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synced 2025-02-16 22:29:20 +00:00
272 lines
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Executable File
272 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2019-present Team LibreELEC (https://libreelec.tv)
import sys, os, codecs, datetime, time
import copy
EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
class HistoryEvent:
def __init__(self, event):
# squash spaces, then split by space
items = ' '.join(event.replace("\n", "").split()).split(" ")
self.datetime = "%s %s" % (items[0], items[1][:-4])
(self.slot, self.seq) = items[3][1:-1].split("/")
self.status = items[4]
self.task = items[5] if len(items) > 5 else ""
self.task = items[5] if len(items) > 5 else ""
self.package = items[6] if len(items) > 6 else ""
self.msg = ' '.join(items[7:]) if len(items) > 7 else ""
self.secs = None
def __repr__(self):
return "%s; %s; %s; %s; %s; %s; %s;" % (self.datetime, self.slot, self.seq, self.status, self.task, self.package, self.msg)
def get_time_secs(self):
if self.secs == None:
self.secs = (datetime.datetime.strptime(self.datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") - EPOCH).total_seconds()
return self.secs
def isConfig(self):
return (self.task == "config")
def getConfig(self, item, default=None):
if self.isConfig():
pairs = self.msg.split(";")
for pair in pairs:
(key, value) = pair.split("=")
if key == item:
return default
def calc_pct(a, b):
if b > 0.0:
return (a / b) * 100
return 0.0
def pct_brackets(pct):
spct = "%04.1f" % pct
if float(spct) >= 100.0:
return "( %s%%)" % spct[:-2]
return "(%s%%)" % spct
def secs_to_hms(seconds, blankzero=False):
hours = "%02d" % int(seconds / 3600)
mins = "%02d" % int(seconds / 60 % 60)
secs = "%06.3f" % (seconds % 60)
if blankzero and hours == "00":
hours = " "
if mins == "00":
mins = " "
return "%2s:%2s:%s" % (hours, mins, secs)
def get_busy_total(slot):
return summary[slot]["busy"]["total"]
def get_concurrent_val(concurrent):
return concurrency[concurrent]["total"]
events = []
for event in sys.stdin: events.append(HistoryEvent(event))
if len(events) > 0 and events[0].isConfig():
MAXSLOTS = events[0].getConfig("slots")
del events[0]
if len(events) == 0:
started = events[0].get_time_secs()
ended = events[-1].get_time_secs()
now = time.time()
last_active = ended
incomplete = False
concurrency = {}
active = peak = 0
slotn = {}
for s in range(1, int(MAXSLOTS) + 1):
slotn["%0*d" % (len(events[0].slot),s)] = 0
for event in events:
slotn[event.slot] = 0
# Acumulate information in this hash - meh
data = {"previous_status": None, "isactive": False, "statuses": {}}
for status in ALL_STATUSES:
data["statuses"][status] = {"enabled": False, "count": 0, "start": 0.0, "total": 0.0}
data["statuses"]["IDLE"]["start"] = started
# For each slot allocate data storage
slots = {}
for slot in slotn:
slots[slot] = copy.deepcopy(data)
# Process all events, accumulating counts and elapsed time for each status by slot
for event in events:
slot = slots[event.slot]
# Record accumulated time for the previous event
previous = slot["previous_status"]
if previous and slot["statuses"][previous]["enabled"] == True:
prev_status = slot["statuses"][previous]
prev_status["enabled"] = False
prev_status["total"] += (event.get_time_secs() - prev_status["start"])
# Determine max concurrency
if event.status in BUSY_STATUSES:
if previous == None or previous not in BUSY_STATUSES:
active += 1
concurrent = concurrency.get(active, {"start": 0.0, "total": 0.0})
concurrent["start"] = event.get_time_secs()
concurrency[active] = concurrent
if active > peak:
peak = active
elif previous in BUSY_STATUSES:
concurrency[active]["total"] += (event.get_time_secs() - concurrency[active]["start"])
active -= 1
# Record details for the new event
this_status = slot["statuses"][event.status]
this_status["enabled"] = True
this_status["count"] += 1
this_status["start"] = event.get_time_secs()
