mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:17:02 +00:00

Movies: Rewrote format to support all IO devices and console types Netplay: Now supports all IO devices and console types
546 lines
16 KiB
546 lines
16 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../Utilities/ZipReader.h"
#include "../Utilities/FolderUtilities.h"
#include "../Utilities/StringUtilities.h"
#include "../Utilities/HexUtilities.h"
#include "../Utilities/PNGHelper.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "HdPackLoader.h"
bool HdPackLoader::InitializeLoader(VirtualFile &romFile, HdPackData *data)
_data = data;
string romName = FolderUtilities::GetFilename(romFile.GetFileName(), false);
string hdPackFolder = FolderUtilities::GetHdPackFolder();
string zipName = romName + ".hdn";
string definitionPath = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(romName, "hires.txt");
string legacyPath = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(hdPackFolder, definitionPath);
if(ifstream(legacyPath)) {
_loadFromZip = false;
_hdPackFolder = FolderUtilities::GetFolderName(legacyPath);
return true;
} else {
vector<string> hdnPackages = FolderUtilities::GetFilesInFolder(romFile.GetFolderPath(), { ".hdn" }, false);
vector<string> more = FolderUtilities::GetFilesInFolder(hdPackFolder, { ".hdn", ".zip" }, false);
hdnPackages.insert(hdnPackages.end(), more.begin(), more.end());
string sha1Hash = romFile.GetSha1Hash();
for(string path : hdnPackages) {
vector<uint8_t> hdDefinition;
if(_reader.ExtractFile("hires.txt", hdDefinition)) {
if(FolderUtilities::GetFilename(path, false) == romName) {
_loadFromZip = true;
_hdPackFolder = path;
return true;
} else {
for(string line : StringUtilities::Split(string(hdDefinition.data(), hdDefinition.data() + hdDefinition.size()), '\n')) {
std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower);
if(line.find("<supportedrom>") != string::npos && line.find(sha1Hash) != string::npos) {
_loadFromZip = true;
_hdPackFolder = path;
return true;
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::LoadHdNesPack(string definitionFile, HdPackData &outData)
HdPackLoader loader;
if(ifstream(definitionFile)) {
loader._data = &outData;
loader._loadFromZip = false;
loader._hdPackFolder = FolderUtilities::GetFolderName(definitionFile);
return loader.LoadPack();
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::LoadHdNesPack(VirtualFile &romFile, HdPackData &outData)
HdPackLoader loader;
if(loader.InitializeLoader(romFile, &outData)) {
return loader.LoadPack();
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::CheckFile(string filename)
if(_loadFromZip) {
return _reader.CheckFile(filename);
} else {
ifstream file(FolderUtilities::CombinePath(_hdPackFolder, filename), ios::in | ios::binary);
if(file.good()) {
return true;
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::LoadFile(string filename, vector<uint8_t> &fileData)
if(_loadFromZip) {
if(_reader.ExtractFile(filename, fileData)) {
return true;
} else {
ifstream file(FolderUtilities::CombinePath(_hdPackFolder, filename), ios::in | ios::binary);
if(file.good()) {
file.seekg(0, ios::end);
uint32_t fileSize = (uint32_t)file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
fileData = vector<uint8_t>(fileSize, 0);
file.read((char*)fileData.data(), fileSize);
return true;
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::LoadPack()
try {
vector<uint8_t> hdDefinition;
if(!LoadFile("hires.txt", hdDefinition)) {
return false;
for(string lineContent : StringUtilities::Split(string(hdDefinition.data(), hdDefinition.data() + hdDefinition.size()), '\n')) {
lineContent = lineContent.substr(0, lineContent.length() - 1);
vector<HdPackCondition*> conditions;
if(lineContent.substr(0, 1) == "[") {
size_t endOfCondition = lineContent.find_first_of(']', 1);
conditions = ParseConditionString(lineContent.substr(1, endOfCondition - 1), _data->Conditions);
lineContent = lineContent.substr(endOfCondition + 1);
vector<string> tokens;
if(lineContent.substr(0, 5) == "<ver>") {
_data->Version = stoi(lineContent.substr(5));
