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synced 2025-03-06 15:17:49 +00:00
516 lines
9.4 KiB
516 lines
9.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MessageManager.h"
#include "GameClient.h"
enum EmulationFlags
Paused = 0x01,
ShowFPS = 0x02,
VerticalSync = 0x04,
AllowInvalidInput = 0x08,
RemoveSpriteLimit = 0x10,
UseHdPacks = 0x20,
HasFourScore = 0x40,
PauseOnMovieEnd = 0x0100,
PauseWhenInBackground = 0x0200,
AllowBackgroundInput = 0x0400,
ReduceSoundInBackground = 0x0800,
MuteSoundInBackground = 0x1000,
FdsFastForwardOnLoad = 0x2000,
FdsAutoLoadDisk = 0x4000,
Mmc3IrqAltBehavior = 0x8000,
SwapDutyCycles = 0x10000,
InBackground = 0x40000000,
enum class AudioChannel
Square1 = 0,
Square2 = 1,
Triangle = 2,
Noise = 3,
DMC = 4,
FDS = 5,
MMC5 = 6,
VRC6 = 7,
VRC7 = 8,
Namco163 = 9,
Sunsoft5B = 10
enum class NesModel
Auto = 0,
NTSC = 1,
PAL = 2,
Dendy = 3,
enum class VideoFilterType
None = 0,
NTSC = 1,
HdPack = 999
enum class VideoAspectRatio
Auto = 0,
NTSC = 1,
PAL = 2,
Standard = 3,
Widescreen = 4
struct OverscanDimensions
uint32_t Left = 0;
uint32_t Right = 0;
uint32_t Top = 0;
uint32_t Bottom = 0;
uint32_t GetPixelCount()
return GetScreenWidth() * GetScreenHeight();
uint32_t GetScreenWidth()
return 256 - Left - Right;
uint32_t GetScreenHeight()
return 240 - Top - Bottom;
enum class ConsoleType
Nes = 0,
Famicom = 1,
VsSystem = 2,
enum class ControllerType
None = 0,
StandardController = 1,
Zapper = 2,
ArkanoidController = 3,
enum class ExpansionPortDevice
None = 0,
Zapper = 1,
FourPlayerAdapter = 2,
ArkanoidController = 3,
struct KeyMapping
uint32_t A = 0;
uint32_t B = 0;
uint32_t Up = 0;
uint32_t Down = 0;
uint32_t Left = 0;
uint32_t Right = 0;
uint32_t Start = 0;
uint32_t Select = 0;
uint32_t TurboA = 0;
uint32_t TurboB = 0;
uint32_t TurboStart = 0;
uint32_t TurboSelect = 0;
bool HasKeySet()
return A || B || Up || Down || Left || Right || Start || Select || TurboA || TurboB || TurboStart || TurboSelect;
struct KeyMappingSet
KeyMapping Mapping1;
KeyMapping Mapping2;
KeyMapping Mapping3;
KeyMapping Mapping4;
uint32_t TurboSpeed;
enum class Language
SystemDefault = 0,
English = 1,
French = 2,
Japanese = 3
enum class StereoFilter
None = 0,
Delay = 1,
Panning = 2,
enum class PpuModel
Ppu2C02 = 0,
Ppu2C03 = 1,
Ppu2C04A = 2,
Ppu2C04B = 3,
Ppu2C04C = 4,
Ppu2C04D = 5,
Ppu2C05A = 6,
Ppu2C05B = 7,
Ppu2C05C = 8,
Ppu2C05D = 9,
Ppu2C05E = 10
class EmulationSettings
static uint16_t _versionMajor;
static uint8_t _versionMinor;
static uint8_t _versionRevision;
static uint32_t _ppuPaletteArgb[11][64];
static uint32_t _flags;
static Language _displayLanguage;
static uint32_t _audioLatency;
static double _channelVolume[11];
static double _masterVolume;
static uint32_t _sampleRate;
static StereoFilter _stereoFilter;
static int32_t _stereoDelay;
static double _stereoAngle;
static double _reverbStrength;
static double _reverbDelay;
static NesModel _model;
static PpuModel _ppuModel;
static uint32_t _emulationSpeed;
static OverscanDimensions _overscan;
static VideoFilterType _videoFilterType;
static double _videoScale;
static VideoAspectRatio _aspectRatio;
static ConsoleType _consoleType;
static ExpansionPortDevice _expansionDevice;
static ControllerType _controllerTypes[4];
static KeyMappingSet _controllerKeys[4];
static bool _needControllerUpdate;
static uint32_t GetMesenVersion()
return (_versionMajor << 16) | (_versionMinor << 8) | _versionRevision;
static string GetMesenVersionString()
return std::to_string(_versionMajor) + "." + std::to_string(_versionMinor) + "." + std::to_string(_versionRevision);
static void SetFlags(EmulationFlags flags)
_flags |= flags;
static void ClearFlags(EmulationFlags flags)
_flags &= ~flags;
static bool CheckFlag(uint32_t flag)
return (_flags & flag) == flag;
static void SetDisplayLanguage(Language lang)
_displayLanguage = lang;
static Language GetDisplayLanguage()
return _displayLanguage;
static bool IsPaused()
return CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::Paused) || (CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::InBackground) && CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::PauseWhenInBackground) && !GameClient::Connected());
static void SetNesModel(NesModel model)
_model = model;
static NesModel GetNesModel()
return _model;
static void SetPpuModel(PpuModel ppuModel)
_ppuModel = ppuModel;
static PpuModel GetPpuModel()
