/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include "menu_driver.h" #include "menu_cbs.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #if 0 #define DEBUG_LOG #endif static void menu_cbs_init_log(const char *entry_label, const char *bind_label, const char *label) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOG if (!string_is_empty(label)) RARCH_LOG("[%s]\t\t\tFound %s bind : [%s]\n", entry_label, bind_label, label); #endif } struct key_desc key_descriptors[MENU_SETTINGS_INPUT_DESC_KBD_END] = { {RETROK_FIRST, "Unmapped"}, {RETROK_BACKSPACE, "Backspace"}, {RETROK_TAB, "Tab"}, {RETROK_CLEAR, "Clear"}, {RETROK_RETURN, "Return"}, {RETROK_PAUSE, "Pause"}, {RETROK_ESCAPE, "Escape"}, {RETROK_SPACE, "Space"}, {RETROK_EXCLAIM, "!"}, {RETROK_QUOTEDBL, "\""}, {RETROK_HASH, "#"}, {RETROK_DOLLAR, "$"}, {RETROK_AMPERSAND, "&"}, {RETROK_QUOTE, "\'"}, {RETROK_LEFTPAREN, "("}, {RETROK_RIGHTPAREN, ")"}, {RETROK_ASTERISK, "*"}, {RETROK_PLUS, "+"}, {RETROK_COMMA, ","}, {RETROK_MINUS, "-"}, {RETROK_PERIOD, "."}, {RETROK_SLASH, "/"}, {RETROK_0, "0"}, {RETROK_1, "1"}, {RETROK_2, "2"}, {RETROK_3, "3"}, {RETROK_4, "4"}, {RETROK_5, "5"}, {RETROK_6, "6"}, {RETROK_7, "7"}, {RETROK_8, "8"}, {RETROK_9, "9"}, {RETROK_COLON, ":"}, {RETROK_SEMICOLON, ";"}, {RETROK_LESS, "-"}, {RETROK_EQUALS, "="}, {RETROK_GREATER, ">"}, {RETROK_QUESTION, "?"}, {RETROK_AT, "@"}, {RETROK_LEFTBRACKET, "["}, {RETROK_BACKSLASH, "\\"}, {RETROK_RIGHTBRACKET, "]"}, {RETROK_CARET, "^"}, {RETROK_UNDERSCORE, "_"}, {RETROK_BACKQUOTE, "`"}, {RETROK_a, "a"}, {RETROK_b, "b"}, {RETROK_c, "c"}, {RETROK_d, "d"}, {RETROK_e, "e"}, {RETROK_f, "f"}, {RETROK_g, "g"}, {RETROK_h, "h"}, {RETROK_i, "i"}, {RETROK_j, "j"}, {RETROK_k, "k"}, {RETROK_l, "l"}, {RETROK_m, "m"}, {RETROK_n, "n"}, {RETROK_o, "o"}, {RETROK_p, "p"}, {RETROK_q, "q"}, {RETROK_r, "r"}, {RETROK_s, "s"}, {RETROK_t, "t"}, {RETROK_u, "u"}, {RETROK_v, "v"}, {RETROK_w, "w"}, {RETROK_x, "x"}, {RETROK_y, "y"}, {RETROK_z, "z"}, {RETROK_DELETE, "Delete"}, {RETROK_KP0, "Numpad 0"}, {RETROK_KP1, "Numpad 1"}, {RETROK_KP2, "Numpad 2"}, {RETROK_KP3, "Numpad 3"}, {RETROK_KP4, "Numpad 4"}, {RETROK_KP5, "Numpad 5"}, {RETROK_KP6, "Numpad 6"}, {RETROK_KP7, "Numpad 7"}, {RETROK_KP8, "Numpad 8"}, {RETROK_KP9, "Numpad 9"}, {RETROK_KP_PERIOD, "Numpad ."}, {RETROK_KP_DIVIDE, "Numpad /"}, {RETROK_KP_MULTIPLY, "Numpad *"}, {RETROK_KP_MINUS, "Numpad -"}, {RETROK_KP_PLUS, "Numpad +"}, {RETROK_KP_ENTER, "Numpad Enter"}, {RETROK_KP_EQUALS, "Numpad ="}, {RETROK_UP, "Up"}, {RETROK_DOWN, "Down"}, {RETROK_RIGHT, "Right"}, {RETROK_LEFT, "Left"}, {RETROK_INSERT, "Insert"}, {RETROK_HOME, "Home"}, {RETROK_END, "End"}, {RETROK_PAGEUP, "Page Up"}, {RETROK_PAGEDOWN, "Page Down"}, {RETROK_F1, "F1"}, {RETROK_F2, "F2"}, {RETROK_F3, "F3"}, {RETROK_F4, "F4"}, {RETROK_F5, "F5"}, {RETROK_F6, "F6"}, {RETROK_F7, "F7"}, {RETROK_F8, "F8"}, {RETROK_F9, "F9"}, {RETROK_F10, "F10"}, {RETROK_F11, "F11"}, {RETROK_F12, "F12"}, {RETROK_F13, "F13"}, {RETROK_F14, "F14"}, {RETROK_F15, "F15"}, {RETROK_NUMLOCK, "Num Lock"}, {RETROK_CAPSLOCK, "Caps Lock"}, {RETROK_SCROLLOCK, "Scroll Lock"}, {RETROK_RSHIFT, "Right Shift"}, {RETROK_LSHIFT, "Left Shift"}, {RETROK_RCTRL, "Right Control"}, {RETROK_LCTRL, "Left Control"}, {RETROK_RALT, "Right Alt"}, {RETROK_LALT, "Left Alt"}, {RETROK_RMETA, "Right Meta"}, {RETROK_LMETA, "Left Meta"}, {RETROK_LSUPER, "Right Super"}, {RETROK_RSUPER, "Left Super"}, {RETROK_MODE, "Mode"}, {RETROK_COMPOSE, "Compose"}, {RETROK_HELP, "Help"}, {RETROK_PRINT, "Print"}, {RETROK_SYSREQ, "Sys Req"}, {RETROK_BREAK, "Break"}, {RETROK_MENU, "Menu"}, {RETROK_POWER, "Power"}, {RETROK_EURO, "€"}, {RETROK_UNDO, "Undo"} }; /* This sets up all the callback functions for a menu entry. * * OK : When we press the 'OK' button on an entry. * Cancel : When we press the 'Cancel' button on an entry. * Scan : When we press the 'Scan' button on an entry. * Start : When we press the 'Start' button on an entry. * Select : When we press the 'Select' button on an entry. * Info : When we press the 'Info' button on an entry. * Content Switch : ??? (TODO/FIXME - Kivutar should document this) * Up : when we press 'Up' on the D-pad while this entry is selected. * Down : when we press 'Down' on the D-pad while this entry is selected. * Left : when we press 'Left' on the D-pad while this entry is selected. * Right : when we press 'Right' on the D-pad while this entry is selected. * Deferred push : When pressing an entry results in spawning a new list, it waits until the next * frame to push this onto the stack. This function callback will then be invoked. * Refresh : What happens when the screen has to be refreshed. Does an entry have internal state * that needs to be rebuild? * Get value: Each entry has associated 'text', which we call the value. This function callback * lets us render that text. * Get title: Each entry can have a custom 'title'. * Label: Each entry has a label name. This function callback lets us render that label text. * Sublabel: each entry has a sublabel, which consists of