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 7) == "<scale>") {
lineContent = lineContent.substr(7);
_data->Scale = std::stoi(lineContent);
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 10) == "<overscan>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(10), ',');
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 5) == "<img>") {
lineContent = lineContent.substr(5);
if(!ProcessImgTag(lineContent)) {
return false;
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 7) == "<patch>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(7), ',');
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 12) == "<background>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(12), ',');
ProcessBackgroundTag(tokens, conditions);
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 11) == "<condition>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(11), ',');
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 6) == "<tile>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(6), ',');
ProcessTileTag(tokens, conditions);
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 9) == "<options>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(9), ',');
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 5) == "<bgm>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(5), ',');
} else if(lineContent.substr(0, 5) == "<sfx>") {
tokens = StringUtilities::Split(lineContent.substr(5), ',');
return true;
} catch(std::exception ex) {
MessageManager::Log(string("[HDPack] Error loading HDPack: ") + ex.what());
return false;
bool HdPackLoader::ProcessImgTag(string src)
HdPackBitmapInfo bitmapInfo;
vector<uint8_t> fileData;
LoadFile(src, fileData);
if(PNGHelper::ReadPNG(fileData, bitmapInfo.PixelData, bitmapInfo.Width, bitmapInfo.Height)) {
return true;
} else {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Error loading HDPack: PNG file " + src + " could not be read.");
return false;
void HdPackLoader::InitializeGlobalConditions()
HdPackCondition* hmirror = new HdPackCondition();
hmirror->Name = "hmirror";
hmirror->Type = HdPackConditionType::HorizontalMirroring;
hmirror->IsBuiltInCondition = true;
HdPackCondition* vmirror = new HdPackCondition();
vmirror->Name = "vmirror";
vmirror->Type = HdPackConditionType::VerticalMirroring;
vmirror->IsBuiltInCondition = true;
HdPackCondition* bgpriority = new HdPackCondition();
bgpriority->Name = "bgpriority";
bgpriority->Type = HdPackConditionType::BackgroundPriority;
bgpriority->IsBuiltInCondition = true;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessOverscanTag(vector<string> &tokens)
OverscanDimensions overscan;
overscan.Top = std::stoi(tokens[0]);
overscan.Right = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
overscan.Bottom = std::stoi(tokens[2]);
overscan.Left = std::stoi(tokens[3]);
_data->HasOverscanConfig = true;
_data->Overscan = overscan;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessPatchTag(vector<string> &tokens)
if(tokens[1].size() != 40) {
MessageManager::Log(string("[HDPack] Invalid SHA1 hash for patch (" + tokens[0] + "): " + tokens[1]));
vector<uint8_t> fileData;
if(!LoadFile(tokens[0], fileData)) {
MessageManager::Log(string("[HDPack] Patch file not found: " + tokens[1]));
std::transform(tokens[1].begin(), tokens[1].end(), tokens[1].begin(), ::toupper);
if(_loadFromZip) {
_data->PatchesByHash[tokens[1]] = VirtualFile(_hdPackFolder, tokens[0]);
} else {
_data->PatchesByHash[tokens[1]] = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(_hdPackFolder, tokens[0]);
void HdPackLoader::ProcessTileTag(vector<string> &tokens, vector<HdPackCondition*> conditions)
HdPackTileInfo *tileInfo = new HdPackTileInfo();
size_t index = 0;
if(_data->Version < 100) {
tileInfo->TileIndex = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->BitmapIndex = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->PaletteColors = std::stoi(tokens[index + 2]) | (std::stoi(tokens[index + 1]) << 8) | (std::stoi(tokens[index]) << 16);
index += 3;
} else {
