#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ffemu.h" #include "fifo_buffer.h" #include "thread.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif struct video_info { AVCodecContext *codec; AVCodec *encoder; AVFrame *conv_frame; uint8_t *conv_frame_buf; int64_t frame_cnt; uint8_t *outbuf; size_t outbuf_size; int fmt; int pix_fmt; size_t pix_size; AVFormatContext *format; struct SwsContext *sws_ctx; } video; struct audio_info { AVCodecContext *codec; AVCodec *encoder; int16_t *buffer; size_t frames_in_buffer; int64_t frame_cnt; void *outbuf; size_t outbuf_size; } audio; struct muxer_info { AVFormatContext *ctx; AVStream *astream; AVStream *vstream; }; struct ffemu { struct video_info video; struct audio_info audio; struct muxer_info muxer; struct ffemu_params params; scond_t *cond; slock_t *cond_lock; slock_t *lock; fifo_buffer_t *audio_fifo; fifo_buffer_t *video_fifo; fifo_buffer_t *attr_fifo; sthread_t *thread; volatile bool alive; volatile bool can_sleep; }; static bool init_audio(struct audio_info *audio, struct ffemu_params *param) { AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_FLAC); if (!codec) return false; audio->encoder = codec; // FFmpeg just loves to deprecate stuff :) #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_ALLOC_CONTEXT3 audio->codec = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec); #else audio->codec = avcodec_alloc_context(); avcodec_get_context_defaults(audio->codec); #endif audio->codec->sample_rate = param->samplerate; audio->codec->time_base = av_d2q(1.0 / param->samplerate, 1000000); audio->codec->channels = param->channels; audio->codec->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_OPEN2 if (avcodec_open2(audio->codec, codec, NULL) != 0) #else if (avcodec_open(audio->codec, codec) != 0) #endif { return false; } audio->buffer = av_malloc(audio->codec->frame_size * param->channels * sizeof(int16_t)); if (!audio->buffer) return false; audio->outbuf_size = 2000000; audio->outbuf = av_malloc(audio->outbuf_size); if (!audio->outbuf) return false; return true; } static bool init_video(struct video_info *video, const struct ffemu_params *param) { #ifdef HAVE_X264RGB AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_H264); #else AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_FFV1); #endif if (!codec) return false; video->encoder = codec; #if AV_HAVE_BIGENDIAN video->fmt = PIX_FMT_RGB555BE; #else video->fmt = PIX_FMT_RGB555LE; #endif video->pix_size = sizeof(uint16_t); if (param->rgb32) { video->fmt = PIX_FMT_RGB32; video->pix_size = sizeof(uint32_t); } #ifdef HAVE_X264RGB video->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_BGR24; #else video->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_RGB32; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_ALLOC_CONTEXT3 video->codec = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec); #else video->codec = avcodec_alloc_context(); avcodec_get_context_defaults(video->codec); #endif video->codec->width = param->out_width; video->codec->height = param->out_height; video->codec->time_base = av_d2q(1.0 / param->fps, 1000000); // Arbitrary big number. video->codec->sample_aspect_ratio = av_d2q(param->aspect_ratio * param->out_height / param->out_width, 255); video->codec->pix_fmt = video->pix_fmt; #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_OPEN2 AVDictionary *opts = NULL; #endif #ifdef HAVE_X264RGB video->codec->thread_count = 3; av_dict_set(&opts, "qp", "0", 0); #else video->codec->thread_count = 2; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_OPEN2 if (avcodec_open2(video->codec, codec, &opts) != 0) #else if (avcodec_open(video->codec, codec) != 0) #endif { return false; } #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_OPEN2 if (opts) av_dict_free(&opts); #endif // Allocate a big buffer :p ffmpeg API doesn't seem to give us some clues how big this buffer should be. video->outbuf_size = 1 << 23; video->outbuf = av_malloc(video->outbuf_size); size_t size = avpicture_get_size(video->pix_fmt, param->out_width, param->out_height); video->conv_frame_buf = av_malloc(size); video->conv_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)video->conv_frame, video->conv_frame_buf, video->pix_fmt, param->out_width, param->out_height); return