2019-03-21 20:48:05 +09:00

1502 lines
34 KiB
Executable File

; i286 realmode - v1.00 Copyright (c) Yui/Studio Milmake
; ToDo: egc word-boundary
%include ''
%include ''
%include ''
%include ''
BMS equ 1 ; added by Shinra
section .bss
global _mem
extern _i286core
extern _tramupdate
extern _vramupdate
extern _vramop
_mem resb 0x200000
%if BMS
struc bmsiowork_t
.bmsmem resd 1
.bmsmemsize resd 1
struc bmsio_t
.nomem resb 1
.bank resb 1
extern _bmsiowork
extern _bmsio
BMSBASE equ 080000h
_bmsio_nomem equ _bmsio + bmsio_t.nomem
_bmsio_bank equ _bmsio +
_bmsiowork_bmsmem equ _bmsiowork + bmsiowork_t.bmsmem
USERSMEMORY_R equ 0a8000h
USERSMEMORY_W equ 0a0000h
_extmemmng_ptr equ _i286core + cpucore_t.ext
_extmemmng_size equ _i286core + cpucore_t.extsize
%if 1
_font equ _mem + FONT_ADRS
_font equ ___font + 100h
extern @tracememwrite@8
extern @tracememwrite_w@8
%macro MEMTRACE 0
call @tracememwrite@8
%macro MEMTRACE_W 0
call @tracememwrite_w@8
%macro MEMTRACE 0
%macro MEMTRACE_W 0
extern @tracevramwrite@8
extern @tracevramwrite_w@8
%macro VRAMTRACE 0
call @tracevramwrite@8
%macro VRAMTRACE_W 0
call @tracevramwrite_w@8
%macro VRAMTRACE 0
%macro VRAMTRACE_W 0
section .text
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- write byte
extern egc_read
extern egc_read_w
extern egc_write
extern egc_write_w
extern @memegc_rd8@4
extern @memegc_rd16@4
extern @memegc_wr8@8
extern @memegc_wr16@8
; normal memory
align 16
@i286_wt: mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.adrsmask]
mov [MAINMEMORY + ebx], dl
pop ebx
%if BMS
; BMS memory
align 16
@bms_wt: test byte [_bmsio_nomem], 0ffh
jnz short bms_wt_exit
movzx ebx, byte [_bmsio_bank]
shl ebx, 17
add ebx, [_bmsiowork_bmsmem]
add ebx, ecx
sub ebx, BMSBASE
;mov ebx, ecx
;sub ebx, BMSBASE
;add ebx, [_bmsio_addr]
mov [ebx], dl
pop ebx
; tram write
align 16
@tram_wt: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.tramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov ebx, ecx
cmp ecx, 0a5000h ; 追加
jae short @i286_wt ; 追加
cmp ecx, 000a2000h
jnc short wtram_a
shr ebx, 1
and ebx, 0fffh
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dl
or byte [_tramupdate + ebx], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
pop ebx
align 16
wtram_a: cmp ecx, 000a3fe0h
jc short wtram_m
cmp ecx, 000a4000h
jnc wcgwindow_s
test ecx, 2
je short wtram_m
cmp byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.msw_accessable], 0
je short wtram_e
wtram_m: shr ebx, 1
jc short wtram_e
and ebx, 0fffh
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dl
or byte [_tramupdate + ebx], 3
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
wtram_e: pop ebx
align 16
wcgwindow_s: shr ebx, 1
jnc short wcgwindow_e
cmp ecx, 000a5000h
jnc short wcgwindow_e
test byte [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.writable], 1
je short wcgwindow_e
or byte [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.writable], 80h
and ebx, byte 15
add ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov [_font + ebx], dl
wcgwindow_e: pop ebx
; VRAM access-0
align 16
@vram_w0: VRAMTRACE
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx], dl
mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ebx], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-1
align 16
@vram_w1: mov [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx + VRAM_STEP], dl
mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ebx], 2
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-rmw
align 16
@grcg_rmw1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ecx], 2
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcg_rmw
align 16
@grcg_rmw0: VRAMTRACE
push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ecx], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
grcg_rmw: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov ebx, dword [_grcg + grcg_t.mode]
mov bl, dl
not bl
test ebx, 010000h
jne short grcgrmw_r
mov bh, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
and bh, dl
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], bl
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], bh
grcgrmw_r: test ebx, 020000h
jne short grcgrmw_g
mov bh, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
and bh, dl
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], bl
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], bh
grcgrmw_g: test ebx, 040000h
jne short grcgrmw_e
mov bh, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
and bh, dl
