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synced 2024-11-23 17:09:53 +00:00
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9299 lines
260 KiB
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for
// additional informations.
// tlcs900h.cpp: implementation of the tlcs900h class.
// 010906 - Checked and fixed ADD/ADC/SUB/SBC/AND/OR/XOR/MUL/MULS/DAA for 100% correctness
// 010324 - Fixed a stupid flag bug in the rotate & shift instructions
// 001230 - Fixed and cleaned XORCF and ORCF instructions
// 991225 - Added the previous register bank
// 991219 - Finished redoing all the flag handling, time to do some bugfixing again...
// 991215 - Hopefully fixed the V flag in the ADD, ADC, SUB and SBC operations
// 991210 - Fixed some minor bugs after a cdoe read
// 991207 - Fixed a bug in DIVS and a bug in the bit test operations
// 991127 - Redid the signed conditionals, hopefully good this time
// TODO:
// - Check state counting for rlc,rrc,rl4, rrc, sla, sra, srl
// - Optimizing repeating instructions, such as LDIR, LDDIR, etc.
// I took out the optimizing instructions to be able to implement
// accurate timers. Might put these back as soon as i have the timers
// up and running in a stable state....
// - Implementation MULA operation incomplete (V flag)
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "tlcs900h.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "ngpBios.h"
#include "neopopsound.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
int finscan;
int contador;
extern int gfx_hacks;
extern int fixsoundmahjong;
unsigned char *rasterY = get_address(0x00008035);
// ngpcdis.cpp
// Emulator for tlcs-900H based on:
// Disassembler for a neogeo pocket color rom (TLCS-900H cpu)
// TODO:
// - Fix Bugs!
// there don't seem to be any direct calls into the bios. The way bios calls seem to be
// implemented is through SWI 1. SWI 1 is called and some parameters are passed in some
// registers.
// the TLCS-900H has several registers:
// 8-bit registers: W, A, B, C, D, E, H, L
// 16-bit registers: WA, BC, DE, HL, IX, IY, IZ, SP
// 32-bit registers: XWA, XBC, XDE, XHL, XIZ, XIY, XIZ, XSP
// the encoding of general 8/16/32 bit registers is unknown at this point; ie, which
// register number refers to which register (part) name.
// the encoding is a tad different for different size modes (B,W,L)
// probable setup of the register numbers:
// 0x0x - register bank 0
// 0x1x - register bank 1
// 0x2x - register bank 2
// 0x3x - register bank 3
// 0xDx - previous register bank (?)
// 0xEx - current register bank
// 0xFx - special register bank (XIX, XIY, XIZ, XSP)
// RA, RW, QA, QW, etc.. the true LSB MSB order seems to give the best results :)
// Roms start at address 0x00200000
// There seems to be some RAM starting at 0x00004000
// Also some special additional registers from this particular member of the 900H
// seems to be getting used, presumably for communication purposes???
// Register bank #3 is the 'system' bank and set #2 is the regular work bank????
// I think the CPU is a TMP95CS64F, or a special SNK derivation thereof
unsigned char Ztable[256]; // zero and sign flags table for faster setting
unsigned char SZtable[256]; // zero and sign flags table for faster setting
//#define USE_PARITY_TABLE //this is currently broken!
unsigned char parityVtable[256]; // zero and sign flags table for faster setting
//#define TCLS900H_PROFILING
struct profStruct
unsigned int ticks, calls;
unsigned int decode[256];
struct profStruct profile[256];
char *instr_names[256] =
"nop", "normal", "pushsr", "popsr", "tmax", "halt", "ei", "reti",
"ld8I", "pushI", "ldw8I", "pushwI", "incf", "decf", "ret", "retd",
"rcf", "scf", "ccf", "zcf", "pushA", "popA", "exFF", "ldf",
"pushF", "popF", "jp16", "jp24", "call16", "call24", "calr", "udef",
"ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB", "ldRIB",
"pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW", "pushRW",
"ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW", "ldRIW",
"pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL", "pushRL",
"ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL", "ldRIL",
"popRW", "popRW", "popRW", "popRW", "popRW", "popRW", "popRW", "popRW",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"popRL", "popRL", "popRL", "popRL", "popRL", "popRL", "popRL", "popRL",
"jrcc0", "jrcc1", "jrcc2", "jrcc3", "jrcc4", "jrcc5", "jrcc6", "jrcc7",
"jrcc8", "jrcc9", "jrccA", "jrccB", "jrccC", "jrccD", "jrccE", "jrccF",
"jrlcc0", "jrlcc1", "jrlcc2", "jrlcc3", "jrlcc4", "jrlcc5", "jrlcc6", "jrlcc7",
"jrlcc8", "jrlcc9", "jrlccA", "jrlccB", "jrlccC", "jrlccD", "jrlccE", "jrlccF",
"decode80", "decode80", "decode80", "decode80", "decode80", "decode80", "decode80", "decode80",
"decode88", "decode88", "decode88", "decode88", "decode88", "decode88", "decode88", "decode88",
"decode90", "decode90", "decode90", "decode90", "decode90", "decode90", "decode90", "decode90",
"decode98", "decode98", "decode98", "decode98", "decode98", "decode98", "decode98", "decode98",
"decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0", "decodeA0",
"decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8", "decodeA8",
"decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0", "decodeB0",
"decodeB8", "decodeB8", "decodeB8", "decodeBB", "decodeB8", "decodeB8", "decodeB8", "decodeB8",
"decodeC0", "decodeC1", "decodeC2", "decodeC3", "decodeC4", "decodeC5", "udef", "decodeC7",
"decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8", "decodeC8",
"decodeD0", "decodeD1", "decodeD2", "decodeD3", "decodeD4", "decodeD5", "udef", "decodeD7",
"decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8", "decodeD8",
"decodeE0", "decodeE1", "decodeE2", "decodeE3", "decodeE4", "decodeE5", "udef", "decodeE7",
"decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8", "decodeE8",
"decodeF0", "decodeF1", "decodeF2", "decodeF3", "decodeF4", "decodeF5", "udef", "ldx",
"swi", "swi", "swi", "swi", "swi", "swi", "swi", "swi"
char *instr_table80[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "pushM00", "udef", "rld00", "rrd00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldi", "ldir", "ldd", "lddr", "cpiB", "cpirB", "cpdB", "cpdrB",
"udef", "ld16M00", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00",
"addMI00", "adcMI00", "subMI00", "sbcMI00", "andMI00", "xorMI00", "orMI00", "cpMI00",
"mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00",
"mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00",
"divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00",
"divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00",
"inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00",
"dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"rlcM00", "rrcM00", "rlM00", "rrM00", "slaM00", "sraM00", "sllM00", "srlM00",
"addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00",
"addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00",
"adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00",
"adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00",
"subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00",
"subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00",
"sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00",
"sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00",
"andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00",
"andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00",
"xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00",
"xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00",
"orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00",
"orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00",
"cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00",
"cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00"
char *instr_table90[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "pushwM10", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldiw", "ldirw", "lddw", "lddrw", "cpiW", "cpirW", "cpdW", "cpdrW",
"udef", "ldw16M10", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10",
"addwMI10", "adcwMI10", "subwMI10", "sbcwMI10", "andwMI10", "xorwMI10", "orwMI10", "cpwMI10",
"mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10",
"mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10",
"divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10",
"divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10",
"incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10",
"decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"rlcwM10", "rrcwM10", "rlwM10", "rrwM10", "slawM10", "srawM10", "sllwM10", "srlwM10",
"addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10",
"addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10",
"adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10",
"adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10",
"subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10",
"subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10",
"sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10",
"sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10",
"andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10",
"andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10",
"xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10",
"xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10",
"orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10",
"orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10",
"cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10",
"cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10"
char *instr_table98[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "pushwM10", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "ldw16M10", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10",
"addwMI10", "adcwMI10", "subwMI10", "sbcwMI10", "andwMI10", "xorwMI10", "orwMI10", "cpwMI10",
"mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10",
"mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10",
"divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10",
"divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10",
"incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10",
"decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"rlcwM10", "rrcwM10", "rlwM10", "rrwM10", "slawM10", "srawM10", "sllwM10", "srlwM10",
"addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10",
"addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10",
"adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10",
"adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10",
"subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10",
"subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10",
"sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10",
"sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10",
"andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10",
"andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10",
"xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10",
"xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10",
"orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10",
"orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10",
"cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10",
"cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10"
char *instr_tableA0[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef ", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20",
"addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20",
"adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20",
"adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20",
"subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20",
"subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20",
"sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20",
"sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20",
"andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20",
"andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20",
"xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20",
"xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20",
"orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20",
"orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20",
"cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20",
"cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20"
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"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef ", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "ldM1630", "udef", "ldwM1630", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30",
"andcfAM30", "orcfAM30", "xorcfAM30", "ldcfAM30", "stcfAM30", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W",
"udef", "udef", "udef ", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef ", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30",
"orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30",
"xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30",
"ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30",
"stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30",
"tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30",
"res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30",
"set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30",
"chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30",
"bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30",
"jpccM300", "jpccM301", "jpccM302", "jpccM303", "jpccM304", "jpccM305", "jpccM306", "jpccM307",
"jpccM308", "jpccM309", "jpccM30A", "jpccM30B", "jpccM30C", "jpccM30D", "jpccM30E", "jpccM30F",
"callccM300", "callccM301", "callccM302", "callccM303", "callccM304", "callccM305", "callccM306", "callccM307",
"callccM308", "callccM309", "callccM30A", "callccM30B", "callccM30C", "callccM30D", "callccM30E", "callccM30F",
"retcc0", "retcc1", "retcc2", "retcc3", "retcc4", "retcc5", "retcc6", "retcc7",
"retcc8", "retcc9", "retccA", "retccB", "retccC", "retccD", "retccE", "retccF"
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"ldMI30", "udef", "ldwMI30", "udef", "popM30", "udef", "popwM30", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "ldM1630", "udef", "ldwM1630", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30",
"andcfAM30", "orcfAM30", "xorcfAM30", "ldcfAM30", "stcfAM30", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30",
"orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30",
"xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30",
"ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30",
"stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30",
"tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30",
"res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30",
"set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30",
"chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30",
"bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30",
"jpccM300", "jpccM301", "jpccM302", "jpccM303", "jpccM304", "jpccM305", "jpccM306", "jpccM307",
"jpccM308", "jpccM309", "jpccM30A", "jpccM30B", "jpccM30C", "jpccM30D", "jpccM30E", "jpccM30F",
"callccM300", "callccM301", "callccM302", "callccM303", "callccM304", "callccM305", "callccM306", "callccM307",
"callccM308", "callccM309", "callccM30A", "callccM30B", "callccM30C", "callccM30D", "callccM30E", "callccM30F",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef"
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"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "pushM00", "udef", "rld00", "rrd00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "ld16M00", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00", "ldRM00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00", "exMRB00",
"addMI00", "adcMI00", "subMI00", "sbcMI00", "andMI00", "xorMI00", "orMI00", "cpMI00",
"mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00", "mulRMB00",
"mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00", "mulsRMB00",
"divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00", "divRMB00",
"divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00", "divsRMB00",
"inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00", "inc3M00",
"dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00", "dec3M00",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"rlcM00", "rrcM00", "rlM00", "rrM00", "slaM00", "sraM00", "sllM00", "srlM00",
"addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00", "addRMB00",
"addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00", "addMRB00",
"adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00", "adcRMB00",
"adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00", "adcMRB00",
"subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00", "subRMB00",
"subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00", "subMRB00",
"sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00", "sbcRMB00",
"sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00", "sbcMRB00",
"andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00", "andRMB00",
"andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00", "andMRB00",
"xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00", "xorRMB00",
"xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00", "xorMRB00",
"orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00", "orRMB00",
"orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00", "orMRB00",
"cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00", "cpRMB00",
"cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00", "cpMRB00"
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"udef", "udef", "udef", "ldrIB", "pushrB", "poprB", "cplrB", "negrB",
"mulrIB", "mulsrIB", "divrIB", "divsrIB", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"daar", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "bios", "udef", "djnzB", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcf4rB", "orcf4rB", "xorcf4rB", "ldcf4rB", "stcf4rB", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcfArB", "orcfArB", "xorcfArB", "ldcfArB", "stcfArB", "udef", "ldccrB", "ldcrcB",
"res4rB", "set4rB", "chg4rB", "bit4rB", "tset4rB", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB", "mulRrB",
"mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB", "mulsRrB",
"divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB", "divRrB",
"divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB", "divsRrB",
"inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB", "inc3rB",
"dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB", "dec3rB",
"sccB0", "sccB1", "sccB2", "sccB3", "sccB4", "sccB5", "sccB6", "sccB7",
"sccB8", "sccB9", "sccBA", "sccBB", "sccBC", "sccBD", "sccBE", "sccBF",
"addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB", "addRrB",
"ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB", "ldRrB",
"adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB", "adcRrB",
"ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB", "ldrRB",
"subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB", "subRrB",
"ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B", "ldr3B",
"sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB", "sbcRrB",
"exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB", "exRrB",
"andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB", "andRrB",
"addrIB", "adcrIB", "subrIB", "sbcrIB", "andrIB", "xorrIB", "orrIB", "cprIB",
"xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB", "xorRrB",
"cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B", "cpr3B",
"orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB", "orRrB",
"rlc4rB", "rrc4rB", "rl4rB", "rr4rB", "sla4rB", "sra4rB", "sll4rB", "srl4rB",
"cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB", "cpRrB",
"rlcArB", "rrcArB", "rlArB", "rrArB", "slaArB", "sraArB", "sllArB", "srlArB"
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"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "pushwM10", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "ldw16M10", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10", "ldRM10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10", "exMRW10",
"addwMI10", "adcwMI10", "subwMI10", "sbcwMI10", "andwMI10", "xorwMI10", "orwMI10", "cpwMI10",
"mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10", "mulRMW10",
"mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10", "mulsRMW10",
"divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10", "divRMW10",
"divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10", "divsRMW10",
"incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10", "incw3M10",
"decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10", "decw3M10",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"rlcwM10", "rrcwM10", "rlwM10", "rrwM10", "slawM10", "srawM10", "sllwM10", "srlwM10",
"addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10", "addRMW10",
"addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10", "addMRW10",
"adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10", "adcRMW10",
"adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10", "adcMRW10",
"subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10", "subRMW10",
"subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10", "subMRW10",
"sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10", "sbcRMW10",
"sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10", "sbcMRW10",
"andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10", "andRMW10",
"andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10", "andMRW10",
"xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10", "xorRMW10",
"xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10", "xorMRW10",
"orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10", "orRMW10",
"orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10", "orMRW10",
"cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10", "cpRMW10",
"cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10", "cpMRW10"
char *instr_tableD8[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "ldrIW", "pushrW", "poprW", "cplrW", "negrW",
"mulrIW", "mulsrIW", "divrIW", "divsrIW", "udef", "udef", "bs1f", "bs1b",
"udef", "udef", "extzrW", "extsrW", "paarW", "udef", "mirrr", "udef",
"udef", "mular", "udef", "udef", "djnzW", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcf4rW", "orcf4rW", "xorcf4rW", "ldcf4rW", "stcf4rW", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcfArW", "orcfArW", "xorcfArW", "ldcfArW", "stcfArW", "udef", "ldccrW", "ldcrcW",
"res4rW", "set4rW", "chg4rW", "bit4rW", "tset4rW", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"minc1", "minc2", "minc4", "udef", "mdec1", "mdec2", "mdec4", "udef",
"mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW", "mulRrW",
"mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW", "mulsRrW",
"divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW", "divRrW",
"divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW", "divsRrW",
"inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW", "inc3rW",
"dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW", "dec3rW",
"sccW0", "sccW1", "sccW2", "sccW3", "sccW4", "sccW5", "sccW6", "sccW7",
"sccW8", "sccW9", "sccWA", "sccWB", "sccWC", "sccWD", "sccWE", "sccWF",
"addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW", "addRrW",
"ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW", "ldRrW",
"adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW", "adcRrW",
"ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW", "ldrRW",
"subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW", "subRrW",
"ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W", "ldr3W",
"sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW", "sbcRrW",
"exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW", "exRrW",
"andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW", "andRrW",
"addrIW", "adcrIW", "subrIW", "sbcrIW", "andrIW", "xorrIW", "orrIW", "cprIW",
"xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW", "xorRrW",
"cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W", "cpr3W",
"orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW", "orRrW",
"rlc4rW", "rrc4rW", "rl4rW", "rr4rW", "sla4rW", "sra4rW", "sll4rW", "srl4rW",
"cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW", "cpRrW",
"rlcArW", "rrcArW", "rlArW", "rrArW", "slaArW", "sraArW", "sllArW", "srlArW"
char *instr_tableE0[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20", "ldRM20",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef ", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20", "addRML20",
"addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20", "addMRL20",
"adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20", "adcRML20",
"adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20", "adcMRL20",
"subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20", "subRML20",
"subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20", "subMRL20",
"sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20", "sbcRML20",
"sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20", "sbcMRL20",
"andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20", "andRML20",
"andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20", "andMRL20",
"xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20", "xorRML20",
"xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20", "xorMRL20",
"orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20", "orRML20",
"orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20", "orMRL20",
"cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20", "cpRML20",
"cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20", "cpMRL20"
char *instr_tableE8[256] =
"udef", "udef", "udef", "ldrIL", "pushrL", "poprL", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "link", "unlk", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "extzrL", "extsrL", "paarL", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "ldccrL", "ldcrcL",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL", "inc3rL",
"dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL", "dec3rL",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL", "addRrL",
"ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL", "ldRrL",
"adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL", "adcRrL",
"ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL", "ldrRL",
"subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL", "subRrL",
"ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L", "ldr3L",
"sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL", "sbcRrL",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL", "andRrL",
"addrIL", "adcrIL", "subrIL", "sbcrIL", "andrIL", "xorrIL", "orrIL", "cprIL",
"xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL", "xorRrL",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL", "orRrL",
"rlc4rL", "rrc4rL", "rl4rL", "rr4rL", "sla4rL", "sra4rL", "sll4rL", "srl4rL",
"cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL", "cpRrL",
"rlcArL", "rrcArL", "rlArL", "rrArL", "slaArL", "sraArL", "sllArL", "srlArL"
char *instr_tableF0[256] =
"ldMI30", "udef", "ldwMI30", "udef", "popM30", "udef", "popwM30", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "ldM1630", "udef", "ldwM1630", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30", "ldaRMW30",
"andcfAM30", "orcfAM30", "xorcfAM30", "ldcfAM30", "stcfAM30", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30", "ldaRML30",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B", "ldMR30B",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W", "ldMR30W",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L", "ldMR30L",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30", "andcf3M30",
"orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30", "orcf3M30",
"xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30", "xorcf3M30",
"ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30", "ldcf3M30",
"stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30", "stcf3M30",
"tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30", "tset3M30",
"res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30", "res3M30",
"set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30", "set3M30",
"chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30", "chg3M30",
"bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30", "bit3M30",
"jpccM300", "jpccM301", "jpccM302", "jpccM303", "jpccM304", "jpccM305", "jpccM306", "jpccM307",
"jpccM308", "jpccM309", "jpccM30A", "jpccM30B", "jpccM30C", "jpccM30D", "jpccM30E", "jpccM30F",
"callccM300", "callccM301", "callccM302", "callccM303", "callccM304", "callccM305", "callccM306", "callccM307",
"callccM308", "callccM309", "callccM30A", "callccM30B", "callccM30C", "callccM30D", "callccM30E", "callccM30F",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef",
"udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef", "udef"
void initTlcs900hProfile(void)
memset(profile, 0, 256 * sizeof(profStruct));
void printTlcs900hProfile(void)
FILE *profileFile;
profileFile = fopen("profile.csv", "wt");
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s file\n", "profile.csv");
fprintf(profileFile, "Opcode, Calls, Ticks, TicksPerCall, Name\n");
for(int op=0; op < 256; op++)
fprintf(profileFile, "0x%02X, %9d, %9d, %f, %s\n",
op, profile[op].calls, profile[op].ticks, profile[op].calls?((double)profile[op].ticks)/((double)profile[op].calls):0, instr_names[op]);
unsigned char decodes[13] = {0x80,0x90,0x98,0xa0,0xb0,0xb8,0xc0,0xc8,0xd0,0xd8,0xe0,0xe8,0xf0};
char** decodestr[13] = {instr_table80,instr_table90,instr_table98,instr_tableA0,
fprintf(profileFile, "\nDecodes\n");
for(int d=0; d < 13; d++)
fprintf(profileFile, "\nDecode 0x%02X\n",decodes[d]);
for(int sub=0; sub < 256; sub++)
if (profile[decodes[d]].decode[sub])
fprintf(profileFile, "0x%02X, %s, %9d\n",sub, decodestr[d][sub], profile[decodes[d]].decode[sub]);
// declare all registers
// XWA0, XBC0, XDE0, XHL0, 0,1,2,3
// XWA1, XBC1, XDE1, XHL1, 4,5,6,7
// XWA2, XBC2, XDE2, XHL2, 8,9,10,11
// XWA3, XBC3, XDE3, XHL3, 12,13,14,15
// XIX, XIY, XIZ, XSP 16,17,18,19 XNSP = Normal Stack Pointer
// PC, SR, XSSP, XNSP 20,21,22,23 XSSP = System Stack Pointer, XSP = current stack pointer
//unsigned int gen_regs[24];
unsigned int gen_regsXWA0, gen_regsXBC0, gen_regsXDE0, gen_regsXHL0, gen_regsXWA1,
gen_regsXBC1, gen_regsXDE1, gen_regsXHL1, gen_regsXWA2, gen_regsXBC2,
gen_regsXDE2, gen_regsXHL2, gen_regsXWA3, gen_regsXBC3, gen_regsXDE3,
gen_regsXHL3, gen_regsXIX, gen_regsXIY, gen_regsXIZ, gen_regsXSP,
gen_regsSP, gen_regsXSSP, gen_regsXNSP;
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
//it's defined in StdAfx.h
unsigned int gen_regsPC;
unsigned int gen_regsSR;
unsigned int gen_regsPC, gen_regsSR;
//#define gen_regsSRb ((unsigned char *)&gen_regsSR)[0]//lsbyte of gen_regsSR
// declare struct for easy access to flags of flag register
//struct SR0 {
// unsigned int C0:1;
// unsigned int N0:1;
// unsigned int V0:1;
// unsigned int dummy0:1;
// unsigned int H0:1;
// unsigned int dummy1:1;
// unsigned int Z0:1;
// unsigned int S0:1;
// unsigned int RFP0:3;
// unsigned int MAXM0:1;
// unsigned int IFF0:3;
// unsigned int SYSM0:1;
// lower byte of SR: F
//#define C ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).C0)
//#define N ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).N0)
//#define V ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).V0)
//#define H ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).H0)
//#define Z ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).Z0)
//#define S ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).S0)
#define CF 0x01
#define NF 0x02
#define VF 0x04
//#define D0 0x08
#define HF 0x10
//#define D1 0x20
#define ZF 0x40
#define SF 0x80
// upper byte of SR
//#define RFP ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).RFP0)
//#define MAXM ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).MAXM0)
//#define IFF ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).IFF0)
//#define SYSM ((*(struct SR0 *)(&gen_regsSR)).SYSM0)
// definition for F'
unsigned char F2;
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
//it's defined in StdAfx.h
unsigned char *my_pc = NULL;
//unsigned char *saved_my_pc;
// pointers to all register(parts) that could be accessed in byte mode
unsigned char *allregsB[256];
unsigned char *cregsB[8];
// pointers to all register(parts) that could be accessed in word mode
unsigned short *allregsW[256];
unsigned short *cregsW[8];
// pointers to all register(parts) that could be accessed in long mode
unsigned int *allregsL[256];
unsigned int *cregsL[8];
// number of states passed and the number of states until a new interrupt should occur
// 1 state = 100ns at 20 MHz
// 1 state = 80ns at 25 MHz
int state;
int checkstate;
int DMAstate;
// Clock multiplier to reflect the CPU speed
// 1 - 6144 kHz
// 2 - 3072 kHz
// 4 - 1536 kHz
// 8 - 768 kHz
//16 - 384 kHz
int tlcsClockMulti;
// is there an interrupt we need to honor?
