
1025 lines
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## Skeleton config file for RetroArch
# If set to a directory, the content history playlist will be saved
# to this directory.
# content_history_dir =
# Automatically saves a savestate at the end of RetroArch's lifetime.
# The path is $
# RetroArch will automatically load any savestate with this path on startup if savestate_auto_load is set.
# savestate_auto_save = false
# savestate_auto_load = true
# Load libretro from a dynamic location for dynamically built RetroArch.
# This option is mandatory.
# Path to a libretro implementation.
# libretro_path = "/path/to/"
# Sets log level for libretro cores (GET_LOG_INTERFACE).
# If a log level issued by a libretro core is below libretro_log_level, it is ignored.
# DEBUG logs are always ignored unless verbose mode is activated (--verbose).
# DEBUG = 0, INFO = 1, WARN = 2, ERROR = 3.
# libretro_log_level = 0
# Enable or disable verbosity level of frontend.
# log_verbosity = false
# If this option is enabled, every content file loaded in RetroArch will be
# automatically added to a history list.
# history_list_enable = true
# Enable performance counters
# perfcnt_enable = false
# Path to core options config file.
# This config file is used to expose core-specific options.
# It will be written to by RetroArch.
# A default path will be assigned if not set.
# core_options_path =
# Path to content history file.
# RetroArch keeps track of all content loaded in the menu and from CLI directly for convenient quick loading.
# A default path will be assigned if not set.
# content_history_path =
# Path to music content history file (optional).
# RetroArch keeps track of all music content loaded in the menu and from CLI directly for convenient quick loading.
# A default path will be assigned if not set.
# content_music_history_path =
# Path to image content history file (optional).
# RetroArch keeps track of all image content loaded in the menu and from CLI directly for convenient quick loading.
# A default path will be assigned if not set.
# content_image_history_path =
# Path to video content history file (optional).
# RetroArch keeps track of all video content loaded in the menu and from CLI directly for convenient quick loading.
# A default path will be assigned if not set.
# content_video_history_path =
# Number of entries that will be kept in content history file.
# content_history_size = 200
# Content directory. Interacts with RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CONTENT_DIRECTORY.
# Usually set by developers who bundle libretro/RetroArch apps to point to assets.
# content_directory =
# Sets start directory for menu config browser.
# rgui_config_directory =
# Show startup screen in menu.
# Is automatically set to false when seen for the first time.
# This is only updated in config if config_save_on_exit is set to true, however.
# rgui_show_start_screen = true
# Flushes config to disk on exit. Useful for menu as settings can be modified.
# Overwrites the config. #include's and comments are not preserved.
# config_save_on_exit = true
# Shows hidden files and folders in directory listings.
# show_hidden_files = false
#### Driver
# Input driver. Depending on video driver, it might force a different input driver.
# input_driver = sdl
# Joypad driver. ("udev", "linuxraw", "paraport", "sdl2", "hid", "dinput")
# input_joypad_driver =
# Video driver to use. "gl", "xvideo", "sdl", "d3d"
# video_driver = "gl"
# Which context implementation to use.
# Possible ones for desktop are: glx, x-egl, kms-egl, sdl-gl, wgl.
# By default, tries to use first suitable driver.
# video_context_driver =
# Audio driver backend. Depending on configuration possible candidates are: alsa, pulse, oss, jack, rsound, roar, openal, sdl, xaudio.