one or more lines of additional information. * This function callback lets us render that text. */ void menu_cbs_init(void *data, menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, size_t idx) { menu_ctx_bind_t bind_info; const char *repr_label = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; uint32_t label_hash = 0; uint32_t menu_label_hash = 0; enum msg_hash_enums enum_idx = MSG_UNKNOWN; file_list_t *list = (file_list_t*)data; if (!list) return; menu_entries_get_last_stack(NULL, &menu_label, NULL, &enum_idx, NULL); if (!label || !menu_label) return; label_hash = msg_hash_calculate(label); menu_label_hash = msg_hash_calculate(menu_label); #ifdef DEBUG_LOG RARCH_LOG("\n"); #endif repr_label = (!string_is_empty(label)) ? label : path; #ifdef DEBUG_LOG if (cbs && cbs->enum_idx != MSG_UNKNOWN) RARCH_LOG("\t\t\tenum_idx %d [%s]\n", cbs->enum_idx, msg_hash_to_str(cbs->enum_idx)); #endif /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_ok.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_ok(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash, menu_label_hash); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "OK", cbs->action_ok_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_cancel.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_cancel(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CANCEL", cbs->action_cancel_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_scan.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_scan(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SCAN", cbs->action_scan_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_start.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_start(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "START", cbs->action_start_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_select.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_select(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SELECT", cbs->action_select_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_info.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_info(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "INFO", cbs->action_info_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_bind_content_list_switch.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_content_list_switch(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CONTENT SWITCH", cbs->action_content_list_switch_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_up.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_up(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "UP", cbs->action_up_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_down.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_down(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DOWN", cbs->action_down_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_left.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_left(cbs, path, label, type, idx, menu_label, label_hash); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "LEFT", cbs->action_left_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_right.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_right(cbs, path, label, type, idx, menu_label, label_hash); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "RIGHT", cbs->action_right_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_deferred_push.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_deferred_push(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DEFERRED PUSH", cbs->action_deferred_push_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_refresh.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_refresh(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "REFRESH", cbs->action_refresh_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_get_string_representation.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_get_string_representation(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET VALUE", cbs->action_get_value_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_title.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_title(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET TITLE", cbs->action_get_title_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_label.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_label(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "LABEL", cbs->action_label_ident); /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside * menu_cbs_sublabel.c, then map this callback to the entry. */ menu_cbs_init_bind_sublabel(cbs, path, label, type, idx); menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SUBLABEL", cbs->action_sublabel_ident); bind_info.cbs = cbs; bind_info.path = path; bind_info.label = label; bind_info.type = type; bind_info.idx = idx; bind_info.label_hash = label_hash; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_BIND_INIT, &bind_info); } /* Pretty much a stub function. TODO/FIXME - Might as well remove this. */ int menu_cbs_exit(void) { return -1; }