/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for * additional informations. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Flash chip emulation by Flavor * with ideas from Koyote (who originally got ideas from Flavor :) * for emulation of NGPC carts */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "race-memory.h" #include "types.h" #include "flash.h" /* Manuf ID's Supported 0x98 Toshiba 0xEC Samsung 0xB0 Sharp Other 0x89 Intel 0x01 AMD 0xBF SST */ unsigned char manufID = 0x98; /* we're always Toshiba! */ unsigned char deviceID = 0x2F; unsigned char cartSize = 32; unsigned int bootBlockStartAddr = 0x1F0000; unsigned char bootBlockStartNum = 31; /* with selector, I get * writeSaveGameFile: Couldn't open Battery//mnt/sd/Games/race/ChryMast.ngf file */ extern char retro_save_directory[2048]; #define SAVEGAME_DIR retro_save_directory unsigned char currentWriteCycle = 1; /* can be 1 through 6 */ unsigned char currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; #define FLASH_VALID_ID 0x0053 struct NGFheaderStruct { unsigned short version; /* always 0x53? */ unsigned short numBlocks; /* how many blocks are in the file */ unsigned int fileLen; /* length of the file */ }; struct blockStruct { unsigned int NGPCaddr; /* where this block starts (in NGPC memory map) */ unsigned int len; /* length of following data */ }; #define MAX_BLOCKS 35 /* a 16m chip has 35 blocks (SA0-SA34) */ unsigned char blocksDirty[2][MAX_BLOCKS]; /* max of 2 chips */ unsigned char needToWriteFile = 0; char ngfFilename[300] = {0}; #define FLASH_WRITE 0 #define FLASH_ERASE 1 void setupFlashParams(void) { switch(cartSize) { default: case 32: deviceID = 0x2F; /* the upper chip will always be 16bit */ bootBlockStartAddr = 0x1F0000; bootBlockStartNum = 31; break; case 16: deviceID = 0x2F; bootBlockStartAddr = 0x1F0000; bootBlockStartNum = 31; break; case 8: deviceID = 0x2C; bootBlockStartAddr = 0xF0000; bootBlockStartNum = 15; break; case 4: deviceID = 0xAB; bootBlockStartAddr = 0x70000; bootBlockStartNum = 7; break; case 0: manufID = 0x00; deviceID = 0x00; bootBlockStartAddr = 0x00000; bootBlockStartNum = 0; break; } } unsigned char blockNumFromAddr(unsigned int addr) { addr &= 0x1FFFFF/* & cartAddrMask*/; if(addr >= bootBlockStartAddr) { unsigned int bootAddr = addr-bootBlockStartAddr; /* boot block is 32k, 8k, 8k, 16k (0x8000,0x2000,0x2000,0x4000) */ if(bootAddr < 0x8000) return (bootBlockStartAddr / 0x10000); else if(bootAddr < 0xA000) return (bootBlockStartAddr / 0x10000) + 1; else if(bootAddr < 0xC000) return (bootBlockStartAddr / 0x10000) + 2; else if(bootAddr < 0x10000) return (bootBlockStartAddr / 0x10000) + 3; } return addr / 0x10000; } unsigned int blockNumToAddr(unsigned char chip, unsigned char blockNum) { unsigned int addr; if(blockNum >= bootBlockStartNum) { unsigned char bootBlock; addr = bootBlockStartNum * 0x10000; bootBlock = blockNum - bootBlockStartNum; if(bootBlock>=1) addr+= 0x8000; if(bootBlock>=2) addr+= 0x2000; if(bootBlock>=3) addr+= 0x2000; } else addr = blockNum * 0x10000; if (chip) addr+=0x200000; return addr; } unsigned int blockSize(unsigned char blockNum) { if(blockNum >= bootBlockStartNum) { unsigned char bootBlock = blockNum - bootBlockStartNum; if(bootBlock==3) return 0x4000; if(bootBlock==2) return 0x2000; if(bootBlock==1) return 0x2000; if(bootBlock==0) return 0x8000; } return 0x10000; } void setupNGFfilename(void) { int dotSpot = -1, pos = 0; int slashSpot = -1; strcpy(ngfFilename, SAVEGAME_DIR); pos = strlen(m_emuInfo.RomFileName); while(pos>=0) { if(m_emuInfo.RomFileName[pos] == path_default_slash_c()) { slashSpot = pos; break; } pos--; } strcat(ngfFilename, &m_emuInfo.RomFileName[slashSpot+1]); for(pos=strlen(ngfFilename);pos>=0 && dotSpot == -1; pos--) { if(ngfFilename[pos] == '.') dotSpot = pos; } if(dotSpot == -1) return; strcpy(&ngfFilename[dotSpot+1], "ngf"); } /* write all the dirty blocks out to a file */ void writeSaveGameFile(void) { /* find the dirty blocks and write them to the .NGF file */ int totalBlocks = bootBlockStartNum+4; RFILE *ngfFile = NULL; int i; int64_t bytes; struct NGFheaderStruct NGFheader; struct blockStruct block; setupNGFfilename(); ngfFile = filestream_open(ngfFilename, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if(!ngfFile) return; NGFheader.version = 0x53; NGFheader.numBlocks = 0; NGFheader.fileLen = sizeof(struct NGFheaderStruct); /* add them all up, first */ for(i=0;i MAX_BLOCKS) { free(blockMem); return; } /* loop through the blocks and insert them into mainrom */ for(i=0; i < NGFheader.numBlocks; i++) { blockHeader = (struct blockStruct*) blocks; blocks += sizeof(struct blockStruct); if(!((blockHeader->NGPCaddr >= 0x200000 && blockHeader->NGPCaddr < 0x400000) || (blockHeader->NGPCaddr >= 0x800000 && blockHeader->NGPCaddr < 0xA00000) )) { free(blockMem); return; } if(blockHeader->NGPCaddr >= 0x800000) { blockHeader->NGPCaddr -= 0x600000; blocksDirty[1][blockNumFromAddr(blockHeader->NGPCaddr-0x200000)] = 1; } else if(blockHeader->NGPCaddr >= 0x200000) { blockHeader->NGPCaddr -= 0x200000; blocksDirty[0][blockNumFromAddr(blockHeader->NGPCaddr)] = 1; } memcpy(&mainrom[blockHeader->NGPCaddr], blocks, blockHeader->len); blocks += blockHeader->len; } free(blockMem); } void flashWriteByte(unsigned int addr, unsigned char data, unsigned char operation) { if(blockNumFromAddr(addr) == 0) /* hack because DWARP writes to bank 0 */ return; /* set a dirty flag for the block that we are writing to */ if(addr < 0x200000) { blocksDirty[0][blockNumFromAddr(addr)] = 1; needToWriteFile = 1; } else if(addr < 0x400000) { blocksDirty[1][blockNumFromAddr(addr)] = 1; needToWriteFile = 1; } else return; /* panic */ /* changed to &= because it's actually how flash works * flash memory can be erased (changed to 0xFF) * and when written, 1s can become 0s, but you can't turn 0s into 1s (except by erasing) */ if(operation == FLASH_ERASE) mainrom[addr] = 0xFF; /* we're just erasing, so set to 0xFF */ else mainrom[addr] &= data; /* actually writing data */ } unsigned char flashReadInfo(unsigned int addr) { currentWriteCycle = 1; currentCommand = COMMAND_INFO_READ; switch(addr&0x03) { case 0: return manufID; case 1: return deviceID; case 2: return 0; /* block not protected */ case 3: /* thanks Koyote */ default: return 0x80; } } void flashChipWrite(unsigned int addr, unsigned char data) { if(addr >= 0x800000 && cartSize != 32) return; switch(currentWriteCycle) { case 1: if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0xAA) currentWriteCycle++; else if(data == 0xF0) { currentWriteCycle=1; /* this is a reset command */ writeSaveGameFile(); } else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; case 2: if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x2AAA && data == 0x55) currentWriteCycle++; else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; case 3: if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0x80) currentWriteCycle++; /* continue on */ else