# audio_driver =
# Audio resampler driver backend. Which audio resampler to use.
# Default will use "sinc".
# audio_resampler =
# Camera driver.
# camera_driver =
# Location driver.
# location_driver =
# Menu driver to use. ("rgui", "xmb", "glui")
# menu_driver = "rgui"
# Record driver. Used when recording video.
# record_driver =
#### Video
# Suspends the screensaver if set to true. Is a hint that does not necessarily have to be honored
# by video driver.
# suspend_screensaver_enable = true
# Display framerate.
# fps_show = false
# Display memory.
# memory_show = false
# Display total number of frames rendered. (only displays if fps_show is enabled)
# framecount_show =
# Which monitor to prefer. 0 (default) means no particular monitor is preferred, 1 and up (1 being first monitor),
# suggests RetroArch to use that particular monitor.
# video_monitor_index = 0
# Start in fullscreen. Can be changed at runtime.
# video_fullscreen = false
# If fullscreen, prefer using a windowed fullscreen mode.
# video_windowed_fullscreen = true
# Fullscreen resolution. Resolution of 0 uses the resolution of the desktop.
# video_fullscreen_x = 0
# video_fullscreen_y = 0
# Video refresh rate of your CRT monitor.
# Used to calculate a suitable audio input rate.
# crt_video_refresh_rate = 59.94
# Video refresh rate of your monitor.
# Used to calculate a suitable audio input rate.
# video_refresh_rate = 59.94
# Forcibly disable sRGB FBO support. Some Intel OpenGL drivers on Windows
# have video problems with sRGB FBO support enabled.
# video_force_srgb_disable = false
# If this is true and video_aspect_ratio is not set,
# aspect ratio is decided by libretro implementation.
# If this is false, 1:1 PAR will always be assumed if video_aspect_ratio is not set.
# video_aspect_ratio_auto = false
# A floating point value for video aspect ratio (width / height).
# If this is not set, aspect ratio is assumed to be automatic.
# Behavior then is defined by video_aspect_ratio_auto.
# video_aspect_ratio =
# Windowed x resolution scale and y resolution scale
# (Real x res: base_size * xscale * aspect_ratio, real y res: base_size * yscale)
# video_scale = 3.0
# Percentage of opacity to use for the window (100 is completely opaque).
# video_window_opacity = 100
# Whether to enable the default window decorations like border, titlebar etc.
# video_window_show_decorations = true
# Forcibly disable composition. Only works in Windows Vista/7 for now.
# video_disable_composition = false
# Video vsync.
# video_vsync = true
# Interval at which a Vsync swap is performed.
# 1 is normal, 2 is doubled frames, 3 is tripled frames, etc.
# video_swap_interval = 1
# Max amount of swapchain images.
# Single buffering = 1, Double buffering = 2, 3 = Triple buffering
# video_max_swapchain_images = 3
# Attempts to hard-synchronize CPU and GPU. Can reduce latency at cost of performance.
# video_hard_sync = false
# Sets how many frames CPU can run ahead of GPU when using video_hard_sync.
# Maximum is 3.
# video_hard_sync_frames = 0
# Sets how many milliseconds to delay after VSync before running the core.
# Can reduce latency at cost of higher risk of stuttering.
# Maximum is 15.
# video_frame_delay = 0
# Inserts a black frame inbetween frames.
# Useful for 120 Hz monitors who want to play 60 Hz material with eliminated ghosting.
# video_refresh_rate should still be configured as if it is a 60 Hz monitor (divide refresh rate by 2).
# video_black_frame_insertion = false
# Use threaded video driver. Using this might improve performance at possible cost of latency and more video stuttering.
