mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 05:56:27 +00:00
710 lines
18 KiB
710 lines
18 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <thread>
#include "MessageManager.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "BaseMapper.h"
#include "Disassembler.h"
#include "VideoDecoder.h"
#include "APU.h"
#include "SoundMixer.h"
#include "CodeDataLogger.h"
#include "ExpressionEvaluator.h"
#include "LabelManager.h"
#include "MemoryDumper.h"
#include "MemoryAccessCounter.h"
Debugger* Debugger::Instance = nullptr;
const int Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount;
Debugger::Debugger(shared_ptr<Console> console, shared_ptr<CPU> cpu, shared_ptr<PPU> ppu, shared_ptr<MemoryManager> memoryManager, shared_ptr<BaseMapper> mapper)
_romName = Console::GetRomName();
_console = console;
_cpu = cpu;
_ppu = ppu;
_memoryManager = memoryManager;
_mapper = mapper;
_labelManager.reset(new LabelManager(_mapper));
_disassembler.reset(new Disassembler(memoryManager->GetInternalRAM(), mapper->GetPrgRom(), mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom), mapper->GetWorkRam(), mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::WorkRam), this));
_codeDataLogger.reset(new CodeDataLogger(mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom), mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::ChrRom)));
_memoryDumper.reset(new MemoryDumper(_ppu, _memoryManager, _mapper, _codeDataLogger));
_memoryAccessCounter.reset(new MemoryAccessCounter());
_stepOut = false;
_stepCount = -1;
_stepOverAddr = -1;
_stepCycleCount = -1;
_ppuViewerScanline = 241;
_ppuViewerCycle = 0;
_flags = 0;
_bpUpdateNeeded = false;
_executionStopped = false;
LoadCdlFile(FolderUtilities::CombinePath(FolderUtilities::GetDebuggerFolder(), FolderUtilities::GetFilename(_romName, false) + ".cdl"));
Debugger::Instance = this;
SaveCdlFile(FolderUtilities::CombinePath(FolderUtilities::GetDebuggerFolder(), FolderUtilities::GetFilename(_romName, false) + ".cdl"));
_stopFlag = true;
Debugger::Instance = nullptr;
void Debugger::Suspend()
while(_executionStopped) {}
void Debugger::Resume()
if(_suspendCount < 0) {
_suspendCount = 0;
void Debugger::SetFlags(uint32_t flags)
bool needUpdate = ((flags ^ _flags) & (int)DebuggerFlags::DisplayOpCodesInLowerCase) != 0;
_flags = flags;
if(needUpdate) {
bool Debugger::CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags flag)
return (_flags & (uint32_t)flag) == (uint32_t)flag;
bool Debugger::IsEnabled()
return Debugger::Instance != nullptr;
void Debugger::BreakIfDebugging()
if(Debugger::Instance != nullptr) {
bool Debugger::LoadCdlFile(string cdlFilepath)
if(_codeDataLogger->LoadCdlFile(cdlFilepath)) {
for(int i = 0, len = _mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom); i < len; i++) {
if(_codeDataLogger->IsCode(i)) {
i = _disassembler->BuildCache(i, -1, 0xFFFF, _codeDataLogger->IsSubEntryPoint(i)) - 1;
for(int i = 0, len = _mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom); i < len; i++) {
if(_codeDataLogger->IsSubEntryPoint(i)) {
return true;
return false;
bool Debugger::IsMarkedAsCode(uint16_t relativeAddress)
AddressTypeInfo info;
GetAbsoluteAddressAndType(relativeAddress, &info);
if(info.Address >= 0 && info.Type == AddressType::PrgRom) {
return _codeDataLogger->IsCode(info.Address);
} else {
return false;