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], bl
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], bh
grcgrmw_e: test ebx, 080000h
jne short grcgrmw_end
mov bh, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
and bh, dl
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], bl
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], bh
grcgrmw_end: pop ecx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-tdw
align 16
@grcg_tdw1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ecx], 2
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcg_tdw
align 16
@grcg_tdw0: VRAMTRACE
push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or byte [_vramupdate + ecx], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
grcg_tdw: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov bh, [_grcg + grcg_t.modereg]
shr bh, 1
jc short grcgtdw_r
mov bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], bl
grcgtdw_r: shr bh, 1
jc short grcgtdw_g
mov bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], bl
grcgtdw_g: shr bh, 1
jc short grcgtdw_e
mov bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], bl
grcgtdw_e: shr bh, 1
jc short grcgtdw_end
mov bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], bl
grcgtdw_end: pop ecx
pop ebx
; EGC bridge
align 16
@egc_wt: VRAMTRACE
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
jmp egc_write
call @memegc_wr8@8
; EMM write
align 16
@emmc_wt: push ecx
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3fffh
shr ebx, 12
and ebx, byte (3*4)
add ecx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.ems + ebx]
mov [EXTMEMORY + ecx], dl
pop ecx
pop ebx
@i286_wb: mov [MAINMEMORY + 1c8000h - 0e8000h + ecx], dl
pop ebx
; non writable memory
align 16
@i286_wn: pop ebx
; ------------------------------------------------------------------ read byte
; normal memory
align 16
@i286_rd: mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.adrsmask]
mov al, [MAINMEMORY + ebx]
pop ebx
%if BMS
; BMS memory
align 16
@bms_rd: test byte [_bmsio_nomem], 0ffh
jnz short bms_rd_nomem
movzx ebx, byte [_bmsio_bank]
shl ebx, 17
add ebx, [_bmsiowork_bmsmem]
add ebx, ecx
sub ebx, BMSBASE
;mov ebx, ecx
;sub ebx, BMSBASE
;add ebx, [_bmsio_addr]
mov al, [ebx]
pop ebx
bms_rd_nomem: mov al, 0ffh
pop ebx
; font cg-window
align 16
@tram_rd: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.tramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
cmp ecx, 0a4000h
jnc rcgwindow_s
rcgwindow_n: mov al, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwindow_s: cmp ecx, 0a5000h
jnc short rcgwindow_n
push ecx
shr ecx, 1
setc bl
and ecx, byte 15
add ecx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.low + ebx*4]
mov al, [_font + ecx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-0
align 16
@vram_r0: mov al, [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx]
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-1
align 16
@vram_r1: mov al, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_STEP + ecx]
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-trc
@grcg_tcr1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcg_tcr
align 16
@grcg_tcr0: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
grcg_tcr: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov al, 0
mov bh, [_grcg + grcg_t.modereg]
shr bh, 1
jc grcgtcr_r
mov al, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx]
xor al, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
grcgtcr_r: shr bh, 1
jc grcgtcr_g
mov bl, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx]
xor bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
or al, bl
grcgtcr_g: shr bh, 1
jc grcgtcr_e
mov bl, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx]
xor bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
or al, bl
grcgtcr_e: shr bh, 1
jc grcgtcr_end
mov bl, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx]
xor bl, byte [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
or al, bl
grcgtcr_end: not al
pop ecx
pop ebx
; EGC bridge
align 16
@egc_rd: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
jmp egc_read
call @memegc_rd8@4
mov [esp + 28], al
; EMM read
align 16
@emmc_rd: push ecx
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3fffh
shr ebx, 12
and ebx, byte (3*4)
add ecx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.ems + ebx]
mov al, [EXTMEMORY + ecx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
align 16
@i286_rb: pop ebx
cmp byte [_i286core + cpucore_t.itfbank], 0