if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0xF0) { currentWriteCycle=1; writeSaveGameFile(); } else if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0x90) { currentWriteCycle++; currentCommand = COMMAND_INFO_READ; /* now, the next time we read from flash, * we should return a ID value * or a block protect value */ break; } else if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0xA0) { currentWriteCycle++; currentCommand = COMMAND_BYTE_PROGRAM; break; } else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; case 4: /* time to write to flash memory */ if(currentCommand == COMMAND_BYTE_PROGRAM) { if(addr >= 0x200000 && addr < 0x400000) addr -= 0x200000; else if(addr >= 0x800000 && addr < 0xA00000) addr -= 0x600000; /*should be changed to just write to mainrom */ flashWriteByte(addr, data, FLASH_WRITE); currentWriteCycle=1; } else if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0xAA) currentWriteCycle++; else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; case 5: if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x2AAA && data == 0x55) currentWriteCycle++; else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; case 6: /* chip erase */ if((addr & 0xFFFF) == 0x5555 && data == 0x10) { currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = COMMAND_CHIP_ERASE; /* erase the entire chip * memset it to all 0xFF * I think we won't implement this */ break; } /* block erase */ if(data == 0x30 || data == 0x50) { unsigned char chip=0; currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = COMMAND_BLOCK_ERASE; /* erase the entire block that contains addr * memset it to all 0xFF */ if(addr >= 0x800000) chip = 1; vectFlashErase(chip, blockNumFromAddr(addr)); break; } else currentWriteCycle=1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; default: currentWriteCycle = 1; currentCommand = NO_COMMAND; break; } } /* this should be called when a ROM is unloaded */ void flashShutdown(void) { writeSaveGameFile(); } /* this should be called when a ROM is loaded */ void flashStartup(void) { memset(blocksDirty[0], 0, MAX_BLOCKS*sizeof(blocksDirty[0][0])); memset(blocksDirty[1], 0, MAX_BLOCKS*sizeof(blocksDirty[0][0])); needToWriteFile = 0; loadSaveGameFile(); } void vectFlashWrite(unsigned char chip, unsigned int to, unsigned char *fromAddr, unsigned int numBytes) { if(chip) to+=0x200000; while(numBytes--) { flashWriteByte(to, *fromAddr, FLASH_WRITE); fromAddr++; to++; } } void vectFlashErase(unsigned char chip, unsigned char blockNum) { /* this needs to be modified to take into account boot block areas (less than 64k) */ unsigned int blockAddr = blockNumToAddr(chip, blockNum); unsigned int numBytes = blockSize(blockNum); while(numBytes--) { flashWriteByte(blockAddr, 0xFF, FLASH_ERASE); blockAddr++; } } void vectFlashChipErase(unsigned char chip) { } void setFlashSize(unsigned int romSize) { /* add individual hacks here. */ /*delta warp */ if(strncmp((const char *)&mainrom[0x24], "DELTA WARP ", 11)==0) cartSize = 8; /* 1 8mbit chip */ else if(romSize > 0x200000) cartSize = 32; /* 2 16mbit chips */ else if(romSize > 0x100000) cartSize = 16; /* 1 16mbit chip */ else if(romSize > 0x080000) /* 1 8mbit chip */ cartSize = 8; else if(romSize > 0x040000) /* 1 4mbit chip */ cartSize = 4; else if(romSize == 0) /* no cart, just emu BIOS */ cartSize = 0; else { /* we don't know. It's probably a homebrew or something cut down * so just pretend we're a Bung! cart * 2 16mbit chips */ cartSize = 32; } setupFlashParams(); flashStartup(); }