tileInfo->BitmapIndex = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
string tileData = tokens[index++];
if(tileData.size() >= 32) {
//CHR RAM tile, read the tile data
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
tileInfo->TileData[i] = HexUtilities::FromHex(tileData.substr(i * 2, 2));
tileInfo->IsChrRamTile = true;
} else {
tileInfo->TileIndex = std::stoi(tileData);
tileInfo->IsChrRamTile = false;
tileInfo->PaletteColors = HexUtilities::FromHex(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->X = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->Y = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->Conditions = conditions;
if(_data->Version > 0) {
tileInfo->Brightness = (uint8_t)(std::stof(tokens[index++]) * 255);
} else {
tileInfo->Brightness = 255;
tileInfo->DefaultTile = (tokens[index++] == "Y");
//For CHR ROM tiles, the ID is just the bank number in chr rom (4k banks)
tileInfo->ChrBankId = tileInfo->TileIndex / 256;
if(_data->Version < 100) {
if(tokens.size() >= 24) {
//CHR RAM tile, read the tile data
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
tileInfo->TileData[i] = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
tileInfo->IsChrRamTile = true;
} else {
tileInfo->IsChrRamTile = false;
} else {
if(tileInfo->IsChrRamTile && tokens.size() > index) {
tileInfo->ChrBankId = std::stoul(tokens[index++]);
if(tileInfo->IsChrRamTile && tokens.size() > index) {
tileInfo->TileIndex = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
if(tileInfo->BitmapIndex > _hdNesBitmaps.size()) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid bitmap index: " + std::to_string(tileInfo->BitmapIndex));
HdPackBitmapInfo &bitmapInfo = _hdNesBitmaps[tileInfo->BitmapIndex];
uint32_t bitmapOffset = tileInfo->Y * bitmapInfo.Width + tileInfo->X;
uint32_t* pngData = (uint32_t*)bitmapInfo.PixelData.data();
for(uint32_t y = 0; y < 8 * _data->Scale; y++) {
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < 8 * _data->Scale; x++) {
bitmapOffset += bitmapInfo.Width - 8 * _data->Scale;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessOptionTag(vector<string> &tokens)
for(string token : tokens) {
if(token == "disableSpriteLimit") {
_data->OptionFlags |= (int)HdPackOptions::NoSpriteLimit;
} else if(token == "alternateRegisterRange") {
_data->OptionFlags |= (int)HdPackOptions::AlternateRegisterRange;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessConditionTag(vector<string> &tokens)
if(tokens.size() < 6) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid condition tag");
HdPackCondition *condition = new HdPackCondition();
tokens[0].erase(tokens[0].find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t") + 1);
condition->Name = tokens[0];
if(tokens[1] == "tileAtPosition") {
condition->Type = HdPackConditionType::TileAtPosition;
} else if(tokens[1] == "tileNearby") {
condition->Type = HdPackConditionType::TileNearby;
} else if(tokens[1] == "spriteAtPosition") {
condition->Type = HdPackConditionType::SpriteAtPosition;
} else if(tokens[1] == "spriteNearby") {
condition->Type = HdPackConditionType::SpriteNearby;
} else {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid condition type: " + tokens[1]);
int index = 2;
switch(condition->Type) {
case HdPackConditionType::TileAtPosition:
case HdPackConditionType::SpriteAtPosition:
case HdPackConditionType::TileNearby:
case HdPackConditionType::SpriteNearby:
condition->TileX = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
condition->TileY = std::stoi(tokens[index++]);
string tileData = tokens[index++];
if(tileData.size() == 32) {
//CHR RAM tile, read the tile data
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
condition->TileData[i] = HexUtilities::FromHex(tileData.substr(i * 2, 2));
condition->TileIndex = -1;
} else {
condition->TileIndex = std::stoi(tileData);
condition->PaletteColors = HexUtilities::FromHex(tokens[index++]);
condition->IsBuiltInCondition = false;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessBackgroundTag(vector<string> &tokens, vector<HdPackCondition*> conditions)