slot["previous_status"] = event.status
# If any slots remain active then either the build has failed or the build is
# ongoing in which case "close" the active slots with the current time.
# For IDLE states, "close" the event with the elapsed time to the last known event.
for slot in slots:
for status in slots[slot]["statuses"]:
if status == "IDLE":
if slots[slot]["statuses"]["FAILED"]["enabled"] == True:
slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"] += (last_active - slots[slot]["statuses"]["FAILED"]["start"])
slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"] += (last_active - slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["start"])
elif slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["enabled"] == True:
if status != "FAILED":
incomplete = True
slots[slot]["isactive"] = True
slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"] += (now - slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["start"])
ended = now
# Summarise slot data by various criteria
summary = {}
cumulative_count = cumulative_total = 0
for slot in slots:
acount = atotal = 0
scount = stotal = 0
ccount = ctotal = 0
for status in BUSY_STATUSES:
if status in slots[slot]["statuses"]:
acount += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["count"]
atotal += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"]
for status in STALLED_STATUSES:
if status in slots[slot]["statuses"]:
scount += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["count"]
stotal += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"]
for status in slots[slot]["statuses"]:
ccount += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["count"]
ctotal += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"]
cumulative_count += ccount
cumulative_total += ctotal
summary[slot] = {"busy": {"count": acount, "total": atotal},
"stalled": {"count": scount, "total": stotal},
"cumulative": {"count": ccount, "total": ctotal}}
# Accumulate stalled stats
stalled_count = stalled_total = 0
for slot in summary:
stalled_count += summary[slot]["stalled"]["count"]
stalled_total += summary[slot]["stalled"]["total"]
elapsed = (ended - started)
print("Total Build Time: %s (wall clock)" % secs_to_hms(elapsed, blankzero=False))
print("Accum Build Time: %s (%d slots)\n" % (secs_to_hms(cumulative_total, blankzero=False), len(slots)))
if incomplete:
print("*** WARNING: active slots detected - build may be in progress/incomplete ***\n")
cum_total = 0.0
print("Breakdown by status (all slots):\n")
print(" Status Usage ( Pct ) Count State")
for status in sorted(ALL_STATUSES):
total = 0
count = 0
for slot in slots:
if status in slots[slot]["statuses"]:
count += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["count"]
total += slots[slot]["statuses"][status]["total"]
pct = calc_pct(total, cumulative_total)
cum_total += total
if status in BUSY_STATUSES:
stype = "busy"
elif status in STALLED_STATUSES:
stype = "stall"
stype = ""
print(" %-7s %12s %-7s %-5d %-5s" % (status, secs_to_hms(total, blankzero=True), pct_brackets(pct), count, stype))
print(" -------------------------------------")
print(" %-7s %12s %-7s %-5d" % ("TOTAL", secs_to_hms(cumulative_total, blankzero=True), \
pct_brackets(calc_pct(cum_total, cumulative_total)), cumulative_count))
print("Peak concurrency: %d out of %d slots\n" % (peak, len(slots)))
print("%d job slots were held in a \"stall\" state for %s\n" % (stalled_count, secs_to_hms(stalled_total)))
print('Slot usage (time in a "busy" state): | Concurrency breakdown ("busy"):')
print(" |")
print("#Rank Slot Usage ( Pct ) | # of Slots Usage ( Pct )")
lines = []
busy_total = 0
for rank, slot in enumerate(sorted(summary, key=get_busy_total, reverse=True)):
pct = calc_pct(summary[slot]["busy"]["total"], cumulative_total)
state = "active" if slots[slot]["isactive"] == True else " "
stime = secs_to_hms(summary[slot]["busy"]["total"], blankzero=True)
busy_total += summary[slot]["busy"]["total"]
lines.append("%s %s %-7s %6s |" % (slot, stime, pct_brackets(pct), state))
concurrent_total = 0
for rank, concurrentn in enumerate(sorted(concurrency, key=get_concurrent_val, reverse=True)):
concurrent = concurrency[concurrentn]
pct = calc_pct(concurrent["total"], cumulative_total)
stime = secs_to_hms(concurrent["total"], blankzero=True)
concurrent_total += concurrent["total"]
lines[rank] += " %02d %s %-7s" % (concurrentn, stime, pct_brackets(pct))
for rank, line in enumerate(lines):
print(" #%02d %s" % (rank + 1, line))
print(" TOTALS %s %-7s %s %-7s" %
(secs_to_hms(busy_total, blankzero=True), pct_brackets(calc_pct(busy_total, cumulative_total)),
secs_to_hms(concurrent_total, blankzero=True), pct_brackets(calc_pct(concurrent_total, cumulative_total))))