jne readmem_itf
mov al, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
readmem_itf: mov al, [MAINMEMORY + VRAM_STEP + ecx]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- write word
; normal memory
align 16
@i286w_wt: mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.adrsmask]
mov [MAINMEMORY + ebx], dx
pop ebx
%if BMS
; BMS memory
align 16
@bmsw_wt: test byte [_bmsio_nomem], 0ffh
jnz short bmsw_wt_exit
movzx ebx, byte [_bmsio_bank]
shl ebx, 17
add ebx, [_bmsiowork_bmsmem]
add ebx, ecx
sub ebx, BMSBASE
;mov ebx, ecx
;sub ebx, BMSBASE
;add ebx, [_bmsio_addr]
mov [ebx], dx
bmsw_wt_exit: pop ebx
; tram write
align 16
@tramw_wt: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.tramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov ebx, ecx
cmp ecx, 0a5000h ; 追加
jae short @i286w_wt ; 追加
cmp ecx, 000a1fffh
jnc short wtramw_a
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dx
and ebx, 01fffh
shr ebx, 1
jc short tramwt_odd
or byte [_tramupdate + ebx], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
pop ebx
align 16
tramwt_odd: or word [_tramupdate + ebx], 0101h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
pop ebx
align 16
wtramw_a: je short wword_a1fffh
cmp ecx, 000a3fe0h
jc short wtramw_m
cmp ecx, 000a3fffh
jnc wcgwindoww_s
test ecx, 2
je short wtramw_m
cmp byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.msw_accessable], 0
je short wtramw_e
wtramw_m: and ebx, 1fffh
shr ebx, 1
jc short wtramw_modd
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dl
or byte [_tramupdate + ebx], 3
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
wtramw_e: pop ebx
align 16
wword_a1fffh: mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dx
or byte [_tramupdate], 3
or byte [_tramupdate + 0fffh], 1
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
pop ebx
wtramw_modd: align 16
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx + 1], dh
or byte [_tramupdate + ebx + 1], 3
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.textdisp], 1
pop ebx
align 16
wcgwindoww_s: je short wcgwindoww_e
cmp ecx, 000a5000h
jnc short wcgwindoww_e
test byte [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.writable], 1
je short wcgwindoww_e
or byte [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.writable], 80h
and ebx, byte 31
shr ebx, 1
jc short wcgwinw_odd
add ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov [_font + ebx], dh
wcgwindoww_e: pop ebx
align 16
wcgwinw_odd: add ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov [_font + ebx], dl
pop ebx
; VRAM access-0
align 16
@vramw_w0: VRAMTRACE_W
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx], dx
mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ebx], 0101h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-1
align 16
@vramw_w1: mov [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx + VRAM_STEP], dx
mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ebx], 0202h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-rmw
align 16
@grcgw_rmw1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ecx], 0202h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcgw_rmw
align 16
@grcgw_rmw0: VRAMTRACE_W
push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ecx], 0101h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
grcgw_rmw: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
push eax
mov ebx, dword [_grcg + grcg_t.mode]
mov bx, dx
not bx
test ebx, 010000h
jne short grcgwrmw_r
mov ax, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
and ax, dx
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], bx
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], ax
grcgwrmw_r: test ebx, 020000h
jne short grcgwrmw_g
mov ax, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
and ax, dx
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], bx
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], ax
grcgwrmw_g: test ebx, 040000h
jne short grcgwrmw_e
mov ax, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
and ax, dx
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], bx
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], ax
grcgwrmw_e: test ebx, 080000h
jne short grcgwrmw_end
mov ax, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
and ax, dx
and [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], bx
or [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], ax
grcgwrmw_end: pop eax
pop ecx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-tdw