#define INT_QUEUE_MAX 4
unsigned char interruptPendingLevel;
unsigned char pendingInterrupts[7][INT_QUEUE_MAX];
// used during decoding of instructions, will hold the arguments for the operands
unsigned int mem;
unsigned char *regB, memB;
unsigned short *regW, memW;
unsigned int *regL, memL;
// used during instruction decode
// lastbyte - to keep track of the last read byte; used when extra information is stored in the
// opcode itself.
#ifndef TARGET_GP2X
unsigned char opcode;
unsigned char lastbyte;
//unsigned char opcode1, opcode2;
// for debugging
int debugIndex, debugCount;
// wrapper
int memoryCycles;
inline unsigned char mem_readB(unsigned int addr)
if (addr > 0x200000)
return tlcsMemReadB(addr);
inline unsigned short mem_readW(unsigned int addr)
if (addr > 0x200000)
return tlcsMemReadW(addr);
inline unsigned int mem_readL(unsigned int addr)
if (addr > 0x200000)
return tlcsMemReadL(addr);
inline void mem_writeB(unsigned int addr, unsigned char data)
// if (addr > 0x200000) memoryCycles++;
tlcsMemWriteB(addr, data);
inline void tlcsFastMemWriteB(unsigned int addr,unsigned char data)
//Flavor: I think we're getting carried away with this addr&0xFFFFFF junk. It's all over, now. :(
mainram[((addr&0xFFFFFF)-0x00004000)] = data;
inline void tlcsFastMemWriteW(unsigned int addr, unsigned short data)
//Flavor: I think we're getting carried away with this addr&0xFFFFFF junk. It's all over, now. :(
unsigned char*ram = mainram+((addr&0xFFFFFF)-0x00004000);
if (((uintptr_t)ram)&0x1)
*(ram++) = data;
*(ram) = data>>8;
*((unsigned short*)ram) = data;
inline void tlcsFastMemWriteL(unsigned int addr, unsigned int data)
//Flavor: I think we're getting carried away with this addr&0xFFFFFF junk. It's all over, now. :(
unsigned char*ram = mainram+((addr&0xFFFFFF)-0x00004000);
if (((uintptr_t)ram)&0x3)
*(ram++) = data;
*(ram++) = data>>8;
*(ram++) = data>>16;
*ram = data>>24;
*((unsigned int*)ram) = data;
inline void tlcsMemWriteBaddrB(unsigned char addr, unsigned char data)
//NOTA Super Real Mahjong sound fix
if (gfx_hacks==1){
if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x11 && mainrom[0x000021] == 0x01)
switch(addr) {
//case 0x80: // CPU speed
// break;
case 0xA0: // L CH Sound Source Control Register
if (cpuram[0xB8] == 0x55 && cpuram[0xB9] == 0xAA)
Write_SoundChipNoise(data);//Flavor SN76496Write(0, data);
case 0xA1: // R CH Sound Source Control Register
if (cpuram[0xB8] == 0x55 && cpuram[0xB9] == 0xAA)
Write_SoundChipTone(data); //Flavor SN76496Write(0, data);
case 0xA2: // L CH DAC Control Register
if (cpuram[0xB8] == 0xAA)
dac_writeL(data); //Flavor DAC_data_w(0,data);
/*case 0xA3: // R CH DAC Control Register //Flavor hack for mono only sound
if (cpuram[0xB8] == 0xAA)
dac_writeR(data);//Flavor DAC_data_w(1,data);
case 0xB8: // Z80 Reset
// if (data == 0x55) DAC_data_w(0,0);
case 0xB9: // Sourd Source Reset Control Register
switch(data) {
case 0x55:
case 0xAA:
case 0xBA:
#if defined(DRZ80) || defined(CZ80)
cpuram[addr] = data;
// write a word (data) to a memory address (addr)
inline void tlcsMemWriteW(unsigned int addr, unsigned short data)
//Flavor: I think we're getting carried away with this addr&0xFFFFFF junk. It's all over, now. :(
if ((addr&0xFFFFFF)>0x00003fff && (addr&0xFFFFFF)<0x00018000)
tlcsFastMemWriteW(addr, data);
tlcsMemWriteB(addr, data & 0xFF);
tlcsMemWriteB(addr+1, data >> 8);
// write a word (data) to a memory address (addr)
inline void tlcsMemWriteWaddrB(unsigned int addr, unsigned short data)
tlcsMemWriteBaddrB(addr, data & 0xFF);
tlcsMemWriteBaddrB(addr+1, data >> 8);
#define mem_writeW tlcsMemWriteW
/*inline void mem_writeW(unsigned int addr, unsigned short data) {
// if (addr > 0x200000) memoryCycles+= 2;
tlcsMemWriteW(addr, data);
// write a long word (data) to a memory address (addr)
inline void tlcsMemWriteL(unsigned int addr, unsigned int data)
//Flavor: I think we're getting carried away with this addr&0xFFFFFF junk. It's all over, now. :(
if (addr>0x00003fff && addr<0x00018000)
tlcsFastMemWriteL(addr, data);
tlcsMemWriteB(addr, (unsigned char)(data & 0xFF));
tlcsFastMemWriteB(addr+1, (unsigned char)((data>>8) & 0xFF));
tlcsFastMemWriteB(addr+2, (unsigned char)((data>>16) & 0xFF));
tlcsFastMemWriteB(addr+3, (unsigned char)((data>>24) & 0xFF));
#define mem_writeL tlcsMemWriteL
/*inline void mem_writeL(unsigned int addr, unsigned int data) {
// if (addr > 0x200000) memoryCycles+= 4;
tlcsMemWriteL(addr, data);
inline unsigned char readbyte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
unsigned char __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"ldrb %0, [%2], #1\n\t"
"add %1, %1, #1"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: );
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %1\n\t"
"ldrb %0, [%2], #1\n\t"
"add r3, r3, #1\n\t"
"str r3, %1"
: "=r" (__val)
: "m" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r3");
return __val;
return *(my_pc++);
inline unsigned char readbyteSetLastbyte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
unsigned char __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"ldrb %0, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb %1, [%3], #1\n\t"
"add %2, %2, #2\n\t"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: );
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %2\n\t"
"ldrb %0, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb %1, [%3], #1\n\t"
"add r3, r3, #2\n\t"
"str r3, %2"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "m" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r3");
return __val;
register unsigned char i;
register unsigned short j;
gen_regsPC+= 2;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x01) //not word aligned
lastbyte = *(my_pc++);
return i;
j = *((unsigned short *)my_pc);
lastbyte = j>>8;
//return (j & 0xFF);
return j;
return i;
inline unsigned short readword(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
unsigned short __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"ldrb %0, [%2], #1\n\t"
"ldrb r2, [%2], #1\n\t"
"add %1, %1, #2\n\t"
"orr %0, %0, r2, asl #8"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r2");
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %1\n\t"
"ldrb %0, [%2], #1\n\t"
"ldrb r2, [%2], #1\n\t"
"add r3, r3, #2\n\t"
"str r3, %1\n\t"
"orr %0, %0, r2, asl #8"
: "=r" (__val)
: "m" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r2","r3");
return __val;
register unsigned short i;
gen_regsPC+= 2;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x01) //not word aligned
i = *(my_pc++);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 8);
return i;
i = *((unsigned short *)my_pc);
return i;
return i;
inline unsigned short readwordSetLastbyte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
unsigned short __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"ldrb %0, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb r2, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb %1, [%3], #1\n\t"
"add %2, %2, #3\n\t"
"orr %0, %0, r2, asl #8"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r2");
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %2\n\t"
"ldrb %0, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb r2, [%3], #1\n\t"
"ldrb %1, [%3], #1\n\t"
"add r3, r3, #3\n\t"
"str r3, %2\n\t"
"orr %0, %0, r2, asl #8"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "m" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r2","r3");
return __val;
register unsigned short i;
register unsigned int j;
gen_regsPC+= 3;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x03) //not dword aligned
i = *(my_pc++);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 8);
lastbyte = *(my_pc++);
return i;
j = *((unsigned int *)my_pc);
lastbyte = j>>16;//let "them" do the &0xFF
return j;//let "them" do the &0xFFFF
return i;
read24 is a bit interesting, because we can test the LS bit of my_pc
if it's 0, we read a word and then a byte
if it's 1, we read a byte and then a word
Or, we could just read a dword and forget about the MSB
inline unsigned int read24(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
register unsigned int __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"add %2, %2, #3\n"
"bic r1,%1,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%1,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"and r0, r0, #0xFFFFFF\n"
"add %1, %1, #3"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r"(my_pc), "r"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %2\n"
"add r3, r3, #3\n"
"str r3, %2\n"
"bic r1,%1,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%1,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"and r0, r0, #0xFFFFFF\n"
"add %1, %1, #3"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r"(my_pc), "m"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
return __val;
register unsigned int i;
gen_regsPC+= 3;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x03) //not dword aligned
i = *(my_pc++);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 8);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 16);
return i;
i = *((unsigned int*)my_pc) & 0x00FFFFFF;
return i;
//return i;
inline unsigned int read24SetLastbyte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
register unsigned int __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"add %3, %3, #4\n"
"bic r1,%2,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%2,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"and %1, r0, #0xFF000000\n"
"mov %1, %1, lsr #24\n"
"and r0, r0, #0x00FFFFFF\n"
"add %2, %2, #4"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "r"(my_pc), "r"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %3\n"
"add r3, r3, #4\n"
"str r3, %3\n"
"bic r1,%2,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%2,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"and %1, r0, #0xFF000000\n"
"mov %1, %1, lsr #24\n"
"and r0, r0, #0x00FFFFFF\n"
"add %2, %2, #4"
: "=r" (__val), "=r" (lastbyte)
: "r"(my_pc), "m"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
return __val;
register unsigned int i;
gen_regsPC+= 4;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x03) //not dword aligned
i = *(my_pc++);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 8);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 16);
lastbyte = *(my_pc++);
return i;
i = *((unsigned int*)my_pc);
lastbyte = i >> 24;
i &= 0x00FFFFFF;
return i;
//return i;
inline unsigned int readlong(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
register unsigned int __val asm("r0");//%0 and r0 are the same, now
asm volatile(
"add %2, %2, #4\n"
"bic r1,%1,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%1,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"add %1, %1, #4"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r"(my_pc), "r"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
asm volatile(
"ldr r3, %2\n"
"add r3, r3, #4\n"
"str r3, %2\n"
"bic r1,%1,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%1,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"add %1, %1, #4"
: "=r" (__val)
: "r"(my_pc), "m"(gen_regsPC)
: "r1","r2","r3");
return __val;
register unsigned int i;
gen_regsPC+= 4;
if(((uintptr_t)my_pc) & 0x03) //not dword aligned
i = *(my_pc++);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 8);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 16);
i |= (*(my_pc++) << 24);
return i;
i = *((unsigned int*)my_pc);
return i;
return i;
inline void doJumpByte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
asm volatile(
"ldrsb r0, [%1]\n\t"
"adds r0, r0, #1\n\t"
"adds %0, %0, r0\n\t"
"adds %1, %1, r0"
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r0");
#error doJumpByte not implemented
signed char d8 = readbyte();
inline void skipJumpByte(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
asm volatile(
"add %0, %0, #1\n\t"
"add %1, %1, #1"
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
#error skipJumpByte not implemented
inline void doJumpWord(void)
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
asm volatile(
"ldrsb r0, [%1,#1]\n\t"
"ldrb r1, [%1]\n\t"
"orr r0, r1, r0, asl #8\n\t"
"add r0, r0, #2\n\t"
"add %0, %0, r0\n\t"
"add %1, %1, r0"
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
: "r0", "r1");
#error doJumpWord not implemented
signed short d16 = readword();
inline void skipJumpWord()
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
asm volatile(
"add %0, %0, #2\n\t"
"add %1, %1, #2"
: "r" (gen_regsPC), "r" (my_pc)
#error skipJumpWord not implemented
#define cond0() (FALSE)
#define cond1() (((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF))
#define cond2() ((gen_regsSR & ZF) || (((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF)))
#define cond3() (gen_regsSR & (ZF|CF))
#define cond4() (gen_regsSR & VF)
#define cond5() (gen_regsSR & SF)
#define cond6() (gen_regsSR & ZF)
#define cond7() (gen_regsSR & CF)
#define cond8() (TRUE)
#define cond9() (!(((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF)))
#define notCond9() (((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF))
#define condA() (!((gen_regsSR & ZF) || (((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF))))
#define notCondA() ((gen_regsSR & ZF) || (((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF) || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF)))
#define condB() (!(gen_regsSR & (ZF|CF)))
#define notCondB() (gen_regsSR & (ZF|CF))
#define condC() (!(gen_regsSR & VF))
#define notCondC() (gen_regsSR & VF)
#define condD() (!(gen_regsSR & SF))
#define notCondD() (gen_regsSR & SF)
#define condE() (!(gen_regsSR & ZF))
#define notCondE() (gen_regsSR & ZF)
#define condF() (!(gen_regsSR & CF))
#define notCondF() (gen_regsSR & CF)
// status register check functions
inline unsigned char srF()
return 0;
inline unsigned char srLT()
return ((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF)
|| ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF)) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srLE()
return (((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF)
|| ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF))
|| (gen_regsSR & ZF)) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srULE()
return ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|CF)) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srOV()
return ((gen_regsSR & VF) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srMI()
return ((gen_regsSR & SF) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srZ()
return ((gen_regsSR & ZF) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srC()
return ((gen_regsSR & CF) ? 1 : 0);
inline unsigned char srT()
return 1;
inline unsigned char srGE()
return ((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF)
|| ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF)) ? 0 : 1);
//unsigned char srGE() { return ((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == (VF|SF))
// || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == 0)) ? 1 : 0); }
inline unsigned char srGT()
return (((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == SF)
|| ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == VF))
|| (gen_regsSR & ZF)) ? 0 : 1);
//unsigned char srGT() { return (((((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == (VF|SF))
// || ((gen_regsSR & (SF|VF)) == 0))
// && (gen_regsSR & ZF)) ? 1 : 0); }
inline unsigned char srUGT()
return ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|CF)) ? 0 : 1);
inline unsigned char srNOV()
return ((gen_regsSR & VF) ? 0 : 1);
inline unsigned char srPL()
return ((gen_regsSR & SF) ? 0 : 1);
inline unsigned char srNZ()
return ((gen_regsSR & ZF) ? 0 : 1);
inline unsigned char srNC()
return ((gen_regsSR & CF) ? 0 : 1);
#define valCond0 srF
#define valCond1 srLT
#define valCond2 srLE
#define valCond3 srULE
#define valCond4 srOV
#define valCond5 srMI
#define valCond6 srZ
#define valCond7 srC
#define valCond8 srT
#define valCond9 srGE
#define valCondA srGT
#define valCondB srUGT
#define valCondC srNOV
#define valCondD srPL
#define valCondE srNZ
#define valCondF srNC
inline void set_cregs() //optimized by Thor
int i;
static int lastbank = -1;
i = (gen_regsSR & 0x0700)>>4;
if (i==lastbank)
lastbank = i;
if (i)
memcpy(&allregsB[0xd0], &allregsB[i-16],32*sizeof(allregsB[0]));
memcpy(&allregsW[0xd0], &allregsW[i-16],32*sizeof(allregsW[0]));
memcpy(&allregsL[0xd0], &allregsL[i-16],32*sizeof(allregsL[0]));
// set previous register bank registers
memcpy(&allregsB[0xd0], &allregsB[48],16*sizeof(allregsB[0]));
memcpy(&allregsW[0xd0], &allregsW[48],16*sizeof(allregsW[0]));
memcpy(&allregsL[0xd0], &allregsL[48],16*sizeof(allregsL[0]));
// set current register bank registers
memcpy(&allregsB[0xe0], &allregsB[0], 16*sizeof(allregsB[0]));
memcpy(&allregsW[0xe0], &allregsW[0], 16*sizeof(allregsW[0]));
memcpy(&allregsL[0xe0], &allregsL[0], 16*sizeof(allregsL[0]));
//This loop should get unrolled by the compiler
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
// set the current set byte pointers
// byte register are: W, A, B, C, D, E, H, L
// however, in the all byte registers table
// they are stored as: A W QA QW etc.