# video_threaded = false
# Use a shared context for HW rendered libretro cores.
# Avoids having to assume HW state changes inbetween frames.
# video_shared_context = false
# Smoothens picture with bilinear filtering. Should be disabled if using pixel shaders.
# video_smooth = true
# Forces rendering area to stay equal to content aspect ratio or as defined in video_aspect_ratio.
# video_force_aspect = true
# Only scales video in integer steps.
# The base size depends on system-reported geometry and aspect ratio.
# If video_force_aspect is not set, X/Y will be integer scaled independently.
# video_scale_integer = false
# Index of the aspect ratio selection in the menu.
# 20 = Config, 21 = 1:1 PAR, 22 = Core Provided, 23 = Custom Aspect Ratio
# aspect_ratio_index = 20
# Forces cropping of overscanned frames.
# Exact behavior of this option is implementation specific.
# video_crop_overscan = true
# Path to shader. Shader can be either Cg, CGP (Cg preset) or GLSL, GLSLP (GLSL preset)
# video_shader = "/path/to/shader.{cg,cgp,glsl,glslp}"
# Load video_shader on startup.
# Other shaders can still be loaded later in runtime.
# video_shader_enable = false
# CPU-based video filter. Path to a dynamic library.
# video_filter =
# Path to a font used for rendering messages. This path must be defined to enable fonts.
# Do note that the _full_ path of the font is necessary!
# video_font_path =
# Size of the font rendered in points.
# video_font_size = 32
# Enable usage of OSD messages.
# video_font_enable = true
# Offset for where messages will be placed on screen. Values are in range 0.0 to 1.0 for both x and y values.
# [0.0, 0.0] maps to the lower left corner of the screen.
# video_message_pos_x = 0.05
# video_message_pos_y = 0.05
# Color for message. The value is treated as a hexadecimal value.
# It is a regular RGB hex number, i.e. red is "ff0000".
# video_message_color = ffffff
# Background color for OSD messages. Red/Green/Blue values are from 0 to 255 and opacity is 0.0 to 1.0.
# video_message_bgcolor_enable = false
# video_message_bgcolor_red = 0
# video_message_bgcolor_green = 0
# video_message_bgcolor_blue = 0
# video_message_bgcolor_opacity = 1.0
# Allows libretro cores to set rotation modes.
# Setting this to false will honor, but ignore this request.
# This is useful for vertically oriented content where one manually rotates the monitor.
# video_allow_rotate = true
# Forces a certain rotation of the video.
# The rotation is added to rotations which the libretro core sets (see video_allow_rotate).
# The angle is <value> * 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
# video_rotation = 0
# Forces a certain orientation of the screen from the operating system.
# The angle is <value> * 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
# screen_orientation = 0
# HDR settings
# video_hdr_enable = false
# video_hdr_max_nits = 1000.0f
# video_hdr_paper_white_nits = 200.0f
# video_hdr_contrast = 1.0f
# video_hdr_expand_gamut = true
#### Audio
# Enable audio.
# audio_enable = true
# Enable menu audio sounds.
# audio_enable_menu = false
# audio_enable_menu_ok = false
# audio_enable_menu_cancel = false
# audio_enable_menu_notice = false
# audio_enable_menu_bgm = false
# Mutes audio.
# audio_mute_enable = false
# Mutes audio mixer volume globally.
# audio_mixer_mute_enable = false
# Audio output samplerate.
# audio_out_rate = 48000
# Override the default audio device the audio_driver uses. This is driver dependant. E.g. ALSA wants a PCM device, OSS wants a path (e.g. /dev/dsp), Jack wants portnames (e.g. system:playback1,system:playback_2), and so on ...