align 16
@grcgw_tdw1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ecx], 0202h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 2
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcgw_tdw
align 16
@grcgw_tdw0: VRAMTRACE_W
push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
or word [_vramupdate + ecx], 0101h
or byte [_gdcs + gdcs_t.grphdisp], 1
grcgw_tdw: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov ebx, [_grcg + grcg_t.mode]
test ebx, 010000h
jne short grcgwtdw_r
mov bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx], bx
grcgwtdw_r: test ebx, 020000h
jne short grcgwtdw_g
mov bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx], bx
grcgwtdw_g: test ebx, 040000h
jne short grcgwtdw_e
mov bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx], bx
grcgwtdw_e: test ebx, 080000h
jne short grcgwtdw_end
mov bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
mov [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx], bx
grcgwtdw_end: pop ecx
pop ebx
; EGC bridge
align 16
@egcw_wt: VRAMTRACE_W
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
jmp egc_write_w
call @memegc_wr16@8
; EMM write
align 16
@emmcw_wt: push ecx
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3fffh
shr ebx, 12
and ebx, byte (3*4)
add ecx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.ems + ebx]
mov [EXTMEMORY + ecx], dx
pop ecx
pop ebx
@i286w_wb: mov [MAINMEMORY + 1c8000h - 0e8000h + ecx], dx
pop ebx
; ------------------------------------------------------------------ read word
; normal memory
align 16
@i286w_rd: mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.adrsmask]
mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + ebx]
pop ebx
%if BMS
; BMS memory
align 16
@bmsw_rd: test byte [_bmsio_nomem], 0ffh
jnz short bmsw_rd_nomem
movzx ebx, byte [_bmsio_bank]
shl ebx, 17
add ebx, [_bmsiowork_bmsmem]
add ebx, ecx
sub ebx, BMSBASE
;mov ebx, ecx
;sub ebx, BMSBASE
;add ebx, [_bmsio_addr]
mov ax, [ebx]
pop ebx
bmsw_rd_nomem: mov ax,0ffffh
pop ebx
; font cg-window
align 16
@tramw_rd: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.tramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
cmp ecx, 0a3fffh
jnc rcgwwindow_s
mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwwindow_s: je short rcgwwindow_a3fff
rcgwwindow_even: cmp ecx, 0a4fffh
jnc short rcgwwindow_n
push ecx
and ecx, byte 31
shr ecx, 1
mov ebx, ecx
jc short rcgwwindow_odd
add ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.low]
add ecx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov al, [_font + ebx]
mov ah, [_font + ecx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwwindow_odd: inc ebx
and ebx, byte 15
add ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.low]
add ecx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov al, [_font + ecx]
mov ah, [_font + ebx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwwindow_n: je rcgwwindow_a4fff
mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwwindow_a3fff: mov ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.low]
mov ah, [_font + ebx]
mov al, [MAINMEMORY + 0a3fffh]
pop ebx
align 16
rcgwwindow_a4fff: mov ebx, dword [_cgwindow + cgwin_t.high]
mov al, [_font + ebx + 15]
mov ah, [MAINMEMORY + 0a5000h]
pop ebx
; VRAM access-0
align 16
@vramw_r0: mov ax, [VIDEOMEMORY + ecx]
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-1
align 16
@vramw_r1: mov ax, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_STEP + ecx]
mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.vramwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
; VRAM access-trc
@grcgw_tcr1: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
add ecx, VRAM_STEP
jmp short grcgw_tcr
align 16
@grcgw_tcr0: push ecx
and ecx, 7fffh
grcgw_tcr: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
mov ax, 0
mov ebx, [_grcg + grcg_t.mode]
test ebx, 010000h
jne short grcgwtcr_r
mov ax, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_B + ecx]
xor ax, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_b]
grcgwtcr_r: test ebx, 020000h
jne short grcgwtcr_g
mov bx, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_R + ecx]
xor bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_r]
or ax, bx
grcgwtcr_g: test ebx, 040000h
jne short grcgwtcr_e
mov bx, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_G + ecx]
xor bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_g]
or ax, bx
grcgwtcr_e: test ebx, 080000h
jne short grcgwtcr_end