cregsB[i*2] = allregsB[0xe0+4*i+1];
cregsB[i*2+1] = allregsB[0xe0+4*i];
// set the current set word and long word pointers
cregsW[i] = allregsW[0xe0+4*i];
cregsL[i] = allregsL[0xe0+4*i];
////////////////////////////// LD ////////////////////////////////////////////
int ldRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = *regB;
return 4;
int ldRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = *regW;
return 4;
int ldRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = *regL;
return 4;
int ldrRB()
*regB = *cregsB[lastbyte&7];
return 4;
int ldrRW()
*regW = *cregsW[lastbyte&7];
return 4;
int ldrRL()
*regL = *cregsL[lastbyte&7];
return 4;
int ldr3B()
*regB = lastbyte&7;
return 4;
int ldr3W()
*regW = lastbyte&7;
return 4;
int ldr3L()
*regL = lastbyte&7;
return 4;
int ldRIB()
*cregsB[opcode&7] = readbyte();
return 2;
int ldRIW()
*cregsW[opcode&7] = readword();
return 3;
int ldRIL()
*cregsL[opcode&7] = readlong();
return 5;
int ldrIB()
*regB = readbyte();
return 4;
int ldrIW()
*regW = readword();
return 4;
int ldrIL()
*regL = readlong();
return 6;
int ldRM00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = memB;
return 4;
int ldRM10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = memW;
return 4;
int ldRM20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = memL;
return 6;
int ldMR30B()
return 4;
int ldMR30W()
return 4;
int ldMR30L()
return 6;
int ld8I()
unsigned int num8 = readbyte();
return 5;
int ldw8I()
unsigned int num8 = readbyte();
return 6;
int ldMI30()
return 5;
int ldwMI30()
return 6;
int ld16M00()
return 8;
int ldw16M10()
return 8;
int ldM1630()
return 8;
int ldwM1630()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// PUSH //////////////////////////////////////////
#define NG_PUSH_BYTE(src,s) tlcsFastMemWriteB(--gen_regsXSP,src); return s;
#define NG_PUSH_WORD(src,s) tlcsFastMemWriteW(gen_regsXSP-=2,src); return s;
#define NG_PUSH_LONG(src,s) tlcsFastMemWriteL(gen_regsXSP-=4,src); return s;
int pushsr()
NG_PUSH_WORD((unsigned short)gen_regsSR&0x0000ffff, 4);
int pushF()
NG_PUSH_BYTE((unsigned char)gen_regsSR&0x000000ff, 3);
int pushA()
NG_PUSH_BYTE(*cregsB[1], 3);
int pushRW()
NG_PUSH_WORD(*cregsW[opcode&7], 3);
int pushRL()
NG_PUSH_LONG(*cregsL[opcode&7], 5);
int pushrB()
NG_PUSH_BYTE(*regB, 5);
int pushrW()
NG_PUSH_WORD(*regW, 5);
int pushrL()
NG_PUSH_LONG(*regL, 7);
int pushI()
NG_PUSH_BYTE(readbyte(), 4);
int pushwI()
NG_PUSH_WORD(readword(), 5);
int pushM00()
NG_PUSH_BYTE(memB, 7);
int pushwM10()
NG_PUSH_WORD(memW, 7);
////////////////////////////// POP ///////////////////////////////////////////
int popsr() // POP SR 00000011
gen_regsSR = mem_readW(gen_regsXSP);
return 6;
int popF() // POP F 00011001
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR&0xff00)|mem_readB(gen_regsXSP);
return 4;
int popA()
*cregsB[1] = mem_readB(gen_regsXSP);
return 4;
int popRW()
*cregsW[opcode&7] = mem_readW(gen_regsXSP);
return 4;
int popRL()
*cregsL[opcode&7] = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
return 6;
int poprB()
*regB = mem_readB(gen_regsXSP);
return 6;
int poprW()
*regW = mem_readW(gen_regsXSP);
return 6;
int poprL()
*regL = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
return 8;
int popM30()
return 6;
int popwM30()
return 6;
////////////////////////////// LDA ///////////////////////////////////////////
int ldaRMW30()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = (unsigned short)(mem&0x0000ffff);
return 4;
int ldaRML30()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = mem;
return 4;
////////////////////////////// LDAR //////////////////////////////////////////
int ldar() // LDAR R,$+4+d16 11110011 00010011 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 001s0RRR
unsigned short i = readword();
unsigned char j;
j = readbyte();
if (j & 0x10)
{ // long
*cregsL[j&7] = gen_regsPC-1+(signed short)i;
{ // word
*cregsW[j&7] = (unsigned short)((gen_regsPC-1+(signed short)i)&0x0000ffff);
return 11;
////////////////////////////// EX ////////////////////////////////////////////
int exFF() // EX F,F' 00010110
unsigned char i = F2;
F2 = (unsigned char)(gen_regsSR&0xff);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR&0xff00)|i;
return 2;
int exRrB() // EX R,r 11001rrr 10111RRR
unsigned char i = *cregsB[lastbyte&7];
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = *regB;
*regB = i;
return 5;
int exRrW() // EX R,r 11011rrr 10111RRR
unsigned short i = *cregsW[lastbyte&7];
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = *regW;
*regW = i;
return 5;
int exMRB00() // EX (mem),R 10000mmm 00110RRR
unsigned char i = memB;
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = i;
return 6;
int exMRW10() // EX (mem),R 10010mmm 00110RRR
unsigned short i = memW;
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = i;
return 6;
////////////////////////////// MIRR //////////////////////////////////////////
const unsigned char mirrTable[256] = { //Flavor speed hack
0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0,
0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8,
0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4,
0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC,
0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2,
0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA,
0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6,
0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE, 0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE,
0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1,
0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9,
0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5,
0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD,
0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3,
0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB,
0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7,
0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF};
int mirrr() // MIRR r 11011rrr 00010110
unsigned short i=*regW;
*regW=mirrTable[i&0xFF]<<8 | mirrTable[i>>8];
return 4;
////////////////////////////// LDxx //////////////////////////////////////////
int ldi() // LDI (XDE+),(XHL+) 10000011 00010000
// LDI (XIX+),(XIY+) 10000101 00010000
if (opcode&2)
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 10;
int ldiw() // LDIW (XDE+),(XHL+) 10010011 00010000
// LDIW (XIX+),(XIY+) 10010101 00010000
if (opcode&2)
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 10;
int ldir() // LDIR (XDE+),(XHL+) 10000011 00010001
// LDIR (XIX+),(XIY+) 10000101 00010001
#if 0 //causes problems when starting new game in CFC1
unsigned char *dst,*src;
int cnt=*cregsW[1];
if (opcode&2)
//dbg_print("ldir: 1-called with cnt=0x%04X dst=0x%06X src=0x%06X\n", cnt, *cregsL[2], *cregsL[3]);
//dbg_print("ldir: 2-called with cnt=0x%04X dst=0x%06X src=0x%06X\n", cnt, gen_regsXIX, gen_regsXIY);
if(dst && src)
//delta warp tries to read from 0x0FA000 (get_address returns NULL)
/*MOTM produces
ldir: 1-called with cnt=0x2BFF dst=0x006C00 src=0x006BFF
ldir: 1-called with cnt=0x0008 dst=0x0067DC src=0x0067E4
so, memcpy won't work
//dbg_print("ldir: invalid dst=0x%06X or src=0x%06X addr cnt=0x%04X\n", dst, src, cnt);
//dbg_print("ldir: XIX=0x%06X XIY=0x%06X\n", gen_regsXIX, gen_regsXIY);
//dbg_print("ldir: *cregsL[4]=0x%06X *cregsL[5]=0x%06X\n", *cregsL[4], *cregsL[5]);
memset(dst, 0xFF, cnt);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
return 14*cnt+10;
if (opcode&2)
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
if (--(*cregsW[1])) //BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | VF;
return 14;
return 10;
int ldirw() // LDIRW (XDE+),(XHL+) 10010011 00010001
// LDIRW (XIX+),(XIY+) 10010101 00010001
#if 0 //causes problems when starting new game in CFC1
unsigned char *dst,*src;
int cnt=*cregsW[1];
if (opcode&2)
dst=(unsigned char *)get_address(*cregsL[2]);
src=(unsigned char *)get_address(*cregsL[3]);
*cregsL[2]+= 2*cnt;
*cregsL[3]+= 2*cnt;
//dbg_print("ldirw: 1-called with cnt=0x%04X dst=0x%06X src=0x%06X\n", cnt, *cregsL[2], *cregsL[3]);
/*if(gen_regsXIY == 0xFA000) //Delta Warp stupidly does this
src=(unsigned char *)get_address(gen_regsXIY);
dst=(unsigned char *)get_address(gen_regsXIX);
//dbg_print("ldirw: 2-called with cnt=0x%04X dst=0x%06X src=0x%06X\n", cnt, gen_regsXIX, gen_regsXIY);
if(dst && src)
//memmove(dst, src, cnt*2); //delta warp tries to read from 0x0FA000 (get_address returns NULL)
//dbg_print("ldirw: invalid dst=0x%06X or src=0x%06X addr cnt=0x%04X\n", dst, src, cnt);
//dbg_print("ldirw: XIX=0x%06X XIY=0x%06X\n", gen_regsXIX, gen_regsXIY);
//dbg_print("ldirw: *cregsL[4]=0x%06X *cregsL[5]=0x%06X\n", *cregsL[4], *cregsL[5]);
memset(dst, 0xFF, cnt*2);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
return 14*cnt+10;
if (opcode&2)
{ // XDE/XHL
*cregsL[2]+= 2;
*cregsL[3]+= 2;
{ // XIX/XIY
// mem_writeW(*cregsL[4],mem_readW(*cregsL[5]));
// *cregsL[4]+= 2;
// *cregsL[5]+= 2;
//*cregsW[1]-= 1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
if (--(*cregsW[1]))
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | VF;
return 14;
// return 14+4;
return 10;
// return 10+4;
int ldd() // LDD (XDE-),(XHL-) 10000011 00010010
// LDD (XIX-),(XIY-) 10000101 00010010
if (opcode&2)
{ // XDE/XHL
//*cregsL[2]-= 1;
//*cregsL[3]-= 1;
{ // XIX/XIY
//*cregsL[4]-= 1;
//*cregsL[5]-= 1;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 10;
int lddw() // LDDW (XDE-),(XHL-) 10010011 00010010
// LDDW (XIX-),(XIY-) 10010101 00010010
if (opcode&2)
{ // XDE/XHL
*cregsL[2]-= 2;
*cregsL[3]-= 2;
{ // XIX/XIY
// mem_writeW(*cregsL[4],mem_readW(*cregsL[5]));
// *cregsL[4]-= 2;
// *cregsL[5]-= 2;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 10;
int lddr() // LDDR (XDE-),(XHL-) 10000011 00010011
// LDDR (XIX-),(XIY-) 10000101 00010011
if (opcode&2)
{ // XDE/XHL
//*cregsL[2]-= 1;
//*cregsL[3]-= 1;
{ // XIX/XIY
//*cregsL[4]-= 1;
//*cregsL[5]-= 1;
// *cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
if (--(*cregsW[1]))
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | VF;
return 14;
return 10;
int lddrw() // LDDRW (XDE-),(XHL-) 10010011 00010011
// LDDRW (XIX-),(XIY-) 10010101 00010011
if (opcode&2)
{ // XDE/XHL
*cregsL[2]-= 2;
*cregsL[3]-= 2;
{ // XIX/XIY
//*cregsL[4]-= 2;
//*cregsL[5]-= 2;
//*cregsW[1]-= 1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(HF|VF|NF);
if (--(*cregsW[1]))
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | VF;
return 14;
return 10;
////////////////////////////// CPxx //////////////////////////////////////////
// H flag is always set to 0, instead of being set to 1 when a borrow from bit
// 3 to bit 4 occurs as a result of src1-src2
// just hoping this never happens :/
int cpiB() // CPI A,(R+) 10000RRR 00010100
unsigned char i = (*cregsB[1]) - memB;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 8;
int cpiW() // CPI WA,(R+) 10010RRR 00010100
unsigned short i = (*cregsW[0]) - memW;
*cregsL[opcode&7]+= 2;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 8;
int cpirB() // CPIR A,(R+) 10000RRR 00010101
unsigned char i = (*cregsB[1]) - memB;
*cregsL[opcode&7]+= 1;
*cregsW[1]-= 1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
NF | Ztable[i] | //((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
if ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|VF)) == VF)
return 14;
return 10;
int cpirW() // CPIR WA,(R+) 10010RRR 00010101
unsigned short i = (*cregsW[0]) - memW;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
if ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|VF)) == VF)
return 14;
return 10;
int cpdB() // CPD A,(R-) 10000RRR 00010110
unsigned char i = (*cregsB[1]) - memB;
*cregsL[opcode&7]-= 1;
*cregsW[1]-= 1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
NF | Ztable[i] | //((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 8;
int cpdW() // CPD WA,(R-) 10010RRR 00010110
unsigned short i = (*cregsW[0]) - memW;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
return 8;
int cpdrB() // CPDR A,(R-) 10000RRR 00010111
unsigned char i = (*cregsB[1]) - memB;
*cregsL[opcode&7]-= 1;
*cregsW[1]-= 1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
NF | Ztable[i] | //((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
if ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|VF)) == VF)
return 14;
return 10;
int cpdrW() // CPDR WA,(R-) 10010RRR 00010111
unsigned short i = (*cregsW[0]) - memW;
*cregsW[1]-=1; // BC
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
((*cregsW[1]) ? VF : 0);
if ((gen_regsSR & (ZF|VF)) == VF)
return 14;
return 10;
////////////////////////////// ADD ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MyAddB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
unsigned char oldi = i;
i+= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x80) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned short MyAddW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
unsigned short oldi = i;
i+= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x8000) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned int MyAddL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
unsigned int oldi = i;
i+= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x80000000) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
int addRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAddB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int addRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAddW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int addRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAddL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int addrIB()
*regB = MyAddB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int addrIW()
*regW = MyAddW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int addrIL()
*regL = MyAddL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int addRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAddB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int addRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAddW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int addRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAddL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int addMRB00()
return 6;
int addMRW10()
return 6;
int addMRL20()
return 10;
int addMI00()
return 7;
int addwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// ADC ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MyAdcB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
unsigned char oldi = i;
unsigned char oldC = (unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
i+= j + oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x80) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi || (i==oldi && oldC)) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned short MyAdcW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
unsigned short oldi = i;
unsigned short oldC = (unsigned short)(gen_regsSR & CF);
i+= j + oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x8000) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi || (i==oldi && oldC)) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned int MyAdcL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
unsigned int oldi = i;
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
i+= j + oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((i^oldi) & (i^j) & 0x80000000) ? VF : 0) |
((i<oldi || (i==oldi && oldC)) ? CF : 0);
return i;
int adcRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int adcRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int adcRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int adcrIB()
*regB = MyAdcB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int adcrIW()
*regW = MyAdcW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int adcrIL()
*regL = MyAdcL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int adcRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int adcRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int adcRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAdcL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int adcMRB00()
return 6;
int adcMRW10()
return 6;
int adcMRL20()
return 10;
int adcMI00()
return 7;
int adcwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SUB ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MySubB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
#if 1//speed hack
int res = i - j;
gen_regsSR &= ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR |= SZtable[res & 0xFF] | // S/Z flag
((i ^ res ^ j) & HF) | // H flag
(((j ^ i) & (i ^ res) & 0x80) >> 5) | // V flag
((res >> 8) & CF) | NF; // C/N flag
return res;
// 100% correct
unsigned char oldi = i;
i-= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x80) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned short MySubW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
#if 1//speed hack
int res = i - j;
gen_regsSR &= ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR |= ((res>>8) & SF) |
(Ztable[(res>>8) & 0xFF] & Ztable[res & 0xFF]) |
((i ^ res ^ j) & HF) | // H flag
(((j ^ i) & (i ^ res) & 0x8000) >> 13) | // V flag
((res >> 16) & CF) | NF; // C/N flag
return res;
unsigned short oldi = i;
i-= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);//all of them
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x8000) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned int MySubL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
#if 1//speed hack
unsigned int oldi = i;
i-= j;
gen_regsSR &= ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR |= ((i>>24) & SF) |
(Ztable[(i>>24) & 0xFF] & Ztable[(i>>16) & 0xFF] & Ztable[(i>>8) & 0xFF] & Ztable[i & 0xFF]) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x80000000) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi) ? CF : 0) |
return i;
unsigned int oldi = i;
i-= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x80000000) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi) ? CF : 0);
return i;
int subRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MySubB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int subRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MySubW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int subRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MySubL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int subrIB()
*regB = MySubB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int subrIW()
*regW = MySubW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int subrIL()
*regL = MySubL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int subRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MySubB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int subRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MySubW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int subRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MySubL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int subMRB00()
return 6;
int subMRW10()
return 6;
int subMRL20()
return 10;
int subMI00()
return 7;
int subwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SBC ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MySbcB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
unsigned char oldi = i;
unsigned char oldC = (unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
i = i - j - oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
SZtable[i & 0xFF] | NF |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x80) >> 5) |
((i>oldi || (oldC && (j==0xFF))) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned short MySbcW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
unsigned short oldi = i;
unsigned short oldC = (unsigned short)(gen_regsSR & CF);
i = i - j - oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
(((oldi^j)^i) & HF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x8000) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi || (oldC && (j==0xFFFF))) ? CF : 0);
return i;
inline unsigned int MySbcL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
unsigned int oldi = i;
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
i = i - j - oldC;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? NF : NF|ZF) |
(((j^oldi) & (i^oldi) & 0x80000000) ? VF : 0) |
((i>oldi || (oldC && (j==0xFFFFFFFF))) ? CF : 0);
return i;
int sbcRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MySbcB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int sbcRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MySbcW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int sbcRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MySbcL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int sbcrIB()
*regB = MySbcB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int sbcrIW()
*regW = MySbcW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int sbcrIL()
*regL = MySbcL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int sbcRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MySbcB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int sbcRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MySbcW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int sbcRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MySbcL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int sbcMRB00()
return 6;
int sbcMRW10()
return 6;
int sbcMRL20()
return 10;
int sbcMI00()
return 7;
int sbcwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// CP ////////////////////////////////////////////
int cpRrB()
return 4;
int cpRrW()
return 4;
int cpRrL()
return 7;
int cpr3B()
return 4;
int cpr3W()
return 4;
int cprIB()
return 4;
int cprIW()
return 4;
int cprIL()
return 7;
int cpRMB00()
return 4;
int cpRMW10()
return 4;
int cpRML20()
return 6;
int cpMRB00()
return 6;
int cpMRW10()
return 6;
int cpMRL20()
return 6;
int cpMI00()
return 6;
int cpwMI10()
return 6;
////////////////////////////// INC ///////////////////////////////////////////
int inc3rB() // INC #3,r 11001rrr 01100xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
*regB = MyAddB(*regB,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 4;
int inc3rW() // INC #3,r 11011rrr 01100xxx
*regW+= ((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8);
return 4;
int inc3rL() // INC #3,r 11101rrr 01100xxx
*regL+= ((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8);