# audio_device =
# Audio DSP plugin that processes audio before it's sent to the driver. Path to a dynamic library.
# audio_dsp_plugin =
# Will sync (block) on audio. Recommended.
# audio_sync = true
# Desired audio latency in milliseconds. Might not be honored if driver can't provide given latency.
# audio_latency = 64
# Enable audio rate control.
# audio_rate_control = true
# Controls audio rate control delta. Defines how much input rate can be adjusted dynamically.
# Input rate = in_rate * (1.0 +/- audio_rate_control_delta)
# audio_rate_control_delta = 0.005
# Controls maximum audio timing skew. Defines the maximum change in input rate.
# Input rate = in_rate * (1.0 +/- max_timing_skew)
# audio_max_timing_skew = 0.05
# Audio volume. Volume is expressed in dB.
# 0 dB is normal volume. No gain will be applied.
# Gain can be controlled in runtime with input_volume_up/input_volume_down.
# audio_volume = 0.0
# Audio mixer volume. Volume is expressed in dB.
# 0 dB is normal volume. No gain will be applied.
# audio_mixer_volume = 0.0
#### Overlay
# Enable the overlay.
# input_overlay_enable = true
# Show the overlay behind the menu instead of in front.
# input_overlay_behind_menu = "false"
# Hide the current overlay from appearing inside the menu.
# input_overlay_hide_in_menu = true
# Path to input overlay.
# input_overlay =
# Opacity of all the UI elements of the overlay.
# input_overlay_opacity = 1.0
# Scale of all UI elements of the overlay.
# input_overlay_scale = 1.0
# Center of all UI elements of the overlay.
# input_overlay_center_x = 0.5
# input_overlay_center_y = 0.5
#### Input
# Path to input remapping file.
# input_remapping_path =
# Input bind timer timeout.
# Amount of seconds to wait until proceeding to the next bind. Default: 5, minimum: 1
# input_bind_timeout = 1
# If enabled, overrides the input binds with the remapped binds set for the current core.
# input_remap_binds_enable = true
# Maximum amount of users supported by RetroArch.
# input_max_users = 16
# Keyboard layout for input driver if applicable (udev/evdev for now).
# Syntax is either just layout (e.g. "no"), or a layout and variant separated with colon ("no:nodeadkeys").
# input_keyboard_layout =
# Defines axis threshold. Possible values are [0.0, 1.0]
# input_axis_threshold = 0.5
# input_analog_deadzone = 0.0
# input_analog_sensitivity = 1.0
# Enable input auto-detection. Will attempt to autoconfigure
# joypads, Plug-and-Play style.
# input_autodetect_enable = true
# Show the input descriptors set by the core instead of the
# default ones.
# input_descriptor_label_show = true
# Hide input descriptors that were not set by the core.
# input_descriptor_hide_unbound = false
# Influence how input polling is done inside RetroArch.
# 0 : Early - Input polling is performed before call to retro_run.
# 1 : Normal - Input polling is performed when retro_input_poll is
# requested.
# 2 : Late - Input polling is performed on first call to retro_input_state
# per frame
# Setting it to 0 or 2 can result in less latency depending on
# your configuration.
# When netplay is enabled, the default polling behavior (1) will
# be used regardless of the value set here.
# input_poll_type_behavior = 1
# Sets which libretro device is used for a user.
# Devices are indentified with a number.
# This is normally saved by the menu.
# Device IDs are found in libretro.h.
# These settings are overridden by explicit command-line arguments which refer to input devices.
# None: 0
# Joypad (RetroPad): 1
# Mouse: 2
# Keyboard: 3
# Generic Lightgun: 4
# Joypad w/ Analog (RetroPad + Analog sticks): 5
# Multitap (SNES specific): 257
# Super Scope (SNES specific): 260
# Justifier (SNES specific): 516
# Justifiers (SNES specific): 772
# input_libretro_device_p1 =
# input_libretro_device_p2 =
# input_libretro_device_p3 =
# input_libretro_device_p4 =
# input_libretro_device_p5 =
# input_libretro_device_p6 =
# input_libretro_device_p7 =
# input_libretro_device_p8 =
# Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_"
# is for keypad keys):
# left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home,
# rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus,
# f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
# num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown,
# keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9,
# period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock,
# tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket,
# backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt
# Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the "nul" bind, which disables the bind completely,