mov bx, [VIDEOMEMORY + VRAM_E + ecx]
xor bx, word [_grcg + grcg_t.tile_e]
or ax, bx
grcgwtcr_end: not ax
pop ecx
pop ebx
; EGC bridge
align 16
@egcw_rd: mov ebx, [_vramop + vramop_t.grcgwait]
sub [_i286core + cpucore_t.remainclock], ebx
pop ebx
jmp egc_read_w
call @memegc_rd16@4
mov [esp + 28], ax
; EMM read
align 16
@emmcw_rd: push ecx
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3fffh
shr ebx, 12
and ebx, byte (3*4)
add ecx, [_i286core + cpucore_t.ems + ebx]
mov ax, [EXTMEMORY + ecx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
align 16
@i286w_rb: pop ebx
cmp byte [_i286core + cpucore_t.itfbank], 0
jne readwmem_itf
mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
readwmem_itf: mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + VRAM_STEP + ecx]
section .data
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- table
global _memory_read
global _memory_write
_memory_read dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 00
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 10
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 20
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 30
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 40
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 50
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 60
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 70
%if BMS
dd @bms_rd, @bms_rd ; 80
dd @bms_rd, @bms_rd ; 90
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 80
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; 90
dd @tram_rd, @vram_r0 ; a0
dd @vram_r0, @vram_r0 ; b0
dd @emmc_rd, @emmc_rd ; c0
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rd ; d0
dd @vram_r0, @i286_rd ; e0
dd @i286_rd, @i286_rb ; f0
_memory_write dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 00
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 10
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 20
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 30
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 40
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 50
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 60
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 70
%if BMS
dd @bms_wt, @bms_wt ; 80
dd @bms_wt, @bms_wt ; 90
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 80
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 90
dd @tram_wt, @vram_w0 ; a0
dd @vram_w0, @vram_w0 ; b0
dd @emmc_wt, @emmc_wt ; c0
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; d0 ; 追加
dd @vram_w0, @i286_wt ; e0 ; 追加
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; f0 ; 追加
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn ; d0
; dd @vram_w0, @i286_wn ; e0
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn ; f0
_memword_read dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 00
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 10
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 20
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 30
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 40
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 50
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 60
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 70
%if BMS
dd @bmsw_rd, @bmsw_rd ; 80
dd @bmsw_rd, @bmsw_rd ; 90
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 80
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; 90
dd @tramw_rd, @vramw_r0 ; a0
dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r0 ; b0
dd @emmcw_rd, @emmcw_rd ; c0
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rd ; d0
dd @vramw_r0, @i286w_rd ; e0
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rb ; f0
_memword_write dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 00
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 10
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 20
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 30
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 40
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 50
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 60
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 70
%if BMS
dd @bmsw_wt, @bmsw_wt ; 80
dd @bmsw_wt, @bmsw_wt ; 90
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 80
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 90
dd @tramw_wt, @vramw_w0 ; a0
dd @vramw_w0, @vramw_w0 ; b0
dd @emmcw_wt, @emmcw_wt ; c0
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; d0 ; 追加
