (Japan, revised sound hardware) | bbmanw | 1992 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| bbmanw | | Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| spec_bombpengo | | Bomber Pengo (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_bombraid | | Bomber Raid (World) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_bombmn93 | | Bomberman '93 (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_bombmn93 | | Bomberman '93 (USA) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_bombmn93s | | Bomberman '93 - Special Version (Japan) | pce_bombmn93 | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_bombmn94 | | Bomberman '94 (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_bombman | | Bomberman (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_bomberman | | Bomberman (USA) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_bombman | | Bomberman (USA) | | 1991 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_bomberboxart | | Bomberman - BoxArt (HB, v1.02) | | 2017 | Corpse Grinder | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_bombmnub | | Bomberman - Users Battle (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_bombermanii | | Bomberman II (USA) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bomberun | | Bomberun (48K) | | 1984 | DH Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bombfusion | | Bombfusion (48K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| bjtwinp | | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 1) | bjtwin | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bjtwinpa | | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) | bjtwin | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bjtwin | | Bombjack Twin (set 1) | | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bjtwina | | Bombjack Twin (set 2) | bjtwin | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| md_bomboy | | Bomboy (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bombscare | | Bombscare (48K) | | 1986 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bnzabrosj | | Bonanza Bros (Japan, Floppy DS3-5000-07b Based) | bnzabros | 1990 | Sega | System 24 | |
| bnzabros | | Bonanza Bros (US, Floppy DS3-5000-07d? Based) | | 1990 | Sega | System 24 | |
| spec_bonanzabros | | Bonanza Bros. (128K) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_bnzabros | | Bonanza Bros. (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_bnzabros1 | | Bonanza Bros. (Euro, Japan) | md_bnzabros | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bnzabros | | Bonanza Bros. (Euro, Japan, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_bnzabrosc | | Bonanza Bros. (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_bnzabros | 2016 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_bnzabross | | Bonanza Bros. (Hack, Spanish) | md_bnzabros | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bnzabrosu | | Bonanza Bros. (USA, Korea) | md_bnzabros | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| bcrusher | | Bone Crusher | kncljoe | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bonemarrow | | Bone Marrow (HB) | | 2021 | PSCD Games, Hugepixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bmarrowdm | | Bone Marrow Rebirth (HB, Demo v2) | | 2021 | PSCD Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| bongo | | Bongo | | 1983 | Jetsoft | Galaxian | |
| tg_bonk3 | | Bonk III - Bonk's Big Adventure (USA) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_bonksadventure | | Bonk's Adventure (USA) | | 1994 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_bonk | | Bonk's Adventure (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| tg_bonk2 | | Bonk's Revenge (USA) | | 1991 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_bonkers | | Bonkers (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkerss | | Bonkers (Hack, Spanish) | md_bonkers | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkersp5 | | Bonkers (USA, Prototype, 19940328) | md_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkersp4 | | Bonkers (USA, Prototype, 19940503) | md_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkersp3 | | Bonkers (USA, Prototype, 19941004) | md_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkersp2 | | Bonkers (USA, Prototype, 19941025) | md_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bonkersp1 | | Bonkers (USA, Prototype, 19941029) | md_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_bonkersp13 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941031) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp12 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941115) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp11 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941121) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp10 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941123) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp09 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941126) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp08 | | Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941129) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_bonnieclyde | | Bonnie and Clyde (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| bonzeadvu | | Bonze Adventure (US) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadv | | Bonze Adventure (World, newer) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadvo | | Bonze Adventure (World, older) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadvp | | Bonze Adventure (World, prototype, newer) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadvp2 | | Bonze Adventure (World, prototype, older) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| boobhack | | Booby Kids (Italian manufactured graphic hack / bootleg of Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (bootleg)) | horekid | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_boobykids | | Booby Kids (Japan) | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_boogaboo | | Booga-Boo (Euro) | | 1986 | QuickSilva | MSX | |
| nes_boogerman | | Boogerman (Unl) | | 1997 | Realtec | Miscellaneous | |
| md_booger | | Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (Euro) | | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_boogeru | | Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (USA) | md_booger | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| boogwinga | | Boogie Wings (Asia v1.5, 92.12.07) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| boogwing | | Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07) | | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| boogwingu | | Boogie Wings (USA v1.7, 92.12.14) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| msx_boogie | | Boogie Woogi Jungle (Japan) | | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| msx_boogie2 | | Boogie Woogi Jungle (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_boogie | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| msx_boogie1 | | Boogie Woogi Jungle (Japan, Alt) | msx_boogie | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| md_boogie | | Boogie Woogie Bowling (Japan) | md_champbwl | 1993 | Visco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_bookyman | | Bookyman (Unl) | | 1991 | Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_boom | | Boom! (Euro) | | 1985 | Aackosoft - Eurosoft | MSX | |
| boomrang | | Boomer Rang'r / Genesis (set 1) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| boomranga | | Boomer Rang'r / Genesis (set 2) | boomrang | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_boomrang | | Boomerang (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_boomranga | | Boomerang (Japan, Alt) | msx_boomrang | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_boomingboy | | Booming Boy (SGM) (HB) | | 2019 | Armando Perez Abad & Nene Franz | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| boonggab | | Boong-Ga Boong-Ga (Spank'em!) | | 2001 | Taff System | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_boothill | | Boot Hill (HB) | | 2018 | Leo Brophy | ColecoVision | |
| spec_bootee | | Bootee (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mojontwiboo | | Bootee (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_booty | | Booty (48K) | | 1984 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_booty | | Booty (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| spec_bootyrmk | | Booty the remake (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2019 | salvaKantero | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bootyrmkbe | | Booty the remake - Black Edition (128K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_bootyrmk | 2019 | salvaKantero | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bop | | Bop! (Euro) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| sg1k_bordrlin | | Borderline (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| brdrlinb | D | Borderline (Karateco bootleg) | brdrline | 1981 | bootleg (Karateco) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| brdrlins | D | Borderline (Sidam bootleg) | brdrline | 1981 | bootleg (Sidam) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| brdrlinet | D NW | Borderline (Tranquillizer Gun conversion) | brdrline | 1981 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| brdrline | D | Borderline | | 1981 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spec_bringsa | | Bored of the Rings v2 - side A (48K) | | 1985 | Delta 4 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bringsb | | Bored of the Rings v2 - side B (48K) | spec_bringsa | 1985 | Delta 4 | ZX Spectrum | PSW: Work for money, spend money, spend for love, love for money |
| borenchj | | Borench (Japan) | borench | 1990 | Sega | C2 | |
| borench | | Borench (set 1) | | 1990 | Sega | C2 | |
| borencha | | Borench (set 2) | borench | 1990 | Sega | C2 | |
| msx_borfese | | Borfes and the Five Demons (Hack, English) | msx_borfes | 2008 | hap | MSX | |
| msx_borfes | | Borfes to 5-nin no Akuma - An Adventure Story (Japan) | | 1987 | XtalSoft | MSX | |
| spec_borielrun | | Boriel Runner (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | briefer | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bosconian | | Bosconian '87 (128K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_bosconian | | Bosconian (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2016 | Opcode Games - Namcot | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| msx_bosco | | Bosconian, Star Destroyer (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_boscob | | Bosconian, Star Destroyer (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_bosco | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_boscoa | | Bosconian, Star Destroyer (Japan, Alt) | msx_bosco | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_boscok | | Bosconian, Star Destroyer (Korea) | msx_bosco | 1986 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| spec_bossthe | | Boss, The (48K) | | 1984 | Peaksoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| botanic | | Botanic (English / Spanish) | | 1983 | Itisa | Miscellaneous | |
| botanic2 | | Botanic (English / Spanish, Bagman conversion) | botanic | 1983 | Itisa | Miscellaneous | |
| botanicf | | Botanic (French) | botanic | 1984 | Itisa (Valadon Automation license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bottom9n | | Bottom of the Ninth (version N) | bottom9 | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| bottom9 | | Bottom of the Ninth (version T) | | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| pce_lostsunh | | Bouken Danshaku Don - The Lost Sunheart (Japan) | | 1992 | IMax | PC Engine | |
| msx_dota | | Bouken Roman - Dota (Japan) | | 1986 | System Soft | MSX | |
| msx_dotaa | | Bouken Roman - Dota (Japan, Alt) | msx_dota | 1986 | System Soft | MSX | |
| spec_bouldash | | Boulder Dash (48K) | | 1984 | Front Runner | ZX Spectrum | |
| cbdash | | Boulder Dash (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1985 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| msx_bdash | | Boulder Dash (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| nes_boulderdash | | Boulder Dash (USA) | | 1990 | JVC | Miscellaneous | |
| bouldashj | | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (Japan) | bouldash | 1990 | Data East Corporation (licensed from First Star) | DEC0 | |
| bouldash | | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) | | 1990 | Data East Corporation (licensed from First Star) | DEC0 | |
| spec_bouldsh2 | | Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Riot (48K) | | 1985 | Prism Leisure | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bdash2 | | Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Riot (Euro) | | 1986 | Databyte | MSX | |
| spec_bouldsh3 | | Boulder Dash III (48K) | | 1986 | Prism Leisure | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bouldsh4 | | Boulder Dash V (48K) | | 1992 | Too Trek Moscow S.N.G. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bouldsh5 | | Boulder Dash VI (48K) | | 1992 | Too Trek Moscow S.N.G. | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_bdash | | Boulder Dash | | 1984 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| msx_bounce | | Bounce (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| spec_bounces | | Bounces (48K) | | 1986 | Beyond | ZX Spectrum | |
| bballsa | | Bouncing Balls (Adult) | bballs | 1991 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| bballs | | Bouncing Balls | | 1991 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bouncberty | | Bouncing Berty (16K) | | 1984 | PowerSoftware | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 'Q, A, P, L' to move the character |
| msx_bouncblock | | Bouncing Block (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Idealogic | MSX | |
| spec_bbomb | | Bouncing Bomb (48K) | | 1986 | Phil Ruston | ZX Spectrum | Press a key to start, '9' to move left, '0' to move right |
| spec_bbredux | | Bouncing Bomb Redux (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Retroleum | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bounder | | Bounder (48K) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bounder | | Bounder (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_bountybob | | Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (48K) | | 1984 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bountyhunter | | Bounty Hunter (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bowbeast | | Bowels of the Beast (HB) | | 2021 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| bowlrama | | Bowl-O-Rama Rev 1.0 | | 1991 | P&P Marketing | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_bowling | | Bowling | | 1978 | Fairchil | Channel F | |
| nes_bowsette2 | | Bowsette 2 (Hack, Red version) | nes_smb2 | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_boxreload | | Box Reloaded (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Beiker Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_boxes128 | | BoxeS (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_boxes48 | | BoxeS (48K) (HB) | spec_boxes128 | 2017 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_boxinglg | | Boxing Legends of the Ring (USA) | | 1993 | Electro Brain | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_boxxle | | Boxxle (HB) | | 2015 | Thinking Rabbit | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| boxyboya | | Boxy Boy (SB?) | boxyboy | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| boxyboy | | Boxy Boy (World, SB2) | | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| tg_boxyboy | | Boxyboy (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_bsteam3 | | Boy Soccer Team III (Japan, Pirate) | md_tecmocup | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| bradley | | Bradley Trainer | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | GFX/Sound Issues |
| cv_brainstr | | Brain Strainers | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_brainache | | Brainache (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| brain | | Brain | | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_brainstorm | | Brainstorm (48K) | | 1985 | Bubble Bus Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_dracula | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (Euro) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dracula | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_dracula | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Master System | |
| nes_bramstosdrac | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_bramstosdra | 2022 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_draculau | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) | gg_dracula | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_draculau | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) | md_dracula | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_bramstosdra | | Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) | | 1993 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bravebtl | | Brave Battle Saga - Legend of the Magic Warrior (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | Chuanpu | Sega Megadrive | Piko Int. English Translation 2017 |
| spec_bravestarr | | BraveStarr (48K) | | 1987 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_bravoman | | Bravoman (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_breakinj | | Break In (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| pce_breakin | | Break In (Japan) | | 1989 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| msx_breakout | | Break Out (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_breakoutt | | Break Out! - The Great Computer Adventure (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba-EMI | MSX | |
| spec_breakspace | | Break Space (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2016 | thesuper | ZX Spectrum | |
| brkthrubl | | Break Thru (bootleg) | brkthru | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| brkthrut | | Break Thru (Tecfri license) | brkthru | 1986 | Data East Corporation (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| brkthru | | Break Thru (US) | | 1986 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_breakthru | | Break Thru! (Unl) (Prototype) | | 199? | Spectrum HoloByte | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_breaker | | Breaker Breaker (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| breakrevbh | | Breakers Revenge (Boss Hack) | breakrev | 2007 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| brkrevjq | | Breakers Revenge (Enhanced, Hack) | breakrev | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| brkrevext | | Breakers Revenge (Extra Mode, Hack) | breakrev | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| breakrev | | Breakers Revenge | | 1998 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| breakers | | Breakers | | 1996 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cv_breakout | | Breakout (HB) | | 1999 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| spec_breakthru | | Breakthru (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | Press 'SPACE' to jump |
| nes_breakthru | | BreakThru (USA) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bretth | | Brett Hull Hockey '95 (USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| breywood | | Breywood (Japan revision 2) | shackled | 1986 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| md_brianlar1 | | Brian Lara Cricket (Euro, 199503) | md_brianlar | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_brianlar | | Brian Lara Cricket (Euro, 199506) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_brianl96a | | Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Euro, 199603) | md_brianl96 | 1996 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_brianl96 | | Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Euro, 199604) | | 1996 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| brkblast | | Brick Blast (bootleg of Wall Crash) | wallc | 1984 | bootleg (Fadesa) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_brickrick | | Brick Rick Graveyard Shift (128K) (HB, v1.03) | | 2021 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_britishbob | | British Bob (HB) | | 2009 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| brix | | Brix | zzyzzyxx | 1982 | Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| msx_bronx | | Bronx (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Animagic | MSX | |
| bronx | | Bronx | cyclshtg | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | GFX/layer priority issues |
| spec_bronxstcop | | Bronx Street Cop (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_brosadv | | Brother Adventure - Hyeongje Moheom (Korea) (Unl) | | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_brosadva | | Brother Adventure - Hyeongje Moheom (Korea, Alt) (Unl) | msx_brosadv | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| spec_brucelee | | Bruce Lee (48K) | | 1984 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_brucelee10 | | Bruce Lee (HB, v1.0) | | 2015 | Kagesan | Sega Master System | |
| msx_brucelee | | Bruce Lee (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| spec_bruceleerx | | Bruce Lee RX (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_brutal | | Brutal - Paws of Fury (Euro) | | 1994 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_brutalu | | Brutal - Paws of Fury (USA) | md_brutal | 1994 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bruxolicoa | | Bruxolico - Side A (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bruxolicob | | Bruxolico - Side B (128K) (HB) | spec_bruxolicoa | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bruxolicoc | | Bruxolico - Side C (128K) (HB) | spec_bruxolicoa | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_bubba | | Bubba'n'Stix (Euro) | | 1994 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubbap | | Bubba'n'Stix (Euro, Prototype) | md_bubba | 1994 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubbau | | Bubba'n'Stix (USA) | md_bubba | 1993 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubbas | | Bubba'n'Stix - A Strategy Adventure (Hack, Spanish) | md_bubba | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| bubl2000a | | Bubble 2000 V1.2 | bubl2000 | 1998 | Afega (Tuning license) | NMK16 | |
| bubl2000 | | Bubble 2000 | | 1998 | Afega (Tuning license) | NMK16 | |
| md_bubblesq | | Bubble and Squeak (Euro) | | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubblesqs | | Bubble and Squeak (Hack, Spanish) | md_bubblesq | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubblesqu | | Bubble and Squeak (USA) | md_bubblesq | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_bbbabes | | Bubble Bath Babes (USA) (Unl) | | 1991 | Panesian | Miscellaneous | |
| bbredux | | Bubble Bobble ('bootleg redux' hack for Bobble Bobble PCB) | bublbobl | 2013 | bootleg (Punji) | Taito Misc | |
| spec_bublbobl | | Bubble Bobble (128K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bub68705a | | Bubble Bobble (boolteg with 68705, set 2) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| bub68705 | | Bubble Bobble (bootleg with 68705) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sms_bublbobl | | Bubble Bobble (Euro, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_bublbobl | | Bubble Bobble (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| bublboblb | | Bubble Bobble (for Bobble Bobble PCB) | bublbobl | 2013 | bootleg (Aladar) | Taito Misc | |
| fds_bubblebobble | | Bubble Bobble (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| bublbobl1 | | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| bublbobl | | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) | | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| sms_bublbokc | | Bubble Bobble (Korea, Clover) | | 1990 | Clover | Sega Master System | |
| sms_bublboky | | Bubble Bobble (Korea, YM Soft) | sms_bublbokc | 1990 | YM Soft | Sega Master System | |
| bublboblp | | Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| bublboblu | | Bubble Bobble (Ultra Version, Hack) | bublbobl | 2011 | Hack (Penta Penguin) | Taito Misc | |
| bublboblr1 | | Bubble Bobble (US, Ver 1.0) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Taito Misc | |
| bublboblr | | Bubble Bobble (US, Ver 5.1) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Taito Misc | |
| nes_bubblebobble | | Bubble Bobble (USA) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_bubothad | | Bubble Bobble - The Adventure (128K) | | 1993 | AP's Adventures | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_bubblebobbledx | | Bubble Bobble Deluxe (Hack) | nes_bubblebobble | 2018 | Polar Hacker | Miscellaneous | |
| bublbob2p | | Bubble Bobble II (Ver 0.0J 1993/12/13, prototype) | bublbob2 | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| bublbob2o | | Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05) | bublbob2 | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| bublbob2 | | Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_bubblbobpar2 | | Bubble Bobble Part 2 (USA) | | 1993 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| bublcave10 | | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.0 | bublbobl | 2012 | hack (Bisboch and Aladar) | Taito Misc | |
| bublcave11 | | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1 | bublbobl | 2012 | hack (Bisboch and Aladar) | Taito Misc | |
| boblcave | | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB) | bublbobl | 2013 | hack (Bisboch and Aladar) | Taito Misc | |
| bublcave | | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 | bublbobl | 2013 | hack (Bisboch and Aladar) | Taito Misc | |
| bublbust | | Bubble Buster (USA, B-System) | pbobble | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| spec_bubbdizz128 | | Bubble Dizzy (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bubbdizz48 | | Bubble Dizzy (48K) | spec_bubbdizz128 | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bubfrenzy | | Bubble Frenzy (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| bubblemj | | Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.3J 1996/02/07) | bubblem | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| bubblem | | Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.4O 1996/02/15) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| bubblemu | | Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21) | bubblem | 1995 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_bubmonkey | | Bubble Monkey Bros (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | Reconfigure dipswitches for 2 Players coop-mode |
| spec_bubmonkeybf | | Bubble Monkey Bros (bug fixed) (48K) (HB) | spec_bubmonkey | 2015 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | Bug fixed version - without AY music |
| bublpong | | Bubble Pong Pong | missb2 | 1996 | Top Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| bubsymphb | D NW | Bubble Symphony (bootleg with OKI6295) | bublbob2 | 1994 | bootleg | Taito F3 System | |
| bubsymphu | | Bubble Symphony (Ver 2.5A 1994/10/05) | bublbob2 | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| bubsymphj | | Bubble Symphony (Ver 2.5J 1994/10/05) | bublbob2 | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| bubsymphe | | Bubble Symphony (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05) | bublbob2 | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| bubsys | NW | Bubble System BIOS | | 1985 | Konami | Bios Only | |
| bubbletrj | NW | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (Japan, Rev C) | bubbletr | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| bubbletr | NW | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| pce_bubblegme | | Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034 (Hack, English) | pce_bubblegm | 2022 | Dave Shadoff, filler | PC Engine | |
| pce_bubblegm | | Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034 (Japan) | | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| spec_bubbler | | Bubbler (48K) | | 1987 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' for P1 options and '2' for P2 options |
| msx_bubbler | | Bubbler (Euro) | | 1987 | Ultimate Play The Game | MSX | Press '1' for P1 and '2' for P2 controller options |
| bubblesp | | Bubbles (prototype) | bubbles | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| bubblesr | | Bubbles (Solid Red label) | bubbles | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| bubbles | | Bubbles | | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| msx_bubboworld | | Bubbo World (HB) | | 2016 | N.I | MSX | |
| msx_bubboworld2 | | Bubbo World 2 (HB) | | 2016 | N.I | MSX | |
| md_bubsy2 | | Bubsy II (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubsy | | Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bubsys | | Bubsy In Claws Encounters Of The Furred Kind (Hack, Spanish) | md_bubsy | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_banteater | | Bubu's Anteater (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Bubu | ZX Spectrum | 1: start - 5: insert coins |
| spec_buccaneer | | Buccaneer (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bucaner | | Buccaneer (set 1) | puckman | 1981 | hack (Video Research) | Pac-man | |
| bucanera | | Buccaneer (set 2) | puckman | 1981 | hack (Video Research) | Pac-man | |
| buccanrs | | Buccaneers (set 1) | | 1989 | Duintronic | Miscellaneous | |
| buccanrsa | | Buccaneers (set 2) | buccanrs | 1989 | Duintronic | Miscellaneous | |
| buccanrsb | | Buccaneers (set 3, harder) | buccanrs | 1989 | Duintronic | Miscellaneous | |
| md_buckrog | | Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_buckrogers | | Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (48K) | | 1984 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_buckrog | | Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | MSX | |
| cv_buckrogsgm | | Buck Rogers Super Game (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2013 | Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| buckrogn | | Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (not encrypted, set 1) | buckrog | 1982 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| buckrogn2 | | Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (not encrypted, set 2) | buckrog | 1982 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| buckrog | | Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom | | 1982 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| cv_buckrog | | Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_buckyoharec | | Bucky O'Hare (Hack, Chinese) | nes_buckyohare | 2018 | Axi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_buckyohare | | Bucky O'Hare (USA) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| buckyaa | | Bucky O'Hare (ver AA) | bucky | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| buckyaab | | Bucky O'Hare (ver AAB) | bucky | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| buckyea | | Bucky O'Hare (ver EA) | bucky | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| bucky | | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) | | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| buckyjaa | | Bucky O'Hare (ver JAA) | bucky | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| buckyuab | | Bucky O'Hare (ver UAB) | bucky | 1992 | Konami | GX173 | |
| msx_bdg110 | | Buddhagillie (HB, v1.1) | | 2018 | GW's Workshop | MSX | |
| msx_budokan | | Budokan (Euro) | | 1991 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| spec_budokan | | Budokan - The Martial Spirit (48K) | | 1991 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | Select 'Teclado' to use controller |
| md_budokan | | Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Euro) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_budokanp | | Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Prototype, 19900925) | md_budokan | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_budokanu | | Budokan - The Martial Spirit (USA) | md_budokan | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bbwws | | Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (128K) | | 1989 | Tynesoft | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Sinclair port 1' to use controller |
| spec_bufonadae | | Bufonada (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bufonada | | Bufonada (English) (HB) | | 2022 | Roolandoo | MSX | |
| spec_bufonadas | | Bufonada (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_bufonadae | 2022 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bufonadas | | Bufonada (Spanish) (HB) | msx_bufonada | 2022 | Roolandoo | MSX | |
| md_bughunt | | Bug Hunt (HB) | | 2015 | The Afromonkeys | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_bughunt | | Bug Hunt (HB) | | 2013 | cabbage | PC Engine | |
| spec_buggyblast | | Buggy Blast (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Set Cursor Keys 'Y' to use controller |
| spec_buggyboy | | Buggy Boy (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | Use 'P', 'L' and SPACE to set options |
| buggychlt | | Buggy Challenge (Tecfri) | buggychl | 1984 | Taito Corporation (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| buggychl | | Buggy Challenge | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_buggypopper | | Buggy Popper (Japan) | nes_bumpnjump | 1986 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_buggyranger | | Buggy Ranger (48K) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bugyrang | | Buggy Ranger (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| sms_buggyrun | | Buggy Run (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_bugsbunbirblo | | Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout, The (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_bugsbuncracas | | Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (USA) | | 1989 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_bugsbun | | Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_bugsbun | | Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_bugsbunu | | Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (USA) | md_bugsbun | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_bugsbots | | Bugs'n Bots (HB) | | 2012 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| pce_bullfght | | Bull Fight - Ring no Haja (Japan) | | 1989 | Cream | PC Engine | |
| bulletd | | Bullet (bootleg of FD1094 317-0041 set) | bullet | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| bullet | | Bullet (FD1094 317-0041) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_bulletstorm | | Bullet Storm (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | VolatiL | ZX Spectrum | |
| bullfgt | | Bullfight (315-5065) | | 1984 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| md_bullvsbl | | Bulls versus Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bullvsla | | Bulls Vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_bulleye | | Bullseye (Macsen) (48K) | | 1984 | Macsen Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_bullseym | | Bullseye (Mastertronic) (48K) | | 1982 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| cbnj | | Bump 'n' Jump (DECO Cassette) (US) | cburnrub | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| bnj | | Bump 'n' Jump | brubber | 1982 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_bnj | | Bump 'n' Jump | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_bumpnjump | | Bump'n'Jump (USA) | | 1988 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_bumprace | | Bumper Ship Racing (HB, v1.1) | | 2018 | Uninteresting | MSX | |
| spec_bumpy | | Bumpy (48K) | | 1989 | Loriciels | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bumpyspa | | Bumpy (Grupo de Trabajo) (Euro, Spanish) | | 198? | Grupo de Trabajo Software | MSX | |
| msx_bumpy | | Bumpy (Loriciels) (Euro) | | 1989 | Loriciels | MSX | |
| nes_buraifighterj | | Burai Fighter (Japan) | nes_buraifighter | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_buraifighter | | Burai Fighter (USA) | | 1990 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_burgkitch | | Burger Kitchen (HB) | | 2022 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| btime | | Burger Time (Data East set 1) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| btime2 | | Burger Time (Data East set 2) | btime | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| btime3 | | Burger Time (Data East USA) | btime | 1982 | Data East USA Inc. | Miscellaneous | graphics issues, use parent romset! |
| cbtime | | Burger Time (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| btimem | | Burger Time (Midway) | btime | 1982 | Data East (Bally Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_burgertime | | BurgerTime (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_btime | | Burgertime (Japan) | | 1986 | Dempa | MSX | |
| cv_btimem | | Burgertime (Prototype) | cv_btime | 1983 | Mattel | ColecoVision | |
| nes_burgertime | | BurgerTime (USA) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_btime | | Burgertime | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| burglarx | | Burglar X | | 1997 | Unico | Unico | |
| cv_brubber | | Burn Rubber (HB) | | 2010 | Dvik & Joyrex | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_burnusv2 | | Burn Us (Spanish) (HB, v2.0) | | 2018 | Carambalan Studios | MSX | |
| msx_burnusexp | | Burn Us Exp (Spanish) (HB) | | 2018 | Carambalan Studios | MSX | |
| cburnrub | | Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cburnrub2 | | Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) | cburnrub | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| brubber | | Burnin' Rubber | | 1982 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_burnangl | | Burning Angels (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| burningfh | | Burning Fight (NGH-018, US) | burningf | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo AES | |
| burningf | | Burning Fight (NGM-018 ~ NGH-018) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| burningfpa | | Burning Fight (prototype, near final, ver 23.3, 910326) | burningf | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| burningfpb | | Burning Fight (prototype, newer, V07) | burningf | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| burningfp | | Burning Fight (prototype, older) | burningf | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_burnforc | | Burning Force (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_burnforcj | | Burning Force (Japan) | md_burnforc | 1990 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| burnforc | | Burning Force (Japan, new version (Rev C)) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| burnforco | | Burning Force (Japan, old version) | burnforc | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_burnforcu | | Burning Force (USA) | md_burnforc | 1990 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| brivalj | | Burning Rival (Japan) | brival | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| brival | | Burning Rival (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| msx_bullmigt | | Buru to Marty Kikiippatsu - Inspecteur Z (Japan) | | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_inspecteurz | | Buru to Marty Kikiippatsu - Inspecteur Z (Japan, English) | msx_bullmigt | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| pce_cyberx | | Busou Keiji - Cyber Cross (Japan) | | 1989 | Face | PC Engine | |
| gg_bam | | Bust-A-Move (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| pbobble2u | | Bust-A-Move Again (Ver 2.3A 1995/07/31) | pbobble2 | 1995 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ngp_bamp | | Bust-A-Move Pocket (Prototype) | ngp_pbobble | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_bam | | Bust-A-Move Pocket (USA) | ngp_pbobble | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| gg_busterb | | Buster Ball (Japan) | | 1992 | Riverhill Software | Sega Game Gear | |
| bbros | | Buster Bros. (USA) | pang | 1989 | Mitchell (Capcom license) | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_busterf | | Buster Fight (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_bustina | | Bustina (HB, v1.04) | | 2022-24 | Adam Holmes | Miscellaneous | |
| dogfgtj | | But-ten Ohara's Suit-Cha Luck-a Dog-Fight (Japan) | dogfgt | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_butampan | | Butam Pants (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_butampanb | | Butam Pants (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_butampan | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_butampana | | Butam Pants (Japan, Alt) | msx_butampan | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| butasanj | | Butasan (Japan, Japanese) | butasan | 1987 | NMK (Jaleco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| butasan | | Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's (Japan, English) | | 1987 | NMK (Jaleco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_butcherhill | | Butcher Hill (128K) | | 1989 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_buzzwaldog | | Buzz & Waldog (USA) (Prototype) | | 1993 | Inovation Tech. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_buzzoff | | Buzz Off! (Euro) | | 1984 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| buzzard | | Buzzard | gyrodine | 1984 | Crux | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_buzzsaw | | Buzzsaw+ (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | Jason J. Railton | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_byfairmeansorfoul | | By Fair Means...or Foul (48K) | | 1989 | Superior | ZX Spectrum | |
| bygone | | Bygone (prototype) | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | Imperfect sound |
| spec_ccrabby | | C is for Crabby (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| cchip | | C-Chip Internal ROM | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | C-Chip Internal ROM | Internal ROM only |
| spec_core | | C.O.R.E. (48K) | | 1986 | A'n'F Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_cso | | C_So! (HB) | | 1985-2018 | Claus Baekkel - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_cso | | C_So! (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_cso | | C_So! (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_csok | | C_So! (Korea) (Unl) | msx_cso | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_cso | | C_So! (Korea) | | 198? | Joy Soft | Sega Master System | |
| spec_cabal | | Cabal (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| cabala | | Cabal (Korea?, Joystick) | cabal | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Alpha Trading license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cabalng | | Cabal (Neo-Geo Conversion) | | 1988-2021 | TAD Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cabalukj | | Cabal (UK, Joystick) | cabal | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Electrocoin license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cabaluk | | Cabal (UK, Trackball) | cabal | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Electrocoin license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cabalus | | Cabal (US set 1, Trackball) | cabal | 1988 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cabalus2 | | Cabal (US set 2, Trackball) | cabal | 1988 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cabal | | Cabal (USA) | | 1990 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| cabal | | Cabal (World, Joystick) | | 1988 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_cabbagep | | Cabbage Patch Kids (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_cabbagepa | | Cabbage Patch Kids (Japan, Alt) | msx_cabbagep | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_cabbagepk | | Cabbage Patch Kids (Korea) (Unl) | msx_cabbagep | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| sg1k_cabkids | | Cabbage Patch Kids (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_cabbshow | | Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_cabbagep1 | | Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure in the Park (Prototype) | cv_cabbage | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_cabbagep2 | | Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure in the Park (Prototype, Alt) | cv_cabbage | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_cabbage | | Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure in the Park | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cachat | | Cachat (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| spec_cacorm | | Cacorm (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_cacorm | | Cacorm (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_cacorm | | Cacorm (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sg1k_cacorm | | Cacorm (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cactus | | Cactus (bootleg of Saboten Bombers) | sabotenb | 1992 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| cadashf | | Cadash (France) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| cadashgo | | Cadash (Germany) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| cadashg | | Cadash (Germany, version 1) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| md_cadashac | | Cadash (Hack, Arcade Colors) | md_cadash | 2018 | Taito - Tor Landeel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cadashs | | Cadash (Hack, Spanish) | md_cadash | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| cadashi | | Cadash (Italy) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| pce_cadash | | Cadash (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | PC Engine | Bad graphics |
| cadashjo | | Cadash (Japan, oldest version) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| cadashj1 | | Cadash (Japan, version 1) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| cadashj | | Cadash (Japan, version 2) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| cadashs | | Cadash (Spain, version 1) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| cadashu1 | | Cadash (US, version 1?) | cadash | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| cadashu | | Cadash (US, version 2) | cadash | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| tg_cadash | | Cadash (USA) | | 1991 | Working Designs | TurboGrafx 16 | Bad graphics |
| md_cadash | | Cadash (USA, Asia, Korea) | | 1992 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| cadash | | Cadash (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| cadashp | | Cadash (World, prototype) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| spec_cadaverionen | | Cadaverion (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cadaverion | | Cadaverion (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cadaveriones | | Cadaverion (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_cadaverionen | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| dino1v3 | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (1v3, Hack) | dino | 2010 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinosyn | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2020 Commemorative, Hack) | dino | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoa | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Asia TW 930223) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoh | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg set 3, 930223 Asia TW) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinopic | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | No sound |
| dinopic2 | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | No sound |
| dinopic3 | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 3) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | No sound |
| dinopic4 | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 4) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | No sound |
| dinopic5 | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 5) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| dinosj | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Century, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinohc | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Chinese bootleg, 930223 Asia TW) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| dinoss | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Competition, Hack) | dino | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinojj | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Contest, Hack) | dino | 2019 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinokr | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Crazy BBQ, Hack) | dino | 2024 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoyz | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dragon, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinofw | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Framework 2022 Series, Hack) | dino | 2021 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| dinods | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War, Hack) | dino | 2021 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinojd | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (GOTVG 10th Anniversary, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoeh | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (hack, 930201 etc) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinotj | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly General, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinotw | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly King, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoplus | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Judgement Day, Hack) | dino | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoly | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Purgatory, Hack) | dino | 2019 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinowj | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Random Enemies, Hack) | dino | 2020 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinoxz | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Scream, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dino3j | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Three Prohibitions, Hack) | dino | 2021 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinosdj | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Triassic, Hack) | dino | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinou | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (USA 921209) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinodw | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Warriors, Hack) | dino | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dino | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 921209) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinore | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Readjusted (Hack, v1.4) | dino | 2023 | GameHackFan | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinot | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Turbo (bootleg set 1, 930223 Asia TW) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 / QSound | |
| dinotpic | | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Turbo (bootleg set 2 (with PIC16c57), 930201 etc) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| dinoj | | Cadillacs: Kyouryuu Shin Seiki (Japan 930201) | dino | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| md_caesar | | Caesar no Yabou (Japan) | md_warrior | 1991 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_caesar2 | | Caesar no Yabou II (Japan) | md_warrior2 | 1992 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_caesars | | Caesars Palace (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_caesars | | Caesars Palace (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_cspalace | | Caesars Palace (USA) | | 1990 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cakefght | | Cake Fighter (hack of Twinkle Star Sprites) | twinspri | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_calripkn | | Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (USA) | | 1992 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cal50s | | Cal.50 - Caliber Fifty (Hack, Spanish) | md_cal50 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cal50 | | Cal.50 - Caliber Fifty (USA) | | 1991 | Mentrix Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| calibr50 | | Caliber 50 (Ver. 1.01) | | 1989 | Athena / Seta | Seta | |
| spec_californiagames | | California Games (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_calgames | | California Games (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_calgames | | California Games (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_californiagames | | California Games (USA) | | 1989 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_calgame2b | | California Games II (Brazil, Korea) | sms_calgame2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_calgame2 | | California Games II (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| calipso | | Calipso | | 1982 | Tago Electronics | Galaxian | |
| calorieb | | Calorie Kun vs Moguranian (bootleg) | calorie | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| calorie | | Calorie Kun vs Moguranian | | 1986 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_caltron6in1 | | Caltron 6-in-1 (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Caltron | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_caltron9in1 | | Caltron 9-in-1 (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Caltron | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_camelotw | | Camelot Warriors (48K) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_camelotw | | Camelot Warriors (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| cameltryj | | Cameltry (Japan, YM2610) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| cameltryau | | Cameltry (US, YM2203 + M6295) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| cameltry | | Cameltry (US, YM2610) | | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| cameltrya | | Cameltry (World, YM2203 + M6295) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| cv_campaign | | Campaign '84 | | 1983 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| msx_campanerae | | Campanera - Jozelito's Adventure (English) (HB) | | 2022 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_campaneras | | Campanera - Jozelito's Adventure (Spanish) (HB) | msx_campanerae | 2022 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| cv_canamini | | Canadian Minigames (HB) | | 2008 | Wick-Foster-Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| msx_candoon | | Candoo Ninja (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_candoona | | Candoo Ninja (Japan, Alt) | msx_candoon | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| candory | | Candory (Ponpoko bootleg with Mario) | ponpoko | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| candy | | Candy Candy | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_candykid | | CandyKid (HB, v3.0) | | 2020 | SteveProXNA | Sega Master System | |
| spec_cannisland | | Cannibal Island (48K) | | 1986 | LiveWire Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cannisland2 | | Cannibal Island 2 (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Pavero Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cannonbl | | Cannon Ball (Japan) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_cannonbla | | Cannon Ball (Japan, Alt) | msx_cannonbl | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| cannonbp | | Cannon Ball (Pac-Man Hardware) | | 1985 | Novomatic | Pac-man | wrong colors |
| cannball | | Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, horizontal) | | 1995 | Yun Sung / Soft Vision | Miscellaneous | |
| cannballv | | Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, vertical) | cannball | 1995 | Yun Sung / J&K Production | Miscellaneous | |
| candance | | Cannon Dancer (Japan) | osman | 1996 | Mitchell (Atlus license) | Simple 156 | |
| msx_cannonfgt | | Cannon Fighter (Japan) | | 1984 | Policy | MSX | |
| md_cannonfire | | Cannon Fire Chaos - Triple Threat (HB) | | 2018 | Good Deal Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cfodder | | Cannon Fodder (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cfodders | | Cannon Fodder (Hack, Spanish) | md_cfodder | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_cannont | | Cannon Turbo (Japan) | | 1987 | Brother Kougyou | MSX | |
| md_canon | | Canon - Legend of the New Gods (HB) | | 2015 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| canvas | | Canvas Croquis | | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| canyonp | | Canyon Bomber (prototype) | canyon | 1977 | Atari | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| canyon | | Canyon Bomber | | 1977 | Atari | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| spec_canywarr | | Canyon Warrior (128K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_caos | | Caos Begins (HB) | | 2007 | Hikaru Games | MSX | |
| cv_caosbgns | | Caos Begins (SGM) (HB) | | 2015 | Hikaru Games | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| capbowl | | Capcom Bowling (set 1) | | 1988 | Incredible Technologies / Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| capbowl2 | | Capcom Bowling (set 2) | capbowl | 1988 | Incredible Technologies / Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| capbowl3 | | Capcom Bowling (set 3) | capbowl | 1988 | Incredible Technologies / Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| capbowl4 | | Capcom Bowling (set 4) | capbowl | 1988 | Incredible Technologies / Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cscluba | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Asia) | csclub | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| csclub1d | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Euro Phoenix Edition) | csclub | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| csclub1 | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Euro) | csclub | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| csclubh | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Hispanic) | csclub | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| csclubj | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Japan) | csclub | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| csclubjy | | Capcom Sports Club (970722 Japan, yellow case) | csclub | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| csclub | | Capcom Sports Club (971017 Euro) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| cworld | | Capcom World (Japan) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_capcosgolmedch92 | | Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92 (USA) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_captsevilla | | Capitan Sevilla (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: change to Cap. Sevilla (if available) |
| msx_capsevilla1 | | Capitan Sevilla - Part 1 (Euro) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| msx_capsevilla2 | | Capitan Sevilla - Part 2 (Euro) | msx_capsevilla1 | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 335495 |
| msx_ctrueno | | Capitan Trueno, El (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_captrueno1 | | Capitan Trueno, El - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_captrueno2 | | Capitan Trueno, El - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_captrueno1 | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 270653 |
| capitol | | Capitol | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg? (Universal Video Spiel) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_capoeira | | Capoeira Boy (HB) | | 2020 | Manganga Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_havoc | | Capt'n Havoc (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| captavena | | Captain America and The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.0) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| captaven | | Captain America and The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.4) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| md_captaven | | Captain America and the Avengers (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_captaven | | Captain America and the Avengers (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Mindscape | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_captaameandavec | | Captain America and the Avengers (Hack, Chinese) | nes_captaameandave | 2022 | LSP Team | Miscellaneous | |
| md_captavenec | | Captain America and the Avengers (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_captaven | 2015 | Data East - Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| captavenj | | Captain America and The Avengers (Japan Rev 0.2) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| captavene | | Captain America and The Avengers (UK Rev 1.4) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| captavenua | | Captain America and The Avengers (US Rev 1.4) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| captavenuu | | Captain America and The Avengers (US Rev 1.6) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| captavenu | | Captain America and The Avengers (US Rev 1.9) | captaven | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| md_captavenu | | Captain America and the Avengers (USA) | md_captaven | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_captaameandave | | Captain America and the Avengers (USA) | | 1991 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| md_captavenup | | Captain America and the Avengers (USA, Prototype) | md_captaven | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_captamerica | | Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_captchef | | Captain Chef (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax | MSX | |
| nes_captacom | | Captain Comic - The Adventure (USA) | | 1989 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| captc1v4 | | Captain Commando (1v4, Hack) | captcomm | 2017 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcommb | | Captain Commando (bootleg set 1, 911014 other country) | captcomm | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| captcommb2 | NW | Captain Commando (bootleg set 2 (with 2xMSM5205), 911014 other country) | captcomm | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | unemulated graphics |
| captcommb3 | | Captain Commando (bootleg set 3 (with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205), 911014 other country) | captcomm | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| captcmsh | | Captain Commando (Contest, Hack) | captcomm | 2020 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmcr | | Captain Commando (CR7 Elite, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmjy | | Captain Commando (Elite Competition, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmzs | | Captain Commando (God of War, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmmy | | Captain Commando (Incubus, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmwx | | Captain Commando (Infinite Bullets, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcommjr1 | | Captain Commando (Japan 910928) | captcomm | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| captcommj | | Captain Commando (Japan 911202) | captcomm | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| captcmzt | | Captain Commando (Journey, Hack) | captcomm | 2020 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcm2y | | Captain Commando (Master, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcmsc | | Captain Commando (Switchable Character, Hack) | captcomm | 2020 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcommu | | Captain Commando (USA 910928) | captcomm | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| captcmdw | | Captain Commando (Warriors, Hack) | captcomm | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| captcommr1 | | Captain Commando (World 911014) | captcomm | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| captcomm | | Captain Commando (World 911202) | | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| captre | | Captain Commando Readjusted (Hack, v1.2) | captcomm | 2023 | GameHackFan | CPS1 | |
| spec_captaindrexx | | Captain Drexx (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Vladimir Burenko | ZX Spectrum | Tower Defence subgenre |
| spec_captaindynamo | | Captain Dynamo (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_captained | | Captain ED (Japan) | | 1989 | CBS / Sony Group | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_captaingofer | | Captain Gofer (Russian) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Dwa83 | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_captlang | | Captain Lang (Japan) | md_havoc | 1994 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_captplanet | | Captain Planet and the Planeteers (48K) | | 1991 | Mindscape International | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_captplan | | Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_captplans | | Captain Planet And The Planeteers (Hack, Spanish) | md_captplan | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_captplanu | | Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA) | md_captplan | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_captaplaandpla | | Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA) | | 1991 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_captainsaver | | Captain Saver (Japan) | nes_powerblade2 | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_captsilv | | Captain Silver (Euro, Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_captainsilver | | Captain Silver (Japan) | | 1988 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| csilverja | | Captain Silver (Japan, revision 1) | csilver | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| csilverj | | Captain Silver (Japan, revision 2) | csilver | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| sms_captsilvu | | Captain Silver (USA) | sms_captsilv | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| csilver | | Captain Silver (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| nes_captainskyhawk | | Captain Skyhawk (USA) (Rev A) | | 1990 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| ctomaday | | Captain Tomaday | | 1999 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_captaintsubasa | | Captain Tsubasa (Japan) | nes_tecmocup | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_captatsuvolii | | Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker (Hack, English) | | 2007 | hayabusakun | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_captatsuvoliic | | Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker (Hack, Spanish) | nes_captatsuvolii | 2013 | pepodmc | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_captatsuvoliij | | Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker (Japan) | nes_captatsuvolii | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| car2 | D | Car 2 (bootleg of Head On 2) | headon2 | 1979 | bootleg (RZ Bologna) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| msx_carfight | | Car Fighter (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| cv_carfight | | Car Fighter (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2018 | Casio | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| carhntds | D | Car Hunt / Deep Scan (France) | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| msx_carjamb | | Car Jamboree (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_carjamba | | Car Jamboree (Japan, Alt) | msx_carjamb | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| carjmbre | | Car Jamboree | | 1983 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_carlicen | | Car Licence (Japan) | | 199? | Unknown | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_carwars | | Car Wars (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Salva Cantero | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_carrace | | Car-Race (Japan) | | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| msx_carraceb | | Car-Race (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_carrace | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| msx_carracea | | Car-Race (Japan, Alt) | msx_carrace | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| spec_cargaprof | | Carga de Profundidade (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Filipe Veiga | ZX Spectrum | |
| carket | | Carket Ball | | 1996 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_carlossainz | | Carlos Sainz (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_csainz | | Carlos Sainz - Campeonato del Mundo (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| carnivalc | | Carnival (cocktail) | carnival | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | |
| carnivalh | D NW | Carnival (Head On hardware, set 1) | carnival | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| carnivalha | D NW | Carnival (Head On hardware, set 2) | carnival | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| carnival | | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) | | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | |
| cv_carnival | | Carnival | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_carpetshark | | Carpet Shark (HB) | | 2021 | Fista Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| cawingbl | | Carrier Air Wing (bootleg set 1 (with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205), U.S. navy 901012 etc) | cawing | 1990 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| cawingb2 | | Carrier Air Wing (bootleg set 2 (with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205), U.S. navy 901012 etc) | cawing | 1990 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| cawingur1 | | Carrier Air Wing (USA 901012) | cawing | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cawingu | | Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) | cawing | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cawingr1 | | Carrier Air Wing (World 901009) | cawing | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cawing | | Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_carriercmd | | Carrier Command (128K) | | 1989 | Rainbird | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_casanova | | Casanova (48K) | | 1989 | Iber Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_casanova | | Casanova (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Iber Soft | MSX | Press SPACE to skip intro screen |
| casanova | | Casanova | | 199? | Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| md_cascade | | Cascade (HB) (Unl) | | 2015 | Super Fighter Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| cashquiz | | Cash Quiz (Type B, Version 5) | | 1986 | Zilec-Zenitone | Miscellaneous | Missing graphics due to undumped ROM! |
| spec_cashdash | | Cashdash (48K) | | 19xx | Tynesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_casinofn | | Casino Funpak (USA) | | 1995 | Interplay | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_casino | | Casino Games (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_casinoc | | Casino Games (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_casino | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_casinokid | | Casino Kid (USA) | | 1989 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_casinokid2 | | Casino Kid 2 (USA) | | 1993 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_casinop | | Casino Poker | | 1980 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| msx_wrldopen | | Casio Worldopen (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_wrldopenk | | Casio Worldopen (Korea) | msx_wrldopen | 1986 | Boram Soft | MSX | |
| spec_castaway | | Castaway (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_castelian | | Castelian (USA) | | 1991 | Triffix | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_castelo | | Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| cv_castelo | | Castelo | | 1985 | Splice Vision | ColecoVision | |
| spec_castlecapers | | Castle Capers (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_castlescape | | Castle Escape (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | IrataHack | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_castlescape | | Castle Escape (HB) | | 2023 | IrataHack | Sega Master System | |
| msx_castlex | | Castle Excellent (Japan) | | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_castleexcellent | | Castle Excellent (Japan) | nes_castlequest | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_castlexa | | Castle Excellent (Japan, Alt) | msx_castlex | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_castleex | | Castle Excellent (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2018 | ASCII - Sega | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| spec_castlemaster | | Castle Master (48K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_castleofdeceit | | Castle of Deceit (USA) | | 1990 | Bunch Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_codg | | Castle Of Dr Game (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_castleofdragon | | Castle of Dragon (USA) | | 1990 | Seta | Miscellaneous | |
| md_castlillj | | Castle of Illusion - Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (Japan) | md_castlill | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_castlill | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_castlill | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_castlill | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, USA, SMS Mode) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_castlillc | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | sms_castlill | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_castlills | | Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_castlill | 2023 | Jate | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_castlillu | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA) | sms_castlill | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_castlills | | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Display Unit Sample) | sms_castlill | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_castleofsorrow | | Castle Of Sorrow (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | ZXMan48k | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cstlquest | | Castle Quest (Hack, English v2.01) | | 2012 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cstlquestj | | Castle Quest (Japan) | nes_cstlquest | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_castle | | Castle, The (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_castlek | | Castle, The (Korea) | msx_castle | 1987 | Static Soft | MSX | |
| cv_castle | | Castle, The (SGM) (HB) | cv_castleex | 1986-2018 | ASCII - Sega | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_castlequest | | Castlequest (USA) | | 1989 | Nexoft - ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castlevaniac | | Castlevania (Hack, Spanish) | nes_castlevania | 2012 | Julian L. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castlevania | | Castlevania (USA) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_cvaniaec | | Castlevania - Bloodlines (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_cvania | 2014 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cvanias | | Castlevania - Bloodlines (Hack, Spanish) | md_cvania | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cvaniau | | Castlevania - Bloodlines (USA) | md_cvania | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_castlevaniacom | | Castlevania - Chorus of Mysteries (Hack, v1.1) | nes_castlevania | 2007 | Optomon & Dr. Mario | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_castlevania | | Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Rewind Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_castlevanrus | | Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Russian) (128K) (HB) | spec_castlevania | 2015 | Rewind Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_castlevaniahr | | Castlevania - The Holy Relics (Hack) | nes_castlevania | 2017 | Optomon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castlevanialt | | Castlevania - The Last Tear (Hack, v4.0) | nes_castlevania | 2023 | Sky Flare | Miscellaneous | |
| md_cvania | | Castlevania - The New Generation (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cvaniap | | Castlevania - The New Generation (Euro, Prototype) | md_cvania | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_castliih | | Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (Hack, Re-translation+Map) | nes_castlii | 2020 | Bisqwit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castliic | | Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_castlii | 2013 | Julian L. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castlii | | Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (USA) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castliii | | Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (USA) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_castlsim | | Castlevania Simplified (Hack) | nes_castlevania | 2013 | Megafield64 | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_cat | | Cat (HB) | | 2018 | Cobinee | MSX | |
| nes_catnintey | | Cat Ninden Teyandee (Hack, English) | | 2012 | Dark Mark | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_catninteyj | | Cat Ninden Teyandee (Japan) | nes_catnintey | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| catacomb | | Catacomb | | 1982 | MTM Games | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| catapult | D NW | Catapult | | 1982 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | Bad dump |
| spec_catch23 | | Catch 23 (48K) | | 1987 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| catch22 | | Catch-22 (version 8.0) | combat | 1985 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| ctrpllrp | | Caterpillar Pacman Hack | puckman | 1982 | hack | Pac-man | |
| cv_catsos | | Caterpillar S.O.S. (HB) | | 1983-2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| nes_catmercs | | Catmercs - Big Bug Invasion (HB, RC1) | | 2023 | Team Disposable | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_catspots | | CatsPots (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| catt | | Catt (Japan) | mcatadv | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| spec_cattivik | | Cattivik (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Gabriele Amore, Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cattivik24 | | Cattivik 2024 (128K) (HB) | | 2024 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cattivik2 | | Cattivik Never Dies (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cauldron | | Cauldron (48K) | | 1985 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cauldrn2 | | Cauldron II - The Pumpkin Strikes Back (48K) | | 1986 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cave | | Cave (HB) | | 2017 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cavedrill | | Cave Driller (HB, v2.2) | | 2021 | Mazin | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_caveraid | | Cave Raider - The Cursed Treasure (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Bumfun Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_cavestoryc | | Cave Story Doukutsu (HB, Chinese, v0.8.0) | md_cavestory | 2022-02 | Studio Pixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cavestory | | Cave Story Doukutsu (HB, English, v0.8.0) | | 2022-02 | Studio Pixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cavestoryi | | Cave Story Doukutsu (HB, Italian, v0.8.0) | md_cavestory | 2022-02 | Studio Pixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cavestoryj | | Cave Story Doukutsu (HB, Japanese, v0.8.0) | md_cavestory | 2022-02 | Studio Pixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cavestorys | | Cave Story Doukutsu (HB, Spanish, v0.8.0) | md_cavestory | 2022-02 | Studio Pixel | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_cavelon | | Cavelon (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| cavelon | | Cavelon | | 1983 | Jetsoft | Galaxian | |
| cninjabl | | Caveman Ninja (bootleg) | cninja | 1991 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| cninjau | | Caveman Ninja (US ver 4) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| cninja1 | | Caveman Ninja (World ver 1) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| cninja | | Caveman Ninja (World ver 4) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_cavemania | | Cavemania (48K) | | 1990 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_cavfight | | Cavern Fighter (HB) | | 2021 | Electric Adventures | ColecoVision | |
| msx_caverndeath | | Cavern of Death (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dro Soft | MSX | Select '1-Teclado' to play |
| msx_caverns | | Caverns of Titan (HB) | | 2005 | JLTurSan | MSX | |
| cv_caverns | | Caverns of Titan (SGM) (HB) | | 2005-2017 | Jltursan | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| spec_caveted | | Caveted Against the Darkness (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cavit | | Cavit (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| msx_cavit | | Cavit (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| cv_cbsmon | | CBS Colecovision Monitor Test | | 1982 | CBS | ColecoVision | |
| pce_cdsysb | D NW | CD-Rom System Card (v1.0) | pce_cdsys | 19?? | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_cdsysa | D NW | CD-Rom System Card (v2.0) | pce_cdsys | 19?? | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_cdsys | D NW | CD-Rom System Card (v2.1) | | 19?? | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_celestemario | | Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash! (Hack) | nes_smb | 2023 | w7n | Miscellaneous | |
| cencourt | | Center Court (World, 4 Players, prototype) (MC-8123B) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_centibug | | Centi-Bug - aka Centipede (16K) | | 1983 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | Press 'K' to select Kempston Joystick |
| centiped3 | | Centipede (revision 3) | centiped | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | 2 Player version |
| centiped | | Centipede (revision 4) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | 1 Player version |
| cv_centiped | | Centipede | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| md_centur | | Centurion - Defender of Rome (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_cerius | | Cerius (48K) | | 1988 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_chackne | | Chack'n Pop (Hack, T-Eng) | sg1k_chackn | 2010 | goldenband | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_chackpop | | Chack'n Pop (HB) | | 1985-2011 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_chackn | | Chack'n Pop (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| nes_chacknpop | | Chack'n Pop (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_chackn | | Chack'n Pop (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_chackna | | Chack'n Pop (Japan, Alt) | msx_chackn | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| chaknpop | | Chack'n Pop | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chainreaction | | Chain Reaction (128K) | | 1987 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| chainrec | | Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25) | | 1995 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| md_chakanp | | Chakan (19921006 Build) | md_chakan | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_chakan | | Chakan (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_chakan | | Chakan (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chakans | | Chakan (Hack, Spanish) | md_chakan | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_chaldrby | | Challenge Derby (Japan, OMV) | | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_chaldrbya | | Challenge Derby (Japan, OMV, Alt) | sg1k_chaldrby | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_chaldrbyb | | Challenge Derby (Japan, OMV, Hacked) | sg1k_chaldrby | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_challdra | | Challenge of the Dragon (USA) | | 1990 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_challenger | | Challenger (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_chthyrea | | Chambers of Thyrea (HB) | | 2019-20 | Spacesugar | MSX | |
| md_kidchamj | | Chameleon Kid (Japan) | md_kidcham | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| chameleo | | Chameleon | | 1983 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_champbas | | Champion Baseball (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champbasa | | Champion Baseball (Japan, Older) | sg1k_champbas | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champbast | | Champion Baseball (Taiwan) | sg1k_champbas | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champbil | | Champion Billiards (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_champbox | | Champion Boxing (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_champbox | | Champion Boxing (Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champbox1 | | Champion Boxing (Japan, MyCard) | sg1k_champbox | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champboxt | | Champion Boxing (Taiwan) | sg1k_champbox | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champglf | | Champion Golf (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champglf1 | | Champion Golf (Japan, MyCard) | sg1k_champglf | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champglfk | | Champion Golf (Korea) | sg1k_champglf | 198? | Samsung | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_champice | | Champion Ice Hockey (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_champice | | Champion Ice Hockey (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champicek | | Champion Ice Hockey (Korea) | sg1k_champice | 198? | Samsung | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_champken | | Champion Kendou (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_champken | | Champion Kendou (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_champkena | | Champion Kendou (Japan, Alt) | msx_champken | 1986 | Sega | MSX | |
| cv_chprowres | | Champion Pro Wrestling (HB) | | 1985-2020 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_champpwr | | Champion Pro Wrestling (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_champpwr | | Champion Pro Wrestling (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_champpwrb | | Champion Pro Wrestling (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_champpwr | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| msx_champpwra | | Champion Pro Wrestling (Japan, Alt) | msx_champpwr | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| msx_champscr | | Champion Soccer (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_champscr | | Champion Soccer (Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champscrt | | Champion Soccer (Taiwan) | sg1k_champscr | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_champtns | | Champion Tennis (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| champwrj | | Champion Wrestler (Japan) | champwr | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| pce_champwrs | | Champion Wrestler (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| champwru | | Champion Wrestler (US) | champwr | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito L System | |
| champwr | | Champion Wrestler (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| tg_forevbox | | Champions Forever Boxing (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | Bad sound |
| msx_champgn | | Champions Grand National (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sms_champeur | | Champions of Europe (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | TecMagik | Sega Master System | |
| md_champwcsp | | Champions World Class Soccer (Prototype, 19940318) | md_champwcs | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_champwcs | | Champions World Class Soccer (World) | | 1994 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ch3dsnooker | | Championship 3D Snooker (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_champbwl | | Championship Bowling (USA) | | 1993 | Mentrix Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_champbow | | Championship Bowling (USA) | | 1989 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_champhck | | Championship Hockey (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_champhck | | Championship Hockey (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| spec_chjesksi | | Championship Jet Ski Simulator - Easy (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chjesksih | | Championship Jet Ski Simulator - Hard (48K) | spec_chjesksi | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cloderun | | Championship Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| nes_champlodrun | | Championship Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_cloderun | | Championship Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_champool | | Championship Pool (USA) | | 1993 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cproam | | Championship Pro-Am (USA) | | 1992 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_champrun | | Championship Run (48K) | | 1991 | Impulze | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chamspri | | Championship Sprint (48K) | | 1988 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| chanbara | | Chanbara | | 1985 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| chkun | | Chance Kun (Japan) | | 1988 | Peni | Miscellaneous | |
| cairblad | | Change Air Blade (Japan) | | 1999 | Sammy | SSV | |
| changesa | | Changes (EME license) | changes | 1982 | Orca (Eastern Micro Electronics, Inc. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| changes | | Changes | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_multicrt | | Channel F Multi-Cart (Final) | | 2004 | homebrew | Channel F | |
| chf_multicrto | | Channel F Multi-Cart (Older) | chf_multicrt | 2004 | homebrew | Channel F | |
| md_cjfuweng | | Chao Ji Da Fu Weng (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1994 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chaojimah | | Chao Ji Mahjong Club (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | C&E Inc. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chaojipok | | Chao Ji Poker (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_supertnkt | | Chaoji Tanke (Taiwan) | sg1k_supertnk | 1986? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_bombjackt2 | | Chaoren (Taiwan) | sg1k_bombjack | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| pgmdemo | | Chaos (PGM Demo) | | 2005 | Raster | PolyGameMaster | Demo Game |
| spec_chaos | | Chaos - The Battle of Wizards (48K) | | 1985 | Games Workshop | ZX Spectrum | Q, W, E, A, D, Z, X, C, to move cursor |
| cps1demo | | Chaos Demo (CPS-1) | | 2000 | Chaos | CPS1 | |
| neodemo | | Chaos Demo (Neo Geo) | | 2002 | Chaos | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_chaosen2 | | Chaos Engine 2, The (Euro, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chaoseng | | Chaos Engine, The (Euro) | | 1992 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chaosengcs | | Chaos Engine, The - Amiga Colors and Sound Fix (Hack, v1.01) | md_chaoseng | 2016 | fusaru | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_chaosworld | | Chaos World (Hack, English) | | 2001 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chaosworldj | | Chaos World (Japan) | nes_chaosworld | 1991 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_chapolim | | Chapolim x Dracula - Um Duelo Assustador (Brazil) | sms_ghosth | 1990 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| charlien | | Charlie Ninja | | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| spec_charm | | Charm, The (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_chase | | Chase (HB) | | 2012 | Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| md_chase | | Chase (HB, v2.00) | | 2014 | Jack Nolddor & Davidian | Sega Megadrive | |
| cbombersp | | Chase Bombers (Japan Prototype) | cbombers | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| cbombersj | | Chase Bombers (Japan) | cbombers | 1994 | Taito Corporation | K1100809A | |
| cbombers | | Chase Bombers (World) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | K1100809A | |
| spec_chasehq128 | | Chase H.Q. (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chasehq48 | | Chase H.Q. (48K) | spec_chasehq128 | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_chasehq | | Chase H.Q. (Euro) | | 1988 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| chasehqj | | Chase H.Q. (Japan) | chasehq | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| chasehqju | | Chase H.Q. (Japan, upright?) | chasehq | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| chasehqu | | Chase H.Q. (US) | chasehq | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| chasehq | | Chase H.Q. (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| md_chasehq2 | | Chase H.Q. II (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_chasehq2 | | Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigations (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| karatourj | | Chatan Yara Kuushanku - The Karate Tournament (Japan) | karatour | 1992 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| md_chavez2 | | Chavez II (USA) | md_boxinglg | 1993 | American Softworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_cheman | | Che-Man (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cheman | | Che-Man (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_cheman | | Che-Man (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_cheatwives | | Cheating Wives (HB) | | 2005 | CrappySoft | MSX | |
| checkmanj | | Check Man (Japan) | checkman | 1982 | Zilec-Zenitone (Jaleco license) | Galaxian | |
| checkman | | Check Man | | 1982 | Zilec-Zenitone | Galaxian | |
| msx_tantan | | Checkers in Tan Tan Tanuki (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| chf_checkers | | Checkers | | 1978 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| cheekyms | | Cheeky Mouse | | 1980 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_cheese | | Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_cheese | | Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_cheese | | Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Euro, Brazil) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cheesech | | Cheese Chase | | 1994 | Art & Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ccmmm | | Cheesy Chase Moritz and the Mildewed Moon (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_chelnov | | Chelnov (Japan) | md_atomrun | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| chelnovj | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Japan) | chelnov | 1988 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| chelnovu | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) | chelnov | 1988 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| chelnov | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) | | 1988 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chemichaos | | Chemi Chaos (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | g0blinish | ZX Spectrum | R: reset - S: skip - O: left - P: right - Enter: fire |
| myherok | | Cheongchun Ilbeonji (Korea) | myhero | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_cheqflag | | Chequered Flag (48K) | | 1982 | Sinclair Research | ZX Spectrum | 'A-F' to steer, '0' to accelerate, 'I' to brake and 'M-N' to shift gears |
| chqflagj | | Chequered Flag (Japan) | chqflag | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| chqflag | | Chequered Flag | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cherilpc | | Cheril Perils Classic (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_cherilp | | Cheril Perils Classic (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_cherilgod | | Cheril the Goddess (48K) (HB, v2) | | 2011 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mojontwichegod | | Cheril The Goddess (HB) | | 2017 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mojontwichewri | | Cheril The Writer (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cherils | | Cherils Perils (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_chess | | Chess (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| md_chess | NW | Chess (Russia) (Unl) | | 1998 | BSComp | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chessa | | Chess (Russia, Alt) (Unl) | md_chess | 1998 | BSComp | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chessb | NW | Chess (Russia, v1.05) (Unl) | md_chess | 1999 | BSComp | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_chesschal | | Chess Challenge (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| gg_chessmst | | Chessmaster, The (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_chessmaster | | Chessmaster, The (USA) | | 1989 | Software Toolworks | Miscellaneous | |
| md_chester | | Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool (USA) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chesterws | | Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (Hack, Spanish) | md_chesterw | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chesterw | | Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (USA) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_chestfie | | Chester Field - Ankoku Shin e no Chousen (Japan) | | 1987 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chevychase | | Chevy Chase (128K) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_chewman | | Chew Man Fu (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| chewing | | Chewing Gum | luctoday | 19?? | <unknown> | Galaxian | |
| cheyenne | | Cheyenne (version 1.0) | | 1984 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chezmax | | Chez Maxime ZX (French) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_chichi | | Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| 7toitsu | | Chi-Toitsu | mgakuen | 1988 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_chibim | | Chibi Maruko Chan - Quiz de Piihyara (Japan) | | 1992 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| md_chibim | | Chibi Maruko-chan - Wakuwaku Shopping (Japan) | | 1992 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| marukodq | | Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz | | 1995 | Takara | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_cmbr4wl | | Chibi Monster Br4wl (HB) | | 2022 | dalecoop Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_chicago30s | | Chicago 30's (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_chicago30 | | Chicago 30's (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_chicagop24 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950505) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop23 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950601) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop22 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950605) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop21 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950607) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop20 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950608) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop19 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950612) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop18 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950614) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop17 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950619) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop16 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950620) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop15 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950622) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop14 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950626) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop13 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950628) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop11 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950629) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop12 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950629-B) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop10 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950630-B) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop09 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950703) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop08 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950705) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop07 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950707) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop06 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950710) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop05 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950711) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop04 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950719) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop03 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950720) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop01 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950721) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicagop02 | | Chicago Syndicate (Prototype, 19950721-B) | gg_chicago | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chicago | | Chicago Syndicate (USA, Brazil) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_chichenitza1 | | Chichen Itza - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1992 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chichenitza2 | | Chichen Itza - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_chichenitza1 | 1992 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | Password: RICO PAPASITO |
| msx_chickfighter | | Chick Fighter. Hiyoko Fighter (Japan) | | 1983 | Honeybee Soft | MSX | |
| msx_chicken | | Chicken Chase (Euro) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| nes_chickenfarm | | Chicken Of The Farm (HB) | | 2019 | mitch3a, link_7777 | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cknchase | | Chickin Chase (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chknbrk | | Chicks & Bricks (48K) (HB) | | 2007 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_chiisoba | | Chiisana Obake - Acchi Socchi Kocchi (Hack, English) | | 2005 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chiisobaj | | Chiisana Obake - Acchi Socchi Kocchi (Japan) | nes_chiisoba | 1992 | Vap | Miscellaneous | |
| md_chiki | | Chiki Chiki Boys (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chikiec | | Chiki Chiki Boys (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_chiki | 2016 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| chikij | | Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan 900619) | mtwins | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_chikij | | Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan, Korea) | md_chiki | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_chikichimacmourac | | Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race (Hack, Chinese) | nes_wackyraces | 2018 | Nonamed Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chikichimacmoura | | Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race (Japan) | nes_wackyraces | 1991 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_chikuden1 | | Chikudenya Toubei - Kubikiri Yakata Yori (Japan) (Alt) | pce_chikuden | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_chikuden | | Chikudenya Toubei - Kubikiri Yakata Yori (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| cv_cotn | | Children of the Night (HB) | | 2017 | Hikaru Games | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_cotn | | Children of the Night (HB) | | 2018 | Hikaru Games | MSX | |
| spec_chiller | | Chiller (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_chiller | | Chiller (Euro) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| nes_chiller | | Chiller (USA) | | 1990 | AGCI | Miscellaneous | |
| chiller | | Chiller (version 3.0) | | 1986 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| chimerab | | Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 1) | | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| chimeraba | | Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 2) | chimerab | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| chinagat | | China Gate (US) | | 1988 | Technos Japan (Taito / Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chinarabbab | | China Rabbit Baby (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| chinatwn | | China Town (Japan) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| tg_chinawar | | China Warrior (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_chinesec | | Chinese Chess (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chinf3 | NW | Chinese Fighter III (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| md_chinf3a | | Chinese Fighter III (China, Unprotected?) | md_chinf3 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| chinhero2 | | Chinese Hero (older, set 1) | chinhero | 1984 | Taiyo System | Miscellaneous | |
| chinhero3 | | Chinese Hero (older, set 2) | chinhero | 1984 | Taiyo System | Miscellaneous | |
| chinhero | | Chinese Hero | | 1984 | Taiyo System | Miscellaneous | |
| chinherot | | Chinese Heroe (Taito) | chinhero | 1984 | Taiyo System (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chinjuggler | | Chinese Juggler, The (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' to use controller |
| nes_chipndalresrasc | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_chipndalresra | 2015 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chipndalresrac | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers (Hack, Spanish v0.9) | nes_chipndalresra | 20?? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chipndalresra | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chipndalresra2sc | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2 (Hack, Chinese v1.13) | nes_chipndalresra2 | 2015 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chipndalresra2c | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2 (Hack, Spanish v0.99) | nes_chipndalresra2 | 2019 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chipndalresra2 | | Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2 (USA) | | 1994 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cndi | | Chip n Dale (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| spec_chiprescue | | Chip Rescue (Russian) (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Romancha | ZX Spectrum | Press 0 to start |
| spec_chipchal | | Chip's Challenge (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_chipsch | | Chip's Challenge (HB, v1.4) | | 2020 | PortableDev | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_chispye | | Chispy (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chispys | | Chispy (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_chispye | 2022 | xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_chitesenvaz | | Chitei Senkuu Vazolder (Japan) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_chitetaiord | | Chitei Tairiku Ordola (Japan) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chiyonoooi | | Chiyonofuji no Ooichou (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| choko | | Choko (010820 Japan) | | 2001 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| chokchok | | Choky! Choky! | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| choplift | | Choplifter (8751 315-5151) | | 1985 | Sega (licensed from Dan Gorlin) | System 1 | |
| chopliftbl | | Choplifter (bootleg) | choplift | 1985 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| sms_choplift | | Choplifter (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_choplift | | Choplifter (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| nes_choplifter | | Choplifter (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_choplift | | Choplifter (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_chopliftb | | Choplifter (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_choplift | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_choplifta | | Choplifter (Japan, Alt) | msx_choplift | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| sms_chopliftj | | Choplifter (Japan, Prototype) | sms_choplift | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sg1k_chopliftp | | Choplifter (Japan, Prototype) | sg1k_choplift | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_chopliftk | | Choplifter (Korea) | sg1k_choplift | 1985? | Sega? | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_chopliftt | | Choplifter (Taiwan) | sg1k_choplift | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| chopliftu | | Choplifter (unprotected) | choplift | 1985 | Sega (licensed from Dan Gorlin) | System 1 | |
| sms_chopliftp | | Choplifter (USA, Prototype) | sms_choplift | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_choplft3 | | Choplifter III (USA) | | 1993 | Extreme Entertainment Group | Sega Game Gear | |
| cv_choplift | | Choplifter! | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| msx_chopper | | Chopper (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| spec_chopdef | | Chopper Defence (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chopperdrop | | Chopper Drop (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2011 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| choppera | | Chopper I (US Ver 1?) | chopper | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| chopper | | Chopper I (US Ver 2) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| chopperb | | Chopper I (US) | chopper | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_chopper1 | | Chopper One (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| msx_choroq | | Choro Q (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_choroqa | | Choro Q (Japan, Alt) | msx_choroq | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_choroqk | | Choro Q (Korea) | msx_choroq | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| md_miracle9 | | Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_zaider | | Chou Senshi Zaider - Battle of Peguss (Japan) | | 1986 | Cosmos Computer | MSX | |
| msx_zaidera | | Chou Senshi Zaider - Battle of Peguss (Japan, Alt) | msx_zaider | 1986 | Cosmos Computer | MSX | |
| md_dinolandj | | Chou Touryuu Retsuden - Dino Land (Japan) | md_dinoland | 1991 | Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| berabohmb | | Chou Zetsurinjin Berabowman (Japan, Rev B) | berabohm | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| berabohm | | Chou Zetsurinjin Berabowman (Japan, Rev C) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| legionjb | | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 1) | legion | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| legionj | | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, set 1) | legion | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| legionj2 | NW | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, set 2) | legion | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | fail ROM checksum test |
| nes_choujyou | | Choujikuu Yousai - Macross (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_macross | | Choujikuu Yousai Macross (Japan) | | 1985 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| msx_macrossa | | Choujikuu Yousai Macross (Japan, Alt) | msx_macross | 1985 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| nes_choujsenjet | | Choujin Sentai Jetman (Hack, English) | | 2019 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_choujsenjetj | | Choujin Sentai Jetman (Japan) | nes_choujsenjet | 1991 | Angel Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_choujsenwar | | Choujinrou Senki Warwolf (Japan) | nes_werew | 1991 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_borgman | | Chouon Senshi Borgman (Japan) | sms_cyborgh | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_borgmanp | | Chouon Senshi Borgman (Japan, Prototype) | sms_cyborgh | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| ironclad | | Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype) | | 1996 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ironclado | | Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype, bootleg) | ironclad | 1996 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_bravomane | | Chouzetsu Rinjin - Bravoman (Hack, English) | pce_bravoman | 2024 | Pennywise | PC Engine | |
| pce_bravoman | | Chouzetsu Rinjin - Bravoman (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| msx_choyleefut | | Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Positive | MSX | |
| spec_clfkfw | | Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Positive | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_christmasrs | | Christmas Robin Simulator (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | saucerbrain | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_christmaze | | ChristMaze (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chromanoids | | Chromanoids (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Ariel Endaraues | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_chknight | | Chrono Knight (HB) | | 2020 | Artix Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chronos | | Chronos - A Tapestry of Time (48K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_chubbycherub | | Chubby Cherub (USA) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chubby | | Chubby Gristle (128K) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_chubbygristle | | Chubby Gristle (Euro) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| cv_chucknor | | Chuck Norris Superkicks | | 1983 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| md_chuckrck | | Chuck Rock (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_chuckrck | | Chuck Rock (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_chuckrcks | | Chuck Rock (Hack, Spanish) | md_chuckrck | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chuckrcku | | Chuck Rock (USA) | md_chuckrck | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_chuckrck | | Chuck Rock (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_chuckrckp | | Chuck Rock (World, Prototype) | gg_chuckrck | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_chukrck2j | | Chuck Rock II (Japan) | md_chukrck2 | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_chukrck2b | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Brazil) | sms_chukrck2 | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_chukrck2 | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_chukrck2 | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Euro) | | 1993 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_chukrck2 | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Euro) | | 1993 | Core Design | Sega Master System | |
| md_chukrck2s | | Chuck Rock II - Son Of Chuck (Hack, Spanish) | md_chukrck2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_chukrck2u | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA) | gg_chukrck2 | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_chukrck2u | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA) | md_chukrck2 | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_chukrck2up | | Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA, Prototype) | md_chukrck2 | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_excelart | | Chuck's Excellent Art Tool Animator (USA) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_chuckegg | | Chuckie Egg (48K) | | 1983 | A'n'F Software | ZX Spectrum | Set '3' key type in Instructions 'I' menu to use controller |
| msx_chuckie | | Chuckie Egg (Euro) | | 1984 | AandF Software | MSX | |
| spec_chuckeg2 | | Chuckie Egg 2 (48K) | | 1985 | A'n'F Software | ZX Spectrum | At title press 'Space' and wait for loading time, then press 'Space' again |
| chuckieegg | | Chuckie Egg | | 2023 | Arlasoft | Pac-man | |
| chukataija | | Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB) | chukatai | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| chukataij | | Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-028-A PCB) | chukatai | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| chukataiu | | Chuka Taisen (US) (P0-028-A PCB) | chukatai | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| chukatai | | Chuka Taisen (World) (P0-028-A PCB) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ddaydoo | | Chulgyeok D-Day (Korea) | lastday | 1990 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chumleeadv | | Chumlee's Adventure - the quest for Pinky (HB) | | 2020 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_chuheib1 | | Chuugaku Hisshuu Eibunpou 1 (Japan) | | 1984 | Stratford Computer Center | MSX | |
| drgw3100 | | Chuugokuryuu 3 Special (ver. 100, Japan) | drgw3 | 1998 | IGS (Alta Co., LTD License) | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw3103 | | Chuugokuryuu 3 Special (ver. 103, japan) | drgw3 | 1998 | IGS (Alta Co., LTD License) | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2100j | | Chuugokuryuu II (V100, Japan) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2101j | | Chuugokuryuu II (V101, Japan) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| nes_chuukataisenj | | Chuuka Taisen (Japan) | nes_chuukataisen | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_chuukataisen | | Chuuka Taisen - Cloud Master (Hack, English) | | 2012 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_circuitry | | Circuitry (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2017 | Rucksack Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_circuscaper | | Circus Caper (USA) | | 1990 | Toho | Miscellaneous | |
| circuscc | | Circus Charlie (Centuri) | circusc | 1984 | Konami (Centuri license) | GX380 | |
| circusce | | Circus Charlie (Centuri, earlier) | circusc | 1984 | Konami (Centuri license) | GX380 | |
| cv_ccharlie | | Circus Charlie (HB) | | 1984-2011 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_circusc | | Circus Charlie (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_circuscharlie | | Circus Charlie (Japan) | | 1986 | Soft Pro | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_circusck | | Circus Charlie (Korea) | sg1k_circusc | 198? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| circusc | | Circus Charlie (level select, set 1) | | 1984 | Konami | GX380 | |
| circusc2 | | Circus Charlie (level select, set 2) | circusc | 1984 | Konami | GX380 | |
| circusc3 | | Circus Charlie (level select, set 3) | circusc | 1984 | Konami | GX380 | |
| circusc4 | | Circus Charlie (no level select) | circusc | 1984 | Konami | GX380 | |
| sg1k_circusc | | Circus Charlie (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_circusgames | | Circus Games (48K) | | 1988 | Tynesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_circusld | | Circus Lido (Japan) | | 1991 | Yuni Post | PC Engine | |
| msx_circusmyst | | Circus Mystery, The (HB, v1.4) | | 2022 | DTenso Games | MSX | |
| cischeat | | Cisco Heat | | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| md_citadel | | Citadel of Chaos, The (HB, v2.1) | | 2021 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | |
| cityatta | | City Attack (Petaco S.A., bootleg of Pleiads) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | Miscellaneous | |
| citybombj | | City Bomber (Japan) | citybomb | 1987 | Konami | GX787 | |
| citybomb | | City Bomber (World) | | 1987 | Konami | GX787 | |
| spec_cityconn128 | | City Connection (128K) | | 2023 | Manuel Lemos | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cityconn48 | | City Connection (48K) | spec_cityconn128 | 1988 | Manuel Lemos | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_cityconnection | | City Connection (HB) | | 2023 | Habit Soft | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_citycon | | City Connection (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| msx_citycona | | City Connection (Japan, Alt) | msx_citycon | 1986 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| citycon | | City Connection (set 1) | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| citycona | | City Connection (set 2) | citycon | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cityconnection | | City Connection (USA) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_cityhunte | | City Hunter (Hack, English v1.1) | pce_cityhunt | 2022 | filler, cabbage | PC Engine | |
| pce_cityhunt | | City Hunter (Japan) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| nes_citytrouble | | City Trouble (HB) | | 2016 | Den Kat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_cix | | Cix (HB) | | 2013 | Good Deal Games | ColecoVision | |
| gg_cj | | CJ Elephant Fugitive (Euro) | | 1991 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_cjiiiusa | | CJ In the USA (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | In main menu: SPACE to choose, ENTER to select |
| spec_cjseleph128 | | CJ's Elephant Antics (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Press '3' to use controller |
| nes_cjeleant | | CJ's Elephant Antics (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| md_clanofheroes | | Clan of Heroes - Generals of the Yang Family (HB) | | 2018 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_clashatdem | | Clash at Demonhead (USA) | | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| clshroadd | | Clash-Road (Data East license) | clshroad | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| clshroads | | Clash-Road (Status license) | clshroad | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. (Status Game Corp. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| clshroad | | Clash-Road | | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_classicc | | Classic Collection (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_clayfght | | Clay Fighter (Euro) | | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_clayfghtu | | Clay Fighter (USA) | md_clayfght | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| claypign | | Clay Pigeon (version 2.0) | | 1986 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| cleopatr | | Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1J 1996/09/05) | | 1996 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| cleopatro | | Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/05, bootleg) | cleopatr | 1996 | bootleg | Taito F3 System | |
| md_cliffh | | Cliffhanger (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cliffhp | | Cliffhanger (Prototype) | md_cliffh | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_cliffh | | Cliffhanger (USA) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_cliffhu | | Cliffhanger (USA) | md_cliffh | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_cliffhanger | | Cliffhanger (USA) | | 1993 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| cloakfr | | Cloak & Dagger (French) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cloakgr | | Cloak & Dagger (German) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cloak | | Cloak & Dagger (rev 5) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cloaksp | | Cloak & Dagger (Spanish) | cloak | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_clock | | Clock (HB) | | 2021 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| aquario | | Clockwork Aquario (prototype) | | 2021 | Sega / Westone | System 18 | No sound |
| spec_clonezoo | | Clone Zoo (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | PuttyCAD | ZX Spectrum | |
| cloud9 | | Cloud 9 (prototype) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_cloudmst | | Cloud Master (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| fds_clucluland | | Clu Clu Land (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_clucluland | | Clu Clu Land (World) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_clue | | Clue (USA) | | 1992 | Parker Brothers | Sega Megadrive | |
| cgraplop | | Cluster Buster (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cltchitrjd | | Clutch Hitter (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0175 set) | cltchitr | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| cltchitrj | | Clutch Hitter (Japan) (FD1094 317-0175) | cltchitr | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| cltchitrd | | Clutch Hitter (US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0176 set) | cltchitr | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| cltchitr | | Clutch Hitter (US) (FD1094 317-0176) | | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| gg_clutchit | | Clutch Hitter (USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_cmc80sdemo | | CMC 80's Demo (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2000 | Chris Covell | Miscellaneous | |
| md_coachk | | Coach K College Basketball (USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_coastrac | | Coaster Race (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_coastracb | | Coaster Race (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_coastrac | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_coastraca | | Coaster Race (Japan, Alt) | msx_coastrac | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| spec_cobra | | Cobra (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cobracommand | | Cobra Command (USA) | | 1988 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cobramission | | Cobra Mission (Asia) | | 1994 | Asder | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cobratriangle | | Cobra Triangle (USA) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_cobrarc | | Cobra's Arc (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_cobrarc | | Cobra's Arc (Spanish) (48K) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cobracomib | | Cobra-Command (Italian bootleg) | cobracom | 1988 | bootleg | DEC8 | |
| cobracomj | | Cobra-Command (Japan) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| cobracomjb | | Cobra-Command (Japan, bootleg) | cobracom | 1988 | bootleg | DEC8 | |
| cobracomja | | Cobra-Command (Japan?, set 2) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| cobracoma | | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| cobracom | | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 5) | | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| cobracomb | | Cobra-Command (World/US) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| gg_cocakide | | Coca Cola Kid (Hack, English v1.1) | gg_cocakid | 2018 | SMS Power! | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_cocakid | | Coca Cola Kid (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_cocabear | | Cocaine Bear (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Azimov | ZX Spectrum | |
| ladybugb2 | | Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug) | ladybug | 1981 | bootleg (Model Racing) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_coco | | CoCo and the Evil Robots (HB, v1.01) | | 2020 | Robin Gravel | ColecoVision | |
| unkpacgc | | Coco Louco | unkpacg | 1988 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cocoa2e1 | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 1 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e1pt | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 1 (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e1 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e1sp | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 1 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e1 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e2 | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 2 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e2pt | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 2 (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e2 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e2sp | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 2 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e2 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e3 | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 3 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e3pt | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 3 (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e3 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoa2e3sp | | Cocoa 2, 24 Hour Parsley People - Episode 3 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoa2e3 | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Supporter Edition |
| spec_cocoatm | | Cocoa and the Time Machine (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cocoamsx | | Cocoa and the Time Machine (HB) | | 2020 | Minilop | MSX | |
| spec_cocoapt | | Cocoa and the Time Machine (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_cocoatm | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cocoasp | | Cocoa and the Time Machine (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_cocoatm | 2020 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_coconaworld | | Cocona World (Japan) | | 1987 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cocoron | | Cocoron (Hack, English) | | 1999 | Akujin, Dynamic-Designs | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cocoronj | | Cocoron (Japan) | nes_cocoron | 1991 | Takeru | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_codenam | | Code Name - Viper (USA) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_codezero | | Code Zero (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_code112 | | Code-112 (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| cnbe | | Codename - Blut Engel (2006-01-19) | | 2006 | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cnbe2018 | | Codename - Blut Engel (2018-09-05) | cnbe | 2018 | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_coffeecrisis | | Coffee Crisis (HB) | | 2017 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_coinworld | | Coin World (HB) | | 2021 | CMYKSoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_coinz | | COINZ are mine (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Drunk Fly | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_coldblood | | Cold Blood (HB) | | 2010 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| cv_coldblood | | Cold Blood (SGM) (HB) | | 2017 | Paxanga | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| cv_cvjoytest | | ColecoVision Joystick Test | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sgmtest | | ColecoVision SuperGame Module (SGM) Test | | 200x | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_coleco | NW | ColecoVision System BIOS | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | BIOS only |
| msx_coliseum | | Coliseum (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_coliseum | | Coliseum (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_colleg96 | | College Football USA 96 (USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_colleg96p | | College Football USA 96 (USA, Prototype 19950621) | md_colleg96 | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_colleg97 | | College Football USA 97 (USA) | | 1996 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp19 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940413) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp18 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940418) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp17 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940419) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp16 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940429) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp15 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940503) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp14 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940506) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp13 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940511-A) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp12 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940517-A) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp11 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940520) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp10 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940525) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp09 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940531) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp08 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940601) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp07 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940603) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp06 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940607) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp05 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940608) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp04 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940614) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp03 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940615) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp02 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940618) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collncp01 | | College Football's National Championship (Prototype, 19940620) | md_collnc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collnc | | College Football's National Championship (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collnc2 | | College Football's National Championship II (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_collslam | | College Slam (USA) | | 1996 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_coloco | | Coloco (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3e1 | | Colonos III - Part 1 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3e2 | | Colonos III - Part 2 (English) (128K) (HB) | spec_colonos3e1 | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3e3 | | Colonos III - Part 3 (English) (128K) (HB) | spec_colonos3e1 | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3s1 | | Colonos III - Parte 1 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3s2 | | Colonos III - Parte 2 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_colonos3s1 | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonos3s3 | | Colonos III - Parte 3 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_colonos3s1 | 2022 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colonoszx | | Colonos ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_colony | | Colony (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| colony7 | | Colony 7 (set 1) | | 1981 | Taito | 6809 System | |
| colony7a | | Colony 7 (set 2) | colony7 | 1981 | Taito | 6809 System | |
| nes_coloradinosaur | | Color A Dinosaur (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_colors | | Color and Switch Test (v1.3) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| msx_colball | | Color Ball (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_colballb | | Color Ball (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_colball | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_colballa | | Color Ball (Japan, Alt) | msx_colball | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| chf_clrorgan | | Color Organ (Prototype) | | 19?? | Zircon | Channel F | |
| spec_coloristic | | Coloristic (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Martin Borik | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_c4chess | | Colossus 4 Chess (48K) | | 1986 | CDS Microsystems | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_colmagic | | Colour of Magic, The (48K) | | 1986 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_colt36 | | Colt 36 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| colt | | Colt | nycaptor | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_columns | | Columns (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_columns | | Columns (Euro, USA, Brazil, Korea) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_columnsc | | Columns (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_columns | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| columnsj | | Columns (Japan) | columns | 1990 | Sega | C | |
| gg_columnsj | | Columns (Japan) | gg_columns | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_columns | | Columns (Japan) | | 1991 | Nihon Telenet | PC Engine | |
| gg_columnsj1 | | Columns (Japan, Older) | gg_columns | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| columnsn | | Columns (Neo Geo) | | ???? | homebrew | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sms_columnsp | | Columns (Prototype) | sms_columns | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| columnsu | | Columns (US, cocktail, Rev A) | columns | 1990 | Sega | C | |
| columns | | Columns (World) | | 1990 | Sega | C | |
| md_columns1 | | Columns (World) | md_columns | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_columns | | Columns (World, v1.1) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| column2j | | Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (Japan) | columns2 | 1990 | Sega | C | |
| columns2 | | Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (World) | | 1990 | Sega | C | |
| md_columns3 | | Columns III - Revenge of Columns (USA) | | 1993 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_columns3j | | Columns III - Taiketsu! Columns World (Japan, Korea) | md_columns3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_comandoquatro | | Comando Quatro (48K) | | 1989 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cotracer | | Comando Tracer (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988-89 | Zeus Soft - Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_cotracer | | Comando Tracer (Spanish) (48K-128K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| combat | | Combat (version 3.0) | | 1985 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| md_combat | | Combat Aces (Prototype) | | 199? | Chuck Peavey | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_combatca | | Combat Cars (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_combatcas | | Combat Cars (Hack, Spanish) | md_combatca | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| combh | | Combat Hawk | | 1987 | Sanritsu / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cschool128 | | Combat School (128K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cschool48 | | Combat School (48K) | spec_cschool128 | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| combatsc | | Combat School (joystick) | | 1988 | Konami | GX611 | |
| spec_combzone | | Combat Zone (48K) | | 1983 | Artic Computing | ZX Spectrum | |
| toto | | Come Back Toto | | 1996 | SoftClub | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| pacmanpe | | Come Come (Petaco SA bootleg of Puck Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Petaco SA) | Pac-man | |
| msx_picot | | Come On! Picot (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| mspacmanbhe | | Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Herle SA bootleg) | mspacman | 1991 | bootleg (Herle SA) | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanbcc | | Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Tecnausa bootleg) | mspacman | 1991 | bootleg (Tecnausa) | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanblt | | Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Triunvi bootleg, set 1) | mspacman | 1992 | bootleg (Triunvi) | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanblt2 | | Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Triunvi bootleg, set 2) | mspacman | 1992 | bootleg (Triunvi) | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanbco | | Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg) | mspacman | 1992 | bootleg (Cocamatic) | Pac-man | |
| spec_comechip | | Comeme el Chip (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Beyker Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cometenc | | Comet Encounter (48K) | | 1986 | LiveWire | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cometail | | Comet Tail (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_comicbakery | | Comic Bakery (HB) | | 1984-2014 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_comicbak | | Comic Bakery (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_comicbakb | | Comic Bakery (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_comicbak | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_comicbaka | | Comic Bakery (Japan, Alt) | msx_comicbak | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_comicbak | | Comic Bakery (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| sms_comical | | Comical Machine Gun Joe (Japan, MyCard) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_comicalk | | Comical Machine Gun Joe (Korea) | sms_comical | 198? | Samsung | Sega Master System | |
| sms_comicaltw | | Comical Machine Gun Joe (Taiwan) | sms_comical | 198? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| md_comix | | Comix Zone (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixp | | Comix Zone (Euro, Prototype, 19950628) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup01 | | Comix Zone (Euro, Prototype, 19950712) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixi | | Comix Zone (Hack, Italian) | md_comix | 2002 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixs | | Comix Zone (Hack, Spanish) | md_comix | 2014 | Kale | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixj | | Comix Zone (Japan) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixkp | | Comix Zone (Korea, Prototype, 19950609) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup10 | | Comix Zone (Prototype, 19950526) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup09 | | Comix Zone (Prototype, 19950530) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixsc | | Comix Zone (Sega Channel, Prototype, 19950612) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixu | | Comix Zone (USA) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup05 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950601) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup08 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950601-B) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup07 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950601-C) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup06 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950601-D) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup03 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950602) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup04 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950602-B) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_comixup02 | | Comix Zone (USA, Prototype, 19950603) | md_comix | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_commconq | | Command & Conquer (Prototype) | | 199? | Digital Distribution | Sega Megadrive | |
| commandw | | Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J, prototype) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| commandob | | Commando (bootleg set 1) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| commandob2 | | Commando (bootleg set 2) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| commandob3 | | Commando (bootleg set 3) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_commando | | Commando (Elite Systems) (48K) | | 1985 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_commandof | | Commando (French) (48K) | | 1984 | Loriciels | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_commandop | | Commando (Pocket Money Software) (48K) | | 1984 | Pocket Money Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| commsega | | Commando (Sega) | | 1983 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| commandou | | Commando (US set 1) | commando | 1985 | Capcom (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| commandou2 | | Commando (US set 2) | commando | 1985 | Capcom (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_commando | | Commando (USA) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| commando | | Commando (World) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| md_commands | | Commandos (Russia) (Unl) | | 200? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| comotionp | | CoMotion (patent) | comotion | 1976 | Gremlin | Miscellaneous | |
| comotion | | CoMotion | | 1976 | Gremlin | Miscellaneous | |
| compgolfo | | Competition Golf Final Round (Japan, old version) | compgolf | 1985 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| compgolf | | Competition Golf Final Round (revision 3) | | 1986 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| complexx | | Complex X | | 1984 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_complicadx | | Complica DX (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Einar Saukas | ZX Spectrum | Use SPACE and ENTER in menu and 1-2-3-4 keys in game |
| msx_cbilliar | | Computer Billiards (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_cnyumon | | Computer Nyuumon ~ Computer Lessons (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_cpachi | | Computer Pachinko (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_condori | | Con-Dori (Japan) | | 1983 | Cross Talk | MSX | |
| msx_condorib | | Con-Dori (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_condori | 1983 | Cross Talk | MSX | |
| msx_condoria | | Con-Dori (Japan, Alt) | msx_condori | 1983 | Cross Talk | MSX | |
| spec_conquest | | Con-Quest (48K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_conan | | Conan (USA) | | 1991 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| condorn | | Condor (S C Novar bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (S C Novar) | Miscellaneous | |
| condor | | Condor (Sidam bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (Sidam) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_conflict | | Conflict (USA) | | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_confused | | Confused? (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| spec_confuzion | | Confuzion (48K) | | 1985 | Incentive | ZX Spectrum | Press R to invert commands |
| msx_congo | | Congo (Euro) | | 1986 | LiveWire Software | MSX | |
| md_congo | | Congo (Prototype) | | 199? | Visual Concepts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_congoa | | Congo Bongo (Euro, Japan, v1 Alt) | sg1k_congo | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_congo | | Congo Bongo (Euro, Japan, v1) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_congobongo | | Congo Bongo (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_congob | | Congo Bongo (Japan, v0) | sg1k_congo | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| congo | | Congo Bongo (Rev C, 2 board stack) | | 1983 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| congoa | | Congo Bongo (Rev C, 3 board stack) | congo | 1983 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| sg1k_congot | | Congo Bongo (Taiwan) | sg1k_congo | 19?? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_congo | | Congo Bongo | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| conquer | D NW | Conqueror | | 198? | <unknown> | Galaxian | Bad dump |
| nes_conqucrypal | | Conquest of the Crystal Palace (USA) | | 1990 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_conspiralove | | Conspiralove (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Martian Devel | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_contscruise | | Contact Sam Cruise (48K) | | 1986 | Microsphere | ZX Spectrum | After the game has started, press 'J' and 'K' to use controller |
| spec_contcirc | | Continental Circus (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_contcircus | | Continental Circus (Euro) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | MSX | |
| contcircj | | Continental Circus (Japan) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | 3D Effect cannot be disabled, use World romset instead! |
| contcircu | | Continental Circus (US set 1) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| contcircua | | Continental Circus (US set 2) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | 3D Effect cannot be disabled, use US Set 1 instead! |
| contcirc | | Continental Circus (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| contrab | | Contra (bootleg) | contra | 1987 | bootleg | GX633 | |
| nes_contrat | | Contra (Hack, English) | nes_contra | 1998 | MadHacker | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contracast | | Contra (Hack, Spanish) | nes_contra | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| contrabj | | Contra (Japan bootleg, set 1) | contra | 1987 | bootleg | GX633 | |
| contrabj1 | | Contra (Japan bootleg, set 2) | contra | 1987 | bootleg | GX633 | |
| nes_contraj | | Contra (Japan) | nes_contra | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| contraj | | Contra (Japan, set 1) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contraj1 | | Contra (Japan, set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| nes_contrac | | Contra (T-Chi) | nes_contra | 2017 | FlameCyclone | Miscellaneous | |
| contra | | Contra (US / Asia, set 1) | | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contra1 | | Contra (US / Asia, set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contrae | | Contra (US / Asia, set 3) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| nes_contra | | Contra (USA) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contramdl | | Contra - Demon Contra (China) | nes_contra | 2020 | Huan Tian | Miscellaneous | |
| md_contras | | Contra - Hard Corps (Hack, Spanish) | md_contra | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_contra | | Contra - Hard Corps (USA, Korea) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_contrainv | | Contra - Hard Corps Invasion (Hack v3.3) | md_contra | 2020 | IT.GAMER | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_contrredfalwar | | Contra - Red Falcon War (Hack) | nes_contra | 2019 | Azstar | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contrrevredfal | | Contra - Revenge of the Red Falcon (Hack) | nes_contra | 2016 | Trax | Miscellaneous | |
| md_contraj | | Contra - The Hard Corps (Japan) | md_contra | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_contracs | | Contra - The Last Rebirth (China) | nes_contra | 2022 | Jing Jing Bu Xiang Wo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contra168in1 | | Contra 168-in-1 (Unl) | | 19?? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contraforcec | | Contra Force (2nd option) (Hack, Chinese) | nes_contraforce | 2018 | Tan Xiao Feng Sheng | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contraforce | | Contra Force (USA) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contraspiritfix | | Contra Spirits (Hack, ending fixed) | nes_contraspirits | 2023 | the jabu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_contraspirits | | Contra Spirits (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_convoy | | Convoy, The (HB) | | 2023 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| cookbib | | Cookie & Bibi (set 1) | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| cookbiba | | Cookie & Bibi (set 2) | cookbib | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| cookbib2c | | Cookie & Bibi 2 (English / Korean) | cookbib2 | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| cookbib2 | | Cookie & Bibi 2 (English, set 1) | | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| cookbib2a | | Cookie & Bibi 2 (English, set 2) | cookbib2 | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| cookbib2b | | Cookie & Bibi 2 (English, set 3) | cookbib2 | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| cookbib3 | | Cookie & Bibi 3 | | 1997 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| spec_cookie | | Cookie (16K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| ngp_coolboar | | Cool Boarders Pocket (Euro, Jpn) | | 2000 | UEP Systems | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_coolcool | | Cool Cool Jam (Euro, USA, Sample) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_coolcoolj | | Cool Cool Jam (Jpn) | ngp_coolcool | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| coolminii | | Cool Minigame Collection (Italy) | coolmini | 1999 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| coolmini | | Cool Minigame Collection | | 1999 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_coolspot | | Cool Spot (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_coolspot | | Cool Spot (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_coolspot | | Cool Spot (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_coolspots | | Cool Spot (Hack, Spanish) | md_coolspot | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_coolspotj | | Cool Spot (Japan, Korea) | md_coolspot | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_coolspotu | | Cool Spot (USA) | gg_coolspot | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_coolspotu | | Cool Spot (USA) | md_coolspot | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_coolspotup | | Cool Spot (USA, Prototype) | md_coolspot | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_coolworld | | Cool World (USA) | | 1993 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| clbowl | | Coors Light Bowling | capbowl | 1989 | Incredible Technologies / Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cop01 | | Cop 01 (set 1) | | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cop01a | | Cop 01 (set 2) | cop01 | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_copout | | Cop-Out (48K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_copjack | | Copper Jacket (HB) | | 2023 | Monsoon Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| copsnrob | D | Cops'n Robbers | | 1976 | Atari | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| spec_coreycb | | Corey Coolbrew (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Blue Bilby | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cornitfzs | | Cornelius in the Forbidden Zone (Spanish) (HB) | | 2023 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| spec_coronaenc | | Corona Encantada, La (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | Karoshi Corp. - RELEVO | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_corporat | | Corporation (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_correbenny | | Corre Benny (Spain) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_corrunner | | Corridor Runner (HB) | | 2022 | Aburi Games | MSX | |
| msx_corsarios | | Corsarios (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_corsarios1 | | Corsarios (Part 1 of 2) (128K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_corsarios2 | | Corsarios (Part 2 of 2) (128K) | spec_corsarios1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_coryoon1 | | Coryoon - Child of Dragon (Japan) (Alt) | pce_coryoon | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_coryoon | | Coryoon - Child of Dragon (Japan) | | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| msx_cosanost | | Cosa Nostra (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| cv_cavengera | | Cosmic Avenger (Alt) | cv_cavenger | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cavenger | | Cosmic Avenger | | 1981 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_cavenger | | Cosmic Avenger | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cosmccop | | Cosmic Cop (World) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M84 | |
| cv_ccrisis | | Cosmic Crisis | | 1983 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| nes_cosmicepsilon | | Cosmic Epsilon (Japan) | | 1989 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cosmiclan | | Cosmic Lander (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | RetroTeam | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cosmicpayback | | Cosmic Payback (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | John Connolly | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_csheriff | | Cosmic Sheriff (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_csheriff | | Cosmic Sheriff (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | ENTER: quit game, come back to options screen |
| spec_csa | | Cosmic Space Attack (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Vintage Software Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_cosmic | | Cosmic Spacehead (Euro) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_cosmic | | Cosmic Spacehead (Euro) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Master System | |
| md_cosmic | | Cosmic Spacehead (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_cosmicwartoad | | Cosmic Wartoad (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cosmo | | Cosmo (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_cosmoa | | Cosmo (Japan, Alt) | msx_cosmo | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| cgangpzlj | | Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (Japan) | cgangpzl | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| cgangpzl | | Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (US) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| cosmogng | | Cosmo Gang the Video (US) | | 1991 | Namco | System 2 | |
| nes_cosmogenesis | | Cosmo Genesis (Japan) | nes_starvoyager | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| galivan3 | | Cosmo Police Galivan (12/11/1985) | galivan | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| galivan2 | | Cosmo Police Galivan (12/16/1985) | galivan | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| galivan | | Cosmo Police Galivan (12/26/1985) | | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cosmopolgal | | Cosmo Police Galivan (Hack, English) | | 2000 | Jair | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cosmopolgalj | | Cosmo Police Galivan (Japan) | nes_cosmopolgal | 1988 | Nihon Bussan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_cosmoexp | | Cosmo-Explorer (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_cosmoexpa | | Cosmo-Explorer (Japan, Alt) | msx_cosmoexp | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| spec_costacapers | | Costa Capers (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cottong | | Cotocoto Cottong | locomotn | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cottonjad | | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179a set) | cotton | 1991 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| cottonja | | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0179a) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| cottonjd | | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179b set) | cotton | 1991 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| cottonj | | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0179b) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| cottonud | | Cotton (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0180 set) | cotton | 1991 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| cottonu | | Cotton (set 3, US) (FD1094 317-0180) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| cottond | | Cotton (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0181a set) | cotton | 1991 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| cotton | | Cotton (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0181a) | | 1991 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_countduck2128 | | Count Duckula II (128K) | | 1992 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_countduck248 | | Count Duckula II (48K) | spec_countduck2128 | 1992 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_countduckula | | Count Duckula in No Sax Please - We're Egyptian (48K) | | 1989 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| countrunb | | Counter Run (bootleg set 1) | countrun | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| countrun | NW | Counter Run (NS6201-A 1988.3) | | 1988 | Nihon System (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | Please use countrunb instead! |
| md_cstrike | | Counter Strike (Russia) (Unl) | md_lethalen | 200? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| countryc | NW | Country Club | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | bad inputs, use fitegolf instead! |
| spec_chorace1 | | Cousin Horace - Chapter 1 (48K) (HB) | spec_chorace0 | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_chorace2 | | Cousin Horace - Chapter 2 (48K) (HB) | spec_chorace0 | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | Access Code = 54590173 |
| spec_chorace3 | | Cousin Horace - Chapter 3 (48K) (HB) | spec_chorace0 | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | Access Code = 65731498 |
| spec_chorace4 | | Cousin Horace - Chapter 4 (48K) (HB) | spec_chorace0 | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | Access Code = 29402763 |
| spec_chorace5 | | Cousin Horace - Chapter 5 (48K) (HB) | spec_chorace0 | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | Access Code = 04758812 |
| spec_chorace0 | | Cousin Horace - Intro (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cow | | Cow Abductors (HB) | | 2009 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| nes_cowboykid | | Cowboy Kid (USA) | | 1992 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cbshootout | | Cowboy Shootout (16K) | | 1983 | Micro Power | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cowligam2ndadv | | Cowlitz Gamers 2nd Adventure (HB) | | 2017 | Cowlitz | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cowligamadv | | Cowlitz Gamers Adventure (HB) | | 2016 | Cowlitz | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cowligamlostadv | | Cowlitz Gamers Lost Adventure (HB) | | 2020 | Cowlitz | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cozapoza | | Coza De La Poza, La (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_doompond | 2021 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_crabbieatk | | Crabbie Attack! (HB) | | 2023 | TurtleRescueNES | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_crackdown | | Crack Down (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_crkdown1 | | Crack Down (Euro, Japan) | md_crkdown | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crkdown | | Crack Down (Euro, Japan, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| crkdownj | | Crack Down (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04b Rev A) | crkdown | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| crkdownu | | Crack Down (US, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04d) | crkdown | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| md_crkdownu | | Crack Down (USA) | md_crkdown | 1991 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| crkdown | | Crack Down (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04c) | | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| cracksht | | Crackshot (version 2.0) | | 1985 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_cracky | | Cracky (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_cracky | | Cracky (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sg1k_cracky | | Cracky (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_crapjob | | Crap Job (HB) | | 2021 | Oniric Factor | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_crashnboy | | Crash 'n' the Boys - Street Challenge (USA) | | 1992 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| hocrash | | Crash (bootleg of Head On) | headon | 1979 | bootleg (Fraber) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| crashh | | Crash (Pac-Man) | | 2002 | hack | Pac-man | |
| md_crash | | Crash Bandicoot (Russia) (Unl) | md_zero | 2008 | BMB | Sega Megadrive | |
| crater | D NW | Crater Raider | | 1984 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | Graphics Issues |
| tg_cratermz | | Cratermaze (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_crawlers | | Crawlers (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Pixel Phenix | MSX | |
| spec_cray5 | | Cray-5 (128K) (HB) | | 2011 | Retroworks | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_crayon | | Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu Enji (Japan) | | 1994 | Ma-Ba | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_crayoshicha | | Crayon Shin-chan - Ora to Poi Poi (Japan) | | 1993 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_crayone | | Crayon Shin-chan - Taiketsu! Kantamu Panic!! (Hack, English) | gg_crayon | 2018 | Psyklax | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_crayon | | Crayon Shin-chan - Taiketsu! Kantamu Panic!! (Japan) | | 1995 | Bandai | Sega Game Gear | |
| qcrayon2 | | Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| msx_craze | | Craze (Japan) | | 1988 | Heart Soft | MSX | |
| crbaloon | | Crazy Balloon (set 1) | | 1980 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| crbaloon2 | | Crazy Balloon (set 2) | crbaloon | 1980 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cblaster | | Crazy Blaster (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | The Future Was 8bit | ZX Spectrum | |
| crazyblk | | Crazy Blocks | mrjong | 1983 | Kiwako (ECI license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_crazy | | Crazy Buggy (HB) | | 2005 | Crappysoft | MSX | |
| msx_crazybul | | Crazy Bullet (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| spec_crazycars | | Crazy Cars (128K) | | 1988 | Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_crazycar | | Crazy Cars (Euro) | | 1988 | Titus | MSX | |
| md_crazycars | | Crazy Cars (HB) | | 2013 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion of Amstrad CPC version |
| spec_crazycars2 | | Crazy Cars II (128K) | | 1988 | Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_crazychristmas | | Crazy Christmas (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Fransouls | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported - Set '3.Sinclair' to use controller |
| cclimberj | | Crazy Climber (Japan) | cclimber | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_crazyclimber | | Crazy Climber (Japan) | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cclimber | | Crazy Climber (US set 1) | | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cclimbera | | Crazy Climber (US set 2) | cclimber | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cclimbr2 | | Crazy Climber 2 (Japan) | | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cclimbr2a | | Crazy Climber 2 (Japan, Harder) | cclimbr2 | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_ccredux | | Crazy Climber Redux (HB) | | 2021 | 8 bit Milli Games | ColecoVision | |
| crazycop | | Crazy Cop (Japan) | gbusters | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| gg_crazyfac | | Crazy Faces (Euro, Prototype) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_crazyfactory | | Crazy Factory (HB, v1.3) | | 2020 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| crazyfgt | | Crazy Fight | | 1996 | Subsino | Seta | |
| spec_crazyforest | | Crazy Forest (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_crazyhouse | | Crazy House (48K) | | 1990 | Bulldog Software | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Cursor' to use controller |
| ckongg | | Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ckongmc | | Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ckongs | | Crazy Kong (bootleg on Scramble hardware) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ckongpt2b | | Crazy Kong Part II (alternative levels) | ckongpt2 | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ckongpt2b2 | | Crazy Kong Part II (bootleg) | ckongpt2 | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ckongpt2j | | Crazy Kong Part II (Japan) | ckongpt2 | 1981 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| ckongpt2jeu | | Crazy Kong Part II (Jeutel bootleg) | ckongpt2 | 1981 | bootleg (Jeutel) | Miscellaneous | |
| ckongpt2 | | Crazy Kong Part II (set 1) | | 1981 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| ckongpt2a | | Crazy Kong Part II (set 2) | ckongpt2 | 1981 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| ckong | | Crazy Kong | | 1981 | Kyoei / Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| crzrallyg | | Crazy Rally (Gecas license) | crzrally | 1985 | Tecfri (Gecas license) | Miscellaneous | Graphics issues on some levels |
| crzrallyrf | | Crazy Rally (Recreativos Franco license) | crzrally | 1985 | Tecfri (Recreativos Franco license) | Miscellaneous | Graphics issues on some levels |
| crzrally | | Crazy Rally (set 1) | | 1985 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | Graphics issues on some levels |
| crzrallya | | Crazy Rally (set 2) | crzrally | 1985 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | Graphics issues on some levels |
| msx_crazytrn | | Crazy Train (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony - Konami | MSX | |
| msx_crazytrna | | Crazy Train (Japan, Alt) | msx_crazytrn | 1983 | Sony - Konami | MSX | |
| crazywar | | Crazy War | | 2002 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_creatom | | Creatom (Unl) | | 1991 | Micro Genius | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_creepybrawlers | | Creepy Brawlers (HB) | | 2017 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| mooncrsl | | Cresta Mundo (Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Laguna S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| md_criatura | | Criatura (HB) | | 2023 | Manganga Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_crillion | | Crillion (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | kevin81 | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_crimbo | | Crimbo: A Gloop Troops Tale (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | Little Shop of Pixels | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_crimebusters | | Crime Busters (USA) | | 1989 | Gradiente | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_crimebust | | Crime Busters Featuring Bennie the Burglar (48K) | | 1988 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | 'Q', 'W' and 'Space' to set options |
| crimecj | | Crime City (Japan) | crimec | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| crimecu | | Crime City (US) | crimec | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| crimec | | Crime City (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | |
| crimfghtj | | Crime Fighters (Japan 2 Players) | crimfght | 1989 | Konami | GX821 | |
| crimfghtu | | Crime Fighters (US 4 Players) | crimfght | 1989 | Konami | GX821 | |
| crimfght | | Crime Fighters (World 2 players) | | 1989 | Konami | GX821 | |
| vendetta2pp | | Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 2 Players, ver. P) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendettan | | Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 4 Players, ver. N) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| spec_crimesa | | Crimenes Ilustrados - La Escena (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | BasicGames | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_crimesb | | Crimenes Ilustrados - La Solucion (48K) (HB) | spec_crimesa | 2022 | BasicGames | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_crisisforce | | Crisis Force (Hack, English) | | 2008 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_crisisforcej | | Crisis Force (Japan) | nes_crisisforce | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_criticmass | | Critical Mass (48K) | | 1985 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| crockmnf | | Crock-Man (Marti Colls bootleg of Rene Pierre Crock-Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Marti Colls) | Pac-man | |
| crockman | | Crock-Man | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Rene Pierre) | Pac-man | |
| spec_cronopiosen | | Cronopios Y Famas (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cronopiosfr | | Cronopios Y Famas (French) (128K) (HB) | spec_cronopiosen | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cronopiosde | | Cronopios Y Famas (German) (128K) (HB) | spec_cronopiosen | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cronopiosit | | Cronopios Y Famas (Italian) (128K) (HB) | spec_cronopiosen | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cronopiospt | | Cronopios Y Famas (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_cronopiosen | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cronopioses | | Cronopios Y Famas (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_cronopiosen | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| croquisg | | Croquis (Germany) | croquis | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Hardware | |
| croquis | | Croquis (Korea) | | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Hardware | |
| crossbld | | Cross Blades! (Japan) | bmaster | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| msx_crossblm | | Cross Blaim (Japan) | | 1986 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| md_xfires | | Cross Fire (Hack, Spanish) | md_xfire | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_crossfire | | Cross Fire (Japan) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_xfire | | Cross Fire (USA) | | 1991 | Kyugo Boueki | Sega Megadrive | |
| crospang | | Cross Pang | | 1998 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_xwiber | | Cross Wiber - Cyber Combat Police (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| crossbow | | Crossbow (version 2.0) | | 1983 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| crsword | | Crossed Swords (ALM-002 ~ ALH-002) | | 1991 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| crswd2bl | | Crossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version) | | 1996 | bootleg (Razoola) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_crosswize | | Crosswize (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cphd | | Crouching Poney Hidden Dragon (DEMO) | | 2013 | Le Cortex | Neo Geo | |
| cthd2003 | | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (hack of The King of Fighters 2001) | kof2001 | 2003 | bootleg (Phenixsoft) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cthd2k3a | | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg, set 2) | kof2001 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ct2k3sp | | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (hack of The King of Fighters 2001) | kof2001 | 2003 | bootleg (Phenixsoft) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ct2k3sa | | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (hack of The King of Fighters 2001, alternate) | kof2001 | 2003 | bootleg (Phenixsoft) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cbusterj | | Crude Buster (Japan FR revision 1) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| md_crudeb | | Crude Buster (Japan) | md_twocrude | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| cbusterw | | Crude Buster (World FU version) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| cbuster | | Crude Buster (World FX version) | | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| md_crueball | | Crue Ball (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crueballj | | Crue Ball (Japan) | md_crueball | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| cruisin | | Cruisin | citycon | 1985 | Jaleco (Kitkorp license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_crusader | | Crusader (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_crusaderb | | Crusader (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_crusader | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_crusadera | | Crusader (Japan, Alt) | msx_crusader | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_crusaderk | | Crusader (Korea) | msx_crusader | 1987 | Clover | MSX | |
| md_crusader | | Crusader of Centy (USA) | md_soleil | 1994 | Atlus | Sega Megadrive | |
| crushbl | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 1) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| crushbl2 | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 2) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| crushbl3 | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 3) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| crushs | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 4) | crush | 1981 | bootleg (Sidam) | Pac-man | |
| crush | | Crush Roller (set 1) | | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Samno Electric, Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| crush2 | | Crush Roller (set 2) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Esco Electric, Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| crush3 | NW | Crush Roller (set 3) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Electric, Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| crush4 | | Crush Roller (set 4) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Electric, Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| crush5 | | Crush Roller (set 5) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural TWT | Pac-man | |
| ngp_crushrol | | Crush Roller (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| crusherm | | Crusher Makochan (Japan) | | 1999 | Takumi | Miscellaneous | |
| md_crying | | Crying - Aseimei Sensou (Japan) | md_biohazrb | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_crypto | | Crypto (HB) | | 2016 | EEMU | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_cryptogram | | Cryptogram Anagrams Crosswords (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| ccastlesj | | Crystal Castles (joystick version) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastles1 | | Crystal Castles (version 1) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastles2 | | Crystal Castles (version 2) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastles3 | | Crystal Castles (version 3) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastlesf | | Crystal Castles (version 3, French) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastlesg | | Crystal Castles (version 3, German) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastlesp | | Crystal Castles (version 3, Spanish) | ccastles | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| ccastles | | Crystal Castles (version 4) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cryscast | | Crystal Castles Diamond Plateaus in Space (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy7remake | | Crystal Kingdom Dizzy - Remake (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_crystalw | | Crystal Warriors (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_crystlpts | | Crystal's Pony Tale (Hack, Spanish) | md_crystlpt | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlpt | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp15 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940511) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp14 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940519) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp13 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940526) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp12 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940601) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp11 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940606) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp10 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940610) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp09 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940623) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp08 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940628) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp07 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940630) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp06 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940701) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp05 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940702) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp04 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940703) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp02 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940712) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp03 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940712-B) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_crystlptp01 | | Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, Prototype, 19940713) | md_crystlpt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_crystalisc | | Crystalis (Hack, Spanish) | nes_crystalis | 2014 | Teterilla | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_crystalis | | Crystalis (USA) | | 1990 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cubicexp | | Cubic Experience, The (128K) (HB, v1.0) | | 2022 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to use controller |
| spec_cubicexpve | | Cubic Experience, The - V.E. (128K) (HB, v1.0) | spec_cubicexp | 2022 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | Visual Experince: the interactive tutorial of the game |
| cubybop | | Cuby Bop (location test) | | 199? | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Taito L System | |
| spec_cueboy | | Cue Boy (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cuebrickj | | Cue Brick (Japan) | cuebrick | 1989 | Konami | GX903 | |
| cuebrick | | Cue Brick (World, version D) | | 1989 | Konami | GX903 | |
| spec_culte | | Cult, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Tartessos Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cults | | Culto, El (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_culte | 2023 | Tartessos Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_cuncuna | | Cuncuna (HB) | | 2020 | Christian Cordova | MSX | |
| msx_thecure | | Cure, The (HB) | | 2005 | XL2S Entertainment | MSX | |
| msx_currojimenez | | Curro Jimenez (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| md_curse | | Curse (Japan) | | 1989 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cursep | | Curse (Prototype, 19900626) | md_curse | 1989 | U.S. License INTV Corp. / Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_curseibay | | Curse of Illmoore Bay, the (HB) | | 2021 | 2nd Dimension | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_rabenstein | | Curse of Rabenstein, The (HB) | | 2022 | Puddle Software | MSX | |
| spec_sherwood | | Curse of Sherwood, The (48K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cursedcastle | | Cursed Castle (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Fransouls | ZX Spectrum | Set '3.Sinclair' to use controller |
| nes_cursedcrown | | Cursed Crown (HB) | | 2024 | Martin Reimer | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cursedemone | | Cursed Demons of Wallachia (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cursedemonp | | Cursed Demons of Wallachia (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_cursedemone | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cursedemons | | Cursed Demons of Wallachia (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_cursedemone | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_cuknight | | Cursed Knight, The (HB) | | 2022 | Broke Studio | Sega Megadrive | |
| curvebal | | Curve Ball | | 1984 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| md_custodian | | Custodian MD (HB) (Unl) | | 2018 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| cutefght | | Cute Fighter | | 1998 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| cutieq | | Cutie Q | | 1979 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_cutiesuz | | Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel (Japan) | | 1990 | Asmik Ace | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_cutthr | | Cutthroat Island (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_cutthr | | CutThroat Island (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cutthrs | | Cutthroat Island (Hack, Spanish) | md_cutthr | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_cutthrp | | Cutthroat Island (Prototype 19950916) | gg_cutthr | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_cutthrp | | CutThroat Island (Prototype) | md_cutthr | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| cybattlr | | Cybattler | | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| pce_cybrcore | | Cyber Core (Japan) | | 1990 | IGS | PC Engine | |
| tg_cybrcore | | Cyber Core (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_cyberdod | | Cyber Dodge (Japan) | | 1992 | Tonkin House | PC Engine | |
| pce_cyknight | | Cyber Knight (Japan) | | 1990 | Tonkin House | PC Engine | |
| md_eswatj | | Cyber Police ESWAT (Japan, Rev. 0) | md_eswat | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_cybers | | Cyber Shinobi, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_cybersp | | Cyber Shinobi, The (Prototype) | sms_cybers | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_cyberstaser | | Cyber Stadium Series - Base Wars (USA) | | 1991 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cybertnk | | Cyber Tank (v1.4) | | 1988 | Coreland | Miscellaneous | |
| md_cybercop | | Cyber-Cop (USA) | md_corporat | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| cyberlip | | Cyber-Lip (NGM-010) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_cyberbal | | CyberBall (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_cyberbig | | Cyberbig (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Animagic | MSX | |
| cybotsj | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (950420 Japan) | cybots | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| cybots | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (950424 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| cybotsud | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (950424 USA Phoenix Edition) | cybots | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| cybotsu | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (950424 USA) | cybots | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| cybotsam | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (Access Mod, Hack) | cybots | 2022 | Kyle_W | CPS2 | |
| cybotsjd | | Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (Japan 950424) (decrypted bootleg) | cybots | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| spec_cybermania | | Cybermania (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Payndz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cybernoid128 | | Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (128K) | | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cybernoid48 | | Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (48K) | spec_cybernoid128 | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_cyber | | Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (USA) | | 1989 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cybernoidii128 | | Cybernoid II - The Revenge (128K) | | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cybernoidii48 | | Cybernoid II - The Revenge (48K) | spec_cybernoidii128 | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cyberun | | Cyberun (48K) | | 1986 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' or '2' to set controls |
| msx_cyberun | | Cyberun (Euro) | | 1985 | Ultimate Play The Game | MSX | Press '1' for P1 and '2' for P2 controller options |
| sms_cyborgh | | Cyborg Hunter (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_cyborgj | | Cyborg Justice (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cyborgjp | | Cyborg Justice (Prototype) | md_cyborgj | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_cyborgz | | Cyborg Z (Korea) | | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_cyborgz | | Cyborg Z (Korea) | | 1991 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| cyclemb | | Cycle Maabou (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_cyclerac | | Cycle Race - Road Man (Japan) | | 1988 | Tokyo Shoseki | Miscellaneous | |
| cyclshtg | NW | Cycle Shooting | | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | Not Emulated, GFX/layer priority issues |
| spec_cyclone | | Cyclone (48K) | | 1985 | Vortex Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cyclus1 | | Cyclus - Part 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cyclus2 | | Cyclus - Part 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_cyclus1 | 2021 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cygnusalpha | | Cygnus - Alpha (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Steve A.J. Broad | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_cyrus2 | | Cyrus II Chess (128K) | | 1986 | Alligata Software | ZX Spectrum | SHIFT + 'cursor keys': move marker - ENTER: select a piece |
| cyvernj | | Cyvern - The Dragon Weapons (Japan) | cyvern | 1998 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| cyvern | | Cyvern - The Dragon Weapons (US) | | 1998 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| spec_dveelng | | D'Veel'Ng (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dveelng | | D'Veel'Ng (HB) | | 2015 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| dcon | | D-Con | | 1992 | Success | Miscellaneous | |
| ddayc | | D-Day (Centuri) | dday | 1982 | Olympia (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ddayjlc | | D-Day (Jaleco set 1) | | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | buggy game due to unemulated protection MCU |
| ddayjlca | | D-Day (Jaleco set 2) | ddayjlc | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | buggy game due to unemulated protection MCU |
| msx_dday | | D-Day (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba | MSX | |
| msx_ddayb | | D-Day (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_dday | 1984 | Toshiba | MSX | |
| msx_ddayc | | D-Day (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_dday | 1984 | Toshiba | MSX | |
| msx_ddaya | | D-Day (Japan, Alt) | msx_dday | 1984 | Toshiba | MSX | |
| msx_ddayk | | D-Day (Korea) | msx_dday | 1988 | San Ho | MSX | |
| dday | | D-Day | | 1982 | Olympia | Miscellaneous | |
| ddcrewj2d | | D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0182 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrewj2 | | D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0182) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewjd | | D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0185 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrewj | | D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0185) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewud | | D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0186 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrewu | | D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0186) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrew2d | | D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0184 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrew2 | | D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0184) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewd | | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0190 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrew | | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) | | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrew1d | | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set) | ddcrew | 1991 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| ddcrew1 | | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0187) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| msx_devilhvn | | D.H. - Devil's Heaven (Japan) | | 1984 | General | MSX | |
| spec_dnawarrior | | D.N.A. Warrior (128K) | | 1989 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_dayu | | Da Yu (Taiwan) | sg1k_chackn | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| dacholer | | Dacholer | | 1983 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dacman | | Dacman (HB) | | 2000 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| msx_daedalian | | Daedalian Opus (HB) | | 2006 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| gg_daffy | | Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_daffy | | Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_daffy | | Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_daffyp | | Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Euro, Prototype) | md_daffy | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dahnamk | | Dahna (Korea) | md_dahnam | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dahnagb | | Dahna - Goddess' Birth (Hack, English) | md_dahnam | 2016 | cccmar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dahnams | | Dahna Megami Tanjou (Hack, Spanish) | md_dahnam | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dahnam | | Dahna Megami Tanjou (Japan) | | 1991 | IGS | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_daidasso | | Dai Dassou (Japan) | | 1985 | Carry Lab | MSX | |
| daimakaib | | Dai Makai-Mura (bootleg, Japan) | ghouls | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| daimakair | | Dai Makai-Mura (Japan Resale Ver.) | ghouls | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| daimakai | | Dai Makai-Mura (Japan) | ghouls | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sgx_daimakaid | | Dai Makaimura (Debug Menu Hack) | sgx_daimakai | 2007 | Chris Covell | SuperGrafx | |
| md_daimakai | | Dai Makaimura (Japan) | md_ghouls | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sgx_daimakai1 | | Dai Makaimura (Japan, SGX) (Alt) | sgx_daimakai | 1990 | NEC Avenue | SuperGrafx | |
| sgx_daimakai | | Dai Makaimura (Japan, SGX) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | SuperGrafx | |
| dairesya | | Dai Ressya Goutou (Japan, version K) | ironhors | 1986 | Konami (Kawakusu license) | GX560 | |
| pce_daisenpu | | Dai Senpu (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| msx_dskeiba | | Dai Shougai Keiba (Japan) | | 1984 | Casio | MSX | |
| nes_dai2jisuprota | | Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen (Hack, English) | | 2013 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dai2jisuprotaji | | Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen (Hack, Italian v0.98) | nes_dai2jisuprota | 2019 | Wolfgare | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dai2jisuprotajc | | Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dai2jisuprota | 2021 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dai2jisuprotaj | | Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) | nes_dai2jisuprota | 1991 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_donaturl | | Daichi Kun Crisis - Do Natural (Japan) | | 1989 | Salio | PC Engine | |
| daikaiju | | Daikaiju no Gyakushu | | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ddeburasj | | Daikaijuu Deburas (Japan) | nes_ddeburas | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ddeburas | | Daikaijuu Deburas ~ Giant Monster Flaburas (Hack, English) | | 2023 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| md_daikokai | | Daikoukai Jidai (Japan) | md_unchartd | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_daikok2 | | Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan) | md_newhoriz | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_daikunogensanc | | Daiku no Gen-san (Hack, Chinese) | nes_daikunogensan | 2019 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_daikunogensan | | Daiku no Gen-san (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_daikunogensan2c | | Daiku no Gen-san 2 - Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu (Hack, Chinese) | nes_daikunogensan2 | 2019 | Advance Team & DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_daikunogensan2 | | Daiku no Gen-san 2 - Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu (Japan) | | 1993 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| dkgensanm72 | | Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72 hardware) | hharry | 1990 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| dkgensanm82 | | Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82 hardware) | hharry | 1990 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| dkgensan | | Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M84 hardware) | hharry | 1990 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| daiohc | | Daioh (93111A PCB conversion) | daioh | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daioha | | Daioh (earlier) | daioh | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daiohp | | Daioh (prototype) | daioh | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daiohp2 | | Daioh (prototype, earlier) | daioh | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daioh | | Daioh | | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daisenpu | | Daisenpu (Japan) | twinhawk | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito X | |
| daitorida | | Daitoride (YMF278B version) | daitorid | 1996 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| daitorid | | Daitoride | | 1995 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_daiva4 | | Daiva Story 4 - Asura's Bloodfeud (Japan) | | 1987 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| spec_dalekattack | | Dalek Attack - Doctor Who (Trainer) (128K) | | 1993 | Admiral Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dtdecthn | | Daley Thompson's Decathlon - Day 1 (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dtdecthn2 | | Daley Thompson's Decathlon - Day 2 (48K) | spec_dtdecthn | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_datholch | | Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dtsupertest128 | | Daley Thompson's Super-Test (128K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dtsupertest48 | | Daley Thompson's Super-Test (48K) | spec_dtsupertest128 | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_dallye | | Dallyeora Pigu-Wang (Korea) | | 1995 | Game Line | Sega Master System | |
| spec_dambusters | | Dam Busters, The (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dambustra | | Dam Busters, The (Euro) | msx_dambustr | 1985 | Erbe Software | MSX | |
| msx_dambustr | | Dam Busters, The (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| cv_dambust | | Dam Busters, The | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| dambustruk | | Dambusters (UK) | dambustr | 1981 | South West Research | Galaxian | |
| dambustr | | Dambusters (US, set 1) | | 1981 | South West Research | Galaxian | |
| dambustra | | Dambusters (US, set 2) | dambustr | 1981 | South West Research | Galaxian | |
| spec_dandare | | Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future (48K) | | 1986 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dandare2 | | Dan Dare II - Mekon's Revenge (48K) | | 1988 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dandare3 | | Dan Dare III - The Escape (48K) | | 1990 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| dankuga | | Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | Missing graphics are normal in this prototype |
| sms_danan | | Danan: The Jungle Fighter (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_dncfntsy | | Dance Fantasy | | 1984 | Fisher-Price | ColecoVision | |
| fds_dandy | | Dandy - Zeuon no Fukkatsu (Hack, English) | | 2021 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_dandyj | | Dandy - Zeuon no Fukkatsu (Japan) | fds_dandy | 1988 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dgtrooper | | Dangan Trooper (HB, v0.8) | | 2021 | Kobinii | MSX | |
| nes_dangbridge | | Danger Bridge (Unl) | | 200? | Power Joy | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dangmouse | | Danger Mouse in Double Trouble (48K) | | 1984 | Creative Sparks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dangertower | | Danger Tower (HB) | | 2009 | Danger Team | MSX | |
| cv_dangrtower | | Danger Tower (SGM) (HB) | | 2009-2017 | Danger Team | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| dngrtrck | | Danger Track (bootleg of Rally X) | rallyx | 1980 | bootleg (Petaco) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dangerx4 | | Danger X4 (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_dangerx4b | | Danger X4 (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_dangerx4 | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_dangerx4a | | Danger X4 (Japan, Alt) | msx_dangerx4 | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| gg_dangdem | | Dangerous Demolition (HB, v1.0) | | 2020 | DrLudos | Sega Game Gear | |
| ddungeon | | Dangerous Dungeons (set 1) | | 1992 | The Game Room | Miscellaneous | |
| ddungeone | | Dangerous Dungeons (set 2) | ddungeon | 1992 | East Coast Coin Company | Miscellaneous | |
| dangseed | | Dangerous Seed (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 1 | |
| md_dangseed | | Dangerous Seed (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| dfeveron | | Dangun Feveron (Japan, 98/09/17 VER.) | feversos | 1998 | Cave (Nihon System license) | Cave | |
| nes_dannysulsindhe | | Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (USA) | | 1992 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_danterrifik | | Danterrifik (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_danterrifik2 | | Danterrifik II - The Nightmare Continues (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_danterrifik3 | | Danterrifik III - The Dark Age of Grotesque (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_danterrifik4 | | Danterrifik IV - A New Beginning (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_daoshuai | | Dao Shuai (Asia) (Unl) | | 1989 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_daqidar | | DAQ Lord of Idar (HB) | | 2010 | Darkstone | MSX | |
| sms_darc10 | | DARC (HB, v1.0) | | 2015 | Zipper | Sega Master System | Turn ON 'FM Emulation' in Dips for music/sfx! |
| dariuso | | Darius (Japan) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| dariusj | | Darius (Japan, rev 1) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| dariusu | | Darius (US, rev 2) | darius | 1986 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| darius | | Darius (World, rev 2) | | 1986 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| pce_dariusa | | Darius Alpha (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | SuperGrafx Enhanced | |
| md_dariusev | | Darius Extra Version (HB) | | 2020 | Taito - Strictly Limited Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| dariuse | | Darius Extra Version (Japan) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| dariusgu | | Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5A 1994/09/19) | dariusg | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| dariusgj | | Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5J 1994/09/19) | dariusg | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| dariusg | | Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| dariusgx | | Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| darius2do | | Darius II (dual screen) (Japan, Rev 1) | darius2 | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| darius2d | | Darius II (dual screen) (Japan, Rev 2) | darius2 | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| md_darius2ec | | Darius II (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_sagaia | 2016 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_darius2 | | Darius II (Japan) | md_sagaia | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| darius2 | | Darius II (triple screen) (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| pce_dariusp | | Darius Plus (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | SuperGrafx Enhanced | |
| spec_darius | | Darius+ (128K) | | 1990 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| darkadv | | Dark Adventure | devilw | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| ngp_darkarms | | Dark Arms - Beast Buster 1999 (Euro, USA) ~ Beast Buster - Yami no Seitai Heiki (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_darkarmsp | | Dark Arms - Beast Buster 1999 (Prototype) | ngp_darkarms | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_darkcastle | | Dark Castle (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_darkcast | | Dark Castle (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_darkcasts | | Dark Castle (Hack, Spanish) | md_darkcast | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| darkedgej | | Dark Edge (Japan) | darkedge | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| darkedge | | Dark Edge (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | Background GFX Issues |
| spec_darkfusion | | Dark Fusion (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dgimmick | | Dark Gimmick (GlobalHack, v1.1) | nes_gimmick | 2014 | Berion - Dizzy9 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_darklord | | Dark Lord (Japan) | | 1991 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| darkplnt | | Dark Planet | | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| spec_darkredux | | Dark Redux, The (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | Hold 'P' at the logo screen to skip the intro |
| spec_darkreduxru | | Dark Redux, The (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_darkredux | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | Hold 'P' at the logo screen to skip the intro |
| spec_darksceptre | | Dark Sceptre (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| darksealj | | Dark Seal (Japan revision 4) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal1 | | Dark Seal (World revision 1) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal | | Dark Seal (World revision 3) | | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal2 | | Dark Seal 2 (Japan v2.1) | wizdfire | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_darkstar | | Dark Star (48K) | | 1984 | Design Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| darktowr | | Dark Tower | | 1992 | The Game Room | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_darktransit | | Dark Transit (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Goliat eXperience Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_darkveile | | Dark Veil, The (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_darklostpages | | Dark, The - Lost Pages (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_darkman | | Darkman (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_darkmanc | | Darkman (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_darkman | 2022 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_darkman | | Darkman (USA) | | 1991 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| dstlka | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940705 Asia) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dstlk | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940705 Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dstlku1d | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940705 USA Phoenix Edition) | dstlk | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| dstlkur1 | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940705 USA) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dstlkh | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940818 Hispanic) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dstlku | | Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940818 USA) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dwi | | DarkWing Duck (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| dwia | | DarkWing Duck (FMV Demo, alt) | dwi | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| nes_darkwingduckc | | Darkwing Duck (Hack, Chinese) | nes_darkwingduck | 2020 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_darkwingduck | | Darkwing Duck (USA) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_darkwing | | Darkwing Duck (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| darwin | | Darwin 4078 (Japan) | | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_darwin | | Darwin 4081 (Japan, Korea) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_darwinp | | Darwin 4081 (Prototype, 19900221) | md_darwin | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dashgalinalias | | Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dashyarou | | Dash Yarou (Japan) | | 1990 | Visco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dashdesp1 | | Dashin' Desperadoes (Euro, Prototype) | md_dashdes | 1993 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dashdes | | Dashin' Desperadoes (USA) | | 1993 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dashdesp2 | | Dashin' Desperadoes (USA, Prototype) | md_dashdes | 1993 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_datastorm10 | | Data Storm (HB, v1.0) | | 2016 | haroldoop | Sega Master System | |
| dquizgo | | Date Quiz Go Go (Korea) | | 1998 | SemiCom / AceVer | Miscellaneous | |
| dquizgo2 | | Date Quiz Go Go Episode 2 | | 2000 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_datsugoku | | Datsugoku (Japan) | nes_pow | 1989 | KAC | Miscellaneous | |
| powj | | Datsugoku - Prisoners of War (Japan) | pow | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_daveinfs | | Dave Infuriators (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Black Jet | ZX Spectrum | M: reverse - SPACE: jump - Q: quit |
| nes_davidcrasaboyandhis | | David Crane's A Boy and His Blob - Trouble on Blobolonia (USA) | | 1990 | Absolute | Miscellaneous | |
| md_amaznten | | David Crane's Amazing Tennis (USA) | | 1992 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_david2 | | David II (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_david2a | | David II (Japan, Alt) | msx_david2 | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| md_drscj | | David Robinson Basketball (Japan) | md_drsc | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_drsc | | David Robinson's Supreme Court (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_daviscp2a | | Davis Cup II (USA, Prototype) | md_daviscp2 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_daviscup | | Davis Cup Tennis (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_daviscupa | | Davis Cup World Tour (Euro, USA, 199306) | md_daviscup | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_daviscup | | Davis Cup World Tour (Euro, USA, 199307) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_daviscp2 | | Davis Cup World Tour Tennis 2 (Prototype 1) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_dawnpatr | | Dawn Patrol (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| nes_daydredav | | Day Dreamin' Davey (USA) | | 1992 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dayinthelife | | Day in the Life, A (48K) | | 1985 | Micromega | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_daysthunder | | Days of Thunder (128K) | | 1990 | Mindscape International | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_daysofthunder | | Days of Thunder (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dazexmass | | Daze Before Christmas (Hack, Spanish) | md_dazexmas | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dazexmas | | Daze Before Christmas (Oceania) | | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dazexmasp | | Daze Before Christmas (Oceania, Prototype) | md_dazexmas | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ddreamddiver | | Ddream Ddiver (HB) | | 2022 | Game Losers | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_deatenebrarum | | Dea Tenebrarum (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | System 4 | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_deadang | | Dead Angle (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_deadangp | | Dead Angle (Prototype) | sms_deadang | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| deadang | | Dead Angle | | 1988 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| deadconxj | | Dead Connection (Japan) | deadconx | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| deadconx | | Dead Connection (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| spec_dfboy | | Dead Flesh Boy (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | VANB | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_deadfox | | Dead Fox (Japan) | nes_codenam | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_deadmoon | | Dead Moon (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_deadmoon | | Dead Moon - Tsuki Sekai no Akumu (Japan) | | 1990 | B.S.S. | PC Engine | |
| spec_deadspace | | Dead Space (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Radastan | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_deadtomb | | Dead Tomb (HB) | | 2020 | CollectorVision Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dzone1es | | Dead Zone - Punto de Control version (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dzone2es | | Dead Zone - Supervivencia version (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_dzone1es | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_deadzone | | Dead Zone (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_deadzonej | | Dead Zone (Japan) | fds_deadzone | 1986 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dzone1en | | Dead Zone - Check Point version (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dzone2en | | Dead Zone - Survival version (English) (128K) (HB) | spec_dzone1en | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_deadlymvs | | Deadly Moves (Hack, Spanish) | md_deadlymv | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_deadlymv | | Deadly Moves (USA) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_deadlytowers | | Deadly Towers (USA) | | 1987 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_deadpool | | Deadpool (GlobalHack) | nes_ninjagaiden | 2019 | Techmoon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_deadpoolsm1 | | Deadpool Special Mission (GlobalHack, v1.3, Alt 1) | nes_contra | 2023 | Techmoon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_deadpoolsm2 | | Deadpool Special Mission (GlobalHack, v1.3, Alt 2) | nes_contra | 2023 | Techmoon | Miscellaneous | |
| md_deathrets | | Death and Return of Superman, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_deathret | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_deathret | | Death and Return of Superman, The (USA) | | 1995 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| deathbrd | | Death Brade (Japan ver JM-3) | mutantf | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| md_deathcal | | Death Caliber (Russia) (Unl) | | 2002 | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| dderby | | Death Derby | | 2003 | David Widel | Pac-man | |
| md_deathdls | | Death Duel (Hack, Spanish) | md_deathdl | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_deathdl | | Death Duel (USA) | | 1992 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_deathpit | | Death Pit (48K) | | 1985 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_deathrace | | Death Race (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | AGCI | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_deathstalker | | Death Stalker (128K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dstarint | | Death Star Interceptor (48K) | | 1985 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_barbarianap2 | | Death Sword - Apple II (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2014 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| md_barbarianpc | | Death Sword - PC CGA (HB) | md_barbarianami | 2014 | F.L | Sega Megadrive | raw conversion - no improvements |
| msx_deathwish3 | | Death Wish 3 (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| nes_deathbots | | Deathbots (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_deathcha | | Deathchase (48K) | | 1983 | Micromega | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_deathscape | | Deathscape (48K) | | 1987 | Starlight Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| deathsml | | Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER) | | 2007 | Cave (AMI license) | CA017 | |
| dsmbl | | Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label (2008/10/06 MEGABLACK LABEL VER) | | 2008 | Cave (AMI license) | CA017B | |
| nes_deblock | | Deblock (Japan) | | 1991 | Athena | Miscellaneous | |
| md_debtor | | Debtor (HB) | | 2020 | PSCD Games, SharkGame | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_decapatt | | DecapAttack (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_decapatts | | DecapAttack (Hack v2.0, Spanish) | md_decapatt | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_decathln | | Decathlon (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon - Activision | MSX | |
| cv_decathln | | Decathlon | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| decocass | NW | DECO Cassette System Bios | | 1981 | Data East | Cassette System | BIOS only |
| decomult | | DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (David Widel) | | 2008 | bootleg (David Widel) | Cassette System | |
| tg_deepblue | | Deep Blue (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_deepblue | | Deep Blue - Kaitei Shinwa (Japan) | | 1989 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| spec_dcraider | | Deep Core Raider (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2016 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dcraider | | Deep Core Raider (HB) | | 2020 | Paul Jenkinson | MSX | |
| sms_deepduck | | Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_deepduck | | Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_deepduckc | | Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_deepduck | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| msx_deepdng | | Deep Dungeon (Japan) | | 1988 | ScapTrust | MSX | |
| msx_deepdun | | Deep Dungeon Adventure (HB) | | 2013 | Trilobyte | MSX | |
| cv_deepdngadv | | Deep Dungeon Adventure (SGM) (HB) | | 2017 | Trilobyte | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_deepdng2 | | Deep Dungeon II - Yuushi no Monshou (Japan) | | 1988 | ScapTrust | MSX | |
| spec_deepstrike | | Deep Strike (48K) | | 1986 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_deep | | Deep, The (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_deerhunt | | Deer Hunter (Russia) (Unl) | | 2002 | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| deerhunte | | Deer Hunting USA V1 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntd | | Deer Hunting USA V2 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntc | | Deer Hunting USA V3 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntb | | Deer Hunting USA V4.0 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhunta | | Deer Hunting USA V4.2 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhunt | | Deer Hunting USA V4.3 | | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntj | | Deer Hunting USA V4.4.1 (Japan) | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| spec_defcom | | Defcom (128K) | | 1986 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_defence | | Defence (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | GameCast Entertainment | MSX | |
| defence | | Defence Command (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 1981 | bootleg (Outer Limits) | 6809 System | |
| redufob | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 1) | redufo | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| redufob2 | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 2) | redufo | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| redufob3 | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 3) | redufo | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| redufo | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO | | 1981 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| defenderb | | Defender (Blue label) | defender | 1980 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| defndjeu | D NW | Defender (bootleg) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | 6809 System | |
| defenderg | | Defender (Green label) | defender | 1980 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| defender | | Defender (Red label) | | 1980 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| defenderw | | Defender (White label) | defender | 1980 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| nes_defenderii | | Defender II (USA) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_defencro | | Defender of the Crown (USA) | | 1989 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_defender | | Defender | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| nes_defendyncit | | Defenders of Dynatron City (USA) | | 1992 | JVC | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_defoasis | | Defenders of Oasis (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_defoasisp | | Defenders of Oasis (Euro, USA, Prototype) | gg_defoasis | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_defearth | | Defenders of the Earth (128K) | | 1990 | Enigma Variations | ZX Spectrum | |
| defenseb | | Defense (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 198? | bootleg | 6809 System | |
| defense | | Defense (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) | sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| defcmnd | | Defense Command (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 1980 | bootleg | 6809 System | |
| spec_deflektor | | Deflektor (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_deflektor | | Deflektor (HB, v1.1) | | 2019 | PortableDev | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_deflektor | | Deflektor Kollection (HB) | | 2005 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | Published by Atariage |
| msx_defusen | | Defuse (English) (HB) | | 2023 | Gamecast Entertainment | MSX | |
| msx_defusit | | Defuse (Italian) (HB) | msx_defusen | 2023 | Gamecast Entertainment | MSX | |
| nes_dejavu | | Deja Vu (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dellatales | | Della DuckTales (Hack) | nes_ducktales | 2022 | Garrett Gilchrist | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_delta | | Delta Charge! (128K) | | 1990 | Thalamus - Twilight | ZX Spectrum | Press 2 to set Kempston controller |
| deltrace | | Delta Race | omegrace | 1981 | bootleg (Allied Leisure) | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_deltawrp | | Delta Warp (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| deluxe4u | | Deluxe 4 U (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000) | deluxe5 | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| deluxe5 | | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| deluxe5a | | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2) | deluxe5 | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| deluxe5b | | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 3) | deluxe5 | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_democrt1 | | Democart 1 | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_democrt2 | | Democart 2 | | 197? | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| demoderbc | | Demolition Derby (cocktail) | demoderb | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| demoderm | | Demolition Derby (MCR-3 Mono Board Version) | demoderb | 1984 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| demoderb | | Demolition Derby | | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_demoman | | Demolition Man (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_demomanp | NW | Demolition Man (USA, Prototype) | md_demoman | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_dcrystal | | Demon Crystal, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Dempa | MSX | |
| msx_demoncrystl | | Demon Crystal, The (Japan, Alt) | msx_dcrystal | 1986 | Radio Wave Newspaper Publisher | MSX | |
| nes_demondistrict | | Demon District (HB) | | 2019 | Klonoa | Miscellaneous | |
| dmnfrnt102 | | Demon Front (M102XX, S101XX) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dmnfrnt103 | | Demon Front (M103XX, S103XX) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dmnfrnt | | Demon Front (M105XX, S105XX) | | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dmnfrntpcba | | Demon Front (VM105XX, S105XX, China, Single PCB Version) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dmnfrntpcb | | Demon Front (VM107KR, S106KR, S101KR, Korea, Single PCB Version) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| nes_demonsword | | Demon Sword (USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| demonwld | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| demonwld1 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 2) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| demonwld2 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 3) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| demonwld3 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 4) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| demonwld4 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 5) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| demonwld5 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 6) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan (APM Electronics license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| msx_demonia | | Demonia (Euro) | | 1986 | Microids | MSX | |
| md_asteborgd | | Demons of Asteborg (HB, Demo) | md_asteborg | 2020 | NeoFID Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_asteborg10 | | Demons of Asteborg (HB, v1.0) | md_asteborg | 2021 | NeoFID Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_asteborg | | Demons of Asteborg (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | NeoFID Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_demonslair | | Demonslair (48K) | | 1987 | Gadtek Games | ZX Spectrum | Set 'd: sinclair.II' to use controller |
| nes_dengekien | | Dengeki - Big Bang! (Hack, English v2.8a) | nes_clashatdem | 2023 | StripyMonk | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dengeki | | Dengeki - Big Bang! (Japan) | nes_clashatdem | 1989 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_denizen | | Denizen (128K) | | 1988 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| denjinmk | | Denjin Makai (set 1) | | 1994 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | Miscellaneous | |
| denjinmka | | Denjin Makai (set 2) | denjinmk | 1994 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_ogrebatl | | Densetsu no Ogre Battle Gaiden - Zenobia no Ouji (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_dendego2 | | Densha de Go! 2 on Neo Geo Pocket (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_dendego2p | | Densha de Go! 2 on Neo Geo Pocket (Jpn, Prototype) | ngp_dendego2 | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_depbomb1 | | Depth Bomb v1 (Unl) | | 2004 | Nice Code Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_depbomb2 | | Depth Bomb v2 (Unl) | nes_depbomb1 | 2004 | Nice Code Software | Miscellaneous | |
| depthcho | D | Depthcharge (older) | depthch | 1977 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| depthch | D | Depthcharge | | 1977 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| deroon | | Deroon DeroDero (earlier, set 1) | | 1995 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| deroona | | Deroon DeroDero (earlier, set 2) | deroon | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| deroon2 | | Deroon DeroDero / Tecmo Stackers | deroon | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| dassault4 | | Desert Assault (US 4 Players) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| dassault | | Desert Assault (US) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| desertbrjd | | Desert Breaker (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0194 set) | desertbr | 1992 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| desertbrj | | Desert Breaker (Japan) (FD1094 317-0194) | desertbr | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| desertbrd | | Desert Breaker (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0196 set) | desertbr | 1992 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| desertbr | | Desert Breaker (World) (FD1094 317-0196) | | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| desertdn | | Desert Dan | | 1982 | Kawakusu (Video Optics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_desrtdem | | Desert Demolition (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp9 | NW | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941206) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp8 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941208) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp6 | NW | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941212) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp7 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941212-B) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp5 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941213) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp4 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941214) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp3 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941215) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp2 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941216) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_desrtdemp1 | | Desert Demolition (Prototype, 19941219) | md_desrtdem | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_dsrtfox | | Desert Fox / Shooting Gallery | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| gg_desert | | Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_desert | | Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_desertu | | Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (USA) | gg_desert | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_dstrike | | Desert Strike (Euro) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_dstrike | | Desert Strike (Euro) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| md_dstrike | | Desert Strike (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dstrikes | | Desert Strike (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_dstrike | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dstrikej | | Desert Strike (Japan, Korea) | md_dstrike | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_dstrikeu | | Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (USA) | gg_dstrike | 1992 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| desertwr | | Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0) | | 1995 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| msx_desolatr | | Desolator (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_desperado | | Desperado (48K) | | 1986 | Central Solutions | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_desperado | | Desperado (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | At title & options screen turn the Tape to Side B |
| spec_desperado1trn | | Desperado - Gunsmoke (Trainer) (48K) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_desperado2 | | Desperado 2 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Topo Soft | MSX | Password Fase 2: CLAVE |
| spec_desperd2 | | Desperado 2 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1991 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | Password Zona 2: CLAVE |
| nes_destiear | | Destination Earthstar (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_destinymission | | Destiny Mission (128K) | | 1990 | Williams Technology | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_destianemp | | Destiny of an Emperor (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_destroyr | | Destroyer (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| msx_destroyer | | Destroyer (HB) | | 2014 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| nes_destroyer | | Destroyer (Unl) | | 1992 | Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_destruct | | Destructor | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | Select w/ Controller #2 |
| cv_destructsce | | Destructor S.C.E. (Hack, Standard Controller Edition) | cv_destruct | 2010 | Coleco | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_destructorel | | Destructor, El (Unl) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| detatwin | | Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan, version J) | blswhstl | 1991 | Konami | GX060 | |
| pce_twinbee | | Detana!! Twinbee (Japan) | | 1992 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| nes_dethcomplex | | Deth Complex (HB) | | 2022 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dethcomplex2 | | Deth Complex 2 (HB) | | 2022 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_devaen | | Deva (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_devasp | | Deva (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_devaen | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_devaenh | | Deva - Hard (English) (48K) (HB) | spec_devaen | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_devasph | | Deva - Hard (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_devaen | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| devstors2 | | Devastators (ver. 2) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | Minor Video glitches in level 2. |
| devstorsv | | Devastators (ver. V) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | Minor Video glitches in level 2. |
| devstorsx | | Devastators (ver. X) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | Minor Video glitches in level 2. |
| devstors | | Devastators (ver. Z) | | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | Minor Video glitches in level 2. |
| md_devinpii | | Devi and Pii (Japan) (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition) | | 2022 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_deviants | | Deviants (128K) | | 1987 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_devlcrsh | | Devil Crash - Naxat Pinball (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_devlcrsh | | Devil Crash MD (Japan) | md_dfury | 1993 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_devildiver | | Devil Diver (48K) | | 1984 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| devilfshg | | Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware) | devilfsh | 1982 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| devilfshgb | | Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg) | devilfsh | 1984 | bootleg (Vision) | Galaxian | |
| devilfsh | | Devil Fish (Scramble hardware) | | 1982 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| nes_devilman | | Devil Man (Hack, English) | | 2009 | snark | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_devilmanj | | Devil Man (Japan) | nes_devilman | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_devilworld | | Devil World (Japan) (Rev A) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| devilw | | Devil World | | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| tg_devlcrsh | | Devil's Crush - Naxat Pinball (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_devquest | | Devil's Quest (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | OCTOCOM | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_devilish | | Devilish (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_devilishj | | Devilish (Japan) | gg_devilish | 1991 | Genki | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_devilishu | | Devilish (USA) | gg_devilish | 1991 | Sage's Creations | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_devilishs | | Devilish - The Next Possession (Hack, Spanish) | md_devilish | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_devilishp | | Devilish - The Next Possession (Prototype, 19920116) | md_devilish | 1992 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_devilish | | Devilish - The Next Possession (USA) | | 1992 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_devwilltoo | | Devwill Too (HB, English) | | 2020 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_devwilltoopt | | Devwill Too (HB, Portuguese) | md_devwilltoo | 2020 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_dwtoomsxen | | Devwill Too MSX (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Amaweks | MSX | |
| msx_dwtoomsxpt | | Devwill Too MSX (Portuguese) (HB) | msx_dwtoomsxen | 2021 | Amaweks | MSX | |
| md_devwillpro | | Devwill Too Prologue (HB) | | 2022 | Amaweks - Manganga Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dwtoozxen | | Devwill Too ZX (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dwtoozxenv2 | | Devwill Too ZX (English) (128K) (HB, v2.0) | | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dwtoozxpt | | Devwill Too ZX (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_dwtoozxen | 2020 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dwtoozxptv2 | | Devwill Too ZX (Portuguese) (128K) (HB, v2.0) | spec_dwtoozxenv2 | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dwtoozxes | | Devwill Too ZX (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_dwtoozxen | 2020 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dwtoozxesv2 | | Devwill Too ZX (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v2.0) | spec_dwtoozxenv2 | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| dharmag | | Dharma Doujou (Germany) | dharma | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| dharmaj | | Dharma Doujou (Japan) | dharma | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| dharmak | | Dharma Doujou (Korea) | dharma | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| dharma | | Dharma Doujou | | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dgwcyscs | | Di Guo Wang Chao - Ya Se Chuan Shuo (Chinese) | | 2023 | Chuan Pu Ke Ji / Ken_Tse | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dilithium | | Di-Lithium Lift (16K) | | 1983 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_diablo | | Diablo (Russia) (Unl) | md_fatallab | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_diabloii | | Diablo II (Hack) | | 19?? | Shenzan Nanjing | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dialqoc | | Dial Q o Mawase! (Hack, Chinese) (Unl) | md_dialqo | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dialqo | | Dial Q o Mawase! (Japan) (Unl) | | 1992 | Studio Fazzy | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_ddash | | Diamond Dash (HB) | | 2011 | NewColeco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_ddash2 | | Diamond Dash 2 (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| diamond | | Diamond Run | | 1985 | KH Video | Miscellaneous | |
| md_diathieves | | Diamond Thieves (HB) | | 2022 | Manganga Team - Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dcadv128 | | Diana Cave Adventure (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Oniric Factor | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dcadv48 | | Diana Cave Adventure (48K) (HB) | spec_dcadv128 | 2023 | Oniric Factor | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_diana | | Diana's Cave Adventure (HB) | | 2020 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| dicegame | | Dice - The Dice Game! | | 1991 | bootleg (Tuning) | Irem M90 | |
| msx_dicedtour | | DICED Tournament (HB, v1.12) | | 2022 | Mi-Chi, Def Danny | MSX | |
| sms_dicktr | | Dick Tracy (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_dicktrs | | Dick Tracy (Hack, Spanish) | md_dicktr | 2019 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dicktracy | | Dick Tracy (USA) | | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dicktr | | Dick Tracy (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dickvitl | | Dick Vitale's 'Awesome, Baby!' College Hoops (USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_elevatort | | Die Dui Die (Taiwan) | sg1k_elevator | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_diehardc | | Die Hard (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_diehard | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_diehard | | Die Hard (Japan) | | 1990 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| nes_diehard | | Die Hard (USA) | | 1992 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| dtfamily | | Diet Family | | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| dietgoea | | Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| dietgoe | | Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v2) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| dietgo | | Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v3) | | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| dietgoj | | Diet Go Go (Japan v1.1 1992.09.26) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| dietgou | | Diet Go Go (USA v1.1 1992.09.26) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| digdugat | | Dig Dug (Atari, rev 2) | digdug | 1982 | Namco (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_digdug | | Dig Dug (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_digdug | | Dig Dug (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| nes_digdug | | Dig Dug (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_digduga | | Dig Dug (Japan, Alt) | msx_digdug | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| cv_digdug | | Dig Dug (Prototype) | | 1984 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| digdug | | Dig Dug (rev 2) | | 1982 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_digdugdoug | | Dig Dug Doug (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_digdugii | | Dig Dug II (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_digdugii | | Dig Dug II (Japan) | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| digdug2 | | Dig Dug II (New Ver.) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| digdug2o | | Dig Dug II (Old Ver.) | digdug2 | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_digdugiitroinpa | | Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise (USA) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_digger | | Digger (HB) | | 2015 | Windmill Software | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_digger | | Digger - The Legend of the Lost City (USA) | | 1990 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| digger | D | Digger | | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| diggerma | | Digger Man (prototype) | | 2000 | Kyle Hodgetts | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_digichmp | | Digital Champ (Japan) | | 1989 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_digitdevmonmegte | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei (Hack, English) | | 2018 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_megamit | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei (Japan) | | 1987 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| nes_digitdevmonmegtej | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei (Japan) | nes_digitdevmonmegte | 1987 | Namcot | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_megamita | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei (Japan, Alt) | msx_megamit | 1987 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| nes_digitdevmonmegteii | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei II (Hack, English v1.04) | | 2022 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_digitdevmonmegteiij | | Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei II (Japan) (Rev A) | nes_digitdevmonmegteii | 1990 | Namcot | Miscellaneous | |
| dimahoo | | Dimahoo (000121 Euro) | | 2000 | 8ing / Raizing / Capcom | CPS2 | |
| dimahoud | | Dimahoo (000121 USA Phoenix Edition) | dimahoo | 2000 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| dimahoou | | Dimahoo (000121 USA) | dimahoo | 2000 | 8ing / Raizing / Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nes_dimshift | | Dimension Shift (HB) | | 2020 | Fix94, Mugi | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dingo | | Dingo (48K) (HB, v1.3) | | 2015 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| dingoe | D NW | Dingo (encrypted) | dingo | 1983 | Ashby Computers and Graphics Ltd. | Galaxian | Encrypted |
| dingo | | Dingo | | 1983 | Ashby Computers and Graphics Ltd. (Jaleco license) | Galaxian | |
| msx_jinj2 | | Dinj 2 - Belmonte's Revenge (HB) | | 2012 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| md_dinodini | | Dino Dini's Soccer (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dinohockey | | Dino Hockey (Prototype) | | 1991 | Sunsoft - Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dinolands | | Dino Land (Hack, Spanish) | md_dinoland | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dinoland | | Dino Land (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| dinorexj | | Dino Rex (Japan) | dinorex | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| dinorexu | | Dino Rex (US) | dinorex | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| dinorex | | Dino Rex (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| msx_dinosour | | Dino Sourcers (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| sms_dinobash | | Dinobasher Starring Bignose the Caveman (Euro, Prototype) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Master System | |
| pce_dinoforce | | Dinoforce | | 2022 | Tokuhisa Tajima | PC Engine | |
| sms_dinodool | | Dinosaur Dooley, The (Korea) | | 1991 | Daou Infosys | Sega Master System | |
| dinohunt | | Dinosaur Hunter (Chinese bootleg of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| md_dinotale | | Dinosaur's Tale, A (USA) | | 1993 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_cozumel | | Diosa de Cozumel, La (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dipdip | | Dip Dip (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Indescomp | MSX | |
| dirtfoxj | | Dirt Fox (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| spec_dirtydozer | | Dirty Dozer (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dirtyhar | | Dirty Harry - The War Against Drugs (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_dirtypai | | Dirty Pair - Project Eden (Hack, English) | | 2021 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_dirtypaij | | Dirty Pair - Project Eden (Japan) | fds_dirtypai | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_discwarr | | Disc Warrior (Euro) | | 1984 | Alligata Software | MSX | |
| discoboyp | | Disco Boy (Promat license) | discoboy | 1993 | Soft Art Co. / Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| discoboy | | Disco Boy | | 1993 | Soft Art Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_discodan | | Disco Dan (48K) | | 1984 | Gem Software | ZX Spectrum | Set '1. Cursor Joystick' to use controller |