true; } static bool init_muxer(ffemu_t *handle) { AVFormatContext *ctx = avformat_alloc_context(); av_strlcpy(ctx->filename, handle->params.filename, sizeof(ctx->filename)); ctx->oformat = av_guess_format(NULL, ctx->filename, NULL); // FFmpeg sure likes to make things difficult. #if defined(AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) #define FFMPEG_FLAG_RW AVIO_FLAG_WRITE #elif defined(AVIO_WRONLY) #define FFMPEG_FLAG_RW AVIO_WRONLY #elif defined(URL_WRONLY) #define FFMPEG_FLAG_RW URL_WRONLY #else #define FFMPEG_FLAG_RW 2 // Seems to be consistent, but you never know. #endif #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVIO_OPEN if (avio_open(&ctx->pb, ctx->filename, FFMPEG_FLAG_RW) < 0) #else if (url_fopen(&ctx->pb, ctx->filename, FFMPEG_FLAG_RW) < 0) #endif { av_free(ctx); return false; } #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVFORMAT_NEW_STREAM AVStream *stream = avformat_new_stream(ctx, handle->video.encoder); #else unsigned stream_cnt = 0; AVStream *stream = av_new_stream(ctx, stream_cnt++); #endif stream->codec = handle->video.codec; if (ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) handle->video.codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; handle->muxer.vstream = stream; handle->muxer.vstream->sample_aspect_ratio = handle->video.codec->sample_aspect_ratio; #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVFORMAT_NEW_STREAM stream = avformat_new_stream(ctx, handle->audio.encoder); #else stream = av_new_stream(ctx, stream_cnt++); #endif stream->codec = handle->audio.codec; if (ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) handle->audio.codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; handle->muxer.astream = stream; #ifdef HAVE_X264RGB // Avoids a warning at end about non-monotonically increasing DTS values. It seems to be harmless to disable this. ctx->oformat->flags |= AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT; #endif av_dict_set(&ctx->metadata, "title", "SSNES video dump", 0); #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG_AVFORMAT_WRITE_HEADER if (avformat_write_header(ctx, NULL) < 0) #else if (av_write_header(ctx) != 0) #endif { return false; } handle->muxer.ctx = ctx; return true; } #define MAX_FRAMES 32 static void ffemu_thread(void *data); static bool init_thread(ffemu_t *handle) { assert(handle->lock = slock_new()); assert(handle->cond_lock = slock_new()); assert(handle->cond = scond_new()); assert(handle->audio_fifo = fifo_new(32000 * sizeof(int16_t) * handle->params.channels * MAX_FRAMES / 60)); assert(handle->attr_fifo = fifo_new(sizeof(struct ffemu_video_data) * MAX_FRAMES)); assert(handle->video_fifo = fifo_new(handle->params.fb_width * handle->params.fb_height * handle->video.pix_size * MAX_FRAMES)); handle->alive = true; handle->can_sleep = true; assert(handle->thread = sthread_create(ffemu_thread, handle)); return true; } static void deinit_thread(ffemu_t *handle) { if (handle->thread) { slock_lock(handle->cond_lock); handle->alive = false; handle->can_sleep = false; slock_unlock(handle->cond_lock); scond_signal(handle->cond); sthread_join(handle->thread); slock_free(handle->lock); slock_free(handle->cond_lock); scond_free(handle->cond); handle->thread = NULL; } } static void deinit_thread_buf(ffemu_t *handle) { if (handle->audio_fifo) { fifo_free(handle->audio_fifo); handle->audio_fifo = NULL; } if (handle->attr_fifo) { fifo_free(handle->attr_fifo); handle->attr_fifo = NULL; } if (handle->video_fifo) { fifo_free(handle->video_fifo); handle->video_fifo = NULL; } } ffemu_t *ffemu_new(const struct ffemu_params *params) { av_register_all(); ffemu_t *handle = calloc(1, sizeof(*handle)); if (!handle) goto error; handle->params = *params; if (!init_video(&handle->video, &handle->params)) goto error; if (!init_audio(&handle->audio, &handle->params)) goto error; if (!init_muxer(handle)) goto error; if (!init_thread(handle)) goto error; return handle; error: ffemu_free(handle); return NULL; } void ffemu_free(ffemu_t *handle) { if (handle) { deinit_thread(handle); deinit_thread_buf(handle); if (handle->audio.codec) { avcodec_close(handle->audio.codec); av_free(handle->audio.codec); } if (handle->audio.buffer) av_free(handle->audio.buffer); if (handle->video.codec) { avcodec_close(handle->video.codec); av_free(handle->video.codec); } if (handle->video.conv_frame) av_free(handle->video.conv_frame); if (handle->video.conv_frame_buf) av_free(handle->video.conv_frame_buf); if (handle->video.sws_ctx) sws_freeContext(handle->video.sws_ctx); free(handle); } } bool ffemu_push_video(ffemu_t *handle, const struct ffemu_video_data *data) { for (;;) { slock_lock(handle->lock); unsigned avail = fifo_write_avail(handle->attr_fifo); slock_unlock(handle->lock); if (!handle->alive) return false; if (avail >= sizeof(*data)) break; slock_lock(handle->cond_lock); if (handle->can_sleep) { handle->can_sleep = false; scond_wait(handle->cond, handle->cond_lock); handle->can_sleep = true; } else scond_signal(handle->cond); slock_unlock(handle->cond_lock); } slock_lock(handle->lock); // Tightly pack our frame to conserve memory. libsnes tends to use a very large pitch. struct ffemu_video_data attr_data = *data; attr_data.pitch = attr_data.width * handle->video.pix_size; fifo_write(handle->attr_fifo, &attr_data, sizeof(attr_data)); unsigned offset = 0; for (unsigned y = 0; y < data->height; y++, offset += data->pitch) fifo_write(handle->video_fifo, (const uint8_t*)data->data + offset, attr_data.pitch); slock_unlock(handle->lock); scond_signal(handle->cond); return true; } bool ffemu_push_audio(ffemu_t *handle, const struct ffemu_audio_data *data) { for (;;) { slock_lock(handle->lock); unsigned avail = fifo_write_avail(handle->audio_fifo); slock_unlock(handle->lock); if (!handle->alive) return false; if (avail >= data->frames * handle->params.channels * sizeof(int16_t)) break; slock_lock(handle->cond_lock); if (handle->can_sleep) { handle->can_sleep = false; scond_wait(handle->cond, handle->cond_lock); handle->can_sleep = true; } else scond_signal(handle->cond); slock_unlock(handle->cond_lock); } slock_lock(handle->lock); fifo_write(handle->audio_fifo, data->data, data->frames * handle->params.channels * sizeof(int16_t)); slock_unlock(handle->lock); scond_signal(handle->cond); return true; } static bool ffemu_push_video_thread(ffemu_t *handle, const struct ffemu_video_data *data) { handle->video.sws_ctx = sws_getCachedContext(handle->video.sws_ctx, data->width, data->height, handle->video.fmt, handle->params.out_width, handle->params.out_height, handle->video.pix_fmt, SWS_POINT, NULL, NULL, NULL); int linesize = data->pitch; sws_scale(handle->video.sws_ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)&data->data, &linesize, 0, data->height, handle->video.conv_frame->data, handle->video.conv_frame->linesize); handle->video.conv_frame->pts = handle->video.frame_cnt; int outsize = avcodec_encode_video(handle->video.codec, handle->video.outbuf, handle->video.outbuf_size, handle->video.conv_frame); if (outsize < 0) return false; AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); pkt.stream_index = handle->muxer.vstream->index; pkt.data = handle->video.outbuf; pkt.size = outsize; pkt.pts = av_rescale_q(handle->video.codec->coded_frame->pts, handle->video.codec->time_base, handle->muxer.vstream->time_base); if (handle->video.codec->coded_frame->key_frame) pkt.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; if (pkt.size > 0) { if (av_interleaved_write_frame(handle->muxer.ctx, &pkt) < 0) return false; } handle->video.frame_cnt++; return true; } static bool ffemu_push_audio_thread(ffemu_t *handle, const struct ffemu_audio_data *data) { size_t written_frames = 0; while (written_frames < data->frames) { size_t can_write = handle->audio.codec->frame_size - handle->audio.frames_in_buffer; size_t write_frames = data->frames - written_frames > can_write ? can_write : data->frames - written_frames; memcpy(handle->audio.buffer + handle->audio.frames_in_buffer * handle->params.channels, data->data + written_frames * handle->params.channels, write_frames * handle->params.channels * sizeof(int16_t)); written_frames += write_frames; handle->audio.frames_in_buffer += write_frames; if (handle->audio.frames_in_buffer == (size_t)handle->audio.codec->frame_size) { AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); pkt.data = handle->audio.outbuf; pkt.stream_index = handle->muxer.astream->index; int out_size = avcodec_encode_audio(handle->audio.codec, handle->audio.outbuf, handle->audio.outbuf_size, handle->audio.buffer); if (out_size < 0) return false; pkt.size = out_size; pkt.pts = av_rescale_q(handle->audio.codec->coded_frame->pts, handle->audio.codec->time_base, handle->muxer.astream->time_base); pkt.