return 4;
int inc3M00() // INC #3,(mem) 10000mmm 01100xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
mem_writeB(mem,MyAddB(memB,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8)));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 6;
int incw3M10() // INCW #3,(mem) 10010mmm 01100xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
mem_writeW(mem,MyAddW(memW,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8)));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 6;
////////////////////////////// DEC ///////////////////////////////////////////
int dec3rB() // DEC #3,r 11001rrr 01101xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
*regB = MySubB(*regB,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 4;
int dec3rW() // DEC #3,r 11011rrr 01101xxx
*regW-= ((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8);
return 4;
int dec3rL() // DEC #3,r 11101rrr 01101xxx
*regL-= ((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8);
return 5;
int dec3M00() // DEC #3,(mem) 10000mmm 01101xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
mem_writeB(mem,MySubB(memB,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8)));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 6;
int decw3M10() // DECW #3,(mem) 10010mmm 01101xxx
unsigned int oldC = gen_regsSR & CF;
mem_writeW(mem,MySubW(memW,((lastbyte&7) ? (lastbyte&7) : 8)));
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | oldC;
return 6;
////////////////////////////// NEG ///////////////////////////////////////////
int negrB()
*regB = MySubB(0,*regB);
return 5;
int negrW()
*regW = MySubW(0,*regW);
return 5;
////////////////////////////// EXTZ //////////////////////////////////////////
int extzrW()
return 4;
int extzrL()
return 4;
////////////////////////////// EXTS //////////////////////////////////////////
int extsrW() // EXTS r 11011rrr 00010011
if (*regW&0x80)
return 5;
int extsrL() // EXTS r 11101rrr 00010011
if (*regL&0x8000)
return 5;
////////////////////////////// DAA ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline void parityB(unsigned char j)
#ifdef USE_PARITY_TABLE //speed hack
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | parityVtable[j];
unsigned char k=0, i;
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
if (j&1)
j = j>>1;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | ((k&1) ? 0 : VF);
inline void parityW(unsigned short j)
#ifdef USE_PARITY_TABLE //speed hack
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | (parityVtable[j>>8] ^ parityVtable[j&0xFF]);
unsigned char k=0, i;
for (i=0;i<16;i++)
if (j&1)
j = j>>1;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | ((k&1) ? 0 : VF);
inline void parityL(unsigned int j)
#ifdef USE_PARITY_TABLE //speed hack
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | (parityVtable[(j>>24)&0xFF] ^ parityVtable[(j>>16)&0xFF] ^ parityVtable[(j>>8)&0xFF] ^ parityVtable[j&0xFF]);
unsigned char k=0, i;
for (i=0;i<32;i++)
if (j&1)
j = j>>1;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~VF) | ((k&1) ? 0 : VF);
int daar() // DAA r 11001rrr 00010000
// 100% with hardware
unsigned char oldB = *regB;
unsigned char addVal = 0;
unsigned char setCy = 0;
unsigned char i = (*regB & 0xf0);
unsigned char j = (*regB & 0x0f);
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
{ // C
if (gen_regsSR & HF)
{ // H
addVal = 0x66;
setCy = 1;
{ // !H
if ((j<0x0a))
addVal = 0x60;
addVal = 0x66;
setCy = 1;
{ // !C
if (gen_regsSR & HF)
{ // H
if (oldB<0x9A)
addVal = 0x06;
addVal = 0x66;
{ // !H
if ((i<0x90) && (j>0x09))
addVal = 0x06;
else if ((i>0x80) && (j>0x09))
addVal = 0x66;
else if ((i>0x90) && (j<0x0a))
addVal = 0x60;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|CF|VF);
if (gen_regsSR & NF)
{ // adjust after SUB, SBC or NEG operation
*regB = oldB - addVal;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*regB>oldB || setCy) ? CF : 0);
{ // adjust after ADD or ADC operation
*regB = oldB + addVal;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | ((*regB<oldB || setCy) ? CF : 0);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(*regB & SF) |
((*regB) ? 0 : ZF) |
(((oldB^addVal)^*regB) & HF)
| parityVtable[*regB];
// calculate parity
return 6;
////////////////////////////// PAA ///////////////////////////////////////////
int paarW()
if (*regW&1)
return 4;
int paarL()
if (*regL&1)
return 4;
////////////////////////////// MUL ///////////////////////////////////////////
int mulRrB() // MUL RR,r 11001rrr 01000RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = (*cregsB[lastbyte&7]) * (*regB);
return 18;
int mulRrW() // MUL RR,r 11011rrr 01000RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = (*cregsW[lastbyte&7]) * (*regW);
return 26;
int mulrIB() // MUL rr,# 11001rrr 00001000 xxxxxxxx
if (opcode>=0xc8)
*cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1] = (*cregsB[opcode&7]) * readbyte();
*((unsigned short *)regB) = (*regB) * readbyte();
return 18;
int mulrIW() // MUL rr,# 11011rrr 00001000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
*((unsigned int *)regW) = (*regW) * readword();
return 26;
int mulRMB00() // MUL RR,(mem) 10000mmm 01000RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = (*cregsB[lastbyte&7]) * memB;
return 18;
int mulRMW10() // MUL RR,(mem) 10010mmm 01000RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = (*cregsW[lastbyte&7]) * memW;
return 26;
////////////////////////////// MULS //////////////////////////////////////////
int mulsRrB() // MULS RR,r 11001rrr 01001RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = (signed char)(*cregsB[lastbyte&7]) * (signed char)(*regB);
return 18;
int mulsRrW() // MULS RR,r 11011rrr 01001RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = (signed short)(*cregsW[lastbyte&7]) * (signed short)(*regW);
return 26;
int mulsrIB() // MULS rr,# 11001rrr 00001001 xxxxxxxx
if (opcode>=0xc8)
*(cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1]) = (signed char)(*cregsB[opcode&7]) * (signed char)readbyte();
*((unsigned short *)regB) = (signed char)(*regB) * (signed char)readbyte();
return 18;
int mulsrIW() // MULS rr,# 11011rrr 00001001 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
*((unsigned int *)regW) = (signed short)(*regW) * (signed short)readword();
return 26;
int mulsRMB00() // MULS RR,(mem) 10000mmm 01001RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = (signed char)(*cregsB[lastbyte&7]) * (signed char)memB;
return 18;
int mulsRMW10() // MULS RR,(mem) 10010mmm 01001RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = (signed short)(*cregsW[lastbyte&7]) * (signed short)memW;
return 26;
////////////////////////////// DIV ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned short myDivB(unsigned short i, unsigned char j)
if (!j)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
return (i<<8) | ((i>>8)^0xFF);
/* ldiv_t res;
if (i >= (0x0200 * j))
int diff = i - (0x0200 * j);
int range = 256 - j;
res = ldiv(diff, range);
res.quot = 0x1FF - res.quot;
res.rem = res.rem + j;
res = ldiv(i,j);
ldiv_t res = ldiv(i,j);
if (res.quot>0xFF)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
gen_regsSR&= ~VF;
return ((unsigned short)(res.quot & 0xFF)) | ((unsigned short)((res.rem & 0xFF) << 8));
inline unsigned int myDivW(unsigned int i, unsigned short j)
if (!j)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
return (i<<16) | ((i>>16)^0xFFFF);
/* PacMan fix : when j>=128 -> overflow
ldiv_t res;
if (i >= (0x02000000 * (unsigned int)j))
int diff = i - (0x02000000 * j);
int range = 0x1000000 - j;
res = ldiv(diff, range);
res.quot = 0x1FFFFFF - res.quot;
res.rem = res.rem + j;
res = ldiv(i,j);
ldiv_t res = ldiv(i,j);
if (res.quot>0xFFFF)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
gen_regsSR&= ~VF;
return (res.quot & 0xFFFF) | ((res.rem & 0xFFFF) << 16);
int divRrB() // DIV RR,r 11001rrr 01010RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = myDivB(*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1], *regB);
return 22;
int divRrW() // DIV RR,r 11011rrr 01010RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = myDivW(*cregsL[lastbyte&7], *regW);
return 30;
int divrIB() // DIV rr,# 11001rrr 00001010 xxxxxxxx
unsigned char i = readbyte();
if (opcode>=0xc8)
*cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1] = myDivB(*cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1], i);
*((unsigned short *)regB) = myDivB(*(unsigned short *)regB, i);
return 22;
int divrIW() // DIV rr,# 11011rrr 00001010 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i = readword();
*((unsigned int *)regW) = myDivW(*(unsigned int *)regW, i);
return 30;
int divRMB00() // DIV RR,(mem) 10000mmm 01010RRR
unsigned char i = memB;
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = myDivB(*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1], i);
return 22;
int divRMW10() // DIV RR,(mem) 10010mmm 01010RRR
unsigned short i = memW;
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = myDivW(*cregsL[lastbyte&7], i);
return 30;
////////////////////////////// DIVS //////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned short myDivsB(signed short i, signed char j)
if (!j)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
if (i<1)
return (i<<8) | (i^0xFF);
return (i<<8);
ldiv_t res = ldiv(i,j);
if (res.quot>0xFF)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
gen_regsSR&= ~VF;
return ((unsigned short)(res.quot & 0xFF)) | ((unsigned short)((res.rem & 0xFF) << 8));
unsigned int myDivsW(signed int i, signed short j)
if (!j)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
return (i<<16) | (i^0xFFFF);
ldiv_t res = ldiv(i,j);
if (res.quot>0xFFFF)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
gen_regsSR&= ~VF;
return (res.quot & 0xFFFF) | ((res.rem & 0xFFFF) << 16);
int divsRrB() // DIVS RR,r 11001rrr 01011RRR
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = myDivsB((signed short)(*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1]), (signed char)(*regB));
return 24;
int divsRrW() // DIVS RR,r 11011rrr 01011RRR
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = myDivsW((signed int)(*cregsL[lastbyte&7]), (signed short)(*regW));
return 32;
int divsrIB() // DIVS rr,# 11001rrr 00001011 xxxxxxxx
signed char i = readbyte();
if (opcode>=0xc8)
*cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1] = myDivsB((signed short)(*cregsW[(opcode&7)>>1]), i);
*((unsigned short *)regB) = myDivsB((*(signed short *)regB), i);
return 24;
int divsrIW() // DIVS rr,# 11011rrr 00001011 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
signed short i = readword();
*((unsigned int *)regW) = myDivsW((*(signed int *)regW), i);
return 32;
int divsRMB00() // DIVS RR,(mem) 10000mmm 01011RRR
signed char i = memB;
*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1] = myDivsB((signed short)(*cregsW[(lastbyte&7)>>1]), i);
return 24;
int divsRMW10() // DIVS RR,(mem) 10010mmm 01011RRR
signed short i = memW;
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = myDivsW((signed int)(*cregsL[lastbyte&7]), i);
return 32;
////////////////////////////// MULA //////////////////////////////////////////
int mular() // MULA rr 11011rrr 00011001
unsigned int *p;
p = cregsL[opcode&7];
*p+= (signed int)(((signed short)mem_readW(*cregsL[2]))*((signed short)mem_readW(*cregsL[3])));
*cregsL[3]-=2; // XHL
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|VF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((*p >> 24) & SF) |
((*p) ? 0 : ZF);
return 31;
////////////////////////////// MINC //////////////////////////////////////////
int minc1() // MINC1 #,r 11011rrr 00111000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW - i : *regW + 1);
return 8;
int minc2() // MINC2 #,r 11011rrr 00111001 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW - i : *regW + 2);
return 8;
int minc4() // MINC4 #,r 11011rrr 00111010 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW - i : *regW + 4);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// MDEC //////////////////////////////////////////
int mdec1() // MDEC1 #,r 11011rrr 00111100 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW + i : *regW - 1);
return 7;
int mdec2() // MDEC2 #,r 11011rrr 00111101 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW + i : *regW - 2);
return 7;
int mdec4() // MDEC4 #,r 11011rrr 00111110 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned short i;
i = readword();
*regW = (((*regW & i) == i) ? *regW + i : *regW - 4);
return 7;
////////////////////////////// AND ///////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned char MyAndB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
i&= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? HF : HF|ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
unsigned short MyAndW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
i&= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? HF : HF|ZF);
return i;
unsigned int MyAndL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
i&= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? HF : HF|ZF);
return i;
int andRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAndB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int andRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAndW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int andRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAndL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int andrIB()
*regB = MyAndB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int andrIW()
*regW = MyAndW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int andrIL()
*regL = MyAndL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int andRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyAndB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int andRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyAndW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int andRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyAndL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int andMRB00()
return 6;
int andMRW10()
return 6;
int andMRL20()
return 10;
int andMI00()
return 7;
int andwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// OR ////////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MyOrB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
i|= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
inline unsigned short MyOrW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
i|= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
inline unsigned int MyOrL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
i|= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int orRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyOrB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int orRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyOrW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int orRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyOrL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int orrIB()
*regB = MyOrB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int orrIW()
*regW = MyOrW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int orrIL()
*regL = MyOrL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int orRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyOrB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int orRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyOrW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int orRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyOrL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int orMRB00()
return 6;
int orMRW10()
return 6;
int orMRL20()
return 10;
int orMI00()
return 7;
int orwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// XOR ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MyXorB(unsigned char i, unsigned char j)
// 100% correct
i^= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
inline unsigned short MyXorW(unsigned short i, unsigned short j)
i^= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
inline unsigned int MyXorL(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
i^= j;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int xorRrB()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyXorB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],*regB);
return 4;
int xorRrW()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyXorW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],*regW);
return 4;
int xorRrL()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyXorL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],*regL);
return 7;
int xorrIB()
*regB = MyXorB(*regB,readbyte());
return 4;
int xorrIW()
*regW = MyXorW(*regW,readword());
return 4;
int xorrIL()
*regL = MyXorL(*regL,readlong());
return 7;
int xorRMB00()
*cregsB[lastbyte&7] = MyXorB(*cregsB[lastbyte&7],memB);
return 4;
int xorRMW10()
*cregsW[lastbyte&7] = MyXorW(*cregsW[lastbyte&7],memW);
return 4;
int xorRML20()
*cregsL[lastbyte&7] = MyXorL(*cregsL[lastbyte&7],memL);
return 6;
int xorMRB00()
return 6;
int xorMRW10()
return 6;
int xorMRL20()
return 10;
int xorMI00()
return 7;
int xorwMI10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// CPL ///////////////////////////////////////////
int cplrB()
*regB = ~*regB;
gen_regsSR|= HF|NF;
return 4;
int cplrW()
*regW = ~*regW;
gen_regsSR|= HF|NF;
return 4;
////////////////////////////// LDCF //////////////////////////////////////////
const unsigned short power2[16] =
0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080,
0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000
#define LDCF(A,B) if (A & power2[B]) gen_regsSR|= CF; \
else gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
int ldcf4rB()
return 4;
int ldcf4rW()
return 4;
int ldcfArB()
return 4;
int ldcfArW()
return 4;
int ldcf3M30()
return 8;
int ldcfAM30()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// STCF //////////////////////////////////////////
int stcf4rB() // STCF #4,r 11001rrr 00100100 0000xxxx
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
*regB|= power2[readbyte()];
*regB&= ~power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int stcf4rW() // STCF #4,r 11011rrr 00100100 0000xxxx
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
*regW|= power2[readbyte()];
*regW&= ~power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int stcfArB() // STCF A,r 11001rrr 00101100
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
*regB|= power2[*cregsB[1]];
*regB&= ~power2[*cregsB[1]];
return 4;
int stcfArW() // STCF A,r 11011rrr 00101100
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
*regW|= power2[*cregsB[1]];
*regW&= ~power2[*cregsB[1]];
return 4;
int stcf3M30() // STCF #3,(mem) 10110mmm 10100xxx
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) | power2[lastbyte&7]);
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) & ~power2[lastbyte&7]);
return 8;
int stcfAM30() // STCF A,(mem) 10110mmm 00101100
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) | power2[*cregsB[1]]);
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) & ~power2[*cregsB[1]]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// ANDCF /////////////////////////////////////////
#define ANDCF(A,B) if ((A & power2[B]) && (gen_regsSR & CF)) gen_regsSR|= CF; \
else gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
int andcf4rB()
ANDCF(*regB, readbyte());
return 4;
int andcf4rW()
ANDCF(*regW, readbyte());
return 4;
int andcfArB()
ANDCF(*regB, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int andcfArW()
ANDCF(*regW, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int andcf3M30()
ANDCF(mem_readB(mem), lastbyte&7);
return 8;
int andcfAM30()
ANDCF(mem_readB(mem), *cregsB[1]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// ORCF //////////////////////////////////////////
#define ORCF(A,B) gen_regsSR|= ((A >> B) & CF);
int orcf4rB()
ORCF(*regB, readbyte());
return 4;
int orcf4rW()
ORCF(*regW, readbyte());
return 4;
int orcfArB()
ORCF(*regB, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int orcfArW()
ORCF(*regW, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int orcf3M30()
ORCF(mem_readB(mem), (lastbyte&7));
return 8;
int orcfAM30()
ORCF(mem_readB(mem), *cregsB[1]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// XORCF /////////////////////////////////////////
#define XORCF(A,B) gen_regsSR^= ((A >> B) & CF);
int xorcf4rB()
XORCF(*regB, readbyte());
return 4;
int xorcf4rW()
XORCF(*regW, readbyte());
return 4;
int xorcfArB()
XORCF(*regB, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int xorcfArW()
XORCF(*regW, *cregsB[1]);
return 4;
int xorcf3M30()
XORCF(mem_readB(mem), (lastbyte&7));
return 8;
int xorcfAM30()
XORCF(mem_readB(mem), *cregsB[1]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// xCF ///////////////////////////////////////////
int rcf()
gen_regsSR&= ~(HF|NF|CF);
return 2;
int scf()
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~(HF|NF)) | CF;
return 2;
int ccf()
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~NF) ^ CF;
return 2;
int zcf()
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~(NF|CF)) | ((gen_regsSR & ZF) ? 0 : CF);
return 2;
////////////////////////////// BIT ///////////////////////////////////////////
#define BIT(A,B) gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~(ZF|NF)) | ((A & power2[B]) ? HF : HF|ZF);
int bit4rB()
BIT(*regB, readbyte());
return 4;
int bit4rW()
BIT(*regW, readbyte());
return 4;
int bit3M30()
BIT(mem_readB(mem), lastbyte&7);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// RES ///////////////////////////////////////////
int res4rB()
*regB&= ~power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int res4rW()
*regW&= ~power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int res3M30()
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) & ~power2[lastbyte&7]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SET ///////////////////////////////////////////
int set4rB()
*regB|= power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int set4rW()
*regW|= power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int set3M30()
mem_writeB(mem, mem_readB(mem) | power2[lastbyte&7]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// CHG ///////////////////////////////////////////
int chg4rB()
*regB^= power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int chg4rW()