bool Debugger::SaveCdlFile(string cdlFilepath)
return _codeDataLogger->SaveCdlFile(cdlFilepath);
void Debugger::ResetCdlLog()
CdlRatios Debugger::GetCdlRatios()
return _codeDataLogger->GetRatios();
shared_ptr<LabelManager> Debugger::GetLabelManager()
return _labelManager;
void Debugger::SetBreakpoints(Breakpoint breakpoints[], uint32_t length)
_newBreakpoints.insert(_newBreakpoints.end(), breakpoints, breakpoints + length);
_bpUpdateNeeded = true;
if(_executionStopped) {
} else {
bool hasBreakpoint[Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount]{ false,false,false,false,false,false };
for(Breakpoint &bp : _newBreakpoints) {
for(int i = 0; i < Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount; i++) {
hasBreakpoint[i] |= bp.HasBreakpointType((BreakpointType)i);
for(int i = 0; i < Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount; i++) {
_hasBreakpoint[i] = hasBreakpoint[i];
void Debugger::UpdateBreakpoints()
if(_bpUpdateNeeded) {
for(int i = 0; i < Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount; i++) {
_hasBreakpoint[i] = false;
ExpressionEvaluator expEval(this);
for(Breakpoint &bp : _newBreakpoints) {
for(int i = 0; i < Debugger::BreakpointTypeCount; i++) {
if(bp.HasBreakpointType((BreakpointType)i)) {
_hasBreakpoint[i] = true;
_bpUpdateNeeded = false;
bool Debugger::HasMatchingBreakpoint(BreakpointType type, uint32_t addr, int16_t value)
uint32_t absoluteAddr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteAddress(addr);
vector<Breakpoint> &breakpoints = _breakpoints[(int)type];
bool needState = true;
for(size_t i = 0, len = breakpoints.size(); i < len; i++) {
Breakpoint &breakpoint = breakpoints[i];
if(type == BreakpointType::Global || breakpoint.Matches(addr, absoluteAddr)) {
string condition = breakpoint.GetCondition();
if(condition.empty()) {
return true;
} else {
ExpressionEvaluator expEval(this);
if(needState) {
needState = false;
if(expEval.Evaluate(condition, _debugState, value, addr) != 0) {
return true;
return false;
int32_t Debugger::EvaluateExpression(string expression, EvalResultType &resultType)
ExpressionEvaluator expEval(this);
DebugState state;
return expEval.Evaluate(expression, state, resultType);
void Debugger::UpdateCallstack(uint32_t addr)
if((_lastInstruction == 0x60 || _lastInstruction == 0x40) && !_callstackRelative.empty()) {
} else if(_lastInstruction == 0x20 && _callstackRelative.size() < 1022) {
uint16_t targetAddr = _memoryManager->DebugRead(addr + 1) | (_memoryManager->DebugRead(addr + 2) << 8);
void Debugger::PrivateProcessInterrupt(uint16_t cpuAddr, uint16_t destCpuAddr, bool forNmi)
_callstackRelative.push_back(cpuAddr | (forNmi ? 0x40000 : 0x20000));
void Debugger::ProcessInterrupt(uint16_t cpuAddr, uint16_t destCpuAddr, bool forNmi)
if(Debugger::Instance) {
Debugger::Instance->PrivateProcessInterrupt(cpuAddr, destCpuAddr, forNmi);
void Debugger::ProcessStepConditions(uint32_t addr)
if(_stepOut && _lastInstruction == 0x60) {
//RTS found, set StepCount to 2 to break on the following instruction
} else if(_stepOverAddr != -1 && addr == (uint32_t)_stepOverAddr) {
} else if(_stepCycleCount != -1 && abs(_cpu->GetCycleCount() - _stepCycleCount) < 100 && _cpu->GetCycleCount() >= _stepCycleCount) {
void Debugger::PrivateProcessPpuCycle()
if(PPU::GetCurrentCycle() == _ppuViewerCycle && PPU::GetCurrentScanline() == _ppuViewerScanline) {