| cdiscon1 | | Disco No.1 (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| discof | | Disco No.1 (Rev.F) | disco | 1982 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| disco | | Disco No.1 | | 1982 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_discovery | | Discovery (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| dotrone | | Discs of Tron (Environmental) | dotron | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| dotron | | Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83) | | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| dotrona | | Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83) | dotron | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_disneycl | | Disney Collection, The - Mickey and Donald (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aladdin | | Disney's Aladdin (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_aladdin | | Disney's Aladdin (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_aladdin | | Disney's Aladdin (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_aladdinc | | Disney's Aladdin (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_aladdin | 2016 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_aladdins | | Disney's Aladdin (Hack, Spanish) | md_aladdin | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_aladdinc | | Disney's Aladdin (Hack, Spanish) | nes_aladdin | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_aladdinj | | Disney's Aladdin (Japan) | gg_aladdin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_aladdinj | | Disney's Aladdin (Japan) | md_aladdin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_aladdinp3 | | Disney's Aladdin (Prototype, 19931229) | gg_aladdin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_aladdinp2 | | Disney's Aladdin (Prototype, 19940111) | gg_aladdin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_aladdinp1 | | Disney's Aladdin (Prototype, 19940113) | gg_aladdin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_aladdinu | | Disney's Aladdin (USA) | md_aladdin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aladdinup | | Disney's Aladdin (USA, Prototype) | md_aladdin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_aladdinfc | | Disney's Aladdin - Final Cut (USA) | md_aladdin | 2019 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ariel | | Disney's Ariel The Little Mermaid (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ariel | | Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ariel | | Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_arielc | | Disney's Ariel The Little Mermaid (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_ariel | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_ariels | | Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid (Hack, Spanish) | md_ariel | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beautys | | Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (Hack, Spanish) | md_beauty | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beauty | | Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (USA) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beautyrbs | | Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast (Hack, Spanish) | md_beautyrb | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beautyrb | | Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast (USA) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_bonkers | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Brazil) | | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_bonkers | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp05 | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941207-C) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp04 | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941208-B) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp03 | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941208-C) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp02 | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941211) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp01 | | Disney's Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941212-D) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jungle | | Disney's The Jungle Book (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jungles | | Disney's The Jungle Book (Hack, Spanish) | md_jungle | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jungleu | | Disney's The Jungle Book (USA) | md_jungle | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_junglep | | Disney's The Jungle Book (WCES 1994 Prototype) | md_jungle | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_lionking | | Disney's The Lion King (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| sms_lionkingc | | Disney's The Lion King (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_lionking | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_lionkingp9 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940803) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp8 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940811) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp7 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940812) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp6 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940813) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp5 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940814) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp4 | | Disney's The Lion King (Prototype, 19940816) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp07 | | Disneys Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941203) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_bonkersp06 | | Disneys Bonkers Wax Up! (Prototype, 19941205) | gg_bonkers | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_divealrmj | | Dive Alert - Barn Hen (Jpn) | ngp_divealrm | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_divealrmjp | | Dive Alert - Barn Hen (Jpn, Prototype) | ngp_divealrm | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_divealrb | | Dive Alert - Becky's Version (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_divealrm | | Dive Alert - Matt's Version (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_divealrbj | | Dive Alert - Rebecca Hen (Jpn) | ngp_divealrb | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_diveman | | Dive Man (Unl) | | 199? | Power Joy | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_diver | | Diver - Mystery of the Deep (128K) (HB) | | 2004 | HorrorSoft | ZX Spectrum | 6, 7 and Enter to choose and set options |
| diverboy | | Diver Boy | | 1992 | Electronic Devices Italy | Miscellaneous | |
| md_divine | | Divine Sealing (Japan) (Unl) | | 1991 | CYX | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dizdowra | | Dizzy - Down the Rapids (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy1 | | Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy1ru | | Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (Russian) (48K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy1 | 199? | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy1cse | | Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure - Crash Special Edition (48K) | spec_dizzy1 | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Z: left - X: right - SPACE: jump - ENTER: action |
| spec_dizzy1ext | | Dizzy 1 Extended (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Dr. Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy1extrus | | Dizzy 1 Extended (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_dizzy1ext | 2021 | Dr. Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dizzyballoon | | Dizzy Balloon (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| spec_dizzy2ay | | Dizzy II - Treasure Island Dizzy (128K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy2 | | Dizzy II - Treasure Island Dizzy (48K) | spec_dizzy2ay | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy2ru | | Dizzy II - Treasure Island Dizzy (Russian) (128K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy2ay | 199? | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy2ex23e | | Dizzy II - Treasure Island Extended Edition 2023 (English) (128K) (Hack, v1.0d) | | 2023 | Dr.Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy2ex23r | | Dizzy II - Treasure Island Extended Edition 2023 (Russian) (128K) (Hack, v1.0d) | spec_dizzy2ex23e | 2023 | Dr.Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy3andahalf | | Dizzy III (Three).. and a Half (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy3 | | Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy3ru | | Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy (Russian) (128K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy3 | 199? | unknown | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy3ce23 | | Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy 2023 Classic Edition (English) (128K) (Hack) | | 2023 | Dr. Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy3ce23ru | | Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy 2023 Classic Edition (Russian) (128K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy3ce23 | 2023 | Dr. Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy4 | | Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy4_48 | | Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy (48K) | spec_dizzy4 | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy4ru | | Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy (Russian) (128K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy4 | 199? | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dizzyadv | | Dizzy The Adventurer (USA) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dizzy5 | | Dizzy V - Spellbound Dizzy (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy6 | | Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy6ru | | Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk (Russian) (48K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy6 | 199? | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy7 | | Dizzy VII - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy7ru | | Dizzy VII - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (Russian) (128K) (Hack) | spec_dizzy7 | 1993 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dizzy8 | | Dizzy VIII - Wonderful Dizzy (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Team Yolkfolk | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_djboy | | DJ Boy (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_djboys | | Dj Boy (Hack, Spanish) | md_djboy | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_djboyj | | DJ Boy (Japan) | md_djboy | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| djboyj | | DJ Boy (Japan, set 1) | djboy | 1989 | Kaneko (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| djboyja | | DJ Boy (Japan, set 2) | djboy | 1989 | Kaneko (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| djboyu | | DJ Boy (US, set 1) | djboy | 1990 | Kaneko (American Sammy license) | Miscellaneous | |
| djboyua | | DJ Boy (US, set 2) | djboy | 1990 | Kaneko (American Sammy license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_djboyu | | DJ Boy (USA) | md_djboy | 1990 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| djboy | | DJ Boy (World) | | 1989 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| djgirl | | DJ Girl (Promat license) | discoboy | 1993 | Soft Art Co. / Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_djpuff | | DJ Puff's Volcanic Capers (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_djpuff23 | | DJ Puff's Volcanic Capers Recoloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_djpuff | 2023 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dothesame | | Do the Same (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | EM - JMeric | MSX | |
| sms_dothesame | | Do The Same (HB, v1.40) | | 2022 | Ricco59 | Sega Master System | |
| dorunrunc | | Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware, set 1) | dorunrun | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| dorunrunca | | Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware, set 2) | dorunrun | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| dorunrun | | Do! Run Run (set 1) | | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| dorunrun2 | | Do! Run Run (set 2) | dorunrun | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| dockman | | Dock Man (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| dockmanb | | Dock Man (set 2) | dockman | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| dockmanc | | Dock Man (set 3) | dockman | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_docadv | | Doctor Adventures (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | errecepe | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_doomrevenge | | Doctor Doom's Revenge (48K) | | 1989 | Empire | ZX Spectrum | The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! |
| chf_dodgeit | | Dodge It | | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| dodgeman | | Dodge Man | | 1983 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dgnraven | | Dodgin Raven (HB) | | 2009 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| ddonpacha | | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) | ddonpach | 2012 | hack (trap15) | Cave | |
| ddonpachj | | DoDonPachi (Japan, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) | ddonpach | 1997 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| ddonpach | | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) | | 1997 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| dfkbl | | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) | | 2010 | Cave | CA019B | |
| ddpdfk10 | | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.0 (2008/05/16 MASTER VER) | ddpdfk | 2008 | Cave (AMI license) | CA019 | |
| ddpdfk | | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.5 (2008/06/23 MASTER VER 1.5) | | 2008 | Cave (AMI license) | CA019 | |
| ddpdojb | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Japan, 2002.04.05 Master Ver) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdojp | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Japan, 2002.04.05 Master Ver, location test) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdoja | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V100, Japan, 2002.04.05.Master Ver) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdoj | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V101, Japan, 2002.04.05.Master Ver) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdojblkbl | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (2002.10.07 Black Ver., bootleg Knights of Valour Super Heroes conversion) | ddp3 | 2002 | bootleg | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdojblkb | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07 Black Ver) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdojblk | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07.Black Ver, newer) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddpdojblka | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07.Black Ver, older) | ddp3 | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| ddp3 | | DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) | | 2002 | Cave (AMI license) | PolyGameMaster | |
| sdojak | | DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou & Knuckles (CaveDwellers Hack) | ddpsdoj | 2021 | hack | CA??? | |
| ddpsdoj | | DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (2012/ 4/20) | | 2012 | Cave | CA??? | |
| dogfight | | Dog Fight (Thunderbolt) | | 1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dogfight | | Dog Fighter (Euro) | | 1986 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| spec_dogmole | | Dogmole Tuppowski (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | VS. the Mesmerizing Meemaid From Miskatonic |
| spec_dogadves | | Dogmole Tuppowski - Las Nuevas Aventuras (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_dogadven | 2014 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dogadven | | Dogmole Tuppowski - The New Adventures (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| dogosokb | | Dogou Souken (Joystick hack bootleg) | victroad | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dogosoke | | Dogou Souken | victroad | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dogsbody | | Dogsbody to the Rescue (48K) | | 1985 | Bug-Byte | ZX Spectrum | |
| dogyuunt | | Dogyuun (10/9/1992 location test) | dogyuun | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| dogyuuna | | Dogyuun (older set) | dogyuun | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| dogyuunb | | Dogyuun (oldest set) | dogyuun | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| dogyuun | | Dogyuun | | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| dokaben | | Dokaben (Japan) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| dokaben2 | | Dokaben 2 (Japan) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_dokidokipanic | | Doki Doki Panic (Japan) | | 1987 | Nintendo - Fuji TV | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dokidoki | | Doki Doki Penguin Land (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| msx_dokidokia | | Doki Doki Penguin Land (Japan, Alt) | msx_dokidoki | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| sms_dokidoki | | Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken (Japan) | sms_pengland | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_dokidokip | | Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken (Japan, Prototype) | sms_pengland | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_dokidokyuu | | Doki!Doki! Yuuenchi - Crazy Land Daisakusen (Hack, English) | | 2016 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dokidokyuuj | | Doki!Doki! Yuuenchi - Crazy Land Daisakusen (Japan) | nes_dokidokyuu | 1991 | Vap | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_dokidoki | | Dokidoki Penguin Land (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| ngp_dokodemo | | Dokodemo Mahjong (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| dolmen | | Dolmen | | 1995 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| spec_dominator | | Dominator (48K) | | 1987 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dominetris | | Dominetris (48K) (HB) | | 2005 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_domino | | Domino (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| domino | | Domino Man (set 1) | | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| dominoa | | Domino Man (set 2) | domino | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dominus | | Dominus (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| dommy | | Dommy | | 1983 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| dondokodj | | Don Doko Don (Japan) | dondokod | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| nes_dondokodon | | Don Doko Don (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| dondokodu | | Don Doko Don (US) | dondokod | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| dondokod | | Don Doko Don (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| nes_dondokodon2c | | Don Doko Don 2 (Hack, Chinese) | nes_dondokodon2 | 2020 | Advance Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dondokodon2 | | Don Doko Don 2 (Hack, English) | | 2014 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dondokodon2j | | Don Doko Don 2 (Japan) | nes_dondokodon2 | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_dondoko | | Don Doko Don! (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| msx_donquijote1 | | Don Quijote - Parte I (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| msx_donquijote2 | | Don Quijote - Parte II (Euro, Spanish) | msx_donquijote1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: EL BALSAMO DE FIERABRAS |
| spec_donquijote1 | | Don Quijote de la Mancha - Parte I (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_donquijote2 | | Don Quijote de la Mancha - Parte II (Spanish) (48K) | spec_donquijote1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: EL INGENIOSO HIDALGO |
| spec_donquixote | | Don Quixote (16K) (HB) | | 2022 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dontpanic | | Don't Panic! (16K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_donaldduck | | Donald Duck (Japan) | | 1988 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_donald42 | | Donald Duck no 4-Tsu no Hihou (Japan) | gg_deepduck | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_donaldld | | Donald Duck no Lucky Dime (Japan) | gg_luckydim | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mauimallb | | Donald in Maui Mallard (Brazil) | md_mauimall | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mauimall | | Donald in Maui Mallard (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mauimalls | | Donald In Maui Mallard (Hack, Spanish) | md_mauimall | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_donaldland | | Donald Land (Japan) | | 1988 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_donaldmw | | Donald no Magical World (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dongguri | | Dong Gu Ri Te Chi Jak Jeon (Korea) | md_drrobotn | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| dkingjr | | Donkey King Jr. (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kong2600 | | Donkey Kong (2600 graphics, hack) | dkong | 1999 | Vic Twenty George | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dkong | | Donkey Kong (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_dkonga | | Donkey Kong (Earlier Version) | cv_dkong | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| msx_dkongeu | | Donkey Kong (Euro) | | 1986 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| dkonghrd | | Donkey Kong (hard kit) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongj | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 1) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjo | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 2) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjo1 | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 3) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_donkeykong | | Donkey Kong (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongpac | | Donkey Kong (Pacman Graphics) | dkong | 2001 | Hack (Tim Appleton) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongp | | Donkey Kong (Patched) | dkong | 2007 | Hack (Don Hodges) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkongsgm | | Donkey Kong (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2020 | Nintendo / Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| dkong | | Donkey Kong (US set 1) | | 1981 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongo | | Donkey Kong (US set 2) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_donkeykong | | Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A) | | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkrainbow | | Donkey Kong - Arcade Rainbow (hack) | dkong | 2015 | hack (john Kowalski) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dkong3 | | Donkey Kong 3 (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | je7ebel | ZX Spectrum | |
| dkong3abl | | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Ambush hardware) | dkong3 | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong3b | | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) | dkong3 | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkong3 | | Donkey Kong 3 (HB) | | 2012 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | Press '/' to add coins, '1' for P1 mode, '2' for P2 mode |
| dkong3j | | Donkey Kong 3 (Japan) | dkong3 | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong3 | | Donkey Kong 3 (US) | | 1983 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_donkeykong3 | | Donkey Kong 3 (USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkaccel | | Donkey Kong Accelerate | dkong | 2023 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong40y | | Donkey Kong Anniversary Edition | dkong | 2021 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkongarcade | | Donkey Kong Arcade (SGM) (HB) | | 2018 | Opcode Games | ColecoVision | Press '/' to add coins, '1' for P1 mode, '2' for P2 mode |
| dkongbp | | Donkey Kong Barrelpalooza v1.06 | dkong | 2021 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongbp1 | | Donkey Kong Barrelpalooza v1.07 | dkong | 2021 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongchm1 | | Donkey Kong Championship Edition v1.01 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkchrmx | | Donkey Kong Christmas Remix (Hack) | dkong | 2017 | Sock Master | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_donkekoncou4 | | Donkey Kong Country 4 (Unl) | | 1997 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| dkcbarrel | | Donkey Kong Crazy Barrels Edition | dkong | 2019 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkduel | | Donkey Kong Duel | dkong | 2021 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongf | | Donkey Kong Foundry (hack) | dkong | 2004 | hack (Jeff Kulczycki) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkfreerun | | Donkey Kong Freerun Edition | dkong | 2019 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkhrthnt | | Donkey Kong Hearthunt | dkong | 2022 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongx11 | | Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.1) | dkong | 2006 | hack (Braze Technologies) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongx | | Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.2) | dkong | 2006 | hack (Braze Technologies) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongitd | | Donkey Kong In the Dark v1.02 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dkongjr | | Donkey Kong Jr. (48K) | | 19xx | Sir Clive and Mr ZX | ZX Spectrum | |
| dkongjrm | | Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| dkongjrb | | Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjrj | | Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_donkeykongjr | | Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkongjrsgm | | Donkey Kong Jr. (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2020 | Nintendo / Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_donkeykongjr | | Donkey Kong Jr. (World) (Rev A) | | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dkingjrzx | | Donkey Kong Jr. ZX (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| dkongjre | D NW | Donkey Kong Junior (E kit) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjnrj | | Donkey Kong Junior (Japan set F-1) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjrpb | D NW | Donkey Kong Junior (P kit, bootleg) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjr | | Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2) | | 1982 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjr2 | | Donkey Kong Junior (US, bootleg?) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkongjr | | Donkey Kong Junior | | 1983 | Nintendo / Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| dkongchm | | Donkey Kong League Championship v1.00 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongotr | | Donkey Kong On the Run v1.02 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkpmx | | Donkey Kong Pac-Man Crossover | dkong | 2024 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkpace | | Donkey Kong Pace | dkong | 2016 | Hack (Sock Master) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongran1 | | Donkey Kong Randomized Edition v1.01 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dkreload | | Donkey Kong Reloaded (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| dkrdemo | | Donkey Kong Remix (Demo) | dkong | 2015 | Hack (Sockmaster) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkremix | | Donkey Kong Remix (Hack) | dkong | 2023 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongrev | | Donkey Kong Reverse (Hack) | dkong | 2019 | Hack (Paul Goes) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkrndmzr | | Donkey Kong RNDMZR | dkong | 2022 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongss | | Donkey Kong Skip Start v1.00 | dkong | 2020 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkspkyrmx | | Donkey Kong Spooky Remix (Hack) | dkong | 2018 | Sock Master | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongst2 | | Donkey Kong Springs Trainer 2 | dkong | 2020 | Sock Master | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongst | | Donkey Kong Springs Trainer | dkong | 2019 | Sock Master | Miscellaneous | |
| dktrainer | | Donkey Kong Trainer 1.01 | dkong | 2016 | Hack (Sock Master) | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongtj | | Donkey Kong Twisted Jungle v1.05 | dkong | 2021 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkwizardry | | Donkey Kong Wizardry | dkong | 2022 | Paul Goes | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongpe | | Donkey Kong: Pauline Edition Rev 5 (2013-04-22) | dkong | 2013 | hack (Clay Cowgill and Mike Mika) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dkong | | Donkey Kong | | 1982 | Nintendo / Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| donpachihk | | DonPachi (Hong Kong, ver. 1.10, 95/05/17) | donpachi | 1995 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| donpachijs | | DonPachi (Japan, ver. 1.01, 95/05/11 Satsuei) | donpachi | 1995 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| donpachij | | DonPachi (Japan, ver. 1.01, 95/05/11) | donpachi | 1995 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| donpachikr | | DonPachi (Korea, ver. 1.12, 95/05/2x) | donpachi | 1995 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| donpachi | | DonPachi (USA, ver. 1.12, 95/05/2x) | | 1995 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| msx_donpan | | Donpan (Japan) | | 1983 | Colpax | MSX | |
| nes_donsol | | Donsol (HB, v15) | | 2017 | Rek & Devine | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_donume | | Donum (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Bitfans | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_donums | | Donum (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_donume | 2022 | Bitfans | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_donuts | | Donuts Man (HB) | | 2021 | Cote Gamers | ColecoVision | |
| nes_doodleworld | | Doodle World (HB) | | 2020 | Nate Peters | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doodleworldrdw | | Doodle World Redrawn (HB) | | 2022 | Nate Peters | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doolybravoland | | Dooly Bravo Land (Korea) | | 1992 | Daou Infosys | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_doomdemo | | Doom (Demo) (128K) | | 1996 | Digital Reality | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_doompond | | Doom of the Pond, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_doompit | | Doom Pit (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Monument Microgames | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to choose and ENTER to set options |
| md_doomtrop | | Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles (USA) | | 1995 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_doordoor | | Door Door (Japan) | | 1985 | Enix | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_doordoor | | Doordoor (Japan) | | 1985 | Enix | MSX | |
| dorachan | | Dora-chan (Japan) | | 1980 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Craul Denshi | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| nes_doraemon | | Doraemon (Japan) (Rev A) | | 1986 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dorae | | Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushuu (Hack, English) | | 1999 | WakdHacks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doraej | | Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushuu (Japan) | nes_dorae | 1990 | Epoch | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_dorams | | Doraemon - Meikyuu Dai Sakusen (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_dorandn | | Doraemon - Nobita no Dorabian Night (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| gg_doraemon | | Doraemon - Waku Waku Pocket Paradise (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_doraemon | | Doraemon - Yume Dorobou to 7-nin no Gozans (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_doremikko | | Doremikko (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dorodon | | Dorodon (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| dorodon | | Dorodon (set 1) | | 1982 | UPL (Falcon license?) | Miscellaneous | |
| dorodon2 | | Dorodon (set 2) | dorodon | 1982 | UPL (Falcon license?) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_doroppu | | Doroppu (HB) | | 2015 | Repixel8 | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_dotattack | | Dot Attack (HB, v2) | | 2020 | N.C.P. | MSX | |
| dotrikun | | Dottori Kun (new version) | | 1990 | Sega | Test Hardware | |
| dotrikun2 | | Dottori Kun (old version) | dotrikun | 1990 | Sega | Test Hardware | |
| dotriman | | Dottori-Man Jr. | dotrikun | 2016 | hack (Chris Covell) | Test Hardware | |
| dblaxleu | | Double Axle (US) | dblaxle | 1991 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| dblaxle | | Double Axle (US, Rev 1) | | 1991 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| dblaxleul | | Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable) | dblaxle | 1991 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| md_doublecl | | Double Clutch (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_doubledare | | Double Dare (USA) | | 1990 | GameTek | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ddragon1 | | Double Dragon (48K) | | 1989 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| ddragonb | | Double Dragon (bootleg with HD6309) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonba | | Double Dragon (bootleg with MC6803) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonb2 | | Double Dragon (bootleg) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| doubledrbh | | Double Dragon (Boss hack) | doubledr | 1995 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_ddragon1 | | Double Dragon (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| gg_ddragon | | Double Dragon (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ddragon | | Double Dragon (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_ddragonp | | Double Dragon (Euro, USA, Prototype) | gg_ddragon | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ddragonec | | Double Dragon (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_ddragon | 2015 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_doubledragonc | | Double Dragon (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_doubledragon | 2021 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ddragons | | Double Dragon (Hack, Spanish) | md_ddragon | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| ddragon | | Double Dragon (Japan) | | 1987 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ddragon | | Double Dragon (Korea) (Unl) | | 1989 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_ddragonk | | Double Dragon (Korea) | sms_ddragon | 198? | Samsung | Sega Master System | |
| doubledr | | Double Dragon (Neo-Geo) | | 1995 | Technos Japan | Neo Geo MVS | |
| doubledt | | Double Dragon (Optimized, Hack) | doubledr | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| doubledp | | Double Dragon (Plus, Hack) | doubledr | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| doubldsp | | Double Dragon (Special 2017, Hack) | doubledr | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ddragonu | | Double Dragon (US set 1) | ddragon | 1987 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonua | | Double Dragon (US set 2) | ddragon | 1987 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonub | | Double Dragon (US set 3) | ddragon | 1987 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doubledragon | | Double Dragon (USA) | | 1988 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonw | | Double Dragon (World set 1) | ddragon | 1987 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonw1 | | Double Dragon (World set 2) | ddragon | 1987 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_ddragon | | Double Dragon (World) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_ddragon3 | | Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ddragon3s | | Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (Hack, Spanish) | md_ddragon3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| ddragon3b | | Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (bootleg) | ddragon3 | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3j | | Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (Japan) | ddragon3 | 1990 | East Technology / Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3p | | Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (prototype) | ddragon3 | 1990 | East Technology / Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3 | | Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (US) | | 1990 | East Technology / Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ddragon2 | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| md_ddragon2s | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Hack, Spanish) | md_ddragon2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_doubldraiic | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Hack, Spanish) | nes_doubldraii | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ddragon2 | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan) | | 1991 | Palsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_doubldraii | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ddragon2 | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| ddragon2j | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Japan) | ddragon2 | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2u | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US) | ddragon2 | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2b | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US, bootleg, set 1) | ddragon2 | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2b2 | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US, bootleg, set 2) | ddragon2 | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2 | | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (World) | | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ddragon3 | | Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone (128K) | | 1991 | Storm Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_doubldraiiisc | | Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (Hack, Chinese) | nes_doubldraiii | 2022 | asiwish | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doubldraiiic | | Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (Hack, Spanish) | nes_doubldraiii | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doubldraiii | | Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (USA) | | 1991 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ddragon5s | | Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (Hack, Spanish) | md_ddragon5 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ddragon5 | | Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (USA) | | 1994 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| ddribblep | | Double Dribble (prototype?) | ddribble | 1986 | Konami | GX690 | |
| nes_doubledribble | | Double Dribble (USA) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ddribble | | Double Dribble - The Playoff Edition (USA) | md_hyperdnk | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| ddribble | | Double Dribble | | 1986 | Konami | GX690 | |
| pce_ddungw | | Double Dungeons - W (Japan) | | 1989 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| tg_ddungw | | Double Dungeons - W (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| sms_doublhwk | | Double Hawk (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_doublhwkp | | Double Hawk (Euro, Prototype) | sms_doublhwk | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_doublhwkfm | | Double Hawk (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_doublhwk | 201? | fatnick | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| nes_doublmooden | | Double Moon Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 2020 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_doublmoodenj | | Double Moon Densetsu (Japan) | nes_doublmooden | 1992 | Masaya | Miscellaneous | |
| dblpointd | | Double Point (Dong Bang Electron, bootleg?) | dblpoint | 1995 | bootleg? (Dong Bang Electron) | Miscellaneous | |
| dblpoint | | Double Point | | 1995 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_doublerainbow | | Double Rainbow (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Hakogame | MSX | |
| nes_doublestrike | | Double Strike (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_doubltgt | | Double Target - Cynthia no Nemuri (Japan) | sms_quartet | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| dblewingb | | Double Wings (Asia) | dblewing | 1994 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| dblewing | | Double Wings (set 1) | | 1993 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| dblewinga | | Double Wings (set 2) | dblewing | 1993 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_dbubble128k | | DoubleBubble (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dbubble48k | | DoubleBubble (48K) (HB) | spec_dbubble128k | 2016 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_doughboy | | Dough Boy (Japan) | | 1985 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_downpipe128 | | Down the pipe (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | DF Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_downpipe48 | | Down the pipe (48K) (HB) | spec_downpipe128 | 2021 | DF Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_downpiperef | | Down the pipe Reflushed (48K) (HB) | spec_downpipe128 | 2023 | DF Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_download1 | | Download (Japan) (Alt) | pce_download | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| pce_download | | Download (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| spec_downtown | | Downtown (48K) | | 1991 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_downtnekkousordac | | Downtown - Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Hack, Chinese) | nes_downtnekkousorda | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_downtnekkousorda | | Downtown - Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Japan) | | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_downtnekmonc | | Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari (Hack, Chinese) | nes_downtnekmon | 2022 | asiwish | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_downtnekmon | | Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari (Japan) | | 1989 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| downtownj | | DownTown / Mokugeki (joystick hack) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| downtownp | | DownTown / Mokugeki (prototype) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| downtown | | DownTown / Mokugeki (set 1) | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| downtown2 | | DownTown / Mokugeki (set 2) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| nes_downtspekunkunnojid | | Downtown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou! (Japan) | | 1991 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_drchaos | | Dr. Chaos (USA) | | 1988 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_drcha | | Dr. Chaos - Jigoku no Tobira (Japan) | | 1987 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_drfrankn | | Dr. Franken (Prototype, no sound) | | 1993 | Elite | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_drgarfield | | Dr. Garfield (Hack, v22) | nes_drmario | 2022 | Pangent Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_drhello | | Dr. Hello (Korea) | | 1991 | Sis Co. - Zennx | MSX | |
| sms_drhello | | Dr. HELLO (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| nes_drjekandmrhy | | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (USA) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_drmario | | Dr. Mario (Japan, USA) (Rev A) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_drmarioif | | Dr. Mario - Input Fixes (Hack, v1.0) | nes_drmario | 2023 | TakuikaNinja | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_drmariot | | Dr. Mario Turbo (Hack, v1.0) | nes_drmario | 2021 | TheExactSame | Miscellaneous | |
| drmicro | | Dr. Micro | | 1983 | Sanritsu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_drpill | | Dr. Pill (HB) | | 2009 | Infinite | MSX | |
| md_drrobotn | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega - Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_drrobotn | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_drrobotn | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_drrobotns | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Hack, Spanish) | md_drrobotn | 2019 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_drrobotnp | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Prototype B) | md_drrobotn | 1993 | Sega - Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_drrobotnu | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA) | md_drrobotn | 1993 | Sega - Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_drrobotnup | | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA, Prototype) | md_drrobotn | 1993 | Sega - Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_drseuss | | Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| drtomy | | Dr. Tomy | | 1993 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppelu | | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (US) | drtoppel | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppel | | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) | | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppela | | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World, alt?) | drtoppel | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppelj | | Dr. Toppel's Tankentai (Japan) | drtoppel | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dracsnightout | | Drac's Night Out (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Parker Brothers | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_draconic | | Draconic Throne (HB) | | 2017-2021 | GW's Workshop | Sega Master System | |
| msx_draconic | | Draconic Throne (HB, v1.1.2) | | 2017 | GW's Workshop | MSX | |
| spec_draconus | | Draconus (48K) | | 1988 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | Press ENTER for game menu |
| fds_dracuii | | Dracula II - Noroi no Fuuin (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_dcastle | | Dracula's Castle (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_dcastlej | | Dracula's Castle (Japanese) (HB) | gg_dcastle | 2021 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| chf_dragrace | | Drag Race | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| gg_dragon | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dragon | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_dragon | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_dragons | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Hack, Spanish) | md_dragon | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_dragonu | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA) | gg_dragon | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dragonu | | Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA) | md_dragon | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_drgnatck | | Dragon Attack (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Kenkyuujo | MSX | |
| msx_drgnatcka | | Dragon Attack (Japan, Alt) | msx_drgnatck | 1983 | HAL Kenkyuujo | MSX | |
| nes_dragobaldaimaofu | | Dragon Ball - Dai Maou Fukkatsu (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobaldaimaofuj | | Dragon Ball - Dai Maou Fukkatsu (Japan) | nes_dragobaldaimaofu | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dballfinal | | Dragon Ball - Final Bout (Unl) | | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dragobalshelonnona | | Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (Hack, English) | nes_dragonpower | 2016 | TransBRC | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalshelonnonaj | | Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (Japan) | nes_dragonpower | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobal3gokden | | Dragon Ball 3 - Gokuu Den (Japan) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| dbza | | Dragon Ball Z (rev A) | dbz | 1993 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| dbz | | Dragon Ball Z (rev B) | | 1993 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dbzec | | Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_dbz | 2020 | Donus87 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dbzvc | | Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Hack, New Voices v2) | md_dbz | 2021 | KanonZombie | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dbz | | Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Japan) | | 1994 | Bandai | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dragobalzkyosajin | | Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (Hack, English) | | 2005 | Twilight Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalzkyosajinj | | Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (Japan) | nes_dragobalzkyosajin | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dbzf | | Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin (Euro, French) | md_dbz | 1994 | Bandai | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dbzs | | Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel Du Destin (Hack, Spanish) | md_dbz | 2018 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dragobalzsupbu2 | | Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2 (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Green Jerry | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalzsupbu2c | | Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_dragobalzsupbu2 | 2017 | Terwilf | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalzsupbu2j | | Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2 (Japan) | nes_dragobalzsupbu2 | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dbz2 | | Dragon Ball Z 2 - Super Battle | | 1994 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragonballz5 | | Dragon Ball Z 5 (China) (Unl) | | 19?? | Rex Game Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalzgaisajinze | | Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (Hack, English) | | 2007 | Twilight Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalzgaisajinzeje | | Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (Japan) | nes_dragobalzgaisajinze | 1993 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalziigefr | | Dragon Ball Z II - Gekishin Freeza!! (Hack, English v1.02) | | 2019 | Gyroballer | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalziigefrj | | Dragon Ball Z II - Gekishin Freeza!! (Japan) | nes_dragobalziigefr | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalziiirejini | | Dragon Ball Z III - Ressen Jinzou Ningen (Hack, English) | | 2007 | Twilight Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalziiirejinic | | Dragon Ball Z III - Ressen Jinzou Ningen (Hacl, Spanish v1.0a) | nes_dragobalziiirejini | 2016 | TransGen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobalziiirejinij | | Dragon Ball Z III - Ressen Jinzou Ningen (Japan) | nes_dragobalziiirejini | 1992 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| dbzvrvs | | Dragon Ball Z: V.R. V.S. (Japan, Rev A) | | 1994 | Sega / Banpresto | System 32 | |
| dragnblz | | Dragon Blaze | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| drgnbowl | | Dragon Bowl (set 1, encrypted program) | | 1992 | Nics | Miscellaneous | |
| drgnbowla | | Dragon Bowl (set 2, unencrypted program) | drgnbowl | 1992 | Nics | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_drgbreed | | Dragon Breed (48K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| dbreedjm72 | | Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware) | dbreed | 1989 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| dbreedm72 | | Dragon Breed (World, M72 hardware) | dbreed | 1989 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| dbreed | | Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware) | | 1989 | Irem | Irem M81 | |
| nes_dragonbusterc | | Dragon Buster (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dragonbuster | 2019 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragonbuster | | Dragon Buster (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| drgnbstr | | Dragon Buster | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | Missing sounds |
| nes_dragobusii | | Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin (Hack, English) | | 2003 | PentarouZero | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobusiis | | Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dragobusii | 2023 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragobusiij | | Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin (Japan) | nes_dragobusii | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_dcrystal | | Dragon Crystal (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_dcrystal | | Dragon Crystal (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_dcrystalc | | Dragon Crystal (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_dcrystal | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_dcrystalj | | Dragon Crystal - Tsurani no Meikyuu (Japan) | gg_dcrystal | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_dragnegge | | Dragon Egg! (Hack, English) | pce_dragnegg | 2022 | onionzoo | PC Engine | |
| pce_dragnegg | | Dragon Egg! (Japan) | | 1991 | NCS, Masaya | PC Engine | |
| nes_dragonfighter | | Dragon Fighter (USA) | | 1992 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| dragngunj | | Dragon Gun (Japan) | dragngun | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| dragngun | | Dragon Gun (US) | | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| nes_dragonknifec | | Dragon Knife (China) (Unl) | nes_dragonknife | 1993 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragonknife | | Dragon Knife (Hack, English) | | 2014 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| drgnmst | | Dragon Master (set 1) | | 1994 | Unico | Misc | |
| drgnmst2 | | Dragon Master (set 2) | drgnmst | 1994 | Unico | Misc | |
| spec_dninja128 | | Dragon Ninja (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dninja48 | | Dragon Ninja (48K) | spec_dninja128 | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dninja | | Dragon Ninja (Euro) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | MSX | |
| nes_dragninjae | | Dragon Ninja (Hack, English) | nes_baddudes | 2010 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragninjas | | Dragon Ninja (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_baddudes | 2024 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragninjaj | | Dragon Ninja (Japan) | nes_baddudes | 1989 | Namco - Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragonpower | | Dragon Power (USA) | | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dquest | | Dragon Quest (Japan) | | 1986 | Enix | MSX | |
| msx_dquest2a | | Dragon Quest II - - Akuryou no Kamigami (Japan, Alt) | msx_dquest2 | 1987 | Enix | MSX | |
| msx_dquest2 | | Dragon Quest II - Akuryou no Kamigami (Japan) | | 1987 | Enix | MSX | |
| nes_dragonrunning | | Dragon Running (Unl) | | 199? | ABAB Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| dsaberj | | Dragon Saber (Japan, Rev B) | dsaber | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| dsaber | | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| dsabera | | Dragon Saber (World, older?) | dsaber | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| pce_dsaber1 | | Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit (Japan) (Alt) | pce_dsaber | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| pce_dsaber | | Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| nes_dragoscr | | Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dslayer | | Dragon Slayer (Japan) | | 1985 | Square | MSX | |
| md_dslayed | | Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dslayed2 | | Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu II (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dragosla4 | | Dragon Slayer 4 - Drasle Family (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dslayer4 | | Dragon Slayer IV - Drasle Family (Japan) | | 1987 | Nihon Falcom | MSX | |
| msx_romanciaen | | Dragon Slayer Jr. - Romancia (Hack, English) | msx_romancia | 2010 | MSX Translations | MSX | |
| msx_romancia | | Dragon Slayer Jr. - Romancia (Japan) | | 1986 | Nihon Falcom | MSX | |
| spec_dragonspirit | | Dragon Spirit (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| dspirit2 | | Dragon Spirit (DS2) | dspirit | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| pce_dspirit | | Dragon Spirit (Japan) | | 1988 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| dspirit | | Dragon Spirit (new version (DS3)) | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| dspirit1 | | Dragon Spirit (old version (DS1)) | dspirit | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| tg_dspirit | | Dragon Spirit (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_dragospiaraden | | Dragon Spirit - Aratanaru Densetsu (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragospinewleg | | Dragon Spirit - The New Legend (USA) | | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| drgnunit | | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon | | 1989 | Athena / Seta | Seta | |
| sg1k_dragwang1 | | Dragon Wang (Japan, v0) | sg1k_dragwang | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_dragwang | | Dragon Wang (Japan, v1) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_dragonwarriorc | | Dragon Warrior (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dragonwarrior | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragonwarrior | | Dragon Warrior (USA) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragowarii | | Dragon Warrior II (USA) | | 1990 | Enix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragowariiic | | Dragon Warrior III (Hack, Spanish v0.9) | nes_dragowariii | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragowariii | | Dragon Warrior III (USA) | | 1992 | Enix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragowarivc | | Dragon Warrior IV (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dragowariv | 2016 | Butz Klauser | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dragowariv | | Dragon Warrior IV (USA) | | 1992 | Enix | Miscellaneous | |
| dw2001 | | Dragon World 2001 (V100, Japan) | | 2001 | IGS (Alta Co., LTD License) | PolyGameMaster | Bad sound? |
| drgw3105 | | Dragon World 3 (V105) | drgw3 | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw3 | | Dragon World 3 (V106, China) | | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dwex | | Dragon World 3 EX (V100, World) | | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dwex101cn | | Dragon World 3 EX (V101, China) | dwex | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2100hk | | Dragon World II (V100, Hong Kong) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2100x | | Dragon World II (V100X, World) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2 | | Dragon World II (V110X, World) | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| dwpc101j | | Dragon World Pretty Chance (V101, Japan) | dwpc | 2001 | IGS (Alta Co., LTD License) | PolyGameMaster | Bad sound? |
| dwpc | | Dragon World Pretty Chance (V110, China) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Bad sound? |
| tg_dragcrse | | Dragon's Curse (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_shangh3 | | Dragon's Eye Plus - Shanghai III (Japan) | | 1991 | Home Data | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dfury | | Dragon's Fury (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dfurys | | Dragon's Fury (Hack, Spanish) | md_dfury | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| dragonsh | | Dragon's Heaven (development board) | | 1997 | Face | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_dragonslair | | Dragon's Lair (48K) | | 1986 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' to set Joystick |
| nes_dragonslairc | | Dragon's Lair (Hack, Spanish) | nes_dragonslair | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_dlairsgm | | Dragon's Lair (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2012 | Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_dragonslair | | Dragon's Lair (USA) | | 1990 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dlair | | Dragon's Lair (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dragonslair2 | | Dragon's Lair II - Escape from Singe's Castle (128K) | | 1987 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_dragnrev | | Dragon's Revenge (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dragnrevs | | Dragon's Revenge (Hack, Spanish) | md_dragnrev | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dragnrevj | | Dragon's Revenge (Japan) | md_dragnrev | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dragfirezx | | Dragonfire ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | A raw adaptation of the Atari VCS-2600 version |
| cv_drgnfire | | DragonFire | | 1984 | Imagic | ColecoVision | |
| drgninjab2 | | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) | baddudes | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| drgninjab | | Dragonninja (bootleg) | baddudes | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| drgninja | | Dragonninja (Japan, revision 1) | baddudes | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| spec_dragflame | | Dragons of Flame (48K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dragonto | | Dragontorc (48K) | | 1985 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | At title-screen press 'S' to start game |
| msx_drainer | | Drainer (Japan) | | 1987 | Victor | MSX | |
| nes_draiocht | | Draiocht (HB) | | 2019 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_drakkar | | Drakkar (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Diabolic Software | MSX | |
| drakton | | Drakton (DK conversion) | | 1984 | Epos Corporation | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| drktnjr | | Drakton (DKJr conversion) | drakton | 1984 | Epos Corporation | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| keithlcy | | Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy (Japan) | | 1993 | Visco | SSV | |
| spec_drgenius | | Draughts Genius (48K) | | 1987 | Rack-It - Hewson | ZX Spectrum | |
| dpoker | D NW | Draw Poker (Bally, 03-20) | | 1985 | Bally | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_drawpkr | | Draw Poker (Prototype) | chf_casinop | 1980 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| spec_dpbasket | | Drazen Petrovic Basket (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| dreambal | | Dream Ball (Japan V2.4) | | 1993 | NDK / Data East | DECO IC16 | |
| dland | | Dream Land / Super Dream Land (bootleg of Bubble Bobble) | bublbobl | 1987 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| dremshpr | | Dream Shopper | | 1982 | Sanritsu | Pac-man | |
| dsoccr94j | | Dream Soccer '94 (Japan, M92 hardware) | dsoccr94 | 1994 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| dsoccr94k | | Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware) | dsoccr94 | 1994 | Irem (Data East Corporation license) | Irem M107 | |
| dsoccr94 | | Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware) | | 1994 | Irem (Data East Corporation license) | Irem M107 | |
| dreamwld | | Dream World | | 2000 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_drmwalker | | Dreamwalker - Alter Ego 2 (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2014 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dreamworldpogie | | Dreamworld Pogie (Prototype) | | 1993 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_driar | | Driar (HB) | | 2018 | Eriksson & Adolfsson | Miscellaneous | |
| driblingbr | | Dribbling (bootleg, Brazil) | dribling | 1983 | bootleg (Videomac) | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| driblingo | | Dribbling (Olympia) | dribling | 1983 | Model Racing (Olympia license) | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| dribling | | Dribbling (set 1) | | 1983 | Model Racing | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| drifto94 | | Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan) | | 1994 | Visco | SSV | |
| driftout | | Drift Out (Europe) | | 1991 | Visco | Taito F2 | |
| driftoutj | | Drift Out (Japan) | driftout | 1991 | Visco | Taito F2 | |
| spec_drift | | Drift! (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | Designed esclusively for 128K system |
| spec_drift2k22 | | Drift! 2K22 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_driller | | Driller (48K) | | 1987 | Incentive | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_drillertnk | | Driller Tanks (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| nes_dringle | | Dringle (Unl) | | 2005 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_drinkit | | Drink It (HB) | | 2006 | CrappySoft | MSX | |
| driveout | | Drive Out (bootleg) | driftout | 1991 | bootleg | Taito F2 | |
| drivedge | X | Driver's Edge (v1.6) | | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| drivfrcb | | Driving Force (Galaxian conversion bootleg) | drivfrcp | 1985 | bootleg (Elsys Software) | Galaxian | |
| drivfrcg | | Driving Force (Galaxian conversion) | drivfrcp | 1984 | Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics USA license) | Galaxian | |
| drivfrcp | | Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion) | | 1984 | Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics Inc. license) | Pac-man | |
| spec_droidbuster | | Droid Buster (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Ariel Endaraues | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_drol | | Drol (HB) | | 1985-2016 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| sg1k_drol | | Drol (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_drolk | | Drol (Korea) | sg1k_drol | 198? | Samsung | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_drolt | | Drol (Taiwan) | sg1k_drol | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_drome | | Drome (Euro) | | 1987 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| pce_droprock1 | | Drop Rock Hora Hora (Japan) (Alt) | pce_droprock | 1990 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| pce_droprock | | Drop Rock Hora Hora (Japan) | | 1990 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| tg_dropoff | | Drop.Off (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_dropzone | | Dropzone (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_dropzone | | Dropzone (Euro) | | 1992 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_druaganotou | | Druaga no Tou (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_druid | | Druid (48K) | | 1986 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to set Kempston Joystick |
| fds_druid | | Druid - Kyoufu no Tobira (Japan) | fds_druiden | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_druiden | | Druid - The Gate of Fear (Hack, English) | | 2022 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_druid2 | | Druid II - Enlightenment (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' to set Kempston Joystick |
| cdsteljn | | DS Telejan (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| md_dushenzhi | | Du Shen Zhi Meng Huan Poker (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1995 | Creaton Softech | Sega Megadrive | |
| dualaslt | | Dual Assault | liberate | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_duckhunt | | Duck Hunt (USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_duckmaze | | Duck Maze (USA) | | 1987 | Bit Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_duckout | | Duck Out! (48K) | | 1989 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| ducki | | Duck Tales (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| spec_duckstroma | | Duckstroma (128K) (HB, v1.03) | | 2020-23 | UltraNarwhal | ZX Spectrum | Wait a second while unpacking |
| msx_duckstroma | | Duckstroma (HB, v1.03) | | 2020-23 | UltraNarwhal | MSX | |
| spec_duckstromapt2 | | Duckstroma pt.2 (128K) (HB, v1.01) | | 2023 | UltraNarwhal | ZX Spectrum | Wait a second while unpacking |
| msx_duckstromapt2 | | Duckstroma pt.2 (HB, v1.01) | | 2023 | UltraNarwhal | MSX | |
| nes_ducktalesc | | DuckTales (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_ducktales | 2017 | Darkchaosblast | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ducktales | | DuckTales (USA) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ducktales2c | | DuckTales 2 (Hack, Chinese v1.2) | nes_ducktales2 | 2021 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ducktales2cast | | DuckTales 2 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_ducktales2 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ducktales2 | | DuckTales 2 (USA) | | 1993 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dtfcfen | | DuckTales Family Comes First! (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Team N10 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_dtfcfua | | DuckTales Family Comes First! (Ukrainian) (48K) (HB) | spec_dtfcfen | 2023 | Team N10 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ducktalesen | | DuckTales ZX (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Team N10 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ducktalesua | | DuckTales ZX (Ukrainian) (48K) (HB) | spec_ducktalesen | 2021 | Team N10 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dude | | Dude - The Deck Swabber (HB) | | 2023 | Richard Oz | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dudeswitatt | | Dudes With Attitude (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_duet | | Duet (48K) | | 1987 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | Q, A, E, R and Z to control player 1 |
| sms_dnukem | | Duke Nukem (GlobalHack, v0.93) | | 2017 | revo, tibone, calindro | Sega Master System | |
| md_dukenk3d | | Duke Nukem 3D (Brazil) | | 1998 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dukenk3ds | | Duke Nukem 3D (Hack, Spanish) | md_dukenk3d | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dukenk3da | D NW | Duke Nukem 3D (Pirate) | md_dukenk3d | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_hazzard | | Dukes of Hazzard, The | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| dumpmtmt | | Dump Matsumoto (Japan, 8751 317-0011a) | bodyslam | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| md_dunep | | Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (Prototype, 19940111) | md_dune2 | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_duneu | | Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (USA) | md_dune2 | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dune2 | | Dune II - Battle for Arrakis (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dune2g | | Dune II - Kampf um den Wustenplaneten (Euro, Germany) | md_dune2 | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_dungexpl | | Dungeon Explorer (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_dungexpl | | Dungeon Explorer (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| dungeonmu | | Dungeon Magic (Ver 2.1A 1994/02/18) | lightbr | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| dungeonm | | Dungeon Magic (Ver 2.1O 1994/02/18) | lightbr | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_dungemag | | Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements (USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dungeonraiders | | Dungeon Raiders (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Payndz | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_dungdoom | | Dungeons & Doomknights (HB) | | 2021 | Artix Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| ddsomjr1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960206 Japan) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomar1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960208 Asia) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomr3 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960208 Euro) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomr2 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960209 Euro) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomur1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960209 USA) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomb | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960223 Brazil) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomr1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960223 Euro) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomh | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960223 Hispanic) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomjr2 | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960223 Japan) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsoma | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 Asia) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsom | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 Euro) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomj | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 Japan) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddsomud | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 USA Phoenix Edition) | ddsom | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ddsomu | | Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 USA) | ddsom | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodar1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940113 Asia) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodr1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940113 Euro) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodhr2 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940113 Hispanic) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodjr2 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940113 Japan) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodur1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940113 USA) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodhr1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940125 Hispanic) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodjr1 | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940125 Japan) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodu | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940125 USA) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtoda | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Asia) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodd | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Euro Phoenix Edition) | ddtod | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ddtod | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodh | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Hispanic) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ddtodj | | Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Japan) | ddtod | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_ddwares | | Dungeons & Dragons - Warriors of the Eternal Sun (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ddsomjc | | Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (T-Chi) | ddsom | 2015 | hack | CPS2 | |
| cv_datrolls | | Dungeons and Trolls (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| spec_gomilandia | | Dungeons of Gomilandia (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| ddream95 | | Dunk Dream '95 (Japan 1.4, EAM) | hoops96 | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| gg_dunkkids | | Dunk Kids (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| dunkshoto | | Dunk Shot (FD1089A 317-0022) | dunkshot | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| msx_dunkshot | | Dunk Shot (Japan) | | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_dunkshota | | Dunk Shot (Japan, Alt) | msx_dunkshot | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| dunkshota | | Dunk Shot (Rev A, FD1089A 317-0022) | dunkshot | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| dunkshot | | Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| nes_dushlan | | Dushlan (HB) | | 2016 | Peter McQuillan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dustin | | Dustin (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| nes_dustydiasallstso | | Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball (USA) | | 1990 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| dyger | | Dyger (Korea set 1) | | 1989 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| dygera | | Dyger (Korea set 2) | dyger | 1989 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dynabr | | Dyna Brothers (Japan) | | 1992 | CRI | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dynabr2 | | Dyna Brothers 2 (Japan) | | 1993 | CRI | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dynabr2sp | | Dyna Brothers 2 Special - Sega Channel (Japan, Sega Channel) | md_dynabr2 | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| dynagear | | Dyna Gear | | 1993 | Sammy | SSV | |
| dynablst | | Dynablaster / Bomber Man | | 1991 | Irem (licensed from Hudson Soft) | Irem M90 | |
| dcclubj | | Dynamic Country Club (Japan, ROM Based) | dcclub | 1991 | Sega | System 24 | |
| dcclubfd | | Dynamic Country Club (US, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-09d) | dcclub | 1991 | Sega | System 24 | |
| dcclub | | Dynamic Country Club (World, ROM Based) | | 1991 | Sega | System 24 | |
| dynamski | | Dynamic Ski | | 1984 | Taiyo System (Nichibutsu license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_dynamitebatman | | Dynamite Batman (Japan) | nes_batmaretjok | 1991 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| dynabomb | | Dynamite Bomber (Korea, Rev 1.5) | | 2000 | Limenko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_dynabowl | | Dynamite Bowl (Japan) | | 1988 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| nes_dynamitebowl | | Dynamite Bowl (Japan) | | 1987 | Toemiland | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_dynadan | | Dynamite Dan (48K) | | 1985 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_dynadan | | Dynamite Dan (Euro) | | 1986 | Mirrorsoft | MSX | |
| spec_dynadan2 | | Dynamite Dan II - Dr. Blitzen and the Islands of Arcanum (48K) | | 1986 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_dynduke | | Dynamite Duke (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| dynduke | | Dynamite Duke (Europe, 03SEP89) | | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukea | | Dynamite Duke (Europe, 25JUL89) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dyndukes | | Dynamite Duke (Hack, Spanish) | md_dynduke | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| dyndukej | | Dynamite Duke (Japan, 03SEP89) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukeja | | Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukeu | | Dynamite Duke (US, 25JUL89) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dynduke1 | | Dynamite Duke (World) | md_dynduke | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dynduke | | Dynamite Duke (World, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_dynamdux | | Dynamite Dux (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to use controller |
| dduxbl | NW | Dynamite Dux (Datsu bootleg) | ddux | 1989 | bootleg (Datsu) | System 16B | |
| sms_ddux | | Dynamite Dux (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_dduxfm | | Dynamite Dux (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_ddux | 2018 | Sega - fatnick | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| ddux1 | | Dynamite Dux (set 1, World) (8751 317-0095) | ddux | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| dduxjd | | Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0094 set) | ddux | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| dduxj | | Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0094) | ddux | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| dduxd | | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0096 set) | ddux | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| ddux | | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0096) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| msx_dyngogo | | Dynamite Go! Go! (HB) | | 2021 | Rutubo Gameworks | MSX | |
| sms_dhead | | Dynamite Headdy (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_dhead | | Dynamite Headdy (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dhead | | Dynamite Headdy (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dheade | | Dynamite Headdy (Hack, English) | md_dhead | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dheads | | Dynamite Headdy (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_dhead | 2023 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_dheadj | | Dynamite Headdy (Japan) | gg_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dheadj | | Dynamite Headdy (Japan) | md_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dheadjp | | Dynamite Headdy (Japan, Prototype) | md_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dheadp3 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940614-CABEZA) | md_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_dheadp3 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940615) | gg_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_dheadp2 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940616) | md_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dheadp1 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940622) | md_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_dheadp2 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940701) | gg_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_dheadp1 | | Dynamite Headdy (Prototype, 19940705) | gg_dhead | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| dleaguej | | Dynamite League (Japan) | dleague | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito H System | |
| dleague | | Dynamite League (US) | | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito H System | |
| ngp_dynaslug | | Dynamite Slugger (Euro, Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_dynawars | | Dynasty Wars (48K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' for one player mode or '2' for two player mode |
| dynwara | | Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 88622B-3) | dynwar | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| dynwar | | Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?) | | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_dynamission | | Dynatron Mission (48K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_dynoblaz | | Dyno Blaze (Early Prototype) | | 199? | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_dynow | | Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus (USA) | | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| ejanhs | | E Jong High School (Japan) | | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| ejsakura12 | | E-Jan Sakurasou (Japan, SYS386F V1.2) | ejsakura | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SYS386F | |
| ejsakura | | E-Jan Sakurasou (Japan, SYS386F V2.0) | | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SYS386F | |
| spec_emotion | | E-motion (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_eswat | | E-SWAT (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_eswatc1 | | E-SWAT - City Under Siege (Euro, USA, Brazil, Hard Version) | sms_eswatc | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_eswatc | | E-SWAT - City Under Siege (Euro, USA, Easy Version) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| eswatbl | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg, set 1) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswatj1d | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0131 set) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswatj1 | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0131) | eswat | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswatjd | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0128 set) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswatj | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0128) | eswat | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswatud | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0129 set) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswatu | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, US) (FD1094 317-0129) | eswat | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswatd | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0130 set) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswat | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0130) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| edfbl | | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (bootleg) | edf | 1991 | bootleg | Mega System 1 | no sound |
| edfu | | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (North America) | edf | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| edf | | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| edfa | | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) | edf | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| msx_exainnov | | E.I. - Exa Innova (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_exainnov1 | | E.I. - Exa Innova (Japan, Alt) | msx_exainnov | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| sms_exainnov | | E.I. - Exa Innova (Korea) | | 19?? | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| nes_et | | E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial (HB) | | 2014 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_etdx | | E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial DX (HB) | nes_et | 2019 | Khan Games - pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_eahockey | | EA Hockey (Euro) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eahockeyj | | EA Hockey (Japan) | md_eahockey | 1992 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_easports | | EA Sports Double Header (Euro) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| eagle | | Eagle (set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | Galaxian | |
| eagle2 | | Eagle (set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | Galaxian | |
| eagle3 | | Eagle (set 3) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | Galaxian | |
| msx_eaglefgt | | Eagle Fighter (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_eaglefgta | | Eagle Fighter (Japan, Alt) | msx_eaglefgt | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| eaglshotj | | Eagle Shot Golf (Japan, bootleg?) | eaglshot | 1994 | Sammy | SSV | |
| eaglshot | | Eagle Shot Golf (US) | | 1994 | Sammy | SSV | |
| msx_eagle5 | | Eagles 5 (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_eagles5 | | Eagles 5 (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| md_earnests | | Earnest Evans (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_earnest | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_earnest | | Earnest Evans (USA) | | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_earthatk | | Earth Attack (HB) | | 2021 | The Geps | MSX | |
| nes_earthboundzero | | Earth Bound Zero (USA) | nes_earthbound | 2014 | Giygas999 | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_ed2083 | | Earth Defend 2083 (HB) | | 2013 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_earthdef | | Earth Defense, The (USA) | | 1995 | Realtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_earthshaker | | Earth Shaker (48K) | | 1990 | Your Sinclair | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_earthboundbi | | EarthBound (Hack, Italian v1.1) | nes_earthbound | 2023 | GiAnMMV | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_earthbound | | Earthbound (USA) (Prototype) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_earthboundb | | EarthBound Beginnings (Hack) | nes_earthbound | 2021 | ABOhiccups | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_earthboundzeroc | | EarthBound Zero (Hack, Spanish v0.99) | nes_earthbound | 201? | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_earthboundc | | EarthBound Zero (Hack, Spanish v2.2) | nes_earthbound | 2016 | OAD | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_earthlight | | Earthlight (128K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Q: increase altitude - W: decrease altitude |
| sms_ejim | | Earthworm Jim (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ejim | | Earthworm Jim (Euro) | | 1995 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ejim | | Earthworm Jim (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejims | | Earthworm Jim (Hack, Spanish) | md_ejim | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejimp | | Earthworm Jim (Prototype, 19940728) | md_ejim | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_ejimu | | Earthworm Jim (USA) | gg_ejim | 1995 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ejimu | | Earthworm Jim (USA) | md_ejim | 1994 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejim2 | | Earthworm Jim 2 (Euro) | | 1995 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejim2s | | Earthworm Jim 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_ejim2 | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejim2p | | Earthworm Jim 2 (Protoype, 19950824) | md_ejim2 | 1995 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ejim2u | | Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) | md_ejim2 | 1996 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_easterbunny | | Easter Bunny (HB) | | 2007 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| msx_eatblue | | Eat Blue! (HB, v2) | | 2004 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| msx_eatit | | Eat It (Euro) | | 1986 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| md_ecco2 | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2u | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2px11 | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, Prototype X11, 19940413) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2p | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, Prototype) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2p2 | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, Prototype, 19940429) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2p1 | | Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, Prototype, Alt) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eccojr | | Ecco Jr. (USA, Oceania, 199502) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eccojr1 | | Ecco Jr. (USA, Oceania, 199503) | md_eccojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ecco | | Ecco the Dolphin (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ecco | | Ecco the Dolphin (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ecco | | Ecco the Dolphin (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eccos | | Ecco the Dolphin (Hack, Spanish) | md_ecco | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_eccoj | | Ecco the Dolphin (Japan) | gg_ecco | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_eccoj | | Ecco the Dolphin (Japan) | md_ecco | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eccop | | Ecco the Dolphin (Prototype, 19930421) | md_ecco | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ecco2j | | Ecco the Dolphin II (Japan) | md_ecco2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ecco2 | | Ecco the Dolphin II - The Tides of Time (Brazil) | | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ecco2 | | Ecco the Dolphin II - The Tides of Time (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ecco2j | | Ecco the Dolphin II - The Tides of Time (Japan) | gg_ecco2 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_echocamb | | Echo Chamber (Unl) | | 200? | Nice Code | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_eclipsiap1 | | Eclipsia Part 1 - Beginning (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | ICreateworlds | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_eclipsiap2 | | Eclipsia part 2 - Awaken (48K) (HB) | spec_eclipsiap1 | 2023 | ICreateworlds | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_eclipsiap3 | | Eclipsia Part 3 - Starlost (48K) (HB) | spec_eclipsiap1 | 2023 | ICreateworlds | ZX Spectrum | |
| ecofghtra | | Eco Fighters (931203 Asia) | ecofghtr | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ecofghtr | | Eco Fighters (931203 etc) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ecofghtrh | | Eco Fighters (931203 Hispanic) | ecofghtr | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ecofghtru1 | | Eco Fighters (931203 USA) | ecofghtr | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ecofghtrd | | Eco Fighters (931203 World Phoenix Edition) | ecofghtr | 1993 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ecofghtru | | Eco Fighters (940215 USA) | ecofghtr | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spec_eddduck | | Edd the Duck (48K) | | 1990 | Impulze | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_ekjumpch | | Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (Euro) | | 1985 | Martech Games | MSX | |
| nes_eeeaaaooo | | EEEAAAOOO - aka AAAEEEOOO (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2020 | N.K | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_eeeck | | Eeeck! A Mouse! (Unl) | | 200? | Nice Code | Miscellaneous | |
| eeekkp | | Eeekk! (Pac-Man conversion) | eeekk | 1984 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| eeekk | | Eeekk! | | 1983 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| egghunt | | Egg Hunt | | 1995 | Invi Image | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_eggerland | | Egger Land (Japan) | | 1987 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_eggerlansouenota | | Egger Land - Souzouhe no Tabidachi (Japan) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_eggerlnd | | Eggerland Mystery (Japan) | | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| cv_eggerland | | Eggerland Mystery (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2018 | HAL Laboratory | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_meikyusha | | Eggerland Mystery 2 - Meikyu Shinwa (Japan, Alt) | msx_eggerlnd2 | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_eggerlnd2 | | Eggerland Mystery 2 - Meikyuu Shinwa (Japan) | | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | Mapper SCC version |
| spec_egghead | | Egghead (48K) | | 1989 | Crash | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| spec_egghead3 | | Egghead 3 - Egghead in Space (48K) (HB) | | 2002 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_egghead4 | | Egghead 4 - Egghead Entertains (128K) (HB) | | 2006 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_egghead5 | | Egghead 5 - Egghead Round the Med (128K) (HB) | | 2007 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_egghead2 | | Egghead II - Egghead to the Rescue (48K) | | 1990 | Crash | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| eggor | | Eggor | | 1983 | Telko | Pac-man | |
| eggs | | Eggs (USA) | scregg | 1983 | Technos Japan (Universal USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_eggsterminator | | Eggsterminator, The (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | The Death Squad | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_eggy | | Eggy (Japan) | | 1985 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| nes_egypt | | Egypt (Hack, English v1.0a) | | 2023 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_egypto | | Egypt (Hack, English) | nes_egypt | 2016 | Dodgy Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_egyptj | | Egypt (Japan) | nes_egypt | 1991 | Human Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_eidolon | | Eidolon, The (128K) | | 1986 | Activision - Lucasfilm Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| 8ballact | NW | Eight Ball Action (DK conversion) | | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license) | Miscellaneous | Parent set for working drivers |
| 8bpm | | Eight Ball Action (Pac-Man conversion) | 8ballact | 1985 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license) | Pac-man | imperfect graphics |
| eightfrc | | Eight Forces | | 1994 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| eightman | | Eight Man (NGM-025 ~ NGH-025) | | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_elcid | | El Cid (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| efdt | | El Fin Del Tiempo | | 1981 | Niemer | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_elstompo | | El Stompo (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_elvientos | | El Viento (Hack, Spanish) | md_elviento | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_elvientoj | | El Viento (Japan) | md_elviento | 1991 | Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_elviento | | El Viento (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_electrician | | Electrician (Hack, English) | | 2001 | King Mike | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_electrician1 | | Electrician (Japan) | fds_electrician | 1986 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_eledreams | | Electronic Dreams (HB, v.77) | | 2023 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| md_elemastj | | Elemental Master (Japan) | md_elemast | 1990 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_elemast | | Elemental Master (USA) | | 1993 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| elevator | | Elevator Action (BA3, 4 PCB version, 1.1) | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| elevatorb | | Elevator Action (bootleg) | elevator | 1983 | bootleg | Taito SJ System | |
| elevatora | | Elevator Action (EA, 5 PCB version, 1.1) | elevator | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| nes_elevatoractionc | | Elevator Action (Hack, Spanish) | nes_elevatoraction | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_elevaction | | Elevator Action (HB) | | 1985-2012 | Sega - Taito | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_elevator | | Elevator Action (Japan) | | 1985 | Nidecom | MSX | |
| sg1k_elevator | | Elevator Action (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_elevactionsgm | | Elevator Action (SGM) (HB) | | 2021 | Opcode Games | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| nes_elevatoraction | | Elevator Action (USA) | | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| elvact2u | | Elevator Action II (Ver 2.2A 1995/02/20) | elvactr | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| elvactrj | | Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2J 1995/02/20) | elvactr | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| elvactr | | Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_elfland | | Elfland (Unl) | | 1992 | TipTop | Miscellaneous | Ripped from 200-in-1 multicard from Dacicus |
| msx_elidon | | Elidon (Euro) | | 1986 | Aacksoft | MSX | |
| md_elimdowns | | Eliminate Down (Hack, Spanish) | md_elimdown | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_elimdown | | Eliminate Down (Japan) | | 1993 | Soft Vision | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_eliminator | | Eliminator (128K) | | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| elim2c | | Eliminator (2 Players, cocktail) | elim2 | 1981 | Gremlin | G80 Vector | |
| elim2 | | Eliminator (2 Players, set 1) | | 1981 | Gremlin | G80 Vector | |
| elim2a | | Eliminator (2 Players, set 2) | elim2 | 1981 | Gremlin | G80 Vector | |
| elim4 | | Eliminator (4 Players) | elim2 | 1981 | Gremlin | G80 Vector | |
| elim4p | | Eliminator (4 Players, prototype) | elim2 | 1981 | Gremlin | G80 Vector | |
| nes_elimiboadue | | Eliminator Boat Duel (USA) | | 1991 | Electro Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_elite | | Elite (48K-128K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_elite | | Elite (Europe) | | 1991 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| md_elit95 | | Elitserien 95 (Sweden) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_elit96 | | Elitserien 96 (Sweden) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_elixirvitae | | Elixir Vitae (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_elnarknozaihou | | Elnark no Zaihou (Japan) | | 1987 | Towa Chiki | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_elonjetpack | | Elon M. with Jetpack (128K) (HB) | | 2018-19 | Rafael Vico Costa - Matra | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_elvewarr | | Elven Warrior (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| emeraldah | | Emeraldia (Bankbank New Rotate Hack) | emeralda | 2022 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | Slight GFX Issues |
| emeraldaj | | Emeraldia (Japan Version B) | emeralda | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | Slight GFX Issues |
| emeraldaja | | Emeraldia (Japan) | emeralda | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | Slight GFX Issues |
| emeralda | | Emeraldia (World) | | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | Slight GFX Issues |
| spec_emilbutrafutbol | | Emilio Butragueno Futbol (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_esvgslam | | Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_emilsanchgslam | | Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_empircit | | Empire City - 1931 (Japan) | | 1987 | Toshiba Emi | Miscellaneous | |
| empcity | | Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?) | | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| empcityfr | | Empire City: 1931 (France) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Norad license) | Miscellaneous | |
| empcityi | | Empire City: 1931 (Italy) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Eurobed license) | Miscellaneous | |
| empcityj | | Empire City: 1931 (Japan) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| empcityu | | Empire City: 1931 (US) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito / Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_empsteel | | Empire of Steel (Euro) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_starwars2 | | Empire Strikes Back, The (48K) | | 1988 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_enchanted | | Enchanted (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Positive | ZX Spectrum | Q: left flipper - P: right flipper - SPACE: shoot ball |
| spec_efmb | | Endless Forms Most Beautiful (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_enduro | | Enduro Racer (128K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| endurord | | Enduro Racer (bootleg of Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A set) | enduror | 1986 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| enduror1d | | Enduro Racer (bootleg of YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A set) | enduror | 1986 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| endurobl | | Enduro Racer (bootleg set 1) | enduror | 1986 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| sms_enduro | | Enduro Racer (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_enduroi | | Enduro Racer (Hack, Improvement v1.0) | sms_enduro | 2020 | BcnAbel76 | Sega Master System | |
| sms_enduroj | | Enduro Racer (Japan) | sms_enduro | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| enduror | | Enduro Racer (Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) | | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| endurora | | Enduro Racer (Rev A, YM2151, mask ROM sprites, FD1089B 317-0013A) | enduror | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| endurorb | | Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) | enduror | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| enduror1 | | Enduro Racer (YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A) | enduror | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| pce_energy | | Energy (Japan) | | 1989 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| enforcej | | Enforce (Japan) | enforce | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| enforceja | | Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls) | enforce | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| enforce | | Enforce (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| spec_enigmaforce | | Enigma Force (48K) | | 1985 | Beyond Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_enigmacore | | Enigmacore (HB) | | 2015 | J. Kane & K. Hanley | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_enignimatik | | Enigmatik (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | iadvd - Molomazo | ZX Spectrum | |
| enmadaio | NW | Enma Daio (Japan) | | 1993 | Toaplan / Taito | Toaplan GP9001 based | Game unplayable. |
| nes_enormadv | | Enormous Adventures (HB) | | 2021 | Game Losers | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_entombed | | Entombed (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| spec_equinox | | Equinox (48K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ericfloaters | | Eric and the Floaters (48K) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_erika | | Erika and Satoru's Dream Adventure (Hack, English) | | 2022 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_erikaj | | Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken (Japan) | nes_erika | 1988 | Namcot | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ernieeg | | Ernie Els Golf (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_eruka | | Eruka Fan Book (HB) | | 2016 | N.I | MSX | |
| md_escape2042ptg | | Escape 2042 (HB, Hack Portuguese + Graphics v1.1) | md_escape2042 | 2022 | Afsblood | Sega Megadrive | Hack Color: portas e cartoes coloridos |
| md_escape2042pt | | Escape 2042 (HB, Hack Portuguese v1.1) | md_escape2042 | 2022 | Afsblood | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_escape2042 | | Escape 2042 (M4) (HB) | | 2018 | OrionSoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_escalderon | | Escape From Alderon (48K) | | 1986 | Troggerz Inc. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_escasylum | | Escape from Asylum (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Dantoine Retro Studios | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_escapfroatl | | Escape From Atlantis, The (Prototype) | | 199? | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_esccolony | | Escape From Colony 8 (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_escapemonjasen | | Escape from M.O.N.J.A.S. (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Rastersoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_escapemonjases | | Escape from M.O.N.J.A.S. (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_escapemonjasen | 2021 | Rastersoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tazmars | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarss | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Hack, Spanish) | md_tazmars | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp11 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940309) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp10 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940418) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp09 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940509) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp08 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940518) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp07 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940523) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp06 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940602) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp05 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940607) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp04 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940610) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp03 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940614) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp02 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940618-A) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsp01 | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Prototype, 19940620) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmarsu | | Escape from Mars Starring Taz (USA) | md_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_mindmstr | | Escape from the Mindmaster (Prototype) | | 1983 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| spec_escplanetrobotmon | | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (128K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| eprom | | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1) | | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| esckids | | Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players) | | 1991 | Konami | GX975 | |
| esckidsj | | Escape Kids (Japan, 2 Players) | esckids | 1991 | Konami | GX975 | |
| nes_eskimbobdeledi | | Eskimo Bob Deluxe Edition (HB) | | 2019 | Spoony Bard Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_eskicapers | | Eskimo Capers (16K) | | 1984 | PowerSoftware | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_eskeddie | | Eskimo Eddie (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| espradejo | | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/14 Master Ver.) | esprade | 1998 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| espradej | | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/21 Master Ver.) | esprade | 1998 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| esprade | | ESP Ra.De. - A.D.2018 Tokyo (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) | | 1998 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| spec_espadasagrada | | Espada Sagrada, La (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_esperboukentai | | Esper Bouken Tai (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_esperdream | | Esper Dream (Hack, English) | | 2003 | Mute | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_esperdreamj | | Esper Dream (Japan) | fds_esperdream | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_esperdre2 | | Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Hack, English) | | 2006 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_esperdre2j | | Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) | nes_esperdre2 | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| espgalbl | | Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver, bootleg cartridge conversion) | espgal | 2003 | bootleg | PolyGameMaster based | |
| espgal | | Espgaluda (Japan, 2003/10/15 Master Ver) | | 2003 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| espgal2a | | Espgaluda II (2005/11/14 MASTER VER, newer CV1000-B PCB) | espgal2 | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA013 | |
| espgal2b | | Espgaluda II (2005/11/14 MASTER VER, original CV1000-B PCB) | espgal2 | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA013 | |
| espgal2 | | Espgaluda II (2005/11/14.MASTER VER.) | | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA013 | |
| espial | | Espial (Europe) | | 1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | Miscellaneous | |
| espialj | | Espial (Japan) | espial | 1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | Miscellaneous | |
| espialn | | Espial (Nova Apparate license) | espial | 1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | Miscellaneous | |
| espialu | | Espial (US?) | espial | 1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_espitene | | Espitene (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_espitundherpim | | Espitenen und herr pimponen (HB) | | 2019 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| md_espnbb | | ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA) | | 1995 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnhn | | ESPN National Hockey Night (USA) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnhnp | | ESPN National Hockey Night (USA, Prototype) | md_espnhn | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnsped | | ESPN Speedworld (USA) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnspedp | | ESPN Speedworld (USA, Prototype) | md_espnsped | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnnfl | | ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_espnnflp | NW | ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA, Prototype) | md_espnnfl | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_estapantano | | Esta en el Pantano (HB) | | 2009 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| spec_estapantano | | Esta en el Pantano (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | RELEVO | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_estacaja | | Esta en la Caja (HB, v1.1) | | 2009 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| spec_estacaja | | Esta en la Caja (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | RELEVO | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_eswat | | ESWAT - City Under Siege (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eswats | | ESWAT - City Under Siege (Hack, Spanish) | md_eswat | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eternalc | | Eternal Champions (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eternalcp | | Eternal Champions (Euro, Prototype) | md_eternalc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eternalcj | | Eternal Champions (Japan, Korea) | md_eternalc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eternalcjp | | Eternal Champions (Japan, Prototype, 19931117) | md_eternalc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_eternalcup | | Eternal Champions (USA, Prototype, 19931117) | md_eternalc | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_eternlege | | Eternal Legend - Eien no Densetsu (Hack, English) | gg_eternleg | 2020 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_eternleg | | Eternal Legend - Eien no Densetsu (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_mminrelb | | Eugene - Lord of the Bathroom (48K) (HB) | | 1999 | Manic Miner Technologies | ZX Spectrum | |
| euroch92j | | Euro Champ '92 (Japan) | euroch92 | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| euroch92 | | Euro Champ '92 (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| twcup90b1 | | Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 1) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90ba | | Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 2) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90b3 | | Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 3) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_eurosens | | Europa Sensen (Japan) | md_opeurope | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_euroclub | | European Club Soccer (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_euroclubs | | European Club Soccer (Hack, Spanish) | md_euroclub | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_evander | | Evander Holyfield Boxing (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_evander | | Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_everywally | | Everyone's a Wally (48K) | | 1985 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_evildead | | Evil Dead - Ash lives! (Hack) | | 2020 | Crying Onion | Miscellaneous | |
| evilston | | Evil Stone | | 1990 | Spacy Industrial, Ltd. | Taito L System | |
| ngp_evolutn | | Evolution - Eternal Dungeons (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| cv_evolutio | | Evolution | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| md_exmutant | | Ex-Mutants (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exranza | | Ex-Ranza (Japan) | md_rangerx | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exranzap | | Ex-Ranza (Japan, Prototype) | md_rangerx | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_excdizzy | | Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (Euro, SMS Mode) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_excdizzy | | Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (Euro, USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Master System | unfinished proto, play 'gg_excdizzy' instead! |
| gg_excdizzyp | | Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (Prototype, SMS Mode) | gg_excdizzy | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| excelsr | | Excelsior (set 1) | | 1996 | Playmark | Misc | |
| excelsra | | Excelsior (set 2) | excelsr | 1996 | Playmark | Misc | |
| msx_exchangr | | Exchanger (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_exchangra | | Exchanger (Japan, Alt) | msx_exchangr | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| exctleagd | | Excite League (bootleg of FD1094 317-0079 set) | exctleag | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| exctleag | | Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| nes_excitebike | | Excitebike (Japan, USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_excitingboxing | | Exciting Boxing (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| excthour | | Exciting Hour | matmania | 1985 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_exjockey | | Exciting Jockey (Japan) | | 1984 | Casio | MSX | |
| nes_excitral | | Exciting Rally - World Rally Championship (Japan) | | 1992 | Kaken Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_excitsoc | | Exciting Soccer - Konami Cup (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| exedexes | | Exed Exes | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| exerionb | | Exerion (bootleg, set 1) | exerion | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_exerion | | Exerion (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_exerion | | Exerion (Japan) | | 1984 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| nes_exerion | | Exerion (Japan) | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_exerionb | | Exerion (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_exerion | 1984 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| msx_exeriona | | Exerion (Japan, Alt) | msx_exerion | 1984 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| msx_exerionk | | Exerion (Korea) (Unl) | msx_exerion | 1984 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sg1k_exerionk | | Exerion (Korea) | sg1k_exerion | 198? | Samsung | Sega SG-1000 | |
| exeriont | | Exerion (Taito) | exerion | 1983 | Jaleco (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_exeriont | | Exerion (Taiwan) | sg1k_exerion | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_exerion2 | | Exerion II - Zorni (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_exerion2a | | Exerion II - Zorni (Japan, Alt) | msx_exerion2 | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| exerion | | Exerion | | 1983 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| exerizerb | | Exerizer (bootleg) | skyfox | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| exerizer | | Exerizer (Japan) | skyfox | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_exile | | Exile (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exilej | | Exile - Toki no Hazama e (Japan) | md_exile | 1991 | Riot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exosquad | | Exo Squad (Euro) | | 1995 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exosquadu | | Exo Squad (USA) | md_exosquad | 1995 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_exosquadup | | Exo Squad (USA, Prototype) | md_exosquad | 1995 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_exoticalen | | EXO-TICAL (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_exoticales | | EXO-TICAL (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_exoticalen | 2023 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| exodus | | Exodus (bootleg?) | redufo | 19?? | bootleg? (Subelectro) | Galaxian | |
| md_exodus | | Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (Unl) | | 1993 | Wisdom Tree | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_exodus | | Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (Unl) | | 1991 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_exoidez | | Exoide-Z (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_exoidezb | | Exoide-Z (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_exoidez | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_exoideza | | Exoide-Z (Japan, Alt) | msx_exoidez | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_exoidez5 | | Exoide-Z Area 5 (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_exoidez5k | | Exoide-Z Area 5 (Korea) (Unl) | msx_exoidez5 | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| spec_exolon128 | | Exolon (128K) | | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_exolon48 | | Exolon (48K) | spec_exolon128 | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_expedition | | Expedition (HB) | | 2017 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_explodingfistpi | | Exploding Fist (HB) | nes_explodingfist | 2018 | Piko Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_explodingfist | | Exploding Fist (USA) (Prototype) | | 1990 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fistplus | | Exploding Fist+ (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_explodwall | | Exploding Wall (48K) | | 1989 | Byte Back | ZX Spectrum | |
| explorer | | Explorer (bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Sidam) | Galaxian | |
| cexplore | | Explorer (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| explbrkrk | | Explosive Breaker (Korea) | explbrkr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| explbrkr | | Explosive Breaker (World) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| spec_expraider | | Express Raider (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| exprraidi | | Express Raider (Italy) | exprraid | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| exprraidu | | Express Raider (US, rev 5) | exprraid | 1986 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| exprraid | | Express Raider (World, Rev 4) | | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatnj | | Extermination (Japan) | extrmatn | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatnur | | Extermination (US, Romstar) | extrmatn | 1987 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatnu | | Extermination (US, World Games) | extrmatn | 1987 | Taito (World Games license) | Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatn | | Extermination (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_exterminator | | Exterminator (128K) | | 1991 | Audiogenic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_exterminat16k | | Exterminator (16K) | | 1983 | Silversoft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'C' to options, 'S' to start game |
| msx_extermin | | Exterminator (Euro) | | 1987 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| exterm | | Exterminator | | 1989 | Premier Technology | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_extreme | | Extreme (48K) | | 1991 | Digital Integration | ZX Spectrum | |
| extdwnhl | | Extreme Downhill (v1.5) | | 1995 | Sammy Industries Japan | Seta | |
| sms_evil | | Extreme Volleyball Infernal League (HB, v1.0.6) | | 2023 | raphnet | Sega Master System | |
| spec_extruder | | Extruder (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Rui Martins | ZX Spectrum | Press 1 or 2 for one/two player mode, 3 or 4 for set options |
| exvaniaj | | Exvania (Japan) | exvania | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| exvania | | Exvania (World) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| exzisusa | | Exzisus (Japan, conversion) | exzisus | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| exzisus | | Exzisus (Japan, dedicated) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| exzisust | | Exzisus (TAD license) | exzisus | 1987 | Taito Corporation (TAD license) | Miscellaneous | |
| eyesb | | Eyes (bootleg set 1) | eyes | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| eyeszacb | | Eyes (bootleg set 2, decrypted) | eyes | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| eyes | | Eyes (US set 1) | | 1982 | Techstar (Rock-Ola license) | Pac-man | |
| eyes2 | | Eyes (US set 2) | eyes | 1982 | Techstar (Rock-Ola license) | Pac-man | |
| nes_eyra | | Eyra - The Crow Maiden (HB) | | 2020 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| md_eyra | | Eyra the Crow Maiden (HB) | | 2021 | 2nd Dimension | Sega Megadrive | |
| f1dreamb | | F-1 Dream (bootleg, set 1) | f1dream | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| f1dreamba | | F-1 Dream (bootleg, set 2) | f1dream | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_f1dream | | F-1 Dream (Japan) | | 1989 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| f1dream | | F-1 Dream | | 1988 | Capcom (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpbl | D NW | F-1 Grand Prix (Playmark bootleg) | f1gp | 1991 | bootleg (Playmark) | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gp | | F-1 Grand Prix (set 1) | | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpa | | F-1 Grand Prix (set 2) | f1gp | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gp2 | | F-1 Grand Prix Part II | | 1992 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpstr2 | | F-1 Grand Prix Star II | | 1993 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_f1hero | | F-1 Hero (Japan) | | 1988 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_f1hero2 | | F-1 Hero 2 (Japan) | | 1991 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_f1pilot | | F-1 Pilot - You're King of Kings (Japan) | | 1989 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| nes_f1race | | F-1 Race (Japan) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_f1sensation | | F-1 Sensation (Japan) | | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_f1spirit | | F-1 Spirit - The Way to Formula-1 (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_f1spirita | | F-1 Spirit - The Way to Formula-1 (Japan, Alt) | msx_f1spirit | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_f1spiritk | | F-1 Spirit - The Way to Formula-1 (Korea) (Unl) | msx_f1spirit | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_f1spirit | | F-1 Spirit - The way to Formula-1 (Korea) | | 1987 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| md_f117 | | F-117 Night Storm (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f117j | | F-117 Stealth - Operation Night Storm (Japan) | md_f117 | 1994 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_f117stefig | | F-117A Stealth Fighter (USA) | | 1992 | Microprose | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_f15citywar | | F-15 City War (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_f15se | | F-15 Strike Eagle (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_f15streag | | F-15 Strike Eagle (USA) | | 1992 | Microprose | Miscellaneous | |
| md_f15se2 | | F-15 Strike Eagle II (Euro) | | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f15se2u | | F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA) | md_f15se2 | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f15se2up | | F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA, Prototype) | md_f15se2 | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_f16pilot | | F-16 Combat Pilot (128K) | | 1991 | Digital Integration | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_f16fight | | F-16 Fighter (Euro, USA) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_f16fightc | | F-16 Fighter (Euro, USA, Sega Card) | sms_f16fight | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_f16falcon | | F-16 Fighting Falcon (128K) | | 1990 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_f16falcjc | | F-16 Fighting Falcon (Japan, MyCard) | sms_f16fight | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_f16falctw | | F-16 Fighting Falcon (Taiwan) | sms_f16fight | 198? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| sms_f16falc | | F-16 Fighting Falcon (USA) | sms_f16fight | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_f16falcc | | F-16 Fighting Falcon (USA, Sega Card for Display Unit) | sms_f16fight | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_f22a | | F-22 Interceptor (Euro, USA, 199109) | md_f22 | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f22 | | F-22 Interceptor (Euro, USA, 199206) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f22p | | F-22 Interceptor (Euro, USA, Prototype) | md_f22 | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f22j | | F-22 Interceptor (Japan) | md_f22 | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ftheta | | F-Theta (HB) | | 2021 | Little Sound Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| fx | | F-X (bootleg of S.R.D. Mission) | srdmissn | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fa | | F/A (Japan) | fghtatck | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| md_f1 | | F1 (Euro) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_f1 | | F1 (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| gg_f1 | | F1 (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_f1wc | | F1 - World Championship Edition (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f1wcp | | F1 - World Championship Edition (Euro, Prototype) | md_f1wc | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_f1circ91 | | F1 Circus '91 - World Championship (Japan) | | 1991 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| pce_f1circ92 | | F1 Circus '92 - The Speed of Sound (Japan) | | 1992 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| nes_f1circus | | F1 Circus (Hack, English) | | 2016 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_f1circus1 | | F1 Circus (Japan) (Alt) | pce_f1circus | 1990 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| nes_f1circusj | | F1 Circus (Japan) | nes_f1circus | 1992 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_f1circus | | F1 Circus (Japan) | | 1990 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| md_f1circus | | F1 Circus MD (Japan) | | 1991 | Nichibutsu | Sega Megadrive | |
| f1enj | | F1 Exhaust Note (Japan, Rev A) | f1en | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| f1enu | | F1 Exhaust Note (US, Rev A) | f1en | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| f1en | | F1 Exhaust Note (World, Rev A) | | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| f1lapj | | F1 Super Lap (Japan) | f1lap | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| f1lap | | F1 Super Lap (World) | | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| f1lapt | | F1 Super Lap (World, Unprotected) | f1lap | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| pce_f1tb | | F1 Triple Battle (Japan) | | 1989 | Human | PC Engine | |
| gg_f1wce | | F1 World Championship Edition (Euro) | | 1995 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| sg1k_faguiqib | | Fa Gui Qibing (Taiwan) | sg1k_pitfall2 | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_faguiqiba | | Fa Gui Qibing (Taiwan, Alt) | sg1k_pitfall2 | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_fatetris | | FA Tetris (Korea) | | 1989 | FA Soft | MSX | |
| sms_fatetris | | FA Tetris (Korea) | | 1989 | FA Soft | Sega Master System | |
| msx_fatetrisb | | FA Tetris (Korea, Alt 2) | msx_fatetris | 1989 | FA Soft | MSX | |
| msx_fatetrisa | | FA Tetris (Korea, Alt) | msx_fatetris | 1989 | FA Soft | MSX | |
| faceoff | | Face Off (Japan 2 Players) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| gg_faceball | | Faceball 2000 (Japan) | | 1993 | Riverhill Software | Sega Game Gear | |
| cv_facemakr | | Facemaker | | 1983 | Spinnaker Software | ColecoVision | |
| spec_factdaze | | Factory Daze (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_factory | | Factory Infection (HB) | | 2004 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| gg_factoryp | | Factory Panic (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_faerytal | | Faery Tale Adventure, The (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_channelf | NW | Fairchild Channel F (Bios) | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | BIOS only |
| spec_fairlight128 | | Fairlight - A Prelude (128K) | | 1985 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | Press '9' to set controller |
| spec_fairlight48 | | Fairlight - A Prelude (48K) | spec_fairlight128 | 1985 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | Press '9' to set controller |
| spec_fairlight2 | | Fairlight II - A Trail of Darkness (128K) | | 1986 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | Press '9' to set controller |
| msx_fairy | | Fairy (Japan) | | 1985 | ZAP Corp. | MSX | |
| fds_fairypin | | Fairy Pinball - Yousei Tachi no Pinball (Japan) | | 1987 | Hacker International | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_flstory | | Fairyland Story, The (Japan) | | 1987 | Hot-B | MSX | |
| msx_flstorya | | Fairyland Story, The (Japan, Alt) | msx_flstory | 1987 | Hot-B | MSX | |
| falcon | | Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| falconz | | Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Digimatic) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_falcon | | Falcon (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| cv_fallguy | | Fall Guy (Prototype) | | 1983 | Fox Video Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_prometheus | | Fall Of Prometheus, The (HB) | | 2021 | Mistery Labs | MSX | |
| spec_fallenang | | Fallen Angel (48K) | | 1989 | Screen 7 | ZX Spectrum | Select '2) Sinclair SJS' to use controller |
| nes_fallingtiles | | Falling Tiles (HB, rev.B) | | 2020 | Doug Fraker | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_falsion | | Falsion (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famdepon | | Famicom De Pon (HB) | | 2020 | Okunyon | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famicgrapri | | Famicom Grand Prix - F1 Race (Japan) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famicgrapriii | | Famicom Grand Prix II - 3D Hot Rally (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famicjum | | Famicom Jump - Eiyuu Retsuden (Japan) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famicjumii | | Famicom Jump II - Saikyou no 7 Nin (Japan) | | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famicomwars | | Famicom Wars (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Spinner 8 and friends | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famicomwarsj | | Famicom Wars (Japan) | nes_famicomwars | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_familyboxing | | Family Boxing (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_familcir91 | | Family Circuit '91 (Japan) | | 1991 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_familycircuit | | Family Circuit (Hack, English) | | 2016 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_familycircuitj | | Family Circuit (Japan) | nes_familycircuit | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_othelloj | | Family Computer - Othello (Japan) | nes_othello | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| md_famfeud | | Family Feud (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_family | | Family Games (Japan) | sms_parlour | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_familypicross | | Family Picross! (HB) | | 2018 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_familypinball | | Family Pinball (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol1 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 1 - Hong Kong (Japan) | | 1990 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol2 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 2 - Panic Space (Japan) | | 1990 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol3 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 3 - All 1 (Japan) | | 1991 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol4 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 4 - Clox (Japan) | | 1991 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol5 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 5 - Puyo Puyo (Japan) | | 1991 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_famimdisvol6 | | Famimaga Disk Vol. 6 - Janken Disk Jou (Japan) | | 1992 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista89 | | Famista '89 (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista90 | | Famista '90 (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista91 | | Famista '91 (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista92 | | Famista '92 (Japan) | | 1991 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista93e | | Famista '93 (Hack, English) | nes_famista93 | 20?? | FlashPV | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista93 | | Famista '93 (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_famista94 | | Famista '94 (Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fncywld | | Fancy World - Earth of Crisis | | 1996 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_fankypun | | Fanky Punky (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | P.J. Software | MSX | |
| fantasiaa | | Fantasia (940307 PCB) | fantasia | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantasia | | Fantasia (940429 PCB, set 1) | | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantasiab | | Fantasia (940429 PCB, set 2) | fantasia | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantasian | | Fantasia (940803 PCB) | fantasia | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| md_fantasia1 | | Fantasia (World) | md_fantasia | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fantasia | | Fantasia (World, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| fantsia2n | | Fantasia II (1998) | fantsia2 | 1998 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantsia2 | | Fantasia II (Explicit) | | 1997 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantsia2a | | Fantasia II (Less Explicit) | fantsia2 | 1997 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantastc | | Fantastic (Galaga conversion on Galaxian hardware) | | 198? | Taito do Brasil | Galaxian | |
| nes_fantaadvdiz | | Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The (USA) | | 1991 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_fantdizz | | Fantastic Dizzy (Euro) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Master System | Fully playable, but the upper-screen HUD is glitched |
| gg_fantdizz | | Fantastic Dizzy (Euro, SMS Mode) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_fantdizz | | Fantastic Dizzy (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fantdizz1 | | Fantastic Dizzy (Euro, USA, Alt) | md_fantdizz | 1991 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_fantfootball | | Fantastic Football (HB) | | 2021 | Zoran Majcenic, Daniel Simon | MSX | |
| ngp_cotton | | Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_cottonj | | Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton (Jpn) | ngp_cotton | 2000 | Success | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_fantvoyage | | Fantastic Voyage (48K) | | 1984 | Quicksilva Ltd. | ZX Spectrum | |
| fantsy95 | | Fantasy '95 | newfant | 1995 | Hi-max Technology Inc. | EXPRO-02 | |
| fantasyg | | Fantasy (Germany, set 1) | fantasyu | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fantasyg2 | | Fantasy (Germany, set 2) | fantasyu | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fantasyj | | Fantasy (Japan) | fantasyu | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fantasyu | | Fantasy (US) | | 1981 | SNK (Rock-Ola license) | Miscellaneous | |
| fantland | | Fantasy Land (set 1) | | 19?? | Electronic Devices Italy | Miscellaneous | |
| fantlanda | | Fantasy Land (set 2) | fantland | 19?? | Electronic Devices Italy | Miscellaneous | |
| fantzonep | | Fantasy Zone (317-5000) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzonee | | Fantasy Zone (FD1089B 317-0016) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| msx_fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| nes_fantasyzonej | | Fantasy Zone (Japan) | nes_fantasyzone | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (Japan) | | 1988 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| sms_fantzonej | | Fantasy Zone (Japan, v0) | sms_fantzone | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_fantzonek | | Fantasy Zone (Korea) (Unl) | msx_fantzone | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| md_fantazone | | Fantasy Zone (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition) | | 2022 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| fantzoneno | | Fantasy Zone (New, Oversea, PS2) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzonenu | | Fantasy Zone (New, US Rev.A, PS2) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| pce_fantzonemini | | Fantasy Zone (PC-Engine Mini Ed.) | pce_fantzone | 2020 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| fantzonepr | | Fantasy Zone (prototype) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantznps2 | | Fantasy Zone (System 16B, PS2 data file) | fantzone | 2008 | Sega | System 16B | |
| sms_fantzonetw | | Fantasy Zone (Taiwan) | sms_fantzone | 198? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| fantzoneta | | Fantasy Zone (Time Attack, bootleg) | fantzone | 2008 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| fantzone1 | | Fantasy Zone (unprotected) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| nes_fantasyzone | | Fantasy Zone (USA) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| sms_fantzone1 | | Fantasy Zone (World, v1.1, Prototype) | sms_fantzone | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (World, v2) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_fntzone2 | | Fantasy Zone - Escape from the Pyramid (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | GreenWebSevilla | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_fantzonm | | Fantasy Zone - The Maze (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_fantzone | | Fantasy Zone Gear (Euro, Japan) | | 1991 | Sanritsu | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_fantzoneu | | Fantasy Zone Gear (USA) | gg_fantzone | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_fantzon2j | | Fantasy Zone II - Opa Opa no Namida (Japan) | sms_fantzon2 | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_fantazonii | | Fantasy Zone II - Opa-Opa no Namida (Japan) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_fantzon2 | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| fantzn2 | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (MC-8123, 317-0057) | | 1988 | Sega | System E | |
| fantzn2x | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version) | | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantzn2xp | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version, prototype) | fantzn2x | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantzn2xps2 | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C, PS2 data file) | fantzn2x | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantznta | | Fantasy Zone Time Attack (System 16B, PS2 data file) | fantzone | 2008 | Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_fntzone | | Fantasy Zone, The (128K) | | 19xx | Unknown | ZX Spectrum | Adult game |
| fantazia | | Fantazia (bootleg?) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Subelectro) | Galaxian | |
| kabukiklb | | Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den (Add hidden characters) | kabukikl | 2008 | Ydmis / Creamymami[EGCG] | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kabukijq | | Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den (Enhanced, Hack) | kabukikl | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kabukikl | | Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den | | 1995 | Hudson | Neo Geo MVS | |
| farwest | D NW | Far West | ironhors | 1986 | bootleg? | GX560 | |
| nes_faria | | Faria - A World of Mystery & Danger! (USA) | | 1991 | Nexoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fariaj | | Faria - Fuuin no Tsurugi (Japan) | nes_faria | 1989 | Game Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fjtt | | Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove (128K) (HB) | | 2008 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fjhm | | Farmer Jack and the Hedge Monkeys (128K) (HB) | | 2008 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fjhh | | Farmer Jack in Harvest Havoc (128K) (HB) | | 2006 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| farmer | | Farmers Rebellion | ikki | 1985 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_fartypig | | Farty Pig (HB, beta) | | 2020 | The Geps | MSX | |
| spec_fasebonus | | Fase Bonus The Game (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| ngp_faselei | | Faselei! (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_faseleij | | Faselei! (Jpn) | ngp_faselei | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_ffdizzy128 | | Fast Food Dizzy (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ffdizzy48 | | Fast Food Dizzy (48K) | spec_ffdizzy128 | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| fastfred | | Fast Freddie | flyboy | 1982 | Kaneko (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| fastlane | | Fast Lane | | 1987 | Konami | GX752 | |
| sqbert | | Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) | | 1983 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| md_fastest1 | | Fastest 1 (Japan) | | 1991 | Human Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatfury | | Fatal Fury (Euro, Korea) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatfuryu | | Fatal Fury (USA) | md_fatfury | 1993 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| ffury1bs | | Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (Boss, Hack) | fatfury1 | 1992 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fatfury1 | | Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (NGM-033 ~ NGH-033) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_fatfury2ec | | Fatal Fury 2 (Hack, Enhanced Colors v4.0) | md_fatfury2 | 2015 | Takara - Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatfury2 | | Fatal Fury 2 (USA, Korea) | | 1994 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| fatfury2 | | Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - Arata-naru Tatakai (NGM-047 ~ NGH-047) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fatfury2a | | Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - arata-naru tatakai (NGM-047) | fatfury2 | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ffury3bs | | Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai (Ancient Battles Resurgence, Hack) | fatfury3 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fatfury3a | | Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - haruka-naru tatakai (NGM-069 ~ NGH-069) (alternate set) | fatfury3 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fatfury3 | | Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai (NGM-069 ~ NGH-069) | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| gg_fatfursp | | Fatal Fury Special (Euro) | | 1994 | Takara | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_fatfurspu | | Fatal Fury Special (USA) | gg_fatfursp | 1994 | Takara | Sega Game Gear | |
| fatfursp | | Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 1) | | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fatfurspa | | Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 2) | fatfursp | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ffurspbs | | Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (Optional Hidden Character Third Edition, Hack) | fatfursp | 1993 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_fatallab | | Fatal Labyrinth (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatallabs | | Fatal Labyrinth (Hack, Spanish) | md_fatallab | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatalrew | | Fatal Rewind (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fatalsmarties | | Fatal Smarties (HB) | | 2016 | Global Game Jam | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_fathom | | Fathom (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_fathom | | Fathom | | 1983 | Imagic | ColecoVision | |
| md_fatman | | Fatman (Japan) | md_slaughtr | 1990 | Sanritsu Denki | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_faxanadut | | Faxanadu (Hack, English) | nes_faxanadu | 2019 | Unsavory Maggot | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_faxanaduc | | Faxanadu (Hack, Spanish) | nes_faxanadu | 2021 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_faxanaduj | | Faxanadu (Japan) | nes_faxanadu | 1987 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_faxanadu | | Faxanadu (USA) (Rev A) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_fdsirqtest | | FDS IRQ Test (Sour, v7) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_fdsbios | NW | FDS System BIOS | | 198x | NES | NES | BIOS only |
| spec_fearlessfrank | | Fearless Frank (48K) | | 1984 | Visions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_federuwen | | Federation Underwater (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_federuwes | | Federation Underwater (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_federuwen | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fedzen | | Federation Z (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fedzes | | Federation Z (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_fedzen | 2020 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_feilang | | Fei Lang (Taiwan) | sg1k_choplift | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_feilanga | | Fei Lang ~ Choplifter (Taiwan, Alt) | sg1k_choplift | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_felipe | | Felipe em Acao (Brazil) | sms_teddyboy | 1999 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| nes_felixthecat | | Felix the Cat (USA) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_fengkuan | | Feng Kuang Tao Hua Yuan (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1998 | Creaton Softech | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fengshen | | Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | Chuanpu Technologies | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fengshena | | Feng Shen Ying Jie Zhuan (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_fengshen | 1996 | Chuanpu Technologies | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fsyjz | | Feng Shen Ying Jie Zhuan (Chinese) | | 2023 | Chuan Pu Ke Ji / Ken_Tse | Sega Megadrive | |
| fenixn | | Fenix (Niemer bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Niemer) | Miscellaneous | |
| fenix | NW | Fenix (Orio bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Orio) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ferias | | Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ferias | | Ferias Frustradas do Pica-Pau (Brazil) | | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| msx_fmbasket | | Fernando Martin Basket Master (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_fernmartbasketm | | Fernando Martin Basket Master (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_fmbasketex | | Fernando Martin Basket Master - Executive (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Redefine '5 Elegir Control' to use controller |
| md_ferrari | | Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (Euro, Rev. A) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ferrarip | | Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (Prototype) | md_ferrari | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ferrariu | | Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA) | md_ferrari | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ferragrapricha | | Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_festersquestc | | Fester's Quest (Hack, Chinese) | nes_festersquest | 2021 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_festersquest | | Fester's Quest (USA) | | 1989 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_feud | | Feud (48K) | | 1987 | Bulldog | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_feud | | Feud (Euro) | | 1987 | Bulldog | MSX | |
| md_feverpit | | Fever Pitch Soccer (Euro) | | 1995 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| feversos | | Fever SOS (World, 98/09/25 VER) | | 1998 | Cave (Nihon System license) | Cave | |
| md_fidodido | | Fido Dido (USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_fieldcombat | | Field Combat (Japan) | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fcombat | | Field Combat | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fiendfreddy | | Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (128K) | | 1990 | Mindscape International | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_fifa2k3 | | FIFA 2003 (Russia) (Unl) | md_fifa95 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_fifa | | FIFA International Soccer (Brazil) | | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_fifa | | FIFA International Soccer (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_fifa | | FIFA International Soccer (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_fifaj | | FIFA International Soccer (Japan) | gg_fifa | 1995 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_fifa2k | | FIFA Soccer 2000 Gold Edition (Unl) | md_fifa97 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa2020 | | FIFA Soccer 2020 (Hack, v2.3) | md_fifa95 | 2020 | TA Marcos | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa95 | | FIFA Soccer 95 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa95k | | FIFA Soccer 95 (Korea) | md_fifa95 | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_fifa96 | | FIFA Soccer 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_fifa96 | | FIFA Soccer 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa97 | | FIFA Soccer 97 Gold Edition (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa98 | | FIFA Soccer 98 - Road to World Cup (Euro) | | 1997 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa99 | | FIFA Soccer 99 (Unl) | md_fifa96 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa2k10 | | FIFA World Cup - South Africa 2010 (Russia) (Unl) | md_fifa | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fifa2k2 | | FIFA World Cup 2002 (Russia) (Unl) | md_wcs2 | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| fightfev | | Fight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (set 1) | | 1994 | Viccom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fightfeva | | Fight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (set 2) | fightfev | 1994 | Viccom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_fightveng | | Fight for Vengeance (HB) | md_fightvengt | 2021 | PSCD Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fightvengt | | Fight for Vengeance - Tournament Edition (HB) | | 2022 | Genesis Fight Engine | Sega Megadrive | |
| fghtatck | | Fighter & Attacker (US) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| spec_fightbomb | | Fighter Bomber (48K) | | 1990 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| fghthistjb | | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistja | | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-05, DE-0380-2 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistj | | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-07, DE-0395-1 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistuc | | Fighter's History (US ver 42-03, DE-0380-2 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistub | | Fighter's History (US ver 42-05, DE-0395-1 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistua | | Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistu | | Fighter's History (US ver 42-09, DE-0396-0 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthistb | | Fighter's History (World ver 43-05, DE-0380-2 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthista | | Fighter's History (World ver 43-07, DE-0380-2 PCB) | fghthist | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fghthist | | Fighter's History (World ver 43-09, DE-0395-1 PCB) | | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| fswords | | Fighters Swords (Korean release of Samurai Shodown III) | samsho3 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| fghtbskt | | Fighting Basketball | | 1984 | Paradise Co. Ltd. | Irem M63 | |
| ffantasyb | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision ?) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| ffantasya | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| ffantasyj | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan, revision 2) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| ffantasy | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan, revision 3) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| nes_fightinggolf | | Fighting Golf (Japan) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fhawkj | | Fighting Hawk (Japan) | fhawk | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| fhawk | | Fighting Hawk (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| nes_fightinghero | | Fighting Hero (Unl) | | 1991 | Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fightheriii | | Fighting Hero III (Unl) | | 1993 | NTDEC | Miscellaneous | |
| cfghtice | | Fighting Ice Hockey (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| md_fightmass | | Fighting Masters (Hack, Spanish) | md_fightmas | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fightmasj | | Fighting Masters (Japan, Korea) | md_fightmas | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fightmas | | Fighting Masters (USA) | | 1992 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_fightingroad | | Fighting Road (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Immutable | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fightingroadj | | Fighting Road (Japan) | nes_fightingroad | 1988 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| fightrol | | Fighting Roller | | 1983 | Kaneko (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_fightrun | | Fighting Run (Japan) | | 1991 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| fsoccerj | NW | Fighting Soccer (Japan) | fsoccer | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fsoccerb | NW | Fighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg) | fsoccer | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fsoccerba | NW | Fighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg, alt) | fsoccer | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fsoccer | NW | Fighting Soccer (version 4) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fillomania | | FilloMania (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | g0blinish | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_filthyktcn | | Filthy Kitchen (HB) | | 2016 | Dustmop | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_finalassault | | Final Assault (128K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_finlblst | | Final Blaster (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| finalbj | | Final Blow (Japan) | finalb | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| md_finalb | | Final Blow (Japan) | md_jbdougko | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| finalbu | | Final Blow (US) | finalb | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| finalb | | Final Blow (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| sms_finalbb | | Final Bubble Bobble (Japan) | sms_bublbobl | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_finalcombat | | Final Combat (Unl) (Asia) | | 1992 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_finalcom | | Final Command - Akai Yousai (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| fcrash | | Final Crash (bootleg (with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205)) | ffight | 1990 | Playmark | CPS1 | |
| nes_finalfantasyi | | Final Fantasy (Hack, Italian) | nes_finalfantasy | 2020 | FIUMI | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfantasyc | | Final Fantasy (Hack, Spanish) | nes_finalfantasy | 2002 | Cunaaao | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfantasy | | Final Fantasy (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfan12 | | Final Fantasy 1 & 2 (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Demiforce | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfan12j | | Final Fantasy 1 & 2 (Japan) | nes_finalfan12 | 1994 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfantasyiic | | Final Fantasy II (Hack, Spanish) | nes_finalfantasyii | 20XX? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfantasyii | | Final Fantasy II (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfaniiic | | Final Fantasy III (Hack, Spanish) | nes_finalfaniii | 2015 | Maeson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfaniii | | Final Fantasy III (Japan) | | 1990 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfanvii | | Final Fantasy VII (China) (Unl) | nes_finalfanviiadvch | 2005 | ShenZhen Nanjing Technology | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalfanviiadvch | | Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children (Hack, English) | | 2015 | Lindblum | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_finalfight | | Final Fight (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | Press 'A' to use controller |
| ffigh1v2 | | Final Fight (1v2, Hack) | ffight | 2017 | hack | CPS1 | |
| ffightbl | | Final Fight (bootleg set 1 (with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205), World) | ffight | 1990 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| ffightbla | | Final Fight (bootleg set 2 (with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205), World)) | ffight | 1990 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| ffightfw | | Final Fight (Framework, Hack) | ffight | 2022 | hack | CPS1 | |
| ffightj1 | | Final Fight (Japan 900112) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightj2 | | Final Fight (Japan 900305) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightj3 | | Final Fight (Japan 900405) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightj4 | | Final Fight (Japan 900613) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightj | | Final Fight (Japan) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightua | | Final Fight (USA 900112) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightub | | Final Fight (USA 900424) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightuc | | Final Fight (USA 900613) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightu | | Final Fight (USA, set 1) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightu1 | | Final Fight (USA, set 2) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightu2 | | Final Fight (USA, set 3) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffightdw | | Final Fight (Warriors, Hack) | ffight | 2016-2020 | hack | CPS1 | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| ffight | | Final Fight (World, set 1) | | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ffighta | | Final Fight (World, set 2) | ffight | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_finalfight3 | | Final Fight 3 (Unl) | | 1998 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| ffightaemgc | | Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (Mad Gear's City Hack) | ffight | 2022 | ZombieMaster | CPS1 | |
| ffightae | | Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (World, hack) | ffight | 2019 | hack | CPS1 | |
| ffightaec2 | | Final Fight Anniversary Edition (CPS2 hardware) | | 2022 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ffightaec2ds | | Final Fight Anniversary Edition (Deadly Streets, Hack)(CPS2 Hardware) | ffightaec2 | 2023 | ZombieMaster | CPS2 | |
| finalgdr | | Final Godori (Korea, version 2.20.5915) | | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_fjustice | | Final Justice (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_fjusticeb | | Final Justice (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_fjustice | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_fjusticea | | Final Justice (Japan, Alt) | msx_fjustice | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| nes_finallap | | Final Lap (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| finallapjb | | Final Lap (Japan, Rev B) | finallap | 1987 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finallapjc | | Final Lap (Japan, Rev C) | finallap | 1987 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finallapc | | Final Lap (Rev C) | finallap | 1987 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finallapd | | Final Lap (Rev D) | finallap | 1987 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finallap | | Final Lap (Rev E) | | 1987 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap2j | | Final Lap 2 (Japan) | finalap2 | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap2 | | Final Lap 2 | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap3bl | | Final Lap 3 (bootleg) | finalap3 | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap3j | | Final Lap 3 (Japan) | finalap3 | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap3jc | | Final Lap 3 (Japan, Rev C) | finalap3 | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap3 | | Final Lap 3 (World, Rev C) | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| finalap3a | | Final Lap 3 (World, set 2) | finalap3 | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| pce_finallap | | Final Lap Twin (Japan) | | 1989 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| tg_finallap | | Final Lap Twin (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_finalmt | | Final Match Tennis (Japan) | | 1991 | Human | PC Engine | |
| pce_finalmtladies | | Final Match Tennis - Ladies (Super CD-Rom Hack) | | 2002-2016 | Human - Mooz | PC Engine | |
| spec_finalmatrix | | Final Matrix, The (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_finalmissionjc | | Final Mission (Hack, Chinese) | nes_scat | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalmission | | Final Mission (Hack, English) | nes_scat | 1990 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_finalmissionj | | Final Mission (Japan) | nes_scat | 1990 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_finalsol | | Final Soldier (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_finalsols | | Final Soldier - Special Version (Japan) | pce_finalsol | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| fstarfrcj | | Final Star Force (Japan, set 1) | fstarfrc | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| fstarfrcja | | Final Star Force (Japan, set 2) | fstarfrc | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| fstarfrc | | Final Star Force (US) | | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| fstarfrcw | | Final Star Force (World?) | fstarfrc | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_finaltst | | Final Test Cartridge (Prototype) | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| finalttr | | Final Tetris | | 1993 | Jeil Computer System | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| msx_fzone | | Final Zone (Japan) | | 1986 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| msx_fzonek | | Final Zone (Korea) (Unl) | msx_fzone | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| md_fzone | | Final Zone (USA) ~ FZ Senki Axis (Japan) | | 1990 | Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fzones | | Final Zone ~ FZ Senki Axis (Hack, Spanish) | md_fzone | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| finalizrb | | Finalizer - Super Transformation (bootleg) | finalizr | 1985 | bootleg | GX523 | |
| finalizr | | Finalizer - Super Transformation (set 1) | | 1985 | Konami | GX523 | |
| finalizra | | Finalizer - Super Transformation (set 2) | finalizr | 1985 | Konami | GX523 | |
| spec_finderskeepers | | Finders Keepers (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_findkeep | | Finders Keepers (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| md_nemo | | Finding Nemo (Russia) (Unl) | md_jpond | 200? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| finehour | | Finest Hour (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| finger | | Finger (bootleg of Stinger) | stinger | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_firenice | | Fire 'n Ice (USA) | | 1993 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_firenicell | | Fire 'n Ice - The Lost Levels (Hack, v1.1) | nes_firenice | 2021 | Renaldo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fireforget | | Fire and Forget (128K) | | 1988 | Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_fireforg | | Fire and Forget II (Euro) | | 1990 | Titus Arcade | Sega Master System | |
| sms_fireice | | Fire and Ice (Brazil) | | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| nes_firerescue | | Fire and Rescue (HB, v1.1) | nes_firerescuev2 | 2021 | Skyboy Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_firerescuev2 | | Fire and Rescue (HB, v2.0) | | 2021 | Skyboy Games | Miscellaneous | |
| fball | | Fire Ball (FM Work) | | 1992 | FM Work | Miscellaneous | Black Bar on the left side is normal. |
| fds_firebam | | Fire Bam (Japan) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| firebarr | | Fire Barrel (Japan) | airass | 1993 | Irem | Irem M107 | |
| firebatl | | Fire Battle | | 1984 | Woodplace Inc. (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_firedragon | | Fire Dragon (Asia) (Unl) | | 199? | Gamtec | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireembc | | Fire Emblem - Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Hack, Chinese) | nes_fireemb | 2022 | Han Xue Shi Zhe | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireemb | | Fire Emblem - Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Quirino | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireembj | | Fire Emblem - Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Japan) | nes_fireemb | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireembgaic | | Fire Emblem Gaiden (Hack, Chinese v2.0) | nes_fireembgai | 2021 | Han Xue Shi Zhe | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireembgai | | Fire Emblem Gaiden (Hack, English) | | 2009 | Artemis251 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fireembgaij | | Fire Emblem Gaiden (Japan) | nes_fireembgai | 1992 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_firehawk | | Fire Hawk (USA) (Unl) | | 1991 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| firehawk | | Fire Hawk (World) / Huohu Chuanshuo (China) (horizontal) | spec2k | 2001 | ESD | NMK16 | |
| md_firemust | | Fire Mustang (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_fireprow | | Fire Pro Wrestling - Combination Tag (Japan) | | 1989 | Human | PC Engine | |
| pce_fireprw2 | | Fire Pro Wrestling 2 - 2nd Bout (Japan) | | 1991 | Human | PC Engine | |
| pce_fireprw3 | | Fire Pro Wrestling 3 - Legend Bout (Japan) | | 1992 | Human | PC Engine | |
| msx_fireresc | | Fire Rescue (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_fireresca | | Fire Rescue (Japan, Alt) | msx_fireresc | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| fds_firerock | | Fire Rock (Japan) | | 1988 | System Sacom | Miscellaneous | |
| fireshrka | | Fire Shark (earlier) | fireshrk | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_fireshrk | | Fire Shark (Euro) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fireshrks | | Fire Shark (Hack, Spanish) | md_fireshrk | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| fireshrkd | | Fire Shark (Korea, set 1, easier) | fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyong license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| fireshrkdh | | Fire Shark (Korea, set 2, harder) | fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyong license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_fireshrku | | Fire Shark (USA) | md_fireshrk | 1990 | Dreamworks Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_fireshrku1 | | Fire Shark (USA, Alt) | md_fireshrk | 1990 | Dreamworks Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| fireshrk | | Fire Shark | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| firetrapbl | | Fire Trap (Japan bootleg) | firetrap | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| firetrapj | | Fire Trap (Japan) | firetrap | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| firetrapa | | Fire Trap (US) | firetrap | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| firetrap | | Fire Trap (US, rev A) | | 1986 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| firebeas | | Firebeast (prototype) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_firefly | | Firefly (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_firehawk | | Firehawk (Euro) | | 1987 | Players Software | MSX | |
| nes_firehouserescue | | Firehouse Rescue (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_firelord | | Firelord (48K) | | 1986 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fireman | | Fireman (48K) (HB) | | 2008 | Miguel Angel Rodriguez Jodar | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_fireman | | Fireman (HB) | | 1984-2009 | Coleco | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| spec_firemansam | | Fireman Sam - The Hero Next Door (48K) | | 1991 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_firetrap | | FireTrap (48K) | | 1987 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_fishstory | | Fish Story (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| cfishing | | Fishing (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cadanglr | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_fist2 | | Fist II - The Legend Continues (48K) | | 1986 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | Press any key to choose options and ENTER to select one |
| nes_fistnorsta | | Fist of the North Star (USA) | | 1989 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fistro | | FistRO Fighters (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fitris | | Fitris (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | FitoSoft | ZX Spectrum | 'S': sound on/off - 'M': music on/off |
| fitterbl | | Fitter (bootleg of Round-Up) | roundup | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fitter | | Fitter | roundup | 1981 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fivedays | | Five Days (Unl) | | 2005 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| md_fixitfelixjr | | Fix It Felix Jr. (HB) | | 2014 | TOBIKOMI / Airwalkstudios | Sega Megadrive | |
| fixeight | | FixEight (Europe) | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightt | | FixEight (Europe, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeighth | | FixEight (Hong Kong) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightht | | FixEight (Hong Kong, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightk | | FixEight (Korea) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightkt | | FixEight (Korea, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeighta | | FixEight (Southeast Asia) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightat | | FixEight (Southeast Asia, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeighttw | | FixEight (Taiwan) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeighttwt | | FixEight (Taiwan, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightu | | FixEight (USA) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightut | | FixEight (USA, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightj | | FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| fixeightjt | | FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| flkatck | | Flak Attack (Japan) | mx5000 | 1987 | Konami | GX669 | |
| flkatcka | | Flak Attack (Japan, PWB 450593 sub-board) | mx5000 | 1987 | Konami | GX669 | |
| cv_flapbrd | | Flapee Byrd (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_flappy | | Flappy (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| nes_flappy | | Flappy (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-SOFT | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_flappya | | Flappy (Japan, Alt) | msx_flappy | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| msx_flappy85 | | Flappy - Limited 85 (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| nes_flappybird | | Flappy Bird (HB) | | 2014 | Nioreh | Miscellaneous | |
| cfboy0a1 | | Flash Boy (vertical) (DECO Cassette MD) (No.12/Ver.0/Set.1,Japan) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_flashgordon | | Flash Gordon (48K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_flashgor | | Flash Gordon (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| md_flashps | | Flash Point (Hack, Spanish) | md_flashp | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| fpointbj | | Flash Point (Japan, bootleg set 1) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg (Datsu) | System 16B | |
| md_flashp | | Flash Point (Japan, Prototype) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| fpoint1d | | Flash Point (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0127A set) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| fpoint1 | | Flash Point (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0127A) | fpoint | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| fpointd | | Flash Point (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0127A set) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| fpoint | | Flash Point (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0127A) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| fpointbl | | Flash Point (World, bootleg) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg (Datsu) | System 16B | |
| msx_fsplash | | Flash Splash (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| sms_flash | | Flash, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_flashb | | Flashback (Euro, Rev. A) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flashbj | | Flashback (Japan) | md_flashb | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flashbs | | Flashback - The Quest for Identity (Hack, Spanish) | md_flashb | 2020 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flashbu | | Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA) | md_flashb | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flashbu1 | | Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA, Alt) | md_flashb | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| flashgal | | Flashgal (set 1) | | 1985 | Kyugo / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| flashgalk | | Flashgal (set 1, Kyugo logo) | flashgal | 1985 | Kyugo / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| flashgala | | Flashgal (set 2) | flashgal | 1985 | Kyugo / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_fpoint | | Flashpoint (Korea) (Unl) | | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_fpoint | | Flashpoint (Korea) | | 199? | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_fpointa | | Flashpoint (Korea, Alt) (Unl) | msx_fpoint | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| nes_flea | | FLEA! (HB) | | 2020 | Lowtek | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fleademo | | FLEA! Demo (HB) | nes_flea | 2019 | Lowtek | Miscellaneous | |
| flicky | | Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickya | | Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger roms) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys2 | | Flicky (128k Version, not encrypted) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyg | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051, alt graphics) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys2g | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted, alt graphics) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyo | | Flicky (64k Version, 315-5051, set 1) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys1 | | Flicky (64k Version, 315-5051, set 2) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyup | | Flicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 1) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyupa | | Flicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 2) | flicky | 1984 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| md_flicky | | Flicky (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flickys | | Flicky (Hack, Spanish) | md_flicky | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_flicky | | Flicky (HB) | | 1984-2018 | Mystery Man - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_flicky | | Flicky (Japan) | | 1986 | Micronet | MSX | |
| sg1k_flickya | | Flicky (Japan, v0) | sg1k_flicky | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_flicky | | Flicky (Japan, v1) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_flickyt | | Flicky (Taiwan) | sg1k_flicky | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_flideck | | Flight Deck (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_flidecka | | Flight Deck (Japan, Alt) | msx_flideck | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sms_fpigarus | | Flight of Pigarus (HB, v1.11) | | 2018 | Kagesan | Sega Master System | |
| nes_flighint | | Flight of the Intruder (USA) | | 1991 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_fsim | | Flight Simulator - Gyorai Kougeki (Japan) | | 1988 | subLOGIC | MSX | |
| spec_flintstones | | Flintstones, the (128K) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_flint | | Flintstones, The (Euro) | | 1993 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_flintstones | | Flintstones, The (Euro) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| sms_flint | | Flintstones, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Grandslam | Sega Master System | |
| md_flints | | Flintstones, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_flint | 2014 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flintj | | Flintstones, The (Japan) | md_flint | 1993 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_flintu | | Flintstones, The (USA) | md_flint | 1993 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_flintresdinhopc | | Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (Hack, Chinese) | nes_flintresdinhop | 2022 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_flintresdinhopj | | Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (Japan) | nes_flintresdinhop | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_flintresdinhop | | Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_flintsuratdinpe | | Flintstones, The - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! (USA) | | 1994 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_segaflipt | | Flipper (Taiwan) | sg1k_segaflip | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| flipjack | | Flipper Jack | | 1983? | Jackson Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_flipper | | Flipper Slipper (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_flippera | | Flipper Slipper (Japan, Alt) | msx_flipper | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_flipslip | | Flipper Slipper | | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| flipull | | Flipull (Japan) | plotting | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| nes_flipull | | Flipull - An Exciting Cube Game (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_flora | | Flora and the Ghost Mirror (SGM) (HB) | | 2013 | NewColeco | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| floritas | | Floritas (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| floritasm | | Floritas (Multivideo Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Multivideo) | Galaxian | |
| flowerj | | Flower (Japan) | flower | 1986 | Clarue (Sega / Alpha Denshi Co. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| flower | | Flower (US) | | 1986 | Clarue (Komax license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_flubber | | Flubber in the Upside Down World (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| nes_fluffy | | Fluffy Space Escape (HB) | | 2018 | Ludum Dare 40 | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_flunky | | Flunky (48K) | | 1987 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | In the Menu Room, use the 'bar' to cycle and the 'buzzer' to set options |
| md_flux | | Flux (Euro) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_flyaway | | Fly a Way (HB) | | 2020 | Okunyon | Miscellaneous | |
| flyboyb | | Fly-Boy (bootleg) | flyboy | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| flyboy | | Fly-Boy | | 1982 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_flyguy | | FlyGuy (HB) | | 2021 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| fnshark | | Flyin' Shark (bootleg of Hishou Zame) | fshark | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cflyball | | Flying Ball (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1985 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nes_flyindra | | Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll (USA) | | 1989 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_flyinghero | | Flying Hero (Japan) | | 1989 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_fshark | | Flying Shark (128K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| fsharkbt | | Flying Shark (bootleg with 8741) | fshark | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fshark | | Flying Shark (World) | | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| fsharkb | | Flying Shark (World, bootleg) | fshark | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| flytiger | | Flying Tiger (set 1) | | 1992 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| flytigera | | Flying Tiger (set 2) | flytiger | 1992 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_flyingwarriors | | Flying Warriors (USA) | | 1991 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_flype | | Flype (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Repixel8 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_foalscreek | | Foals Creek (Russia) (HB) | | 2023 | Guyver | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_foggy | | Foggy Quest (HB) | | 2017 | John Blythe | MSX | |
| spec_foggyquest | | Foggy's Quest (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Rucksack Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| foodfc | | Food Fight (cocktail) | foodf | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| foodf1 | | Food Fight (rev 1) | foodf | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| foodf2 | | Food Fight (rev 2) | foodf | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| foodf | | Food Fight (rev 3) | | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_football | | Football (Prototype) | chf_pfootbll | 1981 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| footchmp | | Football Champ / Euro Football Champ (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| spec_footdire | | Football Director (48K) | | 1986 | D&H Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| fbfrenzy | | Football Frenzy (NGM-034 ~ NGH-034) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_ftman | | Football Manager (48K) | | 1982 | Addictive Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ftmanwc | | Football Manager - World Cup Edition (48K) | | 1990 | Addictive Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_footman2 | | Football Manager 2 (48K) | | 1988 | Addictive Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_footman3 | | Football Manager 3 (48K) | | 1991 | Addictive Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_foty | | Footballer of the Year (48K) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_foty2 | | Footballer of the Year 2 (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_ffruit | | Forbidden Fruit (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| nes_forcebot | | Force Bot (HB) | | 2022 | erockbrox | Miscellaneous | |
| forcebrk | | Force Break (bootleg) | brkthru | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_foreman | | Foreman for Real (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_foreman | | Foreman for Real (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_forestescape | | Forest Escape - A Knight's Quest (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | IrataHack | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_frcherry | | Forest Raider Cherry (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_forg | | Forg Wants Love (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Bee Bush Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_forg | | Forg Wants Love (HB) | | 2021 | Beebush Games | MSX | |
| spec_forgottn | | Forgotten Worlds (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_forgottn | | Forgotten Worlds (Euro, Brazil, Australia) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| forgottnj | | Forgotten Worlds (Japan) (English prototype) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottnua | | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. A) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottnuaa | | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. AA) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottnuc | | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. C) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottnue | | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. E) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottnu | | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| forgottna | | Forgotten Worlds (World) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_forgottn1 | | Forgotten Worlds (World) | md_forgottn | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| forgottn | | Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) | | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_forgottn | | Forgotten Worlds (World, v1.1) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_fsoccr90 | | Formation Soccer - Human Cup '90 (Japan) | | 1990 | Human | PC Engine | |
| pce_fsoccer | | Formation Soccer - On J. League (Japan) | | 1994 | Human | PC Engine | |
| nes_formationz | | Formation Z (Japan) (Rev A) | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_formatz | | Formation Z (Japan) | | 1985 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| msx_formatza | | Formation Z (Japan, Alt) | msx_formatz | 1985 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| formatz | | Formation Z | | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_formula1 | | Formula One (USA) | md_f1 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_formuone | | Formula One - Built To Win (USA) | | 1990 | Seta | Miscellaneous | |
| md_fastfur5 | | Forsazh 5 Bystraya ~ Fast and the Furious 5 Quick (Russia) (Unl) | md_combatca | 201? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| fort2ba | | Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (Korea) (ver 1.00 / pcb ver 3.05) | fort2b | 2001 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| fort2b | | Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (World) (ver 1.01 / pcb ver 3.05) | | 2001 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_fortune | | Fortune Builder | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_forward2past | | Forward to the Past (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Sloanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_foryster | | Foryster (HB, v00.9) | | 2022 | siudym | Sega SG-1000 | |
| fourtraxj | | Four Trax (Japan) | fourtrax | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| fourtraxa | | Four Trax (US?, censored banners) | fourtrax | 1989 | Namco (Atari license?) | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| fourtrax | | Four Trax (World) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| spec_foxxfightsback | | Foxx Fights Back (128K) | | 1988 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_foxyland | | Foxy Land (HB) | | 2020 | PSCD Games, Bug Studio | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_fracfevr | | Fraction Fever | | 1983 | Spinnaker Software | ColecoVision | |
| spec_franknstein | | Frank N Stein (48K) | | 1984 | PSS | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_bighurt | | Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_bighurt | | Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_frank | | Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (USA) | | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_frankensteinjr | | Frankenstein Jnr (48K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_frantic | | Frantic (HB) | | 2008 | Scott Huggins | ColecoVision | |
| cv_ffreddy | | Frantic Freddy | | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| spec_fp128k | | Frantic Pengo (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fpengo2 | | Frantic Pengo 2 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_fray | | Fray - Shugyou Hen (Japan) | | 1991 | Micro Cabin | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_fred | | Fred (48K) | | 1984 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_fredcoupj | | Fred Couples' Golf (Japan) | gg_fredcoup | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_fredcoup | | Fred Couples' Golf (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_fredhard | | Freddy Hardest (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_fredhard1 | | Freddy Hardest - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| msx_fredhard2 | | Freddy Hardest - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_fredhard1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 897653 |
| msx_fredhardsm | | Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_freddyhardestsouthman | | Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Set 'S - Sinclair' to use controller |
| nes_freefall | | Free Fall (USA) (Prototype) | | 199? | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| freekickb1 | | Free Kick (bootleg set 1) | freekick | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| freekickb3 | | Free Kick (bootleg set 3) | freekick | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| freekick | | Free Kick (NS6201-A 1987.10) | | 1987 | Nihon System (Merit license) | Miscellaneous | |
| freekicka | | Free Kick (NS6201-A 1987.9) | freekick | 1987 | Nihon System | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_freefight | | Freedom Fighter (HB) | | 2020 | The Geps | MSX | |
| nes_freedomforce | | Freedom Force (USA) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| freeze | | Freeze | | 1984 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| spec_frenzy | | Frenzy (16K) | | 1982 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | To play properly, invert 'up' and 'down' inputs |
| cv_frenzya | | Frenzy (Alt 1) | cv_frenzy | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_frenzya2 | | Frenzy (Alt 2) | cv_frenzy | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| frenzy | | Frenzy (revision RA1) | | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_frenzy | | Frenzy A7800 (HB) | | 2016 | Bob Decrescenzo | Miscellaneous | The Atari 7800 Frenzy on NES (conversion) |
| cv_frenzy | | Frenzy | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_friday13th | | Friday the 13th (48K) | | 1986 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_fridaythe13thc | | Friday the 13th (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_fridaythe13th | 2017 | JONNYVILLA2088 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fridaythe13th | | Friday the 13th (USA) | | 1989 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_frightmare | | Frightmare (128K) | | 1988 | Cascade Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| friskyt | | Frisky Tom (set 1) | | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| friskyta | | Frisky Tom (set 2) | friskyt | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| friskytb | NW | Frisky Tom (set 3) | friskyt | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | Broken, please use parent romset! |
| fspiderb | | Frog & Spiders (bootleg?) | | 1981 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| frogg | | Frog (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | frogger | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| msx_frog | | Frog (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Advance | MSX | |
| frogf | | Frog (Falcon bootleg) | frogger | 1981 | bootleg (Falcon) | Galaxian | |
| nes_frog | | Frog (HB) | | 2020 | Boston Breams | Miscellaneous | |
| froggers | | Frog | frogger | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| nes_frogadv | | Frog Adventure (Unl) | | 1993 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| cps1frog | | Frog Feast (CPS-1) | | 2006 | Rastersoft (Homebrew) | CPS1 | |
| cv_frogfeast | | Frog Feast (HB) | | 2007 | <unknown> | ColecoVision | |
| ngfrog | | Frog Feast (Neo Geo) | | 2006 | Rastersoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pgmfrog | | Frog Feast (PGM) | | 2006 | RasterSoft | PolyGameMaster | |
| spec_frogger2009 | | Frogger (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | Deanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_frogger | | Frogger (48K) | | 1983 | A'n'F Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| froggrs | | Frogger (Coin Music, bootleg on Scramble hardware) | frogger | 1981 | bootleg (Coin Music) | Galaxian | |
| md_froggers | | Frogger (Hack, Spanish) | md_frogger | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_frogger | | Frogger (Japan) | | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_froggera | | Frogger (Japan, Alt) | msx_frogger | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| froggermc | | Frogger (Moon Cresta hardware) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | No Sound |
| froggers1 | | Frogger (Sega, set 1) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| froggers2 | | Frogger (Sega, set 2) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| froggers3 | | Frogger (Sega, set 3) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| froggert | | Frogger (Turtles hardware) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| md_frogger | | Frogger (USA) | | 1998 | Majesco | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_frogger | | Frogger (USA, Prototype) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| froggereb | | Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg) | frogger | 1992 | bootleg (Eurobed) | Galaxian | |
| cv_frogger2 | | Frogger II: Threedeep! | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| msx_frogadvs | | Frogger's Adventures (HB) | | 2021 | Orazio Cacciola | MSX | |
| cv_frogger | | Frogger | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| frogger | | Frogger | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| frogs | D | Frogs | | 1978 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| nes_frombelow | | From Below (HB, v1.0) | | 2020 | Goose2k | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_slamdunk | | From TV Animation - Slam Dunk - Shouri e no Starting 5 (Japan) | | 1994 | Bandai | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_slamdunkc | | From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Kyougou Makkou Taiketsu! (Hack, Chinese) | md_slamdunk | 200? | Bear Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_slamdunk | | From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Kyougou Makkou Taiketsu! (Japan) | | 1995 | Bandai | Sega Megadrive | |
| frontlin | | Front Line (AA1, 4 PCB version) | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| cv_frontlina | | Front Line (Alt) | cv_frontlin | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| frontlina | | Front Line (FL, 5 PCB version) | frontlin | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| msx_frontlin | | Front Line (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| nes_frontline | | Front Line (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_frontlinb | | Front Line (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_frontlin | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_frontlina | | Front Line (Japan, Alt) | msx_frontlin | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| cv_frntlnsce | | Front Line S.C.E. (Hack, Standard Controller Edition) | cv_frontlin | 2015 | Taito | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| cv_frontlin | | Front Line | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_frostbite | | Frost Bite (HB) | | 1983-2016 | Activision | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| spec_frostbyte | | Frost Byte (48K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_frozpenguin | | Frozen Penguin (48K) | | 1984 | Silversoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fruitmachinesim1 | | Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash Bash (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_fruitmachinesim2 | | Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega Trek (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_fruitpanic | | Fruit Panic (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_fruitsrc | | Fruit Search (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_fruitsrca | | Fruit Search (Japan, Alt) | msx_fruitsrc | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| spec_fkngmili | | Fucking Mili (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | EJVG | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_fudoumyououden | | Fudou Myouou Den (Japan) | nes_demonsword | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| fjbuster | | Fujiyama Buster (Japan) | shogwarr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| nes_fullquietrv | | Full Quiet (HB) | | 2022 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fullquiet | | Full Quiet (Test Cart) (HB, Prototype) | nes_fullquietrv | 2021 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| fullthrl | | Full Throttle (Japan) | topspeed | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| md_funngame | | Fun 'N Games (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_funngameu | | Fun 'N' Games (USA) | md_funngame | 1993 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_funcars | | Fun Car Rally (Prototype) (Hack, Spanish) | md_funcar | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_funcar | | Fun Car Rally (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_funhouse | | Fun House (USA) | | 1991 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| funcube2 | D NW | Funcube 2 (v1.1) | | 2001 | Namco | Newer Seta | Unemulated Sub CPU |
| funcube4 | D NW | Funcube 4 (v1.0) | | 2001 | Namco | Newer Seta | Unemulated Sub CPU |
| spec_fundloath | | Fundamentally Loathsome (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| funkybeeb | | Funky Bee (bootleg, harder) | funkybee | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| funkybee | | Funky Bee | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| fnkyfish | | Funky Fish | | 1981 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_funfungusen | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_funfungusfr | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (French) (128K) (HB) | spec_funfungusen | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_funfungusde | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (German) (128K) (HB) | spec_funfungusen | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_funfungusit | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (Italian) (128K) (HB) | spec_funfungusen | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_funfunguspt | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_funfungusen | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_funfunguses | | Funky Fungus Reloaded (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_funfungusen | 2019-2023 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| funkyjetj | | Funky Jet (Japan, rev 2) | funkyjet | 1992 | Mitchell (Data East Corporation license) | DECO IC16 | |
| funkyjeta2 | | Funky Jet (Korea, prototype?) | funkyjet | 1992 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| funkyjeta | | Funky Jet (World) | funkyjet | 1992 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| funkyjet | | Funky Jet (World, rev 1) | | 1992 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| msx_funmouse | | Funky Mouse (Japan) | | 1984 | ZAP Corp. | MSX | |
| funybublc | | Funny Bubble (Comad version) | funybubl | 1999 | Comad Industry Co Ltd | misc | |
| funybubl | | Funny Bubble | | 1999 | In Chang Electronic Co | misc | |
| funnymou | | Funny Mouse (Japan) | suprmous | 1982 | Taito Corporation (Chuo Co. Ltd license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_funnywld | | Funny World & Balloon Boy (USA) (Unl) | | 1993 | Realtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_fury | | Fury, The (128K) | | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_pitpot | | Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot (Japan, MyCard) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pitpot1 | | Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_pitpot | 1985 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| md_nadiae | | Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Hack, English v1.1) | md_nadia | 2022 | KingMike's Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nadia | | Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_alice | | Fushigi no Yume no Alice (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| md_futbol | | Futbol Argentino 98 - Pasion de Multitudes (Unl) | md_fifa95 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_futbikesim | | Future Bike Simulator (128K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_futknight | | Future Knight (128K) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_futknight | | Future Knight (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_futurelooter | | Future Looter (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| futspy | | Future Spy (315-5061) | | 1984 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| fds_fuuunshoken | | Fuuun Shourin Ken (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_fuuunankoku | | Fuuun Shourin Ken - Ankoku no Maou (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fuzzicalfighter | | Fuzzical Fighter (Hack, English) | | 2000 | WakdHacks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_fuzzicalfighterj | | Fuzzical Fighter (Japan) | nes_fuzzicalfighter | 1991 | Sigma Enterprises | Miscellaneous | |
| md_fxunyuki | | FX Unit Yuki - the Henshin Engine (World) (Unl) | | 2018 | Sarupro | Sega Megadrive | 48 Mbit (6MB) cartridge |
| spec_gloc | | G-LOC (128K) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_gloc | | G-LOC Air Battle (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_gloc | | G-LOC Air Battle (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_glocs | | G-Loc Air Battle (Hack, Spanish) | md_gloc | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_glocj1 | | G-LOC Air Battle (Japan, v0) | gg_gloc | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_glocj | | G-LOC Air Battle (Japan, v1.1) | gg_gloc | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| glocu | | G-LOC Air Battle (US) | gloc | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gloc | | G-LOC Air Battle (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| md_gloc | | G-LOC Air Battle (World) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_glocp | | G-LOC Air Battle (World, Prototype) | md_gloc | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| glocr360j | | G-LOC R360 (Japan) | gloc | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| glocr360 | | G-LOC R360 (World) | gloc | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| msx_gmonkey | | G-Monkey (HB) | | 2008 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | 2 players mode only |
| gstream | | G-Stream G2020 | | 2002 | Oriental Soft Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| gijoea | | G.I. Joe (Asia, AA) | gijoe | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| gijoej | | G.I. Joe (Japan, JAA) | gijoe | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| gijoeua | | G.I. Joe (US, UAA) | gijoe | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| gijoeu | | G.I. Joe (US, UAB) | gijoe | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| gijoe | | G.I. Joe (World, EAB, set 1) | | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| gijoeea | | G.I. Joe (World, EB8, prototype?) | gijoe | 1992 | Konami | GX069 | |
| nes_gijoeareamhe | | G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero (USA) | | 1991 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gijoeatlfa | | G.I. Joe - The Atlantis Factor (USA) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gadgets | | Gadget Twins (Hack, Spanish) | md_gadget | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gadget | | Gadget Twins (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_gaegujan | | Gaegujangi Ggachi (Korea) | | 1993 | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| pce_gaiflamee | | Gai Flame (Hack, English v0.98) | pce_gaiflame | 2022 | Nebulous Translations | PC Engine | |
| pce_gaiflame | | Gai Flame (Japan) | | 1990 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| gaialast | | Gaia - The Last Choice of Earth | | 1999 | SemiCom / XESS | Miscellaneous | |
| gaia | | Gaia Crusaders | | 1999 | Noise Factory | Cave | |
| pce_gaiamons | | Gaia no Monshou (Japan) | | 1988 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| nes_gaiapolis | | Gaiapolis (Asia) (Unl) | | 1990 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| gaiapols | | Gaiapolis (ver EAF) | | 1993 | Konami | GX123 | |
| gaiapolsj | | Gaiapolis (ver JAF) | gaiapols | 1993 | Konami | GX123 | |
| gaiapolsu | | Gaiapolis (ver UAF) | gaiapols | 1993 | Konami | GX123 | |
| md_gaiaress | | Gaiares (Hack, Spanish) | md_gaiares | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gaiares | | Gaiares (Japan, USA) | | 1990 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_gground | | Gain Ground (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ggroundp | | Gain Ground (Euro, Prototype) | sms_gground | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_ggrounds | | Gain Ground (Hack, Spanish) | md_gground | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| ggroundj | | Gain Ground (Japan, 2 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03b) | gground | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| md_gground1p | | Gain Ground (USA, Prototype) | md_gground | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gground | | Gain Ground (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gground | | Gain Ground (World, 3 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03d Rev A) | | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| sms_gboogers | | Galactic Boogers (GlobalHack) | | 2020 | Yeti | Sega Master System | |
| nes_galaccru | | Galactic Crusader (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Sachen / Joy Van | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_galactpr | | Galactic Protector (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_galrevenge | | Galactic Revenge (HB, v3) | | 2018 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| chf_galacticp | | Galactic Space Wars (Prototype) | chf_galactic | 1980 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| chf_galactic | | Galactic Space Wars / Lunar Lander | | 1980 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| galastrm | | Galactic Storm (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gwarrior | | Galactic Warriors | | 1985 | Konami | GX578 | |
| galactica2 | | Galactica-2 (bootleg of Moon Alien Part 2) | moonal2 | 1980 | bootleg (Cirsa) | Galaxian | |
| galaga88a | | Galaga '88 (02-03-88) | galaga88 | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| galaga88j | | Galaga '88 (Japan) | galaga88 | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| pce_galaga88 | | Galaga '88 (Japan) | | 1988 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| galaga88 | | Galaga '88 | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| tg_galaga90 | | Galaga '90 (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_galaga91 | | Galaga '91 (Japan) | gg_galaga2 | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| fds_galaga | | Galaga (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_galaga | | Galaga (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| galagamf | | Galaga (Midway set 1 with fast shoot hack) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| galagamw | | Galaga (Midway set 1) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| galagamk | | Galaga (Midway set 2) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga | | Galaga (Namco rev. B) | | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galagao | | Galaga (Namco) | galaga | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_galaga | | Galaga (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2014 | Namcot | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| sg1k_galaga | | Galaga (Taiwan) | sg1k_segagala | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_galaga | | Galaga - Demons of Death (USA) | | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_galaga2 | | Galaga 2 (Euro) | | 1993 | Namco - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| galaga3a | | Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. C) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga3 | | Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. D) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga3b | | Galaga 3 (GP3) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga3c | | Galaga 3 (set 4) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga3m | | Galaga 3 (set 5) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| neogalag | | Galaga Demo (set 1) | | 2013 | Cristiano Bei/www.iocerom.com | Neo Geo | |
| neogalaga | | Galaga Demo (set 2) | neogalag | 2013 | Cristiano Bei/www.iocerom.com | Neo Geo | |
| md_galahad | | Galahad (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_galahads | | Galahad (Hack, Spanish) | md_galahad | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| galaktron | | Galaktron (Petaco S.A.) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| msx_galaxia | | Galaxia (Euro) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| spec_galaxian | | Galaxian (48K) | | 1984 | Atarisoft | ZX Spectrum | Q: left - W: right - P: fire |
| cv_galaxiana | | Galaxian (Alt) | cv_galaxian | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| galaxbsf | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 1) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxianbl | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxbsf2 | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxianbl2 | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxcirsa | | Galaxian (Cirsa Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Cirsa) | Galaxian | |
| galaxianem | | Galaxian (Electromar Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (Electromar) | Galaxian | |
| galaxiani | | Galaxian (Irem) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Irem license) | Galaxian | |
| fds_galaxian | | Galaxian (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_galaxian | | Galaxian (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| nes_galaxian | | Galaxian (Japan) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_galaxianb | | Galaxian (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_galaxian | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_galaxiana | | Galaxian (Japan, Alt) | msx_galaxian | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| sms_galaxian | | Galaxian (Korea) | | 199? | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| galaxianm | | Galaxian (Midway set 1) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Midway license) | Galaxian | |
| galaxianmo | | Galaxian (Midway set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Midway license) | Galaxian | |
| galaxian | | Galaxian (Namco set 1) | | 1979 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| galaxiana | | Galaxian (Namco set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| galaxrf | | Galaxian (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| galaxianrp | | Galaxian (Rene Pierre bootleg) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Valadon Automation / Rene Pierre) | Galaxian | |
| galaxianbl3 | | Galaxian (Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxiant | | Galaxian (Taito) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Taito license) | Galaxian | |
| nes_galaxiane | | Galaxian Enhanced (Hack) | nes_galaxian | 2016 | TimeLord | Miscellaneous | |
| galaxrcgg | | Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Covadonga Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Covadonga) | Galaxian | |
| galaxrfgg | | Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| galaxianiii | | Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galap4 | | Galaxian Part 4 (hack) | galaxian | 1979 | hack (G.G.I) | Galaxian | |
| galapx | | Galaxian Part X (hack of 'Moon Alien') | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| tst_galx | | Galaxian Test ROM | galaxian | 19?? | <unknown> | Galaxian | |
| galturbo | | Galaxian Turbo (hack of 'Super Galaxians') | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| cv_galaxian | | Galaxian | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| nes_galaxy5000 | | Galaxy 5000 (USA) | | 1991 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| galemp | | Galaxy Empire (bootleg?) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Taito do Brasil) | Galaxian | |
| galaxyfg | | Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors | | 1995 | Sunsoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sms_gforce | | Galaxy Force (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_gforceu | | Galaxy Force (USA) | sms_gforce | 1989 | Activision | Sega Master System | |
| gforce2j | | Galaxy Force 2 (Japan) | gforce2 | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gforce2ja | | Galaxy Force 2 (Japan, Rev A) | gforce2 | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gforce2sd | | Galaxy Force 2 (Super Deluxe unit) | gforce2 | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gforce2 | | Galaxy Force 2 | | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| md_gforce2s | | Galaxy Force II (Hack, Spanish) | md_gforce2 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gforce2a | | Galaxy Force II (World) | md_gforce2 | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gforce2 | | Galaxy Force II (World, Rev. B) | | 1991 | CRI ~ Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| galaxygn | | Galaxy Gunners | | 1989 | Electronic Devices Italy | Miscellaneous | Imperfect sound |
| galwars2 | | Galaxy Wars II (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | 6809 System | |
| galaxyx | | Galaxy X (bootleg of Galaxian) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| nes_galf | | Galf (HB) | | 2018 | Limited Run Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_galivan | | Galivan - Cosmo Police (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_galforce | | Gall Force - Defense of Chaos (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_galforcea | | Gall Force - Defense of Chaos (Japan, Alt) | msx_galforce | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| fds_gallfor | | Gall Force - Eternal Story (Hack, English) | | 2008 | Gil Galad | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_gallforj | | Gall Force - Eternal Story (Japan) | fds_gallfor | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| gallag | | Gallag | galaga | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gallopm72 | | Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) | cosmccop | 1991 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| gallop | | Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M84 hardware) | cosmccop | 1991 | Irem | Irem M84 | |
| galmedes | | Galmedes (Japan) | | 1992 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| galhustl | | Gals Hustler | pgalvip | 1997 | ACE International | EXPRO-02 | |
| galsnew | | Gals Panic (Export, EXPRO-02 PCB) | | 1990 | Kaneko | EXPRO-02 | |
| galsnewj | | Gals Panic (Japan, EXPRO-02 PCB) | galsnew | 1990 | Kaneko (Taito license) | EXPRO-02 | |
| galsnewk | | Gals Panic (Korea, EXPRO-02 PCB) | galsnew | 1990 | Kaneko (Inter license) | EXPRO-02 | |
| galsnewt | | Gals Panic (Taiwan, EXPRO-02 PCB) | galsnew | 1990 | Kaneko | EXPRO-02 | |
| galpanicb | | Gals Panic (ULA protected, set 1) | galpanic | 1990 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpanicc | | Gals Panic (ULA protected, set 2) | galpanic | 1990 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpanica | | Gals Panic (unprotected) | galpanic | 1990 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpanic | | Gals Panic (unprotected, ver. 2.0) | | 1990 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galsnewu | | Gals Panic (US, EXPRO-02 PCB) | galsnew | 1990 | Kaneko | EXPRO-02 | |
| galpani3 | | Gals Panic 3 (Euro) | | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpani3hk | | Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong) | galpani3 | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpani3j | | Gals Panic 3 (Japan) | galpani3 | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpani3k | | Gals Panic 3 (Korea) | galpani3 | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galpani4 | | Gals Panic 4 (Europe) | | 1996 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpani4j | | Gals Panic 4 (Japan) | galpani4 | 1996 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpani4k | | Gals Panic 4 (Korea) | galpani4 | 1996 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanidx | | Gals Panic DX (Asia) | galpani4 | 2001 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpaniex | | Gals Panic EX (Korea) | galpani4 | 2000 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanisa | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Asia) | galpanis | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanis | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, revision 1) | | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanise | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2) | galpanis | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanisj | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Japan, revision 1) | galpanis | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpaniska | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea) | galpanis | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanisk | | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea, revision 1) | galpanis | 1997 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpans2a | | Gals Panic S2 (Asia, version 1.1) | galpans2 | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpans2 | | Gals Panic S2 (Europe, version 3) | | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpans2j | | Gals Panic S2 (Japan) | galpans2 | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpans3 | | Gals Panic S3 (Japan) | | 2002 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpansua | | Gals Panic SU (Korea) | galpans2 | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpanisu | | Gals Panic SU (Korea, Gals Panic 4 re-release) | galpani4 | 2000 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galpansu | | Gals Panic SU (Korea, version 5) | galpans2 | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| galspnbl | | Gals Pinball | | 1996 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_gamble | | Gamble Panic (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_gambler | | Gambler Jikochuushinha (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_gambler | | Gambler Jikochuushinha (Japan) | | 1988 | Game Arts | MSX | |
| md_gambler | | Gambler Jikochuushinha - Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou (Japan) | | 1990 | Game Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_gamebox | | Game Box Serie Esportes Radicais (Brazil) | | 1989 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_ggenie1 | | Game Genie (Euro, USA) | md_ggenie | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ggenie | | Game Genie (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gamenko | | Game no Kandume Otokuyou (Japan) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_gameover | | Game Over (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password Part 2: 65535 |
| spec_gameoverp1 | | Game Over - Part 1 (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gameoverp2 | | Game Over - Part 2 (48K) | spec_gameoverp1 | 1987 | Imagine & Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 18024 |
| spec_gameover21 | | Game Over II - Part 1 (aka Phantis) (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gameover21 | | Game Over II - Part 1 (Euro) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_gameover22 | | Game Over II - Part 2 (aka Phantis) (48K) | spec_gameover21 | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gameover22 | | Game Over II - Part 2 (Euro) | msx_gameover21 | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 18757 |
| nes_gameparty | | Game Party (Japan) | | 1990 | Coconuts | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gameto | | Game Toshokan (Japan, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Need a 'Mega Modem' peripheral to work |
| cv_gpvic20 | | GamePack Vic-20 (HB) | | 2003 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| spec_gamessummered | | Games - Summer Edition, The (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gameswintered | | Games - Winter Edition, The (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_gecd | D NW | Games Express CD Card | | 19?? | Games Express | PC Engine | |
| usg182 | | Games V18.2 | usgames | 1989 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usg185 | | Games V18.5 | usgames | 1990 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usg187c | | Games V18.7C | usgames | 1991 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usg211c | | Games V21.1C | usgames | 1991 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usg251 | | Games V25.1 | usgames | 1991 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usgames | | Games V25.4X | | 1992 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gameswintered | | Games, The - Winter Edition (Euro) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold - Epyx Inc. | MSX | |
| md_wintchal1 | | Games, The: Winter Challenge (Euro, USA) | md_wintchal | 1992 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_gamester81 | | Gamester 81 - The Video Game (HB) | | 2013 | Atari2600.com | ColecoVision | |
| spec_gamex | | Gamex (48K) (HB) | | 2006 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | 2: up, W: down, 9: left, 0: right, M: fire, Z: buy/sell, H: hold |
| ginkun | | Ganbare Ginkun | | 1995 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbaregoemon2 | | Ganbare Goemon 2 (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbaregoemon2c | | Ganbare Goemon 2 (Hack, Spanish v0.99) | nes_ganbaregoemon2 | 2021 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbaregoemon2j | | Ganbare Goemon 2 (Japan) | nes_ganbaregoemon2 | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegai | | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Adventurous Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegaic | | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru (Hack, Spanish v0.99) | nes_ganbagoegai | 2021 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegaij | | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru (Japan) | nes_ganbagoegai | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegai2 | | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Adventurous Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegai2c | D | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou (Hack, Spanish v0.98) | nes_ganbagoegai2 | 2020 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoegai2j | | Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou (Japan) | nes_ganbagoegai2 | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoe | | Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (Hack, English) | | 2010 | Spinner 8 and friends | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoec | | Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (Hack, Spanish) | nes_ganbagoe | 2018 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ganbagoej | | Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (Japan) | nes_ganbagoe | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ggorby | | Ganbare Gorby! (Japan) | gg_factoryp | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_ganbaren | | Ganbare Neo Poke-kun (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_ganbapenrac | | Ganbare Pennant Race! (Japan) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_ganbgolf | | Ganbare! Golf Boys (Japan) | | 1989 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| gangonta | | Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 / Party Time: Gonta the Diver II (Japan Release) | prtytime | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| ganbare | | Ganbare! Marine Kun (Japan 2K0411) | | 2000 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_gandalf | | Gandalf Deluxe (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Speccy Nights | ZX Spectrum | |
| gbusters | | Gang Busters (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| gbustersa | | Gang Busters (set 2) | gbusters | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| ghunters | | Gang Hunter / Dead Angle (Spain) | deadang | 1988 | Seibu Kaihatsu (SegaSA / Sonic license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ghunter | | Gang Hunter / Dead Angle | deadang | 1988 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gangman | | Gang Man (Euro) | | 1988 | Armati Software | MSX | |
| msx_gangmanj | | Gang Man (Japan) | msx_gangman | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| gangwarsb | | Gang Wars (bootleg) | gangwars | 1989 | bootleg | Alpha 68k | |
| gangwarsj | | Gang Wars (Japan) | gangwars | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| gangwarsu | | Gang Wars (US) | gangwars | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| gangwars | | Gang Wars | | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| sms_robocop | | Gangcheol RoboCop (Korea) | | 1992 | Sieco | Sega Master System | |
| sms_gangster | | Gangster Town (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| spec_ganimedes | | Ganimedes (128K) (HB, v1.01) | | 2023 | Nextric | ZX Spectrum | |
| ganryu | | Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki | | 1999 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_gansosai | | Ganso Saiyuuki - Super Monkey Daibouken (Hack, English) | | 2015 | GAFF Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gansosaij | | Ganso Saiyuuki - Super Monkey Daibouken (Japan) | nes_gansosai | 1986 | Vap | Miscellaneous | |
| gaplusd | | Gaplus (GP2 rev D, alternate hardware) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gaplus | | Gaplus (GP2 rev. B) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gaplusa | | Gaplus (GP2) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gapluse | | Gaplus (GP7) | gaplus | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gaplust | | Gaplus (Tecfri PCB) | gaplus | 1992 | bootleg (Tecfri) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gaplus | | Gaplus | | 2020 | Namco - BNEI | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_garbpailkids | | Garbage Pail Kids Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum (HB) | | 2022 | iam8bit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gardenwar | | Garden War (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| gardia | | Gardia (317-0006) | | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| gardiab | | Gardia (317-0007?, bootleg) | gardia | 1986 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| gardiaj | | Gardia (Japan, 317-0006) | gardia | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | System 2 | |
| nes_garfiop | | Garfield - A Week of Garfield OVERHAUL Project (Hack) | nes_garfi | 2022 | Rani Baker | Miscellaneous | Graphics improvement |
| spec_garfield | | Garfield - Big Fat Hairy Deal (48K) | | 1988 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_garfield | | Garfield - Caught in the Act (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_garfield | | Garfield - Caught in the Act (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_garfield2 | | Garfield - Winter's Tail (48K) | | 1990 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_garfi | | Garfield no Isshukan - A Week of Garfield (Japan) | | 1989 | Towa Chiki | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gargosqueii | | Gargoyle's Quest II (USA) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gargoyles | | Gargoyles (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_gargoyle | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gargoyle | | Gargoyles (USA) | | 1995 | Disney Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| garogun | | Garogun Seroyang (Korea) | | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| garoubl | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (bootleg) | garou | 1999 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garoubs | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enable hidden characters, Hack) | garou | 1999 | Ydmis | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garoujq | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enhanced, Hack) | garou | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garouha | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530) | garou | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garouh | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530 ~ NGH-2530) | garou | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garou | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530) | | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| garoup | | Garou - Mark of the Wolves (prototype) | garou | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_garou | | Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) | md_fatfury | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_garou2 | | Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) | md_fatfury2 | 1994 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_garousp | | Garou Densetsu Special (Japan) | gg_fatfursp | 1994 | Takara | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sbtank | | Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) | | 1992 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| garuka | | Garuka (Japan ver. W) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | Minor Video glitches in level 2. |
| spec_glinht | | Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot! (48K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Z' and 'X' to select and 'K' to change options |
| spec_glss | | Gary Lineker's Super Skills (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_glsss | | Gary Lineker's Super Star Soccer (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to use controller |
| garyoret | | Garyo Retsuden (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| gatedoom1 | | Gate of Doom (US revision 1) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| gatedoom | | Gate of Doom (US revision 4) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| cv_apshai | | Gateway to Apshai | | 1984 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| sms_gaudream | | Gaudream (HB, v0.04) | | 2015 | 1985 Alternativo | Sega Master System | |
| spec_gauntlet | | Gauntlet (128K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | In menu use Cursor Keys 5-6-7-8 + SPACE |
| gauntlet2pg1 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 1) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet2pg | | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 4) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet2pj2 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 2) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet2pj | | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 5) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet2pr3 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 3) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet2p | | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 6) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| msx_gauntlet | | Gauntlet (Euro) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | MSX | |
| sms_gauntlet | | Gauntlet (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gauntletg | | Gauntlet (German, rev 10) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletgr3 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 3) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletgr6 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 6) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletgr8 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 8) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| md_gauntlt4j | | Gauntlet (Japan) | md_gauntlt4 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gauntlt4jp | | Gauntlet (Japan, CENSOR Prototype) | md_gauntlt4 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| gauntletj12 | | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 12) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletj | | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 13) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr1 | | Gauntlet (rev 1) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntlet | | Gauntlet (rev 14) | | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr2 | | Gauntlet (rev 2) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr4 | | Gauntlet (rev 4) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr5 | | Gauntlet (rev 5) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr7 | | Gauntlet (rev 7) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gauntletr9 | | Gauntlet (rev 9) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| cv_gauntlet | | Gauntlet (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2019 | Atari Games Ltd. | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| gauntlets | | Gauntlet (Spanish, rev 15) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| nes_gauntlet | | Gauntlet (USA) | | 1988 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gauntlet2 | | Gauntlet II (128K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | In menu use Cursor Keys 5-6-7-8 + SPACE |
| gaunt22pg | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, German) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gaunt22p1 | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 1) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gaunt22p | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 2) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| gaunt2g | | Gauntlet II (German) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| nes_gauntletii | | Gauntlet II (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| gaunt2 | | Gauntlet II | | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet | |
| spec_gauntlet3 | | Gauntlet III - The Final Quest (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Interface 2' to use controller |
| md_gauntlt4a | | Gauntlet IV (Euro, USA, 199308) | md_gauntlt4 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gauntlt4 | | Gauntlet IV (Euro, USA, 199309) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_gearstad | | Gear Stadium (Japan) | gg_batterup | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_gearstah | | Gear Stadium Heiseiban (Japan) | | 1995 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_gearwork | | Gear Works (USA) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_gearsoffate | | Gears of Fate (HB) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| geebeeb | | Gee Bee (Europe) | geebee | 1978 | Namco (F.lli Bertolino license) | Miscellaneous | |
| geebee | | Gee Bee (Japan) | | 1978 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| geebeea | | Gee Bee (UK) | geebee | 1978 | Namco (Alca license) | Miscellaneous | |
| geebeeg | | Gee Bee (US) | geebee | 1978 | Namco (Gremlin license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gegegnokit | | Gegege no Kitarou - Youkai Daimakyou (Japan) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_geimos | | Geimos (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_punpun | | Geki Oko PunPun Maru ((HB, v2015.10.31b) | | 2013-15 | Future Driver | Sega Master System | |
| nes_gekikninden | | Gekikame Ninja Den (Japan) | nes_tmnt | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gekiridnj | | Gekirindan (Ver 2.3J 1995/09/21) | gekiridn | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| gekiridn | | Gekirindan (Ver 2.3O 1995/09/21) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pce_gekisboy | | Gekisha Boy (Japan) | | 1992 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| nes_gekityonbat | | Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (Japan) | | 1989 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gelatinos | | Gelatino - Al Rescate de los Burbujos (Spanish) (HB) | msx_gelatino | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_gelatino | | Gelatino - To Rescue The Bubbles (English) (HB) | | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_gelatino2e | | Gelatino 2 (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_gelatino2f | | Gelatino 2 (French) (HB) | msx_gelatino2e | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_gelatino2i | | Gelatino 2 (Italian) (HB) | msx_gelatino2e | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_gelatino2s | | Gelatino 2 (Spanish) (HB) | msx_gelatino2e | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| spec_gemchaser | | Gem Chaser (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Electric Wolf | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gemchaser2 | | Gem Chaser 2 (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Electric Wolf | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_gemfire | | Gemfire (USA) | | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_gemfire | | Gemfire (USA) | | 1992 | Koei | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_geminiwing | | Gemini Wing (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| geminib | | Gemini Wing (bootleg) | gemini | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| geminij | | Gemini Wing (Japan) | gemini | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| gemini | | Gemini Wing (World) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_gemitas | | Gemitas (HB) | | 2018 | Cyttorak | Sega Master System | |
| md_gems | | GEMS v2.8 | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_gemventure | | GemVenture (HB) | | 2010 | Tom Livac | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_generdigital | | Generacio Digital (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Catalunya Radio | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_genchaos | | General Chaos (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_genchaosj | | General Chaos Daikonsen (Japan) | md_genchaos | 1994 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_genelost | | Generations Lost (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_genesis | | Genesis dawn of a new day (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_genesis | | Genesis: dawn of a new day (HB) | | 2012 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| nes_genghiskhan | | Genghis Khan (USA) | | 1990 | Koei | Miscellaneous | |
| md_genghis2 | | Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA) | | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_bakabonen | | Genius Bakabon, The (Hack, English v1.2) | sms_bakabon | 2023 | FCandChill | Sega Master System | |
| genix | | Genix Family | | 1994 | NIX | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_genjitsu | | Genji Tsuushin Agedama (Japan) | | 1991 | NEC Home Electronics | PC Engine | |
| pce_genpei | | Genpei Toumaden (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| pce_genpemak | | Genpei Toumaden ni no Maki (Japan) | | 1992 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| genpeitd | | Genpei ToumaDen | | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| gensitou | | Genshitou 1930's | prehisle | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| nes_genuinemonkeyc | | Genuine Monkey (China) (Unl) | nes_genuinemonkey | 1999 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_genuinemonkey | | Genuine Monkey (Hack, English) | | 2017 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| geostorm | | Geo Storm (Japan, 014 custom sound CPU) | gunforc2 | 1994 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| md_georgeko | | George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_georgeko | | George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| gg_georgeko | | George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_georgekou | | George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) | md_georgeko | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_georgforskobo | | George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_gerald | | Geraldinho (Brazil) | sms_teddyboy | 19?? | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| nes_germsquash | | Germ Squashers (HB) | | 2015 | 8bit Evolution | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gerrygerm | | Gerry the Germ Goes Body Poppin (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_getmars | | Get Out Of Mars (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | Noentiendo | ZX Spectrum | |
| getstarb1 | | Get Star (bootleg set 1) | grdian | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| getstarb2 | | Get Star (bootleg set 2) | grdian | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| getstarj | | Get Star (Japan) | grdian | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_getemgary | | Get'Em Gary (HB) | | 2016 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_getsufuumaden | | Getsu Fuuma Den (Japan) | nes_legenfum | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ggaleste | | GG Aleste (Japan) | | 1991 | Compile | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ggaleste3 | | GG Aleste 3 (Japan) | | 2020 | M2 Co. | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ggdora | | GG Doraemon - Noranosuke no Yabou (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ggport | | GG Portrait - Pai Chen (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ggport1 | | GG Portrait - Yuuki Akira (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinobi | | GG Shinobi, The (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinobij | | GG Shinobi, The (Japan) | gg_shinobi | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ggtrcn | | GG Turrican (HB, Demo v1.0) | | 2005 | Martin Konrad | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_gherbground | | Gherbert Groundhog in Save the Date (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | PuttyCAD & Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_ghost | | Ghost (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| msx_ghost2017 | | Ghost (HB) | | 2017 | Unepic Fran | MSX | |
| cv_gblaster | | Ghost Blaster (HB) | | 2006 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| ghostbi | | Ghost Busters (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| spec_gcastle | | Ghost Castle (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | CodenameV | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gcastle2 | | Ghost Castle 2 (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Bog Brothers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gcastle2se | | Ghost Castle 2 - Special Edition (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_ghosth | | Ghost House (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ghosthc | | Ghost House (Euro, USA, Brazil, Sega Card) | sms_ghosth | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ghosthj | | Ghost House (Japan, MyCard) | sms_ghosth | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ghosthj1 | | Ghost House (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_ghosth | 1986 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ghosthk | | Ghost House (Korea) | sms_ghosth | 198? | Samsung | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ghosthcp | | Ghost House (Sega Card, Prototype) | sms_ghosth | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_ghosthunters | | Ghost Hunters (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_ghostlion | | Ghost Lion, Legend of the (USA) | | 1992 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_ghostman | | Ghost Manor (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| ghostmun | | Ghost Muncher | puckman | 1981 | bootleg (Leisure and Allied) | Galaxian | |