# rather than relying on a default.
# input_player1_a = "x"
# input_player1_b = "z"
# input_player1_y = "a"
# input_player1_x = "s"
# input_player1_start = "enter"
# input_player1_select = "rshift"
# input_player1_l = "q"
# input_player1_r = "w"
# input_player1_left = "left"
# input_player1_right = "right"
# input_player1_up = "up"
# input_player1_down = "down"
# input_player1_l2 =
# input_player1_r2 =
# input_player1_l3 =
# input_player1_r3 =
# Two analog sticks (DualShock-esque).
# Bound as usual, however, if a real analog axis is bound,
# it can be read as a true analog.
# Positive X axis is right, Positive Y axis is down.
# input_player1_l_x_plus =
# input_player1_l_x_minus =
# input_player1_l_y_plus =
# input_player1_l_y_minus =
# input_player1_r_x_plus =
# input_player1_r_x_minus =
# input_player1_r_y_plus =
# input_player1_r_y_minus =
# If desired, it is possible to override which joypads are being used for user 1 through 8.
# First joypad available is 0.
# input_player1_joypad_index = 0
# input_player2_joypad_index = 1
# input_player3_joypad_index = 2
# input_player4_joypad_index = 3
# input_player5_joypad_index = 4
# input_player6_joypad_index = 5
# input_player7_joypad_index = 6
# input_player8_joypad_index = 7
# Input device buttons.
# Figure these out by using RetroArch-Phoenix or retroarch-joyconfig.
# You can use joypad hats with hnxx, where n is the hat, and xx is a string representing direction.
# E.g. "h0up"
# input_player1_a_btn =
# input_player1_b_btn =
# input_player1_y_btn =
# input_player1_x_btn =
# input_player1_start_btn =
# input_player1_select_btn =
# input_player1_l_btn =
# input_player1_r_btn =
# input_player1_left_btn =
# input_player1_right_btn =
# input_player1_up_btn =
# input_player1_down_btn =
# input_player1_l2_btn =
# input_player1_r2_btn =
# input_player1_l3_btn =
# input_player1_r3_btn =
# Menu buttons.
# menu_search_btn =
# menu_info_btn =
# menu_default_btn =
# menu_scroll_down_btn =
# menu_scroll_up_btn =
# Swap buttons for OK/Cancel
# menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons = false
# Swap buttons for scrolling (10 items vs alphabetical)
# menu_swap_scroll_buttons = false
# Axis for RetroArch D-Pad.
# Needs to be either '+' or '-' in the first character signaling either positive or negative direction of the axis, then the axis number.
# Do note that every other input option has the corresponding _btn and _axis binds as well; they are omitted here for clarity.