return _ppuModel;
//0: Muted, 0.5: Default, 1.0: Max volume
static void SetChannelVolume(AudioChannel channel, double volume)
_channelVolume[(int)channel] = volume;
static void SetMasterVolume(double volume)
_masterVolume = volume;
static void SetSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRate)
_sampleRate = sampleRate;
static uint32_t GetSampleRate()
return _sampleRate;
static void SetAudioLatency(uint32_t msLatency)
_audioLatency = msLatency;
static void SetStereoFilter(StereoFilter stereoFilter)
_stereoFilter = stereoFilter;
static void SetStereoDelay(int32_t delay)
_stereoDelay = delay;
static void SetStereoPanningAngle(double angle)
_stereoAngle = angle;
static void SetReverbParameters(double strength, double delay)
_reverbStrength = strength;
_reverbDelay = delay;
static StereoFilter GetStereoFilter()
return _stereoFilter;
static int32_t GetStereoDelay()
return _stereoDelay;
static double GetStereoPanningAngle()
return _stereoAngle;
static double GetReverbStrength()
return _reverbStrength;
static double GetReverbDelay()
return _reverbDelay;
//0: No limit, Number: % of default speed (50/60fps)
static void SetEmulationSpeed(uint32_t emulationSpeed)
_emulationSpeed = emulationSpeed;
static uint32_t GetEmulationSpeed()
return _emulationSpeed;
static void SetOverscanDimensions(uint8_t left, uint8_t right, uint8_t top, uint8_t bottom)
if(_overscan.Left != left || _overscan.Right != right || _overscan.Top != top || _overscan.Bottom != bottom) {
_overscan.Left = left;
_overscan.Right = right;
_overscan.Top = top;
_overscan.Bottom = bottom;
static OverscanDimensions GetOverscanDimensions()
return _overscan;
static double GetChannelVolume(AudioChannel channel)
return _channelVolume[(int)channel];
static double GetMasterVolume()
return _masterVolume;
static uint32_t GetAudioLatency()
return _audioLatency;
static void SetVideoFilterType(VideoFilterType videoFilterType)
_videoFilterType = videoFilterType;
static VideoFilterType GetVideoFilterType()
return _videoFilterType;
static void SetVideoAspectRatio(VideoAspectRatio aspectRatio)
if(_aspectRatio != aspectRatio) {
_aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
static VideoAspectRatio GetVideoAspectRatio()
return _aspectRatio;
static double GetAspectRatio()
switch(_aspectRatio) {
case VideoAspectRatio::NTSC: return 8.0 / 7.0;
case VideoAspectRatio::PAL: return 18.0 / 13.0;
case VideoAspectRatio::Standard: return 4.0 / 3.0;
case VideoAspectRatio::Widescreen: return 16.0 / 9.0;
return 0.0;
static void SetVideoScale(double scale)
if(_videoScale != scale) {
_videoScale = scale;
static double GetVideoScale()
return _videoScale;
static uint32_t* GetRgbPalette()
return _ppuPaletteArgb[(int)_ppuModel];
static void GetRgbPalette(uint32_t* paletteBuffer)
memcpy(paletteBuffer, _ppuPaletteArgb[0], sizeof(_ppuPaletteArgb[0]));
static void SetRgbPalette(uint32_t* paletteBuffer)
memcpy(_ppuPaletteArgb[0], paletteBuffer, sizeof(_ppuPaletteArgb[0]));
static void SetExpansionDevice(ExpansionPortDevice expansionDevice)
_expansionDevice = expansionDevice;
_needControllerUpdate = true;
static ExpansionPortDevice GetExpansionDevice()
return _expansionDevice;
static void SetConsoleType(ConsoleType type)
_consoleType = type;
_needControllerUpdate = true;
static ConsoleType GetConsoleType()
return _consoleType;
static void SetControllerType(uint8_t port, ControllerType type)
_controllerTypes[port] = type;
_needControllerUpdate = true;
static ControllerType GetControllerType(uint8_t port)
return _controllerTypes[port];
static void SetControllerKeys(uint8_t port, KeyMappingSet keyMappings)
_controllerKeys[port] = keyMappings;
_needControllerUpdate = true;
static KeyMappingSet GetControllerKeys(uint8_t port)
return _controllerKeys[port];
static bool NeedControllerUpdate()
if(_needControllerUpdate) {
_needControllerUpdate = false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool HasZapper()
return _controllerTypes[0] == ControllerType::Zapper || _controllerTypes[1] == ControllerType::Zapper || (_consoleType == ConsoleType::Famicom && _expansionDevice == ExpansionPortDevice::Zapper);
static bool HasArkanoidPaddle()
return _controllerTypes[0] == ControllerType::ArkanoidController || _controllerTypes[1] == ControllerType::ArkanoidController || (_consoleType == ConsoleType::Famicom && _expansionDevice == ExpansionPortDevice::ArkanoidController);