| gpilotsh | | Ghost Pilots (NGH-020, US) | gpilots | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| gpilots | | Ghost Pilots (NGM-020 ~ NGH-020) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| gpilotsp | | Ghost Pilots (prototype) | gpilots | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cv_ghostrap | | Ghost Trap (HB) | | 2009 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_ghostrev | | Ghost's Revenge (16K) | | 1983 | Micromania | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_theghost | | Ghost, The (Japan) | | 1987 | Teruhiko Matsubara | MSX | |
| spec_ghostb | | Ghostbusters (128K) | | 1984 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ghostb_48 | | Ghostbusters (48K) | spec_ghostb | 1984 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_ghostbst | | Ghostbusters (Euro) | | 1984 | Activision | MSX | |
| sms_ghostbst | | Ghostbusters (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_ghostbsts | | Ghostbusters (Hack, Spanish) | md_ghostbst | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_ghostbst | | Ghostbusters (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2018 | Activision | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_ghostbusters | | Ghostbusters (USA) | | 1988 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ghostbst1 | | Ghostbusters (World) | md_ghostbst | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ghostbst | | Ghostbusters (World, v1.1) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ghostbstse | | Ghostbusters - Special Edition (Hack, v1.1) | md_ghostbst | 2023 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ghostb2 | | Ghostbusters II (128K) (Trainer) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_ghostbs2 | | Ghostbusters II (USA) | | 1989 | Activision | MSX | |
| nes_ghostbustersii | | Ghostbusters II (USA) | | 1990 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ghostbrm | | Ghostbusters Remastered (HB, v1.1) | | 2019 | NesRocks | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ghoste | | ghoSte's Grunge (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Buck | ZX Spectrum | |
| ghostlop | | Ghostlop (prototype) | | 1996 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_ghostlycapers | | Ghostly Capers (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Chopz | ZX Spectrum | |
| gmgalax | | Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) | | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_gng_48 | | Ghosts 'n' Goblins (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| gngbl | | Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg with Cross) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gngbla | | Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg, harder) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gng | | Ghosts'n Goblins (HB, v1.1) | | 2008 | Amusement Factory | MSX | No music, music only available on MSX2 system |
| md_gnghb | | Ghosts'n Goblins (HB, Ver.2021-11-01) (Unl) | | 2021 | Fabrice Fernandez | Sega Megadrive | |
| gngblita | | Ghosts'n Goblins (Italian bootleg, harder) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gngprot | | Ghosts'n Goblins (prototype) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gngt | | Ghosts'n Goblins (US) | gng | 1985 | Capcom (Taito America License) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ghostsngoblinsh | | Ghosts'n Goblins (USA)(Hack, Easy Mode v2.0) | nes_ghostsngoblins | 2019 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ghostsngoblins | | Ghosts'n Goblins (USA) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gng | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gnga | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 2) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gngc | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 3) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_gnz | | Ghosts'n Zombies (HB) | | 2009 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| nes_ghoulgrind | | Ghoul Grind Night of the Necromancer (HB) | | 2021 | WoogWorx | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ghoulschool | | Ghoul School (USA) | | 1992 | Electro Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gng | | Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ghouls1 | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (Euro, USA) | md_ghouls | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ghouls | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_ghouls | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Korea, Rev. A) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ghoulss | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_ghouls | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| ghoulsu | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (US) | ghouls | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sms_ghoulsd | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA, Demo) | sms_ghouls | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| ghouls | | Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) | | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| ghoxj | | Ghox (joystick) | ghox | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| ghoxjo | | Ghox (joystick, older) | ghox | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| ghox | | Ghox (spinner) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| spec_giftgods | | Gift from the Gods (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| gigawinga | | Giga Wing (990222 Asia) | gigawing | 1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| gigawingb | | Giga Wing (990222 Brazil) | gigawing | 1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| gigawingh | | Giga Wing (990222 Hispanic) | gigawing | 1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| gigawingd | | Giga Wing (990222 USA Phoenix Edition) | gigawing | 1999 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| gigawing | | Giga Wing (990222 USA) | | 1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| gigawingjd | | Giga Wing (990223 Japan Phoenix Edition) | gigawing | 1999 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| gigawingj | | Giga Wing (990223 Japan) | gigawing | 1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| gigaman2 | | Gigaman 2: The Power Fighters (bootleg) | megaman2 | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | No Sound (MCU not dumped) |
| gigandesa | | Gigandes (earlier) | gigandes | 1989 | East Technology | Taito X | |
| gigandes | | Gigandes | | 1989 | East Technology | Taito X | |
| gigasb | | Gigas (bootleg) | gigas | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gigas | | Gigas (MC-8123, 317-5002) | | 1986 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| gigasm2b | | Gigas Mark II (bootleg) | gigasm2 | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gigasm2 | | Gigas Mark II (MC-8123, 317-5002) | | 1986 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gilbert128 | | Gilbert - Escape from Drill (128K) | | 1989 | Again Again | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gilbert48 | | Gilbert - Escape from Drill (48K) | spec_gilbert128 | 1989 | Again Again | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gillgold | | Gilligan's Gold (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gimmebright | | Gimme Bright (48K) (HB, v2.0) | | 2011 | Climacus | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_gimmickc | | Gimmick! (Hack, Chinese) | nes_gimmick | 2021 | Lei Jing Ling | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gimmick | | Gimmick! (Japan) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_gingaden | | Ginga Denshou - Galaxy Odyssey (Japan) | | 1986 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| ginganin | | Ginga Ninkyouden (set 1) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| ginganina | | Ginga Ninkyouden (set 2) | ginganin | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| gteikokub | | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 1) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| gteikokub2 | | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 2) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| gteikokub3 | | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 3) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Honly) | Galaxian | |
| gteikoku | | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu | uniwars | 1980 | Irem | Galaxian | |
| cv_ggarden | | Girl's Garden (HB) | | 1984-2010 | Bruce Tomlin - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_girlgard | | Girl's Garden (Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_girlgardt | | Girl's Garden (Taiwan) | sg1k_girlgard | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_gladtr128 | | Gladiator (128K) | | 1986 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gladtr48 | | Gladiator (48K) | spec_gladtr128 | 1986 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| gladiatr | | Gladiator (US) | | 1986 | Allumer / Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| sgladiat | | Gladiator 1984 | | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_glass | | Glass (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Quicksilva | MSX | |
| glass10 | | Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition) (set 1) | glass | 1993 | OMK / Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| glass10a | | Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition) (set 2) | glass | 1993 | OMK / Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| glasskr | | Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Version 1994) (censored, unprotected) | glass | 1994 | OMK / Gaelco (Promat license) | Miscellaneous | |
| glass | | Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Version 1994) | | 1994 | OMK / Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_glazx128 | | GlaZX (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | EugenyN | ZX Spectrum | 2 players mode only |
| spec_glazx48 | | GlaZX (48K) (HB) | spec_glazx128 | 2019 | EugenyN | ZX Spectrum | 2 players mode only |
| md_gleylance | | GleyLancer (Hack, English) | md_gleylanc | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gleylanc | | GleyLancer (Japan) | | 1992 | Masaya - NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gleylancc | | GleyLancer - 30th Edition (Japan) | md_gleylanc | 2019-2022 | Columbus Circle | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_glider | | Glider (Japan) | | 1985 | ZAP | MSX | |
| msx_glidera | | Glider (Japan, Alt) | msx_glider | 1985 | ZAP | MSX | |
| spec_gliderr | | Glider Rider (128K) | | 1987 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| gblchmp | | Global Champion (Ver 2.1A 1994/07/29) | kaiserkn | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| sms_globald | | Global Defense (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_globaldp | | Global Defense (Euro, USA, Prototype) | sms_globald | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_globord | | Global Ordnance (HB) | | 2023 | Fred Rique | MSX | |
| spec_globus | | Globus (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 1987-2017 | Paco Lafuente Sanchis | ZX Spectrum | Unreleased game from 1987 |
| spec_glooptroop | | Gloop Troops (48K) (HB) | | 2011 | Little Shop of Pixels | ZX Spectrum | X: abort current game |
| spec_glooptroopnm | | Gloop Troops - New Maps (48K) (HB) | spec_glooptroop | 2012 | Little Shop of Pixels | ZX Spectrum | X: abort current game |
| nes_heracles2 | | Glory of Heracles II, The - Titans' Downfall (Hack, English v1.31) | | 2016 | The Spoony Bard | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heracles2s | | Glory of Heracles II, The - Titans' Downfall (Hack, Spanish) | nes_heracles2 | 2023 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heracles | | Glory of Heracles, The - Labors of the Divine Hero (Hack, English) | | 2014 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heracless | | Glory of Heracles, The - Labors of the Divine Hero (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_heracles | 2022 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gluf | | GLUF (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_gluf | | GLUF (HB) | | 2020 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_glugglug | | Glug Glug (48K) | | 1984 | CRL Ltd. | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_glukthuwar | | Gluk the Thunder Warrior (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gnasher | | Gnasher (16K) | | 1984 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gnonimh | | GNONI (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | MicroHobby | ZX Spectrum | NB: when use 'Kempston Joys' the fire button crashes the game |
| spec_gnoni | | GNONI 2020 (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2020 | Azimov | ZX Spectrum | |
| go2000 | | Go 2000 | | 2000 | SunA? | Miscellaneous | |
| gogold | | Go For The Gold (Japan) | recordbr | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito H System | |
| yamagchi | | Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun | | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gobenny | | Go! Benny! (Unl) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_godizzygo | | Go! Dizzy Go! (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_goal | | Goal! (USA) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| goalx3 | | Goal! Goal! Goal! | | 1995 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_goaltwo | | Goal! Two (USA) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_goblinen | | Goblin, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_goblin | | Goblin, The (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Hicks & Mananuk | MSX | |
| spec_goblines | | Goblin, The (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_goblinen | 2022 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_godsla | | God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no Sonata (Japan) | nes_crystalis | 1990 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_godkiller | | Godkiller - New Timeline Edition (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2019 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_godkillerintro | | Godkiller - New Timeline Edition - INTRO (128K) (HB, v2) | spec_godkiller | 2019 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_godkiller2 | | Godkiller 2 Exile - New Timeline Edition (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2020 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_godkiller2intro | | Godkiller 2 Exile - New Timeline Edition - INTRO (128K) (HB, v2) | spec_godkiller2 | 2020 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_gods | | Gods (Euro) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_godss | | Gods (Hack, Spanish) | md_gods | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_godsj | | Gods (Japan) | md_gods | 1993 | PCM Complete | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_godsu | | Gods (USA) | md_gods | 1992 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_godsup | | Gods (USA, Prototype) | md_gods | 1992 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| godzilla | | Godzilla (Japan) | | 1993 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_godzilla | | Godzilla (Japan) | | 1984 | Bandai | MSX | |
| msx_godzillaa | | Godzilla (Japan, Alt) | msx_godzilla | 1984 | Bandai | MSX | |
| gg_godzillae | | Godzilla - Kaijuu Daishingeki (Hack, English v1.1) | gg_godzilla | 2019 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_godzilla | | Godzilla - Kaijuu Daishingeki (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_godzi | | Godzilla - Monster of Monsters! (USA) | | 1989 | Toho | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_godzi2 | | Godzilla 2 - War of the Monsters (USA) | | 1992 | Toho | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_godzikun | | Godzilla-kun (Japan) | | 1985 | Toho | MSX | |
| msx_godzikuna | | Godzilla-kun (Japan, Alt) | msx_godzikun | 1985 | Toho | MSX | |
| plegends | | Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95.06.20) | | 1995 | Atlus | Cave | |
| goindolj | | Goindol (Japan) | goindol | 1987 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| goindolu | | Goindol (US) | goindol | 1987 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| goindol | | Goindol (World) | | 1987 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gokiburi | | Gokiburi Daisakusen - Bug Bomb (Japan) | | 1983 | Magicsoft | MSX | |
| sms_dumpmats | | Gokuaku Doumei Dump Matsumoto (Japan) | sms_prowres | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_chukatai | | Gokuraku! Chuka Taisen (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| nes_gggg | | Gold Guardian Gun Girl (HB) | | 2020 | Good Tune | Miscellaneous | |
| goldmedlb | | Gold Medalist (bootleg, Alpha68k III PCB) | goldmedl | 1988 | bootleg | Alpha 68k | |
| goldmedl | | Gold Medalist (set 1, Alpha68k II PCB) | | 1988 | SNK | Alpha 68k | |
| goldmedla | | Gold Medalist (set 2, Alpha68k III PCB) | goldmedl | 1988 | SNK | Alpha 68k | |
| md_golden10 | NW | Golden 10 in 1 (Incomplete Dump) | | 199? | <unlicensed> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_goldenaxe1 | | Golden Axe (128K) | | 1990 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_goldnaxe | | Golden Axe (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_goldnaxes | | Golden Axe (Hack, Spanish) | md_goldnaxe | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnaxep1 | | Golden Axe (Prototype, 19891014) | md_goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnaxep2 | | Golden Axe (Prototype, 19891122) | md_goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| goldnaxe1d | | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0110 set) | goldnaxe | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe1 | | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (FD1094 317-0110) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe2 | | Golden Axe (set 2, US) (8751 317-0112) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe3d | | Golden Axe (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0120 set) | goldnaxe | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe3 | | Golden Axe (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0120) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxejd | | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0121 set) | goldnaxe | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| goldnaxej | | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan) (FD1094 317-0121) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxeud | | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0122 set) | goldnaxe | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| goldnaxeu | | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (FD1094 317-0122) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe | | Golden Axe (set 6, US) (8751 317-123A) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| md_goldnaxe1 | | Golden Axe (World) | md_goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnaxe | | Golden Axe (World, v1.1) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_goldnaxetf | | Golden Axe - Tyris Flare Edition (Hack) | sms_goldnaxe | 2022 | Pyxosoft | Sega Master System | |
| md_goldnax2ec | | Golden Axe II (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_goldnax2 | 2014 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax2s | | Golden Axe II (Hack, Spanish) | md_goldnax2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax2 | | Golden Axe II (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax2p | | Golden Axe II (World, Prototype) | md_goldnax2 | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax3 | | Golden Axe III (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax3s | | Golden Axe III (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_goldnax3 | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnax3j | | Golden Axe III (Japan) | md_goldnax3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_goldenaxeiii | | Golden Axe III (Unl) | | 2005 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| md_goldnax3nc | | Golden Axe III - New Character (Hack, v9) | md_goldnax3 | 2020 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goldnaxeplus | | Golden Axe Plus (Hack, v2.0) | md_goldnaxe | 2022 | YoSoyNacho | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_gaxewarr | | Golden Axe Warrior (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_gaxewarrc | | Golden Axe Warrior (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_gaxewarr | 2013 | Pikachumanson | Sega Master System | |
| ga2j | | Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (Japan) | ga2 | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| ga2u | | Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (US, Rev A) | ga2 | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| ga2 | | Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World, Rev B) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| gcastle | | Golden Castle (prototype?) | gladiatr | 1986 | Allumer / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gfire2 | | Golden Fire II | | 1992 | Topis Corp | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_goldenfive | | Golden Five (Pegasus 5-in-1) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97v120 | | Golden Tee '97 (v1.20) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97v121 | | Golden Tee '97 (v1.21) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97s121 | | Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97v122 | | Golden Tee '97 (v1.22) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97 | | Golden Tee '97 (v1.30) | | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97t240 | | Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.40) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt97t243 | | Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.43) | gt97 | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98v100 | | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98c100 | | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00C) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98s100 | | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00S) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98 | | Golden Tee '98 (v1.10) | | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98t302 | | Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt98t303 | | Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.03) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt99 | | Golden Tee '99 (v1.00) | | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt99s100 | | Golden Tee '99 (v1.00S) | gt99 | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt99t400 | | Golden Tee '99 Tournament (v4.00) | gt99 | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt2kp100 | | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) (alt protection) | gt2k | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt2k | | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) | | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt2ks100 | | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00S) | gt2k | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt2kt500 | | Golden Tee 2K Tournament (v5.00) | gt2k | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dv14 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.4) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dv15 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.5) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dv16 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.6) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dv17 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.7) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dv18 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.8) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dl191 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.91L) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dl192 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92L) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3ds192 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92S) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3d | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N) | | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dl19 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.9L) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dt211 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.11) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gt3dt231 | | Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.31) | gt3d | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtclasscp | | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) (alt protection) | gtclassc | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtclassc | | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) | | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtclasscs | | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00S) | gtclassc | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtdiamond | | Golden Tee Diamond Edition Tournament (v3.05T ELC) | gt98 | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtroyal | | Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament (v4.02T EDM) | gt99 | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| gtsupreme | | Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament (v5.10T ELC S) | gt2k | 2002 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_golf | | Golf (Japan) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_golf | | Golf (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_golfjapcou | | Golf - Japan Course (Japan) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_golfuscourse | | Golf - US Course (Japan) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_golfgame | | Golf Game (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_golfgsj | | Golf Grand Slam (Japan) | nes_golfgs | 1991 | HECT | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_golfgs | | Golf Grand Slam (USA) | | 1991 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_golfaman | | Golfamania (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_golfamanp | | Golfamania (Prototype) | sms_golfaman | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_golgo13 | | Golgo 13 (HB) | | 1984-2011 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_golgo13 | | Golgo 13 (Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_golgo13sc | | Golgo 13 - Daiisshou - Kamigami no Tasogare (T-Chi) | nes_golgo13 | 2021 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_golgo13c | | Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (Hack, Spanish) | nes_golgo13 | 2021 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_golgo13 | | Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (USA) | | 1988 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| gollygho | NW | Golly! Ghost! | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sms_golvell | | Golvellius (Euro, USA) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_golvellen | | Golvellius (Hack, English) | msx_golvell | 2008 | Novalia Spirit | MSX | |
| sms_golvellc | | Golvellius (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_golvell | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| msx_golvell | | Golvellius (Japan) | | 1987 | Compile | MSX | |
| msx_gommydx | | Gommy - Medieval Dedender (Deluxe Version) (HB) | | 2013 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| msx_gommyen | | Gommy - Medieval Defender (English) (HB) | msx_gommydx | 2013 | Retroworks/Dimension Z/Nenefranz | MSX | |
| msx_gommyes | | Gommy - Medieval Defender (Spanish) (HB) | msx_gommydx | 2013 | Retroworks/Dimension Z/Nenefranz | MSX | |
| spec_gommyen | | Gommy Defensor Medieval (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gommyes | | Gommy Defensor Medieval (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_gommyen | 2009 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gomokuna | | Gomoku Narabe (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_gomokunaa | | Gomoku Narabe (Japan, Alt) | msx_gomokuna | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| nes_gomokuc | | Gomoku Narabe Renju (Hack, Chinese) | nes_gomoku | 2020 | Yan Yu Mao Mao | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gomoku | | Gomoku Narabe Renju (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Psyklax | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gomokuj | | Gomoku Narabe Renju (Japan) | nes_gomoku | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_gomola | | Gomola Speed (Japan) | | 1990 | UPL | PC Engine | |
| imsorryj | | Gonbee no I'm Sorry (315-5110, Japan) | imsorry | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| gondou | | Gondomania (US) | gondo | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| gondo | | Gondomania (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| ironfortc | | Gongtit Jiucoi Iron Fortress (Hong Kong) | ironfort | 1998 | Eolith (Excellent Competence Ltd. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gonzzalezz | | Gonzzalezz (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_gonzzalezz1 | | Gonzzalezz Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gonzzalezz2 | | Gonzzalezz Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_gonzzalezz1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gnkanga | | Good Night Kanga (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Gabriele Amore - Factor 6 | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_goody | | Goody (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_goodyes | | Goody (Spanish) (128K) | | 1987 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_goodyrecolour | | Goody Recoloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_goodyes | 2012 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_goofys | | Goofy's Hysterical History Tour (Hack, Spanish) | md_goofy | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_goofy | | Goofy's Hysterical History Tour (USA) | | 1993 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_goonies | | Goonies (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2012 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_gooniesiithec | | Goonies II, The (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_gooniesiithe | 2018 | Darkchaosblast | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gooniesiithe | | Goonies II, The (USA) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_goonies | | Goonies, The (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | It's not a malfunction, the bg-music is horrible! |
| nes_gooniesc | | Goonies, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_goonies | 2018 | Darkchaosblast | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_goonies | | Goonies, The (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_goonies | | Goonies, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_goonies | | Goonies, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gooniesb | | Goonies, The (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_goonies | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gooniesa | | Goonies, The (Japan, Alt) | msx_goonies | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| goori | | Goori Goori | | 1999 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gorbynopipdai | | Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen (Japan) | | 1991 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_gorf | | Gorf | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| msx_ggeftsdp | | Gorgeous Gemma in Escape from the Space Disposal Planet (HB) | | 2013 | Impulse9 | MSX | |
| gorkans | | Gorkans | mrtnt | 1983 | Techstar | Pac-man | |
| gorodki | | Gorodki | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| gotcha | | Got-cha Mini Game Festival | | 1997 | Dongsung / Para | Miscellaneous | |
| gotya | | Got-Ya (12/24/1981) | thehand | 1981 | T.I.C. (Game-A-Tron license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gotcha | | Gotcha! - The Sport! (USA) | | 1987 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gothik | | Gothik (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_gotris | | Gotris (HB, v0.8) | sms_gotrisfv | 2018 | 1985 Alternativo | Sega Master System | |
| sms_gotrisfv | | Gotris (HB, v1.3p) | | 2021-22 | Tuxedo Games | Sega Master System | |
| plegendsj | | Gouketsuji Gaiden - Saikyou Densetsu (Japan, Ver. 95.06.20) | plegends | 1995 | Atlus | Cave | |
| md_gouketsuec | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_gouketsu | 2023 | Dolsilwa | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gouketsu | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan) | | 1994 | Atlus | Sega Megadrive | |
| powerinsj | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinspj | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan, prototype) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pwrinst2j | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2 (Japan, Ver. 94.04.08) | pwrinst2 | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | |
| ryorioh | | Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh CooKing (Japan) | | 1998 | Visco | SSV | |
| sms_gprider | | GP Rider (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_gprider | | GP Rider (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_gpriderj | | GP Rider (Japan) | gg_gprider | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gpriderj | | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (Twin setup) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | Single version only |
| gpriderjs | | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| gg_gpriderp | | GP Rider (Prototype, 19940104) | gg_gprider | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gprideru | | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (Twin setup) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | Single version only |
| gpriderus | | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| gprider | | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (Twin setup) | | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | Single version only |
| gpriders | | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| cv_gpworld | | GP World (HB) | | 1985-2021 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_gpworld | | GP World (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_gpworlda | | GP World (Japan, v0) | sg1k_gpworld | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_gpworld | | GP World (Japan, v1) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_gpworldt | | GP World (Taiwan) | sg1k_gpworld | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| gradiusb | | Gradius (Bubble System) | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gradiusj | | Gradius (Japan) | nes_gradius | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_gradius | | Gradius (Japan) | | 1991 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| gradius | | Gradius (Japan, ROM version) | nemesis | 1985 | Konami | GX456 | |
| pce_gradiusmini | | Gradius (PC-Engine Mini Ed.) | pce_gradius | 2020 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| cv_gradius | | Gradius (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2016 | Opcode Games - Konami | ColecoVision | |
| nes_gradius | | Gradius (USA) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gradiusii | | Gradius II (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gradiusiiacd | | Gradius II - Arrangement Chronicle Death (Hack, v2.0) | nes_gradiusii | 2019 | Messatu | Miscellaneous | |
| gradius2 | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan New Ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius2a | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Old Ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius2b | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Older Ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius3a | | Gradius III (Asia) | gradius3 | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gradius3j | | Gradius III (Japan, program code S) | gradius3 | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gradius3js | | Gradius III (Japan, program code S, split) | gradius3 | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gradius3 | | Gradius III (World, program code R) | | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| sms_grailgods | | Grail of The Gods (HB, v0.46) | | 2023 | Guydebaville | Sega Master System | |
| nes_granavesubla | | Gran Aventura Submarina, La (Spain) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gt5 | | Gran Turismo 5 (Russia) (Unl) | md_funcar | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_granadas | | Granada (Hack, Spanish) | md_granada | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_granada1 | | Granada (Japan, USA) | md_granada | 1990 | Renovation ~ Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_granada | | Granada (Japan, USA, v1.1) | | 1990 | Renovation ~ Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_granadap | | Granada (REV01 Prototype) | md_granada | 1990 | Renovation ~ Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_grandmaster | | Grand Master (Hack, English) | | 2013 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_grandmasterjc | | Grand Master (Hack, Spanish) | nes_grandmaster | 2021 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_grandmasterj | | Grand Master (Japan) | nes_grandmaster | 1991 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_grandmasterc | | Grand Master (T-Chi, v1.1) | nes_grandmaster | 2021 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gpcircuit | | Grand Prix Circuit (128K) | | 1990 | Accolade | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gpsimulator1 | | Grand Prix Simulator (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gpsimii128 | | Grand Prix Simulator 2 (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_gpsimii48 | | Grand Prix Simulator 2 (48K) | spec_gpsimii128 | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| f1gpstar2 | | Grand Prix Star (ver 2.0) | f1gpstar | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpstar3 | | Grand Prix Star (ver 3.0) | f1gpstar | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpstar | | Grand Prix Star (ver 4.0) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| gstrik2 | | Grand Striker 2 (Europe and Oceania) | | 1996 | Human Amusement | Miscellaneous | ROZ layer broken |
| gstrik2j | D | Grand Striker 2 (Japan) | gstrik2 | 1996 | Human Amusement | Miscellaneous | ROZ layer broken |
| grndtour | | Grand Tour | | 1993 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| md_grandslj | | GrandSlam - The Tennis Tournament '92 (Japan) | md_grandsl | 1992 | Nihon Telenet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_grandsl | | GrandSlam - The Tennis Tournament (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cgraplop2 | | Graplop (DECO Cassette) (US) (Prototype?) | cgraplop | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| grasspin | | Grasspin | | 1983 | Zilec Electronics / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| gratiaa | | Gratia - Second Earth (ver 1.0, 91022-10 version) | gratia | 1996 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| gratia | | Gratia - Second Earth (ver 1.0, 92047-01 version) | | 1996 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| nes_gravedude | | Graveyard Dude (HB) | | 2022 | Rani Baker | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gravibots | | GraviBots (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' and 'Enter' to select options |
| md_gravibots | | GraviBots (HB) | | 2021 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| gravitar1 | | Gravitar (version 1) | gravitar | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| gravitar2 | | Gravitar (version 2) | gravitar | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| gravitar | | Gravitar (version 3) | | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gravitica | | Gravitica (HB, v1.1) | | 2018 | Yusuke Miyauchi | MSX | |
| sms_gravbeam | | Gravity Beam: Master Gaiden (HB, v1.01) | | 2013 | Neko-MrD | Sega Master System | |
| gtmr2u | | Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18) | gtmr2 | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmre | | Great 1000 Miles Rally: Evolution Model!!! (94/09/06) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmrusa | | Great 1000 Miles Rally: U.S.A Version! (94/09/06) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| sms_greatbas | | Great Baseball (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatbasj | | Great Baseball (Japan, MyCard) | sms_greatbas | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatbasj1 | | Great Baseball (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_greatbas | 1985 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatbsk | | Great Basketball (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_greatbatcyb | | Great Battle Cyber (Japan) | | 1992 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_greatbox | | Great Boxing - Rush Up (Japan) | nes_worldchamp | 1990 | Visco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_greatcirj | | Great Circus Mystery - Mickey to Minnie Magical Adventure 2 (Japan) | md_mickeycm | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mickeycms | | Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_mickeycm | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mickeycm | | Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA) | | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_greatesc | | Great Escape, The (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_greatftb | | Great Football (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatglf | | Great Golf (Euro, USA) ~ Masters Golf (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatglf1 | | Great Golf (Euro, USA, v1.0) | sms_greatglf | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatglj | | Great Golf (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatglk | | Great Golf (Korea) | sms_greatglj | 19?? | Samsung? | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatglfp | | Great Golf (Prototype) | sms_greatglf | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_greatgurian | | Great Gurianos (48K) | | 1991 | Hit-Pak | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_greatice | | Great Ice Hockey (Japan, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gmahou | | Great Mahou Daisakusen (000121 Japan) | dimahoo | 2000 | 8ing / Raizing / Capcom | CPS2 | |
| gslgr94j | | Great Sluggers '94 (Japan) | gslgr94u | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| gslgr94u | | Great Sluggers '94 | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| gslugrsj | | Great Sluggers (Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| sms_greatscr | | Great Soccer (Euro) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatscrc | | Great Soccer (Euro, Sega Card) | sms_greatscr | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatscrj | | Great Soccer (Japan, MyCard) | sms_greatscr | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatscrtw | | Great Soccer (Taiwan) | sms_greatscr | 198? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| nes_greattank | | Great Tank (Japan) | nes_irontan | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_greattns | | Great Tennis (Japan, MyCard) | sms_stennis | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatvol | | Great Volleyball (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_greatvolj | | Great Volleyball (Japan) | sms_greatvol | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_waldo | | Great Waldo Search, The (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_greatwalsea | | Great Waldo Search, The (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ghw | | Greatest Heavyweights (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ghwj | | Greatest Heavyweights (Japan) | md_ghw | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ghwu | | Greatest Heavyweights (USA) | md_ghw | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_gberet_48 | | Green Beret (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| gberetb | NW | Green Beret (bootleg) | gberet | 1985 | bootleg | GX577 | needs correct PROM decoding |
| msx_gberet | | Green Beret (Euro) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gbereta | | Green Beret (Euro, Alt) | msx_gberet | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| fds_greenberet | | Green Beret (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gberetk | | Green Beret (Korea) (Unl) | msx_gberet | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_gberetrmk | | Green Beret Remake (HB, v2) | | 2022 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| gberet | | Green Beret | | 1985 | Konami | GX577 | |
| gg_greendog | | Greendog (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_greendog | | Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude! (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_greendogs | | Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude! (Hack, Spanish) | md_greendog | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_gngolfp | | Greg Norman's Golf Power (USA) | | 1992 | Gremlin Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_greglhc | | Gregory Loses His Clock (48K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_grellandfalla | | Grell and Falla (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_gremlins | | Gremlins (GlobalHack) | nes_hudsonhawk | 2016 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gremlinsadv | | Gremlins - The Adventure (48K) | | 1985 | Adventure International | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gremlins2 | | Gremlins 2 - La Nueva Generacion (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_gremlins2 | | Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (48K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft - Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | In options menu use Q, A and Space |
| nes_greml2 | | Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (USA) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| gseekeru | | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3A) | gseeker | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| gseekerj | | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3J) | gseeker | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| gseeker | | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| msx_gridtrap | | Grid Trap (Euro) | | 1985 | Livewire Software | MSX | |
| msx_gridwars | | Grid Wars (HB) | | 2006 | Emma Six | MSX | |
| gridlee | | Gridlee | | 1983 | Videa | Miscellaneous | |
| md_grielqst | | Griel's Quest for the Holy Porron (HB) | | 2017 | Oook!Lab | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_griel | | Griel's Quest for the Sangraal (HB) | | 2005 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| msx_grielex | | Griel's Quest for the Sangraal - Extended Version (HB) | msx_griel | 2005 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| gg_griffin | | Griffin (Japan) | | 1991 | Riot | Sega Game Gear | |
| griffon | | Griffon (Videotron bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Videotron) | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_grimez80 | | Grime Z80 (HB) | | 2018 | Chibi Akumas | Sega Master System | |
| md_grindsts | | Grind Stormer (Hack, Spanish) | md_grindst | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| grindstma | | Grind Stormer (older set) | grindstm | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| md_grindst | | Grind Stormer (USA) | | 1994 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| grindstm | | Grind Stormer | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| grobda | | Grobda (New Ver.) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| grobda2 | | Grobda (Old Ver. set 1) | grobda | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| grobda3 | | Grobda (Old Ver. set 2) | grobda | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| groundfx | | Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation | K1100744A | |
| md_growls | | Growl (Hack, Spanish) | md_growl | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| growlu | | Growl (US) | growl | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| md_growl | | Growl (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| growla | | Growl (World) | growl | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| growlp | | Growl (World, prototype) | growl | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| growl | | Growl (World, Rev 1) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| nes_gruni | | Gruniozerca (HB) | | 2017 | Lukasz Kur | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gruni2 | | Gruniozerca 2 - The Great Cavy Rescue! (HB) | | 2019 | Lukasz Kur & M-Tee | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gruni3 | | Gruniozerca 3 - The Great Cavy Clean-Up! (HB) | | 2019 | Lukasz Kur & M-Tee | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gryzor128 | | Gryzor (128K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: jump - SPACE+down: climb down |
| spec_gryzor48 | | Gryzor (48K) | spec_gryzor128 | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: jump - SPACE+down: climb down |
| gryzor | | Gryzor (set 1) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| gryzor1 | | Gryzor (set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| grdian | | Guardian (US) | | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Kitkorp license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_guardleg | | Guardian Legend, The (USA) | | 1989 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| grdnstrmg | | Guardian Storm (Germany) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| grdnstrmau | | Guardian Storm (horizontal, Australia) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| grdnstrm | | Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted) | | 1998 | Afega (Apples Industries license) | NMK16 | |
| grdnstrmv | | Guardian Storm (vertical) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega (Apples Industries license) | NMK16 | |
| spec_guardian | | Guardian, The (48K) | | 1983 | PSS | ZX Spectrum | |
| grdiansy | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (Evil, Hack) | grdians | 2024 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| grdianls | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (LBS Super, Hack) | grdians | 2021 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| grdiansl | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (LBS, Hack) | grdians | 2023 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| grdians | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P-FG01-1 PCB) | | 1995 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | Newer Seta | |
| grdiansa | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P0-113A PCB) | grdians | 1995 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | Newer Seta | |
| grdiansp | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (Plus, Hack) | grdians | 2023 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| grdiands | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (Pro, Hack) | grdians | 2024 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| grdianke | | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (Reverie, Hack) | grdians | 2022 | hack | Newer Seta | |
| msx_guardic | | Guardic (Japan) | | 1986 | Compile | MSX | |
| msx_guardica | | Guardic (Japan, Alt) | msx_guardic | 1986 | Compile | MSX | |
| cv_guardic | | Guardic (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2018 | Opcode Games - Compile | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| nes_guardicgaidenc | | Guardic Gaiden (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_guardleg | 2017 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_guardicgaiden | | Guardic Gaiden (Japan) | nes_guardleg | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_guerrillawar | | Guerrilla War (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| gwarb | | Guerrilla War (Joystick hack bootleg) | gwar | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gwar | | Guerrilla War (US) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_guerrillawar | | Guerrilla War (USA) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| gwara | | Guerrilla War (Version 1, set 1) | gwar | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| gwarab | | Guerrilla War (Version 1, set 2) | gwar | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| gwarj | | Guevara (Japan) | gwar | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_guevara | | Guevara (Japan) | nes_guerrillawar | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfstrmk | | Gulf Storm (Korea) | gulfstrm | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfstrmm | | Gulf Storm (Media Shoji) | gulfstrm | 1991 | Dooyong (Media Shoji license) | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfstrm | | Gulf Storm (set 1) | | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfstrma | | Gulf Storm (set 2) | gulfstrm | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfstrmb | | Gulf Storm (set 3) | gulfstrm | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfwar2 | | Gulf War II (set 1) | | 1991 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| gulfwar2a | | Gulf War II (set 2) | gulfwar2 | 1991 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_gulkave | | Gulkave (HB) | | 1986-2012 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_gulkave | | Gulkave (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_gulkave | | Gulkave (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_gulkavea | | Gulkave (Japan, Alt) | msx_gulkave | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_gulkavek | | Gulkave (Korea) | msx_gulkave | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| sg1k_gulkavek | | Gulkave (Korea) | sg1k_gulkave | 198? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| gulunpa | | Gulun.Pa! (Japan 931220 L) (prototype) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| gumbo | | Gumbo | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gumshoe | | Gumshoe (USA) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| gunfront | | Gun & Frontier (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| gunball | | Gun Ball (Japan) | nitrobal | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| gunbuletj | | Gun Bullet (Japan, GN1) | ptblank | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| gunbuletw | | Gun Bullet (World, GN3 Rev B) | ptblank | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| gundl94 | | Gun Dealer '94 | | 1994 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gunforc2 | | Gun Force II (US) | | 1994 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| msx_gunfrght | | Gun Fright (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| msx_gunfrghta | | Gun Fright (Japan, Alt) | msx_gunfrght | 1986 | A.C.G. | MSX | |
| cv_gunfright | | Gun Fright (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2019 | Opcode Games - Jaleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| gunfrontj | | Gun Frontier (Japan) | gunfront | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| bangj | | Gun Gabacho (Japan) | bang | 1998 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| gunmast | | Gun Master | | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunnacc | | Gun Nac (Hack, Chinese) | nes_gunnac | 2013 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunnact | | Gun Nac (Hack, English) | nes_gunnac | 2017 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunnacj | | Gun Nac (Japan) | nes_gunnac | 1990 | Tonkin House | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunnac | | Gun Nac (USA) | | 1991 | Nexoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunsight | | Gun Sight (Japan) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_gunstreamcv | | Gun Stream Challenge Version (HB) | | 2023 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_gundecc | | Gun-Dec (Hack, Chinese) | nes_vice | 2019 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gundec | | Gun-Dec (Hack, English) | nes_vice | 2015 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gundecj | | Gun-Dec (Japan) | nes_vice | 1991 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeg | | Gun.Smoke (Germany, 1985-11-15, censored) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunsmokec | | Gun.Smoke (Hack, Chinese) | nes_gunsmoke | 2019 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_gunsmoke | | Gun.Smoke (Japan) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokej | | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gunsmoke | | Gun.Smoke (Korea) (Unl) | | 1990 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| sms_gunsmoke | | Gun.Smoke (Korea) | | 1990 | ProSoft | Sega Master System | |
| gunsmokeub | | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 1) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom (Romstar License) | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeuc | | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom (Romstar License) | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeua | | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-01-20) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom (Romstar License) | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeu | | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) | gunsmoke | 1986 | Capcom (Romstar License) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gunsmoke | | Gun.Smoke (USA) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeb | | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (bootleg) | gunsmoke | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmoke | | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gnbarich | | Gunbarich | | 2001 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| gunbirdj | | Gunbird (Japan) | gunbird | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| gunbirdk | | Gunbird (Korea) | gunbird | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| gunbird | | Gunbird (World) | | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| gunbird2 | | Gunbird 2 (set 1) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS5 | |
| gunbird2a | | Gunbird 2 (set 2) | gunbird2 | 1998 | Psikyo | PS5 | |
| tg_gunboat | | Gunboat (USA) | | 1992 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gunbustrj | | Gunbuster (Japan) | gunbustr | 1992 | Taito Corporation | K11J0717A | |
| gunbustru | | Gunbuster (US) | gunbustr | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | K11J0717A | |
| gunbustr | | Gunbuster (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | K11J0717A | |
| gundharac | | Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?) | gundhara | 1995 | Banpresto | Seta | |
| gundhara | | Gundhara | | 1995 | Banpresto | Seta | |
| md_gun3in1 | | Gunfight 3 in 1 (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1998 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| gunforcej | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Japan) | gunforce | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| gunforceu | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US) | gunforce | 1991 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| gunforce | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| spec_gunfright | | Gunfright (48K) | | 1986 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_gunhawk | | Gunhawk (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Skyboy Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gunhead | | Gunhead (128K) | | 1990 | Hellenic | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_gunhed | | GunHed (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_gunhed | | Gunhed - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) | | 1990 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_gunhedht | | GunHed - Hudson GunHed Taikai (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_gunhedfx | | GunHed FX1 (Hack) | pce_gunhed | 2016 | Phase | PC Engine | |
| gunlocko | | Gunlock (Ver 2.0O 1993/12/15) | gunlock | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| gunlock | | Gunlock (Ver 2.3O 1994/01/20) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| gunnail | | GunNail (28th May. 1992) | | 1993 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| gunnailp | | GunNail (location test) | gunnail | 1992 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| spec_gunship | | Gunship (128K) | | 1987 | MicroProse Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_gunship | | Gunship (Euro) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_gunsmokee | | Gunsmoke (Euro) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | At title & options screen turn the Tape to Side B |
| spec_gunstar | | Gunstar (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_gunstar | | Gunstar Heroes (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gunstarc | | Gunstar Heroes (Hack, Chinese) | md_gunstar | 2018 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gunstars | | Gunstar Heroes (Hack, Spanish) | md_gunstar | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_gunstar | | Gunstar Heroes (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_gunstarj | | Gunstar Heroes (Japan) | md_gunstar | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gunstarjs | | Gunstar Heroes (Japan, Sample) | md_gunstar | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gunstaru | | Gunstar Heroes (USA) | md_gunstar | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_guntner | | GunTneR (HB) | | 2022 | langel | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_guntus | | Guntus (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sg1k_guntus | | Guntus (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_gurulogic | | Guru Logic (HB, v2) | | 2003 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| gururin | | Gururin | | 1994 | Face | Neo Geo MVS | |
| gussun | | Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) | riskchal | 1993 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| cv_gustbust | | Gust Buster | | 1983 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| gutsn | | Guts'n (Japan) | | 2000 | Kaneko / Kouyousha | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| gutangtn | | Guttang Gottong | locomotn | 1982 | Konami (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_guttblst | | Guttblaster (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| spec_gutz | | Gutz (48K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| guwange | | Guwange (Japan, 1999 6/24 Master Ver 16:55) | | 1999 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| guwanges | | Guwange (Japan, 2000 7/ 7 Special Ver 13:22) | guwange | 1999 | Cave (Atlus license) | Cave | |
| sg1k_guzzler | | Guzzler (Japan, OMV) | | 1983 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_guzzlert | | Guzzler (Taiwan) | sg1k_guzzler | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| guzzler | | Guzzler | | 1983 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_gvolcano | | GVolcano (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| galap2 | | GX Part 2 (hack of Galaxian) | galaxian | 1979 | hack (International Scientific) | Galaxian | |
| pbancho | | Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 1) | | 1996 | Fuuki | Miscellaneous | |
| pbanchoa | | Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 2) | pbancho | 1996 | Fuuki | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gynoug | | Gynoug (Euro) | | 1991 | NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_gynougj | | Gynoug (Japan) | md_gynoug | 1991 | NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_gyroadv | | Gyro Adventure (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia, Colpax, Universal | MSX | |
| msx_gyrodine | | Gyrodine (Japan) | | 1986 | Nidecom | MSX | |
| nes_gyrodine | | Gyrodine (Japan) | | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gyrodinek | | Gyrodine (Korea) (Unl) | msx_gyrodine | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| gyrodinet | | Gyrodine (Taito Corporation license) | gyrodine | 1984 | Crux (Taito Corporation license) | Miscellaneous | |
| gyrodine | | Gyrodine | | 1984 | Crux | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gyromite | | Gyromite (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gyromitese | | Gyromite Special Edition (Hack) | nes_gyromite | 2014 | the jabu | Miscellaneous | This hack allows to play the game on a traditional controller |
| gyrussb | | Gyruss (bootleg?) | gyruss | 1983 | bootleg? | GX347 | |
| gyrussce | | Gyruss (Centuri) | gyruss | 1983 | Konami (Centuri license) | GX347 | |
| nes_gyrussc | | Gyruss (Hack, Chinese) | nes_gyruss | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_gyruss | | Gyruss (Hack, English) | | 2021 | Stardust Crusader | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_gyruss1 | | Gyruss (Japan) | fds_gyruss | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_gyruss | | Gyruss (USA) | | 1984 | Parker Bros. | MSX | |
| nes_gyruss | | Gyruss (USA) | | 1989 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_gyruss | | Gyruss | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| gyruss | | Gyruss | | 1983 | Konami | GX347 | |
| spec_hatehate | | H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (48K) | | 1989 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hero | | H.E.R.O. (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | Press a Num Key to select difficulty level and start game |
| sg1k_hero | | H.E.R.O. (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_heroret128 | | H.E.R.O. Returns (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gusivision | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_heroret48 | | H.E.R.O. Returns (48K) (HB) | spec_heroret128 | 2020 | Gusivision | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_hero | | H.E.R.O. | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| msx_habilit | | Habilit (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Iber Soft | MSX | |
| hachamf | NW | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) | | 1991 | NMK | NMK16 | Use the unprotected bootleg, instead! |
| hachamfa | NW | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 2) | hachamf | 1991 | NMK | NMK16 | Use the unprotected bootleg, instead! |
| hachamfb | | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, unprotected, bootleg Thunder Dragon conversion) | hachamf | 1991 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| hachamfp | | Hacha Mecha Fighter (Location Test Prototype, 19th Sep. 1991) | hachamf | 1991 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| hachoo | | Hachoo! (set 1) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| hachooa | | Hachoo! (set 2) | hachoo | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| nes_hackmatch | | Hack*Match (HB) | | 2021 | Zachtronics | Miscellaneous | Original game by Juice (1990) |
| spec_hadesnebula | | Hades Nebula (48K) | | 1987 | Nexus Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mrhair | | Hair Raising Adventures of Mr Hair, The (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Lee Stevenson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hairyfly | | Hairy Fly, The (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Chopz | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_hajafuin | | Haja no Fuuin (Japan) | sms_miracle | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_hakken128a | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken48a | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 1 (48K) (HB) | spec_hakken128a | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken128b | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 2 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken48b | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 2 (48K) (HB) | spec_hakken128b | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken128c | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 3 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken48c | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 3 (48K) (HB) | spec_hakken128c | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken128d | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 4 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| spec_hakken48d | | Hakkenkast - Dungeon 4 (48K) (HB) | spec_hakken128d | 2022 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and Space to set options |
| hal21j | | HAL21 (Japan) | hal21 | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| hal21 | | HAL21 | | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| halfway | | Halfway To Hell: Progear Red Label (2016-1-17 Red label ver) | progear | 2016 | The Halfway House | CPS2 | |
| gg_halleyw | | Halley Wars (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| fds_halleywars | | Halley Wars (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_halleywj | | Halley Wars (Japan) | gg_halleyw | 1991 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| halleysc87 | | Halley's Comet '87 | halleysc | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| halleyscja | | Halley's Comet (Japan) | halleysc | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| halleyscjp | | Halley's Comet (Japan, prototype) | halleysc | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| halleyscj | | Halley's Comet (Japan, rev 1) | halleysc | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| halleysc | | Halley's Comet (US) | | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Coin-It license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hknight | | Hallowed Knight (48K) (HB, v1.4) | | 2021 | EJVG | ZX Spectrum | |
| chamburger | | Hamburger (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cbtime | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| hamaway | | Hammer Away (Japan, prototype) | | 1991 | Sega / Santos | System 18 | |
| msx_hammboy | | Hammer Boy (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Keyboard controls only: O, P and Space |
| spec_hammerboy1 | | Hammer Boy (Part 1) (128K) | | 1991 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hammerboy2 | | Hammer Boy (Part 2) (128K) | spec_hammerboy1 | 1991 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hammerfist | | Hammerfist (48K) | | 1990 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_hammerinharry | | Hammerin' Harry (Europe) | nes_daikunogensan | 1992 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| hharryu | | Hammerin' Harry (US, M84 hardware) | hharry | 1990 | Irem America | Irem M82 | |
| hharry | | Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) | | 1990 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| hharryb | | Hammerin' Harry (World, M84 hardware bootleg) | hharry | 1990 | bootleg | Irem M82 | |
| cv_hamsterww | | Hamster with Wire (HB) | | 2022 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| pce_hanataka | | Hana Taaka Daka!? (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| md_handyharvy | | Handy Harvy (HB) | | 2018 | 2nd Dimension | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_hangon | | Hang-On (Euro, Brazil, Australia) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hangonc | | Hang-On (Euro, Brazil, Australia, Sega Card) | sms_hangon | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_hangon | | Hang-On (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_hangonb | | Hang-On (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_hangon | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_hangona | | Hang-On (Japan, Alt) | msx_hangon | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sms_hangonj | | Hang-On (Japan, MyCard) | sms_hangon | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| hangon | | Hang-On (Rev A) | | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| hangon2 | | Hang-On (Rev A, ride-on) | hangon | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| sms_hangonaw | | Hang-On and Astro Warrior (USA) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hangonsh | | Hang-On and Safari Hunt (USA) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | Safari Hunt is a Light Phaser game |
| sms_hangonshp | | Hang-On and Safari Hunt (USA, Prototype) | sms_hangonsh | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | Safari Hunt is a Light Phaser game |
| sg1k_hangon2 | | Hang-On II (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_hangon2t1 | | Hang-On II (Taiwan) | sg1k_hangon2 | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| hangonjr | | Hang-On Jr. (Rev. B) | | 1985 | Sega | System E | |
| hangon1 | | Hang-On | hangon | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| hangly | | Hangly-Man (set 1) | puckman | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | Pac-man | |
| hangly2 | | Hangly-Man (set 2) | puckman | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | Pac-man | |
| hangly3 | | Hangly-Man (set 3) | puckman | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | Pac-man | |
| chf_hangman | | Hangman | | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| hangzo | | Hangzo (Japan, prototype) | | 1992 | Hot-B | DECO IC16 | |
| pce_haniisky | | Hanii in the Sky (Japan) | | 1989 | Face | PC Engine | |
| pce_haniirod | | Hanii on the Road (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| msx_hansadvfv | | Hans' Adventure (HB, final version) | | 2022 | The Pets Mode | MSX | Bonus game: Stan the Dreamer |
| msx_hansadv | | Hans' Adventure (HB, MSXdev'10 ed.) | msx_hansadvfv | 2010 | The Pets Mode | MSX | |
| fds_haokunnofusnata | | Hao-kun no Fushigi na Tabi (Japan) | | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_haokene | | Haoken (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_haokens | | Haoken (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_haokene | 2023 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_happilyea | | Happily Ever After (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | SOFEL | Miscellaneous | |
| happy6100cn | | Happy 6-in-1 (V100 - V100MK, China) | happy6 | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| happy6100hk | | Happy 6-in-1 (V100 - V100MK, Hong Kong) | happy6 | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| happy6101 | | Happy 6-in-1 (V101 - V100MK, China) | happy6 | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| happy6 | | Happy 6-in-1 (V102 - V101MK, China) | | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| nes_happycamper | | Happy Camper (USA) (Prototype) | | 199? | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_happyfret | | Happy Fret (Japan) | | 1985 | Micro Cabin | MSX | |
| nes_haradiuszero | | Haradius Zero (HB, v1.2a) | | 2019 | Impact Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_haraforce | | HaraForce (HB, v1.00) | | 2022 | Impact Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_haraforcemmc5 | | HaraForce (HB, v1.00, MMC5) | nes_haraforce | 2022 | Impact Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_harapeko | | Harapeko Pakkun (Japan) | | 1984 | Pax Softonica | MSX | Press '0' to restart level |
| nes_haratylerhg | | Haratyler HG (HB, v1.10) | | 2020-21 | Impact Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_harb2p1 | | Harbinger 2: The Void - Part-1 (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harb2p2 | | Harbinger 2: The Void - Part-2 (128K) (HB) | spec_harb2p1 | 2018 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harb2p3 | | Harbinger 2: The Void - Part-3 (128K) (HB) | spec_harb2p1 | 2018 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harb2intro | | Harbinger 2: The Void - Tale Intro (128K) (HB) | spec_harb2p1 | 2018 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harbp1 | | Harbinger: Convergence - Part-1 (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harbp2 | | Harbinger: Convergence - Part-2 (128K) (HB) | spec_harbp1 | 2016 | APSIS | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hardboil | | Hard Boiled (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| spec_hardcheese | | Hard Cheese! (16K) | | 1983 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_harddriv | | Hard Drivin' (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_harddriv | | Hard Drivin' (World) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| harddunkj | | Hard Dunk (Japan) | harddunk | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| harddunk | | Hard Dunk (World) | | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| hardheadb | | Hard Head (bootleg, set 1) | hardhead | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hardheadb3 | | Hard Head (bootleg, set 3) | hardhead | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hardhea2a | | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.0) | hardhea2 | 1991 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| hardhea2 | | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.4) | | 1991 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| hardhead | | Hard Head | | 1988 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| hpuncher | | Hard Puncher (Japan) | fround | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| hrdtimes | | Hard Times (set 1) | | 1994 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| hrdtimesa | | Hard Times (set 2) | hrdtimes | 1994 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| hardyard10 | | Hard Yardage (v1.00) | hardyard | 1993 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| hardyard11 | | Hard Yardage (v1.10) | hardyard | 1993 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| hardyard | | Hard Yardage (v1.20) | | 1993 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| md_hardbl94 | | HardBall '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hardbl95 | | HardBall '95 (USA) | | 1995 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hardbal3 | | HardBall III (USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hardball | | HardBall! (USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| harem | | Harem | | 1983 | I.G.R. | Galaxian | |
| nes_harleglo | | Harlem Globetrotters (USA) | | 1991 | GameTek | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_harrydwarf | | Harry Dwarf (HB) | | 2019 | Byte-off | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hfox | | Harry Fox MSX Special (Japan) | | 1986 | MicroCabin | MSX | |
| md_hpotter | | Harry Potter (Russia) (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hpotter2 | | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Russia) (Unl) | md_mickmack | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_showjumph | | Harvey Smith's Showjumper (Euro) | | 1985 | Software Projects | MSX | Hacked Protection |
| hasamu | | Hasamu (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| hthero93u | | Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0A 1993/02/28) | cupfinal | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| hthero93 | | Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0J 1993/02/28) | cupfinal | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| hthero94 | | Hat Trick Hero '94 (Ver 2.2A 1994/05/26) | intcup94 | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| hthero95u | | Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.5A 1994/11/03) | pwrgoal | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| hthero95 | | Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.5J 1994/11/03) | pwrgoal | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| hthero95a | | Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17) | pwrgoal | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| htheroj | | Hat Trick Hero (Japan) | footchmp | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| htherou | | Hat Trick Hero (US) | footchmp | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| htchctch | | Hatch Catch | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| hatrisj | | Hatris (Japan) | hatris | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_hatris | | Hatris (Japan) | | 1991 | Tengen | PC Engine | |
| hatrisp | | Hatris (show version) | hatris | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| hatris | | Hatris (US) | | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hatris | | Hatris (USA) | | 1992 | Bullet-Proof Software | Miscellaneous | |
| hcastlee | | Haunted Castle (version E) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | GX768 | |
| hcastlek | | Haunted Castle (version K) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | GX768 | |
| hcastle | | Haunted Castle (version M) | | 1988 | Konami | GX768 | |
| nes_halloween85 | | Haunted Halloween '85 (HB) | | 2015 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_halloween86 | | Haunted Halloween '86 (HB) | | 2016 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_halloween86a | | Haunted Halloween '86 (HB, Alt) | nes_halloween86 | 2016 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_halloween86roe | | Haunted Halloween '86 - Remastered Onslaught Edition (HB) | | 2018 | Retrotainment Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_haunthouse | | Haunted House (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Philip Perrin | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hhouse | | Haunted House (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| nes_hauntedadv | | Haunted House Adventure (HB) | | 2019 | M. Stave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_haunting | | Haunting Starring Polterguy (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hauntings | | Haunting Starring Polterguy (Hack, Spanish) | md_haunting | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_havoc | | Havoc (128K) | | 1990 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hawkstorm | | Hawk Storm (128K) | | 1990 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| hayaosi2 | | Hayaoshi Quiz Grand Champion Taikai | | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| hayaosi3a | | Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.2) | hayaosi3 | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| hayaosi3 | | Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.5) | | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| hayaosi1 | | Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz | | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| nes_hbcpball | | HBC Phutball (HB) | | 2022 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_headbust | | Head Buster (Japan) | | 1991 | Masaya | Sega Game Gear | |
| headon1 | | Head On (1 player) | headon | 1979 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headon | | Head On (2 players) | | 1979 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headonb | | Head On (bootleg on dedicated hardware) | headon | 1979 | bootleg (EFG Sanremo) | Miscellaneous | |
| headonmz | | Head On (bootleg, alt maze) | headon | 1979 | bootleg | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headons | | Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 1) | headon | 1979 | bootleg (Sidam) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headonsa | NW | Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2) | headon | 1979 | bootleg (Sidam) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headon2s | D NW | Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) | headon2 | 1979 | bootleg (Sidam) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headon2 | D | Head On 2 | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| headonn | | Head On N | headon | 1979 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| spec_headheel | | Head over Heels (128K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Carry: ENTER - Fire: X - Swop: S |
| msx_headheels | | Head over Heels (Euro) | | 1987 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| hedpanic | | Head Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | Story line & game instructions in English |
| hedpanicf | | Head Panic (ver. 0315, 15/03/2000) | hedpanic | 2000 | ESD / Fuuki | Miscellaneous | Story line in Japanese, game instructions in English |
| hedpanica | | Head Panic (ver. 0702, 02/07/1999) | hedpanic | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | Story line & game instructions in English |
| md_headon | | Head-On Soccer (USA) | md_feverpit | 1995 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_hbheaven | | Headbangers Heaven v2 (48K) | | 1983 | Llamasoft | ZX Spectrum | N: move left, M: move right |
| spec_hrtbbrkn | | Heart Broken (48K) | | 1989 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_heartst | | Heart Stealer (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_heartst1k | | Heart Stealer - One Key Version (48K) (HB) | spec_heartst | 2012 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_heartst2 | | Heart Stealer 2 (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_heartst2 | | Heart Stealer 2 (HB) | | 2021 | Timmy | MSX | |
| spec_heartlan | | Heartland (48K) | | 1986 | Odin Computer Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_heatseek | | Heat Seeker - Missil (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| heatbrle | | Heated Barrel (Electronic Devices license) | heatbrl | 1992 | TAD Corporation (Electronic Devices license) | Miscellaneous | |
| heatbrlu | | Heated Barrel (US) | heatbrl | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| heatbrlo | | Heated Barrel (World old version) | heatbrl | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| heatbrl2 | | Heated Barrel (World version 2) | heatbrl | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| heatbrl | | Heated Barrel (World version 3) | | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| heatbrl3 | | Heated Barrel (World version ?) | heatbrl | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_yokaibattle | | Heated Yokai Battle, The ~ Yokai no Atsuki Tatakai (HB) | | 2017 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| hbarrelu | | Heavy Barrel (US) | hbarrel | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| nes_heavybarrel | | Heavy Barrel (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| hbarrel | | Heavy Barrel (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| msx_heavybox | | Heavy Boxing (Japan) | | 1983 | Takara | MSX | |
| spec_heavymetal | | Heavy Metal (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | W/S: speed up/down - E: select weapon - D: smoke |
| hvymetal | | Heavy Metal (315-5135) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| md_heavynov | | Heavy Nova (USA) | | 1992 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_heavymag | | Heavy on the Magick (48K) | | 1986 | Gargoyle Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_heavyshreddin | | Heavy Shreddin' (USA) | | 1990 | Parker Brothers | Miscellaneous | |
| hvysmsha | | Heavy Smash (Asia version -4) | hvysmsh | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| hvysmsh | | Heavy Smash (Europe version -2) | | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| hvysmshj | | Heavy Smash (Japan version -2) | hvysmsh | 1993 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| md_hvyunits | | Heavy Unit (Hack, Spanish) | md_hvyunit | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_hvyunit | | Heavy Unit (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| hvyunitja | | Heavy Unit (Japan, alternate ROM format) | hvyunit | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| hvyunitj | | Heavy Unit (Japan, newer) | hvyunit | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| hvyunitjo | | Heavy Unit (Japan, older) | hvyunit | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| hvyunit | | Heavy Unit (World) | | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_hvyunit | | Heavy Unit - Mega Drive Special (Japan) | | 1990 | Toho | Sega Megadrive | |
| hvyunitu | | Heavy Unit -U.S.A. Version- (US) | hvyunit | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_heavyw | | Heavy Weight Champ (Japan) | gg_georgeko | 1991 | SIMS | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_heavyw | | Heavyweight Champ (Euro) | sms_georgeko | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| hwchampjd | | Heavyweight Champ (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0046 set) | hwchamp | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| hwchampj | | Heavyweight Champ (Japan) (FD1094 317-0046) | hwchamp | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| hwchamp | | Heavyweight Champ (set 1) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| hwchampa | | Heavyweight Champ (set 2) | hwchamp | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| nes_heberekec | | Hebereke (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ufouria | 2022 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hebereke | | Hebereke (Hack, English) | nes_ufouria | 2013 | BMF54123 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heberekej | | Hebereke (Japan) | nes_ufouria | 1991 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| heberpop | | Hebereke no Popoon (Japan) | | 1994 | Sunsoft / Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hector87 | | Hector '87 (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_heibaiqi | | Hei Bai Qi (Taiwan) | sg1k_othello | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_heitao | | Hei Tao 2 - Super Big 2 (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | King Tec | Sega Megadrive | |
| heiankyo | | Heiankyo Alien | | 1979 | Denki Onkyo | Vic Dual | |
| nes_heisetenbak | | Heisei Tensai Bakabon (Hack, English) | | 2007 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heisetenbakj | | Heisei Tensai Bakabon (Japan) | nes_heisetenbak | 1991 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heist | | Heist (HB) | | 2022 | Johnybot | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_heist | | Heist, The (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| cv_heist | | Heist, The | | 1983 | Micro Fun | ColecoVision | |
| cv_helifire | | HeliFire (HB) | | 1980-2013 | Nintendo | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_helitank | | Helitank (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_hellfighter | | Hell Fighter (Asia) (Unl) | | 1991 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hellyeah | | HELL YEAH! (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Andy Precious | ZX Spectrum | |
| hellfire1 | | Hellfire (1P set) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| hellfire1a | | Hellfire (1P set, older) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| hellfire | | Hellfire (2P set) | | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| hellfire2a | | Hellfire (2P set, older) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_hellfire | | Hellfire (Euro) | | 1991 | NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hellfires | | Hellfire (Hack, Spanish) | md_hellfire | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hellfirej | | Hellfire (Japan) | md_hellfire | 1990 | NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hellfireu | | Hellfire (USA) | md_hellfire | 1990 | NCS Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hellfiresaga | | Hellfire Saga - Sonic (GlobalHack) | | 2023 | Red Miso Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_hellokitnooha | | Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake (Japan) | | 1992 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hellokitwor | | Hello Kitty World (Japan) | | 1992 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hskelter | | Helter Skelter (128K) | | 1990 | Audiogenic | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_heohdemo | | HEOH demo (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2019 | shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heraclesj | | Heracles no Eikou - Toujin Makyou Den (Japan) | nes_heracles | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heracles2j | | Heracles no Eikou II - Titan no Metsubou (Japan) | nes_heracles2 | 1989 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_herberttb | | Herbert the Turbot (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_herbertdr | | Herbert's Dummy Run (48K) | | 1985 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| herbiedk | | Herbie at the Olympics (DK conversion) | huncholy | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| spec_hercules | | Hercules (48K) | | 1986 | Alpha-Omega | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_hercules | | Hercules (Unl) | md_dahnam | 1997 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_hercslayer | | Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hercules | | Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (Euro) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| md_herculs2 | | Hercules 2 (China) (Unl) | | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_heritage | | Heritage (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| hero | NW | Hero | | 1984 | Century Electronics / Seatongrove Ltd | Miscellaneous | Parent set for working drivers |
| herodk | | Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversion) | hero | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Crown license) | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| herodku | | Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversion, not encrypted) | hero | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Crown license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_heroquest | | Hero Quest (128K) | | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_heroqueste | | Hero Quest (Europe) (Prototype) | nes_heroquest | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_heroquest | | Hero Quest (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_heroquestwitchlord | | Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord (128K) | | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| mutantf1 | | Heroes (World ver EM-1) | mutantf | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| sms_had | | Heroes Against Demons (HB, v1.03) | sms_hadretail | 2020 | Ichigo Bankai | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hadretail | | Heroes Against Demons (HB, v1.04b) | | 2020 | Ichigo Bankai | Sega Master System | Retail ROM |
| msx_heroesarena | | Heroes Arena (HB) | | 2010 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_heroesar | | Heroes Arena (SGM) (HB) | | 2010-2017 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| kovgsyx | D NW | Heroes of the World Special Edition / Gaishi Xingxiong Tebie Ban (V302CN, China) | kovshp | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| spec_herorescue | | Heroes Rescue (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Defecto Digital Studios | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to use controller |
| md_herzog | | Herzog Zwei (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_herzogs | | Herzog Zwei (Hack, Spanish) | md_herzog | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_herzogj | | Herzog Zwei (Japan) | md_herzog | 1989 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| heuksun | | Heuk Sun Baek Sa (Korea) | | 199? | Oksan / F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| hexpoola | | Hex Pool (Senko) | racknrol | 1985 | Senko Industries | Galaxian | |
| hexpool | | Hex Pool (Shinkai) | racknrol | 1986 | Senko Industries (Shinkai Inc. license) | Galaxian | |
| hexa | | Hexa | | 199? | D.R. Korea | Arkanoid | |
| hexionb | | Hexion (Asia ver AAA, bootleg) | hexion | 1992 | bootleg (Impeuropex Corp.) | GX122 | |
| hexion | | Hexion (Japan ver JAB) | | 1992 | Konami | GX122 | |
| hidnctcha | | Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) | hidnctch | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| hidnctch | | Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.03) | | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| hidctch2a | | Hidden Catch 2 (pcb ver 1.00) (Kor/Eng/Jpn/Chi) | hidctch2 | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| hidctch2 | | Hidden Catch 2 (pcb ver 3.03) (Kor/Eng) (AT89c52 protected) | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| hidnc2k | | Hidden Catch 2000 (AT89c52 protected) | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| hidctch3 | | Hidden Catch 3 (ver 1.00 / pcb ver 3.05) | | 2000 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_higem | | Higemaru - Makai-jima - Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken (Japan) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| hiimpactp | | High Impact Football (prototype, revision0 proto 8.6 12/09/90) | hiimpact | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| hiimpact1 | | High Impact Football (rev LA1 12/16/90) | hiimpact | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| hiimpact2 | | High Impact Football (rev LA2 12/26/90) | hiimpact | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| hiimpact3 | | High Impact Football (rev LA3 12/27/90) | hiimpact | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| hiimpact4 | | High Impact Football (rev LA4 02/04/91) | hiimpact | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| hiimpact | | High Impact Football (rev LA5 02/15/91) | | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| sms_highscc | | High School! Kimengumi (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_highsc | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_highsce | | High School! Kimengumi (Japan) (Hack, English) | sms_highsc | 2005 | SMS Power! | Sega Master System | |
| sms_highsc | | High School! Kimengumi (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_havocu | | High Seas Havoc (USA) | md_havoc | 1993 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_highspeed | | High Speed (USA) | | 1991 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hsteel128 | | High Steel (128K) | | 1989 | Screen 7 | ZX Spectrum | Use SPACE and ENTER to choose and set options |
| spec_hsteel48 | | High Steel (48K) | spec_hsteel128 | 1989 | Screen 7 | ZX Spectrum | Use SPACE and ENTER to choose and set options |
| hwrace | | High Way Race | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| msx_highway | | High Way Star (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_highwayk | | High Way Star (Korea) | msx_highway | 1983 | Qnix Corp. | MSX | |
| chwy | | Highway Chase (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1980 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_highenco | | Highway Encounter (48K) | | 1985 | Vortex Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_highwayen | | Highway Encounter (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| nes_highwaystar | | Highway Star (Japan) | nes_radracer | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hikarnosenphoulgaon | | Hikari no Senshi Photon - The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (Hack, English) | | 2003 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hikarnosenphoulgaonjlea | | Hikari no Senshi Photon - The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (Japan) | nes_hikarnosenphoulgaon | 1987 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_hikarshi | | Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (Hack, English) | | 2023 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | Myth of Light Palutena's Mirror, The |
| fds_hikarshij | | Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (Japan) | fds_hikarshi | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| himesiki | | Himeshikibu (Japan) | | 1989 | Hi-Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hinothouhen | | Hinotori Houou Hen - Gaou no Bouken (Hack, English) | | 2014 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hinothouhenj | | Hinotori Houou Hen - Gaou no Bouken (Japan) | nes_hinothouhen | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hipoly | NW | Hipoly (bootleg of Hyper Olympic) | trackfld | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hippodrm | | Hippodrome (US) | | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| nes_hiryunoken | | Hiryuu no Ken - Ougi no Sho (Japan) | | 1987 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hiryunokenii | | Hiryuu no Ken II - Dragon no Tsubasa (Japan) | | 1988 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hiryunokeniii | | Hiryuu no Ken III - 5 Nin no Ryuu Senshi (Japan) | | 1990 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hiryunokenspe | | Hiryuu no Ken Special - Fighting Wars (Japan) | | 1991 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| hishouza | | Hishou Zame (Japan) | fshark | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| hishouzab | | Hishou Zame (Japan, bootleg) | fshark | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_xserd | | Hisou Kihei - Xserd (Japan) | | 1990 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| buraiken | | Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan, rev. A) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| hitnmiss2 | | Hit 'n Miss (version 2.0) | hitnmiss | 1987 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| hitnmiss | | Hit 'n Miss (version 3.0) | | 1987 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hitsquad | | Hit Squad, The (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| hiticej | | Hit the Ice (Japan) | hitice | 1990 | Taito Corporation (licensed from Midway) | Taito B System | |
| hitice | | Hit the Ice (US) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation (Williams license) | Taito B System | |
| hiticerb | | Hit the Ice (US, with riser board) | hitice | 1990 | Taito Corporation (Williams license) | Taito B System | |
| md_hitice | | Hit the Ice (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_hitice | | Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| tg_hitice | | Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_hitlenofukc | | Hitler no Fukkatsu - Top Secret (China) | nes_bioniccommando | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hitlenofuk | | Hitler no Fukkatsu - Top Secret (Japan) | nes_bioniccommando | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hitsuji | | Hitsuji Yai ~ Pretty Sheep (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| spec_hoardere | | Hoarder, The (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | iadvd | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hoarders | | Hoarder, The (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_hoardere | 2020 | iadvd | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hobbit128 | | Hobbit, The (128K Edition) (HB) | | 2015 | World of Spectrum | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hobbit2 | | Hobbit, The v1.0 (48K) | spec_hobbit | 1982 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hobbit | | Hobbit, The v1.2 (48K) | | 1982 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hobgobl | | Hobgoblin (48K) | | 1991 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| hoccer2 | | Hoccer (earlier) | hoccer | 1983 | Eastern Micro Electronics, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| hoccer | | Hoccer (newer) | | 1983 | Eastern Micro Electronics, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_builtin | | Hockey + Tennis | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | Channel F built-in games |
| nes_hogansalley | | Hogan's Alley (USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| hiryuken | | Hokuha Syourin Hiryu no Ken | shangkid | 1985 | Taiyo System (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonoken | | Hokuto no Ken (Japan) | | 1986 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_hokuto | | Hokuto no Ken (Japan) | sms_blackblt | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hokutotw | | Hokuto no Ken (Taiwan) | sms_blackblt | 198? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| md_hokuto | | Hokuto no Ken - Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu (Japan) | md_lastbtle | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_hokutonoken2c | | Hokuto no Ken 2 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_hokutonoken2 | 2018 | Jonathan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonoken2 | | Hokuto no Ken 2 (Japan) | | 1987 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonoken3c | | Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden (Hack, Spanish) | nes_hokutonoken3 | 2019 | RMGlitch | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonoken3 | | Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden (Japan) | | 1989 | TOEI Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonoken4 | | Hokuto no Ken 4 - Shichisei Haken Den (Japan) | | 1991 | TOEI Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hokutonokenop | | Hokuto no Ken OVERHAUL Patch (Hack) | nes_hokutonoken | 2022 | Rani Baker | Miscellaneous | Graphics improvement |
| msx_holein1 | | Hole in One (Japan) | | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_holein1b | | Hole in One (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_holein1 | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_holein1c | | Hole in One (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_holein1 | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_holein1a | | Hole in One (Japan, Alt) | msx_holein1 | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| cv_holeone | | Hole in One (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2017 | HAL Laboratory | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_holein1p | | Hole in One Professional (Japan) | | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_holein1pa | | Hole in One Professional (Japan, Alt) | msx_holein1p | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| holeland | | Hole Land (Japan) | | 1984 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| holeland2 | | Hole Land (Spain) | holeland | 1984 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hollowkgg | | Hollow Knight Grab Grub (HB) | | 2022 | Elvies | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hollow | | Hollow, The (48K) | | 1985 | Gilsoft International | ZX Spectrum | |
| holo | | Holosseum (US, Rev A) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| nes_holydiver | | Holy Diver (Hack, English) | | 2007 | Monaco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_holydiverj | | Holy Diver (Japan) | nes_holydiver | 1989 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_elhombre | | Hombre que susurraba a las balas, El (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Radastan | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_homea | | Home Alone (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_homea | | Home Alone (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_homea | | Home Alone (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_homealone | | Home Alone (USA) (Rev A) | | 1991 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_homeap | | Home Alone (USA, Prototype) | md_homea | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_homea2 | | Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_homealo2 | | Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_homemj1 | | Home Mahjong (Japan, v0) | sg1k_homemj | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_homemj | | Home Mahjong (Japan, v1) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_homebrew | | Homebrew (48K) (HB) | | 2009 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| homo | | Homo | goindol | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| honeydol | | Honey Doll | | 1995 | Barko Corp. | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| pce_haniiskye | | Honey in the Sky (Hack, English + 3-button controller) | pce_haniisky | 2022 | filler, cabbage | PC Engine | |
| redfoxwp2 | | Hong Hu Zhanji II (China, set 1) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| redfoxwp2a | | Hong Hu Zhanji II (China, set 2) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| sms_hongkildong | | Hong Kil Dong (Korea) | | 1991 | Clover | Sega Master System | |
| spec_hkphooey | | Hong Kong Phooey (48K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| ablast | | Hong Tian Lei (A-Blast) (Japan) | penbros | 2000 | Subsino | Newer Seta | |
| nes_ddball | | Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dan's Dodge Ball (Hack, English v1.0b) | | 2017 | TransGen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ddballj | | Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dan's Dodge Ball (Japan) | nes_ddball | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ddball2 | | Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dan's Dodge Ball 2 (Hack, English v1.0a) | | 2017 | TransGen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ddball2j | | Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dan's Dodge Ball 2 (Japan) | nes_ddball2 | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ddanpei | | Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ddanpei | | Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_ddanpei | | Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| gg_hook | | Hook (Euro) | | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_hook | | Hook (Euro) | | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_hook | | Hook (Euro, Prototype) | | 19?? | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_hooks | | Hook (Hack, Spanish, v2.0) | md_hook | 2021 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| hookj | | Hook (Japan) | hook | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| hooku | | Hook (US) | hook | 1992 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| gg_hooku | | Hook (USA) | gg_hook | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_hooku | | Hook (USA) | md_hook | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_hook | | Hook (USA) | | 1992 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| hook | | Hook (World) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| hoops96 | | Hoops '96 (Europe/Asia 2.0) | | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| hoops95 | | Hoops (Europe/Asia 1.7) | hoops96 | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| spec_hopnfrog | | Hop'n'Frog (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hopman | | Hopman (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_hopman | | Hopman (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_hopman | | Hopman (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sg1k_hopman | | Hopman (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_hopper | | Hopper (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| hopprobo | | Hopper Robo | | 1983 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hopperboy | | HopperBoy (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Gamecast Entertainment | MSX | |
| nes_hoppinmad | | Hoppin' Mad (Prototype) | | 1989 | Nowhere Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hoppingmad | | Hopping Mad (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| hopmappy | | Hopping Mappy | | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| spec_horacerobots | | Horace and the Robots (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Steve Snake | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_horacesk | | Horace Goes Skiing (48K) | | 1982 | Sinclair Research | ZX Spectrum | |
| horizon | | Horizon (Irem) | | 1985 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| nes_hosmiruhito | | Hoshi wo Miru Hito (Japan) | nes_stargazers | 1987 | Hot-B | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_hoshiw | | Hoshi wo Sagashite... (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_hostages | | Hostages (128K) | | 1990 | Infogrames | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hostages | | Hostages (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Erbe Software | MSX | Hacked by Martos |
| nes_hosta | | Hostages - The Embassy Mission (Japan) | nes_rescue | 1989 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| hotbubla | | Hot Bubble (Korea) | bubl2000 | 1998 | Afega (Pandora license) | NMK16 | |
| hotbubl | | Hot Bubble (Korea, with adult pictures) | bubl2000 | 1998 | Afega (Pandora license) | NMK16 | |
| hotchase | | Hot Chase (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hotchasea | | Hot Chase (set 2) | hotchase | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hotmemry11 | | Hot Memory (V1.1, Germany, 11/30/94) | pairs | 1994 | Incredible Technologies (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| hotmemry | | Hot Memory (V1.2, Germany, 12/28/94) | pairs | 1994 | Incredible Technologies (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| hotminda | | Hot Mind (adjustable prize) | hotmind | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| hotmind | | Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware) | | 1995 | Playmark | Misc | |
| hotnight | | Hot Night | newfant | 1994 | Bulldog Amusements Inc. | EXPRO-02 | |
| hotpinbl | | Hot Pinball | | 1995 | Comad & New Japan System | Miscellaneous | |
| hotrodja | | Hot Rod (Japan, 4 Players, Floppy Based, Rev B) | hotrod | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| hotrodj | | Hot Rod (Japan, 4 Players, Floppy Based, Rev C) | hotrod | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| hotrod | | Hot Rod (World, 3 Players, Turbo set 1, Floppy Based) | | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| hotroda | | Hot Rod (World, 3 Players, Turbo set 2, Floppy Based) | hotrod | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| hotshockb | | Hot Shocker (early revision?) | hotshock | 1982 | E.G. Felaco | Galaxian | |
| hotshock | | Hot Shocker | | 1982 | E.G. Felaco (Domino license) | Galaxian | |
| msx_hotshoe | | Hot Shoe (Euro) | | 1984 | Longman Software | MSX | |
| hotdogst | | Hotdog Storm - The First Supersonics (korea) | | 1996 | Marble (Ace International license) | Cave | |
| spec_hotshot | | Hotshot (128K) | | 1988 | Addictive Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_hottanochitan | | Hottaaman no Chitei Tanken (Japan) | | 1986 | Use | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_howbast | | How to be a Complete Bastard (128K) | | 1987 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_howardduck | | Howard the Duck (USA) | | 1987 | Activision | MSX | |
| md_huamul | | Hua Mu Lan - Mulan (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 2000 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_huanle | | Huan Le Tao Qi Shu - Smart Mouse (China) (Unl) | | 199? | Ming Super Chip | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_huangdi | | Huang Di (Asia) (Unl) | | 1994 | Asder | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hudshawk | | Hudson Hawk (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_hudsonhawk | | Hudson Hawk (USA) | | 1992 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hugeinsect | | Huge Insect (Asia) (Unl) | | 1993 | Thin Chen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_humankillmachine | | Human Killing Machine (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_humans | | Humans, The (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_humans | | Humans, The (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_humphrey | | Humphrey (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_humphrey | | Humphrey (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hunchbac | | Hunchback (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| hunchbkd | D NW | Hunchback (DK conversion) | hunchbak | 1983 | Century Electronics | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| msx_hnchback | | Hunchback (Euro) | | 1984 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| hunchbkg | | Hunchback (Galaxian hardware) | hunchbak | 1983 | Century Electronics | Galaxian | |
| hunchbks | | Hunchback (Scramble hardware) | hunchbak | 1983 | Century Electronics | Galaxian | |
| hunchbak | NW | Hunchback (set 1) | | 1983 | Century Electronics | Miscellaneous | Parent set for working drivers |
| spec_hnchbac2 | | Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| hncholms | | Hunchback Olympic (Scramble hardware) | huncholy | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. | Galaxian | Imperfect Sound |
| huncholy | NW | Hunchback Olympic | | 1984 | Seatongrove Ltd | Miscellaneous | Parent set for working drivers |
| spec_hundra | | Hundra (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_hundra | | Hundra (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zeus Soft - Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_huntbuck | | Hunt Buck - Nuclear Defence (Russian) (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Red Triangle | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_huntredoct | | Hunt for Red October, The (USA) | | 1991 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hunter | | Hunter (128K) | | 1991 | Stuffduck | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_huntergirls | | Hunter Girls (HB) | | 2023 | PSCD Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_huohuli | | Huo Hu Li (Taiwan) | sg1k_zoom909 | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_huojiche | | Huojian Che (Taiwan) | sg1k_roadfght | 1986? | Jumbo | Sega SG-1000 | |
| gg_hurrican | | Hurricanes (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_hurrican | | Hurricanes (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_hchumy | | Hustle Chumy (HB) | | 1984-2019 | Compile | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| sg1k_hustle | | Hustle Chumy (Japan) | | 1984 | Compile | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_hustle | | Hustle! Chumy (Japan) | | 1984 | General | MSX | |
| msx_hustlea | | Hustle! Chumy (Japan, Alt) | msx_hustle | 1984 | General | MSX | |
| hustle | | Hustle | | 1977 | Gremlin | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_huxleyp1 | | Huxley Pig - Part 1 (48K) | | 1991 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_huxleyp2 | | Huxley Pig - Part 2 (48K) | spec_huxleyp1 | 1991 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 5BJV7BYN |
| pce_huzero | | HuZERO - Caravan Edition (HB) | | 2014 | Chris Covell | PC Engine | |
| sms_hwaran | | Hwarang Ui Geom (Korea) | sms_kenseid | 1988 | Samsung | Sega Master System | |
| nes_hyakuen | | Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari - The 100 World Story (Hack, English) | | 2007 | AlanMidas | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hyakuit | | Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari ~ The 100 World Story (Hack, Italian) | nes_hyakuen | 2021 | Mog | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_hyakujp | | Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari ~ The 100 World Story (Japan) | nes_hyakuen | 1991 | ASK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_hybridfc | | Hybrid Front, The (Hack, Chinese) | md_hybridf | 200? | cslrxyz | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hybridf | | Hybrid Front, The (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hybridfp | NW | Hybrid Front, The (Japan, Prototype) | md_hybridf | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_hydlidec | | Hydlide (Hack, Spanish) | nes_hydlide | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hydlide | | Hydlide (Japan) | | 1985 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| nes_hydlide | | Hydlide (USA) | | 1989 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hydlide3 | | Hydlide 3 - The Space Memories (Japan) | | 1987 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| msx_hydlide2 | | Hydlide II - Shine of Darkness (Japan) | | 1986 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| msx_hydlide2a | | Hydlide II - Shine of Darkness (Japan, Alt) | msx_hydlide2 | 1986 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| nes_hydlidej | | Hydlide Special (Japan) | nes_hydlide | 1986 | T&E Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hydra | | Hydra (128K) | | 1991 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| hydrap | | Hydra (prototype 5/14/90) | hydra | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| hydra | | Hydra | | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hydrofool | | Hydrofool (128K) | | 1987 | Faster Than Light | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_hyokkohj | | Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima - Daitouryou o Mezase! (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_hyokkohj | | Hyokkori Hyoutanjima - Hyoutanjima no Daikoukai (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_hype | | Hype (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| spec_hyperactive | | Hyper Active (48K) | | 1988 | Sinclair User | ZX Spectrum | |
| hcrashc | | Hyper Crash (version C) | hcrash | 1987 | Konami | GX790 | |
| hcrash | | Hyper Crash (version D) | | 1987 | Konami | GX790 | |
| hyprduel | | Hyper Duel (Japan set 1) | | 1993 | Technosoft | Miscellaneous | |
| hyprduel2 | | Hyper Duel (Japan set 2) | hyprduel | 1993 | Technosoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_hyperdnk | | Hyper Dunk (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hyperdnkj | | Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition (Japan) | md_hyperdnk | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hyperdnkjp | | Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition (Japan, Prototype) | md_hyperdnk | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hypermgnk | | Hyper Marbles (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_hyperm | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_hyperm | | Hyper Marbles (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| hpolym84 | | Hyper Olympic '84 | hyperspt | 1984 | Konami | GX330 | |
| hyprolymb | NW | Hyper Olympic (bootleg, set 1) | trackfld | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hyprolymba | NW | Hyper Olympic (bootleg, set 2) | trackfld | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hyprolyma | | Hyper Olympic (bugfixed) | trackfld | 1983 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hyperol1 | | Hyper Olympic 1 (Japan) | msx_trackfld | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hyperol1k | | Hyper Olympic 1 (Korea) (Unl) | msx_trackfld | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_hyperol2 | | Hyper Olympic 2 (Japan) | msx_trackfl2 | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| hyprolym | | Hyper Olympic | trackfld | 1983 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hyperpacb | | Hyper Pacman (bootleg) | hyperpac | 1995 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| hyperpac | | Hyper Pacman | | 1995 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| gg_hypyak92 | | Hyper Pro Yakyuu '92 (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_hyprally | | Hyper Rally (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hyprallyb | | Hyper Rally (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_hyprally | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hyprallyc | | Hyper Rally (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_hyprally | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hyprallya | | Hyper Rally (Japan, Alt) | msx_hyprally | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_hrally | | Hyper Rally (SGM) (HB, Prototype) | | 1985-2011 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| spec_hypersports | | Hyper Sports (48K) | | 1985 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| hypersptb | NW | Hyper Sports (bootleg) | hyperspt | 1984 | bootleg | GX330 | imcomplete sound |
| sg1k_hyperspt | | Hyper Sports (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_hypersptk | | Hyper Sports (Korea) | sg1k_hyperspt | 198? | Samsung | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_hypersptt | | Hyper Sports (Taiwan) | sg1k_hyperspt | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_hyperspt | | Hyper Sports 1 (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hyperspta | | Hyper Sports 1 (Japan, Alt) | msx_hyperspt | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hypersp2 | | Hyper Sports 2 (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hypersp2k | | Hyper Sports 2 (Korea) | msx_hypersp2 | 1986 | Topia | MSX | |
| sg1k_hypersp2 | | Hyper Sports 2 (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_hypersp3 | | Hyper Sports 3 (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hypersp3b | | Hyper Sports 3 (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_hypersp3 | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hypersp3a | | Hyper Sports 3 (Japan, Alt) | msx_hypersp3 | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| hypsptsp | | Hyper Sports Special (Japan) | 88games | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| hyperspt | | Hyper Sports | | 1984 | Konami (Centuri license) | GX330 | |
| hsf2pp | | Hyper Street Fighter II Plus Plus | hsf2 | 2017 | hack | CPS2 | |
| hsf2j1 | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (031222 Japan) | hsf2 | 2004 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| hsf2d | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202 Asia Phoenix Edition) | hsf2 | 2004 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| hsf2da | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202 Asia Phoenix Edition, alt) | hsf2 | 2004 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| hsf2a | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202 Asia) | hsf2 | 2004 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| hsf2j | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202 Japan) | hsf2 | 2004 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| hsf2 | | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (040202 USA) | | 2004 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| msx_hyperviper | | Hyper Viper (Euro) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| spec_hyperkill | | Hyperkill (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Mat Recardo | ZX Spectrum | |
| hypernoid | | Hypernoid (Ver. 20220224) | | 2022 | NeoHomeBrew | Neo Geo MVS | |
| hyperspc | | Hyperspace (bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (Rumiano) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_hypsys1 | | Hypsys - Part 1 (48K) | | 1989 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hypsys2 | | Hypsys - Part 2 (48K) | spec_hypsys1 | 1989 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_hysteria | | Hysteria (48K) | | 1987 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| imsorry | | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) | | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_iball | | I, Ball (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Press '3' to use controller |
| sg1k_iq | | I.Q. (Korea) | sg1k_sokoban | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| ibarao | | Ibara (2005/03/22 MASTER VER..) | ibara | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA012 | |
| ibara | | Ibara (2005/03/22 MASTER VER.., '06. 3. 7 ver.) | | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA012 | |
| ibarablka | | Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006/02/06 MASTER VER.) | ibarablk | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA012B | |
| ibarablk | | Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006/02/06. MASTER VER.) | | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA012B | |
| md_iceage | | Ice Age (Russia) (Unl) | md_awepossm | 200? | KDS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_iceage3 | | Ice Age 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_chuckrck | 200? | KDS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_iceage4 | | Ice Age 4 (Russia) (Unl) | md_chuckrck | 200? | KDS | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_icebreaker | | Ice Breaker (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_iceclimber | | Ice Climber (USA, Europe) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_iceforce | | Ice Force (HB) | | 2021 | Alex1975Br | Sega Master System | |
| fds_icehockey | | Ice Hockey (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_icehockey | | Ice Hockey (USA) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_iceicehoccha | | Ice Ice! Hockey Challenge (Hack, English) | | 2014 | TransBRC | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_iceking | | Ice King, The (Euro) | | 1986 | CDS Micro Systems | MSX | |
| cv_icemuncher | | Ice Muncher (HB) | | 2023 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| spec_iceslidz | | Ice Slider Z (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | EgoTrip | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_icetemple | | Ice Temple, The (48K) | | 1986 | Bubble Bus | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_iceworld | | Ice World (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| cv_iceworld | | Ice World (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2020 | Casio | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_icebreak | | Ice-Breaker (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| pce_idolhana | | Idol Hanafuda Fan Club (Japan) | | 1991 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| fds_idolhl | | Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (Hack, English) | | 2022 | FCandChill | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_idolhlj | | Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (Japan) | fds_idolhl | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| suchie2o | | Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II (ver 1.0) | suchie2 | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| suchie2 | | Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II (ver 1.1) | | 1994 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| froman2b | | Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Neo-Geo, bootleg of CD version) | | 1995 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| iganinju | | Iga Ninjyutsuden (Japan) | kazan | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| msx_iganinpo | | Iga Ninpouchou - Small Ninja (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_iganinp2 | | Iga Ninpouchou 2 - Small Ninja 2 (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| igmo | | IGMO | | 1984 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| ikarijp | | Ikari (Japan No Continues) | ikari | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikarijpb | | Ikari (Joystick hack bootleg) | ikari | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3u | | Ikari III - The Rescue (US, Rotary Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3 | | Ikari III - The Rescue (World version 1, 8-Way Joystick) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3w | | Ikari III - The Rescue (World, Rotary Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3j | | Ikari Three (Japan, Rotary Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3k | | Ikari Three (Korea, 8-Way Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ikariwarriors | | Ikari Warriors (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| ikari | | Ikari Warriors (US JAMMA) | | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikarinc | | Ikari Warriors (US No Continues) | ikari | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikaria | | Ikari Warriors (US, set 1) | ikari | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikaria2 | | Ikari Warriors (US, set 2) | ikari | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ikariwarriors | | Ikari Warriors (USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ikariwarii | | Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road (USA) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ikariwariii | | Ikari Warriors III - The Rescue (USA) | | 1991 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_dokidokignk | | Ikazuse! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_dokidoki | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dokidoki | | Ikazuse! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ikeikenekhocbu | | Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu - Subette Koronde Dairantou (Japan) | nes_iceicehoccha | 1992 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ikki | | Ikki (Japan) | | 1985 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ikki | | Ikki (Japan) | | 1985 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_chickinchase | | Il Galletto - Chickin Chase (Italian) (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_illusions | | Illusions (Euro) | | 1985 | Nice Ideas | MSX | |
| cv_illusion | | Illusions | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_ilogicen | | iLogicAll (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2008 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ilogices | | iLogicAll (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_ilogicen | 2008 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| imgfightj | | Image Fight (Japan) | imgfight | 1988 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| pce_imagefgt | | Image Fight (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| imgfightjb | | Image Fight (Japan, bootleg) | imgfight | 1988 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| nes_imagefight | | Image Fight (USA) | | 1990 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| imgfight | | Image Fight (World) | | 1988 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| imago | | Imago (cocktail set) | | 1984 | Acom | Miscellaneous | Missing stars |
| imagoa | | Imago (no cocktail set) | imago | 1983 | Acom | Miscellaneous | Missing stars |
| md_imgitt | | IMG International Tour Tennis (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_immortal | | Immortal, The (Euro, USA) | | 1991-93 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_immortals | | Immortal, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_immortal | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_immortalthec | | Immortal, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_immortalthe | 2004 | R. Merida | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_immortalthe | | Immortal, The (USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| scrambp | | Impacto (Billport S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Billport S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_impetus | | Impetus (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_impetus | | Impetus (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_impetus | | Impetus (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| spec_impossaball | | Impossaball (48K) | | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_impossabubble | | Impossabubble (HB) | | 2018 | Dave Clarke | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_impossamal128 | | Impossamal (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_impossamal48 | | Impossamal (48K) (HB) | spec_impossamal128 | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_impossamole | | Impossamole (128K) | | 1990 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_impossam | | Impossamole (USA) | | 1991 | NEC - Gremlin Graphics | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_impmission | | Impossible Mission (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_impmiss | | Impossible Mission (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| sms_impmissp | | Impossible Mission (Euro, Prototype) | sms_impmiss | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| spec_impmission2 | | Impossible Mission II (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_imposmisii | | Impossible Mission II (USA) | | 1989 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| inthuntu | | In The Hunt (US) | inthunt | 1993 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| inthunt | | In The Hunt (World) | | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| gg_wakevamp | | In the Wake of Vampire (Japan) | gg_mastdark | 1992 | SIMS Co. | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_wallseryx | | In the Walls of Eryx (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Monster's Legs Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| inyourfa | | In Your Face (North America, prototype) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| msx_inca | | Inca (Euro) | | 1987 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| sms_crashdum | | Incredible Crash Dummies, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| md_crashdum | | Incredible Crash Dummies, The (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_increcradum | | Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA) | | 1994 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| md_crashdump | | Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Prototype) | md_crashdum | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_crashdum | | Incredible Crash Dummies, The (World) | | 1992 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_hulkdx | | Incredible Hulk DX, The (Hack) | md_hulk | 2023 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_hulk | | Incredible Hulk, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_hulk | | Incredible Hulk, The (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_hulk | | Incredible Hulk, The (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_incshrf | | Incredible Shrinking Fireman, The (48K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_incprof | | Incredible Shrinking Professor, The (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2017 | Rucksack Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_incshrinksphere | | Incredible Shrinking Sphere (48K) | | 1989 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_incredib | | Incredibles, The (Russia) (Unl) | md_tick | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_indianb | | Indian no Bouken (Japan) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| md_indyrus | | Indiana Jones - Koridory Vremeni (Russia) (Unl) | md_rickdang | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_indyfateatlantis | | Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (128K) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_indylastcrusade | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_indycrus | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_indycrus | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| sms_indycrusp | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Euro, Prototype) | sms_indycrus | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| msx_indy3 | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold - Erbe Software | MSX | |
| gg_indycrus | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_indycrusc | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_indycrus | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_indycruss | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Hack, Spanish) | md_indycrus | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_indiajonandlascrt | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (Taito) | nes_indiajonandlascr | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_indiajonandlascr | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (UBI Soft) | | 1993 | UBI Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_indycrusu | | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) | md_indycrus | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_indytempledoom | | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_indy | | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Euro) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | MSX | |
| nes_indiajonandtemdo | | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA) (Rev A) | | 1988 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| turbobl | | Indianapolis (bootleg of Turbo) | turbo | 1981 | bootleg | Z80-3D | |
| nes_indivisible | | Indivisible (HB) | | 201x | Lab Zero Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_indrsoccr | | Indoor Soccer (48K) | | 1986 | Magnificent 7 Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_infernalminer | | Infernal Miner (Euro) | | 1985 | Sprites | MSX | |
| nes_infiltrator | | Infiltrator (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_infinity | | Infinity Cure (Jpn) | | 2000 | KID | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| msx_ink | | INK - Exxon Surfing (HB) | | 2006 | Matra | MSX | |
| md_inktober | | INKtober (HB) | | 2019 | Brunni | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_inqsuq | | Inq & Suq vs Nightmare (HB) | | 2018 | GW's Workshop | MSX | |
| md_insanepain | | Insane Pain (HB) | | 2022 | Blast Process Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_insanepick | | Insane Pickin' Sticks (HB) | | 2010 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| insector | | Insector (prototype) | | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| insectxbl | | Insector X (bootleg) | insectx | 1990 | bootleg (Nagoya Kaihatsu) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_insectxs | | Insector X (Hack, Spanish) | md_insectx | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| insectxj | | Insector X (Japan) | insectx | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_insectorx | | Insector X (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_insectxj | | Insector X (Japan, Korea) | md_insectx | 1990 | Hot-B | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_insectx | | Insector X (USA) | | 1990 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| insectx | | Insector X (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_gadget | | Inspector Gadget (Hack) | nes_gumshoe | 2022 | Garrett Gilchrist | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_inspgadget | | Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear (48K) | | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_instchp1 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp9 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19931228) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp8 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19940101) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp7 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19940103) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp6 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19940126) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp5 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19940127) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp4 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19940923-A) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp3 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19941228-A) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instchp2 | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (Prototype, 19941229) | md_instch | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_instch | | Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_intensity | | Intensity (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 1: one player option - Press 2: two player option |
| nes_inttrans | | Interglactic Transmissing (HB) | | 2018 | GGJ | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_int3dtennis | | International 3D Tennis (128K) | | 1990 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_intercri | | International Cricket (Australia) | | 1992 | Beam Software | Miscellaneous | |
| intcup94 | | International Cup '94 (Ver 2.2O 1994/05/26) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| msx_ik | | International Karate (Euro) | | 1986 | Endurance Games | MSX | |
| spec_intkarates1 | | International Karate - Stage 1 (48K) | | 1985 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_intkarates2 | | International Karate - Stage 2 (48K) | spec_intkarates1 | 1985 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ikplusdx | | International Karate plus Deluxe (HB) | | 2019 | Z-Team | Sega Megadrive | Improved version of Amiga-Atari ST game |
| spec_intkarateplus | | International Karate+ (128K) | | 1987 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_intkickbox | | International Kickboxing (128K) | | 1993 | Your Sinclair | ZX Spectrum | Use 'Space' and 'Enter' to choose and set options |
| spec_intninjarab | | International Ninja Rabbits (128K) | | 1991 | Micro Value | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_intrugby | | International Rugby (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_intrugby | | International Rugby (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_intspeedway | | International Speedway (128K) | | 1988 | Silverbird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_issdx | | International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (Euro) | | 1996 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_issdxrne | | International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - Real Names + Extras (Hack) | md_issdx | 2016 | Sprill | Sega Megadrive | |
| intlaser | | International Team Laser (prototype) | blasted | 1987 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| inttoote | D NW | International Toote (Germany, P523.V01) | jockeyc | 1998 | bootleg (Coinmaster) | Seta | |
| inttootea | D NW | International Toote II (World?) | jockeyc | 1993 | Coinmaster | Seta | |
| spec_inteagn | | Into the Eagle's Nest (48K-128K) | | 1987 | Pandora | ZX Spectrum | |
| intrepidb | | Intrepid (Elsys bootleg, set 1) | intrepid | 1984 | bootleg (Elsys) | Miscellaneous | |
| intrepidb3 | | Intrepid (Elsys bootleg, set 2) | intrepid | 1984 | bootleg (Elsys) | Miscellaneous | |
| intrepidb2 | | Intrepid (Loris bootleg) | intrepid | 1984 | bootleg (Loris) | Miscellaneous | |
| intrepid | | Intrepid (set 1) | | 1983 | Nova Games Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| intrepid2 | | Intrepid (set 2) | intrepid | 1983 | Nova Games Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_invaders | | Invaders (16K) | | 1983 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_invrevenge | | Invaders Revenge (Euro) | | 19?? | MMG Software | MSX | |
| spec_invforce | | Invasion Force (16K) | | 1982 | Artic Computing | ZX Spectrum | Use A, S and F to play |
| msx_invasion | | Invasion of the big pixels (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2008 | noice | MSX | |
| spec_invzombie | | Invasion of the Zombie Monsters (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | RELEVO | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_invazm | | Invasion of the Zombie Monsters (HB, RLV904) | | 2010 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| invcarht | D | Invinco / Car Hunt (Germany) | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| invds | D | Invinco / Deep Scan | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| invho2 | D | Invinco / Head On 2 (set 1) | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| invinco | D | Invinco | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| iqblock | | IQ-Block | | 1993 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| md_iraqwara | | Iraq War 2003 (Alt) (Unl) | md_iraqwar | 199? | Tomsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_iraqwar | | Iraq War 2003 (Unl) | | 199? | Tomsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| irion | | Irion | exerion | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ironfort | | Iron Fortress | | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| ironhorsh | | Iron Horse (version H) | ironhors | 1986 | Konami | GX560 | |
| ironhors | | Iron Horse (version K) | | 1986 | Konami | GX560 | |
| spec_ironlord | | Iron Lord (128K) | | 1989 | Ubi Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_ironman | | Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ironman1 | | Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (USA, Alt) | gg_ironman | 1996 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_ironsphere | | Iron Sphere (48K) (HB) | | 2006 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_irontan | | Iron Tank - The Invasion of Normandy (USA) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_irons | | Ironsword - Wizards & Warriors II (USA) | | 1989 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_irritship | | Irritating Ship (HB) | | 2022 | Fiskbit | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_isabrave | | Isa Brave (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Tom Martin | ZX Spectrum | |
| isgsm | | ISG Selection Master Type 2006 System BIOS | | 2006 | bootleg (ISG) | ISG Selection Master Type 2006 | BIOS only |
| spec_ishido | | Ishido - The Way of Stones (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | mZX | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ishidos | | Ishido - The Way of Stones (Hack, Spanish) | md_ishido | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ishido | | Ishido - The Way of Stones (USA) | | 1990 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_ishidou | | Ishidou (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Django | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_ishidouj | | Ishidou (Japan) | fds_ishidou | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_isitar7 | | Isitar 7 (HB) | | 2019 | N.I | MSX | |
| nes_isolatedwarrior | | Isolated Warrior (USA) | | 1991 | NTVIC | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_isopong | | Isometric Pong (HB) | | 2020 | Fabento D.C. | MSX | 2 players mode only |
| msx_issun | | Issunboushi no Donnamondai (Japan) | | 1987 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_issunh | | Issunboushi no Donnamondai (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_issun | 1987 | Angel | MSX | |
| msx_issuna | | Issunboushi no Donnamondai (Japan, Alt) | msx_issun | 1987 | Casio | MSX | |
| md_itcame | | It Came from the Desert (USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_onlyrock | | It's Only Rock 'n' Roll | | 1984 | K-Tel | ColecoVision | |
| spec_it1944en1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944de1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (German) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944it1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (Italian) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944pt1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944ru1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (Russian) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944es1 | | Italia 1944 - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944en2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (English) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944en1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944de2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (German) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944de1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944it2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (Italian) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944it1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944pt2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944pt1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944ru2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944ru1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944es2 | | Italia 1944 - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944es1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944en3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (English) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944en1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944de3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (German) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944de1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944it3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (Italian) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944it1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944pt3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944pt1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944ru3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944ru1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_it1944es3 | | Italia 1944 - Part 3 (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_it1944es1 | 2021 | Zankle Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_italiansupercar | | Italian Supercar (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| itaten | | Itazura Tenshi (Japan) | | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_itchy | | Itchy and Scratchy Game, The (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_itchy | | Itchy and Scratchy Game, The (USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ivanirostessuoffro | | Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (USA) | | 1990 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ironman | | Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Racer (128K) | | 1990 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | Press 6, 7 and ENTER to choose the initial settings |
| ixion | NW | Ixion (prototype) | | 1983 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| spec_izzywizzy | | Izzy Wizzy (48K) (HB) | | 2007 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_izzyqst | | Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| vshoot | | J-League Soccer V-Shoot (Japan) | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| jjsquawkb | | J. J. Squawkers (bootleg) | jjsquawk | 1999 | bootleg | Seta | |
| jjsquawkb2 | | J. J. Squawkers (bootleg, Blandia Conversion) | jjsquawk | 1999 | bootleg | Seta | |
| jjsquawko | | J. J. Squawkers (older) | jjsquawk | 1993 | Athena / Able | Seta | |
| jjsquawk | | J. J. Squawkers | | 1993 | Athena / Able | Seta | |
| md_jlcs | | J. League Champion Soccer (Japan) | md_euroclub | 1993 | Game Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_jleag11 | | J. League Greatest Eleven (Japan) | | 1993 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| md_jlpsa | | J. League Pro Striker '93 (Japan, v1.0) | md_jlps | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jlps | | J. League Pro Striker '93 (Japan, v1.3) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jlps2 | | J. League Pro Striker 2 (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jlpsp | | J. League Pro Striker Perfect (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_jetpac | | J.E.T.P.A.C. (HB) | | 2009 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_jetpac | | J.E.T.P.A.C. (SGM) (HB) | | 2009-2017 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| tg_jjnjeff | | J.J. & Jeff (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_jleafigsoc | | J.League Fighting Soccer - The King of Ace Strikers (Japan) | | 1993 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_jleagu94 | | J.League GG Pro Striker '94 (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_jleague | | J.League Soccer - Dream Eleven (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_jleawingoa | | J.League Winning Goal (Japan) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_jpwinkle | | J.P. Winkle (Japan) | | 1986 | ASCII Corp. - MSX Magazine | MSX | |
| msx_jpwinklek | | J.P. Winkle (Korea) (Unl) | msx_jpwinkle | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_jaasta | | Jaasta (HB, v1.2) | | 2020 | Uninteresting | MSX | |
| spec_jdragon128 | | Jack Dragon (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jdragon48 | | Jack Dragon (48K) (HB) | spec_jdragon128 | 2023 | Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_nicklaus | | Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf (Japan) | | 1989 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| nes_jacknicgre18homachg | | Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf (USA) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_nicklaus | | Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_nicklaus | | Jack Nicklaus' Turbo Golf (USA) | | 1990 | Accolade | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| jackrabt | | Jack Rabbit (set 1) | | 1984 | Zaccaria | Miscellaneous | |
| jackrabt2 | | Jack Rabbit (set 2) | jackrabt | 1984 | Zaccaria | Miscellaneous | |
| jackrabts | | Jack Rabbit (special) | jackrabt | 1984 | Zaccaria | Miscellaneous | |
| jack | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 1) | | 1982 | Hara Industries (Cinematronics license) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| jack2 | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 2) | jack | 1982 | Hara Industries (Cinematronics license) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| jack3 | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 3) | jack | 1982 | Hara Industries (Cinematronics license) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| spec_jacknipper | | Jack the Nipper (48K) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nipper | | Jack the Nipper (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_jacknipper2 | | Jack the Nipper II - In Coconut Capers (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Set '4 Interface II' to use controller |
| msx_nipper2 | | Jack the Nipper II - In Coconut Capers (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_jackal | | Jackal (48K) | | 1986 | Konami | ZX Spectrum | |
| jackalbl | | Jackal (bootleg, Rotary Joystick) | jackal | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jackalc | | Jackal (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_jackal | 2020 | Lei Jing Ling | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jackal | | Jackal (USA) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| jackal | | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| jackalr | | Jackal (World, Rotary Joystick) | jackal | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jackalem | | Jackal - Endless Mission (v1.2) | nes_jackal | 2021 | HHNM Team - ZENG GE | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jackiechanj | | Jackie Chan (Japan) | nes_jackiechan | 1991 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_jchan | | Jackie Chan (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_jackiechan | | Jackie Chan (USA) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| jchana | | Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (rev 3?) | jchan | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| jchan | | Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (rev 4?) | | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| jchan2 | | Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire | | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_projecta | | Jackie Chan in Project A (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_spartanx | | Jackie Chan in Spartan X (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_policest | | Jackie Chan in the Police Story (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_policesta | | Jackie Chan in the Police Story (Japan, Alt) | msx_policest | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_protectr | | Jackie Chan in the Protector (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| tg_jchan | | Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (USA) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| zaxxonb | | Jackson | zaxxon | 1982 | bootleg | Zaxxon | |
| spec_jacksoncity | | Jackson City (48K) | | 1990 | Diabolic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jackcity | | Jackson City (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | G.LL. Software | MSX | |
| msx_jagur | | Jagur (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_jagura | | Jagur (Japan, Alt) | msx_jagur | 1987 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| spec_jksquashcg | | Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash - Club Game (128K) | | 1991 | Krisalis | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jksquashtg | | Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash - Tournament Game (128K) | spec_jksquashcg | 1991 | Krisalis | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jailbreak | | Jail Break (48K) | | 1987 | Konami | ZX Spectrum | |
| jailbrekb | | Jail Break (bootleg) | jailbrek | 1986 | bootleg | GX507 | |
| jailbrek | | Jail Break | | 1986 | Konami | GX507 | |
| nes_jajamgeke | | Jajamaru Gekimaden - Maboroshi no Kinmajou (Hack, English) | nes_jajamgek | 2009 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jajamgekj | | Jajamaru Gekimaden - Maboroshi no Kinmajou (Japan) | nes_jajamgek | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jajamninchoe | | Jajamaru Ninpou Chou (Hack, English) | nes_jajamnincho | 2020 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jajamninchoj | | Jajamaru Ninpou Chou (Japan) | nes_jajamnincho | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jam | | Jam! (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Teknamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_jbdougko | | James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jbdougkos | | James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (Hack, Spanish) | md_jbdougko | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_jbdougko | | James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA) | sms_georgeko | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_jbdougkop | | James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA, Prototype) | sms_georgeko | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_jb007b | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Brazil) | sms_jb007 | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_jb007 | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_jb007 | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| md_jb007 | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Euro, Rev. A) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jb007s | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Hack, Spanish) | md_jb007 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jb007j | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (Japan) | md_jb007 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jb007u | | James Bond 007 - The Duel (USA) | md_jb007 | 1992 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_jbond | | James Bond 007 | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| nes_jamesbondjr | | James Bond Jr (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jpond | | James Pond - Underwater Agent (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jponds | | James Pond - Underwater Agent (Hack, Spanish) | md_jpond | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_robocod | | James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_jpond3 | | James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jpond3 | | James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jpond3s | | James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (Hack, Spanish) | md_jpond3 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_robocod | | James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Euro) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_robocod | | James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robocods | | James Pond II - Codename Robocod (Hack, Spanish) | md_robocod | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robocodj | | James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Japan, Korea) | md_robocod | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_robocodu | | James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (USA) | gg_robocod | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_jamg | | JAMG - The Lost Coins (HB) | | 2018 | OCDreproductions | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jammits | | Jammit (Hack, Spanish) | md_jammit | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jammit | | Jammit (USA) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| jjparad2 | | Jan Jan Paradise 2 | | 1997 | Electro Design | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| jjparads | | Jan Jan Paradise | | 1996 | Electro Design | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| sms_jangpun3 | | Jang Pung 3 (Korea) | | 1994 | Sanghun | Sega Master System | |
| gg_jangpun2 | | Jang Pung II (Korea, SMS Mode) | | 1993 | Unknown | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_janggunuiadeul | | Janggun-ui Adeul (Korea) (Unl) | | 1992 | Daou | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_janggun | | Janggun-ui Adeul (Korea) | | 1992 | Daou Infosys | Sega Master System | |
| spec_jankyjoe | | Janky Joe in Retro Hell (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Sloanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_janosik | | Janosik (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Rafal Miazga, Alex Heather | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_janout | | Janou Touryuumon (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| janshin | | Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster | | 1994 | Aicom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_jantei | | Jantei Monogatari (Japan) | | 1991 | Reno | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_draxos | | Jashin Draxos (Japan, Korea) | md_riskyw | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_jasper | | Jasper! (48K) | | 1984 | Micromega | ZX Spectrum | Use A, S, O and L to move the main character |
| msx_jawbrk2 | | Jaw Breaker 2 (HB) | | 2014 | Magoo | MSX | |
| cv_jawbreaker | | Jawbreaker I & II (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2017 | Sierra Online | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| spec_jaws | | Jaws (128K) | | 1989 | Screen 7 | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jaws | | Jaws (Euro) | | 1989 | Screen 7 | MSX | Use SPACE to choose options and ENTER to start |
| nes_jaws | | Jaws (USA) | | 1987 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jaysilent | | Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl (HB) | | 2020 | Interabang Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_jeepcrep | | Jeepers Creepers (HB) | | 2007 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| spec_jeffnotes | | Jeff & the Blue Notes (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Deanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_jellyboy | | Jelly Boy (Euro, Prototype) | | 199? | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jennifct | | Jennifer Capriati Tennis (USA) | md_grandsl | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| grdnstrmk | | Jeon Sin - Guardian Storm (Korea) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| gg_jeopardy | | Jeopardy! (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jeopardy | | Jeopardy! (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_jeopards | | Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jeopardd | | Jeopardy! Deluxe (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jeopards | | Jeopardy! Sports Edition (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pigskinf | | Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl (USA) | | 1992 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_jesus | | Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jesusj | | Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster (Japan) | nes_jesus | 1989 | King Records | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jetbikesim5 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Coasts Expert (48K) | spec_jetbikesim2 | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetbikesim2 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Coasts Standard (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetbikesim6 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Docks Expert (48K) | spec_jetbikesim3 | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetbikesim3 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Docks Standard (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetbikesim4 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Lakes Expert (48K) | spec_jetbikesim1 | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetbikesim1 | | Jet Bike Simulator - Lakes Standard (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jetbomb | | Jet Bomber (Euro) | | 1985 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| msx_jetfight | | Jet Fighter (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| spec_jetpac | | Jet Pac (16K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetpacrx | | Jet Pac RX (48K) (HB) | spec_jetpac | 2020 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | RX Mod of classic Jetpac |
| spec_jetpackbob | | Jet Pack Bob (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Douglas Bagnall | ZX Spectrum | A clone of classic Jetpac |
| spec_jetpaco | | Jet Paco (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_jetpaco | | Jet Paco and Jet Puri (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_jswilly | | Jet Set Willy (48K) | | 1984 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jetsetw | | Jet Set Willy (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_jetsetwa | | Jet Set Willy (Japan, Alt) | msx_jetsetw | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| spec_jetsetwrr | | Jet Set Willy - Role Reversal (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Arcane Design | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jswilly128 | | Jet Set Willy 128 (128K) (HB) | | 1996 | John Elliott | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jswilly2 | | Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (48K) | | 1985 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jsw2 | | Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (USA) | | 1985 | Software Projects | MSX | |
| spec_jswilly3 | | Jet Set Willy III (48K) | | 1985 | MB - APG Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_jetpaco | | Jet-Paco (HB) | | 2015 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jetpackjock | | Jetpack Jock (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gaz Marshall | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetsbot | | JetSBOT (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jetsons | | Jetsons The Computer Game (128K) | | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | Mega Trainer version |
| nes_jetsonsj | | Jetsons, The - Cogswell's Caper! (Japan) | nes_jetsons | 1993 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jetsons | | Jetsons, The - Cogswell's Caper! (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jewelms | | Jewel Master (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jewelmss | | Jewel Master (Hack, Spanish, v2.0) | md_jewelms | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jewelmsj | | Jewel Master (Japan) | md_jewelms | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_jewels | | Jewels (HB) | | 2020 | Maio Cavalcanti | MSX | |
| sg1k_champkent | | Jiandao (Taiwan) | sg1k_champken | 1986? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| samesamecn | | Jiao! Jiao! Jiao! (China, 2P set) | fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan (Hong Kong Honest Trading license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| cultures | | Jibun wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen | | 1994 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jigokgokmarc | | Jigoku Gokuraku Maru (Hack, Chinese) | nes_kabuki | 2019 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jigokgokmar | | Jigoku Gokuraku Maru (Japan) | nes_kabuki | 1990 | Pack-In-Video | Miscellaneous | |
| jigkmgri | | Jigoku Meguri (Japan) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| pce_jigomegu | | Jigoku Meguri (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| jigkmgria | | Jigoku Meguri (Japan, hack?) | bonzeadv | 19?? | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| fds_jikaishometmag | | Jikai Shounen Met Mag (Japan) | | 1987 | Square - Thinking Rabbit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jikuuyuu | | Jikuu Yuuden - Debias (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jillysfarm1 | | Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn (48K) (HB, v1.01) | | 2018 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_jimpower | | Jim Power - The Arcade Game (USA, Prototype) | md_jimpowerpiko | 1993 | Loriciel | Sega Megadrive | imperfect graphics |
| nes_jimpower | | Jim Power - The Lost Dimension (HB) | | 2020 | Piko Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jimpowerpiko | | Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (HB) | | 2014 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | Originally developed by Loricel |
| nes_jimmyconten | | Jimmy Connors Tennis (USA) | | 1993 | UBI Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jimmywws | | Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_jingwumn | | Jing Wu Men (Taiwan) | sg1k_dragwang | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_jingwumna | | Jing Wu Men (Taiwan, Alt) | sg1k_dragwang | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_jinj | | JinJ (128K) (HB) | | 2008 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_jinj2 | | Jinj 2 - Belmonte's Revenge (128K) (HB) | | 2012 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| jin | | Jin | | 1982 | Falcon | 6809 System | |
| pce_jinmu1 | | Jinmu Denshou (Japan) (Alt) | pce_jinmu | 1989 | Big Club | PC Engine | |
| pce_jinmu | | Jinmu Denshou (Japan) | | 1989 | Big Club | PC Engine | |
| jitsupro | | Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| md_jiujim | | Jiu Ji Ma Jiang II - Ye Yan Bian (China) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_jj | | JJ (Japan) | | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| jockeyc | D NW | Jockey Club (v1.18) | | 1990 | Seta (Visco license) | Seta | |
| jockeygp | | Jockey Grand Prix (set 1) | | 2001 | Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| jockeygpa | | Jockey Grand Prix (set 2) | jockeygp | 2001 | Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_joemacs | | Joe & Mac (Hack, Spanish) | md_joemac | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_joemac | | Joe & Mac (USA) | | 1991 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_joemac | | Joe & Mac (USA) | | 1992 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| joemacrj | | Joe & Mac Returns (Japan, Version 1.2, 1994.06.06) | joemacr | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| joemacra | | Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.0, 1994.05.19) | joemacr | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| joemacr | | Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27) | | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| spec_joebld128 | | Joe Blade (128K) | | 1987 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_joebld48 | | Joe Blade (48K) | spec_joebld128 | 1987 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_joeblade | | Joe Blade (Euro) | | 1989 | Players Software | MSX | |
| spec_joebld2 | | Joe Blade II (128K) | | 1988 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_joebld3 | | Joe Blade III (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_joeblob | | Joe Blob (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2019 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_joemont | | Joe Montana Football (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_joemont | | Joe Montana Football (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_joemont2a | | Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World) | md_joemont2 | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_joemont2 | | Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_joemont | | Joe Montana's Football (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_joemontj | | Joe Montana's Football (Japan) | gg_joemont | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_johnelwsqua | | John Elway's Quarterback (USA) | | 1989 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| md_madden92 | | John Madden Football '92 (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden93 | | John Madden Football '93 (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madd93ce | | John Madden Football '93 - Championship Edition (USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden | | John Madden Football (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_maddenj | | John Madden Football - Pro Football (Japan) | md_madden | 1992 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_johnnyghost | | Johnny the Ghost (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Harald & Marcus Gitzel | ZX Spectrum | R: restart level - S: music on/off |
| joinem | | Joinem | | 1983 | Global Corporation | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| jojojr2 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 981202) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojojr1 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 990108) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoj | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 990128) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobajr2 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990913) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobanr2 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990913, NO CD) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobajr1 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobanr1 | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927, NO CD) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoban | | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 991015, NO CD) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobar2 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990913) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobaner2 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990913, NO CD) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobar1 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990927) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobaner1 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990927, NO CD) | jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoba | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 991015, NO CD) | | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobanrb | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Rainbow Edition v1.0.1 2021) | jojoba | 2021 | hack | CPS-3 | |
| jojoar2 | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 981202) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojonr2 | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 981202, NO CD) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoar1 | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 990108) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojonr1 | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 990108, NO CD) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoa | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 990128) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojon | | JoJo's Venture (Asia 990128, NO CD) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojor2 | | JoJo's Venture (Euro 981202) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojor1 | | JoJo's Venture (Euro 990108) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojo | | JoJo's Venture (Euro 990128) | | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojour2 | | JoJo's Venture (USA 981202) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojour1 | | JoJo's Venture (USA 990108) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojou | | JoJo's Venture (USA 990128) | jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jollyjgr | | Jolly Jogger | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| ltorb | | Jonas Indiana and the Lost Temple of RA (20050717) | | 2005 | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_jonathan | | Jonathan - Trick or Treat (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | ZXAMAZE | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_jongbou | | Jongbou (Japan) | | 1987 | KAC | Miscellaneous | |
| jongpute | NW | Jongputer | | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Route 16 | |
| spec_jonnyquest | | Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld (128K) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sotsugyok | | Jor-eop Jeungmyeongseo (Korea) | sotsugyo | 1996 | Mitchell | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_jordavsbir | | Jordan vs Bird - One On One (USA) | | 1989 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| jsk | D NW | Joryuu Syougi Kyoushitsu (Japan) | | 1997 | Visco | MSSV | Unemulated CPU |
| md_joshua | | Joshua & The Battle of Jericho (USA) (Unl) | | 1994 | Wisdom Tree | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_joshubatjer | | Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) | | 1992 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_striderr | | Journey from Darkness - Strider Returns (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jtoblivion | | Journey to Oblivion (HB, v0.2.7.2) | | 2021 | Mega Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_journsil | | Journey to Silius (USA) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_journeyal | | Journey to the Center of the Alien (HB) | | 2019 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| journey | | Journey | | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| joust | | Joust (Green label) | | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| cv_joust | | Joust (Prototype) | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| joustr | | Joust (Red label) | joust | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| cv_joustsgm | | Joust (SGM) (HB) | | 2014 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_joust | | Joust (USA) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| jousty | | Joust (Yellow label) | joust | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| nes_jovialrace | | Jovial Race (Unl) | | 1989 | Thin Chen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_joymechfight | | Joy Mech Fight (Hack, English) | | 2016 | AlanMidas | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_joymechfightj | | Joy Mech Fight (Japan) | nes_joymechfight | 1993 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| joyfulr | | Joyful Road (Japan) | | 1983 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| joyman | | Joyman | puckman | 1982 | hack | Pac-man | |
| jrpacman | | Jr. Pac-Man (11/9/83) | | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| jrpacmanf | | Jr. Pac-Man (speedup hack) | jrpacman | 1983 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| jt104 | | JT 104 / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou | ninjakd2 | 1987 | UPL (United Amusements license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jubbles | | Jubbles (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | Press '2' to use controller |
| gg_jdredd | | Judge Dredd (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| jdreddp | | Judge Dredd (rev TA1 7/12/92, location test) | | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| md_jdreddp1 | | Judge Dredd (USA, Prototype) | md_jdredd | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jdreddp2 | | Judge Dredd (USA, Prototype, Alt) | md_jdredd | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jdredd | | Judge Dredd (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| juju | | JuJu Densetsu (Japan) | toki | 1989 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jujudensetsu | | JuJu Densetsu (Japan) | nes_toki | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| jujuba | D NW | JuJu Densetsu (Japan, bootleg) | toki | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| jujub | | JuJu Densetsu (Playmark bootleg) | toki | 1990 | bootleg (Playmark) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_jukebox | | Juke Box | | 1984 | Spinnaker Software Corp | ColecoVision | |
| nes_jumboozanoholinonep | | Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One Professional (Japan) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| sgmastj | | Jumbo Ozaki Super Masters Golf (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-05b) | sgmast | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| sgmastc | | Jumbo Ozaki Super Masters Golf (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-05c) | sgmast | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| msx_jumpzs | | Jump (Euro) | | 1992 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Press any key to choose and 'ENTER' to set options |
| msx_jump | | Jump (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Teal | MSX | |
| jumpbugb | | Jump Bug (bootleg) | jumpbug | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| jumpbug | | Jump Bug | | 1981 | Hoei (Rock-Ola license) | Galaxian | |
| msx_jumpcstr | | Jump Coaster (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| jumpcoast | | Jump Coaster (Taito) | jumpcoas | 1983 | Kaneko (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| jumpcoas | | Jump Coaster (World) | | 1983 | Kaneko Elc. Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| jumpcoasa | | Jump Coaster | jumpcoas | 1983 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| jumpkids | | Jump Kids | | 1993 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| jumpkun | | Jump Kun (prototype) | | 1984 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_jumpland | | Jump Land (Japan) | | 1985 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax - Universal | MSX | |
| cv_jumpland | | Jump Land (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2015 | Colpax | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| jumpshotp | | Jump Shot Engineering Sample | jumpshot | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | |
| jumpshot | | Jump Shot | | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | |
| nes_jumpjump | | Jump-Jump (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jumpjupiter | | Jumpin' Jupiter (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_jumpikid | | Jumpin' Kid - Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari (Japan) | | 1990 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_jumping | | JumpinG (HB) | | 2011 | DimensionZ | MSX | |
| jumping | | Jumping (set 1) | rbisland | 1989 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| jumpinga | | Jumping (set 2) | rbisland | 1988 | bootleg (Seyutu) | Taito Misc | |
| jumpingi | | Jumping (set 3, Imnoe PCB) | rbisland | 1988 | bootleg (Seyutu) | Taito Misc | |
| jmpbreak | | Jumping Break (set 1) | | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| jmpbreaka | | Jumping Break (set 2) | jmpbreak | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| jcross | | Jumping Cross (set 1) | | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| jcrossa | | Jumping Cross (set 2) | jcross | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_jjack | | Jumping Jack (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jumpjack | | Jumping Jack (Euro) | | 1986 | Livewire Software | MSX | |
| jjack | | Jumping Jack | | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_jumpllama | | Jumping Llama (HB) | | 2021 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| jpopnics | | Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean hack of Plump Pop) | | 1992 | Nics | Miscellaneous | |
| jumppop | | Jumping Pop (set 1) | | 2001 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| jumppope | | Jumping Pop (set 2) | jumppop | 2001 | Emag Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_jrabbit | | Jumping Rabbit (Japan) | | 1984 | MIA | MSX | |
| cv_jmpmanjra | | Jumpman Junior (Alt) | cv_jmpmanjr | 1984 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| cv_jmpmanjr | | Jumpman Junior | | 1984 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| md_junctions | | Junction (Hack, Spanish) | md_junction | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_junctionj | | Junction (Japan) | gg_junction | 1991 | Micronet | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_junction | | Junction (Japan, USA) | | 1990 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_junction | | Junction (USA) | | 1991 | Micronet | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_junglebooktheb | | Jungle Book, The (Brightness fix) | nes_junglebookthe | 2020 | Ilya Indigo | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_jungle | | Jungle Book, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_jungle | | Jungle Book, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| sms_junglec | | Jungle Book, The (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_jungle | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_junglebookthec | | Jungle Book, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_junglebookthe | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_jungleu | | Jungle Book, The (USA) | gg_jungle | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_junglebookthe | | Jungle Book, The (USA) | | 1994 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| jungleby | | Jungle Boy (bootleg) | junglek | 1982 | bootleg | Taito SJ System | |
| junglehbr | | Jungle Hunt (Brazil) | junglek | 1983 | Taito do Brasil | Taito SJ System | |
| jungleh | | Jungle Hunt (US) | junglek | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| cv_jungleh | | Jungle Hunt | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| junglekas | | Jungle King (alternate sound) | junglek | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| junglek | | Jungle King (Japan) | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| junglekj2 | | Jungle King (Japan, earlier) | junglek | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| junglekj2a | | Jungle King (Japan, earlier, alt) | junglek | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| spec_junglequeen | | Jungle Queen (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_jstrike | | Jungle Strike (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_jstrike | | Jungle Strike (USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl Software | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jstrikep | | Jungle Strike (USA, Prototype) | md_jstrike | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jstrikej | | Jungle Strike - Uketsugareta Kyouki (Japan) | md_jstrike | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_junglewarfare | | Jungle Warfare (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jungwarr | | Jungle Warrior (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_jwarrior | | Jungle Warrior (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| jungler | | Jungler | | 1981 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| jrking | | Junior King (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_junker | | Junker's High (Japan, Prototype) | md_outr2019 | 1992 | Sims Co. | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_junkoid | | Junkoid (GlobalHack, v1.1) | nes_metroid | 2022 | P. Yoshi | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_junkwall | | Junkwall (HB) | | 2016 | Silicon Sex | ColecoVision | |
| junofrstg | | Juno First (Gottlieb) | junofrst | 1983 | Konami (Gottlieb license) | GX310 | |
| msx_junofrst | | Juno First (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| cv_junofirst | | Juno First (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2017 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| junofrst | | Juno First | | 1983 | Konami | GX310 | |
| jurassic99 | | Jurassic 99 (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs bootleg with EM78P447AP) | dino | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| nes_jurassicboy | | Jurassic Boy (Asia) (Unl) | | 1990 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jpark | | Jurassic Park (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_jpark | | Jurassic Park (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_jpark | | Jurassic Park (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jparks | | Jurassic Park (Hack, Spanish) | md_jpark | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_jparkj | | Jurassic Park (Japan) | gg_jpark | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_jparkj | | Jurassic Park (Japan) | md_jpark | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| jparkja | | Jurassic Park (Japan, Deluxe) | jpark | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| jparkjc | | Jurassic Park (Japan, Rev A, Conversion) | jpark | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| jparkj | | Jurassic Park (Japan, Rev A, Deluxe) | jpark | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| md_jparku | | Jurassic Park (USA) | md_jpark | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_jurassicpark | | Jurassic Park (USA) | | 1993 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jparkup | | Jurassic Park (USA, Prototype) | md_jpark | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| jpark | | Jurassic Park (World, Rev A) | | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| md_jparkre | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkres | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Hack, Spanish) | md_jparkre | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep9 | NW | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940620) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep8 | NW | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940622) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep7 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940630) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep6 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940708) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep5 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940713) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep4 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940714) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep3 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940715) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep2 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940717) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jparkrep1 | | Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Prototype, 19940718) | md_jparkre | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_justagal | | Just A Gal (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_justbreed | | Just Breed (Hack, English) | | 2004 | Stealth Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_justbreedc | | Just Breed (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_justbreed | 2010 | Butz Klauser | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_justbreedj | | Just Breed (Japan) | nes_justbreed | 1992 | Enix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_justice | | Justice (HB) | | 2020 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_justiceduel | | Justice Duel (HB) | | 2019 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| md_jleagues | | Justice League Task Force (Hack, Spanish) | md_jleague | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jleague | | Justice League Task Force (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_justin | | Justin (128K) (HB) | | 2007 | CNGSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_juuouki | | Juuouki (Hack, English) | | 2005 | aka translations | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_juuouki1 | | Juuouki (Japan) (Alt) | pce_juuouki | 1989 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| md_juuouki1 | | Juuouki (Japan) | md_altbeast | 1988 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_juuoukij | | Juuouki (Japan) | nes_juuouki | 1990 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_juuouki | | Juuouki (Japan) | | 1989 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| md_juuouki | | Juuouki (Japan, v1.1) | md_altbeast | 1988 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| altbeastj1 | | Juuouki (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0065) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeastj3d | | Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0068 set) | altbeast | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| altbeastj3 | | Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (FD1094 317-0068) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeastj | | Juuouki (set 7, Japan) (8751 317-0077) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| nes_juurysoumetsto | | Juuryoku Soukou Metal Storm (Japan) | | 1992 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_juveiquest | | Juvei Quest (Hack, English) | | 2013 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_juveiquestj | | Juvei Quest (Japan) | nes_juveiquest | 1991 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jy45in1 | | JY 45-in-1 (Unl) | | 1998 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| jyangoku | | Jyangokushi -Haoh no Saihai- (990527 Japan) | | 1999 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| md_kagekij | | Ka-Ge-Ki (Japan) | md_kageki | 1991 | Hot-B | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kagekis | | Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (Hack, Spanish) | md_kageki | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kageki | | Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (USA) | | 1991 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_kaboom | | Kaboom! (HB) | | 1981-2017 | Activision | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_kabuki | | Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (USA) | | 1991 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| kabukizj | | Kabuki-Z (Japan) | kabukiz | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| kabukiz | | Kabuki-Z (World) | | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_kaerushoot | | Kaeru Shooter (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| fds_kaettmarbro | | Kaettekita Mario Brothers (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kagec | | Kage (Hack, Chinese) | nes_shadonin | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kage | | Kage (Japan) | nes_shadonin | 1990 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kagenodensetsuc | | Kage no Densetsu (Hack, Chinese) | nes_legenkag | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kagenodensetsu | | Kage no Densetsu (Japan) | nes_legenkag | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_legkage | | Kage no Densetsu - Legend of Kage, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Taito | MSX | |
| kagekih | | Kageki (hack) | kageki | 1992 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| kagekij | | Kageki (Japan) | kageki | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| kagekiu | | Kageki (US) | kageki | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kageki | | Kageki (World) | | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kageroudensetsu | | Kagerou Densetsu (Japan) | | 1990 | Pixel | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaguyae | | Kaguya Hime Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 2022 | FCandChill | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaguyaj | | Kaguya Hime Densetsu (Japan) | nes_kaguyae | 1988 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaikeyanmar | | Kaiketsu Yancha Maru (Japan) | nes_kidnik | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaikeyanmar2 | | Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (Hack, English) | | 2020 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaikeyanmar2j | | Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (Japan) | nes_kaikeyanmar2 | 1991 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kaikeyanmar3 | | Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen (Japan) | | 1993 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| yanchamr | | Kaiketsu Yanchamaru (Japan) | kidniki | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| kaiserknj | | Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1J 1994/07/29) | kaiserkn | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| kaiserkn | | Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| kaiteids | | Kaitei Daisensou (Japan) | inthunt | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| kaitein | | Kaitei Takara Sagashi (Namco license) | kaitei | 1980 | K.K. Tokki (Namco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kaitei | | Kaitei Takara Sagashi | | 1980 | K.K. Tokki | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_sainttale | | Kaitou Saint Tale (Hack, English) | gg_sainttal | 2021 | Matt's Messy Room | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sainttal | | Kaitou Saint Tale (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_shubibi | | Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman (Japan) | | 1989 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| pce_shubibi2 | | Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 2 - Aratanaru Teki (Japan) | | 1991 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| nes_kakefkunnojumte | | Kakefu-kun no Jump Tengoku - Speed Jigoku (Japan) | | 1988 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kalinnotsurugi | | Kalin no Tsurugi (Hack, English) | | 2005 | filler, KingMike, satsu | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kalinnotsurugij | | Kalin no Tsurugi (Japan) | fds_kalinnotsurugi | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| kamakazi3 | | Kamakazi III (hack of 'Super Galaxians') | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| nes_kamenoong | | Kame no Ongaeshi - Urashima Densetsu (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kamennoninaka | | Kamen no Ninja - Akakage (Japan) | | 1988 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kamennoninhan | | Kamen no Ninja - Hanamaru (Japan) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kamenridblaen | | Kamen Rider Black - Taiketsu Shadow Moon (Hack, English) | | 2022 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kamenridbla | | Kamen Rider Black - Taiketsu Shadow Moon (Japan) | fds_kamenridblaen | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kamenriderclub | | Kamen Rider Club (Japan) | | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kamikaze | | Kamikaze (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| galkamika | | Kamikaze (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Electrogame) | Galaxian | |
| kamikazesp | | Kamikaze (Euromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Euromatic S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_kami16k | | Kamikaze (French) (16K) | | 1983 | Eyrolles | ZX Spectrum | L-Shift: left - Z: right - Space: fire |
| kamikcab | | Kamikaze Cabbie | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kamimariodx | | Kamikaze Mario DX+ (Hack, v1.9) | nes_smb | 2021 | 79 | Miscellaneous | |
| kangarooa | | Kangaroo (Atari) | kangaroo | 1982 | Sun Electronics (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kangaroob | | Kangaroo (bootleg) | kangaroo | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kangarool | | Kangaroo (Loewen-Automaten) | kangaroo | 1982 | Sun Electronics (Loewen-Automaten license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kangaroo | | Kangaroo | | 1982 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kanshnagkannotogots | | Kanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi (Japan) | | 1986 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karakkendenmuslo | | Karakuri Kengou Den Musashi Lord - Karakuribito Hashiru (Japan) | | 1991 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_karamaru | | Karamaru - Chindou Chuu (Japan) | | 1985 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| karatblzbl | | Karate Blazers (bootleg with Street Smart sound hardware) | karatblz | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| karatblzu | | Karate Blazers (US) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| karatblz | | Karate Blazers (World, set 1) | | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| karatblza | | Karate Blazers (World, set 2) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| karatblzt | | Karate Blazers (World, Tecmo license) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System Co. (Tecmo license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kchamptec | | Karate Champ (Tecfri bootleg) | kchamp | 1984 | bootleg (Tecfri) | Miscellaneous | |
| kchampvs | | Karate Champ (US VS version, set 1) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| kchampvs2 | | Karate Champ (US VS version, set 2) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| kchampvs3 | | Karate Champ (US VS version, set 3) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| kchampvs4 | | Karate Champ (US VS version, set 4) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| kchamp | | Karate Champ (US) | | 1984 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karatechamp | | Karate Champ (USA) (Rev A) | | 1986 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| karateda | | Karate Dou (Arfyc bootleg) | kchamp | 1984 | bootleg (Arfyc) | Miscellaneous | |
| karatedo | | Karate Dou (Japan) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karatekick | | Karate Kick (HB) | | 2017 | Mike Moffitt | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karatekidthec | | Karate Kid, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_karatekidthe | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karatekidthe | | Karate Kid, The (USA) | | 1987 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karatekac | | Karateka (Hack, Spanish) | nes_karateka | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karateka | | Karateka (Japan) | | 1985 | Soft Pro | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_karateka | | Karateka (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_karateka2 | | Karateka 2 (HB) | | 2021 | Nanochess | ColecoVision | |
| karianx | | Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0) | | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Hardware | |
| spec_karlos | | Karlos und Schatze der Azteken (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | Perspective Group | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_karnov | | Karnov (128K) | | 1988 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| karnovj | | Karnov (Japan) | karnov | 1987 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| karnova | | Karnov (US, rev 5) | karnov | 1987 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| karnov | | Karnov (US, rev 6) | | 1987 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_karnov | | Karnov (USA) | | 1988 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| karnovre | | Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite (Revolution v0.1, Hack) | karnovr | 2023 | GameHackFan | Neo Geo MVS | |
| karnovr | | Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite | | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_kartfighter | | Kart Fighter (Unl) | | 1994 | Ge De Industry Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_katochan | | Kato Chan & Ken Chan (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_kattobi | | Kattobi! Takuhai Kun (Japan) | | 1990 | Tonkin House | PC Engine | |
| gg_kawasaki | | Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_kawasaki | | Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kawasakip | | Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (USA, Prototype) | md_kawasaki | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_kayleth | | Kayleth (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_keithcor | | Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| kenseim | D | Ken Sei Mogura: Street Fighter II (Japan 940418, Ver 1.00) | | 1994 | Capcom / Togo / Sigma | CPS1 | |
| cv_kubjpok | | Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| kengoj | | Ken-Go (Japan) | ltswords | 1991 | Irem | Irem M84? | |
| kengo | | Ken-Go (World) | ltswords | 1991 | Irem | Irem M84? | |
| spec_kendowarrior | | Kendo Warrior (128K) | | 1989 | Byte Back | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kdmanager | | Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (48K) | | 1989 | Cognito | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kdmatch | | Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match (128K) | | 1990 | Impressions | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_kenseid | | Kenseiden (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_kenseidj | | Kenseiden (Japan) | sms_kenseid | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_yaiba | | Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_kerokerkernoda | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Gaijin Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kerokerkernodaj | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken (Japan) | nes_kerokerkernoda | 1991 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kerokerkernoda2 | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi! (Hack, English) | | 2016 | The Spoony Bard | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kerokerkernoda2j | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi! (Japan) | nes_kerokerkernoda2 | 1993 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| keroppij | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Isshoni Asobou (Japan) | keroppi | 1993 | Sammy Industries | Seta | |
| keroppi | | Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0) | | 1995 | American Sammy | Seta | |
| nes_keropkernosplbo | | Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb! (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Suicidal Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_keropkernosplboj | | Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb! (Japan) | nes_keropkernosplbo | 1993 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| ket1 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver.) (alt rom fill) | ket | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketbl | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver., bootleg cartridge conversion) | ket | 2003 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarr10 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.0, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarr15 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.5, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarr151 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.51, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarr | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.7, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2014 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarrf | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Fast version, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketb | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Japan, 2003/01/01 Master Ver) | ket | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| keta | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Japan, 2003/01/01 Master Ver.) | ket | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ket | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Japan, 2003/01/01. Master Ver.) | | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarrs15 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (MR. Stoic version 1.5, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| ketarrs151 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (MR. Stoic version 1.51, hack by Trap15) | ket | 2012 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster based | |
| cv_kevtris | | Kevtris (HB) | | 1996 | Kevin Horton | ColecoVision | |
| msx_keykaper | | Keystone Kapers (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_keykaper | | Keystone Kapers | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| spec_kgbsuperspy | | KGB Super Spy (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_khazzad | | Khazzad-Dum (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | System 4 | MSX | |
| kickc | | Kick (cocktail) | kick | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| kick | | Kick (upright) | | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kickandrun | | Kick and Run (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| kicknrunu | | Kick and Run (US) | kicknrun | 1986 | Taito America Corp | Miscellaneous | |
| kicknrun | | Kick and Run (World) | | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_kickrush | | Kick and Rush (Japan) | gg_tengenwc | 1993 | SIMS | Sega Game Gear | |
| kickball | NW | Kick Ball | | 1998 | Seoung Youn | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kickbox | | Kick Boxing, The (Japan, Korea) | md_bestof | 1993 | Micro World | Sega Megadrive | |
| kickboy | | Kick Boy | | 1983 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kickcha | | Kick Challenger - Air Foot (Japan) | | 1987 | Vap | Miscellaneous | |
| kftgoal | D NW | Kick for the Goal | wpksoc | 1994 | Jaleco | Irem M107 | |
| kickgoal | | Kick Goal (set 1) | | 1995 | TCH / Proyesel | Miscellaneous | |
| kickgoala | | Kick Goal (set 2) | kickgoal | 1995 | TCH / Proyesel | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_kickit | | Kick It (Japan) | | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_kickita | | Kick It (Japan, Alt) | msx_kickit | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| nes_kickmasterc | | Kick Master (Hack, Chinese) | nes_kickmaster | 2022 | Ninsonytendog & Managus | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kickmaster | | Kick Master (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kickoff | | Kick Off (48K) | | 1989 | Anco | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_kickoff | | Kick Off (Europe) | | 1992 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| kickoff | | Kick Off - Jaleco Cup (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| spec_kickoff2 | | Kick Off 2 (128K) | | 1990 | Anco | ZX Spectrum | Use Q, A and C to choose and select options |
| md_kickoff3 | | Kick Off 3 - European Challenge (Euro) | | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_kickoffw | | Kick Off World Cup Edition (128K) | | 1990 | Anco | ZX Spectrum | |
| kickridr | | Kick Rider | | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| kikstart | | Kick Start: Wheelie King | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| pce_kickball | | Kickball (Japan) | | 1990 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| kicker | | Kicker | | 1985 | Konami | GX477 | |
| kikcubicb | | Kickle Cubele | kikcubic | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kicklecubicle | | Kickle Cubicle (USA) | | 1990 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| kickman | | Kickman (upright) | kick | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kidcham | | Kid Chameleon (Euro, Korea, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kidchams | | Kid Chameleon (Hack, Spanish) | md_kidcham | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_kiddracula | | Kid Dracula (Hack, English) | | 2019 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kidicarus | | Kid Icarus (USA, Europe) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kidkloinnigmawo | | Kid Klown in Night Mayor World (USA) | | 1993 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kidkooandquesewohe | | Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs (USA) | | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| kidnikiu | | Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (US) | kidniki | 1986 | Irem (Data East USA license) | Irem M62 | |
| nes_kidnik | | Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| kidniki | | Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World) | | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| horekidb | | Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (bootleg set 1) | horekid | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| horekid | | Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kiddysuninfan | | Kiddy Sun in Fantasia (Taiwan) | | 1987 | Eratech | Miscellaneous | |
| md_patlabor | | Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor - 98-shiki Kidou Seyo! (Japan) | | 1992 | Ma-Ba | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_kidousenzgunj | | Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - Hot Scramble (Japan) (Final Version) | nes_kidousenzgun | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kidousenzgun | | Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - Hot Scramble (Japan) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_kietaprincess | | Kieta Princess (Japan) | | 1986 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_kikikai | | Kiki KaiKai (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| fds_kikikai | | Kiki Kaikai - Dotou Hen (Hack, English) | | 2024 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | Mysterious Ghost World - The Turbulent Chapters |
| fds_kikikaij | | Kiki Kaikai - Dotou Hen (Japan) (Rev 1) | fds_kikikai | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| kikikai | | KiKi KaiKai | | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_kikousei | | Kikou Seiki Unitron - Sono Tsuide. Hikari Umareru Chi Yori. (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_kikstrt2 | | Kikstart 2 + Course Designer (48K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | Set '4. CURSOR' to use controller |
| msx_killmice | | Kill Mice (HB) | | 2011 | GameCast Entertainment | MSX | |
| msx_killstation | | Killer Station (Japan) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_killstationa | | Killer Station (Japan, Alt) | msx_killstation | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| md_killshow | | Killing Game Show, The (Japan) | md_fatalrew | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_kineticc | | Kinetic Connection (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_kinetik | | Kinetik (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| kingballj | | King & Balloon (Japan) | kingball | 1980 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| msx_kingball | | King & Balloon (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_kingballa | | King & Balloon (Japan, Alt) | msx_kingball | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| cv_kingball | | King & Balloon (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2018 | Namco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| kingball | | King & Balloon (US) | | 1980 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| sms_kingball | | King and Balloon (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| spec_kaquest | | King Arthur's Quest (48K) | | 1984 | Hill MacGibbon | ZX Spectrum | Use numeric keys to play |
| nes_kingkon2 | | King Kong 2 - Ikari no Megaton Punch (Hack, English) | | 2016 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kingkon2j | | King Kong 2 - Ikari no Megaton Punch (Japan) | nes_kingkon2 | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_kingleon | | King Leonard (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| kingofbj | | King of Boxer (Japan) | kingofb | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| kingofb | | King of Boxer (World) | | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_kingcasn | | King of Casino (Japan) | | 1990 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| tg_kingcasn | | King of Casino (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| kof98bsc | | King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Boss Chinese Edition, Hack) | kof98 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98plc | | King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Plus Chinese Edition, Hack) | kof98 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_kof98 | NW | King of Fighters '98, The (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1998 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kof98a | | King of Fighters '98, The (Unprotected?) (Unl) | md_kof98 | 1998 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kof99 | | King of Fighters '99, The (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kof99a | | King of Fighters '99, The (Taiwan, Alt) (Unl) | md_kof99 | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kof2k | | King of Fighters 2000, The (China) (Unl) | md_kof98 | 2000 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_kof_mlon | | King of Fighters R-1 & Melon-chan no Seichou Nikki (Jpn, Prototype) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| kog | | King of Gladiator (bootleg of The King of Fighters '97) | kof97 | 1997 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kogplus | | King of Gladiator Plus (The King of Fighters '97 bootleg) | kof97 | 1997 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_kingofkings | | King of Kings (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kingkin | | King of Kings, The (USA) (v5.0) (Unl) | | 1991 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kotm | | King of the Monsters (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kotmj | | King of the Monsters (Japan) | md_kotm | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| kotm | | King of the Monsters (set 1) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kotmh | | King of the Monsters (set 2) | kotm | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_kotmu | | King of the Monsters (USA) | md_kotm | 1993 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kotm2 | | King of the Monsters 2 (USA) | | 1994 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| kotm2 | | King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039 ~ NGH-039) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kotm2a | | King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older) | kotm2 | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kotm2p | | King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (prototype) | kotm2 | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_kingsalj | | King Salmon (Japan) | md_kingsal | 1992 | Hot-B | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kingsal | | King Salmon - The Big Catch (USA) | | 1993 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_kingvalley | | King Valley (128K) | | 1994 | WE [BY] (Belarus) | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_kingsbty | | King's Bounty - The Conqueror's Quest (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kingsbtys | | King's Bounty - The Conqueror's Quest (Hack, Spanish) | md_kingsbty | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_kingkngt | | King's Knight (Japan) | | 1986 | Square | MSX | |
| msx_kingkngtb | | King's Knight (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_kingkngt | 1986 | Square | MSX | |
| msx_kingkngta | | King's Knight (Japan, Alt) | msx_kingkngt | 1986 | Square | MSX | |
| nes_kingsknight | | King's Knight (USA) | | 1986 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_kingqst | | King's Quest - Quest for the Crown (USA) | | 1989 | Parker Brothers | Sega Master System | |
| sms_kingqstp | | King's Quest - Quest for the Crown (USA, Prototype) | sms_kingqst | 1989 | Parker Brothers | Sega Master System | |
| nes_kingsquestv | | King's Quest V (USA) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kingsvalley | | King's Valley (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_kingval | | King's Valley (Euro, Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kingvalb | | King's Valley (Euro, Japan, Alt 2) | msx_kingval | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kingvalc | | King's Valley (Euro, Japan, Alt 3) | msx_kingval | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kingvald | | King's Valley (Euro, Japan, Alt 4) | msx_kingval | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kingvala | | King's Valley (Euro, Japan, Alt) | msx_kingval | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_kingvalley | | King's Valley (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2012 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_kingval2 | | King's Valley II (Euro) ~ Ouke no Tani - El Giza no Fuuin (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| sg1k_jinzita | | King's Valley, Jinzita (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| kingdmgp | | Kingdom Grandprix | | 1994 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| nes_kingsbea | | Kings of the Beach (USA) | | 1990 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_kinnikume | | Kinnikuman - Colosseum Deathmatch (Hack, English) | msx_kinnikum | 2021 | GDX | MSX | |
| msx_kinnikum | | Kinnikuman - Colosseum Deathmatch (Japan) | | 1985 | Bandai | MSX | |
| msx_kinnikuma | | Kinnikuman - Colosseum Deathmatch (Japan, Alt) | msx_kinnikum | 1985 | Bandai | MSX | |
| msx_kinnikumk | | Kinnikuman - Colosseum Deathmatch (Korea) | msx_kinnikum | 198? | San Ho | MSX | |
| fds_kinni | | Kinnikuman - Kinnikusei Oui Soudatsusen (Japan) | | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kinni | | Kinnikuman - Muscle Tag Match (Japan) | nes_muscle | 1985 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kirakirstanigac | | Kira Kira Star Night AC (HB) | | 2017 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kirakirstanigdx | | Kira Kira Star Night DX (HB) | | 2016 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kirakirstaniggo | | Kira Kira Star Night GOLD (HB) | | 2016 | RiKi | Miscellaneous | |
| kirameki | | Kirameki Star Road (Ver 2.10J 1997/08/29) | | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_kirbysadvc | | Kirby's Adventure (Hack, Chinese) | nes_kirbysadv | 2020 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kirbysadv | | Kirby's Adventure (USA) (Rev A) | | 1993 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kirbyshlw | | Kirby's Halloween Adventure (Hack, v1.4) | nes_kirbysadv | 2021 | Kirb-Star | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kishiden | | Kishi Densetsu (Japan) | | 1993 | Kodansha | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_zenki | | Kishin Douji Zenki (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_kissshot | | Kiss Shot (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_kiterdai | | Kiteretsu Daihyakka (Japan) | | 1990 | Epoch | Miscellaneous | |
| kittenk | | Kitten Kaboodle | | 1988 | Konami | GX712 | |
| nes_kittyscatch | | Kitty's Catch (USA) | | 1989 | David Wiebenson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kiwikra | | Kiwi Kraze - A Bird-Brained Adventure! (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| kizuna | | Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_klashball | | KlashBall (USA) | | 1991 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_klax | | Klax (128K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_klax | | Klax (Euro) | | 1990 | Domark | MSX | |
| sms_klax | | Klax (Euro) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Master System | |
| gg_klax | | Klax (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_klax | | Klax (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| klaxd2 | | Klax (Germany, version 2) | klax | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_klaxj | | Klax (Japan) | md_klax | 1990 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_klax | | Klax (Japan) | | 1990 | Tengen | PC Engine | |
| klaxj3 | | Klax (Japan, version 3) | klax | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| klaxj4 | | Klax (Japan, version 4) | klax | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_klax | | Klax (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_klax | | Klax (USA) | | 1990 | Tengen | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| klax4 | | Klax (version 4) | klax | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| klax5 | | Klax (version 5) | klax | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| klax5bl | D NW | Klax (version 5, bootleg set 1) | klax | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| klax | | Klax (version 6) | | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_klondike128 | | Klondike Solitaire (128K) (HB, v1.04) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_klondike48 | | Klondike Solitaire (48K) (HB, v1.04) | spec_klondike128 | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_ksolitaire | | Klondike Solitaire (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_ksolitaire | | Klondike Solitaire (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sg1k_ksolitaire | | Klondike Solitaire (HB, v1.04) | | 2020 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_ksolitaire | | Klondike Solitaire (HB, v1.04) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| spec_ksolitaire | | Klondike Solitaire - first release (128K) (HB) | spec_klondike128 | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| klondkp | | KlonDike+ | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| knightb | | Knight Boy (bootleg of KiKi KaiKai, set 1) | kikikai | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_knightforce | | Knight Force (128K) | | 1990 | Titus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kniglore | | Knight Lore (48K) | | 1984 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_knightlr | | Knight Lore (Japan) | | 1986 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| cv_kngtlore | | Knight Lore (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2018 | Ultimate | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| fds_knighlor | | Knight Lore - Majou no Ookami Otoko (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_knightmove | | Knight Move (Hack, English) | | 2003 | PentarouZero | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_knightmovej | | Knight Move (Japan) | fds_knightmove | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_knightrider | | Knight Rider (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_knightrider | | Knight Rider (USA) | | 1989 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_knightrse | | Knight Rider Special (Hack, English v2.0) | pce_knightrs | 2017 | Psyklax | PC Engine | |
| pce_knightrs | | Knight Rider Special (Japan) | | 1989 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| spec_knighttyme | | Knight Tyme (128K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | Options menu = A, Z, Space |
| cv_knightmore | | Knight'n More (HB) | | 2016 | Cote Gamers | ColecoVision | |
| spec_knightmare | | Knightmare (48K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | Hold down 'fire button' to start game |
| kngtmare | | Knightmare (prototype) | | 1983 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | Game has NO sound |
| cv_kngtmare | | Knightmare (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2015 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_knightmr | | Knightmare - Majou Densetsu (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_knightmrb | | Knightmare - Majou Densetsu (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_knightmr | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_knightmra | | Knightmare - Majou Densetsu (Japan, Alt) | msx_knightmr | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_knightmrk | | Knightmare - Majou Densetsu (Korea) (Unl) | msx_knightmr | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| spec_knightzx | | Knightmare 2 ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Climacus | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_knightm2 | | Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_knightm2k | | Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (Korea) (Unl) | msx_knightm2 | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_knightm2 | | Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (Korea) | | 199? | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_knightm3en | | Knightmare III - Shalom (Hack, English) | msx_knightm3 | 2002 | SLotman | MSX | |
| msx_knightm3sp | | Knightmare III - Shalom (Hack, Spanish) | msx_knightm3 | 2012 | Pablibiris | MSX | |
| msx_knightm3 | | Knightmare III - Shalom (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| sg1k_moyuchua | | Knightmare, Moyu Chuanqi (Taiwan) | | 1986? | Jumbo | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_knddx | | Knights & Demons DX (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Kabuto Factory | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_knights | | Knights (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Darryl Sloan | ZX Spectrum | |
| knightsb | | Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 1) | knights | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| knightsb3 | NW | Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 2) | knights | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | unemulated graphics |
| knightsb4 | | Knights of the Round (bootleg with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205, 911127 etc, set 4) | knights | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| knightsb5 | | Knights of the Round (bootleg, 911127 Japan, set 5) | knights | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| knightsb2 | | Knights of the Round (bootleg, World 911127) | knights | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| knightct | | Knights of the Round (Count, Hack) | knights | 2016 | hack | CPS1 | |
| knightsh | | Knights of the Round (hack set 1) | knights | 1991 | hack | CPS1 | |
| knightsh2 | | Knights of the Round (hack set 2, 911127 etc) | knights | 1991 | hack | CPS1 | |
| knightsja | | Knights of the Round (Japan 911127, B-Board 89625B-1) | knights | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| knightsj | | Knights of the Round (Japan 911127, B-Board 91634B-2) | knights | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| knightsp | | Knights of the Round (Plus, Hack) | knights | 2016 | hack | CPS1 | |
| knightsc | | Knights of the Round (T-Chi) | knights | 2006 | hack | CPS1 | |
| knightsu | | Knights of the Round (USA 911127) | knights | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| knights | | Knights of the Round (World 911127) | | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kov111 | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V111, Japan) | kov | 1999 | IGS (Alta Co., LTD License) | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov114 | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V114, Hong Kong) | kov | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov115 | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V115) | kov | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V117, Hong Kong) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2dzxx | | Knights of Valour 2 (Dou Zhuan Xing Xuan, ver.110) | kov2 | 2021 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2100 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V100, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2101 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V101, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov21022 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V102, 102, 100HK Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2102 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V102, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2103 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V103, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2104 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V104, China) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2106 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V106, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V107, Hong Kong) | | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2pemp | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Extend Magic Plus (Hack) | kov2p | 2020 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2pfwll | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Feng Wu Long Yin (Ver. 205S, Hack) | kov2p | 2021-05-10 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2p200 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM200XX) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2p202 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM202XX, Japan) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2p203 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM203XX, Korea) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2p204 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM204XX, China) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2p | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM205XX, China) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kov2pshpd | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Xie Feng Tian Chi (Hack) | kov2p | 2019-12-16 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovplusq | | Knights of Valour Plus - New Biography of Heroes (V120) | kovplus | 2021 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovplus20tx | | Knights of Valour Plus - Qun Xiong Luan Wu 2020 | kovplus | 2023 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovplus | | Knights of Valour Plus - Sangoku Senki Plus (V119) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | no PLUS on screen when set to KOREA |
| kovplusa | | Knights of Valour Plus - Sangoku Senki Plus (V119, Korea) | kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | no PLUS on screen when set to KOREA |
| kovp12em | | Knights of Valour Plus 2012 - Nightmare | kovplus | 2022 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovp12dw | | Knights of Valour Plus 2012 - Warriors | kovplus | 2023 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovytzyce | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Yi Tong Zhong Yuan Qing Ban (2020-A, hack) | kovshp | 2020-07-21 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovytzyws | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Yi Tong Zhong Yuan Wu Shuang Ban (2019-0, hack) | kovshp | 2018 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshpzqhl | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best Firepower In 2020, 2020-02-06) | kovshp | 2020 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshpqszltw | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Road to Survival True King Tian Wang, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2020-01-03 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshpqszl | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Road to Survival True King, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2018 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshp100 | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (V100, China) | kovshp | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshp | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (V101) | | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshp101 | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (V101, China) | kovshp | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshb | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (bootleg, V104, China) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsh100 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V100) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsh101 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V101) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsh102 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V102) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsh103 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V103) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsh | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V104, China) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovassge | | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo / Sangoku Senki: Ao shi San Guo (Encrypted, V202CN, China) | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovassgn | | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo / Sangoku Senki: Ao shi San Guo (Newer, V202CN, China) | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovassg | | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo / Sangoku Senki: Ao shi San Guo (V202CN, China) | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovassgplus | D NW | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo Plus / Sangoku Senki: Ao Shi San Guo Plus(V315CN, China) | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| kovlsjba | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Jie Ba / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Jie Ba (V200CN alt, China) | kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| kovlsjb | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Jie Ba / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Jie Ba (V200CN, China) | kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovlsqh | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang (V200CN, China) | kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| kovlsqh2 | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang II / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang II (V200CN, China) | kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| kovlsqho | | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang Te Bie Ban / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang Te Bie Ban (V112CN, China) | kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| kovqhsgsa | | Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangoku Senki: Quan Huang San Guo Special (V303CN alt, China) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovqhsgs | | Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangoku Senki: Quan Huang San Guo Special (V303CN, China) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovqhsgsd | | Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangoku Senki: Quan Huang San Guo Special (V303CN, China, decrypted version) | kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsgqyz | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (V119, set 1) | kovplus | 1999 | ANX | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsgqyza | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (V119, set 2) | kovplus | 1999 | ANX | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsgqyzb | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (V119, set 3) | kovplus | 1999 | ANX | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsgqyzc | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (V119, set 4) | kovplus | 1999 | ANX | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovsgqyzd | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (V119, set 5) | kovplus | 1999 | ANX | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovytzy | | Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan / Sangoku Senki: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan (V201, China) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| msx_knithers | | Knither Special (Japan) | | 1987 | Dempa | MSX | |
| knockout | | Knock Out!! (bootleg, set 1) | triplep | 1982 | bootleg? (KKK) | Galaxian | |
| kbashk | | Knuckle Bash (Korean PCB) | kbash | 1993 | Toaplan / Taito | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| kbashp | | Knuckle Bash (location test) | kbash | 1993 | Toaplan / Taito | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| kbash2 | | Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg) | | 1999 | bootleg | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| kbash | | Knuckle Bash | | 1993 | Toaplan / Atari | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| knckheadj | | Knuckle Heads (Japan) | knckhead | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| knckheadjp | | Knuckle Heads (Japan, Prototype?) | knckhead | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| knckhead | | Knuckle Heads (World) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| msx_knucklej | | Knuckle Joe (Korea) | | 1989 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| kncljoe | | Knuckle Joe (set 1) | | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| kncljoea | | Knuckle Joe (set 2) | kncljoe | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_knucklp | | Knuckles in Sonic 2 (Prototype 0524, 19940527, 10.46) | md_sks2 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | Lock-On Technology |
| md_ktesonic | | Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog (Hack) | md_sonic | 2005 | Stealth | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_kobashi | | Kobashi (HB) | | 2010 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_kobashi | | Kobashi (HB) | | 2004 | Desire in Envy | MSX | |
| msx_koedoli | | Koedoli (Korea) | | 1988 | Aproman | MSX | |
| ngp_koikoi | | Koi Koi Mahjong (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| koikois2 | | Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda (Japan) | | 1997 | Visco | SSV | |
| rockragej | | Koi no Hotrock (Japan) | rockrage | 1986 | Konami | GX620 | |
| nes_kokoadventure | | Koko Adventure (Korea) | nes_buzzwaldog | 1993 | Open | Miscellaneous | |
| eto | | Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) | | 1994 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| md_kolobok | | Kolobok ~ Pyramid (Russia) (Unl) | md_uwol | 201? | Kudos | Sega Megadrive | |
| konami88 | | Konami '88 | 88games | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| konamigt | | Konami GT | | 1985 | Konami | GX561 | |
| nes_konamhypsoc | | Konami Hyper Soccer (Euro) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| rf2 | | Konami RF2 - Red Fighter | konamigt | 1985 | Konami | GX561 | |
| kontest | | Konami Test Board (GX800, Japan) | | 1987? | Konami | GX800 | |
| msx_konbball | | Konami's Baseball (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konbballa | | Konami's Baseball (Japan, Alt) | msx_konbball | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konbill | | Konami's Billiards (Euro) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konboxin | | Konami's Boxing (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konboxinb | | Konami's Boxing (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_konboxin | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konboxina | | Konami's Boxing (Japan, Alt) | msx_konboxin | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konfootb | | Konami's Football (Euro) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konfootbb | | Konami's Football (Euro, Alt 2) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konfootba | | Konami's Football (Euro, Alt) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| spec_knmgolf | | Konami's Golf (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_kongolf | | Konami's Golf (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kongolfb | | Konami's Golf (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_kongolf | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kongolfa | | Konami's Golf (Japan, Alt) | msx_kongolf | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mjdojo | | Konami's Mahjong Dojo (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| spec_pingpong | | Konami's Ping Pong (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_pingpong | | Konami's Ping-Pong (HB) | | 2011 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_pingpong | | Konami's Ping-Pong (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pingpongb | | Konami's Ping-Pong (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_pingpong | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pingpongc | | Konami's Ping-Pong (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_pingpong | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pingponga | | Konami's Ping-Pong (Japan, Alt) | msx_pingpong | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pingpongk | | Konami's Ping-Pong (Korea) (Unl) | msx_pingpong | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| pingpong | | Konami's Ping-Pong | | 1985 | Konami | GX555 | |