# input_player1_left_axis =
# input_player1_right_axis =
# input_player1_up_axis =
# input_player1_down_axis =
# Holding the turbo while pressing another button will let the button enter a turbo mode
# where the button state is modulated with a periodic signal.
# The modulation stops when the button itself (not turbo button) is released.
# input_player1_turbo =
# Describes the period and how long of that period a turbo-enabled button should behave.
# Numbers are described in frames.
# input_turbo_period = 6
# input_turbo_duty_cycle = 3
# This goes all the way to user 8 (*_player2_*, *_player3_*, etc), but omitted for clarity.
# All input binds have corresponding binds for keyboard (none), joykeys (_btn) and joyaxes (_axis) as well.
# Toggles fullscreen.
# input_toggle_fullscreen = f
# Saves state.
# input_save_state = f2
# Loads state.
# input_load_state = f4
# State slots. With slot set to 0, save state name is *.state (or whatever defined on commandline).
# When slot is != 0, path will be $path%d, where %d is slot number.
# input_state_slot_increase = f7
# input_state_slot_decrease = f6
# Toggles between fast-forwarding and normal speed.
# input_toggle_fast_forward = space
# Hold for fast-forward. Releasing button disables fast-forward.
# input_hold_fast_forward = l
# Key to exit RetroArch cleanly.
# Killing it in any hard way (SIGKILL, etc) will terminate RetroArch without saving RAM, etc.
# On Unix-likes, SIGINT/SIGTERM allows a clean deinitialization.
# input_exit_emulator = escape
# Applies next and previous shader in directory.
# input_shader_next = m
# input_shader_prev = n
# input_shader_toggle = comma
# Hold button down to rewind. Rewinding must be enabled.
# input_rewind = r
# Toggle between recording and not.
# input_movie_record_toggle = o
# Toggle between paused and non-paused state
# input_pause_toggle = p
# Frame advance when content is paused
# input_frame_advance = k
# Reset the content.
# input_reset = h
# Cheats.
# input_cheat_index_plus = y
# input_cheat_index_minus = t
# input_cheat_toggle = u
# Mute/unmute audio
# input_audio_mute = f9
# Take screenshot
# input_screenshot = f8
# Netplay flip users.
# input_netplay_flip_players = i
# Hold for slowmotion.
# input_slowmotion = e
# Toggles sync to exact content framerate.
# input_toggle_vrr_runloop =
# Enable other hotkeys.
# If this hotkey is bound to either keyboard, joybutton or joyaxis,
# all other hotkeys will be disabled unless this hotkey is also held at the same time.
# This is useful for RETRO_KEYBOARD centric implementations
# which query a large area of the keyboard, where it is not desirable
# that hotkeys get in the way.
# Alternatively, all hotkeys for keyboard could be disabled by the user.
# input_enable_hotkey_btn =
# Adds a delay in frames before the assigned hotkey blocks input. Useful if the the
# hotkey input is mapped to another action.
# input_hotkey_block_delay = "5"
# Increases audio volume.
# input_volume_up = kp_plus
# Decreases audio volume.
# input_volume_down = kp_minus
# Toggles to next overlay. Wraps around.
# input_overlay_next =
# Toggles eject for disks. Used for multiple-disk content.
# input_disk_eject_toggle =
# Cycles through disk images. Use after ejecting.
# Complete by toggling eject again.
# input_disk_next =
# Toggles menu.
# input_menu_toggle = f1
# Toggles display of on-screen technical statistics.
# input_toggle_statistics =
# RetroPad button combination to toggle menu
# 0: None
# 1: Down + Y + L1 + R1
# 2: L3 + R3
# 3: L1 + R1 + Start + Select
# 4: Start + Select
# 5: L3 + R1
# 6: L1 + R1
# 7: Hold Start (2 seconds)
# 8: Hold Select (2 seconds)
# 9: Down + Select
# 10: L2 + R2
# input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = 0
# RetroPad button combination to quit
# 0: None
# 1: Down + Y + L1 + R1
# 2: L3 + R3
# 3: L1 + R1 + Start + Select
# 4: Start + Select
# 5: L3 + R1
# 6: L1 + R1
# 7: Hold Start (2 seconds)
# 8: Hold Select (2 seconds)
# 9: Down + Select
# 10: L2 + R2
# input_quit_gamepad_combo = 0
# allow any RetroPad to control the menu
# all_users_control_menu = false
# Toggles mouse grab. When mouse is grabbed, RetroArch hides the mouse,
# and keeps the mouse pointer inside the window to allow relative mouse input
# to work better.
# input_grab_mouse_toggle = f11
#### Menu
# If disabled, will hide 'Online Updater' inside the menu.
# menu_show_online_updater = true
# If disabled, will hide the ability to update cores (and core info files) inside the menu.
# menu_show_core_updater = true
# If disabled, the libretro core will keep running in the background when we
# are in the menu.
# menu_pause_libretro = false
# If disabled, we use separate controls for menu operation.
# menu_unified_controls = false
# Enable mouse controls inside the menu.
# menu_mouse_enable = false
# Enable touch controls inside the menu.
# menu_pointer_enable = false
# Shows current date and/or time inside menu.
# menu_timedate_enable = true
# Shows current battery level inside menu.
# menu_battery_level_enable = true
# Shows current core inside menu.