*regW^= power2[readbyte()];
return 4;
int chg3M30()
mem_writeB(mem,mem_readB(mem) ^ power2[lastbyte&7]);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// TSET //////////////////////////////////////////
int tset4rB() // TSET #4,r 11001rrr 00110100 0000xxxx
unsigned char i = readbyte();
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(ZF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((*regB&power2[i]) ? HF : HF|ZF);
*regB |= power2[i];
return 6;
int tset4rW() // TSET #4,r 11011rrr 00110100 0000xxxx
unsigned char i = readbyte();
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(ZF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((*regW&power2[i]) ? HF : HF|ZF);
*regW |= power2[i];
return 6;
int tset3M30() // TSET #3,(mem) 10110mmm 10101xxx
unsigned char i = mem_readB(mem);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(ZF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i&power2[i]) ? HF : HF|ZF);
mem_writeB(mem,i | power2[lastbyte&7]);
return 10;
////////////////////////////// BS1 ///////////////////////////////////////////
int bs1b() // BS1B A,r 11011rrr 00001111
unsigned short i = *regW;
if (i==0)
gen_regsSR |= VF;
return 4;
unsigned char ret = 15;
gen_regsSR &= ~VF;
while (i<0x8000)
i = i<<1;
ret -= 1;
*cregsB[1] = ret;
return 4;
int bs1f() // BS1F A,r 11011rrr 00001110
unsigned short i = *regW;
if (i==0)
gen_regsSR|= VF;
return 4;
unsigned char ret = 0;
gen_regsSR&= ~VF;
while (!(i&1))
i = i>>1;
*cregsB[1] = ret;
return 4;
////////////////////////////// MISC //////////////////////////////////////////
int nop()
return 1;
int normal()
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & 0x7fff;
return 4;
int tmax()
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR | 0x0400;
return 4;
int ei()
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & 0x8fff) | (readbyte()<<12);
return 5;
int swi() // SWI #3 11111xxx
// SYSM = 1;
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(0x00FFFF00 + ((opcode&7)<<2)) & 0x00ffffff;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 16;
int halt()
return 8;
//link y unlink joden el rockman
int link() // LINK r,d16 11101rrr 00001100 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
*regL = gen_regsXSP;
gen_regsXSP+= (signed short)readword();
return 10;
int unlk() // UNLK r 11101rrr 00001101
gen_regsXSP = *regL;
*regL = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
return 8;
int ldf() // LDF #3 00010111 00000xxx
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & 0xf8ff) | ((readbyte() & 7) << 8);
return 2;
int incf() // INCF 00001100
unsigned int i = gen_regsSR & 0x0700;
i = (i + 0x0100) & 0x0700;
// for MAX mode
i = i & 0x0300;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & 0xf8ff) | i;
return 2;
int decf() // DECF 00001101
unsigned int i = gen_regsSR & 0x0700;
i = (i - 0x0100) & 0x0700;
// for MAX mode
i = i & 0x0300;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & 0xf8ff) | i;
return 2;
int sccB0()
*regB = valCond0();
return 6;
int sccB1()
*regB = valCond1();
return 6;
int sccB2()
*regB = valCond2();
return 6;
int sccB3()
*regB = valCond3();
return 6;
int sccB4()
*regB = valCond4();
return 6;
int sccB5()
*regB = valCond5();
return 6;
int sccB6()
*regB = valCond6();
return 6;
int sccB7()
*regB = valCond7();
return 6;
int sccB8()
*regB = valCond8();
return 6;
int sccB9()
*regB = valCond9();
return 6;
int sccBA()
*regB = valCondA();
return 6;
int sccBB()
*regB = valCondB();
return 6;
int sccBC()
*regB = valCondC();
return 6;
int sccBD()
*regB = valCondD();
return 6;
int sccBE()
*regB = valCondE();
return 6;
int sccBF()
*regB = valCondF();
return 6;
int sccW0()
*regW = valCond0();
return 6;
int sccW1()
*regW = valCond1();
return 6;
int sccW2()
*regW = valCond2();
return 6;
int sccW3()
*regW = valCond3();
return 6;
int sccW4()
*regW = valCond4();
return 6;
int sccW5()
*regW = valCond5();
return 6;
int sccW6()
*regW = valCond6();
return 6;
int sccW7()
*regW = valCond7();
return 6;
int sccW8()
*regW = valCond8();
return 6;
int sccW9()
*regW = valCond9();
return 6;
int sccWA()
*regW = valCondA();
return 6;
int sccWB()
*regW = valCondB();
return 6;
int sccWC()
*regW = valCondC();
return 6;
int sccWD()
*regW = valCondD();
return 6;
int sccWE()
*regW = valCondE();
return 6;
int sccWF()
*regW = valCondF();
return 6;
////////////////////////////// LDC/X /////////////////////////////////////////
int ldccrB()
ldcRegs[readbyte()] = *regB;
return 8;
int ldccrW()
*((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[readbyte()]) = *regW;
return 8;
int ldccrL()
*((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[readbyte()]) = *regL;
return 8;
int ldcrcB()
*regB = ldcRegs[readbyte()];
return 8;
int ldcrcW()
*regW = *((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[readbyte()]);
return 8;
int ldcrcL()
*regL = *((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[readbyte()]);
return 8;
int ldx() // LDX (#8),# 11110111 00000000 xxxxxxxx 00000000 xxxxxxxx 00000000
unsigned char num8, data;
num8 = readbyte();
data = readbyte();
return 9;
////////////////////////////// RLC ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MyRlcB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80)
i = (i << 1)|1;
i = i << 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(i & CF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
inline unsigned short MyRlcW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x8000)
i = (i << 1)|1;
i = i << 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(i & CF);
return i;
inline unsigned int MyRlcL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80000000)
i = (i << 1)|1;
i = i << 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF) |
(i & CF);
return i;
int rlc4rB()
*regB = MyRlcB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int rlc4rW()
*regW = MyRlcW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int rlc4rL()
*regL = MyRlcL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int rlcArB()
*regB = MyRlcB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rlcArW()
*regW = MyRlcW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rlcArL()
*regL = MyRlcL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int rlcM00()
return 8;
int rlcwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// RRC ///////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned char MyRrcB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&1)
i = (i >> 1)|0x80;
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i & SF) ? SF|CF : 0) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
unsigned short MyRrcW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&1)
i = (i >> 1)|0x8000;
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(((i>>8) & 0x80) ? SF|CF : 0) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
unsigned int MyRrcL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&1)
i = (i >> 1)|0x80000000;
i = i >> 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(((i>>24) & 0x80) ? SF|CF : 0) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int rrc4rB()
*regB = MyRrcB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int rrc4rW()
*regW = MyRrcW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int rrc4rL()
*regL = MyRrcL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int rrcArB()
*regB = MyRrcB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rrcArW()
*regW = MyRrcW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rrcArL()
*regL = MyRrcL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int rrcM00()
return 8;
int rrcwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// RL ////////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned char MyRlB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80)
i = (i << 1)|(unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR|= CF;
i = (i << 1)|(unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
unsigned short MyRlW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x8000)
i = (i << 1)|(unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR|= CF;
i = (i << 1)|(unsigned char)(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
unsigned int MyRlL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80000000)
i = (i << 1)|(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR|= CF;
i = (i << 1)|(gen_regsSR & CF);
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int rl4rB()
*regB = MyRlB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int rl4rW()
*regW = MyRlW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int rl4rL()
*regL = MyRlL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int rlArB()
*regB = MyRlB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rlArW()
*regW = MyRlW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rlArL()
*regL = MyRlL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int rlM00()
return 8;
int rlwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// RR ////////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned char MyRrB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = (i >> 1)|0x80;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
unsigned short MyRrW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = (i >> 1)|0x8000;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
unsigned int MyRrL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (gen_regsSR & CF)
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = (i >> 1)|0x80000000;
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int rr4rB()
*regB = MyRrB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int rr4rW()
*regW = MyRrW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int rr4rL()
*regL = MyRrL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int rrArB()
*regB = MyRrB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rrArW()
*regW = MyRrW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int rrArL()
*regL = MyRrL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int rrM00()
return 8;
int rrwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SLA ///////////////////////////////////////////
unsigned char MySlaB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80)
gen_regsSR|= CF;
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
i = i << 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
unsigned short MySlaW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x8000)
gen_regsSR|= CF;
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
i = i << 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
unsigned int MySlaL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
if (i&0x80000000)
gen_regsSR|= CF;
gen_regsSR&= ~CF;
i = i << 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int sla4rB()
*regB = MySlaB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int sla4rW()
*regW = MySlaW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int sla4rL()
*regL = MySlaL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int slaArB()
*regB = MySlaB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int slaArW()
*regW = MySlaW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int slaArL()
*regL = MySlaL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int slaM00()
return 8;
int slawM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SRA ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MySraB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
if (i&0x80)
i = (i >> 1)|0x80;
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
inline unsigned short MySraW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
if (i&0x8000)
i = (i >> 1)|0x8000;
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
inline unsigned int MySraL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
if (i&0x80000000)
i = (i >> 1)|0x80000000;
i = i >> 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int sra4rB()
*regB = MySraB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int sra4rW()
*regW = MySraW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int sra4rL()
*regL = MySraL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int sraArB()
*regB = MySraB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int sraArW()
*regW = MySraW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int sraArL()
*regL = MySraL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int sraM00()
return 8;
int srawM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SLL ///////////////////////////////////////////
int sll4rB()
*regB = MySlaB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int sll4rW()
*regW = MySlaW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int sll4rL()
*regL = MySlaL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int sllArB()
*regB = MySlaB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int sllArW()
*regW = MySlaW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int sllArL()
*regL = MySlaL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int sllM00()
return 8;
int sllwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// SRL ///////////////////////////////////////////
inline unsigned char MySrlB(unsigned char i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(i & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[i];
return i;
inline unsigned short MySrlW(unsigned short i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>8) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
inline unsigned int MySrlL(unsigned int i, unsigned char nr)
nr = ((nr) ? nr : 16);
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & ~CF) | (i & CF);
i = i >> 1;
state+= 2;
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
((i>>24) & SF) |
((i) ? 0 : ZF);
return i;
int srl4rB()
*regB = MySrlB(*regB,readbyte());
return 6;
int srl4rW()
*regW = MySrlW(*regW,readbyte());
return 6;
int srl4rL()
*regL = MySrlL(*regL,readbyte());
return 8;
int srlArB()
*regB = MySrlB(*regB,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int srlArW()
*regW = MySrlW(*regW,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 6;
int srlArL()
*regL = MySrlL(*regL,*cregsB[1] & 0x0F);
return 8;
int srlM00()
return 8;
int srlwM10()
return 8;
////////////////////////////// RxD ///////////////////////////////////////////
int rld00() // RLD A,(mem) 10000mmm 00000110
unsigned char i,j;
i = memB;
j = (*cregsB[1])&0x0f;
*cregsB[1] = ((*cregsB[1])&0xf0)|((i&0xf0)>>4);
// update flags
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(*cregsB[1] & SF) |
((*cregsB[1]) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[*cregsB[1]];
return 12;
int rrd00() // RRD A,(mem) 10000mmm 00000111
unsigned char i,j;
i = memB;
j = (*cregsB[1])&0x0f;
*cregsB[1] = ((*cregsB[1])&0xf0)|(i&0x0f);
// update flags
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR & ~(SF|ZF|HF|VF|NF|CF);
gen_regsSR = gen_regsSR |
(*cregsB[1] & SF) |
((*cregsB[1]) ? 0 : ZF)
| parityVtable[*cregsB[1]];
return 12;
////////////////////////////// JP/JR /////////////////////////////////////////
int jp16() // JP #16 00011010 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
gen_regsPC = readword();
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 7;
int jp24() // JP #24 00011011 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
gen_regsPC = read24();
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 7;
int jrcc0() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
//cond0 always false
if (cond0())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc1() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond1())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc2() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond2())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc3() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond3())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc4() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond4())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc5() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond5())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc6() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond6())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc7() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond7())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrcc8() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
//if (cond8())//cond8 is always TRUE
return 8;
//return 4;
int jrcc9() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccA() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccB() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccC() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccD() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccE() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondE())
// no need to read
return 4;
return 8;
int jrccF() // JR cc,$+2+d8 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlcc0() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
//cond0 always false
if (cond0())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc1() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond1())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc2() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond2())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc3() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond3())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc4() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond4())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc5() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond5())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc6() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond6())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc7() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (cond7())
return 8;
return 4;
int jrlcc8() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
//if (cond8()) //cond8 is always TRUE
return 8;
//return 4;
int jrlcc9() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCond9())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccA() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondA())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccB() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondB())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccC() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondC())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccD() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondD())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccE() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondE())
return 4;
return 8;
int jrlccF() // JR cc,$+2+d16 0110cccc xxxxxxxx
if (notCondF())
return 4;
return 8;
int jpccM300() // JP cc,mem
//cond0 always false
if (cond0())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM301() // JP cc,mem
if (cond1())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM302() // JP cc,mem
if (cond2())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM303() // JP cc,mem
if (cond3())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM304() // JP cc,mem
if (cond4())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM305() // JP cc,mem
if (cond5())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM306() // JP cc,mem
if (gen_regsSR & ZF)//cond6())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM307() // JP cc,mem
if (gen_regsSR & CF)//cond7())
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
return 4;
int jpccM308() // JP cc,mem
//if (cond8()) //always TRUE
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
// return 4;
int jpccM309() // JP cc,mem
if (notCond9())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30A() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondA())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30B() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondB())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30C() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondC())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30D() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondD())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30E() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondE())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
int jpccM30F() // JP cc,mem
if (notCondF())
return 4;
gen_regsPC = mem;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 8;
////////////////////////////// CALL //////////////////////////////////////////
int call16() // CALL #16 00011100 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned int address = readword();
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = address);
return 12;
int call24() // CALL #24 00011101 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
unsigned int address = read24();
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = address);
return 12;
int calr() // CALR $+3+d16 00011110 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
signed short d16 = readword();
gen_regsPC+= d16;
my_pc+= d16;
return 12;
int callccM300() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
//cond0 always false
if (cond0())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM301() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (cond1())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM302() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (cond2())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM303() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (cond3())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM304() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (cond4())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM305() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (cond5())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM306() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (gen_regsSR & ZF)//cond6())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM307() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (gen_regsSR & CF)//cond7())
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
return 6;
int callccM308() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
//if (cond8())//always TRUE
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
// return 6;