| msx_konsoccr | | Konami's Soccer (Japan) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konsoccrb | | Konami's Soccer (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konsoccrc | | Konami's Soccer (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_konsoccra | | Konami's Soccer (Japan, Alt) | msx_konfootb | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| spec_knmtennis | | Konami's Tennis (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_kontenn | | Konami's Tennis (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kontenna | | Konami's Tennis (Japan, Alt) | msx_kontenn | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_kontennk | | Konami's Tennis (Korea) | msx_kontenn | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| nes_konamspoinseo | | Konamic Sports in Seoul (Japan) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_konamictennis | | Konamic Tennis (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| konek | | Konek-Gorbunok | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| fds_konekmon | | Koneko Monogatari - The Adventures of Chatran (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_koneko | | Koneko no Daibouken - Chibi-chan ga Iku (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| kong | | Kong (Donkey Kong conversion on Galaxian hardware) | | 198? | Taito do Brasil | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| spec_kong | | Kong (Ocean) (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kong2 | | Kong 2 - Kong Strikes Back (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' for controller menu |
| msx_kongrevp1 | | Kong's Revenge - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_kongsrevenge1 | | Kong's Revenge - Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1991 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_kongrevp2 | | Kong's Revenge - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_kongrevp1 | 1991 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Password: CHIRIPA - use num-keys from 1 to 7 to set password |
| spec_kongsrevenge2 | | Kong's Revenge - Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_kongsrevenge1 | 1991 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: CHIRIPA - use num-keys from 1 to 7 to set password |
| pce_proyak89 | | Kore Ga Pro Yakyuu '89 (Japan) | | 1989 | Intec | PC Engine | |
| pce_proyak90 | | Kore Ga Pro Yakyuu '90 (Japan) | | 1990 | Intec | PC Engine | |
| korokoro | | Koro Koro Quest (Japan) | | 1999 | Takumi | Cave | |
| korosuke | | Korosuke Roller (Japan) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Electric, Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| nes_kosatak | | Kosmity Atakujo (HB, v10.07.2020) | | 2020 | sdm2 | Miscellaneous | |
| myangel | | Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan) | | 1996 | MOSS / Namco | Newer Seta | |
| myangel2 | | Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 (Japan) | | 1997 | MOSS / Namco | Newer Seta | |
| kot | | Kot-Rybolov (Terminal) | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| legofair | | Koukuu Kihei Monogatari - The Legend of Air Cavalry (Japan) | chopper | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_koteteik | | Koutetsu Teikoku (Japan) | md_empsteel | 1992 | Hot-B | Sega Megadrive | |
| strahlj | | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) | strahl | 1992 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| strahlja | | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 2) | strahl | 1992 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| strahl | | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (World) | | 1992 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| kroozr | | Kozmik Kroozr | | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| kozure | | Kozure Ookami (Japan) | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kraal | | Kraal (48K) | | 1990 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | Select '1 Keyboard' to use controller |
| spec_krakout | | Krakout (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_krakout | | Krakout (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| cv_krtetris | | Kralizec Tetris (HB) | | 2016-17 | Kralizec | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_ktetrisv2 | | Kralizec Tetris (HB, v2) | | 2005 | Kralizec | MSX | |
| kram3 | X NW | Kram (encrypted) | kram | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| kram | | Kram (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| kram2 | | Kram (set 2) | kram | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| krzybowl | | Krazy Bowl | | 1994 | American Sammy | Seta | |
| nes_krazykreatures | | Krazy Kreatures (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_krioncon | | Krion Conquest, The (USA) | | 1991 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kromasphere | | Kromasphere (HB) | | 2019 | 2nd Dimension | Sega Megadrive | Copyright 2017 CMC |
| spec_krpat | | Krpat (Czech) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Bizard | ZX Spectrum | |
| krull | | Krull | | 1983 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_krustyfh | | Krusty's Fun House (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| gg_krustyfh | | Krusty's Fun House (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_krustyfhc | | Krusty's Fun House (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_krustyfh | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_krustsfunhouc | | Krusty's Fun House (Hack, Spanish) | nes_krustsfunhou | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_krustsfunhou | | Krusty's Fun House (USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| md_krusty1 | | Krusty's Super Fun House (Euro, USA) | md_krusty | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_krusty | | Krusty's Super Fun House (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_krustys | | Krusty's Super Fun House (Hack, Spanish) | md_krusty | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sandscrpb | | Kuai Da Shizi Huangdi (China?, Revised Hardware) | sandscrp | 1992 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kuatris | | Kuatris (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Mr. Rancio | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_kubus | | Kubus (Euro) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| kuhga | | Kuhga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Japan revision 3) | vaportra | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| sms_kujaku | | Kujaku Ou (Japan) | sms_spellcst | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_kujaku2 | | Kujaku Ou 2 - Geneijou (Japan) | md_mystdef | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_kungfuc | | Kung Fu (Hack, Chinese) | nes_kungfu | 2010 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kungfu | | Kung Fu (Japan, USA) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_kungfuk | | Kung Fu Kid (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_kungfum | | Kung Fu Master (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_kungfumb | | Kung Fu Master (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_kungfum | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_kungfuma | | Kung Fu Master (Japan, Alt) | msx_kungfum | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_seikacho | | Kung Fu Master - Seiken Achou (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_seikachoa | | Kung Fu Master - Seiken Achou (Japan, Alt) | msx_seikacho | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_seikachok | | Kung Fu Master - Seiken Achou (Korea) (Unl) | msx_seikacho | 1987 | Clover | MSX | |
| md_kfpanda2 | | Kung Fu Panda 2 (Russia) (Unl) | md_brutal | 201? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_kungfu | | Kung Fu, The (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_kungfuheroes | | Kung-Fu Heroes (USA) | | 1989 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_kungfum | | Kung-Fu Master (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| kungfub | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 1) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub2 | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 2) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub3 | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 3) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| cv_kungfumstr | | Kung-Fu Master (SGM) (HB) | | 1985-2016 | Irem | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| kungfumd | | Kung-Fu Master (US) | kungfum | 1984 | Irem (Data East USA license) | Irem M62 | |
| kungfum | | Kung-Fu Master (World) | | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub3s | | Kung-Fu Senjyo (bootleg, Spanish) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| msx_kungfut | | Kung-Fu Taikun (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_kungfuta | | Kung-Fu Taikun (Japan, Alt) | msx_kungfut | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_kungfutk | | Kung-Fu Taikun (Korea) (Unl) | msx_kungfut | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| kungfut | | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 1) | | 1984 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| kungfuta | | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 2) | kungfut | 1984 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_kunichan | | Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_kunichn2 | | Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku Part 2 (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_kuniokunnoneksole | | Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League (Japan) | | 1993 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_kunkun | | KunKun & KokoKun (HB) | | 2006 | Bock | Sega Master System | |
| sms_kunkun2 | | KunKun & KokoKun 2 (HB) | | 2011 | Bock | Sega Master System | |
| kurikintj | | Kuri Kinton (Japan) | kurikint | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| kurikintu | | Kuri Kinton (US) | kurikint | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito L System | |
| kurikintw | | Kuri Kinton (US, World Games license) | kurikint | 1988 | Taito Corporation (World Games, Inc. license) | Taito L System | |
| kurikint | | Kuri Kinton (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| kurikinta | | Kuri Kinton (World, prototype?) | kurikint | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| ksayakyu | | Kusayakyuu | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_kuuga | | Kuuga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Japan) | md_vaportr | 1991 | Riot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kuzyaeo | | Kuzya - Ekologiya V Opasnosti (Russia) (Unl) | md_chukrck2 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kuzyamd | | Kuzya - V Mire Dinozavrov (Russia) (Unl) | md_chukrck2 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ksdizzy | | Kwik Snax Dizzy (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kydcadet | | Kyd Cadet (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2010 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | A: left - S: right - SPACE: jump |
| spec_kydcadet3 | | Kyd Cadet 3 - The Eyeburx Plee (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_kydcadet2 | | Kyd Cadet II - The Rescue of Pobbleflu (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | A: left - S: right - SPACE: jump |
| brkthruj | | Kyohkoh-Toppa (Japan) | brkthru | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kyoursenjuuc | | Kyouryuu Sentai Juuranger (Hack, Chinese) | nes_kyoursenjuu | 2023 | LSP Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kyoursenjuu | | Kyouryuu Sentai Juuranger (Hack, English) | | 2009 | Grimm Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_kyoursenjuuj | | Kyouryuu Sentai Juuranger (Japan) | nes_kyoursenjuu | 1992 | Angel Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| kyrosj | | Kyros no Yakata (Japan) | kyros | 1986 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| kyros | | Kyros | | 1987 | Alpha Denshi Co. (World Games Inc. license) | Alpha 68k | |
| dadandrn | | Kyukyoku Sentai Dadandarn (ver JAA) | mmaulers | 1993 | Konami | GX170 | |
| ktigera | | Kyukyoku Tiger (Japan, 2 player alternate) | twincobr | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| ktiger | | Kyukyoku Tiger (Japan, 2 player cooperative) | twincobr | 1989 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| ktiger2 | | Kyukyoku Tiger II (Ver 2.1J 1995/11/30) | tcobra2 | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| md_kyukaidk | | Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| kyukaidk | | Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (Rev B)) | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| kyukaidko | | Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan, old version) | kyukaidk | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| divebomb | | Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad (Japan, prototype) | | 1989 | Konami | GX840 | bugs are normal! |
| pce_kyukyomj | | Kyuukyoku Mahjong - Idol Graphics (Japan) | | 1992 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| pce_kyukyom2 | | Kyuukyoku Mahjong II (Japan) | | 1993 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| md_ktiger | | Kyuukyoku Tiger (Japan) | md_twincobr | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_kyuukyokutiger | | Kyuukyoku Tiger (Japan) | nes_twincobra | 1989 | CBS / Sony Group | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_ktiger | | Kyuukyoku Tiger (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| spec_labbaye | | L'Abbaye des Morts (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Darkhorace | ZX Spectrum | Port of original game by Locomalito and Gryzor87 |
| cv_labbaye | | L'Abbaye des Morts (HB) | | 2019 | Exidy - Alekmaul | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| md_labbaye | | L'Abbaye des Morts (HB) | | 2010 | 2010 Locomalito and Gryzor | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_labbaye | | L'Abbaye des Morts (HB) | | 2021 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_labbaye | | L'Abbaye des Morts (HB, v1.2) | | 2020 | Retro Deluxe | MSX | |
| msx_lacorona | | La Corona Encantada (HB) | | 2009 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| lagirl | | LA Girl | plgirls | 1992 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| spec_laocaen | | La Oca (English) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2024 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laocapt | | La Oca (Portuguese) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_laocaen | 2024 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laocaes | | La Oca (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_laocaen | 2024 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_laruss95 | | La Russa Baseball 95 (USA, Oceania) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| labyrunr | | Labyrinth Runner (Japan) | tricktrp | 1987 | Konami | GX771 | |
| labyrunrk | | Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. K) | tricktrp | 1987 | Konami | GX771 | |
| ladybugg | | Lady Bug (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | ladybug | 1983 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ladybugb | | Lady Bug (bootleg) | ladybug | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_ladybug | | Lady Bug | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| ladybug | | Lady Bug | | 1981 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| ladyfrog | | Lady Frog | | 1990 | Mondial Games | Miscellaneous | |
| ladykill | | Lady Killer | | 1993 | Yanyaka (Mitchell license) | Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| ladymstr | | Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 1, newer) | | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| ladymstr2 | | Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 2, older) | ladymstr | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_ladyswrdeng | | Lady Sword (Hack, English) | pce_ladyswrd | 2010 | EsperKnight, filler, Grant Laughlin, Tomaitheous | PC Engine | |
| pce_ladyswrd1 | | Lady Sword (Japan) (Alt) | pce_ladyswrd | 1992 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| pce_ladyswrd | | Lady Sword (Japan) | | 1992 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| spec_laetitiap1 | | Laetitia - Part 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laetitiap2 | | Laetitia - Part 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_laetitiap1 | 2019 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laetitiap3 | | Laetitia - Part 3 (128K) (HB) | spec_laetitiap1 | 2019 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laetitiap4 | | Laetitia - Part 4 (128K) (HB) | spec_laetitiap1 | 2019 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_lagrangepoint | | Lagrange Point (Hack, English) | | 2014 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lagrangepointj | | Lagrange Point (Japan) | nes_lagrangepoint | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lakers | | Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_lala | | Lala Prologue (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_lalathemagical | | Lala the Magical (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_lambo | | Lambo (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2015 | Genesis Project | Sega Master System | |
| nes_lanmaster | | Lan Master (HB) | | 2011 | Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| landbrkb | | Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 1.0) (AT89c52 protected) | landbrk | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| landbrk | | Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| landbrka | | Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 3.03) (AT89c52 protected) | landbrk | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| landmakrhe | | Land Maker (English Translation Hack) | landmakr | 2023 | hack (ywy) | Taito F3 System | |
| landmakrj | | Land Maker (Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01) | landmakr | 1998 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| landmakr | | Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02) | | 1998 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| landmakrp | | Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02, prototype) | landmakr | 1998 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| sms_landill | | Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_landill | | Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_landmm | | Land of Mire Mare (48K) (HB, v1.06) | spec_landmmse | 2014 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_landmmse | | Land of Mire Mare - Special Edition (48K) (HB, v1.06) | | 2014 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | |
| lsasquad | | Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen | | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_landstlkg | | Landstalker - Die Schatze von Konig Nolo (Euro, German) | md_landstlk | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlkc | | Landstalker - Koutei no Zaihou (Hack, Chinese) | md_landstlk | 2007 | Yi Zhi Zhi Lu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlkj | | Landstalker - Koutei no Zaihou (Japan) | md_landstlk | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlkf | | Landstalker - Le Tresor du Roi Nole (Euro, French) | md_landstlk | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlk | | Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlks | | Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (Hack, Spanish) | md_landstlk | 2018 | Paspallas | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlku | | Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (USA) | md_landstlk | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_landstlkup | | Landstalker - Treasure of King Nole (USA, Prototype) | md_landstlk | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langriss | | Langrisser (Japan) | md_warsong | 1991 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2c | | Langrisser Hikari II (Hack, Chinese) | md_langris2 | 2015 | Xing Kong | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2e | | Langrisser II (Hack, English) | md_langris2 | 2011 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2s | | Langrisser II (Hack, Spanish) | md_langris2 | 2017 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2b | | Langrisser II (Japan) | md_langris2 | 1994 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2a | | Langrisser II (Japan, v1.1) | md_langris2 | 1994 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_langris2 | | Langrisser II (Japan, v1.2) | | 1994 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| lans2004 | | Lansquenet 2004 (bootleg of Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad) | shocktr2 | 1998 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_laptick2 | | Laptick 2 (Japan) | | 1986 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| nes_larry | | Larry (HB) | | 2014 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_larrya | | Larry (HB, alt) | nes_larry | 2014 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| lvgirl94 | | Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94) | | 1994 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lasalishii | | Lasalle Ishii no Child's Quest (Japan) | nes_stardomwar | 1989 | Namcot | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_lghost | | Laser Ghost (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| lghostj | | Laser Ghost (Japan) (FD1094 317-0164) | lghost | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| lghostud | | Laser Ghost (US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0165 set) | lghost | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| lghostu | | Laser Ghost (US) (FD1094 317-0165) | lghost | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| lghostd | | Laser Ghost (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0166 set) | lghost | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| lghost | | Laser Ghost (World) (FD1094 317-0166) | | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| nes_laserinvasion | | Laser Invasion (USA) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_lasermazer | | Laser Mazer (HB, v1.5) | | 2023 | OrbDream | MSX | |
| spec_lasersquad | | Laser Squad (48K) | | 1988 | Blade Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_laserzone | | Laser Zone (48K) | | 1983 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| lasso | | Lasso | | 1982 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lastact | | Last Action Hero (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_lastact | | Last Action Hero (USA) | | 1992 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_lastactionhero | | Last Action Hero (USA) | | 1993 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lastarmageddon | | Last Armageddon (Hack, English v1.02a) | | 2022 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lastarmageddonj | | Last Armageddon (Japan) | nes_lastarmageddon | 1990 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lastbtle | | Last Battle (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_lastduel | | Last Duel (48K) | | 1989 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| lastduelb | | Last Duel (bootleg) | lastduel | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduelj | | Last Duel (Japan) | lastduel | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduel | | Last Duel (US New Ver.) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduelo | | Last Duel (US Old Ver.) | lastduel | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_lastescape | | Last Escape (HB) | | 2023 | Fred Rique | MSX | |
| spec_lastescape | | Last Escape, The (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Poe Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| lastfortea | | Last Fortress - Toride (China, Rev A) | lastfort | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lastforte | | Last Fortress - Toride (China, Rev C) | lastfort | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lastfortg | | Last Fortress - Toride (Germany) | lastfort | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lastfort | | Last Fortress - Toride (Japan, VG420 PCB) | | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lastfortj | | Last Fortress - Toride (Japan, VG460 PCB) | lastfort | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lastfortk | | Last Fortress - Toride (Korea) | lastfort | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| lasthope | | Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support) | | 2005 | NG:DEV.TEAM | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lhcdb | | Last Hope CD Beta (Neo CD conversion) | | 2007 | NG:Dev.Team | Neo Geo MVS | Imperfect graphics |
| lastkm | | Last KM (ver 1.0.0275, checksum 13bff751, prototype) | | 1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_lastmission | | Last Mission (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| lastmisnj | | Last Mission (Japan) | lastmisn | 1986 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| lastmisnu5 | | Last Mission (US revision 5) | lastmisn | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| lastmisnu6 | | Last Mission (US revision 6) | lastmisn | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| lastmisn | | Last Mission (World revision 8) | | 1986 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| spec_lastmission | | Last Mission, The (Spanish) (128K) | | 1987 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lninja2 | | Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance (128K) | | 1988 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_lastninjathe | | Last Ninja, The (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| lresortp | | Last Resort (prototype) | lresort | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lresort | | Last Resort | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_laststa | | Last Starfighter, The (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| kyustrkr | | Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker | | 1989 | East Technology | Taito X | |
| lastsurvd | | Last Survivor (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0083 set) | lastsurv | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| lastsurv | | Last Survivor (Japan) (FD1094 317-0083) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| spec_lasttrain1 | | Last Train to Tranz-Central - Part 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lasttrain2 | | Last Train to Tranz-Central - Part 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_lasttrain1 | 2020 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lastvampire | | Last Vampire, The (48K) | | 1990 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lava16k | | Lava - Speed up version (16K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lavabirds | | Lava Birds, The (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_laweste | | Law of the West (Hack, English) | | 2020 | GAFF Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lawestj | | Law of the West (Japan) | nes_laweste | 1987 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lawnmower | | Lawn Mower (HB) | | 2011 | Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lawnmowr | | Lawnmower Man, The (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_layla | | Layla (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Supper | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_laylaj | | Layla (Japan) | nes_layla | 1986 | dB-SOFT | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_lazertag | | Lazer Tag (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| lazybug | | Lazy Bug | | 1981 | David Widel | Pac-man | |
| msx_lazyjones | | Lazy Jones (Euro) | | 1985 | Terminal Software | MSX | |
| bagnardi | | Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain) | bagman | 1983 | Valadon Automation (Itisa license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagnardio | | Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation (Itisa license) | Miscellaneous | |
| bagnard | | Le Bagnard (set 1) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| bagnarda | | Le Bagnard (set 2) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| leadang | | Lead Angle (Japan) | deadang | 1988 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_leaderboard | | Leader Board (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| lbowling | | League Bowling (NGM-019 ~ NGH-019) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_leapfrog | | Leapfrog (16K) | | 1983 | CDS Microsystems | ZX Spectrum | Press 'S' to start game |
| cv_leeper | | Learning with Leeper | | 1983 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| ledstorm | | Led Storm (US) | madgear | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ledstorm | | LED Storm - Rally 2011 (128K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| leds2011u | | Led Storm Rally 2011 (US) | leds2011 | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| leds2011 | | Led Storm Rally 2011 (World) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| fitegolfu | | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2, set 1) | fitegolf | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fitegolfua | | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2, set 2) | fitegolf | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_leetresfiggo | | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (USA) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| fitegolf | | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (World?) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_leftbehind | | Left Behind - Escape from Mars (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Dave Hughes | ZX Spectrum | O: left - P: right - Z: jump |
| nes_legacwizc | | Legacy of the Wizard (Hack, Spanish) | nes_legacwiz | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legacwiz | | Legacy of the Wizard (USA) | | 1989 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenbal | | Legend of Balubalouk (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Psyklax | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenbalj | | Legend of Balubalouk (Japan) | nes_legenbal | 1986 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenfum | | Legend of Fuma, The (Hack, English) | | 2018 | Nebulous Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| loht_ms | NW | Legend of Hero Tonma (Gaelco bootleg, Modular System) | loht | 1989 | bootleg (Gaelco / Ervisa) | Irem M72 | |
| lohtj | | Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan) | loht | 1989 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| pce_loht | | Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| lohtb2 | | Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan, bootleg with i8751) | loht | 1989 | bootleg | Irem M72 | |
| lohtb | | Legend of Hero Tonma (Playmark unprotected bootleg) | loht | 1989 | bootleg (Playmark) | Irem M72 | |
| tg_loht | | Legend of Hero Tonma (USA) | | 1991 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| loht | | Legend of Hero Tonma (World) | | 1989 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| lohtb3 | | Legend of Hero Tonma (World, bootleg with i8751) | loht | 1997 | bootleg | Irem M72 | |
| legendoh | | Legend of Heroes | | 2000 | Limenko | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_legndill | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Brazil) | | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_legndill | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_legndillc | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_legndill | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_legndillp6 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19940922) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_legndillp4 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19940930) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_legndillp5 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19940930-SEL) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_legndillp3 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19941011) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_legndillp2 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19941014) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_legndillp1 | | Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Prototype, 19941017) | gg_legndill | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_legkage | | Legend of Kage, The (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_legenkag | | Legend of Kage, The (USA) | | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| lomakai | | Legend of Makai (World) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| legendos | | Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu | | 1991 | SNK / Wave | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_legendsm | | Legend of Super Mario, The - Save Mushroom Kingdom (GlobalHack) | nes_legenzel | 2023 | NesDraug | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_legamawom | | Legend of the Amazon Women (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_frogprince | | Legend of the Frog Prince, The (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_traxtor | | Legend of Traxtor (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_legwnsdx | | Legend of Weed N' Stiff DX, The (HB) | nes_legwnssdx | 2020 | CalGames | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legwnssdx | | Legend of Weed N' Stiff SDX, The (HB) | | 2021 | CalGames | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legwns | | Legend of Weed N' Stiff, The (HB) | nes_legwnssdx | 2020 | CalGames | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wukonge | | Legend Of Wukong (English) (SRAM Patched) | md_wukong | 2008 | Super Fighter Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wukongs | | Legend Of Wukong (Hack, Spanish) (SRAM Patched) | md_wukong | 2017 | Crimental | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_triforcegc | | Legend of Zelda - Triforce of the Gods (China) | nes_triforceg | 2004 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_triforceg | | Legend of Zelda - Triforce of the Gods (Hack, English) | | 2018 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenzeldx | | Legend of Zelda DX, The (Graphics Hack) | nes_legenzel | 2014 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenzelrd | | Legend of Zelda Redux, The (Hack, v3.1) | nes_legenzel | 2022 | ShadowOne333 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenzeli | | Legend of Zelda, The (Hack, Italian) | nes_legenzel | 2019 | Stich991 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenzel | | Legend of Zelda, The (USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legenzelad | | Legend of Zelda, The - Ancient Dungeon (Hack, v3.0) | nes_legenzel | 2023 | arnpoly | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_legaxe2 | | Legendary Axe II, The (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| tg_legaxe | | Legendary Axe, The (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| lwingsb | | Legendary Wings (bootleg) | lwings | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lwings | | Legendary Wings (US set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lwings2 | | Legendary Wings (US set 2) | lwings | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_legendarywings | | Legendary Wings (USA) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| legend | | Legend | | 1986 | Kyugo / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_legendk | | Legendly Knight - Daemaseong (Korea) | | 1988 | Topia | MSX | |
| msx_legendka | | Legendly Knight - Daemaseong (Korea, Alt) | msx_legendk | 1988 | Topia | MSX | |
| nes_legendsofowlia | | Legends of Owlia (HB) | | 2014 | Gradual Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_leglutliv | | Leggite Luta Livre (HB) | nes_leglutlivr | 2021 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_leglutlivr | | Leggite Luta Livre Remaster (HB) | | 2021-22 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| legendb | | Legion (bootleg of Legend) | legend | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| legion | | Legion - Spinner-87 (World ver 2.03) | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| legionnaj | | Legionnaire (Japan) | legionna | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| legionnau | | Legionnaire (US) | legionna | 1992 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| legionna | | Legionnaire (World) | | 1992 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_legobatman | | Lego Batman (Russia) (Unl) | | 2014 | BMB | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_legopoc | | Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Russia) (Unl) | | 2014 | BMB | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_leidiahuabikaqiuchs | | Lei Dian Huang Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo (China) | | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| bgareggabla | | Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) | bgaregga | 1997 | bootleg (Melody) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| spec_lemmings | | Lemmings (48K) | | 1991 | Psygnosis | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_lemmings | | Lemmings (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_lemmings | | Lemmings (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_lemmingsp | | Lemmings (Euro, Prototype) | sms_lemmings | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_lemmingsju1 | | Lemmings (Japan, USA) | md_lemmings | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lemmingsju | | Lemmings (Japan, USA, Korea, v1.1) | md_lemmings | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| lemmings | | Lemmings (US prototype) | | 1991 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lemmings | | Lemmings (USA) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_lemmings | | Lemmings (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lemmingsp | | Lemmings (World, Prototype) | gg_lemmings | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_lemming2 | | Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Euro) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_lemming2 | | Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Euro, Prototype) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_lemming2 | | Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Euro, Prototype) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Master System | |
| md_lemming2u | | Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (USA) | md_lemming2 | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_lemmingsimp | | Lemmings Improvement (Hack, v1.3) | nes_lemmings | 2023 | Nintendo Lemmings Improvement Team | Miscellaneous | |
| crshrace | | Lethal Crash Race / Bakuretsu Crash Race (set 1) | | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| crshrace2 | | Lethal Crash Race / Bakuretsu Crash Race (set 2) | crshrace | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| crshrace2a | | Lethal Crash Race / Bakuretsu Crash Race (set 2, alternate sound ROM) | crshrace | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lethalen | | Lethal Enforcers (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lethalenj | | Lethal Enforcers (Japan) | md_lethalen | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lethalenu | | Lethal Enforcers (USA) | md_lethalen | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| lethaleneaa | | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAA, 09/09/92 09:44) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethaleneab | | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAB, 10/14/92 19:53) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethalenead | | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAD, 11/11/92 10:52) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethaleneae | | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAE, 11/19/92 16:24) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethalenj | D NW | Lethal Enforcers (ver JAD, 12/04/92 17:16) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | no sprites! |
| lethalenua | | Lethal Enforcers (ver UAA, 08/17/92 21:38) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethalenub | | Lethal Enforcers (ver UAB, 09/01/92 11:12) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethalen | | Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04) | | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| lethalenux | | Lethal Enforcers (ver unknown, US, 08/06/92 15:11, hacked/proto?) | lethalen | 1992 | Konami | GX191 | |
| md_le2 | | Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_le2u | | Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (USA) | md_le2 | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| lethalth | | Lethal Thunder (World) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| nes_lethalweapon | | Lethal Weapon (USA) | | 1993 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_sn_lwep3 | | Lethal Weapon 3 (Music Prototype) | | 1992 | Probe | Sega Master System | |
| md_lwedding | | Lethal Wedding (HB, build 0446) | | 2020 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | beta version, unreleased game |
| levers | | Levers | | 1983 | Rock-Ola | Galaxian | |
| md_lhx | | LHX Attack Chopper (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lhxj | | LHX Attack Chopper (Japan) | md_lhx | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| liblrabl | | Libble Rabble | | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| liberate | | Liberation | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_liberty | | Liberty or Death (USA) | | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_lifeforce | | Life Force (USA) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_lifefastln | | Life in the Fast Lane (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| md_lifeonearth | | Life on Earth - Reimagined (HB) | | 2023 | Kai Magazine Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lifeonmars | | Life on Mars (HB) | | 2022 | Kai Magazine Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| lifefrcej | | Lifeforce (Japan) | salamand | 1987 | Konami | GX587 | |
| lifefrce | | Lifeforce (US) | salamand | 1986 | Konami | GX587 | |
| cv_lift | | Lift (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_lift | | Lift (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| lightbrj | | Light Bringer (Ver 2.1J 1994/02/18) | lightbr | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| lightbr | | Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| md_lightc | | Light Crusader (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lightcj | | Light Crusader (Japan) | md_lightc | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lightck | | Light Crusader (Korea) | md_lightc | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lightcp | | Light Crusader (Prototype, 19950608) | md_lightc | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lightcu | | Light Crusader (USA) | md_lightc | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_lgracing | | Light Grid Racing (HB) | | 2015 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_lightfor | | Lightening Force - Quest for the Darkstar (USA) | md_tf4 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_lightforce | | Lightforce (48K) | | 1986 | Faster Than Light | ZX Spectrum | |
| lgtnfghta | | Lightning Fighters (Asia) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| lgtnfghtu | | Lightning Fighters (US) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| lgtnfght | | Lightning Fighters (World) | | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| ltswords | | Lightning Swords (World) | | 1991 | Irem | Irem M84? | |
| chf_lightsout | | Lights Out (HB) | | 2004 | Sean Riddle | Channel F | |
| nes_lightsout | | Lights Out (HB) | | 2017 | Mika Haarahiltunen | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_leknievel | | Lil Evel Knievel (HB) | | 2023 | SteveProXNA | Sega Master System | |
| spec_lilninja | | Lil' Ninja (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| shangonleeh | | Limited Edition Hang-On (Enhanced Edition v2.0.2) | shangon | 2014 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| shangonle | | Limited Edition Hang-On | shangon | 1991 | Sega | Out Run | |
| spec_linefire | | Line of Fire (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_loffire | | Line of Fire (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| loffirejd | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0134 set) | loffire | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| loffirej | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (Japan) (FD1094 317-0134) | loffire | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| loffireud | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0135 set) | loffire | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| loffireu | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (US) (FD1094 317-0135) | loffire | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| loffired | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0136 set) | loffire | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| loffire | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World) (FD1094 317-0136) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| sms_linerunner | | Line Runner (HB, v1.3) | | 2023 | Louis The SEGA Nerd | Sega Master System | |
| msx_linez | | Linez (HB) | | 2018 | Wim DeWijngaert | MSX | |
| md_supmagic | | Linghuan Daoshi Super Magician (China) (Unl) | | 1994 | Ming Super Chip | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_linknobou | | Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2 (Hack, English) | | 2017 | columbo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_linknobouj | | Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2 (Japan) | fds_linknobou | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_linknobouc | | Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2 (Rev 1) (Hack, Spanish) | fds_linknobou | 2019 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_linklogc | | Linking Logic | | 1984 | Fisher-Price | ColecoVision | |
| linkypip | | Linky Pipe | | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_linusspascoscr | | Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (USA) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lionkin3 | | Lion King 3, The - Shi Zi Wang 3 (China) (Unl) | | 1997 | X Boy - Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lionkin3b | | Lion King 3, The - Shi Zi Wang 3 (China, Alt 2) (Unl) | md_lionkin3 | 1997 | X Boy - Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lionkin3a | | Lion King 3, The - Shi Zi Wang 3 (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_lionkin3 | 1997 | X Boy - Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lionkin2 | | Lion King II, The - Shi Zi Wang II (China) (Unl) | | 199? | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lionkin2a | | Lion King II, The - Shi Zi Wang II (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_lionkin2 | 199? | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_lionkinlegc | | Lion King Legend, The (China) (Unl) | nes_lionkinleg | 1996 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lionkinleg | | Lion King Legend, The (Hack, English) (Unl) | | 2015 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_lionking | | Lion King, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_lionkingthe | | Lion King, The (Europe) | | 1994 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lionkings | | Lion King, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_lionking | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_lionkingthec | | Lion King, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_lionkingthe | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_lionkingj | | Lion King, The (Japan) | gg_lionking | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp2 | | Lion King, The (Prototype, 19940817) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp3 | | Lion King, The (Prototype, 19940817-2) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingp1 | | Lion King, The (Prototype, 19940820) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lionkingu | | Lion King, The (USA) | gg_lionking | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_lionking | | Lion King, The (World) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| liquidku | | Liquid Kids (US) | liquidk | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| liquidk | | Liquid Kids (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| spec_liquidwar | | Liquid War (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lirus128 | | Lirus (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lirus48 | | Lirus (48K) (HB) | spec_lirus128 | 2015 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_litterbox | | Litter Box (HB) | | 2020 | Ray2Day | MSX | |
| lithero | | Little Hero | kidniki | 1987 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| nes_littlelanc | | Little Lancelot (HB) | | 2019 | Piko Interactive | Miscellaneous | Developed by Ocean |
| nes_littlemagicc | | Little Magic (Hack, Chinese, MS Team 2nd Rev) | nes_littlemagic | 2007 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlemagic | | Little Magic (Japan) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| md_littlemedusa | | Little Medusa (HB) | | 2018 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_littlemedusa | | Little Medusa (HB) | | 2018 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlmerj | | Little Mermaid, The (Japan) | nes_littlmer | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlmer | | Little Mermaid, The (USA) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlnemc | | Little Nemo - The Dream Master (Hack, Chinese) | nes_littlnem | 2017 | Ice Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlnem | | Little Nemo - The Dream Master (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlninbro | | Little Ninja Brothers (USA) | | 1990 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_littlepuff | | Little Puff in Dragonland (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_littlesamsonh | | Little Samson (Restoration & Sound Hack) | nes_littlesamson | 2020 | SCD - Nesrocks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_littlesamson | | Little Samson (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lsisyphus | | Little Sisyphus (HB) | | 2023 | Pubby Games | Miscellaneous | |
| livequiz | | Live Quiz Show | | 1999 | Andamiro | Andamiro Midas | |
| msx_livingstone | | Livingstone Supongo (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| msx_livingstone2 | | Livingstone Supongo II (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_livipres21 | | Livingstone Supongo II (I Premuse II) - Part 1 (48K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_livipres22 | | Livingstone Supongo II (I Premuse II) - Part 2 (48K) | spec_livipres21 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | Password: 15215 |
| spec_livipres | | Livingstone, I Presume (128K) | | 1987 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_lizard | | Lizard (HB) | | 2018 | Brad Smith | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_lizwilly | | Lizard Willy (HB) | | 2016 | Sfranck72 | MSX | |
| lizwiz | | Lizard Wizard | | 1985 | Techstar (Sunn license) | Pac-man | |
| md_lobo | | Lobo (USA, Prototype) | | 1996 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| lockonph | | Lock On (Philko) | | 1991 | Philko | System 16B | |
| cv_locknchase | | Lock'n Chase (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| clocknchj | | Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | clocknch | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| clocknch | | Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| lnc | | Lock'n'Chase | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| lockonc | | Lock-On (rev. C) | lockon | 1986 | Tatsumi | Miscellaneous | |
| lockon | | Lock-On (rev. E) | | 1986 | Tatsumi | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_lockdownzx | | Lockdown Town ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lockdownzxmas | | Lockdown Town ZXMas (48K) (HB) | spec_lockdownzx | 2022 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lockdownzxmasce | | Lockdown Town ZXMas - Crash Exclusive (48K) (HB, v1.01) | spec_lockdownzx | 2023 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lockdownzxween | | Lockdown Town ZXWeen (48K) (HB) | spec_lockdownzx | 2022 | PuttyCAD, Tin Soldiers | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_loco | | Loco (48K) | | 1986 | Alligata Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| locoboot | | Loco-Motion (bootleg) | locomotn | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_locomotion | | Loco-Motion (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2017 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| locomotn | | Loco-Motion | | 1982 | Konami (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_loderunn | | Lode Runner (128K) | | 1984 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_ldrun | | Lode Runner (Euro, Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_loderunner | | Lode Runner (HB) | | 2009 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| msx_ldrun | | Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_ldruna | | Lode Runner (Japan, Alt) | msx_ldrun | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| sg1k_ldrunk | | Lode Runner (Korea) | sg1k_ldrun | 1984? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_loderunn_48 | | Lode Runner (Part 1 of 2) (48K) | spec_loderunn | 1984 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_loderunn2_48 | | Lode Runner (Part 2 of 2) (48K) | spec_loderunn | 1984 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| ldrun | | Lode Runner (set 1) | | 1984 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| ldruna | | Lode Runner (set 2) | ldrun | 1984 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund, Digital Controls Inc. license) | Irem M62 | |
| sg1k_ldrunt | | Lode Runner (Taiwan) | sg1k_ldrun | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_loderunner | | Lode Runner (USA) | | 1987 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_ldrun | | Lode Runner - Lost Labyrinth (Japan) | | 1990 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| loderndfa | | Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. A) | loderndf | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| loderndf | | Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B) | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| msx_ldrun2 | | Lode Runner II (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| ldrun2 | | Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back | | 1984 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| ldrun3j | | Lode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu (Japan) | ldrun3 | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| ldrun3 | | Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth | | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| ldrun4 | | Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| spec_loderun2 | | Lode Runner v2 (48K) | spec_loderunn | 1984 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_logjammers | | Log Jammers (HB) | | 2017 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_logiclvl | | Logic Levels | | 1984 | Fisher-Price | ColecoVision | |
| logicpro | | Logic Pro (Japan) | croquis | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Hardware | |
| logicpr2 | | Logic Pro 2 (Japan) | | 1997 | Deniam | Deniam-16c Hardware | |
| msx_logicrmd | | Logic Remastered (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Platty Soft | MSX | |
| nes_lonerangerthe | | Lone Ranger, The (USA) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_lonewolf | | Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (128K) | | 1990 | Audiogenic | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_long | | Long (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | Songtly & Jumbo Team | Sega Megadrive | No Sound |
| looper | | Looper | changes | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_looping | | Looping | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| looptris | | Looptris (v.2021-12-26) | looptrsp | 2021 | Blastar | Neo Geo MVS | |
| looptrsp | | Looptris Plus (v.2022-12-24) | | 2022 | Blastar | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_loopz | | Loopz (48K) | | 1991 | Audiogenic | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: rotate the piece - ENTER: put the piece |
| nes_loopz | | Loopz (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| md_lordmone | | Lord Monarch - Legendary Battle Royale (Hack, English) | md_lordmon | 2020 | Nebulous Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lordmon | | Lord Monarch - Tokoton Sentou Densetsu (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| lordgun | | Lord of Gun (USA) | | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_lordswrdj | | Lord of Sword (Japan) | sms_lordswrd | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_lotr | | Lord of the Rings (Russia, Hack of Stormlord) | md_strmlord | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lotrgs | | Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Russia) (Unl) | | 200? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_lordswrd | | Lord of the Sword (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_lordover | | Lord Over (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| sms_loretta | | Loretta no Shouzou - Sherlock Holmes (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_lorna | | Lorna (128K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_lorna | | Lorna (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_brunilda | | Los Amores De Brunilda (English) (128K) (HB, v1.4) | | 2013 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_brunildait | | Los Amores De Brunilda (Italian) (128K) (HB, v1.4) | spec_brunilda | 2013 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_brunildaru | | Los Amores De Brunilda (Russian) (128K) (HB, v1.4) | spec_brunilda | 2013 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_brunildaes | | Los Amores De Brunilda (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v1.4) | spec_brunilda | 2013 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ladbust | | Los Angeles Drugs Bust (128K) | | 1990 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_jardineszwz | | Los Jardines de Zee Wang Zu (HB) | | 2006 | Jos'b | MSX | |
| spec_lostcavern | | Lost Cavern (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Isaiasdiaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lostcaverneasy | | Lost Cavern - Easy (128K) (HB) | spec_lostcavern | 2021 | Isaiasdiaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lostcaves | | Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lims128 | | Lost In My Spectrum (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | ZankleSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lims48 | | Lost In My Spectrum (48K) (HB) | spec_lims128 | 2021 | ZankleSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_lostraider101 | | Lost Raider (HB, v1.01) | | 2015 | Vingazole & Ichigo Bankai | Sega Master System | No Sound |
| spec_losttapes | | Lost Tapes of Albion, The (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| losttomb | | Lost Tomb (easy) | | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| losttombh | | Lost Tomb (hard) | losttomb | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| spec_lostulumen | | Lost Treasures of Tulum, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lostulumes | | Lost Treasures of Tulum, The (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_lostulumen | 2020 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_lostvik | | Lost Vikings, The (Euro) | | 1993 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lostvikp | | Lost Vikings, The (Euro, Prototype) | md_lostvik | 1993 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lostviks | | Lost Vikings, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_lostvik | 2020 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lostviku | | Lost Vikings, The (USA) | md_lostvik | 1992 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_lostwind | | Lost Wind, The (Spanish) (HB) | | 2018 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| md_lostwrld | | Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (Euro, USA) | | 1997 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lostwrlds | | Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (Hack, Spanish) | md_lostwrld | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_lostwrld | | Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (USA) | | 1997 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| lostwrldo | | Lost Worlds (Japan Old ver.) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| lostwrld | | Lost Worlds (Japan) | forgottn | 1988 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| msx_lotlot | | Lot Lot (Japan) | | 1985 | Tokuma Shoten | MSX | |
| nes_lotlot | | Lot Lot (Japan) | | 1985 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| lotlot | | Lot Lot | | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Tokuma Shoten) | Irem M62 | |
| lottofun | | Lotto Fun | | 1987 | H.A.R. Management | 6809 System | |
| spec_lotustc | | Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (128K) | | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_lotusf3 | | Lotus F3 (HB) | | 2007 | dvik & joyrex | MSX | |
| md_lotus2 | | Lotus II (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lotus2p | | Lotus II (USA, Prototype) | md_lotus2 | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_lotust | | Lotus Turbo Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| janjans1 | | Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho (Japan) | | 1996 | Visco | SSV | |
| janjans2 | | Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho 2 (Japan) | | 2000 | Visco | SSV | |
| loverboy | | Lover Boy | | 1983 | G.T Enterprise Inc | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| nes_lowgman | | Low G Man - The Low Gravity Man (USA) | | 1990 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_loxley | | Loxley (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | World XXI Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lprintrun | | Lprint Runaway (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | ignacobo | ZX Spectrum | |
| kovlsyxqszl | | Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qiu Sheng Zhi Lu (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2018 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovlsyxqxzl | | Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2018 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovlsyxqxzlp | | Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Plus (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2018 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshpd3dw | | Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Wu Shuang Edition (Hack, ver. 500) | kovshp | 2020-12-18 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| luckywldj | | Lucky & Wild (Japan) | luckywld | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| luckywld | | Lucky & Wild | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| luckboomh | | Lucky Boom (Hard Times hardware) | luckboom | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| luckboom | | Lucky Boom | | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_luckydim | | Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_luckydimp | | Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (Euro, Prototype) | sms_luckydim | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_luckydimc | | Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_luckydim | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_luckydim | | Lucky Dime Caper, The (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_luckypenguin | | Lucky Penguin (HB) | | 2019 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_luckypeng | | Lucky Penguin (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Denine | Sega Master System | |
| cluckypo | | Lucky Poker (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| luctoday | | Lucky Today | | 1980 | Sigma | Galaxian | Bad colours |
| spec_lumascii | | LumASCII (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Bob's Stuff | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lunacrabs | | Luna Crabs (16K) | | 1983 | Micromega | ZX Spectrum | 1: left - 0: right - 9: fire |
| gg_lunare | | Lunar - Sanposuru Gakuen (Hack, English) | gg_lunar | 2009 | Aeon Genesis | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lunar | | Lunar - Sanposuru Gakuen (Japan) | | 1995 | Game Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_lunarbal | | Lunar Ball (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| lunarba1 | | Lunar Battle (prototype, earlier) | gravitar | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| lunarbat | | Lunar Battle (prototype, later) | gravitar | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ljetman | | Lunar Jetman (48K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| llander1 | | Lunar Lander (rev 1) | llander | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| llander | | Lunar Lander (rev 2) | | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| llandert | D | Lunar Lander (screen test) | llander | 1979 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lunarlimit | | Lunar Limit (HB) | | 2017 | Pubby | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lunarlimitsw | | Lunar Limit - Star Wars Edition (HB) | nes_lunarlimit | 2021 | Pubby | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lunarpool | | Lunar Pool (USA) | | 1987 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_lrescue | | Lunar Rescue (48K) | | 1984 | Lyversoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lrescuerx | | Lunar Rescue RX (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| luplup10 | | Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 1.05 / 981214) | suplup | 1999 | Omega System (Adko license) | Miscellaneous | |
| luplup29 | | Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 2.9 / 990108) | suplup | 1999 | Omega System | Miscellaneous | |
| luplup | | Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 3.0 / 990128) | suplup | 1999 | Omega System | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lupin3gt | | Lupin III: Gentle Thief (GlobalHack) | nes_mappy | 2023 | ProtoPixel | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lupinsansc | | Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Hack, Chinese) | nes_lupinsan | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lupinsan | | Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lupinsanc | | Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Hack, Spanish) | nes_lupinsan | 2018 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_lupinsanj | | Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Japan) | nes_lupinsan | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_lutter | | Lutter (Japan) | | 1989 | Athena | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mash | | M*A*S*H (Prototype) | | 1983 | Fox Video Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_m1abrams | | M-1 Abrams Battle Tank (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_mdroid | | M-Droid (Euro) | | 1986 | Blue Ribbon Software | MSX | |
| msx_mforcev2 | | M-Force (HB, v2) | | 2023 | Chikuwa Teikoku | MSX | |
| msx_mtanks | | M-Tanks (HB) | | 2011 | Assembler Games | MSX | |
| nes_mckids | | M.C. Kids (USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| miaj | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version R) (Japan) | mia | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| mia2 | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version S) | mia | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| mia | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T) | | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| spec_movie | | M.O.V.I.E. (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'O' to change options |
| nes_mule | | M.U.L.E. (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_muscle | | M.U.S.C.L.E. (USA) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_majian | | Ma Jiang Qing Ren - Ji Ma Jiang Zhi (China) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_majiana | | Ma Jiang Qing Ren - Ji Ma Jiang Zhi (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_majian | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_maqiao | | Ma Qiao E Mo Ta - Devilish Mahjong Tower (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1994 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_mabusen | | Mabus Mania (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | English-language version |
| spec_mabuses | | Mabus Mania (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_mabusen | 2021 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | Spanish-language version |
| spec_mabusdxen | | Mabus Mania Deluxe (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mabusdxes | | Mabus Mania Deluxe (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_mabusdxen | 2022 | Hicks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_macadam | | Macadam Bumper (Euro) | | 1985 | Ere Informatique | MSX | |
| spec_mach3 | | Mach 3 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Loricels - Proein Soft Line | ZX Spectrum | |
| machbrkr | | Mach Breakers (World, MB2) | | 1995 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| machbrkrj | | Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1) | machbrkr | 1995 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| nes_machrider | | Mach Rider (USA) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| mach9 | | Mach-9 (bootleg of Vulgus) | vulgus | 1984 | bootleg (ITISA) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_machinecave | | Machine Cave (HB, v1.9) | | 2018 | Simo Sievanen | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mgunjoe | | Machinegun Joe vs The Mafia (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| machomou | | Macho Mouse | | 1982 | Techstar | Miscellaneous | |
| macross2k | | Macross II (Korea) | macross2 | 1993 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| macrossp | | Macross Plus | | 1996 | MOSS / Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_madcityc | | Mad City (Hack, Chinese v2) | nes_advenbaybil | 2018 | Tan Xiao Feng Sheng | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_madcity | | Mad City (Hack, English) | nes_advenbaybil | 2010 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_madcityj | | Mad City (Japan) | nes_advenbaybil | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| madcrash | | Mad Crasher | | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| madcrush | | Mad Crusher (Japan) | madcrash | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| maddonna | | Mad Donna (Tuning, set 1) | | 1995 | Promat (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| maddonnab | D NW | Mad Donna (Tuning, set 2) | maddonna | 1995 | Promat (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| madgearj | | Mad Gear (Japan) | madgear | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| madgear | | Mad Gear (US) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_madmax | | Mad Max (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mamienca | | Mad Mix 2 - En el Castillo de los Fantasmas (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_madmixgame | | Mad Mix Game (Spanish) (128K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| madmotor | | Mad Motor (prototype) | | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| mplanetsuk | | Mad Planets (UK) | mplanets | 1983 | Gottlieb (Taitel license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mplanets | | Mad Planets | | 1983 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| madshark | | Mad Shark | | 1993 | Allumer | Seta | |
| md_madstalker | | Mad Stalker - Full Metal Forth | | 2020 | Columbus Circle | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_madwizsds | | Mad Wizard, The - A Candelabra Chronicle (HB) (Sly Dog Studios) | | 2014 | Sly Dog Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_madwiz | | Mad Wizard, The - A Candelabra Chronicle (HB) | nes_madwizsds | 2014 | Robert L. Bryant | Miscellaneous | |
| md_madagopp | | Madagascar - Operatsiya Pingvin (Russia) (Unl) | md_magichat | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madagsc3 | | Madagascar 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_dinotale | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden94 | | Madden NFL '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_madden95 | | Madden NFL '95 (USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madden96 | | Madden NFL '96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_madden95 | | Madden NFL 95 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden96 | | Madden NFL 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden97 | | Madden NFL 97 (Euro, USA) | | 1997 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madden98 | | Madden NFL 98 (USA) | | 1997 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_madoumna | | Madou Monogatari A - Dokidoki Vacation (Japan) | | 1995 | Compile | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_madoumone | | Madou Monogatari I (Hack, English v1.1) | md_madoumon | 2021 | LIPEMCO! Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_madoumon | | Madou Monogatari I (Japan) | | 1996 | Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_madoumone | | Madou Monogatari I - 3-Tsu no Madoukyuu (Hack, English) | gg_madoumon | 2010 | SSTranslations | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumon | | Madou Monogatari I - 3-Tsu no Madoukyuu (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumn2e | | Madou Monogatari II - Arle 16-Sai (Hack, English v1.2) | gg_madoumn2 | 2020 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumn2 | | Madou Monogatari II - Arle 16-Sai (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumn3e | | Madou Monogatari III - Kyuukyoku Joou-sama (Hack, English v1.2) | gg_madoumn3 | 2020 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumn3a | | Madou Monogatari III - Kyuukyoku Joou-sama (Japan, v1.0) | gg_madoumn3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_madoumn3 | | Madou Monogatari III - Kyuukyoku Joou-sama (Japan, v1.1) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sgx_granzort | | Madou Ou Granzort (Japan, SGX) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | SuperGrafx | |
| fds_maerchenveil | | Maerchen Veil (Japan) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mafatconc | | Mafat Conspiracy - Golgo 13 (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_mafatcon | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mafatcon | | Mafat Conspiracy - Golgo 13 (USA) | | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mafia | | Mafia (Russia) (Unl) | md_dicktr | 2010 | BMB | Sega Megadrive | |
| magmax | | Mag Max (set 1) | | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| magmaxa | | Mag Max (set 2) | magmax | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_magmax | | Mag Max - Robo Centurion (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_magmag | | Mag the Magician (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Radasten | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_magmag | | Mag the Magician (HB) | | 2019 | Radastan | MSX | |
| spec_mrage128 | | Mage Rage (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mrage48 | | Mage Rage (48K) (HB) | spec_mrage128 | 2019 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_magjim128 | | Magenta Jim (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gaz Marshall | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_magjim48 | | Magenta Jim (48K) (HB) | spec_magjim128 | 2020 | Gaz Marshall | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_magicblock | | Magic Block (Unl) | | 1991 | Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| mbrush | | Magic Brush (bootleg of Crush Roller) | crush | 1981 | bootleg (Olympia) | Pac-man | |
| magicbubc | | Magic Bubble (Adult version, YS-0211 PCB) | magicbub | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| magicbuba | | Magic Bubble (Adult version, YS1302 PCB, set 1) | magicbub | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| magicbubb | | Magic Bubble (Adult version, YS1302 PCB, set 2) | magicbub | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| md_magbubble | | Magic Bubble (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | C&E Inc. | Sega Megadrive | |
| magicbub | | Magic Bubble | | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| spec_mcarpet | | Magic Carpet (16K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_magiccar100 | | Magic Carpet 1001 (Unl) | | 1992 | Caltron | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicdarts | | Magic Darts (USA) | | 1991 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicdragon | | Magic Dragon (Japan) | | 199? | Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| md_magicgirl | | Magic Girl featuring Ling Ling the little Witch (World) (Unl) | md_xiaomo | 2015 | Super Fighter Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_magicjewelry | | Magic Jewelry (Unl) | | 1990 | RCM | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicjewelry2 | | Magic Jewelry 2 (Unl) | | 1992 | RCM | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicjohn | | Magic John (Japan) | nes_totallyrad | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicjohsfasbr | | Magic Johnson's Fast Break (USA) | | 1990 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magickidgoogoo | | Magic Kid GooGoo (Unl) | | 1992 | Zemina | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_rayearthe | | Magic Knight Rayearth (Hack, English) | gg_rayearth | 2018 | Filler | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_rayearth | | Magic Knight Rayearth (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_rayeart2 | | Magic Knight Rayearth 2 - Making of Magic Knight (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| chf_magicnum | | Magic Numbers / Mind Reader / Nim | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| nes_magicschc | | Magic of Scheherazade, The (Hack, Spanish v0.99) | nes_magicsch | 2019 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magicsch | | Magic of Scheherazade, The (USA) | | 1989 | Culture Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_magpinball | | Magic Pinball (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | OMK Software | MSX | |
| md_magicpockets | | Magic Pockets (HB) | | 2018 | The Bitmap Brothers | Sega Megadrive | |
| magipur | | Magic Purple | | 1996 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| md_msbp12 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950112) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp11 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950202) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp10 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950217) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp09 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950307) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp08 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950314) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp07 | | Magic School Bus, The (Prototype, 19950327) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| magicstk | | Magic Sticks | | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| mswordj | | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (Japan 900623) | msword | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mswordu | | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (USA 900725) | msword | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mswordr1 | | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900623) | msword | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| msword | | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| msx_magtower | | Magic Tower Adventure (HB) | | 2017 | Timmy | MSX | |
| spec_magicable | | MagicAble (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Packobilly | ZX Spectrum | Set keyboard to use controller |
| mcatadvj | | Magical Cat Adventure (Japan) | mcatadv | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| mcatadv | | Magical Cat Adventure | | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| pce_magchase | | Magical Chase (Japan) | | 1991 | Palsoft | PC Engine | |
| tg_magchase | | Magical Chase (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| mgcrystlj | | Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13) | mgcrystl | 1991 | Kaneko (Atlus license) | Kaneko16 | |
| mgcrystlo | | Magical Crystals (World, 91/12/10) | mgcrystl | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| mgcrystl | | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) | | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| magdrop | | Magical Drop (Japan, Version 1.1, 1995.06.21) | chainrec | 1995 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| magdrop3bh | | Magical Drop III (Secret Character Hack) | magdrop3 | 1997 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| magdrop3te | | Magical Drop III Tournament Edition | magdrop3 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| magdrop3 | | Magical Drop III | | 1997 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| magdrop2 | | Magical Drop II | | 1996 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| magdropp | | Magical Drop Plus 1 (Japan, Version 2.1, 1995.09.12) | chainrec | 1995 | Data East Corporation | Simple 156 | |
| ngp_magdropjd | | Magical Drop Pocket (Demo) | ngp_magdrop | 1999 | Data East | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_magdrop | | Magical Drop Pocket (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_magdropj | | Magical Drop Pocket (Jpn) | ngp_magdrop | 1999 | Data East | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| magerror | | Magical Error wo Sagase | | 1994 | Technosoft / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_magichat | | Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Japan) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mtaruruen | | Magical Kid Taruruto (Hack, English) | md_mtaruru | 2023 | tryphon | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_mkidwiz | | Magical Kid Wiz (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_mkidwizb | | Magical Kid Wiz (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_mkidwiz | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_mkidwiza | | Magical Kid Wiz (Japan, Alt) | msx_mkidwiz | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| sg1k_mkidwiz | | Magical Kid Wiz (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | Stuck at boot logo? |
| nes_magickidsdor | | Magical Kid's Doropie (Japan) | nes_krioncon | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magickidsdorp | | Magical Kid's Doropie (Prototype) | nes_krioncon | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| mpumpkin | | Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| gg_magiclpp | | Magical Puzzle Popils (World) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_magical | | Magical Stones (HB) | | 2005 | Dioniso | MSX | |
| gg_mtaruru | | Magical Taruruuto-kun (Japan) | | 1991 | Tsukuda Original | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mtaruru | | Magical Taruruuto-kun (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_magictarkun | | Magical Taruruuto-kun - Fantastic World!! (Japan) | | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magictarkun2 | | Magical Taruruuto-kun 2 - Mahou Daibouken (Japan) | | 1992 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_magtower | | Magical Tower Adventure - 2019 Version (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_magtowerold | | Magical Tower Adventure - Mini Version (48K) (HB) | spec_magtower | 2016 | Timmy | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_magtree | | Magical Tree (HB) | | 2006 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Opcode Games |
| msx_magtree | | Magical Tree (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_magtreea | | Magical Tree (Japan, Alt) | msx_magtree | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| sg1k_magtree | | Magical Tree (Taiwan) | | 198? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| magicbal | | Magicball Fighting (Korea) | | 1994 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magician | | Magician (USA) | | 1991 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| maglordh | | Magician Lord (NGH-005) | maglord | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| maglord | | Magician Lord (NGM-005) | | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_magist16 | NW | Magistr 16 (Russia) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| magixb | | Magix / Rock (no copyright message) | magix | 1995 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| magix | | Magix / Rock | | 1995 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_magmapro | | Magma Project - Hacker (Japan) | | 1989 | Bits Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_magmax | | Magmax (USA) | | 1988 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_magnetron | | Magnetron (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_magnilocase | | Magnilo Case, The (HB, v1.11) | | 2021-23 | Dalyen RetroGames | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_empcity | | Magnum Kiki Ippatsu - Empire City 1931 (Japan) | | 1988 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_empcitya | | Magnum Kiki Ippatsu - Empire City 1931 (Japan, Alt) | msx_empcity | 1988 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| nes_maharaja | | Maharaja (Hack, English) | | 2009 | snark | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maharajaj | | Maharaja (Japan) | nes_maharaja | 1989 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_mahjong | | Mahjong (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_mahjonga | | Mahjong (Japan, Alt) | sg1k_mahjong | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_mahjongt | | Mahjong (Taiwan) | sg1k_mahjong | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| akiss | | Mahjong Angel Kiss (ver 1.0) | | 1995 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| nes_mahjongblock | | Mahjong Block (Unl) | | 1991 | Idea-tek | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mahjongc | | Mahjong Cop Ryuu - Shiro Ookami no Yabou (Japan) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mjgtaste | | Mahjong G-Taste | | 2002 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| pce_mjgakuen | | Mahjong Gakuen - Touma Soushirou Toujou (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| mgakuen2 | | Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou no Fukushuu | | 1989 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_mjgakmld1 | | Mahjong Gakuen Mild - Touma Soushirou Toujou (Japan) (Alt) | pce_mjgakmld | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| pce_mjgakmld | | Mahjong Gakuen Mild - Touma Soushirou Toujou (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| mgakuen | | Mahjong Gakuen | | 1988 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_mjgokusp | | Mahjong Gokuu Special (Japan) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| pce_mjkaiser | | Mahjong Haou Den - Kaiser's Quest (Japan) | | 1992 | UPL | PC Engine | |
| hotgmcki | | Mahjong Hot Gimmick Integral (Japan) | | 2001 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hypreact | | Mahjong Hyper Reaction (Japan) | | 1995 | Sammy | SSV | |
| hypreac2 | | Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 (Japan) | | 1997 | Sammy | SSV | |
| mahretsu | | Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004 ~ NGH-004) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mjkjidai | | Mahjong Kyou Jidai (Japan) | | 1986 | Sanritsu | Miscellaneous | |
| mjnquest | | Mahjong Quest (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| mjnquestb | | Mahjong Quest (No Nudity) | mjnquest | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| sms_mjsengok | | Mahjong Sengoku Jidai (Japan, Hong Kong) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_mjsengokp | | Mahjong Sengoku Jidai (Japan, Prototype) | sms_mjsengok | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_mjwars | | Mahjong Shikyaku Retsuden - Mahjong Wars (Japan) | | 1990 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| spec_mahjong128 | | Mahjong Solitaire (128K) (HB, v1.16) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mahjong48 | | Mahjong Solitaire (48K) (HB, v1.16) | spec_mahjong128 | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_msolitaire | | Mahjong Solitaire (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_msolitaire | | Mahjong Solitaire (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sg1k_msolitaire | | Mahjong Solitaire (HB, v1.07) | | 2020 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_msolitaire | | Mahjong Solitaire (HB, v1.16) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| spec_msolitaire | | Mahjong Solitaire - first release (128K) (HB) | spec_mahjong128 | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| mahoudai | | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) | sstriker | 1993 | Raizing (Able license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| gunhohki | | Mahou Keibitai Gun Hohki (Japan) | mysticri | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| nes_minkymomo | | Mahou no Princess Minky Momo - Remember Dream (Hack, English) | | 2023 | karmic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minkymomoj | | Mahou no Princess Minky Momo - Remember Dream (Japan) | nes_minkymomo | 2023 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_maincourse | | Main Course - The Retro Cut (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Quantum Sheep | ZX Spectrum | |
| mainsnk | | Main Event (1984) | | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| mstadium | | Main Stadium (Japan) | bottom9 | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| pce_mikkokue | | Maison Ikkoku (Hack, English) | pce_mikkoku | 2008 | Dave Shadoff, filler | PC Engine | |
| pce_mikkoku | | Maison Ikkoku (Japan) | | 1989 | Micro Cabin | PC Engine | |
| majest12j | | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (Japan) | ssi | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| majest12ub | | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, earlier code base) | ssi | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| majest12ua | | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code) | ssi | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| majest12u | | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code, Rev 1) | ssi | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| spec_majikazo | | Majikazo (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | Convertion of Lemonize's MSX version |
| msx_majikazo | | Majikazo (HB) | | 2006 | Lemonize | MSX | |
| cv_majikazo | | Majikazo (SGM) (HB) | | 2015-16 | Lemonize | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| pce_wataru | | Majin Eiyuu Den Wataru (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| mhavocp | | Major Havoc (prototype) | mhavoc | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| mhavoc2 | | Major Havoc (rev 2) | mhavoc | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| mhavoc | | Major Havoc (rev 3) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| mhavocrv | | Major Havoc - Return to Vax | mhavoc | 2006 | hack (JMA) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_majorleague | | Major League (Japan) | | 1989 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_majorleabas | | Major League Baseball (USA) (Rev A) | | 1988 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| mjleague | | Major League | | 1985 | Sega | System 16A | |
| majtitlej | | Major Title (Japan) | majtitle | 1990 | Irem | Irem M84 | |
| majtitle | | Major Title (World) | | 1990 | Irem | Irem M84 | |
| majtitl2j | | Major Title 2 (Japan) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| majtitl2 | | Major Title 2 (World, set 1) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| majtitl2a | | Major Title 2 (World, set 1, alt sound CPU) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| majtitl2b | | Major Title 2 (World, set 2) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| gg_majors | NW | Majors Pro Baseball, The (USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | Game doesn't work |
| nes_majoudeniic | | Majou Densetsu II - Daimashikyou Galious (Hack, Chinese v2.2) | nes_majoudenii | 2018 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_majoudenii | | Majou Densetsu II - Daimashikyou Galious (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| majuu | | Majuu no Ohkoku | devilw | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| makaiden | | Makai Densetsu (Japan) | lomakai | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| pce_makaihake | | Makai Hakken Den Shada (Hack, English) | pce_makaihak | 2015 | Shubibiman | PC Engine | |
| pce_makaihak | | Makai Hakken Den Shada (Japan) | | 1989 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| pce_makaipri | | Makai Prince Dorabocchan (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| sms_makairet | | Makai Retsuden (Japan) | sms_kungfuk | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_makaimurac | | Makaimura (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ghostsngoblins | 2020 | Advance Team | Miscellaneous | |
| makaimurc | | Makaimura (Japan Revision C) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| makaimurg | | Makaimura (Japan Revision G) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| makaimur | | Makaimura (Japan) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_makaimura | | Makaimura (Japan) | nes_ghostsngoblins | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_makaimuraarcade | | Makaimura Arcade (Hack) | nes_ghostsngoblins | 2010 | 2CH | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_makethemfall | | Make Them Fall (HB) | | 2021 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| msx_makethemjump | | Make Them Jump (HB) | | 2021 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| maketrax | | Make Trax (US set 1) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural (Williams license) | Pac-man | |
| maketrxb | | Make Trax (US set 2) | crush | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural (Williams license) | Pac-man | |
| pce_makyoden | | Makyou Densetsu (Japan) | | 1988 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| makyosen | | Makyou Senshi (Japan) | gondo | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| msx_malaika12 | | Malaika (HB, v1.2) | | 2013 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| msx_malaikapq13 | | Malaika Prehistoric Quest (HB, v1.3) | | 2006 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| spec_maligore | | Malignant Gore, The (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Sanctum Gamers | ZX Spectrum | Press 'R' to restart level |
| md_whacacri | NW | Mallet Legend's Whac-a-Critter (USA, Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | Realtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_maltesepool | | Maltese Joe's Pool Challenge (Euro) | | 1989 | Firebird Software | MSX | |
| msx_mambo | | Mambo (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Positive | MSX | |
| md_mamono | | Mamono Hunter Youko - Dai 7 no Keishou (Japan) | | 1991 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_mangoldjoy | | Man with the Golden Joystick, The (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | Sloanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_manutdeu | | Manchester United Europe (128K) | | 1991 | Krisalis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mandarinii128 | | Mandarin II, The (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mandarinii48 | | Mandarin II, The (48K) (HB) | spec_mandarinii128 | 2023 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mandarino | | Mandarino, El (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mandarinos | | Mandarino, El (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_mandarino | 2021 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_manes | | Manes (Japan) | | 1984 | ZAP Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_manesb | | Manes (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_manes | 1984 | ZAP Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_manesa | | Manes (Japan, Alt) | msx_manes | 1984 | ZAP Corp. | MSX | |
| mangchi | | Mang-Chi | | 2000 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| cmanhat | | Manhattan (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| manhatan | | Manhattan 24 Bunsyo (Japan) | jailbrek | 1986 | Konami | GX507 | |
| maniach | | Mania Challenge (set 1) | | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| maniach2 | | Mania Challenge (set 2) | maniach | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansione | | Maniac Mansion (Europe) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansionf | | Maniac Mansion (France) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansiong | | Maniac Mansion (Germany) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mancmansuproc | | Maniac Mansion (Hack, Spanish) | nes_maniacmansion | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansioni | | Maniac Mansion (Italy) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansionj | | Maniac Mansion (Japan) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansions | | Maniac Mansion (Spain) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansionsw | | Maniac Mansion (Sweden) | nes_maniacmansion | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansionuproto | | Maniac Mansion (USA) (Prototype) | nes_maniacmansion | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmansion | | Maniac Mansion (USA) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maniacmanunc | | Maniac Mansion Uncensored (Hack, v2.0) | nes_maniacmansion | 2023 | gzip | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_maniacpw | | Maniac Pro Wres - Asu e no Tatakai (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| maniacsqa | | Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D) | maniacsq | 1996 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| maniacsq | | Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) | | 1996 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| maniacsqu | | Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73) | maniacsq | 1996 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| maniacsp | | Maniac Square (ver 1.0, checksum b602, prototype) | | 1996 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_manicjsw | | Manic Jet Set Willy (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Norman Sword | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mminer | | Manic Miner (Bug-Byte Software) (48K) | | 1983 | Bug-Byte Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_manicminer | | Manic Miner (Euro) | | 1984 | Software Projects | MSX | |
| spec_mminersp | | Manic Miner (Software Projects) (48K) | | 1983 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_manollo | | Manollo - El Cavernicola (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Iber Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| manybloc | | Many Block | | 1991 | Bee-Oh | NMK16 | |
| sms_maougolv | | Maou Golvellius (Japan) | sms_golvell | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_maougolvp | | Maou Golvellius (Japan, Prototype) | sms_golvell | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_maouren | | Maou Renjishi (Japan) | md_mysticf | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mappyc | | Mappy (Hack, Chinese v2.0) | nes_mappy | 2017 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_mappy | | Mappy (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| mappyj | | Mappy (Japan) | mappy | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mappy | | Mappy (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| nes_mappy | | Mappy (Japan) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mappyb | | Mappy (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_mappy | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_mappya | | Mappy (Japan, Alt) | msx_mappy | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| cv_mappy | | Mappy (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2015 | Namco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| mappy | | Mappy (US) | | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mappykidsc | | Mappy Kids (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_mappykids | 2019 | Lei Jing Ling | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mappykids | | Mappy Kids (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mappyland | | Mappy-Land (USA) | | 1989 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_marauder | | Marauder (128K) | | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_marble | | Marble Madness (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_marble | | Marble Madness (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_marble | | Marble Madness (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_marblemadness | | Marble Madness (USA) | | 1989 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_marblem | | Marble Madness - Deluxe Edition (48K) | | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| marblmd2 | | Marble Madness II (prototype) | | 1991 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| mmaze | | Marchen Maze (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | Error on first boot is normal |
| pce_marchen | | Marchen Maze (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| mmaze2 | | Marchen Maze (Japan, hack?) | mmaze | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | Error on first boot is normal |
| msx_marchen | | Marchen Veil I (Japan) | | 1987 | System Sacom | MSX | |
| spec_mvssb | | Maria vs. Some Bastards (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Manic Miner Technologies | ZX Spectrum | Q: left - P: right - Z-M: jump |
| spec_marianodrg | | Mariano the Dragon in Capers in Cityland (48K) (HB) | | 2008 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_marinbat | | Marine Battle (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| marineb | | Marine Boy | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| mariner | | Mariner | | 1981 | Amenip | Galaxian | |
| md_mario3 | | Mario 3 - Vokrug Sveta (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mario4 | | Mario 4 - Kosmicheskaya Odissyeya (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_marioadventure | | Mario Adventure (Hack) | nes_smb3 | 2004 | DahrkDaiz | Miscellaneous | |
| md_andretti | | Mario Andretti Racing (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_maribros | | Mario Bros (48K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mbgw | | Mario Bros Game & Watch (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | |
| mariobl | | Mario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 1) | mario | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| mariobla | | Mario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 2) | mario | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| marioj | | Mario Bros. (Japan, Revision C) | mario | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| marioe | | Mario Bros. (US, Revision E) | mario | 1983 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| mariof | | Mario Bros. (US, Revision F) | mario | 1983 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| mario | | Mario Bros. (US, Revision G) | | 1983 | Nintendo of America | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mariobros | | Mario Bros. (World) | | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mariob | | Mario Brothers (HB) | cv_mario | 1983-2009 | Nintendo | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| cv_mario | | Mario Brothers Final Edition (HB, Rev D) | | 1983-2009 | Nintendo | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_mariokart | | Mario Kart (GlobalHack) | nes_rcproam | 2017 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mariolh | | Mario Lemieux Hockey (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_marioquest | | Mario Quest (Hack) | nes_smb | 2021 | Kitsunefox | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_maritrini | | Maritrini Freelance Monster Slayer (128K) (HB) | | 2011 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_maritriadv | | Maritrini Freelance Monster Slayer - Adventure (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | The Mojon Twins, The | ZX Spectrum | |
| markham | | Markham | | 1983 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| md_markou | | Marko (USA) | md_marko | 1994 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_marko | | Marko's Magic Football (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_marko | | Marko's Magic Football (Euro) | | 1994 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_markop | | Marko's Magic Football (Euro, Prototype) | md_marko | 1994 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_marksmanu | | Marksman Shooting and Trap Shooting (USA) | sms_marksman | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser games |
| sms_marksman | | Marksman Shooting and Trap Shooting and Safari Hunt (Euro, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser games |
| msx_mars2 | | Mars II (Japan) | | 1990 | Nagi-P Soft | MSX | |
| msx_marsland | | Mars Lander (HB) | | 2006 | CrappySoft | MSX | |
| mmatrixa | | Mars Matrix (000412 Asia) | mmatrix | 2000 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| mmatrixj | | Mars Matrix (000412 Japan) | mmatrix | 2000 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| mmatrixd | | Mars Matrix (000412 USA Phoenix Edition) | mmatrix | 2000 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| mmatrix | | Mars Matrix (000412 USA) | | 2000 | Takumi (Capcom license) | CPS2 | |
| spec_marsmarealienation | | Marsmare - Alienation (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Drunk Fly | ZX Spectrum | |
| mars | | Mars | | 1981 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| md_marsup | | Marsupilami (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_marsupu | | Marsupilami (USA) | md_marsup | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mtlchampa | | Martial Champion (ver AAA) | mtlchamp | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| mtlchamp1 | | Martial Champion (ver EAA) | mtlchamp | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| mtlchamp | | Martial Champion (ver EAB) | | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| mtlchampj | | Martial Champion (ver JAA) | mtlchamp | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| mtlchampu1 | | Martial Champion (ver UAD) | mtlchamp | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| mtlchampu | | Martial Champion (ver UAE) | mtlchamp | 1993 | Konami | GX234 | |
| martmast102c | | Martial Masters (V102, 101, 101, China) | martmast | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| martmast103c | | Martial Masters (V103, 102, 101, China) | martmast | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| martmast104c | | Martial Masters (V104, 102, 101, China) | martmast | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| martmast | | Martial Masters (V104, 102, 102, USA) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| marmatcp | | Martial Masters - Community Patch (Hack) | martmast | 20?? | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| marmatsc | | Martial Masters - Secret Characters (Hack) | martmast | 2017 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| spec_martianoids | | Martianoids (48K) | | 1987 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_martianoids | | Martianoids (Euro) | | 1987 | Ultimate Play The Game | MSX | |
| marvland | | Marvel Land (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_marvlandj | | Marvel Land (Japan) | md_talmit | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| marvlandup | | Marvel Land (US, prototype) | marvland | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | Bad music - use the Japan version |
| md_marvland | | Marvel Land (USA) | md_talmit | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| msha | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 Asia) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshbr1 | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 Brazil) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| msh | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshjr1 | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 Japan) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshud | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 USA Phoenix Edition) | msh | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| mshu | | Marvel Super Heroes (951024 USA) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshb | | Marvel Super Heroes (951117 Brazil) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshh | | Marvel Super Heroes (951117 Hispanic) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshj | | Marvel Super Heroes (951117 Japan) | msh | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfa1 | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970620 Asia) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfa | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Asia) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfb1 | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Brazil) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsf | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Euro) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfh | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Hispanic) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfj2 | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Japan) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfu1d | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 USA Phoenix Edition) | mshvsf | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfu1 | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 USA) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfj1 | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970702 Japan) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfj | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970707 Japan) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfb | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970827 Brazil) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mshvsfu | | Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970827 USA) | mshvsf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscur1 | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (971222 USA) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscar1 | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980112 Asia) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscr1 | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980112 Euro) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscjr1 | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980112 Japan) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvsca | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Asia) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscb | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Brazil) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvsc | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Euro) | | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvsch | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Hispanic) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscj | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Japan) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscjsing | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Japan, single PCB) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mvscud | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 USA Phoenix Edition) | mvsc | 1998 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| mvscu | | Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 USA) | mvsc | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| marvins | | Marvin's Maze | | 1983 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_franken | | Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| masao | | Masao | mario | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mashieiydenwatga | | Mashin Eiyuu Den Wataru Gaiden (Hack, English) | | 2013 | Hubz | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mashieiydenwatgaj | | Mashin Eiyuu Den Wataru Gaiden (Japan) | nes_mashieiydenwatga | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_mashwatarue | | Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru (Hack, English) | pce_mashwataru | 2022 | Stardust Crusaders | PC Engine | |
| pce_mashwataru | | Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| msx_gabalin | | Mashou no Yakata - Gabalin (Japan) | | 1987 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_gabalina | | Mashou no Yakata - Gabalin (Japan, Alt) | msx_gabalin | 1987 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_gabalinen | | Mashou no Yakata - Gabalin ~ Evil Mansion - Goblin (Hack, English) | msx_gabalin | 2008 | hap & Zan | MSX | |
| md_masiaka | | Masiaka (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2017 | Resistance | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_mask | | MASK (48K-128K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mask2 | | MASK II (128K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mask2 | | Mask II (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_mask3 | | MASK III - VENOM Strikes Back (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mask3 | | Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (Euro) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | Use keys from 1 to 4 for change equipment |
| kamenrid | | Masked Riders Club Battle Race / Kamen Rider Club Battle Racer | | 1993 | Banpresto / Toei | Seta | |
| spec_masterblaster | | Master Blaster (48K) | | 1990 | Cybadyne | ZX Spectrum | |
| mastboyo | | Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Covielsa, set 1) | | 1987 | Gaelco (Covielsa license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mastboyoa | | Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Covielsa, set 2) | mastboyo | 1987 | Gaelco (Covielsa license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mastboyob | | Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Ichi-Funtel, set 1) | mastboyo | 1987 | Gaelco (Ichi-Funtel license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mastboyoc | | Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Ichi-Funtel, set 2) | mastboyo | 1987 | Gaelco (Ichi-Funtel license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mastechuanddruhu | | Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (USA) | | 1989 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_mastdark | | Master of Darkness (Euro) | | 1993 | SIMS Co. - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_mastdark | | Master of Darkness (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_mastdarki | | Master of Darkness (Hack, Italian v1.2) | sms_mastdark | 2016 | Michele Di Somma | Sega Master System | |
| sms_mastdarkc | | Master of Darkness (Hack, Spanish v1.2) | sms_mastdark | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_masterms | | Master of Monsters (Hack, Spanish) | md_masterm | 2019 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mastermj | | Master of Monsters (Japan) | md_masterm | 1991 | Toshiba EMI | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_masterm | | Master of Monsters (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_mastlamp | | Master of the Lamps (USA) | | 1985 | Activision | MSX | |
| masterwj | | Master of Weapon (Japan) | masterw | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | Imperfect graphics |
| md_mweapon | | Master of Weapon (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| masterwu | | Master of Weapon (US) | masterw | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | Imperfect graphics |
| masterw | | Master of Weapon (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | Imperfect graphics |
| nes_mastershooter | | Master Shooter (Unl) | | 1993 | NTDEC | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_mastcomb | | Masters of Combat (Euro, Brazil, Australia) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_mastersarcade | | Masters of the Universe - The Arcade Game (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mastersmovie | | Masters of the Universe - The Movie (48K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_masters | | Masters of the Universe - The Movie (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_mastersadv | | Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| matmania | | Mat Mania | | 1985 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_matchday | | Match Day (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_matchdy2 | | Match Day II (48K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_matchday2 | | Match Day II (Euro) | | 1987 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| matchit2 | | Match It II | | 1993 | Tamtex | Irem M90 | |
| matchit | | Match It | | 1989 | Tamtex | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mtchotd | | Match of the Day (128K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_match3 | | Match3 (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | g0blinish | ZX Spectrum | Set '3. Control : 67890' to use controller |
| md_maten | | Maten no Soumetsu (Japan) | | 1993 | Kodansha | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_matendoujic | | Matendouji (Hack, Chinese) | nes_matendouji | 2022 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_matendouji | | Matendouji (Japan) | | 1990 | Bothtec (Quest) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mathblst | | Math Blaster - Episode 1 (USA) | | 1994 | Davidson & Associates | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_mthquiz1 | | Math Quiz 1 | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_mthquiz2 | | Math Quiz 2 | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| fds_matounohou | | Matou no Houkai - The Hero of Babel (Japan) | | 1988 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| matrimbl | | Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (bootleg) | matrim | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| matrimbh | | Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (Enable Hidden Characters V2) | matrim | 2002 | Creamymami[EGCG] | Neo Geo MVS | |
| matrim | | Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660) | | 2003 | Noise Factory / Atlus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_mattockmike | | Mattock Mike - The Legend of Pete (HB) | | 2023 | NESLurker | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_maurimursu | | Mauri Mursu's Hangover (HB) | | 2022 | Nervanti | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mawthornej | | Mawthorne (Japan) (HB) | nes_mawthorne | 2022 | CGT Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mawthorne | | Mawthorne (USA) (HB) | | 2022 | CGT Games | Miscellaneous | |
| maxrpm | | Max RPM (ver 2) | | 1986 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| nes_maxwar | | Max Warrior - Wakusei Kaigenrei (Japan) | | 1990 | Vap | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_maxima | | Maxima (Euro) | | 1984 | PSS | MSX | |
| mayday | | Mayday (set 1) | | 1980 | Hoei | 6809 System | |
| maydaya | | Mayday (set 2) | mayday | 1980 | Hoei | 6809 System | |
| maydayb | | Mayday (set 3) | mayday | 1980 | Hoei | 6809 System | |
| msx_mayhem | | Mayhem (Euro) | | 1985 | Mr. Micro | MSX | |
| spec_mazania | | Mazania - Mage Rage Part II (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | JoeSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| mazebl | | Maze (Trog rev LA4 3/11/91 bootleg) | trog | 1990 | bootleg | Y Unit | |
| chf_mazea | | Maze / Jailbreak / Blind-man's-bluff / Trailblazer (Alt) | chf_maze | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_maze | | Maze / Jailbreak / Blind-man's-bluff / Trailblazer | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| spec_mdrallyx | | Maze Death Rally-X (48K) (HB, v1.6) | | 2018 | Tom Dalby | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_mazehunt | | Maze Hunter 3-D (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| mazeinv | | Maze Invaders (prototype) | | 1981 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mazemaniac | | Maze Maniac (HB) | | 2006 | Charles-Mathieu Boyer | ColecoVision | |
| msx_mazemax | | Maze Max (Euro, French) | | 1985 | Loriciels | MSX | |
| mofflott | | Maze of Flott (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| sms_mazewalk | | Maze Walker (Japan) | sms_mazehunt | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_mazezam | | MazezaM (HB) | | 2004 | Ventzislav Tzvetkov | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mazezamch | | MazezaM Challenge (HB) | | 2016 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_mazinsaga | | Mazin Saga (Asia) | md_mazinwar | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mazinsagj | | Mazin Saga (Japan, Korea) | md_mazinwar | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mazinsagu | | Mazin Saga (USA) | md_mazinwar | 1993 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mazinwar | | Mazin Wars (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mazingerj | | Mazinger Z (Japan) | mazinger | 1994 | Banpresto / Dynamic Pl. Toei Animation | Cave | |
| mazinger | | Mazinger Z (World) | | 1994 | Banpresto / Dynamic Pl. Toei Animation | Cave | |
| spec_mazy | | Mazy (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| msx_mazy | | Mazy (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| md_mcdonald | | McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mcdonalds | | Mcdonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Hack, Spanish) | md_mcdonald | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mcdonaldj | | McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Japan) | md_mcdonald | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mcdonaldjp | | McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Japan, Prototype) | md_mcdonald | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mcdonaldu | | McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (USA) | md_mcdonald | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_meanstreak | | Mean Streak (128K) | | 1987 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_meaniegolf | | Meanie Golf (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_meaniegolfb | | Meanie Golf - Side B (48K) (HB) | spec_meaniegolf | 2023 | Psychic Parrot | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mecha8 | | Mecha-8 (HB) | msx_mecha8ex | 2012 | Oscar Toledo G. | MSX | |
| cv_mecha8 | | Mecha-8 (SGM) (HB) | | 2013 | Oscar Toledo G. | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_mecha8ex | | Mecha-8 EX (HB) | | 2012-13 | Oscar Toledo G. | MSX | |
| msx_mecha9 | | Mecha-9 (HB) | | 2015 | Oscar Toledo G. | MSX | |
| cv_mecha9 | | Mecha-9 (SGM) (HB) | | 2015 | Oscar Toledo G. | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| mechattj | | Mechanized Attack (Japan) | mechatt | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| mechattu | | Mechanized Attack (US) | mechatt | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| mechattu1 | | Mechanized Attack (US, Version 1, Single Player) | mechatt | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mechaatt | | Mechanized Attack (USA) | | 1990 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| mechatt | | Mechanized Attack (World) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mwarena | | Mechwars Arena (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mwcentip | | Mechwars Centipede (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mecki | | Mecki (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_medalc | | Medal City (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mmmbanc | D NW | Medal Mahjong Moukari Bancho (2007/06/05 MASTER VER.) | | 2007 | Cave (AMI license) | CMDL01 | |
| md_m3dnoah | | Mega 3D Noah's Ark (HB) | | 2017 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | Original game by Wisdom Tree |
| md_meganser | | Mega Anser (Japan) | | 1989 | SEGA | Sega Megadrive | Network Tool |
| spec_megaapocalypse | | Mega Apocalypse (128K) | | 1988 | Martech | ZX Spectrum | |
| megablstj | | Mega Blast (Japan) | megablst | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| megablstu | | Mega Blast (US) | megablst | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| megablst | | Mega Blast (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| md_megabomb | | Mega Bomberman (Euro, Korea) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megabombu | | Mega Bomberman (USA) | md_megabomb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megabm8 | | Mega Bomberman - 8 Player Demo (Unl) | | 1994 | Factor 5 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_casanova | | Mega Casanova (HB, v1.3) | | 2016 | TLT, Tomahomae | Sega Megadrive | Adult game |
| md_casanova2 | | Mega Casanova 2 (HB, v1.0) | | 2021 | TLT, Tomahomae | Sega Megadrive | Adult game |
| md_casanova3 | | Mega Casanova 3 (HB, v1.0) | | 2022 | TLT, Tomahomae | Sega Megadrive | Adult game |
| md_cperils | | Mega Cheril Perils (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Sega Megadrive | |
| megaforcu | | Mega Force (US) | starforc | 1985 | Tehkan (Video Ware license) | Miscellaneous | |
| megaforc | | Mega Force (World) | starforc | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| md_megaga10 | | Mega Games 10 (Brazil) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga2 | | Mega Games 2 (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga3 | | Mega Games 3 (Euro, Asia) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga61 | | Mega Games 6 Vol. 1 (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga62 | | Mega Games 6 Vol. 2 (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga63 | | Mega Games 6 Vol. 3 (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaga1 | | Mega Games I (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_megaman | | Mega Man (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_megamanc | | Mega Man (Hack, Spanish) | nes_megaman | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman | | Mega Man (USA) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| mmancp2ur2 | | Mega Man - The Power Battle (950925 USA, SAMPLE Version) | megaman | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mmancp2ur1 | | Mega Man - The Power Battle (950926 USA, SAMPLE Version) | megaman | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| mmancp2u | | Mega Man - The Power Battle (951006 USA, SAMPLE Version) | megaman | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_megamaneu | | Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Euro) | md_megaman | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megamans | | Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Hack, Spanish) | md_megaman | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megamanrb | | Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Retro-bit) | md_megaman | 2021 | Capcom - Retro-bit | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaman | | Mega Man - The Wily Wars (USA) | | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megamanfix | | Mega Man - The Wily Wars Fixer Upper (Hack, v1.0.5) | md_megaman | 2022 | Josephine Lithius | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_megaman2 | | Mega Man 2 (USA) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| megaman2a | | Mega Man 2 - the power fighters (960708 Asia) | megaman2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| megamn2d | | Mega Man 2 - the power fighters (960708 USA Phoenix Edition) | megaman2 | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| megaman2 | | Mega Man 2 - the power fighters (960708 USA) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| megaman2h | | Mega Man 2 - the power fighters (960712 Hispanic) | megaman2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nes_megaman3 | | Mega Man 3 (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman3imp | | Mega Man 3 Improvement (Hack v2.31) | nes_megaman3 | 2022 | kuja killer | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman3rev | | Mega Man 3 Revamped (Hack v1.1) | nes_megaman3 | 2019 | TheSkipper1995 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman4 | | Mega Man 4 (USA) (Rev A) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman5 | | Mega Man 5 (USA) | | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman6 | | Mega Man 6 (USA) | | 1994 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megamanx | | Mega Man Age of Wily (GlobalHack) | nes_megaman | 2015 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megamancx | | Mega Man CX (USA) | | 2016 | Zenkaku Himajin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman2c | | Mega Man II (Hack, Spanish) | nes_megaman2 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman3c | | Mega Man III (Hack, Spanish) | nes_megaman3 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman4c | | Mega Man IV (Hack, Spanish) | nes_megaman4 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_megamanswred | | Mega Man The Sequel Wars - Episode Red (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Woodfrog | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_megaman5c | | Mega Man V (Hack, Spanish) | nes_megaman5 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_megaman6c | | Mega Man VI (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_megaman6 | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| megamana | | Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006) | megaman | 1995 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| megaman | | Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_mmmv2 | | Mega Manic Mulholland (48K) (HB, v2.0) | | 2021 | Sloanysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mmworld | | Mega Marble World (HB, v1.90) | | 2018 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmworld2 | | Mega Marble World 2 (HB, v1.03) | | 2021 | T-Arts Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mindtris | | Mega Mindtris (HB, v1.2) | | 2018 | 1985 Alternativo | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_megaphoenix | | Mega Phoenix (128K) | | 1991 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_megaqbert12 | | Mega Q-Bert (HB, v1.2) | | 2016 | Jaklub | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_queenjour | | Mega Queen Journey, The (HB) | | 2019 | DnWn | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaswiv | | Mega SWIV (Euro) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaswivb | | Mega SWIV (Euro, Pirate) | md_megaswiv | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaswivci | | Mega SWIV (Hack, Color Improvement v1.05) | md_megaswiv | 2016 | Fusaru | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaswivs | | Mega SWIV (Hack, Spanish) | md_megaswiv | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaturr | | Mega Turrican (Euro) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaturrs | | Mega Turrican (Hack, Spanish) | md_megaturr | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaturrp | | Mega Turrican (Prototype, 19930518) | md_megaturr | 1993 | Factor 5 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaturru | | Mega Turrican (USA) | md_megaturr | 1994 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaturrdc | | Mega Turrican - Director's Cut (HB) | | 2021 | Factor 5 - Strictly Limited Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| mtwins | | Mega Twins (World 900619) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| megazoneh | | Mega Zone (program code H) | megazone | 1983 | Konami (Kosuka license) | GX319 | |
| megazonei | | Mega Zone (program code I) | megazone | 1983 | Konami | GX319 | |
| megazonej | | Mega Zone (program code J) | megazone | 1983 | Konami (Interlogic / Kosuka license) | GX319 | |
| megazone | | Mega Zone (program code L) | | 1983 | Konami | GX319 | |
| megazonea | | Mega Zone (unknown program code 1) | megazone | 1983 | Konami (Interlogic / Kosuka license) | GX319 | |
| megazoneb | | Mega Zone (unknown program code 2) | megazone | 1983 | Konami | GX319 | |
| spec_megacorp1 | | Mega-Corp - Parte 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_megacorp2 | | Mega-Corp - Parte 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_megacorp1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: REBECA |
| md_megalo1 | | Mega-Lo-Mania (Euro) | md_megalo | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megalof | | Mega-Lo-Mania (Euro, French) | md_megalo | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megalo | | Mega-Lo-Mania (Euro, v1.1) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaloj | | Mega-Lo-Mania (Japan) | md_megalo | 1993 | CRI | Sega Megadrive | |
| megadon | | Megadon | | 1982 | Epos Corporation (Photar Industries license) | EPOS Tristar | |
| msx_megalsos | | Megalopolis SOS (Japan) | | 1983 | Paxon | MSX | |
| msx_megalsosb | | Megalopolis SOS (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_megalsos | 1983 | Paxon | MSX | |
| msx_megalsosa | | Megalopolis SOS (Japan, Alt) | msx_megalsos | 1983 | Paxon | MSX | |
| gg_lastbibl | | Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lastbibse | | Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible S (Hack, English v1.02) | gg_lastbibs | 2018 | MrRichard999 | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_lastbibs | | Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible S (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_megamind | | MegaMind (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_meganet | | MegaNet (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | Network Tool |
| msx_meganova | | Meganova (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| md_megapanl | | MegaPanel (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_megaphoenix | | Megaphoenix (Euro) | | 1991 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| md_megatrax | | MegaTrax (Japan) | md_quadchal | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_megaxmas | | MegaXmas (HB) | | 2020 | Nekojita | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_megumi | | Megumi Rescue (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| megrescu | | Megumi Rescue | | 1987 | Sega / Exa | System E | |
| meijinsn | | Meijinsen (set 1) | | 1986 | SNK Electronics corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| meijinsna | | Meijinsen (set 2) | meijinsn | 1986 | SNK Electronics corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| kikcubic | | Meikyu Jima (Japan) | | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| meikyuh | | Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| meikyuhbl | | Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, bootleg) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| fds_meikyjiidab | | Meikyuu Jiin Dababa (Hack, English) | | 2017 | FlashPV | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_meikyjiidabj | | Meikyuu Jiin Dababa (Japan) | fds_meikyjiidab | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_meikyuujima | | Meikyuu-jima (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| myqbert | | Mello Yello Q*bert | qbert | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_melodyparty | | Melody Party (HB) | msx_melodypartyex | 2020 | Moai King | MSX | |
| msx_melodypartyex | | Melody Party Ex (HB) | | 2021 | Clube MSX | MSX | |
| ngp_melonchn | | Melon-chan no Seichou Nikki (Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_memories | | Memories Off - Pure (Jpn) | | 2000 | KID | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| cv_memmanor | | Memory Manor | | 1984 | Fisher-Price | ColecoVision | |
| chf_memory | | Memory Match 1 & 2 | | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| cv_mmtxvol1 | | Memotech MTX Series Vol.1 (HB) | | 2013 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mmtxvol2 | | Memotech MTX Series Vol.2 (HB) | | 2013 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| msx_menace | | Menace (HB) | | 2009 | The New Image | MSX | |
| nes_menacebeach | | Menace Beach (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mtriton | | Menace from Triton, The (HB, v1.1) | msx_mtritonc | 2020 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| msx_mtritonc | | Menace from Triton, The (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Brain Games | MSX | cartridge version |
| md_menacer | | Menacer 6-Game Cartridge (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mendelpalace | | Mendel Palace (USA) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_menghu | | Meng Huan Shui Guo Pan - 777 Casino (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1996 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| meosism | | Meosis Magic (Japan) | | 1996? | Sammy | SSV | |
| mercenario | | Mercenario (Commando bootleg) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mercs | | Mercs (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_mercs | | Mercs (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_mercs | | Mercs (Euro, USA) ~ Senjou no Ookami II (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mercss | | Mercs (Hack, Spanish) | md_mercs | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| mercsur1 | | Mercs (USA 900302) | mercs | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mercsu | | Mercs (USA 900608) | mercs | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mercs | | Mercs (World 900302) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_merged | | MERGED! (128K) (HB, v1.0.1) | | 2022 | Dimon | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_merlin | | Merlin (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_merlin | | Merlin (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| merlinmm | | Merlins Money Maze | | 1986 | Zilec-Zenitone | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mermadnes | | Mermaid Madness (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_mesopot | | Mesopotamia (Japan) | | 1991 | Atlus | PC Engine | |
| metafox | | Meta Fox | | 1989 | Jordan I.S. / Seta | Seta | |
| spec_metabolis | | Metabolis (48K) | | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_metaarmy | | Metal Army (48K) | | 1988 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| metalbj | | Metal Black (Japan) | metalb | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| metalb | | Metal Black (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| md_mb2277 | | Metal Blast 2277 (HB) | | 2019 | T-Arts Studio | Sega Megadrive | |
| metlclsh | | Metal Clash (Japan) | | 1985 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| md_metaldragon | | Metal Dragon (HB) | | 2021-22 | Kai Magazine Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_metalfng | | Metal Fangs (Japan) | | 1993 | Victor Musical Instruments | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_metalfighter | | Metal Fighter (Asia) (Sachen) (Unl) | | 1989 | Sachen - Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalforce | | Metal Force (Korea) (Unl) | | 1993 | Open | Miscellaneous | |
| metlfrzr | | Metal Freezer (Japan) | | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalgearsc | | Metal Gear (Hack, Chinese) | nes_metalgear | 2015 | Axi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalgearc | | Metal Gear (Hack, Spanish) | nes_metalgear | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalgear | | Metal Gear (USA) | | 1988 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mgs | | Metal Gear Solid (Russia) (Unl) | md_crkdown | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| metlhawkj | | Metal Hawk (Japan, Rev F) | metlhawk | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| metlhawk | | Metal Hawk (Rev C) | | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| spec_metalman | | Metal Man (Russian) (48K) (HB) | | 1997-2010 | Oleg Origin | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_metalmanrmx | | Metal Man Remixed (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Oleg Origin | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_metalmanrmxru | | Metal Man Remixed (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_metalmanrmx | 2015 | Oleg Origin | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_metalmax | | Metal Max (Hack, English) | | 2000 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalmaxj | | Metal Max (Japan) | nes_metalmax | 1991 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalmec | | Metal Mech - Man & Machine (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| metlsavr | | Metal Saver | | 1994 | First Amusement | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalslaglo | | Metal Slader Glory (Hack, English) | | 2018 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalslagloj | | Metal Slader Glory (Japan) | nes_metalslaglo | 1991 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_mslug1st | | Metal Slug - 1st Mission (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_mslug2ndd | | Metal Slug - 2nd Mission (Demo) | ngp_mslug2nd | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_mslug2nd | | Metal Slug - 2nd Mission (World) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| mslug1v2 | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslug | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugfs | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Firepower Showdown, Hack) | mslug | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugfc2 | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Item Random & Powerful Enemy Defense FC2, Hack) | mslug | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugfc1 | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Item Random FC2, Hack) | mslug | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugdg | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Multifunction, Hack) | mslug | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugqy | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Origins, Hack) | mslug | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug | | Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 | | 1996 | Nazca | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms21v2 | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslug2 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2r | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslug2 | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2eg | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Extraction Green Turbo, Hack) | mslug2 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2fm | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Friendly Fire FC2, Hack) | mslug2 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2dg | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Multifunction, Hack) | mslug2 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2 | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410) | | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2dd | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Starlight, Hack) | mslug2 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2ct | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Survival, Hack) | mslug2 | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2p | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (Weapon Storage, Hack) | mslug2 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2unity | | Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-01-22) | mslug2 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug2t | | Metal Slug 2 Turbo (NGM-9410) (hack) | mslug2 | 2015 | hack (trap15) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms31v2 | | Metal Slug 3 (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslug3 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3eb | | Metal Slug 3 (Blue, Hack) | mslug3 | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3c | | Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslug3 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3v | | Metal Slug 3 (Enhanced Violence, Hack) | mslug3 | 2012 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3i | | Metal Slug 3 (Firepower Enhance, Hack) | mslug3 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3fs | | Metal Slug 3 (Firepower Showdown, Hack) | mslug3 | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3fd | | Metal Slug 3 (Fully Decrypted) | mslug3 | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3ki | | Metal Slug 3 (Komorebi, Hack) | mslug3 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3lw | | Metal Slug 3 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack) | mslug3 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3cq | | Metal Slug 3 (Legend, Hack) | mslug3 | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3g | | Metal Slug 3 (Multifunction, Hack) | mslug3 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3h | | Metal Slug 3 (NGH-2560) | mslug3 | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3 | | Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) | | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3a | | Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) | mslug3 | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3gw | | Metal Slug 3 (Onimusha Samanosuke, Hack) | mslug3 | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3ps | | Metal Slug 3 (Pigeon Slug, Hack) | mslug3 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3sd | | Metal Slug 3 (Shop, Hack) | mslug3 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3se | | Metal Slug 3 (Special, Hack) | mslug3 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3dd | | Metal Slug 3 (Starlight, Hack) | mslug3 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3sc | | Metal Slug 3 (Survival, Hack) | mslug3 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3zh | | Metal Slug 3 (Vehicle Summon, Hack) | mslug3 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3unity | | Metal Slug 3 Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-02-13) | mslug3 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3x | | Metal Slug 3X (Complete Collection) | | 2022 | WillNie | Neo Geo AES | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| ms41v2 | | Metal Slug 4 (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslug4 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4a | | Metal Slug 4 (20th Anniversary, Hack) | mslug4 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Enter [Soft Dip] to turn on level display |
| mslug4c | | Metal Slug 4 (Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslug4 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4fd | | Metal Slug 4 (Fully Decrypted) | mslug4 | 2002 | Mega / Noise Factory / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4ki | | Metal Slug 4 (Komorebi, Hack) | mslug4 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4lq | | Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet Remix - Without body armor, Hack) | mslug4 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4lw | | Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack) | mslug4 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4dg | | Metal Slug 4 (Multifunction, Hack) | mslug4 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4h | | Metal Slug 4 (NGH-2630) | mslug4 | 2002 | Mega / Noise Factory / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4 | | Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630) | | 2002 | Mega / Noise Factory / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4ar | | Metal Slug 4 (Random Ammunition, Hack) | mslug4 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4dd | | Metal Slug 4 (Starlight, Hack) | mslug4 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4q | | Metal Slug 4 (The Longest Battle, Hack) | mslug4 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms4plus | | Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg) | mslug4 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug4unity | | Metal Slug 4 Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-01-30) | mslug4 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms51v2 | | Metal Slug 5 (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslug5 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5b | | Metal Slug 5 (bootleg, set 1) | mslug5 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5b2 | | Metal Slug 5 (bootleg, set 2) | mslug5 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5bs | | Metal Slug 5 (Boss Battles, Hack) | mslug5 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5mg | | Metal Slug 5 (Devil Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslug5 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms5esr | | Metal Slug 5 (Double Enemy, Hack) | mslug5 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo | Enter [Soft Dip] to turn on level display |
| mslug5db | | Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Enhance, Hack) | mslug5 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5c | | Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslug5 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5ex | | Metal Slug 5 (Extend v1.2, Hack) | mslug5 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5f | | Metal Slug 5 (Fierce Battle, Hack) | mslug5 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5fd | | Metal Slug 5 (Fully Decrypted) | mslug5 | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms5pcb | | Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) | | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5ki | | Metal Slug 5 (Komorebi, Hack) | mslug5 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo | |
| mslug5dg | | Metal Slug 5 (Multifunction, Hack) | mslug5 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5w | | Metal Slug 5 (New Battle, Hack) | mslug5 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5h | | Metal Slug 5 (NGH-2680) | mslug5 | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5 | | Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680) | | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5nd | | Metal Slug 5 (Not Encrypted) | mslug5 | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms5plush | | Metal Slug 5 (Plus, Hack) | mslug5 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms5sgf | | Metal Slug 5 (Remake FC2, Hack) | mslug5 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5dd | | Metal Slug 5 (Starlight, Hack) | mslug5 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5sg | | Metal Slug 5 (Stone Turtle, Hack) | mslug5 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5sc | | Metal Slug 5 (Survival, Hack) | mslug5 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5es | | Metal Slug 5 (The Longest Battle, Hack) | mslug5 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo | Enter [Soft Dip] to turn on level display |
| mslug5zh | | Metal Slug 5 (Vehicle Summon, Hack) | mslug5 | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5x | | Metal Slug 5 (X, Hack) | mslug5 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ms5plus | | Metal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg) | mslug5 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug5unity | | Metal Slug 5 Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-04-23) | mslug5 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslug3b6 | | Metal Slug 6 (bootleg of Metal Slug 3) | mslug3 | 2000 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugunity | | Metal Slug Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-02-05) | mslug | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx1v2 | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslugx | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx2r1v2 | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (2R 1v2 Mode, Hack) | mslugx | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx2reb | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (2R Blue, Hack) | mslugx | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugx2r | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (2R, Hack) | mslugx | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msxsrf | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (AzStar Soda Remix FC2, Hack) | mslugx | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxeb | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Blue, Hack) | mslugx | 2016 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxc2 | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Enemy Remix, Hack) | mslugx | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxlb | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Extreme Space, Hack) | mslugx | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxfs | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Firepower Showdown, Hack) | mslugx | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxif | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Infinite Firepower, Hack) | mslugx | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxcq | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Legend, Hack) | mslugx | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxc1 | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Multi Vehicle, Hack) | mslugx | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxdg | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Multifunction, Hack) | mslugx | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugx | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500) | | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxdd | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Starlight, Hack) | mslugx | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxsc | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Survival, Hack) | mslugx | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxsv | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Unbounded, Hack) | mslugx | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxxr | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (Warriors, Hack) | mslugx | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mslugxunity | | Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 Unity (Added Timer Ver. 2021-01-23) | mslugx | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msisaac | | Metal Soldier Isaac II | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | buggy game due to unemulated protection MCU |
| md_msonichd | | Metal Sonic Hyperdrive (Hack, v4.2) | md_sonic | 2014 | Darkon | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_metlstok | | Metal Stoker (Japan) | | 1991 | Face | PC Engine | |
| nes_metalstormrr | | Metal Storm (Re-Release) | nes_metalstorm | 2019 | Irem - Retro-bit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metalstorm | | Metal Storm (USA) | | 1991 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| metmqstr | | Metamoqester (World) | | 1995 | Banpresto / Pandorabox | Cave | |
| metamrpha | | Metamorphic Force (ver AAA) | metamrph | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| metamrphe | | Metamorphic Force (ver EAA - alternate) | metamrph | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| metamrph | | Metamorphic Force (ver EAA) | | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| metamrphj | | Metamorphic Force (ver JAA) | metamrph | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| metamrphu | | Metamorphic Force (ver UAA) | metamrph | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| spec_metamorphosis | | Metamorphosis (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | ITNL-team | ZX Spectrum | |
| meteorbl | | Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| meteorho | | Meteor (Hoei bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (Hoei) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_meteorain | | MeteoRain (HB) | | 2019 | Dr. Ludus | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_meteosho | | Meteoric Shower | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| meteorite | | Meteorite (Proel bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (Proel) | Miscellaneous | |
| meteorts | | Meteorites (VGG bootleg of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1979 | bootleg (VGG) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_metrocross | | Metro-Cross (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_metrocross | | Metro-Cross (Japan) | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| metrocrs | | Metro-Cross (set 1) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| metrocrsa | | Metro-Cross (set 2) | metrocrs | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_metroid | | Metroid (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Jordiway73 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metroidc | | Metroid (Hack, Spanish) | nes_metroid | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_metroidj | | Metroid (Japan) | fds_metroid | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metroid | | Metroid (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metroorienh | | Metroid - Origin Enhanced (Hack, v2.1.2) | nes_metroid | 2016 | JoQualian | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metrorogdaw | | Metroid - Rogue Dawn (Hack, v1.21) | nes_metroid | 2022 | snarfblam | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_metroidmother | | Metroid mOTHER (Hack) | nes_metroid | 2014 | dACE | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_metropolis | | Metropolis (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| mexico86 | | Mexico 86 (bootleg of Kick and Run, set 1) | kicknrun | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| mexico86a | D NW | Mexico 86 (bootleg of Kick and Run, set 2) | kicknrun | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_mezase | | Mezase! Kanji Ou (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_miamichase | | Miami Chase (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Use keys K, M and L to select options |
| nes_micemission | | Mice Mission (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_michaandsworgrpr | | Michael Andretti's World Grand Prix (USA) | | 1990 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_michaengdai | | Michael English Daibouken (Japan) | | 1987 | Scorpion Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| mwalkbl2 | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg) | mwalk | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| sms_mwalk | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Euro, USA, Brazil, Korea) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_mwalks | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Hack, Spanish) | md_mwalk | 2019 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| mwalkjd | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0157 set) | mwalk | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| mwalkj | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan) (FD1094/8751 317-0157) | mwalk | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| md_mwalkp | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Prototype, 19900424) | md_mwalk | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mwalkud | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0158 set) | mwalk | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| mwalku | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US) (FD1094/8751 317-0158) | mwalk | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| sms_mwalkp | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (USA, Prototype) | sms_mwalk | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| mwalkd | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0159 set) | mwalk | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| mwalk | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (FD1094/8751 317-0159) | | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| md_mwalk1 | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) | md_mwalk | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mwalk | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_michelfutbolchamp | | Michel Futbol Master - Championship (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_michelfutbolskills | | Michel Futbol Master - Super Skills (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mickmack | | Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mickmacks | | Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (Hack, Spanish) | md_mickmack | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mickmacku | | Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA) | md_mickmack | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mickmackup | | Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA, Prototype) | md_mickmack | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_mickmack | | Mick and Mack as the Global Gladiators (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_mickmack | | Mick and Mack as the Global Gladiators (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_mickeydongw | | Mickey and Donald Game & Watch (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mmania | | Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Euro) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmanias | | Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Hack, Spanish) | md_mmania | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmaniaj | | Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Japan) | md_mmania | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmaniau | | Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA) | md_mmania | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmaniaup | | Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA, Prototype) | md_mmania | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mickeymania7 | | Mickey Mania 7 (Unl) | nes_chinarabbab | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mickeymouse | | Mickey Mouse - The Computer Game (48K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | SPACE: change weapon |
| gg_legndillj | | Mickey Mouse Densetsu no Oukoku - Legend of Illusion (Japan) | gg_legndill | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_mickemouiii | | Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen (Hack, English) | | 2013 | NikcDC | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mickemouiiij | | Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen (Japan) | nes_mickemouiii | 1992 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_castlillj | | Mickey Mouse no Castle Illusion (Japan, SMS Mode) | gg_castlill | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_landillj | | Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal (Japan) | gg_landill | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_mickemou | | Mickey Mousecapade (USA) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_mickeyuc | | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (Brazil) | | 1998 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_mickeyuc | | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mickeyuc | | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA) | | 1994 | Hi Tech Expressions | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_microinc | | Micro INC (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mkrotfs | | Micro Knight - Revenge of the Four Skulls (HB) | | 2017 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| md_micromacc | | Micro Machines (Canada) | md_micromac | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_micromac | | Micro Machines (Euro) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_micromac | | Micro Machines (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Master System | |
| md_micromac | | Micro Machines (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_micromacb | | Micro Machines (Euro, USA, Alt 2) | md_micromac | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_micromaca | | Micro Machines (Euro, USA, Alt) | md_micromac | 1993 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_micromacs | | Micro Machines (Hack, Spanish) | md_micromac | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_micromachines | | Micro Machines (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| md_microm96s | | Micro Machines - Turbo Tournament '96 (Hack, Spanish) | md_microm96 | 2014 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_micromc2 | | Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Euro) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_micromc2 | | Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Euro, J-Cart) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_micromc2a | | Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Euro, J-Cart, Alt) | md_micromc2 | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_micromm | | Micro Machines Military (Euro, J-Cart) | | 1996 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_microm96a | | Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Euro, J-Cart) | md_microm96 | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_microm96 | | Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Euro, v1.1, J-Cart) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_micromages | | Micro Mages (HB) | | 2019 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_micromages2 | | Micro Mages - Second Quest (HB) | | 2022 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_micromouse | | Micro Mouse Goes De-bugging (128K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mprofanation | | Micro Profanation (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | Ivan Gomez Marquez | ZX Spectrum | O: left - P: right - Z: long jump - X: short jump |
| sms_xevious | | Micro Xevious, The (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| spec_micronaut | | Micronaut One (48K) | | 1987 | Nexus Productions | ZX Spectrum | S, Z, O, P and SPACE to set options in main menu |
| spec_micrsocc_48 | | MicroProse Soccer (48K) | spec_micrsoccint | 1989 | MicroProse | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_micrsoccint | | MicroProse Soccer - International Challenge (128K) | | 1989 | MicroProse | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_micrsocc6sd | | MicroProse Soccer - Six-a-Side Challenge (128K) | spec_micrsoccint | 1989 | MicroProse | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_midbros | | Midnight Brothers (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_midbrosa | | Midnight Brothers (Japan, Alt) | msx_midbros | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_midbuild | | Midnight Building (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| spec_mresist | | Midnight Resistance (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mresist_48 | | Midnight Resistance (48K) | spec_mresist | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_midress | | Midnight Resistance (Hack, Spanish) | md_midres | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_midresj | | Midnight Resistance (Japan) | md_midres | 1991 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| midresj | | Midnight Resistance (Japan) | midres | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| midresu | | Midnight Resistance (US) | midres | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| md_midres | | Midnight Resistance (USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| midres | | Midnight Resistance (World, set 1) | | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| midres2 | | Midnight Resistance (World, set 2) | midres | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| msx_midway | | Midway (Japan) | | 1983 | Magicsoft | MSX | |
| midssio | NW | Midway SSIO Sound Board Internal pROM | | 1981 | Midway | SSIO | Internal pROM only |
| nes_miedow | | Miedow (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mig29 | | MiG 29 - Soviet Fighter (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mig29sovfighter | | Mig 29 Soviet Fighter (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mig29 | | Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mig29j | | Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (Japan) | md_mig29 | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mig29u | | Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (USA) | md_mig29 | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mightmag | | Might and Magic - Gates to Another World (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mightmg3 | | Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra (USA, Prototype) | | 1993 | CRI | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mightybombjack | | Mighty Bomb Jack (USA) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mightyff | | Mighty Final Fight (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2018-2023 | Sinc LAIR, SaNchez | ZX Spectrum | Q, A and SPACE to select options in title screen |
| nes_mightfinfigc | | Mighty Final Fight (Hack, Spanish) | nes_mightfinfig | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mightfinfig | | Mighty Final Fight (USA) | | 1993 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| mightguy | | Mighty Guy | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| mimonscr | | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Scramble hardware) | mimonkey | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mimonsco | | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Super Cobra hardware) | mimonkey | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mimonscra | | Mighty Monkey (Kaina Games, bootleg on Scramble hardware) | mimonkey | 1982 | bootleg (Kaina Games) | Galaxian | |
| mimonkey | | Mighty Monkey | | 1982 | Universal Video Games | Galaxian | |
| md_mmpr | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mmpr | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mmprs | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Hack, Spanish) | md_mmpr | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprp6 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Prototype, 19940708) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mmprp | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Prototype, 19940716) | gg_mmpr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mmprp5 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Prototype, 19940718) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprp2 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Prototype, 19940809) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprp1 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Prototype, 19940810) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmpru | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprp4 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Prototype, 19940804) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprp3 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Prototype, 19940808) | md_mmpr | 1994 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprfe | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprtm | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mmprtm | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mmprtms | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (Hack, Spanish) | md_mmprtm | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mmprtmp | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (Prototype, 19950530) | gg_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mmprtmu | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA) | md_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprtmp4 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Prototype, 19950713) | md_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprtmp3 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Prototype, 19950717) | md_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprtmp2 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Prototype, 19950722) | md_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mmprtmp1 | | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Prototype, 19950724) | md_mmprtm | 1995 | Sega - Banpresto | Sega Megadrive | |
| mwarr | | Mighty Warriors | | 199? | Elettronica Video-Games S.R.L. | Miscellaneous | |
| mpangr1 | | Mighty! Pang (000925 Euro) | mpang | 2000 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| mpanga | | Mighty! Pang (001010 Asia) | mpang | 2000 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| mpang | | Mighty! Pang (001010 Euro) | | 2000 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| mpangu | | Mighty! Pang (001010 USA) | mpang | 2000 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| mpangjd | | Mighty! Pang (001011 Japan Phoenix Edition) | mpang | 2000 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| mpangj | | Mighty! Pang (001011 Japan) | mpang | 2000 | Mitchell | CPS2 | |
| spec_mijavasee | | Mijadore vase, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | EdD | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mijavases | | Mijadore vase, The (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_mijavasee | 2023 | EdD | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ditkapf | | Mike Ditka Power Football (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ditkapf1 | | Mike Ditka Power Football (Euro, USA, Alt) | md_ditkapf | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mdfootball | | Mike Ditka's Big Play Football (Unl) | nes_qbscramble | 2008 | NGD | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mikegunn | NW | Mike Gunner (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Lightgun required |
| spec_miketheguitar2 | | Mike the Guitar - The Shooter (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_miketysspunout | | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_miketheguitar | | Mike, The Guitar (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mikeyeldey | | Mikeyeldey the album (HB) | | 2022 | Mikey Eldey | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mikeyeldey95 | | Mikeyeldey95 (HB) | | 2022 | Mikey Eldey | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_mikie | | Mikie (48K) | | 1985 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_mikie | | Mikie (HB) | | 1984-2021 | Konami - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| mikiehs | | Mikie (High School Graffiti) | mikie | 1984 | Konami | GX469 | |
| msx_mikie | | Mikie - Shinnyuushain Tooru-Kun (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami - Sega | MSX | |
| mikie | | Mikie | | 1984 | Konami | GX469 | |
| tg_miltrymd | | Military Madness (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_milkrace | | Milk Race (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | Press '0' to start, don't press '1' or '2': the game freezes |
| gtmr2a | | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04) | gtmr2 | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmr2 | | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) | | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| nes_millipede | | Millipede (USA) | | 1988 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_milli | | Millipede - Kyodai Konchuu no Gyakushuu (Japan) | nes_millipede | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| milliped | | Millipede | | 1982 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_milonssc | | Milon's Secret Castle (USA) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_min128 | | Min! (128K) (HB) | | 2024 | Zebra Games | ZX Spectrum | Default Keys: W, S, A, D, M |
| minasan | | Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai (MOM-001 ~ MOH-001) | | 1990 | Monolith Corp. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_traysiaj | | Minato no Traysia (Japan) | md_traysia | 1992 | Riot | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_mindtrap | | Mindtrap (48K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | Set '5. Sinclair II (R)' to use controller |
| cv_mindwalls | | Mindwalls (HB) | | 2013 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_minecmd | | Mine Command (HB) | | 2023 | Fred Rique | MSX | |
| msx_minefind | | Mine Finder (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | Paolo F. Pugno | MSX | |
| nes_mnmayhem | | Mine Mayhem (HB) | | 2021 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| minefld | | Minefield | | 1983 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| nes_mkmadness | | Minekart Madness (HB) | | 2022 | Matt Hughson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mkmadnessmmc1 | | Minekart Madness (HB, MMC1 ver.) | nes_mkmadness | 2022 | Matt Hughson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minelsag | | Minelvaton Saga - Ragon no Fukkatsu (Hack, English) | | 2020 | aishsha | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minelsagj | | Minelvaton Saga - Ragon no Fukkatsu (Japan) | nes_minelsag | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mine2049a | | Miner 2049er (Alt) | cv_mine2049 | 1983 | Micro Fun | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mine2049 | | Miner 2049er | | 1983 | Micro Fun | ColecoVision | |
| mineswpr4 | | Minesweeper (4-Player) | mineswpr | 1977 | Amutech | Miscellaneous | |
| mineswpr | | Minesweeper | | 1977 | Amutech | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minibrix | | Mini Brix Battle (HB) | | 2016 | Aleff Correa | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_miniputt | | Mini Putt (Japan) | | 1991 | A Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| minivadr | | Mini Vaders | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Minivader | |
| msx_minimagos | | MiniMagos (HB) | | 2017 | Fran Games | MSX | |
| sms_minimsx | | MiniMSX (HB) | | 2021 | MikGames | Sega Master System | |
| md_miniplanets | | Miniplanets (HB, Rev03) | | 2016-17 | Sik | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_miniplanrmx | | Miniplanets Remix (HB, Rev04) | | 2022 | Sik | Sega Megadrive | |
| mmonkeyj | | Minky Monkey (Japan) | mmonkey | 1982 | Technos Japan / Roller Tron | Miscellaneous | |
| mmonkey | | Minky Monkey | | 1982 | Technos Japan / Roller Tron | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minnanotaabou | | Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen (Hack, English v1.01) | | 2017 | Suicidal Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_minnanotaabouj | | Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen (Japan) | nes_minnanotaabou | 1991 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mfpool | | Minnesota Fats - Pool Legend (USA) | | 1995 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_mint | | Mint (HB) | | 2023 | meichnpp | MSX | |
| md_miraclep | | Miracle Piano Teaching System, The (USA) | | 1992 | The Software Toolworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_miracrops | | Miracle Ropit's - 2100 Nen no Daibouken (Japan) | | 1987 | King Records | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_miracle | | Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_miraclec | | Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_miracle | 2020 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_miraclep | | Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord (Prototype) | sms_miracle | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| mirage | | Mirage Youjuu Mahjongden (Japan) | | 1994 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mirai | | Mirai (Japan) | | 1987 | Xain Soft | MSX | |
| mirninja | | Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 1) | | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| mirninjaa | | Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 2) | mirninja | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| nes_miraisen | | Mirai Senshi - Lios (Hack, English) | | 2000 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_miraisenj | | Mirai Senshi - Lios (Japan) | nes_miraisen | 1989 | Pack-In-Video | Miscellaneous | |
| mirax | | Mirax (set 1) | | 1985 | Current Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| miraxa | | Mirax (set 2) | mirax | 1985 | Current Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_miremare | | Mire Mare (48K) (HB, v1.09) | | 2020 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mirohv1 | | Miroh (HB, v1.0.1) | nes_mirohv2 | 2023 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mirohv2 | | Miroh (HB, v2.0.1) | | 2023 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mirohjr | | Miroh Jr. (HB) | | 2023 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_milonsscj | | Miron no Daibouken (Japan) | nes_milonssc | 1986 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_flink | | Misadventures of Flink, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_miscastle | | Mischief Castle (HB) | | 2024 | kn56k | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_miscojone | | Misco Jones - En busca de la Vah-Ka perdida (48K) (HB) | spec_miscojons | 2013 | Radastan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_miscojons | | Misco Jones - Raiders of the lost Vah-Ka (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Radastan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_misifu | | Misifu la Gatita (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Jordi | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_misifucga | | Misifu Remeow CGA (128K) (HB, v1.4.1) | spec_misifucolor | 2021 | JSM Soft | ZX Spectrum | Alley Cat demake for ZX Spectrum |
| spec_misifucolor | | Misifu Remeow Color (128K) (HB, v1.4.1) | | 2021 | JSM Soft | ZX Spectrum | Alley Cat demake for ZX Spectrum |
| md_misplaced | | Misplaced (HB, English) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_misplacedr | | Misplaced (HB, Russian) | md_misplaced | 2019 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| msbingo | | Miss Bingo | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| missb2 | | Miss Bubble II | | 1996 | Alpha Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| missmw96 | | Miss Mister World '96 (Nude) | missw96 | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| mspacmanbgd | | Miss Pukman ('Made in Greece' Datamat bootleg) | mspacman | 1992 | bootleg (Datamat) | Pac-man | |
| mspuzzleg | | Miss Puzzle (Clone of Gumbo) | gumbo | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| mspuzzlea | | Miss Puzzle (Nudes, less explicit) | mspuzzle | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| mspuzzleb | | Miss Puzzle (Nudes, more explicit) | mspuzzle | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| mspuzzle | | Miss Puzzle | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| missw96 | | Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000A PCB, set 1) | | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| missw96a | | Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000A PCB, set 2) | missw96 | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| missw96b | | Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000A PCB, set 3) | missw96 | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| missw96c | | Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000B PCB) | missw96 | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| missw02 | | Miss World 2002 | | 2002 | Daigom | EXPRO-02 | |
| msx_missilecmd | | Missile Command (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| missile1 | | Missile Command (rev 1) | missile | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| missile2 | | Missile Command (rev 2) | missile | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| missile | | Missile Command (rev 3) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_missil3d | | Missile Defense 3-D (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 19?? | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| cv_misstrike | | Missile Strike (HB) | | 2021 | AlalogKid | ColecoVision | |
| m660b | | Mission 660 (bootleg) | m660 | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| m660j | | Mission 660 (Japan) | m660 | 1986 | Wood Place Co. Ltd. (Taito Corporation license) | Miscellaneous | |
| m660 | | Mission 660 (US) | | 1986 | Wood Place Co. Ltd. (Taito America Corporation license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_missioncobra | | Mission Cobra (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Bunch Games | Miscellaneous | |
| misncrfta | | Mission Craft (version 2.4) | misncrft | 2000 | Sun | Miscellaneous | |
| misncrft | | Mission Craft (version 2.7) | | 2000 | Sun | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_missimp16k | | Mission Impossible (16K) | | 1983 | Silversoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_missiimpc | | Mission Impossible (Hack, Chinese) | nes_missiimp | 2022 | LSP Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_missiimp | | Mission Impossible (USA) | | 1990 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_missionjupiter | | Mission Jupiter (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_missomega | | Mission Omega (48K) | | 1983 | Pulsonic | ZX Spectrum | |
| cmissnx | | Mission-X (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nes_missisatjik | | Mississippi Satsujin Jiken (Hack, English) | | 2017 | GAFF Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_missisatjikj | | Mississippi Satsujin Jiken (Japan) | nes_missisatjik | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mrkungfu | | Mister Kung Fu (128K) (HB, v1.3) | | 2018-19 | Uprising Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| mrviking | | Mister Viking (315-5041) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| mrvikingj | | Mister Viking (315-5041, Japan) | mrviking | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_misterien | | Misterio (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | FitoSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_misteript | | Misterio (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_misterien | 2023 | FitoSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_misteries | | Misterio (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_misterien | 2023 | FitoSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_misterionilo | | Misterio del Nilo, El (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Set 'cursores' to use controller |
| spec_misterionilo | | Misterio del Nilo, El (Spanish) (48K) | spec_mysterynile | 1987 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mitokou | | Mito Koumon - Sekai Manyuu Ki (Japan) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mitsumegatooruc | | Mitsume ga Tooru (Hack, Chinese v3) | nes_mitsumegatooru | 2022 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mitsumegatooru | | Mitsume ga Tooru (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mitsumegatooruj | | Mitsume ga Tooru (Japan) | nes_mitsumegatooru | 1989? | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mitsumgten | | Mitsume Ga Tooru - The Three-Eyed One Comes Here (Hack, English) | msx_mitsumgt | 2021 | unknown | MSX | |
| msx_mitsumgtru | | Mitsume Ga Tooru - The Three-Eyed One Comes Here (Hack, Russian) | msx_mitsumgt | 2021 | unknown | MSX | |
| msx_mitsumgt | | Mitsume Ga Tooru - The Three-Eyed One Comes Here (Japan) | | 1989 | Natsume | MSX | |
| msx_mix | | Mix (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | Uninteresting | MSX | |
| quiz18k | | Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin | | 1992 | EIM | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_mizubaku | | Mizubaku Dai Bouken - Liquid Kids (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| mizubaku | | Mizubaku Daibouken (Japan) | liquidk | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| ngp_mizuki | | Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Shashinkan (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_mk5a | | MK 5 - Mortal Combat - SubZero (Unl) (Pirate) | md_mk5 | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mk5 | | MK 5 - Mortal Combat - SubZero (Unl) | | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mlbpa | | MLBPA Baseball (USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mlbpa | | MLBPA Baseball (USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_motianda | | Mo Tian Da Lou (Taiwan) | sg1k_rocknbol | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_moaihihok | | Moai no Hihou - - Secret Treasure of Moai (Korea) | msx_moaihiho | 1987 | Static Soft | MSX | |
| msx_moaihiho | | Moai no Hihou - Secret Treasure of Moai (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_moaihihoa | | Moai no Hihou - Secret Treasure of Moai (Japan, Alt) | msx_moaihiho | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| nes_moaikun | | Moai-kun (Japan) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mobplansty | | Mobile Planet Styllus (SGM) (HB) | | 20?? | <unknown> | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| msx_suthir | | Mobile Planet Suthirus - Approach from the Westgate (Japan) | | 1986 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msgundam1 | | Mobile Suit Gundam (Japan) | msgundam | 1993 | Banpresto / Allumer | Seta | |
| gundamex | | Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue | | 1994 | Banpresto | Newer Seta | |
| gdfs | | Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Japan) | | 1995 | Banpresto | SSV | |
| msgundam | | Mobile Suit Gundam | | 1993 | Banpresto / Allumer | Seta | |
| msx_gundam | | Mobile-Suit Gundam - Last Shooting (Japan) | | 1984 | Bandai | MSX | |
| msx_gundama | | Mobile-Suit Gundam - Last Shooting (Japan, Alt) | msx_gundam | 1984 | Bandai | MSX | |
| msx_gundamk | | Mobile-Suit Gundam - Last Shooting (Korea) (Unl) | msx_gundam | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| md_mevo | | Mobius Evolution (Hack, v3.6) | md_sonic | 2015 | Abyssal Leopard | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_moderateretribution | | Moderate Retribution (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Stonechat | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_moduleman | | Module Man (HB) | | 2013 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| nes_moerotwi | | Moero TwinBee - Cinnamon Hakase o Sukue! (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_moerotwi | | Moero TwinBee - Cinnamon Hakase wo Sukue! (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_moeroproten | | Moero!! Pro Tennis (Japan) | nes_racketattack | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| moegonta | | Moeyo Gonta!! (Japan) | ladykill | 1993 | Yanyaka | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_moggym100 | | Moggy Master (HB, v1.00) | | 2015 | The Mojon Twins | Sega Master System | |
| moguchan | | Mogu Chan (bootleg?) | | 1982 | Orca (Eastern Commerce Inc. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mogura | | Mogura Desse (Japan) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Konami test board |
| nes_mogmines | | Mogura Mines (HB) | | 2022 | 8Bitalo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mojontwimul | | Mojon Twins Multicart (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mojoniek | | Mojoni - kid (English) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | Isaias Diaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mojoniem | | Mojoni - men (English) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_mojoniek | 2022 | Isaias Diaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mojonism | | Mojoni- macho (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_mojoniek | 2022 | Isaias Diaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mojonisn | | Mojoni- nene (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_mojoniek | 2022 | Isaias Diaz | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mokarima | | Mokari Makka? Bochibochi Denna! (Japan) | | 1986 | Leben Pro | MSX | |
| gg_moldorane | | Moldorian - Hikari to Yami no Sister (Hack, English v1.1) | gg_moldoran | 2019 | Supper | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_moldoran | | Moldorian - Hikari to Yami no Sister (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_molee | | Mole (Hack, English) | msx_mole | 2016 | GDX | MSX | |
| msx_mole | | Mole (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| mole | | Mole Attack | | 1982 | Yachiyo Electronics, Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_molemol | | Mole Mole (Brazil) (Unl) | | 198? | <unknown> | MSX | |
| msx_molemol2 | | Mole Mole 2 (Japan) | | 1987 | Victor | MSX | |
| msx_molecman | | Molecule Man (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| momokob | | Momoko 120% (bootleg) | momoko | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| momokoe | | Momoko 120% (English text) | momoko | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| momoko | | Momoko 120% (Japanese text) | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_momogdn | | Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden Dai 1 Shuu (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_momo2 | | Momotarou Densetsu II (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_momotrbo | | Momotarou Densetsu Turbo (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_mdensetsu | | Momotarou Densetsu ~ The Peach Boy Legend (Hack, English) | | 2012 | KingMike's Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mdensetsuj | | Momotarou Densetsu ~ The Peach Boy Legend (Japan) | nes_mdensetsu | 1987 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_momoktsg | | Momotarou Katsugeki (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| cv_monacogp | | Monaco GP (HB) | | 1983-2021 | Mystery Man - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_monacogpb | | Monaco GP (Japan, v0) | sg1k_monacogp | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_monacogpa | | Monaco GP (Japan, v1) | sg1k_monacogp | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_monacogp | | Monaco GP (Japan, v2) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_monacogpt | | Monaco GP (Taiwan) | sg1k_monacogp | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| gg_mcmastergg | | Monaco Master (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Louis The SEGA Nerd | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_mcmaster | | Monaco Master (HB, v2.9.2) | | 2023 | Louis The SEGA Nerd | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| monymony | | Money Money (set 1) | | 1983 | Zaccaria | Miscellaneous | |
| monymony2 | | Money Money (set 2) | monymony | 1983 | Zaccaria | Miscellaneous | |
| miexchng | | Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger | | 1997 | Face | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sms_monica | | Monica no Castelo do Dragao (Brazil) | sms_wboymlnd | 1991 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| headonch | | Monita to Rimoko no Head On Channel (prototype, hack) | | 1994 | hack | C2 | |
| ngmontst | | Monitor Test Patterns Tool (v1.3) | | 2022 | M.Priewe / NeoHomeBrew | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_monkeyac | | Monkey Academy (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_monkeyacb | | Monkey Academy (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_monkeyac | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_monkeyacc | | Monkey Academy (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_monkeyac | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_monkeyaca | | Monkey Academy (Japan, Alt) | msx_monkeyac | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_monkey | | Monkey Academy | | 1984 | Coleco - Konami | ColecoVision | |
| spec_monkeyj | | Monkey J - The Treasure Of The Gold Temple (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_monkeyking | | Monkey King (China) (Unl) | | 2005 | Waixing | Miscellaneous | |
| mmagic | | Monkey Magic | | 1979 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| monkelf | | Monky Elf (Korean bootleg of Avenging Spirit) | avspirit | 1990 | bootleg | Mega System 1 | imperfect graphics |
| sms_monopoly | | Monopoly (Euro) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_monopoly | | Monopoly (USA) | | 1992 | Parker Brothers | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_monopoly | | Monopoly (USA) | | 1991 | Parker Brothers | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_monopolyu | | Monopoly (USA) | sms_monopoly | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_monopolyp | | Monopoly (USA, Prototype) | md_monopoly | 1992 | Parker Brothers | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_monopolyp | | Monopoly (USA, Prototype) | sms_monopoly | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_moncrunch | | Monster Crunch (HB, v1.00) | | 2020 | Ichigo Bankai | Sega Master System | |
| cv_monsthouse | | Monster House (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2017 | Casio | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_monsterhunter | | Monster Hunter (HB) | | 2006 | Nerlaska Studio | MSX | |
| msx_monsterhuntaq | | Monster Hunter Arthur's Quest, The (HB) | | 2009 | Nerlaska Studio | MSX | |
| nes_monstinmypoc | | Monster in My Pocket (USA) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| mmaulers | | Monster Maulers (ver EAA) | | 1993 | Konami | GX170 | |
| msx_monsteronrun | | Monster On The Run (HB) | | 2021 | Paolo Borzini | MSX | |
| nes_monsterparty | | Monster Party (USA) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_mnstprow | | Monster Pro Wres (Japan) | | 1991 | ASK | PC Engine | |
| mslider | | Monster Slider (Japan) | | 1997 | Visco / Datt Japan | SSV | |
| nes_monsttrural | | Monster Truck Rally (USA) | | 1991 | INTV | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_monstwar | | Monster Truck Wars (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_mworld2 | | Monster World II - Dragon no Wana (Japan) | gg_wboydtrp | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mworld4c | | Monster World IV (Hack, Chinese v2) | md_mworld4 | 2019 | Wolfteam & HA MU | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mworld4eng | | Monster World IV (Hack, English v2.2) | md_mworld4 | 2008 | Michele Di Somma | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mworld4s | | Monster World IV (Hack, Spanish) | md_mworld4 | 2020 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mworld4 | | Monster World IV (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mworld4eng2 | | Monster World IV (USA, Europe) (English, Japanese) (Virtual Console) | md_mworld4 | 2012 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mworld4f | | Monster World IV - WB 6 (Hack, French) | md_mworld4 | 20?? | Terminus | Sega Megadrive | |
| monsterz | D NW | Monster Zero (set 1) | | 1982 | Nihon Game | Galaxian | Protected |
| msx_mnstfair | | Monster's Fair (Japan) | | 1986 | Toho | MSX | |
| mstworld | | Monsters World (bootleg of Super Pang) | | 1994 | bootleg (TCH) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_monstinc | | Monsters, Inc. (Russia) (Unl) | md_decapatt | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_montanajohn | | Montana John and the Templar's Treasure (HB) | | 2008 | Infinite | MSX | |
| spec_montecarlocasino | | Monte Carlo Casino (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_monterev | | Montezuma's Revenge (HB) | | 2022 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_montezum | | Montezuma's Revenge Featuring Panama Joe (USA) | | 1989 | Parker Brothers | Sega Master System | |
| sms_montezump | | Montezuma's Revenge Featuring Panama Joe (USA, Prototype) | sms_montezum | 1989 | Parker Brothers | Sega Master System | |
| cv_montezum | | Montezuma's Revenge | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| spec_mmlostsouls | | Monty Mole And The Temple Of Lost Souls (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Bubblesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_montrun | | Monty on the Run (128K) | | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_montyonrun | | Monty on the Run - Monty no Doki Doki Dai Dassou (Hack, English) | | 2021 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_montyonrunj | | Monty on the Run - Monty no Doki Doki Dai Dassou (Japan) | fds_montyonrun | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mpflycircus | | Monty Python's Flying Circus (128K) | | 1990 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_montyhoney | | Monty's Honey Run (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Bubblesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moonalert | | Moon Alert! (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| moonal2b | | Moon Alien Part 2 (older version) | moonal2 | 1980 | Namco / Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| moonal2 | | Moon Alien Part 2 | | 1980 | Namco / Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| moonaln | | Moon Alien | galaxian | 1979 | Namco / Nichibutsu (Karateco license?) | Galaxian | |
| spec_moonpiraten | | Moon and the Pirates (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moonpirates | | Moon and the Pirates (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_moonpiraten | 2019 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| mooncrs4 | | Moon Crest (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (SG-Florence) | Galaxian | |
| spec_mooncrst | | Moon Cresta (48K) | | 1985 | Incentive Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| mooncrgx | | Moon Cresta (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrsb | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs2 | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs3 | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 3) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs5 | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 4) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrecm | | Moon Cresta (Centromatic Spanish bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Centromatic) | Galaxian | |
| mooncreg | | Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg, set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| mooncreg2 | | Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg, set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstg | | Moon Cresta (Gremlin) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Gremlin license) | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstuk | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstuku | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK, unencrypted) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstu | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, encrypted) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu USA | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstuu | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, unencrypted) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu USA | Galaxian | |
| mooncrst | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) | | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncrsto | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, old rev) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncptc | | Moon Cresta (Petaco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstso | | Moon Cresta (SegaSA / Sonic) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Sonic) | Galaxian | |
| spec_moocrere | | Moon Cresta - Review (48K) | spec_mooncrst | 1985 | Incentive Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mooncrystal | | Moon Crystal (Hack, English) | | 2000 | Alex W. Jackson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mooncrystalj | | Moon Crystal (Japan) | nes_mooncrystal | 1992 | Hector | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_moonland | | Moon Landing (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_mpatrol | | Moon Patrol (Japan) | | 1984 | Dempa | MSX | |
| msx_mpatrolk | | Moon Patrol (Korea) | msx_mpatrol | 1985 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| cv_mpatrolp | | Moon Patrol (Prototype) | cv_mpatrol | 1984 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| mpatrolw | | Moon Patrol (Williams) | mpatrol | 1982 | Irem (Williams license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mpatrol | | Moon Patrol | | 1984 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| mpatrol | | Moon Patrol | | 1982 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| moonqsr | | Moon Quasar | | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| spec_moonranger | | Moon Ranger (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moonrangerv2 | | Moon Ranger (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2021 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| mranger | | Moon Ranger (bootleg of Moon Patrol) | mpatrol | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_moonranger | | Moon Ranger (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Bunch Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_moonridr | | Moon Rider (Euro) | msx_starbugg | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| mshuttlej | | Moon Shuttle (Japan set 1) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mshuttlej2 | | Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mshuttlea | | Moon Shuttle (US, version A) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mshuttle | | Moon Shuttle (US? set 1) | | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mshuttle2 | | Moon Shuttle (US? set 2) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| spec_moonstrike | | Moon Strike (48K) | | 1987 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | Press Enter to skip intro screen |
| mooncmw | | Moon War (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 198? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| moonwarp | | Moon War (prototype on Frenzy hardware) | | 1981 | Stern Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_moonballmagic | | Moonball Magic (Japan) | | 1988 | System Sacom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_moonglow | | Moonglow (HB) | | 2021 | Yurt Fiend | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_moonsweeper | | Moonsweeper (48K) | | 1983 | CheetahSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_moonswpra | | Moonsweeper (Alt) | cv_moonswpr | 1983 | Imagic | ColecoVision | |
| msx_moonswep | | Moonsweeper (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_moonswpr | | Moonsweeper | | 1983 | Imagic | ColecoVision | |
| spec_moontorc | | MoonTorc (48K) | | 1991 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moonwalk | | Moonwalker - The Computer Game (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_moonwalker | | Moonwalker - The Computer Game (Euro) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | MSX | |
| moonwara | | Moonwar (older) | moonwar | 1981 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| moonwar | | Moonwar | | 1981 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| cv_mopirang | | Mopiranger (HB) | | 1985-2012 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_mopirang | | Mopiranger (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mopirangb | | Mopiranger (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_mopirang | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mopirangc | | Mopiranger (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_mopirang | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mopirangd | | Mopiranger (Japan, Alt 4) | msx_mopirang | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mopiranga | | Mopiranger (Japan, Alt) | msx_mopirang | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_mopirangk | | Mopiranger (Korea) (Unl) | msx_mopirang | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_mopirang | | Mopiranger (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| nes_moreglider | | More Glider (HB) | | 2009 | Retro USB | Miscellaneous | |
| moremorp | | More More Plus | | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| moremore | | More More | | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| spec_moreteavicar | | More Tea Vicar? (128K) (HB) | | 2012 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| quizhuhu | | Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuu!Hyuu! (Ver 2.2J 1995/05/25) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| msx_moritaot | | Morita Kazuo no Othello (Japan) | | 1986 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| pce_moritash | | Morita Shougi PC (Japan) | | 1991 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| spec_moritz | | Moritz (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moritzautobath | | Moritz on the Autobahn (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moritzstkbck | | Moritz Strikes Back (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moritzstriker | | Moritz the Striker (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_moritzmoon | | Moritz to the Moon (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mortadelo | | Mortadelo y Filemon (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| spec_mortfilemon21 | | Mortadelo y Filemon II (Part 1 of 2) (Spanish) | | 1990 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mortfilemon22 | | Mortadelo y Filemon II (Part 2 of 2) (Spanish) | spec_mortfilemon21 | 1990 | Dro Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mortadelo2 | | Mortadelo y Filemon II - Safari Callejero (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| sms_mk | | Mortal Kombat (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Master System | |
| gg_mk | | Mortal Kombat (Euro, USA, v2.6) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mks | | Mortal Kombat (Hack, Spanish) | md_mk | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mkj | | Mortal Kombat (Japan, v3.3) | gg_mk | 1993 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| mknifty666 | | Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo 666, hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Y Unit | |
| mknifty | | Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo, hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Y Unit | |
| mkprot4 | | Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 4.0 07/14/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkprot8 | | Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 8.0 07/21/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkprot9 | | Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 9.0 07/28/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkrep | D | Mortal Kombat (Reptile Man hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Y Unit | |
| mkla1 | | Mortal Kombat (rev 1.0 08/09/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkla2 | | Mortal Kombat (rev 2.0 08/18/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkla3 | | Mortal Kombat (rev 3.0 08/31/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkla4 | | Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 09/28/92) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| mkr4 | | Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 T-Unit 02/11/93) | mk | 1992 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk | | Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93) | | 1992 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mkyturboe | | Mortal Kombat (Turbo 3.0 08/31/92, hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Y Unit | |
| mkyturbo | | Mortal Kombat (Turbo 3.1 09/09/93, hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Y Unit | |
| mktturbo | | Mortal Kombat (Turbo Ninja T-Unit 03/19/93, hack) | mk | 1992 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| md_mka | | Mortal Kombat (World) | md_mk | 1993 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mk | | Mortal Kombat (World, v1.1) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| mkyawdim | | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 1) | mk | 1992 | bootleg (Yawdim) | Y Unit | |
| mkyawdim2 | | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2) | mk | 1992 | bootleg (Yawdim) | Y Unit | |
| mkyawdim3 | | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 3) | mk | 1992 | bootleg (Yawdim) | Y Unit | |
| mkyawdim4 | | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 4) | mk | 1992 | bootleg (Yawdim) | Y Unit | |
| mkyawdim5 | | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 5) | mk | 1992 | bootleg (Yawdim) | Y Unit | |
| sms_mk3 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (Brazil) | | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_mk3 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (Euro) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | Press A+C+Start for 4P mode. |
| gg_mk3 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (Euro) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| mk3p40 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1 chip label p4.0) | mk3 | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| mk3r10 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0) | mk3 | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| mk3r20 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.0) | mk3 | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| mk3 | | Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1) | | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| md_mk3u | | Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) | md_mk3 | 1995 | Williams | Sega Megadrive | Press A+C+Start for 4P mode. |
| nes_mortakom3 | | Mortal Kombat 3 - Special 56 Peoples (Unl) | nes_mortakomiispe | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mk3m | | Mortal Kombat 3 Mini (Hack) | md_mk3 | 2011 | Nemesis_c, r57shell | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mortalkombat4h | | Mortal Kombat 4 (Hack, UMK3) | nes_mortalkombat4 | 200? | Ka Sheng | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mortalkombat4 | | Mortal Kombat 4 (Unl) | | 200? | ABAB Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mkae | | Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition (Hack, v1.0a) | md_mk | 2021 | Linkuei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mkaee | | Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced (Hack, v1.5) | md_mk | 2022 | Rael G.C. | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_mk2 | | Mortal Kombat II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Master System | |
| mk2r11 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r14 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.4) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r20 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.0) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r21 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.1) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r30 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.0) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1) | | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r31e | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1, European) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r32e | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.2, European) | mk2 | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r42 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2, hack) | mk2 | 1993 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2r91 | | Mortal Kombat II (rev L9.1, hack) | mk2 | 1993 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| md_mk2wuec | | Mortal Kombat II (World) Unlimited (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_mk2 | 2015 | Smoke | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mk2wus | | Mortal Kombat II (World) Unlimited (Hack, Spanish) | md_mk2 | 2013 | Smoke, pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mk2wu | | Mortal Kombat II (World) Unlimited (Hack, v1.0) | md_mk2 | 2011 | Smoke | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_mk2 | | Mortal Kombat II (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_mk2 | | Mortal Kombat II (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_mk2pi | | Mortal Kombat II - Palette improvement (Hack, v1.2) | sms_mk2 | 2023 | cireza | Sega Master System | |
| mk2chal | | Mortal Kombat II Challenger (hack) | mk2 | 1993 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| mk2p | | Mortal Kombat II Plus (Beta 2, Hack) | mk2 | 1993 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| nes_mortakomiispe | | Mortal Kombat II Special (Unl) | | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| mk2ute | | Mortal Kombat II Ultimate Tournament Edition (hack, V5.0.053) | mk2 | 2014 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| nes_mortakomiiispe | | Mortal Kombat III Special (Unl) | nes_mortakomiispe | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mkr | | Mortal Kombat Revelations (Hack, v1.0) | md_umk3t | 2012 | Smoke | Sega Megadrive | |
| mortalr | | Mortal Race | | 1995 | New Dream Games | Miscellaneous | |
| mosaicf2 | | Mosaic (F2 System) | | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| mosaica | | Mosaic (Fuuki) | mosaic | 1990 | Space (Fuuki license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mosaic | | Mosaic | | 1990 | Space | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_moshlift | | Mosh Lift (HB) | | 2023 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_motintro | | Mot - Intro (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_mot128intro | | Mot - Intro (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_motpart1 | | Mot - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_motintro | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_mot128a | | Mot - Part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_mot128intro | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_motopera1 | | Mot - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_motpart2 | | Mot - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_motintro | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_mot128b | | Mot - Part 2 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_mot128intro | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_motopera2 | | Mot - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_motopera1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_motpart3 | | Mot - Part 3 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_motintro | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_mot128c | | Mot - Part 3 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_mot128intro | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_motopera3 | | Mot - Part 3 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_motopera1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mother | | Mother (Japan) | nes_earthbound | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mothe25tannedi | | Mother - 25th Anniversay Edition (Hack, v1.11) | nes_earthbound | 2014 | DragonDePlatino | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_motocrosssim | | Moto Cross Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_motoroad | | Moto Roader (Japan) | | 1989 | NCS | PC Engine | |
| tg_motoroad | | Moto Roader (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_motorod2a | | Moto Roader II (Japan) (Alt) | pce_motorod2 | 1991 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| pce_motorod2 | | Moto Roader II (Japan) | | 1991 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| nes_motoccha | | Motocross Champion (Hack, English) | | 2001 | Suicidal Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_motocchaj | | Motocross Champion (Japan) | nes_motoccha | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mtcracera | | Motocross Racer (Alt) | cv_mtcracer | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mtcracer | | Motocross Racer | | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| nes_motorcitpat | | Motor City Patrol (USA) | | 1992 | Matchbox | Miscellaneous | |
| motorace | | MotoRace USA | travrusa | 1983 | Irem (Williams license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_motomadness | | Motorbike Madness (48K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_motomadness | | Motorbike Madness (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dro Soft - Mastertronic | MSX | |
| msx_sideral | | Motorista Sideral, El (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Anaya Multimedia | MSX | |
| motos | | Motos | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| mototoura | | MotoTour / Zippy Race (Assa version of Tecfri license) | travrusa | 1983 | Irem (Tecfri license / Assa) | Miscellaneous | |
| mototour | | MotoTour / Zippy Race (Tecfri license) | travrusa | 1983 | Irem (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mottoabudek | | Mottomo Abunai Deka (Japan) | | 1990 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_hangon2t2 | | Motuo Feiche (Taiwan) | sg1k_hangon2 | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| mouncrst | | Moune Creste (Jeutel French bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Jeutel) | Galaxian | |
| spec_mountainbikesim | | Mountain Bike Simulator (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_mkinga | | Mountain King (Alt) | cv_mking | 1984 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mking | | Mountain King | | 1984 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| nes_mourysenmad | | Mouryou Senki Madara (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Aeon Genesis | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mourysenmadj | | Mouryou Senki Madara (Japan) | nes_mourysenmad | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msgogo | | Mouse Shooter GoGo | | 1995 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| mouserc | | Mouser (Cosmos) | mouser | 1983 | UPL (Cosmos license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mouser | | Mouser (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony | MSX | |
| mouser | | Mouser | | 1983 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mousetrap | | Mousetrap (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Chris Maling | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_mtrapa | | Mousetrap (Alt) | cv_mtrap | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mtrap | | Mousetrap | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| sg1k_castlet | | Mowang migong ~ The Castle (Taiwan) | sg1k_castle | 1986? | DahJee | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_mowyadv128 | | Mowy Adventures - Beer Quest (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Mowy Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mowyadv48 | | Mowy Adventures - Beer Quest (48K) (HB) | spec_mowyadv128 | 2021 | Mowy Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mrhair2 | | Mr Hair & The Fly (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Bitmap Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mrhairkk | | Mr Hair and the Kitty Katakombs (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Chopz | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mrhair3 | | Mr Hair's - A Very Hairy RemiX (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Chopz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_mrchin | | Mr. Chin (HB) | | 2008 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_mrchin | | Mr. Chin (Japan) | | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_mrchink | | Mr. Chin (Korea) (Unl) | msx_mrchin | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_mrcrack | | Mr. Cracksman (HB, RLV917) | | 2013 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| mrdig | | Mr. Dig | | 2000 | Sun | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mrdo | | Mr. Do (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax | MSX | |
| msx_mrdok | | Mr. Do (Korea) (Unl) | msx_mrdo | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| douni | | Mr. Do vs. Unicorns | docastle | 1983 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mrdo | | Mr. Do! (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Adrian Singh | ZX Spectrum | Arcade conversion |
| cv_mrdoa | | Mr. Do! (Alt) | cv_mrdo | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| mrdobl | | Mr. Do! (bootleg) | mrdo | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdofix | | Mr. Do! (bugfixed) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdofabr | | Mr. Do! (Fabremar bootleg) | mrdo | 1982 | bootleg (Fabremar) | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdoy | | Mr. Do! (prototype) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdot | | Mr. Do! (Taito) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_mrdorunrun | | Mr. Do! Run Run (SGM) (HB) | | 1987-2022 | Universal | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_mrdovsun | | Mr. Do! vs Unicorns (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony - Universal | MSX | |
| cv_docastle | | Mr. Do!'s Castle | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| cv_mrdo | | Mr. Do! | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| mrdo | | Mr. Do! | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| docastleo | | Mr. Do's Castle (older) | docastle | 1983 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| docastle2 | | Mr. Do's Castle (set 2) | docastle | 1983 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mrdowild | | Mr. Do's Wild Ride (Japan) | | 1985 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax | MSX | |
| msx_mrdowildh | | Mr. Do's Wild Ride (Japan, Alt) | msx_mrdowild | 1985 | Angel | MSX | |
| dowild | | Mr. Do's Wild Ride | | 1984 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| docastle | | Mr. Do\'s Castle (set 1) | | 1983 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdu | | Mr. Du! | mrdo | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mrgimmick | | Mr. Gimmick (Europe) | nes_gimmick | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| mrgoemon | | Mr. Goemon (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | GX621 | |
| spec_mrheli | | Mr. Heli (48K) | | 1989 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_mrheli1 | | Mr. Heli no Daibouken (Japan) (Alt) | pce_mrheli | 1989 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| mrheli | | Mr. HELI no Daibouken (Japan) | bchopper | 1987 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| pce_mrheli | | Mr. Heli no Daibouken (Japan) | | 1989 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| spec_mrheli128rm | | Mr. Heli Remastered (128K) (Graphics Hack) | spec_mrheli | 2014 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | Trainer version |
| mrjong | | Mr. Jong (Japan) | | 1983 | Kiwako | Miscellaneous | |
| mrkicker | | Mr. Kicker (F-E1-16-010 PCB) | | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| mrkickera | D | Mr. Kicker (SEMICOM-003b PCB) | mrkicker | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| mrkougb2 | | Mr. Kougar (bootleg) | mrkougar | 1983 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mrkougar2 | | Mr. Kougar (earlier) | mrkougar | 1983 | ATW | Galaxian | |
| mrkougb | | Mr. Kougar (German bootleg) | mrkougar | 1984 | bootleg (Gross) | Galaxian | |
| mrkougar | | Mr. Kougar | | 1984 | ATW | Galaxian | |
| mrlo | | Mr. Lo! | mrdo | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mrmaycl | | Mr. Maymunshines Christmas Land (HB) | | 2020 | Calgames | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_mrmole | | Mr. Mole (HB) | | 2007 | Nerlaska Studio | MSX | |
| md_mrnutz | | Mr. Nutz (Euro) | | 1994 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mrnutzs | | Mr. Nutz (Hack, Spanish) | md_mrnutz | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mrnutz2 | | Mr. Nutz - Hoppin' Mad (Prototype) | | 1994 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mrsplash | | Mr. Splash (HB) | | 2008 | Project F | Miscellaneous | No one player mode |
| mrtnt | | Mr. TNT | | 1983 | Techstar (Telko license) | Pac-man | |
| spec_mrweems | | Mr. Weems and the She Vampires (48K) | | 1987 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mrwong | | Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry (Euro) | | 1984 | Artic Computing | MSX | |
| donight | | Mr.Do's Nightmare (hack by Krazy Ivan) | | 2013 | Krazy Ivan | Galaxian | |
| mrsdyna | | Mrs. Dynamite | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| mspactwin | | Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina) | | 1992 | hack (Susilu) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_msnampac | | Ms. Nam-Pac (128K) (HB, v0.0.5) | | 2022 | Jordi | ZX Spectrum | |
| mspacmat | | Ms. Pac Attack | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanbg | | Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg, set 1) | mspacman | 198? | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanbg2 | | Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg, set 2) | mspacman | 1997 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| spec_mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man (48K) | | 1984 | Atarisoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| mspacmbe | | Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, encrypted) | mspacman | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mspacmab | | Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 1) | mspacman | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mspacmab2 | | Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 2) | mspacman | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| sms_mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Master System | |
| md_mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Tengen ~ Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mspacmans | | Ms. Pac-Man (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_mspacman | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| mspacmanlai | | Ms. Pac-Man (Leisure and Allied bootleg) | mspacman | 1982 | bootleg (Leisure and Allied) | Pac-man | |
| mspacmbmc | | Ms. Pac-Man (Marti Colls bootleg) | mspacman | 1982 | bootleg (Marti Colls) | Pac-man | |
| md_mspacmanpir | | Ms. Pac-Man (Pirate, Ripped from Golden 10 in 1) (Unl) | md_mspacman | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| mspacmnf | | Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack) | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| nes_mspacmanu | | Ms. Pac-Man (USA)(Namco) | nes_mspacman | 1993 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man (USA)(Tengen) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man (USA) | | 1993 | Namco | Sega Game Gear | |
| msheartb | | Ms. Pac-Man Heart Burn | mspacman | 1989 | hack (Two-Bit Score) | Pac-man | |
| mspacpls | | Ms. Pac-Man Plus | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| 20pacgalr0 | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00) | 20pacgal | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 20pacgalr1 | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.01) | 20pacgal | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 20pacgalr2 | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.02) | 20pacgal | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 20pacgalr3 | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.03) | 20pacgal | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 20pacgalr4 | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.04) | 20pacgal | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 20pacgal | | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08) | | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| mspacman | | Ms. Pac-Man | | 1981 | Midway / General Computer Corporation | Pac-man | |
| mschamps | | Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal | mspacman | 1995 | hack | Pac-man | |
| mschamp | | Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal | mspacman | 1992 | hack | Pac-man | |
| cv_msspacefury | | Ms. Space Fury (HB) | | 2001 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| msx_msxbball | | MSX Baseball (Japan) | | 1984 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxbballa | | MSX Baseball (Japan, Alt) | msx_msxbball | 1984 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxbbal2 | | MSX Baseball II National (Japan) | | 1986 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxbasic | | MSX Basic | | 1983 | Microsoft / ASCII | MSX | |
| msx_msxpanic | | MSX Panic (Euro, French) | | 1986 | EVA Soft | MSX | |
| msx_msxrugby | | MSX Rugby (Japan) | | 1985 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxsoccr | | MSX Soccer (Japan) | | 1985 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxsoccra | | MSX Soccer (Japan, Alt) | msx_msxsoccr | 1985 | Panasoft | MSX | |
| msx_msxsoccrk | | MSX Soccer (Korea) (Unl) | msx_msxsoccr | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_sokoban | | MSX Soukoban (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_sokobanb | | MSX Soukoban (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_sokoban | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_sokobana | | MSX Soukoban (Japan, Alt) | msx_sokoban | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_sokobank | | MSX Soukoban (Korea) | msx_sokoban | 1984 | Qnix | MSX | |
| msx_suptenn | | MSX Super Tennis (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony - Takara | MSX | |
| msx_unleashed | | MSX Unleashed (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2006 | dvik & joyrex | MSX | |
| msx_msx | NW | MSX1 System BIOS | | 1982 | MSX | MSX | BIOS only |
| rocktrv2 | | MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) | | 1986 | Triumph Software Inc. | Pac-man | |
| mmpork | | Muchi Muchi Pork! (2007/ 4/17 MASTER VER.) | | 2007 | Cave (AMI license) | CA016 | |
| chf_muehle | | Muehle / Tontauben-Schiessen / Kreatives Malspiel / Videoscope (Ger) | chf_tctactoe | 1978 | SABA | Channel F | |
| mugsmash | | Mug Smashers | | 1990? | Electronic Devices Italy / 3D Games England | Miscellaneous | |
| md_valisj | | Mugen Senshi Valis (Japan) | md_valis | 1991 | Riot | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_valis | | Mugen Senshi Valis (Japan) | | 1986 | Nihon Telenet | MSX | |
| msx_valisk | | Mugen Senshi Valis (Korea) (Unl) | msx_valis | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| md_muhammad | | Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_muhammadu | | Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA) | md_muhammad | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_muhammadup | | Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA, Prototype) | md_muhammad | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| semibase | | MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea) | | 1997 | SemiCom / DMD | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_muhmourn3 | | MuhonMourn 3 (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | hoge1e3 | MSX | |
| nmg5 | | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 1) | | 1998 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| nmg5a | | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2, censored) | nmg5 | 1998 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| nmg5e | | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 3, earlier) | nmg5 | 1997 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| multchmpk | | Multi Champ (Korea, older) | multchmp | 1998 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| multchmpa | | Multi Champ (World, older) | multchmp | 1998 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| multchmp | | Multi Champ (World, ver. 2.5) | | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| mchampdx | | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| mchampdxb | | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) | mchampdx | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| mchampdxa | | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1126, 26/11/1999) | mchampdx | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| multi96 | | Multi Game '96 (Italy) | twinadv | 1996 | Barko Corp. | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| mltiwars | | Multi Wars (bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Gayton Games) | Galaxian | |
| spec_multidude | | MultiDude (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_multidude | | Multidude (HB) | | 2014 | RetroSouls | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_multiverse | | Multiverse (HB) | | 2019 | Hikaru Games | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_multiverse | | Multiverse (HB) | | 2019 | Hikaru Games | MSX | |
| cv_mummymaze | | Mummy Maze (HB) | | 2024 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| mnchmobl | | Munch Mobile (US) | joyfulr | 1983 | SNK (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_muncher | | Muncher Eats Chewits, The (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Set 'Sinclair Joystick' to use controller |
| cv_munchmouse | | Muncher Mouse (HB) | | 2018 | Cote Gamers | ColecoVision | |
| spec_muncher16 | | Muncher! (16K) | | 1982 | Silversoft | ZX Spectrum | S: start - Z: left - X: right - K: up - M: down |
| spec_mundialfutbol | | Mundial de Futbol (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mundoper | | Mundo Perdido, El (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_munsters | | Munsters, The (128K) | | 1989 | Again Again | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_muppeadv | | Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the Carnival (USA) | | 1990 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_murraymousesupercop | | Murray Mouse Super Cop (48K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_musasnoken | | Musashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu (Hack, English) | | 2015 | GAFF Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_musasnokenj | | Musashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu (Japan) | nes_musasnoken | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| mbombrdj | | Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors (Japan 931206) | mbombrd | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbombdje | X | Muscle Bomber Duo: heat up warriors (Japan E 931206) | mbombrd | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbombrda | X | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Asia 931206) | mbombrd | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbombrdh | X | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Hispanic 931206) | mbombrd | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbombrdu | X | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (USA 931206) | mbombrd | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbombrd | | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| mbomberj | | Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (Japan 930713) | slammast | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_mushas | | Musha - Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor (Hack, Spanish) | md_musha | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_musha | | MUSHA - Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor (USA) | | 1990 | Seismic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mushaj | | Musha Aleste - Full Metal Fighter Ellinor (Japan) | md_musha | 1990 | Toaplan | Sega Megadrive | |
| mushisamb | | Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12 MASTER VER) | mushisam | 2004 | Cave (AMI license) | CA011 | |
| mushisama | | Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12 MASTER VER.) | mushisam | 2004 | Cave (AMI license) | CA011 | |
| mushisam | | Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12.MASTER VER.) | | 2004 | Cave (AMI license) | CA011 | |
| futariblj | | Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER) | futaribl | 2007 | Cave (AMI license) | CA015B | |
| futaribl | | Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009/11/27 INTERNATIONAL BL) | | 2007 | Cave (AMI license) | CA015B | |
| futari10 | | Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.0 (2006/10/23 MASTER VER.) | futari15 | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA015 | |
| futari15a | | Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 MASTER VER 1.54) | futari15 | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA015 | |
| futari15 | | Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8.MASTER VER. 1.54.) | | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA015 | |
| spec_mushromsoap | | Mushrom Soup (128K) (HB) | | 2024 | Ottersoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_musheaven | | Mushroom Heaven (Hack) | nes_smb | 2022 | sinksadventure | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_musicj | | Music (Japan) | sg1k_music | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| musicbal | | Music Ball | | 1988 | Tecfri / Desystem S.A. | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_musicbox | | Music Box (Demo) | | 1987 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| shoottv | | Must Shoot TV (prototype) | | 199? | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| mustachei | | Mustache Boy (Italy) | mustache | 1987 | Seibu Kaihatsu (IG SPA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mustache | | Mustache Boy (Japan) | | 1987 | Seibu Kaihatsu (March license) | Miscellaneous | |
| alibabab | | Mustafa and 40 Thieves (bootleg) | alibaba | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| spec_mutazone | | Mutan Zone (Spanish) (Part 1 of 2) (128K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mutazone2 | | Mutan Zone (Spanish) (Part 2 of 2) (128K) | spec_mutazone | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mutanzone1 | | Mutan Zone - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| msx_mutanzone2 | | Mutan Zone - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_mutanzone1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| mutantf2 | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-2) | mutantf | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| mutantf3 | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-3) | mutantf | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| mutantf4 | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-4) | mutantf | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| mutantf | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_mutfortress | | Mutant Fortress (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mlfootb | | Mutant League Football (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mlfootbj | | Mutant League Football (Japan) | md_mlfootb | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mlhockey | | Mutant League Hockey (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_mumonty | | Mutant Monty (Euro) | | 1985 | Artic Computing | MSX | |
| mnightj | | Mutant Night (Japan) | mnight | 1987 | UPL (Kawakus license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mnight | | Mutant Night | | 1987 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mutanvir | | Mutant Virus, The (USA) | | 1992 | American Softworks | Miscellaneous | |
| mutantwarr | D NW | Mutant Warrior (Datsu bootleg of Altered Beast) | altbeast | 1988 | bootleg (Datsu) | System 16B | no Sound |
| msx_mutdeep | | Mutants From The Deep (HB) | | 2021 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| mutnat | | Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| mvpjd | | MVP (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0142 set) | mvp | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| mvpj | | MVP (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0142) | mvp | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| mvpd | | MVP (set 2, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0143 set) | mvp | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| mvp | | MVP (set 2, US) (FD1094 317-0143) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| mx5000 | | MX5000 | | 1987 | Konami | GX669 | |
| myherobl | | My Hero (bootleg, 315-5132 encryption) | myhero | 1985 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| sms_myhero | | My Hero (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_myheroc | | My Hero (Euro, USA, Brazil, Sega Card) | sms_myhero | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| myhero | | My Hero (US, not encrypted) | | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| msx_sacredplace | | My Sacred Place (HB) | | 2022 | Mario Cavalcanti - Clube MSX | MSX | |
| fds_mystemurcas | | Mysterious Murasame Castle (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Spinner 8 and friends | Miscellaneous | |
| mystston | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure | | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| myststonoi | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure (Itisa PCB) | mystston | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| myststono | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure | mystston | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_mysteryarkham1 | | Mystery of Arkham Manor, The - Part 1 (48K) | | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | In-game menu - 6: down - 7: up - Space: select |
| spec_mysteryarkham2 | | Mystery of Arkham Manor, The - Part 2 (48K) | spec_mysteryarkham1 | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | In-game menu - 6: down - 7: up - Space: select |
| spec_mmmanor128 | | Mystery of Markham Manor, The (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Taskmaster Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mmmanor48 | | Mystery of Markham Manor, The (48K) (HB) | spec_mmmanor128 | 2022 | Taskmaster Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_mysterynile | | Mystery of the Nile, The (English) (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_mysteryquest | | Mystery Quest (USA) | | 1989 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mystewordiz | | Mystery World Dizzy (HB) | | 2017 | Oliver Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mystdefa | | Mystic Defender (Euro, USA) | md_mystdef | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mystdef | | Mystic Defender (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mystdefs | | Mystic Defender (Hack, Spanish) | md_mystdef | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_mysticorigins | | Mystic Origins (HB) | | 2019 | New 8-bit Heroes | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_mystpillars | | Mystic Pillars (HB) | | 2008 | Sivak Games | Miscellaneous | |
| mysticrib | | Mystic Riders (bootleg?) | mysticri | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| mysticri | | Mystic Riders (World) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| mystwarraa | | Mystic Warriors (ver AAA) | mystwarr | 1993 | Konami | GX128 | |
| mystwarra | | Mystic Warriors (ver AAB) | mystwarr | 1993 | Konami | GX128 | |
| mystwarr | | Mystic Warriors (ver EAA) | | 1993 | Konami | GX128 | |
| mystwarrj | | Mystic Warriors (ver JAA) | mystwarr | 1993 | Konami | GX128 | |
| mystwarru | | Mystic Warriors (ver UAA) | mystwarr | 1993 | Konami | GX128 | |
| spec_mystical | | Mystical (128K) | | 1991 | Infogrames | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mystical | | Mystical (Euro) | | 1991 | Infogrames | MSX | |
