# Play! Play is an attempt at creating a PlayStation 2 emulator for the Win32, OSX and Android platforms. For more information, please visit [purei.org](http://purei.org) ## Project Dependencies ## ### External Libraries ### - [boost](http://boost.org) ### Repositories ### - [Play! Dependencies](https://github.com/jpd002/Play-Dependencies) - [Play! Framework](https://github.com/jpd002/Play--Framework) - [Play! CodeGen](https://github.com/jpd002/Play--CodeGen) ## Building ## ### General Setup ### Make sure your working copies share the same parent folder. Your setup should look like this: C:\Projects - CodeGen - Dependencies - Framework - Play ### Building for Android ### Building for Android has only been tested under Cygwin, but should work on other UNIX-like environments. - Make a copy of `ExternalDependencies.mk.template` found in `build_android/jni` and rename to `ExternalDependencies.mk` - Open the newly copied `ExternalDependencies.mk` and change paths inside to point to the proper dependency/repository paths (ie.: `/path/to/CodeGen` -> `/cygdrive/c/ProjectsGit/CodeGen/`) - The build script relies on some environment variables that must be set before building: - `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT` -> Must refer to the Android NDK's path (ie.: `/cygdrive/c/Android/android-ndk-r10d`) - `ANDROID_SDK_ROOT` -> Must refer to the Android SDK's path (ie.: `/cygdrive/c/Android/android-sdk`) - `ANT_HOME` -> Must refer to a valid Apache Ant installation. - Make sure you've built all necessary depencendies: boost, Framework and CodeGen. - Run the `build_debug.sh` script available in the `build_android` directory to generate a debug build and `build_release.sh` for a release build.