int callccM309() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCond9())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30A() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondA())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30B() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondB())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30C() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondC())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30D() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondD())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30E() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondE())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
int callccM30F() // CALL cc,mem 10110mmm 1110cccc
if (notCondF())
return 6;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC = mem);
return 12;
////////////////////////////// DJNZ //////////////////////////////////////////
int djnzB() // DJNZ r,$+3+d8 11001rrr 00011100 xxxxxxxx
if (--*regB)
signed char d8 = readbyte();
gen_regsPC+= d8;
my_pc+= d8;
return 11;
return 7;
int djnzW() // DJNZ r,$+3+d8 11011rrr 00011100 xxxxxxxx
if (--*regW)
signed char d8 = readbyte();
gen_regsPC+= d8;
my_pc+= d8;
return 11;
return 7;
////////////////////////////// RET ///////////////////////////////////////////
int ret() // RET 00001110
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
return 9;
int retcc0() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
//cond0 always false
if (cond0())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc1() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond1())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc2() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond2())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc3() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond3())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc4() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond4())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc5() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond5())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc6() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (gen_regsSR & ZF)//cond6())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc7() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (gen_regsSR & CF)//cond7())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retcc8() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
//if (cond8())//always TRUE
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
// return 6;
int retcc9() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (cond9())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retccA() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (condA())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retccB() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (condB())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retccC() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (condC())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retccD() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (condD())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retccE() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (notCondE())
return 6;
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
int retccF() // RET cc 10110000 1111cccc
if (condF())
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
return 6;
int retd() // RETD d16 00001111 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
signed short d16 = readword();
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
gen_regsXSP+= d16 + 4;
return 9;
int reti() // RETI 00000111
#ifdef TARGET_GP2X
register byte *gA asm("r4");
register unsigned int localXSP = gen_regsXSP;
gA = get_address(localXSP);
localXSP += 6;
gen_regsXSP = localXSP;
if(gA == 0)
gen_regsSR = gen_regsPC = 0;
asm volatile(
"ldrb %0, [%2], #1\n"
"ldrb r2, [%2], #1\n"
"orr %0, %0, r2, asl #8\n"
"bic r1,%2,#3 \n"
"ldmia r1,{r0,r3} \n"
"ands r1,%2,#3 \n"
"movne r2,r1,lsl #3 \n"
"movne r0,r0,lsr r2 \n"
"rsbne r1,r2,#32 \n"
"orrne r0,r0,r3,lsl r1\n"
"mov %1,r0"
: "=r"(gen_regsSR), "=r"(gen_regsPC)
: "r"(gA)
: "r0", "r1","r2","r3");
gen_regsSR = mem_readW(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 2;
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(gen_regsXSP);
gen_regsXSP+= 4;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
return 12;
////////////////////////////// undefined /////////////////////////////////////
int udef()
//dbg_print("*** Call to udef() in tlcs900h core ***\n");
m_bIsActive = false;
return 1;
//////////////////////////////// BIOS calls /////////////////////////////////
inline int VECT_SHUTDOWN()
return 10;
inline int VECT_CLOCKGEARSET(unsigned char speed, unsigned char regen)
case 0:
tlcsClockMulti = 1;
case 1:
tlcsClockMulti = 2;
case 2:
tlcsClockMulti = 4;
case 3:
tlcsClockMulti = 8;
case 4:
tlcsClockMulti = 16;
return 10;
inline unsigned char makeBCD(int i)
int upper;
if (i>=99)
return 0x99;
upper = i/10;
return (upper<<4)|(i-(upper*10));
//extern "C" int sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (int id, int *value);
void initTimezone(void)
#ifdef __LIBRETRO__
static int tzInit=0;
int tzOffset = 0;
sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt (PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_ID_INT_TIMEZONE, &tzOffset);
int tzOffsetAbs = tzOffset < 0 ? -tzOffset : tzOffset;
int hours = tzOffsetAbs / 60;
int minutes = tzOffsetAbs - hours * 60;
static char tz[10];
sprintf (tz, "GMT%s%02i:%02i", tzOffset < 0 ? "+" : "-", hours, minutes);
setenv ("TZ", tz, 1);
tzset ();
tzset();//prob need more than just this*/
inline int VECT_RTCGET(unsigned int dest)
// dest+0 // year
// dest+1 // month all in BCD
// dest+2 // day
// dest+3 // hours
// dest+4 // minutes
// dest+5 // nr year after leap : day of the week
unsigned char *d = get_address(dest);
time_t now;
tm *lt;
now = time(NULL);
initTimezone(); //make sure TZ is set up
lt = localtime(&now);
//int year = (lt->tm_year+1900) % 100;
int year = lt->tm_year-100;
d[0] = makeBCD(year);
d[1] = makeBCD(lt->tm_mon+1);
d[2] = makeBCD(lt->tm_mday);
d[3] = makeBCD(lt->tm_hour);
d[4] = makeBCD(lt->tm_min);
d[5] = makeBCD(lt->tm_sec);
d[6] = ((year % 4)<<4)|(lt->tm_wday & 0x0F);
return 100;
inline int VECT_INTLVSET(unsigned char interrupt, unsigned char level)
// 0 - Interrupt from RTC alarm
// 1 - Interrupt from the Z80 CPU
// 2 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 0
// 3 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 1
// 4 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 2
// 5 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 3
// 6 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 0
// 7 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 1
// 8 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 2
// 9 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 3
case 0x00:
cpuram[0x70] = (cpuram[0x70] & 0xf0) | (level & 0x07);
case 0x01:
cpuram[0x71] = (cpuram[0x71] & 0x0f) | ((level & 0x07)<<4);
case 0x02:
cpuram[0x73] = (cpuram[0x73] & 0xf0) | (level & 0x07);
case 0x03:
cpuram[0x73] = (cpuram[0x73] & 0x0f) | ((level & 0x07)<<4);
case 0x04:
cpuram[0x74] = (cpuram[0x74] & 0xf0) | (level & 0x07);
case 0x05:
cpuram[0x74] = (cpuram[0x74] & 0x0f) | ((level & 0x07)<<4);
case 0x06:
cpuram[0x79] = (cpuram[0x79] & 0xf0) | (level & 0x07);
case 0x07:
cpuram[0x79] = (cpuram[0x79] & 0x0f) | ((level & 0x07)<<4);
case 0x08:
cpuram[0x7a] = (cpuram[0x7a] & 0xf0) | (level & 0x07);
case 0x09:
cpuram[0x7a] = (cpuram[0x7a] & 0x0f) | ((level & 0x07)<<4);
return 100;
inline int VECT_SYSFONTSET(unsigned char parms)
return 100;
inline int VECT_ALARMSET(unsigned char day, unsigned char hour, unsigned char minute, unsigned char *result)
*result = 0; // SYS_SUCCESS
return 100;
inline int VECT_FLASHWRITE(unsigned char chip, unsigned short size, unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned char *result)
unsigned char *fromAddr;
//toAddr = get_address(((chip) ? 0x00800000 : 0x00200000)+to);
fromAddr = get_address(from);
vectFlashWrite(chip, to, fromAddr, size * 256);
*result = 0;
return 100;
inline int VECT_FLASHERS(unsigned char chip, unsigned char blockNum, unsigned char *result)
vectFlashErase(chip, blockNum);
*result = 0;
return 100;
inline int VECT_FLASHALLERS(unsigned char chip, unsigned char *result)
*result = 0;
return 100;
inline int VECT_GEMODESET(unsigned char mode)
mem_writeB(0x87F0,0xAA); // allow GE MODE registers to be written to
if (mode < 0x10)
// set B/W mode
// set color mode
mem_writeB(0x87F0,0x55); // disallow GE MODE registers to be written to
return 20;
// execute a bios function
inline int doBios(unsigned char biosNr)
switch (biosNr)
case 0x00:
// Power off the Neogeo pocket unit
// no params, no result
case 0x01:
// Change the CPU speed of the Neogeo Pocket
// param: RB3 - Set Clock Speed
// 00 - 6.144 MHz
// 01 - 3.072 MHz
// 02 - 1.536 MHz
// 03 - .768 MHz
// 04 - .384 MHz
// param: RC3 - Auto clock speed regeneration with panel switch input
// 0 - No
// !0 - Yes
return VECT_CLOCKGEARSET(*allregsB[0x35], *allregsB[0x34]);
case 0x02: // VECT_RTCGET
// Obtain real time clock information
// param: XHL3
// data written:
// +0 : Year (00-90 = 2000-2090, 91-99 = 1991 - 1999)
// +1 : Month (1 - 12)
// +2 : Day (1-31)
// +3 : Hour (0 - 23)
// +4 : Minute (0 - 59)
// +5 : Second (0 - 59)
// +6 : upper nibble: years after leap year
// lower nibble: 0 - sun, 1 - mon, 2 - tue,...., 6 - sat)
// all BCD
return VECT_RTCGET(*allregsL[0x3C]);
case 0x04:
// param: RB3 - interrupt level (0-5)
// param: RC3 - interrupt number to set
// 0 - Interrupt from RTC alarm
// 1 - Interrupt from the Z80 CPU
// 2 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 0
// 3 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 1
// 4 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 2
// 5 - Interrupt from the 8 bit timer 3
// 6 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 0
// 7 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 1
// 8 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 2
// 9 - End of transfer interrupt from DMA channel 3
return VECT_INTLVSET(*allregsB[0x34], *allregsB[0x35]);
case 0x05:
return VECT_SYSFONTSET(*allregsB[0x30]);
case 0x06: // store something in saveram
// copy BC3*0x0100 bytes of data from XHL3 to saveram + DE3
return VECT_FLASHWRITE(*allregsB[0x30],*allregsW[0x34],*allregsL[0x3C],*allregsL[0x38],allregsB[0x30]);
case 0x07: //erase the chip
return VECT_FLASHALLERS(*allregsB[0x30],allregsB[0x30]);
case 0x08: // set current memory save block (64 kb blocks); prepare for write
//erase a block
// parm: RB3
*cregsB[1] = 0; // ld a,00
return VECT_FLASHERS(*allregsB[0x30],*allregsB[0x35],allregsB[0x30]);
case 0x09:
return VECT_ALARMSET(*allregsB[0x36],*allregsB[0x35],*allregsB[0x34],allregsB[0x30]);
case 0x0e:
return VECT_GEMODESET(0x10); // Implementation wrong in ngpc bios???, always set to color
case 0x14:
*cregsB[1] = 1; // ld a,01
case 0x17:
*cregsW[0] = 0; // ld wa,0000
case 0x18:
*cregsW[0] = 0; // ld wa,0000
case 0x19:
*cregsB[2] = 0; // ld b,00
return 100; // let's just take a value... correct?
int bios()
unsigned char biosNr = readbyte();
return doBios(biosNr);
// instructions where the highest bit of the first byte is set to 1
// x0000xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_table80[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, pushM00, udef, rld00, rrd00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldi, ldir, ldd, lddr, cpiB, cpirB, cpdB, cpdrB,
udef, ld16M00, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00,
addMI00, adcMI00, subMI00, sbcMI00, andMI00, xorMI00, orMI00, cpMI00,
mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00,
mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00,
divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00,
divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00,
inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00,
dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
rlcM00, rrcM00, rlM00, rrM00, slaM00, sraM00, sllM00, srlM00,
addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00,
addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00,
adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00,
adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00,
subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00,
subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00,
sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00,
sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00,
andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00,
andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00,
xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00,
xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00,
orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00,
orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00,
cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00,
cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00
// x0010xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_table90[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, pushwM10, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldiw, ldirw, lddw, lddrw, cpiW, cpirW, cpdW, cpdrW,
udef, ldw16M10, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10,
addwMI10, adcwMI10, subwMI10, sbcwMI10, andwMI10, xorwMI10, orwMI10, cpwMI10,
mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10,
mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10,
divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10,
divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10,
incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10,
decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
rlcwM10, rrcwM10, rlwM10, rrwM10, slawM10, srawM10, sllwM10, srlwM10,
addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10,
addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10,
adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10,
adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10,
subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10,
subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10,
sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10,
sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10,
andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10,
andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10,
xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10,
xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10,
orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10,
orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10,
cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10,
cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10
// x0011xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_table98[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, pushwM10, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, ldw16M10, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10,
addwMI10, adcwMI10, subwMI10, sbcwMI10, andwMI10, xorwMI10, orwMI10, cpwMI10,
mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10,
mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10,
divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10,
divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10,
incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10,
decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
rlcwM10, rrcwM10, rlwM10, rrwM10, slawM10, srawM10, sllwM10, srlwM10,
addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10,
addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10,
adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10,
adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10,
subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10,
subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10,
sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10,
sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10,
andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10,
andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10,
xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10,
xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10,
orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10,
orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10,
cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10,
cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10
// x0100xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableA0[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef , udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20,
addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20,
adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20,
adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20,
subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20,
subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20,
sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20,
sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20,
andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20,
andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20,
xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20,
xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20,
orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20,
orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20,
cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20,
cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20
// x0110xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableB0[256])() =
ldMI30, udef, ldwMI30, udef, popM30, udef, popwM30, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef , udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, ldM1630, udef, ldwM1630, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30,
andcfAM30, orcfAM30, xorcfAM30, ldcfAM30, stcfAM30, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W,
udef, udef, udef , udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef , udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30,
orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30,
xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30,
ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30,
stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30,
tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30,
res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30,
set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30,
chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30,
bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30,
jpccM300, jpccM301, jpccM302, jpccM303, jpccM304, jpccM305, jpccM306, jpccM307,
jpccM308, jpccM309, jpccM30A, jpccM30B, jpccM30C, jpccM30D, jpccM30E, jpccM30F,
callccM300, callccM301, callccM302, callccM303, callccM304, callccM305, callccM306, callccM307,
callccM308, callccM309, callccM30A, callccM30B, callccM30C, callccM30D, callccM30E, callccM30F,
retcc0, retcc1, retcc2, retcc3, retcc4, retcc5, retcc6, retcc7,
retcc8, retcc9, retccA, retccB, retccC, retccD, retccE, retccF
// x0111xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableB8[256])() =
ldMI30, udef, ldwMI30, udef, popM30, udef, popwM30, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, ldM1630, udef, ldwM1630, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30,
andcfAM30, orcfAM30, xorcfAM30, ldcfAM30, stcfAM30, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30,
orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30,
xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30,
ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30,
stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30,
tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30,
res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30,
set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30,
chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30,
bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30,
jpccM300, jpccM301, jpccM302, jpccM303, jpccM304, jpccM305, jpccM306, jpccM307,
jpccM308, jpccM309, jpccM30A, jpccM30B, jpccM30C, jpccM30D, jpccM30E, jpccM30F,
callccM300, callccM301, callccM302, callccM303, callccM304, callccM305, callccM306, callccM307,
callccM308, callccM309, callccM30A, callccM30B, callccM30C, callccM30D, callccM30E, callccM30F,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef
// x1000xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableC0[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, pushM00, udef, rld00, rrd00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, ld16M00, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00, ldRM00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00, exMRB00,
addMI00, adcMI00, subMI00, sbcMI00, andMI00, xorMI00, orMI00, cpMI00,
mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00, mulRMB00,
mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00, mulsRMB00,
divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00, divRMB00,
divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00, divsRMB00,
inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00, inc3M00,
dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00, dec3M00,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
rlcM00, rrcM00, rlM00, rrM00, slaM00, sraM00, sllM00, srlM00,
addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00, addRMB00,
addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00, addMRB00,
adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00, adcRMB00,
adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00, adcMRB00,
subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00, subRMB00,
subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00, subMRB00,
sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00, sbcRMB00,
sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00, sbcMRB00,
andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00, andRMB00,
andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00, andMRB00,
xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00, xorRMB00,
xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00, xorMRB00,
orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00, orRMB00,
orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00, orMRB00,
cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00, cpRMB00,
cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00, cpMRB00
// x1001xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableC8[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, ldrIB, pushrB, poprB, cplrB, negrB,
mulrIB, mulsrIB, divrIB, divsrIB, udef, udef, udef, udef,
daar, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, bios, udef, djnzB, udef, udef, udef,
andcf4rB, orcf4rB, xorcf4rB, ldcf4rB, stcf4rB, udef, udef, udef,
andcfArB, orcfArB, xorcfArB, ldcfArB, stcfArB, udef, ldccrB, ldcrcB,
res4rB, set4rB, chg4rB, bit4rB, tset4rB, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB, mulRrB,
mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB, mulsRrB,
divRrB, divRrB, divRrB, divRrB, divRrB, divRrB, divRrB, divRrB,
divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB, divsRrB,
inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB, inc3rB,
dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB, dec3rB,
sccB0, sccB1, sccB2, sccB3, sccB4, sccB5, sccB6, sccB7,
sccB8, sccB9, sccBA, sccBB, sccBC, sccBD, sccBE, sccBF,
addRrB, addRrB, addRrB, addRrB, addRrB, addRrB, addRrB, addRrB,
ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB, ldRrB,
adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB, adcRrB,
ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB, ldrRB,
subRrB, subRrB, subRrB, subRrB, subRrB, subRrB, subRrB, subRrB,
ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B, ldr3B,
sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB, sbcRrB,
exRrB, exRrB, exRrB, exRrB, exRrB, exRrB, exRrB, exRrB,
andRrB, andRrB, andRrB, andRrB, andRrB, andRrB, andRrB, andRrB,
addrIB, adcrIB, subrIB, sbcrIB, andrIB, xorrIB, orrIB, cprIB,
xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB, xorRrB,
cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B, cpr3B,
orRrB, orRrB, orRrB, orRrB, orRrB, orRrB, orRrB, orRrB,
rlc4rB, rrc4rB, rl4rB, rr4rB, sla4rB, sra4rB, sll4rB, srl4rB,
cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB, cpRrB,
rlcArB, rrcArB, rlArB, rrArB, slaArB, sraArB, sllArB, srlArB
// x1010xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableD0[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, pushwM10, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, ldw16M10, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10, ldRM10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10, exMRW10,
addwMI10, adcwMI10, subwMI10, sbcwMI10, andwMI10, xorwMI10, orwMI10, cpwMI10,
mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10, mulRMW10,
mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10, mulsRMW10,
divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10, divRMW10,
divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10, divsRMW10,
incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10, incw3M10,
decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10, decw3M10,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
rlcwM10, rrcwM10, rlwM10, rrwM10, slawM10, srawM10, sllwM10, srlwM10,
addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10, addRMW10,
addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10, addMRW10,
adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10, adcRMW10,
adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10, adcMRW10,
subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10, subRMW10,
subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10, subMRW10,
sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10, sbcRMW10,
sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10, sbcMRW10,
andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10, andRMW10,
andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10, andMRW10,
xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10, xorRMW10,
xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10, xorMRW10,
orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10, orRMW10,
orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10, orMRW10,
cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10, cpRMW10,
cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10, cpMRW10
// x1011xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableD8[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, ldrIW, pushrW, poprW, cplrW, negrW,
mulrIW, mulsrIW, divrIW, divsrIW, udef, udef, bs1f, bs1b,
udef, udef, extzrW, extsrW, paarW, udef, mirrr, udef,
udef, mular, udef, udef, djnzW, udef, udef, udef,
andcf4rW, orcf4rW, xorcf4rW, ldcf4rW, stcf4rW, udef, udef, udef,
andcfArW, orcfArW, xorcfArW, ldcfArW, stcfArW, udef, ldccrW, ldcrcW,
res4rW, set4rW, chg4rW, bit4rW, tset4rW, udef, udef, udef,
minc1, minc2, minc4, udef, mdec1, mdec2, mdec4, udef,
mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW, mulRrW,
mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW, mulsRrW,
divRrW, divRrW, divRrW, divRrW, divRrW, divRrW, divRrW, divRrW,
divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW, divsRrW,
inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW, inc3rW,
dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW, dec3rW,
sccW0, sccW1, sccW2, sccW3, sccW4, sccW5, sccW6, sccW7,
sccW8, sccW9, sccWA, sccWB, sccWC, sccWD, sccWE, sccWF,
addRrW, addRrW, addRrW, addRrW, addRrW, addRrW, addRrW, addRrW,
ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW, ldRrW,
adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW, adcRrW,
ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW, ldrRW,
subRrW, subRrW, subRrW, subRrW, subRrW, subRrW, subRrW, subRrW,
ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W, ldr3W,
sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW, sbcRrW,
exRrW, exRrW, exRrW, exRrW, exRrW, exRrW, exRrW, exRrW,
andRrW, andRrW, andRrW, andRrW, andRrW, andRrW, andRrW, andRrW,
addrIW, adcrIW, subrIW, sbcrIW, andrIW, xorrIW, orrIW, cprIW,
xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW, xorRrW,
cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W, cpr3W,
orRrW, orRrW, orRrW, orRrW, orRrW, orRrW, orRrW, orRrW,
rlc4rW, rrc4rW, rl4rW, rr4rW, sla4rW, sra4rW, sll4rW, srl4rW,
cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW, cpRrW,
rlcArW, rrcArW, rlArW, rrArW, slaArW, sraArW, sllArW, srlArW
// x1100xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableE0[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20, ldRM20,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef , udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20, addRML20,
addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20, addMRL20,
adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20, adcRML20,
adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20, adcMRL20,
subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20, subRML20,
subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20, subMRL20,
sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20, sbcRML20,
sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20, sbcMRL20,
andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20, andRML20,
andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20, andMRL20,
xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20, xorRML20,
xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20, xorMRL20,
orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20, orRML20,
orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20, orMRL20,
cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20, cpRML20,
cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20, cpMRL20
// x1101xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableE8[256])() =
udef, udef, udef, ldrIL, pushrL, poprL, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, link, unlk, udef, udef,
udef, udef, extzrL, extsrL, paarL, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, ldccrL, ldcrcL,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL, inc3rL,
dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL, dec3rL,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
addRrL, addRrL, addRrL, addRrL, addRrL, addRrL, addRrL, addRrL,
ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL, ldRrL,
adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL, adcRrL,
ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL, ldrRL,
subRrL, subRrL, subRrL, subRrL, subRrL, subRrL, subRrL, subRrL,
ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L, ldr3L,
sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL, sbcRrL,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
andRrL, andRrL, andRrL, andRrL, andRrL, andRrL, andRrL, andRrL,
addrIL, adcrIL, subrIL, sbcrIL, andrIL, xorrIL, orrIL, cprIL,
xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL, xorRrL,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
orRrL, orRrL, orRrL, orRrL, orRrL, orRrL, orRrL, orRrL,
rlc4rL, rrc4rL, rl4rL, rr4rL, sla4rL, sra4rL, sll4rL, srl4rL,
cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL, cpRrL,
rlcArL, rrcArL, rlArL, rrArL, slaArL, sraArL, sllArL, srlArL
// x1110xxx xxxxxxxx
int (*decode_tableF0[256])() =
ldMI30, udef, ldwMI30, udef, popM30, udef, popwM30, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, ldM1630, udef, ldwM1630, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30, ldaRMW30,
andcfAM30, orcfAM30, xorcfAM30, ldcfAM30, stcfAM30, udef, udef, udef,
ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30, ldaRML30,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B, ldMR30B,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W, ldMR30W,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L, ldMR30L,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30, andcf3M30,
orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30, orcf3M30,
xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30, xorcf3M30,
ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30, ldcf3M30,
stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30, stcf3M30,
tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30, tset3M30,
res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30, res3M30,
set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30, set3M30,
chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30, chg3M30,
bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30, bit3M30,
jpccM300, jpccM301, jpccM302, jpccM303, jpccM304, jpccM305, jpccM306, jpccM307,
jpccM308, jpccM309, jpccM30A, jpccM30B, jpccM30C, jpccM30D, jpccM30E, jpccM30F,
callccM300, callccM301, callccM302, callccM303, callccM304, callccM305, callccM306, callccM307,
callccM308, callccM309, callccM30A, callccM30B, callccM30C, callccM30D, callccM30E, callccM30F,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
//////////////////////// decode instructions /////////////////////////////////
int decode80() // (XWA) (XBC) (XDE) (XHL) (XIX) (XIY) (XIZ) (XSP) scr.B
mem = *cregsL[opcode&7];
memB = mem_readB(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_table80[lastbyte]();
int decode88() // (XWA+d) (XBC+d) (XDE+d) (XHL+d) (XIX+d) (XIY+d) (XIZ+d) (XSP+d) scr.B
mem = (*cregsL[opcode&7])+(signed char)readbyteSetLastbyte();
memB = mem_readB(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_table80[lastbyte]();
int decode90() // (XWA) (XBC) (XDE) (XHL) (XIX) (XIY) (XIZ) (XSP) scr.W
mem = *cregsL[opcode&7];
memW = mem_readW(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_table90[lastbyte]();
int decode98() // (XWA+d) (XBC+d) (XDE+d) (XHL+d) (XIX+d) (XIY+d) (XIZ+d) (XSP+d) scr.W
mem = (*cregsL[opcode&7])+(signed char)readbyteSetLastbyte();
memW = mem_readW(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_table98[lastbyte]();
int decodeA0() // (XWA) (XBC) (XDE) (XHL) (XIX) (XIY) (XIZ) (XSP) scr.L
mem = *cregsL[opcode&7];
memL = mem_readL(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_tableA0[lastbyte]();
int decodeA8() // (XWA+d) (XBC+d) (XDE+d) (XHL+d) (XIX+d) (XIY+d) (XIZ+d) (XSP+d) scr.L
mem = (*cregsL[opcode&7])+(signed char)readbyteSetLastbyte();
memL = mem_readL(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableA0[lastbyte]();
int decodeB0() // (XWA) (XBC) (XDE) (XHL) (XIX) (XIY) (XIZ) (XSP) dst
mem = *cregsL[opcode&7];
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_tableB0[lastbyte]();
int decodeB8() // (XWA+d) (XBC+d) (XDE+d) (XHL+d) (XIX+d) (XIY+d) (XIZ+d) (XSP+d) dst
mem = (*cregsL[opcode&7])+(signed char)readbyteSetLastbyte();
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableB8[lastbyte]();
int decodeBB() // (XWA+d) (XBC+d) (XDE+d) (XHL+d) (XIX+d) (XIY+d) (XIZ+d) (XSP+d) dst
mem = (*cregsL[opcode&7])+(signed char)readbyteSetLastbyte();
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableB8[lastbyte]();
int decodeC0() // (n) scr.B
mem = readbyteSetLastbyte();
memB = mem_readB(mem);
return 2 + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC1() // (nn) scr.B
mem = readwordSetLastbyte();
memB = mem_readB(mem);
return 2 + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC2() // (nnn) scr.B
mem = read24SetLastbyte();
memB = mem_readB(mem);
return 3 + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC3() // (mem) scr.B
unsigned char reg = readbyte();
signed short d16;
int retval = 0;
case 0x00:
mem = *allregsL[reg];
retval = 5;
case 0x01:
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)readword();
retval = 5;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
switch (reg)
case 0x03:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed char)(*allregsB[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsB[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x07:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)(*allregsW[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsW[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x13:
d16 = (signed short)readword();
mem = gen_regsPC + d16;
retval = 5;
memB = mem_readB(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return retval + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC4() // (-xrr) scr.B
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = ((*allregsL[reg])-= 1<<(reg&3)); // pre-decrement
memB = mem_readB(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC5() // (xrr+) scr.B
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg];
memB = mem_readB(mem);
*allregsL[reg]+= 1<<(reg&3); // post-increment
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableC0[lastbyte]();
int decodeC7() // r reg.B
regB = allregsB[readbyteSetLastbyte()];
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 1 + decode_tableC8[lastbyte]();
int decodeC8() // W A B C D E H L reg.B
regB = cregsB[opcode&7];
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_tableC8[lastbyte]();
int decodeD0() // (n) scr.W
mem = readbyteSetLastbyte();
memW = mem_readW(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD1() // (nn) scr.W
mem = readwordSetLastbyte();
memW = mem_readW(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD2() // (nnn) scr.W
mem = read24SetLastbyte();
memW = mem_readW(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD3() // (mem) scr.W
unsigned char reg = readbyte();
signed short d16;
int retval = 0;
case 0x00:
mem = *allregsL[reg];
retval = 5;
case 0x01:
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)readword();
retval = 5;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
switch (reg)
case 0x03:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed char)(*allregsB[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsB[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x07:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)(*allregsW[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsW[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x13:
d16 = (signed short)readword();
mem = gen_regsPC + d16;
retval = 5;
memW = mem_readW(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return retval + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD4() // (-xrr) scr.W
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = ((*allregsL[reg])-= 1<<(reg&3)); // pre-decrement
memW = mem_readW(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD5() // (xrr+) scr.W
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = (*allregsL[reg]);
memW = mem_readW(mem);
*allregsL[reg]+= 1<<(reg&3); // post-increment
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableD0[lastbyte]();
int decodeD7() // r reg.W
regW = allregsW[readbyteSetLastbyte()];
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 1 + decode_tableD8[lastbyte]();
int decodeD8() // WA BC DE HL IX IY IZ SP reg.W
regW = cregsW[opcode&7];
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_tableD8[lastbyte]();
int decodeE0() // (n) scr.L
mem = readbyteSetLastbyte();
memL = mem_readL(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE1() // (nn) scr.L
mem = readwordSetLastbyte();
memL = mem_readL(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE2() // (nnn) scr.L
mem = read24SetLastbyte();
memL = mem_readL(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE3() // (mem) scr.L
unsigned char reg = readbyte();
signed short d16;
int retval = 0;
case 0x00:
mem = *allregsL[reg];
retval = 5;
case 0x01:
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)readword();
retval = 5;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
switch (reg)
case 0x03:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed char)(*allregsB[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsB[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x07:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)(*allregsW[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsW[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x13:
d16 = (signed short)readword();
mem = gen_regsPC + d16;
retval = 5;
memL = mem_readL(mem);
lastbyte = readbyte();
return retval + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE4() // (-xrr) scr.L
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = ((*allregsL[reg])-= 1<<(reg&3)); // pre-decrement
memL = mem_readL(mem);
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE5() // (xrr+) scr.L
unsigned char reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = (*allregsL[reg]);
memL = mem_readL(mem);
*allregsL[reg]+= 1<<(reg&3); // post-increment
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableE0[lastbyte]();
int decodeE7() // r reg.L
regL = allregsL[readbyteSetLastbyte()];
//lastbyte = readbyte();
return 1 + decode_tableE8[lastbyte]();
int decodeE8() // XWA XBC XDE XHL XIX XIY XIZ XSP reg.L
regL = cregsL[opcode&7];
lastbyte = readbyte();
return decode_tableE8[lastbyte]();
int decodeF0() // (n) dst
mem = readbyteSetLastbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
int decodeF1(void) // (nn) dst
mem = readwordSetLastbyte();
return 2 + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
int decodeF2(void) // (nnn) dst
mem = read24SetLastbyte();
return 3 + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
int decodeF3(void) // (mem) dst
unsigned char reg = readbyte();
signed short d16;
int retval = 0;
case 0x00:
mem = *allregsL[reg];
retval = 5;
case 0x01:
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)readword();
retval = 5;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x03:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed char)(*allregsB[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsB[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x07:
reg = readbyte();
mem = *allregsL[reg]+(signed short)(*allregsW[readbyte()]);
// mem = *allregsL[reg]+*allregsW[readbyte()];
retval = 8;
case 0x13:
d16 = (signed short)readword();
mem = gen_regsPC + d16;
retval = 5;
lastbyte = readbyte();
return retval + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
int decodeF4(void) // (-xrr) dst
unsigned char reg;
reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = (*allregsL[reg]-= 1<<(reg&3));
return 3 + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
int decodeF5(void) // (xrr+) dst
unsigned char reg;
int retval;
reg = readbyteSetLastbyte();
mem = (*allregsL[reg]);
retval = 3 + decode_tableF0[lastbyte]();
*allregsL[reg]+= 1<<(reg&3);
return retval;
// main instruction decode table
int (*instr_table[256])()=
nop, normal, pushsr, popsr, tmax, halt, ei, reti,
ld8I, pushI, ldw8I, pushwI, incf, decf, ret, retd,
rcf, scf, ccf, zcf, pushA, popA, exFF, ldf,
pushF, popF, jp16, jp24, call16, call24, calr, udef,
ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB, ldRIB,
pushRW, pushRW, pushRW, pushRW, pushRW, pushRW, pushRW, pushRW,
ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW, ldRIW,
pushRL, pushRL, pushRL, pushRL, pushRL, pushRL, pushRL, pushRL,
ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL, ldRIL,
popRW, popRW, popRW, popRW, popRW, popRW, popRW, popRW,
udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef, udef,
popRL, popRL, popRL, popRL, popRL, popRL, popRL, popRL,
jrcc0, jrcc1, jrcc2, jrcc3, jrcc4, jrcc5, jrcc6, jrcc7,
jrcc8, jrcc9, jrccA, jrccB, jrccC, jrccD, jrccE, jrccF,
jrlcc0, jrlcc1, jrlcc2, jrlcc3, jrlcc4, jrlcc5, jrlcc6, jrlcc7,
jrlcc8, jrlcc9, jrlccA, jrlccB, jrlccC, jrlccD, jrlccE, jrlccF,
decode80, decode80, decode80, decode80, decode80, decode80, decode80, decode80,
decode88, decode88, decode88, decode88, decode88, decode88, decode88, decode88,
decode90, decode90, decode90, decode90, decode90, decode90, decode90, decode90,
decode98, decode98, decode98, decode98, decode98, decode98, decode98, decode98,
decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0, decodeA0,
decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8, decodeA8,
decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0, decodeB0,
decodeB8, decodeB8, decodeB8, decodeBB, decodeB8, decodeB8, decodeB8, decodeB8,
decodeC0, decodeC1, decodeC2, decodeC3, decodeC4, decodeC5, udef, decodeC7,
decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8, decodeC8,
decodeD0, decodeD1, decodeD2, decodeD3, decodeD4, decodeD5, udef, decodeD7,
decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8, decodeD8,
decodeE0, decodeE1, decodeE2, decodeE3, decodeE4, decodeE5, udef, decodeE7,
decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8, decodeE8,
decodeF0, decodeF1, decodeF2, decodeF3, decodeF4, decodeF5, udef, ldx,
swi, swi, swi, swi, swi, swi, swi, swi
void tlcs_init(void)
int i,j;