| md_mysticfs | | Mystical Fighter (Hack, Spanish) | md_mysticf | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mysticf | | Mystical Fighter (USA) | | 1992 | Dreamworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_myth | | Myth - History In The Making (128K) | | 1989 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_mythos | | Mythos (Euro) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| sg1k_nsub | | N-Sub (Euro?) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_nsub | | N-Sub (HB) | | 1988-2021 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_nsuba | | N-Sub (Japan) | sg1k_nsub | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_nsubb | | N-Sub (Japan, Alt) | sg1k_nsub | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_nsubt | | N-Sub (Taiwan) | sg1k_nsub | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nsub | | N-Sub (upright) | | 1980 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| nycaptor | | N.Y. Captor | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_nakaf1gp | | Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Grand Prix (Japan) | | 1991 | Varie | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_f1heromd | | Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Hero MD (Japan) | | 1992 | Varie | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nakaf1sl | | Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Super License (Japan) | | 1992 | Varie | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_nalleland | | Nalle Land (HB, v0.4.0) | | 2020 | Benjamin Larsson | Miscellaneous | |
| nam1975 | | NAM-1975 (NGM-001 ~ NGH-001) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_namake | | Namake's Bridgedrome (HB) | | 2005 | Buresto Faiya | MSX | |
| namcoc69 | NW | Namco C69 (M37702) (Bios) | | 1994 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | BIOS only |
| namcoc70 | NW | Namco C70 (M37702) (Bios) | | 1994 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | BIOS only |
| namcoc75 | NW | Namco C75 (M37702) (Bios) | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | BIOS only |
| nes_namcoclassic | | Namco Classic (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_namcoclassicii | | Namco Classic II (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| namenayo | | Namennayo (Japan) | | 1982 | Cat's | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_namida | | Namida no Soukoban Special (Japan) | | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nanakohell | | Nanako Descends to Hell (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | The Mojon Twins - UBHRES Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nanako | | Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle (48K) (HB) | | 2007 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| naname | | Naname de Magic! (Japan) | | 1994 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| nndmsealc | D NW | Nandemo Seal Iinkai (alternate ver 1.0) | nndmseal | 1997 | I'Max / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nndmseala | D NW | Nandemo Seal Iinkai (Astro Boy ver. 1.0?) | nndmseal | 1997 | I'Max / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nndmsealb | D NW | Nandemo Seal Iinkai (Astro Boy ver. 1.1) | nndmseal | 1997 | I'Max / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nndmseal | D NW | Nandemo Seal Iinkai (ver 1.3) | | 1997 | I'Max / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_nanowars | | NanoWars 8k (HB, v0.7) | | 2006 | haroldoop | Sega Master System | |
| pce_nantet | | Nantettatte Engine (HB) | | 2017 | Atherbyte | PC Engine | |
| nes_nantebas | | Nantettatte!! Baseball (Hack, English) | | 2019 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nantebasj | | Nantettatte!! Baseball (Japan) | nes_nantebas | 1990 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_smasters | | Naomichi Ozaki no Super Masters (Japan) | md_arnoldp | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_napoleonsenki | | Napoleon Senki (Japan) | | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_blodwolf | | Narazumono Sentai Butai - Bloody Wolf (Japan) | | 1989 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| spec_narc | | NARC (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| narc1 | | Narc (rev 1.80) | narc | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| narc2 | | Narc (rev 2.00) | narc | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| narc3 | | Narc (rev 3.20) | narc | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| narc4 | | Narc (rev 4.00) | narc | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| narc6 | | Narc (rev 6.00) | narc | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| narc | | Narc (rev 7.00) | | 1988 | Williams | Z Unit | |
| nes_narc | | NARC (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_narcopol | | Narco Police (128K) | | 1991 | Rajsoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_narcopolice | | Narco Police (Euro) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| md_narnia3 | | Narnia 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_galahad | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_naruto | | Naruto (Russia) (Unl) | md_3ninja | 20?? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nastar | | Nastar (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | |
| nastarw | | Nastar Warrior (US) | nastar | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| natodefa | | NATO Defense (alternate mazes) | natodef | 1982 | Pacific Novelty | Miscellaneous | |
| natodef | | NATO Defense | | 1982 | Pacific Novelty | Miscellaneous | |
| naughtyba | | Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 1) | naughtyb | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| naughtybb | | Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 2) | naughtyb | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| naughtybc | | Naughty Boy (Cinematronics) | naughtyb | 1982 | Jaleco (Cinematronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| naughtyb | | Naughty Boy | | 1982 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nmouse | | Naughty Mouse (set 1) | | 1981 | Amenip (Palcom Queen River) | Pac-man | |
| nmouseb | | Naughty Mouse (set 2) | nmouse | 1981 | Amenip Nova Games Ltd. | Pac-man | |
| msx_nausicaa | | Nausicaa (Japan) | | 1984 | Technopolis Soft | MSX | |
| md_navabarone | | NavaBarone (HB) | | 2017 | neko800 and kunukunu777 | Sega Megadrive | |
| navarone | | Navarone | | 1980 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_navymoves1 | | Navy Moves - Part 1 (Euro) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Set '1-Keyboard' and config inputs to use controller |
| spec_navymoves1 | | Navy Moves - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Set '3-Sinclair' to use controller |
| msx_navymoves2 | | Navy Moves - Part 2 (Euro) | msx_navymoves1 | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 53817 |
| spec_navymoves2 | | Navy Moves - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_navymoves1 | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 63723 |
| spec_nvyseals | | Navy SEALs - Part 1 (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nvyseals2 | | Navy SEALs - Part 2 (128K) | spec_nvyseals | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_naxopen | | Naxat Open (Japan) | | 1989 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_naxstad | | Naxat Stadium (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| msx_nayade | | Nayade Resistance (HB) | | 2013 | Pentacour | MSX | |
| fds_nazonokab | | Nazo no Kabe - Block Kuzushi (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_nazomasq | | Nazo no Masquerade (Japan) | | 1990 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| fds_nazonomur | | Nazo no Murasamejou (Japan) | fds_mystemurcas | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_nazopuyo1 | | Nazo Puyo (Japan, v0) | gg_nazopuyo | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nazopuyo | | Nazo Puyo (Japan, v1.1) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nazpuyo2 | | Nazo Puyo 2 (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nazpyoar | | Nazo Puyo Arle no Roux (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nazpyoarp | | Nazo Puyo Arle no Roux (Japan, Prototype) | gg_nazpyoar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nba2k | | NBA 2000 (Russia) (Unl) | md_nbaact | 2000 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nba2k5 | | NBA 2005 (Russia) (Unl) | md_nbaact95 | 2005 | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95 | | NBA Action '95 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p25 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941118) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p24 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941123-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p23 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941202-B) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p22 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941209) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p21 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941215) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p20 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941222-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p19 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941224-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p18 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941229) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p17 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941230) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p16 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19941231) | md_nbaact95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p15 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950103) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p14 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950108) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p13 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950112) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p12 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950115-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p11 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950121) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p10 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950122-B) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p09 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950124-B) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p08 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950127-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p07 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950127-B) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p05 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950128) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p06 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950128-A) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p04 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950130) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p02 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950201) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p03 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950201, Alt) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact95p01 | | NBA Action '95 (Prototype, 19950202) | md_nbaact95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaactp3 | | NBA Action (Prototype, 19940104) | md_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaactp2 | | NBA Action (Prototype, 19940116) | md_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaactp1 | | NBA Action (Prototype, 19940127, Broken - C08 missing) | md_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaact | | NBA Action (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nbaactp08 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final A, 19940228) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp07 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final B, 19940301) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp06 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final C, 19940302) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp05 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final D, 19940303) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp04 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final E, 19940304) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp03 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final F, 19940304) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp02 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final G, 19940305) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp01 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Final H, 19940308) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp30 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19931128) | gg_nbaact | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp29 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19931201) | gg_nbaact | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp28 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940104) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp27 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940106) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp26 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940110) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp25 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940124) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp24 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940129) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp23 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940202) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp22 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940203) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp21 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940206) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp20 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940208) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp19 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940212) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp17 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940217) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp16 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940220) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp15 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940221) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp14 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940224) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp12 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940225) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp13 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940225-B) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp11 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940226) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp10 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940227) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp09 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19940228) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaactp18 | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (Prototype, 19941215) | gg_nbaact | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nbaact | | NBA Action Starring David Robinson (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nbaallst | | NBA All-Star Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbahang | | NBA Hang Time (Euro) | | 1996 | Midway | Sega Megadrive | Press P3 start for 2nd team |
| md_nbahangu | | NBA Hang Time (USA) | md_nbahang | 1996 | Midway | Sega Megadrive | Press P3 start for 2nd team |
| nbahangtl11 | | NBA Hangtime (ver L1.1 4/16/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbahangtl12 | | NBA Hangtime (ver L1.2 8/29/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbahangt | | NBA Hangtime (ver L1.3 10/10/96) | | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbahangtm11 | | NBA Hangtime (ver M1.1 4/16/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbahangtm12 | | NBA Hangtime (ver M1.2 8/29/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbahangtm13 | | NBA Hangtime (ver M1.3 10/10/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| sms_nbajam | | NBA Jam (Euro, Prototype) | | 1994 | Acclaim | Sega Master System | |
| gg_nbajam1 | | NBA Jam (Euro, USA) | gg_nbajam | 1993 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nbajam1 | | NBA Jam (Euro, USA) | md_nbajam | 1993 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbajam | | NBA Jam (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nbajamj | | NBA Jam (Japan) | gg_nbajam | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nbajamj | | NBA Jam (Japan) | md_nbajam | 1994 | Acclaim Japan | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbajamjp | | NBA Jam (Japan, Prototype) | md_nbajam | 1994 | Acclaim Japan | Sega Megadrive | |
| nbajamp1 | | NBA Jam (proto v 1.01 1/23/93) | nbajam | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamp2 | | NBA Jam (proto v 2.00 1/24/93) | nbajam | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamr1 | | NBA Jam (rev 1.00 2/1/93) | nbajam | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamr2 | | NBA Jam (rev 2.00 2/10/93) | nbajam | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajam | | NBA Jam (rev 3.01 4/07/93) | | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| gg_nbajam | | NBA Jam (USA, v1.1) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| nbajamre | | NBA Jam Rewind (Hack, v1.1) | nbajamte | 2022 | hack | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamten | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (Nani Edition, rev 5.2 8/11/95, prototype) | nbajamte | 1995 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamtep2 | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (proto 2.00 12/17/93) | nbajamte | 1993 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte1 | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 1.00 1/17/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte2a | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 2.0 1/28/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte2 | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 2.1 2/06/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte3a | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 3.0 2/26/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte3 | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 3.0 3/04/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte4 | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 3/03/94) | nbajamte | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| nbajamte | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 3/23/94) | | 1994 | Midway | Midway T-Unit | |
| gg_nbajamte | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nbajamte | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbajamtef | | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World, 2002 Fix Release) | md_nbajamte | 2002? | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaliv95 | | NBA Live 95 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaliv95k | | NBA Live 95 (Korea) | md_nbaliv95 | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaliv96 | | NBA Live 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaliv97 | | NBA Live 97 (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbaliv98 | | NBA Live 98 (USA) | | 1997 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nbamhtp | | NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L0.9 10/30/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbamhtl10 | | NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L1.0 11/08/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbamht | | NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L1.03 06/09/97) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nbamhtm10 | | NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver M1.0 11/08/96) | nbahangt | 1996 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| md_bullvsblj | | NBA Playoffs - Bulls Vs Blazers (Japan) | md_bullvsbl | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bullvsblj1 | | NBA Playoffs - Bulls Vs Blazers (Japan, Alt) | md_bullvsbl | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbapro94 | | NBA Pro Basketball '94 (Japan) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bullvslaj | | NBA Pro Basketball - Bulls Vs Lakers (Japan) | md_bullvsla | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbashow | | NBA Showdown '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nbashowp | | NBA Showdown '94 (USA, Prototype, Hacked) | md_nbashow | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ncaabask | | NCAA Final Four Basketball (USA) | | 1994 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ncaafoot | | NCAA Football (USA) | | 1994 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_neadeital | | Neadeital 128K (HB) | | 2020 | Heavy Spectrum Limited | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_nebsanddebs | | Nebs and Debs (HB) | | 2018 | Dullahan | Miscellaneous | |
| cnebula | | Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nebulrayj | | Nebulas Ray (Japan, NR1) | nebulray | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| nebulray | | Nebulas Ray (World, NR2) | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| nebulbee | | Nebulous Bee | galaga | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nebulus | | Nebulus (48K) | | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_necrisdome | | Necris Dome (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_necromcr | | Necromancer (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_necros | | Necros no Yousai (Japan) | | 1990 | ASK | PC Engine | |
| pce_nectaris | | Nectaris (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_nfsu | | Need for Speed Undercover (Russia) (Unl) | md_toutrun | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_neighbours | | Neighbours (48K) | | 1992 | Impulze | ZX Spectrum | Set '3 SINCLAIR' to use controller |
| nes_nekkekakden | | Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 1998 | oRdErEDchaos | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nekkekakdenj | | Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (Japan) | nes_nekkekakden | 1992 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| kuniokunb | | Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan bootleg) | renegade | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kuniokun | | Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan) | renegade | 1986 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nekkekoukunkun | | Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan) | | 1987 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| nkdodge | | Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu (Japan) | spdodgeb | 1987 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nkdodgeb | | Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu (Japan, bootleg) | spdodgeb | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_nekdodge | | Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu - PC Bangai Hen (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_neksoccr | | Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu - Soccer Hen MD (Japan) | | 1992 | Palsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_neksoccr | | Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu - Soccer PC Hen (Japan) | | 1992 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_nekkestrbascastc | | Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes (Hack, Spanish) | nes_nekkestrbas | 2020 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nekkestrbas | | Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes (Japan) | | 1993 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nekkestrbasc | | Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes (T-Chi, v2) | nes_nekkestrbas | 2020 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_nekkyu | | Nekkyuu Koushien (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_neloquqoen | | Nelo & Quqo and the Last Butifarreisson (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_neloquqoes | | Nelo & Quqo and the Last Butifarreisson (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_neloquqoen | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gradius | | Nemesis (Euro) ~ Gradius (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gradiusa | | Nemesis (Euro) ~ Gradius (Japan, Alt) | msx_gradius | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_nemesis | | Nemesis (Korea) | | 1987 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| nemesis | | Nemesis (ROM version) | | 1985 | Konami | GX400 | |
| nemesisuk | | Nemesis (World?, ROM version) | nemesis | 1985 | Konami | GX400 | |
| spec_nemesis | | Nemesis - The Final Challenge (48K) | | 1987 | Konami - The Hit Squad | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_gradius2a | | Nemesis 2 (Euro) ~ Gradius 2 (Japan) (Alt) | msx_gradius2 | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gradius2d | | Nemesis 2 (Euro) ~ Gradius 2 (Japan) (Demo) | msx_gradius2 | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gradius2p | | Nemesis 2 (Euro) ~ Gradius 2 (Japan) (Prototype) | msx_gradius2 | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_gradius2 | | Nemesis 2 (Euro) ~ Gradius 2 (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_nemesis2 | | Nemesis 2 (Korea) | | 1987 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_nemesis3b | | Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction (Euro) ~ Gopher no Yabou - Episode II (Japan) (Alt 2) | msx_nemesis3 | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_nemesis3a | | Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction (Euro) ~ Gopher no Yabou - Episode II (Japan) (Alt) | msx_nemesis3 | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_nemesis3 | | Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction (Euro) ~ Gopher no Yabou - Episode II (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| spec_nwarlock | | Nemesis the Warlock (128K) | | 1987 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | at intro press Fire and Space to view 'credits+music' screen |
| nemoj | | Nemo (Japan 901120, 89622B-3 ROM board) | nemo | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nemoja | | Nemo (Japan 901120, 89625B-1 ROM board) | nemo | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nemor1 | | Nemo (World 901109) | nemo | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nemo | | Nemo (World 901130) | | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_nemulesis | | neMULEsis (HB, v2.25.23) | | 2021-23 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_nenokatas | | Nenokatas (HB) | | 2015 | Baa | MSX | |
| neo2500 | | Neo 2500 Demo | | 2004 | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nblktiger | | Neo Black Tiger (Demo) | | 2020 | OzzyOuzo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neobombe | | Neo Bomberman | | 1997 | Hudson | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neocstlv | | Neo CastleVania Demo | | 2004 | Barf/BarfHappy | Neo Geo | |
| ngp_neoderby | | Neo Derby Champ Daiyosou (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| neodrift | | Neo Drift Out - New Technology | | 1996 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neogeo | NW | Neo Geo | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | BIOS only |
| neocdz | | Neo Geo CDZ system | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo CDZ | System - media selected seperately |
| neogeo | | Neo Geo MVS system | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | System - cartridges selected seperately |
| nes_neoheiali | | NEO Heiankyo Alien (HB) | | 2017 | Hyperware Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| neomrdo | | Neo Mr. Do! | | 1996 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neonopon | | Neo No Panepon (beta) | | ???? | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neopang | | Neo Pang | | 2010 | CeL | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neoponga | | Neo Pong (ver 1.0) | neopong | 2002 | Neo Dev Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neopong | | Neo Pong (ver 1.1) | | 2002 | Neo Dev Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nsmb | | Neo Super Mario Bros (Demo, v0.01) | | 2020 | OzzyOuzo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| syscheck | | Neo System Check (ver 1.0b) | | ???? | blastar@gmx.net | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neothndr | | Neo Thunder | | 2012 | Sebastian Mihai | Neo Geo | No Sound |
| turfmast | | Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf | | 1996 | Nazca | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neocup98 | | Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory | | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| neotet | | NeoGeo 2-Player Tetris | | 2013 | Crim/Stephen | Neo Geo | |
| neo3ddmo | | NeoGeo 3D! Demo | | 2012 | Oxygene | Neo Geo | |
| ngp_ngp | NW | NeoGeo Pocket (Bios) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | BIOS only |
| neotris | | NeoTRIS (Free Beta 2, Ver. 202009) | | 2020 | Chipsonsteroids | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_hangman | | NES Hangman (HB) | | 2015 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nesopetougol | | NES Open Tournament Golf (USA) | | 1991 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_neswars | | NES Wars (Hack, English) | nes_famicomwars | 2023 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nescape | | NEScape (HB) | | 2019 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nesertgolf | | NESert Golfing (HB) | | 2019 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nesertgolfte | | NESert Golfing - Tournament Edition (HB) | nes_nesertgolf | 2019 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_nkoshien | | Nessen Koushien (Japan) | | 1984 | Casio | MSX | |
| nes_nessyrobot | | Nessy the NES Robot (HB, v1.30) | | 2021 | Daniel T. Gaming | Miscellaneous | |
| netwars | | Net Wars | | 1983 | Orca (Esco Trading Co license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_nethdungeon | | Nether Dungeon (Hack, HB) | cv_sydneyhunt | 2018 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | A 'Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe' Hack |
| spec_netherworld | | Netherworld (128K) | | 1988 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| quiztou | | Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou!! (Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| spec_neuras | | Neuras (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_neuras | | Neuras (HB) | | 2022 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_neuras | | Neuras (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| pce_neutopia | | Neutopia (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_neutopia | | Neutopia (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_neutopi2 | | Neutopia II (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_neutopi2 | | Neutopia II (USA) | | 1992 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_nestory2 | | NeverEnding Story II, The (48K) | | 1990 | Linel | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nestory | | NeverEnding Story, The (128K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_n3dgdevi | | New 3D Golf Simulation - Devil's Course (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_n3dgaugu | | New 3D Golf Simulation - Harukanaru Augusta (Japan) | | 1993 | T&E Soft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_n3dgpebb | | New 3D Golf Simulation - Pebble Beach no Hatou (Japan) | md_pebble | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_n3dgwaia | | New 3D Golf Simulation - Waialae no Kiseki (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_advislnd | | New Adventure Island (USA) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| newapunk | | New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) | bbmanw | 1992 | Irem America | Irem M90 | |
| sms_newbogl2 | | New Boggle Boggle 2 (Korea) | | 1989 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| newxpang | | New Cross Pang (set 1) | | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| newxpanga | | New Cross Pang (set 2) | newxpang | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| newfanta | | New Fantasia (1994 copyright) | newfant | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| newfant | | New Fantasia (1995 copyright) | | 1995 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| nes_newghoii | | New Ghostbusters II (Japan) | | 1990 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nhidctch | | New Hidden Catch (World) / New Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| md_newhoriz | | New Horizons (USA) | | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| 3in1semi | | New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan) (set 1) | | 1998 | SemiCom / XESS | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| 3in1semia | | New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan) (set 2) | 3in1semi | 1998 | SemiCom / XESS | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| sms_novdmvdp | | New Order vs Depeche Mode vs Daft Punk (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2019 | Maxim | Sega Master System | |
| newpuckx | | New Puck-X | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| nrallyx | | New Rally X | | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| newsin7 | | New Sinbad 7 (set 1) | | 1983 | ATW USA, Inc. | Galaxian | |
| newtangl | | New Tropical Angel | troangel | 1983 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_newyornya | | New York Nyankies (Japan) | nes_rockinkats | 1991 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tnzs | | New Zealand Story, The (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_tnzs | | New Zealand Story, The (Euro) | | 1992 | TecMagik | Sega Master System | |
| nes_newzeasto | | New Zealand Story, The (Europe) | nes_kiwikra | 1991 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tnzsac | | New Zealand Story, The (Hack, Arcade Colors) | md_tnzs | 2020 | fabio | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tnzss | | New Zealand Story, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_tnzs | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tnzs | | New Zealand Story, The (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_tnzs | | New Zealand Story, The (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| nzteamp | | New Zero Team (Plus, Hack) | zeroteam | 2018 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| nzeroteam | | New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) | zeroteam | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nzeroteamb | | New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, Haoyunlai Trading Company license) | zeroteam | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Haoyunlai Trading Company license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nzeroteama | | New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, Zhongguo Shantou Yihuang license) | zeroteam | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Zhongguo Shantou Yihuang license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_newmanh | | Newman Haas IndyCar Featuring Nigel Mansell ~ Nigel Mansell Indy Car (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| newpuc2 | | Newpuc2 (set 1) | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| newpuc2b | | Newpuc2 (set 2) | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| news | | News (set 1) | | 1993 | Poby / Virus | Miscellaneous | |
| newsa | | News (set 2) | news | 1993 | Poby | Miscellaneous | |
| nextfase | | Next Fase (bootleg of Phoenix) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_nfl95 | | NFL '95 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p21 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940801) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p20 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940805) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p13 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940808) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p19 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940810) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p18 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940812) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p17 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940812, Alt) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p15 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940817) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p16 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940817-B) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p14 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940822) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p11 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940825) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95p12 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940825-A) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95p10 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940826) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p13 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940830) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p09 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940831) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p12 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940831) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p11 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940901) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p08 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940902) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p10 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940902) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p09 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940904) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p07 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940905) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p08 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940905-B) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p06 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940906) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p05 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940907) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p07 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940908) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p04 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940908) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl95p03 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940909) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p06 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940910) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p01 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940911) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p05 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940911-B) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl95p02 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940911-B) | md_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nfl95p04 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940911-C) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95p03 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940912) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95p01 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940914) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95p02 | | NFL '95 (Prototype, 19940914-F) | gg_nfl95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nfl95 | | NFL '95 (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nfl98 | | NFL 98 (USA) | | 1997 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl94j | | NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (Japan) | md_nfl94 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nfl94 | | NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nflfoot | D NW | NFL Football | | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_nflqb96 | | NFL Quarterback Club '96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nflqb | | NFL Quarterback Club (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nflqb | | NFL Quarterback Club (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nflqb96 | | NFL Quarterback Club 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nflsport | | NFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngem2k | | NGEM2K (beta 2006-01-18) | | 2006 | homebrew | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngftdemo | | NGF Transparency Demo | | 2012 | CeL | Neo Geo | redarmor.net |
| md_nhktaidrc | | NHK Taiga Drama - Taiheiki (Hack, Chinese) | md_nhktaidr | 199? | cslrxyz | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhktaidr | | NHK Taiga Drama - Taiheiki (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_nhktaidr | | NHK Taiga Drama - Taiheiki (Japan) | | 1992 | NHK Enterprise | PC Engine | |
| md_nhl94 | | NHL '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhl2023 | | NHL '94: 2023 Edition (Hack, v1.1) | md_nhl94 | 2023 | Adam Catalyst | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhl95 | | NHL 95 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhl96 | | NHL 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhl97 | | NHL 97 (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhl98 | | NHL 98 (USA) | | 1997 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp16 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19940914) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp15 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19940929) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp14 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941001) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp13 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941021) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp12 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941107) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp11 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941109) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp10 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941119) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp09 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941121) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp08 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941122) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp07 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941123) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp06 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941127) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp05 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941128) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp04 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941129) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp02 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941201) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp03 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941201-B) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlasp01 | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Prototype, 19941202) | md_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlas | | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_nhlasp17 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19941215) | gg_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp16 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19941222) | gg_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp15 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19941229) | gg_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp14 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19941231) | gg_nhlas | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp13 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950102) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp12 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950103) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp11 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950107) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp10 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950111) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp09 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950113) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp08 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950116) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp07 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950120) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp06 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950121) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp02 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950124) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp05 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950124-A) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp04 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950124-B) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp03 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950124-C) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlasp01 | | NHL All-Star Hockey (Prototype, 19950125) | gg_nhlas | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhlas | | NHL All-Star Hockey (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nhl | | NHL Hockey (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_nhl | | NHL Hockey (USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlpa2k3 | | NHLPA 2003 (Russia) (Unl) | md_nhl98 | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlpa93a | | NHLPA Hockey 93 (Euro, USA) | md_nhlpa93 | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nhlpa93 | | NHLPA Hockey 93 (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nibbler6 | | Nibbler (rev 6) | nibbler | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| nibblerp | | Nibbler (rev 6, Pioneer Balloon conversion) | nibbler | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| nibbler7 | | Nibbler (rev 7) | nibbler | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| nibbler8 | | Nibbler (rev 8) | nibbler | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| nibblero | | Nibbler (rev 8, Olympia) | nibbler | 1983 | Rock-Ola (Olympia license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nibbler | | Nibbler (rev 9, set 1) | | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| nibblera | | Nibbler (rev 9, set 2) | nibbler | 1982 | Rock-Ola | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_nibbli | | Nibbli: Son of Nibbler (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| ngp_nigeronpe | | Nige-ron-pa (Hack, English) | ngp_nigeronp | 2018 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_nigeronp | | Nige-ron-pa (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_mansellwc | | Nigel Mansell's World Championship (128K) | | 1993 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_nigelmansworchch | | Nigel Mansell's World Championship Challenge (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Miscellaneous | |
| md_mansell | | Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_mansellu | | Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (USA) | md_mansell | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_nbreed | | Night Breed (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nightcity | | Night City (HB) | | 2006 | Yermani Soft | MSX | |
| tg_nightcr | | Night Creatures (USA) | | 1992 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_nightdriver | | Night Driver (HB) | | 2007 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| nitedrvr | | Night Driver | | 1976 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_nightflight | | Night Flight (Japan) | | 1982 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax - Universal | MSX | |
| msx_nightknight | | Night Knight (HB, v1.0.3) | | 2019 | Juan J. Martinez / usebox.net | MSX | |
| msx_nightshd | | Night Shade (Japan) | | 1985 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| nslasherj | | Night Slashers (Japan Rev 1.2, DE-0397-0 PCB) | nslasher | 1994 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| nslasher | | Night Slashers (Korea Rev 1.3, DE-0397-0 PCB) | | 1994 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| nslashers | | Night Slashers (Over Sea Rev 1.2, DE-0397-0 PCB) | nslasher | 1994 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| nslasheru | | Night Slashers (US Rev 1.2, DE-0395-1 PCB) | nslasher | 1994 | Data East Corporation | DECO 32 | |
| spec_nightstalker | | Night Stalker ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | AMCgames | ZX Spectrum | |
| cnightst | | Night Star (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cnightst2 | | Night Star (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) | cnightst | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nightstrj | | Night Striker (Japan) | nightstr | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| nightstru | | Night Striker (US) | nightstr | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| nightstr | | Night Striker (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| nwarra | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950302 Asia) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nwarr | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950316 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nwarrb | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950403 Brazil) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nwarrh | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950403 Hispanic) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nwarrud | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950406 USA Phoenix Edition) | nwarr | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| nwarru | | Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950406 USA) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_ncirc | | Nightmare Circus (Brazil) | | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ncirc1 | | Nightmare Circus (Brazil, Alt) | md_ncirc | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ncircp | | Nightmare Circus (Prototype) | md_ncirc | 199? | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nitdbl | | Nightmare in the Dark (bootleg) | nitd | 2001 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nitd | | Nightmare in the Dark | | 2000 | Eleven / Gavaking | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_nightonelmstra | | Nightmare on Elm Street, A (USA) | | 1990 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nightelmstreetdmk | | Nightmare on Elm Street, A - Son of a Hundred Maniacs Demake (HB) | | 1999-2022 | Fista Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nighthallowen | | Nightmare on Halloween (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Radastan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nightrally | | Nightmare Rally (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nightshade | | Nightshade (48K) | | 1985 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_nightshade | | Nightshade (USA) | | 1992 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_nikkan | | Nikkan Sports Pro Yakyuu Van (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_nikopun | | Niko Niko, Pun (Japan) | | 1991 | NHK Enterprise | PC Engine | |
| nes_nimnom | | Nim & Nom (HB, v1.2) | | 2018 | Metakrill | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_nim | | Nim (HB) | | 2000 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| nes_ninnin | | Nin-Nin (HB, v1) | | 2020 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_deadfoxc | | Ningen Heiki - Dead Fox (Hack, Chinese v2.0) | nes_codenam | 2010 | Xing Kong | Miscellaneous | |
| ninja | | Ninja (315-5102) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nbbatmanu | | Ninja Baseball Bat Man (US) | nbbatman | 1993 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| nbbatman | | Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World) | | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| nbbatmano | | Ninja Baseball Batman (One Key Edition, Hack) | nbbatman | 2020-09-06 | Hack | Irem M92 | |
| md_ninjabt | | Ninja Burai Densetsu (Hack, Chinese) | md_ninjab | 199? | Xu Yong Sheng | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ninjab | | Ninja Burai Densetsu (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ninjacarnagen | | Ninja Carnage (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Resistance | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjacarnagfr | | Ninja Carnage (French) (128K) (HB) | spec_ninjacarnagen | 2021 | Resistance | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjacarnagge | | Ninja Carnage (German) (128K) (HB) | spec_ninjacarnagen | 2021 | Resistance | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjacarnagit | | Ninja Carnage (Italian) (128K) (HB) | spec_ninjacarnagen | 2021 | Resistance | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjacarnages | | Ninja Carnage (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_ninjacarnagen | 2021 | Resistance | ZX Spectrum | |
| ncombath | | Ninja Combat (NGH-009) | ncombat | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ncombat | | Ninja Combat (NGM-009) | | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_ninjacom | | Ninja Commando (48K) | | 1989 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| ncommand | | Ninja Commando | | 1992 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_ninjacopsaizou | | Ninja Cop Saizou (Japan) | | 1989 | Kyugo Boueki | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjacrusaders | | Ninja Crusaders (USA) | | 1990 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjacrusadersc | | Ninja Crusaders - Ryuuga (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ninjacrusaders | 2019 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| ninjemak | | Ninja Emaki (US) | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_ngaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ngaidenp | | Ninja Gaiden (Euro, Prototype) | sms_ngaiden | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ngaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_ninjagaidenc | | Ninja Gaiden (Hack, Spanish + Addendum) | nes_ninjagaiden | 2016 | Terwilf | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ngaidenj | | Ninja Gaiden (Japan) | gg_ngaiden | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ngaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (Japan, Prototype) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (US) | shadoww | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjagaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (USA) | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjagaiiic | | Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (Hack, Spanish + Addendum) | nes_ninjagaiii | 2016 | Terwilf | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjagaiii | | Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (USA) | | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjagaiiiic | | Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (Hack, Spanish + Addendum) | nes_ninjagaiiii | 2016 | Terwilf | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjagaiiii | | Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (USA) | | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ninjagaiden | | Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Jerri, DaRkHoRaCe, Diver | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjagardensim | | Ninja Gardening-Simulator (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Andrew Bunker | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_ninjahatkun | | Ninja Hattori-kun - Ninja wa Syugyou de Gozaru (Japan) | | 1986 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninja2 | | Ninja II (Korea) (Unl) | msx_iganinp2 | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| nes_ninjajaje | | Ninja Jajamaru - Ginga Daisakusen (Hack, English) | nes_ninjajaj | 2002 | HTI | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjajajj | | Ninja Jajamaru - Ginga Daisakusen (Japan) | nes_ninjajaj | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jajamgek | | Ninja JaJaMaru - Legend of The Golden Castle (English) | | 2023 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Official Translation |
| nes_ninjajaj | | Ninja JaJaMaru - Operation Milky Way (English) | | 2023 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Official Translation |
| nes_jajamnincho | | Ninja JaJaMaru - The Ninja Skill Book (English) | | 2023 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Official Translation |
| nes_jajamnodaij | | Ninja Jajamaru no Daibouken (Japan) | nes_jajamnodai | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_jajamnodai | | Ninja JaJaMaru's Big Adventure (English) | | 2023 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Official Translation |
| nes_ninjajajkun | | Ninja Jajamaru-kun (English) | | 2023 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Official Translation |
| msx_ninjajaj | | Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| nes_ninjajajkunj | | Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Japan) | nes_ninjajajkun | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjajajk | | Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Korea) | msx_ninjajaj | 1986 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| kazan | | Ninja Kazan (World) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| nes_ninjakid | | Ninja Kid (USA) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjalove | | Ninja Love (Spanish) (HB) | | 2013 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| spec_ninjamassacre | | Ninja Massacre (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| ninjamasha | | Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho (Plus) | ninjamas | 1996 | 007325 | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ninjamas | | Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho | | 1996 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_ninja4s | | Ninja of the 4 Seasons (HB) | | 2021 | Kool Doob | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ninjapoison1 | | Ninja Poison - Part 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | TokuSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjapoison2 | | Ninja Poison - Part 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_ninjapoison1 | 2021 | TokuSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nprinces | | Ninja Princess (315-5051, 64k Ver. bootleg?) | seganinj | 1985 | bootleg? | System 1 | |
| nprincesb | | Ninja Princess (315-5051?, 128k Ver. bootleg?) | seganinj | 1985 | bootleg? | System 1 | |
| nprinceso | | Ninja Princess (315-5098, 128k Ver.) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nprincesu | | Ninja Princess (64k Ver. not encrypted) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| sg1k_ninjaprie | | Ninja Princess (Hack, T-Eng) | sg1k_ninjapri | 2010 | goldenband | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_ninjapri | | Ninja Princess (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_ninjapri | | Ninja Princess (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_ninjapria | | Ninja Princess (Japan, Alt) | msx_ninjapri | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_ninjaprincess | | Ninja Princess (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2011 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_ninjarahoi | | Ninja Rahoi! (Hack English) | | 2014 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_nryukend | | Ninja Ryukenden (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| ryukendn | | Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1) | shadoww | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| ryukendna | | Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 2) | shadoww | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryudenc | | Ninja Ryuuken Den (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ninjagaiden | 2017 | FlameCyclone | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryuden | | Ninja Ryuuken Den (Japan) | nes_ninjagaiden | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryudeniic | | Ninja Ryuuken Den II - Ankoku no Jashin Ken (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ninjagaiii | 200? | TPU | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryudenii | | Ninja Ryuuken Den II - Ankoku no Jashin Ken (Japan) | nes_ninjagaiii | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryudeniiic | | Ninja Ryuuken Den III - Yomi no Hakobune (Hack, Chinese) | nes_ninjagaiiii | 2002 | TPU | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjaryudeniii | | Ninja Ryuuken Den III - Yomi no Hakobune (Japan) | nes_ninjagaiiii | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjasav | | Ninja Savior (HB, RLV921) | | 2015 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| spec_ninjascooter | | Ninja Scooter Simulator (48K) | | 1987 | Sysoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjaspirit | | Ninja Spirit (128K) | | 1990 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_nspirit | | Ninja Spirit (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Irem | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nspirit | | Ninja Spirit (World) | | 1988 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| spec_ninjatwins | | Ninja twins Going to Zedeaks (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | SAM Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjawarr | | Ninja Warriors, The (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_ninjawar | | Ninja Warriors, The (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| sms_ninja | | Ninja, The (Euro, USA) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ninjaj | | Ninja, The (Japan) | sms_ninja | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| ninjakd2 | | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1) | | 1987 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| ninjakd2a | | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 2, bootleg?) | ninjakd2 | 1987 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| ninjakd2b | | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 3, bootleg?) | ninjakd2 | 1987 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| ninjakd2c | | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 4) | ninjakd2 | 1987 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjakun | | Ninja-kun (Japan) | | 1983 | Toshiba | MSX | |
| nes_ninjakunashnosh | | Ninja-kun - Ashura no Shou (Japan) | | 1988 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjakunmajnobo | | Ninja-kun - Majou no Bouken (Japan) (Rev 1) | | 1985 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjakmb | | Ninja-kun - Majou no Bouken (Japan) | | 1985 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| spec_ninjajar | | Ninjajar (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2014 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ninjakul2 | | Ninjakul 2 The Last Ninja (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | Redefine keys to use controller |
| spec_ninjakul | | Ninjakul in the AUIC Temple (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| ninjakun | | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken | | 1984 | UPL (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ninjarahoij | | Ninjara Hoi! (Japan) | nes_ninjarahoi | 1990 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ninjakag | | Ninjya Kage (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_ninjakaga | | Ninjya Kage (Japan, Alt) | msx_ninjakag | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| gg_ninku | | Ninku (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ninku2 | | Ninku 2 - Tenkuuryuu e no Michi (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ninkug | | Ninku Gaiden - Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_ninteworcup | | Nintendo World Cup (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nitrobal | | Nitro Ball (World, set 1) | | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nitrobala | | Nitro Ball (World, set 2) | nitrobal | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nitrobalb | | Nitro Ball (World, set 3) | nitrobal | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_nixrelic | | Nix: the Paradox Relic (HB, v1.9) | | 2020 | Dustin Huddleston | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nixyseedsofd | | Nixy and the Seeds of Doom (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Bubblesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nixyglaspri | | Nixy the Glade Sprite (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Bubblesoft | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to choose and ENTER to set options |
| nmk004 | NW | NMK004 Internal ROM | | 1990 | N M K Corporation | NMK16 | internal rom |
| msx_no | | No (Japan) | | 19?? | <unknown> | MSX | |
| msx_nobackdown | | No Back Down (HB) | | 2021 | SoCal | MSX | |
| md_noescape | | No Escape (USA) | | 1994 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_noahsark | | Noah's Ark (Euro) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nob | | Noboranka (Japan) | | 1986 | Coreland / Data East Corporation | System 1 | |
| nobb | | Noboranka (Japan, bootleg) | nob | 1986 | bootleg (Game Electronics) | System 1 | |
| md_nobubufu | | Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuuunroku (Japan) | | 1991 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nobuhaoc | | Nobunaga no Yabou - Haouden (Hack, Chinese) | md_nobuhao | 199? | Xu Yong Sheng | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nobuhao | | Nobunaga no Yabou - Haouden (Japan) | | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nobuzenk | | Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkokuban (Japan) | md_nobuamb | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_nobuamb | | Nobunaga's Ambition (USA) | | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_noyesod128 | | Nodes of Yesod (128K) | | 1985 | Odin Computer Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_noyesod48 | | Nodes of Yesod (48K) | spec_noyesod128 | 1985 | Odin Computer Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nogals | | Nogalious (HB) | | 2019 | LuegoLu3go | MSX | |
| msx_nogalsdemo | | Nogalious Demo (HB) | msx_nogals | 2018 | LuegoLu3go | MSX | |
| spec_nohzdyve | | Nohzdyve (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Tuckersoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nohzdyve | | Nohzdyve (HB) | | 2019 | Giovanni Nunes | MSX | |
| gg_nomowsb | | Nomo's World Series Baseball (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_nomolos | | Nomolos (HB) | | 2014 | Gradual Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nonamed | | Nonamed (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nonamed | | Nonamed (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_naqueous | | Nonterraqueous (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_noon30sd | | Noon30 Shovel Duck (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | KTB Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_normy | | Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_norseman | | Norseman (Euro) | | 1984 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| spec_northnsouth | | North & South (128K) | | 1991 | Infogrames | ZX Spectrum | Use 'O', 'P' and SPACE for set language |
| msx_northnsouth | | North & South (Euro, M3) | | 1991 | Infogrames | MSX | |
| nes_northsouthi | | North & South (Hack, Italian v2.0) | nes_northsouth | 2014 | Julian L. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_northsouthc | | North & South (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_northsouth | 2013 | Julian L. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_northsouth | | North & South (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_northstar | | North Star (48K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_noseyjoe | | Nosey Joe - The Power Mystery (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | baardbi | Miscellaneous | |
| nostj | | Nostradamus (Japan) | nost | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nostk | | Nostradamus (Korea) | nost | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nost | | Nostradamus | | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nostromo | | Nostromo | | 198? | bootleg | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spec_nosyen | | Nosy (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nosyes | | Nosy (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_nosyen | 2022 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nosy | | Nosy - first version (48K) (HB) | spec_nosyen | 2020 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_nothing | | Nothing (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Gogin | ZX Spectrum | |
| nouryokup | | Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai (prototype) | nouryoku | 1995 | Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| nouryoku | | Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai | | 1995 | Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| nova2001 | | Nova 2001 (Japan) | | 1983 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| nova2001h | | Nova 2001 (Japan, hack?) | nova2001 | 1983 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| nova2001u | | Nova 2001 (US) | nova2001 | 1983 | UPL (Universal license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_novablst | | Nova Blast | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_novasqu | | Nova the Squirrel (HB) | | 2018 | NovaSquirrel | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_nubowls | | Nuclear Bowls (48K) | | 1986 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_nuclearbowls | | Nuclear Bowls (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| numanathj | | Numan Athletics (Japan) | numanath | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| numanath | | Numan Athletics (World) | | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| cv_numbump | | Number Bumper | cv_amazing | 1984 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| msx_numberman | | Numberman (HB) | | 2020 | Anemotionalfish | MSX | |
| nunchaku | | Nunchackun | ladymstr | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_nutsmilk | | Nuts & Milk (Japan) | | 1983 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| nes_nutsmilk | | Nuts & Milk (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nyanpani | | Nyan Nyan Panic (Japan) | kittenk | 1988 | Konami | GX712 | |
| spec_virgils2p1pt | | O Purgatorio de Virgilio 2.0 - Capitulo 1 (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_virgils2p1en | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_virgils2p2pt | | O Purgatorio de Virgilio 2.0 - Capitulo 2 (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_virgils2p1en | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_omacfarm | | O'Mac Farmer (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| spec_opuzz | | O-Puzz Attack (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Oblo | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_obakenoqtar | | Obake no Q Tarou - Wanwan Panic (Japan) | | 1985 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_oberon69 | | Oberon 69 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | G.LL. Software | MSX | |
| msx_obliter | | Obliterator (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| pce_oboccha | | Obocchama-kun (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| cocean1a | | Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No.10/Ver.1,Japan) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cocean6b | | Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No.10/Ver.6,US) | cocean1a | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_oceano | | Oceano (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | EgoTrip | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_oceano | | Oceano (HB) | | 2015 | EgoTrip | MSX | |
| msx_octasquad | | Octagon Squad (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| spec_octuktty | | OctuKitty (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | UltraNarwhal | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_oddi128k | | Oddi The Viking (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | Digital Brains | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_oddi48k | | Oddi The Viking (48K) (HB) | spec_oddi128k | 2010 | Digital Brains | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_odecarros | | Odeio Carros (HB) | | 2020 | Menos Playstation | Sega Megadrive | |
| oedfighta | | Oedo Fight (Japan, Bloodless version) | bloodwar | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| oedfight | | Oedo Fight (Japan, Bloodshed version) | bloodwar | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| ngp_oekakip | | Oekaki Puzzle (Jpn) | ngp_picturep | 2000 | Success | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| offtwallc | D NW | Off the Wall (2-player cocktail) | offtwall | 1991 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| offtwall | D NW | Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) | | 1991 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_offthewall | | Off the Wall (Prototype) | | 1992 | Tengen, Atari | PC Engine | |
| offensiv | | Offensive (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Video Dens) | Galaxian | |
| spec_ofchristmas | | Official Father Christmas Game (48K) | | 1989 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ohmummy | | Oh Mummy (16K) | | 1984-86 | Gem Software | ZX Spectrum | A, Z, K, and L to play |
| md_ohmummy | | Oh Mummy (HB) | | 2013 | 1985 Alternativo | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_ohmummy | | Oh Mummy!! (Euro) | | 1988 | Longman Software | MSX | |
| ohmygod | | Oh My God! (Japan) | | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ohshit | | Oh Shit! (Euro) | | 1986 | AackoSoft | MSX | |
| cv_oilswella | | Oil's Well (Alt) | cv_oilswell | 1984 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| msx_oilswell | | Oil's Well (Japan) | | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| msx_oilswella | | Oil's Well (Japan, Alt) | msx_oilswell | 1985 | Comptiq | MSX | |
| cv_oilswell | | Oil's Well | | 1984 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| oisipuzl | | Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka | | 1993 | Sunsoft / Atlus | Seta | |
| sg1k_matchpg | | Okamoto Ayako no Match Play Golf (Japan, OMV) | | 1984? | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_matchpga | | Okamoto Ayako no Match Play Golf (Japan, OMV, Alt) | sg1k_matchpg | 1984? | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_matchpgt | | Okamoto Ayako no Match Play Golf (Taiwan) | sg1k_matchpg | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_oldtower | | Old Tower (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_oldtowers | | Old Towers (HB, v1.2) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_ole | | Ole! (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| olibug | | Oli Bug (bootleg of Jump Bug) | jumpbug | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| olibochu | | Oli-Boo-Chu (USA) | | 1981 | Irem (GDI license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ollilsa | | Olli & Lissa - The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle (48K) | | 1986 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ollilsa2 | | Olli & Lissa II - Halloween (48K) | | 1987 | Silverbird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ollilsa3 | | Olli & Lissa III - The Candlelight Adventure (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_olympgld | | Olympic Gold (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_olympgld | | Olympic Gold (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_olympgld | | Olympic Gold (Euro, v1, SMS Mode) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_olympgldj | | Olympic Gold (Japan, Korea) | md_olympgld | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_olympglda | | Olympic Gold (Japan, USA, v0, SMS Mode) | gg_olympgld | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_olympgldk | | Olympic Gold (Korea) | sms_olympgld | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| md_olympgldu | | Olympic Gold (USA) | md_olympgld | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_olympgldu1 | NW | Olympic Gold (USA, Alt) | md_olympgld | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_olympsum | | Olympic Summer Games (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Black Pearl | Sega Megadrive | |
| omegab | | Omega (bootleg?) | theend | 19?? | bootleg? | Galaxian | |
| omegaa | | Omega (earlier) | omega | 1986 | Nihon System | Miscellaneous | |
| md_omeblast | | Omega Blast (HB, v0.9) | | 2018 | Nendo | Sega Megadrive | |
| omegafs | | Omega Fighter Special | omegaf | 1989 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| omegaf | | Omega Fighter | | 1989 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| omegrace | | Omega Race (set 1) | | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| omegrace2 | | Omega Race (set 2) | omegrace | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| omegrace3 | | Omega Race (set 3, 7/27) | omegrace | 1981 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_omegrace | | Omega Race | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| omega | | Omega | | 1986 | Nihon System | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_omelettes | | Omelettes For Breakfast (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| omni | | Omni | pisces | 19?? | bootleg (Videa System) | Galaxian | |
| md_ondal | | On Dal Jang Goon (Korea) | md_mystdef | 1990 | Sega - Samsung | Sega Megadrive | |
| onetwoe | | One + Two (earlier) | onetwo | 1997 | Barko | Miscellaneous | |
| onetwo | | One + Two | | 1997 | Barko | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_1on1 | | One on One | | 1984 | Micro Lab | ColecoVision | |
| oneshot | | One Shot One Kill | | 1996 | Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| nmaster | | Oni - The Ninja Master (Japan) | metmqstr | 1995 | Banpresto / Pandorabox | Cave | |
| onna34roa | | Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal (bootleg) | onna34ro | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| onna34ro | | Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_onslau | | Onslaught (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_onslaus | | Onslaught (Hack, Spanish) | md_onslau | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_onyankotown | | Onyanko Town (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| ooparts | | OOPArts (prototype, joystick hack) | | 1992 | hack | C2 | |
| nes_oopiquest | | Oopi's Quest (HB, v1.2.0) | | 2022 | Kenney | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ooze | | Ooze (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Bubblesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_oozerdx | | Ooze Redux (HB) | | 2021 | Hippokittie Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ooze | | Ooze, The (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep01 | | Ooze, The (Euro, Prototype, 19950728) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozeju | | Ooze, The (Japan, USA) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep05 | | Ooze, The (Prototype 104, 19950622) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep04 | | Ooze, The (Prototype 112, 19950626) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep07 | | Ooze, The (Prototype, 19950615) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep06 | | Ooze, The (Prototype, 19950619) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep02 | | Ooze, The (Prototype, 19950629) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_oozep03 | | Ooze, The (Prototype, 19950629-B) | md_ooze | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| coozumou | | Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| sms_opaopa | | Opa Opa (Japan) | sms_fantzonm | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| opaopa | | Opa Opa (MC-8123, 317-0042) | | 1987 | Sega | System E | |
| opaopan | | Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected) | opaopa | 1987 | Sega | System E | |
| msx_openwide | | Open Wide! (HB) | | 2021 | Hakogame | MSX | |
| opwolfb | | Operation Bear (bootleg of Operation Wolf) | opwolf | 1987 | bootleg (Bear Corporation Korea) | Taito Misc | |
| md_opeurope | | Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45 (USA) | | 1994 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_operationgunship | | Operation Gunship (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_othunder | | Operation Thunderbolt (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| othunderj | | Operation Thunderbolt (Japan) | othunder | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| othunderjsc | | Operation Thunderbolt (Japan, SC) | othunder | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| othunderuo | | Operation Thunderbolt (US) | othunder | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| othunderu | | Operation Thunderbolt (US, rev 1) | othunder | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| othundero | | Operation Thunderbolt (World) | othunder | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| othunder | | Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| spec_opwolf | | Operation Wolf (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Set '2. Sinclair 1' to use controller - Press SPACE for grenades |
| msx_opwolfos | | Operation Wolf (Euro) | | 1988 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| sms_opwolf | | Operation Wolf (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| msx_opwolf | | Operation Wolf (HB) | | 2009 | TOYBOX | MSX | |
| opwolfj | | Operation Wolf (Japan) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| pce_opwolf | | Operation Wolf (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| opwolfjsc | | Operation Wolf (Japan, SC) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| cv_opwolf | | Operation Wolf (SGM) (HB) | | 2016 | Lemonize | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| opwolfu | | Operation Wolf (US) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| nes_operationwolf | | Operation Wolf (USA) | | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| opwolf | | Operation Wolf (World, set 1) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| opwolfa | | Operation Wolf (World, set 2) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| opwolf3j | | Operation Wolf 3 (Japan) | opwolf3 | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| opwolf3u | | Operation Wolf 3 (US) | opwolf3 | 1994 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| opwolf3 | | Operation Wolf 3 (World) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| spec_oplabfall | | Operation: Labyrinth Fall (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Bumfun Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_oratorio | | Oratorio (HB) | | 2023 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_orbit | | Orbit (Prototype) | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| orbitron | | Orbitron | | 1982 | Comsoft (Signatron USA license) | Galaxian | |
| orbs | | Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?) | | 1994 | American Sammy | Seta | |
| spec_orderslpdrag | | Order of Sleeping Dragon, The (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Evgeniya Zapolnova | ZX Spectrum | Redifine controls to use 'Sinclair 2' joystick |
| tg_griffon | | Order of the Griffon (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| chf_ordtvlng | | Ordtavling (Swe) | chf_hangman | 1978 | Luxor | Channel F | |
| ordynej | | Ordyne (Japan) | ordyne | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| pce_ordyne | | Ordyne (Japan) | | 1989 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| ordyneje | | Ordyne (Japan, English Version) | ordyne | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| tg_ordyne | | Ordyne (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| ordyne | | Ordyne (World) | | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| nes_orebodybt | | Orebody - Binder's Tale (HB, v1.x) | | 2022 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_orebodysr | | Orebody - Sand Ripples (HB) | | 2022 | Orebody Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_organicmatter | | Organic Matter (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Chentzilla | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_orguss | | Orguss (Euro, Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_orgames | | Oriental Games (128K) | | 1990 | Micro Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| orlegend105k | | Oriental Legend (V105, Korea) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegend105t | | Oriental Legend (V105, Taiwan) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegend111c | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V111, China) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegend111k | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V111, Korea) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegend111t | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V111, Taiwan) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegendca | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112 alt, China) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegendc | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112, China) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegende | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112, set 1) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegendea | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112, set 2) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| orlegend | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V126) | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| oldsplus203 | | Oriental Legend 2 (Korea) / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus (World, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan) (V203) | oldsplus | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| oldsplus | | Oriental Legend 2 (Korea) / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus (World, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan) (V205) | | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| oldsplusok | | Oriental Legend 2 (One Key Edition, Hack) | oldsplus | 2021 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| oldsdsgl | | Oriental Legend Special - Da Sheng Gui Lai (Hack) | olds | 2020 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| oldsmx | | Oriental Legend Special - Meng Xun Ling Shan (Hack) | olds | 2020 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| olds100a | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super (V100 alt, China) | olds | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| olds100 | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super (V100, China) | olds | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| olds103t | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super (V103, China, Tencent) (unprotected) | olds | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| olds | | Oriental Legend Super (V101, Korea) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| zerofxz | | Oriental Legend ZERO (Hack) | olds | 2019 | Hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| orius | | Orius (ver UAA) | xexex | 1991 | Konami | GX067 | |
| nes_orphea | | Orphea (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | Skyboy Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_orvolen | | Orvol Voon (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_orvoles | | Orvol Voon (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_orvolen | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| osman | | Osman (World) | | 1996 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| md_osomatsu | | Osomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_othelloh | | Othello (HES) | | 1988 | HES Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_othello | | Othello (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_othello | | Othello (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_othello | | Othello (USA) | | 1988 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_otocky | | Otocky (Japan) | | 1987 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ottifant | | Ottifants, The (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ottifant | | Ottifants, The (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ottifant | | Ottifants, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_ottifantg | | Ottifants, The (Euro, German, Prototype) | md_ottifant | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ottopz | | Otto Project PZ (hack) | mspacman | 2014 | Scott Lawrence | Pac-man | |
| ogonsiro | | Ougon no Shiro (Japan) | gladiatr | 1986 | Allumer / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_oure | | Oure - Dawn Of Hope (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Heavy Spectrum Limited | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_outlivee | | Out Live (Hack, English v1.1) | pce_outlive | 2016 | Nebulous Translations | PC Engine | |
| pce_outlive | | Out Live (Japan) | | 1989 | Sunsoft | PC Engine | |
| md_ootwp | | Out of this World (Prototype) | md_anotherw | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ootw | | Out of This World (USA) | md_anotherw | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| outrunb | | Out Run (bootleg) | outrun | 1986 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| sms_outrunch | | Out Run (Color Hack) | sms_outrun | 2023 | Slogra | Sega Master System | |
| outrundxa | | Out Run (deluxe sitdown earlier version) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outrundxeha | | Out Run (deluxe sitdown) (Enhanced Edition v1.0.3) | outrun | 2013 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| outrundxeh | | Out Run (deluxe sitdown) (Enhanced Edition v2.0.3) | outrun | 2020 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| outrundx | | Out Run (deluxe sitdown) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| gg_outrun | | Out Run (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_outrun | | Out Run (Euro) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | MSX | |
| gg_outrunj | | Out Run (Japan) | gg_outrun | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_outrun | | Out Run (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| outrundxj | | Out Run (Japan, deluxe sitdown) (FD1089A 317-0019) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outrunra | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev A) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outruneha | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (Enhanced Edition v1.1.0) | outrun | 2014 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| outrunehb | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (Enhanced Edition v2.0.2) | outrun | 2017 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| outruneh | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (Enhanced Edition v2.0.3) | outrun | 2020 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| outrun | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) | | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| sms_outrun | | Out Run (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_outrun3d | | Out Run 3-D (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_outrneur | | Out Run Europa (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_outrneur | | Out Run Europa (Euro, Brazil, SMS Mode) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_outrneuru | | Out Run Europa (USA, SMS Mode) | gg_outrneur | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| outzoneh | | Out Zone (harder) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| outzonea | | Out Zone (old set) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| outzoneb | | Out Zone (older set) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| outzonec | | Out Zone (oldest set) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| outzonecv | | Out Zone (Zero Wing TP-015 PCB conversion) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| outzone | | Out Zone | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_outlandr | | Outlander (Euro) | | 1992 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outlandru | | Outlander (USA) | md_outlandr | 1992 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_outlanders | | Outlanders (Hack, English) | | 2019 | GAFF Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_outlandersj | | Outlanders (Japan) | nes_outlanders | 1987 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_outroyd | | Outroyd (Japan) | | 1985 | Magical Zoo | MSX | Set 'KEYBD' to use controller |
| spec_outrun | | Outrun (128K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_outrun | | OutRun (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outrunac | | OutRun (Hack, Arcade Colors v2.1) | md_outrun | 2018 | Tor Landeel | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outruns | | Outrun (Hack, Spanish) | md_outrun | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outrunj | | OutRun (Japan) | md_outrun | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outr2019 | | OutRun 2019 (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outr2019s | | Outrun 2019 (Hack, Spanish) | md_outr2019 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outr2019j | | OutRun 2019 (Japan) | md_outr2019 | 1993 | Sims | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outr2019u | | OutRun 2019 (USA) | md_outr2019 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_outr2019up | | OutRun 2019 (USA, Prototype) | md_outr2019 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_outruneu | | Outrun Europa (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_orunnerss | | OutRunners (Hack, Spanish) | md_orunners | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_orunnersj | | OutRunners (Japan) | md_orunners | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| orunnersj | | OutRunners (Japan) | orunners | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| orunnersu | | OutRunners (US) | orunners | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| md_orunnershr | | OutRunners (USA) (Hack, Restoration) | md_orunners | 2020 | Diogo Ribeiro | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_orunners | | OutRunners (USA) | | 1994 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| orunners | | OutRunners (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| nes_overhorizon | | Over Horizon (Japan) | | 1992 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_overobj | | Over Obj (HB) | | 2023 | Little Sound | Miscellaneous | |
| overtop | | Over Top | | 1996 | ADK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_overlander | | Overlander (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_overlord | | Overlord (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_override | | Override (Japan) | | 1991 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| msx_oyotango | | Oyoide Tango (Japan) | | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| cv_ozmawar | | Ozma Wars (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| ozmawars | | Ozma Wars (set 1) | | 1979 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ozmawars2 | | Ozma Wars (set 2) | ozmawars | 1979 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ozon1 | | Ozon I | | 1983 | Proma | Galaxian | |
| p47j | | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan) | p47 | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| pce_p47 | | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan) | | 1989 | Aicom | PC Engine | |
| p47je | | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan, Export) | p47 | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| p47 | | P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| p47acesa | | P-47 Aces (ver 1.0) | p47aces | 1995 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| p47aces | | P-47 Aces (ver 1.1) | | 1995 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| spec_p47thunderbolt | | P-47 Thunderbolt (128K) | | 1990 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| pgemeni | | P-GeMeni (060123) | | 2006 | blastar@gmx.net | PolyGameMaster | |
| md_pod | | P.O.D. Proof Of Destruction (GlobalHack) | | 2021 | FUTURA | Sega Megadrive | GlobalHack of Lotus II RECS |
| nes_powc | | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_pow | 2022 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| pow | | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| powa | | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1, mask ROM sprites) | pow | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pow | | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (USA) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pto | | P.T.O. - Pacific Theater of Operations (USA) | | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| pacnpal2 | | Pac & Pal (older) | pacnpal | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pacnpal | | Pac & Pal | | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pachic | | Pac Hic (48K) | | 1986 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pachic3 | | Pac Hic III (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_phrehab | | Pac Hic Rehab (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| pacmanfm | | Pac Man (FAMARE S.A. bootleg of Puck Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (FAMARE S.A.) | Pac-man | |
| pacmanug | | Pac Man (U.Games bootleg of Puck Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (U.Games) | Pac-man | |
| pacminer | | Pac Manic Miner Man | puckman | 2012 | Jim Bagley | Pac-man | |
| msx_pac01 | | PAC-01 (HB) | | 2021 | Arcs | MSX | |
| gg_pacattak | | Pac-Attack (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Namco | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pacattak | | Pac-Attack (USA) | md_pacpanic | 1993 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| pacgal | | Pac-Gal (set 1) | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| gg_pacintim | | Pac-In-Time (Prototype) | | 1994 | Namco | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_pacland | | Pac-Land (128K) | | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | ENTER to add coins, 1 or 2 to play |
| paclandm2 | | Pac-Land (Bally-Midway) | pacland | 1984 | Namco (Bally Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pacland | | Pac-Land (Euro) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| paclandj | | Pac-Land (Japan new) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| paclandjo | | Pac-Land (Japan old) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| paclandjo2 | | Pac-Land (Japan older) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pacland | | Pac-Land (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_pacland | | Pac-Land (Japan) | | 1989 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| paclandm | | Pac-Land (Midway) | pacland | 1984 | Namco (Bally Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_pacland | | Pac-Land (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pacland | | Pac-Land (World) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_paclandrc | | Pac-Land Recoloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_pacland | 2014 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | Colour enhancement mod |
| pacnchmp | | Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp | pacnpal | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pacman | | Pac-Man (Atarisoft) (48K) | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| pacmanbl | | Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 1) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pacmanbla | | Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 2) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pacmanblc | | Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg (Calfesa) | Galaxian | |
| chf_pacman | | Pac-Man (HB) | | 2004 | Blackbird - e5frog | Channel F | |
| chf_pacmanv2 | | Pac-Man (HB, v2) | chf_pacman | 2004 | Blackbird - e5frog | Channel F | |
| pacheart | | Pac-Man (Hearts) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| gg_pacmanj | | Pac-Man (Japan) | gg_pacman | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_pacman | | Pac-Man (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_pacmanb | | Pac-Man (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_pacman | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_pacmana | | Pac-Man (Japan, Alt) | msx_pacman | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| pacman | | Pac-Man (Midway) | puckman | 1980 | Namco (Midway license) | Pac-man | |
| pacmod | | Pac-Man (Midway, harder) | puckman | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | Pac-man | |
| pacmanf | | Pac-Man (Midway, speedup hack) | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| cv_pacman | | Pac-Man (Prototype) | | 1983 | Atarisoft | ColecoVision | |
| pacmanso | | Pac-Man (SegaSA / Sonic) | puckman | 1980 | Namco (Sonic license) | Pac-man | |
| nes_pacman | | Pac-Man (USA) (Namco) | | 1993 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_pacman | | Pac-Man (USA) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Game Gear | |
| pacmanblv | | Pac-Man (Video Dens, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg (Video Dens) | Galaxian | |
| pacmanvg | | Pac-Man (Video Game SA bootleg) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game SA) | Pac-man | |
| ngp_pacman | | Pac-Man (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| 25pacmano | | Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00) | 25pacman | 2005 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| 25pacman | NW | Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00) | | 2006 | Namco / Cosmodog | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pacman2c | | Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | md_pacman2 | 2018 | Axi | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pacman2 | | Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA) | | 1994 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_pmarcade | | Pac-Man Arcade (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023-24 | Marco Leal | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pacbegins | | Pac-Man Begins (48K) (HB) | | 2024 | Highriser | ZX Spectrum | One button game |
| nes_pacmance | | Pac-Man Championship Edition | | 2020 | Namco - BNEI | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_pacmancol | | Pac-Man Collection (HB) | | 2008 | Opcode Games | ColecoVision | |
| pacplus | | Pac-Man Plus | | 1982 | Namco (Midway license) | Pac-man | |
| nes_pacmanx | | Pac-Man Xtreme (Hack) | | 2016 | KaBooM! | Miscellaneous | |
| pacmaniao | | Pac-Mania (111187 sound program) | pacmania | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| spec_pacmania | | Pac-Mania (128K) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pacmania | | Pac-Mania (Euro) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| sms_pacmania | | Pac-Mania (Euro) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Master System | |
| md_pacmania | | Pac-Mania (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| pacmaniaj | | Pac-Mania (Japan) | pacmania | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| nes_pacmania | | Pac-Mania (USA) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| pacmania | | Pac-Mania | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| md_pacman | | Pac-Man | | 2018 | BNEI | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pacpanic | | Pac-Panic (Euro) | | 1993 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_pacar | | Pacar (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_pacar | | Pacar (HB) | | 1983-2017 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_pacara | | Pacar (Japan, Alt) | sg1k_pacar | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_pacart | | Pacar (Taiwan) | sg1k_pacar | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_pachicom | | Pachi Com (Japan) | | 1985 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| msx_pachicomk | | Pachi Com (Korea) (Unl) | msx_pachicom | 1986 | Boram Soft | MSX | |
| ngp_pslotazt | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Azteca (Jpn) | | 2000 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotdk2 | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Dekahel 2 (Jpn) | | 2001 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotds2 | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Delsol 2 (Jpn) | | 2000 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotecp | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - e-Cup (Jpn) | | 2001 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslothana | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Hanabi (Jpn, v3) | ngp_pslothan | 1999 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslothan | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Hanabi (Jpn, v5) | | 1999 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotooh | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Oohanabi (Jpn) | | 2000 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotpc2 | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Porcano 2 (Jpn) | | 2000 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pslotwrd | | Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Ward of Lights (Jpn) | | 2000 | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| sg1k_pachinko | | Pachinko (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| ngp_pachinko | | Pachinko Hisshou Guide - Pocket Parlor (Jpn) | | 1999 | Japan Vistec | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| sg1k_pachink2 | | Pachinko II (Japan) | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_pachink2t | | Pachinko II (Taiwan) | sg1k_pachink2 | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_pachinko | | Pachinko Kuunyan (Japan) | | 1992 | Soft Vision International | Sega Megadrive | |
| sxyreact | | Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Japan) | | 1998 | Sammy | SSV | |
| sxyreac2 | | Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Japan) | | 1999 | Sammy | SSV | |
| msx_pachiufo | | Pachinko-U.F.O. (Japan) | | 1984 | Casio | MSX | |
| pce_pachikun | | Pachio Kun - Juuban Shoubu (Japan) | | 1992 | Coconuts Japan | PC Engine | |
| msx_pacific | | Pacific (HB, v1.2.4) | | 2020 | Andre Baptista | MSX | |
| packbangp | | Pack'n Bang Bang (prototype) | packbang | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| packbang | | Pack'n Bang Bang | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| packetman | | Packetman (bootleg) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| clubpacm | | Pacman Club / Club Lambada (Argentina) | | 1989 | hack (Miky SRL) | Pac-man | |
| spec_pmslimers | | Pacman the Curse of the Slimers (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | DEFB Studio | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pacobomb2e | | Paco 2 - Paco El Bombas Again (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_pacobomb2i | | Paco 2 - Paco El Bombas Again (Italian) (HB) | msx_pacobomb2e | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_pacobomb2s | | Paco 2 - Paco El Bombas Again (Spanish) (HB) | msx_pacobomb2e | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_pacobomb | | Paco el Bombas (Spanish) (HB) | | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | Tributo a 'Bomb Jack' |
| msx_pacobombr | | Paco el Bombas REDUX (Spanish) (HB) | msx_pacobomb | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | Tributo a 'Bomb Jack' |
| msx_pacotiatk | | Paco Time Attack (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| spec_pacomanv2 | | PACO-MAN (128K) (HB) | | 2024 | Tiranus Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pacoman | | PACO-MAN (48K) (HB) | spec_pacomanv2 | 2024 | Tiranus Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| pacominv | D | Pacom Invader (set 1) | beaminv | 1979 | Pacom Corporation | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| pacuman | | Pacu-Man (Spanish bootleg of Puck Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | Pac-man | |
| paddle2 | | Paddle 2 (bootleg on Block hardware) | arkanoid | 1988 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| md_paddlegnk | | Paddle Fighter (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_paddle | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_paddle | | Paddle Fighter (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| paddlema | | Paddle Mania | | 1988 | SNK | Alpha 68k | |
| samsho4k | | Paewang Jeonseol / Legend of a Warrior (Korean censored Samurai Shodown IV) | samsho4 | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_pagemstr | | Pagemaster, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Fox Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pagemstru | | Pagemaster, The (USA) | md_pagemstr | 1994 | Fox Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pagemstrup | | Pagemaster, The (USA, Prototype) | md_pagemstr | 1994 | Fox Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_paipanic | | Pai Panic (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| paintrlr | | Paint Roller (bootleg of Crush Roller) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| spec_pb2048p1 | | PaintBall-2048 - 1 Player Version (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pb2048p2 | | PaintBall-2048 - 2 Players Version (128K) (HB) | spec_pb2048p1 | 2019 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| painter | | Painter (hack of Crush Roller) | crush | 1984 | hack (Monshine Ent. Co.) | Pac-man | |
| msx_pairlogic | | Pair Logic (HB) | | 2005 | AG Software | MSX | |
| msx_pairs | | Pairs (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_pairsa | | Pairs (Japan, Alt) | msx_pairs | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| pairsa | | Pairs (V1, 09/07/94) | pairs | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| pairs | | Pairs (V1.2, 09/30/94) | | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| pairlove | | Pairs Love | | 1991 | Athena | Seta | |
| pairsred | | Pairs Redemption (V1.0, 10/25/94) | | 1994 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| pajaroes | | Pajaro del Espacio (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (PSV S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_pakacuda | | Pakacuda (16K) | | 1983 | Rabbit Software | ZX Spectrum | Select 'N'ormal cursor keys to use controller |
| palamedj | | Palamedes (Japan) | palamed | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| palamed | | Palamedes (US) | | 1990 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Taito L System | |
| nes_palamedes | | Palamedes (USA) | | 1990 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_palamii | | Palamedes II - Star Twinkle, Hoshi no Mabataki (Japan) | | 1991 | HOT-B | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_paletojones | | Paleto Jones (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_paletoj2en | | Paleto Jones and Bartolo's Flute (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_paletoj2sp | | Paleto Jones y la flauta de Bartolo (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_paletoj2en | 2022 | Mananuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_palikat | | Palikat (HB) | | 2020 | helmha | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_pandababy | | Panda Baby (Unl) | | 1997 | Dragon Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pandaworld | | Panda World (Unl) | | 20?? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| pandoras | | Pandora's Palace | | 1984 | Konami / Interlogic | GX328 | |
| spec_pang | | Pang (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| pangb | | Pang (bootleg, set 1) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangbold | | Pang (bootleg, set 2) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangb2 | | Pang (bootleg, set 4) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangbold2 | | Pang (bootleg, set 5) | pang | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangbold3 | | Pang (bootleg, set 6) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_pang | | Pang (HB) | | 2012 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| pang | | Pang (World) | | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| pangpang | | Pang Pang | | 1994 | Dong Gue La Mi Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| pangpomsm | | Pang Pom's (Mitchell) | pangpoms | 1992 | Metro (Mitchell license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pangpomsn | | Pang Pom's (Nova) | pangpoms | 1992 | Nova | Miscellaneous | |
| pangpoms | | Pang Pom's | | 1992 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| pang3b | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 1) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b2 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 2) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b3 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 3) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b4 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 4) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b5 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 5) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b6 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 6) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3b7 | | Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 7) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3r1 | | Pang! 3 (Euro 950511) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3r1a | | Pang! 3 (Euro 950511, alt) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3 | | Pang! 3 (Euro 950601) | | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| pang3j | | Pang! 3: Kaitou Tachi no Karei na Gogo (Japan 950511) | pang3 | 1995 | Mitchell | CPS1 | |
| panicbom | | Panic Bomber | | 1994 | Eighting / Hudson | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_pandizzy | | Panic Dizzy (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_panicdizzy | | Panic Dizzy (HB) | | 2019 | Oliver Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_panicrestaurant | | Panic Restaurant (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| panicstr | | Panic Street (Japan) | | 1999 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| md_pcottone | | Panorama Cotton (Hack, English) | md_pcotton | 2019 | Malias | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pcottons | | Panorama Cotton (Hack, Spanish) | md_pcotton | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pcotton | | Panorama Cotton (Japan) | | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_panther | | Panther (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem | MSX | |
| tg_panzakb | | Panza Kick Boxing (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_panzer | | Panzer Dragoon Mini (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| paprazzi | | Paparazzi | | 1996 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| nes_pplanev2 | | Paper Plane, The (HB, v2) | | 2022 | 5cinq | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_paperboy | | Paperboy (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_paperboy | | Paperboy (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_paperboy | | Paperboy (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_paperboy | | Paperboy (Euro, v0) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| md_paperboys | | Paperboy (Hack, Spanish) | md_paperboy | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_paperboyj | | Paperboy (Japan) | md_paperboy | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_paperboy | | Paperboy (USA) | | 1988 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_paperboyu | | Paperboy (USA, Brazil, v1) | sms_paperboy | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_paperby2 | | Paperboy 2 (48K) | | 1992 | Mindscape International | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_paperbo2 | | Paperboy 2 (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_paperbo2s | | Paperboy 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_paperbo2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_paperboy2 | | Paperboy 2 (USA) | | 1992 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_paperbo2 | | Paperboy II (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_papi2 | | Papi Commando - Second Blood (HB) | | 2020 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_papicom | | Papi Commando in CPP Land (GlobalHack, v1.01) | | 2019 | Studio Vetea | Sega Master System | |
| md_papi | | Papi Commando MD (HB) | | 2015 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_papirmx | | Papi Commando Remix MD (HB) | md_papi | 2018 | Studio Vetea | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_papillongals | | Papillon Gals (Japan) (Unl) | | 1989 | Joy Van & Kinema Music | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_papyrus | | Papyrus (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | F.J. Urbaneja | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_parachute | | Parachute (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pjoe | | Parachuteless Joe (HB) | | 2005 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| spec_paradisecafe | | Paradise Cafe (Portuguese) (48K) | | 1985 | Damatta | ZX Spectrum | Adult game |
| spec_paradroids | | Paradroids (48K) | | 1984 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| pturn | | Parallel Turn | | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parallelworld | | Parallel World (Japan) | | 1990 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_paranoia | | Paranoia (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_parasolhenbee | | Parasol Henbee (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parasolhenbeej | | Parasol Henbee (Japan) | nes_parasolhenbee | 1991 | Epoch | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parasstaraiislii | | Parasol Stars - Rainbow Islands II (Europe) | | 1991 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_parasol | | Parasol Stars - The Story of Bubble Bobble III (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| tg_parasol | | Parasol Stars - The Story of Bubble Bobble III (USA) | | 1991 | Working Designs | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_paratroopers | | Paratroopers (16K) | | 1983 | Rabbit | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_parazxland | | ParaZXland (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Massimiliano Arca | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_paristodakar | | Paris To Dakar (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_parisdakar | | Paris-Dakar (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_parisdakares | | Paris-Dakar (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_parisdakralspe | | Paris-Dakar Rally Special (Hack, English) | | 2013 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parisdakralspej | | Paris-Dakar Rally Special (Japan) | nes_parisdakralspe | 1988 | CBS / Sony Group | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_parlour | | Parlour Games (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_parodius | | Parodius (Europe) | nes_parodiusda | 1992 | Palcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_parodiuse | | Parodius - Tako Saves Earth (Japan, English) | msx_parodius | 1988-2002 | Konami - A&L Soft | MSX | |
| msx_parodius | | Parodius - Tako wa Chikyuu wo Sukuu (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_parodiusa | | Parodius - Tako wa Chikyuu wo Sukuu (Japan, Alt) | msx_parodius | 1988 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_parodiusda | | Parodius Da! (Hack, English) | | 2011 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parodiusdac | | Parodius Da! (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_parodiusda | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_parodiusdaj | | Parodius Da! (Japan) | nes_parodiusda | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_parodius | | Parodius da! - Shinwa Kara Owarai He (Japan) | | 1992 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| parodiusa | | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (Asia) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodiusj | | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (Japan) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodius | | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 1) | | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodiuse | | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 2) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| spec_parsec | | Parsec (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Martin Mangan | ZX Spectrum | |
| ngp_prtymail | | Party Mail (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_prtymailp | | Party Mail (Prototype) | ngp_prtymail | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_partyq | | Party Quiz Mega Q (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| prtytime | | Party Time: Gonta the Diver II / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (World Release) | | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| spec_partyscroll | | Partyscroller (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2023 | Darklite/Offence | ZX Spectrum | |
| pasha2 | | Pasha Pasha 2 | | 1998 | Dong Sung | Miscellaneous | Incomplete sound |
| ppchamp | | Pasha Pasha Champ Mini Game Festival (Korea, set 1) | gotcha | 1997 | Dongsung / Para | Miscellaneous | |
| ppchampa | | Pasha Pasha Champ Mini Game Festival (Korea, set 2) | gotcha | 1997 | Dongsung / Para | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_passshot | | Passing Shot (128K) | | 1989 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' to music and '2' to sound effects |
| passshtb | D NW | Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg) | passsht | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| passshtjd | | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0070 set) | passsht | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| passshtj | | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0070) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| passsht16a | | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0071) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| passshtd | | Passing Shot (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0080 set) | passsht | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| passsht | | Passing Shot (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0080) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| passshtad | | Passing Shot (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0074 set) | passsht | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| passshta | | Passing Shot (World, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0074) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| pass | | Pass | | 1992 | Oksan | Miscellaneous | |
| pastelis | | Pastel Island (Japan, prototype) | | 1993 | Visco | SSV | |
| msx_pastfind | | Pastfinder (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon - Activision | MSX | |
| md_patriley | | Pat Riley Basketball (USA) | md_srealbas | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_patriley | | Pat Riley Basketball (USA, Prototype) | | 19?? | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| patapata | | Pata Pata Panic | | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pataslocas | | Pataslocas (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Beyker Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_patlaen | | Patlabor - The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo! (Hack, English) | | 2003 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_patla | | Patlabor - The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo! (Japan) | fds_patlaen | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_patrickpaddle | | Patrick Paddle (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | PROSM Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_payload | | Payload (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | Map 'Function Keys' to play |
| pce_pcdenja | | PC Denjin - Punkic Cyborgs (Japan) (Alt) | pce_pcdenj | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcdenj | | PC Denjin - Punkic Cyborgs (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcgenja | | PC Genjin - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) (Alt) | pce_pcgenj | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcgenj | | PC Genjin - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcgenj2 | | PC Genjin 2 - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcgenj3 | | PC Genjin 3 - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcgenj3t | | PC Genjin 3 - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Taikenban) (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pcpachi | | PC Pachi-slot (Japan) | | 1992 | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| pce_cputest | D | PC-Engine CPU Timing Test (HB) | | 2019 | Chris Covell | PC Engine | |
| msx_pearlrain | | Pearl Rain (HB) | | 2023 | Patrik's Retro Tech | MSX | |
| md_pebble | | Pebble Beach Golf Links (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pebbleu | | Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA) | md_pebble | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_pedro | | Pedro (48K) | | 1984 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_peekaboo | | Peek-A-Boo (HB) | | 2008 | Dvik & Joyrex | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_peekaboopoker | | Peek-A-Boo Poker (Unl) | | 1991 | Panesian | Miscellaneous | |
| peekaboo | | Peek-a-Boo! (Japan, ver. 1.1) | | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| peekaboou | | Peek-a-Boo! (North America, ver 1.0) | peekaboo | 1993 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| nes_peepartime | | Peepar Time (Japan) | | 1990 | Sanritsu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_peetan | | Peetan (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax | MSX | |
| msx_pegasus | | Pegasus (Japan) | | 1986 | Crossmedia Soft | MSX | |
| spec_pegged | | Pegged (48K) (HB, v1.02) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_pegged | | Pegged (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| gg_pegged | | Pegged (HB, v1.02) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega Game Gear | |
| sg1k_pegged | | Pegged (HB, v1.02) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_pegged | | Pegged (HB, v1.02) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| md_pele | | Pele! (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pele2 | | Pele's World Tournament Soccer (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_pelusaga | | Pelusa Saga - Kaji's Trials (HB) | | 2023 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_penetrator | | Penetrator (48K) | | 1982-83 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| penfan | | Penfan Girls - Step1. Mild Mind (set 1) | | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| penfana | | Penfan Girls - Step1. Mild Mind (set 2) | penfan | 1999 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_pengo | | Pengo (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pengoj | | Pengo (Japan) | gg_pengo | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pengojb | | Pengo (Japan, 315-5007 type, rev A) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengoja | | Pengo (Japan, 315-5010 type, rev C) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengojbl | | Pengo (Japan, bootleg) | pengo | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| pengoj | | Pengo (Japan, not encrypted) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengoa | | Pengo (World, 315-5010 type, set 1) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengob | | Pengo (World, 315-5010 type, set 2) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengoc | | Pengo (World, 315-5010 type, set 3) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengo | | Pengo (World, not encrypted, rev A) | | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| spec_pengomini | | Pengo mini (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pengusea | | Penguin & Seal, The (Unl) | | 1989 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| pengadvb | | Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version, encrypted) | | 1988 | bootleg (Screen) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pengadv | | Penguin Adventure (Euro) ~ Yume Tairiku Adventure (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_pengadv | | Penguin Adventure (Korea) | | 199? | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| cv_penguinadv | | Penguin Adventure (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2016 | Opcode Games - Konami | ColecoVision | |
| msx_pengadvk2 | | Penguin Adventure - Yume Tairiku Adventure (Korea, Screen Software) (Unl) | msx_pengadv | 1986 | Screen Software | MSX | |
| msx_pengadvk1 | | Penguin Adventure - Yume Tairiku Adventure (Korea, Zemina) (Unl) | msx_pengadv | 1987 | Zemina | MSX | |
| penbros | | Penguin Brothers (Japan) | | 2000 | Subsino | Newer Seta | |
| msx_penguincafe | | Penguin Cafe (HB) | | 2006 | MSX Cafe | MSX | |
| msx_pengcatch | | Penguin Catcher (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | _NetNomad | MSX | |
| sms_pengland | | Penguin Land (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_penguinland | | Penguin Land (HB) | | 2003-2010 | Steve Bégin | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_pengmind | | Penguin Mind (HB) | | 2007 | MSX Cafe | MSX | |
| msx_pengrace | | Penguin Race (HB) | | 2003 | Dioniso | MSX | |
| msx_penguinw | | Penguin-kun Wars (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_penguinkunwars | | Penguin-kun Wars (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| pkunwarj | | Penguin-Kun Wars (Japan, set 1) | pkunwar | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| pkunwarja | | Penguin-Kun Wars (Japan, set 2) | pkunwar | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_penguinwk | | Penguin-kun Wars (Korea) | msx_penguinw | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| pkunwar | | Penguin-Kun Wars (US) | | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_pengy | | Pengy (HB) | | 1992-2020 | Cote Gamers | ColecoVision | |
| penta | | Penta (bootleg) | pengo | 1982 | bootleg (Grinbee Shouji) | Pac-man | |
| nes_pentablocat | | Pentablocat (HB) | | 2023 | Pineberry fox | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pentacornen | | Pentacorn Quest (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | NightWolf | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pentaquest | | Pentacorn Quest (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| spec_pentacornes | | Pentacorn Quest (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_pentacornen | 2015 | NightWolf | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pentagram | | Pentagram (48K) | | 1986 | Ultimate | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pentagram | | Pentagram (Euro) | | 1986 | Ultimate Play The Game | MSX | |
| md_ppengo | | Pepenga Pengo (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_pepper2 | | Pepper II | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_percypenguin | | Percy Penguin (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | John Davies | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pottypigeon | | Percy the Potty Pigeon (48K) | | 1984 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| perestrof | | Perestroika Girls (Fuuki license) | perestro | 1993 | Promat (Fuuki license) | Miscellaneous | |
| perestro | | Perestroika Girls | | 1994 | Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_perezthemouse | | Perez the Mouse (HB, V1.1) | | 2011 | theNestruo & Wonder | MSX | |
| pbillrdsa | | Perfect Billiard (MC-8123, 317-5008) | pbillrd | 1987 | Nihon System (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pbillrd | | Perfect Billiard | | 1987 | Nihon System (United Artists license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_perfectbowling | | Perfect Bowling (Japan) | | 1989 | Tonkin House | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_perfectfit | | Perfect Fit (HB) | | 2008 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| nes_perfectpair | | Perfect Pair (HB) | | 2016 | 2nd Dimension | Miscellaneous | |
| psoldier | | Perfect Soldiers (Japan) | ssoldier | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| perfrman | | Performan (Japan) | | 1985 | Toaplan / Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| perfrmanu | | Performan (US) | perfrman | 1985 | Toaplan / Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pericodelgado | | Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_perilsofwilly | | Perils of Willy (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_perkele | | PERKELE! Suomi 100 vuotta - 5th anniversary edition (HB) | | 2022 | AasiPelit | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_perman | | Perman (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_permapar2 | | Perman Part 2 - Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose! (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_perspective | | Perspective (Japan, v1.1) | | 1987 | T.Yoshida | MSX | |
| pestplce | | Pest Place | mario | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pesterminator | | Pesterminator (USA) | | 1990 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_inudais | | Pet Club Inu Daisuki! (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_nekodais | | Pet Club Neko Daisuki! (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sampra96 | | Pete Sampras Tennis '96 (Euro, J-Cart) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sampras | | Pete Sampras Tennis (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sampras | NW | Pete Sampras Tennis (Euro, USA, J-Cart) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sampras2 | NW | Pete Sampras Tennis (Euro, USA, J-Cart, Alt 2) | md_sampras | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sampras1 | | Pete Sampras Tennis (Euro, USA, J-Cart, Alt) | md_sampras | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_pprat | | Peter Pack Rat (128K) | | 1989 | Silverbird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_peterpanpir | | Peter Pan & The Pirates (USA) | | 1991 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| ppan | | Peter Pan (bootleg of Hook) | hook | 1992 | bootleg | Irem M92 | |
| cppicf | | Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cppicf2 | | Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) | cppicf | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_pshandm | | Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona (48K) | | 1986 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pvsa | | Pets vs Aliens Prologue (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Einar Saukas | ZX Spectrum | |
| pettanp | | Pettan Pyuu (Japan) | banbam | 1984 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pgaeuro | | PGA European Tour (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_pga96 | | PGA Tour 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pga96 | | PGA Tour 96 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_pgatour | | PGA Tour Golf (Euro) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Master System | |
| gg_pgatourt | | PGA Tour Golf (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pgaa | | PGA Tour Golf (Euro, USA, v1.1) | md_pga | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pga | | PGA Tour Golf (Euro, USA, v1.2) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_pgatour | | PGA Tour Golf (USA, v1.1) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts? | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pgatour2 | | PGA Tour Golf II (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pga2a | | PGA Tour Golf II (Euro, USA) | md_pga2 | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pga2 | | PGA Tour Golf II (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pga2j | | PGA Tour Golf II (Japan) | md_pga2 | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pga3 | | PGA Tour Golf III (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| pgm | NW | PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | BIOS only |
| spec_phaeton | | Phaeton (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Rafat Niazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| phantasm | | Phantasm (Japan) | avspirit | 1990 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| sms_pstarb | | Phantasy Star (Brazil) | sms_pstar | 1987 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pstar1 | | Phantasy Star (Euro, USA, v1.2) | sms_pstar | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pstar | | Phantasy Star (Euro, USA, v3) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pstarje | | Phantasy Star (Japan) (Hack, English v2.00) | sms_pstar | 2020 | Sega - SMS Power! | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| sms_pstarj | | Phantasy Star (Japan) | sms_pstar | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pstarjmd | | Phantasy Star (Japan, MD) | sms_pstar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pstark | | Phantasy Star (Korea) | sms_pstar | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_pstar4j | | Phantasy Star - Sennenki no Owari ni (Japan) | md_pstar4 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4c | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Hack, Chinese v1.6) | md_pstar4 | 2022 | Ken_Tse | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4p5 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Prototype, 19940530) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4p4 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Prototype, 19940608) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4p3 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Prototype, 19940815) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4p2 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Prototype, 19941027) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4p1 | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Prototype, 19941107) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar4u | | Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (USA) | md_pstar4 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_pstaradv | | Phantasy Star Adventure (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pstargdne | | Phantasy Star Gaiden (Hack, English) | gg_pstargdn | 1999 | Dynamic-Designs, Taskforce | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pstargdn | | Phantasy Star Gaiden (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pstar2br | | Phantasy Star II (Brazil) | md_pstar2 | 199? | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar2a | | Phantasy Star II (Euro, USA) | md_pstar2 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar2 | | Phantasy Star II (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2aae | | Phantasy Star II - Amia's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2aa | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2aa | | Phantasy Star II - Amia's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2abe | | Phantasy Star II - Anne's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ab | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ab | | Phantasy Star II - Anne's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ace | | Phantasy Star II - Huey's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ac | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ac | | Phantasy Star II - Huey's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar2j | | Phantasy Star II - Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni (Japan) | md_pstar2 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ade | | Phantasy Star II - Kinds's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ad | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ad | | Phantasy Star II - Kinds's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2aee | | Phantasy Star II - Nei's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ae | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ae | | Phantasy Star II - Nei's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2afe | | Phantasy Star II - Rudger's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2af | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2af | | Phantasy Star II - Rudger's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2age | | Phantasy Star II - Shilka's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ag | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ag | | Phantasy Star II - Shilka's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ahe | | Phantasy Star II - Yushis's Adventure (Hack, English) | md_ps2ah | 2010 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ps2ah | | Phantasy Star II - Yushis's Adventure (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar2ser | | Phantasy Star II Sound Engine Replacement (Hack) | md_pstar2 | 2022 | wyatt8740 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar3br | | Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (Brazil) | md_pstar3 | 1998 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar3 | | Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar3st | | Phantasy Star III - Successors of Time (Hack, v1.2) | md_pstar3 | 2020 | Rebecca Capowski, lory1990, Peaches | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pstar3j | | Phantasy Star III - Toki no Keishousha (Japan) | md_pstar3 | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_phantis1 | | Phantis - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_phantis1 | | Phantis - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_phantis2 | | Phantis - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_phantis1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Password: 18757 |
| spec_phantis2 | | Phantis - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_phantis1 | 1987 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 18757 |
| md_phantom | | Phantom 2040 (Euro) | | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_phantom | | Phantom 2040 (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_phantomu | | Phantom 2040 (USA) | md_phantom | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_phantclub | | Phantom Club (48K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_phantomfighter | | Phantom Fighter (USA) | | 1990 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_phantomas | | Phantomas (48K) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | 6, 7 and Enter to select control type |
| spec_phantomas2 | | Phantomas 2 (48K) | | 1986 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | 6, 7 and Enter to select control type |
| msx_phantom2 | | Phantomas 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_vampire | 1987 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_phantmuseo | | Phantomas en el museo (Spanish) (48K) | | 2012 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_phantsaga | | Phantomas Saga Infinity (HB) | | 2006 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| spec_phantmarsport128 | | Phantomas Tales - Marsport (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_phantmarsport48 | | Phantomas Tales - Marsport (48K) (HB) | spec_phantmarsport128 | 2009 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_phantsevsew | | Phantomas Tales - Severin Sewers (128K) (HB) | | 2011-2024 | The Mojon Twins - UBHRES Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pharaoh | | Pharaoh's Revenge (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| md_phelios | | Phelios (Euro) | | 1990 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_phelioss | | Phelios (Hack, Spanish) | md_phelios | 2020 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pheliosj | | Phelios (Japan) | md_phelios | 1990 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| pheliosj | | Phelios (Japan) | phelios | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_pheliosu | | Phelios (USA) | md_phelios | 1990 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| phelios | | Phelios | | 1988 | Namco | System 2 | |
| spec_phileasfogg | | Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles (48K) | | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| phoenix | | Phoenix (Amstar, set 1) | | 1980 | Amstar | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenix2 | | Phoenix (Amstar, set 2) | phoenix | 1980 | Amstar | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixass | | Phoenix (Assa, Spanish bootleg) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (Assa) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixa | | Phoenix (Centuri, set 1) | phoenix | 1980 | Amstar (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixb | | Phoenix (Centuri, set 2) | phoenix | 1980 | Amstar (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixdal | | Phoenix (D&L bootleg) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (D&L) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixgu | | Phoenix (G. Universal Video bootleg) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg? (G. Universal Video) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixc2 | | Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 1) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixc3 | | Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 2) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixc4 | | Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 3) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixha | | Phoenix (Hellomat Automaten bootleg) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (Hellomat Automaten) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixi | NW | Phoenix (IDI bootleg) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (IDI) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixc | | Phoenix (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg? (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixs | | Phoenix (Sonic, Spanish bootleg) | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenix3 | | Phoenix (T.P.N. bootleg) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (T.P.N.) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixj | | Phoenix (Taito Japan) | phoenix | 1980 | Amstar (Taito Japan license) | Miscellaneous | |
| phoenixt | | Phoenix (Taito) | phoenix | 1980 | Amstar (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_phoenix | | Phoenix - Text Adventure (48K) | | 1991 | Zenobi Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| phoenxp2 | | Phoenix Part 2 | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| photof | | Photo Finish (bootleg?) | wwjgtin | 1991 | Jaleco / Casio | Miscellaneous | |
| photoy2k102j | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V102, Japan) | photoy2k | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| photoy2k103j | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V103, Japan) | photoy2k | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| photoy2k104 | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V104) | photoy2k | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| photoy2k | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V105, China) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| pgm3in1c100 | | Photo Y2K 2 (3-in-1, V100, China) | pgm3in1 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| pgm3in1 | | Photo Y2K 2 (3-in-1, V102, China) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| py2k2100 | | Photo Y2K 2 (V100, japan) | py2k2 | 2001 | IGS Alta Co., Ltd. | PolyGameMaster | |
| py2k2 | | Photo Y2K 2 (VM101XX, China) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| pce_photoboy | | Photograph Boy (Hack, English) | pce_gekisboy | 2023 | LaytonLoztew | PC Engine | |
| phozon | | Phozon (Japan) | | 1983 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| phozons | | Phozon (Sidam) | phozon | 1983 | Namco (Sidam license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pidentity128 | | Pi-Dentity (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pidentity48 | | Pi-Dentity (48K) (HB) | spec_pidentity128 | 2020 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| pickin | | Pickin' | | 1983 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pickinx | | PickinX (HB) | | 2021 | Amaury Carvalho | MSX | |
| msx_picopicoen | | Pico Pico (Hack, English) | msx_picopico | 2016 | GDX | MSX | |
| msx_picopico | | Pico Pico (Japan) | | 1983 | Microcabin | MSX | |
| nes_picopico | | Pico Pico Grand Adventure (HB) | nes_bassedefadv | 2019-20 | Columbus Circle | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pictionary | | Pictionary (USA) | | 1990 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_picturep | | Picture Puzzle (Euro, USA) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| msx_picpuzzle | | Picture Puzzle (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_picpuzzle2 | | Picture Puzzle 2nd version (HB) | | 2004 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| md_psolar | | Pier Solar and the Great Architects (World) (En,Es,Pt) (Rev C) (HB) | | 2010 | WaterMelon | Sega Megadrive | 64 Mbit (8MB) cartridge |
| pigskinb | | Pigskin 621AD (rev 1.1 6/05/90) | pigskin | 1990 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| pigskin | | Pigskin 621AD (rev 1.1K 8/01/90) | | 1990 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| pigskina | | Pigskin 621AD (rev 2.0 7/06/90) | pigskin | 1990 | Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pillars | | Pillars (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_pillars | | Pillars (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_pillbox | | Pillbox (Japan) | | 1983 | Magicsoft | MSX | |
| msx_pillboxa | | Pillbox (Japan, Alt) | msx_pillbox | 1983 | Magicsoft | MSX | |
| spec_pilotatk | | Pilot Attack (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2017 | The Future Was 8bit | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pinbot | | Pin Bot (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pinball | | Pinball (16K) | | 1983 | Sagittarian Software | ZX Spectrum | Q: left flipper - P: right flipper - 0: launch the ball |
| nes_pinball | | Pinball (USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| pbaction | | Pinball Action (set 1) | | 1985 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| pbaction2 | | Pinball Action (set 2, encrypted) | pbaction | 1985 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| pbaction3 | | Pinball Action (set 3, encrypted) | pbaction | 1985 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| pbaction4 | | Pinball Action (set 4, encrypted) | pbaction | 1985 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| pbactiont | | Pinball Action (Tecfri license) | pbaction | 1985 | Tehkan (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pinblast | | Pinball Blaster (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| chf_pinballa | | Pinball Challenge (Alt) | chf_pinball | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_pinball | | Pinball Challenge | | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| nes_pinbacvbyred | | Pinball CV by Redrum (Hack) | nes_pinball | 2003 | Redrum | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_pbdreams | | Pinball Dreams (USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_pinballquest | | Pinball Quest (USA) | | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pinbos | | Pinbo (bootleg) | pinbo | 1985 | bootleg (Strike) | Miscellaneous | |
| pinbo | | Pinbo (set 1) | | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pinboa | | Pinbo (set 2) | pinbo | 1984 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pineappl | | Pine Applin (Japan) | | 1984 | ZAP | MSX | |
| msx_pineappla | | Pine Applin (Japan, Alt) | msx_pineappl | 1984 | ZAP | MSX | |
| sg1k_pingpong | | Ping Pong (Taiwan) | | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| ppmast93 | | Ping Pong Masters '93 | | 1993 | Electronic Devices S.R.L. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pink | | Pink Goes to Hollywood (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | TecMagik | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pinks | | Pink Goes to Hollywood (Hack, Spanish) | md_pink | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pinkp | | Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA, Prototype) | md_pink | 1993 | TecMagik | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_pinkpanther | | Pink Panther (48K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pinkpillsa | | Pink Pills - no timer last (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pinkpillsb | | Pink Pills - timer last (128K) (HB) | spec_pinkpillsa | 2021 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| pinkswtsb | | Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER.) | pinkswts | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA014 | |
| pinkswtsa | | Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER...) | pinkswts | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA014 | |
| pinkswts | | Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER....) | | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA014 | |
| pinkswtsx | | Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/xx/xx MASTER VER.) | pinkswts | 2006 | Cave (AMI license) | CA014 | |
| pinkswtssc | | Pink Sweets: Suicide Club (2017/10/31 SUICIDECLUB VER., bootleg) | pinkswts | 2017 | bootleg (Four Horsemen) | CA014 | |
| nes_pinky | | Pinky (HB) | | 2020 | Axbakk Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pinkychs | | Pinky Chase (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| nes_pinkyxmas | | Pinky Xmas (HB) | | 2020 | Axbakk Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pinoc | | Pinocchio (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pinocu | | Pinocchio (USA) | md_pinoc | 1996 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| pballoonr | | Pioneer Balloon (Rock-Ola license) | pballoon | 1982 | SNK (Rock-Ola license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pballoon | | Pioneer Balloon | | 1982 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| pipedrmj | | Pipe Dream (Japan) | pipedrm | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pipedrmt | | Pipe Dream (Taiwan) | pipedrm | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pipedrmu | | Pipe Dream (US) | pipedrm | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pipedrm | | Pipe Dream (World) | | 1990 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pipibibsp | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (prototype) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| whoopee | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Teki Paki hardware) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| pipibibs | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| pipibibsa | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 2) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| msx_pipi | | Pipi (Japan) | | 1985 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| spec_pippo | | Pippo (48K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_pippo | | Pippo La Scopa Ficcanaso (HB) | | 2021 | GameCast Entertainment | MSX | |
| cv_pippols | | Pippols (HB) | | 1985-2014 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_pippols | | Pippols (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pippolsb | | Pippols (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_pippols | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pippolsc | | Pippols (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_pippols | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_pippolsa | | Pippols (Japan, Alt) | msx_pippols | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_piracycod | | Piracy - The Chest Of Doom (GlobalHack, Demo) | | 2021 | SirDarkNoon | Sega Master System | Demo with the 5 first levels |
| piranhah | | Piranha (hack) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| piranhao | | Piranha (older) | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiards license) | Pac-man | |
| piranha | | Piranha | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiards license) | Pac-man | |
| spec_pcaptcreeden | | Pirate Captain Creed (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pcaptcreedjp | | Pirate Captain Creed (Japanese) (48K) (HB) | spec_pcaptcreeden | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pcaptcreedes | | Pirate Captain Creed (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_pcaptcreeden | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| piratpet | | Pirate Pete | junglek | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| higemaru | | Pirate Ship Higemaru | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| pirates | | Pirates (set 1) | | 1994 | NIX | Miscellaneous | |
| piratesb | | Pirates (set 2) | pirates | 1995 | NIX | Miscellaneous | |
| md_piratedw1 | | Pirates of Dark Water, The (Euro, USA, May 1994) | md_piratedw | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_piratedws | | Pirates of Dark Water, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_piratedw | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_piratedw | | Pirates of Dark Water, The (USA, January 1994) | | 1994 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pcarib | | Pirates of the Caribbean (Russia) (Unl) | md_unchartd | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pcarib2 | | Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (Russia) (Unl) | | 20?? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | Piraty Karibskogo Morya - Na Strannyh Beregah |
| nes_pirates | | Pirates! (USA) | | 1991 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_piratesp1 | | Pirates! Gold (Prototype, 19930401) | md_pirates | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pirates | | Pirates! Gold (USA) | | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_piratesp | | Pirates! Gold (USA, Prototype) | md_pirates | 1993 | Microprose | Sega Megadrive | |
| piscesb | | Pisces (bootleg) | pisces | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pisces | | Pisces | | 19?? | Subelectro | Galaxian | |
| pistoldm | | Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| pitnrun | | Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 1) | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | Missing analog sounds and some gfx effects |
| pitnruna | | Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 2) | pitnrun | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | Missing analog sounds and some gfx effects |
| pitnrunb | | Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 3) | pitnrun | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | Missing analog sounds and some gfx effects |
| pitfight3 | | Pit Fighter (rev 3) | pitfight | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| pitfight | | Pit Fighter (rev 9) | | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pitstop | | Pit Stop (USA) | | 1983 | Epyx | MSX | |
| md_pitfight1 | | Pit-Fighter (World) | md_pitfight | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pitfight | | Pit-Fighter (World, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| pitapat | | Pitapat Puzzle (set 1) | | 1997 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| pitapata | | Pitapat Puzzle (set 2) | pitapat | 1997 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pitfall | | Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (Euro) | | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pitfallu | | Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA) | md_pitfall | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| pitfall2 | | Pitfall II (315-5093) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| pitfall2a | | Pitfall II (315-5093, Flicky Conversion) | pitfall2 | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| pitfall2u | | Pitfall II (not encrypted) | pitfall2 | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_pifallii | | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (48K) | | 1984 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | Press 'M' to open controller menu and 'Space' to stop music (during a game session) |
| msx_pitfall2 | | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_pitfall2a | | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Japan, Alt) | msx_pitfall2 | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_pitfall2a | | Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns (Japan, v0) | sg1k_pitfall2 | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_pitfall2 | | Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns (Japan, v1) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_pitfall2a | | Pitfall II Arcade (HB) | | 1985-2010 | Stephen Seehorn - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| cv_pitfall2 | | Pitfall II: Lost Caverns | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| msx_pitfall | | Pitfall! (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_pitfallb | | Pitfall! (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_pitfall | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_pitfalla | | Pitfall! (Japan, Alt) | msx_pitfall | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_pitfall | | Pitfall! | | 1983 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| sms_pitfightb | | PitFighter - The Ultimate Challenge (Brazil) | sms_pitfight | 1991 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sms_pitfight | | PitFighter - The Ultimate Challenge (Euro) | | 1991 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| spec_pitman | | Pitman (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_pitman | | Pitman (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_pitman | | Pitman (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sms_pitman | | Pitman (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| sg1k_pitman | | Pitman (HB, v1.03) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_pitstopa | | Pitstop (Alt) | cv_pitstop | 1983 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| cv_pitstop | | Pitstop | | 1983 | Epyx | ColecoVision | |
| nes_pixelpoops | | Pixel Poops Number Two (HB) | | 2021 | Techmaster Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pixymicrod2 | | Pixy the Microdot 2 (48K) | | 1992 | Your Sinclair | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pizzapop | | Pizza Pop! (Hack, English) | | 2019 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pizzapopj | | Pizza Pop! (Japan) | nes_pizzapop | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pkscram | | PK Scramble | | 1993 | Cosmo Electronics Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_planet10 | | Planet 10 (48K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| pprobe | | Planet Probe (prototype?) | | 1985 | Crux / Kyugo? | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_planetoids | | Planetoids (16K) | | 1982 | Sinclair Research | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_plantonen | | Plantonio (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Kiuso | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_plantonpt | | Plantonio (Portuguese) (48K) (HB) | spec_plantonen | 2023 | Kiuso | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_plantones | | Plantonio (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_plantonen | 2023 | Kiuso | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_plasmaball | | Plasma Ball (Hack, English) | | 2019 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_plasmaballj | | Plasma Ball (Japan) | nes_plasmaball | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_platoon | | Platoon (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_platoon | | Platoon (USA) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_playball | | Play Ball (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| plgirls2b | | Play Girls 2 (bootleg) | plgirls2 | 1993 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| plgirls2 | | Play Girls 2 | | 1993 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Taito L System | |
| plgirls | | Play Girls | | 1992 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Taito L System | |
| playball | | PlayBall! (prototype) | | 1983 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| msx_strippoker | | Playhouse Strippoker (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| pgoal | | Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219) | | 1996 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pleiadbl | | Pleiads (bootleg set 1) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadsb2 | | Pleiads (bootleg set 2) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (ESG) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadce | | Pleiads (Centuri) | pleiads | 1981 | Tehkan (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadss | | Pleiads (Famaresa, Spanish bootleg) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (Famaresa) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadsi | | Pleiads (Irecsa, set 1) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (Irecsa) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadsia | | Pleiads (Irecsa, set 2) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (Irecsa) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiadsn | | Pleiads (Niemer S.A.) | pleiads | 1981 | bootleg (Niemer S.A.) | Miscellaneous | |
| pleiads | | Pleiads (Tehkan) | | 1981 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ploid | | Ploid (HB) | | 2020 | NAPE Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_plotthe | | Plot, The (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_plotting | | Plotting (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| plottingu | | Plotting (US) | plotting | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito L System | |
| plotting | | Plotting (World set 1) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| plottinga | | Plotting (World set 2, protected) | plotting | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| plottingb | | Plotting (World set 3, earliest version) | plotting | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| nes_plumchal | | Plummet Challenge Game (HB) | | 2021 | Fista Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| plumppop | | Plump Pop (Japan) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| plusalph | | Plus Alpha | | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| pnickj | | Pnickies (Japan 940608) | | 1994 | Compile (Capcom license) | CPS1 | |
| pnicku | X | Pnickies (USA 940608) | pnickj | 1994 | Compile (Capcom license) | CPS1 | |
| nes_popoteam | | Po Po Team (Taiwan) | | 1992 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pocahont | | Pocahontas (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pocahontu | | Pocahontas (USA) | md_pocahont | 1996 | Disney Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| pnyaaa | | Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.00) | pnyaa | 2003 | Aiky / Taito | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pnyaa | | Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) | | 2003 | Aiky / Taito | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngp_neo21 | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo 21 (Euro, USA) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neobacca | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Baccarat (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neobaccap | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Baccarat (Prototype) | ngp_neobacca | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neocher | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Cherry Master (Euro, Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_neocherc | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Cherry Master Color (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neochercp | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Cherry Master Color (World, Prototype) | ngp_neocherc | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neodraga | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Dragon's Wild (World, v11) | ngp_neodrag | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neodrag | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Dragon's Wild (World, v13) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neomystr | | Pocket Casino Series - Neo Mystery Bonus (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| pfghtj | | Pocket Fighter (970904 Japan) | sgemf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ngp_fatfury | | Pocket Fighting Series - Garou Densetsu First Contact ~ Fatal Fury F-Contact (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_fatfuryd | | Pocket Fighting Series - Garou Densetsu First Contact ~ Fatal Fury F-Contact (World, Demo) | ngp_fatfury | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_kofr1 | | Pocket Fighting Series - King of Fighters R-1 (Euro, Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_kofr2 | | Pocket Fighting Series - King of Fighters R-2 (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_kofr2d2 | | Pocket Fighting Series - King of Fighters R-2 (World, Demo Version 2) | ngp_kofr2 | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_kofr2d | | Pocket Fighting Series - King of Fighters R-2 (World, Demo) | ngp_kofr2 | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_samsho2 | | Pocket Fighting Series - Samurai Shodown! 2 (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_samsho | | Pocket Fighting Series - Samurai Spirit! (Jpn) ~ Samurai Shodown! (Euro) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| pcktgal | | Pocket Gal (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| pcktgalb | | Pocket Gal (Yada East bootleg) | pcktgal | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pcktgalba | | Pocket Gal / unknown card game | pcktgal | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pcktgal2 | | Pocket Gal 2 (English) | pcktgal | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| pcktgal2j | | Pocket Gal 2 (Japanese) | pcktgal | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| pktgaldxa | | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Asia v3.00) | pktgaldx | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| pktgaldx | | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00) | | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| pktgaldxb | D NW | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00, bootleg) | pktgaldx | 1992 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| pktgaldxj | | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Japan v3.00) | pktgaldx | 1993 | Data East Corporation (Nihon System license) | DECO IC16 | |
| pgalvip | | Pocket Gals V.I.P (set 1) | | 1996 | ACE International / Afega | EXPRO-02 | |
| pgalvipa | | Pocket Gals V.I.P (set 2) | pgalvip | 1997 | <unknown> | EXPRO-02 | |
| gg_pocketj | | Pocket Jansou (Japan) | | 1992 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_poktlove | | Pocket Love if (Jpn) | | 1999 | KID | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_pokemona | NW | Pocket Monsters (Alt) (Unl) | md_pokemon | 2000 | X-boy, Chuanpu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pokemon | | Pocket Monsters (Unl) | | 2000 | X-boy, Chuanpu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pokemon2 | | Pocket Monsters 2 (Unl) | | 2001 | X-boy, Chuanpu | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_pockrev | | Pocket Reversi (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pockrevj | | Pocket Reversi (Jpn) | ngp_pockrev | 2000 | Success | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_bstarsc | | Pocket Sport Series - Baseball Stars Color (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neoturfm | | Pocket Sport Series - Big Tournament Golf ~ Neo Turf Masters (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neocuppl | | Pocket Sport Series - Neo Geo Cup '98 Plus (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_neoproyk | | Pocket Sport Series - Neo Poke Pro Yakyuu (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_ptennisc | | Pocket Sport Series - Pocket Tennis Color (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_bstars | | Pocket Sports Series - Baseball Stars (Euro, Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_neocup98 | | Pocket Sports Series - Neo Geo Cup '98 (Euro, Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_ptennis | | Pocket Sports Series - Pocket Tennis (Euro, Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| nes_pockezau | | Pocket Zaurus - Juu Ouken no Nazo (Japan) | | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_podero | | Poder Oscuro, El (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| spec_pogo | | Pogo (48K) | | 1984 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pogocats | | Pogo Cats (HB) | | 2012 | YGGI | Miscellaneous | |
| ptblank | | Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B, set 1) | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| ptblanka | | Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B, set 2) | ptblank | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| poittoc | NW | Poitto! (revision C) | poitto | 1993 | Metro / Able Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| poitto | | Poitto! (revision D) | | 1993 | Metro / Able Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pokecda | | Pokemon Crazy Drummer (Alt) (Unl) | md_pokecd | 2003 | Tomsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pokecd | | Pokemon Crazy Drummer (Unl) | | 2003 | Tomsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pokestad | | Pokemon Stadium (China) (Unl) | | 200? | SKOB | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_pokerfbj | | Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) | | 1994 | Adrenalin - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pokerfp | | Poker Face Paul's Poker (USA) | | 1994 | Adrenalin - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pokerfs | | Poker Face Paul's Solitaire (USA) | | 1994 | Adrenalin - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_pokerfg | | Poker Faced Paul's Gin (USA) | | 1994 | Adrenalin - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pkladiesla | | Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 401) | pkladies | 1989 | Leprechaun | Miscellaneous | |
| pkladiesl | | Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 510) | pkladies | 1989 | Leprechaun | Miscellaneous | |
| pkladies | | Poker Ladies | | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| poknight | | Poker Night | | 199? | Jeff Kurtz | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pokonyan | | Pokonyan! Balloon (Japan 940322) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| msx_polstar | | Polar Star (Japan) | | 1984 | Micro Cabin | MSX | |
| spec_poleposa | | Pole Position (48K) | | 1984 | Atarisoft | ZX Spectrum | Up or down to shift gear, fire button to brake |
| spec_poleposcvg | | Pole Position (C&VG) (48K) | | 1984 | Computer & Video Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_polidiaz | | Poli Diaz (Spanish) (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_polacad | | Police Academy (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| msx_polacad2 | | Police Academy II (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| nes_policeman | | Policeman (Unl) | | 1992 | Micro Genius | Miscellaneous | |
| polluxn | | Pollux (Japan, NTC license) | pollux | 1991 | Dooyong (NTC license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pollux | | Pollux (set 1) | | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| polluxa | | Pollux (set 2) | pollux | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| polluxa2 | | Pollux (set 3) | pollux | 1991 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| pompingw | | Pomping World (Japan) | pang | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ponpon | | Pon Pon (HB, v1.51) | | 2022 | Hiromasa Tanaka | MSX | |
| ponpokov | | Ponpoko (Venture Line) | ponpoko | 1982 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. (Venture Line license) | Pac-man | |
| ponpoko | | Ponpoko | | 1982 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | Pac-man | |
| msx_poogaboo | | Poogaboo (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Opera Soft | MSX | Use Cursor Keys and SPACE in the options menu |
| spec_pooperscooper | | Pooper Scooper (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | The Death Squad | ZX Spectrum | |
| poosho | | Poosho Poosho | | 1999 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| pootan | | Pootan | pooyan | 1982 | bootleg | GX320 | |
| cv_pooyan | | Pooyan (HB) | | 2010 | Dvik & Joyrex | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_pooyan | | Pooyan (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| nes_pooyan | | Pooyan (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_pooyan | | Pooyan (Korea) | | 19?? | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| pooyans | | Pooyan (Stern Electronics) | pooyan | 1982 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | GX320 | |
| pooyan | | Pooyan | | 1982 | Konami | GX320 | |
| popbounc | | Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin | | 1997 | Video System Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| popbingo | | Pop Bingo | | 1996 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_popbreak | | Pop Breaker (Japan) | | 1991 | Micro Cabin | Sega Game Gear | |
| popflamen | | Pop Flamer (bootleg on Naughty Boy PCB) | popflame | 1982 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_popflame | | Pop Flamer (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| popflameb | | Pop Flamer (hack?) | popflame | 1982 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| popflamea | | Pop Flamer (not protected) | popflame | 1982 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| popflame | | Pop Flamer (protected) | | 1982 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_popflamet | | Pop Flamer (Taiwan) | sg1k_popflame | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| popnpopu | | Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07A 1998/02/09) | popnpop | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| popnpopj | | Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07J 1998/02/09) | popnpop | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| popnpop | | Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07O 1998/02/09) | | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| popspops | | Pop's Pop's | | 1999 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| spec_popeye | | Popeye (48K) | | 1985 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_popeyea | | Popeye (Alt) | cv_popeye | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| popeyebl | NW | Popeye (bootleg set 1) | popeye | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| popeyeb3 | | Popeye (bootleg set 3) | popeye | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| popeyej | | Popeye (Japan) | popeye | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| popeyejo | | Popeye (Japan, Older) | popeye | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| popeyeu | | Popeye (revision D not protected) | popeye | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| popeye | | Popeye (revision D) | | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| popeyef | | Popeye (revision F) | popeye | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_popeye | | Popeye (World) (Rev A) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_popeye2 | | Popeye 2 (48K) | | 1991 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_popeye3 | | Popeye 3 - Wrestle Crazy (128K) | | 1992 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_popeye | | Popeye no Beach Volleyball (Japan) | | 1994 | Technos Japan | Sega Game Gear | |
| popeyeman | | Popeye-Man | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| cv_popeye | | Popeye | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| msx_poppaq | | Poppaq the Fish (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_poppaqk | | Poppaq the Fish (Korea) | msx_poppaq | 1986 | Boram Soft | MSX | |
| pop_hh | | Popper (bootleg of Hard Head) | hardhead | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| popper | | Popper | | 1983 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_populous | | Populous (Euro) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_populous | | Populous (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | TecMagik | Sega Master System | |
| pce_populous1 | | Populous (Japan) (Alt) | pce_populous | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_populousj | | Populous (Japan) | md_populous | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_populous | | Populous (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| md_populousu | | Populous (USA) | md_populous | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_porkys | | Porky's (Prototype) | | 1983 | Fox Video Games | ColecoVision | |
| porky | | Porky | | 1985 | Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics Inc. license) | Pac-man | |
| porter | | Port Man (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) | dockman | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| portmanj | | Port Man (Japan) | dockman | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| portman | | Port Man | dockman | 1982 | Taito Corporation (Nova Games Ltd. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_porunchan | | Porun-chan No Onigiri Daisuki (HB, v1.1) | | 2019 | Mook-TV | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_porunamabie | | Porun-chan no Onigiri Daisuki - Amabie (HB) | | 2020 | Mook-TV | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_poseidon | | Poseidon - Planet Eleven (48K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_poseidon | | Poseidon Wars 3-D (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_postmortem | | Post Mortem (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Genesis Soft - Iber Soft | MSX | |
| spec_postmortem | | Post Mortem (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Iber Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_postman | | Postman Pat - The Computer Game (48K) | | 1989 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| potopoto | | Poto Poto (Japan, Rev A) | | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| spec_potsworth | | Potsworth & Co. (128K) | | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| poundforj | | Pound for Pound (Japan) | poundfor | 1990 | Irem | Irem M85 | |
| poundforu | | Pound for Pound (US) | poundfor | 1990 | Irem America | Irem M85 | |
| poundfor | | Pound for Pound (World) | | 1990 | Irem | Irem M85 | |
| md_powerath | | Power Athlete (Japan, Korea) | md_deadlymv | 1992 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| powerbal | | Power Balls | | 1994 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerbladec | | Power Blade (Hack, Chinese) | nes_powerblade | 2022 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerblade | | Power Blade (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerblade2c | | Power Blade 2 (Hack, Chinese) | nes_powerblade2 | 2023 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerblade2 | | Power Blade 2 (USA) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerblazer | | Power Blazer (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerblazerj | | Power Blazer (Japan) | nes_powerblazer | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pdrift | | Power Drift (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_pdrift1 | | Power Drift (Japan) (Alt) | pce_pdrift | 1990 | Asmik | PC Engine | |
| pdriftj | | Power Drift (Japan) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | Select Auto-Center preset in Input Configuration |
| pce_pdrift | | Power Drift (Japan) | | 1990 | Asmik | PC Engine | |
| pdrifta | | Power Drift (World) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | Select Auto-Center preset in Input Configuration |
| pdrifte | | Power Drift (World, Earlier) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | Select Auto-Center preset in Input Configuration |
| pdrift | | Power Drift (World, Rev A) | | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | Select Auto-Center preset in Input Configuration |
| gg_pdrive | | Power Drive (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_pdrive | | Power Drive (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| powerdrv | | Power Drive | | 1986 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| pce_power11 | | Power Eleven (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_powergat | | Power Gate (Japan) | | 1991 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| pce_pgolf | | Power Golf (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_pgolf | | Power Golf (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| powerins | | Power Instinct (USA) | | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinsa | | Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 1) | powerins | 1993 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinsb | | Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 2) | powerins | 1993 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinsc | NW | Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 3) | powerins | 1993 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinspu | | Power Instinct (USA, prototype) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pwrinst2k | | Power instinct 2 (Korea, ver. 94/04/08) | pwrinst2 | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | |
| pwrinst2 | | Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1) | | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | |
| pwrinst2a | | Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 2) | pwrinst2 | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | |
| pce_pleag93 | | Power League '93 (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleague | | Power League (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleagas | | Power League - All Star Version (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleag2 | | Power League II (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleag3 | | Power League III (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleag4 | | Power League IV (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_pleag5 | | Power League V (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| cv_power | | Power Lords: Quest for Volcan (Prototype) | | 1984 | Probe 2000 | ColecoVision | |
| md_pmonger | | Power Monger (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pmongerj | | Power Monger (Japan, Korea) | md_pmonger | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_powerpunchii | | Power Punch II (USA) | | 1992 | American Softworks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerraniii | | Power Rangers III (Unl) | | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powerrangersiv | | Power Rangers IV (Unl) | | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_powersoccer | | Power Soccer (Japan) | | 1990 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikesb | | Power Spikes (bootleg) | pspikes | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikesc | | Power Spikes (China) | pspikes | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikesba | | Power Spikes (Italian bootleg) | pspikes | 1991 | bootleg (Playmark?) | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikesk | | Power Spikes (Korea) | pspikes | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikesu | | Power Spikes (US) | pspikes | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikes | | Power Spikes (World) | | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pspikes2 | | Power Spikes II (NGM-068) | | 1994 | Video System Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_psports | | Power Sports (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| sms_pstrike | | Power Strike (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_pstrike2 | | Power Strike II (Euro) ~ GG Aleste II (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_pstrike2 | | Power Strike II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| psurge | | Power Surge | | 1988 | Vision Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_ptennis | | Power Tennis (Japan) | | 1993 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pubball | | Power Up Baseball (prototype) | | 1996 | Midway / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| pwheelsj | | Power Wheels (Japan, Rev 2, Linkable) | dblaxle | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| md_powerbal | | Powerball (USA) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| pgearr1 | | Powered Gear - strategic variant armor equipment (940916 Japan) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| pgear | | Powered Gear - strategic variant armor equipment (941024 Japan) | armwar | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spec_prezu | | Pre-ZU (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Vyacheslav Tretyak | ZX Spectrum | |
| pbillianb | | Prebillian (bootleg) | pbillian | 1987 | bootleg (Game Corp.) | Miscellaneous | |
| pbillian | | Prebillian | | 1986 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_predator | | Predator (Trainer) (128K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_predator | | Predator (USA) | | 1989 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_predator2 | | Predator 2 (128K) | | 1991 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_predatr2b | | Predator 2 (Brazil) | sms_predatr2 | 1992? | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sms_predatr2 | | Predator 2 (Euro) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Master System | |
| md_predatr2 | | Predator 2 (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_predatr2 | | Predator 2 (Euro, USA, SMS Mode) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_predatr2s | | Predator 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_predatr2 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| preisle2 | | Prehistoric Isle 2 | | 1999 | Yumekobo / Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| prehisleu | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| prehisleb | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, bootleg) | prehisle | 1989 | bootleg | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| prehisle | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, set 1) | | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| prehislea | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, set 2) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| md_premierm | | Premier Manager (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_premrm97 | | Premier Manager 97 (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_prettykngdm | | Pretty Kingdom (HB) | | 2014 | Nerlaska Studio | MSX | |
| sailormnffj | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Fighting For Justice, Hack) | sailormn | 2022 | Zombie Master | Cave | |
| sailormnrot | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Reign of Terror, Hack) | sailormn | 2022 | Zombie Master | Cave | |
| sailormno | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Europe) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnok | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Korea) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnou | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, USA) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnn | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Europe) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnnk | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Korea) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnnu | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, USA) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormn | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Europe) | | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnk | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Korea) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| sailormnu | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, USA) | sailormn | 1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | Cave | |
| msx_pricemag | | Price of Magik, The (Euro) | | 1986 | Level 9 Computing | MSX | |
| spec_primaderezx | | Prima Dere ZX (HB) | | 2022 | AppSir Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_primal | | Primal Rage (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_primal | | Primal Rage (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| prmtmfgt | | Prime Time Fighter (Ver 2.1A 1993/05/21) (New Version) | trstar | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| prmtmfgto | | Prime Time Fighter (Ver 2.1A 1993/05/21) (Old Version) | trstar | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| md_primetim | | Prime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| primella | | Primella | gundl94 | 1994 | Dooyong (NTC license) | Miscellaneous | |
| neoprimo | | Primo Demo | | 2013 | iocerom.com | Neo Geo | |
| spec_princeclumsy | | Prince Clumsy (48K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ppersia | | Prince of Persia (Euro) | | 1993 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ppersia | | Prince of Persia (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ppersia | | Prince of Persia (Euro, SMS Mode) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_princeofpersiae | | Prince of Persia (Europe) | nes_princeofpersia | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_princeofpersiaf | | Prince of Persia (France) | nes_princeofpersia | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_princeofpersiag | | Prince of Persia (Germany) | nes_princeofpersia | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_ppersiac | | Prince of Persia (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_ppersia | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_ppersias | | Prince of Persia (Hack, Spanish) | md_ppersia | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_princeofpersiac | | Prince of Persia (Hack, Spanish) | nes_princeofpersia | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ppersiap | | Prince of Persia (Prototype) | md_ppersia | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ppersiap1 | | Prince of Persia (Prototype, Earlier) | md_ppersia | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_princeofpersiar | | Prince of Persia (Russia) | nes_princeofpersia | 1994 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_princepersia | | Prince of Persia (Russian) (128K) | | 1996 | Magic Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_princeofpersias | | Prince of Persia (Spain) | nes_princeofpersia | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ppersiau | | Prince of Persia (USA) | md_ppersia | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_princeofpersia | | Prince of Persia (USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ppersiau | | Prince of Persia (USA, SMS Mode) | gg_ppersia | 1992 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ppersiar | | Prince of Persia - Remastered Edition (Hack, v1.3) | md_ppersia | 2022 | Linkuei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ppersia2r | | Prince of Persia 2 - Remastered Edition (Hack, v1.5) | md_ppersia2 | 2019 | Linkuei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ppersia2 | | Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame (Euro, Prototype) | | 1995 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ppersia2s | | Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame (Hack, Spanish) | md_ppersia2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_prince | | Prince, The (48K) | | 1984 | CCS | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_prgarden | | Princess Gardening (HB) | | 2022 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_princessquest | | Princess Quest (HB) | | 2012 | Oscar Toledo G. | MSX | |
| cv_pquest | | Princess Quest (SGM) (HB) | | 2012 | Oscar Toledo G. | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_princtominsalki | | Princess Tomato in Salad Kingdom (USA) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pringles | | Pringles the Game (HB) | | 2009 | Future Drive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_prisriot | | Prison Riot (128K) | | 1990 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_prisonofwar | | Prisoner of War (SGM) (HB) | | 2018-19 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| msx_prisonofwars | | Prisoner of War (Spanish) (HB) | | 2018 | Unepic Fran | MSX | |
| ngp_ppaa01 | X | Prize Game - PP-AA01 Pusher Program (Jpn) | | 19?? | Aruze | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_par | | Pro Action Replay (Euro) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_par2 | | Pro Action Replay 2 (Euro) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_par2a | | Pro Action Replay 2 (Euro, Alt) | md_par2 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cprobowl | | Pro Bowling (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| chf_pfootbll | | Pro Football | | 1981 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| spec_progolfsim | | Pro Golf Simulator (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_progolsarkagnoto | | Pro Golfer Saru - Kage no Tournament (Japan) | | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| kiwame | D NW | Pro Mahjong Kiwame | | 1994 | Athena | Seta | |
| spec_propowerboatsim | | Pro PowerBoat Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_proqb | | Pro Quarterback (USA) | | 1992 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_proskateboardsim | | Pro Skateboard Simulator (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cpsoccerj | | Pro Soccer (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cpsoccer | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cpsoccer | | Pro Soccer (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| md_prostrfs | | Pro Striker Final Stage (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cptennisj | | Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cptennis | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cptennis | | Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_protennissim | | Pro Tennis Simulator (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_ptennwc | | Pro Tennis World Court (Japan) | | 1988 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| wldcourt | | Pro Tennis World Court (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| sms_prowres | | Pro Wrestling (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_prowrestling | | Pro Wrestling (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_proyak91 | | Pro Yakyuu '91, The (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_proyak94 | | Pro Yakyuu GG League '94 (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_proyakgg | NW | Pro Yakyuu GG League (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | Game doesn't work |
| sms_proyakyu | | Pro Yakyuu Pennant Race, The (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_proyakyu | | Pro Yakyuu Super League '91 (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ws89 | | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '89 (Japan) | ws | 1989 | Namco | System 1 | |
| ws90 | | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '90 (Japan) | ws | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| pce_proyak91 | | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '91 (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| pce_proyak | | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) | | 1988 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| ws | | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| md_probot | | Probotector (Euro) | md_contra | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_probotector | | Probotector (Europe) | nes_contra | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_probots | | Probotector (Hack, Spanish) | md_contra | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_probotectorc | | Probotector (Hack, Spanish) | nes_contra | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_probotectorretc | | Probotector II - Return of the Evil Forces (Hack, Spanish) | nes_superc | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_profbb | | Professional Baseball (Japan) | | 1986 | Technopolis Soft | MSX | |
| spec_probmxsimexpert | | Professional BMX Simulator - Expert (128K) | spec_probmxsimstandard | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_probmxsimstandard | | Professional BMX Simulator - Standard (128K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_proskisim | | Professional Ski Simulator (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_prosnookersim | | Professional Snooker Simulator (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Q, W, E, SPACE and ENTER to play |
| progeara | | Progear (010117 Asia) | progear | 2001 | Capcom / Cave | CPS2 | |
| progear | | Progear (010117 USA) | | 2001 | Capcom / Cave | CPS2 | |
| progearjd | | Progear No Arashi (010117 Japan Phoenix Edition) | progear | 2001 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| progearj | | Progear No Arashi (010117 Japan) | progear | 2001 | Capcom / Cave | CPS2 | |
| progearjbl | | Progear No Arashi (010117 Japan, decrypted set) | progear | 2001 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| progearud | | Progear(010117 USA Phoenix Edition) | progear | 2001 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| promutrv | | Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 1) | | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| promutrva | | Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 2) | promutrv | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| promutrvb | | Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 3) | promutrv | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| promutrvc | | Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 4) | promutrv | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| progress | | Progress | | 1984 | Chuo Co. Ltd | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_projectblue | | Project Blue (HB) | | 2019 | Toggle Switch | Miscellaneous | |
| md_projmd | | Project MD (HB) | | 2012 | Sik | Sega Megadrive | |
| proneon | | Project Neon (Caravan Edition, prealpha v0.4.19) | | 2019 | FULLSET | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_prjrev | | Project Re.Ve.La.Tion (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Retrobits | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_projstealthfighter | | Project Stealth Fighter (128K) | | 1990 | MicroProse Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pvaelius | | Project Vaelius (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Toku Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sms3samp | | Promocao Especial M. System III Compact (Brazil, Sample) | | 19?? | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| spec_psichess | | Psi Chess (48K) | | 1986 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | S+2/S+3: 2D/3D view - M+1: start game - J+2: use controller |
| spec_pssst | | Pssst (16K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_psyoblade | | Psy-O-Blade (Hack, English) | md_psyoblad | 2015 | Eien Ni Hen, tryphon | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_psyoblads | | Psy-O-Blade (Hack, Spanish) | md_psyoblad | 2019 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_psyoblad | | Psy-O-Blade (Japan) | | 1990 | Sigma Ent. | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_psyched | | Psychedelia (Euro) | | 1984 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| psychic5j | | Psychic 5 (Japan) | psychic5 | 1987 | Jaleco / NMK | Miscellaneous | |
| psychic5 | | Psychic 5 (World) | | 1987 | Jaleco / NMK | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_psychicwen | | Psychic World (Enhanced Hack, v1.2) | sms_psychicw | 2020 | BcnAbel76 | Sega Master System | |
| sms_psychicw | | Psychic World (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_psychicw | | Psychic World (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_psychicwj | | Psychic World (Japan) | gg_psychicw | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_psychas | | Psycho Chaser (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| sms_psychof | | Psycho Fox (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_psychohopper | | Psycho Hopper (48K) | | 1989-90 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | Set '3 Sinclair' to use controller |
| msx_psychpig | | Psycho Pig U.X.B. (Euro) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | MSX | |
| spec_psychopigs | | Psycho Pigs U.X.B. (128K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_psycho1 | | Psycho Pinball (Euro, 199409) | md_psycho | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_psycho | | Psycho Pinball (Euro, 199410) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_psychop | | Psycho Pinball (Prototype) | md_psycho | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_psychosold | | Psycho Soldier (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| psychosj | | Psycho Soldier (Japan) | psychos | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| psychos | | Psycho Soldier (US) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| oscarj1 | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 1) | oscar | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| oscarj2 | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2) | oscar | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| oscaru | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (US) | oscar | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| oscar | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| tg_psychos | | Psychosis (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_psyqosanta | | Psyqo Santa (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | IAMAI Creation | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ptm | | PTM (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | UltraNarwhal | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_pubtrivia | | Pub Trivia (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| puchicarj | | Puchi Carat (Ver 2.02J 1997/10/29) | puchicar | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| puchicar | | Puchi Carat (Ver 2.02O 1997/10/29) | | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| puchicaru | | Puchi Carat (Ver 2.04A 1997/11/08) | puchicar | 1997 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| puckmana | | Puck Man (Alca bootleg) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Alca) | Pac-man | |
| puckmanb | | Puck Man (bootleg set 1) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| puckmanh | | Puck Man (bootleg set 2) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Falcom?) | Pac-man | |
| puckman | | Puck Man (Japan set 1) | | 1980 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| puckmod | | Puck Man (Japan set 2) | puckman | 1981 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| pacmansp | | Puck Man (Spanish, 'Made in Greece' bootleg) | puckman | 198? | bootleg (Video Game SA) | Pac-man | |
| puckmanf | | Puck Man (speedup hack) | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| unkpacga | | Pucman | unkpacg | 199? | IDI SRL | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_puffysaga | | Puffy's Saga (128K) | | 1989 | Ubi Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_puggsy | | Puggsy (Euro) | | 1993 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_puggsys | | Puggsy (Hack, Spanish) | md_puggsy | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_puggsyp | | Puggsy (Prototype) | md_puggsy | 1993 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_puggsyu | | Puggsy (USA) | md_puggsy | 1993 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| pulirulaj | | PuLiRuLa (Japan) | pulirula | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| pulirula | | PuLiRuLa (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| pulirulaa | | PuLiRuLa (World, earlier?) | pulirula | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| pulsar | D | Pulsar | | 1981 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| md_pulsemane | | Pulseman (Hack, English) | md_pulseman | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pulseman | | Pulseman (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_pulsoids | | Pulsoid (128K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| pulstar | | Pulstar | | 1995 | Aicom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_pulveration | | Pulveration (Unl) | | 200? | Nice Code Software | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pumpkinpoe | | Pumpkin Poe (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Ariel Endaraues | ZX Spectrum | |
| punchita | | Punch-Out!! (Italian bootleg) | punchout | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| punchoutj | | Punch-Out!! (Japan) | punchout | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| punchouta | | Punch-Out!! (Rev A) | punchout | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| punchout | | Punch-Out!! (Rev B) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_punchout | | Punch-Out!! (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| punchkid | | Punching Kid (Japan) | olibochu | 1981 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_punchy | | Punchy (Euro) | | 1984 | Mr. Micro | MSX | |
| md_punisher | | Punisher, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_punishers | | Punisher, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_punisher | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_punisheru | | Punisher, The (USA) | md_punisher | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_punisherthe | | Punisher, The (USA) | | 1990 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| punkshotj | | Punk Shot (Japan 2 Players) | punkshot | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| punkshot2 | | Punk Shot (US 2 Players) | punkshot | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| punkshot | | Punk Shot (US 4 Players) | | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| punkshot2e | | Punk Shot (World 2 Players) | punkshot | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| spec_punkstar | | Punk Star (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Genesis Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_purplecapeman | | Purple Cape Man (HB) | | 2015 | Vigilante Ninja | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_purpdino | | Purple Dinosaur Massacre (HB) | | 1996 | John Dondzilla | ColecoVision | |
| pururun | | Pururun (set 1) | | 1995 | Metro / Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| pururuna | | Pururun (set 2) | pururun | 1995 | Metro / Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| pushmans | | Pushman (American Sammy license) | pushman | 1990 | Comad (American Sammy license) | Miscellaneous | |
| pushman | | Pushman (Korea, set 1) | | 1990 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| pushmana | | Pushman (Korea, set 2) | pushman | 1990 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| pushmant | | Pushman (Top Tronic license) | pushman | 1990 | Comad (Top Tronic license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pussnboo | | Puss 'n Boots - Pero's Great Adventure (USA) | | 1990 | Electro Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_putamili | | Puta Mili (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_fkngmili | 2020 | EJVG | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_puttputt | | Putt and Putter (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_puttputtp | | Putt and Putter (Euro, Prototype) | sms_puttputt | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_puttputt | | Putt and Putter (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_puttputtj | | Putt and Putter (Japan) | gg_puttputt | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| fds_puttputtgolf | | Putt Putt Golf (Japan) | | 1989 | Pack-In-Video | Miscellaneous | |
| md_puttergnk | | Putter Golf (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_putter | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_putter | | Putter Golf (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_puttysquadp1 | | Putty Squad (Early prototype) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_puttysquadp2 | | Putty Squad (Late prototype) | md_puttysquadp1 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_puyopopa | | Puyo Pop (World, v5) ~ Puyo Pyuo Tsuu (Jpn, v5) | ngp_puyopop | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_puyopop | | Puyo Pop (World, v6) ~ Puyo Pyuo Tsuu (Jpn, v6) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_puyopuyoc | | Puyo Puyo (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_puyopuyo | 2020 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_puyopuyo | | Puyo Puyo (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_puyopuyo | | Puyo Puyo (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_puyopuyo | | Puyo Puyo (Japan) | | 1993 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| puyoja | | Puyo Puyo (Japan, Rev A) | puyo | 1992 | Compile / Sega | C2 | |
| puyoj | | Puyo Puyo (Japan, Rev B) | puyo | 1992 | Compile / Sega | C2 | |
| puyo | | Puyo Puyo (World) | | 1992 | Compile / Sega | C2 | |
| puyobl | | Puyo Puyo (World, bootleg) | puyo | 1992 | bootleg | C2 | |
| gg_puyopuy2 | | Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) | | 1994 | Compile | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_puyopuy2a | | Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) | md_puyopuy2 | 1994 | Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| puyopuy2 | | Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) | | 1994 | Compile (Sega license) | C2 | |
| md_puyopuy2 | | Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan, v1.1) | | 1994 | Compile | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_puznic | | Puznic (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_puznic | | Puznic (Korea) | | 1990 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| nes_puzslot | | Puzslot (Japan) | | 1992 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| puzzloopa | | Puzz Loop (Asia) | puzzloop | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| puzzloope | | Puzz Loop (Europe, v0.93) | puzzloop | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| puzzloop | | Puzz Loop (Europe, v0.94) | | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| puzzloopj | | Puzz Loop (Japan) | puzzloop | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| puzzloopk | | Puzz Loop (Korea) | puzzloop | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| puzzloopu | | Puzz Loop (USA) | puzzloop | 1998 | Mitchell | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| pzloop2jr1 | | Puzz Loop 2 (010205 Japan) | pzloop2 | 2001 | Mitchell, distritued by Capcom | CPS2 | |
| pzloop2jd | | Puzz Loop 2 (010226 Japan Phoenix Edition) | pzloop2 | 2001 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| pzloop2j | | Puzz Loop 2 (010226 Japan) | pzloop2 | 2001 | Mitchell, distritued by Capcom | CPS2 | |
| pzloop2 | | Puzz Loop 2 (010302 Euro) | | 2001 | Mitchell, distritued by Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_ichir | | Puzzle & Action - Ichidant-R (Jpn) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tantr | | Puzzle & Action - Tant-R (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ichirjbl | | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (Japan) (bootleg) | ichir | 1994 | bootleg | C2 | |
| ichirj | | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (Japan) | ichir | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| ichirk | | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (Korea) | ichir | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| ichirbl | | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (World) (bootleg) | ichir | 1994 | bootleg | C2 | |
| ichir | | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (World) | | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| tantrbl | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 1) | tantr | 1992 | bootleg | C2 | |
| tantrbl2 | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 2) | tantr | 1994 | bootleg | C2 | |
| tantrbl3 | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 3) | tantr | 1994 | bootleg | C2 | |
| tantrbl4 | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 4) | tantr | 1992 | bootleg | C2 | |
| tantr | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | C2 | |
| tantrkor | | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Korea) | tantr | 1993 | Sega | C2 | |
| gg_tantr | | Puzzle and Action Tant~R (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| puzlbanga | | Puzzle Bang Bang (Korea, version 2.8 / 990106) | suplup | 1999 | Omega System | Miscellaneous | |
| puzlbang | | Puzzle Bang Bang (Korea, version 2.9 / 990108) | suplup | 1999 | Omega System | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_pbobble | | Puzzle Bobble (Japan) | gg_bam | 1996 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| pbobble | | Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| pbobblenb | | Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, bootleg) | pbobblen | 1994 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pbobblen | | Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, NGM-083) | | 1994 | Taito | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pbobble2j | | Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.2J 1995/07/20) | pbobble2 | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble2o | | Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.2O 1995/07/20) | pbobble2 | 1995 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble2 | | Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.3O 1995/07/31) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobbl2n | | Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo) | | 1999 | Taito (SNK license) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pbobble2x | | Puzzle Bobble 2X (Ver 2.2J 1995/11/11) | pbobble2 | 1995 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble3u | | Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1A 1996/09/27) | pbobble3 | 1996 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble3j | | Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1J 1996/09/27) | pbobble3 | 1996 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble3 | | Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/27) | | 1996 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble3rc | | Puzzle Bobble 3 Recarbonated | pbobble3 | 2022 | Bank Bank | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble4u | | Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04A 1997/12/19) | pbobble4 | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble4j | | Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04J 1997/12/19) | pbobble4 | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| pbobble4 | | Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04O 1997/12/19) | | 1997 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ngp_pbobbleb | | Puzzle Bobble Mini (Euro, Jpn, v09 Prototype?) | ngp_pbobble | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pbobblea | | Puzzle Bobble Mini (Euro, Jpn, v09) | ngp_pbobble | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_pbobble | | Puzzle Bobble Mini (Euro, Jpn, v10) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| pce_puzzlboy | | Puzzle Boy (Japan) | | 1991 | Nihon Telenet | PC Engine | |
| fds_puzzleboys | | Puzzle Boys (Hack, English) | | 2011 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_puzzleboysj | | Puzzle Boys (Japan) | fds_puzzleboys | 1990 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pzlbreak | | Puzzle Break (set 1) | | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| pzlbreaka | | Puzzle Break (set 2) | pzlbreak | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| puzlclub | | Puzzle Club (Japan prototype) | | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| pclubys | | Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 1) | | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| pclubysa | | Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 2) | pclubys | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| pzlbowl | | Puzzle De Bowling (Japan) | | 1999 | MOSS / Nihon System | Newer Seta | |
| puzzldpr | | Puzzle De Pon! R! | | 1997 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| puzzledp | | Puzzle De Pon! | | 1995 | Visco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| puzzlekg | | Puzzle King (Dance & Puzzle) | | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| 4in1boot | | Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.) | | 2002 | K1 Soft | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| ngp_puzzlink | | Puzzle Link (Euro) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_puzzlnk2 | | Puzzle Link 2 (Euro, USA) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| msx_puzpanic | | Puzzle Panic (Japan) | | 1986 | System Soft | MSX | |
| puzlstara | | Puzzle Star / Mohuan Xingzuo (ver. 100MG, 09/20/99 build) | puzlstar | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| puzlstar | | Puzzle Star / Mohuan Xingzuo (ver. 100MG, 09/30/99 build) | | 1999 | IGS (Metro license) | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| uopokoj | | Puzzle Uo Poko (Japan) | uopoko | 1998 | Cave (Jaleco license) | Cave | |
| uopoko | | Puzzle Uo Poko (World) | | 1998 | Cave (Jaleco license) | Cave | |
| mushitama | | Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama (2005/09/09 MASTER VER) | mushitam | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA??? | |
| mushitam | | Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama (2005/09/09.MASTER VER) | | 2005 | Cave (AMI license) | CA??? | |
| joyjoy | | Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021 ~ NGH-021) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_puzzled | | Puzzled! (48K) | | 1989 | Guild, The | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_puzzli | | Puzzli (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_puzzli | | Puzzli (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | PortableDev | Sega Megadrive | |
| puzzlia | | Puzzli (revision A) | puzzli | 1995 | Metro / Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| puzzli | | Puzzli (revision B) | | 1995 | Metro / Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| puzzli2 | | Puzzli 2 (V100, China) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| puzzli2s | | Puzzli 2 Super (V200) | puzzli2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| gg_ichirgg | | Puzzlle and Action Ichidant~R GG (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| puzzlovek | | PuzzLove (Korea) | puzzlove | 1994 | Para | Miscellaneous | |
| puzzlove | | PuzzLove | | 1994 | Para | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_puzznic | | Puzznic (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| puzznicb | | Puzznic (bootleg, set 1) | puzznic | 1989 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| puzznicba | | Puzznic (bootleg, set 2) | puzznic | 1989 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| puzznici | | Puzznic (Italian bootleg) | puzznic | 1989 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| pce_puzznic | | Puzznic (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| puzznicj | | Puzznic (Japan) | puzznic | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| puzznicu | | Puzznic (US) | puzznic | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito L System | |
| nes_puzznic | | Puzznic (USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| puzznic | | Puzznic (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| msx_puzzybox | | PuzzyBox (HB) | | 2021 | GameCast Entertainment | MSX | |
| msx_pwnd | | PWND (HB) | | 2009 | Metal Soft | MSX | |
| spec_pyjamarama | | Pyjamarama (48K) | | 1984 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pyokonodai | | Pyokotan no Daimeiro (Japan) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_pyracurse | | Pyracurse (48K) | | 1986 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_pyramid | | Pyramid (Unl) | | 1990 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_pyramidii | | Pyramid II (Unl) | | 1990 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_pyramidgnk | | Pyramid Magic (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_pyramid | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pyramid | | Pyramid Magic (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pyramid2 | | Pyramid Magic II (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pyramid3 | | Pyramid Magic III (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_pyramids | | Pyramid Magic Special (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_pyrawbc2 | | Pyramid Warp & Battleship Clapton 2 (HB) | | 2008 | Dvik & Joyrex | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_pyramidw | | Pyramid Warp (Japan) | | 1983 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| msx_pyramidwex | | Pyramid Warp Enhanced (HB) | | 2021 | Bitcaffe, Nenefranz, theNestruo | MSX | Remastered version |
| sms_pyramidwex | | Pyramid Warp Enhanced (HB) | | 2021 | Bitcaffe, Nenefranz, theNestruo | Sega Master System | |
| nes_pyramidsra | | Pyramids of Ra (HB) | | 2019 | Piko Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_pyroman | | Pyro-Man (Euro) | | 1987 | Nice Ideas | MSX | |
| pyros | | Pyros (US) | wardner | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_qboy | | Q Boy (Asia) (Unl) | | 1994 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_qberta | | Q*bert (Alt) | cv_qbert | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| qberttst | | Q*bert (early test version) | qbert | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_qbert | | Q*bert (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| qbertj | | Q*bert (Japan) | qbert | 1982 | Gottlieb (Konami license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_qberta | | Q*bert (Japan, Alt) | msx_qbert | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| sg1k_qbert | | Q*bert (Japan, OMV) | | 1983 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| qbert | | Q*bert (US set 1) | | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| qberta | | Q*bert (US set 2) | qbert | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| qbtrktst | D | Q*bert Board Input Test Rom | qbert | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_qbertqub | | Q*bert Qubes | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| qbertqub | | Q*bert's Qubes | | 1983 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_qbert | | Q*bert | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| nes_qbert | | Q-bert (USA) | | 1989 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_q10tb | | Q10 Tank Buster (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_qbiqs | | QBIQS (HB, v1.2) | | 2010 | Z80st Software | MSX | |
| cv_qbiqs | | qbIqS (SGM) (HB) | | 2010 | Z80ST Software | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| spec_qbox128 | | Qbox (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Sergio Llata Pena | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_qbox48 | | Qbox (48K) (HB) | spec_qbox128 | 2017 | Sergio Llata Pena | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_qi48k | | QI (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Memsoftware | ZX Spectrum | Press 'L' to place a 'directional arrow' |
| sg1k_qie | | Qi E (Taiwan) | sg1k_dokidoki | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_qiwan | | Qi Wang - Chinese Chess (China, MGC-001) | | 199? | TXC Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_herot | | Qing Feng Xia (Taiwan) | sg1k_hero | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| qix | | Qix (Rev 2) | | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| qixb | | Qix (set 2, larger roms) | qix | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| qixa | | Qix (set 2, smaller roms) | qix | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| qixo | | Qix (set 3, earlier) | qix | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_qix | | QIX (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| qix2 | | Qix II (Tournament) | qix | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_quackshts | | QuackShot Starring Donald Duck (Hack, Spanish) | md_quacksht | 2014 | Jate | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_quacksht | | QuackShot Starring Donald Duck ~ QuackShot - Guruzia Ou no Hihou (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_quacksht1 | | QuackShot Starring Donald Duck ~ QuackShot - Guruzia Ou no Hihou (World, Alt) | md_quacksht | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_quadchal | | Quad Challenge (USA) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_quadralords | | Quadralords (HB) | | 2016 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_quadron | | Quadron (48K) (HB, v1.23) | | 2019 | Andrew Beale | ZX Spectrum | |
| quantump | | Quantum (prototype) | quantum | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| quantum1 | | Quantum (rev 1) | quantum | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| quantum | | Quantum (rev 2) | | 1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_qbscramblej | | Quarter Back Scramble (Japan) | nes_qbscramble | 1990 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_qbscramble | | Quarter Back Scramble (Prototype) | | 1990 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_quartet | | Quartet (48K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | To start a game session press 'S' and after ENTER |
| quarteta | | Quartet (8751 315-5194) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| sms_quartet | | Quartet (Euro, USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_quartet | | Quartet (HB, v1.2) | msx_quartetx | 2019 | Ilkke and bitsofbas | MSX | |
| msx_quartetx | | Quartet (HB, v1.3) | | 2019 | Ilkke and bitsofbas | MSX | Extra options and 2P co-op mode |
| quartet | | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quartet2 | | Quartet 2 (8751 317-0010) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quartet2a | | Quartet 2 (unprotected) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| nes_quarth | | Quarth (Japan) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| quarth | | Quarth (Japan) | blockhl | 1989 | Konami | GX973 | |
| nes_quattadv | | Quattro Adventure (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_quattroarcade | | Quattro Arcade (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_quattrosports | | Quattro Sports (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_quazatro | | Quazatron (48K) | | 1986 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_quebert | | Quebert (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| md_qpoker | | Queen of Poker Club (Taiwan) | | 199? | Sachen | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_queenglf | | Queen's Golf (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_queenglfb | | Queen's Golf (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_queenglf | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_queenglfa | | Queen's Golf (Japan, Alt) | msx_queenglf | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| spec_questelements | | Quest for Elements (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Gooseberry code | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_quintanaa | | Quest for Quintana Roo (Alt) | cv_quintana | 1983 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| cv_quintana | | Quest for Quintana Roo | | 1983 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| cv_questgc | | Quest for the Golden Chalice (HB) | | 2012 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| sms_shavnyak | | Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek and Stimpy (Brazil) | | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_shavnyak | | Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek and Stimpy (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_questforge | | Quest Forge (HB) | | 2016 | Ludosity | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_questofkithe | | Quest of Ki, The (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_questofkithej | | Quest of Ki, The (Japan) | nes_questofkithe | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| quester | | Quester (Japan) | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| questers | | Quester Special Edition (Japan) | quester | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| sg1k_champicet | | Qugunqiu (Taiwan) | sg1k_champice | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_quickdraw | | Quick Draw McGraw (128K) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_quinty | | Quinty (Japan) | nes_mendelpalace | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| qadjr | | Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (Japan Resale Ver. 940921) | qad | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| qad | | Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| inufuku | | Quiz & Variety Sukusuku Inufuku (Japan) | | 1998 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| quizmoon | | Quiz Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Chiryoku Tairyoku Toki no Un | | 1997 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| qzchikyu | | Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| qcrayon | | Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| quizdais | | Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023 ~ NGH-023) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| hotdebut | | Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut (Japan) | | 2000 | MOSS / Psikyo | PS4 | |
| quizf1 | | Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| qgakumon | | Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA1 Type H) | | 1993 | Konami | GX248 | |
| gg_quizgear | | Quiz Gear Fight!!, The (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| qgh | | Quiz Ghost Hunter (Japan, ROM Based) | | 1994 | Sega | System 24 | |
| quizhq | | Quiz H.Q. (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| qjinsei | | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| quizkofk | | Quiz King of Fighters (Korea) | quizkof | 1996 | Saurus / Viccom (SNK license) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| quizkof | | Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080 ~ SAH-080) | | 1995 | Saurus (SNK license) | Neo Geo MVS | |
| qzkklgy2 | | Quiz Kokology 2 | | 1993 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| qzkklogy | | Quiz Kokology | | 1992 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| quizdai2 | | Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (NGM-042 ~ NGH-042) | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| quizmeku | | Quiz Mekurumeku Story (Japan, ROM Based) | | 1992 | Sega | System 24 | |
| qndream | | Quiz Nanairo Dreams - nijiirochou no kiseki (nanairo dreams 960826 Japan) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| quizo | | Quiz Olympic (set 1) | | 1985 | Seoul Coin Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| quizoa | | Quiz Olympic (set 2) | quizo | 1985 | Seoul Coin Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| qzquest | | Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| qrouka | | Quiz Rouka Ni Tattenasai (Japan, ROM Based) | | 1991 | Sega | System 24 | |
| quizdaisk | | Quiz Salibtamjeong - The Last Count Down (Korean localized Quiz Daisousa Sen) | quizdais | 1995 | SNK / Viccom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| qsangoku | | Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| qzshowby | | Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| qsww | | Quiz Syukudai wo Wasuremashita (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-08b) | | 1991 | Sega | System 24 | |
| qtheater | | Quiz Theater - 3tsu no Monogatari (Ver 2.3J 1994/11/10) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| qtono1 | | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| qtono2j | | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| qtorimon | | Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| pce_quizts | | Quiz Toukou Shashin (Japan) | | 19?? | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| rittam | | R&T (Rod-Land prototype) | rodland | 1990 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| rshark | | R-Shark | | 1995 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rtype | | R-Type (128K) | | 1988 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| rtypejp | | R-Type (Japan prototype) | rtype | 1987 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| msx_rtype | | R-Type (Japan) | | 1988 | Irem | MSX | |
| rtypej | | R-Type (Japan) | rtype | 1987 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| msx_rtypea | | R-Type (Japan, Alt) | msx_rtype | 1988 | Irem | MSX | |
| rtypem82b | | R-Type (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion) | rtype | 2009 | bootleg | Irem M82 | |
| sms_rtypep | | R-Type (Prototype) | sms_rtype | 1988 | Sega - Irem Corp. | Sega Master System | |
| cv_rtype | | R-Type (SGM) (HB) | | 1988-2020 | Irem | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sgx_rtypeuh | | R-Type (Unfinished SGX Hack) | | 2019 | Chris Covell | SuperGrafx | |
| rtypeu | | R-Type (US) | rtype | 1987 | Irem (Nintendo of America license) | Irem M72 | |
| tg_rtype | | R-Type (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| rtypeb | | R-Type (World bootleg) | rtype | 1987 | bootleg | Irem M72 | |
| rtype | | R-Type (World) | | 1987 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| sms_rtype | | R-Type (World) | | 1988 | Sega - Irem Corp. | Sega Master System | |
| sms_rtypeas | | R-Type Arcade Style (Hack, v1.1) | sms_rtype | 2023 | Datchy | Sega Master System | |
| rtype2j | | R-Type II (Japan) | rtype2 | 1989 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| rtype2m82b | | R-Type II (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion) | rtype2 | 1997 | bootleg | Irem M82 | |
| rtype2jc | | R-Type II (Japan, revision C) | rtype2 | 1989 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| rtype2 | | R-Type II (World) | | 1989 | Irem | Irem M82 | |
| rtypeleoj | | R-Type Leo (Japan) | rtypeleo | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| rtypeleo | | R-Type Leo (World) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| pce_rtypep1 | | R-Type Part-1 (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_rtypep2 | | R-Type Part-2 (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_rtypep2v11 | | R-Type Part-2 (v1.1) (Japan) | pce_rtypep2 | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_rtypeplus | | R-Type Plus (Hack) | tg_rtype | 2024 | Justin Gibbins | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_ram | | R.A.M. (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_ramtopo | | R.A.M. (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_rbibb93 | | R.B.I. Baseball '93 (USA) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rbibb94 | | R.B.I. Baseball '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_rbibb94 | | R.B.I. Baseball '94 (USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_rbibaseball | | R.B.I. Baseball (USA) | | 1988 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rbibas2 | | R.B.I. Baseball 2 (USA) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rbibb3 | | R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rbibas3 | | R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rbibb4j | | R.B.I. Baseball 4 (Jpn) | md_rbibb4 | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rbibb4p | | R.B.I. Baseball 4 (Prototype) | md_rbibb4 | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rbibb4 | | R.B.I. Baseball 4 (USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_rcgp | | R.C. Grand Prix (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_rcgpp | | R.C. Grand Prix (Prototype) | sms_rcgp | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_rcgp | | R.C. Grand Prix (USA, SMS Mode) | | 1992 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | Game doesn't work |
| nes_rcproam | | R.C. Pro-Am (USA) (Rev A) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rcproamii | | R.C. Pro-Am II (USA) | | 1992 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rovr | | R.O.V.R. (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | Remote Operated Vehicle Recovery |
| msx_rabbian | | Rabbian (Japan) | | 1984 | Soft Pro | MSX | |
| rabbita | | Rabbit (Asia 1/28?) | rabbit | 1996 | Aorn / Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| rabbit | | Rabbit (Asia 3/6) | | 1997 | Aorn / Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| rabbitjt | | Rabbit (Japan 1/28, location test) | rabbit | 1996 | Aorn / Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| rabbitj | | Rabbit (Japan 3/6?) | rabbit | 1997 | Aorn / Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rabbitinn | | Rabbit in Nightmareland (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rabbitinw128k | | Rabbit in Wonderland (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rabbitinw48k | | Rabbit in Wonderland (48K) (HB) | spec_rabbitinw128k | 2015 | Javier Fopiani | ZX Spectrum | |
| rpunch | | Rabbit Punch (US) | rabiolep | 1987 | V-System Co. (Bally/Midway/Sente license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rabbitrabbit | | Rabbit Rabbit (16K) | | 1983 | ZX Computing | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rabidmower | | Rabid Mower (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| rabiolep | | Rabio Lepus (Japan) | | 1987 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_rabiolep | | Rabio Lepus Special (Japan) | | 1990 | Video System | PC Engine | |
| raccoon | | Raccoon World | | 1998 | Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_raceagainsttime | | Race Against Time, The (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_racecity | | Race City (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Genesis Soft - Iber Soft | MSX | Some small sound glitches |
| md_racedriv | | Race Drivin' (USA) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_therace | | Race, The (128K) | | 1990 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| racingbj | | Racing Beat (Japan) | racingb | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| racingb | | Racing Beat (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| pce_racindam | | Racing Damashii (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| racherod | | Racing Hero (bootleg of FD1094 317-0144 set) | rachero | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| rachero | | Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| rackemup | | Rack 'em Up (program code L) | | 1987 | Konami | GX765 | |
| racknrol | | Rack + Roll | | 1986 | Senko Industries (Status license from Shinkai Inc.) | Galaxian | |
| nes_racketattack | | Racket Attack (USA) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_racketsrivals | | Rackets & Rivals (Europe) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| rdaction | | Rad Action / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou | ninjakd2 | 1987 | UPL (World Games license) | Miscellaneous | |
| radmu | | Rad Mobile (US) | radm | 1990 | Sega | System 32 | |
| radm | | Rad Mobile (World) | | 1990 | Sega | System 32 | |
| nes_radracerc | | Rad Racer (Hack, Chinese) | nes_radracer | 2010 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radracer | | Rad Racer (USA) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radraceriic | | Rad Racer II (Hack, Chinese) | nes_radracerii | 2010 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radracerii | | Rad Racer II (USA) | | 1990 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radrac | | Rad Racket - Deluxe Tennis II (USA) | | 1991 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| radrj | | Rad Rally (Japan) | radr | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| radru | | Rad Rally (US) | radr | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| radr | | Rad Rally (World) | | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | Small GFX Issues |
| radarscp1 | | Radar Scope (TRS01) | radarscp | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| radarscp | | Radar Scope (TRS02, rev. D) | | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| radarscpc | | Radar Scope (TRS02?, rev. C) | radarscp | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radiasen | | Radia Senki - Reimei Hen (Hack, English) | | 1999 | Dreamless, Jair, [cx] | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_radiasenj | | Radia Senki - Reimei Hen (Japan) | nes_radiasen | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_radicasf | | Radica: Street Fighter Pack (Euro) | | 2004 | Radica Games ~ Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_radicav1 | | Radica: Volume 1 (USA) | | 2004 | Radica Games ~ Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_radicbomjirkun | | Radical Bomber!! Jirai-kun (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| radradj | | Radical Radial (Japan) | radrad | 1983 | Logitec Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| radrad | | Radical Radial (US) | | 1982 | Nichibutsu USA | Miscellaneous | |
| md_radrex | | Radical Rex (Euro) | | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_radrexs | | Radical Rex (Hack, Spanish) | md_radrex | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_radrexp | | Radical Rex (Prototype) | md_radrex | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_radrexu | | Radical Rex (USA) | md_radrex | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rafworld | | Raf World (Japan) | nes_journsil | 1990 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| raflesia | | Rafflesia (315-5162) | | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| raflesiau | | Rafflesia (not encrypted) | raflesia | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| rotdh | | Rage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?) | rotd | 2002 | Evoga / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rotd | | Rage of the Dragons (NGM-2640?) | | 2002 | Evoga / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_ragnablock | | Ragnablock (128K) (HB) | | 2006 | Computer Emuzone | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ragnacenk | | Ragnacenty (Korea) | md_soleil | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ragnagrd | | Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken | | 1996 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_raid2020 | | Raid 2020 (USA) (Unl) | | 1989 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_raidbung | | Raid on Bungeling Bay (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony - Broderbund Software | MSX | |