# menu_core_enable = true
# Path to an image to set as menu wallpaper.
# menu_wallpaper =
# Dynamically load a new wallpaper depending on context.
# menu_dynamic_wallpaper_enable = false
# Type of thumbnail to display. 0 = none, 1 = snaps, 2 = titles, 3 = boxarts
# menu_thumbnails = 0
# menu_left_thumbnails = 0
# Wrap-around to beginning and/or end if boundary of list is reached horizontally or vertically.
# menu_navigation_wraparound_enable = false
# Filter files being shown in filebrowser by supported extensions.
# menu_navigation_browser_filter_supported_extensions_enable = true
# Collapse subgroup settings into main group to create one big listing of settings
# per category.
# menu_collapse_subgroups_enable = false
#### Core
# Prevent libretro cores from closing RetroArch on exit by loading a dummy core.
# load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "true"
# Check for firmware requirement(s) before loading a content.
# check_firmware_before_loading = "false"
#### User Interface
# Start UI companion driver's interface on boot (if available).
# ui_companion_start_on_boot = true
# Toggle companion UI on startup (currently only used to show the WIMP UI)
# ui_companion_toggle = false
# Only init the WIMP UI for this session if this is enabled
# desktop_menu_enable = true
#### Camera
# Override the default camera device the camera driver uses. This is driver dependant.
# camera_device =
# Override the default privacy permission for cores that want to access camera services. Is "false" by default.
# camera_allow = false
#### Location
# Override the default privacy permission for cores that want to access location services. Is "false" by default.
# location_allow = false
#### Core Updater
# URL to core update directory on buildbot.
# core_updater_buildbot_url = ""
# URL to assets update directory on buildbot.
# core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = ""
# After downloading, automatically extract archives that the downloads are contained inside.
# core_updater_auto_extract_archive = true
#### Network
# When being client over netplay, use keybinds for user 1.
# netplay_client_swap_input = false
# The username of the person running RetroArch. This will be used for playing online, for instance.
# netplay_nickname =
# The amount of delay frames to use for netplay. Increasing this value will increase
# performance, but introduce more latency.
# netplay_delay_frames = 0
# Netplay mode for the current user.
# false is Server, true is Client.
# netplay_mode = false
# Enable or disable spectator mode for the user during netplay.
# netplay_spectator_mode_enable = false
# The IP Address of the host to connect to.
# netplay_ip_address =
# The port of the host IP Address. Can be either a TCP or UDP port.
# netplay_ip_port = 55435
# Force game hosting to go through a man-in-the-middle server to get around firewalls and NAT/UPnP problems.
# netplay_use_mitm_server = false
# The requested MITM server to use.
# netplay_mitm_server = "nyc"
#### Directory
# Sets the System/BIOS directory.
# Implementations can query for this directory to load BIOSes, system-specific configs, etc.
# system_directory =
# Save all downloaded files to this directory.
# core_assets_directory =
# Assets directory. This location is queried by default when menu interfaces try to look for
# loadable assets, etc.
# assets_directory =
# Dynamic wallpapers directory. The place to store the wallpapers dynamically
# loaded by the menu depending on context.
# dynamic_wallpapers_directory =
# Thumbnails directory. To store thumbnail files.
# thumbnails_directory =
# File browser directory. Sets start directory for menu file browser.
# rgui_browser_directory =
# Core directory for libretro core implementations.
# libretro_directory =
# Core info directory for libretro core information.
# libretro_info_path =
# Path to content database directory.
# content_database_path =
# Saved queries are stored to this directory.
# cursor_directory =
# Path to cheat database directory.
# cheat_database_path =
# Defines a directory where CPU-based video filters are kept.
# video_filter_dir =
# Directory where DSP plugins are kept.
# audio_filter_dir =
# Defines a directory where shaders (Cg, CGP, GLSL) are kept for easy access.
# video_shader_dir =
# Recording output directory. Where recordings are saved.
# recording_output_directory =
# Recording config directory. Where recording settings are kept.
# recording_config_directory =
# Overlay directory. Where overlays are kept for easy access.
# overlay_directory =
# Directory to dump screenshots to.
# screenshot_directory =
# Directory for joypad autoconfigs.
# If a joypad is plugged in, that joypad will be autoconfigured if a config file
# corresponding to that joypad is present in joypad_autoconfig_dir.
# Input binds which are made explicit (input_playerN_*_btn/axis) will take priority over autoconfigs.
# Autoconfigs can be created with retroarch-joyconfig, manually, or with a frontend.