dd @vramw_w0, @i286w_wt ; e0 ; 追加
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; f0 ; 追加
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn ; d0
; dd @vramw_w0, @i286_wn ; e0
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn ; f0
section .rdata
memmap dd @i286_rd, @i286_rb ; NEC
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 追加
dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rb ; 追加
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 追加
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn
; dd @i286w_rd, @i286w_rb
; dd @i286_wn, @i286_wn
dd @i286_rb, @i286_rb ; EPSON
dd @i286_wt, @i286_wt ; 追加
dd @i286w_rb, @i286w_rb ; 追加
dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wt ; 追加
; dd @i286_wt, @i286_wb
; dd @i286w_rb, @i286w_rb
; dd @i286w_wt, @i286w_wb
vram_read dd @vram_r0, @vram_r1 ; 00
dd @vram_r0, @vram_r1
dd @vram_r0, @vram_r1 ; 40
dd @vram_r0, @vram_r1
dd @grcg_tcr0, @grcg_tcr1 ; 80 tdw/tcr
dd @egc_rd, @egc_rd
dd @vram_r0, @vram_r1 ; c0 rmw
dd @egc_rd, @egc_rd
vram_write dd @vram_w0, @vram_w1 ; 00
dd @vram_w0, @vram_w1
dd @vram_w0, @vram_w1 ; 40
dd @vram_w0, @vram_w1
dd @grcg_tdw0, @grcg_tdw1 ; 80 tdw/tcr
dd @egc_wt, @egc_wt
dd @grcg_rmw0, @grcg_rmw1 ; c0 rmw
dd @egc_wt, @egc_wt
vramw_read dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r1 ; 00
dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r1
dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r1 ; 40
dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r1
dd @grcgw_tcr0, @grcgw_tcr1 ; 80 tdw/tcr
dd @egcw_rd, @egcw_rd
dd @vramw_r0, @vramw_r1 ; c0 rmw
dd @egcw_rd, @egcw_rd
vramw_write dd @vramw_w0, @vramw_w1 ; 00
dd @vramw_w0, @vramw_w1
dd @vramw_w0, @vramw_w1 ; 40
dd @vramw_w0, @vramw_w1
dd @grcgw_tdw0, @grcgw_tdw1 ; 80 tdw/tcr
dd @egcw_wt, @egcw_wt
dd @grcgw_rmw0, @grcgw_rmw1 ; c0 rmw
dd @egcw_wt, @egcw_wt
section .text
global @i286_memorymap@4
global @i286_vram_dispatch@4
global @i286_memorywrite@8
global @i286_memorywrite_w@8
global @i286_memoryread@4
global @i286_memoryread_w@4
global @i286_membyte_read@8
global @i286_memword_read@8
global @i286_memstr_read@16
global @i286_memx_read@12
global @i286_membyte_write@12
global @i286_memword_write@12
global @i286_memstr_write@16
global @i286_memx_write@12
%if BMS
cmp ecx, 07ffffh
cmp ecx, 09ffffh
jae short writeextmem_w
mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dx
align 16
cmp ecx, (USE_HIMEM - 1)
jae near writehimem_w
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
inc ebx
test ebx, 7fffh
je short wword_bound
shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memword_write]
align 16
wword_bound: shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
xchg dl, dh
inc ecx
push dword wword_bound2
push ebx
jmp [ebx + _memory_write]
align 16
wword_bound2: xchg dl, dh
dec ecx
dec ebx
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memory_write]
align 16
%if BMS
cmp ecx, 080000h
cmp ecx, 0a0000h
jae short writeextmem_b
writemain_b: mov [MAINMEMORY + ecx], dl
align 16
cmp ecx, USE_HIMEM
jae near writehimem
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memory_write]
%if BMS
cmp ecx, 07ffffh
cmp ecx, 0a3fffh
jae short readmemory_w
mov ax, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
align 16
cmp ecx, (USE_HIMEM - 1)
jae near readhimem_w
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
inc ebx
test ebx, 7fffh
je short rword_bound
shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memword_read]
align 16
rword_bound: shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
inc ecx
push dword rword_bound2
push ebx
jmp [ebx + _memory_read]
align 16
rword_bound2: mov ah, al
dec ecx
dec ebx
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memory_read]
align 16
%if BMS
cmp ecx, 080000h
cmp ecx, 0a4000h
jae short readmemory_b
readmain_b: mov al, [MAINMEMORY + ecx]
align 16
cmp ecx, USE_HIMEM
jae near readhimem
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
shr ebx, 13
and ebx, byte 07ch
jmp [ebx + _memory_read]
align 16
@i286_nonram_w@8: pop ebx
align 16
@i286_nonram_r@4: pop ebx
mov al, 0ffh
align 16
@i286_nonram_rw@4: pop ebx
mov ax, 0ffffh
align 16
@i286_memorymap@4: and ecx, 1
shl ecx, 5
lea ecx, [memmap + ecx]
mov edx, _memory_read
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [edx + 74h], eax
mov [edx + 78h], eax
mov eax, [ecx+4]
mov [edx + 7ch], eax
mov eax, [ecx+8]
mov edx, _memory_write
mov [edx + 68h], eax
mov [edx + 6ch], eax
mov eax, [ecx+12]
mov [edx + 74h], eax