| cv_raidbungbay | | Raid on Bungeling Bay (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2019 | Opcode Games - Broderbund | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| nes_raidonbunbay | | Raid on Bungeling Bay (USA) | | 1987 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_raidmoscow | | Raid over Moscow (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| raidenj | | Raiden (Japan) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenk | | Raiden (Korea) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu (IBL Corporation license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenkb | | Raiden (Korea, bootleg) | raiden | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| raident | | Raiden (Taiwan) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Liang HWA Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenu | | Raiden (US set 1) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenua | | Raiden (US set 2, SEI8904 hardware) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenub | | Raiden (US set 3, newer hardware) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_raiden | | Raiden (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| raiden | | Raiden (World set 1) | | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidenb | | Raiden (World set 2, newer hardware) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxch | | Raiden DX (China) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Ideal International Development Corp license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxg | | Raiden DX (Germany) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxnl | | Raiden DX (Holland) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxa1 | | Raiden DX (Hong Kong, set 1) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxa2 | | Raiden DX (Hong Kong, set 2) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxj | | Raiden DX (Japan, set 1) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxja | | Raiden DX (Japan, set 2) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxk | | Raiden DX (Korea) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxpt | | Raiden DX (Portugal) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendx | | Raiden DX (UK) | | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raidendxu | | Raiden DX (US) | raidendx | 1994 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| rdftau | | Raiden Fighters (Australia) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdfta | | Raiden Fighters (Austria) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftauge | | Raiden Fighters (Evaluation Software For Show, Germany) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| rdft | | Raiden Fighters (Germany) | | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| rdftgb | | Raiden Fighters (Great Britain) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftgr | | Raiden Fighters (Greece) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftam | | Raiden Fighters (Hong Kong) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | SPI | |
| rdftit | | Raiden Fighters (Italy) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftj | | Raiden Fighters (Japan, earlier) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftja | | Raiden Fighters (Japan, earliest) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftjb | | Raiden Fighters (Japan, newer) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdftadi | | Raiden Fighters (Korea) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Island license) | SPI | |
| rdfts | | Raiden Fighters (Taiwan, single board) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Explorer System Corp. license) | SPI | |
| rdftu | | Raiden Fighters (US, earlier) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| rdftua | | Raiden Fighters (US, newer) | rdft | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| rdft2 | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Germany) | | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| rdft2a | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Hong Kong) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | SPI | |
| rdft2it | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Italy) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2j | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 1) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2ja | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 2) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2jb | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 3) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2jc | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 4) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2aa | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Korea) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Island license) | SPI | |
| rdft2s | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Switzerland) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2t | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Taiwan) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rdft2u | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (US) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| rdft2us | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (US, single board) | rdft2 | 1997 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| rdft22kc | | Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive 2000 (China, SYS386I) | rdft2 | 2000 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SYS386I | |
| rfjet | | Raiden Fighters Jet (Germany) | | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| rfjetj | | Raiden Fighters Jet (Japan) | rfjet | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rfjeta | | Raiden Fighters Jet (Korea) | rfjet | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Island license) | SPI | |
| rfjett | | Raiden Fighters Jet (Taiwan) | rfjet | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rfjetu | | Raiden Fighters Jet (US) | rfjet | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| rfjets | | Raiden Fighters Jet (US, single board) | rfjet | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rfjetsa | | Raiden Fighters Jet (US, single board, test version?) | rfjet | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| rfjet2kc | | Raiden Fighters Jet 2000 (China, SYS386I) | rfjet | 2000 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SYS386I | |
| raiden2au | | Raiden II (Australia) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2eg | | Raiden II (easier, Germany) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2ea | | Raiden II (easier, Japan) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2e | | Raiden II (easier, Korea) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2eua | | Raiden II (easier, US set 1) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2eu | | Raiden II (easier, US set 2) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2eub | | Raiden II (easier, US set 3) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2eup | | Raiden II (easier, US, prototype? 11-16) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2f | | Raiden II (France) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2g | | Raiden II (Germany) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2k | | Raiden II (harder, Korea) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2dx | | Raiden II (harder, Raiden DX hardware, Korea) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2nl | | Raiden II (Holland) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2hk | | Raiden II (Hong Kong) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2i | | Raiden II (Italy) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2j | | Raiden II (Japan) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2es | | Raiden II (Spain) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2sw | | Raiden II (Switzerland) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2 | | Raiden II (US, set 1) | | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiden2u | | Raiden II (US, set 2) | raiden2 | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| r2dx_v33 | | Raiden II New / Raiden DX (newer V33 PCB) (Raiden DX EEPROM) | | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | Terrible sound quality is normal for this game, use Raiden DX instead! |
| r2dx_v33_r2 | | Raiden II New / Raiden DX (newer V33 PCB) (Raiden II EEPROM) | r2dx_v33 | 1996 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | Terrible sound quality is normal for this game, use Raiden II instead! |
| md_raiden | | Raiden Trad (USA) ~ Raiden Densetsu (Japan) | | 1991 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_raidens | | Raiden Trad ~ Raiden Densetsu (Hack, Spanish) | md_raiden | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_raiden | | Raiden | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| raiders5t | | Raiders5 (Japan, set 1) | raiders5 | 1985 | UPL (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiders5ta | | Raiders5 (Japan, set 2, bootleg?) | raiders5 | 1985 | UPL (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| raiders5 | | Raiders5 | | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| raiga | | Raiga - Strato Fighter (Japan) | stratof | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| stratof | | Raiga - Strato Fighter (US) | | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rchasej | | Rail Chase (Japan) | rchase | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| rchase | | Rail Chase (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| raimaisj | | Raimais (Japan) | raimais | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| raimaisjo | | Raimais (Japan, first revision) | raimais | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito L System | |
| raimais | | Raimais (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito L System | |
| nes_rainbrite | | Rainbow Brite - Journey to Rainbow Land (HB) | | 2017 | Hallmark | Miscellaneous | |
| rbisland | | Rainbow Islands (new version) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rbislando | | Rainbow Islands (old version) | rbisland | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rbislande | | Rainbow Islands - Extra Version | | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| nes_rainbisloce | | Rainbow Islands - Ocean (Europe) | | 1988 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rainbisltaij | | Rainbow Islands - Taito (Japan) | nes_rainbisltai | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rainbisltai | | Rainbow Islands - Taito (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rbisland | | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press ENTER to add 'coins' |
| spec_rbisland_48 | | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (48K) | spec_rbisland | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press ENTER to add 'coins' |
| sms_rbislandb | | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Brazil) | sms_rbisland | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sms_rbisland | | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_rbislando | | Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Over the Rainbow + Color Hack) | sms_rbisland | 2021 | Tom, BcnAbel76 | Sega Master System | |
| md_rbislands | | Rainbow Islands Extra (Hack, Spanish) | md_rbisland | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rbisland | | Rainbow Islands Extra (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rallybike | | Rally Bike (USA) | | 1990 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| rallybik | | Rally Bike / Dash Yarou | | 1988 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| rallych | | Rally Chase (Neo CD conversion) | trally | 1991 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_rallycross | | Rally Cross (128K) | | 1989 | Anco Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rallycrosssim | | Rally Cross Simulator (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| rallyx | | Rally X (32k Ver.?) | | 1980 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxm | | Rally X (Midway) | rallyx | 1980 | Namco (Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxmr | | Rally X (Model Racing bootleg) | rallyx | 1980 | bootleg (Model Racing) | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxeg | | Rally X (Video Game bootleg) | rallyx | 1981 | bootleg (Video Game / Electrogame) | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxa | | Rally X | rallyx | 1980 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rallyx | | Rally-X (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_rallyxb | | Rally-X (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_rallyx | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_rallyxa | | Rally-X (Japan, Alt) | msx_rallyx | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| msx_rallyxk | | Rally-X (Korea) (Unl) | msx_rallyx | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| cv_rallyx | | Rally-X (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2016 | Namco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_rallyx | | Rally-X (Taiwan) | | 1986? | DahJee | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_rallybug | | Rallybug (48K) (HB) | | 2008 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_ralph4 | | Ralph 4 (HB) | | 2016 | Pubby | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ramboc | | Rambo (Hack, Spanish) | nes_rambo | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rambo | | Rambo (Japan) | | 1985 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| msx_rambob | | Rambo (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_rambo | 1985 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| msx_ramboc | | Rambo (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_rambo | 1985 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| msx_ramboa | | Rambo (Japan, Alt) | msx_rambo | 1985 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| nes_rambo | | Rambo (USA) (Rev A) | | 1988 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rambo | | Rambo - First Blood Part II (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_rambo2 | | Rambo - First Blood Part II (USA) | sms_secret | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| ikariram | | Rambo 3 (bootleg of Ikari, Joystick hack) | ikari | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rambo3 | | Rambo III (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_rambo3 | | Rambo III (Euro) | | 1988 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| sms_rambo3 | | Rambo III (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| rambo3 | | Rambo III (Europe) | | 1989 | Taito Europe Corporation | Taito B System | |
| rambo3p | | Rambo III (Europe, Proto?) | rambo3 | 1989 | Taito Europe Corporation | Taito B System | |
| sms_rambo3fm | | Rambo III (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_rambo3 | 2018 | Sega - fatnick | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game - YM2413 FM support |
| md_rambo3s | | Rambo III (Hack, Spanish) | md_rambo3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| rambo3u | | Rambo III (US) | rambo3 | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| md_rambo3a | | Rambo III (World) | md_rambo3 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rambo3 | | Rambo III (World, v1.1) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ramirer1 | | Ramire the Vampire Rewamp - Part 1 (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramirer2 | | Ramire the Vampire Rewamp - Part 2 (48K) (HB) | spec_ramirer1 | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramirer3 | | Ramire the Vampire Rewamp - Part 3 (48K) (HB) | spec_ramirer1 | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiro3en | | Ramiro el Vampiro III (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiro3es | | Ramiro el Vampiro III (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_ramiro3en | 2022 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiro4en | | Ramiro el Vampiro IV and the Mystery of the Papyrus (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiro4es | | Ramiro el Vampiro IV en el Misterio del Papiro (128K) (HB) | spec_ramiro4en | 2023 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiror1 | | Ramiro el Vampiro Rewamp - Parte 1 (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiror2 | | Ramiro el Vampiro Rewamp - Parte 2 (48K) (HB) | spec_ramiror1 | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ramiror3 | | Ramiro el Vampiro Rewamp - Parte 3 (48K) (HB) | spec_ramiror1 | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rampage | | Rampage (48K) | | 1988 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_rampage | | Rampage (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| rampage2 | | Rampage (Rev 2, 8/4/86) | rampage | 1986 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| rampage | | Rampage (Rev 3, 8/27/86) | | 1986 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| nes_rampage | | Rampage (USA) | | 1988 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| rmpgwt11 | | Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.1) | rmpgwt | 1997 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| rmpgwt | | Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3) | | 1997 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| sms_rampart | | Rampart (Euro) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Master System | |
| rampartj | | Rampart (Japan, Joystick) | rampart | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rampartj | | Rampart (Japan, Korea) | md_rampart | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| rampart2p | | Rampart (Joystick, bigger ROMs) | rampart | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| rampart2pa | | Rampart (Joystick, smaller ROMs) | rampart | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| rampart | | Rampart (Trackball) | | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rampart | | Rampart (USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rampart | | Rampart (USA) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ramparts | | Ramparts (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ranarama | | Ranarama (48K) | | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_rangerx | | Ranger-X (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rangerxs | | Ranger-X (Hack, Spanish) | md_rangerx | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rangerxu | | Ranger-X (USA) | md_rangerx | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ransei | | Ransei no Hasha (Japan) | | 1991 | Asmik Ace | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rapidcycling | | Rapid Cycling (HB) | | 2022 | Game Losers | Miscellaneous | |
| rapheroa | | Rapid Hero (Media Trading) | arcadian | 1994 | NMK (Media Trading license) | NMK16 | |
| raphero | | Rapid Hero (NMK) | arcadian | 1994 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| sms_rastan | | Rastan (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| rastanu | | Rastan (US Rev 1) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rastanua | | Rastan (US) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rastanub | | Rastan (US, earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rastan | | Rastan (World Rev 1) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| rastana | | Rastan (World) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| rastanb | | Rastan (World, earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| spec_rastan | | Rastan Saga (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| rastsagaabl | | Rastan Saga (bootleg, Japan Rev 1, earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| rastsaga | | Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rastsagaa | | Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1, earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| rastsagab | | Rastan Saga (Japan, earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| gg_rastan | | Rastan Saga (Japan, SMS Mode) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| rastsag2 | | Rastan Saga 2 (Japan) | nastar | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| md_rastan2s | | Rastan Saga II (Hack, Spanish) | md_rastan2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rastan2j | | Rastan Saga II (Japan) | md_rastan2 | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_rastan2 | | Rastan Saga II (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| md_rastan2 | | Rastan Saga II (USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_ratmal | | Rat' Mal (Ger) | chf_hangman | 197? | SABA | Channel F | |
| spec_ratatat | | Rat-A-Tat (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | JoeSoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_raththa | | Rath-Tha (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Positive | MSX | |
| spec_ratos | | Ratos! (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | MemSoftware | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_raven | | Raven (HB) | | 2021 | Micha Mulder | MSX | |
| nes_ravensgate | | Raven's Gate (HB) | | 2022 | MercuryBD | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ravensgatemmc1 | | Raven's Gate (HB, MMC1 ver.) | nes_ravensgate | 2022 | MercuryBD | Miscellaneous | |
| rayforce | | Ray Force (Ver 2.3A 1994/01/20) | gunlock | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| rayforcej | | Ray Force (Ver 2.3J 1994/01/20) | gunlock | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| sms_raymanrr | | Rayman Retro Rumble (GlobalHack, v1.3) | | 2022 | Maxim | Sega Master System | |
| spec_raysreprisal | | Rays' Reprisal (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Luca Bordoni | ZX Spectrum | |
| razmataz | NW | Razzmatazz | | 1983 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| reactor | | Reactor | | 1982 | Gottlieb | Miscellaneous | |
| reaktor | | Reaktor (Track & Field conversion) | | 1987 | Zilec | Miscellaneous | |
| rbff1a | | Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (bug fix revision) | rbff1 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff1k | | Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release) | rbff1 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff1ka | | Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release, bug fix revision) | rbff1 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff1 | | Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095 ~ NGH-095) | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff2k | | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (Korean release) | rbff2 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff2h | | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGH-2400) | rbff2 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff2 | | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGM-2400) | | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbff2bs | | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (Secret Character, Hack) | rbff2 | 1998 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbffspbs | | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Boss, Hack) | rbffspec | 1996 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Select Geese Howard with portrait, press 'B+C' to select EX characters |
| rbffspeck | | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Korean release) | rbffspec | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| rbffspec | | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_realgb | | Real Ghostbusters, The (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_realtenn | | Real Tennis (Japan) | | 1983 | Takara | MSX | |
| spec_reaper | | Reaper (128K) | | 1990 | Ubi Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rebel | | Rebel (48K) | | 1987 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rebstar1p | | Rebelstar - 1 Player (48K) | | 1986 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Use keys W, A, D, X to move cursor |
| spec_rebstar2p | | Rebelstar - 2 Players (48K) | spec_rebstar1p | 1986 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Use keys W, A, D, X to move cursor |
| recalh | | Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11, prototype) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_reckrufus | | Reckless Rufus (128K) | | 1992 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_recrescue | | Recon Rescue (HB) | | 2021 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| recordbr | | Recordbreaker (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito H System | |
| nes_redarremerii | | Red Arremer II (Japan) | nes_gargosqueii | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| redbaron | | Red Baron (revised hardware) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| redbarona | | Red Baron | redbaron | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| redbird | | Red Bird (bootleg of Space Firebird) | spacefb | 1980 | bootleg (Codematic) | Miscellaneous | |
| redclashs | | Red Clash (Suntronics) | redclash | 1982 | Kaneko (Suntronics license) | Miscellaneous | NO Sound |
| redclasht | | Red Clash (Tehkan, set 1) | redclash | 1981 | Kaneko (Tehkan license) | Miscellaneous | NO Sound |
| redclashta | | Red Clash (Tehkan, set 2) | redclash | 1981 | Kaneko (Tehkan license) | Miscellaneous | NO Sound |
| redclash | | Red Clash | | 1981 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | NO Sound |
| redearthnr1 | | Red Earth (Asia 961023, NO CD) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redearthn | | Red Earth (Asia 961121, NO CD) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redearthr1 | | Red Earth (Euro 961023) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redearth | | Red Earth (Euro 961121) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redhawke | | Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Excellent Co. license) | NMK16 | |
| redhawkb | | Red Hawk (horizontal, bootleg) | stagger1 | 1997 | bootleg (Vince) | NMK16 | |
| redhawkg | | Red Hawk (horizontal, Greece) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| redhawki | | Red Hawk (horizontal, Italy) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | NMK16 | |
| redhawks | | Red Hawk (horizontal, Spain, set 1) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | NMK16 | |
| redhawksa | | Red Hawk (horizontal, Spain, set 2) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | NMK16 | |
| redhawkk | | Red Hawk (Korea) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| redhawk | | Red Hawk (USA, Canada & South America) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (New Vision Ent. license) | NMK16 | |
| spec_redheat | | Red Heat (48K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redplanet | | Red Planet (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Salva Cantero | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redplanetes | | Red Planet (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_redplanet | 2015 | Salva Cantero | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidbeg1 | | Red Raid - The Beginning - Side A (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidbeg2 | | Red Raid - The Beginning - Side B (48K) (HB) | spec_redraidbeg1 | 2020 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidsink1 | | Red Raid - The Sinking - Side A (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidsink2 | | Red Raid - The Sinking - Side B (48K) (HB) | spec_redraidsink1 | 2020 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidinf1 | | Red Raid The Infiltrating - Side A (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_redraidinf2 | | Red Raid The Infiltrating - Side B (48K) (HB) | spec_redraidinf1 | 2022 | ZX Bitles | ZX Spectrum | |
| redrobin | | Red Robin | | 1986 | Elettronolo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_redzone | | Red Zone (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_redzone | | Red Zone (Japan) | | 1985 | Yellow Horn Co. | MSX | |
| msx_redzonea | | Red Zone (Japan, Alt) | msx_redzone | 1985 | Yellow Horn Co. | MSX | |
| spec_redshift | | Redshift (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Ariel Ruiz | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_reflectworld | | Reflect World (Japan) | | 1987 | East Cube | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_reflectron | | Reflectron (HB) | | 2013 | Aetherbyte | PC Engine | |
| msx_reflexion | | Reflexion (HB) | | 2021 | Jipe | MSX | |
| sms_regjacks | | Reggie Jackson Baseball (USA) | sms_ameribb | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| reguluso | | Regulus (315-5033) | regulus | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| regulus | | Regulus (315-5033, Rev A.) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| spec_regulus | | Regulus (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Proxima Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| regulusu | | Regulus (not encrypted) | regulus | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nes_reknum2 | | Reknum - Souls Adventure (HB) | | 2021 | NAPE Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_reknum1 | | Reknum - The Awakening (HB) | | 2019 | NAPE Games | Miscellaneous | No Sound |
| msx_relic | | Relic, The (English) (HB) | | 2020 | Roolandoo | MSX | |
| msx_relics | | Relics (Japan) | | 1986 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| fds_relics | | Relics - Ankoku Yousai (Japan) | fds_relicsen | 1987 | Bothtec | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_relicsen | | Relics - The Dark Fortress (Hack, English) | | 2023 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| relief3 | | Relief Pitcher (Rev B, 10 Apr 1992 / 08 Apr 1992) | relief | 1992 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| relief2 | | Relief Pitcher (Rev C, 26 Apr 1992 / 08 Apr 1992) | relief | 1992 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| relief | | Relief Pitcher (Rev D, 07 Jun 1992 / 28 May 1992) | | 1992 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_relic | | Reliquia, La (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Angel Colaso | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_lareliquia | | Reliquia, La (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_relic | 2020 | Angel Colaso | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_reliquia | | Reliquia, La (Spanish) (HB) | msx_relic | 2020 | Roolandoo | MSX | |
| cv_rtheflag | | Remember the Flag (HB) | | 2016-17 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| nes_renstisho | | Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroo$! (USA) | | 1993 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_renegade128 | | Renegade (128K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_renegade48 | | Renegade (48K) | spec_renegade128 | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_renegade | | Renegade (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_renegadec | | Renegade (Hack, Spanish) | nes_renegade | 2017 | JonnyVilla2088 | Miscellaneous | |
| renegadeb | | Renegade (US bootleg) | renegade | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| renegade | | Renegade (US) | | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_renegade | | Renegade (USA) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_renegad2 | | Renegade II - Target Renegade (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_renegad2rc | | Renegade II - Target Renegade Re-Imaginated (128K) (Hack) | spec_renegad2 | 2015 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_renegad3 | | Renegade III - The Final Chapter (128K) | | 1989 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_renegad3 | | Renegade III - The Final Chapter (Euro) | | 1989 | Imagine Software | MSX | |
| spec_renegad3rc | | Renegade III Re-Coloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_renegad3 | 2015 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_renegade128rc | | Renegade Recoloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_renegade128 | 2013 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| ngp_tsunapn | | Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon! (Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| ngp_tsunapnc | | Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon! Color (Jpn) | ngp_puzzlink | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_rentheroe | | Rent a Hero (Hack, English v0.98) | md_renthero | 2021 | USC | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rentheros | | Rent a Hero (Hack, Spanish v0.93) | md_renthero | 2019-20 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_renthero | | Rent a Hero (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_ninjaprit | | Renzhe Gongzhu (Taiwan) | sg1k_ninjapri | 1986? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| fds_replicart | | Replicart (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| repulse | | Repulse | | 1985 | Crux / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rescatl | | Rescate Atlantida (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_rescatlan | | Rescate Atlantida (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to choose and ENTER to select options |
| spec_rescategolfo1 | | Rescate en el Golfo - Part 1 (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rescategolfo2 | | Rescate en el Golfo - Part 2 (128K) | spec_rescategolfo1 | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rescmarte | | Rescate En Marte (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_rescuec | | Rescue - The Embassy Mission (Hack, Spanish) | nes_rescue | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rescue | | Rescue - The Embassy Mission (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_rescuems | | Rescue Mission (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| rescue | | Rescue | | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| md_resq | | Resq (Euro, Prototype) | | 199? | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_restlessandre | | Restless Andre (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_retaliot | | Retaliot (HB) | | 2009 | Video Hazard | MSX | |
| spec_retroforce | | Retroforce (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Climacus & KgMcNeil | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_retroinv128 | | Retroinvaders (128K) (HB) | | 2011 | Climacus | ZX Spectrum | |
| retofinvb1 | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 1) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| retofinvb2 | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 2) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| retofinvb3 | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 3) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| retofinvb | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg w/MCU) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| retofinv | | Return of the Invaders | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_retofjedi | | Return of the Jedi (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| jedi | | Return of the Jedi | | 1984 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_traxtor2 | | Return of Traxtor (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | usebox.net | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_reveal | | Reveal (48K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_revenged | | Revenge of Drancon (USA, Brazil) | gg_wboy | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_revshin2 | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Euro, USA) | md_revshin | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_revshin1 | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | md_revshin | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_revshin | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Euro, USA, Rev. B) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_revshins | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_revshin | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_revshinp1 | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Prototype, 19890821) | md_revshin | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_revshinp2 | | Revenge of Shinobi, The (Prototype, 19900201) | md_revshin | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| revngr84 | | Revenger '84 (newer) | | 1984 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| revenger | NW | Revenger '84 (older) | revngr84 | 1984 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | Bad dump |
| spec_revpong | | Reverse Pong (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_reversdd | | Reversi and Diamond Dash (HB) | | 2004 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| md_revx | | Revolution X (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| revxp5 | | Revolution X (prototype, rev 5.0 5/23/94) | revx | 1994 | Midway | X Unit | |
| revx | | Revolution X (rev 1.0 6/16/94) | | 1994 | Midway | X Unit | |
| nes_revgems | | Revolving Gems (HB) | | 2023 | Kyoske Maeda | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rex | | Rex (aka Zenith) - Part 1 (128K) | | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rex2 | | Rex (aka Zenith) - Part 2 (128K) | spec_rex | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | Password: 8881808384829507 |
| rezono | | Rezon (earlier) | rezon | 1991 | Allumer | Seta | |
| rezon | | Rezon | | 1992 | Allumer | Seta | |
| md_rhl2k7 | | RHL 2007 (Russia) (Unl) | md_nhlpa93 | 199? | NewGame | Sega Megadrive | |
| ribbitj | | Ribbit! (Japan) | ribbit | 1991 | Sega | C2 | |
| ribbit | | Ribbit! | | 1991 | Sega | C2 | |
| md_rsbtp7 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940721) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp6 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940809) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp5 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940815) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp4 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940816-B) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp3 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940817) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp2 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940825) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbtp1 | | Richard Scarry's Busytown (Prototype, 19940826) | md_rsbt | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rsbt | | Richard Scarry's BusyTown (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_rickdang | | Rick Dangerous (128K) | | 1989 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_rickdang | | Rick Dangerous (HB, Russia) | | 2011 | Foxy and Pascal | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_rickdang2 | | Rick Dangerous 2 (128K) | | 1990 | Micro Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_rickdang2 | | Rick Dangerous 2 (HB, v1.1) | | 2018 | PortableDev | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rickrolled | | Rick Rolled! (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2009 | Frantik | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_riddickj | | Riddick Bowe Boxing (Japan) | gg_riddick | 1994 | Micronet | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_riddick | | Riddick Bowe Boxing (USA) | | 1993 | Extreme Entertainment Group | Sega Game Gear | |
| ridleofp | | Riddle of Pythagoras (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega / Nasco | System E | |
| md_riddle | | Riddle Wired (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| ridingfu | | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0A) | ridingf | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ridingfj | | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0J) | ridingf | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ridingf | | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0O) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| ridhero | | Riding Hero (NGM-006 ~ NGH-006) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ridheroh | | Riding Hero (set 2) | ridhero | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_ridrapids | | Riding the Rapids (48K) | | 1987 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| ringfgt | | Ring Fighter (set 1) | vsgongf | 1984 | Kaneko (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ringfgt2 | | Ring Fighter (set 2) | vsgongf | 1984 | Kaneko (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ringking | | Ring King (US set 1) | kingofb | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ringking2 | | Ring King (US set 2) | kingofb | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ringking3 | | Ring King (US set 3) | kingofb | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ringkingw | | Ring King (US, Woodplace Inc.) | kingofb | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ringking | | Ring King (USA) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| ringohja | | Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| ringdesta | | Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940831 Asia) | ringdest | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ringdestb | | Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940902 Brazil) | ringdest | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ringdstd | | Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940902 Euro Phoenix Edition) | ringdest | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ringdest | | Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940902 Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ringdesth | | Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940902 Hispanic) | ringdest | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ringrageu | | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3A 1992/08/09) | ringrage | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ringragej | | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3J 1992/08/09) | ringrage | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| ringrage | | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3O 1992/08/09) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_ringo | | RINGO (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_ringspow | | Rings of Power (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| riotw | | Riot (Woong Bi license) | riot | 1992 | Woong Bi | Miscellaneous | |
| riotcity | | Riot City (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| riot | | Riot | | 1992 | NMK | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_ripcord | | Rip Cord (HB) | | 1979-2017 | Exidy | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_ripisland | | Ripple Island (Hack, English) | | 2018 | LIPEMCO! Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ripislandj | | Ripple Island (Japan) | nes_ripisland | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ramondus | | Rise of Amondus, The (HB) (Sly Dog Studios) | | 2015 | Sly Dog Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_riseamo | | Rise of Amondus, The (HB) | nes_ramondus | 2015 | Robert L. Bryant | Miscellaneous | |
| md_riserobo | | Rise of the Robots (Euro) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_riserobo | | Rise of the Robots (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_risedung | | Rise Out from Dungeons (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_risedunga | | Rise Out from Dungeons (Japan, Alt) | msx_risedung | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| md_risk | | Risk (USA) | | 1994 | Parker Brothers | Sega Megadrive | |
| riskchal | | Risky Challenge | | 1993 | Irem | Irem M90 | |
| cv_riskyrick | | Risky Rick (HB) | | 2018 | ArcadeVision | ColecoVision | |
| msx_riskyrick | | Risky Rick in Dangerous Traps (HB) | | 2019 | Easter Egg, ArcadeVision | MSX | |
| md_riskyw | | Risky Woods (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristar1 | | Ristar (Euro, USA, 199408) | md_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristar | | Ristar (Euro, USA, 199409) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristars | | Ristar (Hack, Spanish) | md_ristar | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristarp4 | | Ristar (Prototype, 19940701) | md_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristarp3 | | Ristar (Prototype, 19940718) | md_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristarp2 | | Ristar (Prototype, 19940812) | md_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristarp1 | | Ristar (Prototype, 19940826) | md_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ristarj | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Japan, Korea) | md_ristar | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_ristarp5 | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Prototype, 19940909) | gg_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ristarp4 | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Prototype, 19941019) | gg_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ristarp3 | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Prototype, 19941026) | gg_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ristarp2 | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Prototype, 19941101) | gg_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ristarp1 | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (Prototype, 19941102) | gg_ristar | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_ristar | | Ristar - The Shooting Star (World) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_rivgangsext | | Rival Gangs EXT (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Presh | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_rivercitran | | River City Ransom (USA) | | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rivercitrannek | | River City Ransom - Nekketsu Hack (Hack, v1.2) | nes_rivercitran | 2023 | FANS | Miscellaneous | |
| rpatrolb | | River Patrol (bootleg) | rpatrol | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| rpatrol | | River Patrol (Japan) | | 1981 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| rpatroln | | River Patrol (Japan, unprotected) | rpatrol | 1981 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_riveraid | | River Raid (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_riveraid | | River Raid | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| msx_riyadh | | Riyadh (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2001 | Bandwagon | MSX | |
| md_rrash3 | | Road 3 Rash - Tour de Force (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash3p | | Road 3 Rash - World Warriors (USA, Prototype) | md_rrash3 | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash3imp | | Road 3 Rash Improvement (Hack, v1.04) | md_rrash3 | 2023 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_rblaster | | Road Blasters (128K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_roadfighterc | | Road Fighter (Hack, Chinese v1.2) | nes_roadfighter | 2009 | Jiu Ban | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_roadfght | | Road Fighter (HB) | | 2007 | Opcode Games - Konami | ColecoVision | |
| msx_roadfght | | Road Fighter (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_roadfighter | | Road Fighter (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_roadfghta | | Road Fighter (Japan, Alt) | msx_roadfght | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| sms_roadfght | | Road Fighter (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| roadf | | Road Fighter (set 1) | | 1984 | Konami | GX461 | |
| roadf2 | | Road Fighter (set 2) | roadf | 1984 | Konami | GX461 | |
| roadf3 | | Road Fighter (set 3, conversion hack on Hyper Sports PCB) | roadf | 1984 | hack | GX330 | |
| sg1k_roadfght | | Road Fighter (Taiwan) | | 1986? | Jumbo? | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_roadrace | | Road Race (48K) | | 1987 | Your Sinclair | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_roadrash | | Road Rash (Euro) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_roadrash | | Road Rash (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| md_roadrash | | Road Rash (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roadrashs | | Road Rash (Hack, Spanish) | md_roadrash | 2014 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_roadrashu | | Road Rash (USA) | gg_roadrash | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_rrash2a | | Road Rash II (Euro, USA) | md_rrash2 | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash2 | | Road Rash II (Euro, USA, v1.2) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash2s | | Road Rash II (Hack, Spanish) | md_rrash2 | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash2j | | Road Rash II (Japan) | md_rrash2 | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rrash2imp | | Road Rash II Improvement (Hack, v1.2) | md_rrash2 | 2022 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roadrashimp | | Road Rash Improvement (Hack) | md_roadrash | 2022 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_roadrunner | | Road Runner (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_roadrunner | | Road Runner (USA) (Unl) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_roadwile128 | | Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (128K) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_roadwile48 | | Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (48K) | spec_roadwile128 | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_roadtrip2 | | Road Trippin' (128K) (HB, v2) | | 2020 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_roadtrip | | Road Trippin' (48K) (HB) | spec_roadtrip2 | 2020 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_roadtripc2c | | Road Trippin' 2022 - Coast 2 Coast (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Joesoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_roadworker | | Road Worker (Unl) | | 200? | Nice Code Software | Miscellaneous | |
| md_roadblstj | | RoadBlasters (Japan) | md_roadblst | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roadblstp | | RoadBlasters (Prototype, 19910627) | md_roadblst | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roadblst | | RoadBlasters (USA) | | 1991 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_roadblasters | | RoadBlasters (USA) | | 1990 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_robeeblr | | Robee Blaster (HB) | | 2017 | Alekmaul | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_rpoolchal | | Robert Byrne's Pool Challenge (Prototype) | | 1996 | Odyssey Software | Miscellaneous | |
| md_robertcop2 | | RobertCop 2 Full Edition (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_robinha | | Robin Hood (Alt) | cv_robinh | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| spec_robinhoodlegendquest | | Robin Hood - Legend Quest (128K) | | 1993 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_robinhoo | | Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (USA) | | 1991 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_robinh | | Robin Hood | | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| spec_robinofwood | | Robin of the Wood (128K) | | 1985 | Odin Computer Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| roboarmya | | Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) | roboarmy | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| roboarmy | | Robo Army | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_roborumble | | Robo Rumble (HB) | | 2022 | Robosoft | MSX | Q-A: left magnet - P-L: right magnet |
| nes_robowarrior | | Robo Warrior (USA) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| robowres | | Robo Wres 2001 | | 1986 | Sanritsu / Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_roboccowars | | Robocco Wars (Japan) | | 1991 | IGS | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_robocop | | Robocop (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_robocop | | Robocop (Euro) | | 1988 | Ocean Software | MSX | |
| robocopi | | Robocop (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| nes_robocopsc | | RoboCop (Hack, Chinese) | nes_robocop | 2023 | LSP Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_robocopc | | RoboCop (Hack, Spanish v0.91) | nes_robocop | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_seicorobocop | | RoboCop (Japan) | | 1992 | Sieco | MSX | |
| robocopj | | Robocop (Japan) | robocop | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| robocopb2 | | Robocop (Red Corporation World bootleg) | robocop | 1989 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| robocopu0 | | Robocop (US, revision 0) | robocop | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| robocopu | | Robocop (US, revision 1) | robocop | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| nes_robocop | | RoboCop (USA) | | 1989 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| robocopb | | Robocop (World bootleg) | robocop | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| robocopw | | Robocop (World, revision 3) | robocop | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| robocop | | Robocop (World, revision 4) | | 1988 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| spec_robocop2 | | Robocop 2 (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| robocop2 | | Robocop 2 (Euro/Asia v0.10) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_robocop2h | | RoboCop 2 (Hack, Responsive Controls v1.1) | nes_robocop2 | 2020 | Nesrocks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_robocop2c | | RoboCop 2 (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_robocop2 | 2022 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| robocop2j | | Robocop 2 (Japan v0.11) | robocop2 | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| robocop2ua | | Robocop 2 (US v0.05) | robocop2 | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| robocop2u | | Robocop 2 (US v0.10) | robocop2 | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_robocop2 | | RoboCop 2 (USA) | | 1991 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_robocop3 | | Robocop 3 (128K) | | 1992 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_robocop3 | | RoboCop 3 (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| md_robocop3 | | RoboCop 3 (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_robocop3c | | Robocop 3 (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | nes_robocop3 | 2022 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_robocop3s | | Robocop 3 (Hack, Spanish) | md_robocop3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_robocop3 | | RoboCop 3 (USA) | | 1992 | Ocean | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_robocop3 | | RoboCop 3 (World) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_roboterm | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (Euro) | | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_roboterm | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_roboterm | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_roboterms | | Robocop versus The Terminator (Hack, Spanish) | md_roboterm | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robotermj | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (Japan, Korea) | md_roboterm | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robotermp | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (Prototype) | md_roboterm | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robotermp1 | | Robocop Versus The Terminator (Prototype, Alt) | md_roboterm | 1994 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_robotermu | | RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) | md_roboterm | 1994 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_robocvster | | RoboCop Vs The Terminator (USA) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_robodemons | | Robodemons (USA) (Unl) | | 1990 | Color Dreams | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_robofrog | | Robofrog (Japan) | | 1985 | Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_robofroga | | Robofrog (Japan, Alt) | msx_robofrog | 1985 | Mass Tael | MSX | |
| spec_robot1pd | | Robot 1 in... The Planet of Death (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Psytronik | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_robotbat | | Robot Battler (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_robotwarp | | Robot War (Prototype) | chf_robotwar | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_robotwar | | Robot War / Torpedo Alley | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| msx_robotwar | | Robot Wars (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| md_robowrek | | Robot Wreckage (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_robo2084 | | Robotron 2084 (HB) | | 2022 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| robotron87 | | Robotron: 2084 (1987 'shot-in-the-corner' bugfix) | robotron | 1987 | hack | 6809 System | |
| robotron12 | | Robotron: 2084 (2012 'wave 201 start' hack) | robotron | 2012 | hack | 6809 System | |
| robotrontd | | Robotron: 2084 (2015 'tie-die V2' hack) | robotron | 2015 | hack | 6809 System | |
| robotron | | Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label) | | 1982 | Williams / Vid Kidz | 6809 System | |
| robotronun | | Robotron: 2084 (Unidesa license) | robotron | 1982 | Williams / Vid Kidz (Unidesa license) | 6809 System | |
| robotronyo | | Robotron: 2084 (Yellow/Orange label) | robotron | 1982 | Williams / Vid Kidz | 6809 System | |
| spec_rrumble | | Robots Rumble (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_robotto | | Robotto (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2019 | The Pets Mode | MSX | |
| msx_roboy | | Roboy (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| cv_rocnrope | | Roc 'n Rope | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| rocnropek | | Roc'n Rope (Kosuka) | rocnrope | 1983 | Konami (Kosuka license) | GX364 | |
| rocnrope | | Roc'n Rope | | 1983 | Konami | GX364 | |
| spec_rocco | | Rocco (48K) | spec_rocky | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_rockbolta | | Rock 'n Bolt (Alt) | cv_rockbolt | 1984 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| cv_rockbolt | | Rock 'n Bolt | | 1984 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| msx_rockroll | | Rock 'n Roller (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| msx_rocknroller | | Rock 'n Roller (Japan) | | 1988 | RCC | MSX | |
| spec_rocknroller | | Rock 'n Roller (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_rocknball | | Rock 'n' Ball (USA) | | 1990 | NTVIC | Miscellaneous | |
| rockclim | | Rock Climber | | 1981 | Taito | Galaxian | |
| rockduck | | Rock Duck (prototype?) | | 1983 | Datel SAS | Miscellaneous | incorrect colors |
| sg1k_rocknbol | | Rock n' Bolt (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_rnrracin | | Rock n' Roll Racing (Euro) | | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rnrracinh | | Rock n' Roll Racing (Hack, v16) | md_rnrracin | 2020 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rnrracinu | | Rock n' Roll Racing (USA) | md_rnrracin | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_roshambo | | Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Sbock (HB, v0.9b) | | 2017 | Doug Fraker | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rocksham | | Rock Star Ate my Hamster (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rockstargoesbizarre | | Rock Star Goes Bizarre (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| rocktris | | Rock Tris | | 1994? | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| rockn3 | | Rock'n 3 (Japan) | | 1999 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| rockn4 | | Rock'n 4 (Japan, prototype) | | 2000 | Jaleco / PCCWJ | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rockbolt | | Rock'n Bolt (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | Set Function Keys to play |
| rockragea | | Rock'n Rage (prototype?) | rockrage | 1986 | Konami | GX620 | |
| rockrage | | Rock'n Rage (World) | | 1986 | Konami | GX620 | |
| rockn | | Rock'n Tread (Japan) | | 1999 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| rockna | | Rock'n Tread (Japan, alternate) | rockn | 1999 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| rockn2 | | Rock'n Tread 2 (Japan) | | 1999 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_rockon | | Rock-on (Japan) | | 1989 | Big Club | PC Engine | |
| nes_rockball | | Rockball (Asia) (Unl) | | 1993 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rocket | | Rocket Knight Adventures (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rockets | | Rocket Knight Adventures (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_rocket | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rocketj | | Rocket Knight Adventures (Japan) | md_rocket | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rocketu | | Rocket Knight Adventures (USA) | md_rocket | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rpunknown | | Rocket Panda: Into the Unknown (HB, v4) | | 2021-22 | SpacePants Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_rocketranger | | Rocket Ranger (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rocketeerthe | | Rocketeer, The (USA) | | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rocketman | | Rocketman (Unl) | | 2007 | Nice Code Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockinkats | | Rockin' Kats (USA) | | 1991 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockman | | Rockman (Japan) | nes_megaman | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_rockmanb | | Rockman - Battle & Fighters (Jpn) | | 2000 | Capcom | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_rockmanbd | | Rockman - Battle & Fighters (Jpn, Demo) | ngp_rockmanb | 2000 | Capcom | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_rockm2 | | Rockman 2 - Dr. Wily no Nazo (Japan) | nes_megaman2 | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| rockman2j | | Rockman 2 - the power fighters (960708 Japan) | megaman2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nes_rockm3c | | Rockman 3 - Dr. Wily no Saigo! (Hack, Chinese) | nes_megaman3 | 2023 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm3 | | Rockman 3 - Dr. Wily no Saigo! (Japan) | nes_megaman3 | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm4 | | Rockman 4 - Aratanaru Yabou!! (Japan) | nes_megaman4 | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm4mi | | Rockman 4 - Minus Infinity (Hack) | nes_megaman4 | 2016 | Puresabe | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm5 | | Rockman 5 - Blues no Wana! (Japan) | nes_megaman5 | 1992 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm5mp | | Rockman 5 - Metropolis (GlobalHack, v1.1a) | nes_megaman5 | 2021-22 | StalkerMaestro | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rockm6 | | Rockman 6 - Shijou Saidai no Tatakai!! (Japan) | nes_megaman6 | 1993 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rockman | | Rockman Mega World (Japan) | md_megaman | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rockman1 | | Rockman Mega World (Japan, Alt) | md_megaman | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rockmanfix | | Rockman Mega World Fixer Upper (Hack, v1.0.5) | md_megaman | 2022 | Josephine Lithius | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rockmnx3 | | Rockman X3 (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1996 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| rmancp2j | | Rockman: The Power Battle (950922 Japan) | megaman | 1999 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| rockmanj | | Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, Japan 950922) | megaman | 1995 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_rocky | | Rocky (48K) | | 1985 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_rocky | | Rocky (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| sms_rocky | | Rocky (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_rhs128 | | Rocky Horror Show, The (128K) | | 1985 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| spec_rhs48 | | Rocky Horror Show, The (48K) | spec_rhs128 | 1985 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Space' to select and 'Enter' to set options |
| cv_rocky | | Rocky: Super Action Boxing | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_rodlande | | Rod Land (Europe) | nes_rodland | 1993 | Storm | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rodland | | Rod Land (Japan) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rodland | | Rod-Land (128K) | | 1991 | Storm | ZX Spectrum | |
| rodlandjb2 | | Rod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program and GFX) | rodland | 1990 | bootleg | Mega System 1 | |
| rodlandjb | | Rod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program) | rodland | 1990 | bootleg | Mega System 1 | |
| rodlandj | | Rod-Land (Japan) | rodland | 1990 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| rodland | | Rod-Land (World, set 1) | | 1990 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| rodlanda | | Rod-Land (World, set 2) | rodland | 1990 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| spec_rodlandrc | | Rod-Land Recoloured (128K) (Hack) | spec_rodland | 2012 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | Colour enhancement mod |
| msx_rodman | | Rodman (HB, v1.2) | | 2018 | The Future Was 8-bit | MSX | |
| spec_rodman | | Rodman v1.2 (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | The Future Was 8bit | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_mvpbb | | Roger Clements MVP Baseball (USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_rogerrabbit | | Roger Rabbit (Japan) | | 1989 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rogerrub | | Roger Rubbish (Euro) | | 1985 | Spectravideo | MSX | |
| msx_rogerruba | | Roger Rubbish (Euro, Alt) | msx_rogerrub | 1985 | Spectravideo | MSX | |
| spec_rogerpangolin | | Roger the Pangolin in 2020 Knurled Tour (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Joefish | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rogue | | Rogue (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Dmitry Krapivins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_roguetrooper | | Rogue Trooper (48K) | | 1986 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | |
| rohga1 | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 set 1) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| rohga2 | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 set 2) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| rohga | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| rohgah | | Rohga Armor Force (Hong Kong v3.0) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| rohgau | | Rohga Armor Force (US v1.0) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_rolandrat | | Roland's Rat Race (48K) | | 1985 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| rollace | | Roller Aces (set 1) | fightrol | 1983 | Kaneko (Williams license) | Miscellaneous | |
| rollace2 | | Roller Aces (set 2) | fightrol | 1983 | Kaneko (Williams license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_rollerbl | | Roller Ball (Japan) | | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_rollerbla | | Roller Ball (Japan, Alt) | msx_rollerbl | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| spec_rollercoast | | Roller Coaster (48K) | | 1985 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| rjammer | | Roller Jammer | | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_rollerball | | Rollerball (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2013 | HAL Laboratory | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_rollerball | | Rollerball (USA) | | 1990 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rollerac | | Rollerblade Racer (USA) | | 1993 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| rollergj | | Rollergames (Japan) | rollerg | 1991 | Konami | GX999 | |
| rollerg | | Rollergames (US) | | 1991 | Konami | GX999 | |
| nes_rollergames | | Rollergames (USA) | | 1990 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rollie | | Rollie (HB) | | 2019 | Optovania | Miscellaneous | |
| rolcrusha | | Rolling Crush (version 1.03.E - 1999/01/29) | rolcrush | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit | Miscellaneous | |
| rolcrush | | Rolling Crush (version 1.07.E - 1999/02/11, Trust license) | | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit (Trust license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rollthun | | Rolling Thunder (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_rollingthunderj | | Rolling Thunder (Japan) | nes_rollingthunder | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| rthunder0 | | Rolling Thunder (oldest) | rthunder | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| rthunder1 | | Rolling Thunder (rev 1) | rthunder | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| rthunder2 | | Rolling Thunder (rev 2) | rthunder | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| rthunder | | Rolling Thunder (rev 3) | | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| rthundera | | Rolling Thunder (rev 3, hack) | rthunder | 1986 | bootleg | System 86 | |
| nes_rollingthunder | | Rolling Thunder (USA) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rthun2 | | Rolling Thunder 2 (Euro) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rthun2s | | Rolling Thunder 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_rthun2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rthun2j | | Rolling Thunder 2 (Japan) | md_rthun2 | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| rthun2j | | Rolling Thunder 2 (Japan) | rthun2 | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_rthun2u | | Rolling Thunder 2 (USA) | md_rthun2 | 1991 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| rthun2 | | Rolling Thunder 2 | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| md_rthun3s | | Rolling Thunder 3 (Hack, Spanish) | md_rthun3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rthun3 | | Rolling Thunder 3 (USA) | | 1993 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_rollover | | Rolloverture | | 1983 | Sunrise Software | ColecoVision | |
| md_rolo | | Rolo to the Rescue (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_rolos | | Rolo to the Rescue (Hack, Spanish) | md_rolo | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roman3k2 | | Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA) | | 1991 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_roman3k3 | | Romance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny (USA) | | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_romancia | | Romancia (Hack, English) | | 2008 | DvD Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_romancias | | Romancia (Hack, Spanish) | nes_romancia | 2023 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_romanciaj | | Romancia (Japan) | nes_romancia | 1987 | Tokyo Shoseki | Miscellaneous | |
| rtriv | D NW | Romar Triv | | 198? | Romar | Miscellaneous | Incorrect colors |
| md_romeow | | Romeow and Julicat (HB) | | 2020 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| rompers | | Rompers (Japan, new version (Rev B)) | | 1989 | Namco | System 1 | |
| romperso | | Rompers (Japan, old version) | rompers | 1989 | Namco | System 1 | |
| spec_rompen | | Rompetechos (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Ivan Gomez Marquez | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rompes | | Rompetechos (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_rompen | 2016 | Ivan Gomez Marquez | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_dinho98 | | Ronaldinho 98 (Pirate) | md_issdx | 199? | <unlicensed> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_rondure | | Rondure Sorcerer 48K (HB) | | 2023 | Jason Taylor | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_roniustale | | Roniu's Tale (HB) | | 2022 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| clapapa2 | | Rootin' Tootin' (DECO Cassette) (US) | clapapa | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| clapapa | | Rootin' Tootin' / La-Pa-Pa (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| ropeman | | Ropeman (bootleg of Roc'n Rope) | rocnrope | 1983 | bootleg | GX364 | |
| msx_rotors | | Rotors (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| roughrac | | Rough Racer (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-06b) | | 1990 | Sega | System 24 | |
| rranger | | Rough Ranger (v2.0) | sranger | 1988 | SunA (Sharp Image license) | Miscellaneous | |
| rrangerb | | Rough Ranger (v2.0, bootleg) | sranger | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| roundup | | Round-Up | | 1981 | Taito Corporation (Amenip/Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_roust | | Roust (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| route16bl | | Route 16 (bootleg) | route16 | 1981 | bootleg (Leisure and Allied) | Route 16 | |
| route16a | | Route 16 (Centuri license, set 1) | route16 | 1981 | Tehkan / Sun Electronics (Centuri license) | Route 16 | |
| route16b | | Route 16 (Centuri license, set 2) | route16 | 1981 | Tehkan / Sun Electronics (Centuri license) | Route 16 | |
| route16c | | Route 16 (Centuri license, set 3, bootleg?) | route16 | 1981 | Tehkan / Sun Electronics (Centuri license) | Route 16 | |
| route16 | | Route 16 (Sun Electronics, set 1) | | 1981 | Sun Electronics | Route 16 | |
| route16d | | Route 16 (Sun Electronics, set 2) | route16 | 1981 | Sun Electronics | Route 16 | |
| routex | | Route X (bootleg, set 1) | route16 | 1981 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| routexa | | Route X (bootleg, set 2) | route16 | 1981 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| rascot | D | Royal Ascot (Japan, terminal?) | | 1991 | Sega | X-Board | |
| md_royalbld | | Royal Blood (Japan) | md_gemfire | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_royalflush | | Royal Flush - Princess Sidestory (GlobalHack) | nes_smb3 | 2013 | Darkdata | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_royalstne | | Royal Stone - Hirakareshi Toki no Tobira (Hack, English) | gg_royalstn | 2013 | Aeon Genesis | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_royalstn | | Royal Stone - Hirakareshi Toki no Tobira (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sgx_rta2 | | RTA2 - Homebrew conversion of RTA2 (HB) | | 2016 | REVIVAL GAMES | SuperGrafx | |
| spec_rubicon | | Rubicon (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2018 | Rucksack Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rubcuca | | Rubinho Cucaracha (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_ruffreddy | | Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure (128K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| rugrats | | Rug Rats | wiping | 1983 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| md_rugbywc | | Rugby World Cup 1995 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| rumba | | Rumba Lumber | | 1984 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| rundeep | | Run Deep | thedeep | 1988 | Cream Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rungaunt | | Run the Gauntlet (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | During the game press 'H' (Pause) then '2' to set controller |
| spec_run | | Run! (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Roman Gikryt | ZX Spectrum | |
| runark | | Runark (Japan) | growl | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| md_runark | | Runark (Japan, Korea) | md_growl | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_runes | | Runes (HB) | | 2020 | Cannibal Cat | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_runner | | Runner (Euro, French) | | 1986 | Loriciels | MSX | |
| sms_running | | Running Battle (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_rnff | | Running Naked in a Field of Flowers (HB) | | 2006 | Infinite | MSX | |
| spec_ruptus | | Ruptus (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| msx_ruptus | | Ruptus (HB) | | 2021 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| rushcrsh | | Rush & Crash (Japan) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rushnattackc | | Rush'n Attack (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_rushnattack | 2021 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| rushatck | | Rush'n Attack (US) | gberet | 1985 | Konami | GX577 | |
| nes_rushnattack | | Rush'n Attack (USA) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar | | Rygar (US set 1) | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar2 | | Rygar (US set 2) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar3 | | Rygar (US set 3 Old Version) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygarb | | Rygar (US, bootleg) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_rygar | | Rygar (USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_rygar2020 | | Rygar - Colour Enhancement Mod (48K) (Hack) | spec_rygar | 2019-20 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_rygar | | Rygar - Legendary Warrior (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| ryujina | | Ryu Jin (Japan, ET910000A PCB) | ryujin | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| ryujin | | Ryu Jin (Japan, ET910000B PCB) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| ryukyud | | RyuKyu (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-5023 set) | ryukyu | 1990 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| ryukyua | | RyuKyu (Japan) (FD1094 317-5023) | ryukyu | 1990 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| ryukyu | | RyuKyu (Rev A, Japan) (FD1094 317-5023A) | | 1990 | Success / Sega | System 16B | |
| md_ryukoken | | Ryuuko no Ken (Japan) | md_aof | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_ryukyu | | Ryuukyuu (Japan) | gg_solitarp | 1991 | Face | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_ryukyu | | Ryuukyuu (Japan) | | 1990 | Face | PC Engine | |
| kirarast | | Ryuusei Janshi Kirara Star | | 1996 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| md_tsfss | | S Factor, The - Sonia And Silver (Hack) | md_sonic | 2013 | Aquaslash & Pals | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_sascombatsim | | S.A.S. Combat Simulator (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sasoperationthunderflash | | S.A.S. Operation Thunderflash (48K) | | 1986 | Sparklers | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_scat | | S.C.A.T. - Special Cybernetic Attack Team (USA) | | 1991 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sdisdi | | S.D.I. - Strategic Defence Initiative (48K) | | 1988 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sip | | S.I.P. - Special Intergalactic Painter (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | RetroSouls - Gamemaster | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_soloen | | S.o.L.o. (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_soloen | | S.o.L.o. (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Angel Colaso | MSX | |
| spec_soloes | | S.o.L.o. (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_soloen | 2021 | Roolandoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_soloes | | S.o.L.o. (Spanish) (HB) | msx_soloen | 2021 | Angel Colaso | MSX | |
| sms_saposos | | S.O.S Lagoa Poluida (Brazil) | sms_astrow | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sosterm | | S.O.S. | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| spyu | | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (US ver. M) | spy | 1989 | Konami | GX857 | |
| spy | | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) | | 1989 | Konami | GX857 | |
| srdmissn | | S.R.D. Mission | | 1986 | Kyugo / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_sslucifr | | S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_manover | | S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (Euro) | | 1994 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_manovers | | S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (Hack, Spanish) | md_manover | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| ssmissin | | S.S. Mission | | 1992 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| spec_stunrun | | S.T.U.N. Runner (128K) | | 1990 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| svghk | | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V100, Hong Kong) | svg | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| svgpcb | | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V100, Japan, Single PCB Version) | svg | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| svgtw | D NW | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V100, Taiwan) | svg | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete dump |
| svg | | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V200, China) | | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| spec_sabotage | | Sabotage (48K) | | 1988 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | Select icon 'S' to use controller |
| msx_sabotaje | | Sabotaje (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | P.J. Soft. - Genesis Soft | MSX | |
| sabotenb | | Saboten Bombers (set 1) | | 1992 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| sabotenba | | Saboten Bombers (set 2) | sabotenb | 1992 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| spec_saboterdc1 | | Saboteur Deep Cover - part 1 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Retro Fusion Annual 2022 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_saboterdc2 | | Saboteur Deep Cover - part 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_saboterdc1 | 2022 | Retro Fusion Annual 2022 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabotur2speed | | Saboteur II - Avenging Angel (128K) (Speed-up Hack) | spec_sabotur2 | 2015 | Alex Rider | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabotur2 | | Saboteur II - Avenging Angel (128K) | | 1987 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabotur2std_48 | | Saboteur II - Avenging Angel (48K) | spec_sabotur2 | 1987 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabotur2_48 | | Saboteur II - Avenging Angel (Trainer) (48K) | spec_sabotur2 | 1987 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabot_48 | | Saboteur! (48K) | | 1985 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabrewulf | | Sabre Wulf (48K) | | 1984 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sabrina | | Sabrina (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Iber Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_antiriad | | Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The (48K) | | 1986 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sacredvalley | | Sacred Valley (HB) | | 2022 | Visualedu, Bitcaffe | MSX | |
| pce_sadaki7 | | Sadakichi 7 Series - Hideyoshi no Ougon (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| sadari | | Sadari | | 1993 | Dooyong (NTC license) | Miscellaneous | |
| safari | D | Safari (set 1) | | 1977 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| safaria | D | Safari (set 2, bootleg?) | safari | 1977 | Gremlin | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sg1k_safarihu | | Safari Hunting (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_safarihut | | Safari Hunting (Taiwan) | sg1k_safarihu | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_safarirc | | Safari Race (Euro?) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_safarircj | | Safari Race (Japan) | sg1k_safarirc | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_safarirct | | Safari Race (Taiwan) | sg1k_safarirc | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| safarirj | | Safari Rally (Japan) | safarir | 1979 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| safarir | | Safari Rally (World) | | 1979 | SNK (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_safarix | | Safari X (Japan) | | 1985 | Policy | MSX | |
| spec_safecracker | | Safecracker (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| sagaia | | Sagaia (dual screen) (World) | darius2 | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| sms_sagaia | | Sagaia (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_sagaias | | Sagaia (Hack, Spanish) | md_sagaia | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sagaia | | Sagaia (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_saguaro | | Saguaro City (HB) | | 1981-2019 | Exidy | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| saiyugoub1 | | Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku (Japan bootleg 1) | chinagat | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | missing some sounds |
| saiyugoub2 | | Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku (Japan bootleg 2) | chinagat | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| saiyugou | | Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku (Japan) | chinagat | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nspiritj | | Saigo no Nindou (Japan) | nspirit | 1988 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| pce_saigonin | | Saigo no Nindou - Ninja Spirit (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| msx_smzoom | | Saimazoom (HB) | | 2005 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| spec_stdragon | | Saint Dragon (128K) | | 1990 | Storm Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| stdragonb | | Saint Dragon (bootleg) | stdragon | 1989 | bootleg | Mega System 1 | |
| msx_stdragon | | Saint Dragon (Euro) | | 1990 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| stdragon | | Saint Dragon (set 1) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| stdragona | | Saint Dragon (set 2) | stdragon | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| nes_saintsaitiamahuxi | | Saint Saiya - Tian Ma Huan Xiang (China) | | 200? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiyaodc | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu (Hack, Chinese v2.0) | nes_saintseiougden | 2018 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiougden | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 2001 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiougdenc | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu (Hack, Spanish) | nes_saintseiougden | 2004 | Juan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiougdenj | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu (Japan) | nes_saintseiougden | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiyaodkhc | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Hack, Chinese) | nes_saintseiougdenkahen | 2017 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiougdenkahen | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Hack, English) | | 2010 | Djinn, aishsha | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saintseiougdenkahenj | | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Japan) | nes_saintseiougdenkahen | 1988 | Shinsei | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sswords | | Saint Sword (Hack, Spanish) | md_ssword | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sswordj | | Saint Sword (Japan) | md_ssword | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssword | | Saint Sword (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_saiyuukiworldc | | Saiyuuki World (Hack, Chinese v1.04) | nes_saiyuukiworld | 2016 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saiyuukiworld | | Saiyuuki World (Japan) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saiyuwor2c | | Saiyuuki World 2 - Tenjoukai no Majin (Hack, Chinese) | nes_whompem | 2019 | nineswords | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_saiyuwor2 | | Saiyuuki World 2 - Tenjoukai no Majin (Japan) | nes_whompem | 1990 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_princtominsalkit | | Salad no Kuni no Tomato Hime (Hack, English v1.03) | nes_princtominsalki | 2021 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_princtominsalkij | | Salad no Kuni no Tomato Hime (Japan) | nes_princtominsalki | 1988 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_salamand | | Salamander (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_salamanderc | | Salamander (Hack, Chinese v1.2) | nes_salamander | 2020 | Lei Jing Ling | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_salamand | | Salamander (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_salamander | | Salamander (Japan) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_salamand | | Salamander (Japan) | | 1991 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| pce_salamandmini | | Salamander (PC-Engine Mini Ed.) | pce_salamand | 2020 | Konami | PC Engine | |
| salamand | | Salamander (version D) | | 1986 | Konami | GX587 | |
| salamandj | | Salamander (version J) | salamand | 1986 | Konami | GX587 | |
| msx_salamandk | | Salamander - Operation X (Korea) (Unl) | msx_salamand | 1988 | Zemina | MSX | |
| spec_sambooncm | | Sam Boon - A Case of Murder (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Taskmaster Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_samboondc | | Sam Boon - The Dragnet Case (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Taskmaster Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_samallardes | | Sam Mallard - el Caso del Cisne Desaparecido (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_samallarden | 2016-21 | Ersh | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_samallarden | | Sam Mallard - the Case of the Missing Swan (English) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2016-21 | Ersh | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_samslade | | Sam Slade - Robo-Hunter (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Monsterbytes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_samanthasp | | Samantha Fox Strip Poker (48K) | | 1986 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | Adult game |
| samesame | | Same! Same! Same! (1P set) | fireshrk | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| samesamenh | | Same! Same! Same! (1P set, NEW VER! hack) | fireshrk | 2015 | hack (trap15) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| samesame2 | | Same! Same! Same! (2P set) | fireshrk | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_samesame | | Same! Same! Same! (Japan) | md_fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_sammylfa | | Sammy Lightfoot (Alt) | cv_sammylf | 1983 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sammylf | | Sammy Lightfoot | | 1983 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| samuraij | | Samurai (Japan) | samurai | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| samurai | | Samurai (World) | | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| samuraia | | Samurai Aces (World) | | 1993 | Psikyo (Banpresto license) | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| tsamuraih | | Samurai Nihon-Ichi (bootleg, harder) | tsamurai | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tsamurai | | Samurai Nihon-Ichi (set 1) | | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| tsamurai2 | | Samurai Nihon-Ichi (set 2) | tsamurai | 1985 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_samsho | | Samurai Shodown (Euro) | | 1994 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_samshoec | | Samurai Shodown (Hack, Enhanced Colors v2.0) | md_samsho | 2015 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_samshos | | Samurai Shodown (Hack, Spanish) | md_samsho | 2018 | RMGlitch | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_samsho | | Samurai Shodown (USA) | | 1994 | Takara | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_samshou | | Samurai Shodown (USA) | md_samsho | 1994 | Takara | Sega Megadrive | |
| samshobs | | Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (Boss, Hack) | samsho | 2003 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samshoh | | Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGH-045) | samsho | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho | | Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045) | | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samshoa | | Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045, alt board) | samsho | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh2jq | | Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Infinite Power, Hack) | samsho2 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho2 | | Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063) | | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho2t | | Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Optimized, Hack) | samsho2 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho2pe | | Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Perfect V. 1.9, Hack) | samsho2 | 2024 | Bear | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh2sp | | Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Special 2017, Hack) | samsho2 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh3bs | | Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (Boss, Hack) | samsho3 | 2003 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho3h | | Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGH-087) | samsho3 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho3 | | Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087) | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh4bs | | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (Boss, Hack) | samsho4 | 2004 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho4 | | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222) | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh4sp | | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (Special 2017, Hack) | samsho4 | 2017 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho5b | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (bootleg) | samsho5 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5bs | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Boss, Hack) | samsho5 | 2004 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5fd | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Fully Decrypted) | samsho5 | 2003 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho5x | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (hack of XBOX version) | samsho5 | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho5h | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGH-2700) | samsho5 | 2003 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho5 | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 1) | | 2003 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho5a | | Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 2) | samsho5 | 2003 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5pf | | Samurai Shodown V Perfect / Samurai Spirits Zero Perfect (bootleg, hack) | samsh5sp | 2020 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ss5spfd | | Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Fully Decrypted) | samsh5sp | 2004 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5spho | | Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 1st release, censored) | samsh5sp | 2004 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5sph | | Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 2nd release, less censored) | samsh5sp | 2004 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5fe | | Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-272) (NGH-272) (Final Edition, location test version) | samsh5sp | 2004 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsh5sp | | Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720) | | 2004 | Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| gg_samspir | | Samurai Spirits (Japan) | gg_samsho | 1994 | Takara | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_samspir | | Samurai Spirits (Japan) | md_samsho | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_samuraispirits | | Samurai Spirits (Unl) | | 199? | Rex Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_samsho2 | | Samurai Spirits II (China) (Unl) | | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_samsworden | | Samurai Sword (Hack, English) | | 2003 | Mute | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_samsword | | Samurai Sword (Japan) | fds_samsworden | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_samwarrior128k | | Samurai Warrior - Usagi Yojimbo (128K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| tg_samuraig | | Samurai-Ghost (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_sanguoyan | | San Guo Yan Yi - Huo Shao Chi Bi (China) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| kovplushsqj | | San Guo Zhan Ji - Heng Sao Qian Jun (Hack) | kovplus | 2023 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| kovlsyx | | San Guo Zhan Ji - Luan Shi Ying Xiong | kovshp | 2014 | hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovqxzbws | | San Guo Zhan Ji - Qun Xiong Zheng Ba Feng Yun Zai Qi (Hack, ver. 2022-07-31) | kovshp | 2022 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | hack |
| kovpluststd | | San Guo Zhan Ji - Zhen Tun Shi Tian Di (Hack) | kovplus | 2023 | hack | PolyGameMaster | |
| md_sanguo | | San Guo Zhi Lie Zhuan - Luan Shi Qun Ying (China) | md_sangoret | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sanguo5 | | San Guo Zhi V (China) (Unl) | | 199? | SKOB | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sansan | | San San (Japan) | | 1994 | San San Co. | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_3ninmj | | San-nin Mahjong (Japan, OMV) | | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_3ninmjt | | San-nin Mahjong (Taiwan) | sg1k_3ninmj | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sandscrpa | | Sand Scorpion (Earlier) | sandscrp | 1992 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| sandscrp | | Sand Scorpion | | 1992 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sangokushi | | Sangokushi - Chuugen no Hasha (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_sangoku3 | | Sangokushi 3 (Korea) | | 1994 | Game Line | Sega Master System | |
| wofa | | Sangokushi II (Asia 921005) | wof | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofabl | | Sangokushi II (Asia, bootleg, set 1) | wof | 1992 | hack | CPS1 | |
| wofabla | | Sangokushi II (Asia, bootleg, set 2) | wof | 1992 | Imperfect graphics | CPS1 | |
| wofah | | Sangokushi II (hack set 1, Asia 921005) | wof | 1992 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofaha | | Sangokushi II (hack set 2, Asia 921005) | wof | 1992 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofahb | | Sangokushi II (hack set 3, Asia 921005) | wof | 1992 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| md_sangoku2 | | Sangokushi II (Japan) | md_roman3k2 | 1991 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| wofc | | Sangokushi II (T-Chi) | wof | 2013 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| nes_sangokushiiihanouc | | Sangokushi II - Haou no Tairiku (Hack, Chinese) | nes_sangokushiiihanou | 2017 | Unkown | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sangokushiiihanou | | Sangokushi II - Haou no Tairiku (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| wofhfh | | Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese bootleg of Sangokushi II) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wofsgzb | | Sangokushi II: San Guo Zheng Ba (Chinese bootleg of Sangokushi II) | wof | 2005 | bootleg | CPS1 | Hack |
| wof3js | | Sangokushi II: San Jian Sheng (Chinese bootleg set 1) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wof3jsa | | Sangokushi II: San Jian Sheng (Chinese bootleg set 2) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wof3sj | | Sangokushi II: San Sheng Jian (Chinese bootleg set 1) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wof3sja | | Sangokushi II: San Sheng Jian (Chinese bootleg set 2) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wofh | | Sangokushi II: Sanguo Yingxiong Zhuan (Chinese bootleg set 1) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wofha | | Sangokushi II: Sanguo Yingxiong Zhuan (Chinese bootleg set 2) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sgyxz | | Sangokushi II: Sanguo Yingxiong Zhuan (Chinese bootleg set 3) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| wofsj | | Sangokushi II: Sheng Jian Sanguo (Chinese bootleg set 1) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Imperfect Graphics |
| wofsja | | Sangokushi II: Sheng Jian Sanguo (Chinese bootleg set 2) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Imperfect Graphics |
| wofsjb | | Sangokushi II: Sheng Jian Sanguo (Chinese bootleg set 3) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| wofsjc | | Sangokushi II: Sheng Jian Sanguo (Chinese bootleg set 4) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Imperfect graphics |
| md_sangoku3 | | Sangokushi III (Japan) | md_roman3k3 | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| wofchdx | | Sangokushi III Gaiden: Kakou-On's Revenge DX (hack) | wofch | 2018 | hack | CPS Changer | |
| md_sangoret | | Sangokushi Retsuden - Ransei no Eiyuutachi (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| 3kokushi | | Sankokushi (Japan) | | 1996 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | Graphics corruption on score/bonus screen is normal |
| ssanchan | | Sanrin San Chan (Japan, 315-5096) | spatter | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nes_sanriocup | | Sanrio Cup - Pon Pon Volley (Hack, English) | | 2014 | Gaijin Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sanriocupj | | Sanrio Cup - Pon Pon Volley (Japan) | nes_sanriocup | 1992 | Character Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sansaranaga | | Sansara Naga (Hack, English) | | 2014 | Stardust Crusaders | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sansaranagaj | | Sansara Naga (Japan) | nes_sansaranaga | 1990 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sxmascaper | | Santa's Xmas Caper (48K) | | 1990 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | Set '1 using sinclair' to use controller |
| santaball | | SantaBall - Christmas Tennis Game | | 2012 | M.Priewe / NeoHomeBrew | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_santatlantean | | Santatlantean (HB) | | 2014 | Aetherbyte | PC Engine | |
| spec_schristadv | | Santos' Christmas Adventure (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Dave Hughes | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| spec_sanxion128 | | Sanxion - The Spectrum Remix (128K) | | 1989 | Thalamus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sanxion48 | | Sanxion - The Spectrum Remix (48K) | spec_sanxion128 | 1989 | Thalamus | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sapomestr | | Sapo Xule - O Mestre do Kung Fu (Brazil) | sms_kungfuk | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sapoxule | | Sapo Xule vs. Os Invasores do Brejo (Brazil) | sms_psychof | 1995 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| searcharj | | SAR - Search And Rescue (Japan version 3) | searchar | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| searcharu | | SAR - Search And Rescue (US) | searchar | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| searchar | | SAR - Search And Rescue (World) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spoolchal | | Sara Parker's Pool Challenge (Unl) | nes_rpoolchal | 2010 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| sarge | | Sarge | | 1985 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| sarukani | | Saru-Kani-Hamu-Zou (Japan) | vblokbrk | 1997 | Kaneko / Mediaworks | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| msx_sasa | | Sasa (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_sasaa | | Sasa (Japan, Alt) | msx_sasa | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| cv_sasa | | Sasa (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2015 | Mass Tael Ltd. | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| sasuke | | Sasuke vs. Commander | | 1980 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_satan | | Satan (Euro) | | 1989 | Dinamic Software | MSX | |
| spec_satan | | Satan - Part 1 (48K) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_satan2 | | Satan - Part 2 (48K) | spec_satan | 1990 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: 01020304 |
| satansatind | | Satan of Saturn (Inder S.A., bootleg) | satansat | 1981 | bootleg (Inder S.A.) | Miscellaneous | |
| satansat | | Satan of Saturn (set 1) | | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| satansata | | Satan of Saturn (set 2) | satansat | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| shollow | | Satan's Hollow (set 1) | | 1981 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| shollow2 | | Satan's Hollow (set 2) | shollow | 1981 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_satell7 | | Satellite 7 (Japan, MyCard) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_satell7a | | Satellite 7 (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_satell7 | 1985 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| slammasa | X | Saturday Night Slam Masters (Asia 930301) | slammast | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| slampic | | Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1) | slammast | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No Sound |
| slampic2 | NW | Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) | slammast | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No Sound |
| slammash | X | Saturday Night Slam Masters (Hispanic 930713) | slammast | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| slammastu | | Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA 930713) | slammast | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| slammast | | Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_slammast | | Saturday Night Slammasters (Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_slammasts | | Saturday Night Slammasters (Hack, Spanish) | md_slammast | 2020 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_slammastu | | Saturday Night Slammasters (USA) | md_slammast | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_saturnsmash | | Saturn Smash (HB) | | 2019 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| saturnzi | | Saturn | | 1983 | Zilec Electronics / Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| samsho2k | | Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 1) | samsho2 | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| samsho2ka | | Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 2) | samsho2 | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| saurobl | | Sauro (bootleg) | sauro | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | Missing speech is normal |
| saurop | | Sauro (Philko license) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri (Philko license) | Miscellaneous | |
| saurorr | | Sauro (Recreativos Real S.A. license) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri (Recreativos Real S.A. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sauro | | Sauro (set 1) | | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| sauroa | | Sauro (set 2) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| saurob | | Sauro (set 3) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| sauroc | | Sauro (set 4, easier) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_saurus | | Saurusland (Japan) | | 1983 | Tomy - Colpax | MSX | |
| spec_savagei | | Savage - Intro (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_savage1 | | Savage - Part 1 (48K) | spec_savagei | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_savage2 | | Savage - Part 2 (48K) | spec_savagei | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Level code: SABATTA |
| spec_savage3 | | Savage - Part 3 (48K) | spec_savagei | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Level code: FERGUS |
| savgbees | | Savage Bees | exedexes | 1985 | Capcom (Memetron license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_savageprincess | | Savage Princess (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Bitmap Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| savagereb | | Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei (Boss Hack) | savagere | 1995 | Yumeji, Dodowang[EGCG] | Neo Geo MVS | |
| savagerp | | Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei (Plus, Hack) | savagere | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| savagere | | Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_savekonga | | Saving Kong - Crazy Kong City II (bgm Dizziness) (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_savekongb | | Saving Kong - Crazy Kong City II (bgm Massive Attack) (128K) (HB) | spec_savekonga | 2017 | Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sbotp1 | | SBOT Part-1 (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sbotp2 | | SBOT Part-2 (128K) (HB) | spec_sbotp1 | 2023 | Xavisan | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sc0tb0t | | Sc0tb0t (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Dougie mcg | ZX Spectrum | |
| spacewin | | Scacco Matto / Space Win | | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_scarlet7 | | Scarlet 7 - The Mightiest Women (Japan) | | 1986 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| spec_sctalice | | Scate Alice (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Alko-Art | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_scentipede | | Scentipede (Euro) | | 1986 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| chf_schach | | Schach (Ger) | | 197? | SABA | Channel F | |
| schmeisr | | Schmeiser Robo (Japan) | | 1993 | Hot-B | DECO IC16 | |
| md_msbp06 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950331) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp05 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950411) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp04 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950421) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp03 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950425) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp02 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950428) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msbp01 | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (Prototype, 19950505) | md_msb | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_msb | | Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_scifi | | Science Fiction (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| scionc | | Scion (Cinematronics) | scion | 1984 | Seibu Denshi (Cinematronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_scion | | Scion (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| scion | | Scion | | 1984 | Seibu Denshi | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_ssdoo | | Scooby and Scrappy-Doo (48K) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_scoobydoo | | Scooby Doo in the Castle Mystery (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' to controller menu |
| md_scoobys | | Scooby Doo Mystery (Hack, Spanish) | md_scooby | 2016 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_scooby | | Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| scotrsht | | Scooter Shooter | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_scopeon | | Scope On - Fight in Space (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_score3020 | | Score 3020 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | Set 'Teclado' to play - 'Q', 'P' and 'Space' |
| spec_score3020 | | Score 3020 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| scorpionmc | | Scorpion (Moon Cresta hardware) | scorpion | 19?? | bootleg? (Dorneer) | Galaxian | |
| scorpion | | Scorpion (set 1) | | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | |
| scorpiona | | Scorpion (set 2) | scorpion | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | |
| scorpionb | | Scorpion (set 3) | scorpion | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | |
| md_scrabble | | Scrabble (Euro, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| scramblb | | Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scramb2 | | Scramble (bootleg, set 1) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scramblebb | | Scramble (bootleg?) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg? | Galaxian | |
| scramce | | Scramble (Centromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Centromatic S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| nes_scramble | | Scramble (HB) | | 2017 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| scramblebf | | Scramble (Karateco, French bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Karateco) | Galaxian | |
| scrampt | | Scramble (Petaco S.A., Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| scrambler | | Scramble (Reben S.A. Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Reben S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| scramrf | | Scramble (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco) | Galaxian | |
| scrambles | | Scramble (Stern Electronics, set 1) | scramble | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| msx_scramegg | | Scramble Eggs (Japan) | | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| spec_scrspirt | | Scramble Spirits (128K) | | 1990 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | NB: in Kempston controller the x-asis is reversed |
| msx_scrspirit | | Scramble Spirits (Euro) | | 1990 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| sms_sspirits | | Scramble Spirits (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sspiritj | | Scramble Spirits (Japan, Floppy DS3-5000-02-REV-A Based) | sspirits | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| sspirits | | Scramble Spirits (World, Floppy Based) | | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| sspirtfc | NW | Scramble Spirits (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-02c) | sspirits | 1988 | Sega | System 24 | |
| scregg | | Scrambled Egg | | 1983 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| scramble | | Scramble | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| gg_scratchgj | | Scratch Golf (Japan) | gg_scratchg | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_scratchg | | Scratch Golf (USA) | | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Game Gear | |
| screwloo | | Screw Loose (prototype) | | 1983 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| cscrtry | | Scrum Try (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cscrtry2 | | Scrum Try (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) | cscrtry | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_scubadive | | Scuba Dive (48K) | | 1983 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| scudhamma | | Scud Hammer (older version?) | scudhamm | 1994 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| scudhamm | | Scud Hammer (ver 1.4) | | 1994 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdbttloozumou | | SD Battle Oozumou - Heisei Hero Basho (Japan) | | 1990 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| sdfight | | SD Fighters (Korea) | | 1996 | SemiCom / Tirano | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgundgs2c | | SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senki (Hack, Spanish) | nes_sdgundgs2 | 2020 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgundgs2 | | SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senki (Japan) | | 1989 | Bandai Shinsei | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgundgs3 | | SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 3 - Eiyuu Senki (Japan) | | 1990 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgundgs4 | | SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 4 - New Type Story (Japan) | | 1991 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgachapon5 | | SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 5 - Battle of Universal Century (Japan) | | 1992 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_sdgundam | | SD Gundam - Winner's History (Japan) | | 1995 | Bandai | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_sdgunkgm | | SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari (Hack, English) | | 2020 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgunkgmj | | SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari (Japan, v1.1) | nes_sdgunkgm | 1990 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgunkgm2 | | SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari 2 - Hikari no Kishi (Japan) | | 1991 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdgunkgm3 | | SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari 3 - Densetsu no Kishi Dan (Japan) | | 1992 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| neobattl | | SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan) | | 1992 | Banpresto / Sotsu Agency. Sunrise | Seta | |
| sdgndmps | | SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui | | 1991 | Banpresto / Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| grainbow | | SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Japan) | | 1993 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| grainbowk | | SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Korea) | grainbow | 1993 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_sdgunworgacsescwac | | SD Gundam World - Gachapon Senshi - Scramble Wars (Hack, Spanish) | fds_sdgunworgacsescwa | 2020 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_sdgunworgacsescwa | | SD Gundam World - Gachapon Senshi - Scramble Wars (Japan) | | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdhstangc | | SD Hero Soukessen - Taose! Aku no Gundan (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | nes_sdhstang | 2020 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdhstang | | SD Hero Soukessen - Taose! Aku no Gundan (Japan) | | 1990 | Banpresto | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdkblade | D | SD Keiji - Blader (Hack, English) | | 2021 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sdkbladej | D | SD Keiji - Blader (Japan) | nes_sdkblade | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sdvalis | | SD Valis (Japan) | md_sydvalis | 1992 | Laser Soft | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sdi | | SDI (Japan) | sms_globald | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sdibl | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, original hardware) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdibl2 | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, set 1) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdibl3 | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, set 2) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdibl4 | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, set 3) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdibl5 | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, set 4) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdibl6 | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg, set 5) | sdi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sdi | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, newer, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| sdia | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) | sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| sdib | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) | sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| msx_sdsniper | | SDSniper (HB) | | 2021 | Kirem | MSX | |
| spec_seadragon | | Sea Dragon (48K-128K) (HB) | | 2010 | Andrew Zhiglov | ZX Spectrum | |
| sfposeid | | Sea Fighter Poseidon | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| msx_seahuntr | | Sea Hunter (Euro) | | 1984 | DynaData | MSX | |
| msx_seaking | | Sea King (Euro) | | 1986 | Players Software | MSX | |
| seawolft | | Sea Wolf (Tecfri) | sauro | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_seahawk | | Seahawk (48K) | | 1990 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_seaquest | | SeaQuest DSV (Euro) | | 1994 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_seaquestu | | SeaQuest DSV (USA) | md_seaquest | 1994 | Black Pearl | Sega Megadrive | |
| searchey | | Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian) | | 1999 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| searcheya | | Search Eye (English / Korean) | searchey | 1999 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| searchp2 | | Search Eye Plus V2.0 | | 1999 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_searchformum | | Search for Mum (Euro) | | 1991 | Triple Soft | MSX | |
| cv_sftscj | | Search For The Stolen Crown Jewels (HB) | | 2006 | Philipp Klaus Krause | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sftscj2 | | Search For The Stolen Crown Jewels 2 (HB) | | 2007 | Philipp Klaus Krause | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sftscj3 | | Search For The Stolen Crown Jewels 3 (HB) | | 2013 | Phillipp Klaus Krause | ColecoVision | |
| md_seconds | | Second Samurai, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Vivid Games - Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_secondss | | Second Samurai, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_seconds | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| secretagj | | Secret Agent (Japan, revision 2) | secretag | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| secretag | | Secret Agent (World, revision 3) | | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DEC0 | |
| sms_secret | | Secret Command (Euro) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_moai | | Secret of Moai (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2017 | Casio | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_secretties | | Secret Ties (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| sectionz | | Section Z (set 1) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sectionza | | Section Z (set 2 rev. A) | sectionz | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_sectionz | | Section-Z (Japan) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sectionz | | Section-Z (USA) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sector | | Sector (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_secalpha | | Sector Alpha | | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| spec_sectinvn | | Sector Invasion (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| sectrzon | | Sector Zone (set 1) | seicross | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| sectrzont | NW | Sector Zone (set 2, Tecfri hardware) | seicross | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| sectrzona | | Sector Zone (set 3) | seicross | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| md_segachnla | NW | Sega Channel (General Instrument) (USA) | md_segachnl | 199? | Scientific Atlanta | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_segachnl | | Sega Channel (Scientific Atlanta) (USA) | | 199? | Scientific Atlanta | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_segachd | | Sega Channel Demo (USA) | | 199? | Scientific Atlanta | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_segachss | | Sega Chess (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sg1k_segaflip | | Sega Flipper (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_segaflipper | | Sega Flipper (HB) | | 1983-2021 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_segaflipa | | Sega Flipper (Japan, Alt) | sg1k_segaflip | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| gg_sega4in1 | | Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sega4in1p | | Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (Euro, Prototype) | gg_sega4in1 | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_segagfx | | Sega Graphic Board (Japan, Prototype v2.0) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_smsbrawl | | Sega Master System Brawl (HB) | | 2021 | Bonaf | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_music | | Sega Music Editor (Euro?) | | 198? | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| seganinj | | Sega Ninja (315-5102) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| seganinja | NW | Sega Ninja (315-5113) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | needs decrypting |
| seganinju | | Sega Ninja (not encrypted) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| md_ssonicbror2 | | Sega Sonic Bros. (C2 Port, Rev.2) | | 1992-2018 | Dustin O'Dell | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_segasprt | | Sega Sports 1 (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_segatop | | Sega Top Five (Brazil) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_segawtg | | Sega World Tournament Golf (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sg1k_segagala | | Sega-Galaga (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_segagala1 | | Sega-Galaga (Japan, Alt) | sg1k_segagala | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| ssonicbr | | SegaSonic Bros. (prototype, hack) | | 1992 | hack | C2 | |
| sonicfgtj | | SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter (Japan) | sonicfgt | 1993 | Sega | C2 | |
| sonicfgt | | SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter (World) | | 1993 | Sega | C2 | |
| sonicp | | SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, prototype) | sonic | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| sonic | | SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| amatelas | | Sei Senshi Amatelass | amazon | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| seicross | | Seicross (set 1) | | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| seicrossa | | Seicross (set 2) | seicross | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_seicross | | Seicross (USA) | | 1988 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_seikepsy | | Seiken Psychocalibur - Majuu no Mori Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 2013 | The Spoony Bard | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_seikepsyj | | Seiken Psychocalibur - Majuu no Mori Densetsu (Japan) | fds_seikepsy | 1987 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_seikima2 | | Seikima II - Akuma no Gyakushuu (Japan) | | 1986 | CBS-Sony | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_seiredenlic | | Seirei Densetsu Lickle (Japan) | nes_littlesamson | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sscandal | | Seishun Scandal (315-5132, Japan) | myhero | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| sms_seishun | | Seishun Scandal (Japan, MyCard) | sms_myhero | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_seishun1 | | Seishun Scandal (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_myhero | 1986 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| msx_sekaikei | | Sekaikei Girl (HB) | | 2020 | Tensei Kobo | MSX | |
| pce_sekigaha | | Sekigahara (Japan) | | 1990 | Tonkin House | PC Engine | |
| selfeena | | Sel Feena | | 1991 | East Technology | Taito B System | |
| msx_seleniak | | Seleniak (HB) | | 2005 | Guzuta Raster Leisure | MSX | |
| grdnstrmj | | Sen Jing - Guardian Storm (Japan) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| senknow | | Sen-Know (Japan) | | 1999 | Kaneko / Kouyousha | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| spec_sendasalvaje1 | | Senda Salvaje - Parte 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sendasalvaje2 | | Senda Salvaje - Parte 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_sendasalvaje1 | 1990 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | Password: PLATANON |
| sengekis | | Sengeki Striker (Asia) | | 1997 | Kaneko / Warashi | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| sengekisj | | Sengeki Striker (Japan) | sengekis | 1997 | Kaneko / Warashi | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| sengokuh | | Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017, US) | sengoku | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengoku | | Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengoku2 | | Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 | | 1993 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengk3fs | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Demeanor, Hack) | sengoku3 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengoku3s | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Evolution 1.0, FCHT hack) | sengoku3 | 2001 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengk3fd | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Fully Decrypted) | sengoku3 | 2001 | Noise Factory / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengk3eb | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Green Blue, Hack) | sengoku3 | 2010-2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| sengok3i | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Infinite Power, Hack) | sengoku3 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengoku3 | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1) | | 2001 | Noise Factory / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sengoku3a | | Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2) | sengoku3 | 2001 | Noise Factory / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sngkace | | Sengoku Ace (Japan, set 1) | samuraia | 1993 | Psikyo (Banpresto license) | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| sngkacea | | Sengoku Ace (Japan, set 2) | samuraia | 1993 | Psikyo (Banpresto license) | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| tengaij | | Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan) / Tengai (World) | tengai | 1996 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| pce_sengokmj | | Sengoku Mahjong (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| mercsc | | Senjo no Ookami II (T-Chi) | mercs | 1990 | hack | CPS1 | |
| msx_senjokam | | Senjou no Ookami (Japan) | | 1987 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | aka Commando |
| nes_senjounoookami | | Senjou no Ookami (Japan) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| mercsj | | Senjou no Ookami II (Japan 900302) | mercs | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| commandoj | | Senjou no Ookami | commando | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_senjyo | | Senjyo (Japan) | | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_senjyoa | | Senjyo (Japan, Alt) | msx_senjyo | 1984 | Sony | MSX | |
| senjyo | | Senjyo | | 1983 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| senkyua | | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) | senkyu | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| senkyu | | Senkyu (Japan, newer) | | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| nes_sensecity | | Senseless City (HB) | | 2022 | Rani Baker | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_sensha | | Sensha (HB) | | 2021 | Ochixim | MSX | |
| gg_sensible | | Sensible Soccer (Euro) | | 1994 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sensible | | Sensible Soccer (Euro) | | 1993 | Renegade | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sensible | | Sensible Soccer (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Master System | |
| md_sensiblep | | Sensible Soccer (Prototype) | md_sensible | 1993 | Renegade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sensibie | | Sensible Soccer - International Edition (Euro) | | 1993 | Sony Imagesoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_thesentinel | | Sentinel, The (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| bubsymphba | D NW | Seoul Symphony (Bubble Symphony bootleg with OKI6295) | bublbob2 | 1994 | bootleg (SOFTV) | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_seraphimaen | | Seraphima (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_seraphimapt | | Seraphima (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_seraphimaen | 2023 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_seraphimaru | | Seraphima (Russian) (128K) (HB) | spec_seraphimaen | 2023 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_seraphima | | Seraphima - First Edition (128K) (HB) | spec_seraphimaen | 2023 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | 'Yandex Retro Games Battle' version |
| spec_sergeantseymourrobotcop | | Sergeant Seymour Robotcop (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_serizawa | | Serizawa Hachidan no Tsumeshogi (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| md_sesame | | Sesame Street Counting Cafe (USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_setaisho | | Seto Taisho Vs Yokai (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Monument Microgames | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sewersam | | Sewer Sam (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| cv_sewersam | | Sewer Sam | | 1984 | Interphase | ColecoVision | |
| fds_sexyinvaders | | Sexy Invaders (Japan) | | 1990 | Super Pig | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_seymmovi | | Seymour At The Movies (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_seymmovi_48 | | Seymour at the Movies (48K) | spec_seymmovi | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_seytakon | | Seymour Take One (48K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_opensea | | Sezon Ohoty (Russia) (Unl) | md_rolo | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_opensea3 | | Sezon Ohoty 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_rolo | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sfx | | SF-X | | 1983 | Nihon Game (Nichibutsu license) | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| sg1k_m2cp | | SG-1000 M2 Check Program | | 1984 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_sgrizam | | Sgrizam (Spanish) (48K) | | 1985 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Set '1 Teclado' to use controller |
| spec_sgthtraindayen | | Sgt. Helmet - Training Day (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_sgthel | | Sgt. Helmet - Training Day (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_sgthelmet | | Sgt. Helmet - Training Day (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_sgthtraindayes | | Sgt. Helmet - Training Day (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_sgthtraindayen | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sgthelmet | | Sgt. Helmet Zero (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | Select '0' to prevent graphic glitches |
| shackled | | Shackled (US) | | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| gg_shadam | | Shadam Crusader - Harukanaru Oukoku (Japan) | gg_defoasis | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_shadows | | Shadow Blasters (Hack, Spanish) | md_shadow | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadow | | Shadow Blasters (USA) | | 1990 | Sage's Creation | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_shaddancer | | Shadow Dancer (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| shdancbl | D NW | Shadow Dancer (bootleg, set 1) | shdancer | 1989 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| sms_shdancer | | Shadow Dancer (Euro, Brazil, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| shdancerj | | Shadow Dancer (Japan) | shdancer | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| shdancer1 | | Shadow Dancer (US) | shdancer | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| shdancer | | Shadow Dancer (World) | | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| md_shdancers | | Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (Hack, Spanish) | md_shdancer | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shdancerp | | Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (Prototype, 19901002) | md_shdancer | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shdancer | | Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| shadfrceu | | Shadow Force (US, Version 2) | shadfrce | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| shadfrce | | Shadow Force (World, Version 3) | | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| shadfrcej | | Shadow Force - Henshin Ninja (Japan, Version 2) | shadfrce | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_shadowofthebeast | | Shadow Of The Beast (128K) | | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_beast | | Shadow of the Beast (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | TecMagik | Sega Master System | |
| md_beast | | Shadow of the Beast (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beastec | | Shadow of the Beast (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_beast | 2014 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_beastc | | Shadow of the Beast (Hack, Spanish v1.12a) | sms_beast | 2020 | Rod Merida | Sega Master System | |
| md_beasts | | Shadow of the Beast (Hack, Spanish) | md_beast | 2018 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| beast | | Shadow of the Beast (Neo Geo demo) | | ???? | Jeff Kurtz | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_beastj | | Shadow of the Beast - Mashou no Okite (Japan) | md_beast | 1992 | Victor Interactive Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beast2 | | Shadow of the Beast II (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_beast2s | | Shadow of the Beast II (Hack, Spanish) | md_beast2 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_shadonin | | Shadow of the Ninja (USA) | | 1990 | Natsume | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_shadowpig | | Shadow of the Pig (HB, v1.3) | | 2022 | TheGeps | MSX | |
| spec_shadowskimmer | | Shadow Skimmer (48K) | | 1987 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_shadswitch | | Shadow Switcher (HB, v1.0) | | 2022 | Robosoft | MSX | |
| spec_shadwarr | | Shadow Warriors (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_shadowwarriors | | Shadow Warriors (Europe) | nes_ninjagaiden | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| shadoww | | Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| shadowwa | | Shadow Warriors (World, set 2) | shadoww | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shadowarepiii | | Shadow Warriors Episode II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (Europe) | nes_ninjagaiii | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shadowgate | | Shadowgate (USA) | | 1989 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| shadowld | | Shadowland (YD3) | | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| md_shadowrnj | | Shadowrun (Japan) | md_shadowrn | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadowrn | | Shadowrun (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadowrnp4 | | Shadowrun (USA, Prototype, 19931228) | md_shadowrn | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadowrnp3 | | Shadowrun (USA, Prototype, 19931231) | md_shadowrn | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadowrnp1 | | Shadowrun (USA, Prototype, 19940125) | md_shadowrn | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shadowrnp2 | | Shadowrun (USA, Prototype, 19940125-C) | md_shadowrn | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shanewar | | Shane Warne Cricket (Australia) | | 1997 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_shanghai | | Shanghai (Euro, USA) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_shanghai | | Shanghai (Japan) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_shanghai | | Shanghai (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| sms_shanghaip | | Shanghai (Prototype) | sms_shanghai | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_shangh2a | | Shanghai II (Japan, v0) | gg_shangh2 | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shangh2 | | Shanghai II (Japan, v1) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_shangh2 | | Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA) | | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shangh2p | | Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA, Prototype) | md_shangh2 | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shangh2p1 | | Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA, Prototype, Alt) | md_shangh2 | 1994 | Activision | Sega Megadrive | |
| shangha3j | | Shanghai III (Japan) | shangha3 | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| shangha3u | | Shanghai III (US) | shangha3 | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| shangha3up | | Shanghai III (US, prototype) | shangha3 | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| shangha3 | | Shanghai III (World) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| shangkid | | Shanghai Kid | | 1985 | Taiyo System (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ngp_shanghaipj | | Shanghai Mini (Jpn, Prototype) | ngp_shanghai | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_shanghaipu | | Shanghai Mini (USA, Prototype) | ngp_shanghai | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_shanghai | | Shanghai Mini (World) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_shaolinroad | | Shao Lin's Road (48K) | | 1986 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| shaolins | | Shao-lin's Road (set 1) | kicker | 1985 | Konami | GX477 | |
| shaolinb | | Shao-lin's Road (set 2) | kicker | 1985 | Konami | GX477 | |
| spec_shapeshift | | Shape Shifter (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_shaqfu | | Shaq Fu (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_shaqfu | | Shaq Fu (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_shark | | Shark (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| sharkatt | | Shark Attack | | 1980 | Pacific Novelty | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_sharkh | | Shark Hunter (Euro) | | 1984 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| nes_sharkshark | | Shark! Shark! (HB) | | 2014 | Mattel Electronics | Miscellaneous | Original title developed for Intellivision in 1982 |
| spec_skmoll | | Sharkey's Moll (128K) | | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_shatterhand | | Shatterhand (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shera | | Shera & the 40 Thieves (HB) | | 2021 | CGT Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sherlock | | Sherlock (48K) | | 1984 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_shijie | | Shi Jie Zhi Bang Zheng Ba Zhan - World Pro Baseball 94 (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1994 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_labdeathgnk | | Shi no Meikyuu - Labyrinth of Death (Japan, Game no Kandume MegaCD Rip) | md_fatallab | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_labdeath | | Shi no Meikyuu - Labyrinth of Death (Japan, SegaNet) | md_fatallab | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sokoban | | Shijou Saidai no Soukoban (Japan) | md_shoveit | 1990 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shikinjo | | Shikinjoh (Japan) | | 1991 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_shikinjo | | Shikinjou (Japan) | | 1991 | Sunsoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_shin4ninuchma | | Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (Japan) | | 1991 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shin4ninuchmac | | Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (T-Chi) | nes_shin4ninuchma | 2013 | Wang Yixiao | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shinsamspi2 | | Shin Samurai Spirits 2 - Haoumaru Jigoku Hen (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ragnacenc | | Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty (Hack, Chinese) | md_soleil | 199? | Xu Yong Sheng | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ragnacen | | Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty (Japan) | md_soleil | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ragnacenp | | Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty (Japan, Prototype) | md_soleil | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| mikiek | | Shin-ip Sawon - Seok Dol-i | mikie | 1984 | bootleg | GX469 | |
| tshingen | | Shingen Samurai-Fighter (Japan, English) | | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| md_shinfrces | | Shining Force (Hack, Spanish) | md_shinfrce | 2020 | RMGlitch | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrce | | Shining Force (USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrcep | | Shining Force (USA, Prototype) | md_shinfrce | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrcej | | Shining Force - Kamigami no Isan (Japan) | md_shinfrce | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_shinfrcg | | Shining Force Gaiden - Ensei, Jashin no Kuni e (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrgfe | | Shining Force Gaiden - Final Conflict (Hack, English) | gg_shinfrgf | 2006 | Shining Force Central | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrgf | | Shining Force Gaiden - Final Conflict (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrg2 | | Shining Force Gaiden II - Jashin no Kakusei (Japan) | gg_shinfrc2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_shinfrc2 | | Shining Force II (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2u | | Shining Force II (USA) | md_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2p2 | | Shining Force II (USA, Prototype, 19940404) | md_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2p1 | | Shining Force II (USA, Prototype, 19940607) | md_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2c | | Shining Force II - Koe no Fuuin (Hack, Chinese v2) | md_shinfrc2 | 2007 | Yi Zhi Zhi Lu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2j | | Shining Force II - Koe no Fuuin (Japan) | md_shinfrc2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_shinfrc2 | | Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrc2p4 | | Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (Prototype, 19940427) | gg_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrc2p3 | | Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (Prototype, 19940530) | gg_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrc2p2 | | Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (Prototype, 19940627) | gg_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shinfrc2p1 | | Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (Prototype, 19940708) | gg_shinfrc2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_shindarkbr | | Shining in the Darkness (Brazil) | md_shindark | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shindark | | Shining in the Darkness (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shindarkj | | Shining in the Darkness (Japan) | md_shindark | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinfrc2t | | Shining Tactics Absolute Final Edition (Hack) | md_shinfrc2 | 2014 | Dark Claw | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_evolutnj | | Shinki Sekai Evolution - Hateshinai Dungeon (Jpn) | ngp_evolutn | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| sg1k_shinnyus | | Shinnyushain Tooru Kun (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_shinnyust | | Shinnyushain Tooru Kun (Taiwan) | sg1k_shinnyus | 19?? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| mikiej | | Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun | mikie | 1984 | Konami | GX469 | |
| spec_shinobi | | Shinobi (128K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| shinoblb | | Shinobi (Beta bootleg) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg (Beta) | System 16A | |
| sms_shinobi | | Shinobi (Euro, USA, Brazil, v1) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_shinobi | | Shinobi (Japan) | | 1989 | Asmik | PC Engine | |
| sms_shinobij | | Shinobi (Japan, Brazil, v0) | sms_shinobi | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| shinobi1d | | Shinobi (set 1, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0050 set) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| shinobi1 | | Shinobi (set 1, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0050) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| shinobi2d | | Shinobi (set 2, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0049 set) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| shinobi2 | | Shinobi (set 2, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0049) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi3 | | Shinobi (set 3, System 16B) (MC-8123B 317-0054) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi4 | | Shinobi (set 4, System 16B) (MC-8123B 317-0054) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi5 | | Shinobi (set 5, System 16B) (unprotected) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi | | Shinobi (set 6, System 16A) (unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| shinobi6 | | Shinobi (set 6, System 16B) (unprotected) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobls | | Shinobi (Star bootleg, System 16A) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg (Star) | System 16A | |
| nes_shinobi | | Shinobi (USA) (Unl) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| shinfz | | Shinobi / FZ-2006 (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006) | | 2008 | bootleg (ISG) | ISG Selection Master Type 2006 | |
| nes_shinobiarc | | Shinobi Arcade (Hack, v2.1) | nes_shinobi | 2023 | the jabu | Miscellaneous | |
| md_shinobi3 | | Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinobi3s | | Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Hack, Spanish) | md_shinobi3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinobi3p | | Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Prototype, 19930629) | md_shinobi3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinobi3u | | Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA) | md_shinobi3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shinobi3umj | | Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA, Hack) | md_shinobi3 | 2016 | MIJET | Sega Megadrive | |
| shinygld | | Shiny Golds | | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ship1 | | Ship (Prototype) | md_ship | 199? | Technopop | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ship | | Ship (Visitor Prototype) | | 199? | Technopop | Sega Megadrive | |
| shippumd | | Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) | kingdmgp | 1994 | Raizing / Eighting | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| pce_shiryo | | Shiryou Sensen (Japan) | | 1989 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| shisen | | Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan) | matchit | 1989 | Tamtex | Miscellaneous | |
| shisen2 | | Shisensho II | matchit2 | 1993 | Tamtex | Irem M90 | |
| md_shiten | | Shiten Myouou (Japan) | md_shadow | 1990 | Sigma | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_shmup11 | | Shmup! (HB, v1.1) | | 2013 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_shmup | | Shmup! (SGM) (HB) | | 2017 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_shnax | | Shnax (Euro) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| shocktro | | Shock Troopers (set 1) | | 1997 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| shocktroa | | Shock Troopers (set 2) | shocktro | 1997 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| shocktr2 | | Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad | | 1998 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| shockingk | | Shocking (Korea, set 1) | shocking | 1997 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| shockingko | | Shocking (Korea, set 2) | shocking | 1997 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| shocking | | Shocking | | 1997 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bit | |
| tg_shockman | | Shockman (USA) | | 1992 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_shockwave | | Shockwave (USA) | | 1990 | AGCI | Miscellaneous | |
| shogwarrk | | Shogun Warriors (Korea?) | shogwarr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| shogwarru | | Shogun Warriors (US) | shogwarr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| shogwarr | | Shogun Warriors (World) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| shootoutj | | Shoot Out (Japan) | shootout | 1985 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| shootoutb | | Shoot Out (Korean Bootleg) | shootout | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| shootout | | Shoot Out (US) | | 1985 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| shootbul | D NW | Shoot the Bull | | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | Analog inputs not hooked up |
| nes_shootufo | | Shoot UFO (GlobalHack) | | 2015 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | A GlobalHack of Duck Hunt |
| spec_shootout | | Shoot-Out (128K) | | 1989 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_shooting | | Shooting Gallery (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| shtngmst | | Shooting Master (8751 315-5159a) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nes_shootingrange | | Shooting Range (USA) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| shtriderb | NW | Shot Rider (bootleg) | shtrider | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | Graphics issues |
| shtridera | | Shot Rider (Sigma license) | shtrider | 1984 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Sigma license) | Miscellaneous | |
| shtrider | | Shot Rider | | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_shouganai11 | | Shouganai (HB) | | 2013 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| cv_shouganai | | Shouganai (SGM) (HB) | | 2017 | Paxanga | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| md_shougi | | Shougi no Hoshi (Japan) | | 1991 | Home Data | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_shougi | | Shougi no Tatsujin (Jpn) | | 1998 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket | |
| moshougi | | Shougi no Tatsujin - Master of Shougi | | 1995 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngp_shougic | | Shougi no Tatsujin Color (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| pce_shogisi | | Shougi Shodan Icchokusen (Japan) | | 1990 | Home Data | PC Engine | |
| pce_shogism | | Shougi Shoshinsha Muyou (Japan) | | 1991 | Home Data | PC Engine | |
| msx_shogun | | Shougun (Japan) | | 1987 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| msx_shoutmat | | Shout Match (Japan) | | 1987 | Victor | MSX | |
| md_shoveit | | Shove It! ...The Warehouse Game (USA) | | 1990 | Dreamworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_shoveladv | | Shovel Adventure ZX (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_shovelknight | | Shovel Knight (GlobalHack) | | 2023 | Roket | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sdmilhao | | Show do Milhao (Brazil) | | 2001 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sdmilhao | | Show do Milhao (Brazil, Prototype) | | 2003 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_sdmilha2 | | Show do Milhao Volume 2 (Brazil) | | 2002 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sdmilha2a | | Show do Milhao Volume 2 (Brazil, Alt) | md_sdmilha2 | 2002 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_showjump | | Show Jumping (48K) | | 1986 | Alligata Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Enter' to skip loading screen |
| showdown4 | NW | Showdown (version 4.0) | showdown | 1988 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| showdown | | Showdown (version 5.0) | | 1988 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| md_shrek | | Shrek (Russia) (Unl) | md_yogibear | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shrek2 | | Shrek 2 (Russia) (Unl) | md_ottifant | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_shufflepuckcafe | | Shufflepuck Cafe (Hack, English) | | 2016 | MadHacker | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_shufflepuckcafej | | Shufflepuck Cafe (Japan) | nes_shufflepuckcafe | 1990 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| shufshot135 | | Shuffleshot (v1.35) | shufshot | 1997 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| shufshot137 | | Shuffleshot (v1.37) | shufshot | 1997 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| shufshot138 | | Shuffleshot (v1.38) | shufshot | 1997 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| shufshot139 | | Shuffleshot (v1.39) | shufshot | 1997 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| shufshot | | Shuffleshot (v1.40) | | 1997 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| md_shuihu | | Shui Hu - Feng Yun Zhuan (China) (Unl) | | 1999 | Never Ending Soft Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shuihuzh | | Shui Hu Zhuan (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | Chuanpu Technologies | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shz | | Shui Hu Zhuan (Chinese) | | 2023 | Chuan Pu Ke Ji / Ken_Tse | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shuramon | | Shura no Mon (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_shuriken | | Shuriken (48K) | | 1989 | Xplosive | ZX Spectrum | Set '3 - Sinclair' to use contoller, press 'SPACE' for missiles |
| spec_shuttlebug | | Shuttlebug (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Stonechat | ZX Spectrum | |
| shuuz2 | | Shuuz (version 7.1) | shuuz | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| shuuz | | Shuuz (version 8.0) | | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_shylax | | Shylax (HB, v0.1) | | 2023 | manu2097 | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_shyre | | Shyre (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Platty Soft | MSX | |
| sichuan2 | | Sichuan II (hack, set 1) | matchit | 1989 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| sichuan2a | | Sichuan II (hack, set 2) | matchit | 1989 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sidearms | | Side Arms (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| sidearmsj | | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (Japan, 861128) | sidearms | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sidearmsur1 | | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861128) | sidearms | 1986 | Capcom (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sidearmsu | | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861202) | sidearms | 1986 | Capcom (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sidearms | | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sidepcktb | | Side Pocket (bootleg, set 1) | sidepckt | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sidepcktb2 | | Side Pocket (bootleg, set 2) | sidepckt | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sidepock | | Side Pocket (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_sidepocketc | | Side Pocket (Hack, Chinese v2) | nes_sidepocket | 2020 | Xing Kong | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sidepocks | | Side Pocket (Hack, Spanish) | md_sidepock | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sidepockj | | Side Pocket (Japan) | md_sidepock | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| sidepcktj | | Side Pocket (Japan, Cocktail) | sidepckt | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_sidepock | | Side Pocket (USA) | | 1994 | Data East | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sidepocku | | Side Pocket (USA) | md_sidepock | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_sidepocket | | Side Pocket (USA) | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| sidepckt | | Side Pocket (World) | | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_sidetrak | | Side Trak (HB) | | 1979-2011 | Exidy | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| pce_sidearms | | Sidearms - Hyper Dyne (Japan) | | 1989 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| tg_sidearms | | Sidearms - Hyper Dyne (USA) | | 1989 | Radiance Software | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_sidewinder | | Sidewinder (USA) (Unl) | nes_missioncobra | 1989 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sidewize | | Sidewize (48K) | | 1987 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_silentd | | Silent Debuggers (Japan) | | 1991 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| tg_silentd | | Silent Debuggers (USA) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| silentdj | | Silent Dragon (Japan) | silentd | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| silentdu | | Silent Dragon (US) | silentd | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| silentd | | Silent Dragon (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | |
| spec_silentservice | | Silent Service (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_silentservice | | Silent Service (USA) | | 1989 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_silentshadow | | Silent Shadow (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | Set '1. KEYS' to use controller |
| msx_sshadow | | Silent Shadow (Euro) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| silkwormb | | Silk Worm (bootleg, set 1) | silkworm | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| silkwormb2 | | Silk Worm (bootleg, set 2) | silkworm | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_silkwormc | | Silk Worm (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_silkworm | 2020 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| silkwormj | | Silk Worm (Japan) | silkworm | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| silkwormp | | Silk Worm (prototype) | silkworm | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_silkworm | | Silk Worm (USA) | | 1990 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| silkworm | | Silk Worm (World) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_silkworm | | Silkworm (128K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic Plus | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_silvasaga | | Silva Saga (Hack, English) | | 2016 | aishsha | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_silvasagaj | | Silva Saga (Japan) | nes_silvasaga | 1992 | Seta | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_silvereagle | | Silver Eagle (Taiwan) | | 1994 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| silvland | | Silver Land (hack of River Patrol) | rpatrol | 1981 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| silvmil | | Silver Millennium | | 1995 | Para | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_silversurfer | | Silver Surfer (USA) | | 1990 | Arcadia | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_silvervalley | | Silver Valley (HB) | | 2018 | MikGames - Enrique Ruiz | Sega Master System | |
| fds_silvi | | Silviana - Ai Ippai no Little Angel (Hack, English) | | 2002 | Mute | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_silvij | | Silviana - Ai Ippai no Little Angel (Japan) | fds_silvi | 1988 | Pack-In-Video | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_simcity | | Sim City (48K) | | 1989 | Infogrames | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_simcity | | Sim City (Prototype) | | 1991 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| simpsonjr | | Simpson Junior (bootleg of J. J. Squawkers) | jjsquawk | 2003 | bootleg (Daigom Games) | Seta | |
| spec_simpsonsbartvsspacemut | | Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press '0' to start the game |
| md_bartvssm1 | | Simpsons, The - Bart Vs The Space Mutants (Euro, USA) | md_bartvssm | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bartvssm | | Simpsons, The - Bart Vs The Space Mutants (Euro, USA, Rev. A) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_bartvssms | | Simpsons, The - Bart Vs The Space Mutants (Hack, Spanish) | md_bartvssm | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_bartvssm | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| gg_bartvssm | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_bartvssmc | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_bartvssm | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_simpsbarvsspamu | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA) (Rev A) | | 1991 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_bartvsw | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| sms_bartvswc | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_bartvsw | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_simpsbarvswor | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the World (USA) | | 1991 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_bartvswd | | Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World (World) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_bartnigh | | Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_bartman | | Simpsons, The - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_simpsbarmeeradman | | Simpsons, The - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_simulprotenis | | Simulador Profesional de Tenis (Spanish) (48K-128K) | | 1990 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sinbad | | Sinbad - Nanatsu no Bouken (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| spec_sinbadgs1 | | Sinbad and the Golden Ship - Part 1 (48K) | | 1986 | Mastervision | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sinbadgs2 | | Sinbad and the Golden Ship - Part 2 (48K) | spec_sinbadgs1 | 1986 | Mastervision | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_sindbadm | | Sindbad Mystery (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_sindmyst | | Sindbad Mystery (HB) | | 1983-2021 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_sindbadmt | | Sindbad Mystery (Taiwan) | sg1k_sindbadm | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| pce_sindibad | | Sindibad Chitei no Dai Makyuu (Japan) | | 1990 | IGS | PC Engine | |
| sinistarp | | Sinistar (AMOA-82 prototype) | sinistar | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| sinistar2 | | Sinistar (revision 2, upright) | sinistar | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| sinistar | | Sinistar (revision 3, upright) | | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| tg_sinistrn | | Sinistron (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| msx_sinkking | | Sink King (HB) | | 2005 | Guzuta Raster Leisure | MSX | |
| nes_sinkingfeeling | | Sinking Feeling (HB) | | 2017 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sirababol | | Sir Ababol (48K) (HB) | spec_sirababoldx | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_sirababol | | Sir Ababol (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_sirababol | | Sir Ababol (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Alekmaul | ColecoVision | |
| spec_sirababol2 | | Sir Ababol 2 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sirababol2es | | Sir Ababol 2 (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_sirababol2 | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sirababoldx | | Sir Ababol DX (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_sirababolr | | Sir Ababol Remastered Edition (HB) | nes_sirababol | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sirfred | | Sir Fred (48K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sirfred | | Sir Fred (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Zigurat Software | MSX | Select '2 cursores' to use controller |
| spec_sirlancelot | | Sir Lancelot (48K) | | 1984 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_lancelot | | Sir Lancelot | | 1983 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| sirio2 | | Sirio II (Calfesa S.L. Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Calfesa S.L.) | Galaxian | |
| spec_sirwoodintro | | Sirwood - Intro (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sirwoodg1 | | Sirwood - Part 1 (128K) | spec_sirwoodintro | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | G: quit current game - M: pause on/off |
| spec_sirwoodg2 | | Sirwood - Part 2 (128K) | spec_sirwoodintro | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | G: quit current game - M: pause on/off |
| spec_sirwoodg3 | | Sirwood - Part 3 (128K) | spec_sirwoodintro | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | G: quit current game - M: pause on/off |
| sms_sitio | | Sitio do Picapau Amarelo (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| spec_sitoponsgp | | Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix (Spanish) (48K) | | 1990 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Z' to quit the game session |
| spec_sixsixsixsix | | Sixsixsixsix (Russian) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Anhot Studio | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_skateair | | Skate Air (HB) | | 2006 | Yerami Soft | MSX | |
| nes_skateboy | | Skate Boy (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl) | | 1992 | Gluk Video | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_skatecrazy | | Skate Crazy (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_skatecrazy1 | | Skate Crazy - Part 1 (48K-128K) | spec_skatecrazy | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Z80 memory snapshot version |
| spec_skatecrazy2 | | Skate Crazy - Part 2 (48K) | spec_skatecrazy | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | Z80 memory snapshot version |
| nes_skateordie | | Skate or Die (USA) | | 1988 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_skateordie2 | | Skate or Die 2 - The Search for Double Trouble (USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_skateball | | Skateball (48K) | | 1988 | Ubi Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_skatecat | | SkateCat (HB) | | 2023 | SJ Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cskater | | Skater (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| sms_skazkav1 | | Skazka (HB, v1.0) | sms_skazkav2 | 2022 | SteveProXNA | Sega Master System | |
| sms_skazkav2 | | Skazka (HB, v2.0) | | 2022 | SteveProXNA | Sega Master System | |
| sms_skbn | | SKBN (HB, v1.3) | | 2021 | Raphael Assenat | Sega Master System | |
| skelagon | D | Skelagon | sfx | 1983 | Nihon Game (Nichibutsu USA license) | Galaxian | Bad Dump |
| md_skelkrew | | Skeleton Krew (Euro) | | 1995 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skelkrews | | Skeleton Krew (Hack, Spanish) | md_skelkrew | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skelkrewu | | Skeleton Krew (USA) | md_skelkrew | 1995 | Core Design | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_skicomm | | Ski Command (Japan) | | 1985 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_skicommk1 | | Ski Command (Korea, Aproman) | msx_skicomm | 198? | Aproman | MSX | |
| msx_skicommk2 | | Ski Command (Korea, Prosoft) | msx_skicomm | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| nes_skiordie | | Ski or Die (USA) | | 1991 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_skiing | | Skiing | | 1986 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| md_skitchin | | Skitchin (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_skoldaze | | Skool Daze (48K) | | 1985 | Microsphere | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_skooter | | Skooter (Japan) | | 1988 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_skootera | | Skooter (Japan, Alt) | msx_skooter | 1988 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| skullxbo | | Skull & Crossbones (rev 5) | | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_skullcro | | Skull & Crossbones (USA) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_skulexil | | Skull Exilon (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Iber Soft | MSX | |
| skullfng | | Skull Fang (Europe 1.13) | | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| skullfnga | | Skull Fang - Kuhga Gaiden (Asia 1.13) | skullfng | 1996 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| skullfngj | | Skull Fang - Kuhga Gaiden (Japan 1.09) | skullfng | 1996 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_skulls | | Skulls (HB) | | 2021 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| spec_skurff | | Skurff (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Stonechat Production | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_skweek | | Skweek (Japan) | gg_slider | 1991 | Victor | Sega Game Gear | |
| pce_skweek | | Skweek (Japan) | | 1991 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| skyadvntj | | Sky Adventure (Japan) | skyadvnt | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| skyadvntu | | Sky Adventure (US) | skyadvnt | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America license) | Alpha 68k | |
| skyadvnt | | Sky Adventure (World) | | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| skyalert | | Sky Alert | | 1992 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| skyarmy | | Sky Army | | 1982 | Shoei | Miscellaneous | |
| skybase | | Sky Base | | 1982 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | Galaxian | |
| nes_skydestroyer | | Sky Destroyer (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| skydest | | Sky Destroyer (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_skydiver | | Sky Diver (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| skyfox | | Sky Fox | | 1987 | Jaleco (Nichibutsu USA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_skyhighstuntman | | Sky High Stuntman (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_skyjag | | Sky Jaguar (HB) | | 2004 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Opcode Games |
| msx_skyjag | | Sky Jaguar (Japan) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_skyjagk | | Sky Jaguar (Korea) (Unl) | msx_skyjag | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_skyjag | | Sky Jaguar (Korea) | | 199? | Samsung | Sega Master System | |
| skykidd | | Sky Kid (CUS60 version) | skykid | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykid | | Sky Kid (new version) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykido | | Sky Kid (old version) | skykid | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykids | | Sky Kid (Sipem) | skykid | 1985 | Namco (Sipem license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_skykid | | Sky Kid (USA) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| skykiddx | | Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1) | | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| skykiddxo | | Sky Kid Deluxe (set 2) | skykiddx | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| skylancre | | Sky Lancer (Esco Trading Co license) | skylancr | 1983 | Orca (Esco Trading Co license) | Miscellaneous | |
| skylancr | | Sky Lancer | | 1983 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| skyraidr | | Sky Raider (bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| skyrobo | | Sky Robo | | 1989 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| skysharkb | | Sky Shark (bootleg) | fshark | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| skyshark | | Sky Shark (US, set 1) | fshark | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| skysharka | | Sky Shark (US, set 2) | fshark | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_skyshark | | Sky Shark (USA) (Rev 0A) | | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| skyskipr | | Sky Skipper | | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| skysmash | | Sky Smasher | | 1990 | Nihon System | Miscellaneous | |
| skysoldrbl | | Sky Soldiers (bootleg) | skysoldr | 1988 | bootleg | Alpha 68k | |
| skysoldr | | Sky Soldiers (US) | | 1988 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America/Romstar license) | Alpha 68k | |
| skywolf | | Sky Wolf (set 1) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| skywolf2 | | Sky Wolf (set 2) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| skywolf3 | | Sky Wolf (set 3) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_skyfox | | SkyFox - Paina (Euro) | | 1989 | Pasi Kettunen | MSX | |
| msx_skygaldo | | Skygaldo (Japan) | | 1986 | Magical Zoo | MSX | |
| msx_skyhawk | | Skyhawk (Euro) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| spec_slaine | | Slaine (48K) | | 1987 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_slalom | | Slalom (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_slamshaq | | Slam - Shaq vs. the Legends (Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_slapfigh | | Slap Fight (48K) | | 1987 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| slapfigha | | Slap Fight (A76 set, GX-006-A PCB) | alcon | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| slapfigh | | Slap Fight (A77 set, 8606M PCB) | alcon | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| slapfighb1 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 1) | alcon | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| slapfighb2 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 2) | alcon | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| slapfighb3 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 3) | alcon | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_slapfighs | | Slap Fight MD (Hack, Spanish) | md_slapfigh | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_slapfigh | | Slap Fight MD (Japan) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_slapshotp | | Slap Shoot (Prototype) | sms_slapshot | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| slapshtr | | Slap Shooter | | 1986 | Sega | System E | |
| sms_slapshotb | | Slap Shot (Euro, v0) | sms_slapshot | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_slapshota | | Slap Shot (Euro, v1.1) | sms_slapshot | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_slapshot | | Slap Shot (USA, v1.2) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| slapshotj | | Slap Shot (Ver 2.2 J) | slapshot | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| slapshot | | Slap Shot (Ver 3.0 O) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| msx_slapshot | | Slapshot (Euro) | | 1985 | Indescomp | MSX | |
| md_slaughtr | | Slaughter Sport (USA) | | 1991 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_slidezx | | Slide-ZX UPG Edition (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_slider | | Slider (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Victor | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_slightmg | | Slightly Magic (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_slimewj | | Slime World (Japan) | md_slimew | 1992 | Micro World | Sega Megadrive | |
| slipstrm | | Slip Stream (Brazil 950515) | | 1995 | Capcom | Sega System 32 | |
| slipstrmh | | Slip Stream (Hispanic 950515) | slipstrm | 1995 | Capcom | System 32 | |
| cv_danslither | | Slither (Hack, Joystick Version) | cv_slither | 2010 | Daniel Bienvenu | ColecoVision | |
| slither | | Slither (set 1) | | 1982 | Century II (GDI license) | Miscellaneous | Press 'P2 Start' to exit settings screen |
| slithera | | Slither (set 2) | slither | 1982 | Century II (GDI license) | Miscellaneous | Press 'P2 Start' to exit settings screen |
| cv_slither | | Slither | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| chf_slotmchn | | Slot Machine | | 1980 | Zircon | Channel F | |
| nes_slowmole | | Slow Mole (HB, v1.2b) | | 2021 | Erik Rosenlund | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_slurpy | | Slurpy | | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| slyspy2 | | Sly Spy (US, revision 2) | secretag | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| slyspy3 | | Sly Spy (US, revision 3) | secretag | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| slyspy | | Sly Spy (US, revision 4) | secretag | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| spec_slyspy | | Sly Spy - Secret Agent (128K) | | 1990 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Select 'Interface II' to use controller |
| msx_smackwac | | Smack Wacker (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| md_smartmouse | | Smart Mouse (HB) | md_huanle | 2017 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_smashpingpong | | Smash Ping Pong (Japan) | | 1987 | Nintendo - Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_smashtv | | Smash T.V. (Euro) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| nes_smashtvc | | Smash T.V. (Hack, Spanish) | nes_smashtv | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| smashtv3 | | Smash T.V. (rev 3.01) | smashtv | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| smashtv4 | | Smash T.V. (rev 4.00) | smashtv | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| smashtv5 | | Smash T.V. (rev 5.00) | smashtv | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| smashtv6 | | Smash T.V. (rev 6.00) | smashtv | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| smashtv | | Smash T.V. (rev 8.00) | | 1990 | Williams | Y Unit | |
| nes_smashtv | | Smash T.V. (USA) | | 1991 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_smashtv | | Smash T.V. (World) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_smashtv | | Smash TV (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_smellycat | | Smelly Cat (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | flopping | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_vdptest | D | SMS VDP Test | | 20?? | <unknown> | Sega Master System | |
| spec_sbmr | | Smudge Bad Moonee Rising (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Clebin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_smurfchal | | Smurf Challenge (HB) | | 2010 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| cv_smurfpnt | | Smurf Paint 'n' Play Workshop | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_smurfply | | Smurf Play and Learn (Prototype) | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_smurfa | | Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (Alt) | cv_smurf | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_smurf | | Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| gg_smurfs2 | | Smurfs 2, The (Euro) | | 1995 | Infogrames | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_smurfs2 | | Smurfs 2, The (Euro) | | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Master System | |
| sms_smurfs2p | | Smurfs 2, The (Euro, Prototype) | sms_smurfs2 | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Master System | |
| cv_smurfsav | | Smurfs Save the Day (Prototype) | cv_smurfply | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| md_smurfstw | | Smurfs Travel the World, The (Euro) | | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_smurfs | | Smurfs, The (Euro) | | 1994 | Infogrames | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_smurfs | | Smurfs, The (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Infogrames | Sega Master System | |
| md_smurfs | | Smurfs, The (Euro, Rev. A) | | 1995 | Infogrames | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_smurfs | | Smurfs, The (Europe) | | 1994 | Infogrames | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snailhop | | Snail Hop (HB) | | 2023 | Libra Bits | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_snailmaze | | Snail Maze (HB) | | 2004 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| spec_snake | | Snake (48K) (HB, v3) | | 2021-22 | JBizzel | ZX Spectrum | Redefine keys to use controller |
| cv_snake | | Snake (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| msx_snake | | Snake (HB) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| sg1k_snake | | Snake (HB, v1.04) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_snake | | Snake (HB, v1.04) | | 2021 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| msx_snakerhino | | Snake and Rhino in the Sketchbook (HB) | | 2023 | ARC8 | MSX | |
| spec_snakeescape | | Snake Escape (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | Einar Saukas | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_snakeit | | Snake It (Euro) | | 1986 | Eaglesoft | MSX | |
| spec_snakepower | | Snake Power (48K) (HB, v1.4) | | 2023 | Hash6lron | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_snakeratnrol | | Snake Rattle n Roll (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_snakernr | | Snake Rattle n' Roll (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_snakernrs | | Snake Rattle n' Roll (Hack, Spanish) | md_snakernr | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_snakesrevengec | | Snake's Revenge (Hack, Spanish) | nes_snakesrevenge | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snakesrevenge | | Snake's Revenge (USA) | | 1990 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_snakeshazards | | Snakes and Hazards (128K) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_snakky | | Snakky (HB) | | 2016 | Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| snapjack | | Snap Jack | | 1981 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| snapper | | Snapper (Korea) | | 1990 | Philko | System 16B | |
| sms_snappysnorg | | Snappy Snorg and the Seven Silver Stones (GlobalHack, v1.4) | | 2023 | pinkeyeFR | Sega Master System | WIP version, demo |
| koroleva | | Snezhnaja Koroleva | | 198? | Terminal | TIA-MC1 | |
| md_snezkoro | | Snezhnaya Koroleva (Russia) (Unl) | md_mickmack | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_snkgals | | SNK Gals' Fighters (Euro, USA) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_snkgalsj | | SNK Gals' Fighters (Jpn) | ngp_snkgals | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccard2e | | SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition (Hack, English) | ngp_svccard2 | 2017 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccard2 | | SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition (Jpn) | | 2001 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccardc | | SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash - Capcom Cardfighter's Version (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccards | | SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash - SNK Cardfighter's Version (Euro, USA) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccardp | | SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters (Jpn, Demo) | ngp_svccards | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccardcj | | SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters - Capcom Supporters Version (Jpn) | ngp_svccardc | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccardsja | | SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters - SNK Supporters Version (Jpn, v6) | ngp_svccards | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_svccardsj | | SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters - SNK Supporters Version (Jpn, v7) | ngp_svccards | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| svcboot | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (bootleg) | svc | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcfd | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (Fully Decrypted) | svc | 2003 | Playmore / Capcom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcpcb | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, set 1) | | 2003 | Playmore / Capcom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcpcba | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, set 2) | svcpcb | 2003 | Playmore / Capcom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svc | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690 ~ NGH-2690) | | 2003 | Playmore / Capcom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcplus | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus (bootleg set 1) | svc | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcplusa | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus (bootleg set 2) | svc | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcsplus | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus (bootleg) | svc | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| svcsplse | | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus (Enhanced, Hack) | svc | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngp_svc | | SNK vs. Capcom - The Match of the Millennium (World) ~ Choujou Kessen Saikyou Fighters - SNK vs Capcom (Jpn) | | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_snoopy | | Snoopy (48K) | | 1990 | The Edge | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_snoopssilsposp | | Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular (USA) | | 1990 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| snowboara | | Snow Board Championship (Version 2.0) | snowboar | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| snowboar | | Snow Board Championship (Version 2.1) | | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| snowbrosd | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyong license) | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| md_snowbross | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Hack, Spanish, v2.0) | md_snowbros | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_snowbros | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| snowbrosj | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbros | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1) | | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbrosa | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbrosb | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbrosc | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbroswb | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (The Winter Bobble hardware bootleg) | snowbros | 1990 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| snowbro2b | | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 1) | snowbro2 | 1998 | bootleg | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| snowbro2b2 | | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 2) | snowbro2 | 1994 | bootleg (Q Elec) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| snowbro2 | | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram) | | 1994 | Hanafram | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| snowbro2ny | | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Nyanko) | snowbro2 | 1994 | Nyanko | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| nes_snowbrotherssc | | Snow Brothers (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_snowbrothers | 2022 | LSP Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snowbrothersc | | Snow Brothers (Hack, Spanish) | nes_snowbrothers | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snowbrothers | | Snow Brothers (USA) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| snowbro3 | | Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure | | 2002 | Syrmex | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| msx_snowboard | | Snowboarding (HB, v1.01) | | 2020 | RELEVO | MSX | |
| spec_snowund128 | | Snowed Under (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | highriser, Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_snowund48 | | Snowed Under (48K) (HB) | spec_snowund128 | 2021 | highriser, Gabriele Amore | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_snowman | | Snowman, The (Euro) | | 1984 | Quicksilva | MSX | |
| cv_soknight | | So You Want To Be A Knight (HB) | | 2015 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| nes_soccer | | Soccer (USA) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| socbrawlh | | Soccer Brawl (NGH-031) | socbrawl | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| socbrawl | | Soccer Brawl (NGM-031) | | 1991 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_soccelea | | Soccer League - Winner's Cup (Japan) | | 1988 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_soccerpinball | | Soccer Pinball (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | Z = left flipper, M = right flipper, Space = shoot |
| md_socket | | Socket (USA) | | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_sofia | | Sofia (Japan) | | 1988 | Dempa | MSX | |
| nes_sokobanana | | Soko Banana (HB) | | 2023 | Flip For Fate | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sokoban | | Sokoban (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2006 | Compiler | ZX Spectrum | Press 'E' for in-game menu |
| sokoban | | Sokoban LE | | 2015 | cmonkey | Taito L System | |
| pce_sokoban | | Sokoban World (Japan) | | 1990 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| sokonuke | | Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan) | | 1995 | Sammy Industries | Seta | |
| soldividk | | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness (Korea) | soldivid | 1997 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| soldivid | | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| msx_solnegro1 | | Sol Negro - Part 1 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| msx_solnegro2 | | Sol Negro - Part 2 (Euro, Spanish) | msx_solnegro1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | Password: 2414520 |
| spec_solnegro1 | | Sol Negro - Special Edition - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| spec_solnegro2 | | Sol Negro - Special Edition - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_solnegro1 | 1989 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| md_soldeacep | | Sol-Deace (Prototype, 19920203) | md_soldeace | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soldeace | | Sol-Deace (USA) | | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| solarfox | | Solar Fox (upright) | | 1981 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_solarjet | | Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship (USA) | | 1990 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| solrwarr | | Solar-Warrior (US) | xsleena | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito / Memetron license) | Miscellaneous | |
| soldamj | | Soldam (Japan) | soldam | 1992 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| soldam | | Soldam | | 1992 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| pce_soldblad | | Soldier Blade (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_soldblad | | Soldier Blade (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_soldblas | | Soldier Blade Special - Caravan Stage (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| amazont | | Soldier Girl Amazon (Tecfri license) | amazon | 1986 | Nichibutsu (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| amazon | | Soldier Girl Amazon | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_soldfort | | Soldier of Fortune (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_soldoflight | | Soldier of Light (48K) | | 1988 | ACE | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_soldlight | | Soldier of Light (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Animagic | MSX | |
| md_soldforts | | Soldiers of Fortune (Hack, Spanish) | md_chaoseng | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soldfort | | Soldiers of Fortune (USA) | md_chaoseng | 1993 | Spectrum Holobyte | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soleil | | Soleil (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soleilf | | Soleil (Euro, French) | md_soleil | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soleilg | | Soleil (Euro, German) | md_soleil | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soleils | | Soleil (Euro, Spanish) | md_soleil | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_solitaire | | Solitaire (USA) (Rev 1.1) | | 1992 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_solitair | | Solitaire Funpak (USA) | | 1994 | Interplay | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_solitarp | | Solitaire Poker (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| solfigtr | | Solitary Fighter (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| slspirit | | Solite Spirits | | 1999 | Promat | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_solomonnokagi | | Solomon no Kagi (Japan) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_solomonskeyj | | Solomon no Kagi (Japan) | nes_solomonskey | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| solomonj | | Solomon no Kagi (Japan) | solomon | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| solomonc | | Solomon no Kagi (T-Chi) | solomon | 1986 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_solomon | | Solomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita no Namida (Japan) | | 1988 | Salio | Sega Master System | |
| nes_solonokagi2 | | Solomon no Kagi 2 - Coolmintou Kyuushutsu Sakusen (Japan) | nes_firenice | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_solonokagi2h | | Solomon no Kagi 2 - Kitsune Attacks! (Hack, v1.6) | nes_firenice | 2022 | FoxyShadow | Miscellaneous | 100 new levels |
| solomonjx | | Solomon no Kagi X (Japan) | solomon | 2005 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | Use Konami code @ diagnostics screen to boot! |
| spec_solomon | | Solomon's Key (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| solomon | | Solomon's Key (US) | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_solomonskey | | Solomon's Key (USA) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_solomonen | | Solomon's Key - Tears of Princess Lihita (Hack, English) | sms_solomon | 2023 | FlashPV | Sega Master System | |
| nes_solstice | | Solstice - Sanjigen Meikyuu no Kyoujuu (Japan) | nes_solst | 1990 | Epic / Sony Records | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_solst | | Solstice - The Quest for the Staff of Demnos (USA) | | 1990 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_somari | | Somari (Unl) | | 1994 | Hummer Team | Miscellaneous | |
| md_somarita | | Somari The Adventurer (Hack, v1.1) | md_sonic | 2015 | Darkon360, Lone Devil | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_somerass | | Somer Assault (USA) | | 1992 | Atlus | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_somehell | | Somewhere in Hell (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Packobilly | ZX Spectrum | |
| sonofphx | | Son of Phoenix (bootleg of Repulse) | repulse | 1985 | bootleg (Associated Overseas MFR, Inc.) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sonsonc | | Son Son (Hack, Chinese) | nes_sonson | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sonson | | Son Son (Japan) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sonsonj | | Son Son (Japan) | sonson | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_sonson2 | | Son Son II (Japan) | | 1989 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| sonson | | Son Son | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_sonrsrch | | Sonar Search | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| md_skp12 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0525, 19940525, 15.28) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp10 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0606, 19940606, 10.02) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp08 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0608, 19940608, 05.03) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp06 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0610, 19940610, 07.49) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp04 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0612, 19940612, 18.27) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp02 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0618, 19940618, 09.15) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_skp01 | | Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0619, 19940619, 08.18) | md_sk | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sk | | Sonic & Knuckles (World) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sks1 | | Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog (World) | | 1994 + 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Lock-On Technology |
| md_sks2 | | Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) | | 1994 + 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Lock-On Technology |
| md_sks3 | | Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (World) | | 1994 + 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Lock-On Technology |
| md_sonic2brc | | Sonic 2 Battle Race (Hack) | md_sonic2 | 2012 | ColinC10 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s2delta | | Sonic 2 Delta (Hack, v0.25a) | md_sonic2 | 2015 | Esrael | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s2rpt1 | | Sonic 2 Recreation - Part One (Hack, Contest Build) | md_sonic2 | 2013 | redhotsonic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s2smtp | | Sonic 2 SMTP (Hack, v0.5) | md_sonic2 | 2007 | SMTP | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s3ktc | | Sonic 3 & Knuckles - The Challenges (Hack) | md_sks3 | 2009 | ColinC10 | Sega Megadrive | Lock-On Technology |
| md_sonic3c | | Sonic 3C (Prototype 0408, 19940408, 17.29) | md_sks3 | 199? | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Limited Edition (Prototype) |
| md_sonic3ca | | Sonic 3C (Prototype 0517, 19940517, 17.08) | md_sks3 | 199? | Sega | Sega Megadrive | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Limited Edition (Prototype) |
| md_sonic3d | | Sonic 3D - Flickies' Island (Euro) ~ Sonic 3D Blast (USA, Korea) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3ds | | Sonic 3D Blast (Hack , Spanish) | md_sonic3d | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp8 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 73, 19960703, 13.58) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp7 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 814, 19960815, 07.55) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp6 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 819, 19960819, 19.49) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp5 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 825, 19960826, 15.46) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp4 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 830, 19960831, 08.19) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp3 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 831, 19960903, 10.07) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp2 | | Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 94, 19960904, 12.01) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3dp1 | | Sonic 3D Blast (USA, Prototype) | md_sonic3d | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3ddx | | Sonic 3D Blast Director's Cut (Hack) | md_sonic3d | 2017 | GameHut | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonictls | | Sonic and Tails (Japan) | gg_sonicc | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonictlss | | Sonic and Tails (Japan, Jitsuenyou Sample) | gg_sonicc | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonictl2 | | Sonic and Tails 2 (Japan) | gg_sonictri | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sbash | | Sonic Bash (Hack, v2) | md_sonic2 | 2016 | redhotsonic | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonicbls | | Sonic Blast (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_sonicbls | | Sonic Blast (Euro, USA) ~ G Sonic (Japan) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp6 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 611, 19960531, 13.49) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp5 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 74, 19960717, 09.11) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp4 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 806, 19960806, 18.37) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp3 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 821, 19960822, 09.38) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp2 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 827, 19960828, 11.13) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicblsp1 | | Sonic Blast (Prototype 94, 19960902, 17.47) | gg_sonicbls | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sbmj | NW | Sonic Blast Man (Japan) | sbm | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| sbm | NW | Sonic Blast Man (US) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| spec_sonicboom | | Sonic Boom (128K) (HB) | | 1990 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| sonicbomd | | Sonic Boom (bootleg of FD1094 317-0053 set) | sonicbom | 1987 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| sonicbom | | Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| md_sboom | | Sonic Boom (Hack) | md_sonic2 | 2009 | snkenjoi, iojnekns | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonicc | | Sonic Chaos (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 199? | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_scheroes | | Sonic Classic Heroes (Hack) | md_sonic2 | 2013 | Flamewing, ColinC10 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soniccmp | | Sonic Compilation (Euro) ~ Sonic Classics (USA, Korea) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soniccmp1 | | Sonic Compilation (Euro, Earlier) | md_soniccmp | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_scrack | | Sonic Crackers (Japan, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonicdr | | Sonic Drift (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicdrs | | Sonic Drift (Japan, Demo Sample) | gg_sonicdr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicdr2 | | Sonic Drift 2 (Japan, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sonicere | | Sonic Eraser (Hack, English) | md_sonicer | 2004 | D | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicer | | Sonic Eraser (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonicgen | | Sonic Genesis (Hack, v1.04) | sms_sonic | 2022 | slogra | Sega Master System | |
| md_sonicjam | NW | Sonic Jam 6 (China) (Unl) | | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicjam1 | NW | Sonic Jam 6 (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_sonicjam | 1998 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicjam2 | | Sonic Jam 6 (China, Hacked) (Unl) | md_sonicjam | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_soniclab | | Sonic Labyrinth (World) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sonicmmix | | Sonic Megamix (Hack, v3.0) | md_sonic | 2007 | Team Megamix | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicppu | | Sonic Pixel Perfect (Hack, Ultimate Version) | md_sonic | 2013 | JcFerggy, NovaWizard, Jk.Fox | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_wbeach | | Sonic Spike - World Championship Beach Volleyball (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_sspin | | Sonic Spinball (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sspin | | Sonic Spinball (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sspinj | | Sonic Spinball (Japan) | md_sspin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sspinp20 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0307, 19940307, 05.24) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp19 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 031094, 19940310, 17.41) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp18 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 031194, 19940311, 12.09) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp17 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 032194, 19940321, 07.12) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp16 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0328, 19940328, 06.54) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp15 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0329, 19940329, 07.35) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp14 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0330, 19940330, 06.54) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp13 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0405, 19940405, 18.07) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp12 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0412, 19940412, 07.26) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp11 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0413, 19940413, 02.54) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp10 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0415, 19940415, 17.33) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp09 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0421, 19940421, 05.30) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp08 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0427, 19940427, 04.51) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp07 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0429, 19940429, 06.01) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp06 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0430, 19940429, 21.48) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp04 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0505, 19940505, 04.47) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp03 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0506, 19940506, 13.04) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp02 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0525, 19940525, 13.24) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp01 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 0530, 19940530, 23.25) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sspinp05 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype 503B, 19940503, 19.27) | gg_sspin | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sspinp | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype) | md_sspin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sspinp1 | | Sonic Spinball (Prototype, 19930907) | md_sspin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sspinu | | Sonic Spinball (USA) | md_sspin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sspinua | | Sonic Spinball (USA, Alt) | md_sspin | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonic | | Sonic The Hedgehog (Euro, Japan, v1) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sonic | | Sonic the Hedgehog (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonic | | Sonic The Hedgehog (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_sonic | | Sonic the Hedgehog (Hack) | nes_somari | 2020 | Terwilf | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_sonicfm102 | | Sonic The Hedgehog (Hack, FM Mod v1.02) | sms_sonic | 2014 | Valleybell | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| md_sonicj | | Sonic the Hedgehog (Japan, Korea) | md_sonic | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicpir | | Sonic the Hedgehog (Pirate, Ripped from Golden 10 in 1) | md_sonic | 199? | <unlicensed> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonicp | | Sonic the Hedgehog (Prototype) | md_sonic | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonicj | | Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Japan, v0) | gg_sonic | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonicp | | Sonic The Hedgehog (World, Prototype) | gg_sonic | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| ngp_sonic | | Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure (World) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_sonicp2 | | Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure (World, Oct 22 1999 Prototype) | ngp_sonic | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| ngp_sonicp | | Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure (World, Prototype) | ngp_sonic | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| md_sonictlw | | Sonic the Hedgehog - The Lost Worlds (Hack) | md_sonic | 2009 | ExecByte | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonictri | | Sonic The Hedgehog - Triple Trouble (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonictrip | | Sonic The Hedgehog - Triple Trouble (Prototype 0808, 19940808, 18.05) | gg_sonictri | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sonic2p8 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 4, 19920918, 16.26) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p7 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 5, 19920921, 12.06) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p6 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 6, 19920922, 18.47) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p5 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 6, 19920922, 19.42) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p4 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 7, 19920924, 09.26) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p3 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Beta 8, 19920924, 19.27) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p11 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (CENSOR Prototype) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonic2 | | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Euro, Brazil, Korea, v1.1) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sonic2a | | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Euro, Brazil, v0) | sms_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_sonic2p2 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Prototype) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p10 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Prototype, 19920821) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p9 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Prototype, 19920918) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sonic2d | | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Rolling Demo) | gg_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sonic2 | | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sonic2a | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2p1 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World, Prototype) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2b | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World, Rev. 01a) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World, Rev. A) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2c | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World, Rev. SC02) | md_sonic2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic2xl | | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 XL - Onion Ring (Hack) | md_sonic2 | 2016 | Captain Bozo, Ranger | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3j | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Japan, Korea) | md_sonic3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3pir | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Pirate) | md_sonic3 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3p2 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Prototype, 19931103) | md_sonic3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3p1 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Prototype, 19931120) | md_sonic3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic3u | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (USA) | md_sonic3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s3comp | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Complete (Hack) | md_sks3 | 2013 | Tiddles | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s3compes | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (Hack) | md_sks3 | 2023 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sonic31 | | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in 1 (Hack) | | 2011 | vladikcomper | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonicc | | Sonic The Hedgehog Chaos (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sonici131fm | | Sonic The Hedgehog Improvement (Hack, v1.31) + (FM Mod v1.02) | sms_sonic | 2020 | Penta Penguin - Valleybell | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| sms_sspin | | Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (Euro, Brazil) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sonicwi | | Sonic Wings (Japan) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sonicwa | | Sonic Winter Adventures (Hack) | md_sonic | 2013 | vladikcomper | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sonicedu | | Sonic's Edusoft (Prototype) | | 19?? | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_sootysweep | | Sooty & Sweep (48K) | | 1990 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sophia | | Sophia (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | Use 'Space' and 'Enter' to choose options |
| spec_sophia2 | | Sophia II (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Alessandro Grussu | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_sorcerkj | | Sorcer Kingdom (Japan) | md_sorcerk | 1992 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| sstrikerk | | Sorcer Striker (Korea) | sstriker | 1993 | Raizing (Unite Trading license) | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| sstriker | | Sorcer Striker | | 1993 | Raizing | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| spec_skidadv | | Sorcerer Kid Adventure (128K) (HB) | | 2024 | vidaextraretro | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_sorcerk1 | | Sorcerer's Kingdom (USA) | md_sorcerk | 1992 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sorcerk | | Sorcerer's Kingdom (USA, v1.1) | | 1992 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_sorceress | | Sorceress (48K) (HB) | | 2017 | Payndz | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_sorcer | | Sorcerian (Japan) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_sorcery | | Sorcery (48K) | spec_sorceryplus | 1984 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | Q: left - A: right - 0: jump |
| msx_sorcery | | Sorcery (Euro) | | 1985 | Virgin Games | MSX | |
| spec_sorceryen1 | | Sorcery Island - First Part (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | Set 'keyboard' to use controller |
| spec_sorceryes1 | | Sorcery Island - First Part (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | Set 'teclado' to use controller |
| spec_sorceryen2 | | Sorcery Island - Second Part (English) (48K) (HB) | spec_sorceryen1 | 2021 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | Set 'keyboard' to use controller |
| spec_sorceryes2 | | Sorcery Island - Second Part (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_sorceryes1 | 2021 | Jose Manuel Gris | ZX Spectrum | Set 'teclado' to use controller |
| spec_sorceryplus | | Sorcery Plus (48K) | | 1986 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | Q: left - A: right - 0: jump |
| kokoroj | | Soreike Kokology (Rev A) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| kokoroj2 | | Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 - Kokoro no Tanteikyoku | | 1993 | Sega | System 32 | |
| kokoroja | | Soreike Kokology | kokoroj | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| ngp_hanadojo | | Soreike!! Hanafuda Doujou (Jpn) | | 1999 | Dyna | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| sos | | SOS Game | | 1979 | K.K. Tokki (Namco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sotsugyo | | Sotsugyo Shousho (Japan) | | 1995 | Mitchell (Atlus license) | DECO IC16 | |
| soukobdx | | Souko Ban Deluxe (Japan, SB1) | boxyboy | 1990 | Namco | System 1 | |
| gg_sokoban | | Soukoban (Japan) | | 1990 | Riverhill Software | Sega Game Gear | |
| sg1k_sokoban | | Soukoban (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_sokobank | | Soukoban (Korea) | sg1k_sokoban | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_sokobant | | Soukoban (Taiwan) | sg1k_sokoban | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_sokobanpe | | Soukoban Pocket Edition (HB) | | 2004 | Karoshi Corporation | MSX | |
| md_soulblad | | Soul Blade Super (China) (Unl) | | 1997 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_soulblada | | Soul Blade Super (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_soulblad | 1997 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_souledge | NW | Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (Unl) | | 1998 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_souledgea | | Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (Unl, Cracked) | md_souledge | 1998 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_soulrobot | | Soul of a Robot - Nonterraqueous 2 (48K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_soultrials | | Soul Trials (HB) | | 2021 | Arkia | Sega Master System | |
| spec_souls | | Souls (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_soulsrmd | 2013 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_soulskeeper | | Souls Keeper (HB, v1.3) | | 2021 | Oniric Factor | MSX | |
| spec_soulsdarkon | | Souls of Darkon (48K) | | 1985 | Taskset | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_soulsrmd | | Souls Remaster (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_sndtool | | Sound Tool v2.2? | | 1991 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_southia | | South Island Adventure (Hack, v0.3) | md_sonic | 2004 | Hivebrain | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_soviet | | Soviet (Euro) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| spec_sovietpart1 | | Soviet (Part 1 of 2) (128K) | | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | Set '1 keyboard' to use controller |
| spec_sovietpart2 | | Soviet (Part 2 of 2) (128K) | spec_sovietpart1 | 1990 | Opera Soft | ZX Spectrum | Set '1 keyboard' to use controller |
| msx_sp8inv | | Sp8 Invaders (HB) | | 2009 | Dioniso | MSX | |
| sg1k_spacearmb | | Space Armor (Japan, v10, OMV) | sg1k_spacearm | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_spacearm | | Space Armor (Japan, v20, OMV) | | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_spacearma | | Space Armor (Japan, v20, OMV, Alt) | sg1k_spacearm | 1984 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sspaceatc | D | Space Attack (cocktail) | sspaceat | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sspaceat | D | Space Attack (upright set 1) | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sspaceat2 | D | Space Attack (upright set 2) | sspaceat | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sspaceat3 | D | Space Attack (upright set 3) | sspaceat | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sspacaho | D | Space Attack / Head On | | 1979 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spacbatt | | Space Battle (bootleg set 1) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacbat2 | | Space Battle (bootleg set 2) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| sbsgomo | | Space Battle Ship Gomorrah | bioship | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| spacebrd | | Space Bird (bootleg) | spacefb | 1980 | bootleg (Karateco) | Miscellaneous | |
| sbomber | | Space Bomber (ver. B) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| sbombera | | Space Bomber | sbomber | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| msx_spacecmp | | Space Camp (Japan) | | 1986 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| msx_spacecmpa | | Space Camp (Japan, Alt) | msx_spacecmp | 1986 | Pack-In-Video | MSX | |
| nes_spacecat | | Space Cat (HB) | | 2023 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| spacecr | | Space Cruiser | | 1981 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| spec_spacecrusade | | Space Crusade (128K) | | 1992 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spacedem | | Space Demon | spacefb | 1980 | Nintendo (Fortrek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spcdrag | | Space Dragon (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacduel0 | | Space Duel (prototype) | spacduel | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spacduel1 | | Space Duel (version 1) | spacduel | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| spacduel | | Space Duel (version 2) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| sdungeona | | Space Dungeon (larger roms) | sdungeon | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| sdungeon | | Space Dungeon | | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spacecho | | Space Echo (set 1) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg (Gayton Games) | Route 16 | |
| spacecho2 | | Space Echo (set 2) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg (Gayton Games) | Route 16 | |
| spacempr | | Space Empire (bootleg) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacefbb | | Space Firebird (bootleg) | spacefb | 1980 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spacefbg | | Space Firebird (Gremlin) | spacefb | 1980 | Nintendo (Gremlin license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spacefba | | Space Firebird (rev. 02-a) | spacefb | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spacefbe | | Space Firebird (rev. 03-e set 1) | spacefb | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spacefbe2 | | Space Firebird (rev. 03-e set 2) | spacefb | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spacefb | | Space Firebird (rev. 04-u) | | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sfattack | | Space Flies Attack (HB) | | 2021 | Timber Studio | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spacebob | | Space Funky B.O.B. (Japan) | md_bob | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| spacfurya | | Space Fury (revision A) | spacfury | 1981 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| spacfuryb | | Space Fury (revision B) | spacfury | 1981 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| spacfury | | Space Fury (revision C) | | 1981 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| cv_spacfury | | Space Fury | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_spacegun | | Space Gun (128K) | | 1992 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | Press 'K' during titles to use controller |
| sms_spacegun | | Space Gun (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| spacegunj | | Space Gun (Japan) | spacegun | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| spacegunu | | Space Gun (US) | spacegun | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| spacegun | | Space Gun (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| spec_sharrier | | Space Harrier (48K) | | 1986 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| sharrier1 | | Space Harrier (8751 315-5163) | sharrier | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| sms_sharrier | | Space Harrier (Euro) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_spaceharrier | | Space Harrier (Japan) | | 1989 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_sharrier | | Space Harrier (Japan) | | 1988 | NEC | PC Engine | |
| sms_sharrierju | | Space Harrier (Japan, USA) | sms_sharrier | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sharrier | | Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) | | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| tg_sharrier | | Space Harrier (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_sharrier | | Space Harrier (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_sharr3d | | Space Harrier 3-D (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sharr3dj | | Space Harrier 3D (Japan) | sms_sharr3d | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| spec_sharrir2 | | Space Harrier II (128K) | | 1990 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sharrier2 | | Space Harrier II (Euro) | | 1990 | Grandslam | MSX | |
| md_sharrierj | | Space Harrier II (Japan, Launch Cart) | md_sharrier | 1988 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sharrier | | Space Harrier II (World) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_spacehunter | | Space Hunter (HB) | | 2005 | Guy Foster | ColecoVision | |
| nes_spacehunter | | Space Hunter (Japan) | | 1986 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| spcinv95u | | Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5A 1995/06/14) | spcinv95 | 1995 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| spcinv95 | | Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| md_spaceinv | | Space Invaders (HB, v1.6) | | 2022 | SplinterGU | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_spaceinv | | Space Invaders (Japan) | | 1985 | Nidecom | MSX | |
| nes_spaceinvaders | | Space Invaders (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_spaceinv | | Space Invaders (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sisv1 | NW | Space Invaders (SV Version rev 1) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sisv2 | | Space Invaders (SV Version rev 2) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sisv3 | | Space Invaders (SV Version rev 3) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sisv | | Space Invaders (SV Version rev 4) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_spaceinvt | | Space Invaders (Taiwan) | sg1k_spaceinv | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sitv1 | | Space Invaders (TV Version rev 1) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sitv | | Space Invaders (TV Version rev 2) | invaders | 1978 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_spaceinv | | Space Invaders - Fukkatsu no Hi (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| invaders | | Space Invaders / Space Invaders M | | 1978 | Taito / Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sinv90 | | Space Invaders 90 (Japan) | md_sinv91 | 1990 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sinv91s | | Space Invaders 91 (Hack, Spanish) | md_sinv91 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sinv91 | | Space Invaders 91 (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_spaceinvcol | | Space Invaders Collection (HB) | | 2003 | Opcode Games | ColecoVision | |
| spacedxo | | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.0) | spacedx | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| spacedxj | | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.1) | spacedx | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| spacedx | | Space Invaders DX (US, v2.1) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| spcinvdj | | Space Invaders DX (Ver 2.6J 1994/09/14) (F3 Version) | spacedx | 1994 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | Graphics issues in Cellophane mode - use parent! |
| galap1 | | Space Invaders Galactica (hack of 'Galaxian (Namco set 2)') | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| sinvasnb | | Space Invasion (bootleg) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sinvasn | | Space Invasion (Europe) | commando | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_spaceinvasion | | Space Invasion (HB) | | 1998 | John Dondzilla | ColecoVision | |
| spec_spacejourney | | Space Journey (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | Roman Cikryt | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spacejunk | | Space Junk (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Miguetelo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_spacmaze | | Space Maze Attack (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_spacmazeb | | Space Maze Attack (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_spacmaze | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_spacmazea | | Space Maze Attack (Japan, Alt) | msx_spacmaze | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| spcmission | | Space Mission (SegaSA / Sonic, Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 198? | bootleg (SegaSA / Sonic) | Galaxian | |
| spec_thehardy | | Space Monsters meet The Hardy (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Mayhem | ZX Spectrum | |
| sg1k_spacemnt | | Space Mountain (Japan, OMV) | | 1983 | Tsukuda Original | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_spacemouse | | Space Mouse (HB) | | 201? | H. Kobo | MSX | |
| nes_spacemutdg | | Space Mutants - DG BGM (HB) | | 2023 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spacemuteue | | Space Mutants - Extendo UnCut Edition (HB) | | 2023 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spacemutjk | | Space Mutants - JK BGM (HB) | nes_spacemutdg | 2023 | T-Bone Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_panic | | Space Panic | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spaceplt | | Space Pilot (set 1) | timeplt | 1982 | bootleg | GX393 | |
| spaceplta | | Space Pilot (set 2) | timeplt | 1982 | bootleg | GX393 | |
| spcpostn | | Space Position (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega / Nasco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_spracing | | Space Racing (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Voxel Tower | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_spaceraft | | Space Raft (HB) | | 2020 | Raftronaut | Miscellaneous | |
| sraider | | Space Raider | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_srescue | | Space Rescue (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| spcrocks | | Space Rocks (Spanish clone of Asteroids) | asteroid | 1981 | Atari (J.Estevez license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spaceskr | | Space Seeker | | 1981 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| cv_spaceshuttle | | Space Shuttle (SGM + EEPROM) (HB) | | 1986-2023 | Activision | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_spacesla | | Space Slalom (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_spacesludge | | Space Sludge (16K) (HB) | | 2019 | Bumfun Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sstrangr2 | | Space Stranger 2 | sstrangr | 1979 | Yachiyo Electronics, Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| sstrangr | | Space Stranger | | 1978 | Yachiyo Electronics, Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_spacethunder | | Space Thunder (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Isaias Diaz Toledano | ZX Spectrum | |
| spctbird | | Space Thunderbird | mooncrst | 1981? | bootleg (Fortrek) | Galaxian | |
| spacetrkc | D | Space Trek (cocktail) | spacetrk | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spacetrk | D | Space Trek (upright) | | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spctrek | | Space Trek (Video Game S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Video Game S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| msx_spacetrb | | Space Trouble (Japan) | | 1984 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_spacewlk | | Space Walk (Euro) | | 1985 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| chf_spacewar | | Space War | | 1977 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| spec_spacewarr | | Space Warrior (48K) | | 1985 | Automata UK | ZX Spectrum | Press 'J' to use controller |
| msx_spacecat | | SpaceCat (HB) | | 2022 | Platty Soft | MSX | |
| nes_spacegulls | | Spacegulls (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| sparkman | | Spark Man (v2.0, set 1) | | 1989 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| sparkmana | | Spark Man (v2.0, set 2) | sparkman | 1989 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_sparkie | | Sparkie (Japan) | | 1983 | Sony - Konami | MSX | |
| cv_sparkie | | Sparkie (SGM) (HB) | | 1983-2013 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| md_sparkstr | | Sparkster (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sparkstrs | | Sparkster (Hack, Spanish) | md_sparkstr | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sparkstrj | | Sparkster (Japan) | md_sparkstr | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sparkstru | | Sparkster (USA) | md_sparkstr | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| sparkz | | Sparkz (prototype) | | 1992 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spartanx | | Spartan X (Japan) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spartanx | | Spartan X (Japan) | kungfum | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| nes_spartanx2 | | Spartan X 2 (Hack, English) | | 2003 | Abstract Crouton Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spartanx2j | | Spartan X 2 (Japan) | nes_spartanx2 | 1991 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| spatter | | Spatter (315-5096) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| md_spatter | | Spatter (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition) | | 2022 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spax | | Spax (HB) | | 2022 | Nomad Natan | Sega Megadrive | |
| speakhlp | | Speak & Help | speakres | 1980 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| speakresb | | Speak & Rescue (bootleg) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| speakres | | Speak & Rescue | | 1980 | Sun Electronics | Route 16 | |
| spec_speccies2 | | Speccies 2, The (16K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2013 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_speccies2 | | Speccies 2, The (HB) | | 2020 | Tardis Remakes | Sega Master System | |
| speccies | | Speccies 2 | | 2015 | Sokurah | Taito L System | |
| spec_speccies | | Speccies, The (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2013 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_speccybros | | Speccy Bros (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Climacus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_speccyqen | | Speccy Quiz (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Amebatron Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_speccyqes | | Speccy Quiz (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_speccyqen | 2022 | Amebatron Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_speccysoccer | | Speccy Soccer (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Voxel Tower | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sci | | Special Criminal Investigation (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_scip | | Special Criminal Investigation (Euro, Prototype) | sms_sci | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_sci | | Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| scij | | Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) | sci | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Z | |
| sciu | | Special Criminal Investigation (US) | sci | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Z | |
| sci | | Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| scia | | Special Criminal Investigation (World set 2) | sci | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Z | |
| spec_spdelivery | | Special Delivery (48K) | | 1984 | Creative Sparks | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_spectar | | Spectar (HB) | | 2005 | AtariAge | ColecoVision | |
| spec_spectipede | | Spectipede (16K) | | 1983 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | Press 'P' to start a game session |
| cv_spectron | | Spectron | | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| spec2kh | | Spectrum 2000 (horizontal, buggy) (Europe) | spec2k | 2000 | Yona Tech | NMK16 | |
| spec2k | | Spectrum 2000 (vertical, Korea) | | 2000 | Yona Tech | NMK16 | |
| spec_specross | | Spectrum Cross (16K) | | 1983 | Your Computer | ZX Spectrum | 1: up - 9: left - 0: right |
| speedbal | | Speed Ball (set 1) | | 1987 | Tecfri / Desystem S.A. | Miscellaneous | |
| speedbala | | Speed Ball (set 2) | speedbal | 1987 | Tecfri / Desystem S.A. | Miscellaneous | |
| spdball | | Speed Ball - Contest at Neonworld (prototype) | | 1985 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| spdcoin | | Speed Coin (prototype) | | 1984 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| msx_speedking | | Speed King (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| speedspn | | Speed Spin | | 1994 | TCH | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_speedbl | | Speedball (Image Works) (Euro) | | 1990 | Image Works | Sega Master System | |
| sms_speedblv | | Speedball (Virgin) (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_speedbl2 | | Speedball 2 (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_speedbl2 | | Speedball 2 (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_speedbl2j | | Speedball 2 (Japan) | md_speedbl2 | 1992 | CRI | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_speedbl2p | | Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (Prototype, 19910607) | md_speedbl2 | 1991 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_speedbl2u | | Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA) | md_speedbl2 | 1991 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_sbracer | | Speedboat Racer (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| spec_spekkuman | | Spekku-man (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Grongy, Art-top, AER | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spellbound | | Spellbound (128K) | | 1985 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | A, Z and SPACE to choose and set main options |
| msx_spellbound | | Spellbound (HB) | | 2023 | Mastropiero | MSX | The MSX port of classic ZX Spectrum 'Spellbound' |
| sms_spellcst | | SpellCaster (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spellcstc | | SpellCaster (Hack, Spanish v0,99) | sms_spellcst | 2019 | jackic | Sega Master System | |
| msx_spelunkr | | Spelunker (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem | MSX | |
| spelunkrj | | Spelunker (Japan) | spelunkr | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| msx_spelunkra | | Spelunker (Japan, Alt) | msx_spelunkr | 1986 | Irem | MSX | |
| cv_spelunker | | Spelunker (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2015 | Broderbund | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_spelunker | | Spelunker (USA) | | 1987 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| spelunk2 | | Spelunker II - 23 no Kagi (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| nes_speluii | | Spelunker II - Yuusha e no Chousen (Hack, English) | | 2003 | Sarysa | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_speluiij | | Spelunker II - Yuusha e no Chousen (Japan) | nes_speluii | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| spelunkr | | Spelunker | | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | Irem M62 | |
| spec_spherical | | Spherical (48K) | | 1989 | Rainbow Arts | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spherical128rm | | Spherical Remastered (128K) (Graphics Hack) | spec_spherical | 2015 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | Graphics enhancement mod |
| spec_spidmami | | Spider Mami (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Rafael Vico | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_spider | | Spider, The (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| md_spidmaxcs | | Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (Hack, Spanish) | md_spidmaxc | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spidmaxc | | Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spidermn | | Spider-Man (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spidermnp1 | | Spider-Man (USA, Prototype) | md_spidermn | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spidermnp2 | | Spider-Man (USA, Prototype, Earlier) | md_spidermn | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_spidermn | | Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| gg_spidermn | | Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_spidemanc | | Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Hack, Chinese) | nes_spideman | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spideman | | Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (USA) | | 1992 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_spidxmen | | Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_spidxmen | | Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_spidking | | Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_spidking | | Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_spidkings | | Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin (Hack, Spanish) | md_spidking | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spidking | | Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spidmanj | | Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan) | spidman | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| spidmanu | | Spider-Man: The Videogame (US, Rev A) | spidman | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| spidman | | Spider-Man: The Videogame (World) | | 1991 | Sega | System 32 | |
| spidermi | | Spiderman (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| spec_spikeintransylvania | | Spike in Transylvania (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spikerbt | | Spiker - Basic Training (128K) (HB) | | 2013 | Black Jet | ZX Spectrum | |
| spinmast | | Spin Master / Miracle Adventure | | 1993 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_spinpair | | Spin Pair (Japan) | | 1990 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| spinlbrkj | | Spinal Breakers (Japan) | spinlbrk | 1990 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spinlbrku | | Spinal Breakers (US) | spinlbrk | 1990 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spinlbrkup | | Spinal Breakers (US, prototype) | spinlbrk | 1990 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spinlbrk | | Spinal Breakers (World) | | 1990 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_spinball | | SpinBall (HB) | | 2020 | Nicam Shilova | ColecoVision | |
| spec_spindizzy | | Spindizzy (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_spirwave | | Spiral Wave (Japan) | | 1991 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| nes_spiritimpel | | Spirit Impel (HB) | | 2020 | Passe Gaming | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_spirits | | Spirits (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_spirits | | Spirits (Spanish) (48K) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spirits30th | | Spirits - 30th Anniversary (Spanish) (48K) | spec_spirits | 2017 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_spiritwf | | Spiritual Warfare (USA) (Unl) | | 1994 | Wisdom Tree | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spirou | | Spirou (Euro) | | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_spirou | | Spirou (Euro, Prototype) | | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Game Gear | |
| chf_spitfirep | | Spitfire (Prototype) | chf_spitfire | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| chf_spitfire | | Spitfire | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| msx_splash | | Splash (Euro, Spanish) | | 1986 | Mind Games Espana | MSX | |
| splat | | Splat! | | 1982 | Williams | 6809 System | |
| nes_splatood | | SplatooD (HB, v1.0.6) | | 2016 | John Carmackerel | Miscellaneous | |
| splatterj | | Splatter House (Japan, SH1) | splatter | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| splatter | | Splatter House (World, new version (SH3)) | | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| splatter2 | | Splatter House (World, old version (SH2)) | splatter | 1988 | Namco | System 1 | |
| nes_splathou | | Splatter House - Wanpaku Graffiti (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_splatth | | Splatterhouse (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | PC Engine | |
| tg_splatth | | Splatterhouse (USA) | | 1990 | NEC - Namco | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_splatth2 | | Splatterhouse 2 (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth2u | | Splatterhouse 2 (USA) | md_splatth2 | 1992 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth3s | | Splatterhouse 3 (Hack, Spanish) | md_splatth3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth3 | | Splatterhouse 3 (USA) | | 1993 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth3be | | Splatterhouse 3 Bloody Edition (USA) (Hack, v1.2) | md_splatth3 | 2021 | CRT_rex | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_splatthc | | Splatterhouse Chrome (Hack) | pce_splatth | 2009 | guemmai | PC Engine | |