# Requires input_autodetect_enable to be enabled.
# joypad_autoconfig_dir =
# Save all remapped controls to this directory.
# input_remapping_directory =
# Save all playlists/collections to this directory.
# playlist_directory =
# Save all save files (*.srm) to this directory. This includes related files like .bsv, .rtc, .psrm, etc ...
# This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
# savefile_directory =
# Save all save states (*.state) to this directory.
# This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
# savestate_directory =
# If set to a directory, content which is temporarily extracted
# will be extracted to this directory.
# cache_directory =
#### RetroAchievements
# Enable the RetroAchievements feature.
# cheevos_enable = false
# credentials.
# cheevos_username =
# cheevos_password =
# The hardcore mode disables savestates and cheating features, but it
# makes the achievements points double.
# cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable = false
# Play the 'unlock' audio sound when an achievement is unlocked.
# cheevos_unlock_sound_enable = false
# Show RetroAchievements related messages right after loading a game, such as
# successfull login and the number of cheevos you have unlocked for the game.
# cheevos_verbose_enable = false
# Show achievements' badges in Quick Menu > Achievements List.
# (note: has no effect if menu_driver = rgui).
# cheevos_badges_enable = false
# Take a screenshot when an achievement is triggered.
# cheevos_auto_screenshot = false
# Besides achievements, some games also have leaderboards, where you can
# compete for high-scores, speedruns, etc.
# cheevos_leaderboards_enable = false
# Show an on-screen indicator when attempting challenging achievements
# to provide feedback when the attempt has failed (for achievements that
# support it)
# cheevos_challenge_indicators = true
# Send some messages to the saying, for example,
# where you are in the game, how many lives you have, your score, etc.
# cheevos_richpresence_enable = true
# Even after unlocking achievements in previous sessions, you may still want
# to see them triggering in the current session.
# cheevos_start_active = false
# Unnoficial achievements are used only for achievement creators and testers.
# cheevos_test_unofficial = false
#### Misc
# Enable rewinding. This will take a performance hit when playing, so it is disabled by default.
# rewind_enable = false
# Rewinding buffer size in megabytes. Bigger rewinding buffer means you can rewind longer.
# The buffer should be approx. 20MB per minute of buffer time.
# rewind_buffer_size = 20
# Rewind granularity. When rewinding defined number of frames, you can rewind several frames at a time, increasing the rewinding speed.
# rewind_granularity = 1
# Pause gameplay when window focus is lost.
# pause_nonactive = true
# Pause gameplay when controller disconnects.
# pause_on_disconnect = true
# Autosaves the non-volatile SRAM at a regular interval. This is disabled by default unless set otherwise.
# The interval is measured in seconds. A value of 0 disables autosave.
# autosave_interval =
# Records video after CPU video filter.
# video_post_filter_record = false
# Records output of GPU shaded material if available.
# video_gpu_record = false
# Screenshots output of GPU shaded material if available.
# video_gpu_screenshot = true
# Watch content shader files for changes and auto-apply as necessary.
# video_shader_watch_files = false
# Block SRAM from being overwritten when loading save states.
# Might potentially lead to buggy games.
# block_sram_overwrite = false
# When saving a savestate, save state index is automatically increased before
# it is saved.
# Also, when loading content, the index will be set to the highest existing index.
# There is no upper bound on the index.
# savestate_auto_index = false
# Slowmotion ratio. When slowmotion, content will slow down by factor.
# slowmotion_ratio = 3.0
# The maximum rate at which content will be run when using fast forward. (E.g. 5.0 for 60 fps content => 300 fps cap).
# RetroArch will go to sleep to ensure that the maximum rate will not be exceeded.
# Do not rely on this cap to be perfectly accurate.
# If this is set at 0, then fastforward ratio is unlimited (no FPS cap)
# fastforward_ratio = 0.0
# Enable stdin/network command interface.
# network_cmd_enable = false
# network_cmd_port = 55355
# stdin_cmd_enable = false
# Enable Sustained Performance Mode in Android 7.0+
# sustained_performance_mode = true
# File format to use when writing playlists to disk
# playlist_use_old_format = false
# Keep track of how long each core+content has been running for over time
# content_runtime_log = false
# vibrate_on_keypress = false
# Enable device vibration for supported cores
# enable_device_vibration = false
# Enable game mode on supported platforms.
# Depending on the system, it can result in more stable frame times, less audio
# crackling, better performance and lower latency. On Linux, Feral GameMode
# needs to be installed (
# gamemode_enable = true