HdBackgroundFileData* bgFileData = nullptr;
for(unique_ptr<HdBackgroundFileData> &bgData : _data->BackgroundFileData) {
if(bgData->PngName == tokens[0]) {
bgFileData = bgData.get();
if(!bgFileData) {
vector<uint8_t> pixelData;
uint32_t width, height;
vector<uint8_t> fileContent;
if(LoadFile(tokens[0], fileContent)) {
if(PNGHelper::ReadPNG(fileContent, pixelData, width, height)) {
_data->BackgroundFileData.push_back(unique_ptr<HdBackgroundFileData>(new HdBackgroundFileData()));
bgFileData = _data->BackgroundFileData.back().get();
bgFileData->PixelData = pixelData;
bgFileData->Width = width;
bgFileData->Height = height;
bgFileData->PngName = tokens[0];
HdBackgroundInfo backgroundInfo;
if(bgFileData) {
backgroundInfo.Data = bgFileData;
backgroundInfo.Brightness = (uint8_t)(std::stof(tokens[1]) * 255);
backgroundInfo.Conditions = conditions;
for(HdPackCondition* condition : backgroundInfo.Conditions) {
if(condition->Type == HdPackConditionType::SpriteNearby || condition->Type == HdPackConditionType::TileNearby) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid condition type for background: " + tokens[0]);
} else {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Error while loading background: " + tokens[0]);
int HdPackLoader::ProcessSoundTrack(string albumString, string trackString, string filename)
int album = std::stoi(albumString);
if(album < 0 || album > 255) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid album value: " + albumString);
return -1;
int track = std::stoi(trackString);
if(track < 0 || track > 255) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Invalid track value: " + trackString);
return -1;
if(!CheckFile(filename)) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] OGG file not found: " + filename);
return -1;
return album * 256 + track;
void HdPackLoader::ProcessBgmTag(vector<string> &tokens)
int trackId = ProcessSoundTrack(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]);
if(trackId >= 0) {
if(_loadFromZip) {
VirtualFile file(_hdPackFolder, tokens[2]);
_data->BgmFilesById[trackId] = file;
} else {
_data->BgmFilesById[trackId] = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(_hdPackFolder, tokens[2]);
void HdPackLoader::ProcessSfxTag(vector<string> &tokens)
int trackId = ProcessSoundTrack(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]);
if(trackId >= 0) {
if(_loadFromZip) {
VirtualFile file(_hdPackFolder, tokens[2]);
_data->SfxFilesById[trackId] = file;
} else {
_data->SfxFilesById[trackId] = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(_hdPackFolder, tokens[2]);
vector<HdPackCondition*> HdPackLoader::ParseConditionString(string conditionString, vector<unique_ptr<HdPackCondition>> &conditions)
vector<string> conditionNames = StringUtilities::Split(conditionString, '&');
vector<HdPackCondition*> result;
for(string conditionName : conditionNames) {
conditionName.erase(conditionName.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t") + 1);
bool found = false;
for(unique_ptr<HdPackCondition> &condition : conditions) {
if(conditionName == condition->Name) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
MessageManager::Log("[HDPack] Condition not found: " + conditionName);
return result;
void HdPackLoader::LoadCustomPalette()
vector<uint8_t> fileData;
if(LoadFile("palette.dat", fileData)) {
vector<uint32_t> paletteData;
for(size_t i = 0; i < fileData.size(); i+= 3){
paletteData.push_back(0xFF000000 | (fileData[i] << 16) | (fileData[i+1] << 8) | fileData[i+2]);
if(paletteData.size() == 0x40) {
_data->Palette = paletteData;
void HdPackLoader::InitializeHdPack()
for(unique_ptr<HdPackTileInfo> &tileInfo : _data->Tiles) {
auto tiles = _data->TileByKey.find(tileInfo->GetKey(false));
if(tiles == _data->TileByKey.end()) {
_data->TileByKey[tileInfo->GetKey(false)] = vector<HdPackTileInfo*>();
if(tileInfo->DefaultTile) {
auto tiles = _data->TileByKey.find(tileInfo->GetKey(true));
if(tiles == _data->TileByKey.end()) {
_data->TileByKey[tileInfo->GetKey(true)] = vector<HdPackTileInfo*>();