| md_splatth2j | | Splatterhouse Part 2 (Japan) | md_splatth2 | 1992 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth3j | | Splatterhouse Part 3 (Japan, Korea) | md_splatth3 | 1993 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_splatth3jbe | | Splatterhouse Part 3 Bloody Edition (Japan, Korea) (Hack, v1.2) | md_splatth3 | 2021 | CRT_rex | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_splattr | | splATTR (128K) (HB) | | 2008 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_splitsecond | | Split Second (HB) | | 2019 | Skadiet | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sploids | | Sploids (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Stonechat | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_spongbob | | Sponge Bob (Russia) (Unl) | md_coolspot | 20?? | KDS | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_spooked | | Spooked (48K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_spooksl | | Spooks & Ladders (Euro) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| spec_spookycastle | | Spooky Castle (48K) | | 1990 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_spookysoccer | | Spooky Soccer (HB, Prototype) | | 2022 | Dullahan Software | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sportg | | Sport Games (Brazil) | | 199? | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sportill | | Sports Illustrated Championship Football and Baseball (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_sportsft | | Sports Pad Football (USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sportssc | | Sports Pad Soccer (Japan) | sms_worldsoc | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_sporttbb | | Sports Talk Baseball (USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sporttrvp12 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950308) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp11 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950309) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp10 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950313) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp09 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950316-1MEG) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp08 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950316-2MEG) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp07 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950317-2MEG) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp06 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950320-2MEG) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp05 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950320-QTEST) | gg_sporttrv | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep24 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950321-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep23 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950323-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep22 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950323-ALGOTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep21 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950323-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep20 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950327-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep19 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950327-ALGOTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep18 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950329-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep17 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950329-ALGOTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep16 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950329-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep15 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950330-2MEG-D) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep14 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950330-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep13 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950403-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep12 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950403-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep11 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950404-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep10 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950405-2MEG-B) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep09 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950405-2MEG-C) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep08 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950405-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep07 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950406-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep06 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950407-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep05 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950407-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep04 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950411-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep03 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950412-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp04 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950425-1MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp03 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950425-QTEST) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp02 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950427-1MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep02 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950428-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvcep01 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950502-2MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrvp01 | | Sports Trivia (Prototype, 19950504-1MEG) | gg_sprtrvce | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sporttrv | | Sports Trivia (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sprtrvce | | Sports Trivia - Championship Edition (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_spot | | Spot (USA) | | 1990 | Arcadia | Miscellaneous | |
| md_spotgo | | Spot Goes to Hollywood (Euro) | | 1996 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_spotgou | | Spot Goes to Hollywood (USA) | md_spotgo | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| spotty | | Spotty (Ver. 2.0.2) | | 2001 | Prince Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_springbot | | Springbot - Mars Attack! (48K) (HB, v1.3) | | 2020 | Andy Farrell | ZX Spectrum | |
| springer | | Springer | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sprouty | | Sprouty (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Stonechat Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_spunkysc | | Spunky's Super Car! (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| spec_spyhunt | | Spy Hunter (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spyhuntp | | Spy Hunter (Playtronic license) | spyhunt | 1983 | Bally Midway (Playtronic license) | MCR3 | |
| cv_spyhuntp1 | | Spy Hunter (Prototype, v13) | cv_spyhunt | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_spyhuntp | | Spy Hunter (Prototype, v22) | cv_spyhunt | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_spyhunter | | Spy Hunter (USA) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| spyhunt2a | | Spy Hunter II (rev 1) | spyhunt2 | 1987 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spyhunt2 | | Spy Hunter II (rev 2) | | 1987 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_spyhunt | | Spy Hunter | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spyhunt | | Spy Hunter | | 1983 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| md_spykids4 | | Spy Kids 4 - All The Time In The World (Russia) (Unl) | md_dinotale | 199? | <unlicensed> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_spyvspy | | Spy vs Spy (48K) | | 1985 | Beyond Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_spyvsspy | | Spy vs Spy (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spyvsspyc | | Spy vs Spy (Euro, USA, Brazil, Sega Card) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spyvsspycast | | Spy vs Spy (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_spyvsspy | 2019 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_spyvsspyc | | Spy Vs Spy (Hack, Spanish) | nes_spyvsspy | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_spyvsspyj | | Spy vs Spy (Japan, MyCard) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spyvsspyj1 | | Spy vs Spy (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spyvsspyk | | Spy vs Spy (Korea) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_spyvsspytw | | Spy vs Spy (Taiwan) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986? | Aaronix | Sega Master System | |
| nes_spyvsspy | | Spy vs Spy (USA) | | 1988 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_spyvsspys | | Spy vs Spy (USA, Display Unit Sample) | sms_spyvsspy | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_spyvsspyislca | | Spy vs Spy - The Island Caper (Hack, English) | | 2015 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_spyvsspyislcaj | | Spy vs Spy - The Island Caper (Japan) | nes_spyvsspyislca | 1987 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_spyvspy2 | | Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper (48K) | | 1987 | Databyte | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_spyvssp2 | | Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper (Euro) | | 1987 | Databyte | MSX | |
| spec_spyvspy3 | | Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics (48K) | | 1988 | Databyte | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sqijzx | | SQIJ! ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| sqij | | SQIJ! | | 2018 | Sokurah | Taito L System | |
| spec_sqijd | | SQIJ'D (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Monument Microgames | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_sqoon | | Sqoon (USA) | | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_squardan | | Square Dancer (Japan) | | 1984 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | Use keys 'Z', '/' and Enter |
| msx_squareball | | SquareBall (HB) | | 2021 | Ray2Day | MSX | |
| spec_squares | | Squares (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_squares | | Squares! (HB) | | 2007 | Harvey deKleine | ColecoVision | |
| squaitsa | | Squash (Itisa) | | 1984 | Itisa | Miscellaneous | |
| squash | | Squash (ver. 1.0, checksum 015aef61) | | 1992 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_squashed | | Squashed (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_squirchaser | | Squirrel Chaser (HB) | | 2022 | Brad Hammond | Miscellaneous | |
| md_squirrel | | Squirrel King (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1995 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_squishem | | Squish 'em Sam! | | 1984 | Interphase | ColecoVision | |
| msx_squishem | | Squish'em (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_squishema | | Squish'em (Japan, Alt) | msx_squishem | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| stkclmnsj | | Stack Columns (Japan) | stkclmns | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| stkclmns | | Stack Columns (World) | | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| spec_stackup | | Stack Up (48K) | | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| scrossu | | Stadium Cross (US) | scross | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| scross | | Stadium Cross (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| scrossa | | Stadium Cross (World, alt) | scross | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | |
| stadhr96 | | Stadium Hero '96 (Europe, EAJ, Tuning license) | | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| stadhr96j | | Stadium Hero '96 (Japan, EAD) | stadhr96 | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| stadhr96j2 | NW | Stadium Hero '96 (Japan?, EAE) | stadhr96 | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| stadhr96k | | Stadium Hero '96 (Korea, Dream Island license) | stadhr96 | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| stadhr96u | | Stadium Hero '96 (USA, EAH) | stadhr96 | 1996 | Data East Corporation | DECO MLC | |
| stadhero | | Stadium Hero (Japan) | | 1988 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| stagger1 | | Stagger I (Japan) | | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| spec_stainlesssteel | | Stainless Steel (48K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| stakwin | | Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi | | 1995 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| stakwin2 | | Stakes Winner 2 | | 1996 | Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_stanley | | Stanley - The Search for Dr. Livingston (USA) | | 1992 | Electro Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_staravng | | Star Avenger (Euro) | | 1984 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| spec_starblade | | Star Blade (48K) | | 1995 | Barry Addams | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_starblaz | | Star Blazer (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_starblazb | | Star Blazer (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_starblaz | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_starblaza | | Star Blazer (Japan, Alt) | msx_starblaz | 1985 | Sony | MSX | |
| spec_starbowls | | Star Bowls (48K) | | 1991 | Zigurat Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_starbowls | | Star Bowls (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Zigurat Software | MSX | |
| cv_starcastle | | Star Castle (HB) | | 2021 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| md_starchaser | | Star Chaser (HB) | | 2014 | Sik | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_starctrl | | Star Control (USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_starcruse | | Star Cruiser (Hack, English) | md_starcrus | 2016 | Nebulous Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_starcrus | | Star Cruiser (Japan) | | 1990 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_stardragon | | Star Dragon (128K) | | 1991 | Ultrasoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_starevil | | Star Evil (HB) | | 2018 | PDRoms | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_starfarc | | Star Farce (48K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| starfigh | | Star Fighter (v1) | | 1990 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| starfght | | Star Fighter | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Jeutel) | Galaxian | |
| cv_starfire | | Star Fire (HB) | | 2021 | Chris Oberth | ColecoVision | |
| spec_starfirebirds | | Star Firebirds (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| starforcb | NW | Star Force (encrypted, bootleg) | starforc | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| starforce | | Star Force (encrypted, set 1) | starforc | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| starforca | | Star Force (encrypted, set 2) | starforc | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_starforce | | Star Force (HB) | | 2011 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_starfrce | | Star Force (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| sg1k_starfrce | | Star Force (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_starfrcea | | Star Force (Japan, Alt) | msx_starfrce | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| sg1k_starfrcet | | Star Force (Taiwan) | sg1k_starfrce | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_starfrceta | | Star Force (Taiwan, Alt) | sg1k_starfrce | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_starforce | | Star Force (USA) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| starforc | | Star Force | | 1984 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_starfortress | | Star Fortress (HB) | | 1997 | John Dondzila | ColecoVision | |
| nes_stargate | | Star Gate (Japan) | | 1987 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| stargrds | | Star Guards | | 1987 | Bally Midway | MCR3 | |
| sg1k_starjack1 | | Star Jacker (Euro, Japan, v1.1) | sg1k_starjack | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_starjack | | Star Jacker (Euro, Japan, v1.2) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_starjacker | | Star Jacker (HB) | | 1983-2021 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_starjack2 | | Star Jacker (Japan, v1.0) | sg1k_starjack | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| starjack | | Star Jacker (Sega) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| starjacks | | Star Jacker (Stern Electronics) | starjack | 1983 | Sega (Stern Electronics license) | System 1 | |
| sg1k_starjackt | | Star Jacker (Taiwan) | sg1k_starjack | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_starluster | | Star Luster (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_starmobile | | Star Mobile (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition) | | 2022 | Mindware | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_starpaws | | Star Paws (128K) | | 1988 | Software Projects | ZX Spectrum | |
| starrkr | D | Star Raker | brdrline | 1981 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| spec_starrunner | | Star Runner (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_starsold | | Star Soldier (Japan) | | 1986 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_starsolda | | Star Soldier (Japan, Alt) | msx_starsold | 1986 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| cv_starsoldier | | Star Soldier (SGM) (HB) | | 2015 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| nes_starsoldier | | Star Soldier (USA) | | 1989 | Taxan | Miscellaneous | |
| startrkd | | Star Trek (bootleg of Defender) | defender | 1981 | bootleg | 6809 System | |
| startrks | | Star Trek (Head On hardware) | nostromo | 198? | bootleg (Sidam) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| nes_startre25tann | | Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (USA) | | 1992 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_stds9 | | Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (Euro) | | 1995 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_stds9u | | Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (USA) | md_stds9 | 1995 | Playmates Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_stng | | Star Trek - The Next Generation (USA) | | 1994 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_startrenexgen | | Star Trek - The Next Generation (USA) | | 1993 | Absolute | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sttngp04 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19940103) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttngp03 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19940110) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttngp02 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19940118) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttngp01 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19940125) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttngp06 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19941228) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttngp05 | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (Prototype, 19941229) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttnga | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (USA) | md_sttng | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sttng | | Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (USA, v1.1) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_stgbeyn | | Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_startrevfinfr | | Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (Prototype) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_startrek | | Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| startrek | | Star Trek | | 1982 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| nes_starversus | | Star Versus (HB) | | 2015 | Dustmop | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starvoyager | | Star Voyager (USA) | | 1987 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_starwarr2 | | Star Warrior (48K) (HB, v2.0) | | 2021 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| starwarr | | Star Warrior | spacefb | 1980 | bootleg (Potomac Mortgage) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_starwars | | Star Wars (48K) | | 1987 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_starwars | | Star Wars (Euro) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_starwars | | Star Wars (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| nes_starwarsc | | Star Wars (Hack, Spanish) | nes_starwars | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starwarst | | Star Wars (Namco) (Hack, English) | nes_starwars | 2005 | Mukimuki & Shinta | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starwarsjc | | Star Wars (Namco) (Hack, Spanish) | nes_starwars | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starwarsj | | Star Wars (Namco) (Japan) | nes_starwars | 1987 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_starwarsp | | Star Wars (Prototype, 19930125) | | 1994 | Sega Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_starwars | | Star Wars (Russia) (Unl) | md_elimdown | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| starwars | | Star Wars (set 1) | | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| starwars1 | | Star Wars (set 2) | starwars | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| starwarso | | Star Wars (set 3) | starwars | 1983 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_starwarsu | | Star Wars (USA) | gg_starwars | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_starwars | | Star Wars (USA) | | 1991 | JVC | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starwaresb | | Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA) | | 1992 | JVC | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starwaresbeas | | Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Easy (Hack) | nes_starwaresb | 2019 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_swdroids | | Star Wars Droids (128K) | | 1988 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_starwarseasy | | Star Wars Easy (Hack) | nes_starwars | 2018 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| md_starjedi | | Star Wars Jedi (Russia) (Unl) | md_wolfchld | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_starwars | | Star Wars: The Arcade Game | | 1984 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| msx_starbugg | | Starbuggy (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| cv_starcom | | Starcom (HB) | | 1986-2012 | Coleco | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_stardomwar | | Stardom Warriors (Hack, English) | | 2023 | Polinym | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stardust | | Stardust (48K) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stardust | | Stardust (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | Use 'Q', 'A' and 'SPACE' to select options |
| starfgmc | | Starfighter (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 198? | bootleg (Samyra Engineering) | Galaxian | |
| md_starfl1 | | Starflight (Euro, USA) | md_starfl | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_starfl | | Starflight (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1991 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_stargatep | | Stargate (Euro, Prototype) | md_stargate | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_stargate | | Stargate (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_stargatep1 | | Stargate (Next Generation Magazine Prototype) | md_stargate | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_stargate | | Stargate (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| stargate | | Stargate | | 1981 | Williams / Vid Kidz | 6809 System | |
| nes_stargazers | | Stargazers (Hack, English) | | 2023 | brandnewscooby | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_starglider128k | | Starglider (128K) | | 1986 | Rainbird | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_starglider48k | | Starglider (48K) | spec_starglider128k | 1986 | Rainbird | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_starglider2 | | Starglider 2 - The Egrons Strike Back (128K) | | 1989 | Rainbird | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_starlightmario | | Starlight Mario (Hack) | nes_smb | 2020 | TPWC Hacks | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_starlightmariou | | Starlight Mario Underworld (Hack) | nes_smb | 2022 | TPWC Hacks | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_starquak | | Starquake (48K) | | 1985 | Bubblebus Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_starquak | | Starquake (Euro) | | 1986 | Bubble Bus Software | MSX | |
| spec_starsgumi | | STARS - Gumi (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_starsgumi2 | | STARS - Gumi 2 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_starshipdf | | Starship Defence Force (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| nes_starshiphector | | Starship Hector (USA) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_starship | | Starship Simulator (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_starshipa | | Starship Simulator (Japan, Alt) | msx_starship | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| nes_startropics | | StarTropics (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_startropicsmf | | StarTropics - Music Fix (Hack) | nes_startropics | 2023 | rainwarrior | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_startii | | Startropics II - Zoda's Revenge (USA) | | 1994 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| stealsee | | Steal See | | 2000 | Moov Generation / Eolith | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_steam | | Steamroller (Prototype) | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| nes_sted | | Sted - Iseki Wakusei no Yabou (Hack, English) | | 1999 | J2e Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_stedj | | Sted - Iseki Wakusei no Yabou (Japan) | nes_sted | 1990 | KAC | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_steeleagle | | Steel Eagle (128K) | | 1990 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_steelemps | | Steel Empire, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_empsteel | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_steelemp | | Steel Empire, The (USA) | md_empsteel | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| stlforce | | Steel Force | | 1994 | Electronic Devices Italy / Ecogames S.L. Spain | Miscellaneous | |
| sgunnerj | | Steel Gunner (Japan) | sgunner | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sgunner | | Steel Gunner (Rev B) | | 1990 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sgunner2j | | Steel Gunner 2 (Japan, Rev A) | sgunner2 | 1991 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sgunner2 | | Steel Gunner 2 (US) | | 1991 | Namco | System 2 | |
| nes_steelmoons | | Steel Moons (HB) | | 2022 | Mazionach | Miscellaneous | |
| md_steeltal | | Steel Talons (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_steeltalj | | Steel Talons (Japan, Korea) | md_steeltal | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_steeltalp | | Steel Talons (USA, Prototype) | md_steeltal | 1992 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_steg | | Steg the Slug (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_steinsgate | | Steins Gate (HB) | | 2018 | Chiyomaru | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_step | | Step (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | Uninteresting | MSX | |
| msx_stepup | | Step Up (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_stepupa | | Step Up (Japan, Alt) | msx_stepup | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_stepupk | | Step Up (Korea) (Unl) | msx_stepup | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_stepper | | Stepper (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| stera | | Steraranger (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_stercore | | Stercore (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | C64CD Studios | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stevedore | | Stevedore (HB, v1.2) | | 2021 | theNestruo & Wonder | MSX | Hold controller button 2 to restart level |
| msx_stevedored | | Stevedore Demo (HB) | msx_stevedore | 2020 | theNestruo & Wonder | MSX | Hold controller button 2 to restart level |
| nes_stickhun | | Stick Hunter - Exciting Ice Hockey (Japan) | | 1987 | KAC | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stifflip1en | | Stifflip & Co. - part 1 (English) (128K) | | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stifflip1es | | Stifflip & Co. - part 1 (Spanish) (128K) | spec_stifflip1en | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stifflip2en | | Stifflip & Co. - part 2 epilogue (English) (128K) | spec_stifflip1en | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stifllip2es | | Stifflip & Co. - part 2 epilogue (Spanish) (128K) | spec_stifflip1en | 1987 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_renstim | | Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_renstimu | | Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy (USA) | md_renstim | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_renstimup | | Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy (USA, Prototype) | md_renstim | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_sting | | STING (HB) | | 2008 | smkdan | Miscellaneous | |
| stinger2 | | Stinger (prototype?) | stinger | 1983 | Seibu Denshi | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_stinger | | Stinger (USA) | nes_moerotwi | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| stinger | | Stinger | | 1983 | Seibu Denshi | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stomp | | Stomp (48K) | | 1985 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| stonebal2o | | Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 21/10/1994) | stonebal | 1994 | Art & Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| stonebal2 | | Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 7/11/1994) | stonebal | 1994 | Art & Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| stonebal | | Stone Ball (4 Players, v1-20 13/12/1994) | | 1994 | Art & Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_stonew | | Stone of Wisdom, The (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2015 | Casio | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_stonewise | | Stone of Wisdom, The - Kenja no Ishi (Hack, English) | msx_stonewis | 2021 | GDX | MSX | |
| msx_stonewis | | Stone of Wisdom, The - Kenja no Ishi (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| md_stonprotpiko | | Stone Protectors (HB) | | 2022 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | Original title by Vic Tokai |
| md_stonprot | | Stone Protectors (USA, Prototype) | md_stonprotpiko | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| stoneage | | Stoneage (bootleg of Caveman Ninja) | cninja | 1991 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_stonkers | | Stonkers (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stopexpr | | Stop the Express (48K) | | 1983 | Sinclair Research | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_bousousos | | Stop the Express. Bousou Tokkyuu SOS (Japan) | | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_bousousosa | | Stop the Express. Bousou Tokkyuu SOS (Japan, Alt) | msx_bousousos | 1985 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| spec_stopvirus | | Stop Virus (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stopvirusaf | | Stop Virus (Axel F bgm) (128K) (HB) | spec_stopvirus | 2021 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| stmbladej | | Storm Blade (Japan) | stmblade | 1996 | Visco | SSV | |
| stmblade | | Storm Blade (US) | | 1996 | Visco | SSV | |
| spec_stvalhalla | | Storm Over Valhalla (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Sequentia Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stvalhallaepe | | Storm Over Valhalla Epilogue (English) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_stvalhalla | 2023 | Sequentia Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stvalhallaeps | | Storm Over Valhalla Epilogue (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_stvalhalla | 2023 | Sequentia Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stormrescue | | Storm Rescue (HB) | | 2022 | Renato Murta | MSX | |
| spec_stormbringer | | Stormbringer (128K) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stormbringer | | Stormbringer (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| spec_stormfinch | | Stormfinch (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Stonechat | ZX Spectrum | |
| storming | | Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (set 1) | lsasquad | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| storminga | | Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (set 2) | lsasquad | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stormlor128 | | Stormlord (128K) | | 1989 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stormlor | | Stormlord (48K) | spec_stormlor128 | 1989 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_strmlords | | Stormlord (Hack, Spanish) | md_strmlord | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_strmlordj | | Stormlord (Japan) | md_strmlord | 1990 | Micro World | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_strmlord | | Stormlord (USA) | | 1990 | RazorSoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_stormlord2 | | Stormlord II: Deliverance (128K) | | 1990 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_thor | | Story of Thor, The (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorf | | Story of Thor, The (Euro, French) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorg | | Story of Thor, The (Euro, German) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thors | | Story of Thor, The (Euro, Spanish) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorjp | | Story of Thor, The (Japan, Prototype) | md_thor | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thork | | Story of Thor, The (Korea) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorp2 | | Story of Thor, The (USA, Prototype, 19941004) | md_thor | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorp1 | | Story of Thor, The (USA, Prototype, 19941017) | md_thor | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorc | | Story of Thor, The - Hikari o Tsugumono (Hack, Chinese) | md_thor | 2004 | YUZO | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_thorj | | Story of Thor, The - Hikari o Tsugumono (Japan) | md_thor | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| strfbomb | | Strafe Bomb (bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Omni) | Galaxian | |
| spec_stranded | | Stranded (48K) (HB) | | 2005 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_stranded25 | | Stranded 2.5 (128K) (HB) | | 2007 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stranglp | | Strange Loop (Japan) | | 1987 | Nihon Dexter | MSX | |
| pce_stratego | | Stratego (Japan) | | 1992 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| stratgys | | Strategy X (Stern Electronics) | stratgyx | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| stratgyx | | Strategy X | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| msx_stratos2 | | StratoS (HB, v2) | | 2005 | CEZ GS | MSX | |
| stratvoxb | | Stratovox (bootleg) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| stratvox | | Stratovox (set 1) | speakres | 1980 | Sun Electronics (Taito license) | Route 16 | |
| stratvoxa | | Stratovox (set 2) | speakres | 1980 | Sun Electronics (Taito license) | Route 16 | |
| msx_straycat | | Stray Cat (HB) | | 2009 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_straycat | | Stray Cat (SGM) (HB) | | 2017 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| streakng | | Streaking (set 1) | | 1980 | Shoei | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| streaknga | | Streaking (set 2) | streakng | 1980 | Shoei | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| stfighta | | Street Fight (bootleg?) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| stfightgb | | Street Fight (Germany - Benelux) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| stfight | | Street Fight (Germany) | empcity | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sfight | | Street Fighter (48K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| sfj | | Street Fighter (Japan) (protected) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfjan | | Street Fighter (Japan, pneumatic buttons) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfp | | Street Fighter (prototype) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sf | | Street Fighter (US, set 1) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfua | | Street Fighter (US, set 2) (protected) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfw | | Street Fighter (World) (protected) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfan | | Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_streefig201c | | Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (Hack, Spanish) | nes_streefig201 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_streefig201 | | Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfar3 | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950605 Euro) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfar2 | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950627 Euro) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfau | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950627 USA) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfar1 | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950718 Euro) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfad | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950727 Euro Phoenix Edition) | sfa | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfa | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950727 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfaud | | Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950727 USA Phoenix Edition) | sfa | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfa2 | | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960229 Euro) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa2ur1 | | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960306 USA) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa2u | | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960430 USA) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa2uhc | | Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Unlock Hidden Characters (Hack By Yumeji) | sfa2 | 2009 | Hack | CPS2 | |
| sfa2ultra | | Street Fighter Alpha 2 Ultra (Beta) | sfa2 | 2023 | hack | CPS2 | |
| sfa3us | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980616 USA, SAMPLE Version) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3b | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 Brazil) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3hr1 | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 Hispanic) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3ur1 | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 USA) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3 | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 Euro) | | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3h | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 Hispanic) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3ud | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA Phoenix Edition) | sfa3 | 1998 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfa3u | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfa3xl | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Xiang Long Edition (Hack by pipi899, Ver.2009-05-10) | sfa3 | 2009 | Hack | CPS2 | |
| sfa3ce | | Street Fighter Alpha 3 Challenger's Edition | sfa3 | 2022 | Grego and Gnawtor | CPS2 | |
| sfach | | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (CPS Changer, Publicity USA 950727) | sfzch | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| spec_streetfighter2 | | Street Fighter II (128K) | | 1993 | Go | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sf2 | | Street Fighter II (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| sf2amf | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf4 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf5 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf6 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 4) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf7 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 5) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf8 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 6) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf9 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 7) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf11 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom w/ Mega Co, bootleg, set 4) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf2 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf3 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf10 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2amf12 | | Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set ?) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| nes_streefigiic | | Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Hack, Spanish) | nes_streefigii | 201? | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_streefigii | | Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Unl) | | 1992 | Yoko Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_streefigiihac | | Street Fighter II Hack (Hack of SFIII) | nes_streefigiii | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| sf2mix | | Street Fighter II Mix (v1.3) | sf2ce | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| pce_sf2ce | | Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Japan) | | 1993 | NEC - Capcom | PC Engine | |
| md_sf2p2 | | Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Prototype, 19930325) | md_sf2 | 1993 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2p1 | | Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Prototype, 19930730) | md_sf2 | 1993 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2hce | | Street Fighter II' - Hyper Champion Edition (Hack) | md_sf2 | 2020 | Lord Hiryu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2hce2 | | Street Fighter II' - Hyper Champion Edition (Hack, v2) | md_sf2 | 2020-21 | Lord Hiryu | Sega Megadrive | |
| sf2mdt | | Street Fighter II' - Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg set 1 (with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205), 920313 etc) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2mdta | | Street Fighter II' - Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg set 2 (with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205), 920313 etc) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2mdtb | | Street Fighter II' - Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg set 3 (with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205), 920313 etc) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2mdtc | | Street Fighter II' - Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg set 4 (with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205), 920313 etc) | sf2ce | 1992 | Playmark bootleg | CPS1 | |
| md_sf2re | | Street Fighter II' - Remastered Edition (Hack) | md_sf2 | 2020 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2 | | Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (Euro) | | 1993 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2ics | | Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (Hack, Color and Sound) | md_sf2 | 2014 | Pyron & Stephane.D | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2s | | Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (Hack, Spanish) | md_sf2 | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2u | | Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (USA) | md_sf2 | 1993 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2wwp | | Street Fighter II' - The World Warrior Plus (Hack) | md_sf2 | 2021 | Lord Hiryu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2j | | Street Fighter II' Plus (Japan, Asia, Korea) | md_sf2 | 1993 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sf2pir | | Street Fighter II' Turbo (Pirate) | md_sf2 | 1993? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| sf2hfjb | | Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (bootleg set 1) | sf2hf | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2hfjb2 | | Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (bootleg set 2) | sf2hf | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2hfj | | Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209) | sf2hf | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2cebltw | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition ('Taiwan' bootleg with PAL) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceeabl | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 etc bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceeab2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 etc bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuabl | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab10 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 10) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab11 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 11) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Some graphic issues due to roms |
| sf2ceuab2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab3 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab4 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 4) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab5 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 5) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab6 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 6) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab7 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 7) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuab8 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 8) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Some graphic issues due to roms |
| sf2ceuab9 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 9) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | Some graphic issues due to roms |
| sf2cejabl | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920322 Japan bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2cejab2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920322 Japan bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceucbl | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920803 USA bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2accp2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2acc | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator!, bootleg, set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2acca | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator!, bootleg, set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2level | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg with level selection) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2cebr | X | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, Brazil) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceh | X | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, Hispanic) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceb2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceb3 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2dongb | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Dongfang Bubai protection, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2dkot2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Double K.O. Turbo II, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2bhh | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hung Hsi, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceja | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920322) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2cejb | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920513) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2cejc | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920803) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2md | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Magic Delta, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2mega | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mega Co bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | Mega Co | CPS1 | |
| sf2mega2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mega Co bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | Mega Co | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceb | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg (Playmark) | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceb4 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg (Playmark) | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceb5 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg (Playmark) | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb3 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb4 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 4) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb5 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 5) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rb6 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 6) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2re | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (RE, bootleg) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | imperfect graphics |
| sf2red | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2reda | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2red2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2redp2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave PtII, bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2sl73a | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Sheng Long v 7.3a) | sf2ce | 2013 | Drakon | CPS1 | |
| sf2cet | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Taiwan 920313) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2tlona | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2tlonb | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2tlonc | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceupl | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (UPL bootleg) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg (UPL) | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceua | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920313) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceub | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920513) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceuc | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920803) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2v004 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004 bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2v0042 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004 bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2v0043 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004 bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceea | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ce | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ceec | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920803) | sf2ce | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2koryu | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Xiang Long, Chinese bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2koryu2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Xiang Long, Chinese bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2koryu3 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Xiang Long, Chinese bootleg set 3) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2yyc | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (YYC bootleg set 1) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2yyc2 | | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (YYC bootleg set 2) | sf2ce | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2hfub | D NW | Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (bootleg set 3) | sf2hf | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2hfu | | Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (USA 921209) | sf2hf | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2hf | | Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2mkot | | Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo!! - Nightmare Crack | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rules | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg with rules screen) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2b | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205, set 1, 910214 etc) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | row scroll issues |
| sf2b2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, 910214 etc, set 2) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2b3 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, 910214 etc, set 3) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2b4 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, 910214 etc, set 4) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ja | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910214) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2jc | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910306) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2jf | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910411) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2jh | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910522) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2j | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210, CPS-B-13) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2j17 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210, CPS-B-17) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2jla | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210, Rev. L) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2jl | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 920312) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2qp1 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken Pt-I, bootleg) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2qp2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rk | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (RK, bootleg set 1) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2rk2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (RK, bootleg set 2) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ebbl | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 1) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2stt | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 2) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ebbl2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 3) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ebbl3 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 4) | sf2 | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2thndr | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg, set 1) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2thndr2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg, set 2) | sf2 | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| sf2ua | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910206) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ub | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910214) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ue | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910228) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2uc | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910306) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ud | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910318) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2uf | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910411) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ug | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. G) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2uh | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. H) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ui | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. I) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2uk | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 911101) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2um | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 920312) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ly | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (with bosses like Champion Edition, Japan 910522, CPS-B-11) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2em | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910129) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ea | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910204) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2en | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910204, conversion) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2eb | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910214) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ee | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910228) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ed | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910318) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2ef | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910411) | sf2 | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| sf2 | | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522) | | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_streefigiii | | Street Fighter III (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| sfiii2n | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Asia 970930, NO CD) | sfiii2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii2h | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Hispanic 970930) | sfiii2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii2j | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Japan 970930) | sfiii2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii2 | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii4n | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (4rd Arrange Edition 2013) | sfiii3 | 2013 | hack | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii4fs | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (4rd Strike 2011-07-17) | sfiii3 | 2011 | hack | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3r1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990512) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608) | | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3jr1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3nr1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512, NO CD) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3j | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3n | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608, NO CD) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3ur1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3u | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990608) | sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3ws | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Widescreen 20220908) | sfiii3 | 2022 | Bank Bank | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3th | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future | re:THIRD update | sfiii3 | 2021 | hack | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiia | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiin | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD, BIOS set 1) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiina | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD, BIOS set 2) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiih | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Hispanic 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiij | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Japan 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiiu | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (USA 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfzar1 | | Street Fighter Zero (950605 Asia) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzjr2 | | Street Fighter Zero (950605 Japan) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfza | | Street Fighter Zero (950627 Asia) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzhr1 | | Street Fighter Zero (950627 Hispanic) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzjr1 | | Street Fighter Zero (950627 Japan) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzh | | Street Fighter Zero (950718 Hispanic) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzbr1 | | Street Fighter Zero (950727 Brazil) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzj | | Street Fighter Zero (950727 Japan) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzb | | Street Fighter Zero (951109 Brazil) | sfa | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfzach | X | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Asia 950925) | sfzch | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfzbch | | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Brazil 950727) | sfzch | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfzech | X | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Euro 950727) | sfzch | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfzhch | X | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Hispanic 950727) | sfzch | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfzcha | | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 040820) | sfzch | 2005 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfzch | | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| sfz2ad | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia Phoenix Edition) | sfa2 | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfz2a | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2jd | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Japan Phoenix Edition) | sfa2 | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfz2jr1 | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Japan) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2n | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960229 Oceania) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2br1 | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Brazil) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2h | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Hispanic) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2j | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960430 Japan) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2b | | Street Fighter Zero 2 (960531 Brazil) | sfa2 | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2alr1 | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805 Asia) | sfz2al | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2alj | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805 Japan) | sfz2al | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2alb | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Brazil) | sfz2al | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2alh | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Hispanic) | sfz2al | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2ald | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia Phoenix Edition) | sfz2al | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfz2al | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz2adl | | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha - Dragon Level (Hack by pipi899, Ver.2009-04-24) | sfz2al | 2009 | Hack | CPS2 | |
| sfz3jr2d | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980629 Japan Phoenix Edition) | sfa3 | 1998 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sfz3jr2 | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980629 Japan) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz3ar1 | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980701 Asia) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz3jr1 | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980727 Japan) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz3a | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Asia) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz3j | | Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Japan) | sfa3 | 1998 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sfz3mix13 | | Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix v0.13 | sfa3 | 2022 | hack | CPS2 | |
| sfz3mix | | Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix v0.27 | sfa3 | 2024 | hack (zero800) | CPS2 | |
| sfz3te | | Street Fighter Zero 3 Training Edition v1.2 (980629 Japan) | sfa3 | 2022 | hack | CPS2 | |
| sftm110 | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.10) | sftm | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sftm111 | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.11) | sftm | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sftm | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12) | | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sftmk112 | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12K, Korea) | sftm | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sftmj112 | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12N, Japan) | sftm | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sftmj114 | | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.14N, Japan) | sftm | 1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_streetgangfootball | | Street Gang Football (48K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_streethawk | | Street Hawk (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_sheroa | | Street Hero (USA, Prototype Alt, SMS Mode) | gg_shero | 1993 | Innovation Tech | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_shero | | Street Hero (USA, Prototype, SMS Mode) | | 1993 | Innovation Tech | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_streetheroes | | Street Heroes (Taiwan) | | 1995 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| strhoop | | Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004 ~ DEH-004) | | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_strtmast | | Street Master (Korea) | | 1992 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_strtmast | | Street Master (Korea) | | 1992 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| md_sracer | | Street Racer (Euro) | | 1995 | Ubi Soft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sracerp | | Street Racer (Prototype, 19950321) | md_sracer | 1995 | Ubi Soft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssmarts | | Street Smart (Hack, Spanish) | md_ssmart | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| streetsmj | | Street Smart (Japan version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ssmart | | Street Smart (Japan, USA) | | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| streetsm1 | | Street Smart (US version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| streetsm | | Street Smart (US version 2) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| streetsmw | | Street Smart (World version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ffightjh | | Street Smart / Final Fight (Japan, hack) | ffight | 1989 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| spec_stsportbb | | Street Sports Basketball (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sor | | Streets of Rage (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_sora | | Streets of Rage (Euro, USA) ~ Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken (Japan) | md_sor | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor | | Streets of Rage (Euro, USA, Rev. A) ~ Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken (Japan, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sors | | Streets of Rage (Hack, Spanish) | md_sor | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sor | | Streets of Rage (World) ~ Bare Knuckle (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sorkiller | | Streets of Rage - Killer Difficulty (Hack, v0.9) | md_sor | 2012 | gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2i | | Streets of Rage 2 (Hack, Italian) | md_sor2 | 2003 | Zydio | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2s | | Streets of Rage 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2usw | | Streets of Rage 2 (USA) Syndicate Wars 2016 (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2016 | Gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2u | | Streets of Rage 2 (USA) | md_sor2 | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2bk3b | | Streets of Rage 2 - Bare Knuckle 3 Boss Edition (Hack, v1.1) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Kratus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2fnr | | Streets of Rage 2 - Fight'n Rage (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2021 | Savok | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2sfv1 | | Streets of Rage 2 - Street Fighter Version 1 (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Kratus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2sfv2 | | Streets of Rage 2 - Street Fighter Version 2 (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Kratus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2sfv3 | | Streets of Rage 2 - Street Fighter Version 3 (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Kratus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2sfv4 | | Streets of Rage 2 - Street Fighter Version 4 (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Kratus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2tmnt | | Streets of Rage 2 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2017 | Hack By Carzj, Fix By M3tro | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2upw | | Streets of Rage 2 Puyo Wars (Hack) | md_sor2 | 2014 | Candra Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3p5 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro, Prototype, 19940412) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3p4 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro, Prototype, 19940413) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3p3 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro, Prototype, 19940415) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3p2 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro, Prototype, 19940420) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3p1 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Euro, Prototype, 19940425) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3s | | Streets of Rage 3 (Hack, Spanish) | md_sor3 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3k | | Streets of Rage 3 (Korea) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up10 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940308) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up09 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940317) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up08 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940318) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up07 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940328) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up06 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940401) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up05 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940404) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up04 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940408) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up03 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940411) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up02 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940412) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3up01 | | Streets of Rage 3 (Prototype, 19940413) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3u | | Streets of Rage 3 (USA) | md_sor3 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3ex | | Streets of Rage 3 - Extreme Edition (Hack, v0.42) | md_sor3 | 2012 | Gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor3pro | | Streets of Rage 3 Project (USA) (Hack, v0.3) | md_sor3 | 2018 | Gsaurus | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sor2 | | Streets of Rage II (Euro) ~ Bare Knuckle II - Shitou e no Chingonka (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_sor2 | | Streets of Rage II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_sor2p | | Streets of Rage II (Prototype) | gg_sor2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sor2 | | Streets of Rage II (World) ~ Bare Knuckle II - Shitou e no Chingonka (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| strnskil | | Strength & Skill | | 1984 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_strider | | Strider (128K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_strider | | Strider (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_strider | | Strider (Euro, USA, Brazil, Korea) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_striders | | Strider (Hack, Spanish) | md_strider | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_strider | | Strider (USA) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| striderfix | | Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)(Graphic and music fixes, Hack) | strider | 2022 | NeoInvader | CPS1 | |
| strider | | Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2) | | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| striderua | | Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-3) | strider | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| strideruc | | Strider (USA, B-Board 90629B-3, buggy Street Fighter II conversion) | strider | 1989 | bootleg (Capcom) | CPS1 | |
| sms_striderd | | Strider (USA, Display Unit Sample) | sms_strider | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| striderjr | | Strider Hiryu (Japan Resale Ver.) | strider | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| striderj | | Strider Hiryu (Japan) | strider | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| md_striderj | | Strider Hiryuu (Japan, Korea) | md_strider | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_strider2 | | Strider II (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_strider2 | | Strider II (Euro) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_strider2 | | Strider II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| md_strider2s | | Strider Returns - Journey from Darkness (Hack, Spanish) | md_strider2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_strider2u | | Strider Returns - Journey from Darkness (USA) | md_strider2 | 1990 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| strkfgtrj | | Strike Fighter (Japan) | strkfgtr | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| strkfgtr | | Strike Fighter (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| strkforc | | Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91) | | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| stg | | Strike Gunner S.T.G | | 1991 | Athena / Tecmo | Seta | |
| cv_strikeit | | Strike It! | | 1983 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| nes_strikewolf | | Strike Wolf (USA) | | 1992 | Micro Genius | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_striker | | Striker (128K) | | 1989 | Cult Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_striker | | Striker (Euro) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_striker | | Striker (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_strikerp | | Striker (Euro, Prototype) | md_striker | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| s1945bl | D NW | Strikers 1945 (Hong Kong, bootleg) | s1945 | 1995 | bootleg | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945a | | Strikers 1945 (Japan / World) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945j | | Strikers 1945 (Japan) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945nj | | Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945k | | Strikers 1945 (Korea) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945 | | Strikers 1945 (World) | | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945n | | Strikers 1945 (World, unprotected) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| s1945iii | | Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) | | 1999 | Psikyo | PS5 | |
| s1945ii | | Strikers 1945 II | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| s1945p | | Strikers 1945 Plus | | 1999 | Psikyo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_stripf2 | | Strip Fighter II (Japan) | | 19?? | Game Express | PC Engine | |
| cv_strippoker | | Strip Poker (HB) | | 2014 | NewColeco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_stripenelope | | Stripping Penelope (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Jaime Grilo | ZX Spectrum | |
| strongx | | Strong X | stratgyx | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_strykercryptsoftrogan | | Stryker - In the Crypts of Trogan (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| stuntair | | Stunt Air | | 1983 | Nuova Videotron | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stuntcar | | Stunt Car Racer (128K) | | 1989 | Micro Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_stuntkids | | Stunt Kids (USA) (Unl) | | 1992 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_stuntmanseymour | | Stunt Man Seymour (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_stupmart | | Stupid Martians (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Visualedu | MSX | |
| spec_subchase | | Sub Chase (16K) | | 1983 | Gem Software | ZX Spectrum | Q and P to move, keys from 1 to 9 to use depth charges |
| subhunt | D | Sub Hunter (Gremlin / Taito) | depthch | 1977 | Gremlin (Taito license) | Vic Dual | No sound |
| sms_subrescue | | Sub Rescue (HB, v0.3) | | 2021 | haroldoop | Sega Master System | |
| sms_subassault | | Sub-Assault (HB, v1.4.1) | | 2023 | Louis The SEGA Nerd | Sega Master System | |
| msx_subacuatic | | Subacuatic (HB, RLV911) | | 2012 | RELEVO / The Mojon Twins | MSX | |
| spec_subacquatic | | Subaquatic Reloaded (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_subbuteo | | Subbuteo - The Computer Game (128K) | | 1990 | Electronic Zoo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_subcmdr | | Subcommander (HB, v1.02) | | 2020 | Zoran Majcenic | MSX | |
| sub | | Submarine (Sigma) | | 1985 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_submarin | | Submarine Attack (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_subvsaliens | | Submarine Canyon Bomber vs Marine Aliens (HB) | | 2017 | Hideki Konishi | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_submarmk | | Submarine! Remake (48K) (HB, v1.5) | | 2022 | je7ebel | ZX Spectrum | B: scuba diver - S: sonar |
| spec_submariner | | Submariner (48K) | | 1988 | Atlantis Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_subrocsgm | | Subroc (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2014 | Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| subroc3d | | Subroc-3D | | 1982 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| cv_subroc | | Subroc | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_subternight | | Subterranean Nightmare (48K) | | 1986 | Americana Software | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' or '2' to start a game session |
| md_subterr | | SubTerrania (Euro) | | 1994 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterrs | | SubTerrania (Hack, Spanish) | md_subterr | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterrj | | SubTerrania (Japan) | md_subterr | 1994 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterrp3 | | SubTerrania (Japan, Prototype) | md_subterr | 1994 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterrp1 | | SubTerrania (Prototype) | md_subterr | 1993 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterrp2 | | SubTerrania (Prototype, Earlier) | md_subterr | 1993 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_subterru | | SubTerrania (USA) | md_subterr | 1993 | Zyrinx | Sega Megadrive | |
| scessjoe | | Success Joe (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation / Wave | Miscellaneous | Incomplete sound |
| cv_sudoku | | Sudoku (HB) | | 2016-17 | Team Pixelboy | ColecoVision | |
| nes_sudoku23 | | Sudoku 23 (HB) | | 2023 | Johnybot | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sudokuny | | Sudoku NY (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | g0blinish | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| nes_sugorque | | Sugoro Quest - Dice no Senshitachi (Hack, English) | | 2007 | AlanMidas | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sugorquej | | Sugoro Quest - Dice no Senshitachi (Japan) | nes_sugorque | 1991 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_suhocheo | | Suho Jeonsa (Korea) | | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| msx_suitemacabre | | Suite Macabre (HB) | | 2022 | Maltanto | MSX | |
| nes_sukebandeka3 | | Sukeban Deka 3 (Hack, English) | | 2016 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sukebandeka3j | | Sukeban Deka 3 (Japan) | nes_sukebandeka3 | 1987 | Toei Animation | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_sukeban | | Sukeban Deka II - Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sjryuko1 | | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-5021) | sjryuko | 1987 | White Board | System 16A | |
| sjryuko | | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-5021) | | 1988 | White Board | System 16B | |
| triplfunk | | Sum-eoitneun Deongdalireul Chat-ara! | oisipuzl | 1993 | bootleg (Jin Young) | Seta | |
| nes_summecar92 | | Summer Carnival '92 - Recca (Japan) | | 1992 | Naxat Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| md_summer | | Summer Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_summergames | | Summer Games (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_sumgames | | Summer Games (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sumgamesp | | Summer Games (Euro, Prototype) | sms_sumgames | 1991 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sumgamesfm | | Summer Games (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_sumgames | 2018 | Sega - fatnick | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| spec_summergames2 | | Summer Games II (48K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_summersanta | | Summer Santa 2022 (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_sumoslam | | Sumo Slam (HB) | | 2013 | Segaman Production | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_sunbucket | | Sun Bucket (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Stonechat | ZX Spectrum | |
| sunaq | | SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) | | 1994 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sundafun | | Sunday Funday - The Ride (USA) (Unl) | nes_menacebeach | 1995 | Wisdom Tree | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sunman | | Sunman (Europe) (Prototype) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| ssridersabd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersebc | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersebd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersjbd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersubc | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersadd | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssriderseaa | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssriders | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC) | | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersjac | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersjad | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuab | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAB) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuac | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuda | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersb | D NW | Sunset Riders (bootleg 4 Players ver ADD) | ssriders | 1991 | bootleg | GX064 | |
| md_ssriders | | Sunset Riders (Euro) | | 1992 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| ssridershs | | Sunset Riders (Hack Series) | ssriders | 2019-2020 | hack | GX064 | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| md_ssriderss | | Sunset Riders (Hack, Spanish) | md_ssriders | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssridersu | | Sunset Riders (USA) | md_ssriders | 1992 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_suparobo | | Suparobo (Japan) | | 1984 | Mass Tael | MSX | |
| md_s15in1 | | Super 15 in 1 (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_s19in1 | | Super 19 in 1 (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_super48kbox | | Super 48K Box (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Vanbsoftware | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_sabaseb | | Super Action Baseball | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_saftsocc | | Super Action Football (Super Action Soccer clone) | cv_sasoccer | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_safootb | | Super Action Football | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sasoccer | | Super Action Soccer | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| md_superair | | Super Airwolf (Japan) | md_xfire | 1991 | Kyugo Boueki | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_supalienbl | | Super Alien Blast (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Vintage Software Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_superarabian | | Super Arabian (Japan) | | 1985 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_superark | | Super Arkanoid (Korea) | sms_woodypop | 1989 | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| csuperas | | Super Astro Fighter (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| sathena | | Super Athena (bootleg) | athena | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sbagmani | | Super Bagman (Itisa, Spain) | sbagman | 1984 | Valadon Automation (Itisa license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sbagmans | | Super Bagman (Stern Electronics) | sbagman | 1984 | Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sbagman2 | | Super Bagman (version 3?) | sbagman | 1984 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| sbagman | | Super Bagman (version 5) | | 1984 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | |
| superbar | | Super Bar | wiggie | 1994 | Promat | Seta | |
| sms_suprbskt | | Super Basketball (USA, CES Demo) | | 1989? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| sbaskete | | Super Basketball (version E, encrypted) | sbasketb | 1984 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| sbasketg | | Super Basketball (version G, encrypted) | sbasketb | 1984 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| sbasketh | | Super Basketball (version H, unprotected) | sbasketb | 1984 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| sbasketb | | Super Basketball (version I, encrypted) | | 1984 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superbatpun | | Super Bat Puncher (HB, Demo) | | 2011 | Morphcat Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sbship | | Super Battleship (USA) | | 1993 | Mindscape | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_sbtank | | Super Battletank (USA) | | 1992 | Majesco | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_sbillard | | Super Billiards (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| sms_sbioman1 | | Super Bioman 1 (Korea) | | 1992 | HiCom | Sega Master System | |
| msx_sbioman4 | | Super Bioman 4 (Korea) (Unl) | | 199? | Zemina | MSX | |
| sbishi | | Super Bishi Bashi Champ (ver JAA, 2 Players) | | 1998 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Imperfect gfx (bad priorities) |
| sbishika | | Super Bishi Bashi Champ (ver KAA, 3 Players) | sbishi | 1998 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Imperfect gfx (bad priorities) |
| sbishik | | Super Bishi Bashi Champ (ver KAB, 3 Players) | sbishi | 1998 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Imperfect gfx (bad priorities) |
| sboblbobl | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 1) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg (Datsu) | Taito Misc | |
| sboblbobla | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 2) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sboblboblb | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 3) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sboblbobld | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sboblboble | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 5) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sboblboblf | | Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 6) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| spec_sbman2r | | Super Bomberman 2 Remix (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | ZX Evolution | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_sboy3 | | Super Boy 3 (Korea) (Unl) | | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_sboy3 | | Super Boy 3 (Korea) | | 1991 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_sboy3a | | Super Boy 3 (Korea, Alt) (Unl) | msx_sboy3 | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_sboy4 | | Super Boy 4 (Korea) | | 1992 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| fds_superboyallan | | Super Boy Allan (Japan) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_sboy1 | | Super Boy I (Korea) (Unl) | | 1989 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_sboy1 | | Super Boy I (Korea) | | 1989 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_sboy2 | | Super Boy II (Korea) (Unl) | | 1989 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_sboy2 | | Super Boy II (Korea) | | 1989 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| msx_sboy2a | | Super Boy II (Korea, Alt) (Unl) | msx_sboy2 | 1989 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sb2003a | | Super Bubble 2003 (Asia, Ver 1.0) | sb2003 | 2003 | Limenko | Miscellaneous | |
| sb2003 | | Super Bubble 2003 (World, Ver 1.0) | | 2003 | Limenko | Miscellaneous | |
| sboblboblc | | Super Bubble Bobble (bootleg) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sms_suprbubl | | Super Bubble Bobble (Korea) | | 1989 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| sbubsm | | Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Mega Drive clone hardware) | | 1996 | Sun Mixing | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_suprbubl | | Super Bubble Bobble MD (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1995 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| sbp | D | Super Bubble Pop | | 2004 | Vektorlogic | Neo Geo MVS | |
| supbtimej | | Super Burger Time (Japan) | supbtime | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| supbtime | | Super Burger Time (World, set 1) | | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| supbtimea | | Super Burger Time (World, set 2) | supbtime | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| sbbros | | Super Buster Bros. (USA 901001) | spang | 1990 | Mitchell (Capcom license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superc | | Super C (USA) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_supercartransam | | Super Car Trans Am - American Turbo King (128K) | | 1989 | Virgin Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_supercars | | Super Cars (128K) | | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_supercars | | Super Cars (USA) | | 1991 | Electro Brain | Miscellaneous | |
| sucasino | | Super Casino | | 1984 | Data Amusement | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| pce_scdsys | D NW | Super CD-Rom System Card (v3.0) | | 19?? | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| sbasebalj | | Super Champion Baseball (Japan) | sbasebal | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| sbasebal | | Super Champion Baseball (US) | | 1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America license) | Alpha 68k | |
| superchsj | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (Japan) | superchs | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| superchsu | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (US) | superchs | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| superchs | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| nes_superchii | | Super Chinese II - Dragon Kid (Hack, Chinese v1.4) | nes_littlninbro | 2019 | HHNM Team | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_scobraa | | Super Cobra (Alt) | cv_scobra | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| scobrab | | Super Cobra (bootleg, set 1) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg (Karateco) | Galaxian | |
| scobrag | | Super Cobra (bootleg, set 2) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg (A.V.G. by Zaccaria) | Galaxian | |
| scobraggi | | Super Cobra (bootleg, set 3) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg (Cocamatic) | Galaxian | |
| scobrae2 | | Super Cobra (encrypted) | scobra | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| msx_scobra | | Super Cobra (Japan) | | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_scobraa | | Super Cobra (Japan, Alt) | msx_scobra | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| scobrase | | Super Cobra (Sega) | scobra | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| scobrae | | Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) (encrypted, KONATEC XC-103SS CPU) | scobra | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| scobras | | Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) | scobra | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| cv_scobra | | Super Cobra | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| scobra | | Super Cobra | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| gg_supercol | | Super Columns (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolj | | Super Columns (Japan) | gg_supercol | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_supercol | | Super Columns (Korea) (Unl) | | 1990 | Hi-Com | MSX | |
| gg_supercolp7 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941111) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp6 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941201) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp5 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941215) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp4 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941221) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp3 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941226) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp2 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19941228) | gg_supercol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_supercolp1 | | Super Columns (Prototype, 19950106) | gg_supercol | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_supercontrac | | Super Contra (Hack, Chinese) | nes_superc | 2018 | FlameCyclone | Miscellaneous | |
| scontra | | Super Contra (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | GX775 | |
| scontraa | | Super Contra (set 2) | scontra | 1988 | Konami | GX775 | |
| scontraj | | Super Contra - Alien no Gyakushuu (Japan) | scontra | 1988 | Konami | GX775 | |
| cv_suprtest | | Super Controller Test Cartridge | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| supcrash | | Super Crash (bootleg of Head On) | headon | 1979 | bootleg (VGG) | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| cv_sprcrossa | | Super Cross Force (Alt) | cv_sprcross | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| msx_superxf | | Super Cross Force (Euro) | | 1983 | Spectravideo | MSX | |
| cv_sprcross | | Super Cross Force | | 1983 | Spectravideo | ColecoVision | |
| sprcros2 | | Super Cross II (Japan, set 1) | | 1986 | GM Shoji | Miscellaneous | |
| sprcros2a | | Super Cross II (Japan, set 2) | sprcros2 | 1986 | GM Shoji | Miscellaneous | |
| scfinalsoc | | Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, F3 Cartridge) | scfinals | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| scfinalso | | Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, single PCB) | scfinals | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| scfinals | | Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13, single PCB) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| spec_supercycle | | Super Cycle (48K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_supdaisna | | Super Daisenryaku (Japan) | md_supdaisn | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_supdaisn | | Super Daisenryaku (Japan, Rev. 02) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sderby | | Super Derby (Playmark, v.07.03) | | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| sderbya | | Super Derby (Playmark, v.10.04) | sderby | 1996 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_superdk | | Super DK! (Prototype) | | 1982 | Nintendo | ColecoVision | |
| cv_suprdkjr | | Super DK! Junior (Prototype) | | 1983 | Nintendo | ColecoVision | |
| spdodgeb | | Super Dodge Ball (US) | | 1987 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superdodgeball | | Super Dodge Ball (USA) | | 1989 | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft | Miscellaneous | |
| sdodgebh | | Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu (Secret Character Hack) | sdodgeb | 1996 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| sdodgeb | | Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu | | 1996 | Technos Japan | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_sdkong99 | NW | Super Donkey Kong '99 (Taiwan, Protected) (Unl) | | 1999 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sdkong99a | | Super Donkey Kong '99 (Taiwan, Unprotected) (Unl) | md_sdkong99 | 1999 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| csdtenis | | Super Doubles Tennis (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_superdragonslayer | | Super Dragon Slayer (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_supdrink | | Super Drinker (Japan) | | 1983 | Ample Software | MSX | |
| supduck | | Super Duck | | 1992 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| usg32 | | Super Duper Casino (California V3.2) | | 1987 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sfzone | | Super Fantasy Zone (Euro) | | 1993 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sfzones | | Super Fantasy Zone (Hack, Spanish) | md_sfzone | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sfzonej | | Super Fantasy Zone (Japan) | md_sfzone | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| sformula | | Super Formula (Japan, set 1) | tail2nos | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| sformulaa | | Super Formula (Japan, set 2) | tail2nos | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_supergman | | Super G-Man (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| superg | | Super Galaxians (hack of 'Galaxian (Namco set 2)') | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| sgemfa | | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Asia) | sgemf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sgemfh | | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Hispanic) | sgemf | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sgemfd | | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA Phoenix Edition) | sgemf | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| sgemf | | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sprglbpg | | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) (German bootleg) | suprglob | 1984 | bootleg (Software Labor) | Pac-man | |
| sprglobp | | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| suprglob | | Super Glob | | 1983 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| gg_supgolfj | | Super Golf (Japan) | gg_supgolf | 1991 | Sigma Enterprises | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_superglf | | Super Golf (Japan) | | 1984 | Comtec Co. | MSX | |
| sms_supgolf | | Super Golf (Prototype) | sms_golfaman | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_supgolf | | Super Golf (USA) | | 1991 | Sage's Creations | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_supergun | | Super Gun (USA) | | 1992 | Caltron | Miscellaneous | |
| supergx | D NW | Super GX | galaxian | 1980 | Namco / Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Bad Dump |
| md_superhq | | Super H.Q. (Japan) | md_chasehq2 | 1992 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shangons | | Super Hang-On (Hack, Spanish) | md_shangon | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| shangonrb2 | D NW | Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Beta bootleg) | shangon | 1987 | bootleg (Beta) | Hang-On | |
| shangonrb | D NW | Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, bootleg) | shangon | 1992 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| shangonho | D NW | Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Japan, FD1094 317-0039) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| shangonro | D NW | Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, ride-on, Japan, FD1094 317-0038) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| shangon1 | | Super Hang-On (mini ride-on) (FD1089B 317-0034) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangon2 | | Super Hang-On (mini ride-on, Rev A) (FD1089B 317-0034) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangon3d | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (bootleg of FD1089B 317-0034 set) | shangon | 1987 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| shangon3 | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (FD1089B 317-0034) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangon | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangoneh | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) (Enhanced Edition v2.0.2) | shangon | 2014 | hack (Chris White) | Out Run | |
| md_shangon1 | | Super Hang-On (World) | md_shangon | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shangon | | Super Hang-On (World, Rev. A) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_shangon | | Super Hang-On - Part 1 - Beginner (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_shangon2 | | Super Hang-On - Part 2 - Junior (48K) | spec_shangon | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_shangon3 | | Super Hang-On - Part 3 - Senior (48K) | spec_shangon | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_shangon4 | | Super Hang-On - Part 4 - Expert (48K) | spec_shangon | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_shangone | | Super Hang-On Enhanced (Hack) | md_shangon | 2018 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_shduty | | Super Heavy Duty (HB) | | 2020 | Playnautic | Sega Megadrive | |
| suprheli | | Super Heli (bootleg of Super Cobra) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_superhero | | Super Hero (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| shimpactp4 | | Super High Impact (prototype, proto 4.0 09/10/91) | shimpact | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| shimpactp5 | | Super High Impact (prototype, proto 5.0 09/15/91) | shimpact | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| shimpactp6 | | Super High Impact (prototype, proto 6.0 09/23/91) | shimpact | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| shimpact | | Super High Impact (rev LA1 09/30/91) | | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| md_shimpact | | Super High Impact (USA) | | 1992 | Arena | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_superhomwar | | Super Homebrew War (HB) | | 2019 | gauauu | Miscellaneous | |
| md_suphydl | | Super Hydlide (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_suphydlj | | Super Hydlide (Japan) | md_suphydl | 1989 | Asmik Ace | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_suphydlu | | Super Hydlide (USA) | md_suphydl | 1990 | Seismic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_suphydlrr | | Super Hydlide - Refined and Rebalanced (Hack, v1.1) | md_suphydl | 2022 | Mentil | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_ilevan | | Super Ilevan (Japan) | | 1987 | Koichi Nishida | MSX | |
| skns | NW | Super Kaneko Nova System BIOS | | 1996 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko Nova System | BIOS only |
| nes_skartfighter | | Super Kart Fighter (Hack) | nes_kartfighter | 2022 | Mr. Streetwize | Miscellaneous | |
| md_skickoff | | Super Kick Off (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_skickoff | | Super Kick Off (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_skickoff | | Super Kick Off (Euro, SMS Mode) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_skkong99 | NW | Super King Kong '99 (Taiwan) (Unl) | md_sdkong99 | 1999 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_slaydock | | Super Laydock - Mission Striker (Japan) | | 1987 | T&E Soft | MSX | |
| msx_slaydockk | | Super Laydock - Mission Striker (Korea) (Unl) | msx_slaydock | 1988 | Zemina | MSX | |
| md_suprleag | | Super League (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| suprleag | | Super League (FD1094 317-0045) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| md_suprleagj | | Super League (Japan) | md_suprleag | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_suploco | | Super Locomotive (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition) | | 2022 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| suprloco | | Super Locomotive (Rev.A) | | 1982 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| suprlocoo | | Super Locomotive | suprloco | 1982 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_superlodrun | | Super Lode Runner (Japan) | | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_superlodrunii | | Super Lode Runner II (Japan) | | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| suplup | | Super Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 4.0 / 990518) | | 1999 | Omega System | Miscellaneous | |
| md_smario2 | | Super Mario 2 (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1998 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smario2a | NW | Super Mario 2 (Taiwan, Alt) (Unl) | md_smario2 | 1998 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_supermarioallst | | Super Mario All Stars NES (Hack) | | 2020 | infidelity | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbroop | | Super Mario Bro-Op (Hack, v1.1) | nes_smb | 2023 | NesDraug | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb8en | | Super Mario Bros 8 (English) (Hack) | | 2021 | Crying Onion | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb8es | | Super Mario Bros 8 (Spanish) (Hack) | nes_smb8en | 2021 | Crying Onion | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb8se | | Super Mario Bros 8 Special Edition (Hack) | nes_smb8en | 2021 | Crying Onion | Miscellaneous | Don Doko Don 2 tribute edition |
| nes_smbc | | Super Mario Bros. (Hack, Spanish) | nes_smb | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb | | Super Mario Bros. (World) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_smbbc | | Super Mario Bros. + Battle City (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_smb2c | | Super Mario Bros. 2 (Hack, Spanish) | nes_smb2 | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb2 | | Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) (Rev A) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb2wq | | Super Mario Bros. 2 - Wacky Quest (Hack) | nes_smb2 | 2022 | ray8 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb2j | | Super Mario Bros. 2 J (Japan, MMC3 Conversion) | | 2020 | Loopy | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb3c | | Super Mario Bros. 3 (Hack, Chinese) | nes_smb3 | 2016 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb3cast | | Super Mario Bros. 3 (Hack, Spanish) | nes_smb3 | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb3 | | Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb3defedi | | Super Mario Bros. 3 Definitive Edition (Hack) | nes_smb3 | 2020 | ActionGamer | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smb3mi | | Super Mario Bros. 3Mix (Hack) | nes_smb3 | 2014 | Southbird | Miscellaneous | |
| md_smb4md | | Super Mario Bros. 4 MD (HB, v1.4.2) (Unl) | | 2010 | Mairtrus | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_smbchredi | | Super Mario Bros. Christmas Edition (Hack) | nes_smb | 2020 | U Retro | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbdx | | Super Mario Bros. DX - Anniversary Edition (Hack, v4.5) | nes_smb | 2023 | flamephanter | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbendssmbha1 | | Super Mario Bros. Ende's SMB (Hack) | nes_smb | 2004 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smben | | Super Mario Bros. Enhanced (Hack) | nes_smb | 2022 | NesInvent | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbspeh | | Super Mario Bros. Special (Hack, Triforce89) | nes_smb | 2020 | Triforce89 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbspe | | Super Mario Bros. Special (Hack, v1.0-rc1) | nes_smb | 2021 | Frantik | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbsp35th | | Super Mario Bros. Special 35th Anniversary (Hack, v1.3) | nes_smb | 2021 | Frantik | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbspex1 | | Super Mario Bros. Special X1 (Hack) | nes_smb | 2017 | Messatu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbtwopla | | Super Mario Bros. Two Players (Hack) | nes_smb | 2018 | Corpse Grinder | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_supermarbroc | | Super Mario Brothers (Hack, Spanish) | fds_supermarbro | 2020 | Noishe | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_supermarbro | | Super Mario Brothers (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_supermarbro2fix | | Super Mario Brothers 2 (Hack, Bugs Fix) | fds_supermarbro2 | 2023 | ShaneM | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_supermarbro2e | | Super Mario Brothers 2 (Japan) (DV 2) | fds_supermarbro2 | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_supermarbro2 | | Super Mario Brothers 2 (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smunlimdx | | Super Mario Unlimited Deluxe (GlobalHack, v2.4) | | 2021 | Frantik | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smbunldlx | | Super Mario Unlimited Deluxe (Hack) | nes_smb | 2020 | Frantik | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_supermarwor | | Super Mario World (Unl) | | 1995 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_smario64h | | Super Mario World 64 (Hacked Protection) | md_smario64 | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smario64 | NW | Super Mario World 64 (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smbb | | Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (Alt 2) (Unl) | md_smb | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smba | | Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (Alt) (Unl) | md_smb | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smb | | Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| marukina | | Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 901017) | marukin | 1990 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| marukin | | Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 911128) | | 1990 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_smaruo | | Super Maruo (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| sgmast | | Super Masters Golf (World?, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-05d?) | | 1989 | Sega | System 24 | |
| md_smoverkill | | Super Maximum Overkill (HB) | | 2022 | Space Pants Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_smcrush | | Super Metal Crusher (Japan) | | 1991 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| spec_supmeteorbl | | Super Meteor Blast (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Vintage Software Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| smissw | | Super Miss World | | 1996 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| suprmatk | | Super Missile Attack (for rev 1) | missile | 1981 | Atari / General Computer Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| suprmatkd | | Super Missile Attack (not encrypted) | missile | 1981 | Atari / General Computer Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| supmodl2 | | Super Model II | | 1997 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| supmodel | | Super Model | | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | EXPRO-02 | |
| pce_smomo | | Super Momotarou Dentetsu (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_smomo2 | | Super Momotarou Dentetsu II (Japan) | | 1991 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| gg_smomo3 | | Super Momotarou Dentetsu III (Japan) | | 1995 | Hudson | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_smgp | | Super Monaco GP (128K) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_smgp | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_smgpa | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, Japan) | md_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_smgp | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, Japan, Rev. A) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_smgpp2 | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, Older Prototype) | sms_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_smgpp1 | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, Prototype) | sms_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_smgp | | Super Monaco GP (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_smgpj | | Super Monaco GP (Japan) | gg_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_smgpj | | Super Monaco GP (Japan) | md_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| smgpja | | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0124a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpjd | | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0124a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgpj | | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0124a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpu2d | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgpu2 | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpu1d | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgpu1 | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpud | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev C) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgpu | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev C) (FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| md_smgpu | | Super Monaco GP (USA) | md_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_smgpu | | Super Monaco GP (USA) | sms_smgp | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| smgp5d | | Super Monaco GP (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126 set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgp5 | | Super Monaco GP (World) (FD1094 317-0126) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgp6d | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgp6 | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0126a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpd | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126a set) | smgp | 1989 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| smgp | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0126a) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| md_smgp2019 | | Super Monaco GP-2019 - HE Returns (Hack, Improvement) | md_smgp | 2019 | TA_Marcos_Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| smooncrs | | Super Moon Cresta (Gremlin, bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Gremlin) | Galaxian | |
| spec_supmoritz | | Super Moritz (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_supmoritzv2 | | Super Moritz (128K) (HB, v2) | spec_supmoritz | 2020 | Sebastian Braunert | ZX Spectrum | |
| suprmous | | Super Mouse | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| smbombr1 | | Super Muscle Bomber - the international blowout (940808 Japan) | ringdest | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| smbomb | | Super Muscle Bomber - the international blowout (940831 Japan) | ringdest | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nes_snesnake2 | | Super NeSnake 2 (HB) | | 2008 | retroUSB | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_superoff | | Super Off Road (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_superoff | | Super Off Road (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_superoff | | Super Off Road (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_superoffs | | Super Off Road (Hack, Spanish) | md_superoff | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jordanb1 | | Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Euro, USA) | md_jordanb | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jordanb | | Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_jordanbj | | Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Japan) | md_jordanb | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| superpacm | | Super Pac-Man (Midway) | superpac | 1982 | Namco (Bally Midway license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_superpac | | Super Pac-Man (SGM) (HB) | | 1982-2015 | Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| superpac | | Super Pac-Man | | 1982 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_suppachi | | Super Pachinko (Japan) | | 1985 | Nippon Columbia - Colpax | MSX | |
| nes_superpainter | | Super Painter (HB) | | 2015 | RetroSouls | Miscellaneous | |
| spangj | | Super Pang (Japan 901023) | spang | 1990 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superpang | | Super Pang (Taiwan) | | 1991 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| spang | | Super Pang (World 900914) | | 1990 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superpang2 | | Super Pang 2 (Taiwan) | | 1992 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_spenguin | | Super Penguin (Korea) | | 198? | Sieco | MSX | |
| msx_superpierrot | | Super Pierrot (Japan) | | 1987 | Nippon Columbia - Universal | MSX | |
| spiero | | Super Pierrot (Japan) | dorunrun | 1987 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_superpierrota | | Super Pierrot (Japan, Alt) | msx_superpierrot | 1987 | Nippon Columbia - Universal | MSX | |
| nes_superpinball | | Super Pinball (Japan) | | 1988 | Coconuts/C-Dream | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superpitfall | | Super Pitfall (USA) | | 1987 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superpit30t | | Super Pitfall 30th Anniversary Ed.(HB) | | 2016 | NESRocks | Miscellaneous | |
| spool3 | | Super Pool III (English) | pcktgal | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spool3i | | Super Pool III (I-Vics) | pcktgal | 1990 | Data East Corporation (I-Vics license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spnchoutj | | Super Punch-Out!! (Japan) | spnchout | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spnchouta | | Super Punch-Out!! (Rev A) | spnchout | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spnchout | | Super Punch-Out!! (Rev B) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spf2xpri | | Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X' Balance Patch (Hack) | spf2t | 2021 | Hack | CPS2 | |
| spf2tb | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Boss Hack)(USA 960620) | spf2t | 200? | Hack | CPS2 | |
| spf2tcb | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Color Blind Hack, v1.1) | spf2t | 2022 | hack | CPS2 | |
| spf2ta | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960529 Asia) | spf2t | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spf2t | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960529 Euro) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spf2th | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960531 Hispanic) | spf2t | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spf2td | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960620 USA Phoenix Edition) | spf2t | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| spf2tu | | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960620 USA) | spf2t | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spf2xjd | | Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan Phoenix Edition) | spf2t | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| spf2xj | | Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan) | spf2t | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| sqixb1 | D NW | Super Qix (bootleg of V1.0, 8031 MCU) | sqix | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sqixb2 | | Super Qix (bootleg, No MCU) | sqix | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sqixu | | Super Qix (US) | sqix | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito (Romstar License) | Miscellaneous | |
| sqixr0 | | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.0) | sqix | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sqixr1 | | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.1) | sqix | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sqix | | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.2) | | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_superrac | | Super Racing (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| srangero | | Super Ranger (older) | sranger | 1988 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| srangerb | | Super Ranger (older, bootleg) | sranger | 1988 | bootleg (NYWA) | Miscellaneous | |
| srangern | | Super Ranger (older, NOVA license) | sranger | 1988 | SunA (NOVA license) | Miscellaneous | |
| srangerw | | Super Ranger (older, WDK license) | sranger | 1988 | SunA (WDK license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sranger | | Super Ranger (v2.0) | | 1988 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| md_srealbas | | Super Real Basketball (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_srealbasj | | Super Real Basketball (Japan, Korea) | md_srealbas | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| srdarwinj | | Super Real Darwin (Japan) | srdarwin | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| srdarwin | | Super Real Darwin (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | DEC8 | |
| ngp_srmp | | Super Real Mahjong - Premium Collection (Jpn) | | 2001 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| srmp7 | | Super Real Mahjong P7 (Japan) | | 1997 | Seta | SSV | No sound. |
| srmp4 | | Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan) | | 1993 | Seta | SSV | |
| srmp4o | | Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan, older set) | srmp4 | 1993 | Seta | SSV | |
| gg_suprjedi | | Super Return of the Jedi (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| suprridr | | Super Rider | | 1983 | Taito Corporation (Venture Line license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_superrobinhood | | Super Robin Hood (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_srobowrs | | Super Robot Wars (Russia) (Unl) | md_trgearth | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_srp | | Super Royal Pals (Hack) | nes_smb | 2020 | QUXNLADY | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superrugby | | Super Rugby (Japan) | | 1989 | TSS | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_srroulette | | Super Russian Roulette (HB) | | 2017 | Andrew Reitano | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_superscramblesim | | Super Scramble Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_superseymoursavestheplanet | | Super Seymour Saves the Planet (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| sshanghaj | | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (Japan) | sshangha | 1992 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| sshanghak | | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (Korea) | sshangha | 1992 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| sshangha | | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World) | | 1992 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| sshanghab | | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World, bootleg) | sshangha | 1992 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_supshin2c | | Super Shinobi II, The (Hack, Chinese) | md_shinobi3 | 2009 | cslrxyz | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_supshin2 | | Super Shinobi II, The (Japan, Korea) | md_shinobi3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_supshin2p1 | | Super Shinobi II, The (Japan, Prototype) | md_shinobi3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_supshin2p2 | | Super Shinobi II, The (Japan, Prototype, Earlier) | md_shinobi3 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_supshin | | Super Shinobi, The (Japan) | md_revshin | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_supershi | | Super Shinobi, The (Unl) | | 199? | Realtec | Miscellaneous | |
| supershp | | Super Ship | pisces | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ssideki | | Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou | | 1992 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ssideki2 | | Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football (NGM-061 ~ NGH-061) | | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ssideki3 | | Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Chousen | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| cv_ssketch | | Super Sketch | | 1984 | Personal Peripherals | ColecoVision | |
| md_sskid | | Super Skidmarks (Euro, J-Cart) | | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sskidp | | Super Skidmarks (USA, Prototype) | md_sskid | 1995 | Codemasters | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssmashtv | | Super Smash TV (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssmashtvs | | Super Smash TV (Hack, Spanish) | md_ssmashtv | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_supsnake | | Super Snake (Japan) | | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_supsnakeb | | Super Snake (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_supsnake | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_supsnakea | | Super Snake (Japan, Alt) | msx_supsnake | 1983 | HAL Laboratory | MSX | |
| msx_supsoccr | | Super Soccer (Japan) | | 1985 | Sony - Takara | MSX | |
| cv_suprspac | | Super Space Acer (HB) | | 2011 | Mike Brent | ColecoVision | |
| ssib | | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, earlier code base) | ssi | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| ssia | | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code) | ssi | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| ssi | | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code, Rev 1) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| spec_ssinvaders | | Super Space Invaders (128K) | | 1991 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | In main menu: 'A' to move, 'Q' to select |
| sms_ssinv | | Super Space Invaders (Euro) | | 1991 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ssinv | | Super Space Invaders (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| macross | | Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross | | 1992 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| macross2g | | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (Gamest review build) | macross2 | 1993 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| macross2 | | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II | | 1993 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| scin | | Super Special Criminal Investigation (Negro Torino hack) | sci | 1991 | hack (Negro Torino) | Taito Z | |
| ssrj | | Super Speed Race Junior (Japan) | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | Weird colors |
| nes_superspivbal | | Super Spike V'Ball (USA) | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_supespri | | Super Sprint (48K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_supersprint | | Super Sprint (USA) | | 1988 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superspyhunter | | Super Spy Hunter (USA) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| sstarcrs | | Super Star Crest | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Taito do Brasil) | Galaxian | |
| nes_superstarforce | | Super Star Force (Japan) | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_sssoldr | | Super Star Soldier (Japan) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_sssoldr | | Super Star Soldier (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| sstingry | | Super Stingray (Japan) | | 1986 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Alpha 68k | |
| md_ssf2ics | | Super Street Fighter II (Hack, Color and Sound) | md_ssf2 | 2014 | 2014 Pyron (color), Stephane D (sound) | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssf2 | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Euro) | | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssf2cg | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Hack, Color and Graphic) | md_ssf2 | 2021 | Lord Hiryu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssf2fh | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Hack, Final) | md_ssf2 | 2020 | Lord Hiryu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssf2s | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_ssf2 | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ssf2j | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Japan) | md_ssf2 | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| ssf2jr2 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930910 Japan) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2d | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 etc Phoenix Edition) | ssf2 | 1993 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2r1 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 etc) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2h | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Hispanic) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2jr1 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Japan) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2ud | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA Phoenix Edition) | ssf2 | 1993 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2u | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2ar1 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930914 Asia) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2a | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Asia) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 etc) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2j | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Japan) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| md_ssf2u | | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (USA) | md_ssf2 | 1994 | Capcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| ssf2us2 | | Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers Super 2 (super street fighter 2 930911 USA) | ssf2 | 1993 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2tbr1 | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (930911 etc) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tbj1 | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (930911 Japan) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tbu | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (930911 USA) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tba | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (931005 Asia) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tbh | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (931005 Hispanic) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tbj | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (931005 Japan) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tbd | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (931119 etc Phoenix Edition) | ssf2 | 1993 | bootleg | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tb | | Super Street Fighter II - the tournament battle (931119 etc) | ssf2 | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | Linkup feature not implemented |
| ssf2tad | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Asia Phoenix Edition) | ssf2t | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2ta | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Asia) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2td | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc Phoenix Edition) | ssf2t | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2t | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc) | | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2th | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Hispanic) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2tur1 | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 USA) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2tu | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940323 USA) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2tnl | | Super Street Fighter II Turbo New Legacy v0.8 (Beta) (Hack by Born2SPD) | ssf2t | 2023 | hack | CPS2 | |
| ssf2xjr1trn | | Super Street Fighter II X - GMC Trainer (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan) | ssf2t | 1994 | Hack | CPS2 | |
| ssf2xjr1d | | Super Street Fighter II X - grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan Phoenix Edition) | ssf2t | 1994 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| ssf2xjr1r | | Super Street Fighter II X - grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan rent version) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2xjr1 | | Super Street Fighter II X - grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| ssf2xj | | Super Street Fighter II X - grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940311 Japan) | ssf2t | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| spec_superstuntman | | Super Stuntman (48K) | | 1988 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_suwanggi | | Super Suwanggi - Super Altered Beast (Korea) | | 1990 | Clover | MSX | |
| cv_suprtank | | Super Tank (HB) | | 1986-2011 | Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| sg1k_supertnk | | Super Tank (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_supertnkk | | Super Tank (Korea) | sg1k_supertnk | 1986? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_supertanksim | | Super Tank Simulator (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_supertankwar | | Super Tank War (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| usg82 | | Super Ten V8.2 | superten | 1988 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| superten | | Super Ten V8.3 | | 1988 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| usg83x | | Super Ten V8.3X | superten | 1988 | U.S. Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_stennis | | Super Tennis (Euro, USA) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_stennisc | | Super Tennis (Euro, USA, Sega Card) | sms_stennis | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_stetris | | Super Tetris (Korea, SMS Mode?) | | 199? | Unknown | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_stetrisland | | Super Tetris Land - GB skin (Hack) | nes_tetris | 2022 | CAndiman | Miscellaneous | |
| md_stbladj | | Super Thunder Blade (Japan, Launch Cart) | md_stblad | 1988 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_stblad | | Super Thunder Blade (World) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_supertiltbro | | Super Tilt Bro. (HB, v2 alpha1) | nes_supertiltbrorc3 | 2018 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_supertiltbrorc3 | | Super Tilt Bro. (HB, v2 RC3) | | 2023 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| stoffyu | | Super Toffy (Unico license) | stoffy | 1994 | Midas (Unico license) | Miscellaneous | |
| stoffy | | Super Toffy | | 1994 | Midas | Miscellaneous | |
| suprtrio | | Super Trio | | 1994 | Gameace | Miscellaneous | |
| striv | D | Super Triv (English questions) | | 1985 | Nova du Canada | Jack the Giantkiller | bad sound |
| strivf | D | Super Triv (French questions) | striv | 1985 | Nova du Canada | Jack the Giantkiller | bad sound |
| strvmstr | | Super Trivia Master | | 1986 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_supertrux | | Super Trux (128K) | | 1988 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | Set 'S SINCLAIR' to use controller |
| nes_superturrican | | Super Turrican (Europe) | | 1993 | Imagineer | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superuwol | | Super UWOL (HB) | | 2015 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_superuwol | | Super UWOL! (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Sega SG-1000 | |
| svf | | Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup (Rev A) | | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| svfo | | Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup | svf | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| svs | | Super Visual Soccer: Sega Cup (US, Rev A) | svf | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| svolly91 | | Super Volley '91 (Japan) | pspikes | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_svolleyj | | Super Volley Ball (Japan) | md_svolley | 1991 | Video System | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_svolley | | Super Volley Ball (USA) | | 1991 | Video System | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_svolley1 | | Super Volley Ball (USA, Alt) | md_svolley | 1991 | Video System | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_svolley | | Super Volleyball (Japan) | | 1990 | Video System | PC Engine | |
| svolley | | Super Volleyball (Japan) | | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| svolleyk | | Super Volleyball (Korea) | svolley | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| svolleyua | | Super Volleyball (US) | svolley | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| svolleyu | | Super Volleyball (US, Data East license) | svolley | 1989 | V-System Co. (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_svolley | | Super Volleyball (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| sms_sww22 | | Super Wild War '22 (HB) | | 2022 | 90soft | Sega Master System | |
| sms_sww22e | | Super Wild War '22 - 224p extended (HB) | sms_sww22 | 2022 | 90soft | Sega Master System | |
| spec_superwonderboy | | Super Wonder Boy (48K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_wboymlndj | | Super Wonder Boy - Monster World (Japan) | sms_wboymlnd | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| swcourtj | | Super World Court (Japan) | swcourt | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| swcourt | | Super World Court (World) | | 1992 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| swcourtb | | Super World Court (World, bootleg) | swcourt | 1994 | bootleg (Playmark?) | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| sws92 | | Super World Stadium '92 (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sws92g | | Super World Stadium '92 Gekitouban (Japan) | sws92 | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sws93 | | Super World Stadium '93 (Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sws95 | | Super World Stadium '95 (Japan) | | 1995 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| sws96 | | Super World Stadium '96 (Japan) | | 1996 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| sws97 | | Super World Stadium '97 (Japan) | | 1997 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| sws | | Super World Stadium (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | |
| sxeviousj | | Super Xevious (Japan) | sxevious | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_superxev | | Super Xevious - Gump no Nazo (Japan) | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| sxevious | | Super Xevious | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| szaxxon | | Super Zaxxon (315-5013) | | 1982 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| zolapac | | Super Zola Pac Gal | mspacman | 2000 | Tqwn Amusement | Pac-man | |
| superxm | | Super-X (Mitchell) | superx | 1994 | Dooyong (Mitchell license) | Miscellaneous | |
| superx | | Super-X (NTC) | | 1994 | Dooyong (NTC license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_superbiketransam | | Superbike Trans-Am (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| 1942h | | Supercharger 1942 | 1942 | 1991 | hack (Two Bit Score) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_superhair128 | | SuperHair (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Bitmap Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_superhair48 | | SuperHair (48K) (HB) | spec_superhair128 | 2021 | Bitmap Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| ssoldier | | Superior Soldiers (US) | | 1993 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| md_supermans | | Superman (Hack, Spanish) | md_superman | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_supermanh | | Superman (Hack, v1.1) | nes_sunman | 2023 | kenoi | Miscellaneous | |
| supermanj | | Superman (Japan) | superman | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito X | |
| supermanu | | Superman (US) | superman | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito X | |
| md_supermanu | | Superman (USA) | md_superman | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_superman | | Superman (USA) | | 1988 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_supermanp | | Superman (USA, Prototype) | md_superman | 1992 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| superman | | Superman (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito X | |
| spec_superman | | Superman - The Man of Steel (48K) | | 1989 | Tynesoft | ZX Spectrum | Use '6', '7' and 'ENTER' to select options |
| gg_superman | | Superman - The Man of Steel (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_superman | | Superman - The Man of Steel (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_superman | | Superman - The Man of Steel (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_supermanp | | Superman - The Man of Steel (Euro, Prototype) | gg_superman | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_superman2h | | Superman II - Specter Edition (Hack, v2.1) | nes_sunman | 2017 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_superted | | SuperTed - The Search for Spotty (48K) | | 1990 | Alternative Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_suptrip | | Supertripper (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Sony Spain | MSX | |
| nes_super16in1 | | Supervision 16-in-1 (Unl) | | 199? | Supervision | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_surfninj | | Surf Ninjas (USA, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_surgingc | | Surging Aura (Hack, Chinese) | md_surging | 199? | Yi Zhi Zhi Lu | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_surging | | Surging Aura (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| suratka | | Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L) | suratk | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| suratkj | | Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M) | suratk | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| suratk | | Surprise Attack (World ver. K) | | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| survartsj | | Survival Arts (Japan) | survarts | 1993 | Sammy | SSV | |
| survartsu | | Survival Arts (USA) | survarts | 1993 | American Sammy | SSV | |
| survarts | | Survival Arts (World) | | 1993 | Sammy | SSV | |
| msx_survivor | | Survivor (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| pce_susano | | Susanoo Densetsu (Japan) | | 1989 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| gogomile | | Susume! Mile Smile / Go Go! Mile Smile (newer) | | 1995 | Fuuki | Miscellaneous | |
| gogomileo | | Susume! Mile Smile / Go Go! Mile Smile (older) | gogomile | 1995 | Fuuki | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_sutoroku | | Sutoroku (HB) | | 2022 | X7R | Sega Master System | WIP version |
| suzuka8hj | | Suzuka 8 Hours (Japan, Rev B) | suzuka8h | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| suzuka8h | | Suzuka 8 Hours (World, Rev C) | | 1992 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| suzuk8h2j | | Suzuka 8 Hours 2 (Japan, Rev B) | suzuk8h2 | 1993 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| suzuk8h2 | | Suzuka 8 Hours 2 (World, Rev B) | | 1993 | Namco | System 2 | Imperfect graphics |
| nes_swampthing | | Swamp Thing (USA) | | 1992 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_swamp | | Swamp Thing (USA, Prototype) | | 1991 | NuVision | Sega Megadrive | |
| swarm | | Swarm (bootleg?) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg? (Subelectro) | Galaxian | |
| spec_swarmm1 | | Swarm is Coming, The - Mission 1 (128K) (HB) | spec_swarmtr | 2021 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 1 and 2 to select weapon, 'I' to MAT-ZX Menu (if available) |
| spec_swarmm2 | | Swarm is Coming, The - Mission 2 (128K) (HB) | spec_swarmtr | 2021 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 1 and 2 to select weapon, 'I' to MAT-ZX Menu (if available) |
| spec_swarmm3 | | Swarm is Coming, The - Mission 3 (128K) (HB) | spec_swarmtr | 2021 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 1 and 2 to select weapon, 'I' to MAT-ZX Menu (if available) |
| spec_swarmm4 | | Swarm is Coming, The - Mission 4 (128K) (HB) | spec_swarmtr | 2021 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 1 and 2 to select weapon, 'I' to MAT-ZX Menu (if available) |
| spec_swarmtr | | Swarm is Coming, The - Training (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Minilop | ZX Spectrum | Use keys 1 and 2 to select weapon, 'I' to MAT-ZX Menu (if available) |
| swat | | SWAT (315-5048) | | 1984 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| swatpolc | | SWAT Police | | 2001 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_sweetacr | | Sweet Acorn (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_sweetacra | | Sweet Acorn (Japan, Alt) | msx_sweetacr | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| cv_swtacorn | | Sweet Acorn (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2019 | Opcode Games - Taito Corp. | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| csweetht | | Sweet Heart (DECO Cassette) (US) | cdiscon1 | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nes_sweethomee | | Sweet Home (English Hack) | nes_sweethome | 2000 | Gaijin Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_sweethome | | Sweet Home (Japan) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| swimmer | | Swimmer (set 1) | | 1982 | Tehkan | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_swing | | Swing (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_swinga | | Swing (Japan, Alt) | msx_swing | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| md_switchblad | | Switch Blade MD (HB) | | 2018 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_switchblade | | Switchblade (128K) | | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_swiv | | SWIV (128K) | | 1991 | Storm Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_sword | | Sword and Sorcerer (Prototype) | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_swordmasterc | | Sword Master (Hack, Spanish) | nes_swordmaster | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_swordmasterh | | Sword Master (USA)(Hack Sample Fix) | nes_swordmaster | 2020 | TakuikaNinja | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_swordmaster | | Sword Master (USA) | | 1992 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_swordofilana | | Sword Of Ilana (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_swordsod | | Sword of Sodan (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_swordsods | | Sword of Sodan (Hack, Spanish) | md_swordsod | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_swordsodj | | Sword of Sodan (Japan) | md_swordsod | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_swordsamurai | | Sword of the Samurai (48K) | | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_vermil | | Sword of Vermilion (Euro, USA) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vermils | | Sword of Vermilion (Hack, Spanish V3) | md_vermil | 2021 | jackic | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_swordslayer | | Sword Slayer (128K) | | 1988 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_swordsnsorcery | | Swords & Sorcery (48K) | | 1985 | PSS | ZX Spectrum | Press '1-2-3' to move character and '8-9-0' to use menu |
| nes_snr | | Swords and Runes (HB) | | 2014 | Sole Goose Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snr3 | | Swords and Runes III (HB) | | 2020 | Sole Goose Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_snrle | | Swords and Runes Limited Edition (HB) | nes_snr | 2014 | Sole Goose Productions | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_swordandser | | Swords and Serpents (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sydvaliss | | Syd of Valis (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_sydvalis | 2021 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sydvalis | | Syd of Valis (USA) | | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_sydneyhunt2 | | Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death (HB) | | 2019 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| cv_sydneyhunt | | Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (HB) | | 2017 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| sms_sydhunt | | Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (HB) | | 2017 | Oscar Toledo G. | Sega Master System | |
| gg_sylvane | | Sylvan Tale (Hack, English) | gg_sylvan | 2001 | Aeon Genesis | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_sylvan | | Sylvan Tale (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_sylvestr | | Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers (Euro) | | 1994 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_sylvestru | | Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers (USA) | md_sylvestr | 1993 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_syndicat | | Syndicate (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| ssozumo | | Syusse Oozumou (Japan) | | 1984 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| syvalion | | Syvalion (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito H System | |
| syvalionu | | Syvalion (US, PS2 Taito Legends 2) | syvalion | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Taito H System | |
| syvalionp | | Syvalion (World, prototype) | syvalion | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Taito H System | |
| syvalionw | | Syvalion (World, PS2 Taito Legends 2) | syvalion | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito H System | |
| nes_tc2 | | T&C 2 - Thrilla's Surfari (USA) | | 1992 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tcsurfdesign | | T&C Surf Design (USA) | | 1988 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tgunii | | T*GUN II (HB) | | 2015 | TooManyGames | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_tvirus | | T-Virus (HB) | | 2004 | Dioniso (Alfonso D.C.) | MSX | |
| tnk3b | | T.A.N.K (bootleg, 8-way joystick) | tnk3 | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| tnk3j | | T.A.N.K (Japan) | tnk3 | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_tcqmsx | | T.C.Q. (HB, v1.1.2) | | 2022 | Amaweks | MSX | |
| spec_tcqzx | | T.C.Q. ZX (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| tnk3 | | T.N.K III (US) | | 1985 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| defenderj | | T.T Defender | defender | 1980 | Williams (Taito Corporation license) | 6809 System | |
| ttfitter | | T.T Fitter (Japan) | roundup | 1981 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| ttmahjng | | T.T Mahjong | jongpute | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. (Taito license) | Route 16 | |
| md_term2 | | T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_term2s | | T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Hack, Spanish) | md_term2 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_term2msh | | T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Music & Sound Hack (Hack) | md_term2 | 2023 | Segaman | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_t2ag | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Euro) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Master System | |
| gg_t2ag | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Arena | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_t2ag | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_t2ags | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Hack, Spanish) | md_t2ag | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_t2agj | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Japan) | gg_t2ag | 1993 | Acclaim | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_t2agj | | T2 - The Arcade Game (Japan) | md_t2ag | 1994 | Acclaim Japan | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_t2agp | | T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Prototype) | md_t2ag | 1992 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_t3ag | | T3 - The Arcade Game (Russia) (Unl) | md_t2ag | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_taboo | | Taboo - The Sixth Sense (USA) | | 1989 | Tradewest | Miscellaneous | |
| tacscan | | Tac/Scan | | 1982 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| md_cars | | Tachki (Russia) (Unl) | md_sskid | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_cars2 | | Tachki 2 (Russia) (Unl) | md_cproam | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| tactcian | | Tactician (set 1) | | 1982 | Konami (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tactcian2 | | Tactician (set 2) | tactcian | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tactus | | Tactus (HB, Prototype) | | 2022 | zeta134 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tagteawre | | Tag Team Wrestling (USA) | | 1986 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| tagteam | | Tag Team Wrestling | bigprowr | 1983 | Technos Japan (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tagindragon | | Tagin' Dragon (Unl) | | 1990 | Bunch Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_taichitortoise | | Tai Chi Tortoise (128K) | | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_taipan | | Tai-Pan (128K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_taikorisc | | Taikou Risshiden (Hack, Chinese) | md_taikoris | 2009 | Xu Yong Sheng | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_taikoris | | Taikou Risshiden (Japan) | | 1993 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| tail2nos | | Tail to Nose - Great Championship / Super Formula | | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| tail2nosa | | Tail to Nose - Great Championship | tail2nos | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_tailsadvgg2sms | | Tails Adventure (Hack, GG2SMS Conversion) | | 1995-2016 | Tevo, Vingazole | Sega Master System | |
| gg_tailsadv | | Tails Adventures (World) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tailskyp | | Tails no Skypatrol (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_tailwind | | Tailwind (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2016 | Gemba Boys | ZX Spectrum | |
| hotgmck | | Taisen Hot Gimmick (Japan) | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hotgmck3 | | Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing (Japan) | | 1999 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hotgm4ev | | Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Japan) | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hgkairak | | Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten (Japan) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| karatevs | | Taisen Karate Dou (Japan VS version) | kchamp | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_taisnmj | | Taisen Mahjong HaoPai (Japan) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_taisnmj2 | | Taisen Mahjong HaoPai 2 (Japan) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_daisenrg | | Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G (Japan) | | 1991 | SystemSoft | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_chasehq | | Taito Chase H.Q. (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_taitochasehq | | Taito Chase H.Q. (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_chasehq | | Taito Chase H.Q. (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| gg_chasehqj | | Taito Chase H.Q. (Japan, SMS Mode) | gg_chasehq | 1991 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| tg_chasehq | | Taito Chase H.Q. (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_chasehq | | Taito Chase H.Q. (USA, SMS Mode) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Game Gear | |
| cupfinal | | Taito Cup Finals (Ver 1.0O 1993/02/28) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_taitograpri | | Taito Grand Prix - Eikou e no License (Hack, English) | | 2015 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_taitograprij | | Taito Grand Prix - Eikou e no License (Japan) | nes_taitograpri | 1987 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| pwrgoal | | Taito Power Goal (Ver 2.5O 1994/11/03) | | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| md_taiwan | | Taiwan Daheng (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1994 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_asteka2 | | Taiyou no Shinden - Asteka 2 (Japan) | nes_tmbtreasure | 1988 | Tokyo Shoseki | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_taiyonoyuufir | | Taiyou no Yuusha Firebird (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Dragoon-X Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_taiyonoyuufirj | | Taiyou no Yuusha Firebird (Japan) | nes_taiyonoyuufir | 1992 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_takameivic | | Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima IV (Hack, Chinese) | nes_advenisliv | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_takameij | | Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima (Japan) | | 1986 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_takameija | | Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima (Japan, Alt) | msx_takameij | 1986 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| msx_takameijk1 | | Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima (Korea, Star Frontiers) (Unl) | msx_takameij | 1988 | Star Frontiers | MSX | |
| msx_takameijk2 | | Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima (Korea, Zemina) (Unl) | msx_takameij | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| nes_takahmeinobugho | | Takahashi Meijin no Bugutte Honey (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_takameib | | Takahashi Meijin no Shin Boukenjima (Japan) | | 1992 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| pce_shingen1 | | Takeda Shingen (Japan) (Alt) | pce_shingen | 1989 | Aicom | PC Engine | |
| pce_shingen | | Takeda Shingen (Japan) | | 1989 | Aicom | PC Engine | |
| tshingena | | Takeda Shingen (Japan, Japanese) | tshingen | 1988 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| msx_takeru | | Takeru Densetsu (Japan) | | 1987 | Brother Kougyou | MSX | |
| nes_takesschaj | | Takeshi no Chousenjou (Japan) | nes_takesscha | 1986 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_takesnosenfuu | | Takeshi no Sengoku Fuuunji (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_takesscha | | Takeshi's Challenge (Hack, English) | | 2011 | KingMike | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_taknhoop | | Takin' It to the Hoop (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| gg_talespin | | Tale Spin (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_talesgrupp | | Tales of Grupp, The (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_top | | Tales of Popolon (HB) | | 2017 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| md_talespin | | TaleSpin (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_talespins | | TaleSpin (Hack, Spanish) | md_talespin | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_talespin | | TaleSpin (USA) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_talespin | | TaleSpin (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_talmit | | Talmit's Adventure (Euro) | | 1991 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_tamtamtwins | | Tam Tam Twins (HB) | | 2007 | Paxanga Soft | MSX | |
| fds_tamafri | | Tama & Friends - 3 Choume Daibouken (Japan) | | 1989 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_tamalymp | | Tama and Friends Sanchoume Kouen - Tamalympic (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| tangtang | | Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tnglwdd | | Tanglewood (HB, Demo) | md_tnglwd | 2018 | Big Evil Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tnglwd | | Tanglewood (HB, v1.0) | | 2018 | Big Evil Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_tankbatt | | Tank Battalion (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| cv_tankbtln | | Tank Battalion (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2019 | Opcode Games - Namcot | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| spec_tankbtle | | Tank Battle (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| tankbust | | Tank Busters | | 1985 | Valadon Automation | Miscellaneous | Graphics and stuck sprite issues |
| cv_tankchal | | Tank Challenge (HB) | | 2016 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | Two players mode only |
| tankfrcej | | Tank Force (Japan) | tankfrce | 1991 | Namco | System 1 | |
| tankfrce | | Tank Force (US, 2 Players) | | 1991 | Namco | System 1 | |
| tankfrce4 | | Tank Force (US, 4 Players) | tankfrce | 1991 | Namco | System 1 | |
| nes_tankh1990bm | | Tank H 1990 (bedmoon) | nes_battlecity | 2023 | bedmoon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tankh1990 | | Tank H 1990 (YS) | nes_battlecity | 1990 | YS | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_tankmission | | Tank Mission (HB) | | 2016-17 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | Use option 1 - Normal |
| cv_tankwars | | Tank Wars | | 1983 | Telegames | ColecoVision | |
| md_tank2011 | | Tanki 2011 (Russia) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tanzer | | Tanzer (HB) | | 2019 | Mega Cat Studios | Sega Megadrive | |
| taotaido | | Tao Taido (2 button version) | | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| taotaido3 | | Tao Taido (2/3 button version) | taotaido | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| taotaidoa | | Tao Taido (6 button version) | taotaido | 1993 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_wboyt | | Taotailang (Taiwan) | sg1k_wboy | 1986? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_tapeworm | | Tapeworm (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | ZXKerl | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_tapewormd | | Tapeworm Disco Puzzle (HB, Demo) | nes_tapeworm | 2020 | Lowtek Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tapeworm | | Tapeworm Disco Puzzle (HB, v05) | | 2021-22 | Lowtek Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tapper | | Tapper (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| tappera | | Tapper (Budweiser, 1/12/84) | tapper | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tapperg | | Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84 - Alternate graphics) | tapper | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tapper | | Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84) | | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tapperb | | Tapper (Budweiser, 12/9/83) | tapper | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| rbtapper | | Tapper (Root Beer) | tapper | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| sutapper | | Tapper (Suntory) | tapper | 1983 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_tapper | | Tapper | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| spec_tardigrade | | Tardigrade (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Dave Hughes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_target | | Target 48K | | 1989 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_trgearths | | Target Earth (Hack, Spanish) | md_trgearth | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_trgearth | | Target Earth (USA) | | 1990 | Dreamworks Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| targeth10 | | Target Hits (ver 1.0, Checksum FBCB) | targeth | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| targeth | | Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 5152) | | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| targetha | | Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 86E1) | targeth | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_targetrenegadec | | Target Renegade (Hack, Spanish) | nes_targetrenegade | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_targetrenegade | | Target Renegade (USA) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_tarot | | Tarot no Yakata (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_tarzan | | Tarzan (128K) | | 1986 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_tarzan | | Tarzan - Lord of the Jungle (Euro) | | 1994 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_tarzangoesape | | Tarzan Goes Ape (48K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_tarzan | | Tarzan: From out of the Jungle | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_tasac | | Tasac (Taiwan) | | 1992 | Sachen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tashimasnoprigaip | | Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (Hack, English) | | 2023 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tashimasnoprigaips | | Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (Hack, Spanish) | nes_tashimasnoprigaip | 2021 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tashimasnoprigaipj | | Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (Japan) | nes_tashimasnoprigaip | 1989 | CBS/Sony Group | Miscellaneous | |
| tharrieru | | Task Force Harrier (US) | tharrier | 1989 | UPL (American Sammy license) | NMK16 | |
| md_taskfhexs | | Task Force Harrier EX (Hack, Spanish) | md_taskfhex | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_taskfhexj | | Task Force Harrier EX (Japan) | md_taskfhex | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_taskfhex | | Task Force Harrier EX (USA) | | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| tharrier | | Task Force Harrier | | 1989 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| joemac | | Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Japan ver 1) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| bigfghtr | | Tatakae! Big Fighter (Japan) | skyrobo | 1989 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tatakchorobseitr | | Tatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers - Convoy no Nazo (Japan) | | 1986 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_proyaktl | | Tatakae! Pro Yakyuu Twin League (Japan) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_tatakrahman | | Tatakae!! Rahmen Man - Sakuretsu Choujin 102 Gei (Japan) | | 1988 | Shinsei | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tatakainobanka | | Tatakai no Banka (Japan) (Rev A) | nes_trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trojanj | | Tatakai no Banka (Japan) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trojanjo | | Tatakai no Banka (Japan, old ver.) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_tatica | | Tatica (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| pce_tatsunok | | Tatsu No Ko Fighter (Japan) | | 1989 | Tonkin House | PC Engine | |
| pce_tatsujinp | | Tatsujin (Japan) (Prototype) | pce_tatsujin | 1992 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| pce_tatsujin | | Tatsujin (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| tattassa | | Tattoo Assassins (Asia prototype, Mar 14 1995) | tattass | 1994 | Data East Pinball | DECO 32 | |
| tattass | | Tattoo Assassins (US prototype, Mar 14 1995) | | 1994 | Data East Pinball | DECO 32 | |
| spec_taucetise | | Tau Ceti - The Special Edition (128K) | | 1987 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | 'SHIFT+SPACE' to begin, write 'HELP' to list commands |
| spec_tauceti | | Tau-Ceti (48K) | spec_taucetise | 1985 | CRL Group | ZX Spectrum | 'SHIFT+SPACE' to begin, write 'HELP' to list commands |
| msx_tawarakn | | Tawara-kun (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_tawaraknb | | Tawara-kun (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_tawarakn | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_tawarakna | | Tawara-kun (Japan, Alt) | msx_tawarakn | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| taxidriv | | Taxi Driver | | 1984 | Graphic Techno | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_tazmars | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Brazil) | | 19?? | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_tazmars | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp14 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940511) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp13 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940810) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp12 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940812) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp11 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940814) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp10 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940819) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp09 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940823) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp08 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940829-B) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp07 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940830) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp06 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940902) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp05 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940905-B) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp04 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940905-C) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp03 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940906-D) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp02 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940909-B) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tazmarsp01 | | Taz in Escape from Mars (Prototype, 19940910) | gg_tazmars | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_tazmania | | Taz-Mania (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_tazmaniap | | Taz-Mania (Euro, Prototype) | sms_tazmania | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_tazmanias | | Taz-Mania (Hack, Spanish) | md_tazmania | 2013 | pepodmc | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tazmania | | Taz-Mania (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_tazmania | | Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| tazzmang2 | | Tazz-Mania (bootleg on Galaxian hardware with Starfield) | tazmania | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| tazzmang | | Tazz-Mania (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | tazmania | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| tazmania | | Tazz-Mania (set 1) | | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| tazmani2 | | Tazz-Mania (set 2, alt hardware) | tazmania | 1982 | Stern Electronics | Galaxian | |
| md_tc2000 | | TC 2000 (Argentina) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_tearnile | | Tear of Nile (Japan) | | 1986 | Victor | MSX | |
| spec_techted_48 | | Technician Ted (48K) | | 1984 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_technoalice | | Techno Alice (Russian) (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | ALKO | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_technocl | | Techno Clash (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_techcop128 | | Techno-Cop (128K) | | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_techcop48 | | Techno-Cop (48K) | spec_techcop128 | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tecnocopp1 | | Technocop (Prototype) | md_tecnocop | 1990 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecnocopp2 | | Technocop (Prototype, 19900912) | md_tecnocop | 1990 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecnocop | | Technocop (USA) | | 1990 | Razorsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tecmobaseball | | Tecmo Baseball (USA) | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| tbowlj | | Tecmo Bowl (Japan) | tbowl | 1987 | Tecmo | hardware | |
| nes_tecmobowl | | Tecmo Bowl (USA) | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| tbowlp | | Tecmo Bowl (World, prototype?) | tbowl | 1987 | Tecmo | hardware | |
| tbowl | | Tecmo Bowl (World, set 1) | | 1987 | Tecmo | hardware | |
| tbowla | | Tecmo Bowl (World, set 2) | tbowl | 1987 | Tecmo | hardware | |
| md_tecmocupi | | Tecmo Cup (Hack, Italian) | md_tecmocup | 2007 | Rulez Translation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmocup | | Tecmo Cup (Japan, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tecmocup | | Tecmo Cup - Soccer Game (USA) | | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| tknight | | Tecmo Knight | wildfang | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tecmonbabas | | Tecmo NBA Basketball (USA) | | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tecmobb | | Tecmo Super Baseball (USA) | | 1994 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmosbwj | | Tecmo Super Bowl (Japan) | md_tecmosbw | 1993 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tecmosuperbowl | | Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) | | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tecmosbwa | | Tecmo Super Bowl (USA, 199309) | md_tecmosbw | 1993 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmosbw | | Tecmo Super Bowl (USA, 199310) | | 1993 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tsb20v3 | | Tecmo Super Bowl 2020 (Hack, v3.0) | nes_tecmosuperbowl | 2021 | SBlueman | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tsb21fe | | Tecmo Super Bowl 2021 Final Edition (Hack) | nes_tecmosuperbowl | 2022 | SBlueman | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tsb22ncaa | | Tecmo Super Bowl 2022 NCAA D.1 Edition (Hack) | nes_tecmosuperbowl | 2022 | SBlueman | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tecmosb2 | | Tecmo Super Bowl II (USA) | | 1994 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmosb2j | | Tecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition (Japan) | md_tecmosb2 | 1994 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmosb3 | | Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition (USA) | | 1995 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tsbtapmeter | | Tecmo Super Bowl Tapmeter (v1.0.0, hack) | nes_tecmosuperbowl | 2016 | Bruddog | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tecmohck | | Tecmo Super Hockey (USA) | | 1994 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmonbaj | | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Japan) | md_tecmonba | 1994 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tecmonba | | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA) | | 1993 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| twcup90a | | Tecmo World Cup '90 (Euro set 1) | twcup90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90b | | Tecmo World Cup '90 (Euro set 2) | twcup90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90c | | Tecmo World Cup '90 (Euro set 3) | twcup90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90t | | Tecmo World Cup '90 (trackball set 1) | twcup90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90 | | Tecmo World Cup '90 (World set 1) | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_tecmow92 | | Tecmo World Cup '92 (Euro, Prototype) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_tecmow92 | | Tecmo World Cup '92 (Japan) | | 1992 | Sims | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_tecmow93 | | Tecmo World Cup '93 (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_tecmowc | | Tecmo World Cup (USA) | | 1990 | Tecmo | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tecmoworcupsoc | | Tecmo World Cup Soccer (Japan) | | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| twsoc96 | | Tecmo World Soccer '96 | | 1996 | Tecmo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| nes_tecmoworwre | | Tecmo World Wrestling (USA) | | 1990 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_teddyboy | | Teddy Boy (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_teddyboyc | | Teddy Boy (Euro, USA, Brazil, Sega Card) | sms_teddyboy | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_teddyboyjp | | Teddy Boy Blues (Japan, Ep-MyCard, Prototype) | sms_teddyboy | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_teddyboyj | | Teddy Boy Blues (Japan, MyCard) | sms_teddyboy | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_teddyboyj1 | | Teddy Boy Blues (Japan, Pirate?) | sms_teddyboy | 1985 | pirate | Sega Master System | |
| md_teddyboy | | Teddy Boy Blues (Japan, SegaNet) | | 1985-1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| teddybb | | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| teddybbo | | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, Old Ver.) | teddybb | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| teddybbobl | | TeddyBoy Blues (Old Ver. bootleg) | teddybb | 1985 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| spec_tmht | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (48K) | | 1990 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_tmht | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Euro) | | 1990 | Image Works | MSX | |
| nes_tmht | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe) | nes_tmnt | 1990 | Palcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tmht2pa | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version ?) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmht2p | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version U) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmhtb | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version ?) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmht | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version F) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmhta | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version S) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| spec_tmhtarc | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op (128K) | | 1991 | Image Works | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tmhthh | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (Euro) | | 1992 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tmhttf | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| tmht22pe | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players ver EBA) | tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmht24pe | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver EAA) | tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| nes_tmhtiiarcgam | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II - The Arcade Game (Europe) | nes_tmntiiarcgam | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| tmnta | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Asia 4 Players, version ?) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmnti | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (FMV Demo) | | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| tmntia | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (FMV Demo, alt) | tmnti | 2009 | Sergi | Neo Geo MVS | You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES |
| nes_tmntc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_tmnt | 2021 | MEZARANSU | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntcast | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Hack, Spanish v0.9) | nes_tmnt | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| tmnt2pj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players, version 1) | tmnt | 1990 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players, version 2) | tmnt | 1990 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmnt2po | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players, version ?) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntuc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntub | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version J) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntua | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version N) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version R) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| nes_tmnt | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) | | 1989 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| tmnt | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players, version X) | | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| md_tmntshj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Return of the Shredder (Japan) | md_tmhthh | 1992 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tmntte | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Texas Edition (Hack) | nes_tmnt | 2023 | SomeOldGuy | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tmnthhec | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (Hack, Enhanced Colors v2.0) | md_tmhthh | 2015 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tmnthhs | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (Hack, Spanish) | md_tmhthh | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tmnthh | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (USA) | md_tmhthh | 1992 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tmnttoufigsc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Hack, Chinese) | nes_tmnttoufig | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tmnttficb | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Hack, Improvement) | md_tmhttf | 2014 | Color By fusaru, Boss by Nemesis_c | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tmnttfs | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Hack, Spanish) | md_tmhttf | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tmnttoufigc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Hack, Spanish) | nes_tmnttoufig | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tmnttfj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Japan) | md_tmhttf | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tmnttfu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA) | md_tmhttf | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| tmnt22pu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players ver UDA) | tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt2a | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver ADA) | tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt2 | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA) | | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt24pu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UEA) | tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| md_tmntru | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Vozvrashchenie Legendy (Russia) (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tmntiiarcgamtc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (Hack, Chinese) | nes_tmntiiarcgam | 2023 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiiarcgamc | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (Hack, Spanish v0.9) | nes_tmntiiarcgam | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiiarcgamj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (Japan) | nes_tmntiiarcgam | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiiarcgam | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (USA) | | 1990 | Ultra Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiimanpro | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Manhattan Project (Japan) | nes_tmntiii | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiiic | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - The Manhattan Project (Hack, Spanish v0.91) | nes_tmntiii | 2017 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmntiii | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - The Manhattan Project (USA) | | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tmnttoufig | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters (USA) | | 1994 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_sor2tmntsr | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Re-Revenge (GlobalHack, v1.01) | md_sor2 | 2022 | savok | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_teenqueen | | Teenage Queen The Demo (HB) | | 2006 | Spoutnick Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_teiketsu | | Teitoku no Ketsudan (Japan) | md_pto | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| tekipakit | | Teki Paki (location test) | tekipaki | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| tekipaki | | Teki Paki | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| nes_tekken2 | | Tekken 2 (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tekken3 | | Tekken 3 (Unl) | | 1996 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tekkn3sp | | Tekken 3 Special (Unl) | | 1997 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tekkensp | | Tekken Special (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1996 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| teljan | | Tel Jan | | 1999 | Electro Design | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| md_telmah | | Tel-Tel Mahjong (Japan) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_telstad | | Tel-Tel Stadium (Japan) | | 1990 | Sunsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_telebrad | | Telebradesco Residencia (Brazil) | | 199? | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_telebunn | | Telebunnie (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_telebunna | | Telebunnie (Japan, Alt) | msx_telebunn | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| cv_telebunny | | Telebunny (HB) | | 2014 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| md_telehugs | | Telethugs (HB) | | 2020 | Menos Playstation | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_telly | | Telly Turtle | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| temped | | TempEd | tempest | 2000 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tempest | | Tempest (48K) | | 1986 | Electric Dreams | ZX Spectrum | |
| tempest1 | | Tempest (rev 1) | tempest | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| tempest1r | | Tempest (rev 1, Revised Hardware) | tempest | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| tempest2 | | Tempest (rev 2) | tempest | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| tempest3 | | Tempest (rev 3) | tempest | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| tempest | | Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware) | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| tempall | | Tempest All Levels | tempest | 2000 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| temptube | | Tempest Tubes | tempest | 1980 | hack (Duncan Brown) | Miscellaneous | |
| temptwst | | Tempest Twisted | tempest | 2000 | Twisty | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tdilemma | | Temple Dilemma (HB) | | 2019 | Oldschool Interactive | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_sagradosp1 | | Templos Sagrados, Los - Parte 1 (Spanish) | | 1991 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_sagradosp2 | | Templos Sagrados, Los - Parte 2 (Spanish) | spec_sagradosp1 | 1991 | Aventuras A.D. | ZX Spectrum | PASSWORD: TUR KOS BON |
| sms_tempojrgg2sms | | Tempo Jr. (Hack, GG2SMS Conversion) | | 1995-2014 | Vingazole | Sega Master System | |
| gg_tempojrp9 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19941128) | gg_tempojr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp8 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19941205) | gg_tempojr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp7 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19941212) | gg_tempojr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp6 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19941226) | gg_tempojr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp5 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19950117) | gg_tempojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp4 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19950120) | gg_tempojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp3 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19950131) | gg_tempojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp2 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19950206) | gg_tempojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojrp1 | | Tempo Jr. (Prototype, 19950215) | gg_tempojr | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tempojr | | Tempo Jr. (World) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_temptations | | Temptations (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| dynwarjr | | Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Ver.) | dynwar | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| dynwarj | | Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan) | dynwar | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_tenchiwokurau | | Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan) | nes_destianemp | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| wofchp | | Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (PS/SS Version, Hack) | wofch | 2019 | hack | CPS Changer | |
| nes_tenchwokurii | | Tenchi wo Kurau II - Shokatsu Koumei Den (Hack, English v1.12) | | 2022 | Taskforce, Dynamic-Designs | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tenchwokuriij | | Tenchi wo Kurau II - Shokatsu Koumei Den (Japan) | nes_tenchwokurii | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| wof1v3p | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (1v3 Plus, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wof1v3 | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (1v3, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofmws | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (3M Warriors, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofsm | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (3M, Hack) | wof | 2014 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofmz1v3 | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Cavalry 1v3, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofch | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS Changer | |
| wofjh | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (hack, Japan 921031) | wof | 1992 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofj | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Japan 921031) | wof | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofdr20 | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Master 2020, Hack) | wof | 2024 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofdr | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Master, Hack) | wof | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofkm3 | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Subject 3, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofsc | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Switchable Character, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofwjq | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Warriors Enhanced, Hack) | wof | 2023 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofwp | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Warriors Plus, Hack) | wof | 2014 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofzl | | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Wolf Warriors, Hack) | wof | 2022 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| spec_tenebra | | Tenebra (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Haplo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_tenebra | | Tenebra (HB) | | 2023 | Haplo | MSX | |
| nes_tenebra | | Tenebra (HB) | | 2023 | Haplo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tenebra2 | | Tenebra 2 (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Haplo | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_tenebra2 | | Tenebra 2 (HB) | | 2023 | Haplo | MSX | |
| nes_tenebra2 | | Tenebra 2 (HB) | | 2024 | Haplo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tmacabre | | Tenebra Macabre (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| tengai | | Tengai (World) | | 1996 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020 | |
| gg_tengenwc | | Tengen World Cup Soccer (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Tengen | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_tenkanogoi | | Tenka no Goikenban - Mito Koumon (Japan) | | 1987 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tenkabus | | Tenkaichi Bushi - Keru Naguuru (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_tennis | | Tennis (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tennis | | Tennis (USA) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_tennis | | Tennis Ace (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_bakabon | | Tensai Bakabon (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_tensaird | | Tensai Rabbian Daifunsen (Japan) | | 1986 | Toshiba EMI | MSX | |
| nes_tenseconds | | Tense Conds (HB) | | 2022 | Wendel Scardua | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_sdragon | | Tenseiryuu - Saint Dragon (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| msx_tension | | Tension (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | System 4 | MSX | |
| spec_teodoroen | | Teodoro Can't Fly (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_teodoro | | Teodoro No Sabe Volar (English) (HB) | | 2012 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| spec_teodororu | | Teodoro No Sabe Volar (Russian) (48K) (HB) | spec_teodoroen | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_teodoroes | | Teodoro No Sabe Volar (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_teodoroen | 2010 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_teodoroes | | Teodoro No Sabe Volar (Spanish) (HB) | msx_teodoro | 2012 | Retroworks | MSX | |
| nes_teraonodosooz | | Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou (Japan) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_terekinen | | Tere-Kinesis (English) (HB) | | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_terekines | | Tere-Kinesis (Spanish) (HB) | msx_terekinen | 2021 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| sg1k_terebioe | | Terebi Oekaki (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_terminator2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_term2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Euro) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| gg_term2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | Glitchy graphics, use the SMS version, instead! |
| term2lg1 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (German, rev LG1 11/04/91) | term2 | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| sms_term2c | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_term2 | 2016 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| nes_termi2c | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Hack, Spanish) | nes_termi2 | 2016 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| term2pa2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (prototype, rev PA2 10/18/91) | term2 | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| term2la1 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA1 11/01/91) | term2 | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| term2la2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA2 12/09/91) | term2 | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| term2la3 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA3 03/27/92) | term2 | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| term2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA4 08/03/92) | | 1991 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| nes_termi2 | | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA) | | 1992 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_termntrb | | Terminator, The (Brazil) | sms_termntr | 1992 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_termintr | | Terminator, The (Euro) | | 1991 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_termntr | | Terminator, The (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_termntr | | Terminator, The (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_termntrc | | Terminator, The (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_termntr | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_termintrs | | Terminator, The (Hack, Spanish) | md_termintr | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_termintru | | Terminator, The (USA) | md_termintr | 1991 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_terminatorthe | | Terminator, The (USA) | | 1992 | Mindscape | Miscellaneous | |
| md_termintruh | | Terminator, The - Remastered Edition (Hack, USA) | md_termintr | 2020 | Linkuei | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_terminus | | Terminus - Prison Planet (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| cv_terrattak | | Terra Attack (HB) | | 2007 | Scott Huggins | ColecoVision | |
| spec_terracognita | | Terra Cognita - The Hollow Moon (48K) | | 1986 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_terracresta | | Terra Cresta (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_terracresta | | Terra Cresta (USA) | | 1990 | Vic Tokai | Miscellaneous | |
| terracren | | Terra Cresta (YM2203) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracre | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) | | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracreo | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracrea | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 3) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_terracr2 | | Terra Cresta II - Mandoraa no Gyakushuu (Japan) | | 1992 | Nihon Bussan | PC Engine | |
| terrafj | | Terra Force (Japan) | terraf | 1987 | Nichibutsu Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| terrafb | | Terra Force (Japan, bootleg set 2) | terraf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| terrafjb | | Terra Force (Japan, bootleg with additional Z80) | terraf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| terrafu | | Terra Force (US) | terraf | 1987 | Nichibutsu USA | Miscellaneous | |
| terrafua | | Terra Force (US, alternate sound) | terraf | 1987 | Nichibutsu USA | Miscellaneous | |
| terraf | | Terra Force | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_terrahawks | | Terrahawks (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | Gary James | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_terramex | | Terramex (128K) | | 1987 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_terramex | | Terramex (Euro) | | 1988 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | |
| cterrani | | Terranean (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_terrapinsen | | Terrapins ZX (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_terrapinses | | Terrapins ZX (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_terrapinsen | 2017 | highriser | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_terrorhouse | | Terror House (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_terrorballs | | Terrorballs (48K) | | 1987 | Whammo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_terrorpods | | Terrorpods (USA, Australia) | | 1989 | Melbourne House | MSX | |
| nes_teslavsedison | | Tesla vs Edison (HB) | | 2018 | Radnek | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_tesserae | | Tesserae (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_testdrv2 | | Test Drive II - The Duel (128K) | | 1989 | Accolade | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_testdrive2 | | Test Drive II - The Duel (Euro) | | 1989 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| md_td2 | | Test Drive II - The Duel (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| ctsttape | | Test Tape (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| msx_tetpuz | | Tetpuz (HB, v1.1) | | 2023 | Totta | MSX | |
| msx_tetrahor | | Tetra Horror (Japan) | | 1983 | Mass Tael | MSX | |
| msx_tetrahora | | Tetra Horror (Japan, Alt) | msx_tetrahor | 1983 | Mass Tael | MSX | |
| nes_tetra | | Tetrastar - The Fighter (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| atetrisb | | Tetris (bootleg set 1) | atetris | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| atetrisb2 | | Tetris (bootleg set 2) | atetris | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tetrisbl | | Tetris (bootleg) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| nes_tetrisj | | Tetris (BPS) (Japan) | nes_tetris | 1988 | Bullet-Proof Software | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tetrisjcc | | Tetris (BPS) - Conventional-Controls Edition (Hack) | nes_tetris | 2023 | climax | Miscellaneous | |
| atetrisc | | Tetris (cocktail set 1) | atetris | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| atetrisc2 | | Tetris (cocktail set 2) | atetris | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| tetrsark | | Tetris (D.R. Korea, set 1, encrypted) | | 19?? | D.R. Korea | Arkanoid | Wrong colors |
| tetrsark2 | | Tetris (D.R. Korea, set 2) | tetrsark | 19?? | D.R. Korea | Arkanoid | Wrong colors |
| md_tetriss | | Tetris (Hack, Spanish) | md_tetris | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| chf_tetris | | Tetris (HB) | | 2004 | Peter Trauner | Channel F | |
| md_tetris | | Tetris (Japan) | | 1989 | Tetris | Sega Megadrive | |
| tetrisse | | Tetris (Japan, System E) | | 1988 | Sega | System E | |
| tetrista | | Tetris (Japan, Taito B-System, Master of Weapon Conversion Kit) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | Taito B System | |
| tetrist | | Tetris (Japan, Taito B-System, Nastar Conversion Kit) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | Taito B System | buggy - use parent! |
| tetristh | | Tetris (Japan, Taito H-System) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | Taito H System | |
| msx_tetris | | Tetris (Korea) (Unl) | | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| msx_tetrisa | | Tetris (Korea, Alt) (Unl) | msx_tetris | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| spec_tetris | | Tetris (Mirrorsoft) (128K) | | 1987-88 | Mirrorsoft | ZX Spectrum | Press 'O' for options |
| atetris | | Tetris (set 1) | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| tetris1d | | Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0091 set) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| tetris1 | | Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0091) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| atetrisa | | Tetris (set 2) | atetris | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| tetris2d | | Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0092 set) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| tetris2 | | Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0092) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| tetris3d | | Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0093a set) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| tetris3 | | Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0093a) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| tetrisd | | Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0093 set) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| tetris | | Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0093) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| nes_tetrisu | | Tetris (Tengen) (USA) | nes_tetris | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tetris1 | NW | Tetris (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tetris | | Tetris (USA) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tetrisce | | Tetris - Championship Edition (48K-128K) (HB, v0.8) | | 2020 | The Shich | ZX Spectrum | |
| tetrbx | | Tetris / Bloxeed (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006) | | 2006 | bootleg (ISG) | ISG Selection Master Type 2006 | |
| spec_tetris2 | | Tetris 2 (128K) | | 1990 | Fuxoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_tetris2 | | Tetris 2 (USA) | | 1993 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tetri2bom | | Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) | | 1991 | Bullet-Proof Software | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_tetris2 | | Tetris II (Korea) | | 1989 | Prosoft | MSX | |
| tetrisp | | Tetris Plus (ver 1.0) | | 1995 | Jaleco / BPS | MegaSystem 32 | |
| tetrisp2ja | | Tetris Plus 2 (Japan, V2.1) | tetrisp2 | 1997 | Jaleco / The Tetris Company | Miscellaneous | |
| tetrisp2j | | Tetris Plus 2 (Japan, V2.2) | tetrisp2 | 1997 | Jaleco / The Tetris Company | Miscellaneous | |
| tp2m32 | | Tetris Plus 2 (ver 1.0, MegaSystem 32 Version) | tetrisp2 | 1997 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| tetrisp2a | | Tetris Plus 2 (World, V2.7) | tetrisp2 | 1997 | Jaleco / The Tetris Company | Miscellaneous | |
| tetrisp2 | | Tetris Plus 2 (World, V2.8) | | 1997 | Jaleco / The Tetris Company | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_tetris4gg | | Tetris4GG (HB, v0.9) | | 2022 | Armix | Sega Game Gear | |
| tgm2p | | Tetris: The Absolute - The Grand Master 2 Plus | tgm2 | 2000 | Arika | PS5V2 | |
| tgm2 | | Tetris: The Absolute - The Grand Master 2 | | 2000 | Arika | PS5V2 | |
| msx_tetsuman | | Tetsuman (Japan) | | 1985 | HAL Kenkyuujo | MSX | |
| msx_tetsumana | | Tetsuman (Japan, Alt) | msx_tetsuman | 1985 | HAL Kenkyuujo | MSX | |
| nes_tetsuwanatom | | Tetsuwan Atom (Japan) | nes_astroboy | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| thoop2 | | TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum 020E0867) | | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| thoop2a | | TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum 020EB356) | thoop2 | 1994 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_thanatos128 | | Thanatos (128K) | | 1986 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_thanatos48 | | Thanatos (48K) | spec_thanatos128 | 1986 | Durell Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tsfeeling | | That Sinking Feeling (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Sunteam | ZX Spectrum | |
| the26thz | | The 26th Z (Japan, location test) | m660 | 1986 | Ed Co., Ltd. (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| alphaxz | | The Alphax Z (Japan) | m660 | 1986 | Ed Co., Ltd. (Wood Place Co., Ltd. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mrflea | | The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea | | 1982 | Pacific Novelty | Miscellaneous | |
| anteateruk | | The Anteater (UK) | anteater | 1982 | Tago Electronics (Free Enterprise Games license) | Galaxian | |
| astyanax | | The Astyanax (EPROM version) | | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| astyanaxa | | The Astyanax (mask ROM version) | astyanax | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| battroad | | The Battle-Road | | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| berlwallt | | The Berlin Wall (bootleg?) | berlwall | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| berlwallk | | The Berlin Wall (Korea) | berlwall | 1991 | Kaneko (Inter license) | Kaneko16 | |
| berlwall | | The Berlin Wall | | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| sms_hicom8a | | The Best Game Collection (Korea, 8 in 1 Ver. A) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom8b | | The Best Game Collection (Korea, 8 in 1 Ver. B) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom8c | | The Best Game Collection (Korea, 8 in 1 Ver. C) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3e | | The Best Game Collection - Ghost House + Teddy Boy Blues + Seishun Scandal (Korea) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3b | | The Best Game Collection - Great Baseball + Great Soccer + Super Tennis (Korea) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3a | | The Best Game Collection - Hang On + Pit Pot + Spy vs Spy (Korea) | | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3f | | The Best Game Collection - Satellite-7 + Great Baseball + Seishun Scandal (Korea) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3d | | The Best Game Collection - Teddy Boy Blues + Great Soccer + Comical Machine Gun Joe (Korea) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| sms_hicom3c | | The Best Game Collection - Teddy Boy Blues + Pit-Pot + Astro Flash (Korea) | sms_hicom3a | 1990 | Hi-Com | Sega Master System | |
| bigprowr | | The Big Pro Wrestling! (set 1) | | 1983 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| bigprowra | | The Big Pro Wrestling! (set 2) | bigprowr | 1983 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| billiard | | The Billiards (bootleg of Video Hustler) | hustler | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spec_thebiz | | The Biz (48K) | | 1984 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| bounty | | The Bounty (set 1) | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| bounty2 | | The Bounty (set 2) | bounty | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_castle | | The Castle (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_circuit | | The Circuit (Japan) | sms_worldgp | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| edrandyj | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (Japan ver 3) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy1 | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 1) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy2 | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 2) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3) | | 1990 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| ctribeb | | The Combatribes (bootleg set 1) | ctribe | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribeb2 | | The Combatribes (bootleg set 2) | ctribe | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribej | | The Combatribes (Japan, rev 2) | ctribe | 1990 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribeu1 | | The Combatribes (US, rev 1) | ctribe | 1990 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribe | | The Combatribes (US, rev 2, set 1) | | 1990 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribeua | | The Combatribes (US, rev 2, set 2) | ctribe | 1990 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_cursetrasmoz | | The Curse of Trasmoz (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | VolcanoBytes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_thedark | | The Dark (48K) (HB) | | 1997 | Oleg Origin | ZX Spectrum | |
| dealer | | The Dealer | | 1984 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | Incorrect Colors |
| thedeep | | The Deep (Japan) | | 1987 | Woodplace Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| dbldynj | | The Double Dynamites (Japan, 13NOV89) | | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dbldynu | | The Double Dynamites (US, 13NOV89) | dbldynj | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| elecyoyo | | The Electric Yo-Yo (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| elecyoyo2 | | The Electric Yo-Yo (set 2) | elecyoyo | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| esb | | The Empire Strikes Back | | 1985 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| theendss | | The End (SegaSA / Sonic) | theend | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | Galaxian | |
| theends | | The End (Stern Electronics) | theend | 1980 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| theend | | The End | | 1980 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| teot | | The Eye of Typhoon (Beta 7 Version) | | 2022 | OzzyOuzo | Neo Geo MVS | |
| flstoryo | | The FairyLand Story (earlier) | flstory | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| flstory | | The FairyLand Story | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| daraku | | The Fallen Angels (World) / Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (Japan) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| froundl | | The Final Round (version L) | fround | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| fround | | The Final Round (version M) | | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| gametngk | | The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting! / Game Tengoku - The Game Paradise (ver 1.0) | | 1995 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | imperfect graphics |
| gg_shinobi2 | | The GG Shinobi II (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| theglad101 | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V100) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| thegladpcba | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V100, Japan, Single PCB Version) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| theglad100 | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V100, Taiwan) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| theglad | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V101, China) | | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| thegladpcb | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V101, Japan, Single PCB Version) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| theglad104 | | The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V104) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | Incomplete Dump |
| theglob2 | | The Glob (earlier) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| theglobp | | The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporation | Pac-man | |
| theglobpb | | The Glob (Pac-Man hardware, bootleg) | suprglob | 1983 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| theglob3 | | The Glob (set 3) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| theglob | | The Glob | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporation | EPOS Tristar | |
| ragtimea | | The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.3, 92.11.26) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| ragtime | | The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.5, 92.12.07) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| guiness | | The Guiness (Japan) | strnskil | 1984 | Sun Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| thehand | | The Hand | | 1981 | T.I.C. | Miscellaneous | |
| thehole | | The Hole (bootleg of The Pit) | thepit | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| thehustlj | | The Hustler (Japan, program code J) | rackemup | 1987 | Konami | GX765 | |
| thehustl | | The Hustler (Japan, program code M) | rackemup | 1987 | Konami | GX765 | |
| skingame | | The Irem Skins Game (US set 1) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| skingame2 | | The Irem Skins Game (US set 2) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| irrmaze | | The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou | | 1997 | SNK / Saurus | Neo Geo MVS | |
| jleagueo | | The J.League 1994 (Japan) | svf | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| jleague | | The J.League 1994 (Japan, Rev A) | svf | 1994 | Sega | System 32 | |
| karatour | | The Karate Tournament | | 1992 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| killbld100 | | The Killing Blade (V100, Taiwan) | killbld | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| killbld104 | | The Killing Blade (V104) | killbld | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| killbld106 | | The Killing Blade (V106) | killbld | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| killbld109 | | The Killing Blade (V109 alt, China) | killbld | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| killbld | | The Killing Blade (V109, China) | | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| killbldp | | The Killing Blade Plus (V300, China) | | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| kod1v3 | | The King of Dragons (1v3, Hack) | kod | 2015 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodb | | The King of Dragons (bootleg, 910731 etc) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodbs | | The King of Dragons (Boss Battle, Hack) | kod | 2015 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodlys | | The King of Dragons (Dragonslayer, Hack) | kod | 2023 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodyh | | The King of Dragons (Fireworks, Hack) | kod | 2022 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodh | | The King of Dragons (hack) | kod | 2002 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodja | | The King of Dragons (Japan 910805, B-Board 89625B-1) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodj | | The King of Dragons (Japan 910805, B-Board 90629B-3) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodda | | The King of Dragons (Phoenix bootleg, 910731 etc) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodly | | The King of Dragons (Tough Plus, Hack) | kod | 2021 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodu | | The King of Dragons (USA 910910) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| koddw | | The King of Dragons (Warriors, Hack) | kod | 2015 | hack | CPS1 | |
| kodr1 | | The King of Dragons (World 910711) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kodr2 | | The King of Dragons (World 910731) | kod | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kod | | The King of Dragons (World 910805) | | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| kof94bs | | The King of Fighters '94 (Boss, Hack) | kof94 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof94rz | | The King of Fighters '94 (Hack Boss Remixed) | kof94 | 1994 | ZKW | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof94 | | The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055 ~ NGH-055) | | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof94br | | The King of Fighters '94 (Portuguese edition, Hack) | kof94 | 2006 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | Translation ROM - Portuguese BRA |
| kof95bs | | The King of Fighters '95 (Boss, Hack) | kof95 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95b | | The King of Fighters '95 (Enable Hidden Characters V.[?]) | kof95 | 1995 | Ydmis & Creamymami[EGCG] | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95jq | | The King of Fighters '95 (Infinite Energy, Hack) | kof95 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95h | | The King of Fighters '95 (NGH-084) | kof95 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95 | | The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084) | | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95a | | The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084, alt board) | kof95 | 1995 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof95sp | | The King of Fighters '95 (Special 2017, Hack) | kof95 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96ae | | The King of Fighters '96 (Anniversary, Hack) | kof96 | 2007-2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96ep | | The King of Fighters '96 (bootleg / hack) | kof96 | 1996 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96cn | | The King of Fighters '96 (Chinese Edition, ver 1.0, Hack) | kof96 | 200? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96h | | The King of Fighters '96 (NGH-214) | kof96 | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo AES | |
| kof96 | | The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214) | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96a | | The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214, alt board) | kof96 | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96pls | | The King of Fighters '96 (Plus, Hack) | kof96 | 2003 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96rp | | The King of Fighters '96 (Remix Plus 08 SP, Hack) | kof96 | 2008 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96rss | | The King of Fighters '96 (Remix Spring Special, Version 1.5, Hack) | kof96 | 2005 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof96r | | The King of Fighters '96 (Revised, Hack) | kof96 | 2008 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97cn | | The King of Fighters '97 (10th Anniversary Chinese Edition, Hack) | kof97 | 2007 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97ae | | The King of Fighters '97 (Anniversary, Hack) | kof97 | 2018-2020 | EGHT | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof97bt | | The King of Fighters '97 (Balanced & Optimized, Hack) | kof97 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97ts | | The King of Fighters '97 (Battle with Orochi, v1.2, Hack) | kof97 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97bs | | The King of Fighters '97 (Boss, Hack) | kof97 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97cbt | | The King of Fighters '97 (Combo Training, Hack, Ver. 2018) | kof97 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97cb | | The King of Fighters '97 (Combo, Hack) | kof97 | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97m | | The King of Fighters '97 (Dream Back, Hack) | kof97 | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97eb | | The King of Fighters '97 (Evolution & Balance, Hack) | kof97 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97evf | | The King of Fighters '97 (Evolution FC2, Hack) | kof97 | 2011 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97evn | | The King of Fighters '97 (Evolution New, Hack) | kof97 | 200? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97xt | | The King of Fighters '97 (Final Battle, Hack) | kof97 | 2007 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97ps | | The King of Fighters '97 (Imitation Playstation final improved version 2016-10-29) | kof97 | 1997 | Eddids | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97inv | | The King of Fighters '97 (Invincible Plus!, B2.1.2107, Hack) | kof97 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo AES | |
| kof97k | | The King of Fighters '97 (Korean release) | kof97 | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97h | | The King of Fighters '97 (NGH-2320) | kof97 | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97 | | The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320) | | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97t | | The King of Fighters '97 (Optimized, Hack) | kof97 | 2014-2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof97pm | | The King of Fighters '97 (Practice Mode, Hack) | kof97 | 1997 | hack | Neo Geo AES | |
| kof97rc | | The King of Fighters '97 (Random Combo, Hack, Ver. 2010) | kof97 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97sp | | The King of Fighters '97 (Special, Hack) | kof97 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97st | | The King of Fighters '97 (Strengthen Innovation, Hack) | kof97 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97ubp | | The King of Fighters '97 (Ultimate Battle Plus, Hack) | kof97 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97oro | | The King of Fighters '97 Chongchu Jianghu Plus 2003 (bootleg, set 1) | kof97 | 1997 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97pla | | The King of Fighters '97 Chongchu Jianghu Plus 2003 (bootleg, set 2) | kof97 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97pls | | The King of Fighters '97 Plus (bootleg) | kof97 | 1997 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97plc | | The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Enhanced, Hack) | kof97 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof97plh | | The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Hack) | kof97 | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98ae | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Anniversary, Hack) | kof98 | 2007-2016 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof98bc2nd | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (BC 2nd Impact Edition, Hack, Ver.2020-07-29) | kof98 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98bc2k2 | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (BC Style 2002, Hack) (Unknown Author) | kof98 | 20?? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98cp | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Combo Plus, Hack) | kof98 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98cb | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Combo, Hack) | kof98 | 2018-2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof98eck | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Easy Combo King, Hack) | kof98 | 2019-2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof98evo | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Evolution, Hack) | kof98 | 200? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98k | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board, set 1) | kof98 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98ka | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board, set 2) | kof98 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98h | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGH-2420) | kof98 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98 | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420) | | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98a | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420, alt board) | kof98 | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98pfe | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Plus Final Edition, Hack) | kof98 | 2019 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof98rat | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Ratio, Hack) | kof98 | 2021 | bankbank | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98ult | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Ultimate Match, Hack) | kof98 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof98mix | | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Unlimited, Hack) | kof98 | 2011-2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof99ae | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Anniversary, Hack) | kof99 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99cb | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Combo, Hack) | kof99 | 2008 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99e | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (earlier) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99eur | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Evolution Ultra Remix, Hack) | kof99 | 201?-2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof99jh | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Evolution, Hack) | kof99 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99fd | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Fully Decrypted) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99jq | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Infinite Energy, Hack) | kof99 | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99k | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99ka | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release, non-encrypted program) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99sk | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (LC+SK, Hack) | kof99 | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99h | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGH-2510) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99 | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510) | | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99t | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Plus, Hack) | kof99 | 2014-2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99p | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (prototype) | kof99 | 1999 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99rp | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Remix Pro v2.01 Final, Hack) | kof99 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof99sr | | The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Summer Revolution, Hack) | kof99 | 2007 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngp_kofpara | | The King of Fighters - Battle de Paradise (Jpn) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| kof10th | | The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf10thuo | | The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (Optimized 2020, Hack) | kof2002 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof10thd | | The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted) | kof2002 | 200? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k5uni | | The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002) | kof2002 | 2004 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf10thep | | The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002) | kof2002 | 2005 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2kfd | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Fully Decrypted) | kof2000 | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2000bc | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Imitate BC 14 System, Hack By Aillis) | kof2000 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Press AD for Start BC Mode |
| kof2000 | | The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570 ~ NGH-2570) | | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2000n | | The King of Fighters 2000 (not encrypted) | kof2000 | 2000 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2000t | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Optimized, Hack) | kof2000 | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2kotc | | The King of Fighters 2000 (OTC, Hack) | kof2000 | 2022-2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof2kps2 | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Playstation 2, Hack) | kof2000 | 2013 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2kpls | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Plus Blue, Hack) | kof2000 | 2018 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2ksp | | The King of Fighters 2000 (Special, Hack) | kof2000 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2kxxx | | The King of Fighters 2000 SP XXX (Hack, Ver. 2016-01-04) | kof2000 | 2016 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k1bs | | The King of Fighters 2001 (Boss, Hack) | kof2001 | 2010 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k1fd | | The King of Fighters 2001 (Fully Decrypted) | kof2001 | 2001 | Eolith / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2001h | | The King of Fighters 2001 (NGH-2621) | kof2001 | 2001 | Eolith / SNK | Neo Geo AES | |
| kof2001 | | The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?) | | 2001 | Eolith / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k1pkz | | The King of Fighters 2001 (PS2 Krizalid, Hack) | kof2001 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k1rp | | The King of Fighters 2001 (Remix Pro v1.02 Final, Hack) | kof2001 | 2004 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k1ru | | The King of Fighters 2001 (Remix Ultra 2.3, Hack) | kof2001 | 2004 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k1ult | | The King of Fighters 2001 (Ultimate, Hack) | kof2001 | 2024 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k1pls | | The King of Fighters 2001 Plus (set 1, bootleg / hack) | kof2001 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k1pla | | The King of Fighters 2001 Plus (set 2, bootleg / hack) | kof2001 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k23rd | | The King of Fighters 2002 (3rd Strike of Orochi, Hack) | kof2002 | 2020-2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kof2k2ts | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Battle with Orochi, Hack) | kof2002 | 2021 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2002b | | The King of Fighters 2002 (bootleg) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2mix | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Climax, Hack) | kof2002 | 2016 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k2fd | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Fully Decrypted) | kof2002 | 2002 | Eolith / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k2jq | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Infinite Energy, Hack) | kof2002 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2002m | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Mugen, Hack) | kof2002 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2002 | | The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650 ~ NGH-2650) | | 2002 | Eolith / Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k2omg | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Omega v.0?) | kof2002 | 2002 | hack | KOF-ON Team | |
| kof2k2omg8 | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Omega v0.8) | kof2002 | 2010 | hack | KOF-ON Team | |
| kof2k2omg9b | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Omega v0.9 beta) | kof2002 | 2011 | hack | KOF-ON Team | |
| kof2k2omg9 | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Omega v0.9) | kof2002 | 2012 | hack | KOF-ON Team | |
| kf2k2ps2 | | The King of Fighters 2002 (PlayStation 2, Hack) | kof2002 | 2007-2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Other versions are selected in the dipswitch |
| kf2k2p17 | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Plus 2017, Hack) | kof2002 | 2020 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k2ru | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Remix Ultra 3.5, Hack) | kof2002 | 2006 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k2ly | | The King of Fighters 2002 (Remix, Hack) | kof2002 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2mp | | The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (bootleg) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2mp2 | | The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2mp3 | | The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus III (Hack) | kof2002 | 2010 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2pls | | The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 1) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2pla | | The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 2) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2plb | | The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 3) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2plh | | The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Hack) | kof2002 | 2022 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2002t | | The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Optimised, Hack) | kof2002 | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k2plc | | The King of Fighters 2002 Super (bootleg) | kof2002 | 2002 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3bl | | The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 1) | kof2003 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3bla | | The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 2) | kof2003 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k3fd | | The King of Fighters 2003 (Fully Decrypted) | kof2003 | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3pcb | | The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) | | 2003 | SNK Playmore | dedicated Neo Geo PCB | |
| kof2003h | | The King of Fighters 2003 (NGH-2710) | kof2003 | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2003 | | The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710, Export) | | 2003 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3ps2 | | The King of Fighters 2003 (PlayStation 2, Hack) | kof2003 | 2006 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2003t | | The King of Fighters 2003 (Plus, Hack) | kof2003 | 2014 | SNK Playmore | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3p2s | | The King of Fighters 2003 (PS2 Style Portraits, Hack) | kof2003 | 20?? | hack | Neo Geo MVS | Secret Characters available in MVS |
| kf2k3pl | | The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2003) | kof2003 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k3upl | | The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2003) | kof2003 | 2003 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kof2k4se | | The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002) | kof2002 | 2004 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| kf2k4pls | | The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 Plus (bootleg) | kof2002 | 2004 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| ngp_lastblad | | The Last Blade - Beyond the Destiny (Euro) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| lastbldi | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (Infinite Energy, Hack) | lastblad | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbladh | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGH-2340) | lastblad | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo AES | |
| lastblad | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340) | | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastblada | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340, alt board) | lastblad | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbldp | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (Plus, Hack) | lastblad | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastblsp | | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (Special 2017, Hack) | lastblad | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbd2b | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (Enable Hidden Characters V4) | lastbld2 | 1998 | Dodowang[EGCG] | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbd2e | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (Enhanced, Hack) | lastbld2 | 1998 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbd2i | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (Infinite Energy, Hack) | lastbld2 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbld2 | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430) | | 1998 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbd2p | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (Plus, Hack) | lastbld2 | 2014 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastbd2t | | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (Team, Hack) | lastbld2 | 2015 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lastday | | The Last Day (set 1) | | 1990 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| lastdaya | | The Last Day (set 2) | lastday | 1990 | Dooyong | Miscellaneous | |
| lastsold | | The Last Soldier (Korean release of The Last Blade) | lastblad | 1997 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| lkageb | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 1) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lkageb2 | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 2) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lkageb3 | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | hardware | |
| lkageb4 | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 4) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | hardware | |
| lkageo | | The Legend of Kage (older) | lkage | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| lkageo2 | | The Legend of Kage (oldest) | lkage | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| lkage | | The Legend of Kage | | 1984 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| silkroada | | The Legend of Silkroad (larger ROMs) | silkroad | 1999 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| silkroad | | The Legend of Silkroad | | 1999 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| lordofk | | The Lord of King (Japan) | astyanax | 1989 | Jaleco | Mega System 1 | |
| darkmist | | The Lost Castle In Darkmist | | 1986 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| mainevt2p | | The Main Event (2 Players ver. X) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| mainevto | | The Main Event (4 Players ver. F) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| mainevt | | The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y) | | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| mastkin | | The Masters of Kin | | 1988 | Du Tech | Miscellaneous | Colors are wrong |
| nes_meating | | The Meating - Cafeparty (HB, Demo) | | 2019 | Mega Cat Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsj | | The NewZealand Story (Japan, new version) (P0-043A PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsjo | | The NewZealand Story (Japan, old version) (P0-041A PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsuo | | The NewZealand Story (US, old version) (P0-041A PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzs | | The NewZealand Story (World, new version) (P0-043A PCB) | | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzso | | The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (P0-041A PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsop | | The NewZealand Story (World, prototype) (P0-041-1 PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsoa | | The NewZealand Story (World, unknown version) (P0-041A PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| tnextspcj | | The Next Space (Japan) | tnextspc | 1989 | SNK (Pasadena International Corp. license) | Alpha 68k | |
| tnextspc | | The Next Space (set 1) | | 1989 | SNK | Alpha 68k | |
| tnextspc2 | | The Next Space (set 2) | tnextspc | 1989 | SNK | Alpha 68k | |
| ninjakj | | The Ninja Kids (Japan) | ninjak | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| ninjaku | | The Ninja Kids (US) | ninjak | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| ninjak | | The Ninja Kids (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| ninjawj | | The Ninja Warriors (Japan) | ninjaw | 1987 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| ninjawu | | The Ninja Warriors (US, Romstar license) | ninjaw | 1987 | Taito Corporation America (licensed to Romstar) | Taito Misc | |
| ninjaw1 | | The Ninja Warriors (World, earlier version) | ninjaw | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| ninjaw | | The Ninja Warriors (World, later version) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| outfxiesj | | The Outfoxies (Japan, OU1) | outfxies | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| outfxiesja | | The Outfoxies (Japan, OU1, alternate GFX ROMs) | outfxies | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| outfxiesa | | The Outfoxies (Korea?) | outfxies | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| outfxies | | The Outfoxies (World, OU2) | | 1994 | Namco | NB-1 / NB-2 | |
| percuss | | The Percussor | | 1981 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| thepitm | | The Pit (bootleg on Moon Quasar hardware) | thepit | 198? | bootleg (KZH) | Galaxian | |
| thepitj | | The Pit (Japan) | thepit | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| thepitu1 | | The Pit (US set 1) | thepit | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| thepitu2 | | The Pit (US set 2) | thepit | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| thepitu3 | | The Pit (US set 3) | thepit | 1982 | Zilec Electronics (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| thepit | | The Pit | | 1982 | Zilec Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| punishly | | The Punisher (1vs2 Flame, Hack) | punisher | 2018 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punishhr | | The Punisher (1vs2 Invincible, Hack) | punisher | 2018 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punishbs | | The Punisher (1vs2 Match, Hack) | punisher | 2018 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punishpf | | The Punisher (1vs2 Perfect, Hack) | punisher | 2018 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punipic | | The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1) | punisher | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| punipic2 | | The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) | punisher | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| punipic3 | | The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 3) | punisher | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | No sound |
| punisherb | | The Punisher (bootleg) | punisher | 1993 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| punishfw | | The Punisher (Framework 2020, Hack) | punisher | 2020 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punisherh | | The Punisher (Hispanic 930422) | punisher | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punisherj | | The Punisher (Japan 930422) | punisher | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punisheru | | The Punisher (USA 930422) | punisher | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punishdw | | The Punisher (Warriors, Hack) | punisher | 2009 | hack | CPS1 / QSound | |
| punisher | | The Punisher (World 930422) | | 1993 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| ghostb2a | | The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| ghostb | | The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2) | | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| ghostb3a | D NW | The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision 2) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| ghostb3 | | The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision 3B?) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| roishtar | | The Return of Ishtar | | 1986 | Namco | System 86 | |
| setaroul | D NW | The Roulette (Visco) | | 1989? | Visco | Seta | |
| simpsons2pa | | The Simpsons (2 Players Asia) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2pj | | The Simpsons (2 Players Japan) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2p | | The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2p2 | | The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 2) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2p3 | | The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 3) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons4pa | | The Simpsons (4 Players Asia) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons | | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) | | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons4pe | | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 2) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons4pe2 | | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 3) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| srumbler | | The Speed Rumbler (set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| srumbler2 | | The Speed Rumbler (set 2) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| srumbler3 | | The Speed Rumbler (set 3) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom (Tecfri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| superspy | | The Super Spy (NGM-011 ~ NGH-011) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| 3stooges | | The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1) | | 1984 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| 3stoogesa | | The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 2) | 3stooges | 1984 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| tinstar | | The Tin Star (A10, 4 PCB version) | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| tinstara | | The Tin Star (TS, 5 PCB version) | tinstar | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| thetogyu | | The Togyu (315-5065, Japan) | bullfgt | 1984 | Coreland / Sega | System 1 | |