// flags tables initialisation
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (!i)
Ztable[i] |= ZF;
SZtable[i] = (i & SF) | Ztable[i];
int k=0;
for (int loop=0;loop<8;loop++)
if (j&1)
j = j>>1;
parityVtable[i] = ((k&1) ? 0 : VF);
// initialize values of all registers
gen_regsXWA0 = gen_regsXBC0 = gen_regsXDE0 = gen_regsXHL0 = 0;
gen_regsXWA1 = gen_regsXBC1 = gen_regsXDE1 = gen_regsXHL1 = 0;
gen_regsXWA2 = gen_regsXBC2 = gen_regsXDE2 = gen_regsXHL2 = 0;
gen_regsXWA3 = gen_regsXBC3 = gen_regsXDE3 = gen_regsXHL3 = 0;
gen_regsXIX = gen_regsXIY = gen_regsXIZ = 0x00001000;
// these are the settings for a real 900H, we will set them to what we want <grin>
gen_regsXSSP = gen_regsXSP = 0x100;
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(0xFFFF00)&0x00ffffff;
gen_regsSR = 0;
F2 = 0;
for (j=0;j<64;j++)
ldcRegs[j] = 0;
// running in MAX and SYSTEM mode
gen_regsSR = 0xf800; // IFF 7, MAXM and SYSM
state = 0;
checkstate = 0;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in byte mode
allregsB[0x00] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA0;
allregsB[0x04] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC0;
allregsB[0x08] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE0;
allregsB[0x0c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL0;
allregsB[0x10] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA1;
allregsB[0x14] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC1;
allregsB[0x18] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE1;
allregsB[0x1c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL1;
allregsB[0x20] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA2;
allregsB[0x24] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC2;
allregsB[0x28] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE2;
allregsB[0x2c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL2;
allregsB[0x30] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA3;
allregsB[0x34] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC3;
allregsB[0x38] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE3;
allregsB[0x3c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL3;
allregsB[0xf0] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIX;
allregsB[0xf4] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIY;
allregsB[0xf8] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIZ;
allregsB[0xfc] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXSP;
for (j=0;j<256;j+=4)
allregsB[j+1] = allregsB[j]+1;
allregsB[j+2] = allregsB[j]+2;
allregsB[j+3] = allregsB[j]+3;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in word mode
allregsW[0x00] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA0;
allregsW[0x04] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC0;
allregsW[0x08] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE0;
allregsW[0x0c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL0;
allregsW[0x10] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA1;
allregsW[0x14] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC1;
allregsW[0x18] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE1;
allregsW[0x1c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL1;
allregsW[0x20] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA2;
allregsW[0x24] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC2;
allregsW[0x28] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE2;
allregsW[0x2c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL2;
allregsW[0x30] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA3;
allregsW[0x34] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC3;
allregsW[0x38] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE3;
allregsW[0x3c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL3;
allregsW[0xf0] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIX;
allregsW[0xf4] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIY;
allregsW[0xf8] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIZ;
allregsW[0xfc] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXSP;
for (j=2;j<256;j+=4)
allregsW[j] = allregsW[j-2]+1;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in long mode
allregsL[0x00] = allregsL[0x01] = allregsL[0x02] = allregsL[0x03] = &gen_regsXWA0;
allregsL[0x04] = allregsL[0x05] = allregsL[0x06] = allregsL[0x07] = &gen_regsXBC0;
allregsL[0x08] = allregsL[0x09] = allregsL[0x0a] = allregsL[0x0b] = &gen_regsXDE0;
allregsL[0x0c] = allregsL[0x0d] = allregsL[0x0e] = allregsL[0x0f] = &gen_regsXHL0;
allregsL[0x10] = allregsL[0x11] = allregsL[0x12] = allregsL[0x13] = &gen_regsXWA1;
allregsL[0x14] = allregsL[0x15] = allregsL[0x16] = allregsL[0x17] = &gen_regsXBC1;
allregsL[0x18] = allregsL[0x19] = allregsL[0x1a] = allregsL[0x1b] = &gen_regsXDE1;
allregsL[0x1c] = allregsL[0x1d] = allregsL[0x1e] = allregsL[0x1f] = &gen_regsXHL1;
allregsL[0x20] = allregsL[0x21] = allregsL[0x22] = allregsL[0x23] = &gen_regsXWA2;
allregsL[0x24] = allregsL[0x25] = allregsL[0x26] = allregsL[0x27] = &gen_regsXBC2;
allregsL[0x28] = allregsL[0x29] = allregsL[0x2a] = allregsL[0x2b] = &gen_regsXDE2;
allregsL[0x2c] = allregsL[0x2d] = allregsL[0x2e] = allregsL[0x2f] = &gen_regsXHL2;
allregsL[0x30] = allregsL[0x31] = allregsL[0x32] = allregsL[0x33] = &gen_regsXWA3;
allregsL[0x34] = allregsL[0x35] = allregsL[0x36] = allregsL[0x37] = &gen_regsXBC3;
allregsL[0x38] = allregsL[0x39] = allregsL[0x3a] = allregsL[0x3b] = &gen_regsXDE3;
allregsL[0x3c] = allregsL[0x3d] = allregsL[0x3e] = allregsL[0x3f] = &gen_regsXHL3;
allregsL[0xf0] = allregsL[0xf1] = allregsL[0xf2] = allregsL[0xf3] = &gen_regsXIX;
allregsL[0xf4] = allregsL[0xf5] = allregsL[0xf6] = allregsL[0xf7] = &gen_regsXIY;
allregsL[0xf8] = allregsL[0xf9] = allregsL[0xfa] = allregsL[0xfb] = &gen_regsXIZ;
allregsL[0xfc] = allregsL[0xfd] = allregsL[0xfe] = allregsL[0xff] = &gen_regsXSP;
cregsW[4] = allregsW[0xf0];
cregsW[5] = allregsW[0xf4];
cregsW[6] = allregsW[0xf8];
cregsW[7] = allregsW[0xfc];
cregsL[4] = allregsL[0xf0];
cregsL[5] = allregsL[0xf4];
cregsL[6] = allregsL[0xf8];
cregsL[7] = allregsL[0xfc];
// neogeo pocket color specific settings for running rom dumps
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(0x0020001c) & 0x00ffffff;
// if(realBIOSloaded)
// gen_regsPC = 0xFF1800; //this is where Koyote starts when loading BIOS, but it doesn't work for me
gen_regsXNSP = gen_regsXSP = 0x00006C00;
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
tlcsClockMulti = 1;
DMAstate = 0;
interruptPendingLevel = 0;
for(i=0; i<7; i++)
for(j=0; j<INT_QUEUE_MAX; j++)
pendingInterrupts[i][j] = 0;
debugIndex = 0;
debugCount = 1;
//saved_my_pc = my_pc;
void tlcs_reinit()
int j;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in byte mode
allregsB[0x00] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA0;
allregsB[0x04] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC0;
allregsB[0x08] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE0;
allregsB[0x0c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL0;
allregsB[0x10] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA1;
allregsB[0x14] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC1;
allregsB[0x18] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE1;
allregsB[0x1c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL1;
allregsB[0x20] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA2;
allregsB[0x24] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC2;
allregsB[0x28] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE2;
allregsB[0x2c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL2;
allregsB[0x30] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXWA3;
allregsB[0x34] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXBC3;
allregsB[0x38] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXDE3;
allregsB[0x3c] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXHL3;
allregsB[0xf0] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIX;
allregsB[0xf4] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIY;
allregsB[0xf8] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXIZ;
allregsB[0xfc] = (unsigned char *)&gen_regsXSP;
for (j=0;j<256;j+=4)
allregsB[j+1] = allregsB[j]+1;
allregsB[j+2] = allregsB[j]+2;
allregsB[j+3] = allregsB[j]+3;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in word mode
allregsW[0x00] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA0;
allregsW[0x04] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC0;
allregsW[0x08] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE0;
allregsW[0x0c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL0;
allregsW[0x10] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA1;
allregsW[0x14] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC1;
allregsW[0x18] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE1;
allregsW[0x1c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL1;
allregsW[0x20] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA2;
allregsW[0x24] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC2;
allregsW[0x28] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE2;
allregsW[0x2c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL2;
allregsW[0x30] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXWA3;
allregsW[0x34] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXBC3;
allregsW[0x38] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXDE3;
allregsW[0x3c] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXHL3;
allregsW[0xf0] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIX;
allregsW[0xf4] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIY;
allregsW[0xf8] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXIZ;
allregsW[0xfc] = (unsigned short *)&gen_regsXSP;
for (j=2;j<256;j+=4)
allregsW[j] = allregsW[j-2]+1;
// initialize pointer structure for access to all registers in long mode
allregsL[0x00] = allregsL[0x01] = allregsL[0x02] = allregsL[0x03] = &gen_regsXWA0;
allregsL[0x04] = allregsL[0x05] = allregsL[0x06] = allregsL[0x07] = &gen_regsXBC0;
allregsL[0x08] = allregsL[0x09] = allregsL[0x0a] = allregsL[0x0b] = &gen_regsXDE0;
allregsL[0x0c] = allregsL[0x0d] = allregsL[0x0e] = allregsL[0x0f] = &gen_regsXHL0;
allregsL[0x10] = allregsL[0x11] = allregsL[0x12] = allregsL[0x13] = &gen_regsXWA1;
allregsL[0x14] = allregsL[0x15] = allregsL[0x16] = allregsL[0x17] = &gen_regsXBC1;
allregsL[0x18] = allregsL[0x19] = allregsL[0x1a] = allregsL[0x1b] = &gen_regsXDE1;
allregsL[0x1c] = allregsL[0x1d] = allregsL[0x1e] = allregsL[0x1f] = &gen_regsXHL1;
allregsL[0x20] = allregsL[0x21] = allregsL[0x22] = allregsL[0x23] = &gen_regsXWA2;
allregsL[0x24] = allregsL[0x25] = allregsL[0x26] = allregsL[0x27] = &gen_regsXBC2;
allregsL[0x28] = allregsL[0x29] = allregsL[0x2a] = allregsL[0x2b] = &gen_regsXDE2;
allregsL[0x2c] = allregsL[0x2d] = allregsL[0x2e] = allregsL[0x2f] = &gen_regsXHL2;
allregsL[0x30] = allregsL[0x31] = allregsL[0x32] = allregsL[0x33] = &gen_regsXWA3;
allregsL[0x34] = allregsL[0x35] = allregsL[0x36] = allregsL[0x37] = &gen_regsXBC3;
allregsL[0x38] = allregsL[0x39] = allregsL[0x3a] = allregsL[0x3b] = &gen_regsXDE3;
allregsL[0x3c] = allregsL[0x3d] = allregsL[0x3e] = allregsL[0x3f] = &gen_regsXHL3;
allregsL[0xf0] = allregsL[0xf1] = allregsL[0xf2] = allregsL[0xf3] = &gen_regsXIX;
allregsL[0xf4] = allregsL[0xf5] = allregsL[0xf6] = allregsL[0xf7] = &gen_regsXIY;
allregsL[0xf8] = allregsL[0xf9] = allregsL[0xfa] = allregsL[0xfb] = &gen_regsXIZ;
allregsL[0xfc] = allregsL[0xfd] = allregsL[0xfe] = allregsL[0xff] = &gen_regsXSP;
cregsW[4] = allregsW[0xf0];
cregsW[5] = allregsW[0xf4];
cregsW[6] = allregsW[0xf8];
cregsW[7] = allregsW[0xfc];
cregsL[4] = allregsL[0xf0];
cregsL[5] = allregsL[0xf4];
cregsL[6] = allregsL[0xf8];
cregsL[7] = allregsL[0xfc];
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
debugIndex = 0;
debugCount = 1;
//saved_my_pc = my_pc;
/*int check_pc(unsigned int addr)
if (gen_regsPC==addr) return 1;
else return 0;
void tlcsDMA(unsigned char vector);
// handle receiving of interrupt i
// handle receiving of interrupt i
inline void tlcs_interrupt(int irq)
// list of possible interrupts:
// 00 - INT0 boot ??
// 01 - INTAD
// 02 - INT4 VBlank
// 03 - INT5 interrupt from z80
// 04 - INT6
// 05 - INT7
// 06 - INTT0
// 07 - INTT1
// 08 - INTT2
// 09 - INTT3
// 0A - INTTR4
// 0B - INTTR5
// 0C - INTTR6
// 0D - INTTR7
// 0E - INTRX0
// 0F - INTTX0
// 10 - INTRX1
// 11 - INTTX1
// 12 - INTTC0
// 13 - INTTC1
// 14 - INTTC2
// 15 - INTTC3
const static unsigned char vector[0x16] =
0x28, 0x70, 0x2C, 0x30, 0x34, 0x38,
0x40, 0x44, 0x48, 0x4C,
0x50, 0x54, 0x58, 0x5C,
0x60, 0x64, 0x68, 0x6C,
0x74, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x80
const static unsigned char DMAvector[0x16] =
0x0A, 0x1C, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E,
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
int i;
int level = ((irq&1) ? ((cpuram[0x70+(irq>>1)])>>4)&7 : (cpuram[0x70+(irq>>1)])&7 );
if (level==7)
level = 0;
// Check for timer3 interrupt => generate irq to z80
if (irq == 0x09)
if (DMAvector[irq])
if (level)
// acknowledge that we have an interrupt
while (i<INT_QUEUE_MAX)
// check if this interrupt is already pending, if so, ignore it
if (pendingInterrupts[level-1][i] == vector[irq])
// add vector of interrupt to queue
if (pendingInterrupts[level-1][i] == 0)
pendingInterrupts[level-1][i] = vector[irq];
if (level > interruptPendingLevel)
interruptPendingLevel = level;
void tlcs_interrupt_wrapper(int irq)
#define DMAS0 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x00])
#define DMAS1 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x04])
#define DMAS2 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x08])
#define DMAS3 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x0C])
#define DMAD0 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x10])
#define DMAD1 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x14])
#define DMAD2 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x18])
#define DMAD3 ((unsigned int *)&ldcRegs[0x1C])
#define DMAC0 ((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[0x20])
#define DMAC1 ((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[0x24])
#define DMAC2 ((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[0x28])
#define DMAC3 ((unsigned short *)&ldcRegs[0x2C])
#define DMAM0 &ldcRegs[0x22]
#define DMAM1 &ldcRegs[0x26]
#define DMAM2 &ldcRegs[0x2A]
#define DMAM3 &ldcRegs[0x2E]
#define DMA0V cpuram[0x7C]
#define DMA1V cpuram[0x7D]
#define DMA2V cpuram[0x7E]
#define DMA3V cpuram[0x7F]
// handle DMA
inline void tlcsDMAchannel(unsigned char *mode, unsigned int *src, unsigned int *dest, unsigned short *count, unsigned char *vector, int channel)
switch (*mode)
case 0x00:
*dest+= 1;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x01:
*dest+= 2;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x02:
*dest+= 4;
DMAstate+= 12;
case 0x04:
*dest-= 1;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x05:
*dest-= 2;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x06:
*dest-= 4;
DMAstate+= 12;
case 0x08:
*src+= 1;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x09:
*src+= 2;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x0A:
*src+= 4;
DMAstate+= 12;
case 0x0C:
*src-= 1;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x0D:
*src-= 2;
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x0E:
*src-= 4;
DMAstate+= 12;
case 0x10:
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x11:
DMAstate+= 8;
case 0x12:
DMAstate+= 12;
case 0x14:
*src+= 1;
DMAstate+= 5;
*count-= 1;
if (!*count)
*vector = 0;
tlcs_interrupt(0x12 + channel);
inline void tlcsDMA(unsigned char vector)
if (vector == DMA0V)
tlcsDMAchannel(DMAM0, DMAS0, DMAD0, DMAC0, &DMA0V, 0);
else if (vector == DMA1V)
tlcsDMAchannel(DMAM1, DMAS1, DMAD1, DMAC1, &DMA1V, 1);
else if (vector == DMA2V)
tlcsDMAchannel(DMAM2, DMAS2, DMAD2, DMAC2, &DMA2V, 2);
else if (vector == DMA3V)
tlcsDMAchannel(DMAM3, DMAS3, DMAD3, DMAC3, &DMA3V, 3);
// timer related cpu registers
#define T8RUN cpuram[0x20]
#define TREG0 cpuram[0x22]
#define TREG1 cpuram[0x23]
#define T01MOD cpuram[0x24]
#define TREG2 cpuram[0x26]
#define TREG3 cpuram[0x27]
#define T23MOD cpuram[0x28]
int timer0 = 0;
int timer1 = 0;
int timer2 = 0;
int timer3 = 0;
//Flavor Something is wrong with this timer code!!!
#define TIMER_BASE_RATE (240) //what NeoPop seemed to use
//#define TIMER_BASE_RATE (64*4) //what MHE originally used
//#define TIMER_BASE_RATE (56*2) //this seems to be okay for PacMan, but CFC2 is horribly sped up
#define TIMER_T256_RATE (256 * TIMER_BASE_RATE)
// only timer mode 00, and maybe the other two 8 bit timer modes as well
// 16bit combined timer mode not supported yet (might be easy to implement though)
inline void tlcs1Timer(int stateChange, int timerNr, int run, int mode,
int *t0, int *t1,
int check0, int check1)
int overflow0 = 0, overflow1 = 0;
if (run&1)
if (!check0)
check0 = 256;
//Flavor hacking according to NeoPop
case 0:
if (*t0 >= check0)
overflow0 = 1;
*t0-= check0;
//horiz interrupt?
//else nothing
case 1:
*t0+= stateChange;
if (*t0 >= check0*TIMER_T1_RATE)
overflow0 = 1;
*t0-= check0*TIMER_T1_RATE;
if (*t0 >= check0*56) //HACK - Fixes DAC
overflow0 = 1;
*t0-= check0*56;
case 2:
*t0+= stateChange;
if (*t0 >= check0*TIMER_T4_RATE)
overflow0 = 1;
*t0-= check0*TIMER_T4_RATE;
case 3:
*t0+= stateChange;
if (*t0 >= check0*TIMER_T16_RATE)
overflow0 = 1;
*t0-= check0*TIMER_T16_RATE;
if (overflow0)
*t0 = 0;
if (run&2)
if (!check1)
check1 = 256;
case 0:
*t1+= overflow0;
if (*t1 >= check1)
overflow1 = 1;
*t1-= check1;
case 1:
*t1+= stateChange;
if (*t1 >= check1*TIMER_T1_RATE)
overflow1 = 1;
*t1-= check1*TIMER_T1_RATE;
case 2:
*t1+= stateChange;
if (*t1 >= check1*TIMER_T16_RATE)
overflow1 = 1;
*t1-= check1*TIMER_T16_RATE;
case 3:
*t1+= stateChange;
if (*t1 >= check1*TIMER_T256_RATE)
overflow1 = 1;
*t1-= check1*TIMER_T256_RATE;
if (overflow1)
*t1 = 0;
// check and perform timer functions
inline void tlcsTimers(int stateChange)
//Flavor, unroll these two calls into one function
// // check for updates
// if (0) {
// TREG0 = cpuram[0x22] ? cpuram[0x22] : 256;
// TREG1 = cpuram[0x23] ? cpuram[0x23] : 256;
// TREG2 = cpuram[0x26] ? cpuram[0x26] : 256;
// TREG3 = cpuram[0x27] ? cpuram[0x27] : 256;
// }
// timer 0 + 1
tlcs1Timer(stateChange, 0, T8RUN&3, T01MOD, &timer0, &timer1, TREG0, TREG1);
// timer 2 + 3
tlcs1Timer(stateChange, 2, (T8RUN>>2)&3, T23MOD, &timer2, &timer3, TREG2, TREG3);
static void tlcsTI0(void)
if (((T01MOD & 3) == 0) && (T8RUN & 1))
timer0+= 1;
if (gfx_hacks==1){
//Arregla Samurai 2
if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x30) {
if (contador==100)
timer0+= 1;
if (contador==152)
//Arregla el tablero del Super Real Mahjong, NO modo historia
//Arregla Ohanabi 0x10
if ((mainrom[0x000020] == 0x11 || mainrom[0x000020] == 0x10) && *scanlineY>182)
timer0 = 0;
//Arregla Oelsol 0x07
if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x07 && *rasterY>0 )
{if (*scanlineY==2)
timer0-= 1; }
//Arregla Dekahel 0x08
if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x08 && *rasterY==0 )
timer0 = 0;
//Arregla ecup 0x12
//if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x12 && *scrollBackY==0 )
// timer0 = 0;
if (mainrom[0x000020] == 0x12)
{if (*scanlineY>122 && *rasterY==0 )
timer0 = 0;
if (*scanlineY==2)
timer0+= 1; }}
/* perform one cpu step */
static int tlcs_step(void)
int clocks = DMAstate;
unsigned int startTime = 0;
DMAstate = 0;
memoryCycles = 0;
// check and handle a pending interrupt
if (interruptPendingLevel > (unsigned char)((gen_regsSR & 0x7000)>>12))
int i;
// push PC
// push SR
gen_regsSR = (gen_regsSR & 0x8fff) | (interruptPendingLevel<<12);
gen_regsPC = mem_readL(0x00FFFF00 + pendingInterrupts[interruptPendingLevel-1][0]);
my_pc = get_address(gen_regsPC);
// remove interrupt vector from interrupt queue
for(i=1; i<INT_QUEUE_MAX; i++)
pendingInterrupts[interruptPendingLevel-1][i-1] =
pendingInterrupts[interruptPendingLevel-1][INT_QUEUE_MAX-1] = 0;
// calculate new interruptPendingLevel
interruptPendingLevel = 0;
for(i=6; i>=0; i--)
if (pendingInterrupts[i][0] != 0)
interruptPendingLevel = i+1;
clocks+= 18;
opcode = readbyte();
//printf("tlcs_step: PC=0x%X opcode=0x%X\n", gen_regsPC-1, opcode);
startTime = SDL_GetTicks();
clocks+= instr_table[opcode]();
profile[opcode].ticks += SDL_GetTicks() - startTime;
clocks+= memoryCycles;
// Timer processing
//tlcsTimers(clocks); //Flavor: should it be (tlcsClockMulti*clocks)???
return /*tlcsClockMulti * */ clocks;
//extern unsigned char *ngpScX;
extern unsigned char *ngpScY;
int ngOverflow = 0;
#define FRAME_RATE_LIMIT //should we limit the framerate or let it run wild?
#define FRAMESKIP //undef this to do no FRAME skipping
//#define MAX_SKIPFRAMES 2
#ifdef __LIBRETRO__
void tlcs_execute(int cycles, int skipFrames)// skipFrames=how many frames to skip for each frame rendered
void tlcs_execute(int cycles)
int elapsed;
int hCounter = ngOverflow;
// static int frame=FIXED_FRAMESKIP;
static int frame=1;
static unsigned int steps=1;
while(cycles > 0)
/* AKTODO */
// if(options[TURBO_OPTION])
if (1)
//call a bunch of steps
for (elapsed = tlcs_step();elapsed<(515>>(tlcsClockMulti-1)); elapsed += tlcs_step());
//call enough steps that would fit in the smallest timer increment
for (elapsed = tlcs_step();elapsed<56; elapsed += tlcs_step());
hCounter-= elapsed;
// *ngpScX = hCounter>>2;
if(steps++ == 25000000)
m_bIsActive = false;
if (hCounter < 0)
// time equivalent to 1 horizontal line has passed
//graphicsBlitLine(frame == 0);
hCounter+= 515;
// now check what needs to be done at the
// beginning of this new line
// NOTA originalmente *scanlineY == 199 arregla Gals Fighter
if (*scanlineY < 151 || *scanlineY == finscan)
// HBlank
if (tlcsMemReadB(0x8000)&0x40)
else if (*scanlineY == 152)
// VBlank
if (tlcsMemReadB(0x8000)&0x80)
if(frame == 0)
if(frame == 0)
frame = skipFrames;
SDL_Rect numRect = drawNumber(skipFrames, 10, 24);
//SDL_UpdateRect(screen, numRect.x, numRect.y, numRect.w, numRect.h);
cycles-= elapsed;
ngOverflow = hCounter + cycles;
//graphics_paint(); //paint the screen, if it's dirty
//MHE used to sound update here!?!?
//Flavor, this auto-frameskip code is messed up
void ngpc_run(void)
unsigned int skipFrames=0;
#endif /* AUTO_FRAMESKIP */
while(m_bIsActive) //should be some way to exit
tlcs_execute((6*1024*1024) / HOST_FPS, skipFrames);
tlcs_execute((6*1024*1024) / HOST_FPS);