if(_hasBreakpoint[BreakpointType::Global] && HasMatchingBreakpoint(BreakpointType::Global, 0, -1)) {
//Found a matching breakpoint, stop execution
} else if(_ppuStepCount > 0) {
if(_ppuStepCount == 0) {
void Debugger::PrivateProcessRamOperation(MemoryOperationType type, uint16_t &addr, uint8_t &value)
_currentReadAddr = &addr;
_currentReadValue = &value;
//Check if a breakpoint has been hit and freeze execution if one has
bool breakDone = false;
AddressTypeInfo addressInfo;
GetAbsoluteAddressAndType(addr, &addressInfo);
int32_t absoluteAddr = addressInfo.Type == AddressType::PrgRom ? addressInfo.Address : -1;
int32_t absoluteRamAddr = addressInfo.Type == AddressType::WorkRam ? addressInfo.Address : -1;
if(addressInfo.Address >= 0 && type != MemoryOperationType::DummyRead) {
_memoryAccessCounter->ProcessMemoryAccess(addressInfo, type);
if(absoluteAddr >= 0) {
if(type == MemoryOperationType::ExecOperand) {
_codeDataLogger->SetFlag(absoluteAddr, CdlPrgFlags::Code);
} else {
_codeDataLogger->SetFlag(absoluteAddr, CdlPrgFlags::Data);
} else if(addr < 0x2000 || absoluteRamAddr >= 0) {
if(type == MemoryOperationType::Write) {
_disassembler->InvalidateCache(addr, absoluteRamAddr);
if(type == MemoryOperationType::ExecOpCode) {
bool isSubEntryPoint = _lastInstruction == 0x20; //Previous instruction was a JSR
if(absoluteAddr >= 0) {
_codeDataLogger->SetFlag(absoluteAddr, CdlPrgFlags::Code);
if(isSubEntryPoint) {
_codeDataLogger->SetFlag(absoluteAddr, CdlPrgFlags::SubEntryPoint);
_disassembler->BuildCache(absoluteAddr, absoluteRamAddr, addr, isSubEntryPoint);
_lastInstruction = _memoryManager->DebugRead(addr);
breakDone = SleepUntilResume();
shared_ptr<TraceLogger> logger = _traceLogger;
if(logger) {
DebugState state;
logger->Log(state, _disassembler->GetDisassemblyInfo(absoluteAddr, absoluteRamAddr, addr));
if(!breakDone && type != MemoryOperationType::DummyRead) {
BreakpointType breakpointType = BreakpointType::Execute;
switch(type) {
case MemoryOperationType::Read: breakpointType = BreakpointType::ReadRam; break;
case MemoryOperationType::Write: breakpointType = BreakpointType::WriteRam; break;
if(_hasBreakpoint[breakpointType] && HasMatchingBreakpoint(breakpointType, addr, (type == MemoryOperationType::ExecOperand) ? -1 : value)) {
//Found a matching breakpoint, stop execution
_currentReadAddr = nullptr;
bool Debugger::SleepUntilResume()
int32_t stepCount = _stepCount.load();
if(stepCount > 0) {
stepCount = _stepCount.load();
if(stepCount == 0 && !_stopFlag && _suspendCount == 0) {
auto lock = _breakLock.AcquireSafe();
_executionStopped = true;
_stepOverAddr = -1;
if(CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags::PpuPartialDraw)) {
while(stepCount == 0 && !_stopFlag && _suspendCount == 0) {
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<int, std::milli>(10));
stepCount = _stepCount.load();
_executionStopped = false;
return true;
return false;
void Debugger::PrivateProcessVramOperation(MemoryOperationType type, uint16_t addr, uint8_t value)
if(type != MemoryOperationType::Write) {
int32_t absoluteAddr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteChrAddress(addr);
_codeDataLogger->SetFlag(absoluteAddr, type == MemoryOperationType::Read ? CdlChrFlags::Read : CdlChrFlags::Drawn);