| ctower | | The Tower (DECO Cassette) (Europe) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| todruaga | | The Tower of Druaga (New Ver.) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| todruagao | | The Tower of Druaga (Old Ver.) | todruaga | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| todruagas | | The Tower of Druaga (Sidam) | todruaga | 1984 | bootleg? (Sidam) | Miscellaneous | |
| ssideki4 | | The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero | | 1996 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wintbob | | The Winter Bobble (bootleg of Snow Bros.) | snowbros | 1990 | bootleg (Sakowa Project Korea) | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| spec_thewitch | | The Witch (128K) (HB, v1.0.1) | | 2020 | Serranito Online | ZX Spectrum | The remake of classic game Cauldron |
| spec_thewitchen | | The Witch - Ending (English) (128K) (HB, v1.0.1) | spec_thewitch | 2020 | Serranito Online | ZX Spectrum | The remake of classic game Cauldron |
| spec_thewitches | | The Witch - Ending (Spanish) (128K) (HB, v1.0.1) | spec_thewitch | 2020 | Serranito Online | ZX Spectrum | The remake of classic game Cauldron |
| md_themeprk | | Theme Park (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_theseus | | Theseus - Iligks I (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_theseusa | | Theseus - Iligks I (Japan, Alt) | msx_theseus | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_theseusk | | Theseus - Iligks I (Korea) (Unl) | msx_theseus | 198? | Zemina | MSX | |
| nes_thexderc | | Thexder (Hack, Spanish) | nes_thexder | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_thexder | | Thexder (Japan) | | 1986 | Game Arts | MSX | |
| nes_thexder | | Thexder (Japan) | | 1985 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_thexderb | | Thexder (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_thexder | 1986 | Game Arts | MSX | |
| msx_thexdera | | Thexder (Japan, Alt) | msx_thexder | 1986 | Game Arts | MSX | |
| cv_thexder | | Thexder (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2012 | Game Arts | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_tctwh | | They Came To Wreak Hell (HB, v0.3a) | | 2022 | Team Disposable | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_thiefcob | | Thief and the Cobbler (Hack) | nes_smb2 | 2022 | Garrett Gilchrist | Miscellaneous | |
| thief | | Thief | | 1981 | Pacific Novelty | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_tbback | | Thing Bounces Back (Euro) | | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| md_thomas | | Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA) | | 1993 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_thor | | Thor (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Proein Soft Line | MSX | |
| trally | | Thrash Rally (ALM-003 ~ ALH-003) | | 1991 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_3dragon | | Three Dragon Story, The (Korea) | | 1989 | Zemina | MSX | |
| sms_3dragon | | Three Dragon Story, The (Korea) | | 19?? | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| spec_3octopuses | | Three Octopuses (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | kas29 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_threestooges | | Three Stooges (USA) | | 1989 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_3weekspr | | Three Weeks in Paradise (128K) | | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_3weekspr_48 | | Three Weeks in Paradise (48K) | spec_3weekspr | 1986 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| 3wondersh | | Three Wonders (bootleg set 1) | 3wonders | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| 3wondersha | | Three Wonders (bootleg set 2) | 3wonders | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| 3wondersb | | Three Wonders (hack) | 3wonders | 1991 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| 3wondersu | | Three Wonders (USA 910520) | 3wonders | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| 3wondersr1 | | Three Wonders (World 910513) | 3wonders | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| 3wonders | | Three Wonders (World 910520) | | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| cv_threshld | | Threshold | | 1983 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| spec_thronefire | | Throne of Fire (48K) | | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| thunderl | | Thunder & Lightning (set 1) | | 1990 | Seta | Seta | |
| thunderla | | Thunder & Lightning (set 2) | thunderl | 1990 | Seta | Seta | |
| nes_thundlig | | Thunder & Lightning (USA) | | 1990 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_thndrbal | | Thunder Ball (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_thndrbala | | Thunder Ball (Japan, Alt) | msx_thndrbal | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| spec_thndrbld | | Thunder Blade (128K) | | 1988 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| thndrbld1 | | Thunder Blade (deluxe/standing) (unprotected) | thndrbld | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| sms_tblade | | Thunder Blade (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_tblade | | Thunder Blade (Japan) | | 1990 | NEC Avenue | PC Engine | |
| sms_tbladej | | Thunder Blade (Japan) | sms_tblade | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_tbladejp | | Thunder Blade (Japan, Prototype) | sms_tblade | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| thndrbldd | | Thunder Blade (upright) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0056 set) | thndrbld | 1987 | bootleg | X-Board | |
| thndrbld | | Thunder Blade (upright) (FD1094 317-0056) | | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| thndblst | | Thunder Blaster (Japan) | lethalth | 1991 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| tceptor | | Thunder Ceptor | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| thunderxj | | Thunder Cross (Japan) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderx | | Thunder Cross (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderxa | | Thunder Cross (set 2) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderxb | | Thunder Cross (set 3) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thndrx2a | | Thunder Cross II (Asia) | thndrx2 | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| thndrx2j | | Thunder Cross II (Japan) | thndrx2 | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| thndrx2 | | Thunder Cross II (World) | | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| tdragon1 | | Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991, protected) | tdragon | 1991 | NMK (Tecmo license) | NMK16 | |
| tdragon | | Thunder Dragon (8th Jan. 1992, unprotected) | | 1991 | NMK (Tecmo license) | NMK16 | |
| tdragonb | | Thunder Dragon (bootleg with Raiden sounds, encrypted) | tdragon | 1991 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| tdragonb3 | | Thunder Dragon (bootleg with Raiden sounds, unencrypted) | tdragon | 1991 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| tdragon2a | | Thunder Dragon 2 (1st Oct. 1993) | tdragon2 | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| tdragon2 | | Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993) | | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| tdragon3h | | Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2) | tdragon2 | 1996 | bootleg (Conny Co Ltd.) | Miscellaneous | |
| tfrceacb | | Thunder Force AC (bootleg) | tfrceac | 1990 | bootleg | C2 | |
| tfrceacj | | Thunder Force AC (Japan) | tfrceac | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | C2 | |
| tfrceacjpb | | Thunder Force AC (Japan, prototype, bootleg) | tfrceac | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | C2 | |
| tfrceac | | Thunder Force AC | | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | C2 | |
| md_tf2 | | Thunder Force II (Euro, USA) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf2s | | Thunder Force II (Hack, Spanish) | md_tf2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf2j | | Thunder Force II MD (Japan) | md_tf2 | 1989 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf3s | | Thunder Force III (Hack, Spanish) | md_tf3 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf3 | | Thunder Force III (Japan, USA) | | 1990 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf3p | | Thunder Force III (Prototype, 19900801) | md_tf3 | 1990 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf4 | | Thunder Force IV (Euro) | | 1993 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf4s | | Thunder Force IV (Hack, Spanish) | md_tf4 | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tf4j | | Thunder Force IV (Japan) | md_tf4 | 1992 | Technosoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tfoxs | | Thunder Fox (Hack, Spanish) | md_tfox | 2018 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tfoxj | | Thunder Fox (Japan) | md_tfox | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| thundfoxj | | Thunder Fox (Japan) | thundfox | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| thundfoxu | | Thunder Fox (US) | thundfox | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| md_tfox | | Thunder Fox (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| thundfox | | Thunder Fox (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F2 | |
| theroes | | Thunder Heroes | | 2001 | Primetek Investments | Cave | |
| thoop | | Thunder Hoop (ver. 1, checksum 02a09f7d) | | 1992 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_thundpaw | | Thunder Paw (HB) | | 2021 | PSCD Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tpwres | | Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden (Japan) | | 1992 | Human | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tpwresen | | Thunder Pro Wrestling Story (Hack, English) | md_tpwres | 2021 | MrRichard999 | Sega Megadrive | |
| tstrike | | Thunder Strike (set 1) | | 1991 | East Coast Coin Company | Miscellaneous | |
| tstrikea | | Thunder Strike (set 2, older) | tstrike | 1991 | The Game Room | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_thunderwarrior | | Thunder Warrior (Asia) (Unl) | | 1992 | Micro Genius | Miscellaneous | |
| thndzonej | | Thunder Zone (Japan) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| thndzone4 | | Thunder Zone (World 4 Players) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| thndzonea | | Thunder Zone (World) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| thndzone | | Thunder Zone (World, Rev 1) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_thunderbirds | | Thunderbirds (USA) | | 1990 | Activision | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_thundbirds1 | | Thunderbirds - Mission 1: Mine Menace (128K) | | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to change character |
| msx_tbirds1a | | Thunderbirds - Mission 1: Mine Menace (Euro) | | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | Press SPACE to change character |
| spec_thundbirds2 | | Thunderbirds - Mission 2: Sub Crash (128K) | spec_thundbirds1 | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to change character |
| msx_tbirdst1b | | Thunderbirds - Mission 2: Sub Crash (Euro) | msx_tbirds1a | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | Password: RECOVERY |
| spec_thundbirds3 | | Thunderbirds - Mission 3: Bank Job (128K) | spec_thundbirds1 | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to change character |
| msx_tbirdst2a | | Thunderbirds - Mission 3: Bank Job (Euro) | msx_tbirds1a | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | Password: ALOYSIUS |
| spec_thundbirds4 | | Thunderbirds - Mission 4: Evil Hood (128K) | spec_thundbirds1 | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to change character |
| msx_tbirdst2b | | Thunderbirds - Mission 4: Evil Hood (Euro) | msx_tbirds1a | 1989 | Grandslam Entertainments | MSX | Password: ANDERSON |
| msx_thndbolt | | Thunderbolt (Japan) | | 1986 | Pixel | MSX | |
| msx_thndboltb | | Thunderbolt (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_thndbolt | 1986 | Pixel | MSX | |
| msx_thndbolta | | Thunderbolt (Japan, Alt) | msx_thndbolt | 1986 | Pixel | MSX | |
| nes_thunderbolt2 | | Thunderbolt 2 (China) | | 1993 | Gamtec | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tbolt2 | | Thunderbolt II (Prototype) (Unl) | | 1995 | SUN GREEN | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tbolt2a | | Thunderbolt II (Prototype, Alt) (Unl) | | 1995 | SUN GREEN | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_thundercade | | Thundercade (USA) | | 1989 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| tndrcade | | Thundercade / Twin Formation | | 1987 | Seta (Taito license) | Seta | |
| spec_thundcats | | Thundercats (128K) | | 1987 | Elite Systems | ZX Spectrum | |
| thunderja | | ThunderJaws (rev 2) | thunderj | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| thunderj | | ThunderJaws (rev 3) | | 1990 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_titipang | | Ti Ti! Pang Pang! (Korea) | | 1989 | Aproman | MSX | |
| chf_tctactoe | | Tic-Tac-Toe / Shooting Gallery / Doodle / Quadra-Doodle | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| md_tick | | Tick, The (USA) | | 1994 | Fox Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_tigeroad | | Tiger Road (128K) | | 1988 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | Press '4' to use controller |
| tigeroadb | | Tiger Road (US bootleg, set 1) | tigeroad | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigeroadb2 | | Tiger Road (US bootleg, set 2) | tigeroad | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigeroad | | Tiger Road (US) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tigeroadu | | Tiger Road (US, Romstar license) | tigeroad | 1987 | Capcom (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_tigerrod | | Tiger Road (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| tigerhb1 | | Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 1) | tigerh | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigerhb2 | | Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 2) | tigerh | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigerhb3 | | Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 3) | tigerh | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigerhj | | Tiger-Heli (Japan) | tigerh | 1985 | Toaplan / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| tigerh | | Tiger-Heli (US) | | 1985 | Toaplan / Taito America Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tigerheli | | Tiger-Heli (USA) | | 1987 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tikitaca | | Tiki Taca (48K) (HB) | | 2019 | Climacus | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tilt | | Tilt (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| timber | | Timber | | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_timebomb | | Time Bomb (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| tg_timcrus | | Time Cruise (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_timcrus2 | | Time Cruise II (Japan) | | 1991 | Face | PC Engine | |
| msx_timecurb | | Time Curb (Euro) | | 1986 | Aackosoft | MSX | |
| nes_timediveonman | | Time Diver Eon Man (USA) | | 1993 | Taito Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_timedom | | Time Dominator 1st (Japan, Korea) | md_socket | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| timefgtr | | Time Fighter (Time Pilot conversion on Galaxian hardware) | | 198? | Taito do Brasil | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| md_timekill | | Time Killers (Euro) | | 1996 | Black Pearl | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_timekillu | | Time Killers (USA) | md_timekill | 1996 | Black Pearl | Sega Megadrive | |
| timekill100 | | Time Killers (v1.00) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill120 | | Time Killers (v1.20, alternate ROM board) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill121 | | Time Killers (v1.21) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill121a | | Time Killers (v1.21, alternate ROM board) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill131 | | Time Killers (v1.31) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill | | Time Killers (v1.32) | | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timekill132i | | Time Killers (v1.32I) | timekill | 1992 | Strata/Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| timelimt | | Time Limit | | 1983 | Chuo Co. Ltd | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_timelord | | Time Lord (USA) | | 1990 | Milton Bradley | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_timemachine | | Time Machine (48K) | | 1990 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| tp84 | | Time Pilot '84 (set 1) | | 1984 | Konami | GX388 | |
| tp84a | | Time Pilot '84 (set 2) | tp84 | 1984 | Konami | GX388 | |
| tp84b | | Time Pilot '84 (set 3) | tp84 | 1984 | Konami | GX388 | |
| timeplta | | Time Pilot (Atari) | timeplt | 1982 | Konami (Atari license) | GX393 | |
| timepltc | | Time Pilot (Centuri) | timeplt | 1982 | Konami (Centuri license) | GX393 | |
| msx_timeplt | | Time Pilot (Japan) | | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_timeplta | | Time Pilot (Japan, Alt) | msx_timeplt | 1983 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_timeplt | | Time Pilot | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| timeplt | | Time Pilot | | 1982 | Konami | GX393 | |
| spec_timescan | | Time Scanner (128K) | | 1989 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | Flippers: W and O - Tilt: - Q, P and SPACE |
| timescan1 | | Time Scanner (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0024) | timescan | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| timescan | | Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| spec_timesniper | | Time Sniper (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Nextric | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_timesold | | Time Soldiers (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| timesold1 | | Time Soldiers (US Rev 1) | timesold | 1987 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK/Romstar license) | Alpha 68k | |
| timesold | | Time Soldiers (US Rev 3) | | 1987 | Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK/Romstar license) | Alpha 68k | |
| msx_timetrax | | Time Trax (Euro) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| md_timetraxp | | Time Trax (Prototype) | | 1994 | Black Pearl Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| timetunl | | Time Tunnel | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| nes_timezone | | Time Zone (Hack, English) | | 2014 | KingMike's Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_timezonej | | Time Zone (Japan) | nes_timezone | 1991 | Sigma Enterprises | Miscellaneous | |
| timesupd | | Time's UP! (Demo) | | 2012 | NGF Dev. Inc. | Neo Geo | |
| timesup | | Time's UP! | | 2012 | NGF Dev. Inc. | Neo Geo | |
| tg_timeball | | Timeball (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| nes_tinasadvisliii | | Tina's Advanture Island III (Hack) | nes_advenisl3 | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tinasadvisl | | Tina's Adventure Island (Hack) | nes_adventureisland | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_tinasadv | | Tina's Adventure Island (HB) | | 2017 | Imanok | MSX | |
| nes_tinasadvislii | | Tina's Adventure Island II (Hack) | nes_advenislii | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tinheads | | TinHead (Hack, Spanish) | md_tinhead | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tinhead | | TinHead (USA) | | 1993 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| tinklpit | | Tinkle Pit (Japan) | | 1993 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| md_tintin | | Tintin au Tibet (Euro) | | 1995 | Infogrames | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_tintin | | Tintin in Tibet (Euro) | | 1996 | Infogrames | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_tintmoon | | Tintin on the Moon (48K) | | 1989 | Infogrames | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tinycraten | | Tiny Crate (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tinycrates | | Tiny Crate (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_tinycraten | 2022 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tinydungs | | Tiny Dungeons (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | Press 'Z', 'X' and 'C' to switch characters |
| spec_tinynighte | | Tiny Nightmares (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | EJVG | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tinynights | | Tiny Nightmares (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_tinynighte | 2023 | EJVG | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_tinytooadvsc | | Tiny Toon Adventures (Hack, Chinese) | nes_tinytooadv | 2022 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tinytooadvc | | Tiny Toon Adventures (Hack, Spanish) | nes_tinytooadv | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ttoonbhtk | NW | Tiny Toon Adventures (Korea) | md_ttoonbht | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tinytooadv | | Tiny Toon Adventures (USA) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ttacme | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (Euro) | | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ttacmes | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_ttacme | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ttacmeu | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (USA, Korea) | md_ttacme | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ttoonbht | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ttoonbhts | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_ttoonbht | 2023 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ttoonbhtu | | Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (USA) | md_ttoonbht | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tinytooadv2molaheyo | | Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Montana Land he Youkoso (Japan) | nes_tinytooadv2trinwa | 1992 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tinytooadv2trinwa | | Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Trouble in Wackyland (USA) | | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ttoon3 | | Tiny Toon Adventures 3 (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | Gamtec? | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_tinytooadv6c | | Tiny Toon Adventures 6 (Hack, Spanish) | nes_tinytooadv6 | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tinytooadv6 | | Tiny Toon Adventures 6 (Unl) | | 1997 | J.Y. Company | Miscellaneous | |
| tiptop | | Tip Top (3 board stack) | congo | 1983 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| spec_tirnanog | | Tir Na Nog (48K) | | 1984 | Gargoyle Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| titanpac | | Titan (hack of Pac-Man) | puckman | 1981 | hack (NSM) | Pac-man | |
| nes_titan | | Titan (Japan) | | 1990 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_titan | | Titan (Japan) | | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_titanwarriors | | Titan Warriors (USA) (Prototype) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_titanicc | | Titanic (China) (Unl) | nes_titanic | 2005 | Shenzhen Nanjing Technology | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_titanic | | Titanic (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| nes_titanic | | Titanic (Hack, English v2.1) | | 2022 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_titanictopo1 | | Titanic - Part 1 (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_titanictopo2 | | Titanic - Part 2 (Spanish) (48K) | spec_titanictopo1 | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | Password: SUSIE |
| spec_titblinky | | Titanic Blinky (48K) | | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| titlefj | | Title Fight (Japan) | titlef | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | Background GFX Issues |
| titlefu | | Title Fight (US) | titlef | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | Background GFX Issues |
| titlef | | Title Fight (World) | | 1992 | Sega | System 32 | Background GFX Issues |
| spec_tjcc | | TJ's Cavern Capers (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Gaz Marshall | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tnnbass | | TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (USA) | | 1993 | American Softworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tnnout | | TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 (USA) | | 1996 | American Softworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_totheearth | | To The Earth (USA) | | 1989 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_toadrun | | Toad Runner (48K) | | 1986 | Ariolasoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_tobiddai | | Tobidase Daisakusen (Japan) | | 1987 | Square | Miscellaneous | |
| tjumpman | D NW | Tobikose! Jumpman | | 1999 | Namco | Cave | Coin input not working? |
| spec_tobit | | Tobit (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_slimews | | Todd's Adventures in Slime World (Hack, Spanish) | md_slimew | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_slimew | | Todd's Adventures in Slime World (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejams | | Toe Jam & Earl (Hack, Spanish) | md_toejam | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejama | | Toe Jam & Earl (World) | md_toejam | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam | | Toe Jam & Earl (World, Rev. A) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam2g | | Toe Jam & Earl in Panic auf Funkotron (Euro, German) | md_toejam2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam2 | | Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam2s | | Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Hack, Spanish) | md_toejam2 | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam2j | | Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Japan) | md_toejam2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toejam2u | | Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (USA) | md_toejam2 | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| toffy | | Toffy | | 1993 | Midas | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_toiletk | | Toilet Kids (Japan) | | 1992 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| tokib | | Toki (Datsu bootleg) | toki | 1990 | bootleg (Datsu) | Miscellaneous | |
| tokip | | Toki (US, prototype?) | toki | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tokiu | | Toki (US, set 1) | toki | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tokiua | | Toki (US, set 2) | toki | 1989 | TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_toki | | Toki (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| toki | | Toki (World, set 1) | | 1989 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tokia | | Toki (World, set 2) | toki | 1989 | TAD Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| md_tokis | | Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (Hack, Spanish v1.2) | md_toki | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toki1 | | Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (World) | md_toki | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toki | | Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (World, Rev. A) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| tokisens | | Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier (MC-8123, 317-0040) | | 1987 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| tokisensa | | Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier (prototype?) | tokisens | 1987 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tokimal | | Tokimal (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Pat Morita Team | ZX Spectrum | |
| tokiob | | Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg) | tokio | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| tokio | | Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer) | | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| tokioo | | Tokio / Scramble Formation (older) | tokio | 1986 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| tokiou | | Tokio / Scramble Formation (US) | tokio | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Taito Misc | |
| nes_tokkyshisolc | | Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain (Hack, Chinese) | nes_shatterhand | 2021 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tokkyshisol | | Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain (Hack, English) | nes_shatterhand | 2019 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tokkyshisolj | | Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain (Japan) | nes_shatterhand | 1991 | Angel Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| mahmajn | D NW | Tokoro San no MahMahjan (Japan, ROM Based) | | 1992 | Sega | System 24 | |
| mahmajn2 | D NW | Tokoro San no MahMahjan 2 (Japan, ROM Based) | | 1994 | Sega | System 24 | |
| nes_tokorsannomammosemo | | Tokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo (Japan) | | 1987 | Epic/Sony Records | Miscellaneous | |
| jackalj | | Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan, 8-way Joystick) | jackal | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| tndrcadej | | Tokusyu Butai U.A.G. (Japan) | tndrcade | 1987 | Seta (Taito license) | Seta | |
| nes_tola | | Tola (HB) | | 2022 | OmniRetro Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tomjerultgamcatandmc | | Tom & Jerry - The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (Hack, Spanish) | nes_tomjerultgamcatandm | 2018 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tomjerultgamcatandm | | Tom & Jerry - The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (USA) | | 1991 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_tomjerry | | Tom and Jerry (Prototype) | sms_tomjermv | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_tomjerryim | | Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (Hack, Improvement v2) | md_tomjerry | 2020 | Ti | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tomjerry | | Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (USA, 1993) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tomjerry1 | | Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (USA, 1994) | md_tomjerry | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_tomjermv | | Tom and Jerry - The Movie (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_tomjermvc | | Tom and Jerry - The Movie (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_tomjermv | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_tomjermvj | | Tom and Jerry - The Movie (Japan) | gg_tomjermv | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_tomjermv | | Tom and Jerry - The Movie (USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_tomclown | | Tom Clown (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | Realtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dinohirep3 | | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (Prototype, 19930426) | md_dinohire | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dinohirep2 | | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (Prototype, 19930427) | md_dinohire | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dinohirep1 | | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (Prototype, 19930502) | md_dinohire | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dinohire | | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (USA) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| tomagic | | Tom Tom Magic | | 1997 | Hobbitron T.K.Trading Co. Ltd. | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_tomarc | | Tomarc the Barbarian | | 1984 | Xonox | ColecoVision | |
| msx_togk | | Tomb of Genghis Khan (HB) | | 2008 | Impulse9 | MSX | |
| nes_tombice | | Tomb of Ice (HB) | | 2020 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| nes_tmbtreasure | | Tombs & Treasure (USA) | | 1989 | Infocom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tomcat | | Tomcat (48K) | | 1989 | Players Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_lasorda | | Tommy Lasorda Baseball (USA) | md_suprleag | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_tongueman | | Tongueman's Logic (HB) | | 2007 | Chris Covell | PC Engine | |
| md_larussa | | Tony La Russa Baseball (USA, Oceania) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_toobin | | Toobin' (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_toobin | | Toobin' (Euro) | | 1989 | Domark | MSX | |
| toobin2e | | Toobin' (Europe, rev 2) | toobin | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| toobine | | Toobin' (Europe, rev 3) | toobin | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| toobing | | Toobin' (German, rev 3) | toobin | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| toobin1 | | Toobin' (rev 1) | toobin | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| toobin2 | | Toobin' (rev 2) | toobin | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| toobin | | Toobin' (rev 3) | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_toobin | | Toobin' (USA) | | 1989 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_toofy | | Toofy in Fan Land (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_toofy3 | | Toofy's Nutty Nightmare (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_toofy2 | | Toofy's Winter Nuts (48K) (HB) | | 2013 | Paul Jenkinson | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_toolblocks | | Tool Blocks (HB) | | 2021 | Ray2Day | MSX | |
| spec_topcat | | Top Cat in Beverly Hills Cats (48K) (HB) | | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| topdrive | | Top Driving (version 1.1) | | 1995 | Proyesel | Miscellaneous | |
| md_topfight | | Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1999 | X Boy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_topf2k5 | | Top Fighter 2005 (China) (Unl) | | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_topgear2 | | Top Gear 2 (USA) | | 1994 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_topgunc | | Top Gun (Hack, Spanish) | nes_topgun | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_topgun | | Top Gun (USA) (Rev A) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_topgunsecmisc | | Top Gun - The Second Mission (Hack, Spanish) | nes_topgunsecmis | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_topgunsecmis | | Top Gun - The Second Mission (USA) | | 1990 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| topgunbl | | Top Gunner (bootleg, Rotary Joystick) | jackal | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| topgunr | | Top Gunner (US, 8-way Joystick) | jackal | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| tophuntrh | | Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGH-046) | tophuntr | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| tophuntr | | Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046) | | 1994 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| tpgolf | | Top Player's Golf (NGM-003 ~ NGH-003) | | 1990 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_topgolf | | Top Pro Golf (Japan) | | 1992 | Soft Vision | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_topgolf2 | | Top Pro Golf 2 (Japan) | md_chichi | 1993 | Soft Vision | Sega Megadrive | |
| drivfrct | | Top Racer (bootleg of Driving Force) | drivfrcp | 1984 | bootleg (EMT Germany) | Galaxian | |
| trstarj | | Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1J 1993/05/21) (New Version) | trstar | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| trstaroj | | Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1J 1993/05/21) (Old Version) | trstar | 1993 | Taito Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| trstar | | Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1O 1993/05/21) (New Version) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| trstaro | | Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1O 1993/05/21) (Old Version) | trstar | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_toprider | | Top Rider (Japan) | | 1988 | Varie | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_toprollr | | Top Roller! (Japan) | | 1984 | Jaleco | MSX | |
| topsecex | | Top Secret (Exidy) (version 1.0) | | 1986 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| topsecrt | | Top Secret (Japan, old revision) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| topsecrt2 | | Top Secret (Japan, revision B) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| topshoot | | Top Shooter | | 1995 | Sun Mixing | Sega Megadrive | |
| topspeedu | | Top Speed (US) | topspeed | 1987 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Taito Misc | |
| topspeed | | Top Speed (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| nes_topstriker | | Top Striker (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_topplezip | | Topple Zip (Japan) | | 1987 | Bothtec | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_topzip | | Topple Zip (Japan) | | 1986 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| toppyrap | | Toppy & Rappy | | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| pce_toramich | | Tora e no Michi (Japan) | | 1990 | Victor Entertainment | PC Engine | |
| toramich | | Tora e no Michi (Japan) | tigeroad | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_torarete | | Torarete Tamaru ka!? (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| toride2j | | Toride II (Japan) | toride2g | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| toride2gg | | Toride II Adauchi Gaiden (German) | toride2g | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| toride2g | | Toride II Adauchi Gaiden | | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| toride2gk | | Toride II Bok Su Oi Jeon Adauchi Gaiden (Korea) | toride2g | 1994 | Metro | Miscellaneous | |
| tornado1 | NW | Tornado (bootleg of Defender, set 1) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | 6809 System | |
| tornado2 | D NW | Tornado (bootleg of Defender, set 2) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | 6809 System | |
| ctornado | | Tornado (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1982 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| spec_tornadoecr | | Tornado ECR (48K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_tortillaen | | Tortilla Sunrise (English) (HB, v1.1) | | 2021 | Tortilla Yonkers | MSX | Redefine controls before starting to play |
| msx_tortillaes | | Tortilla Sunrise (Spanish) (HB, v1.1) | msx_tortillaen | 2021 | Tortilla Yonkers | MSX | Redefine controls before starting to play |
| nes_tortoises | | Tortoises (HB) | | 2017 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| toryumondx | | Toryumon DX | toryumon | 2023 | hack (bankbank) | System 16B | |
| toryumon | | Toryumon | | 1994 | Sega | System 16B | |
| pce_etercity | | Toshi Tensou Keikaku - Eternal City (Japan) | | 1991 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| totcarnp1 | | Total Carnage (prototype, proto v 1.0 01/25/92) | totcarn | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| totcarnp2 | | Total Carnage (prototype, proto v 2.0 02/10/92) | totcarn | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| totcarn | | Total Carnage (rev LA1 03/10/92) | | 1992 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| spec_teclipse | | Total Eclipse (48K) | | 1988 | Incentive | ZX Spectrum | P and L: look up and down - S: step size - SPACE: draw/replace gunsight |
| spec_teclipse2 | | Total Eclipse 2 - The Sphinx Jinx (48K) | | 1991 | Incentive | ZX Spectrum | P and L: look up and down - S: step size - SPACE: draw/replace gunsight |
| md_totlfoot | | Total Football (Euro) | | 1995 | Domark | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_totrcall | | Total Recall (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_totalrecallc | | Total Recall (Hack, Spanish) | nes_totalrecall | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_totalrecall | | Total Recall (USA) | | 1990 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_totallyrad | | Totally Rad (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_totowld3 | | Toto World 3 (Korea) | | 1993 | Open Corp. | Sega Master System | |
| nes_totoro | | Totoro - Mei is Missing (GlobalHack) | | 2024 | Cakewarder | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_totsumac | | Totsuzen! Machoman (Japan) | nes_amagon | 1988 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| touchgoe | | Touch and Go (earlier revision) | touchgo | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| touchgok | | Touch and Go (Korea, unprotected) | touchgo | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| touchgon | | Touch and Go (Non North America) | touchgo | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| touchgo | | Touch and Go (World) | | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| tdfeverj | NW | TouchDown Fever (Japan) | tdfever | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| tdfever | NW | TouchDown Fever (US) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| tdfever2b | NW | TouchDown Fever 2 (bootleg) | tdfever | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tdfever2 | NW | TouchDown Fever 2 | tdfever | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| toucheme | | Touche Me (set 1) | | 19?? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| touchemea | | Touche Me (set 2, harder) | toucheme | 19?? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| tturfu | | Tough Turf (set 1, US) (8751 317-0099) | tturf | 1989 | Sega / Sunsoft | System 16B | |
| tturf | | Tough Turf (set 2, Japan) (8751 317-0104) | | 1989 | Sega / Sunsoft | System 16B | |
| md_toughman | | Toughman Contest (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kingcole | | Tougiou King Colossus (Hack, English) | md_kingcol | 2006 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kingcols | | Tougiou King Colossus (Hack, Spanish) | md_kingcol | 2020 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_kingcol | | Tougiou King Colossus (Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_touhourououmu | | Touhou Rououmu - Perfect Cherry Blossom (HB, v1.00 beta 2) | | 2023 | Kyoske Maeda | Miscellaneous | |
| tkdenshoa | | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960427) | tkdensho | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| tkdensho | | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614) | | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_toukonclub | | Toukon Club (Japan) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tour91 | | Tour 91 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1991 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trmline | | Tourmaline (128K) (HB) | | 2016 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tourmaline | | Tourmaline (HB) | | 2021 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_tourarkanoid | | Tournament Arkanoid (48K) (Hack) | | 2022 | Martyn Carrol | ZX Spectrum | A mod of the classic game 'Arkanoid' |
| arkatour2 | NW | Tournament Arkanoid (US, newer) | arkatour | 1987 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Arkanoid | |
| arkatour | | Tournament Arkanoid (US, older) | | 1987 | Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Arkanoid | |
| cprogolfj | | Tournament Pro Golf (DECO Cassette) (Japan) | cprogolf | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cprogolf | | Tournament Pro Golf (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| cv_ttennis | | Tournament Tennis | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| karatblzj | | Toushin Blazers (Japan, Tecmo license) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System Co. (Tecmo license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_towdieen | | Towdie (English) (128K) | | 1994-2011 | Ultrasoft - Softhouse | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_towdiesk | | Towdie (Slovak) (128K) | spec_towdieen | 1994 | Ultrasoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_td1990 | | Tower Defense 1990 (HB) | | 2018 | Ryan Lloyd | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_towerdamn | | Tower of Damnation (HB, v1.3) | | 2023 | BigFive | MSX | Use keys 'W', 'S' and 'O' to set options |
| pce_druagae | | Tower of Druaga, The (Hack, English v1.01) | pce_druaga | 2024 | Pennywise | PC Engine | |
| msx_druaga | | Tower of Druaga, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Namcot | MSX | |
| nes_towerdru | | Tower of Druaga, The (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_druaga | | Tower of Druaga, The (Japan) | | 1992 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| sms_toseasycb | | Tower of Sorrow - Easy (HB, v1.5 Color Blind) | sms_toseasy | 2021 | Neofuturism | Sega Master System | |
| sms_toseasy | | Tower of Sorrow - Easy (HB, v1.5) | | 2021 | Neofuturism | Sega Master System | |
| sms_toshardcb | | Tower of Sorrow - Hard (HB, v1.5 Color Blind) | sms_toseasy | 2021 | Neofuturism | Sega Master System | |
| sms_toshard | | Tower of Sorrow - Hard (HB, v1.5) | sms_toseasy | 2021 | Neofuturism | Sega Master System | |
| sms_tos | | Tower of Sorrow - SMS Power Ed. (HB, rev3) | sms_toseasy | 2020 | Neofuturism | Sega Master System | |
| nes_towerofturmoil | | Tower of Turmoil (HB, v1.03) | | 2019 | CutterCross | Miscellaneous | |
| md_toxiccs | | Toxic Crusaders (Hack, Spanish) | md_toxicc | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toxicc | | Toxic Crusaders (USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_toxiccrusaders | | Toxic Crusaders (USA) | | 1992 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| toyland | | Toy Land Adventure | | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_toyshopb | | Toy Shop Boys (Japan) | | 1990 | Victor | PC Engine | |
| md_toystory | | Toy Story (Euro) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toystorys | | Toy Story (Hack, Spanish) | md_toystory | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toystoryu | | Toy Story (USA) | md_toystory | 1996 | Disney Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_celicagt | | Toyota Celica GT Rally (128K) | | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| toypop | | Toypop | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_toys | | Toys (USA) | | 1993 | Absolute Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| trackfldc | | Track & Field (Centuri) | trackfld | 1983 | Konami (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| trackfldu | | Track & Field (Centuri, unencrypted) | trackfld | 1983 | Konami (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_trackfld | | Track & Field (HB) | | 1984-2010 | Konami | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| trackfldnz | | Track & Field (NZ bootleg?) | trackfld | 1982 | bootleg? (Goldberg Enterprizes Inc.) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_trackfield | | Track & Field (USA) | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_trackfld | | Track & Field 1 (Euro) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_trackfl2 | | Track & Field 2 (Euro) | | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| nes_trackfieldii | | Track & Field II (USA) (Rev A) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| trackfld | | Track & Field | | 1983 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_tracfiel | | Track and Field (48K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_traffic | | Traffic (Japan) | | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_traffica | | Traffic (Japan, Alt) | msx_traffic | 1986 | Sony | MSX | |
| msx_trafcjam | | Traffic Jam (HB) | | 2006 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_trafcjam | | Traffic Jam (SGM) (HB) | | 2016 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_trailblz | | Trailblazer (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| spec_escnormandy | | Train - Escape to Normandy, The (48K) | | 1988 | Electronic Arts | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_trampter | | Trampoline Terror! (USA) | | 1990 | Dreamworks | Sega Megadrive | |
| tranqgun | D | Tranquillizer Gun | | 1980 | Sega | Vic Dual | No sound |
| msx_transball | | Transball (HB, v1.3.2) | | 2016 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| sms_transbot | | TransBot (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_transbotc | | TransBot (Euro, USA, Brazil, Sega Card) | sms_transbot | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_transbotp | | TransBot (USA, Prototype) | sms_transbot | 1985 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| fds_trans | | Transformers - The Headmasters (Japan) | | 1987 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| md_transf3 | | Transformers 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_mazinwar | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| transfrm | | Transformer | | 1986 | Sega | System E | |
| spec_transmuter | | Transmuter (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc2en | | Transylvanian Castle 2 - The Eye of Velnor (English) (48K) (HB, v1.06) | | 2021 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc2pt | | Transylvanian Castle 2 - The Eye of Velnor (Portuguese) (48K) (HB, v1.06) | spec_tc2en | 2021 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc2es | | Transylvanian Castle 2 - The Eye of Velnor (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.06) | spec_tc2en | 2021 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc3en | | Transylvanian Castle 3 - The Queen of Sorcery (English) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2022 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc3pt | | Transylvanian Castle 3 - The Queen of Sorcery (Portuguese) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_tc3en | 2022 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tc3es | | Transylvanian Castle 3 - The Queen of Sorcery (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.2) | spec_tc3en | 2022 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tcdx2en | | Transylvanian Castle Dx2 (English) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020-23 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tcdx2pt | | Transylvanian Castle Dx2 (Portuguese) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_tcdx2en | 2020-23 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tcdx2es | | Transylvanian Castle Dx2 (Spanish) (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_tcdx2en | 2020-23 | Fitosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trantor | | Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (48K) | | 1987 | Go! | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_trantor | | Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Euro) | | 1987 | Go! | MSX | |
| spec_tranzam | | Tranz Am (16K) | | 1983 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tradooth | | Trap Door, The (48K) | | 1986 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trashman | | Trashman (48K) | | 1984 | New Generation | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trashmanen | | TRASHMAN - Crisis Time (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trashmanes | | TRASHMAN - Crisis Time (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_trashmanen | 2020 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tttvol1 | | Travel Through Time Volume 1 - Northern Lights (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| travrusab | | Traverse USA (bootleg, set 1) | travrusa | 1983 | bootleg (I.P.) | Miscellaneous | |
| travrusab2 | | Traverse USA (bootleg, set 2) | travrusa | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| travrusa | | Traverse USA / Zippy Race | | 1983 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| md_traysia | | Traysia (USA) | | 1992 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| treahunt | | Treasure Hunt | jack | 1982 | Hara Industries | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| ctisland3 | | Treasure Island (DECO Cassette) (Europe?) | ctisland | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| ctisland | | Treasure Island (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) | | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| ctisland2 | | Treasure Island (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) | ctisland | 1981 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| nes_treasuremaster | | Treasure Master (USA) | | 1991 | American Softworks | Miscellaneous | |
| totc | | Treasure of the Caribbean | | 2011 | FACE Corporation / N.C.I - Le Cortex | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_trfutebol | | Treinador de Futebol (Portuguese) (48K) | | 1983 | Microbyte Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_treinam | | Treinamento Do Mymo (Brazil) | | 19?? | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| tripool | | Tri-Pool: 3-In-One (Casino Tech) | | 1981 | Noma (Casino Tech license) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| tripoola | | Tri-Pool: 3-In-One (Coastal Games) | tripool | 1981 | Noma (Costal Games license) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| trisport | | Tri-Sports | | 1989 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_trialski | | Trial Ski (Japan) | | 1984 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| tricktrp | | Trick Trap (World?) | | 1987 | Konami | GX771 | |
| pce_tricky | | Tricky (Japan) | | 1991 | IGS | PC Engine | |
| trckydoc | | Tricky Doc (set 1) | | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| trckydoca | | Tricky Doc (set 2) | trckydoc | 1987 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_tricky | | Tricky Kick (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| trigon | | Trigon (Japan) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| trikitri | | Triki Triki (Lover Boy bootleg) | loverboy | 1993 | bootleg (DDT Enterprise Inc) | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| spec_trinidad | | Trinidad (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Polybius | ZX Spectrum | |
| triothepj | | Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (Japan) | triothep | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| triothep | | Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World) | | 1989 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tdpgal | | Triple Draw Poker | | 1983 | Design Labs / Thomas Automatics | Galaxian | |
| triplfun | | Triple Fun | oisipuzl | 1993 | bootleg | Seta | |
| md_tplay96 | | Triple Play '96 (USA) | | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tplaygld | | Triple Play Gold (USA) | | 1996 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tplayglda | | Triple Play Gold (USA, Alt) | md_tplaygld | 1995 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| triplep | | Triple Punch (set 1) | | 1982 | K.K. International | Galaxian | |
| triplepa | | Triple Punch (set 2) | triplep | 1982 | K.K. International | Galaxian | |
| msx_triton | | Triton (Japan) | | 1986 | Sein Soft | MSX | |
| trvgns | | Trivia Genius | trvmstr | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| trvmstr | | Trivia Master (set 1) | | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| trvmstra | | Trivia Master (set 2) | trvmstr | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| trvmstrb | | Trivia Master (set 3) | trvmstr | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| trvmstrc | | Trivia Master (set 4) | trvmstr | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| trvmstrd | | Trivia Master (set 5) | trvmstr | 1985 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_trivial | | Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition (Euro) | | 1992 | Domark | Sega Master System | |
| md_tronow | | Tro-Now (HB) | | 2015 | 1985 - bitbitJAM | Sega Megadrive | |
| trogpa4 | | Trog (prototype, rev 4.00 7/27/90) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trogpa5 | | Trog (prototype, rev PA5-PAC 8/28/90) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trogpa6 | | Trog (prototype, rev PA6-PAC 9/09/90) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trog3a | | Trog (rev LA3 2/10/91) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trog3 | | Trog (rev LA3 2/14/91) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trog4 | | Trog (rev LA4 3/11/91) | trog | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| trog | | Trog (rev LA5 3/29/91) | | 1990 | Midway | Y Unit | |
| nes_trog | | Trog (USA) | | 1991 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| trojanb | | Trojan (bootleg) | trojan | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| trojanlt | | Trojan (location test) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trojanr | | Trojan (Romstar) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| trojan | | Trojan (US set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trojana | | Trojan (US set 2) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_trojan | | Trojan (USA) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_troll | | Troll (128K) | | 1988 | Palace Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_trom | | Trom (16K) | | 1983 | DK'Tronics | ZX Spectrum | |
| tron5 | | Tron (5/12) | tron | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tron4 | | Tron (6/15) | tron | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tron3 | | Tron (6/17) | tron | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tron2 | | Tron (6/25) | tron | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tron | | Tron (8/9) | | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| tronger | | Tron (Germany) | tron | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_trooperpoint5 | | Trooper Point 5 (128K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Bog Brothers | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_trophy | | Trophy (HB) | | 2020 | the 6502 collective | Miscellaneous | |
| trophyh | | Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.00 | | 2002 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | Hangs are normal, just wait it out. |
| troangel | | Tropical Angel | | 1983 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_troubrewin | | Trouble Brewin (48K) | | 1984 | Silversoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_trouble2a03 | | Trouble in 2a03 (HB) | | 2021 | Team Disposable | Miscellaneous | |
| md_troubshts | | Trouble Shooter (Hack, Spanish) | md_troubsht | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_troubsht | | Trouble Shooter (USA) | | 1991 | Vic Tokai | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_troyaik | | Troy Aikman NFL Football (USA) | | 1994 | Tradewest | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_truco96 | | Truco '96 (Argentina) (Unl) | | 1996 | Miky | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_trueliess | | True Lies (Hack, Spanish) | md_truelies | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_truelies | | True Lies (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_truelies | | True Lies (World) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_truxton | | Truxton (Euro, USA) ~ Tatsujin (Japan) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_truxtons | | Truxton (Hack, Spanish) | md_truxton | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| truxton | | Truxton / Tatsujin | | 1988 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| truxton2 | | Truxton II / Tatsujin Oh | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| ngp_tsunapn2 | | Tsunagete Pon! 2 (Jpn) | ngp_puzzlnk2 | 1999 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| nes_tsupparioozumou | | Tsuppari Oozumou (Japan) | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_tsuppari | | Tsuppari Oozumou - Heisei Ban (Japan) | | 1993 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_tsurikicsan | | Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen (Hack, English) | | 2015 | MrRichard999 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_tsurikicsanj | | Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen (Japan) | nes_tsurikicsan | 1988 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_baibai | | Tsuru Teruhito no Jissen Kabushiki Bai Bai Game (Japan) | | 1989 | Intec | PC Engine | |
| msx_ttracer | | TT Racer (Euro) | | 1987 | Methodic Solutions | MSX | |
| sms_ttoriui | | Ttoriui Moheom (Korea) | sms_myhero | 19?? | Unknown | Sega Master System | |
| msx_tuareg | | Tuareg (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_tuareg | | Tuareg (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| tubepb | | Tube Panic (bootleg) | tubep | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tubep | | Tube Panic | | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Fujitek | Miscellaneous | |
| tubeit | | Tube-It | cachat | 1993 | bootleg | Taito L System | |
| spec_tuerkas | | Tuerkas, the White Cat (48K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Retrobensoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_tuma7 | | Tuma 7 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1990 | Delta Software | MSX | |
| tumbleb2 | | Tumble Pop (bootleg with PIC) | tumblep | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tumbleb | | Tumble Pop (bootleg) | tumblep | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tumblepj | | Tumble Pop (Japan) | tumblep | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| tumblep | | Tumble Pop (World) | | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| spec_tumultph1 | | Tumult - Phase 1 (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | BumFun Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_tunshi1 | | Tun Shi Tian Di III (China) (Unl) | md_tunshi | 1997 | SKOB | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_tunshi | | Tun Shi Tian Di III (China, Simple Chinese) (Unl) | | 1997 | SKOB | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_tunnels | | Tunnels and Trolls (Demo) | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| turboa | | Turbo (encrypted, program 1262-1264) | turbo | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| turbod | | Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev A) | turbo | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| turboc | | Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev B) | turbo | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| turbob | | Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev C) | turbo | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| turboe | | Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365) | turbo | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| turbo | | Turbo (program 1513-1515) | | 1981 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| cv_turbo | | Turbo | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | Select w/ Controller #2 |
| spec_turboboatsim | | Turbo Boat Simulator (128K) | | 1988 | Silverbird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_turbocupch | | Turbo Cup Challenge (128K) | | 1989 | Loriciels | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_turbodriver | | Turbo Driver (16K) | | 1983 | B.O.S. Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| turbofrcu | | Turbo Force (US, set 1) | turbofrc | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| turbofrcua | | Turbo Force (US, set 2) | turbofrc | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| turbofrc | | Turbo Force (World, set 1) | | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| turbofrco | | Turbo Force (World, set 2) | turbofrc | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_turbogirl | | Turbo Girl (48K) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | Press SPACE to jump |
| msx_turbogirl | | Turbo Girl (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dinamic Software | MSX | Press SPACE to jump |
| toutrun2d | D | Turbo Out Run (cockpit) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0106 set) | toutrun | 1989 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| toutrun3d | | Turbo Out Run (cockpit) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0107 set) | toutrun | 1989 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| toutrun2 | D | Turbo Out Run (cockpit) (FD1094 317-0106) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrun3 | | Turbo Out Run (cockpit) (FD1094 317-0107) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrun1 | | Turbo Out Run (deluxe cockpit) (FD1094 317-0109) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrunj1d | | Turbo Out Run (Japan, cockpit) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0101 set) | toutrun | 1989 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| toutrunj1 | | Turbo Out Run (Japan, cockpit) (FD1094 317-0101) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrunjd | | Turbo Out Run (Japan, Out Run upgrade) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0117 set) | toutrun | 1989 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| toutrunj | | Turbo Out Run (Japan, Out Run upgrade) (FD1094 317-0117) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrund | | Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0118 set) | toutrun | 1989 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| toutrun | | Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade) (FD1094 317-0118) | | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| spec_toutrun | | Turbo Outrun (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_toutrun | | Turbo OutRun (Euro, Japan) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toutrunch | | Turbo OutRun (Hack, Color Improvement) | md_toutrun | 2020 | Dolsilwa | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toutruns | | Turbo OutRun (Hack, Spanish) | md_toutrun | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_toutrunp | | Turbo OutRun (Prototype, 19911209) | md_toutrun | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_turboskate | | Turbo Skate Fighter (48K) | | 1989 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_turbothetortoise | | Turbo the Tortoise (128K) | | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_turbothetortoise30th | | Turbo the Tortoise - 30th Anniversary Edition (128K) | spec_turbothetortoise | 2022 | BiNMaN | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_turboat | | Turboat (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. - Mass Tael | MSX | |
| tg_scdsys | D NW | Turbografx CD Super System Card (v3.0) | | 19?? | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| tg_cdsys | D NW | Turbografx CD System Card (v2.0) | | 19?? | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_turbomania | | Turbomania (16K) (HB) | | 2005 | Jonathan Cauldwell | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_turdle | | Turdle (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Megastyle | ZX Spectrum | |
| turkhunt | | Turkey Hunting USA V1.00 | | 2001 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| sms_turmamon | | Turma da Monica em O Resgate (Brazil) | sms_wboy3 | 1993 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_turmamon | | Turma da Monica na Terra dos Monstros (Brazil) | md_wboymw | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_turmoilbb | | Turmoil (Bug-Byte Soft.) (Euro) | | 1984-86 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| msx_turmoil | | Turmoil (Japan) | | 1983 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_turmoilk | | Turmoil (Korea) | msx_turmoil | 1984 | Qnix Corp. | MSX | |
| cv_turmoil2022 | | Turmoil 2022 (HB) | | 2021 | 8 bit Milli Games | ColecoVision | |
| turpins | | Turpin (bootleg on Super Cobra hardware) | turtles | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | No Sound |
| turpin | | Turpin | turtles | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | Galaxian | |
| spec_turrican1 | | Turrican (48K) | | 1990 | Rainbow Arts | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_turrican | | Turrican (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_turricanf | | Turrican (Hack, Colors and Lifebar Fix) | md_turrican | 2015 | Linkuei & Helder | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_turricans | | Turrican (Hack, Spanish) | md_turrican | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_turrican | | Turrican (USA) | | 1991 | Ballistic | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_turrican2 | | Turrican II (128K) | | 1991 | Rainbow Arts | ZX Spectrum | |
| turtshipj | | Turtle Ship (Japan) | turtship | 1988 | Philko (Pacific Games license) | Miscellaneous | |
| turtshipk | | Turtle Ship (Korea) | turtship | 1988 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| turtshipkn | | Turtle Ship (Korea, 88/9) | turtship | 1988 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| turtshipko | | Turtle Ship (Korea, older) | turtship | 1988 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| turtship | | Turtle Ship (North America) | | 1988 | Philko (Sharp Image license) | Miscellaneous | |
| turtles | | Turtles | | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | Galaxian | |
| spec_tusker | | Tusker (128K) | | 1989 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_tuttut | | Tut-Tut (48K) (HB, v1.04) | | 2020 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | Improved version of ZX81 Tut-Tut |
| cv_tutankhma | | Tutankham (Alt) | cv_tutankhm | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| tutankhms | | Tutankham (Stern Electronics) | tutankhm | 1982 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | GX350 | |
| cv_tutankhm | | Tutankham | | 1983 | Parker Brothers | ColecoVision | |
| tutankhm | | Tutankham | | 1982 | Konami | GX350 | |
| pce_tvbasket | | TV Sports Basketball (Japan) | | 1993 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| tg_tvbasket | | TV Sports Basketball (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_tvfootbl | | TV Sports Football (Japan) | | 1991 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| tg_tvfootbl | | TV Sports Football (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| pce_tvhockey | | TV Sports Hockey (Japan) | | 1993 | Victor Interactive Software | PC Engine | |
| tg_tvhockey | | TV Sports Hockey (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| twinactn | | Twin Action | | 1995 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| twinadvk | | Twin Adventure (Korea) | twinadv | 1995 | Barko Corp. | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| twinadv | | Twin Adventure (World) | | 1995 | Barko Corp. | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| msx_twinbee | | Twin Bee (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_twinbeeb | | Twin Bee (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_twinbee | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_twinbeec | | Twin Bee (Japan, Alt 3) | msx_twinbee | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_twinbeea | | Twin Bee (Japan, Alt) | msx_twinbee | 1986 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_twinbee | | Twin Bee (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2014 | Konami | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| twinbrat | | Twin Brats (set 1) | | 1995 | Elettronica Video-Games S.R.L. | Miscellaneous | |
| twinbrata | | Twin Brats (set 2) | twinbrat | 1995 | Elettronica Video-Games S.R.L. | Miscellaneous | |
| twinbratb | | Twin Brats (set 3) | twinbrat | 1995 | Elettronica Video-Games S.R.L. | Miscellaneous | |
| md_twincobrgfx | | Twin Cobra (Hack, Arcade GFX v2.0) | md_twincobr | 2016 | fusaru | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twincobrs | | Twin Cobra (Hack, Spanish) | md_twincobr | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| twincobru | | Twin Cobra (US) | twincobr | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) | Miscellaneous | |
| md_twincobr | | Twin Cobra (USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_twincobra | | Twin Cobra (USA) | | 1990 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| twincobr | | Twin Cobra (World) | | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| tcobra2u | | Twin Cobra II (Ver 2.1A 1995/11/30) | tcobra2 | 1995 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| tcobra2 | | Twin Cobra II (Ver 2.1O 1995/11/30) | | 1995 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito F3 System | |
| nes_twindragons | | Twin Dragons (HB) | | 2018 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_twindracomedi | | Twin Dragons Compo Edition (HB) | nes_twindragons | 2016 | Broke Studio | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_twineagle | | Twin Eagle (USA) | | 1989 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| twineagl | | Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother | | 1988 | Seta (Taito license) | Seta | |
| twineag2 | | Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission | | 1994 | Seta | SSV | |
| twinfalc | | Twin Falcons | | 1989 | Philko (Poara Enterprises license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_twinhamm | | Twin Hammer (Euro) | | 1989 | Best | MSX | |
| md_twinhawkgfx | | Twin Hawk (Arcade GFX) | md_twinhawk | 2017 | fusaru | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twinhawk | | Twin Hawk (Euro) ~ Daisenpuu (Japan) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twinhawks | | Twin Hawk (Hack, Spanish) | md_twinhawk | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| twinhawku | | Twin Hawk (US) | twinhawk | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito X | |
| twinhawk | | Twin Hawk (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito X | |
| twinqix | | Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17, prototype) | | 1995 | Taito America Corporation | Taito F3 System | |
| twinqixjh | | Twin Qix Japan (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17) (Hack) | twinqix | 1995 | hack | Taito F3 System | |
| twinsqua | | Twin Squash | | 1991 | Sega | C2 | |
| spec_twinturbov8 | | Twin Turbo V8 (128K) | | 1989 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_twinworld | | Twin World (128K) | | 1990 | Ubi Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| twinbeeb | | TwinBee (Bubble System) | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_twinbee | | TwinBee (Japan) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_twinbee | | TwinBee (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| twinbee | | TwinBee (ROM version) | | 1985 | Konami | GX412 | |
| sg1k_sxpao | | Twinbee (Taiwan) | | 1986? | Jumbo | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_twinb3 | | TwinBee 3 - Poko Poko Daimaou (Japan) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| twinkle | | Twinkle (set 1) | | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| twinklea | | Twinkle (set 2) | twinkle | 1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | Kaneko Pandora based | |
| twinspri | | Twinkle Star Sprites | | 1996 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_twinklete | | Twinkle Tale (Hack, English) | md_twinklet | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twinklets | | Twinkle Tale (Hack, Spanish) | md_twinklet | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twinklet | | Twinkle Tale (Japan) | | 1992 | Toyo Recording Co. | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_twinlight | | Twinlight (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_twinlight | | Twinlight (HB) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | MSX | |
| mtwinsb | | Twins (bootleg of Mega Twins) | mtwins | 1993 | David Inc. (bootleg) | CPS1 | |
| md_twistedf | | Twisted Flipper (USA, Prototype) | md_crueball | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_twister | | Twister (48K) | | 1986 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| twocrude | | Two Crude (US FT revision 1) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East USA | DECO IC16 | |
| twocrudea | | Two Crude (US FT version) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East USA | DECO IC16 | |
| md_twocrude | | Two Crude Dudes (Euro) | | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twocrudes | | Two Crude Dudes (Hack, Spanish) | md_twocrude | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_twocrudeu | | Two Crude Dudes (USA) | md_twocrude | 1992 | Data East | Sega Megadrive | |
| twotiger | | Two Tigers (dedicated) | | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| twotigerc | D NW | Two Tigers (Tron conversion) | twotiger | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| md_twotribe | | Two Tribes - Populous II (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_txupi | | Txupinazo! (HB) | | 2007 | Imanok | MSX | |
| cv_txupinazo | | Txupinazo! (SGM) (HB) | | 2007-2017 | Imanok | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| tylz | | Tylz (prototype) | | 1982 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_typhoon | | Typhoon (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| typhoon | | Typhoon | ajax | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| md_tyrant | | Tyrants - Fight through Time (USA) | md_megalo | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_tzr | | TZR - GrandPrix Rider (Japan) | | 1986 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| earthjkrp | | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan, prototype?) | earthjkr | 1993 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| earthjkr | | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) | | 1993 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| earthjkra | | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 2) | earthjkr | 1993 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| earthjkrb | | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 3) | earthjkr | 1993 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| spec_unsquadron | | U.N. Squadron (128K) | | 1990 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| unsquad | | U.N. Squadron (USA) | | 1989 | Daipro / Capcom | CPS1 | |
| vball2pjb | | U.S. Championship V'ball (bootleg of Japan set) | vball | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| vballb | | U.S. Championship V'ball (bootleg of US set) | vball | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_uschavba | | U.S. Championship V'Ball (Japan) | | 1989 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| vball2pj | | U.S. Championship V'ball (Japan) | vball | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| vball | | U.S. Championship V'ball (US) | | 1988 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| usclssic | | U.S. Classic | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| cawingj | | U.S. Navy (Japan 901012) | cawing | 1990 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| msx_uchuyohei | | Uchu Yohei (HB, v1.6.1) | | 2023 | FranChesstein | MSX | |
| nes_uchusen | | Uchusen - Ultimate PLOID Battle (HB) | | 2021 | NAPE Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_uchusen2 | | Uchusen 2 - Blood Invasion Battle (HB) | | 2021 | NAPE Games | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ugamma | | Uchusen Gamma (HB) | | 2019 | usebox.net | MSX | |
| nes_uchuukeisdf | | Uchuu Keibitai SDF (Japan) | | 1990 | HAL Laboratory | Miscellaneous | |
| md_gomora | | Uchuu Senkan Gomora ~ Bio-Ship Paladin (Japan) | | 1991 | UPL | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_uchuucoscar | | Uchuusen Cosmo Carrier (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_euro2004 | | UEFA Euro 2004 Portugal (China) (Unl) | md_issdx | 2004 | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_ufo | | UFO (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | F.J. Urbaneja | ZX Spectrum | |
| dangara | | Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986) | dangar | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dangar | | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| dangarb | | Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 1) | dangar | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dangarbt | | Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 2) | dangar | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dangarj | NW | Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, Japan) | dangar | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| ufosensi | | Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (MC-8123, 317-0064) | | 1988 | Sega | System 2 | |
| nes_ufouria | | Ufouria - The Saga (Euro) | | 1992 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_ulises | | Ulises (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Opera Soft | MSX | |
| nes_ultimaexodus | | Ultima - Exodus (USA) | | 1989 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultimexorem | | Ultima - Exodus Remastered (Hack) | nes_ultimaexodus | 2020 | Fox Cunning | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultimqueava | | Ultima - Quest of the Avatar (USA) | | 1990 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultimwardes | | Ultima - Warriors of Destiny (USA) | | 1993 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_ultima4 | | Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ultima4p | | Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (Euro, Prototype) | sms_ultima4 | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| uecology | | Ultimate Ecology (931203 Japan) | ecofghtr | 1993 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| nes_ultimfrocha | | Ultimate Frogger Champion (HB) | | 2019 | Khan Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ultgargoyle | | Ultimate Gargoyles (Hack) | md_gargoyle | 2021 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ultimleasoci | | Ultimate League Soccer (Italy) | nes_ultimleasoc | 1991 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultimleasoc | | Ultimate League Soccer (USA) | | 1991 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| md_umk3 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Euro) | | 1996 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ultimmorkom3h | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Hack) | nes_ultimmorkom3 | 2020 | Vasil | Miscellaneous | |
| umk3r10 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0) | umk3 | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| umk3r11 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.1) | umk3 | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| umk3 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) | | 1994 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| nes_ultimmorkom3 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Unl) | | 1996 | Ka Sheng | Miscellaneous | |
| md_umk3u | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) | md_umk3 | 1996 | Williams | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_umk3h06 | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Arcade (Hack, v0.6) | md_umk3 | 2012 | Nemesis_c | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_umk3h | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Arcade (Hack, v0.71) | md_umk3 | 2012 | Nemesis_c | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_umk3mh | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Mini (Hack, v13) | md_umk3 | 2011 | Nemesis_c, r57shell | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_umk3osc | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 OSC (Hack, v29) | md_umk3 | 2024 | Bonus | Sega Megadrive | |
| umk3p | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Plus (Hack, Beta 2) | umk3 | 2022 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| umk3te | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Tournament Edition (hack, V2.0.042/August 2018) | umk3 | 2018 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| umk3uk | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Uk (FBNeo, Ver. 2021-07-20) | umk3 | 2021 | hack | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| md_umk3t | | Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Hack, rev.5149) | | 2017 | KABAL_MK | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ultqixs | | Ultimate Qix (Hack, Spanish) | md_ultqix | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ultqix | | Ultimate Qix (USA) | | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ultsoccr | | Ultimate Soccer (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_ultsoccr | | Ultimate Soccer (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_ultsoccr | | Ultimate Soccer (Euro, Japan, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ultsoccrp | | Ultimate Soccer (Euro, Prototype) | md_ultsoccr | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ultimstu | | Ultimate Stuntman, The (USA) | | 1991 | Camerica | Miscellaneous | |
| ultennisj | | Ultimate Tennis (v 1.4, Japan) | ultennis | 1993 | Art & Magic (Banpresto license) | Miscellaneous | |
| ultennis | | Ultimate Tennis | | 1993 | Art & Magic | Miscellaneous | |
| md_uxmen | | Ultimate X-Men (Hack, Enhanced) | md_xmen | 2021 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| uballoon | | Ultra Balloon | | 1996 | SunA (Unico license) | Miscellaneous | |
| utoukond | | Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan) | | 1993 | Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions | Seta | |
| ultraxg | | Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai (Gamest review build) | ultrax | 1995 | Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions / Seta | SSV | |
| ultrax | | Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai | | 1995 | Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions / Seta | SSV | |
| md_ultracore | | Ultracore (HB, USA) | | 2019 | Digital Illusions | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_ultraman | | Ultraman (Japan) | | 1993 | Ma-Ba | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_ultraman | | Ultraman (Japan) | | 1984 | Bandai | MSX | |
| ultraman | | Ultraman (Japan) | | 1991 | Banpresto / Bandai | GX910 | |
| fds_ultra | | Ultraman - Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu (Japan) | | 1986 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_ultra2 | | Ultraman 2 - Shutsugeki Katoku Tai (Japan) | | 1987 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_ultraclu | | Ultraman Club - Chikyuu Dakkan Sakusen (Japan) | | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultraclubgkb | | Ultraman Club - Great Kaiju Battle (Hack, English) | | 2017 | Eric Engel, cccmar | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ultraclubgkbj | | Ultraman Club - Kaijuu Daikessen!! (Japan) | nes_ultraclubgkb | 1992 | Angel - Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| umanclub | | Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! | | 1992 | Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions | Seta | |
| nes_uncanxmenc | | Uncanny X-Men, The (Hack, Spanish) | nes_uncanxmen | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_uncanxmen | | Uncanny X-Men, The (USA) | | 1989 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| md_unchartd | | Uncharted Waters (USA) | | 1992 | Koei | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_unchartedwaters | | Uncharted Waters (USA) | | 1991 | Koei | Miscellaneous | |
| unclepoo | | Uncle Poo | | 1983 | Diatec | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| md_undeade | | Undead Line (Hack, English) | md_undead | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_undead | | Undead Line (Japan) | | 1991 | Palsoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| undrfirej | | Under Fire (Japan) | undrfire | 1993 | Taito Corporation | K1100744A | |
| undrfireu | | Under Fire (US) | undrfire | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | K1100744A | |
| undrfire | | Under Fire (World) | | 1993 | Taito Corporation Japan | K1100744A | |
| uccopsj | | Undercover Cops (Japan) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| uccopsu | | Undercover Cops (US) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| uccops | | Undercover Cops (World) | | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| uccopsaru | | Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (US) | uccops | 1992 | Irem America | Irem M92 | |
| uccopsar | | Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (World) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| msx_undergnd | | Underground (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | System 4 | MSX | |
| spec_underground | | Underground (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | System 4 | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_underadv | | Underground Adventure (HB) | | 2019 | Dale Coop | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_underwur | | Underwurlde (48K) | | 1984 | Ultimate Play The Game | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_unicorn | | Unicorn, The 48K (HB) | | 2023 | UriS | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_uninvited | | Uninvited (USA) | | 1991 | Kemco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_uninvitedu | | Uninvited Uncensored (Hack, v1.0f) | nes_uninvited | 2022 | Safaribans | Miscellaneous | |
| md_univsold | | Universal Soldier (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_univsolds | | Universal Soldier (Hack, Spanish) | md_univsold | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_univesol | | Universe Soldiers, The (China) | | 1993 | Whirlwind Manu | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_univunk | | Universe Unknown (HB) | | 2005 | Infinite | MSX | |
| uniwarsa | | UniWar S (bootleg) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Karateco) | Galaxian | |
| uniwars | | UniWar S | | 1980 | Irem | Galaxian | |
| unkpacgd | | unknown 'Pac Man with cars' gambling game | unkpacg | 1988 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| unkpacg | | unknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 1) | | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| unkpacgb | | unknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 2) | unkpacg | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| unksig | | unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (encrypted, set 1) | | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| unksiga | | unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (encrypted, set 2) | unksig | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| unksigb | | unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (unencrypted) | unksig | 199? | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| md_unknown2 | NW | Unknown Game 2 (Rockman-related?) (Pirate) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_unnecess | | Unnecessary Roughness 95 (USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_uspknight | | Unstoppable Knight (HB) | | 2021 | Rafagars | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_untouchb | | Untouchables, The (128K) | | 1989 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| upndown | | Up'n Down (315-5030) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| upndownu | | Up'n Down (not encrypted) | upndown | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| cv_upndown | | Up'n Down | | 1984 | Sega | ColecoVision | |
| nes_upsadown | | Upsad Down (HB, v0.6) | | 2020 | Fadest | Miscellaneous | NesDev Competition build |
| nes_urbanchampion | | Urban Champion (World) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_ustrike | | Urban Strike (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Black Pearl | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_ustrike | | Urban Strike (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_urbanstrike | | Urban Strike (Unl) | | 1995 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_uridium | | Uridium (48K) | | 1986 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_uridium | | Uridium (HB) | | 2014 | Trilobyte | MSX | |
| cv_uridium | | Uridium (SGM) (HB) | | 2019 | Trilobyte | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| spec_uroboros | | Uroboros (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_uruseyat | | Urusei Yatsura - Lum no Wedding Bell (Japan) | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| mustangs | | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990 / Seoul Trading) | mustang | 1990 | UPL (Seoul Trading license) | NMK16 | |
| mustang | | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990) | | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| mustangb | | US AAF Mustang (bootleg, set 1) | mustang | 1990 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| mustangb2 | | US AAF Mustang (TAB Austria bootleg) | mustang | 1990 | bootleg (TAB Austria) | NMK16 | |
| md_teamusa | | USA Basketball World Challenge (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_dreamteam | | USA Basketball World Challenge (Japan) | md_teamusa | 1992 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_usaprobs | | USA Pro Basketball (Japan) | | 1989 | Aicom | PC Engine | |
| nes_ushiotora | | Ushio to Tora - Shinen no Taiyou (Hack, English) | | 2022 | BlackPaladin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ushiotoraj | | Ushio to Tora - Shinen no Taiyou (Japan) | nes_ushiotora | 1993 | Yutaka | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_utopia | | Utopia (HB) | | 1981-2023 | Intellivision Prod. | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_utsurundesu | | Utsurun Desu (Japan) | | 1991 | Takara | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_uveatac | | UVE Atac (48K) | | 1985 | MicroHobby | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_uwol | | Uwol (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_uwol | | Uwol Quest for Money (HB) | | 2006-2020 | The Mojon Twins - Alekmaul | ColecoVision | Published by Cote Gamers |
| md_uwol | | UWOL Quest for Money (HB) | | 2010 | Mojon Twins | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_uxo | | UXO - Unexploded Ordnance (HB) | | 2016 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| md_uzukeo | | Uzu Keobukseon (Korea) | | 1992 | Samsung | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_vocean | | V (Visitors) (48K) | | 1986 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_vfive | | V-Five (Japan) | md_grindst | 1994 | Tengen | Sega Megadrive | |
| vfive | | V-Five (Japan) | grindstm | 1993 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001 based | |
| vliner53 | | V-Liner (v0.53) | vliner | 2001 | Dyna / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| vliner54 | | V-Liner (v0.54) | vliner | 2001 | Dyna / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| vliner6e | | V-Liner (v0.6e) | vliner | 2001 | Dyna / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| vliner | | V-Liner (v0.7a) | | 2001 | Dyna / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| vliner7e | | V-Liner (v0.7e) | vliner | 2001 | Dyna / BrezzaSoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_vaderetro | | Vade Retro (128K) (HB) | | 2015 | RetroWorks | ZX Spectrum | Press any key to start |
| md_valiss | | Valis (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_valis | 2021 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_valis | | Valis (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_valis | | Valis - The Fantastic Soldier (Japan) | | 1987 | Tokuma Shoten | Miscellaneous | |
| md_valis3s | | Valis III (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | md_valis3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_valis3j | | Valis III (Japan, Rev. A) | md_valis3 | 1991 | Reno | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_valis3 | | Valis III (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_valkyr | | Valkyr (Euro) | | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| nes_valkynobou | | Valkyrie no Bouken - Toki no Kagi Densetsu (Hack, English) | | 2001 | Some Good Shit Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_valkynobouc | | Valkyrie no Bouken - Toki no Kagi Densetsu (Hack, Spanish) | nes_valkynobou | 2019 | Max1323 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_valkynobouj | | Valkyrie no Bouken - Toki no Kagi Densetsu (Japan) | nes_valkynobou | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_valkyriee | | Valkyrie no Densetsu (Hack, English) | pce_valkyrie | 2015 | cabbage | PC Engine | |
| pce_valkyrie | | Valkyrie no Densetsu (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| valkyrie | | Valkyrie no Densetsu (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | System 2 | |
| spec_vallation | | Vallation (48K) (HB, v1.1) | spec_vallation128 | 2016 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vallation128 | | Vallation 128K Edition (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Tardis Remakes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_valleyofrains | | Valley of Rains (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Zosya Entertainment | ZX Spectrum | |
| valtric | | Valtric | | 1986 | NMK (Jaleco license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vamphalfr1 | | Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903) | vamphalf | 1999 | Danbi / F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| vamphalf | | Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.1.0908) | | 1999 | Danbi / F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| vamphalfk | | Vamp x1/2 (Korea, version 1.1.0908) | vamphalf | 1999 | Danbi / F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_vampire | | Vampire (Euro) | | 1986 | Codemasters | MSX | |
| sms_vampire | | Vampire (Euro, Prototype) | sms_mastdark | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_vampire | | Vampire - Master of Darkness (USA) | gg_mastdark | 1993 | SIMS Co. - Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| vampjr1 | | Vampire - the night warriors (940630 Japan) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vampj | | Vampire - the night warriors (940705 Japan) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vampja | | Vampire - the night warriors (940705 Japan, alt) | dstlk | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhuntjr2 | | Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950302 Japan) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhuntjr1s | | Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950307 Japan stop version) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhuntjr1 | | Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950307 Japan) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhuntj | | Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950316 Japan) | nwarr | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhunt2d | | Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan Phoenix Edition) | vhunt2 | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| vhunt2r1 | | Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan) | vhunt2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vhunt2 | | Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970929 Japan) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsava | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Asia) | vsav | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsavb | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Brazil) | vsav | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsavd | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Euro Phoenix Edition) | vsav | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| vsav | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Euro) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsavh | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Hispanic) | vsav | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsavj | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Japan) | vsav | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsavu | | Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 USA) | vsav | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| vsav2d | | Vampire Savior 2 - the lord of vampire (970913 Japan Phoenix Edition) | vsav2 | 1997 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| vsav2 | | Vampire Savior 2 - the lord of vampire (970913 Japan) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| msx_vampslayeren | | Vampire Slayer (English) (HB) | | 2022-23 | Seamsoft | MSX | |
| msx_vampslayerpt | | Vampire Slayer (Portuguese) (HB) | msx_vampslayeren | 2022-23 | Seamsoft | MSX | |
| msx_vampslayeres | | Vampire Slayer (Spanish) (HB) | msx_vampslayeren | 2022-23 | Seamsoft | MSX | |
| spec_vampveng | | Vampire Vengeance (128K) (HB, v1.1) | | 2020 | Poe Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| vanvank | | Van-Van Car (Karateco set 1) | vanvan | 1983 | Sanritsu (Karateco license?) | Pac-man | |
| vanvanb | | Van-Van Car (Karateco set 2) | vanvan | 1983 | Sanritsu (Karateco license?) | Pac-man | |
| vanvan | | Van-Van Car | | 1983 | Sanritsu | Pac-man | |
| vandykeb | | Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) | vandyke | 1990 | bootleg | NMK16 | No sound |
| vandykejal | | Vandyke (Jaleco, set 1) | vandyke | 1990 | UPL (Jaleco license) | NMK16 | |
| vandykejal2 | | Vandyke (Jaleco, set 2) | vandyke | 1990 | UPL (Jaleco license) | NMK16 | |
| vandyke | | Vandyke (Japan) | | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| vanguardc | | Vanguard (Centuri) | vanguard | 1981 | SNK (Centuri license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vanguardg | | Vanguard (Germany) | vanguard | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_vanguard | | Vanguard (HB) | | 2019 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| vanguardj | | Vanguard (Japan) | vanguard | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| vanguard | | Vanguard (SNK) | | 1981 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_vanguard | | Vanguard (Unl) | | 200? | Power Joy | Miscellaneous | |
| vangrd2 | | Vanguard II | | 1984 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| md_vaportrec | | Vapor Trail (Hack, Enhanced Colors) | md_vaportr | 2015 | Pyron | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vaportrs | | Vapor Trail (Hack, Spanish) | md_vaportr | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vaportr | | Vapor Trail (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| vaportrau | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US) | vaportra | 1989 | Data East USA | DECO IC16 | |
| vaportra | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1) | | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| vaportra3 | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 3?) | vaportra | 1989 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| vmetaln | | Varia Metal (New Ways Trading Co.) | vmetal | 1995 | Excellent System (New Ways Trading Co. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vmetal | | Varia Metal | | 1995 | Excellent System | Miscellaneous | |
| varthb | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, 920612 etc) | varth | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| varthj | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan 920714) | varth | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| varthjr | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan Resale Ver. 920714) | varth | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| varthu | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (USA 920612) | varth | 1992 | Capcom (Romstar license) | CPS1 | |
| varthr1 | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920612) | varth | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| varth | | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| vasara2 | | Vasara 2 (set 1) | | 2001 | Visco | SSV | |
| vasara2a | | Vasara 2 (set 2) | vasara2 | 2001 | Visco | SSV | |
| vasara | | Vasara | | 2000 | Visco | SSV | |
| vastar | | Vastar (set 1) | | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vastar2 | | Vastar (set 2) | vastar | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vastar3 | | Vastar (set 3) | vastar | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vastar4 | | Vastar (set 4) | vastar | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vautour | | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | Miscellaneous | |
| vautourz | | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| vautourza | | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM) | phoenix | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_vaxol | | Vaxol (Japan) | | 1987 | Heart Soft | MSX | |
| vbrakout | | Vector Breakout [h] | tempest | 1999 | Clay Cowgill | Miscellaneous | |
| md_vecman | | Vectorman (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecmanp1 | | Vectorman (Prototype) | md_vecman | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecmanp3 | | Vectorman (Prototype, 19950724) | md_vecman | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecmanp2 | | Vectorman (Prototype, Alt) | md_vecman | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2s | | Vectorman 2 (Hack, Spanish) | md_vecman2 | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p1 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p6 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype, 19960815) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p5 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype, 19960816) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p4 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype, 19960819) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p3 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype, 19960826) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2p2 | | Vectorman 2 (Prototype, 19960827) | md_vecman2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vecman2 | | Vectorman 2 (USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_vectornauts | | Vectornauts, The (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | Dom Reardon | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vectron | | Vectron (48K) | | 1985 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_veggieinvaders | | Veggie Invaders (HB) | | 2019 | dustmop | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_veigues | | Veigues - Tactical Gladiator (Japan) | | 1990 | Victor Entertainment | PC Engine | |
| tg_veigues | | Veigues - Tactical Gladiator (USA) | | 1990 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_darkveils | | Velo Oscuro, El (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_darkveile | 2023 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vendetta | | Vendetta (48K) | | 1990 | System 3 | ZX Spectrum | |
| vendetta2pd | | Vendetta (Asia, 2 Players, ver. D) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2pu | | Vendetta (Asia, 2 Players, ver. U) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendettaz | | Vendetta (Asia, 4 Players, ver. Z) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendettar | | Vendetta (US, 4 Players, ver. R) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2pun | | Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. ?) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2peba | | Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. EB-A?) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2pw | | Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. W) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendettaun | | Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. ?) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta | | Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T) | | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| msx_venganza | | Venganza - La Sierva de la Muerte (Spanish) (HB) | | 2019 | Salgue79 | MSX | |
| nes_venicbeavol | | Venice Beach Volleyball (Unl) | | 1991 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| md_venom | | Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_venoms | | Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (Hack, Spanish) | md_venom | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_venture | | Venture | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| venus | | Venus (bootleg of Gyruss) | gyruss | 1983 | bootleg | GX347 | |
| verbena | | Verbena (bootleg of Carnival) | carnival | 1980 | bootleg (Cocamatic) | Vic Dual | |
| md_vermilj | | Vermilion (Japan) | md_vermil | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_verytex | | Verytex (Japan) | | 1991 | Asmik Ace | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_vesikauhu | | Vesikauhu (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2000 | Bandwagon | MSX | |
| msx_vestron | | Vestron (Euro) | | 1986 | Players Software | MSX | |
| spec_vexed128 | | Vexed (128K) (HB, v1.08) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | 'R': quit game - 'X': restart level |
| spec_vexed48 | | Vexed (48K) (HB, v1.08) | spec_vexed128 | 2023 | Under4Mhz | ZX Spectrum | 'R': quit game - 'X': restart level |
| msx_vexed | | Vexed (HB) | | 2020 | Under4Mhz | MSX | |
| cv_vexed | | Vexed (HB, v1.08) | | 2021-23 | Under4Mhz | ColecoVision | |
| gg_vexed | | Vexed (HB, v1.08) | | 2023 | Under4Mhz | Sega Game Gear | |
| sg1k_vexed | | Vexed (HB, v1.08) | | 2020-23 | Under4Mhz | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_vexed | | Vexed (HB, v1.08) | | 2021-23 | Under4Mhz | Sega Master System | |
| hangonvf | | VF (bootleg of Hang-On) | hangon | 1985 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| msx_viajecentro | | Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (Euro, Spanish) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_viajecentterra | | Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (Spanish) (128K) | | 1989 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_vice | | Vice - Project Doom (USA) | | 1991 | Sammy | Miscellaneous | |
| victnine | | Victorious Nine | | 1984 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| victorycb | | Victory (Comsoft) (bootleg) | victoryc | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| victoryc | | Victory (Comsoft) | | 1982 | Comsoft | Galaxian | |
| spec_victoryroad | | Victory Road - The Pathway to Fear (48K) | | 1989 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| victroad | | Victory Road | | 1986 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_victoryr | | Victory Run (Japan) | | 1987 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| tg_victoryr | | Victory Run (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| cv_victory | | Victory | | 1983 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| chf_vblckjck | | Video Blackjack | | 1976 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| hustlerb | | Video Hustler (bootleg, set 1) | hustler | 1981 | bootleg (Digimatic) | Galaxian | |
| msx_hustler | | Video Hustler (Japan) | msx_konbill | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_hustlera | | Video Hustler (Japan, Alt) | msx_konbill | 1984 | Konami | MSX | |
| cv_hustler | | Video Hustler (Prototype) | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_hustler1 | | Video Hustler (Prototype, 19840727) | cv_hustler | 1984 | Konami | ColecoVision | |
| hustler | | Video Hustler | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| spec_videopoker | | Video Poker (48K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_videopoker | | Video Poker (Euro) | | 1986 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| vpool | | Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) | hustler | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| vidvince | | Video Vince and the Game Factory (prototype) | | 1984 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_whizball | | Video Whizball | | 1978 | Fairchild | Channel F | |
| viewpoinp | | Viewpoint (prototype) | viewpoin | 1992 | Sammy / Aicom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_viewpoin | | Viewpoint (USA) | | 1994 | American Sammy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_viewpoinp | | Viewpoint (USA, Prototype) | md_viewpoin | 1994 | American Sammy | Sega Megadrive | |
| viewpoin | | Viewpoint | | 1992 | Sammy / Aicom | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_vigilante | | Vigilante (48K) | | 1989 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| vigilantbl | | Vigilante (bootleg) | vigilant | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_vigilant | | Vigilante (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| pce_vigilant | | Vigilante (Japan) | | 1989 | Irem | PC Engine | |
| vigilantd | | Vigilante (Japan, Rev D) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_vigilant | | Vigilante (Korea) (Unl) | | 1990 | Clover | MSX | |
| vigilanto | | Vigilante (US) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilantb | | Vigilante (US, Rev B) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilantg | | Vigilante (US, Rev G) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem (Data East license) | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_vigilant | | Vigilante (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| vigilanta | | Vigilante (World, Rev A) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilantc | | Vigilante (World, Rev C) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilant | | Vigilante (World, Rev E) | | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vimanaj | | Vimana (Japan) | vimana | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| vimana | | Vimana (World, set 1) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| vimanan | | Vimana (World, set 2) | vimana | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| spec_vindthe | | Vindicator, The (128K) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vindicat | | Vindicators (128K) | | 1989 | Domark | ZX Spectrum | |
| vindictre3 | | Vindicators (Europe, rev 3) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictre4 | | Vindicators (Europe, rev 4) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictre | | Vindicators (Europe, rev 5) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictrg | | Vindicators (German, rev 1) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictr1 | | Vindicators (rev 1) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictr2 | | Vindicators (rev 2) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictr4 | | Vindicators (rev 4) | vindictr | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindictr | | Vindicators (rev 5) | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_vindicators | | Vindicators (USA) (Prototype) | | 1988 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| vindctr2r1 | | Vindicators Part II (rev 1) | vindctr2 | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindctr2r2 | | Vindicators Part II (rev 2) | vindctr2 | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vindctr2 | | Vindicators Part II (rev 3) | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| viofightj | | Violence Fight (Japan) | viofight | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito B System | |
| viofightu | | Violence Fight (US) | viofight | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito B System | |
| viofight | | Violence Fight (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | |
| pce_violents | | Violent Soldier (Japan) | | 1990 | IGS | PC Engine | |
| viostormab | | Violent Storm (ver AAB) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viostorma | | Violent Storm (ver AAC) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viostormeb | | Violent Storm (ver EAB) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viostorm | | Violent Storm (ver EAC) | | 1993 | Konami | GX224 | |
| viostormj | | Violent Storm (ver JAC) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viostormub | | Violent Storm (ver UAB) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viostormu | | Violent Storm (ver UAC) | viostorm | 1993 | Konami | GX168 | |
| viprp1ot | | Viper Phase 1 (Germany) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| viprp1hk | | Viper Phase 1 (Hong Kong) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Metrotainment license) | SPI | |
| viprp1oj | | Viper Phase 1 (Japan) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| viprp1t | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | SPI | |
| viprp1h | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Holland) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| viprp1j | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Japan) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| viprp1k | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Korea) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Island license) | SPI | |
| viprp1pt | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Portugal) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| viprp1s | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Switzerland) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| viprp1u | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, US set 1) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| viprp1ua | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, US set 2) | viprp1 | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | SPI | |
| viprp1 | | Viper Phase 1 (New Version, World) | | 1995 | Seibu Kaihatsu | SPI | |
| spec_virgils2p1en | | Virgil's Purgatory 2.0 - Chapter 1 (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_virgils2p2en | | Virgil's Purgatory 2.0 - Chapter 2 (English) (128K) (HB) | spec_virgils2p1en | 2023 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_virgilsexen | | Virgil's Purgatory EX (English) (HB) | | 2022 | Amaweks | MSX | |
| msx_virgilsexpt | | Virgil's Purgatory EX (Portuguese) (HB) | msx_virgilsexen | 2022 | Amaweks | MSX | |
| spec_virgilsen | | Virgil's Purgatory ZX (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_virgilspt | | Virgil's Purgatory ZX (Portuguese) (128K) (HB) | spec_virgilsen | 2021 | Amaweks | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_vf2 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Euro, USA) | | 1997 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2s | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Hack, Spanish) | md_vf2 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2k | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Korea) | md_vf2 | 1997 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2p5 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Prototype, 19960819) | md_vf2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2p4 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Prototype, 19960830) | md_vf2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2p3 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Prototype, 19960913) | md_vf2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2p2 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Prototype, 19960920) | md_vf2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2p1 | | Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Prototype, 19960927) | md_vf2 | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vf2tek | | Virtua Fighter 2 vs Tekken 2 (Unl) | | 1997 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_vfa | | Virtua Fighter Animation (Brazil) | | 1997 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_vfa | | Virtua Fighter Animation (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_vfmini | | Virtua Fighter Mini (Japan) | gg_vfa | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_vr | D NW | Virtua Racing (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vrj | D NW | Virtua Racing (Japan) | md_vr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vru | D NW | Virtua Racing (USA) | md_vr | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vbart | | Virtual Bart (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vpinball | | Virtual Pinball (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_virus | | Virus (48K) | | 1988 | Firebird Software | ZX Spectrum | Press 'R' to controller menu and ENTER to display in-game map |
| nes_virus | | Virus (USA) (Prototype) | nes_drmario | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_nesvircle | | Virus Cleaner (HB) | | 2011-2016 | 2nd Dimension - Sly Dog Studios | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_viruslqp | | Virus LQP-79 (HB, v1.2) | | 2018 | Pentacour | MSX | |
| spec_vixen1 | | Vixen - Part 1 (128K) | | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vixen2 | | Vixen - Part 2 (128K) | spec_vixen1 | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_vixen3 | | Vixen - Part 3 (128K) | spec_vixen1 | 1988 | Martech Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_vixen357e | | Vixen 357 (Hack, English v1.2) | md_vixen357 | 2019 | Nebulous Translations | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vixen357s | | Vixen 357 (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_vixen357 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_vixen357 | | Vixen 357 (Japan) | | 1992 | NCS | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_viz | | Viz - The Computer Game (128K) | | 1991 | Virgin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_void | | Void (128K) (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 2020 | Invaders Group | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_voidbringen | | Void Bringer, The (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | 'O', 'P' and 'Space' to set options |
| spec_voidbringes | | Void Bringer, The (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_voidbringen | 2022 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | 'O', 'P' and 'Space' to set options |
| msx_voidrun | | Void Runner (Euro) | | 1987 | Mastertronic | MSX | |
| cv_void | | Void, The (HB) | | 2010 | Atari2600.com | ColecoVision | |
| md_virak | NW | Voina Irak (Unl) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_volfied | | Volfied (Japan) | md_ultqix | 1991 | Taito | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_volfied | | Volfied (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito | PC Engine | |
| volfiedjo | | Volfied (Japan) | volfied | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| volfiedj | | Volfied (Japan, revision 1) | volfied | 1989 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| volfieduo | | Volfied (US) | volfied | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| volfiedu | | Volfied (US, revision 1) | volfied | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| volfiedo | | Volfied (World) | volfied | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| volfied | | Volfied (World, revision 1) | | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito Misc | |
| msx_volguard | | Volguard (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| nes_volguardii | | Volguard II (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-SOFT | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_volleyball | | Volleyball (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_volleyball | | Volleyball (USA) | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| gowcaizr | | Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer | | 1995 | Technos Japan | Neo Geo MVS | |
| msx_vortraid | | Vortex Raider (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| sms_voyage | | Voyage - A Sorceress Vacation (GlobalHack, v1.05) | | 2021 | SNAGS | Sega Master System | |
| gg_vrtroop | | VR Troopers (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_vrtroop | | VR Troopers (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_vradark | | Vradark's Sphere (128K) (HB) | | 2018 | SaNchez | ZX Spectrum | |
| vs10yardj | | Vs 10-Yard Fight (Japan) | 10yard | 1984 | Irem | M58 | |
| vs10yardu | | Vs 10-Yard Fight (US, Taito license) | 10yard | 1984 | Irem (Taito license) | M58 | |
| vs10yard | | Vs 10-Yard Fight (World, 11/05/84) | 10yard | 1984 | Irem | M58 | |
| vblokbrka | | VS Block Breaker (Asia) | vblokbrk | 1997 | Kaneko / Mediaworks | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| vblokbrk | | VS Block Breaker (Europe) | | 1997 | Kaneko / Mediaworks | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| vsgongf | | VS Gong Fight | | 1984 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| ryourano | | VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (revision 1) | ryouran | 1998 | Electro Design | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| ryouran | | VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (revision 2) | | 1998 | Electro Design | Super Kaneko Nova System | |
| vsrbibbal | | VS. Atari RBI Baseball | | 1987 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsbattlecity | | VS. Battle City | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| vscastlevania | | VS. Castlevania | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| vsclucluland | | VS. Clu Clu Land | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsdrmario | | VS. Dr. Mario | | 1990 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsduckhunt | | VS. Duck Hunt | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_vsexcitebike | | Vs. Excitebike (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsexcitebike | | VS. Excitebike | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsfreedomforce | | VS. Freedom Force | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| vsfrombelow | | VS. From Below (HB, v0.10) | | 2021 | Goose2k | Miscellaneous | |
| vsgoonies | | VS. Goonies, The | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| vsgradius | | VS. Gradius | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| vsgumshoe | | VS. Gumshoe | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vshogansalley | | VS. Hogan's Alley | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| hotsmash | | Vs. Hot Smash | | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| vsiceclimber | | VS. Ice Climber | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| bnstars | | Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars (Ver 1.1, MegaSystem32 Version) | bnstars1 | 1997 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| bnstars1 | NW | Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars | | 1997 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | Not currently emulated |
| vsmachrider | | VS. Mach Rider | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsmightybomjack | | VS. Mighty Bomb Jack | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsninjajkun | | VS. Ninja Jajamaru-kun | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| vspinball | | VS. Pinball | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsplatoon | | VS. Platoon | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| vsraidbbay | | VS. Raid on Bungling Bay | | 1985 | Broderbund | Miscellaneous | |
| vsslalom | | VS. Slalom | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vssoccer | | VS. Soccer | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vsstarluster | | VS. Star Luster | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| vssmgolfla | | VS. Stroke & Match Golf Ladies | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vssmgolf | | VS. Stroke & Match Golf | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_vssmbhomedi | | VS. Super Mario Bros. Home Edition (Hack) | nes_smb | 2021 | BMF54123 | Miscellaneous | |
| vssmb | | VS. Super Mario Bros | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| vssuperskykid | | VS. Super Sky Kid | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| vssuperxevious | | VS. Super Xevious - Gump no Nazo | | 1986 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| vstetris | | VS. Tetris | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| vstkoboxing | | VS. TKO Boxing | | 1987 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| vstopgun | | VS. Top Gun | | 1987 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| vulcan | | Vulcan Venture (New) | | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulcana | | Vulcan Venture (Old) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulcanb | | Vulcan Venture (Oldest) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulgusj | | Vulgus (Japan?) | vulgus | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| vulgus | | Vulgus (set 1) | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| vulgusa | | Vulgus (set 2) | vulgus | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_wring | | W-ring - The Double Rings (Japan) | | 1990 | Naxat Soft | PC Engine | |
| nes_wacko | | Wacko (HB) | | 2022 | <unknown> | Miscellaneous | |
| wacko | | Wacko | | 1982 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_wackydarts | | Wacky Darts (128K) | | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | In options menu: keys '6', '7' and ENTER to choose and set |
| spec_wackdarts_48 | | Wacky Darts (48K) | spec_wackydarts | 1991 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | In options menu: keys '6', '7' and ENTER to choose and set |
| spec_wackrace | | Wacky Races (128K) | | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_wackyraces | | Wacky Races (USA) | | 1992 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wackyrac | | Wacky Races (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wworldsp3 | | Wacky Worlds (Prototype, 19940808) | md_wworlds | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wworldsp2 | | Wacky Worlds (Prototype, 19940817) | md_wworlds | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wworldsp1 | | Wacky Worlds (Prototype, 19940819) | md_wworlds | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wworlds | | Wacky Worlds (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_waddles | | Waddles the Duck (HB) | | 2017 | CP Programs | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_wagyan | | Wagyan Land (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_wagyanland | | Wagyan Land (Japan) | | 1989 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_wagyana | | Wagyan Land (Japan, Alt) | gg_wagyan | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Game Gear | |
| nes_wagyanland2 | | Wagyan Land 2 (Japan) | | 1990 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wagyanland3 | | Wagyan Land 3 (Japan) | | 1992 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| wwjgtin | | Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! | | 1984 | Jaleco / Casio | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_waiwaimj | | Wai Wai Mahjong - Yukaina Janyuu Tachi (Japan) | | 1989 | Video System | PC Engine | |
| nes_waiwaiworldc | | Wai Wai World (Hack, Chinese) | nes_waiwaiworld | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_waiwaiworld | | Wai Wai World (Hack, English) | | 2019 | Zynk Oxhyde | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_waiwaiworldj | | Wai Wai World (Japan) | nes_waiwaiworld | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_waiwaiwor2c | | Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_waiwaiwor2 | 2022 | DMG Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_waiwaiwor2 | | Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou (Hack, English) | | 2018 | chronix | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_waiwaiwor2j | | Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou (Japan) | nes_waiwaiwor2 | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_waimanusms | | Waimanu: Scary Monsters Saga (HB) | | 2015 | Disjointed Studio | Sega Master System | |
| mj4simai | | Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan) | | 1996 | Maboroshi Ware | Newer Seta | |
| wakuwak7bh | | Waku Waku 7 (Boss Hack) | wakuwak7 | 1996 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wakuw7jq | | Waku Waku 7 (Enhanced, Hack) | wakuwak7 | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wakuwak7 | | Waku Waku 7 | | 1996 | Sunsoft | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wwanpanm | | Waku Waku Anpanman (Rev A) | | 1992 | Sega | C2 | |
| wwmarine | | Waku Waku Marine | | 1992 | Sega | C2 | |
| soniccar | | Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car | | 1991 | Sega | C2 | |
| ultracin | | Waku Waku Ultraman Racing | | 1996 | Sega | System 16B | Emulation not complete |
| fds_wakusatogai | | Wakusei Aton Gaiden (Japan) | | 1990 | Kokuzeichou | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_waldolife | | Waldo's Life (English) (128K) (HB) | | 2022 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_waldolifes | | Waldo's Life (Spanish) (128K) (HB) | spec_waldolife | 2022 | Daniel Isoba | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_waldos4ever | | Waldos Forever (HB) | | 2021 | Dispensary 33 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wall | | Wall (HB, Tech-Demo) | | 1999 | Chris Covell | Miscellaneous | |
| wallc | | Wall Crash (set 1) | | 1984 | Midcoin | Miscellaneous | |
| wallca | | Wall Crash (set 2) | wallc | 1984 | Midcoin | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wallstreetkid | | Wall Street Kid (USA) | | 1990 | Sofel | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_wallaby | | Wallaby!! - Usagi no Kuni no Kangaroo Race (Japan) | | 1990 | Masiya | PC Engine | |
| nes_wallybeanogan | | Wally Bear & the No Gang (Unl) | | 1990 | American Video Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| wwallyjad | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0197A set) | wwallyj | 1992 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| wwallyja | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan, 2 players) (FD1094 317-0197A) | wwallyj | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| wwallyja3p | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan, 3 players) (FD1094 317-0198A) | wwallyj | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| wwallyjd | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0197B set) | wwallyj | 1992 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| wwallyj | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, 2 players) (FD1094 317-0197B) | | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| sms_wpayton | | Walter Payton Football (USA) | sms_ameripf | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_wampcola | | Wamp Cola (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Iber Soft | MSX | |
| nes_wampus | | Wampus (HB) | nes_wampusdx | 2019 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wampusdx | | Wampus DX (HB) | | 2020 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_wanderers | | Wanderers Chained In The Dark (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | SAM Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_waniwani | | Wani Wani World (Japan) | | 1992 | Kaneko | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_wanpakuduckc | | Wanpaku Duck Yume Bouken (Hack, Chinese v1.1) | nes_ducktales | 2021 | Advance Team | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wanpakoknogouwo | | Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_csot | | Wanpi Gui (Taiwan) | sg1k_cso | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sms_wanted | | Wanted (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | Light Phaser game |
| spec_wanmonmo | | Wanted! Monty Mole (48K) | | 1984 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | |
| wanted | | Wanted | | 1984 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_war | | War (HB) | | 2014 | Gerry Brophy | ColecoVision | |
| msx_warbeyond | | War From Beyond (HB) | | 2020 | Clube MSX | MSX | |
| cv_wargamesp | | War Games (Prototype, 0417) | cv_wargames | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| cv_wargames | | War Games | | 1984 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_warinthegulf | | War in the Gulf (Unl) | | 1991 | Gluk Video - Mega Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_warmachine | | War Machine (128K) | | 1989 | Players Premier | ZX Spectrum | |
| wrofaero | | War of Aero - Project MEIOU | | 1993 | Yang Cheng | Seta | |
| warofbugg | D NW | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze (German) | warofbug | 1981 | Armenia | Galaxian | |
| warofbugu | | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze (US) | warofbug | 1981 | Armenia / Super Video Games | Galaxian | |
| warofbug | | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze | | 1981 | Armenia / Food and Fun Corp | Galaxian | |
| nes_wowheels | | War on Wheels (USA) (Prototype) | | 1991-2006 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_warroom | | War Room | | 1983 | Probe 2000 | ColecoVision | |
| md_wardners | | Wardner (Hack, Spanish) | md_wardner | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wardner | | Wardner (USA) | | 1991 | Mentrix Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| wardner | | Wardner (World) | | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wardnerb | | Wardner (World, bootleg) | wardner | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_wardnernomori | | Wardner no Mori (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| wardnerj | | Wardner no Mori (Japan) | wardner | 1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| wardnerjb | | Wardner no Mori (Japan, bootleg) | wardner | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wardnerj | | Wardner no Mori Special (Japan) | md_wardner | 1991 | Visco Corp. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wario3 | | Wario Land 3 (Russia) (Unl) | md_puggsy | 199? | Glorysun | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_warioswoods | | Wario's Woods (USA) | | 1994 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_warlock | | Warlock (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_warlocks | | Warlock (Hack, Spanish) | md_warlock | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_warlockp | | Warlock (USA, Prototype) | md_warlock | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| warlords | | Warlords | | 1980 | Atari | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_warpwarp | | Warp & Warp (Japan) | | 1984 | Namcot | MSX | |
| cv_warpwarp | | Warp & Warp (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2016 | Opcode Games - Namcot | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| warpwarp | | Warp & Warp | | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| warpsped | D | Warp Speed (prototype) | | 1979? | Meadows Games, Inc. | Miscellaneous | No sound, bad colors |
| warpwarpr | | Warp Warp (Rock-Ola set 1) | warpwarp | 1981 | Namco (Rock-Ola license) | Miscellaneous | |
| warpwarpr2 | | Warp Warp (Rock-Ola set 2) | warpwarp | 1981 | Namco (Rock-Ola license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_warpman | | Warpman (Japan) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_warpsped | | Warpspeed (USA) | | 1993 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| warriorb | | Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporation | Taito Misc | |
| md_warrior | | Warrior of Rome (USA) | | 1991 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_warrior2 | | Warrior of Rome II (USA) | | 1992 | Micronet | Sega Megadrive | |
| wofpic | | Warriors of Fate (bootleg with PIC16C57) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | no sound |
| wofr1bl | | Warriors of Fate (bootleg, 921002 etc) | wof | 1992 | bootleg | CPS1 | |
| woffr | X | Warriors of Fate (French Translation) | wof | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofu | | Warriors of Fate (USA 921031) | wof | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wofr1 | | Warriors of Fate (World 921002) | wof | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| wof | | Warriors of Fate (World 921031) | | 1992 | Capcom | CPS1 / QSound | |
| msx_warroid | | Warroid (Japan) | | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| msx_warroida | | Warroid (Japan, Alt) | msx_warroid | 1985 | ASCII Corp. | MSX | |
| md_warsongs | | Warsong (Hack, Spanish) | md_warsong | 2017 | Luceid | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_warsong | | Warsong (USA) | | 1991 | Treco | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_wartworm | | Wart Worm Wingding (HB) | | 2020 | John Vanderhoef | Miscellaneous | |
| warzardr1 | | Warzard (Japan 961023) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| warzard | | Warzard (Japan 961121) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| watrball | | Water Balls | | 1996 | ABM | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_waterdrv | | Water Driver (Japan) | | 1984 | Apollo Technica | MSX | |
| md_wmargin | | Water Margin - A Tale of Clouds and Wind (USA) (HB) | | 2015 | Piko Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| wmatch | | Water Match (315-5064) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| waterski | | Water Ski | | 1983 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| cv_watervil | | Waterville Rescue (HB) | | 2009 | Mike Brent | ColecoVision | |
| md_waterwld | | WaterWorld (Euro, Prototype) | | 199? | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| wavybug | | Wavy Bug | lazybug | 1981 | David Widel | Pac-man | |
| spec_wayexplf | | Way of the Exploding Fist, The (48K) | | 1985 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | Press '1' or '2' to one-two players mode and '0' to redefine controls |
| cv_explodingfoot | | Way of the Exploding Foot, The (HB) | | 2011 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| msx_waytiger | | Way of the Tiger, The (Euro) | | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | MSX | |
| md_wayneg | | Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Time Warner Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_waynewld | | Wayne's World (USA) | | 1993 | THQ | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_waynesworld | | Wayne's World (USA) | | 1993 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wcwworchawre | | WCW World Championship Wrestling (USA) | | 1990 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| md_weaponld | | Weaponlord (USA) | | 1995 | Namco | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_weclemans | | WEC Le Mans (128K) | | 1988-89 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_wecleman | | WEC Le Mans (Euro) | | 1988 | Imagine Software | MSX | |
| weclemanc | | WEC Le Mans 24 (v1.26) | wecleman | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| weclemana | | WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.00) | wecleman | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| weclemanb | | WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.00, hack) | wecleman | 1988 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| wecleman | | WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.01) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_wbells | | Wedding Bells (Japan) | | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| msx_wbellsa | | Wedding Bells (Japan, Alt) | msx_wbells | 1984 | Nippon Columbia | MSX | |
| nes_weedstiff2 | | Weed N' Stiff 2 Bobsons Revenge (HB) | | 2021 | CalGames | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_wekainvaders10 | | Weka Invaders (HB, v1.0) | | 2017 | Disjointed Studio | Sega Master System | |
| spec_wellsfargo | | Wells & Fargo (Spanish) (48K) | | 1988 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| welltrisj | | Welltris (Japan, 2 players) | welltris | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| welltris | | Welltris (World?, 2 players) | | 1991 | Video System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_werbetxt | | Werbetextcassette | | 198? | Electronic-Partner | Channel F | |
| nes_werew | | Werewolf - The Last Warrior (USA) | | 1990 | Data East | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_werewolves | | Werewolves of London (48K) | | 1989 | Mastertronic | ZX Spectrum | O/P: select icon - H: pause - R: restart |
| spec_westbank | | West Bank (48K) | | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics | ZX Spectrum | 1-2-3 to shoot, O-P to move |
| weststry | D NW | West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 1) | bloodbro | 1990 | bootleg (Datsu) | Miscellaneous | |
| weststrya | D NW | West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 2) | bloodbro | 1990 | bootleg (Datsu) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_westhouse | | Westen House (English) (HB, v1.3.1) | | 2021 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| msx_westhousep | | Westen House (Portuguese) (HB, v1.3.1) | msx_westhouse | 2021 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| msx_westhouses | | Westen House (Spanish) (HB, v1.3.1) | msx_westhouse | 2021 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| wexpressb1 | | Western Express (bootleg set 1) | exprraid | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wexpressb2 | | Western Express (bootleg set 2) | exprraid | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wexpressb3 | | Western Express (bootleg set 3) | exprraid | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wexpress | | Western Express (Japan, rev 4) | exprraid | 1986 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_whatremains | | What Remains (HB, v1.0.2) | | 2019-20 | Iodine Dynamics | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_whb | | WHB (128K) (HB) | | 2009 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_wheelof | | Wheel of Fortune (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_wheelfor | | Wheel of Fortune (USA) | | 1992 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| wheelrun | | Wheels Runner | | 19?? | International Games | Miscellaneous | |
| md_carmnwldb | | Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Brazil) | md_carmnwld | 199? | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_carmnwldb | | Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (Brazil) | sms_carmnwld | 1989 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| md_carmnwld | | Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_carmnwld | | Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (USA) | | 1989 | Parker Brothers | Sega Master System | |
| nes_whereintimiscasa | | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego (USA) | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| md_carmntimb | | Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (Brazil) | md_carmntim | 199? | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_carmntim | | Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_whereisit | | Where Is it - The Quest For the 10th Island (HB) | | 2021 | Eric Mendel | MSX | |
| sms_whereisite | | Where Is It ? The Quest for the 10th Island (HB, Enhanced ed.) | | 2023 | Ricco59, Kagesan | Sega Master System | |
| sms_whereisit | | Where Is It ? The Quest for the 10th Island (HB, Ultimate ed.) | sms_whereisite | 2023 | Ricco59 | Sega Master System | |
| spec_wheretimestoodstill | | Where Time Stood Still (128K) | | 1988 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_whereswaldo | | Where's Waldo (USA) | | 1991 | THQ | Miscellaneous | |
| md_whiprushs | | Whip Rush (Hack, Spanish) | md_whiprush | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whiprush | | Whip Rush (USA) | | 1990 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whiprushj | | Whip Rush - Wakusei Voltegas no Nazo (Japan) | md_whiprush | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_whiteheat | | White Heat (48K) | | 1987 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_whitejaguar | | White Jaguar (128K) (HB) | spec_whitejaguarzx | 2020 | Romancha | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_whitejaguarzx | | White Jaguar (128K) (HB, v1.3) | | 2023 | ZX-Online - Romancha | ZX Spectrum | |
| whizz | | Whizz | twinfalc | 1989 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_whodareswinsii | | Who Dares Wins II (48K) | | 1986 | Alligata Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_whodares | | Who Dares Wins II (Euro) | | 1986 | Alligata Software | MSX | Press SPACE to skip loading screens |
| whodunit8 | | Who Dunit (version 8.0) | whodunit | 1988 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| whodunit | | Who Dunit (version 9.0) | | 1988 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_whofrarograb | | Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA) | | 1989 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_whompem | | Whomp 'Em (USA) | | 1991 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_whopper | | Whopper Chase (Euro, Spanish) | | 1987 | Erbe Software | MSX | |
| nes_widget | | Widget (USA) | | 1992 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| wiggie | | Wiggie Waggie | | 1994 | Promat | Seta | |
| msx_wildcat | | Wild Cat (Japan) | | 1984 | Colpax | MSX | |
| wildfang | | Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wildfangs | | Wild Fang | wildfang | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wildgunman | | Wild Gunman (World) (Rev A) | | 1984 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| wildplt | | Wild Pilot | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wildsnak | | Wild Snake (USA, Prototype) | | 1994 | Bullet-Proof Software | Sega Megadrive | |
| moomesabl | D NW | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (bootleg) | moomesa | 1992 | bootleg | GX151 | |
| moomesaaab | | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver AAB) | moomesa | 1992 | Konami | GX151 | |
| moomesa | | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB) | | 1992 | Konami | GX151 | |
| moomesauab | | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAB) | moomesa | 1992 | Konami | GX151 | |
| moomesauac | | Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAC) | moomesa | 1992 | Konami | GX151 | |
| spec_wwhero | | Wild West Hero (48K) | | 1983 | Timescape | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wwseymr | | Wild West Seymour (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wwseymr_48 | | Wild West Seymour (48K) | spec_wwseymr | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| wwestern | | Wild Western (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| wwestern1 | | Wild Western (set 2) | wwestern | 1982 | Taito Corporation | Taito SJ System | |
| gg_wildsnake | | WildSnake (Prototype) | | 1994 | Spectrum HoloByte | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_arcadeghu | | Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (USA) | md_arcadegh | 1996 | Williams | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_willowj | | Willow (Japan) | nes_willow | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| willowj | | Willow (Japan) | willow | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_willownfh | | Willow (No Flash ed.) (Hack, v1.1) | nes_willow | 2020 | Jigglysaint | Miscellaneous | |
| willowuo | | Willow (USA Old Ver.) | willow | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| nes_willow | | Willow (USA) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| willowu | | Willow (USA) | willow | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| willow | | Willow (World) | | 1989 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_witm | | WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Carl Paterson | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wwasp | | Willy The Wasp (48K-128K) (HB) | | 2014 | The Death Squad | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wwasp2 | | Willy The Wasp 2 (128K) (HB) | | 2014 | The Death Squad | ZX Spectrum | |
| wilytowr | | Wily Tower | | 1984 | Irem | Irem M63 | |
| sms_wimbled | | Wimbledon (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_wimbled | | Wimbledon (World) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_wimbled | | Wimbledon Championship Tennis (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wimbleds | | Wimbledon Championship Tennis (Hack, Spanish) | md_wimbled | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wimbledj | | Wimbledon Championship Tennis (Japan) | md_wimbled | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wimbledu | | Wimbledon Championship Tennis (USA) | md_wimbled | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wimbledup | | Wimbledon Championship Tennis (USA, Prototype) | md_wimbled | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_wimbled2 | | Wimbledon II (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| nes_winlosordra | | Win, Lose or Draw (USA) | | 1990 | Hi Tech Expressions | Miscellaneous | |
| wjammers | | Windjammers / Flying Power Disc | | 1994 | Data East Corporation | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wingforc | | Wing Force (Japan, prototype) | | 1993 | A.I (Atlus license) | Kaneko16 | |
| msx_wingman2 | | Wing Man 2 - Kitakura no Fukkatsu (Japan) | | 1987 | Enix | MSX | |
| nes_wingmad | | Wing of Madoola, The (Japan) | | 1986 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| wschampb | | Wing Shooting Championship V1.00 | wschamp | 2001 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| wschampa | | Wing Shooting Championship V1.01 | wschamp | 2001 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| wschamp | | Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 | | 2001 | Sammy USA Corporation | Newer Seta | |
| cv_wingwar | | Wing War | | 1983 | Imagic | ColecoVision | |
| msx_wingwarrdx | | Wing Warriors (2020 Version) (HB) | | 2020 | Kitmaker Entertainment | MSX | |
| gg_wingwarriors | | Wing Warriors (HB) | | 2020 | Kitmaker | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_wingwarr | | Wing Warriors (HB) | msx_wingwarrdx | 2016 | Kitmaker Entertainment | MSX | |
| sms_wingwarriors | | Wing Warriors (HB) | | 2020 | Kitmaker | Sega Master System | |
| spec_wingave | | Winged Avenger, The (16K) | | 1982 | Work Force | ZX Spectrum | MKI & MKII versions |
| spec_wingwar | | Winged Warlords (16K) | | 1983 | CDS Microsystems | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_wingswor | | Wings of Wor (USA) | md_gynoug | 1991 | Dreamworks Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_winktrap | | Winky Trap (HB) | | 1997-2007 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| pce_winshot | | Winning Shot (Japan) | | 1989 | Data East | PC Engine | |
| md_wintchal | | Winter Challenge (Euro, USA, Rev. 1) | | 1992 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wintchalp | | Winter Challenge (Prototype) | md_wintchal | 1992 | Ballistic | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_wintergames | | Winter Games (128K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| fds_wintergames | | Winter Games (Japan) | | 1987 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wintergames | | Winter Games (USA) | | 1987 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wintolu | | Winter Olympic Games (USA) | md_wintol | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wintol | | Winter Olympics (Euro) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wintolj | | Winter Olympics (Japan) | md_wintol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_wintolb | | Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (Brazil) | sms_wintol | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wintol | | Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (Euro) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_wintol | | Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (Euro, USA) | | 1993 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_wintolj | | Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (Japan) | gg_wintol | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_wwworm | | Winter Wonder Worm (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Bob Fossil | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_winthawk | | Winterhawk (Euro) | | 1988 | Eurosoft | MSX | |
| md_winx | | Winx - Shkola Volshyebnits (Russia) (Unl) | md_valis | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_winx3d | | Winx 3D Volshebnoe Priklyuchenie (Russia) (Unl) | md_valis3 | 200? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| wiping | | Wiping | | 1982 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wits | | Wit's (Japan) | | 1990 | Athena | Miscellaneous | |
| wits | | Wit's (Japan) | | 1989 | Athena (Visco license) | Seta | |
| nes_witchnwiz | | Witch n' Wiz (HB) | | 2021 | Matt Hughson | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_witchnwiznd | | Witch n' Wiz (HB, NESDev Ed.) | nes_witchnwiz | 2020-21 | Matt Hughson | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_witchcauld | | Witch's Cauldron, The (48K) | | 1985 | Mikro-Gen | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_witches | | Witches (HB) | | 2019 | Cobinee | MSX | |
| wivernwg | | Wivern Wings | | 2001 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_wizv1 | | Wiz (48K) | | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wizv2 | | Wiz (Alt) (48K) | spec_wizv1 | 1987 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| wizt | | Wiz (Taito, set 1) | wiz | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wizta | | Wiz (Taito, set 2) | wiz | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wizwarz | | Wiz Warz (prototype) | | 1984 | Mylstar | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wiznlizu | | Wiz'n'Liz (USA) | md_wiznliz | 1993 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wiznliz | | Wiz'n'Liz - The Frantic Wabbit Wescue (Euro) | | 1993 | Psygnosis | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wiznlizs | | Wiz'n'Liz - The Frantic Wabbit Wescue (Hack, Spanish) | md_wiznliz | 2020 | m0sca | Sega Megadrive | |
| wizdfire | | Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1) | | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| wizdfireu | | Wizard Fire (US v1.1) | wizdfire | 1992 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| cv_wizmath | | Wizard of Id's Wizmath | | 1984 | Sierra On-Line | ColecoVision | |
| md_immortalj | | Wizard of the Immortal (Japan) | md_immortal | 1991-93 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| cv_wow | | Wizard of Wor (SGM) (HB) | | 1980-2017 | Midway | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| gg_wizard | | Wizard Pinball (Euro) | | 1995 | Domark | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_wizardwilly | | Wizard Willy (128K) | | 1990 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_wizlair | | Wizard's Lair (Euro) | | 1986 | Bubble Bus Software | MSX | |
| nes_wizarwar | | Wizards & Warriors (USA) | | 1987 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wizarwariiic | | Wizards & Warriors III - Kuros - Visions of Power (Hack, Spanish) | nes_wizarwariii | 2020 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wizarwariii | | Wizards & Warriors III - Kuros - Visions of Power (USA) | | 1992 | Acclaim | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_wizball | | Wizball (128K) | | 1987 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| wiz | | Wiz | | 1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| wizzquiz | NW | Wizz Quiz (Konami version) | | 1985 | Zilec-Zenitone (Konami license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wizzquiza | NW | Wizz Quiz (version 4) | wizzquiz | 1985 | Zilec-Zenitone | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wxniao | | Wo Xiang Niao Niao (HB) | | 2016 | Xin Xin | Miscellaneous | |
| wolffang | | Wolf Fang -Kuhga 2001- (Japan) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corporation | DECO IC16 | |
| nes_wolfspirit | | Wolf Spirit (HB, Demo) | | 2021 | Valdir Salgueiro | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_wolfchld | | Wolfchild (Euro) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_wolfchld | | Wolfchild (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| md_wolfchlds | | Wolfchild (Hack,Spanish) | md_wolfchld | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wolfchld | | Wolfchild (USA) | | 1993 | JVC Musical Industries | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wolfstn3d | | Wolfenstein 3D (HB, fv11 fix) | | 2015 | gasega68k | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_wolfling | | Wolfling (HB, v1.4) | | 2018 | Lazy Cow | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wolverinec | | Wolverine (Hack, Spanish) | nes_wolverine | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wolverine | | Wolverine (USA) | | 1991 | LJN | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wolverin | | Wolverine - Adamantium Rage (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wolverinredux | | Wolverine - Adamantium Redux (Hack) | md_wolverin | 2021 | BillyTime! Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_wonsiin | | Won-Si-In (Korea) | | 1991 | Zemina | MSX | |
| wonder3 | | Wonder 3 (Japan 910520) | 3wonders | 1991 | Capcom | CPS1 | |
| spec_wboy | | Wonder Boy (128K) | | 1987 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| wboy4 | | Wonder Boy (315-5162, 4-D Warriors Conversion) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| gg_wboy | | Wonder Boy (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_wboya | | Wonder Boy (Euro, Korea, v0) ~ Super Wonder Boy (Japan, v0) | sms_wboy | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboy | | Wonder Boy (Euro, USA, Brazil, v1) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboyc | | Wonder Boy (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_wboy | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| gg_wboyj | | Wonder Boy (Japan) | gg_wboy | 1990 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sg1k_wboya | | Wonder Boy (Japan, v0) | sg1k_wboy | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_wboy | | Wonder Boy (Japan, v1) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| wboyu | | Wonder Boy (prototype?) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboy | | Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) | | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboyo | | Wonder Boy (set 2, 315-5135) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboy2 | | Wonder Boy (set 2, 315-5178) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboy2u | | Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboy3 | | Wonder Boy (set 3, 315-5135) | wboy | 1986 | Escape (Sega license) | System 1 | |
| wboy5 | | Wonder Boy (set 5, bootleg) | wboy | 1986 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| cv_wonderboy | | Wonder Boy (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2012 | Eduardo Mello - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| wboyblt | | Wonder Boy (Tecfri bootleg) | wboy | 1986 | bootleg (Tecfri) | System 1 | |
| wbmlvcd | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of English, Virtual Console release) | wbml | 2009 | bootleg (mpatou) | System 2 | |
| wbmld | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg (mpatou) | System 2 | |
| wbmljod | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of Japan Old Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg (mpatou) | System 2 | |
| wbmlb | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 1) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg | System 2 | |
| wbmlbg | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 2) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg (Galaxy Electronics) | System 2 | |
| wbmlbge | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 3) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg (Gecas) | System 2 | |
| wbmlh | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English, difficulty hack) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg | System 2 | |
| wbmlvc | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English, Virtual Console) | wbml | 2009 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| wbmljb | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (Japan bootleg) | wbml | 1987 | bootleg | System 2 | |
| wbml | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) | | 1987 | Sega / Westone | System 2 | |
| wbmljo | | Wonder Boy - Monster Land (Japan Old Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) | wbml | 1987 | Sega / Westone | System 2 | |
| gg_wboydtrp | | Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| wbdeluxe | | Wonder Boy Deluxe | wboy | 1986 | hack (Vision Electronics) | System 1 | |
| wb3bbl | D NW | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (bootleg) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| md_wboy3 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Euro) ~ Monster Lair (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wboy3ac | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Hack, Arcade Colors) | md_wboy3 | 2020 | Sega -fabio | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wboy3s | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Hack, Spanish v2.1) | md_wboy3 | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| wb31d | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0084 set) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| wb31 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0084) | wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16A | |
| wb32d | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0085 set) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wb32 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0085) | wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| wb33d | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0089 set) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wb33 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0089) | wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| wb34d | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0087 set) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wb34 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B) (FD1094 317-0087) | wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| wb35d | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 5, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1089A 317-0086 set) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| wb35 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 5, Japan, System 16A) (FD1089A 317-0086) | wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16A | |
| wb3 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B) (8751 317-0098) | | 1988 | Sega / Westone | System 16B | |
| gg_wboydtrpp | | Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (Euro, Prototype) | gg_wboydtrp | 1992 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_wboy3 | | Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboy3fm | | Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (Hack, FM Mod) | sms_wboy3 | 1999 | Sega - Bock | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| sms_wboy3c | | Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_wboy3 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboymlnd | | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Euro, USA) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboymlnda | | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Euro, USA, Hacked?) | sms_wboymlnd | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboymlndp | | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Prototype) | sms_wboymlnd | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboymwld | | Wonder Boy in Monster World (Euro, Korea) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wboymwldp | | Wonder Boy in Monster World (Euro, Prototype) | sms_wboymwld | 1993 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| md_wboymw | | Wonder Boy in Monster World (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wboymwi | | Wonder Boy in Monster World (Hack, Italian v1.03) | md_wboymw | 2022 | Shion 'Michele Di Somma' | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_wboymwldc | | Wonder Boy in Monster World (Hack, Spanish v1.0) | sms_wboymwld | 2018 | Wave | Sega Master System | |
| md_wboy5 | | Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (Japan, Korea) | md_wboymw | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| wondl96 | | Wonder League '96 (Korea) | | 1996 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| wlstar | | Wonder League Star - Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) | | 1995 | Mijin | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wondlib | NW | Wonder Library (Japan) | | 199? | Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_wonderm | | Wonder Momo (Japan) | | 1989 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| wndrmomo | | Wonder Momo | | 1987 | Namco | System 86 | |
| wndrplnt | | Wonder Planet (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| wondstck | | Wonder Stick (set 1) | | ???? | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| wondstcka | | Wonder Stick (set 2, censored) | wondstck | ???? | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wonderlanddizzy | | Wonderland Dizzy (HB) | | 2015 | Oliver Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| prehislek | | Wonsido 1930's (Korea) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK (Victor license) | Prehistoric Isle (SNK) | |
| sms_wonsiin | | Wonsiin (Korea) | | 1991 | Zemina | Sega Master System | |
| woodpeck | | Woodpecker (set 1) | | 1981 | Amenip (Palcom Queen River) | Pac-man | |
| woodpeca | | Woodpecker (set 2) | woodpeck | 1981 | Amenip | Pac-man | |
| msx_woodsrat | | Woods Rat (HB, v1.4) | | 2023 | Gamecast Entertainment | MSX | |
| nes_woodypoko | | Woody Poko (Japan) | | 1987 | dB-SOFT | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_woodypop1 | | Woody Pop (Euro, USA) | gg_woodypop | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_woodypop | | Woody Pop (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_woodypop | | Woody Pop - Shinjinrui no Block Kuzushi (Japan, MyCard) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| msx_worden | | Word (English) (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | Patrik's Retro Tech | MSX | |
| msx_wordes | | Word (Spanish) (HB, v1.1) | msx_worden | 2022 | Patrik's Retro Tech | MSX | |
| cv_wordfeud | | Word Feud | | 1984 | K-Tel | ColecoVision | |
| nes_wordle | | Wordle (HB, v1.1) | | 2022 | FG Software | Miscellaneous | |
| worldadv | | World Adventure | | 1999 | Logic / F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_wbeach | | World Beach Volley (Japan) | | 1990 | IGS | PC Engine | |
| wbeachvl | | World Beach Volley (set 1, PIC16C57 audio CPU) | | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| wbeachvla | X NW | World Beach Volley (set 1, S87C751 audio CPU) | wbeachvl | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | No sound, use parent! |
| wbeachvl2 | | World Beach Volley (set 2) | wbeachvl | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| wbeachvl3 | | World Beach Volley (set 3) | wbeachvl | 1995 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_worldchamp | | World Champ (USA) | | 1991 | Romstar | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wcsb | | World Championship Soccer (USA) ~ World Cup Soccer (Jpn) | md_wcup90 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs | | World Championship Soccer (USA, Rev. B) ~ World Cup Soccer (Japan, Rev. B) | md_wcup90 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcsa | | World Championship Soccer (USA, v1.2) ~ World Cup Soccer (Japan, v1.2) | md_wcup90 | 1989 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2 | | World Championship Soccer II (Euro) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p18 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype G, 19940222) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p16 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype J, 19940228) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p15 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype N, 19940303) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p14 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype O, 19940303) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p13 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype P, 19940304) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p11 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype R, 19940309) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p10 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype U, 19940314) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p09 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype Y, 19940318) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p17 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940223) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p12 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940309) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p08 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940323) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p07 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940324) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p06 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940325) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p05 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940326) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p04 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940327) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p02 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940329) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p03 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940329-B) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2p01 | | World Championship Soccer II (Prototype, 19940330) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2u | | World Championship Soccer II (USA) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcs2up | | World Championship Soccer II (USA, Prototype) | md_wcs2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| pce_wcircuit | | World Circuit (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| tg_wcbasebl | | World Class Baseball (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| wcbowl10 | | World Class Bowling (v1.0) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl11 | | World Class Bowling (v1.1) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl12 | | World Class Bowling (v1.2) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl13 | | World Class Bowling (v1.3) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl13j | | World Class Bowling (v1.3J, Japan) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl14 | | World Class Bowling (v1.4) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl15 | | World Class Bowling (v1.5) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl16 | | World Class Bowling (v1.6) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl161 | | World Class Bowling (v1.61) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl165 | | World Class Bowling (v1.65) | wcbowl | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl | | World Class Bowling (v1.66) | | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowldx | | World Class Bowling Deluxe (v2.00) | wcbowl | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl130 | | World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) | wcbowl | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| wcbowl140 | | World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.40) | wcbowl | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_wclead | | World Class Leader Board (Euro, Brazil) | | 1991 | U.S. Gold | Sega Master System | |
| gg_wclead | | World Class Leader Board (Euro, USA) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_wclead | | World Class Leaderboard Golf (Euro) | | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wcleadu | | World Class Leaderboard Golf (USA) | md_wclead | 1992 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| tg_wctennis | | World Court Tennis (USA) | | 1989 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| twcup90bb | | World Cup '90 (European hack, different title) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90b4 | | World Cup '90 (hack, alt) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wcup90 | | World Cup Italia '90 (Euro) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_wcup90 | | World Cup Italia '90 (Euro, Brazil) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wcup90d | | World Cup Italia '90 (USA, Demo) | sms_wcup90 | 1990 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wcup94 | | World Cup USA 94 (Euro, Brazil) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| gg_wcup94 | | World Cup USA 94 (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_wcup94 | | World Cup USA 94 (Euro, USA, Korea) | | 1994 | U.S. Gold | Sega Megadrive | |
| wcvol95 | | World Cup Volley '95 (Asia v1.0) | | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| wcvol95j | | World Cup Volley '95 (Japan v1.0) | wcvol95 | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| wcvol95x | | World Cup Volley '95 Extra Version (Asia v2.0B) | wcvol95 | 1995 | Data East Corporation | DECO 156 | |
| gg_wderby | | World Derby (Japan) | | 1994 | CRI | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_worldgames | | World Games (128K) | | 1987 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_wldgames | | World Games (Euro, Brazil) | | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_wldgamesp | | World Games (Euro, Prototype) | sms_wldgames | 1989 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_worldgp | | World Grand Prix (Euro) | | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_worldgpu | | World Grand Prix (USA, Brazil, Korea) | sms_worldgp | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_worldgpp | | World Grand Prix (USA, Prototype) | sms_worldgp | 1986 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| wh1h | | World Heroes (ALH-005) | wh1 | 1992 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wh1 | | World Heroes (ALM-005) | | 1992 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_whs | | World Heroes (Hack, Spanish) | md_wh | 2020 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whj | | World Heroes (Japan) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whjp5 | | World Heroes (Japan, Prototype, 19940330) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whjp4 | | World Heroes (Japan, Prototype, 19940408) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whjp3 | | World Heroes (Japan, Prototype, 19940415) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whjp1 | NW | World Heroes (Japan, Prototype, 19940420, broken - C05 missing) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whjp2 | | World Heroes (Japan, Prototype, 19940420-B) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| wh1ha | | World Heroes (set 3) | wh1 | 1992 | Alpha Denshi Co. | Neo Geo MVS | |
| md_wh | | World Heroes (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp13 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940223) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp12 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940303) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp11 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940307) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp10 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940309) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp09 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940315) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp08 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940316) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp07 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940318) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp06 | NW | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940322, broken - C07 missing) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp05 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940323) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp04 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940324) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp03 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940330) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp01 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940331) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_whp02 | | World Heroes (USA, Prototype, 19940331-B) | md_wh | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| wh2h | | World Heroes 2 (ALH-006) | wh2 | 1993 | ADK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wh2 | | World Heroes 2 (ALM-006 ~ ALH-006) | | 1993 | ADK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wh2j | | World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007 ~ ADH-007) | | 1994 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| wh2ja | | World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007) | wh2j | 1994 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| whpjq | | World Heroes Perfect (Enhanced, Hack) | whp | 2023 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| whp | | World Heroes Perfect | | 1995 | ADK / SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_wjockey | | World Jockey (Japan) | | 1991 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| md_worldillj | | World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan) | md_worldill | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldilljp1 | | World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan, Prototype A) | md_worldill | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldilljp2 | | World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan, Prototype B) | md_worldill | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldill | | World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (Euro) | | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldills | | World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (Hack, Spanish v2.0) | md_worldill | 2022 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldillu | | World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (USA, Korea) | md_worldill | 1992 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_worldwarc | | World of Warcraft - Demon Hunter (China) (Unl) | nes_worldwar | 2008 | ShenZhen Nanjing Technology | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_worldwar | | World of Warcraft - Demon Hunter (Hack, English) | | 2020 | pacnsacdave | Miscellaneous | |
| wpksocv2 | | World PK Soccer V2 (ver 1.1) | | 1996 | Jaleco | MegaSystem 32 | |
| wpksoc | D NW | World PK Soccer | | 1995 | Jaleco | Irem M107 | |
| wrallyat | | World Rally (US, 930217) | wrally | 1993 | Gaelco (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wrally | | World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 0E56) | | 1993 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| wrallya | | World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 3873) | wrally | 1993 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| wrallyb | | World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 8AA2) | wrally | 1993 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| wrallyc | | World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum E586) | wrally | 1993 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| wrally2a | | World Rally 2: Twin Racing (EPROM version) | wrally2 | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| wrally2 | | World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) | | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wsb95 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p23 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19941208) | md_wsb95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p22 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19941214) | md_wsb95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p21 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19941228-SB) | md_wsb95 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p20 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950101-TST) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p19 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950103-TST) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p18 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950105) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p17 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950109-TST) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p16 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950110) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p15 | NW | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950114-RM) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p14 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950116) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p13 | NW | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950118-RM) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p12 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950120) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p11 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950125) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p10 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950130) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p09 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950202) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p08 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950203) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p07 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950207) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p05 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950209) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p06 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950209-B) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p04 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950211) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p03 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950212) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p02 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950213) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb95p01 | | World Series Baseball '95 (USA, Prototype, 19950214) | md_wsb95 | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb96 | | World Series Baseball '96 (USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb98 | | World Series Baseball '98 (USA) | | 1997 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsb | | World Series Baseball (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp10 | NW | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19931001) | md_wsb | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp09 | NW | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19931222) | md_wsb | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp08 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19931226) | md_wsb | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp07 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19931229) | md_wsb | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp06 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940103) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp05 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940106) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp04 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940116) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp03 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940218) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp02 | NW | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940304) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wsbp01 | | World Series Baseball (USA, Prototype, 19940527) | md_wsb | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_wsbasket | | World Series Basketball (48K) | | 1985 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_worldsoc | | World Soccer (Euro, Japan, Korea) ~ Great Soccer (USA) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| tg_wscomp | | World Sports Competition (USA) | | 1992 | TTI | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| md_worldtss | | World Trophy Soccer (Hack, Spanish) | md_euroclub | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_worldts | | World Trophy Soccer (USA) | md_euroclub | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_wwsp1 | | World War Simulator - Part 1, The (48K) (HB) | | 2012 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_wwsp2 | | World War Simulator - Part 2, The (48K) (HB) | | 2018 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| worldwar | | World Wars (World?) | | 1987 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| twcup90b2 | | Worldcup '90 (hack) | twcup90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_worms | | Worms (Euro) | | 1995 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wormsp | | Worms (Euro, Prototype) | md_worms | 1995 | Ocean | Sega Megadrive | |
| wownfant | | WOW New Fantasia | | 2002 | Comad | EXPRO-02 | |
| msx_wrangler | | Wrangler (Euro, Spanish) | | 1985 | Sony Spain | MSX | |
| nes_wrathblaman | | Wrath of the Black Manta (USA) (Rev A) | | 1990 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| chf_wrdlf | | Wrdl-F (HB) | | 2022 | Arlasoft | Channel F | |
| msx_wreck | | Wreck, The (Euro) | | 1984 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| fds_wreckingcrew | | Wrecking Crew (Japan) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wreckingcrew | | Wrecking Crew (World) | | 1985 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_wreckingcrewhd | | Wrecking Crew HD (Hack) | nes_wreckingcrew | 2021 | Scremer | Miscellaneous | |
| md_wrestwar | | Wrestle War (Euro, Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wrestwarp | | Wrestle War (Japan, Prototype) | md_wrestwar | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| wrestwar1d | | Wrestle War (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0090 set) | wrestwar | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wrestwar1 | | Wrestle War (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0090) | wrestwar | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| wrestwar2d | | Wrestle War (set 2, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0102 set) | wrestwar | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wrestwar2 | | Wrestle War (set 2, World) (FD1094 317-0102) | wrestwar | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| wrestwar | | Wrestle War (set 3, World) (8751 317-0103) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| md_wrstball | | Wrestleball (Japan) | md_powerbal | 1991 | Namcot | Sega Megadrive | |
| ngp_wrestmad | | Wrestling Madness (Euro, USA, Prototype) | | 2000 | SNK | NeoGeo Pocket Color | |
| spec_wrestlingsuperstars | | Wrestling Superstars (128K) | | 1992 | Codemasters | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_wukong | | Wu Kong Wai Zhuan (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_wudang | | Wudang (48K) (HB) | | 2020 | World XXI Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_wurm | | Wurm - Journey to the Center of the Earth! (USA) | | 1991 | Asmik | Miscellaneous | |
| neoww2 | | WW2 (Demo) - Arcade Development Project | | 2012 | Charles DOTY/RasterSoft (USA) | Neo Geo | |
| gg_wwfraw | | WWF Raw (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_wwfraw | | WWF Raw (World) | | 1994 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wwfroyal | | WWF Royal Rumble (World) | | 1994 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wwfroyalimp | | WWF Royal Rumble Enhanced Colors + SFX (Hack, v1.05) | md_wwfroyal | 2023 | Byros | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wwfsup | | WWF Super WrestleMania (Euro, USA) | | 1992 | Flying Edge | Sega Megadrive | |
| wwfsstarb | | WWF Superstars (bootleg) | wwfsstar | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstarc | | WWF Superstars (Canada) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstar | | WWF Superstars (Europe) | | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstarj | | WWF Superstars (Japan) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstaru4 | | WWF Superstars (US revision 4) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstaru6 | | WWF Superstars (US revision 6) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstaru7 | | WWF Superstars (US revision 7) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestj | | WWF WrestleFest (Japan) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan (Tecmo license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestk | | WWF WrestleFest (Korea) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan (Tecmo license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestub | | WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) | wwfwfest | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestu1 | | WWF WrestleFest (US) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestu | | WWF WrestleFest (US, rev 2) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfest | | WWF WrestleFest (World) | | 1991 | Technos Japan (Tecmo license) | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_wwfwresmania | | WWF WrestleMania (128K) | | 1991 | Ocean | ZX Spectrum | |
| sms_wwfsteel | | WWF Wrestlemania - Steel Cage Challenge (Euro, Brazil) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Master System | |
| md_wwfag | | WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_wwfagp | | WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA, Prototype) | md_wwfag | 1995 | Acclaim Entertainment | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_wwfsteel | | WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (Euro, SMS Mode) | | 1993 | Flying Edge | Sega Game Gear | |
| wwfmanac | | WWF: Wrestlemania (Acid Clown Edition 2020.12.02 SP2) | wwfmania | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| wwfmaniap | | WWF: Wrestlemania (proto 2.01 06/07/95) | wwfmania | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| wwfmaniac | | WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.1 07/11/95) | wwfmania | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| wwfmaniab | | WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.20 08/02/95) | wwfmania | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| wwfmania | | WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30 08/10/95) | | 1995 | Midway | MIDWAY Wolf-Unit | |
| spec_wycheweald | | Wycheweald (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Red Zebra | ZX Spectrum | |
| wyvernf0 | | Wyvern F-0 (Rev 1) | | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| wyvernf0a | | Wyvern F-0 | wyvernf0 | 1985 | Taito Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| wyvernwg | | Wyvern Wings (set 1) | wivernwg | 2001 | SemiCom (Game Vision license) | Miscellaneous | |
| wyvernwga | | Wyvern Wings (set 2) | wivernwg | 2001 | SemiCom (Game Vision license) | Miscellaneous | |
| xmultiplm72 | | X Multiply (Japan, M72 hardware) | xmultipl | 1989 | Irem | Irem M72 | |
| xmultipl | | X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) | | 1989 | Irem | Irem M81 | |
| xsedae | | X Se Dae Quiz (Korea) | | 1995 | Dream Island | Miscellaneous | |
| xday2 | | X-Day 2 (Japan) | | 1995 | Namco | NA-1 / NA-2 | |
| xmen2pa | | X-Men (2 Players ver AAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen2pe | | X-Men (2 Players ver EAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen2pj | | X-Men (2 Players ver JAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen2pu | | X-Men (2 Players ver UAB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenaa | | X-Men (4 Players ver ADA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmena | | X-Men (4 Players ver AEA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen | | X-Men (4 Players ver EBA) | | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenj | | X-Men (4 Players ver JBA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenja | | X-Men (4 Players ver JEA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenu | | X-Men (4 Players ver UBB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenua | | X-Men (4 Players ver UEB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen6p | | X-Men (6 Players ver ECB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | After leaving service mode, a reset is necessary |
| xmen6pu | | X-Men (6 Players ver UCB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | After leaving service mode, a reset is necessary |
| md_xmen | | X-Men (Euro) | | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_xmen | | X-Men (USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_xmenu | | X-Men (USA) | md_xmen | 1993 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| xmcotajr | | X-Men - children of the atom (941208 Japan, rent version) | xmcota | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaar2 | | X-Men - children of the atom (941217 Asia) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaj3 | | X-Men - children of the atom (941217 Japan) | xmcota | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaar1 | | X-Men - children of the atom (941219 Asia) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaj2 | | X-Men - children of the atom (941219 Japan) | xmcota | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaj1 | | X-Men - children of the atom (941222 Japan) | xmcota | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaa | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 Asia) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotar1d | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 Euro Phoenix Edition) | xmcota | 1995 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| xmcotar1 | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 Euro) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotahr1 | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 Hispanic) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotaj | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 Japan) | xmcota | 1994 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotau | | X-Men - children of the atom (950105 USA) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotab | | X-Men - children of the atom (950331 Brazil) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcota | | X-Men - children of the atom (950331 Euro) | | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmcotah | | X-Men - children of the atom (950331 Hispanic) | xmcota | 1995 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| gg_xmengl | | X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenglp2 | | X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (Prototype 36, 19940831) | gg_xmengl | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenglp1 | | X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (Prototype 51, 19940906) | gg_xmengl | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenglp3 | | X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (Prototype, 19940810) | gg_xmengl | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| sms_xmenmojo | | X-Men - Mojo World (Brazil) | | 1996 | Tec Toy | Sega Master System | |
| gg_xmenmojo | | X-Men - Mojo World (Euro, USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop7 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960605) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop6 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960613) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop5 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960624) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop4 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960625) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop3 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960627) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop2 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960628) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| gg_xmenmojop1 | | X-Men - Mojo World (Prototype, 19960629) | gg_xmenmojo | 1996 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_xmen2 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Euro, USA) | | 1995 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2s | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Hack, Spanish) | md_xmen2 | 2017 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p19 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19940506) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p18 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19940510) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p17 | NW | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941018) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p16 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941117) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p15 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941123) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p14 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941128) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p13 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941130) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p12 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941202) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p11 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941203) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p10 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941206) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p09 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941207) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p08 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941208) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p07 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941209) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p06 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941210) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p04 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941211) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p05 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941211-A) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p03 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941214) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p02 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941215) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xmen2p01 | | X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Prototype, 19941216) | md_xmen2 | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| xmvsfjr3 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960909 Japan) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfar3 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Asia) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfr1 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Euro) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfjr2 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Japan) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfur2 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 USA) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfar2 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (960919 Asia) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfar1 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Asia) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsf | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Euro) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfh | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Hispanic) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfjr1 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Japan) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfu1d | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA Phoenix Edition) | xmvsf | 1996 | bootleg | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfur1 | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfa | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Asia) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfb | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Brazil) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfj | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Japan) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfu | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 USA) | xmvsf | 1996 | Capcom | CPS2 | |
| xmvsfcph | | X-Men vs Street Fighter (Hack, 961004 Coop) | xmvsf | 2022 | Bank Bank | CPS2 | |
| md_xpertsp | | X-perts (Prototype) | md_xperts | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xperts | | X-perts (USA) | | 1996 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| x2222o | | X2222 (5-level prototype) | x2222 | 2000 | Oriental Soft / Promat | Miscellaneous | Prototype - No Sound, Incomplete game |
| x2222 | | X2222 (final debug?) | | 2000 | Oriental Soft / Promat | Miscellaneous | Prototype - No Sound, Incomplete game |
| spec_xyz | | X=Y=Z (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Bob Smith | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_xadom | | Xadom (48K) | | 1983 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| xsleenaba | | Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, bugfixed) | xsleena | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| xsleenab | | Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, set 1) | xsleena | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| xsleenabb | | Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, set 2) | xsleena | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| xsleenaj | | Xain'd Sleena (Japan) | xsleena | 1986 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| xsleena | | Xain'd Sleena (World) | | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_xanadu | | Xanadu - Dragon Slayer II (Japan) | | 1987 | Nihon Falcom | MSX | |
| spec_xavior | | Xavior (48K) | | 1984 | PSS | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_xdrs | | XDR - X Dazedly Ray (Hack, Spanish) | md_xdr | 2019 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xdr | | XDR - X Dazedly Ray (Japan) | | 1990 | Unipacc | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_xecutor | | Xecutor (48K) | spec_xecutorremix | 1987 | ACE Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_xecutorremix | | Xecutor - Remix (128K) | | 1987 | ACE Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_xeldringdev | | Xelden Ring (HB, MSXdev version) | | 2023 | Brain Games | MSX | W/A/S/D: rotate camera - C/X: use main/alt weapon - Z: inventory on/off |
| spec_xeno | | Xeno (48K) | | 1986 | A'n'F Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_xenocrisis | | Xeno Crisis (HB, World) | | 2019 | Bitmap Bureau | Sega Megadrive | Multi-Language |
| xenocrisis | | Xeno Crisis (NGM-BB01 ~ NGH-BB01) | | 2019 | Bitmap Bureau | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_xeno2 | | Xeno II (16K) | | 1983 | Anirog | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_xenoblast128 | | Xenoblast (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Tony Kingsmill | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_xenoblast48 | | Xenoblast (48K) (HB) | spec_xenoblast128 | 2021 | Tony Kingsmill | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_xenon | | Xenon (128K) | | 1989 | Melbourne House | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_xenon | | Xenon (Euro, Spanish) | | 1988 | Dro Soft | MSX | |
| md_xenon2 | | Xenon 2 - Megablast (Euro) | | 1992 | Virgin Games | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xenon2ac | | Xenon 2 - Megablast (Hack, Amiga Colors) | md_xenon2 | 2016 | fusaru | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xenon2s | | Xenon 2 - Megablast (Hack, Spanish) | md_xenon2 | 2020 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_xenon2 | | Xenon 2 - Megablast (Image Works) (Euro) | | 1991 | Image Works | Sega Master System | |
| sms_xenon2v | | Xenon 2 - Megablast (Virgin) (Euro) | sms_xenon2 | 1991 | Virgin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| spec_xenophobe | | Xenophobe (128K) | | 1989 | Micro Style | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_xenophobe | | Xenophobe (USA) | | 1988 | Sunsoft | Miscellaneous | |
| xenophob | | Xenophobe | | 1987 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_xevious | | Xevious (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| xeviousb | | Xevious (Atari) | xevious | 1982 | Namco (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| xeviousa | | Xevious (Atari, harder) | xevious | 1982 | Namco (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| xeviousc | | Xevious (Atari, Namco PCB) | xevious | 1982 | Namco (Atari license) | Miscellaneous | |
| xevious | | Xevious (Namco) | | 1982 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| xeviousng | | Xevious (Neo-Geo Conversion) | | 1982-2023 | Namco | Neo Geo MVS | |
| pce_xevious | | Xevious - Fardraut Densetsu (Japan) | | 1990 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| nes_xevious | | Xevious - The Avenger (USA) | | 1988 | Bandai | Miscellaneous | |
| xexexa | | Xexex (ver AAA) | xexex | 1991 | Konami | GX067 | |
| xexex | | Xexex (ver EAA) | | 1991 | Konami | GX067 | |
| xexexj | | Xexex (ver JAA) | xexex | 1991 | Konami | GX067 | |
| nes_xexyz | | Xexyz (USA) | | 1990 | Hudson Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| oldsplusnr | | Xi You Shi E Zhuan - Xin Qun Mo Luan Wu (Hack) | oldsplus | 2020-2024 | hack | PolyGameMaster | Switchable v208 / v211 |
| nes_xiaohonmao | | Xiao Hong Mao - Little Red Hood (China) (Unl) | | 1989 | Joy Van | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_xiaomali | NW | Xiao Ma Li (Unl) | | 1989-90 | Nei-Hu Electronics | Miscellaneous | |
| md_xiaomo | | Xiao Monv - Magic Girl (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 1993 | Gamtec | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xiaomei | | Xiaomei and the Flame Dragon's Fist (HB, Japan) | | 2023 | Pixel Co. | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xinqig | | Xin Qi Gai Wang Zi (China) (Unl) | | 1996 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xinqig1 | | Xin Qi Gai Wang Zi (China, Alt) (Unl) | md_xinqig | 1996 | C&E | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_xor2021 | | XOR 2021 (HB) | | 2021 | Timmy | MSX | |
| xorworld | | Xor World (prototype) | | 1990 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_xracing | | Xracing (HB, v1.0.4) | | 2019 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| msx_xspelunk | | XSpelunker (HB) | | 2017 | Brain Games | MSX | |
| md_xump2 | | Xump 2 (HB, rev2017) | md_xump2rv | 2017 | Retroguru | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_xump2rv | | Xump 2 - Back to Space (HB, Retail Version) | | 2020 | Retroguru | Sega Megadrive | |
| sg1k_cloderunt | | Xun Bao Er Dai (Taiwan) | sg1k_cloderun | 1985? | Unknown | Sega SG-1000 | |
| xxmissio | | XX Mission | | 1986 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_xybots | | Xybots (Euro) | | 1989 | Domark | MSX | |
| xybotsf | | Xybots (French, rev 3) | xybots | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| xybotsg | | Xybots (German, rev 3) | xybots | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| xybots0 | | Xybots (rev 0) | xybots | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| xybots1 | | Xybots (rev 1) | xybots | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| xybots | | Xybots (rev 2) | | 1987 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_xybots | | Xybots (USA) (Prototype) | | 1990 | Tengen | Miscellaneous | |
| xyonix | | Xyonix | | 1989 | Philko | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_xyzolog | | Xyzolog (Japan) | | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| msx_xyzologa | | Xyzolog (Japan, Alt) | msx_xyzolog | 1984 | Taito | MSX | |
| sms_xyzolog | | Xyzolog (Korea) | | 19?? | Taito? | Sega Master System | |
| cv_xyzolog | | Xyzolog (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2019 | Opcode Games - Taito Corp. | ColecoVision | SGM - Super Game Module |
| md_yasech | | Ya Se Chuan Shuo (China) (Unl) | | 1995 | Ming Super Chip | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_yabbadoo | | Yabba Dabba Doo! - Flintstones (48K) | | 1985 | Quicksilva | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_yakitori | | Yakitori Meijin Torigin (HB) | | 2022 | Habit Soft | Sega Game Gear | |
| spec_yaks | | YAKS - Yet Another Krappy Shooter (16K) (HB) | | 2022 | Krappygamez | ZX Spectrum | |
| leaguemn | | Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 1) | nbbatman | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| leaguemna | | Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) | nbbatman | 1993 | Irem | Irem M92 | |
| msx_yakyukyo | | Yakyuu Kyo - Baseball Craze (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| sg1k_yamato | | Yamato (Euro, Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_yamatoa | | Yamato (Euro, Japan, Alt) | sg1k_yamato | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_yamatot | | Yamato (Taiwan) | sg1k_yamato | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| yamato | | Yamato (US) | | 1983 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| yamato2 | | Yamato (World?) | yamato | 1983 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_hades | | Yami no Ryuuou Hades no Monshou (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_hadesa | | Yami no Ryuuou Hades no Monshou (Japan, Alt) | msx_hades | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| md_yangji | | Yang Jia Jiang - Yang Warrior Family (China) (Unl) | | 1990 | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_yangaplus | | Yanga Plus (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | Serdjuk | ZX Spectrum | |
| yankeedo | | Yankee DO! | mrdo | 1982 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_yarsrevenge | | Yar's Revenge (HB) | | 2018 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | |
| spec_yarsrevenge | | Yars Revenge ZX (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Monument Microgames | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yazzie | | Yazzie (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | RetroSouls | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_yazzie | | Yazzie (HB) | | 2020 | RetroSouls | Sega Megadrive | |
| msx_yazzie | | Yazzie (HB) | msx_yazzier | 2019 | RetroSouls | MSX | |
| msx_yazzier | | Yazzie Remastered (HB) | | 2020 | RetroSouls | MSX | |
| nes_yybeebissii | | Yeah Yeah Beebiss II (HB) | | 2022 | Rigg'd Games | Miscellaneous | |
| yellowcbb | | Yellow Cab (bootleg) | kamikcab | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| yellowcbj | | Yellow Cab (Japan) | kamikcab | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_yellowsb | | Yellow Submarine (Japan) | | 1987 | Brother Kougyou | MSX | |
| spec_yenght | | Yenght - La Fuente de la Juventud (Spanish) (48K) | | 1984 | Dinamic Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| yesnoj | | Yes/No Sinri Tokimeki Chart | | 1992 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| spec_yeti | | Yeti (48K) | | 1988 | Destiny | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yewdow | | Yewdow (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | ZX Spectrum | AY Sound supported |
| cv_yewdow | | Yewdow (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | ColecoVision | |
| msx_yewdow | | Yewdow (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | MSX | |
| sg1k_yewdow | | Yewdow (HB) | | 2023 | Inufuto | Sega SG-1000 | |
| kovytzywscw | | Yi Tong Zhong Yuan - Warriors | kovshp | 2021 | hack | PolyGameMaster | Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| spec_yiarkufu | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (128K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yiarkufu_48 | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (48K) | spec_yiarkufu | 1985 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| yieartf | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (bootleg GX361 conversion) | yiear | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| md_yiearkf | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (HB) (Unl) | | 2007 | Evgeny and Shiru | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_yiearkungfu | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) (Rev 1.4) | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_yiear | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_yieara | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan, Alt) | msx_yiear | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_yieark | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Korea) | msx_yiear | 198? | Clover | MSX | |
| yiear2 | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (program code G) | yiear | 1985 | Konami | GX407 | |
| yiear | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (program code I) | | 1985 | Konami | GX407 | |
| sg1k_yiear | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Taiwan) | | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| nes_yiearkungfuc | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (V1.4) (Hack, Spanish) | nes_yiearkungfu | 2019 | Wave | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_yiarkuf2 | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II (48K) | | 1986 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_yiear2 | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah (Japan) | | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_yiear2b | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_yiear2 | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| msx_yiear2a | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah (Japan, Alt) | msx_yiear2 | 1985 | Konami | MSX | |
| sg1k_dacike | | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II, Da Cike (Taiwan) | | 1986? | DahJee | Sega SG-1000 | |
| cv_yiear | | Yie-Ar Kung Fu (HB) | | 1985-2005 | Opcode Games - Konami | ColecoVision | |
| ym2608 | | YM2608 Internal ROM | | 1989 | Yamaha | YM2608 Internal ROM | Internal ROM only |
| nes_yonoid | | Yo! Noid (USA) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tg_yobro | | Yo, Bro (USA) | | 1991 | NEC | TurboGrafx 16 | |
| spec_yogibear | | Yogi Bear (48K) | | 1987 | Piranha | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yogigreedmonster | | Yogi Bear and Friends - The Greed Monster (128K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| gg_yogibear | | Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush (Prototype) | | 1994 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_yogibear | | Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers (Euro) | | 1994 | Empire Interactive | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_yogigreatescape | | Yogi's Great Escape (48K) | | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yokaimonk | | Yokai Monk (128K) (HB, v1.8) | | 2022 | Poe Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_yolk | | Yolks on You, The (Prototype) | | 1983 | Fox Video Games | ColecoVision | |
| sg1k_homemjt | | Yon-nin Mahjong (Taiwan) | sg1k_homemj | 1984? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| spec_yopparaien | | Yopparai Sarariiman (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yopparaijp | | Yopparai Sarariiman (Japanese) (48K) (HB) | spec_yopparaien | 2021 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yopparaies | | Yopparai Sarariiman (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_yopparaien | 2021 | Furillo Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| yorijori | D NW | Yori Jori Kuk Kuk | | 2002 | Golden Bell Entertainment | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_yoshi | | Yoshi (USA) | | 1992 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ysonic2 | | Yoshi in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Hack, Beta) | md_sonic2 | 2017 | Xenowhirl | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_yoshiscookie | | Yoshi's Cookie (USA) | | 1993 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| youjyudn | | Youjyuden (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| nes_youkaiclub | | Youkai Club (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_youkaidouchuuki | | Youkai Douchuuki (Japan) | | 1988 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_youkaid | | Youkai Douchuuki (Japan) | | 1988 | Namcot | PC Engine | |
| youkaidk2 | | Youkai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (YD2, Rev B)) | shadowld | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| youkaidk1 | | Youkai Douchuuki (Japan, old version (YD1)) | shadowld | 1987 | Namco | System 1 | |
| nes_youkaikurabu | | Youkai Kurabu (Japan) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_chima | | Youkai Tantei Chima Chima (Japan) | | 1985 | Bothtec | MSX | |
| fds_youkaiyashiki | | Youkai Yashiki (Hack, English) | | 2008 | KingMike's Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_youkaiyashikij | | Youkai Yashiki (Japan) | fds_youkaiyashiki | 1987 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_youkaiya | | Youkai Yashiki - Ghost House (Japan) | | 1986 | Casio | MSX | |
| msx_youkaiyarmd | | Youkai Yashiki - Ghost House Remastered (HB) | msx_youkaiya | 2021 | Yazioh & theNestruo | MSX | |
| youmab | D NW | Youma Ninpou Chou (Game Electronics bootleg, set 1) | ninjemak | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| youmab2 | D NW | Youma Ninpou Chou (Game Electronics bootleg, set 2) | ninjemak | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| youma | | Youma Ninpou Chou (Japan) | ninjemak | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| youma2 | | Youma Ninpou Chou (Japan, alt) | ninjemak | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_youngindjonchr | | Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The (USA) | | 1992 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| md_youngind | | Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The (USA, Prototype) | | 199? | <unknown> | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_yoyogreatadventure | | Yoyo's Great Adventure (128K) (HB) | | 2020 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_yoyorevenge | | YoYo's Revenge (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | J Bizzel | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_ys | | Ys (Hack, English) | | 2000 | David Mullen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ysc | | Ys (Hack, Spanish v1.1) | nes_ys | 2017 | Takkun57 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ysj | | Ys (Japan) | nes_ys | 1988 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_ysj | | Ys (Japan) | sms_ys | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ysd | | Ys (USA, Demo) | sms_ys | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ys | | Ys - The Vanished Omens (Euro, USA, Brazil) | | 1988 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_ysfm | | Ys - The Vanished Omens (Hack, FM Mod v1.2) | sms_ys | 2009 | Sega - SSTranslations | Sega Master System | YM2413 FM sound chip supported |
| md_ys3j | | Ys - Wanderers from Ys (Japan) | md_ys3 | 1991 | Nihon Falcom | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ysii | | Ys II - Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter (Hack, English) | | 2000 | David Mullen | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ysiic | | Ys II - Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter (Hack, Spanish) | nes_ysii | 2017 | Takkun57 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ysiij | | Ys II - Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter (Japan) | nes_ysii | 1990 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| md_ys3 | | Ys III (USA) | | 1991 | Renovation | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_ysiii | | Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (Hack, English) | | 2005 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_ysiiij | | Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (Japan) | nes_ysiii | 1991 | Victor | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_yuyu | | Yu Yu Hakusho - Horobishimono no Gyakushuu (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_yuyumte | | Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (Hack, English) | md_yuyusf | 2007 | Jon Najar | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_yuyumt | | Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (Japan) | md_yuyusf | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_yuyusf | | Yu Yu Hakusho - Sunset Fighters (Brazil) | | 1994 | Tec Toy | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_yuyusfs | | Yu Yu Hakusho - Sunset Fighters (Hack, Spanish) | md_yuyusf | 2020 | Max1323 | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_yuyu2 | | Yu Yu Hakusho 2 - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_yuyug | | Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| yukiwo | | Yukiwo (World, prototype) | masterw | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | Taito B System | Imperfect graphics |
| yukon1 | | Yukon (version 1.0) | yukon | 1989 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| yukon | | Yukon (version 2.0) | | 1989 | Exidy | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_yumepenmon | | Yume Penguin Monogatari (Hack, English) | | 2006 | Vice Translations | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_yumepenmonj | | Yume Penguin Monogatari (Japan) | nes_yumepenmon | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_yumikohm | | Yumiko in the haunted mansion (128K) (HB) | | 2012 | Fun Forge | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_yunr5 | | Yun R5 (HB) | | 2018 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_yuumaze | | Yuu Maze (Japan) | | 1988 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_yuuyuuhakfin | | Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan) | | 1996 | N.T | Miscellaneous | |
| pce_yuyu | | Yuu Yuu Jinsei - Victory Life (Japan) | | 1988 | Hudson Soft | PC Engine | |
| yuyugogo | | Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporation | Taito F2 | |
| msx_zmazingo | | Z - Mazin Go (HB) | | 2018 | Cobinee | MSX | |
| nes_zayuki | | Za! Yukigassen (HB, v1.02) | | 2021 | Takenoko Games | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zabijdk | | Zabij Ducha (Polish) (128K) (HB) | | 2017 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_zambeze | | Zambeze (HB) | | 2006 | Degora | MSX | |
| gg_zangear | | Zan Gear (Japan) | | 1990 | Wolf Team | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_zanyasha | | Zan Yasha Enbukyoku (Japan) | | 1991 | Wolf Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| fds_zanac | | Zanac (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_zanac | | Zanac (Japan) | | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_zanaca | | Zanac (Japan, Alt) | msx_zanac | 1986 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_zanac | | Zanac (SGM) (HB) | | 1986-2015 | Compile | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_zanac | | Zanac (USA) | | 1987 | FCI | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_zanac2 | | Zanac 2nd Version (Japan) | | 1987 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| msx_zanac2a | | Zanac 2nd Version (Japan, Alt) | msx_zanac2 | 1987 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| md_zanygolf1 | | Zany Golf (Euro, USA) | md_zanygolf | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zanygolf | | Zany Golf (Euro, USA, v1.1) | | 1990 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| zaryavos | D NW | Zarya Vostoka | | 1984 | Nova Games of Canada | Miscellaneous | undumped/missing roms |
| zarzon | | Zarzon | satansat | 1981 | SNK (Taito America license) | Miscellaneous | |
| zavigaj | | Zaviga (Japan) | zaviga | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| zaviga | | Zaviga | | 1984 | Data East Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zaxxon | | Zaxxon (48K) | | 1985 | U.S. Gold | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_zaxxon | | Zaxxon (Japan) | | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| sg1k_zaxxon | | Zaxxon (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| zaxxonj | | Zaxxon (Japan) | zaxxon | 1982 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| msx_zaxxona | | Zaxxon (Japan, Alt) | msx_zaxxon | 1985 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| zaxxon | | Zaxxon (set 1, rev D) | | 1982 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| zaxxon2 | | Zaxxon (set 2, unknown rev) | zaxxon | 1982 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| zaxxon3 | | Zaxxon (set 3, unknown rev) | zaxxon | 1982 | Sega | Zaxxon | |
| sg1k_zaxxont | | Zaxxon (Taiwan) | sg1k_zaxxon | 1985? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_zaxxones | | Zaxxon (USA) | | 1985 | Electric Software | MSX | |
| sms_zaxxon3d | | Zaxxon 3-D (World) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_zaxxon3dp | | Zaxxon 3-D (World, Prototype) | sms_zaxxon3d | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| cv_zaxxon2 | | Zaxxon II (HB) | | 1985-2021 | Mystery Man - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| cv_zaxxonsgm | | Zaxxon Super Game (SGM) (HB) | | 1984-2012 | Coleco | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| cv_zaxxon | | Zaxxon | | 1982 | Coleco | ColecoVision | |
| nes_zdey | | Zdey the Game (HB) | | 2020 | Art'Cade | Miscellaneous | |
| sms_zeloliv | | Ze Legende of Oliv (GlobalHack) | | 2019 | OscarB | Sega Master System | |
| zedblade | | Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok | | 1994 | NMK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_zedextanks | | Zedex Tanks (128K) (HB, v1.2) | | 2023 | Epsilon Gamers | ZX Spectrum | |
| zektor | | Zektor (revision B) | | 1982 | Sega | G80 Vector | |
| nes_zeldaiic | | Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (Rev 2) (Hack, Spanish) | nes_zeldaii | 2016 | jackic | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zeldaii | | Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA) | | 1988 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zeldaiiac | | Zelda II Amida's Curse (GlobalHack, v1.9) | nes_zeldaii | 2023 | Ok Impala! | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zeldaiird | | Zelda II Redux - The Adventure of Link (Hack, v3.0) | nes_zeldaii | 2022 | ShadowOne333 | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zeldakong | | Zelda Kong (GlobalHack) | nes_donkeykong | 2021 | Zero Meaning | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zeldanodenc | | Zelda no Densetsu - The Hyrule Fantasy (Hack, Chinese) | nes_legenzel | 2022 | NOKOH | Miscellaneous | FDS to NES Hack |
| fds_zeldanoden | | Zelda no Densetsu - The Hyrule Fantasy (Hack, English) | | 2016 | Jordiway73 | Miscellaneous | |
| fds_zeldanodenj | | Zelda no Densetsu - The Hyrule Fantasy (Japan) | fds_zeldanoden | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zen | | ZEN (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Einar Saukas | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_zenc | | Zen - Intergalactic Ninja (Hack, Chinese) | nes_zen | 2022 | Ni You De Wu Cai Yu | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zen | | Zen - Intergalactic Ninja (USA) | | 1993 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zenii | | ZEN II (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Einar Saukas | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zenji | | Zenji (48K) | | 1984 | Activision | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_zenji | | Zenji (Japan) | | 1984 | Pony Canyon | MSX | |
| cv_zenji | | Zenji | | 1984 | Activision | ColecoVision | |
| zero | NW | Zero (bootleg of Defender, set 1) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | 6809 System | |
| zero2 | NW | Zero (bootleg of Defender, set 2) | defender | 1980 | bootleg (Amtec) | 6809 System | |
| pce_zero4ca | | Zero 4 Champ (Japan) | pce_zero4c | 1991 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| pce_zero4c | | Zero 4 Champ (v1.5) (Japan) | | 1991 | Media Rings Corporation | PC Engine | |
| msx_zerocis | | ZERO and the Castle of Infinite Sadness (HB) | | 2014-16 | Dioniso | MSX | |
| msx_zerofighter | | Zero Fighter (Japan) | | 1984 | Hudson Soft | MSX | |
| zerohouri | | Zero Hour (bootleg) | zerohour | 1980 | bootleg (Inder SA) | Miscellaneous | |
| zerohour | | Zero Hour (set 1) | | 1980 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| zerohoura | | Zero Hour (set 2) | zerohour | 1980 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| zeropntj | | Zero Point (Japan) | zeropnt | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnt | | Zero Point (set 1) | | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnta | | Zero Point (set 2) | zeropnt | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnt2 | | Zero Point 2 | | 1999 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeroteama | | Zero Team (Japan?, earlier?, set 1) | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zeroteamb | | Zero Team (Japan?, later batteryless) | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zeroteamd | | Zero Team (Korea) | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Soft license) | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zeroteamc | | Zero Team (Taiwan) | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Liang Hwa license) | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zerotm2k | | Zero Team 2000 | zeroteam | 2000 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | |
| zeroteams | | Zero Team Selection | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zeroteamsr | | Zero Team Suicide Revival Kit | zeroteam | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu | Miscellaneous | No game code! Black screen normal! |
| zteam1v4 | | Zero Team USA (1v4, Hack) | zeroteam | 2018 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamym | | Zero Team USA (Devil, Hack) | zeroteam | 2023 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamzs | | Zero Team USA (God of War, Hack) | zeroteam | 2021 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamys | | Zero Team USA (God, Hack) | zeroteam | 2024 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteammm | | Zero Team USA (Incubus, Hack) | zeroteam | 2024 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamwxp | | Zero Team USA (Infinite Cannon, Hack) | zeroteam | 2022 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamem | | Zero Team USA (Nightmare, Hack) | zeroteam | 2018 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteampls | | Zero Team USA (Plus, Hack) | zeroteam | 2022 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamdr | | Zero Team USA (Providence, Hack) | zeroteam | 2024 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamwh | | Zero Team USA (Question Mark, Hack) | zeroteam | 2022 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zeroteam | | Zero Team USA (US) | | 1993 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| zteamdw | | Zero Team USA (Warriors, Hack) | zeroteam | 2018 | hack | Miscellaneous | Unemulated protection |
| md_zero | | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Euro) | | 1994 | SunSoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zeros | | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Hack, Spanish) | md_zero | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zerou | | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA) | md_zero | 1994 | SunSoft | Sega Megadrive | |
| zerotimed | | Zero Time (Datamat) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Datamat) | Galaxian | |
| zerotimemc | | Zero Time (Marti Colls) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg (Marti Colls) | Galaxian | |
| zerotime | | Zero Time (Petaco S.A.) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg? (Petaco S.A.) | Galaxian | |
| zerotimeu | | Zero Time (Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| md_zerotol | | Zero Tolerance (Euro, USA) | | 1994 | Accolade | Sega Megadrive | |
| zerowing1 | | Zero Wing (1P set) | zerowing | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| zerowing | | Zero Wing (2P set) | | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| zerowingw | | Zero Wing (2P set, Williams license) | zerowing | 1989 | Toaplan (Williams license) | Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based | |
| md_zerowing | | Zero Wing (Euro) | | 1991 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zerowingc | | Zero Wing (Hack, Chinese) | md_zerowing | 200? | Bear Team | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zerowings | | Zero Wing (Hack, Spanish) | md_zerowing | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zerowingj | | Zero Wing (Japan) | md_zerowing | 1991 | Toaplan | Sega Megadrive | |
| zerozone | | Zero Zone | | 1993 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| czeroize | | Zeroize (DECO Cassette) (US) | | 1983 | Data East Corporation | Cassette System | |
| sms_zexall | D | ZEXALL (HB) | | 2018 | <unknown> | Sega Master System | |
| msx_zexasltd | | Zexas Limited (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| msx_zexasltdb | | Zexas Limited (Japan, Alt 2) | msx_zexasltd | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| msx_zexasltda | | Zexas Limited (Japan, Alt) | msx_zexasltd | 1985 | dB-Soft | MSX | |
| md_zhanqichess | | Zhan Qi Chinese Battle Chess (Taiwan) (Unl) | | 199? | Creaton Softech | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_zhenbenxiyouji | | Zhen Ben Xi You Ji (Asia) (Unl) | | 1994 | Asder Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| drgw2100c | | Zhong Guo Long II (V100, China) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| drgw2101c | | Zhong Guo Long II (V101, China) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster | |
| md_zhuogu | | Zhuo Gui Da Shi - Ghost Hunter (China) (Unl) | | 1994 | Shenchi Technology | Sega Megadrive | |
| zigzagb | | Zig Zag (bootleg Dig Dug conversion on Galaxian hardware, set 1) | | 1982 | bootleg (LAX) | Galaxian | |
| zigzagb2 | | Zig Zag (bootleg Dig Dug conversion on Galaxian hardware, set 2) | zigzagb | 1982 | bootleg (LAX) | Galaxian | |
| sms_zillionb | | Zillion (Euro, v1.0) ~ Akai Koudan Zillion (Japan, v0) | sms_zillion | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_zillion | | Zillion (Euro, v1.2) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_zilliona | | Zillion (USA, v1.1) | sms_zillion | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| sms_zillion2 | | Zillion II - The Tri Formation (Euro, USA) ~ Tri Formation (Japan) | | 1987 | Sega | Sega Master System | |
| zingzip | | Zing Zing Zip (World) / Zhen Zhen Ji Pao (China?) | | 1992 | Allumer / Tecmo | Seta | |
| zintrckb | | Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (bootleg of CD version) | | 1996 | bootleg | Neo Geo MVS | |
| zintrkcd | | Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (Neo CD conversion) | zintrckb | 1996 | hack | Neo Geo MVS | |
| spec_zquestg | | Ziona Quest - Game (128K) (HB) | spec_zquestt | 2023 | Iamai | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zquestt | | Ziona Quest - Training (128K) (HB) | | 2023 | Iamai | ZX Spectrum | |
| zipzap | | Zip & Zap (Explicit) | | 1995 | Barko Corp | EXPRO-02 | |
| zipzapa | | Zip & Zap (Less Explicit) | zipzap | 1995 | Barko Corp | EXPRO-02 | |
| spec_zipzap | | Zip-Zap (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | |
| pce_zipang | | Zipang (Japan) | | 1990 | Pack-In-Video | PC Engine | |
| msx_zipper | | Zipper (Japan) | | 1985 | Kuma Computers | MSX | |
| cv_zippyrac | | Zippy Race (HB) | | 1983-2009 | Dvik & Joyrex | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| nes_zippyrace | | Zippy Race (Japan) | | 1985 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| sg1k_zippyrac | | Zippy Race (Japan) | | 1983 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| sg1k_zippyract | | Zippy Race (Taiwan) | sg1k_zippyrac | 1983? | Aaronix | Sega SG-1000 | |
| zoar | | Zoar | | 1982 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| zodiack | | Zodiack | | 1983 | Orca (Esco Trading Co., Inc. license) | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zoids | | Zoids - Battle of Central Continent (Hack, English) | | 2023 | Life With Matthew | Miscellaneous | |
| nes_zoidsj | | Zoids - Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai (Japan) | nes_zoids | 1987 | Toshiba-EMI | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zoinho | | Zoinho (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Bitnamic | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zombmalle | | Zombi Mall (English) (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zombmalls | | Zombi Mall (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | spec_zombmalle | 2022 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_zombiecalavera | | Zombie Calavera (HB) | | 2016 | The Mojon Twins | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zcalavera | | Zombie Calavera Prologue (48K) (HB) | | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | ZX Spectrum | |
| cv_zcalavera | | Zombie Calavera Prologue (HB) | | 2021 | CollectorVision Games | ColecoVision | Original game by 'The Mojon Twins' |
| msx_zcalavera | | Zombie Calavera Prologue (HB) | | 2021 | Nanochess | MSX | Original game by 'The Mojon Twins' |
| md_zombhigh | | Zombie High (USA, Prototype) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_zombiehunter | | Zombie Hunter (Japan) | | 1987 | Hi-Score Software | Miscellaneous | |
| msx_zombieinc | | Zombie Incident (HB, v1.3) | | 2012 | Nenefranz | MSX | |
| cv_zombieinc | | Zombie Incident (SGM) (HB) | | 2012-2018 | NeneFranz | ColecoVision | SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy |
| nes_zombienation | | Zombie Nation (USA) | | 1991 | Meldac | Miscellaneous | |
| cv_zombnearb | | Zombie Near (Alt) (HB) | cv_zombnear | 2011 | Oscar Toledo G. | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| cv_zombnear | | Zombie Near (HB) | | 2012 | Oscar Toledo G. | ColecoVision | Published by CollectorVision Games |
| msx_zombienear11 | | Zombie Near (HB) | | 2011 | Oscar Toledo G. | MSX | |
| zombraidpj | | Zombie Raid (9/28/95, Japan, prototype PCB) | zombraid | 1995 | Sammy Industries Co.,Ltd. | Seta | |
| zombraid | | Zombie Raid (9/28/95, US) | | 1995 | American Sammy | Seta | |
| zombraidp | | Zombie Raid (9/28/95, US, prototype PCB) | zombraid | 1995 | American Sammy | Seta | |
| nes_zombhuntbob | | Zombiehunter Bob (HB) | | 2022 | board-b | Miscellaneous | |
| md_zombies | | Zombies (Euro) | | 1993 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zombiesu | | Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA) | md_zombies | 1994 | Konami | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zombieswm | | Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Wide Mode (Hack) | md_zombies | 2023 | paul_met | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_zombo | | Zombo (48K) (HB) | | 2015 | Monsterbytes | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zombocc | | Zombo's Christmas Capers (48K) (HB) | | 2016 | Monsterbytes | ZX Spectrum | |
| msx_zona0 | | Zona 0 (Euro, Spanish) | | 1991 | Topo Soft | MSX | |
| spec_zona0 | | Zona 0 (Spanish) (128K) | | 1991 | Topo Soft | ZX Spectrum | |
| zookeep | | Zoo Keeper (set 1) | | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| zookeep2 | | Zoo Keeper (set 2) | zookeep | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| zookeep3 | | Zoo Keeper (set 3) | zookeep | 1982 | Taito America Corporation | Miscellaneous | |
| gg_zool | | Zool (Euro) | | 1994 | Gremlin | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_zool | | Zool (Euro) | | 1993 | Electronic Arts | Sega Megadrive | |
| md_zools | | Zool (Hack, Spanish) | md_zool | 2018 | Wave | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_zoolu | | Zool (USA) | gg_zool | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_zoolu | | Zool (USA) | md_zool | 1993 | GameTek | Sega Megadrive | |
| sms_zool | | Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (Euro) | | 1993 | Gremlin Interactive | Sega Master System | |
| gg_zoolj | | Zool no Yume Bouken (Japan) | gg_zool | 1994 | Infocom | Sega Game Gear | |
| cv_zoom909 | | Zoom 909 (HB) | | 1985-2021 | Mystery Man - Sega | ColecoVision | Published by Team Pixelboy |
| msx_zoom909 | | Zoom 909 (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | MSX | |
| sg1k_zoom909 | | Zoom 909 (Japan) | | 1985 | Sega | Sega SG-1000 | |
| msx_zoom909k | | Zoom 909 (Korea) | msx_zoom909 | 198? | Prosoft | MSX | |
| zoom909 | | Zoom 909 | buckrog | 1982 | Sega | Z80-3D | |
| md_zoom | | Zoom! (World) | | 1990 | Sega | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_zoomsecr | | Zooming Secretary (128K) (HB) | | 2021 | PC NONO Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| md_zoomsecr | | Zooming Secretary (HB) | | 2017 | AfroMonkeys | Sega Megadrive | |
| nes_zoomisec | | Zooming Secretary (HB) | | 2011 | Pinwizz & Shiru | Miscellaneous | |
| md_zoop | | Zoop (Euro) | | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_zoop | | Zoop (USA) | | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Game Gear | |
| md_zoopu | | Zoop (USA) | md_zoop | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Megadrive | |
| gg_zoopp | | Zoop (USA, Prototype) | gg_zoop | 1995 | Viacom New Media | Sega Game Gear | |
| msx_zoot | | Zoot (Euro) | | 1986 | Bug-Byte Software | MSX | |
| msx_zorrico | | Zorrico (English) (HB) | | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_zorricoit | | Zorrico (Italian) (HB) | msx_zorrico | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| msx_zorricoes | | Zorrico (Spanish) (HB) | msx_zorrico | 2020 | Physical Dreams | MSX | |
| spec_zorro | | Zorro (48K) | | 1986 | U.S. Gold - DataSoft | ZX Spectrum | After options menu press ENTER to begin the game |
| md_zouzou | | Zou! Zou! Zou! Rescue Daisakusen (Japan) | md_rolo | 1993 | Electronic Arts Victor | Sega Megadrive | |
| spec_zub | | Zub (128K) | | 1986 | Mastertronic Added Dimension | ZX Spectrum | |
| nes_zunousengal | | Zunou Senkan Galg (Japan) | | 1985 | dB-SOFT | Miscellaneous | |
| zunkyou | | Zunzunkyou no Yabou (Japan) | | 1994 | Sega | C2 | |
| zupapa | | Zupapa! | | 2001 | SNK | Neo Geo MVS | |
| zwackery | | Zwackery | | 1984 | Bally Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| spec_zxberserk | | ZX Berserk (16K) | | 1982 | Jega | ZX Spectrum | W: up - X: down - A: left - D: right - S: fire |
| spec_zxdestroyer | | ZX Destroyer (Spanish) (48K) (HB) | | 2014 | Retrobytes Productions | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zxenigma | | ZX Enigma Machine (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | Press ENTER for instructions |
| spec_zxfm2005 | | ZX Football Manager 2005 (128K) (HB) | | 2004 | Cronosoft | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zxfrogger | | ZX Frogger (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | ref | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zxlarry | | ZX Larry (128K) (HB) | | 2019 | Rafal Miazga | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zxoilpgw | | ZX Oil Panic Game & Watch (48K) (HB) | | 2021 | Menyiques | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zxparachute | | ZX Parachute (16K) (HB) | | 2020 | Carles Oriol | ZX Spectrum | 1 or 2: left - 7 or 8: right |
| spec_zxrobots | | ZX Robots (48K) (HB) | | 2023 | Skult | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spec1282a | NW | ZX Spectrum 128 +2a BIOS | | 1986 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | BIOS Only |
| spec_spec128 | NW | ZX Spectrum 128 BIOS | | 1986 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | BIOS Only |
| spec_spec128k2a | | ZX Spectrum 128K +2a | | 1986 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spec128k | | ZX Spectrum 128K | | 1986 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spec48k | | ZX Spectrum 48K | | 1982 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_spectrum | NW | ZX Spectrum BIOS | | 1982 | Sinclair Research Limited | ZX Spectrum | BIOS Only |
| spec_zxwordle | | ZX Wordle (48K) (HB) | | 2022 | Adam Ainsworth | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zybex | | Zybex (48K) | | 1989 | Zeppelin Games | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zynaps | | Zynaps (48K) | | 1987 | Hewson Consultants | ZX Spectrum | |
| spec_zzoom | | Zzoom (48K) | | 1983 | Imagine Software | ZX Spectrum | Use 'Shift' and 'Enter' to set Joystick options |
| zzyzzyxx | | Zzyzzyxx (set 1) | | 1982 | Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems | Jack the Giantkiller | |
| zzyzzyxx2 | | Zzyzzyxx (set 2) | zzyzzyxx | 1982 | Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems | Jack the Giantkiller | |