mov [edx + 78h], eax
mov [edx + 7ch], eax
mov eax, [ecx+16]
mov edx, _memword_read
mov [edx + 74h], eax
mov [edx + 78h], eax
mov eax, [ecx+20]
mov [edx + 7ch], eax
mov eax, [ecx+24]
mov edx, _memword_write
mov [edx + 68h], eax
mov [edx + 6ch], eax
mov eax, [ecx+28]
mov [edx + 74h], eax
mov [edx + 78h], eax
mov [edx + 7ch], eax
align 16
mov edx, ecx
and edx, byte 15
mov eax, [vram_read + edx*4]
mov [_memory_read + 54h], eax ; VRAM_B
mov [_memory_read + 58h], eax ; VRAM_R
mov [_memory_read + 5ch], eax ; VRAM_G
mov [_memory_read + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
mov eax, [vram_write + edx*4]
mov [_memory_write + 54h], eax ; VRAM_B
mov [_memory_write + 58h], eax ; VRAM_R
mov [_memory_write + 5ch], eax ; VRAM_G
mov [_memory_write + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
mov eax, [vramw_read + edx*4]
mov [_memword_read + 54h], eax ; VRAM_B
mov [_memword_read + 58h], eax ; VRAM_R
mov [_memword_read + 5ch], eax ; VRAM_G
mov [_memword_read + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
mov eax, [vramw_write + edx*4]
mov [_memword_write + 54h], eax ; VRAM_B
mov [_memword_write + 58h], eax ; VRAM_R
mov [_memword_write + 5ch], eax ; VRAM_G
mov [_memword_write + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
test ecx, 10h
jne short degtaldispatch_e
mov eax, @i286_nonram_w@8
mov [_memory_write + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
mov [_memword_write + 70h], eax ; VRAM_E
mov dword [_memory_read + 70h], @i286_nonram_r@4
mov dword [_memword_read + 70h], @i286_nonram_rw@4
degtaldispatch_e: ret
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- himem
align 16
writehimem_w: push ebx
lea ebx, [ecx - 100000h]
cmp ebx, [_extmemmng_size]
jae himem_fault
add ebx, [_extmemmng_ptr]
mov word [ebx], dx
pop ebx
align 16
writehimem: push ebx
lea ebx, [ecx - 100000h]
cmp ebx, [_extmemmng_size]
jae himem_fault
add ebx, [_extmemmng_ptr]
mov byte [ebx], dl
pop ebx
align 16
himem_fault: pop ebx
align 16
readhimem_w: push ebx
lea ebx, [ecx - 100000h]
cmp ebx, [_extmemmng_size]
jae himem_fault
add ebx, [_extmemmng_ptr]
mov ax, word [ebx]
pop ebx
align 16
readhimem: push ebx
lea ebx, [ecx - 100000h]
cmp ebx, [_extmemmng_size]
jae himem_fault
add ebx, [_extmemmng_ptr]
mov al, byte [ebx]
pop ebx
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
align 16
push ecx
and ecx, 0000ffffh
and edx, 0000ffffh
shl ecx, 4
add ecx, edx
mov dl, byte [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
call @i286_memoryread@4
pop ecx
align 16
push ecx
and ecx, 0000ffffh
and edx, 0000ffffh
shl ecx, 4
add ecx, edx
mov dx, word [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
call @i286_memoryread_w@4
pop ecx
align 16
push ebx
mov ebx, dword [esp + FC_ARG4 + 4]
test ebx, ebx
je memstrread_ed
push esi
push edi
push ebp
push ecx
mov ebp, ecx
mov edi, edx
and ebp, 0000ffffh
and edi, 0000ffffh
shl ebp, 4
mov esi, dword [esp + FC_ARG3 + 20]
memstrread_lp: lea ecx, [edi + ebp]
call @i286_memoryread@4
mov [esi], al
inc esi
inc di
dec ebx
jne memstrread_lp
pop ecx
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
memstrread_ed: pop ebx
ret 8
align 16
push ebx
mov ebx, dword [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
test ebx, ebx
je memxread_ed
push esi
push ecx
mov esi, edx
memxread_lp: call @i286_memoryread@4
mov [esi], al
inc ecx
inc esi
dec ebx
jne memxread_lp
pop ecx
pop esi
memxread_ed: pop ebx
ret 4
align 16
push ecx
and ecx, 0000ffffh
and edx, 0000ffffh
shl ecx, 4
add ecx, edx
mov dl, byte [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
call @i286_memorywrite@8
pop ecx
ret 4
align 16
push ecx
and ecx, 0000ffffh
and edx, 0000ffffh
shl ecx, 4
add ecx, edx
mov dx, word [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
call @i286_memorywrite_w@8
pop ecx
ret 4
align 16
push ebx
mov ebx, dword [esp + FC_ARG4 + 4]
test ebx, ebx
je memstrwrite_ed
push esi
push edi
push ebp
push ecx
mov ebp, ecx
mov edi, edx
and ebp, 0000ffffh
and edi, 0000ffffh
shl ebp, 4
mov esi, dword [esp + FC_ARG3 + 20]
memstrwrite_lp: lea ecx, [ebp + edi]
mov dl, [esi]
call @i286_memorywrite@8
inc esi
inc di
dec ebx
jne memstrwrite_lp
pop ecx
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
memstrwrite_ed: pop ebx
ret 8
align 16
push ebx
mov ebx, dword [esp + FC_ARG3 + 4]
test ebx, ebx
je memxwrite_ed
push esi
push ecx
mov esi, edx
memxwrite_lp: mov dl, [esi]
call @i286_memorywrite@8
inc ecx
inc esi
dec ebx
jne memxwrite_lp
pop ecx
pop esi
memxwrite_ed: pop ebx
ret 4