BreakpointType bpType = type == MemoryOperationType::Write ? BreakpointType::WriteVram : BreakpointType::ReadVram;
if(_hasBreakpoint[bpType] && HasMatchingBreakpoint(bpType, addr, value)) {
//Found a matching breakpoint, stop execution
void Debugger::GetState(DebugState *state)
state->CPU = _cpu->GetState();
state->PPU = _ppu->GetState();
state->Cartridge = _mapper->GetState();
void Debugger::SetState(DebugState state)
void Debugger::PpuStep(uint32_t count)
_stepCount = -1;
_ppuStepCount = count;
_stepOverAddr = -1;
_stepCycleCount = -1;
void Debugger::Step(uint32_t count)
//Run CPU for [count] INSTRUCTIONS before breaking again
_stepOut = false;
_stepCount = count;
_stepOverAddr = -1;
_stepCycleCount = -1;
_ppuStepCount = -1;
void Debugger::StepCycles(uint32_t count)
//Run CPU for [count] CYCLES before breaking again
_stepCycleCount = _cpu->GetCycleCount() + count;
void Debugger::StepOut()
_stepOut = true;
_stepCount = -1;
_stepOverAddr = -1;
_stepCycleCount = -1;
void Debugger::StepOver()
if(_lastInstruction == 0x20 || _lastInstruction == 0x00) {
//We are on a JSR/BRK instruction, need to continue until the following instruction
_stepOverAddr = _cpu->GetState().PC + (_lastInstruction == 0x20 ? 3 : 1);
} else {
//Except for JSR & BRK, StepOver behaves the same as StepTnto
void Debugger::Run()
//Resume execution after a breakpoint has been hit
_stepCount = -1;
_ppuStepCount = -1;
bool Debugger::IsCodeChanged()
string output = GenerateOutput();
if(_outputCache.compare(output) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
_outputCache = output;
return true;
string Debugger::GenerateOutput()
State cpuState = _cpu->GetState();
string output;
bool showEffectiveAddresses = CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags::ShowEffectiveAddresses);
bool showOnlyDiassembledCode = CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags::ShowOnlyDisassembledCode);
//Get code in internal RAM
output = _disassembler->GetCode(0x0000, 0x1FFF, 0x0000, PrgMemoryType::PrgRom, showEffectiveAddresses, showOnlyDiassembledCode, cpuState, _memoryManager, _labelManager);
for(uint32_t i = 0x2000; i < 0x10000; i += 0x100) {
//Merge all sequential ranges into 1 chunk
PrgMemoryType memoryType = PrgMemoryType::PrgRom;
int32_t addr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteAddress(i);
if(addr < 0) {
addr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteWorkRamAddress(i);
memoryType = PrgMemoryType::WorkRam;
uint32_t startMemoryAddr = i;
int32_t startAddr, endAddr;
if(addr >= 0) {
startAddr = addr;
endAddr = startAddr + 0xFF;
while(addr + 0x100 == (memoryType == PrgMemoryType::PrgRom ? _mapper->ToAbsoluteAddress(i + 0x100) : _mapper->ToAbsoluteWorkRamAddress(i + 0x100)) && i < 0x10000) {
endAddr += 0x100;
addr += 0x100;
output += _disassembler->GetCode(startAddr, endAddr, startMemoryAddr, memoryType, showEffectiveAddresses, showOnlyDiassembledCode, cpuState, _memoryManager, _labelManager);
return output;
string* Debugger::GetCode()
return &_outputCache;
uint8_t Debugger::GetMemoryValue(uint32_t addr)
return _memoryManager->DebugRead(addr);
int32_t Debugger::GetRelativeAddress(uint32_t addr, AddressType type)
switch(type) {
case AddressType::InternalRam:
case AddressType::Register:
return addr;
case AddressType::PrgRom:
case AddressType::WorkRam:
case AddressType::SaveRam:
return _mapper->FromAbsoluteAddress(addr, type);
return -1;
int32_t Debugger::GetAbsoluteAddress(uint32_t addr)
return _mapper->ToAbsoluteAddress(addr);
void Debugger::SetNextStatement(uint16_t addr)
if(_currentReadAddr) {
*_currentReadAddr = addr;
*_currentReadValue = _memoryManager->DebugRead(addr);
void Debugger::StartTraceLogger(TraceLoggerOptions options)
string traceFilepath = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(FolderUtilities::GetDebuggerFolder(), "Trace - " + FolderUtilities::GetFilename(_romName, false) + ".log");
_traceLogger.reset(new TraceLogger(traceFilepath, _memoryManager, options));
void Debugger::StopTraceLogger()
void Debugger::ProcessPpuCycle()
if(Debugger::Instance) {
void Debugger::ProcessRamOperation(MemoryOperationType type, uint16_t &addr, uint8_t &value)
if(Debugger::Instance) {
Debugger::Instance->PrivateProcessRamOperation(type, addr, value);
void Debugger::ProcessVramOperation(MemoryOperationType type, uint16_t addr, uint8_t value)
if(Debugger::Instance) {
Debugger::Instance->PrivateProcessVramOperation(type, addr, value);
void Debugger::GetCallstack(int32_t* callstackAbsolute, int32_t* callstackRelative)
for(size_t i = 0, len = _callstackRelative.size(); i < len; i++) {
callstackAbsolute[i] = _callstackAbsolute[i];
int32_t relativeAddr = _callstackRelative[i];
if(_mapper->FromAbsoluteAddress(_callstackAbsolute[i]) == -1) {
//Mark address as an unmapped memory addr
relativeAddr |= 0x10000;
callstackRelative[i] = relativeAddr;
callstackAbsolute[_callstackRelative.size()] = -2;
callstackRelative[_callstackRelative.size()] = -2;
void Debugger::GetFunctionEntryPoints(int32_t* entryPoints)
uint32_t i = 0;
for(auto itt = _functionEntryPoints.begin(); itt != _functionEntryPoints.end(); itt++) {
entryPoints[i] = *itt;
entryPoints[i] = -1;
shared_ptr<MemoryDumper> Debugger::GetMemoryDumper()
return _memoryDumper;
shared_ptr<MemoryAccessCounter> Debugger::GetMemoryAccessCounter()
return _memoryAccessCounter;
bool Debugger::IsExecutionStopped()
return _executionStopped;
void Debugger::GetAbsoluteAddressAndType(uint32_t relativeAddr, AddressTypeInfo* info)
if(relativeAddr < 0x2000) {
info->Address = relativeAddr;
info->Type = AddressType::InternalRam;
int32_t addr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteAddress(relativeAddr);
if(addr >= 0) {
info->Address = addr;
info->Type = AddressType::PrgRom;
addr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteWorkRamAddress(relativeAddr);
if(addr >= 0) {
info->Address = addr;
info->Type = AddressType::WorkRam;
addr = _mapper->ToAbsoluteSaveRamAddress(relativeAddr);
if(addr >= 0) {
info->Address = addr;
info->Type = AddressType::SaveRam;
info->Address = -1;
info->Type = AddressType::InternalRam;
void Debugger::SetPpuViewerScanlineCycle(int32_t scanline, int32_t cycle)
_ppuViewerScanline = scanline;
_ppuViewerCycle = cycle;
int Debugger::GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType memoryType)
return _mapper->GetMemorySize(memoryType);
void Debugger::SetLastFramePpuScroll(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
if(Debugger::Instance) {
Debugger::Instance->_ppuScrollX = x;
Debugger::Instance->_ppuScrollY = y;
MessageManager::Log("X: " + std::to_string(x) + " Y: " + std::to_string(y));
uint32_t Debugger::GetPpuScroll()
return (_ppuScrollY << 16) | _ppuScrollX;
} |