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; handle->audio.frames_in_buffer = 0; handle->audio.frame_cnt += handle->audio.codec->frame_size; if (pkt.size > 0) { if (av_interleaved_write_frame(handle->muxer.ctx, &pkt) < 0) return false; } } } return true; } bool ffemu_finalize(ffemu_t *handle) { deinit_thread(handle); size_t audio_buf_size = 512 * handle->params.channels * sizeof(int16_t); int16_t *audio_buf = av_malloc(audio_buf_size); void *video_buf = av_malloc(2 * handle->params.fb_width * handle->params.fb_height * handle->video.pix_size); // Try pushing data in an interleaving pattern to ease the work of the muxer a bit. bool did_work; do { did_work = false; if (fifo_read_avail(handle->audio_fifo) >= audio_buf_size) { fifo_read(handle->audio_fifo, audio_buf, audio_buf_size); struct ffemu_audio_data aud = { .frames = 512, .data = audio_buf }; ffemu_push_audio_thread(handle, &aud); did_work = true; } struct ffemu_video_data attr_buf; if (fifo_read_avail(handle->attr_fifo) >= sizeof(attr_buf)) { fifo_read(handle->attr_fifo, &attr_buf, sizeof(attr_buf)); fifo_read(handle->video_fifo, video_buf, attr_buf.height * attr_buf.pitch); attr_buf.data = video_buf; ffemu_push_video_thread(handle, &attr_buf); did_work = true; } } while (did_work); // Flush out last audio. size_t avail = fifo_read_avail(handle->audio_fifo); fifo_read(handle->audio_fifo, audio_buf, avail); struct ffemu_audio_data aud = { .frames = avail / (sizeof(int16_t) * handle->params.channels), .data = audio_buf }; ffemu_push_audio_thread(handle, &aud); deinit_thread_buf(handle); av_free(audio_buf); av_free(video_buf); // Flush out last video. AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); pkt.stream_index = handle->muxer.vstream->index; pkt.data = handle->video.outbuf; int out_size = 0; for (;;) { out_size = avcodec_encode_video(handle->video.codec, handle->video.outbuf, handle->video.outbuf_size, NULL); if (out_size <= 0) break; pkt.pts = av_rescale_q(handle->video.codec->coded_frame->pts, handle->video.codec->time_base, handle->muxer.vstream->time_base); if (handle->video.codec->coded_frame->key_frame) pkt.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pkt.size = out_size; int err = av_interleaved_write_frame(handle->muxer.ctx, &pkt); if (err < 0) break; } // Write final data. av_write_trailer(handle->muxer.ctx); return true; } static void ffemu_thread(void *data) { ffemu_t *ff = data; // For some reason, FFmpeg has a tendency to crash if we don't overallocate a bit. :s void *video_buf = av_malloc(2 * ff->params.fb_width * ff->params.fb_height * ff->video.pix_size); assert(video_buf); size_t audio_buf_size = 512 * ff->params.channels * sizeof(int16_t); int16_t *audio_buf = av_malloc(audio_buf_size); assert(audio_buf); while (ff->alive) { struct ffemu_video_data attr_buf; bool avail_video = false; bool avail_audio = false; slock_lock(ff->lock); if (fifo_read_avail(ff->attr_fifo) >= sizeof(attr_buf)) avail_video = true; if (fifo_read_avail(ff->audio_fifo) >= audio_buf_size) avail_audio = true; slock_unlock(ff->lock); if (!avail_video && !avail_audio) { slock_lock(ff->cond_lock); if (ff->can_sleep) { ff->can_sleep = false; scond_wait(ff->cond, ff->cond_lock); ff->can_sleep = true; } else scond_signal(ff->cond); slock_unlock(ff->cond_lock); } if (avail_video) { slock_lock(ff->lock); fifo_read(ff->attr_fifo, &attr_buf, sizeof(attr_buf)); fifo_read(ff->video_fifo, video_buf, attr_buf.height * attr_buf.pitch); slock_unlock(ff->lock); scond_signal(ff->cond); attr_buf.data = video_buf; ffemu_push_video_thread(ff, &attr_buf); } if (avail_audio) { slock_lock(ff->lock); fifo_read(ff->audio_fifo, audio_buf, audio_buf_size); slock_unlock(ff->lock); scond_signal(ff->cond); struct ffemu_audio_data aud = { .frames = 512, .data = audio_buf }; ffemu_push_audio_thread(ff, &aud); } } av_free(video_buf); av_free(audio_buf); }